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Tech Savvy Susan Doyle-Lindrud, DNP, AOCNP®, DCC—Associate Editor

Proton Beam Therapy for Pediatric Malignancies

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Susan Doyle-Lindrud, DNP, AOCNP®, DCC

Gray (Gy). Photons travel through tissue

Although major advances have been made in radiation techniques, concerns still
without stopping, resulting in continuous
exist about the treatment-related acute and long-term side effects. This issue is dosing of radiation beyond the tumor
most notable in the pediatric population because of developing organs and tissues (Merchant & Farr, 2014).
combined with longer life expectancies. Proton beam therapy has the advantage of a Proton therapy is an external radio-
reduced dose of radiation with less scatter to normal tissue, which may lead to fewer therapy modality that uses protons in-
adverse side effects. stead of photons. Protons are positively
charged particles that are accelerated by
At a Glance a large, expensive particle accelerator
• Many pediatric patients with cancer receive radiation therapy. called a cyclotron or synchrotron, avail-
• Radiation treatments can cause significant acute and long-term side effects. able at a limited number of specialized
• Proton beam therapy reduces radiation scatter to normal tissues and may decrease centers (Decker & Wilson, 2012). When
acute and late toxicities. a proton beam enters the body, it delivers
a constant dose within a few millimeters
Susan Doyle-Lindrud, DNP, AOCNP®, DCC, is an assistant dean of Academic Affairs and a director of the of the end of the particle range, the so-
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program and Oncology Program in the School of Nursing at Columbia Univer- called Bragg peak (see Figure 1). Beyond
sity in New York, NY. The author takes full responsibility for the content of the article. The author did not
the Bragg peak, protons deliver almost
receive honoraria for this work. No financial relationships relevant to the content of this article have been
disclosed by the author or editorial staff. Doyle-Lindrud can be reached at, with copy no additional exit dose beyond the tar-
to editor at get. The benefit of this is that the proton
Key words: radiation; survivorship; technology beam stops within the patient’s tumor
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1188/15.CJON.521-523 region, and the radiation does not extend
to normal tissue beyond the tumor. This
allows for radiation absorption to deep
tumor targets with less scatter of radia-

tion to normal surrounding tissues and
roton beam therapy is one of the ation is an important component of many
the possible safe escalation of radiation
latest advancements in radiation treatment regimens for pediatric cancers,
doses to enhance tumor control (Daw &
therapy used to treat cancer. Al- it is associated with early and late side
Mahajan, 2013; Swisher-McClure, Hahn,
though initially proposed in 1946, the effects that can be more problematic
& Bekelman, 2015).
first patients were treated in 1958 at the in children because of their developing
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory organs and tissues (Armstrong, Stovall,
in California (Merchant & Farr, 2014; Mi- & Robison, 2010). The possible benefits Childhood Cancer
tin & Zietman, 2014). The use of proton of proton beam therapy are the reduction With multimodality therapies for pedi-
beam therapy in clinical practice has in dose to normal tissues and a reduction atric malignancies, the five-year survival
been slowly introduced but has gained in adverse effects of radiation treatment rate exceeds 80%. As many as 60%–90%
significant ground with increasing public (Merchant, 2013). of survivors of pediatric cancer expe-
awareness since 2010 (Mitin & Zietman, rience adverse side effects related to
2014). One of the reasons this form of
radiation has garnered interest is because
Background the cancer or the treatment received
(Geenen et al., 2007). The challenge for
of theoretical advantages as compared to Radiation therapy for patients with the pediatric cancer population with
photon therapy, with specific potential cancer commonly uses external beam solid tumors undergoing radiation is the
advantages in the pediatric population. delivery techniques that include photons. large, irregular volume of tumors close
About 12,000 new cases of pediatric This form of ionizing radiation releases to critical structures in the body. In addi-
cancer occur each year in the United energy and delivers radiation doses to tion, children, when compared to adults,
States, and about 3,000 require radiation the specific areas of a patient’s body. have longer anticipated life spans and an
therapy (Merchant, 2013). Although radi- The standard dose of radiation is the increased sensitivity to the radiation from

Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing • Volume 19, Number 5 • Tech Savvy 521
investigators that proton References
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and may hold therapeutic Armstrong, G.T., Stovall, M., & Robison,
80 benefit with certain types L.L. (2010). Long-term effects of radia-
of tumors, such as central tion exposure among adult survivors of
6 MV
Dose (%)

