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Group 4: The Wars of the Roman Empire

1. PARTHIAN: 250 BC-229 AD

The Parthians or Parni were a part of the Dahai confederacy of the Saka, who lived in the north-eastern part
of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. From the Persian province of Parthyaea, they took advantage of the
internal conflicts of the Seleucid Kingdom to expand their territory to cover much of modern Iraq and Iran.
This brought them into conflict with the Romans with whom they fought for centuries to control Armenia,
and the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Parthians eventually fell to the Sassanian Persians, though the
amazing 500-year existence speaks volumes about the quality of the army commanders.

The Parthian army consisted mainly of armoured nobles and unarmoured horse archers supplemented by
the Hellenised populations of the cities and warriors of various subject tribes. In 129 BC, the Parthians
incorporated the defeated soldiers of the Seleucid army of Antiochus VII for use in a campaign against the
Saka, but the Seleucid troops deserted to the Saka contributing to the defeat of the Parthians. Despite their
exposure to Hellenistic warfare, the Parthians did poorly during siege operations. Generally, they were not
effective against the Romans, although they did score major victories against them in 53 BC at Carrhae and
in 36 BC against Mark Antony.

Tactical Hints: The foot is virtually useless, so leave them in a supporting role to the cavalry. The
skirmish cavalry can cover the battlefield, with the armoured horsemen being the shock troops of this army.
Pick your targets and time your attacks. Exploit breakthroughs and avoid elephants! This is a fair army for
any level of player.

Enemies: Skythian, Armenian, Seleucid, Parthian, Sarmatian, Marian/Caesarian, Early Imperial and
Middle Imperial Roman, Kushan Indian, Sassanian Persian,

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in AC Veteran Irregular Lance 4 55 1
0-5 General AC Veteran Irregular Lance 4 40 1
10-24 Cataphracts AC Veteran Irregular Lance 3 13 12
All/0 Upgrade to Close Order 4 +2 0
Any Give Bow to Cataphracts +2 0
20-96 Parthian Light SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 20
0-8 Tribesmen UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 3 0
12-36* City-dweller SI Warrior Irregular Bow 2 1 12
Any Re-arm with Javelin & Shield or Sling & Shield +1 0
4-8* City Militia UI Poor Trained Long Spear, 4 (L) 5 4
Javelin & Shield
0-4 Cataphract HCm Veteran Irregular Lance 3 11 0
1* Armenian AC Veteran Irregular Lance & Shield 3 39 0
4-8* Armenian AC Warriors Irregular Lance & Shield 3 12 0
0-4 Upgrade Armenian AC to Veteran +2 0
6-12* Armenian SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 0
Horse Archers
4-12* Armenian SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 0
6-18* Armenian Foot UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 3 0
4-8* Seleucid AC Warriors Trained Lance & Shield 4 - 0
4-16* Seleucid LAI Warriors Trained Bow 4 5 0
Any* Upgrade Phalangites to HI +1 0
4-12* Seleucid SI Warriors Trained Bow or Sling or 2 2 0
Skirmishers Javelin
Any* Give Shield to SI +1 0
4-8* Seleucid UI Warriors Trained Javelin, Long 4(L) 5 0
Peltasts Spear & Shield
Any* Upgrade Peltasts to LAI +1 0
Any* Upgrade Peltasts to HI as Thorakitai +1 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 * Minima apply if any of that nationality are used.
 If any Seleucids are used, then they are considered unreliable.

2. SARMATIAN: 310 BC-375 AD

This is yet another Asian confederation that dominated the steppes of Central Asia before settling in
Eastern Europe.
The list covers the early Rhoxolani, Siracae, Iazyges and later Rhoxolani armies. The Sarmatians depended
upon intense missile fire from virtually all the troops in the army to disrupt their enemies. The armoured
cavalry are both bow and lance-armed. The main tactic was a wild charge relying on the lance to inflict

The Sarmatians replaced the Skythians as the dominant Asian nomadic confederation in Eastern Europe.
The Rhoxolani migrated westward to dwell in an area on the western side of Dacia along the Danube River.
Here they were a constant thorn in the side of the Roman Empire and often allied with Germanic tribes to
raid or invade the Roman provinces.

Tactical Hints: As long as there are no elephants around, the Sarmatians can use Parthian tactics. If using
Alan allies, the foot is simply used to handle delaying terrain. They are useless for fighting and get in the
way of the armoured cavalry, whom can fire on their own. This is a fairly good army, but not for

Enemies: Hellenistic Greek, Skythian, Parthian, Mithridatic, Early, Middle and Late Imperial Roman,
Dacian, Ostrogoth and Huns.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in AC Veteran Irregular Lance & 3 54 1
chief Bow
0-4 Generals AC Veteran Irregular Lance & 3 39 0
6-24 Sarmatian AC Veterans Irregular Lance & 3 14 6
Nobles Bow
6-24 Sarmatian HC Veterans Irregular Lance & 3 12 6
Cavalry Bow
0-12 Sarmatian SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 8
0-24 Extra to upgrade HC to AC +2 0
0-6 Extra to upgrade HC or AC to Fanatics +2 0
0-6 Extra to upgrade LC to Fanatics as Headhunters or Unmarried Women +2 0
1* Alan Ally- HC Veteran Irregular Spear, Bow 3 38 1
General & Shield
6-24* Alan Cavalry LAC Veteran Irregular Spear, Bow 3 11 6
Any Convert Alan LAC to SC -5 6
6-12* Alan Archers UI Warriors Irregular Bow 3 2 8
SI 2 1
0-12* Javelinmen UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 3 6
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 1
Supply Units

 *Minima apply if any Alans are used.

3. SPANISH: 240-20 BC

This is the army from the expansion of Carthage into Spain until the final conquest of Spain by Rome.
Hasdrubal and Hannibal made use of Spanish troops, as did Rome. Though often thought of as
mercenaries, the Spanish maintained their own identities as their armies fought among themselves. The
Romans found the Spanish to be one of the most difficult peoples to conquer. The conquest took over two
centuries and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Roman and Spanish soldiers.

The significant groups were Lusitanians (who fought mainly as caetrati), Celtiberians (who were similar to
Celtic Gauls) and Iberians. Generally, troops were classed as either scutarii or caetrati. The former carried
a long shield, and if on foot, fought with pilum or similar weapons. The later carried a small round shield
and javelins.

Tactical Hints: This is a good, balanced army. There are veteran heavy cavalry, numbers of skirmish
cavalry, plenty of Spanish foot with pilum, upgraded to veterans with skirmish infantry to screen. The foot
can pick their attack points and, supported by heavy cavalry, push. The skirmish cavalry can screen both
flanks. Use the fanatic heavy cavalry to force a flank.

This is a good, solid army for any level of player.

Enemies: Spanish, Celtic Gaul, Punic War Carthaginian, Punic War Republican, Marian and Early Imperial

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 52 1
Chief Shield
0-4 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 37 1
4-12 Cavalry UC Warrior Irregular Spear & 3 8 4
0-2 per Upgrade any to Fanatics as Devotio +2 2
Any Upgrade UC to LAC +2 4
Any Upgrade LAC to HC +2 4
8-24 Light Cavalry SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 12
0-1/2 Upgrade cavalry to Veteran +2 0
12-36 Celtiberian UI Warband Irregular Various & 3 3 18
Warbands (F) Shield
18-96 Spanish Scutarii UI Warriors Irregular Pilum & 3 3 24
Any Option to replace Pilum with Javelin for Lusitanian Foot 0 0
Any Upgrade Warriors to Veteran +1 0
0-4 per Upgrade Warriors to fanatics as Devotio +1 0
12-48 Spanish Caetrati SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 12
0-18 Spanish Slingers SI Warriors Irregular Sling 2 1 6
Any Extra to give Shields to Slingers +1 6
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-3 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Spanish units must be classified as Lusitanian, Celtiberian or Scutarii. A combination of any two or
more represents an allied army. Such units must be commanded by their own general to represent the
separate allied tribes.
 Devotio represent those troops, who would fight to the death, especially if their general was killed,
wounded or captured.


The Jewish people experienced a succession of conquests following the fall of the last independent
kingdom to the Babylonians of Nebuchadnezzar. Most conquerors were tolerant of the monotheism
practised by the Jews until the arrival of the Seleucids in the 2 nd Century BC. A revolt against the Seleucids
brought the Jewish tribes into conflict with their overlords, who tried to install the pantheon of Hellenic
gods. The warriors were eager to fight and this is reflected in their fanatic foot.

The rebellion was begun by Matityahu or Mattathias, scion of the priestly Hasmonean family. Matityahu
slew a Seleucid soldier, who attempted to sacrifice swine on the altar in his village. He destroyed the altar
set up by the Seleucid soldiers and escaped to the mountains, accompanied by his five sons: Yohanan,
Shimon, Judah, Jonathan and Elazar.

Many Jews, mainly farmers, gathered around Matityahu and his sons in order to combat the Seleucids. Led
by Judah Maccabee (the Hammer), the rebels conducted a guerrilla campaign against the Seleucids. The
slogan of the Jewish fighters was: “Who is like you among the gods, 0 Lord” (mi kamocha ba'elim
hashem), a Hebrew acrostic for the word Maccabee.

