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KNITTING IT OLD SCHOOL ¥4\ ne About the Authors Debbie Brisson aka. Stitchy McYampants was born to be a knitter. Her parents met at Pandora, ‘a sweater mill set on the Merrimack River in Manchester, NH, known forts vast number of textile ‘mills. To this day, her parents stil regale the days of working the cut-and-sew machines and how ‘much nicer the full-ashion sweaters were because they were made with more care than the cut- and-sew line ‘So you see, she can’t help it. She is powerless against knitting. Add to that her love fo all things vintage, the ktschier the better, and you've got a good look at what makes Debbie tick. it's goofy, mostly useless, and steeped in the irony of popular culture's most embarrassing moments, she'lltake two, As the creator and curator of the Museum of Kitschy Stitches, an online (www. xyarmpants com) and in print gallery of notorious knits, she isno stranger to vintage fashion. ‘When she isn’t knitting, sewing or trying to resist the sien’: call of eBay, she can be found slaving away in the software mines of Massachusetts. She shares a home in Chelsea, MA with her ‘husband, Jon, and four cats, Chloe, Dot, Chi Chi and Mike. They swore they were going to stop at ‘two, but cats, asitturns out, are like potato chips. Once you start with them, it’s hard to stop. Caro Sheridan was bor on the West Coast of Canada and spent her formative years in creative environs surrounded by fabric and yarn While her mother taught knitting, embroidery, and couture tailoring from home, Caro played Barbies under the table, seemingly oblivious. Fabric cutting tables have osmotic properties though and the wee gil learned how to set in sleeves and turn hems before she was seven years ld ‘When the spare room of your house i filled with fabric and notions, it gets in ‘your blood. Caro had the best- dressed dolls west ofthe Canadian Shield courtesy of. her Mum's formal training, Knitted coats, handsewn vinyl boots, matching pantsuits for Barbie, dolly and cutey Caro, it's no wonder that designing comes so easily Although she tried her hand at professional dancing and snowboarding for several years, she has since returned to her roots and i putting her knitting and sewing skills to better use. Cao's craft blog,, features sewing and knitting tutorials that have been featured on, the Craft Magazine Blog, and many other prominent sites, She also designs, sews and sells her ereations online through ‘She currently lives in Boston, Massachusetts with her husband Boon and three feline rapscallion companions (Teek and Mother, the darlings of Flickr, and Indy, Teek’s, their more sedate older sister) elcome to our book; we're so glad you could ‘make it! Consider this a mixed tape made of yarn—from us to you. It's chock-full of our favorite things: vintage style retro color combinations, adorable ‘models, and fake eyelashes. And that’s before we even get to the knitting and crocheting, We've even got sewing in here! When we fist set out to create this book, we knew we ‘wanted to provide readers and crafters with an experience that ‘goes beyond the simple act of making a sweater. We asked ‘ourselves a lot of questions, the hardest being, “Why should ‘our book be on every knitters shelf2" After much thought, the answer was that we didn't want it siting on the shelf at all ‘Our goal was to create a book that stays on your coffee table long after you've woven in the ends on your new crocheted hot = pants, Our hope is that you won't want to put it away because there's always something else you want to make, or just because you love ‘ofp through it and admire the campy styles. I's the book we've been searching for; who knew we'd ending up making it ourselves? We've touched on fashion trends from the 40s to the 70s (we're ‘not quite ready to embrace the 80s yet; the wounds are still too nd included 43 pieces that range from classic to kitschy. There are matchy-matchy sweater fresh, the legwarmers too warm), sets for him and her, versatile garments that will move stealthily throughout your wardrobe, and modern interpretations of ultra- ‘mod visions ofthe future from the past. No, seriously... youl see. (One of the more unusual things about this pattern book isthe use of finer-gauge yarns for pieces that are larger than socks. We're knitin'it old sehool, folks. t's the yarn of choice in many vintage patterns and just one look tells you why-amazing drape, flattering fit, and a sturdy, long-wearing garment. If making beautiful clothes ‘was good enough for our mothers and grandmothers, it's good ‘enough for ust chapter Beach Blanket Bonfire hen it comes to fun inthe sun, modern beachwears barely there. Summer clothes don't leave much tothe imagination, and some might say that there's a plan afoot to warm the globe in an attempt to make clothes even skimpier. But there was atime: ‘when looking hotter than the summer sun involved alittle more fabric and lot more imagination. Did you know that imagination takes off ten pounds? I's true! just ask Franke, Annette, Gidget, and all those crazy beach bums with names like Rf, Moondoggie, {and Eric on Zipper. Honesty, we're nat sure if Gidget even had a bellybutton, but she sue looked cute in her boy shorts and tankins, ‘Summer fashions and knitting might not be obvious companions, but not all yam s wooly and warm, Lightweight cottons, linens, sik, and ‘even corn and bamboo are perfect for cool, comfortable clothes; and they drape perfectly fora sexy silhouette. What better way to show off your handiwork than letting it shine? in this chapter, we've combined bright colors, airy yarns, and just the right amount of quirky style that ‘seems to come easy when the weather i ight. PSM ome! Sean Goren ace ee oer Clara 13, Ahoy, Sailor 25 Sizes (41,1, 2x) Finished Measurements Chest: 36 (39%, 43, 48%, 52%)" Materials Cornucopia by Kollage Vans CYCA #4 (100% Corn) 100 ye/ 34g hank MC: #6001 Antique Lace; 17 (18, 22,24, 27) hanks ‘Cet: #6023 Sapphice; 1 hank forall sizes (€C2: #6030 Coral Fusion; 1 hank for all sizes (C3: #6032 Gold; 1 hank forall sires (C4: #6010 Island Sea; 1 hank forall sizes US.H8 (5mm) crochet hook or size needed! Spray bore Blocking pins Yarn needle Stitch markers tomatch gauge Beach Blanket Bonfire DCStitch Pattern chai Row 1:2 dcin Sth chrom hook, skp 1 ch, *2 de in next ch, skip 1 ch, ‘rep from * to last ch, dc in last ch, turn (18 dc). Row 2:Ch3, 2d between next 2 dc pairs and each across, dcin top coft-ch, turn Rep Row 2 93%(9%, 10%, 1034, 10%)" 16% (163,177, Gauge 17-de x10 rows = 4" over patt Special Stitches and Terms se3tog (Insert hook nto next 5 (96, 6%, 674,67)" £0 craw up lop) 3 times. “Yo, drow through em loop on hook Aestog: (Yo, nsert hook nto next 3 yo, raw up oop 0, draw through 2 oops on Hook) S times. Yo, draw through rem loopson ook ‘Ano on stitch counts: Ch’ at beg ois counted a de. en (on.8.8.8%) AK teen apa, BMH, BAP aanana Nm 119% 21%,24%,2547 au mau UE HEL © Knitting t Old School as : wast Brians a Raper ery Heedol ose} eco} +-o5e, bebetetebe behets Bebe behehetetntes bhbebe ebb Ee bebe cool Sect Sect cect 8 HES ; paee th Bei PEO eco pepe oe te 7 pepe ete § Cee ef Epelee pete goat pe bes vere 8 rece 8 veces cooHt-0. CREE H-H-ccott-coo i beteotectetetet . i + Beach Blanket Bonfire. 7 O ain © sipsties CEE xotototoptototetoty 0400 08tototot+ototototey yf cepbatttxetetotetototototy ; 0+0 9fe+o+c4+04 040404. i Cebbirxetetototetototok) O+t+t+t++++t++ +++ he +8 a Ree EEE Ty die trbrbetebebtebebrie dette Eee FELL bebetobe 9p Gebepeteletebetete tes 1 # 4 = we ey thee 4, VEE EE ETE 8% y \ Knitting tt Old School Directions Back ‘ch8!, 89, 97,109,117 with MC. Row 1 (RS): As Row 1 of DC Stitch Pattern (78, 86, 94, 106, 14 dc). Row 2: Work Row 2 of DC Stitch Pattern 39 (39, 43, 43, 43) times. Sleeves (Ch2 (72,76, 76,76) drop yor, Atach new strand of MC to ‘opposite end ofthis row with st. Ch 70 (70, 74,74, 74), fasten off [chains form the foundation forthe sleeves] Pick up dropped yar, 2 dein th ch fom hook, k1ch,*2 dein next ch, ch, rep from * acrossto last ch, sklast ch, 2 dein fist de, 2 dc between next 2 dc pais and each across, 2 dein top of tc sk ch. Rep from * to lst ch dein last ch tur. (218,226, 242, 254, 262 de) Work Row 2 of patt 10 (10, 14,14, 16) times. Left Sleeve and Neck Opening Row 1 (WS): Ch 3,2 de between next 2de pais and each across for 144 (46, 47,50, 52) 2 de pars total, dc between next 2 dc pairs, tum (€0,84, 96,102,106 de) Rows 2-17: As Row 2of pat. Row 18:Ch 14 (14,20,20,20),2.din Sth ch rom hook (t-ch count as de), sch, 2 dcin next ch sk ch, rep from * to last ch, sk ast ch, 2d infest dc, 2 de between next 2 de pairs and each across, de imtop of -ch, tum. (102, 16, 14,120,124 de Work Row 2 f patt 5 (5,9, 9,1) times Left Front Neck Opening Row 1 (RS): Ch 3, work in patt for 15 (17, 19, 22, 24) pairs total, de between next 2 de pairs, turn. (32, 36, 40, 46, 50 dc) Work Row 2 of pat 9 times, tr, drop yarn, Right Sleeve and Neck Opening Row (WS): Sk 18 (18, 24, 24,24) 2 de pars, attach MC between ext 2 de pairs with lst. Ch3, 2 dc between next 2 de pairs and ‘each aco, din top of ch, tum (80, 94, 96, 102, 106 dc). Rows 2-17: AsRow 2of ptt Row 18: Drop yarn and attach new ball of MC to opposite end of row with st st. Ch 12 (12, 18,18, 18), fasten off. Pick up dropped yarn ‘Ch3,2 debetween next 2 de pars and each across, 2 dcin top of ‘ech, sk' ch, *2 dein next ch, sk ch, rep from * to last ch, écin last ch, tur, (102, 106, 114,120, 124 de), Work Row 2 of pat 5 (5, 9,9, 1) times, fasten off, weave in ends Right Front Neck Opening Row (RS): Sk 34 (34, 36, 36,36) 2 de pars, join MC with lst between next 2 de pairs Ch 3, 2de between next 2de pairs and each across, de intop of -h, turn. (32, 36, 40,46, 50.4) ‘Work Row 2 of DC Stith Patter times, fasten af, weave in ends Front flow 1 (WS): Pickup dropped yarn from lef ont neck opening Ch3, 2debetween next 2de pairs and each across, din top of - es Special Stitches and Terms |-cord cast-on: Begin by casting on 3st. Place these stson left needle. fb, K2. Slip the last 4 sts from right needle to left needle; ‘fb, k3;repeat from * until you have cast on the desired number of sts plus 3. Slip the last 4st from right needle to lft needle, k2tog,k2tog; slip ‘the last 2st from right needle to left needle; K2tog, The cast-onis complete, When you ate finshed knitting the hat, use the tal ofthe ‘ast-on to graft together the Icord edge Pattern Notes ‘The row of stitches ust above the I-cordcast-on wil look Loose Don't panic! When you pck up stitches forthe hat lining, it wil tighten up these loose stiches, Directions |-Cord Edging Using CC2 and largest reels, CO 128 sts withthe cord ast-on CcutC2, leaving an 8a Body Set up nd: Switch to size circular needles and wth MC, *K32, pm, rep fom * 4 times join in round, being careful not to twist stitches. Work nds 1-50 of colorwork cart changing colors as indicated mc ca mice Bw Snowbound — 45 ‘Shape crown: Break CC2, join MC and work decrease round a follows: "sk, work to 2 sts before marker, 210g, rep from * to end of round. 8 sts decreased. Repeat decrease round every round until sts rem. Cut MC, leaving a 12" tal, and thread yarn through rem 8 sts, Weave in ends. li Using size 4 dpns,on the inside bot tom ofthe hat, pick up the 128 purl bbumps of CC2 from the l-cordcast- ‘on. 128 sts on needle ‘With RS facing, attach CC3 and knit all sts. jin in round and continue in Sts until ning measures 2" from picked up sts, Do not bind off. Cut yarn, leaving 42" tall Fold ining up onthe inside of hat and use the tail to ew the live sts to the inside of hat. Be sure thatthe lining sts ae aligned with the core sponding column of ss inside the hat as you sew them down or the lining wil bias. Finishing Weave inal ends. lock to frished aoe NOEL a by Stephen Houghton and Tammy George (pattern engineered by Jackie Pawlousl Cozy up with Snowmates, a set of his and hers ski sweaters featuring colorful coordinating designs so you'll Ce ete ee a Re ae ee CR et aa it's time to embrace it once again in the name of solidarity on the slopes. Window panes of high-contrast color add just the right