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Physiology of swallowing include mastication and formation of a bolus, phonation, artic-

ulation and ventilation. The oral cavity is in direct communica-
tion and continuity with the oropharynx, the boundaries of
Jenny Walton which are the soft palate superiorly and the tip of the epiglottis
Priyamal Silva inferiorly.
The nasopharynx lies between the skull base superiorly and
the soft palate inferiorly. Its anterior boundary is the posterior
choana. Its function is concerned with respiration; in normal
swallowing, the nasopharynx is closed off by the elevation of the
The mechanism behind normal swallowing is complex and multifacto-
soft palate and uvula (Table 1).
rial. Due to the close proximity of the pathways of swallowing and respi-
ration, precise coordination between these functions is vital in order to
avoid entry of material into the airway and to ensure optimal health and The oral preparatory phase
nutrition in general. Swallowing can be divided into three stages: oral, This phase is concerned with the formation of a bolus from
pharyngeal and oesophageal and although initiation of the swallow is material placed into the oral cavity. This does not apply to liq-
often under voluntary control, swallowing is also triggered frequently uids, as these need no oral preparation. The key features of this
throughout the day as a reflex action due to the presence of saliva in stage are coordinated, purposeful movements of the tongue,
the oropharynx. Dysphagia is a symptom frequently encountered by cli- mandible and lip/buccal musculature and the simultaneous
nicians and its causes are vast and varied. A thorough understanding of closure of the upper oesophageal sphincter (UOS) to prevent
the physiology of swallowing remains necessary to conduct a full premature passage of food; these movements are coordinated in
assessment and instigate appropriate treatment for these patients in the cerebellum (Table 2).1,2
whom dysphagia is often debilitating and may significantly affect their
quality of life. We present an account of the physiology of swallowing,
using clinical examples to illustrate certain aspects.
The oral transit phase
Tongue movement is the most important feature of this stage, as
Keywords Anatomy; Deglutition; Dysphagia; Physiology; Swallowing in the preparatory phase. The shape and movement of the tongue
acts to seal the food bolus against the palate; the lateral aspects of
the tongue sit along the alveolar ridges each side, stabilising the
tongue and thereby enabling the central part to propel the bolus
The pharynx assists in the shared functions of respiration and posteriorly. This phase lasts approximately 1 second and is
swallowing (deglutition); coordination between these functions prolonged with increasing viscosity of the bolus and with
is of great importance. This article reviews the phases of the increasing age.2 The transit and preparatory phases may be
normal swallow and describes relevant applied anatomy and bypassed by syringing liquid into the back of the mouth to
physiology to assist in the understanding of what is a complex initiate the pharyngeal phase.
and multifactorial process. Examples of relevant pathology are The oral phase is controlled by 3 cranial nerves: the trigeminal
used where they illustrate the phases. nerve (CN V), which controls chewing, the facial nerve (CN VII),
which controls the buccal and lip musculature to assist in the
Phases of swallowing positioning of food within the mouth, and the hypoglossal nerve
(CN XII), which controls tongue movement.3
Swallowing can be subdivided into three main phases: oral,
pharyngeal and oesophageal. The oral phase can be subdivided
into the preparatory and transit phases. The oral phase is under The swallowing reflex
voluntary control whereas the pharyngeal and oesophageal Swallowing is a complex action; voluntary initiation of swal-
phases are involuntary. It is estimated that humans normally lowing is mediated in the cortex, but swallowing may also be
produce around 500 ml of saliva per day and although swal- triggered as a reflex response to food/liquid in contact with
lowing is thought of as an active function related to eating and particular areas in the oral cavity or oropharynx, or simply by the
drinking, it should be noted that much of this activity is occurring accumulation of saliva.1 This is mediated in the medulla, which
without active stimulation or awareness. receives afferent impulses from the nucleus tractus solitarius and
the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Efferent impulses from the medulla
pass through the nucleus ambiguus, the hypoglossal nucleus and
The oral phase
the motor nuclei of the trigeminal and facial nerves, leading to
Anatomy the actions involved in the pharyngeal phase.
The oral cavity extends from the soft tissues of the lips and
cheeks anteriorly to the anterior tonsillar pillars. Its functions
The gag reflex
The gag reflex is mediated by the same nerves as the swallowing
Jenny Walton MBChB MSc(dist) MRCS DOHNS is a Specialist Registrar on reflex, the difference being the initial stimulus. The gag reflex
the Oxford Rotation, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. is triggered by the presence of a stimulus in the oropharynx
Priyamal Silva FRCS ORL-HNS is a Consultant in Otolaryngology at the outside of normal voluntary swallowing and subsequent
John Radcliffe and Churchill Hospitals, Oxford, UK. Conflicts of muscle contraction leads to gagging, retching or even vomiting
interest: none declared. (Figure 1).

