SPD Recruitment Pamphlet

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This is not your average fraternity

Brotherhood Strong Tradition Excellent Athletics Social Events Alumni Networking Scholastics Undergraduate Scholarships Professional Programs Formals Charity Events Diversity Strong Alumni Internship Opportunities

Chapter Locations

Sigma Phi Delta

Fraternity Insignias
Sigma - Science Sigma - Science Phi - Friendship Phi - Friendship Delta - Duty Delta - Duty

Sigma Phi Delta

Check out our website: www.sigmaphidelta.org

E-mail us at: expansion@sigmaphidelta.org

Symbol - Castle Colors - Red & Black Flower - American Beauty Rose Motto: Pro Bono Professionis (For the Good of the Profession) SINCE 1924


Sigma Phi Delta

For the Good of the Profession

Our History Why Sig Phi?

Sigma Phi Delta was founded on April 11, 1924 at the University of Southern California. Since that time, Sigma Phi Delta has expanded from the United States, to Canada and the rest of the world. The benefits of Sigma Phi Delta include: a great atmosphere for learning the rigors of engineering; a close bond of brotherhood beyond the years of graduation; thousands of engineering alumni worldwide; strong leaders and men of principle; and most of all, the men of Sigma Phi Delta incorporate the most exclusive fraternity on any campus... A FRATERNITY OF ENGINEERS.

Membership is exclusive to students of the College of Engineering and related engineering programs. With brothers of all ages and similar curricula, members are able to tutor and offer advice to each other. Our chapters also go on professional practices every semester, giving students a chance to learn first hand what the duties of an Engineer are on the job.

Sigma Phi Delta is a brotherhood of individuals with similar goals and expectations. It is a brotherhood based not on the incidence of birth, but by choice. Because of this, we form strong ties of friendship that last a lifetime. It is this bond that we consider most important and invaluable.

Social Athletics
Our chapters are very active in intramural sports as well as being an active participant in Greek Olympics. The men of Sigma Phi Delta always compete to win and many chapters have taken home the honor of first place in many athletic championships. Sigma Phi Deltas chapters enjoy the best social functions on any campus. Each chapter holds their own unique social events, such as formal dances, Homecoming, brotherhood events, alumni gatherings, or float building. Furthermore, each chapter regularly holds social events with sororities.

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