amount of brightness, Rolled hems and a band of color inside the necklines finish these classic pullovers in a most interesting way. The ladies’ version features added waist shaping and three- Pre Cu Cea Cu chau Snowmates For Him Sizes S(MLxt) Finished Measurements ‘Chest: 36 (40,44, 50)" Materials ‘Cascade 220 (100% wool; 220 yd /1008 per skein) "MC; Dark heathered gray 6 (7, 8,9 seins CCL; Turquoise; I kein forall sizes £€C2:Yellow:1 sein forall sizes 3US.6 (4mm) circular needles 12" length orsizeneededtomatchgauge US. 6 (4rmm) circular needle, 24 36" length US.6-6 (4mm) crochet hook Snowbound — 47 ‘Waste yam for povisionalcast-on Darning needle for rishing Stitch markers Measuring ape Gauge 2150528 00s F insest Special Stitches and Terms IMCO (Judy's Magic Cast-On): see page 172 Provisional cast-on: see page 172 ‘Wrap and turn (wt): Work tothe point specified in the pattern to ‘wrap and turn. On aknit side, with yarn at back, sip the next stitch ‘on the left hand needle purtwise to the right hand needle Bring ‘working yarn to front and slip stitch from right needle back to the left needle. Tun work. Ona purl side, with yarn in front, slip the next stitch from the let needle tothe right needle, move yarn to back and slip stitch fom right needle back tothe left needle. Turn work 1505 16,167 = rse(i6 71847 stoze 2 6) 6 48 Knitting It Old School Directions Collar ‘You il start with the inside ofthe ol; worked in contrasting clo. Using provisional cast-on and scrap yain, CO 80 (80, 88, 8) ss cover 12" needle Rnd 1: K80 (80, 88, 8) with CC1, pm and join inthe round, being careful not to twist Rnds 2-9: knit. Rnd 10: Change to MC and knit, Rnd 11 Purl to create turing ridge. Outside of Collar Rnds 12-21: K4, prep to end of round. Join Collar Rd 22: Remove waste yan from provisional cast-on, and transfer ‘the 80 (80, 88,88) sts to spare circular needle. Fold along the purl ridge with wrong sides touching, Holding both needles together in ‘the lft hand, withthe ouside ofthe collar facing you, kit the hem sts together wth the colar sts by putting the right-hand needle ‘through 1st onthe front needle and the corresponding st onthe back needle and knitting these 2 sts together Repeat around, 80 (60,88, 88) sts onneedle. Raglan Shaping Set-Up For Sizes S and M Only: Rnd 23: KY, pm, k2, pm, k10, pm, k2, pr, K26, pm, K2, pm, K10, pm, 2, pm, 25. For Sizes L and XL Only: Rnd 23: K1, pm, k2, pm, k10, pm, k2, pm, K30, pm, K2, pm, K10, pm, 42, pm, K2. Yoke Shaping “Toshape the necks that it sit comfortably, with the back higher ‘than the front, short rows ae used. You willbe working back and forth over this section. Row 24: K1, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, KIO, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, K26 (26, 30, 30), MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, k10, MIR, sm, K2, sm, MTL, WA B sts added. Row 25: Purl back to the fist markers fist marker, pt, wt Row 26 (RS): Knitto fist marker, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit to next marker (left shoulder), MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit to next marker (across back), MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit to next marker (right shoulder), MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL knit to wrapped st, pick up wrap ‘and knit it together with the wrapped st tb, w&t Row 27 (WS): Purl back to wrapped st by ist marker, pick up wrap ‘and pul it together withthe wrapped st, w&t Repeat the last 2 rows 6 more times, switching to longer needle when necessary. 144 (144,152,152) sts ‘The yoke shaping is complete; continue working in the round. Rnd 40 (RS): Kit to frst marker, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit to next ‘marker (Left shoulder), MIR, sm, k2, 5m, MIL, knit to next marker {across back), MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit to next marker right shoulder), MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit to wrapped st and work i, Continuing in the round (across front, kit to wrapped stitch and work it. 152 (152, 160, 160) ss. Rnd 41: Knit 1 round, returring to fist marker which wil indicate the beginning of round, Raglan Increasing Continue increasing every other round at the markers as follows: Increase Round: Si first marke, k2, 5m, MIL, knit to next marker, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit to next marker, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MTL, kit to next marker, MIR, sr, k2, sm, MIL kit to beginning of round marker, MIR. Next nd (Plain Round): Knit. Rep these 2 rounds 13 times more, 254 (264, 272, 272) ts Rnd 70: Rep the increase Round above. nd 71: nit. nd 72: Knit. Rep these 3 rounds 2 (58,14 times more. 288 (312, 344,392) sts. Left Sleeve ‘Work the sleeve on shorter needles while the rest of the sweaters held on original needle Remove Fist marker, k2, and remove second marker. Cutan Sip 60 (6,74, 86) ssf letsleeve ont spare shorter needle Keep third marker ere Body and right steve st shoud be secured/placed ona holder 35 they weit be worked at hist. Using MCO and MC, CO 10 (14, 18, 20) sts onto 2 sets of 12" ceu- lacneedls. This the underarm. Donot tum work Slide 10 (14, 18,20) ts on bottom needle ocen- terof able to hold or ater. Continue kiting the 60 (6,74, 86) sleeve sts withthe top needle from the JMCO.KS (7,9, 10) fom the 55 ust cast on, and pn. This will mark begining of leve rounds 0 (80, 92,106) ssforsleeve. ‘Work (6,5, 4) rounds eve, then begin sleeve decreases as follows ‘Next nd (Decrease Round):K1, sik, it to 3 ss before marker, R2iog K1 Repeat the Decrease Round every Sth (th, th, Sth) round 10 (5, 17,24 times more. 48 (48,56, 56) sts Continue in t st unl sleeve measures 15% (16,1, 18%)" oF 2° shorter than desired sleeve length Cuff nds 7-10: *K4, ep fom * tend of round Rod 7: Purl to create turing ge. od 12: Knit. nds 13-20: With CCT, kit Tum sleeve inside out With spare needle, pick up 48 (48,56, 56) sts onthe WS where ribbing began at cuff Rd 1. ald along purl ow with wrong sides touching Use te-needle bind-off to attach hem and bind off al ss. Right Sleeve (with Color Arm Band) ‘The sleeve is worked on shorter needles while body is held on org ‘nal needle join yarn at original third marker, a the back lft under- arm. Remove marker, k2, remove marker, k80 (86, 94,106), remove marke, k2, remove marker. Cut yarn. Slip 60 (66,74, 86) sts of right sleeve onto spare shorter needle Body sts shouldbe secured/placed on a holder as they won't be worked a this time, Using MCO and MC, CO 10 (14, 18,20} sts onto 2sets of 12" crcu- larneedles. This the underarm. Snowbound 49 Donot turn work Slide 10 (14,18, 20) sts on bottom needle to cen ter of cable to hold for later. Continue knitting the 60 (66,74, 86) sleeve sts withthe top needle from the JMCO. KS (7,9, 10) from the ‘5 just cast-on and pm. This will mark beginning of sleeve rounds. 