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User Experience with Ear-Insertable Device Questionnaire

Dear Participant, thank you for taking the time to share your insights. Your feedback is valuable in improving
the design of ear-insertable devices with ergonomic interventions. Please answer the following questions

1. Personal Information:
- Age:_________________________
- Gender:______________________
- Do you have any prior experience with ear-insertable devices? Put a checkmark in the box.
Yes. No.

2. Device Usage:
- How frequently do you use ear-insertable devices? Put a checkmark on the box.
Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Rarely. Never.

- On average, how long do you wear them in a single session? Put a checkmark on the box.
Less than 1 hour. 1-2 hours 2-4 hours. More than 4 hours

3. Ergonomic Features:
-How would you rate the comfort level of the ear-insertable device?
Very Uncomfortable. Uncomfortable. Neutral. Comfortable. . Very Comfortable

- How would you describe the ease of insertion of the device? Put a checkmark on the box.
Very Difficult. Difficult. Neutral. Easy. Very Easy.

- Are there any specific ergonomic features you find particularly beneficial or challenging?


4. Design Preferences:
- Rank the importance of the following design factors (1 being least important, 5 being most important): Write
the number in the space provided.
- ______Material
- ______Shape
- ______Size
- ______Weight

5. Audio Experience:
- How satisfied are you with the audio quality of the device?
Not Satisfied. Somewhat Satisfied. Satisfied. Very Satisfied

- Are there any specific aspects of the audio experience that you would like to highlight?

6. Suggestions for Improvement:
- What improvements, if any, would you suggest for the design of ear-insertable devices to enhance user

- Are there any additional features you would like to see in future devices?

7. Overall Satisfaction:
- How satisfied are you with the overall experience of using the ear-insertable device?
Not Satisfied. Somewhat Satisfied. Satisfied. Very Satisfied

8. Additional Comments:
- Please share any additional comments or thoughts you have regarding the ergonomic design of ear-
insertable devices.


Thank you for your participation! Your feedback is valuable in shaping the future of user-friendly ear-insertable

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