It was a popular, partisan war, in which many Jews fell, including Judah and Elazar. Following the death
of Judah in battle, his brothers Jonathan and Shimon continued the struggle for independence. They were
successful and established a kingdom, which survived until after the arrival of Pompey the Great and the
Roman army. At its zenith, the kingdom stretched from modern Lebanon into the Sinai, and from the
Mediterranean into Jordan.

The poorly armed and armoured Jews made good use of the equipment recovered from their defeated
opponents and evolved into a powerful regional army. In addition to its religious zeal, the army made good
use of the many Jewish mercenaries, who had been employed in various Hellenic states in the Middle East.
These formed a cadre of professionals around which the national army was built.

According to the “Rule of War” (found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls), the army was divided into several
components. The cavalry was of two types, armoured cavalry comprised of veteran soldiers and
skirmishers drawn from the younger soldiers. The regular infantry was predominantly Hellenistic style
peltasts supported by light troops drawn from levies for campaigns. Some may have been trained as

Tactical Hints: A “sword and sandal” army, the Jews are a tough opponent. There are armoured cavalry,
skirmish cavalry, plenty of unarmoured, Loose Order foot, fanatics and skirmishers, a religious relic (for
morale) and even long spear and javelin-armed trained foot. Force a flank with the armoured cavalry and
smash the enemy centre with fanatics and trained foot. How can you lose? This is a good, fun army for

Enemies: Seleucid, Maccabean Jewish and Midianite Arab.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HI Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 47 1
Chief Shield
0-3 Generals HI Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 32 1
Any Upgrade generals to AC, Trained, Lance or Spear & Shield +8 0
4-12* Cavalry AC Veteran Trained Lance or 3 15 4
Spear &
4-16* Light Cavalry SC Warriors Trained Spear & 2 5 8
0-4 Guerrilla Horse SC Veteran Irregular Javelin or 2 4 0
Bow &
36-96 Guerrilla Foot UI Warriors Irregular Various & 3 3 36
0-24 Zealots UI Fanatics Irregular Javelin & 3 5 0
12-36 Archers UI Warriors Irregular Bow 3 2 0
or or or
SI 2 1 12
0-18 Slingers SI Warriors Irregular Sling 2 1 4
0-18 Javelinmen SI Warriors Irregular Javelin 2 1 0
Any Extra to give Shield to SI +1 0
0-1 Religious Relic +30 0

4-32* Jewish Regulars UI Veterans Trained Long Spear, 4 (L) 7 4

Javelin &
Any Extra to Upgrade UI to LAI +1 4
0-1/2 Extra to Upgrade LAI to HI +1 0
0-1/2 Re-equip Jewish Regulars as Phalangites with Pike & Shield -1 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Minima * apply if any are used.


Erstwhile allies to Carthage and then Rome, the Numidians were an important source of mercenary
skirmisher cavalry. Though prone to have ambitions of their own, the Numidian generals were effective
and tough fighters…so long as they did not decide to change sides. They were a powerful army to be
reckoned with in their own right.

Tactical Hints: The huge numbers of skirmisher cavalry are augmented by heavy cavalry, loose order foot,
skirmisher foot and even elephants. This is an interesting army. Upgrade the heavy cavalry and take out
the enemy centre with elephants supported by foot. Use the cavalry on the flanks. This is a fair army for
Enemies: Early and Later Punic War Carthaginian, Early Moorish, Camillan, Marian and Early Imperial

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Javelin & 3 52 1
Chief Shield
0-4 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Javelin & 3 37 37
0-10 Numidian Heavy HC Veteran Irregular Javelin & 3 12 6
Cavalry Shield
24-72 Numidian Light SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 24
Cavalry Shield
16-96 Numidian Foot SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 24
Any Upgrade to UI 3 +1 24
0-12 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 12
0-6 Slingers SI Warriors Irregular Slings & 2 2 0
0-6 (J, JI) Elephants El Warriors Irregular Bow and 1 17 0
0 (S, B, T) - - - - - - 0
0-1 1 Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 1
Supply Units

Only from 118-105 BC

4-8 (JI) Spanish Cavalry LAC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 10 0
0-12 (B) Spanish Scutarii UI Veteran Irregular Pilum & 3 4 0
4-8* (J) Roman Deserters HI Warriors Trained Pilum & 4 7 0
8-16* (J) Roman Deserters LAI Warriors Trained Javelin & 4 (L) 5 0
2-8 Gallic Cavalry LAC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 10 0
0-8 Gallic Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 3 3 0
(F) Shield

Only After 56 BC
8-32* Imitation HI Poor Trained Pilum & 4 6 0
Legionarii Shield
All Tacfarina's army ONLY upgrade Legionarii to Warriors +1 0

 *Minima apply.
 Those with letter may be used by:
J=Jugurtha S=Syphax T=Tacfarinas JI=Juba I B=Bogud


Gaius Marius was known for two things; his abilities as a general and his ability to gain popular support for
his political career. It was the first truly professional army raised by Rome and its allies, and employed
men from all classes of Roman and Latin society. Soldiers were expected to join for a career of up to 20
years or more. Considering the massive variety of enemies that the Romans managed to acquire, their
armies had to be versatile and adaptable. This army is both.
The majority of the soldiers were legionarii, now armed and armoured at public expense with standardised
equipment. Cavalry were provided from the same sources as earlier Roman mounted units supplemented
by allied and mercenary contingents. A variety of specialised troops were hired to act as skirmishers and
scouts. These were usually native forces of the area in which the Roman army was campaigning. These
included Spanish javelinmen, Balearic slingers, Cretan archers, Greek peltasts and psiloi, Spanish, Gallic
and Numidian cavalry.

Tactical Hints: The legionarii formed the bulk of these forces. Use them in the centre and perhaps to push
a flank. Cavalry and Loose Order troops take on the other flank and delaying terrain. Elephants and
artillery as well as camels can be very effective. One thing is for certain, you will never get bored trying
out new tactics with this army.

This is highly recommended for beginners.

Enemies: Later Illyrian, Thracian, Celtic Gaul, Armenian, Ptolemaic, Parthian, Spanish, Numidian, Early
German, Marian/Caesarian Roman, Celtic Britons, Mithridatic, Galatian.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander HC Elite Trained Spear & Shield 3 55 1
in Chief
0-5 General HC Elite Trained Spear & Shield 3 40 1
0-6 Bodyguard HC Elite Trained Spear & Shield 3 15 0
0-12 Cavalry HC Warrior Trained Spear & Shield 3 11 0
Any Upgrade HC to Veteran +2 0
16-48 Legionarii HI Warriors Trained Pilum & Shield 4 7 24
0-1/2 Upgrade HI to Veteran +1 0
0-1/2 Downgrade HI to Poor as Recruits -1 0
0-8 Spanish LAC Warrior Irregular Spear & Shield 3 8 4
0-8 Gallic Cavalry LAC Warrior Irregular Spear & Shield 3 8 4
0-4 German LAC Fanatic Irregular Spear & Shield 3 12 0
Any Upgrade Spanish, German and/or Gallic Cavalry to HC +2 0
0-6 Spanish SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 4 2
0-12 Thracian/ SC Warrior Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 4 4
0-24 Skirmishers SI Warriors Trained Bow or Javelin 2 3 4
Sling & Shield
Any Downgrade Skirmishers to Irregular -1 0
Any Remove Shield from Skirmishers -1 0
0-8 Thracian UI Warriors Irregular Axe, Javelin & 3 4 0
0-16 Spanish UI Warriors Irregular Pilum & Shield 3 3 0
0-16 Galatian UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 4 4 0
Warband (F)
0-8 Syrian Horse SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 4
0-6 Arabs LACm Poor Irregular Javelin or Bow & 3 6 0
Or LCm Shield or 2 or 4
0-16 Hellenic LAI Warriors Trained Pike or Long 4 6 8
Phalangites Spear & Shield
0-12 Hellenic UI Warriors Trained Long Spear, 4 (L) 6 4
Peltasts Javelin & Shield
0-4 Elephants EL Warriors Irregular Javelin & Bow 1 17 0
0-4 Light Artillery ARTY Warriors Trained Artillery 1 9 0
(2 crew)
0-6 Ships +3 0
0-1 1st Supply Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 1
Supply Units

 Players are encouraged to select their non-Roman troops from the various regional groups representing
locally raised contingents. Some ethnic groups such as Gallic and Spanish troops were more likely to
serve outside their normal territory because of the long-term affiliation with the Romans.


A constant source of aggravation to Rome, especially after the Battle of Teutoberger Wald in 9 AD, the
Germans never accepted Roman rule and were always tough, arrogant foes. The Roman frontier with the
Germans (the Rhine and Danube Rivers) were heavily fortified and garrisoned, although trade was
permitted with friendly Germans. Any weakening of the defences usually resulted in German attacks into
Roman provinces. Despite their long-standing conflict, the Romans eagerly recruited Germans into their

An army can be representative of a local tribal chief with his personal comitatus (retainers or retinue) and a
levy of all able bodied men (accompanied by a large cheering section comprising the wives, mothers,
girlfriends and children), or a larger allied army of clans of the same tribe or even a confederation of tribes.
Members of a comitatus were both relatives and followers of a chief, and warriors attracted by the prestige,
power, charisma and successes of a chief or king. Despite their origin, warriors of the comitatus were
generally very faithful to their leader at least until he lost status or was killed!

A leader was expected to reward loyal service with land, wealth and victories. This tended to inspire the
Germans to pick on weaker neighbours and the wealthy Romans.

