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Allah has created everything in the universe for the benefit of mankind.

It refers to the majesty and greatness of Allah


And We made


divine revelation

They use to ask lame questions about the resurrection day, its timings and
when it was going to happen to make fun of deen.

You can say “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is due to Allah) whenever you use or see the
facilities in your country.You can use the transportation system lawfully and ethically,
You can make du’a (supplication) to Allah (SWT)
Rudeness Lack of love Self satisfaction Sympathy

Arrogance Lack of sympathy Getting closer to Allah Love

Heard hearted Hatred Nobleness brotherhood

Aggression Enmity Firmness on Deen Equality

Allah has facilitated the means of transportation for the mankind. We can seek the
provision and travel with them easily around the world, this is the proof of Allah’s mercy
upon us.

Allah has created the alteration of day and night with a precise calculation,
each thing in the universe compliment and complete other things. Many
religious and worldly matters are connected and calculated by the formation
of day and night.
upon us.
(Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

should not point with the weapon or use it to scare others

tempt one to hit the other

implying commiting the sin which could lead him to fire

to his brother

Hadith are the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which guide and explain
Islam. The Hadith you quoted warns against harming or killing Muslims, even by mistake.

gun, knife ,blade,stone,stick , scissors

I would forgive him and correct his behavior with nice words

Be alert of Satan and his provocations. Strengthen our belief in Allah, Learn to
control his anger, learn to develop his social skills

A true Muslim should be very careful to not violate any right of

his brother and not create any atmosphere of fear by any means

In the context of the Hadith you quoted, the Prophet (PBUH) forbade the literal throwing
stones, as it is a harmful and useless act that can cause injury or damage to one’s

This means that throwing stones is a futile and harmful act that does not bring any benefit or victory,but
only causes injury or damage to one’s brother. The Prophet (PBUH) also warned against the influence
of Satan, who may tempt one to commit a sin or a mistake that can lead to the Hell-fire. brother.

Islam is the religion of peace because it teaches:

Peace with God: Submitting to God’s will and following His guidance.
Peace with oneself: Balancing physical and spiritual needs and living a
moral and ethical life.
Peace with others: Being kind, respectful, and compassionate to everyone
and promoting justice, freedom, and human rights..
Advance planning. -Pride and arrogance.

Trust in Allah 2-Lack of planning

Obedience to the leader 3-Failure to fulfill the orders of the commander.

Education of its citizens ,Health Care,Fair Treatment and Justice ,Equal opportunities to all
,Tolerance ,Protecting the youth from misguidance, Citizens contributing their talents for
National Development

Numerical Strength doesn’t matter

,Trust Allah and Do your work,
Have Strong Faith
,Determination to fight for the cause of the nation,
Forgiving the enemies,
Leader should be firm in times of difficulties,
Success comes from Allah alone.

Causes: to delend Makkah against plots by neighboring tribes (Hawazen and Thaqif)
Result: Signs of defeat, then holding fast, and then victory by Allah.

The battle of hunyn was a clash between the Muslims and the pagan tribes after Mecca’s
conquest. The pagans ambushed the Muslims, but the Prophet led a counterattack and
won. The Prophet pardoned the pagans and invited them to Islam

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