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over other forms of radia- hood cancer survivor study. Radiation
250 MeV tion therapy (Merchant & Research, 174, 840–850. doi:10.1667/
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Challenges cal perspective and important highlights.
0 American Society of Clinical Oncology
0 10 20 30 As the cost of health care
Educational Book. Retrieved from http://
Depth in Tissue (cm) has increased, the cost
and benefits of this new
Photon Modified proton Native proton Decker, R.H., & Wilson, L.D. (2012). Chapter
technology continue to be
40: Radiotherapy. In L.A. Goldsmith, S.I.
debated. The evidence to
Katz, B.A. Gilchrest, A.S. Paller, D.J. Lef-
FIGURE 1. Proton and Photon Beams With Bragg support proton beam ther- fell, & K. Wolff (Eds.), Fitzpatrick’s der-
Peak apy in terms of outcomes matology in general medicine (8th ed.).
Note. From “Bragg Peak,” by A.A. Miller, 2005, licensed under and cost is limited (Mori- Retrieved from http://accessmedicine
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tion of a proton therapy Geenen, M.M., Cardous-Ubbink, M.C., Kre-
center is costly, ranging mer, L.C., van den Bos, C., van der Pal,
developing organs and tissues, which from $25 million to more than $200 mil- H.J., Heinen, R.C., . . . van Leeuwen, F.E.
puts them at greater risk of secondary lion, depending on the size of the facility (2007). Medical assessment of adverse
cancers and late effects of treatment (Swisher-McClure et al., 2015). The costs health outcomes in long-term survivors of
(Daw & Mahajan, 2013). Depending on of treatment are about two to three times childhood cancer. JAMA, 297, 2705–2715.
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the associated field of radiation, the late ments. In addition, because of the cost of Greenberger, B.A., Pulsifer, M.B., Ebb, D.H.,
effects include deficits in cognition, en- constructing a facility, these centers are MacDonald, S.M., Jones, R.M., Butler, W.E.,
docrine function, vascular abnormality, only available in select locations, adding to . . . Yock, T.I. (2014). Clinical outcomes
dental anomalies, hypothyroidism, car- the financial burden for patients and their and late endocrine, neurocognitive, and
diovascular and gastrointestinal toxicity, families because receiving proton beam visual profiles of proton radiation for pe-
and secondary malignancies (Armstrong therapy may involve travel, housing, and diatric low-grade gliomas. International
et al., 2010; Geenen et al., 2007; Green- potential lost wages (Swisher-McClure et Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
berger et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2013). al., 2015). Physics, 89, 1060–1068. doi:10.1016/j
Proton beam therapy has been in- .ijrobp.2014.04.053
Merchant, T.E. (2013). Clinical controversies:
cluded as a radiation option in pediatric
clinical trials for more than a decade,
Conclusion Proton therapy for pediatric tumors. Semi-
nars in Radiation Oncology, 23, 97–108.
and the number of patients treated has The use of proton beam therapy to treat
increased (Merchant, 2013). Guidelines pediatric malignancies is increasing, with
Merchant, T.E., & Farr, J.B. (2014). Proton
that include proton therapy for pediatric the possible benefit that this modality
beam therapy: A fad or a new standard
central nervous system, musculoskeletal, may improve quality of life for long-term
of care. Current Opinion in Pediatrics,
and solid tumors have been developed by cancer survivors (Palm & Johansson,
26, 3–8. doi:10.1097/MOP.0000000000
the Children’s Oncology Group and ap- 2007; Rombi et al., 2014). Longitudinal,
proved by the National Cancer Institute’s comparative clinical trials with long-term
Merchant, T.E., Hua, C.H., Shukla, H., Ying,
Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program follow-up are needed to assess survival X., Nill, S., & Oelfke, U. (2008). Proton
(Merchant, 2013). Biologically, protons outcomes and evaluate for late effects and versus photon radiotherapy for common
have not demonstrated a significant ad- secondary malignancies of proton beam pediatric brain tumors: Comparison of
vantage when compared to photons, therapy, as compared to photon therapy. models of dose characteristics and their
which leads to similar rates of predicted With continued advancement in radiation relationship to cognitive function. Pe-
tumor control, but the physical prop- delivery techniques, the development of diatric Blood and Cancer, 51, 110–117.
erties of protons lead to less radiation smaller and less costly proton beam units doi:10.1002/pbc.21530
scatter to normal tissues and a decrease could lead to an increase in the develop- Mitin, T., & Zietman, A.L. (2014). Promise
in acute and late toxicities (Rombi, Ven- ment of proton beam treatment centers and pitfalls of heavy-particle therapy.
narini, Vinante, Ravanelli, & Amichetti, and a decrease in cost to patients (Mitin Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32, 2855–
2014). However, consensus exists among & Zietman, 2014). 2863. doi:10.1200/JCO.2014.55.1945

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Moriarty, J.P., Borah, B.J., Foote, R.L., Pulido, of Pediatrics, 40, 74. doi:10.1186/s13052 Zhang, R., Howell, R.M., Homann, K., Gie-
J.S., & Shah, N.D. (2015). Cost-effectiveness -014-0074-6 beler, A., Taddei, P.J., Mahajan, A., &
of proton beam therapy for intraocular Swisher-McClure, S., Hahn, S.M., & Bekel- Newhauser, W.D. (2013). Predicted risks
melanoma. PLoS One, 10, e0127814. man, J. (2015). Proton beam therapy: of radiogenic cardiac toxicity in two
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127814 The next disruptive innovation in health- pediatric patients undergoing photon or
Palm, A., & Johansson, K.A. (2007). A re- care? Postgraduate Medical Journal, 91, proton radiotherapy. Radiation Oncol-
view of the impact of photon and proton 241–243. ogy, 8, 184. doi:10.1186/1748-717X-8-184
external beam radiotherapy treatment
modalities on the dose distribution in
field and out-of-field; implications for
the long-term morbidity of cancer sur-
Do You Have an Interesting Topic to Share?
vivors. Acta Oncologica, 46, 462–473.
doi:10.1080/02841860701218626 Tech Savvy discusses the ways in which technology affects nurses, patients, the
Rombi, B., Vennarini, S., Vinante, L., Rav- healthcare team, and the oncology setting. Length should be no more than 1,000–1,500
anelli, D., & Amichetti, M. (2014). Proton words, exclusive of tables, figures, insets, and references. If interested, contact Associate
radiotherapy for pediatric tumors: Review Editor Susan Doyle-Lindrud, DNP, AOCNP®, DCC, at
of first clinical results. Italian Journal

Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing • Volume 19, Number 5 • Tech Savvy 523

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