Tactical Hints: The warbands are the backbone of the German armies, supported by more of the same.
The cavalry are useful on the flanks or as support for the warbands. Upgrading to fanatics is always an
adventure in command and control. This is an army for any level of player.

Enemies: Early German, Celtic Gaul, Sarmatians, Marian/Caesarian, Early and Middle Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 52 1
Chief Shield
HI 4 47
0-3 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 37 1
HI 4 32
6-12 Nobles LAC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 10 6
0-4 Upgrade LAC to HC +2 0
Any Nobles to Fanatics +2 0
0-8 Tencteri Horse SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 4
24-144 German UI Warband Irregular Various & 4 4 36
Warbands (F) Shield
0-1/3 Upgrade Warbands to Veteran +1 12
0-1/2 Substitute Long Spear for Various 0 12
0-1/4 Upgrade UI to HI Veterans as Comitatus +3 8
Any Change Close Order to Loose Order 3 -1 12
6-36 Skirmishers SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 6
0-12 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 6
Any Upgrade Archers to UI to Loose Order 3 +1 0
0-12 Axemen UI Warband Irregular Axe & Shield 3 3 4
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-1 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

Before 51 BC
1* Gallic Ally HC Veteran Irregular Javelin 1 36 0
0-6* Gallic Cavalry LAC Warrior Irregular Spear & 3 10 0
2-6* Gallic Chariots LCh Veteran Irregular Javelin 1 9 0
Any Extra to upgrade Gallic Cavalry to Veterans 0
0-2 Upgrade to Gallic Veteran LAC to Heavy Cavalry +2 0
12-24* Gallic Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 3 3 0
(F) Shield

After 25 AD
0-8 Sarmatian LAC Veterans Irregular Lance & 3 10 0
Cavalry Bow
Any Upgrade Sarmatian LAC to HC +2 0
Any Upgrade Sarmatian HC to AC +2 0

Only in 69 AD
1* Roman General HC Veteran Trained Javelin & 3 38 1
0-6 Roman Cavalry HC Warriors Trained Javelin & 3 11 0
Any Upgrade cavalry to Veteran +2 0
0-16* Legionarii HI Warriors Trained Pilum & 4 6 4
8-16* Roman Auxilia HI Warriors Trained Javelin & 4 (L) 6 8
Any Upgrade infantry to Veteran +1 0

 German foot may use wedge.
 The Roman allies represent the units that followed Civilis into revolt during the civil war of 69-70 AD.
The Roman general can be upgraded to CinC at 53 points.


The Pontic king, modestly called Mithridates the Great, managed to battle against Rome, and defeated
several Roman armies over the course of three wars. His kingdom on the coast of the Black Sea in northern
Asia Minor was used as a springboard for the conquest of the various neighbouring states and the growing
Roman province of Asia. Mithradates’s armies even invaded Greece before being defeated and crushed by
the Romans. After which Mithradates fled to his remaining territory in the Crimean Peninsula.

His son Pharnaces attempted to re-establish the kingdom during the civil war between Julius Caesar and
Pompey the Great. Caesar was able to defeat Pharnaces after one of his subordinates was defeated and sent
the famous message to Rome to inform the Senate of his victory; “Veni, Vidi, Vici” (I came, I saw, I

The Pontic army was very exotic, combining Hellenic and barbarian troops. Its core was made up of
mounted Persian and Kappadokian nobles and reportedly large numbers of infantry, both Pontic and
mercenary. Additional cavalry were drawn from the Rhoxolani (a Sarmatian tribe), various Asian groups
including Parthians, Armenians and Skythians, and Galatians. Included among the infantry were Bastarnae
(a Thracian tribe), Galatians, Greeks, Roman deserters, Armenians and even freed slaves. The latter were
armed as Makedonian phalangites.

Scythed chariots, heavily armoured lancers (Armenian cataphracts) and imitation Roman legionarii were
employed in vain attempts to defeat the veteran soldiers of Rome.

Tactical Hints: This is a multi-dimensional army and can be infantry or cavalry-heavy or a more balanced
force. The cavalry, scythed chariots, Galatians and Bastarnae are the shock troops. Support them with the
legionarii, peltasts and phalangites. Crush the flanks and hold the centre. Its versatility is increased by the
ability to make use of just about any type of terrain or tactic. This is a decent army for beginners, but very
dangerous in the hands of an expert.

Enemies: Sarmatian, Marian/Caesarian Roman, Bosporan Kingdom.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 52 1
chief Shield
0-4 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 37 1
4-8 Pontic Cavalry HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 12 4
Any Substitute Lance or Javelin for Spear & Shield -1 0
0-1/2 Upgrade Pontic HC to AC +2 2
8-24 Pontic Light SC Warriors Irregular Javelin or 2 4 8
Cavalry Bow &
0-8 Skythian Cavalry SC Warriors Irregular Spear, Bow 2 5 0
& Shield
0-6 Bosporan Nobles HC Veterans Irregular Lance & 3 12 4
Any Upgrade Bosporan Nobles to AC +2 0
0-8 Rhoxolani LAC Veterans Irregular Spear, Bow 3 11 0
Cavalry & Shield
Any Upgrade Rhoxolani LAC to HC +2 0
Any Upgrade Rhoxolani HC to AC +2 0
8-16 Peltasts UI Warriors Trained Long Spear, 4 (L) 6 8
Javelin &
0-12 Skirmishers SI Warriors Irregular Sling or Bow 2 1 6
Any Extra to give Shield to SI +1 6
6-36 Javelinmen UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 3 8
4-24 Archers UI Warriors Irregular Bow 3 2 6
Any Exchange UI missile troops for SI 2 -1 0
0-6 Thracians UI Warriors Irregular Javelin, Axe 3 4 4
& Shield
0-8 Galatian UI Warband Irregular Various & 4 4 4
Warbands (F) Shield
0-6 Bastarnae UI Fanatics Irregular Axe or 3 5 0
Javelin &
2-6* Chariots HCh Fanatics Irregular Scythes 1 19 0
0-4 Ships 3 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-3 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

Before 84 BC
4-12* Phalangites LAI Warriors Trained Pike & 4 6 0
4-12* Ex-Slaves UI Poor Trained Pike & 4 4 0
0-1/2 Upgrade LAI to HI +1 0
Any Upgrade Slaves to Warriors +1 0

After 84 BC
8-24 Imitation HI Poor Trained Pilum & 4 7 0
Legionarii Shield

 Minima * apply if any are used.
 Pontic cavalry consisted of Persian and Kappadocian nobles, and their retainers. They may have
fought with javelin as did their ancestors under the Achaemenid Persians or as lance-armed like their
Armenian and Hellenistic neighbours or with spear and shield like Roman cavalry.
 Skythians may use wedge.

9. KUSHAN INDIAN: 130 BC - 400 AD

The Kushan or Kuei-shang were one of the five major Yueh-Chih groups that moved westward into Central
Asia. The Kushan became the most dominant of the Yueh-Chih and also controlled the easternmost Saka.
The Kushans invaded Bactrian Greek territory, captured northern India, then invaded Iran and western Asia
before their power declined in the face of the Sassanians, Indians and others. The remnants of their empire
fell to the Chionite Huns by the late 4 th Century AD. The Greeks and Romans referred to the empire as that
of the Indo-Sykthians.

This is another powerful army with cataphracts, chariots, elephants and Indian archers. The majority of the
Kushan troops were horse archers and armoured lancers supported by allied or subject troops.

Tactical Hints: I feel that this is the strongest Indian army because of the vast variety of powerful troop
types. Elephants and heavy chariots should be in the centre, with cavalry on the flanks and the foot in
support. This is tough to beat. It is a good for any level of player.

Enemies: Indian, Graeco-Bactrian, Graeco-Indian, Hun, Parthian and Sassanian Persian.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Lance & 3 52 1
Chief Bow
0-4 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Lance & 3 37 1
0-2* Change CinC and Generals to Elephant with Longbow & Spear +6 0
8-16 Kushan Noble HC Veterans Irregular Lance & 3 12 0
Cavalry Bow
Any Upgrade Kushan HC to AC +2 0
8-16** Kushan CAT Veteran Irregular Lance 4 17 8
8-32 Kushan Horse SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 8
Any Give Spear to Kushan SC +1 0
Any Give Shield to Kushan SC +1 0
0-12 Bactrian Camels LACm Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 8 0
0-16 Kushan Foot UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 3 6
Any Change UI Kushan Foot to SI -1 0
0-8 Archers UI Warriors Irregular Bow & 3 3 0
0-12 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 0
4-8* Hellenised LAI Warriors Trained Pike or Long 4 6 8
Phalangites Spear &
4-9* Hellenised UI Warriors Trained Long Spear, 4 (L) 6 4
Peltasts Javelin &
0-8* Indian Elephants El Warriors Irregular Spear & 1 17 4
0-6* Indian Chariots HCh Warriors Irregular Spear & 1 15 0
0-6* Indian Cavalry UC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 6 0
8-16* Indian Archers UI Warriors Irregular Longbow & 4 4 0
4-8* Indian Javelinmen UI Warriors Irregular Javelin, Axe 4 5 0
& Shield
0-1* Saka Ally General HC Veteran Irregular Lance & 3 37 1
2-8* Saka Noble HC Veterans Irregular Lance & 3 12 0
Cavalry Bow
4-16* Saka Light SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 0
Any Give Spear to Saka SC +1 0
Any Give Shield to Saka SC +1 0
0-1 1 Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 *Minima apply if any of that nationality are used. Elephant-mounted generals may only be used with
 Troops marked** may only be used if all generals are AC or elephant-mounted. They must then
replace an equal number of Nobles that are used.
 Elephants do not affect Indian horses.