SURGERY --:- 1 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Walton J, Silva P, Physiology of swallowing, Surgery (2018),

Muscles of the soft palate

Muscle Actions Innervation Vascular supply

Levator veli palatini Elevate and pull back the posterior part Cranial accessory nerve via pharyngeal Ascending palatine branch of facial
of the palate to close off nasopharynx plexus Greater palatine branch of maxillary
during swallowing
Tensor veli palatini Tightens and depresses soft palate to Mandibular nerve via nerve to medial Ascending palatine branch of facial
open the Eustachian tube pterygoid Greater palatine branch of maxillary
Palatoglossus Elevates root of tongue and medialises Cranial accessory nerve via pharyngeal Ascending palatine branch of facial
palatoglossal arches to separate oral plexus Ascending pharyngeal
cavity from oropharynx
Palatopharyngeus Pull pharynx up and forwards to Cranial accessory nerve via pharyngeal Ascending palatine branch of facial
shorten it during swallowing plexus Greater palatine branch of maxillary
Ascending pharyngeal
Musculus Uvulae Retracts and thickens middle part of Cranial accessory nerve via pharyngeal Ascending palatine branch of facial
palate to help close off nasopharynx plexus Descending palatine branch of

Table 1

Components of the oral preparatory phase

Component of phase Muscles Function

Lip closure Orbicularis oris Keep food in the mouth

Contraction of buccal musculature Buccinator Prevent food entering the lateral sulci
Rotary motion of jaw Temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid Chewing
Lateral rolling motion of tongue Intrinsic muscles, genioglossus Direct food towards teeth
Bulging of the soft palate anteriorly Palatoglossus, levator veli palatini Close off oropharynx and widen nasal airway

Table 2

The pharyngeal phase

The pharynx continues inferiorly as a tube surrounded by
muscular layers. The outermost layer consists of the three
pharyngeal constrictor muscles: muscle sheets situated posteriorly
with their fibres running obliquely. The inferior constrictor con-
sists of thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus, the latter of these
forming the primary component of the Upper Oesophageal
Sphincter (UOS). A deficiency occurs between these two parts: see
CAB 3. The inner layer consists of longitudinal muscles: palato-
pharyngeus, stylopharyngeus and salpingopharyngeus. Contrac-
tion of these muscles during swallowing acts to shorten and widen
the pharynx, facilitating passage of the bolus into the oesophagus.
The suprahyoid muscles: digastric, mylohyoid, stylohyoid and
geniohyoid, act to elevate the hyoid bone and larynx during
swallowing in order to protect the airway. This function is aided
by the epiglottis: a sheet of fibrocartilage sitting anterior to the
laryngeal inlet (Figure 2). The epiglottis is not essential clinically
and it is possible for a functional, safe swallow to be adopted if
the epiglottis is removed.

Figure 1 Nerves of the swallowing and gag reflexes. Image modified This phase is triggered by stimulation of the glossopharyngeal
from Standring S, ed. Gray’s Anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical (cranial nerve (CN) IX) and vagus (CN X) nerves by the presence
practice. 40th edn. Elsevier. 2008. Fig 19.12 Swallowing and gag re-
of the bolus, and is mediated in the medulla. Coordination
flexes. p283.