70 (80, 92,106) sts for sleeve. Work 8 (6,5, 4) counds even, then begin sleeve decreases as follows: [Next md (Decrease Round): K1, sk, krt to 3 sts before marker, 20g, kl. Work 1 set of sleeve decreasing rounds. 68 (78, 90,104 sts, Begin Colorwork ‘During olorwark, two strand of yarn are carried forthe entre round ‘Secure MC yen by twisting onthe Ath stitch of each color block Rnd 1: K2 (2, 3,0) in CCI, 3 in MC, K7 in CCI, rep fom * to last 6 (6.7.4) 5,43 in MC, K3 (3, 4,1) in nds 2-10: Maintain colorwork as se in Rd 1, wile atthe same time decreasing onthe th (th, 6th, Sth) row. As you decrease, ‘maintain the columns of MC and CC1 a et. ‘The next 10 rounds wl be worked with CC2 and MC. Sts worked in C1 previously will now be worked in CC2. The columns of stitches shouldbe maintained as set a5 you continue to decrease every th (th, 6th, Sth) round. Rnd 11: K1 (1,2, 0) n CC2, £3 (3,3, 1)in MC K7 in CC2, 3 In MC, 7 incC2, rep from * toast 5 (5,6, 2) sts, K3 (3, 3,2) im MC 2 (2, 3,0)incca ‘nds 12-20: Continue with colorwork pat as se. ‘Work remainder of ight sleeve in the same manne left, decreas- ing as et until there are 48 (48, 56,56) st. Continue working until sleeve measures 15% (1,17, 18%)" 02" before dsied sieeve length Cuff Work as on left sleeve Body ony at bck ight dram (9,10) sen MC vee fe, pts indcate ssa, (9,10), K84 (90, 98, 110) across front. KS (7,9, 10), pr. This isthe new beginning fr body rounds. 188 (208, 232, 260) sts 50 Knitting It Old School Continue working until body measures 7 (7¥2,9, 1014)" from underarm, To prepare for colorwork,increase/decrease to a multiple of 10 stsas, follows ‘Sizes S and M only: Increase 2 sts, evenly spaced over next row. Size L only: Decrease 2 sis evenly over next row. 190 (210, 230, 260) sts total Begin Colorwork ‘As before, during eolorwork, two strands of yar are cared forthe entire round. Secure MC yan by twistingon the sth st ofeach color tock Rds 1-10: *K3 (3,3, 0)inC2, 13 in MC, K7 in CT, rep from * 10 last 7 (7,7 0) 3,3 in MC, ka 4, 4,0) nC nds 11-20: *X3 (3, 3,0) inCC1,*K3 in MC, k7 in CC2, rep from * to last 7 (7,70) sts, KB in MC, ka (4,4, 0) in CC2. ‘Work 4 rounds even in MC only. Repeat Rnds 1-20 once. The colorworkis complete. ‘Werk 4 rounds even in MC. In the next round inrease/decrease to a multiple of 8 sts as follows ‘Sizes Sand L only: Increase 2 sts evenly spaced. ‘Sizes M and 1X only: Decrease 2 sts evenly spaced. 192 (208, 232, 258) 5. Waist Hem Rnds 1-10: "K4,p eprom * around. Rd Ti: Purl to create turing ridge. Rand 12 Knit finds 13-20: Switch to CC1 and kit. “umm body inside out. With spare needle, pick up 192 (208, 232,258) stson the WS where ribbing began. Fld along purt row with wrong sides touching Use three-neelebind-off to attach hem and bind off ts. Finishing ‘Weave in all ends, making sue to close any gaps at underarms. Snowmates For Her Sizes XS (5,M,L1%,2X) Finished Measurements Chest: 34 (37,40, 44,48, 54)" Materials Cascade 220 (220 yd /100g per sein) MC: #8400 Smokestack; § (6,6, 7,7, 8) skeins (€Ct: #8892 Ble Jay 1 skein forall ies ‘C2: #7828 Lemon Peet: 1 skein for al sizes US.4 (5mm) circular needles, 16" length US. 6 (4mm) cular needles, 16" and 32" or 40, depending on bust sire US. 6 (4mm) double-pointed needles Spare needle US. 4or smaller for joining provisional easton US.6-6 (4mm) crochet hook Stitch markers Row counter Daring needle Waste yarn for provisional cast-on Gauge 2251532 rows = inStst Special Stitches and Terms Provisional cast-on: see page 172 ‘Wrap and turn (w8t): seepage 47 Pattern Notes ‘Garmens is worked sealesl trom the top down with folded hems at both the collar and bottom edges, iting bein atthe side of the col ‘An additonal 32" or 40" cireulae needle is helpful while kitting the body for trying on. Don't be afraid to try garment on often and make adjustments for a customized fit, ‘The armband can be knit on either arm, We chose to knit the his and hers sweaters on opposite arms so that when they hold hands on the chily slopes, the bands would meet in the middle Directions Collar ‘This sweater is seamlessly knit in one piece, stating with the inside ‘ofthe collar. Krit the inside ofthe colar using needles two sizes smaller than forthe rest ofthe sweater, The ribbing inside ofthe col- lars designed to be offset from the ribbing onthe outside ofthe collar, so that it nests inside and prevents excess bulk With waste yan, provisionally cast 113 (121,121,129, 137,145) sts ‘onto the size 4 circular needles, Knit 1 row with CC2 Snowbound Join for knitting inthe round (a last stitch from right needle tole ‘needle, pm, and k2t0g).112 (120,120,128, 136,144) sts. Row 1:*K4, p4, repfrom *tocend. Rep Row 1 until piece measures 2" rom cast-on edge. Switch to MC and knit al stitches of next round, Switch to the site 6 circular needles and put al stitches of next round Row 2: *P4, kd rep from * to end. Rep Row 2 until piece measures 2"from turing row. Transfer provisional stitches from waste yarn to size 4 circular needle. 112 (120,120,128, 136, 144) sts should be on smaller ‘needle. Fold collar at purl ridge so thatthe MC ison the outside and CC2is onthe inside. Next row: Insert right-hand needle through first ston front needle then through fist ston back needle, knit these 2st together. Repeat with the next sts on each needle untill sts are joined, and the collar is completely closed. 