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5.2 Rate Equations (A Level only)

Question Paper

Course AQA A Level Chemistry

Section 5. Advanced Physical Chemistry (A Level only)
Topic 5.2 Rate Equations (A Level only)
Difficulty Medium

Time allowed: 10

Score: /5

Percentage: /100

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Question 1
The reaction between iodine and propanone can be catalysed by sulfuric acid. The rate equation for this reaction is:
Rate = k [H+] [C3H6O]
Which of the following sets of statements is correct about the order of reaction with respect to each chemical involved?
Iodine Propanone Sulfuric acid
A Zero First Second
B First Zero First
C Zero First First
D Zero Second Zero

[1 mark]

Question 2
For the general reaction V + W + X → Y + Z, the rate equation is:
rate = k [V] [W] [X]
What will happen to the rate of reaction when the concentration of all three reactants is doubled?
A. Increase by a factor of 2
B. Increase by a factor of 4
C. Increase by a factor of 6
D. Increase by a factor of 8
[1 mark]

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Question 3
The general reaction D + E → F + G uses an acid catalyst, H.
The rate equation for this fourth order reaction is rate = k [D] [E]2.
Which of the following sets of statements is correct about the order of reaction with respect to each chemical involved.

A First First Zero
B First First Second
C First Second Zero
D First Second First

[1 mark]

Question 4
Two compounds, X and Y, were reacted together.
The initial rate of reaction when compound X and compound Y were reacted together was measured in a series of
The temperature was kept constant and the results of the experiments are shown below.
Expt. Initial [X] / mol dm-3 Initial [Y] / mol dm-3 Initial rate / mol dm-3 s-1
1 0.030 0.020 4.0 x 10-4
2 0.030 0.030 6.0 x 10-4
3 0.060 0.030 1.2 x 10-3

What are the correct orders with respect to X and Y?

A Second Second
B First First
C Second First
D First Second

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[1 mark]

Question 5
An investigation into the rate of reaction between compounds A and B was performed.
A + B → Products
The results from three different experiments carried out at a constant temperature are shown:

Expt. Initial concentration of A / mol dm-3 Initial concentration of B / mol dm-3 Initial rate / mol dm-3 s-1
1 0.30 0.50 6.0 x 10-4
2 0.30 0.25 1.5 x 10-4
3 0.60 0.25 3.0 x 10-4

The rate equation for this reaction is rate = k [A] [B]2

What is the value of the rate constant, k?
A. 2.0 x 10-3
B. 3.2 x 10-2
C. 8.0 x 10-3
D. 2.7 x 10-2
[1 mark]

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