Republican Rome faced several major slave revolts and that of Spartacus the gladiator was the most
serious. It rocked the very foundations of Roman security. Not since the 2 nd Punic War had such panic
swept through the Italian peninsula. Seventy thousand vengeful ex-slaves running rampant throughout the
heart of the empire put the Roman field armies to the supreme test. They ultimately passed. The army of
Marcus Crassus defeated the bulk of the rebels and the forces of Pompey the Great mopped up the
remnants (and then garnered most of the credit).

The army consisted of various ethnic groups, whose common language was Latin. Only some of the slaves
were experienced fighters, particularly the gladiators of whom many filled key command positions. The
remainder made up for their lack of combat skills with their strong and passionate anti-Roman feelings.
Tactical Hints: If you are an excellent commander and need a challenge, this army is for you. Try keeping
the poor quality troops out of trouble! Try to force a flank with the pitifully few cavalry available.
Upgrade everything and hope that your opponent is so busy salivating at the prospect of facing your army
that he makes a disastrous error in tactics. Good luck.

Enemies: Marian/Caesarian Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 52 1
chief Shield
0-2 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 37 1
4-12 Gladiators HI Veteran Irregular Pilum & 4 7 4
0-6 Cavalry HC Veterans Irregular Spear & 3 10 0
2-10 Light Cavalry SC Veteran Irregular Javelin & 2 4 4
Any Upgrade any of the above Cavalry to Fanatic +2 0
36-124 Ex-Slaves UI Warriors Irregular Various & 3 3 36
Any Upgrade (L) foot to close order foot 4 +1 36
Any Upgrade UI to LAI +1 36
0-1/4 Upgrade LAI to HI +1 6
Any Upgrade HI weapon from Various to Pilum 0 36
Any Upgrade HI to Veteran +1 6
0-24 Skirmishers SI Warriors Irregular Javelin or 2 2 4
Sling &
12-48 Armed Slaves UI Poor Irregular Spear or 3 2 12
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-1 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Ex-Slaves and Slaves may be in mixed weapon, armour and morale units.

11. SCOTS-IRISH: 55 BC-450 AD

The Romans soon found that they could defeat the Celtic Britons, but the Scots (or Picts and Caledonians)
were another story. Frustrated by their raids and border attacks, the Romans built two walls (that of
Claudian and Hadrian) across Scotland to keep the enemy from pouring into Romanised territory.

Tactical Hints: This army is similar to the Celtic Britons in composition. Tactically, following British
tactics is the best bet. Tough and unpredictable, the Scots are always a challenge to command.

Enemies: Early, Middle and Late Imperial Roman, Celtic British.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in LCh Veteran Irregular Javelin 1 49 1
0-1 Generals LCh Veteran Irregular Javelin 1 34 1
0-2 Generals LAI Veteran Irregular Various & 3 31 0
6-32 Chariots LCh Veteran Irregular Javelin 1 9 10

0-8 Upgrade LCh to Fanatics +1 2

36-144 Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 3 3 48
(F) Shield
0-8 Upgrade UI to LAI Veterans +1 8
0-8 Gailiana UI Fanatics Irregular Various & 3 5 0
6-24 Skirmishers SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 12
0-6 Ships 3 0
0-1 Religious Relic 30 0

0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1

0-1 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Chariots may transport Loose Order foot.


This is the army of the early Roman principate and one of the most well known armies of history. Though
the empire continued to expand, civil war and barbarian incursions kept the Roman armies in a constant
state of preparedness. These armies are among the best the Romans ever fielded.

You must decide between an Eastern or Western force

Tactical Hints: I recommend experimenting with this army. Tactics can be quite diverse, as the army is
well balanced though a bit light on cavalry. There is no shortage of enemies! This is a good army for any
level of player.

Western enemies: Sarmatian, Spanish, Numidian, Early Germans, Celtic Britons, Later Moorish, Scots-

Eastern enemies: Armenian, Parthian, Sarmatian, Dacian, Jewish Revolt, Alan.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Trained Spear & Shield 3 53 1
0-5 General HC Veteran Trained Spear & Shield 3 38 1
0-6 Praetorian HC Veteran Trained Spear & Shield 3 13 0
0-8 Praetorian HI Veteran Trained Pilum & Shield 4 8 2
8-36 Legionarii HI Warriors Trained Pilum & Shield 4 7 12
8-24 Auxilia HI Warrior Trained Javelin & Shield 4 (L) 7 12
0-8 Auxiliary HI Warrior Trained Bow 4 (L) 6 0
4-8 Equites Alares HC Warriors Trained Spear & Shield 3 11 4
0-4 Catafractarii HC Warriors Trained Lance 3 10 0
0-6 Roman Light SC Warrior Trained Javelin & Shield 2 5 2
4-24 Skirmishers SI Warrior Trained Bow or Sling & 2 3 8
Any Upgrade above Cavalry to Veteran +2 0
Any Upgrade above Infantry to Veteran +1 0
Any Downgrade above Infantry to Poor -1 0
0-6 Ships +3 0
0-4 Light Artillery ARTY Warriors Trained Artillery 1 9 0
(2 crew)
0-4 Heavy Artillery ARTY Warriors Trained Artillery 1 13 0
(4 crew)
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

Only in Western Armies

0-6 Balearic SI Warriors Irregular Sling & Shield 2 2 0
Any Upgrade Balearic Slingers to Trained +1 0
0-8 Allied UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 3 3 0
Warbands (F)
4-8* Sarmatian HC Veteran Irregular Lance & Bow 3 12 0
Any Upgrade Sarmatian Cavalry to AC +2 0

Only in Eastern Armies

1* Armenian Ally CAT Veteran Irregular Lance 3 40 0
2-4* Armenian CAT Warriors Irregular Lance 3 13 0
Any Upgrade Cataphracts to Veterans +2 0
6-12* Armenian SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 0
6-12* Armenian UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 3 0
Javelinmen SI 2 2
0-12 Camels LACm Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 8 0
0-4 Dromedarii HCm Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 10 0

 Minima marked * apply only if any are used.
 Warband Rule applies.
 Praetorians may also represent the guards of senior generals or provincial governors. The Praetorian
cavalry may be depicted as the Germans of the Equites Augusti Singulari.


The Celtic tribes of Briton were originally from the continent and migrated to Briton during the same
period as other Celtic groups settled in Northern Italy, Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. They dominated
the earlier inhabitants of Briton, many of whom were pushed into the western coastal areas of Cornwall,
Wales and Scotland. Despite close ties with their continental relatives, the British Celts continued to rely
on nobles in war chariots accompanied by their retainers on foot. When Caesar and Claudius landed on the
shores of Britain, they were met by Celtic armies made up of light chariots, cavalry and fanatic foot.
Though highly undisciplined and likely to break formation and attack anything in range, the Britons were
fearsome to face.

The Celtic Britons fought several major wars with the Romans before the latter were able to establish a
relatively peaceful province covering most of modern England and Wales. The initial Roman attempt was
opposed by a coalition of tribes led by Caractacus. One of the most colourful characters was Boadicea,
queen of the Iceni. Her army destroyed the Roman colony of Colchester and slaughtered most of the Legio
IX Hispania before its defeat at the hands of provincial governor Suetonius and the bulk of the Roman
provincial army.

Tactical Hints: Use the Druid altar to stabilise morale. Upgrade the chariots to fanatics and use them to
smash into the enemy centre. Cavalry are best on the flanks, supported by warbands, while Gaesati are best
used for supporting the chariot attacks. This is a tough army to control, but always exciting and visually

Enemies: Celtic Britons, Scots-Irish, Early Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in LCh Veteran Irregular Javelin 1 49 1
0-5 General LCh Veteran Irregular Javelin 1 34 1
0-1 Druid Sacred Altar 1 30 0
4-28 Chariots LCh Veteran Irregular Javelin 1 9 10
0-8 Upgrade to Fanatics +1 0
8-24 Cavalry SC Warrior Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 4 8
36-120 Celtic Warband UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 3 3 42
0-24 Gaesati UI Fanatic Irregular Various & Shield 3 5 0
8-24 Skirmishers SI Warrior Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 2 8
4-12 Skirmishers SI Warrior Irregular Sling & Shield 2 2 4
0-12 Skirmishers SI Warrior Irregular Bow 2 1 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Warband Rule applies.
 Chariot transport rule applies.


The nomadic desert tribes that dwelt in the eastern desert of Nubia and Egypt were a constant thorn in the
side of their neighbours and their Roman overlords. The two major tribes were the Blemmyes (Beja) and
Nobades (Nubians). The large numbers of cavalry, camels and loose-order spearmen/archers make an
interesting, mobile and (if upgraded to fanatic) hard-hitting army.

Tactical Hints: Use the cavalry on the flanks, with elephants and camels in the centre. The foot is for
support. I have faced this army in the past under numerous rules sets. When well led, it is nearly
invincible. If poorly led, it dies quickly. It is okay for any level, but great for experienced players.