3497 40,44.48,547 3508840, 4,48 547 51 82 Knitting It Old School Yoke Fis, establish alan “seams” by placing markers to separate shoul- dee pieces from the font and back of sweater. Then, work short rows to shape neck. Finally, increase 8 stiches every other ow to shape yoke unibody stitches meet comfortably underarm. Beginning of round is located atthe center of back neck. Markers sed to demarcate raglan “seams” should be different than the ‘marker placed earier to mark begining of round Set-up row: K20 (21,21, 22,23, 24), pm. k2, pr, k12(14, 14,1618, 20), pn, k2, pm, k40 (42,42, 44,46, 48), pm, k2, pm, 12 (14,14, 416,18, 20), pr, k2, pm, 20 (21,21, 22, 23, 24) Row 4: K20 (2, 21,22, 23,24), sm, k2, sm, kI2 (14,14, 16,18, 20), sm, k2, 5m, K, wrap next stitch, tun work Row 2: Slip wrapped stp, sm p2, sm, p2 (14, 14,16, 18,20), 5m, 12, sm, p40 (42, 42,44, 46,48), sm, p2, sm, p2 (14,14, 16, 18,20), sm, p2, sm, pl, wrap next stitch, turn work, Row 3: Slip wrapped st knit to marker, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, kit to ‘next marker, MIR sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit across back stiches sipping beginning of round marker to next raglan marker, MIR, sm, k2, 5m, MTL, tnicto next marker, MIR, sm k2, sm, MIL knit to wrapped st pick ‘Up wrap and knit together with wrapped st wrap nex st turn Work Row 4: Slip wrapped st, purl to marker, sm p2, sm, pul tonext ‘marker, sm, p2, sm, purl across back stiches slipping begining of round marker to next raglan marker, sm purl to next marker, sm, p2, sm, pur to wrapped st, pick up wrap and purl together with wrapped st, wrap nett, tun work. Repeat Rows 3 and 4untilback of neck measures 2s rom collar ibbing Next row lip wrapped st, kritto market, MIR, sm, k2, 5m, MI, knit to next marker, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MTL, knit across back stitches slipping beginning of round marker to next raglan marker, MIR, sm, k2,5m, MI nit to next marker, MIR, sm 2, sm, ML, kit to ‘wrapped st. pick up wrap and kit together with wrapped skit to next wrapped st, pick up wrap and knit together with wrapped st kit to next marker, sm, k2, sm, knit to next marker, sm, k2, sm, kit 1 beginning of round marker. ‘Short-row neck shaping is now complete, and beginning of round is in middle of back section. Beginning of cound marker i not inluded incow instructions to sm Row 1: Knit alstitches. Row2 (Increase Round): Knit to marke, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, knit to next marker, MIR, sn k2, sm, MIL, knit across front to next ‘marker, MIR, sm, k2, sm, MIL, rit to next marker, MIR, sm k2, sm, MIL, knit to end (8 sts increased) Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until there are 320 (344, 376, 416, 472,528) total sts [For easier checking, there should be: 92 (98, 106,116,130, 144) sts Jn each ofthe body sections, 64 (70,78, 88, 102, 16) sts in each of the sleeve sections, and 8 seam sts inal sizes] Next nd: Kritall stiches. Tryon piece to check length of yoke. Knit even until body sections meet comfortably under the arm, Sleeves For sites XS and 1X, seam" stitches are split between body and sleeve sections, Fr all other sizes, “seam” stitches are allocated to body section Right Sleeve For Size XS and 1X Only: Remove beginning of round marker Ket across back ts to marker Remove marker, kI, pm (this marker now denotes beginning of sleeve ound), Ki remove marker, knit to next marker, remove marker, K For All Othe Sizes: {Knit across back sts to marker, Remove marker, k2, sm (this marker now denotes beginning of lave round), knit to next marke, remove marker. All ies: “Teansfer sleeve sts to dp. 66 (70,78, 88, 104,116 ss. Krit row even Decrease Round: I, K2tog, kit to lat 3st, sk, Kt Work decrease row every 6 (7,76 4,4) rows 9 (7.11, 12,20,22) times. 48 (56,56, 64, 64,72) stem. ‘it until sleeve measures 97 (10, 10, 10%, 11,14)" or reaches about an inch below elbow. Begin ct. fd 1 *K4, prep from * tend. Rep nti cuff measures 2 Bind off loosely. Left Sleeve For Size XS and XL Only: Join yarn at right underarm, pm knit across font sts to marker. Remove marke, k, pn (this marker now denotes begining of sleeve ound) 1, remove marker, rit to next marker, remove marker, Kl For All Other Sizes: {Knit across front ts to marker. Remove marker, K2, sm (this marker ‘now denotes beginning of sleeve round), knit tonext marker, remove marker, All izes: Transfer sleeve sts to dpns. 66 (70, 78,88, 104, 116) sts. Knit 1nd even Work decreases while, at the same time, begioning colorwork band when sleeve measures 245 from underarm. Decrease Round: KI,k2tog, knit to last 3s, sk, 1. Knit decrease row every 6 (7, 7,6, 4,4) ows 9 (7, 11,12, 20, 22) times. 48 (56, 85,64, 64,72) sts com, Kit until sleeve measures 9% (10,10, 10%, 11, 11%)" or reaches ‘about an inch below elbow, Colorwork Band fend 1: K4 (4,4 4,5, 8), (KS in CCI, K2in MC), ep from *7 (8, 11, 12,14) times, using MC knit to end Rep Red 1, 6 times. ‘Rnd 2: Knit to fist colorblock, *{KS in CCI, K2 in MC) rep from *7(G,8,1, 2,14) ines using MC ito end. Rep Rod 2, 6 times. Continue knitting in MC, completing decrease rows as instructed. 48 (36,56, 64, 64,72) sts rem. Knit until sleeve measures 9¥ (10, 10, 10%, 11,11)" or reaches ‘about an inch below elbow, Begin cut And t:*K4, pA ep fom *to end Rep unt cuff measures 2" Bind off loosely Body Wiork hourglass waist shaping from underarms t hips When hip Increases are completed, begin colorweork blocks. Bind of using a turned hem Snowbound 53 ‘Set-up rows: Join yarn at left underarm, pr, knit across 94 (102,110, 120,132, 148) back sts place beginning of round marker. Kit 2" from underarm, Begin Waist Shaping Decrease Round: 1, k2t0g knit to 3 ts before marker, sk, Km, 14, k2og kt tas 3s, 5k ‘Work Decrease Round every 3 (3, 2,3, 3, 3) nds 7 (7, 11, 10, 11, 10) ‘times. 