SURGERY --:- 2 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Walton J, Silva P, Physiology of swallowing, Surgery (2018),

laryngopharynx, which aids progress of the bolus. This move-

ment also occurs due to posteriorly directed pressure from the
tongue, inward pressure from contraction of the pharyngeal
constrictors and gravity (Box 2).3
Prevention of laryngeal penetration (entry of food/drink into
the laryngeal inlet) is avoided by several mechanisms.1 Firstly,
movement of the epiglottis acts as a diverter, directing liquid
material laterally via the piriform fossae into the oesophagus,
while solid material passes directly over the top. It is the com-
bination of pressure from the tongue base and active contraction
of the aryepiglottic muscles that causes the epiglottis to be
deflected posteriorly. It is felt that this is the least important
mechanism in airway protection during swallowing.2 Secondly,
the false vocal cords create a sphincter to protect the airway but
thirdly and most importantly, closure of the glottis by adduction
of the true cords seals the airway against entry of foreign mate-
rial. This closure is only maintained for a fraction of a second, as
it requires a complete pause in respiration. The muscles acting to
adduct the true cords are the lateral cricoarytenoid (closure of the
anterior part) and the posterior and oblique cricoarytenoids
(closure of the posterior aspect). Closure of the UOS and re-
establishment of normal respiration prevents air entry into the
stomach (Box 3).
Figure 2 Posterior view of the larynx.
If material does enter the larynx, the protective cough reflex
can be used to clear it from the airway. This reflex occurs due to
between this centre and the respiratory centre is vital due to the
stimulation of laryngeal branches of the vagus nerve (CN X);
need for respiration to cease for a fraction of a second during
impulses travel via the trigeminal sensory nucleus to the nucleus
airway closure.
ambiguus and respiratory centres in the medulla. Stimulation of
As the bolus is propelled into the oropharynx, the soft palate
intercostal and abdominal wall muscles cause coughing due to
elevates, sealing off the nasopharynx and preventing nasal
pressure build up against an initially closed glottis.7
regurgitation. Structural abnormalities in the soft palate can lead
to nasal regurgitation and hypernasal speech (Box 1). The
The oesophageal phase
oropharynx is funnel shaped at this point to direct the bolus
inferiorly. Movement of the bolus through the pharynx occurs Anatomy
sequentially, beginning at the superior constrictor muscle and The pharynx continues inferiorly into the oesophagus, a
continuing inferiorly. muscular tube of about 25cm in length. The oesophagus in the
Contraction of the suprahyoid muscles elevates the hyoid neck lies directly posterior to the trachea; behind the oesophagus
bone and larynx in an anterosuperior direction, away from the lie the prevertebral fascia, longus colli muscle and the cervical
cervical spine so that it is protected by its new position right vertebrae. The oesophagus can be divided into the upper two
underneath the tongue base. The bolus can therefore safely pass thirds, which contain striated muscle, and the lower one-third,
from the tongue base into the pharynx without entering the lar- which is smooth muscle. The lower segment forms the lower
ynx. Laryngeal and hyoid elevation also acts to shorten and oesophageal sphincter (LOS), a 3 cm long segment of oesophagus
widen the pharynx, creating a negative pressure in the extending just above and below the diaphraghm with a raised