Enemies: Middle and Later Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear, Bow 3 53 1
Chief & Shield
0-3 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Spear, Bow 3 38 1
& Shield
12-36 Cavalry HC Veteran Irregular Spear, Bow 3 13 14
& Shield
All or None Upgrade all HC to Fanatics (Optional for Generals & Commander in Chief) +2 0
4-24 Spearmen UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 3 8
6-36 Archers UI Warriors Irregular Bow 3 2 16
12-36 Skirmisher SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 12
0-12 Javelinmen SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 0

0-6 Elephants El Warriors Irregular Javelin & 1 17 0

0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 1
Supply Units

After 200AD
0-24 Camels LACm Warriors Irregular Bow & 3 8 0
0-8 Light Camels LCm Warriors Irregular Bow 2 4 0

 UI may be in mixed weapon units.

15. LATER MOORISH: 25-450 AD

The northern African Moors fought Vandals and Romans, revolting against Roman rule with frequency.
This army is a real challenge to use.

Tactical Hints: The Moors are basically a skirmishing army, and not a great one at that! Why include
them? Their exuberance, tenacity and sheer will in continually foiling Roman ambitions is reason enough.

If you can win with this army, you are truly a great commander.

Enemies: Early, Middle and Later Imperial Roman, Vandal.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 52 1
Chief Shield
0-3 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 37 1
24-144 Light Cavalry SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 36
Any Upgrade SC to Camel-proof +1 0

0-1/3 Upgrade SC to Veteran +2 6

0-12 Upgrade SC to HC, Veteran 3 +8 6

0-24 Camels LACm Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 8 0

24-144 Javelinmen SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 24
Any Exchange SI for Poor UI 3 0 12
0-16 Archers or SI Warriors Irregular Bow or Sling 2 2 6
Slingers & Shield
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-3 Additional Supply - - - - 10 1
Supply Units
 Numidian cavalry may only be camel-proof if any camels are used.

16. ALANS: 50-450 AD

The Alans were an Asiatic nomadic tribal grouping of Iranian origin that first settled on the northern slopes
of the Caucasus Mountains. Some moved west with the Sarmatians and much later many were driven west
by the Huns. They settled in a variety of areas including Gaul, where they formed a colony, which
provided troops for the Roman armies. This group fought as allies under their king, Sangiban, with the late
Roman army of Aetius against the Huns of Attila. Others remained in Central Asia, where they fought with
successive waves of migrating nomads.

Not a strong or large army in comparison to most of their neighbours, but given their scattering from the
Caucasus to beyond the Pyrenees over many centuries, an Alan army gives the wargamer a wide range of
‘historical’ enemies to battle. Any wargamer who has already built an eastern European army or two from
the Dark Ages and early medieval periods could probably make up this army from figures he already has.
For what it’s worth, the Alan tribal colours were blue and red.

Tactical Hints: This army used typical steppe horse-archer tactics like the Huns, Hu, Skythians and others.
The horse-archers can form a forward line with the objective of disordering enemy units with a support line
of nobles to finish them off. The axemen are ideal for defending the wagon laager supported by the foot
and archers. The foot and archers are effective in woods and rough terrain.

Enemies: Early, Middle and Late Imperial Roman, Hun, Later German, Ostrogothic, Parthian, Sassanian
Persian, Early Frankish, Sarmatian

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weapons Figs/ Point Basic Army Army
Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander-in- HC Veteran Irregular Lance, Bow 3 53 1
Chief & Shield
0-3 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Lance, Bow 3 38 0
& Shield
6-16 Nobles HC Veteran Irregular Lance, Bow 3 13 8
& Shield
Any Extra to upgrade to AC +2 0

0-1/2 Extra to upgrade to Fanatic +2 0

16-48 Horse Archers SC Warriors Irregular Bow & 2 4 24

0-48 Extra to give Spear to SC +1 24

0-12 Extra to upgrade SC to Veteran +2 0

0-12 Extra to upgrade SC to Fanatic +2 0

4-24* Axemen LAI Warriors Irregular Axe & 4 5 4

0-8 Extra to upgrade Axemen to HI, Veteran +2 0

4-24* Foot UI Warriors Irregular Spear, Bow 3 4 8

& Shield
4-16* Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow & 2 2 4
0-12 Wagons - - - - - 0
0-1 1 Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 1
Supply Units

 Minima * must be used if any infantry or wagons are used.
 War Wagon Rule applies.

17. DACIAN: 80-106 AD

The Dacians were related to the Thracians and occupied much of modern Hungary. Inhabiting a land of
mountain ranges and forests gave the Dacians plenty of room for driving the Romans crazy. It took the
Romans several campaigns to subjugate the Dacian kingdom.

The Dacians represent the enemies depicted on the famous Trajan’s Column in Rome, which is one of the
best pictorial records of the Roman military on campaign. The army included Dacians, the Thracian tribe
of the Bastarnae and Rhoxolani (Sarmatian) allies.

Tactical Hints: For the gamer that wants a remote control army, the Dacians are perfect. Upgrade the foot
to fanatic and head towards the enemy baseline. Use delaying terrain, ambushes and flank attacks.
Remember to support your attacking units.

This is an interesting army, but a nightmare for command and control.

Enemies: Sarmatians and Early Imperial Rome.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in SC Veteran Irregular Javelin & 2 45 1
chief Shield
0-2 General SC Veteran Irregular Javelin & 2 30 0
0-1 General HI Veterans Irregular Axe & 4 31 0
0-16 Scouts SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 4
48-96 Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 3 3 48
(F) Shield
8-16 Axemen UI Warband Irregular Axe & 3 3 8
(F) Shield
Any Upgrade any Warbands to Fanatics +2 0
12-36 Archers UI Warriors Irregular Bow 3 2 12
0-12 Skirmishers SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 0
1* Rhoxolani Ally AC Veteran Irregular Lance & 3 39 1
General Bow
0-12* Rhoxolani AC Veteran Irregular Lance & 3 14 4
Nobles Bow
0-8* Rhoxolani HC Warriors Irregular Lance & 3 10 0
Cavalry Bow
0-4 Light Artillery ARTY Warriors Irregular Bolts 2 Crew 8 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units
 Minima * apply if any Rhoxolani used.
 Warbands may be in mixed weapon units.

18. JEWISH REVOLT: 66-135 AD

The armies of Masada and Josephus fought for their freedom from Roman domination with varying degrees
of failure. As apt to fight against themselves as the Romans, the Jewish tribes fought with ferocity akin to
the recreations in the movies The Last Temptation of Christ and Masada.
Tactical Hints: The Jewish army is a challenge to control. The zealots and warbands, even the archers,
will attack anything within range. If you are up for it, this army can provide an exciting and unpredictable

This is not a beginner's army!

Enemy: Early Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HI Veteran Trained Javelin or 4 (L) 48 1
Chief Spear &
0-3 Generals HI Veteran Trained Javelin or 4 (L) 33 1
Spear &
2-6* Josephus' UC Warriors Irregular Spear & 3 6 2
Cavalry Shield
2-6* Josephus' HI Veteran Trained Javelin or 4 (L) 8 4
Bodyguard Spear &
12-60* Josephus' Foot UI Poor Trained Javelin & 4 (L) 4 12
6-18* Josephus' SI Warriors Trained Bow 2 2 6
24-72 Jewish Foot UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 3 24
0-24 Exchange for Warband Warband (F) +0 12
0-8 Upgrade any UI to HI with captured armour +2 4
18-36 Zealots UI Fanatics Irregular Javelin & 3 3 18
6-12 Zealot Archers SI Fanatics Irregular Bow & 2 4 6
Any Upgrade to SI to UI 3 +1 6
0-12 Slingers SI Warriors Irregular Sling & 2 2 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-2 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 *Minima apply if any of Josephus's troops are used.


The Roman military became increasingly specialised as its enemies increased in numbers and complexity.
The legion acquired a variety of special troop types including both foot and horse. While the overall
strength of the legiones remained about the same at about 5000-6000, it was becoming more common to
form contingents or vexillationes. A group of such units became a temporary field army to reduce the risk
of denuding a section of the frontier of troops.

One of the most powerful Roman armies, the forces of this period are extremely tenacious and tough to
defeat. There are horse archers, cataphracts, the some of the best legionarii ever fielded, plenty of artillery,
auxiliaries and fierce allies. All in all, this is the best of the Roman armies, reflecting the stable nature of
the far-flung empire at this time.
Tactical Hints: Use the legionarii to hold the centre, position the horse to the flanks supported by allies
and destroy your opponent. Infantry can be either formed as a single line or as two lines in the centre. The
lines can further be split into legionarii and auxilia. This is a good army for any level of player.

