Muslim League Answer

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History Slip Test

1.Who founded the All India Muslim League?

a) Mohammad Ali Jinnah b) Allama Iqbal

c) Aga Khan d) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

2.When was the Muslim League officially formed?

a) 1904 b) 1906 c) 1910 d) 1920

3.Which event is considered a turning point for the Muslim League, leading to increased demands for a
separate nation for Muslims?

a) Lucknow Session (1916) b) Jallianwala Bagh massacre (1919)

c) Khilafat Movement (1920) d) Lahore Resolution (1940)

4.Who was the first President of the All India Muslim League?

a) Mohammad Ali Jinnah b) Aga Khan c) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan d) Allama Iqbal

5.The two-nation theory proposed by the Muslim League argued for the creation of separate nations for
Hindus and Muslims based on:

a) Religious differences b) Linguistic differences

c) Caste differences d) Cultural differences

6.Which event led to the acceptance of the idea of separate electorates for Muslims in the Government
of India Act of 1909?

a) Morley-Minto Reforms b) Simon Commission

c) Cabinet Mission Plan d) Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms

7.Who is known as the "Father of the Nation" in Pakistan?

a) Jawaharlal Nehru b) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

c) Allama Iqbal d) Liaquat Ali Khan

8.The slogan "Two Nations, Two Countries" was associated with the idea of:

a. Hindu-Muslim Unity b. Partition of Bengal

c. Creation of Pakistan d. Quit India Movement

9.What was the main objective of the Muslim League at the time of its formation?

a. Social reform b. Religious revival

c. Political representation for Muslims d. Economic development

10.Who was the first President of the All India Muslim League?

a. Liaquat Ali Khan b. Aga Khan

c. Muhammad Ali Jinnah d. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

11.What was Luck now pact? When was it signed? (3)

12.Mention two significant features of the Pact6.(2)

13.What were the objectives of Muslim League? (3)

14.Mention any two events that hastened the formation of Muslim League.(2)

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