160 (176, 176, 200, 220, 256) waist sts, Work even for 3 (3,3, 2%,2%, 2%)" Increase Round: KI, Mi, kit 03 ss before marker, MIR, Km, 1, MIL, it ast 3 ts, Kit increase Round every 3 (4,3, 4,3, 4) mds 10 (8, 1,10, 2,11) ties. For Size Sand XL Only: Work 1rd even. Next end: Kit across front sts, sm, KI, MIL knit to last 3 sts, MIR, Kd. 200 (210, 220, 240,270, 300) hip st. ‘Work even for 3 (3,3, 2%4,2%, 2%)" Colorwork Band Rnd 1: * (7 ini, K3 in MC), ep fom *to end. Rep Row 1,8 times. Rnd 2:* (K7 in CCI, KB MC), rep from * to end Rep Rnd 2,8 times, End colorwork Kit 10 mds even. Insert an extra circular needle through the back of the ss onthe Last nit ound. Hem Kei 6 nds even, Purl 1 round. Knit 6 rounds even, fold at purl ridge inwards and work three ‘needle bind-off to join sts on both needles and bind off Finishing Weavein ales, cose ay holes at underarms, andblod gb ieaagl ener Been) (et Skirts ro by Kelly Bridges —F - Reveteet en st PSU LUCE eae Now so een ceat a J a satile pieces in this bookis our ia ee eae Nia three charts included, modify an old favorite, or knit it up in a Ee AU el ee CREME Suna ed RR RRC tions for clever edge finishing S Borer eee aad ie =n eter eater) will let you customize your skirt even further. And knitted skirts aren’t just for winter! The charted skirts featured are knit Pease ca ee ee Rca ing the same pattern in linen or DU Se Lee OER Ua ct) Sizes 5 (M.L,1%, 2%) Finished Measurements West: 27% (31,35, 38%, 42) Hips (without gussets): 38 (42,46, 4994, 53)" Bottom Edge (without gussets): 40% (48, 51%, 55,59) Materials ‘Chamonix ersion (shown in size L without gussets) Reynolds Whiskey (100% wool; 195 yd /100g per skin) Color A: #053 Teal: 2 (3, 3,3, 4) balls Color 8: #103 Light Olive; (1,2, 2,2) balls Color €: #059 Charcoal; (2, 2,2, 2) balls Color D: #131 Dark Pink; bal Color E: #102 Dark Orange; 1 ball Snowbound 55 Beignets version (shown in siz S without gussets): Reynolds Whiskey (100% woot 185 yd 100g per skein) Color: #101 Orange 4 (6,5, 5,6) balls Color: #131 Dak Pink: 1 bal Color: #016 Burgundy; bal US.3 (325mm) and US. 4 (35mm) 24 oF 32" ccular needles oF size needed tomatchgauge US. 4 (3.5mm) short duble-pinted needles for braid edging only 1 wide elastic cut to your waist circumference plus 2 Needle and thread Gauge 26515 3 rows = 4" in St ston lager needles. 14 (05%,17%, 194,207 rd 20% @425%,27 291" 56 Knitting It Old School Special Stitches and Terms fo increase by keting nt the font and back of the next st 2-st upp: inser the right needle between the second ad third ston the left needle from front to back, wrap yarn around needle cloclise, and pl the loop through, Wrap yarn around needle counterclockwise and pll his loop through previously made loop (11009 onthe right needle), t2 st pwise fam the left needle tothe ‘igh needle and it lop over these st a8 ito bind off to complete the mip. “st upp: Work as above, but insert the right needle between fist and second ston the eft needle and l only ones fom the left needle othe ight needle 1yo2: see page 171 Pattern Notes ‘This versatile skirt pattern can be varied to suit your fancy. We show ithere in two versions done in colorwork and wool you'd like to ‘add gussets, follow the instructions given within the patter. In ‘addition tothe colo variations, you can also choose from thee dit- {erent edging options tofinish your skirt. Read through the whole pattern before you begin, and highlight the options you've chosen to se to guide you as you create your skit. Directions Waist Casing: For All Versions “Take the elastic and overlap the ends to form a circle that fits comfor- ably at your waist, remembering that the knited fabric wll make the it {el slighty tighter. With needle and thread, sew the ends together. With smaller needles and Color A, CO 180 (204, 228, 252,276) ss Place marker and join into the round, being careful not to twist the sts, Workin St st for 14” Change to larger needles and pur 1 round to create turing ridge. Work in St st fr 1%". Fold kiting over elastic band and join as fl- lows Insert right needle into next st on lft needle, then into orre- sponding st from cast-on edge Kit these 2sts together. Rep from * ‘to last 7 sts, K7sts without joining to CO edge (ths leaves a gap for adjusting elastic if needed). ets version: Continue in St stand place markers as follows: K90 (102, 114,126, 138) ts, pm, knit to end of ‘nd. This marker and the beginning of rnd marker indicate side seams. For the Chamonix version only: Begin colorwork now. See "Color- work Patterns" on page $8. For Gussetless version: Next end (Increase Round) fb, knit to 1st before marker, kf, sm, kf, knit to last st kf, Rep the Inerease Round every other round 11 times more ‘Then rep the Increase Round every 4th (4th, Sth, Sth, th) rnd 15 ‘times total. 288 (312, 336, 360, 384) sts on needle Continue at edging. Gusseted Version Only ‘The optional gussets add about 3" to hip and finished hem mea- surements to create afuller skirt, 22 25, 28,31, 34, place gusset marker, k46 (52, 58,64, 70), place asset marker, K22 (25,28, 31,34), place side seam marker, k22 (25, 28, 31, 34), place gusset marker, k46 (52,58, 64,70) place gusset ‘marker, knitto end of md. Shape side Seams and gusets at the same time as follows: Next rnd (Increase Round 1): *kib, “kit to 1 st before gusset marker lf, sm kb, ep from ** once, kit to 1 st before side seam marker Hf, sm, ep from * Work md even, Next re (Increase Round 2) tb, kit to 1 st before side seam marker fb, sm fb, nt lasts, kb Work 1nd even Rep these 4 rounds twice more, Rep Increase Round 2 every ther round 9 times more. Then rep Increase Round 2 every th (4h, Sth, th, Sth) nd 15 times total 312 (336, 360, 384, 408) stson needle For single-color or Chamonix: Work even in St st until skit mea- sures 16 (17,18, 18,19)" rom the bottom of waist casing For Beignets: Work even in St st until skit measures 11% (12%, 13%, 13%, 14%) from the bottom of wast casing then begin clor- work. Se *Colorwork Patterns” on page 58 Wi cotora i Cobore Wh Color Edgings ‘When the skirt measures 16 (17, 18, 18, 19)" from the bottom of the wast cing of eed length, ish your sin with oe hele Towing tee edge Basi edging Put ound to ceat ting