Enemies: Parthian, Sassanian Persian, Middle and Later Imperial Roman, Early Frankish, Early and Later
German, Visigothic, Blemye,

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Trained Spear & 3 53 1
Chief Shield
0-5 Generals HC Veteran Trained Spear & 3 38 1
2-16 Roman Cavalry HC Warriors Trained Spear & 3 11 2
0-8 Roman Light SC Warriors Trained Javelin & 2 5 4
Cavalry Shield
0-4 Cataphracts CAT Warriors Trained Lance 4 16 0
0-1/2 Upgrade any cavalry to Veterans +2 0
16-64 Legionarii LAI Warriors Trained Pilum & 4 6 16
4-8 Lanciarii LAI Warriors Trained Spear & 4 (L) 6 4
Any Give javelin to Legionarii and Lanciarii +1 0
4-24 Auxilia UI Warriors Trained Javelin & 4 (L) 5 4
0-12 Auxilia Archers UI Warriors Trained Bow & 4 (L) 5 0
0-1/2 Upgrade Legionarii, Lanciarii and Auxilia to HI +1/+2 0
0-18 Skirmishers SI Warriors Trained Bow, Javelin 2 3 0
or Sling &
0-1/2 Upgrade Legionarii, Auxilia, Archers and Skirmishers to Veteran as Palatina +1 0
0-8 Upgrade any cavalry or infantry to Elite as Praetorians or guards +2/+1 0
1* Visigothic Ally HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 37 0
General Shield
2-6* Visigothic HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 12 0
Nobles Shield
4-12* Visigothic UI Warband Irregular Various or 3 3 0
Warriors (F) Javelin &
0-16 German UI Warband Irregular Various & 3 3 0
Warriors (F) Shield
0-4 Light Artillery ARTY Warriors Trained Bolts 2 Crew 9 0
0-2 Heavy Artillery ARTY Warriors Trained Stones 4 Crew 12 0
0-6 Moorish Horse SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 0
0-8 Horse Archers SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 4
0-4 Dromedarii HCm Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 10 0
0-4 Camels LACm Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 5 0
ANy Upgrade Dromedarii and Camels to Trained +2 0
0-4 Ships 3 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 *Minima apply.
 Legionarii javelins are actually darts and can be used without penalty unless a 10 is rolled.
 Warband Rule applies.

20. LATER GERMAN: 250-450 AD

After centuries of conflict with the Roman Empire, the various Germanic peoples coalesced into large
confederations along the Rhine and Danube Rivers. This list represents these confederations and major
tribes such as the Alemanni, Burgundians, Suebi (Swabians), Bavarians, Thuringians, Rugians, Sciri,
Quadi, Marcommani and Turcilingi.

The basic tactics had not changed; the nobles and their comitatus formed a cadre around which the warband
was built from other able bodied males. Most of the warriors still relied on the framea and clubs, although
the long exposure to the Romans had resulted in increased use of armour and the introduction of Pilum-like
spears known as angons or bebrae. Cavalry still tended to be used in small numbers.

Tactical Hints: This army is tough to command for any level of player. The huge numbers of warbands
are impossible to control effectively, even with four generals. If you want a real challenge, you cannot go
wrong here.

Enemies: Later German, Early Frankish, Vandal, Visigothic, Middle and Later Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 47 1
Chief Shield
0-3 Generals HI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 32 1
6-18 Noble Cavalry HC Veterans Irregular Spear & 3 12 8
6-18 Noble Foot LAI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 6 8
Any Upgrade LAI to HI +1 8

36-172 Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 4 4 42

(F) Shield
0-8 Upgrade Warbands to HI Veterans +3 4
Any Upgrade any UI to Fanatics +2 6
0-1/4 Change front rank weapon to Pilum for Noble Foot and Warbands 0 10
0-12 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 0
4-16 Scouts SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 4
0-4 Mounted Scouts SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 4
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-2 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Any foot may be in mixed armour units.

21. PALMYRAN: 260-272 AD

Following the defeat of the Roman army of the Emperor Valerian in 260 AD, the trading city of Palmyra
(located in modern Syria) successfully prevented the Sassanian Persians from conquering the Roman
provinces of the Middle East. Under their king, Odenathus, the Palmyrans gained control of the eastern
Roman provinces, often with the support of Roman administrators and soldiers. The amazing thing about
the Palmyrans is that they were so successful, facing Sassanians, Romans, Goths and many others. Their
short independence ended when the Romans under Aurelian defeated the famous queen Zenobia, wife and
successor of Odenathus.

The army was similar to that of the Parthians and Sassanian Persians with its reliance on armoured and
skirmishing cavalry. To this mix can be added the various types of Roman troops and Arabs (often used as
caravan guards).

Tactical Hints: Using close order cataphracts, skirmish cavalry, camels and unarmoured infantry archers,
you have a very unique and colourful army that will confound your opponent. Use the cataphracts behind
your skirmish cavalry, camels and archers. Wear down your opponent and then charge in.

This is a good army or any level of player.

Enemies: Visigothic, Sassanian Persian and Middle Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in CAT Elites Trained Lance 3 58 1
0-4 Generals CAT Elites Trained Lance 3 43 1

6-24 Palmyran CAT Veterans Trained Lance 3 16 8

All or None Upgrade CAT to close order 4 +2 0
0-12 Skirmish Cavalry SC Warriors Trained Spear, Bow 2 6 0
& Shield
0-12 Horse Archers SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 8
12-36 Archers UI Warriors Trained Bow & 4 (L) 5 16
6-24 Skirmishers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 6
1* Roman Ally- HC Veteran Trained Spear & 3 38 0
General Shield
4-12* Legionarii HI Warriors Trained Pilum & 4 7 0
2-8* Roman LAI Warriors Trained Javelin & 4 (L) 6 0
Auxiliaries Shield
0-4* Roman Cavalry HC Warriors Trained Spear & 3 11 0
0-10 Arab Camels LCm Warriors Irregular Javelin or 2 5 0
Bow &
0-4 Arab HCm Warriors Irregular Spear, Bow 3 11 0
Caravan Guards & Shield
0-2 Bolt Shooter ARTY Warriors Trained Bolts 2 Crew 11 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Minima * apply if any Romans are used.


These are the forerunners of the Vikings in that they took to the water and raided along the coastlines of the
Roman Empire. They occupied the coastal regions of modern Holland, Germany and Denmark. Enemies
of the Britons, Franks, Visigoths and Romans, these Germanic tribes were dynamic, powerful and very

Tactical Hints: This army is tough to command for any level of player. The huge numbers of warbands
are impossible to control effectively, even with four generals. If you want a real challenge, you cannot go
wrong here.

Enemies: Early Frankish, Visigothic, Middle and Later Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 47 1
Chief Shield
0-3 Generals HI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 32 1
6-18 Noble Foot LAI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 6 8
Any Upgrade LAI to HI +1 8

Any Change Various to Pilum 0 8

36-172 Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 4 4 48
(F) Shield
0-8 Upgrade Warbands to HI Veterans +3 4
Any Upgrade any UI to Fanatics +2 6
0-1/4 Change front rank weapon to Pilum 0 12
0-12 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 0
4-16 Scouts SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 4
0-4 Mounted Scouts SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 4
0-16 Ships 3 0

0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1

0-2 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Any Noble Foot and Warbands may be in mixed armour and weapon units.


The Sassanian Persian Empire rose after the Persians defeated their Parthian overlords in the early 3 rd
Century AD. The dynasty considered itself to be the legitimate successor to the Achaemenid Persians and
disregarded the interval between the last ruler of the old Persian dynasty and the ascent of the new. As a
result, the Sassanians claimed ownership of all territory of the Achaemenid Empire at its zenith. Enemies
of India, Palmyra, the Huns and Rome, the Sassanians utilised vast numbers of subjects, levies and
mercenaries to maintain their power.

The core of the army was the cavalry, primarily nobles and their retainers (aswaran). The most heavily
armoured known as tanurigh (oven men). Initially, the composition was much like that of the Parthian
armies with a small number of armoured nobles supported by large numbers of lightly armoured horse-
archers. As armour became more common, the number of heavy cavalry increased. The Royal military
forces consisted of guard units, and members of the royal family and their retainers. The most famous were
the Immortals named after the earlier Achaemenid guards. They were a heavy assault force kept in reserve.
Other royal troops included the pushtighban, who may have numbered 1000 and may have been a guard
regiment. The gyanavspar (sacrificers of their lives) were possibly ecclesiastical (Zoroastrian) cavalry or
maybe mercenaries. Periodically thousands of resettled captives, including Armenians, Georgians, Alans,
Kushan, and others, were incorporated into the army. They were eventually re-equipped and absorbed into
the Persian forces.

The infantry consisted of local militia, mercenaries and levied peasants. There were contingents of archers,
slingers, javelinmen, and close-order infantry. The paighan were a local militia and police force. They
probably formed the bulk of the infantry. Mercenary contingents included Armenians, Kurds, Daylami and
other neighbours often hired to garrison forts and urban centres.

Indian elephants were featured in later armies and often supported the infantry. They were used along with
the cavalry to frighten the enemy soldiers and horses. The elephants were typically held as a reserve force
because it was difficult to replace them.

The Sassanians used two types of banners; a long narrow flag or pennant and a large rectangle suspended
from a crossbar. The royal banner was of the latter type and known as the Drafsh-t-kavyan and was carried
by priests.

Along the western frontier, the Sassanians relied on their Lakhmid Arab allies to safeguard the desert
region. In the east, various Asiatic nomads provided similar service.

Tactical Hints: This is a very powerful and colourful army. Use the armoured cavalry as primarily an
assault force and in support of the skirmish cavalry that can cover flanks and move upon the enemy. The
elephants should be in the centre with the levy foot. Use the unarmoured loose-order foot in support. You
have the strength to batter through virtually any defender. This is an okay army for any level, and a good
army for an experienced player.