Clinical application: cleft palate

Clinical application: pharyngeal pouch (Figure 3)
The anatomy of the palate sees levator palatini forming a sling, which
The location and orientation of the pharyngeal constrictors reveals a
acts to elevate the soft palate during swallowing and exclude the
deficiency in the posterior pharyngeal wall between the two parts of
contents of the oral cavity from the nasopharynx. In a patient with
the inferior constrictor. This deficiency is known as Killian’s dehis-
cleft palate, the fibres of levator palatini lie in a longitudinal orien-
cence and is an area of potential weakness. Persistently high pres-
tation, parallel to the cleft itself.4 The clinical consequence of this is
sures in the pharynx during swallowing can lead to a posteriorly
that total nasopharyngeal closure cannot be obtained during swal-
based protrusion of this weakness and is termed Zenker’s divertic-
lowing and nasal regurgitation of milk during feeding in the neonate
ulum, or pharyngeal pouch. A pharyngeal pouch classically leads to
is common. Following surgical repair, the act of re-orientating the
halitosis, regurgitation of food/fluid back into the oropharynx and
muscle fibres can consequently shorten the soft palate and lead to
can even contribute to recurrent aspiration. Management of this
incomplete closure during speech and swallowing; nasal regurgita-
pouch is usually surgical, either endoscopically with staples or
tion during swallowing and perhaps more commonly escape of air
externally via the neck.
during speech (velopharyngeal insufficiency) can still occur.
Box 2
Box 1

SURGERY --:- 3 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Walton J, Silva P, Physiology of swallowing, Surgery (2018),

intraluminal pressure created by circular muscle fibres and the

surrounding diaphraghm.

When the pharyngeal phase is triggered, the UOS opens to allow
passage of the bolus into the oesophagus. The passage of food
past the UOS signals the start of the oesophageal phase. Suc-
cessful swallowing requires relaxation of the UOS at the correct
time with subsequent contraction to help prevent laryngophar-
yngeal reflux (Box 4). As soon as the bolus enters the oesoph-
agus, peristaltic waves propel the bolus rapidly onwards towards
the stomach and the LOS relaxes to allow unimpeded passage.
Peristalsis is initiated by Auerbach’s plexus, which is situated
between the muscle layers.
If the individual is upright at the time of swallowing, gravity
plays a role in the passage of liquids into the stomach however
the same is not the case for solid boluses; these always require
peristalsis to move the bolus.9 Peristaltic waves also act to clear
the remaining liquid bolus so passage is not entirely reliant on
gravity alone. During drinking, the oesophageal phase is not
triggered until the last swallow; then peristalsis will commence.
It takes a bolus around 5e6 seconds to travel the full length
of the oesophagus with normal peristalsis; this is a rate of around
3e4 cm/second.

Swallowing in the fetus and neonate

Anatomy of the larynx and pharynx in the neonate and young
child differs from that of the adult. The larynx is situated in a
more elevated position; often in close contact with the soft palate
in the neonate and it is often possible to visualize the epiglottis
when examining a child’s oropharynx without the use of in-
Figure 3 Location of a pharyngeal pouch. struments. After the first few months of life, the pharynx extends
and the larynx takes up its adult position lower in the neck7; this
may reduce the chance of aspiration.
Clinical application: vocal cord palsy Swallowing movements are first noticed in utero at around 11
A non-functioning vocal cord may occur due to many reasons: weeks’ gestation.7 The fetus will swallow around 450 mls of am-
congenital causes, trauma from surgery e.g. thyroidectomy or niotic fluid per day and will subsequently develop swallow-induced
cardiothoracic procedures, malignancy, neurologic conditions or may peristaltic activity. Interestingly, aspiration does not occur in the
be idiopathic. Paresis or paralysis of one or both vocal cords may be foetus under normal conditions and it would therefore seem that
due to injury to the superior (SLN) or recurrent laryngeal nerves (RLN) the protective functions of the larynx are already established prior
and often the initial symptoms experienced by the patient include to birth.10 At the time of birth, the neonate already possesses the
significantly altered voice and difficulty breathing. However, an ability to coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing and will
important and debilitating consequence of vocal cord paralysis is to demonstrate this within the first couple of feeds.
the swallow. Both nerves provide sensation to the larynx: the internal
branch of the SLN supplies the laryngeal mucosa above the level of
the vocal folds and the folds themselves and the RLN supplies the
mucosa below, as well as the lining of the trachea. Damage to either Clinical application: laryngopharyngeal reflux
of these nerves has the potential to produce a partially insensate Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is the regurgitation of stomach con-
larynx, increasing the risk of aspiration. The internal branch of the tents into the larynx or pharynx. It occurs due to failure of one of
SLN (ISLN) provides the laryngeal protective reflexes and damage can more of the protective mechanisms designed to move food and
therefore also result in dysphagia5; studies have shown an increased saliva onwards towards the stomach: the UOS and LOS, saliva pro-
incidence of laryngeal penetration and tracheal aspiration in the duction, oesophageal peristalsis and gravity.8 The patient will often
anaesthetized larynx.6 In addition, patients with an anesthetized ISLN experience excessive throat clearing, coughing, hoarseness, and
may experience symptoms of globus and discomfort and feel the globus pharyngeus (the sensation of a lump in the throat). Man-
need to produce a more forceful swallow to clear a bolus. The RLN agement includes lifestyle modification, acid-suppression medication
innervates all laryngeal muscles except cricothyroid; damage can and alginates, with surgery used uncommonly and of uncertain
lead to an inability to fully close the glottis during swallowing. benefit.

