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End Semester Examination Marks – 40

Time: 150 minutes

Course: Convective Heat Transfer (MEL009P5E) IIT Jammu

Answer any one of the following:

1(a). A sharp flat plate with length 10cm and width 30cm with both sides exposed is kept
parallel to air stream of velocity 2.5m/s. Find the total drag on the plate and the boundary layer
thickness 𝛿 at the trailing edge for air. Assume that the flow is always laminar. [6]

Important values for Air, 𝜌𝑎𝑖𝑟 = 1.2 kg/m3, 𝜈𝑎𝑖𝑟 = 1.5E-05 m2/s

1(b). Consider a human body, in a quiescent ambient air (300K), at constant surface
temperature of 310K. The body is in upright condition (body height = 170 cm) and can be
approximated as a Vertical hot plate. Calculate the following,

(a) Scale of ‘Nu’ when there is no wind, gravity is acting vertically downward [2]
(b) Assuming the human starts moving in the horizontal direction at a speed of (i) 2.4 kmph
and (ii) 24 kmph. Comment on the type of convection – free or force or mixed in both
the cases? Take the span of the human as 0.50 m. [4]
Properties of air: Pr = 0.7, Kinematic viscosity = 1.6 x 10-5 m2/s.

2. By identifying and denoting all the steps clearly, derive the value of 𝑁𝑢 in 2-D laminar
fully developed flow (Use the velocity profile directly) in a channel with constant wall
temperature condition. [12]

Answer any one of the following:

3(a). In a steel plant, consider a horizontal 20 m long, 3 m wide, and 10 cm thick hot steel plate
moving along its length at a speed of 1cm/s in an ambient (air) temperature of 400C.
(i) Calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient at a time when its initial temperature is
7000C. Assume that the bottom surface of the hot steel plate is perfectly insulated. Neglect heat
lost from its sides. [7]

(ii) Calculate the approx. time taken till plate’s temperature becomes 3500C. [4]
Steel properties – ρ𝑠 = 7500kg/m3 , Cp,s = 468 J/kg − K, k s = 250W/m − K
Air properties – ρ𝑎 = 1.125kg/m3 , Cp,a = 1000 J/kg − K, k a = 0.0267W/m − K
(iii) How will the time taken change if radiation term is also considered? [1]

3(b). Calculate the total heat transfer from the structure shown below. Consider that all the
internal surfaces are insulated, external surface temperature is 310K throughout and air
temperature is 300K. Width = 1m for all the parts. [12]

Air : ρ𝑎 = 1.125kg/m3 , Cp,a = 1000 J/kg − K, k a = 0.0267W/m − K, 𝑃𝑟 = 0.7

2.7 m

1.8 m


𝑁𝑢 = 0.15𝑅𝑎𝑙3∗ Turbulent regime in Horizontal hot flat plate

𝑁𝑢 = 0.10(𝑅𝑎𝐻 )1/3 Turbulent regime in Vertical hot flat plate

4. Answer all of the following:

(i) What variable did Blassius choose to solve the boundary layer equations in case of 2D
laminar flow over a flat horizontal plate?

How did he identify the edge of the boundary layer? [3]

(ii) In case of a laminar natural convection over a vertical plate kept at a constant temperature,
sketch the temperature and velocity profiles (consider Pr = 1 case). Determine the location of
the maximum vertical velocity after suitably assuming a polynomial profile. [3]


Answer any one of the following:

5(a). In terms of the fluid and flow properties, derive the scale for 𝛿𝑇 and Nu for a vertical hot
plate at constant temperature kept in a cold quiescent ambient when Pr << 1. Sketch the
velocity and temperature profiles. [4]

5(b). Derive the governing temperature equation for a plate fin placed horizontally and attached
to a constant temperature vertical wall. Solve this equation for a semi-infinite fin and obtain
the expression for heat transfer due to the fin. [4]



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