Enemies: Armenian, Parthian, Palmyran, Kushan Indian, Middle and Late Imperial Roman, and Hun.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in AC Veteran Irregular Lance & Bow 3 54 1
0-5 General AC Veteran Irregular Lance & Bow 3 39 1

0-12 Tanurigh CAT Veteran Irregular Lance 3 15 2

All/0 Upgrade to Close Order 4 +2 0
8-32 Aswaran HC Veteran Irregular 1/2 Lance & 1/2 3 12 8
Any Upgrade to AC +2 0
Any Extra to double arm with Bow & Lance +1 0
0-4 Upgrade to Elite as Imperial Guard (Immortals) +1 0
Any Upgrade CinC and Elite to Trained +1 0
0-8 Upgrade to Fanatic as Gyanavspar +1 0
Any Downgrade to Warrior -1 0
8-24 Subject Cavalry SC Warriors Irregular Bow 2 3 8
Any Extra to give Spear to SC +1 0
Any Extra to give Shield to SC +1 0
Any Downgrade SC to Poor -1 0
6-24* Mercenary SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 6
0-16 Mercenary SI Warriors Irregular Sling & Shield 2 2 6
0-16 Mercenary SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 2 0
Any Upgrade SI to UI Javelinmen 3 +1 0
0-48* Levy Foot UI Poor Irregular Long Spear or 4 3 6
Spear & Shield
Any Extra to give Caltrops to Levy Foot +1 0
0-6 Elephants EL Warriors Irregular Bow & Shield 1 17 2
0-2 Light Artillery ARTY Warriors Irregular Artillery 1 8 0
(2 crew)
0-6 Daylami UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 3 0
0-8 Huns SC Veterans Irregular Spear, Bow & 2 6 0
0-1 Army (Sacred) Escorted by non-combatant priests 30 0
0-1 Arab Ally HC Veteran Irregular Spear or Javelin & 3 37 0
General Shield
0-5 Arab Heavy HC Veteran Irregular Spear or Javelin & 3 12 0
Cavalry Shield
0-12 Arab Light SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 4 0
0-12 Arab Camels LCm Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 5 0
Any Downgrade Arabs to Poor -1 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 1
Supply Units

 Huns may use wedge.
 Minima marked * apply only if any Levy Foot are used.
 Army standard can also count as priest for an extra 25 points.
 It is unclear as to whether all aswaran carried both bow and lance, so players have the option for
weapons and armour.

24. OSTROGOTH: 200-450 AD

These "men of the steppes" (Greuthungi) or “Eastern Goths” rode out of the east and eventually settled in
Italy. Their migration from the Baltic eventually ended in the area along the north shore of the Black Sea.
Here, they had to adapt their fighting style to oppose the various Asiatic bow-armed nomads migrating
from the east. The majority of nobles and warriors became cavalry with lower class males supporting them
as archers.

Tactical Hints: The Ostrogoths are a two dimensional force. There are plenty of cavalry and a lot of
unarmoured infantry foot archers. Tactics are tough to successfully develop. You must have clear terrain
and pick your targets. Archers massed on a flank or in the centre can dissuade an enemy attack. The
cavalry must be supported and their targets disordered with missile fire.

This is not a beginner's army.

Enemies: Sarmatian, Early Saxon, Visigoth, Hun, Middle and Later Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 52 1
Chief Shield
0-3 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 37 1
6-24 Noble Cavalry HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 12 8
12-60 Cavalry UC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 8 12
0-1/2 Upgrade UC to LAC +2 6

4-24 Skirmish Cavalry SC Warriors Irregular Spear, 2 5 8

Javelin &
6-24* Foot UI Warriors Irregular Bow 3 2 8
0-1/2 Upgrade UI to LAI armed with Various & Shield +2 6

0-12 War Wagons WWag - - - 1 10 0

0-24 Wagon UI Poor Irregular Javelin 3 1 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-2 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 War Wagon Rule applies.
 Cavalry may be in mixed armour units.
 Minima * must be used if any infantry or War Wagons are used.

25. VANDAL: 250-450 AD

This Germanic group had a rather infamous name because of their noteworthy activities of raiding the
Italian coastline and islands during the 5 th and 6th Centuries. The Vandals invaded Spain, Gaul and Africa
in the 5th Century. Their most famous leader, Gaiseric, built a fleet and added to his prestige by invading
Italy and sacking Rome in 455 AD.

During their initial invasion of Gaul and Spain, the Vandals were a typical Germanic force of infantry
warbands. In North Africa, they evolved into an elitist social class of mounted warriors, who could also act
as marines for naval operations.

Tactical Hints: Good luck in emulating Gaiseric’s success. There are plenty of lance-armed cavalry, but
little else beyond some skirmishers. This is an interesting army, but tough for beginners.

Enemies: Later Moorish, Later German, Early Frankish, Middle and Later Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type / Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 47 1
Chief Shield
0-3 Generals HI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 32 1
6-18 Noble Foot LAI Veterans Irregular Various & 4 6 8
Any Upgrade LAI to HI +1 8

Any Change Various to Pilum 0 8

36-172 Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 4 4 48
(F) Shield
0-1/4 Upgrade Warbands to HI Veterans +3 4
Any Upgrade any UI to Fanatics +2 6
0-12 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 0
4-16 Scouts SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 4
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-2 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units
Only in North Africa
All Upgrade Generals to HC 3 + 0

8-32 Noble Cavalry HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 12 10

8-40 Tribal Cavalry LAC Warriors Irregular Spear & 3 8 10
0-1/2 Upgrade LAC to HC +2 0
4-48 Skirmish Cavalry SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 4 8
0-24 Moorish Foot UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 3 3 8
0-24 Moorish Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 6

12-36* Marines UI Warband Irregular Various & 4 4 0

(F) Shield
0-12 Ships 3 0

 Warbands may use wedge.
 Marines are only permitted if any ships are used.

26. EARLY FRANKISH: 250-450 AD

The Franks were a Germanic confederation located along the lower Rhine in what are now Holland and
Belgium. Like the earlier Germans, they continued to be primarily a warband army, with some heavy
cavalry and plenty of skirmisher foot for screening and support. The Franks were both allies (foederati)
and enemies of the Middle and Later Imperial Romans. In the late 5 th Century, a coalition of Frankish
groups under Clovis succeeded in replacing the Roman successor states in northern Gaul as the dominant
political and military force.

The Franks were known for their use of a throwing axe (francisca) and heavy spear (angon) which were
similar to the Roman Pilum. Most of the infantry relied on a variety of weapons and had little armour.

Tactical Hints: This is another colourful army. Use the cavalry to support the foot and then throw them at
a weakened point in the enemy line. Upgrade the foot and cover the table with the rest. This is not a
beginner's army.

Enemies: Early Saxon, Early Frankish, Later German, Vandal, Visigothic, Middle and Later Imperial

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 52 1
chief Shield
0-3 Generals HI Veteran Irregular Spear & 4 32 1
or Shield or or
HC 3 37
2-12 Noble Cavalry HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 12 6
36-172 Foot Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 4 4 40
(F) Shield
0-1/3 Change front rank weapon to Pilum 0 10
0-1/3 Upgrade UI to Veteran +1 12
0-1/2 Upgrade Veteran UI to LAI +1 6
0-1/2 Upgrade Veteran LAI to HI +1 6
0-24 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 6

6-24 Skirmishers SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 6

0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-2 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units
 Warbands may be in mixed armour units.
 Warbands may use wedge.

27.VISIGOTHIC: 200-450 AD

The "Western Goth" or "men of the forests" (Tervingi) were initially primarily a foot army, unlike the
mounted Ostrogoths. Their victory over the Roman forces of the emperor Valens at Adrianople in 378
brought about a perception that the age of the infantryman had come to an end. This is highly arguable.

Their premier leader, Alaric, led them to Rome, which they sacked in 410 AD. Afterwards, they migrated
to southern France (Gaul), where they were given land and money in return for military service in the
Roman army. At best, the Visigoths were dubious allies, although they did fight along side Aetius at the
Battle of Chalons. Often, they took advantage of a succession of weak Roman governments to expand their
holdings in both Spain and France during the 5th Century.

Tactical Hints: This is an army with more versatility than their Ostrogothic relatives. They are still a two-
dimensional army, with heavy cavalry, unarmoured cavalry and warbands. Use the cavalry to support the
unarmoured foot, screen the attackers on one flank with skirmish foot and pick your targets. This army is
fair for any level of player.

Enemies: Early Saxon, Early Frankish, Ostrogothic, Hun, Middle and Later Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitted Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 - 1
Chief Shield
0-3 Generals HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 - 0
4-12 Noble Cavalry HC Veteran Irregular Spear & 3 - 4
6-12 Cavalry UC Warriors Irregular Spear & 3 6 6
18-144 Foot Warbands UI Warband Irregular Various & 4 4 24
(F) Shield
6-12 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 12
0-16 Skirmishers SI Warriors Irregular Javelin & 2 2 0
1* Alan/Hun Ally- HC Veteran Irregular Lance, Bow 3 38 1
General & Shield
0-4* Alan/Hun Nobles HC Veteran Irregular Lance, Bow 3 13 1
& Shield
4-12* Alans/Huns SC Veteran Irregular Spear, Bow 2 6 4
& Shield
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-2 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

 Minima * apply if any of that nationality are used.
 Huns and UI Foot may use wedge.

28.HUN: 374-450 AD
The Huns are one of the better-known Asiatic nomadic confederations. They were a plague to the
Sassanian Persians (as Hephthalite or White Huns, and Chionite or Kidarite (Red) Huns), and the Goths
and Romans. Attila (the Scourge of God) and his hordes rode out of the east and subjugated every tribe
they came in contact with…until they ran headlong into the waning power of Rome and the generalship of
Aetius at Chalons in 451.