ig. Changeto smaller neds ender Grounds in tat Bnd of osely. Fld uring tage ond biatch bound edge o Boy er Picot edging: Work 3 rounds inst st.On next md: Kyo, tog, tep tor wend of rd: ri ond letting second wiop ol yea falloff the ede without working Knit found org tayo hele istea ofthe st shove ton need, aowieg ine thon Be needle ofal os youwor Knit 2 rounds Sd of ose twise Whpstich bound off edge to body fi a fist undot pct see Brad edging indo losln pr Deecton ae writen or tw Colo wong with sore oo youl nee seprt als towotk the at Coie clorA bl A andlor 8 a5 ball Snowbound — ST Flocon de Neige Chart, Hi colec [7] iti propre color I cols [5] Putin aprprite coor Wi colocc[) ststastto pur wth yam in back TH color [35] Nuppover one stitch Ti Colcct [5] Nuppoertwo stitches ‘With RS facing, colorA and two dpas, CO 3 sts. Work 3 rows as fol- lows: Slide st to opposite end of dpn, k2, sl 1,0, pick up and kit 1 stfrom bound-off edge of skirt, pass yo and s st over. Work 6 rows as follows: lide sts of opposite end of dn. K3, With color B and ‘another dp, CO 3 sts. Work 6 rows as follows: Slide sts of opposite ‘end of dpa. K3. "Bring 8 cord over A cord, skip 1st from bound-off ‘edge of skin, then work 3 rows as follows: Slide sts to opposite end ‘of dpn, KZ, 51, yo pick up and kl strom bound-off edge of skirt, pass yo and st st over. Work 6 rows as follows with color 8: Slide sts to.pposite end of dan. K3. Bring A cord over B cord, kip 1st from 58 Knitting It Old School La Montagne Char bbound-off edge of skit, then work 3 rows as follows with A Slide sts 10-oppasite end of dpn k2,s 1,90, pick up and kts for bound-off edge of skirt, pass yo and sl st over. Work 6 rows as follows with A Slide sts to opposite end of dpn K3. Rep from * across entire bot- ‘tom of skirt. Graft vests to corresponding sts on the cast-on edge ‘of the same color cord. Colorwork Patterns Chamonix ‘Work Rds 1-40 of La Montagne chart, incorporating increases into, ‘the patt. Continue repeating Rnd 40 only until the skirt measures 10% (1, 12,12, 13) from the bottom of the waist casing. Work Rnds 41-64 of La Montagne chart Work Rnds 1-33 of locon de Neige chart. 1 needed, continue to work even in Color C until skirt measures 16 (17,18, 18,19) from the bottom of the wast casing ignets ‘When skit measures 11% (12¥4,13¥, 13%, 14%)" from waist cas- ing, work the 25 rows of Beignets Char, then work even with Color ‘Auntil skirt measures 16 (17,18, 18,19) Finis! To finish the Beignets skirt as shown, use the basic edging. Make a ‘whole bunch of pom-poms of desired size and col, and attach to ‘tuming ridge at desired spacing (forthe size Smal skirt show inthe photo, there are 30 pom-pom), To finish the Chamonix skirt as shown, work te picot edge with Color. Make your own charted version: The number of stiches you begin ‘with wil support a 12st colorwark repeat. The numberof sts you have onthe needle after the increases are complete wil support a 24: colorwork repeat. Ary denominator thereof can also be used (2, 4,6,8, 12), so make Chamonix your own! Use blank raph to ‘create a stunning colorwork pattem all your own. Keep in mind that any increases will ned to be worked into this pattem, so design the ‘main increase section asa simple 2-4 st repeat—tike stripes, dots ‘105505, 0° Xs. Tis will also keep the focus ona highly designed, gor- ‘ge0us bottom band, instead of on your hips! 60 Knitting It Old School Sizes (ML, 1%, 2x) Finished Measurements ‘Chest: 34 (38, 41, 45,50)" Materials Knit One, Crochet Too Babyboo (55% nylon, 45% bamboo, 115 ‘yd. /50g per skein); #423 Lemon ice; 8 (8, 9,10, 11) skeins US. 6 (4mm) circular needles, 24-32" length, orsize needed to ‘match gauge US. 6 (4mm) double-pointed needles, or a second circular needle to work on two needles in the round Locking stitch markers or safety pins Daring needle 6 butions, Ye" diameter Waste yarn Gauge 195ts «27 rows= 4" in stst of 34(39,4145,507° 226 (23, 23,24, 2404 eases 35(08-42.46.50) Special Stitches and Terms Mitssee page 71 Pb: seepage 70 Keited cast-on: ee page 172 Pattern Notes 'Wfitng armholes and upper ams area common problem fr top- down raglan, especially atthe upper end of a patter’ size range. Special instructions are provided here for working extra body Increases on wrong.side rows tokeep the finshed proportions cor- rectin sizes, 1% and 2X resulting in a much better fit. This method «an also be adapted to improve the fic of realy any top-down 9g lan pattem for those who are Lrgrn the bus, smaller the arms, coef between sites fr these measurements Use the knitted cast when directed to cast-on new stitches for ‘the underarm and neck, ‘Want to experiment alitle? Work the edging in a contrasting coor or ‘uyadferent textured stitch forthe body. The pur-stich mock =) Cy tents. pans {= [3] pontskons syatiov, Ta, a ‘seams atthe sides and sleeves provide a visual break that conve- rently eliminates the ned fr an exact match on stitch counts. Directions Yoke 60.45 (51,57, 57,63) sts. Row 1 (set-up row; WS):P1,pmon next standitit 5 (7, 89, 11), prmon next stand titi, p29 (31, 33, 33,35), pm on next stand sett, p5 (9,3, 1), pm on net stand Kt, Increases ville worked on ether side of these marked ts, which wilalays be worked in reverse St st (purl on RS rows knit on WS rows). You may wish to move the markers as you kit, to keep them close to your working row. Row 2 (fist increase row; RS} KY; MI, p1,MI:k2 (3,44, 5.p1K2 (6,44, 5); MT pl, M1:46 (70,0, 1), (pK) to last st before next marked st Ki; M1, pI, MT; 2 (3,4 4,5), pI, 2 (3, 4,4, 5); ‘Mik. (sts increased) Row 3 (WS):P2,k1:p2 (3,4 4,5), K1,p1Lk,p2 (3,4, 4.5): kt: 6 (7 8,8,1),(41,p1K, 5) tree times, pO (1, 2,2,3}:K1 p23, 44,5), 16, p1K1 2 (3,4, 4,5}: p2 The last two rows correspond to Rows 1 and 2f the chart on page 60, centering the diamond pattern on each ofthe back and sleeve sections Continue following the chart, begining with Row 3, and work increased sts int the pat s you proceed being especially Careful to match the pattem placement at rot and Bock (I's easier than i sounds—just make sure you'e working the same number of ‘itt in pot before and after the sleeve increases onthe back and the fronts) For Sizes $ and M Only: ‘Next row (RS): *K1, work n pat as sett las st before marker, Kt 'M1, pt Mt; rep from *3 times: workin patt asset to lasts, end Kt. (@stsincreased) "Next row (WS): P1, “follow patt asset to last st before marked st, ILK1, prep from * 3 ties end pt. Rep these 2 rows 23 (25) times. 