Box 3 Box 4

SURGERY --:- 4 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Walton J, Silva P, Physiology of swallowing, Surgery (2018),

Investigating the abnormal swallow The essential information gained from this procedure includes
direction of travel of the bolus and residual coating, presence of
Dysphagia is the term used to cover a number of symptoms
laryngeal penetration or aspiration and patient reaction, and
experienced by a patient whose normal swallowing mechanism
coordination/timings of muscle movements.12 The test utilizes
has failed.
different consistencies of material mixed with contrast; boluses
Aspiration is the entry of food, liquid or saliva into the airway
are given in increasing amounts to minimize risk of aspiration.
below the level of the true vocal cords. In a patient with adequate
Visualisation of the mucosa and surrounding secretions is,
airway sensation, this will lead to coughing in an attempt to clear
however, difficult.
the material. Patients who cannot clear this material either due to
inadequate sensation or weak cough reflex are at risk of aspiration Oesophagoscopy
associated pneumonia.2 Material may enter the airway at several Excellent direct views of the pharynx and larynx can be obtained
points during the swallow. If tongue control is weakened; material using a rigid oesophagoscope when the patient is under general
can fall backwards and enter the airway during the oral phase, as anaesthesia. This enables visualisation of any lesion in the upper
laryngeal positioning and airway protection have not yet been aerodigestive tract and allows biopsies to be taken. The disad-
initiated. Secondly during the pharyngeal phase: if triggering of vantage is that dynamic assessment of the vocal cords and the
airway protection is delayed, it is possible for material to enter the swallow cannot take place.
airway. Altered neurology such as following a stroke, or any local
condition e.g. following treatment for head and neck cancer may Conclusion
cause aspiration during either of these phases.
The key component of a successful swallow is airway protection;
Bedside assessment of swallow this requires precise coordination of the swallowing and
By careful observation, information can be gleaned regarding breathing centres in the cortex and brainstem leading to a com-
movement of the lips, tongue, pharyngeal control, laryngeal plex process of laryngeal manoeuvres and bolus movement. Such
protection and respiratory control, although there is often a process has numerous steps at which problems can occur
considerable variability between the findings of different tes- leading to dysphagia and these can be investigated using the
ters.11,12 The advantage of such assessment is that the patient’s methods described. A comprehensive understanding of relevant
swallow can often be optimized at the bedside. Flexible Endo- anatomy and physiology will aid the clinician in this process and
scopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) can help to assess pa- allow appropriate subsequent management. A
tients with altered airway sensation: this involves direct
observation of the larynx using a nasendoscope whilst asking the
patient to swallow a coloured liquid, e.g. blue dye, or milk.
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SURGERY --:- 5 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Walton J, Silva P, Physiology of swallowing, Surgery (2018),

10 Jadcherla SR, Hogan WJ, Shaker R. Physiology and pathophys- 12 Hirst LJ. Ch. 151. Functional investigations of the upper gastroin-
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SURGERY --:- 6 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Walton J, Silva P, Physiology of swallowing, Surgery (2018),

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