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1. What ______ your father ______ (do) ? He is a mechanic.

2. What _______ your brother ____ (do) when he ______ (be) your age ? He played
in a band.
3. What ______ you _______ (do) tonight?
5. What _______ you ________ (do) in the future? Do you have any idea?
6. He ________ (spend) all his money on parties. Now he is broke.
7. Hey! Why _____ you _________ (not go) with us to the cinema? Are you mad at
8. She ______ (not worry) at all when her son _________ (not come )back from party
last night.
9. I hope you _____ (get) better soon.
10. The plane ________ (leave) in 20 minutes. Hurry up!
11. My car ________________ (break) down last week so I have to use public
12. The sun ___________ (shine) . Everything is so perfect.
13. My grandfather _____________ (die) when I was five.
14. While we were waiting in the queue I ________ (tell) her all about the accident.
15. John _______ (swim) very well.
16. They ____________ (not/be) in Italy last year.
17. I _______ (keep) a secret. I promise.
18. Who __________ (sit) next to Bill? Is she a new secretary?
19. I ___________ (think) you are awesome.
20. My mum always _________ (have) coffee before she _________ (leave) for work
in the morning.
21. A mosquito _______ (bite) me. Now I am sick.
22. ______ you______ (fly) to Greece during your last holiday?
1. Kate _______ (sing) very well.
2. She ____________ (not/be) in Rome last year.
3. She _______ (keep) a secret. I promise.
4. Who __________ (stand) next to Tom? Is she a new secretary?
5. I ___________ (think) you are awesome.
6. My dad always _________ (have) breakfast before she _________ (leave) for work.
7. A snake_______ (bite) me. Now I am in a hospital.
8. ______ you______ (drive) to Ireland during your last holiday?
9. What ______ your father ______ (do) ? He is a dentist.
10. What _______ your sister ____ (do) when she ______ (be) your age ? She worked
in a shop.
11. What ______ you _______ (do) this night?
12. What _______ you ________ (do) in the future? Do you have any idea?
13. He ________ (spend) all his money on drugs. Now he is broke.
14. Hey! Why _____ you _________ (not go) with us to the party? Are you mad at us?
15. They ______ (not worry) at all when their daughter _________ (not return) from
school last night.
16. I hope you _____ (feel ) better soon.
17. The train ________ (leave) in 10 minutes. Hurry up!
18. Her BMW ________________ (break) down last week so she needs help.
19. The rain ___________ (fall) . Everything is so gloomy.
20. My grandmother _____________ (bake) the best cakes. I miss her.
21. While they were waiting in the queue they ________ (tell) her all about the

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