245 (267, Continue to "Separate Sleeves" section, -)stson needles. For Sizes L, 1X, and 2X Only: RS rows *K1, workin pat asset to lat st before marker, I, Mp, MT; ‘ep fom * 3 times; work n pat as set tolast st, end kL. (@ sts increased) Snowbound WS increase row: "Workin pat as set to st before marked st, pf, |, workin patt as set to next marked st, Kp; rep from * once: work in pat as set to end. (4 ss increased) Work these 2 rows ~(~ 4,9, 1) times. ‘Continue increasing on RS rows as set: "KY, work in patt as set to last st before marker, k1, MI, pl, MI rep from * 3 times; workin patt asset tolast st, end kl. (8 sts increased) ‘Work WS rows without further increases as follows: P, follow patt as set to last st before marked st, pt, KI, prep from * 3 times; end pt Repeat these 2 rows untila total of ~ (-, 54, 54, $8) rows have been worked and there are -(-, 289, 309, 39) sts on needles. Separate Sleeves ‘Next row (RS): Work in patt as et tothe fst marked st Transfer the sleove sts plus the two marked sts to waste yar, then cast on 3 sts lies) atthe underarm transferring one of the sleeve markers tothe centr cast-on st Workin pat across back sts to next marked st: ansfer marked sts and sleeve sts to waste yarn. Cast on 3 sts all sizes) at underarm, again marking the center st and work rem stsin pat Increase for Neckline ‘You will continue working all front and back sts in patt as set. Work the 3 center underarm stsas KI, pT, k1 on RS rows and p1. KI, pton WS rows all the way down tothe hem, creating a purl gutter or False (CO1stat the beg ofthe next 2 rows, then work across in pat. CO? sts at the beg ofthe next 2 rows, then work across in patt. [Next row (WS): CO 3 sts, work in patt across. [Next row (RS): CO 18 (20, 22, 22, 24) sts, work to end of row in patt. Do not tur. Place marker and join to begin working in the ‘ound. The new start ofthe round willbe atthe lower-right comer of, the neckline. Be careful working the fist and last sts of the patt here, 2 the sight jog may make it look strange; however, it will be invis- ‘ble in the finished garment. ‘There are 164 (176, 196, 216,236) lve sts, equally divided between front and back. The diamond patt should also be centered on both the front and the back a 62 Knitting It Old School Shape Waist ‘Work rounds in pat asset Next end: “Work to last 2 ss before the “side seam k2tog pl, sk rep from * once, then work to end of round (4 sts decreased) ‘Work 3 rounds in pat without shaping. Rep these 4 rounds 3 (4 4,4, 4 more times. 148 (156,176, 196, 216) sts. ‘Work 10 rounds without shaping Next end: “Work to last 2 sts before the “side seam,” M1, Kp, kt, Mi rep from * once, then work to end. (6 increased) ‘Work 3 rounds in pat without shaping. Rep these 4 rounds 4 (5,5, 5, 5) times. 168 (180, 200, 222, 240) st. ‘Work even in ptt until work measures 18 (18%, 18%, 19,19) from center back neck, 3" less than desied length Hem ‘The bottom borders worked back and forthin garter st. Next rove Tur ad kit acres al 16 (18,200, 222,240) sts cast on5 stand turn Next row (RS) Ket Continue kiting allows for 35 rows woking buttonoles on Rows 517, and29 as follows: 13,90, ss, it to end of cow. Bind ofall ss loosely on a WS row Sleeves ‘Work both sleeves the same to hem Using dps or two circular needles, with RS of work facing and the garment right way up, jin yarn and pick up and kit 1s inthe left- ‘most of the 3 caston sts at one underarm; this wll be the 1s tof ‘thenew round. Work allo the held stsin patt asset to end, row ing waste yan, then pick up and knit 2 more st inthe cast-on sts the underarm to finish the round, 60 (66, 68, 68, 74) sts on needles ‘The tree picked-up sts will always be worked as KI 1, ko create false sear, as forthe body ss. Join and workin the round as follows Next rnd: Ssk, work in att to last 3 ss, k2tog pl. (2s decreased) ‘Work 3 rounds without shaping Rep these & rounds unt 46 (50, 54, $4, 58) sts rem. ‘Work without further shaping unt sleeve measures 12 (12%, 12%, 13,13) from cast-on edge (o 1" less than desired length). Left Sleeve Next end: K23 (25, 27,27, 2) sts, turn ‘The cuffs now worked back and forth Next row (WS): Knit all 46 (50, 54,54, $8) sts, CO 5 sts. Turn, knit 18 more rows, working a buttonhole on Row 7 as K3, yo, ss ait to end of ow, Bind off all sts loosely on aWS row. Right Sleeve Next end: 23 (25,27, 27,28) sts, COS sts, tun Next row (WS): Knit all sts. 15 mare ows in garter st, working buttonhoe on Row 7a for hem and other eve. Sind ofall ss loselyon a WS row Collar Using circular needles and starting at lower-ight comer (opposite Side from te overlap in her) with WS facing, pick up and knit 1st in seach t cast on at front of necline; pick up and knit 2 sts for every 3 ‘ows up leftsde of neckline; pick up and knit 1 stn every cas-on st ‘2cr055 tp of sleeves and back neck; and pck up and knit 2 sts for ‘every 3 rows down the right side ofthe neckline tothe starting point cast on 5 sts to create neclie tab Place 6 markers as follows: 1 at each ofthe back raglan seams, and 2 pairs—each 10 sts aparat the bottom comers ofthe necting. (Place 1 marker 7 ss from the button tab end and another 7 sts from ‘the start ofthe pcked-up sts, then match their placement on the opposite side) Next row (RS): Turn and (to marker sk) twice; then (kto 2 sts before next marker, k2tog) three times; knit to last marker, ss; kit toend Work 3 rows even Rep these 4 rows twice Bind of al sts loosely on the next WS row. Finishing There are no seams to wor! just weave inal your end, reinforcing ‘the joins atthe underarmsif desired, and sew on some fabulous sparkly buttons opposite the buttonholes.

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