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A. Complete the sentences with the words below.

headphones plain pyjamas scarf shorts sleeved smart tie tight


1. Teachers have to wear __________________ clothes to work.

2. She’s looking for a short-__________________ summer dress.
3. My dad always wears a shirt and __________________ to work.
4. His __________________ are always very dirty after football. He takes them
off before he comes into the house.
5. I have to get dressed! I’m still in my __________________!
6. It’s cold. You need a hat and __________________ today.
7. We wear __________________ for P.E. in the summer and long tracksuit
trousers in the winter.
8. These trousers are very __________________. I need a different size.
9. I’m listening to music using my new __________________.
10. For the school play, you have to wear a __________________ sweatshirt with
nothing on it.

B. Complete the sentences with the words below.

baggy boots bracelet casual dark patterned pyjamas skirt sock


1. My __________________ blue trousers look similar to my black ones.

2. You have to look smart! You can’t wear those __________________ shoes.
3. Thank you for my beautiful __________________. Is it gold?
4. I’ve lost a __________________. I don’t want to have a different one on each
5. I hardly ever wear long __________________ in the summer, only shorts or
6. I want to buy a very big, __________________ T-shirt to wear with my
7. I don’t want a plain dress. I’m looking for something __________________.
8. It’s raining. You need __________________ not shoes in this weather.
9. My grandmother usually wears a long black __________________ and
10. I always wear __________________ in bed – even in the summer!

C. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. My dad always wears a smart / casual shirt to work.
2. She’s wearing tight / baggy leggings.
3. He’s wearing a short-sleeved / long-sleeved T-shirt because it’s hot.
4. I have to wear dark / light or black trousers for school.
5. She’s got a cool plain / patterned skirt. It’s green, yellow and red.

D. Write adjectives with the opposite meaning to the words in bold. Add the
prefix un- where necessary.

1. I’m wearing a similar coat to yesterday. __________________

2. I’ve got a high temperature. __________________
3. My teacher is really friendly. __________________
4. She’s got a(n) expensive laptop. __________________
5. That’s the right answer. __________________
6. It’s a website about male celebrities. __________________
7. Is that a fake beard? __________________
8. Your words are very kind. __________________
9. It’s dangerous to cycle along this road. __________________
10. It’s necessary to wear trainers. __________________

E. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. I’m not very polite / patient – I don’t like waiting for buses.
2. I feel embarrassed / angry and nervous when I have to perform in the school
3. These trousers are too small for me. They’re too baggy / tight.
4. It’s dangerous / safe to ski on your own. Always go with someone.
5. He cooks with usual / unusual food items that you can’t find in a normal

F. Complete the sentences with the opposite of the adjective in brackets. Add the
prefix un- where necessary.
1. This is my __________________ hair colour. (artificial)
2. She always wears __________________ sunglasses. (light)
3. I think you’re very __________________. (kind)
4. The cost of living is __________________ in Iceland. (low)
5. It’s __________________ to keep your wallet in the classroom. (dangerous)
6. Physics is a __________________ subject. (easy)
7. Our neighbours are really __________________. (friendly)
8. He gave some __________________ information to the police. (true)
9. Teaching isn’t just a __________________ job. (male)
10. I’ve got a __________________ bag for swimming lessons. (ordinary)

G. Complete the sentences with the opposite of the adjective in brackets. Add the
prefix -un where necessary.

1. We practise skiing on __________________ snow in the summer. (real)

2. Wear __________________ clothes so drivers can see you. (dark)
3. This film is making me __________________. (happy)
4. The temperature is very __________________ tonight. (high)
5. It’s __________________ to play football in those shoes. (safe)
6. These __________________ headphones aren’t very good. (expensive)
7. She’s got an __________________ hairstyle. (usual)
8. __________________ footballers get a lot of money. (female)
9. I need __________________ glasses for reading. (ordinary)
10. You’re doing the __________________ exercise. (right)


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