This army can be depicted as a typical Asiatic horse-archer horde or as a core of horse-archers
supplemented by various subject forces including Germans and other Asiatic groups.

Tactical Hints: The Huns are a horse archer army, period. Certainly, there are subject allies and foot, but
the strength of this army lies in the mounted warrior. Use the skirmishing cavalry to shoot your enemy into
disorder, then charge in with the heavy cavalry. Simple, effective, and it worked quite often!

This is a fun army for any level of player.

Enemies: Sarmatian, Sassanian Persian, Ostrogothic, Visigothic, Late Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitte Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Irregular Lance, Bow & 3 53 1
Chief Shield
0-5 General HC Veteran Irregular Lance, Bow & 3 38 0
2-12 Hunnic Noble HC Veteran Irregular Lance, Bow & 3 13 8
Cavalry Shield
24-84 Hunnic Light SC Warriors Irregular Spear, Bow & 2 5 24
Cavalry Shield
0-1/3 Upgrade SC to Veteran +1 0
1* Gepid General HC Veteran Irregular Lance & Shield 3 37 0
4-8* Gepid Noble HC Veteran Irregular Lance & Shield 3 12 0
4-8* Gepid Cavalry LAC Poor Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 6 0
0-12 Asiatic Allied SC Poor Irregular Spear, Bow & 2 4 0
Cavalry Shield
1* Ostrogothic HC Veteran Irregular Spear & Shield 3 37 1
4-8* Ostrogothic UC Warriors Irregular Spear & Shield 3 6 6
0-24* Ostrogothic SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 6
4-16* Rugian/Frank/ UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 4 4 12
Alemanni (F)

0-1/3 Change front rank weapon to Pilum 0 4

4-36* Burgundian UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 3 3 12
/Thuringian/ (F)
0-24 Archers SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 12
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 1
Supply Units

 Hunnic cavalry may use wedge.
 Minima * apply if any of that nationality are used.
 Warband Rule applies.

This has long been considered the most versatile and powerful Roman army because of its troop and
weapon diversity. It has also been much debated as the army suffered many ups and downs before the
western components were “replaced” by predominantly Germanic militaries. It is also my favourite of all
the ancient armies.

This is the army of Constantine the Great, Julian the Apostate, Valentinian I and his not so fortunate
brother Valens, and Stilicho. Its organisation is considered unique as it was split into two major parts: the
border or frontier troops (limitanei, ripenses, etc.) and the field armies (comitatenses and palatini). Infantry
were still the most important troops and in the majority (about 70%), although cavalry were also important
particularly for patrolling the eastern and desert borders, and as combat troops.

Unit size tended to be smaller than previous Roman organisations with the infantry cohort and cavalry
vexillatio (or their equivalents) of 300-500 being the norm. Independent units provided the specialist
troops such as light infantry, horse archers, artillery, or armoured cavalry.

In addition to the regular troops, senior officers also had private forces composed of bucellarii, usually
barbarians. These tended to be cavalry similar to the regular units in size and composition.

From this list you can make a frontier force or field army or a combination of the two. To this you can add
a variety of allies (foederati) such as Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Germans (Franks, Alemanni, Suebi, etc.) and
Armenians. You must decide between an Eastern or a Western force.

Tactical Hints: This is the swan song of powerful Roman armies. It can be very powerful or very weak in
composition. Normally, commanders stuck to the tried and true battle formations. The infantry formed the
centre with the cavalry on the wings. The infantry were often in two lines; the first of auxilia (to absorb the
barbarians initial charge) and second of legiones. You may also wish to use the auxilia to defend or attack
any terrain obstacles classed as rough or difficult. The cavalry could also form two lines with the lights in
front or to the extreme flanks. This army can fight in any terrain with the added bonus of fielding artillery
and caltrops to harass their opponents.

This is a good army for any level of player and deadly in the hands of a veteran.

Western Enemies: Scots-Irish, Early Saxon Angles, Jutes and Frisian, Ostrogoth, Vandal, Early Frankish,
Visigoth, Later German, Later Moorish, Hun, Middle and Later Imperial Roman.

Eastern Enemies: Armenian, Blemye, Sassanian Persian, Ostrogoth, Hun, Visigoth, Middle and Later
Imperial Roman.

Stands Troop Armour Morale Training Weaponry Figures/ Point Basic Army Army
Permitte Type Stand Value Army A B
1 Commander in HC Veteran Trained Lance or Spear & 3 53 1
Chief Shield
0-5 General HC Veteran Trained Lance or Spear & 3 38 1
4-16 Equites Alares HC Warriors Trained Javelin, Spear & 3 12 4
0-4 Equites HC Warriors Trained Lance 3 10 0
0-8 Equites CAT Warriors Trained Lance 4 14 0
0-8 Equites AC Warriors Trained Lance, Bow & 3 14 0
Clibanarii Shield
4-16 Equites SC Warriors Trained Javelin & Shield 2 5 4
0-12 Equites SC Warriors Trained Bow & Shield 2 5 4
0-1/2 Upgrade Equites to Veterans as Equites Palatina +2 0
0-1/4** Upgrade Veterans to Elites as Equites Scholae +2 2
1 per Upgrade Veteran non-SC to Elites as Bucellarii +2 2
Any Downgrade any Equites to Poor as Limitanei -2 0
8-32 Legionarii UI Warriors Trained Pilum & Shield 4 5 12
Any Upgrade UI to LAI +1 12
Any Upgrade LAI to HI +1 12
Any Give Javelin to Legionarii +1 12
4-16 Legionary UI Warriors Trained Bow & Shield 4 5 8
0-18 Legionary SI Warriors Trained Javelin or Sling, 2 3 6
Skirmishers Crossbow, Staff
Sling, Bow &
Any Upgrade Legionarii, Archers and Skirmishers to Veterans as Legiones Palatina +1 0
Any Downgrade Legionarii, Archers and Skirmishers to Poor as Limitanei -1 0
4-32 Auxilia UI Warriors Trained Javelin, Spear & 4 (L) 6 6
Any Upgrade Auxilia UI to HI +2 0
0-1/2 Exchange Javelin, Spear & Shield for Bow and Shield -1 0
Any Upgrade Auxilia to Veterans as Auxilia Palatina +1 0
Any Downgrade Auxilia to Poor as limitanei -1 0
0-4** Upgrade Infantry Veterans to Elites as Pedites Domestici +1 2
0-4 Light Artillery ARTY Warriors Trained Artillery 1 9 0
(2 crew)
0-2 Heavy Artillery ARTY Warriors Trained Artillery 1 13 0
(4 crew)
0-12 Huns SC Warriors Irregular Spear, Bow & 2 5 0
0-6 Ships 3 0
0-1** Army (Sacred) - 30 0
0-1 1st Supply Unit Supply - - - - 15 1
0-4 Additional Supply - - - - 10 0
Supply Units

Western Armies Only

1* German or HC Veteran Irregular Spear or Javelin & 3 37 0
Gothic Ally Shield
4-8* German or HC Veteran Irregular Spear or Javelin & 3 12 0
Gothic Cavalry Shield
12-32* German or UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 3 3 0
Gothic Foot (F)
0-24 Franks or UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 4 3 0
Alemanni (F)
0-1/3 Exchange Frank or Alemanni Various for Pilum 0 0
0-2 Currus HCh Fanatic Irregular Scythes 1 20 0
0-4 Moors SC Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 4 0

Eastern Armies Only

0-8 Sagitarii SC Poor Irregular Bow 2 2 0
0-4 Dromedarii HCm Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 10 0
0-4 Camels LCm Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 2 5 0
1* Ostrogothic HC Veteran Irregular Javelin, Spear & 3 38 0
Ally General Shield
4-8* Ostrogothic HC Veteran Irregular Javelin, Spear & 3 13 0
Noble Cavalry Shield
8-18* Ostrogothic LAC Veteran Irregular Javelin, Spear & 3 11 0
Cavalry Shield
4-12* Ostrogothic UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 3 3 0
Foot (F)
4-8* Ostrogothic SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 0
Any Upgrade Ostrogothic Archers to UI 3 +1 0
1* Visigothic Ally HC Veteran Irregular Javelin, Spear & 3 38 0
General Shield
4-8* Visigothic HC Veteran Irregular Javelin, Spear & 3 13 0
Cavalry Shield
12-32* Visigothic Foot UI Warband Irregular Various & Shield 3 3 0
1* Armenian Ally CAT Veteran Irregular Lance 3 40 0
4-8* Armenian CAT Veterans Irregular Lance 3 15 0
4-8* Armenian SC Poor Irregular Bow 2 2 0
Horse Archers
0-8* Armenian Foot UI Warriors Irregular Javelin & Shield 3 3 0
4-8* Armenian SI Warriors Irregular Bow 2 1 0

 Any troops marked ** may only be used if the CinC is the Emperor and he must be upgraded to Elite
 Minima * apply if any allies are used.
 Warband Rule applies.
 The Romans had begun to use a spiculum instead of the pilum. It has the same effect, so counts as
 Legionarii javelins are actually darts and can be used without penalty unless a 10 is rolled.
 Sacred army standard is a Christian labarum or large banner affixed to a crossbar. It may only be used
when the emperor is present (except Julian the Apostate).

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