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K.K. Bajaj

You TOO CAN BE A DHIRUBHAI e cannot see or Divisions of time
AMBANI. DON'T SAY YOU DON'T feel time. Time A day comprises of 24 hours. An
HAVE ENOUGH TIME. You HAVE just passes away. hour consists of 60 seconds. There
EXACTLY THE SAME NUMBER OF We even say, are 80,400 seconds in a day.
. . "how time Scientists have divided a second
flies." Each and every human into the following parts:
being has a 'bank account,' the 1. Oecisecond (one-tenth of a
name of which is 'Time.' Every second): the blink of an eye.
.JRD TATA, DHIRUBHAI AMBANI 2. Centisecond (one-hundredth of
morning it credits you with
AND ALBERT EINSTEIN 86,400 seconds. Every night, it a second): The time it takes for
writes off these as lost. Whatever a stroke of lighting to strike.
of this "time" you have failed to 3. Millisecond (one-thousandth of
invest in good purpose is gone a second): A photograph taken
forever. It does not carryover any at this speed will usually stop
credit balance. Each day, it opens a all human motion.
new account for you. Each night, 4. Nanosecond (one-billionth of a
it burns the remains of the time. second): A home computer
There is no going back. There is takes 2 to 4 nanoseconds
no drawing against the 'tomorrow.' executing one software
Hence invest "today's" time wisely transaction.
and in such a manner so as to get 5. Picosecond (one-trillion of a
from it the utmost utility for second): The shortest period of
achieving success, wealth and time that can be measured
happiness. accurately.



whereas time can create

EYE-OPENER everything
An average person gets only 10 years of active life to make or unmake his or
her career. Here we see how an ordinary man\woman spends his\her whole Maintain a daily diary and
life. Active Life period=60 years, that is, till the time of retirement from work
come to grip with time
Time spent to attain educational qualifications 25 years One should always carry one sheet
and start career of paper every day for all
important tasks to be done. After
Time spent in sleeping in the remaining 13 years
35 years @ 8 hours per day (one third of our life) going to office all these tasks can
be written in one's diay on
Time taken up in routine activities like taking bath, 9 years
Priority basis. If a client asks us
getting ready for work, traveling from home to office
and back to home and for other social obligational to call him after3 days, 3 weeks or
@ 6 hours per day 3 months, we should not worry.
We can write it in our diary in
Time spent on Sundays & holidays 2 yea rs those dates. We should review our
@ two hours per day
diary at the end of each day in
Time wasted by illness @ 1 hour per day 1 years order to improve your daily
Actual creative time available for making career 10 years productivity. All time
management begins with planning.
That leaves us with only about 10 years of creative time in our entire working Time Extender-Learn
career of 60 years of active working life. So there are only 10 active years in
which one can make or unmake one's career. So every hour of the day and creative use of ti~e
every minute of the hour An average person wastes one
hour a day looking for lost things.
Value of time cannot be person who missed the plane. To We should make permanent place
measured in terms of money realize the value of ONE for our daily necessity items like
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just keys, specks, pen, shoes and daily
YEAR, ask a student who failed in avoided an accident. To realize the mail etc. and thus we will save lot
his/her class. To realize the value value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask of time. If we get organized, we
of ONE MONTH, ask a mother the person who has lost a gold can clear the entire work within
who gave birth to a premature medal in the Olympics. short time and use the time thus
baby. To realize the value of ONE saved for some creative work.
WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly Only effective users of time
magazine. To realize the value of become successful in life Interruptions waste lot of time
ONE HOUR, ask the mother who The first step of time management Almost 80 percent of us look at
is waiting for her child. To realize is to analyse as to how we actually our e-mail messages as soon as we
the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a spend our time. It will help us to receive them. Efficiency experts
determine what changes we want calculate that we lose about two
to make in our routine to save minutes for every single e-mail
time. We can reclaim a chunk of interruption, which can spoil the
our time each day, which will add day. We should set aside two times
to our life's journey to success. a day such as the first thing in the
The importance, value and morning and after lunch for
peculiarity of time can be reviewing our e-mail.
explained by some of its unique Interruptions during peak hours of
features, like:- work result in waste of time and
a. Time cannot be manufactured loss of opportunities.
b. Time cannot be purchased
c. Time cannot be retrieved Delegation saves time and is
d. Time wasted is lost the key to time management
forever and success
e. Time cannot be created Learn to delegate effectively and



tremendous rewards. If somebody

1/ asks us to do some work which we
are not sure of doing, we should
not jump to say "yes". But if we
can conveniently do it, without
wasting much of our time, then
we should say 'yes' or else we "
should learn to say 'no'. and the
time thus saved can be put to
better use for our own self-
development or gain.

Accomplish important tasks

first when energy level is high
Time only needs effective
management, we never seem to be
able to "find time" for those and productivity on the ne,xt day.
you will be more efficient at important tasks unless there is an An average person keeps on
everything you do. It is not a emergency. Such emergencies working like a machine and does
matter of getting everyone else to create tension and stress that not learn from past mistakes of
do your work. Sometimes we tend spoils our health. We should wasting time and go on repeating
to waste time looking for always plan time for our the same day after day throughout
information or trying to analyse important tasks, Otherwise, we life because they do'nt review and
something which someone in our may not get time to do those tasks assess their own working.
office might have already available and even if we do, they will get
with him. Get to know your staff only our left-over time, when Time- Management: Follow the
and colleagues better; find out energy and focus are at its lowest. footprints of super successful
who does what and what each achievers
person's strengths are. Use your The difference between Every week we should make a
staff and colleague's knowledge sucessful and unsuccessful detailed time plan, which can be
and abilities to your advantage. person is only 15 minutes modified each day as needed.
According to Napolean Bonaparte, Except in times of crisis, we
Half of the problems of life are the difference between successful should not disturb our time
because of saying 'yes' quickly and people and unsuccessful person is schedule. The first step in effective
another half of the problems of life 15 minutes. Successful people time management is not to disturb
are due to not saying ''no'' in time spend 15 minutes in the evening our set schedule. These list of time
Saying "no" for some people is a to review and make balance-sheet priorities form the foundation of
very hard thing to do but it has of their time for better utilisation our success. It should be followed
- --- -- every day of the week and every
Time management Tips by highly sucessful people week of the month and every
month of the year and every year
All over the world people are trying to improve their performance and of our life in order to make us
productivity by managing their time effectively. They are learning new
techniques for better utilization of the limited time at their disposal. super-successful in all walks of life
Some of these tips are: for attaining health, wealth,
happiness and prosperity. Proper
1. Fix a deadline for every work in hand.
2. Schedule our time everyday. time management will save us
3. Use 'Do Not Disturb' sign to avoid unnecessary interruptions. time
4. Use assistants to attend telephone calls, e-mails and handle gatecrashers for adequate rest, sleep, exercise,
(persons coming without appointments).
5. Stay focused. We should avoid getting side-tracked by an overwhelming meals, social engagements and of
number of options of else we will end up doing less important tasks first course, fun. The bad news is time
and miss the urgent ones. flies. The good news is you're
the pilot. II


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