1-54A Instructions For An Old Math Ruler

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(BASIL - radiator , Slide Rule 1/54A system Darmstadt" | ee | qioNS eon | qput subtraction see | &3 AW. FABER- CASTELL, STEIN NEAR NUREMBERG q CASTELL - Addiator 1/54A System Darmstadt fe Contents. Description: of the Slide Ruler saaaaetan testis esa aneie ee eee ease eerneee Side 3 ow:lo:Calculote: With: |he:olide RUlosiitermtesiccr ai aiad sa nenaana tanner 6 Calculating Graphically Multiplication With The C And D Scales ©. 7 2 2. 2. 2 ee ee Division: Withe the GrondD ocdlesit inte: sstiir ren nisaradanareatneaay w 10 Multiplication And Division Using ScaleCr.. 2 2. ee ee paeel Squares And SquareiRoois » 15 Cubes And Cube Roos: sre qesert thera atag gene mes auageeaec » 20 The Pythagorean Scale 2... ee » 2 dhe Evenly Divided scle sot eg wv 21 Tne Cuno ee w 22 The rigonometnical oclesi ss. es ee n 23 The Log-Log Scale (Exponential Scale). 2. ae Addition:and oubiractonicsii easter casas arate et ccna adeaaee nee aa aod Maximator Extension Scale. 1 » 35 The text and examples are the property of the firm of A. W. FABER and they must nor be re-printed or copied in any way. NOTE. The Slide Rule CASTELE ” System Darmstadt” resulted from the work of the Mathematical Institute of the Technical University of Darmstadt under the direction of Professor Walther and was introduced by the firm of A.W. FABER CASTELL at the instance of Professor Walther. Description of the Slide Rule. The Slide Rule CASTELL System Darmstadt is a general purpose slide rule. Its logarithmic scales make possible all the calculations which are met with in mathematics and their practice. It carries no special scales such as would be required for commercial, nautical purposes, reinforced concrete, or any other narrow field of activity. The scales of the System Darmstadt Slide Rule are grouped as follows: 1. The Main Seales A, 8, C, D (x) and Cr. 2. The Supplementary Seales Cu, P(/7— x4), L, the trigonometrical scales, and the log-log scales. The Main Scales. Even the simplest general slide rule has the upper scales, A and B, and the lower scales, C and D. Therefore, these are called the Main Seales of the rule. Scales A and B are exactly alike, and extend from 1 to 100. Scales € and D are also alike, and run from 10 10. Scales A and D are on the body of the rule, and are, therefore, known as the Rule Seales. B and C, being on the slide, are known as the Slide Seales. In addition to these four scales, there is a reciprocal, or reversed C, scale on the centre of the slide between B and C. This scale, Cr, runs from 10 to 1 (Fig. 1). a Ure rule body Gomes Lower rule body These five scales are extended a short distance at each end, the extra graduations being a different colour to the main part of the scales. : For all calculations containing only multiplication and division the three scales C, D, and Cr should be used. The Supplementary Scales. Additional scales are provided to facilitate calculations other than multiplication, division, squares and square roots: The cube seale Cu is on the rule face above A. It is graduated from 4 fo 1000, and is used with Scale D (Fig. 2). _ Inch, scale Bevelled Edge Evenly divided scale L Cube scale Cu Upper rule body A D Pythagorean scale P Sin, & cos, scale Tan. & cot. scale Lower rule body Lower edge Fig. 2 The evenly divided scale L on the bevelled edge of the rule body is used in conjunction with Scale D for reading common logarithms, The Pythagorean scale P (I/1— x‘) is on the rule face below D, with which scale it is to be employed. Its uses will be explained later. The trigonometrical seales will be found on the lower edge of the rule body. i Finally, there is a log-log-seale, graduated in three sections, from 1-01 to 10°, on the back of the slide. The cursor enables these scales to be employed in any combination. The long centre line is generally used, while the two short lines at the sides are provided for a special purpose which will be explained later. How To Calculate With The Slide Rule. As the scales of the slide rule are tables of logarithms, their operation is based on logarithmic laws. ion of two factors is carried out by the addition of their logarithms. nis carried out by subtracting the logarithm of the divisor from the logarithm of the dividend. The table of logarithms, therefore, replaces every method of calculating by a simpler operation, and the slide rule even avoids these simple operations, since they are graphically carried out. It follows, therefore, that on the slide rule: Multiplication of two numbers is transformed into addition of two lengths. Division of one number by another is changed to subtraction of one length from another. Graphical calculation is best explained by using two millimetre scales. In Fig. 3, the addition 35-+45 = 80 is worked. 45 10 20 30 40 4 50 O40 2 SOE} 40 cra sO tr o0 a fOr s e0reae) 35 0 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 shows the subtraction 115—53=62. Fig. 4 Now, the slide rule scale is a graphical representation of logarithms, as Fig. 5 shows. The number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 log 3 >» >_> |» A log 7 ot B Fig. 5 3 stands at the extreme end of the length or section log 3; all logarithmic lengths are measured from the beginning of the scale, and this point is marked 1, because log 10. When both the graphical calculations of Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 have been carried out on the logarithmic scale, the result is not the sum and difference of both numbers, but the product and quotient, as Figures 6 and 7 show. log p log q log (p:.q) log (a-b) Fig. 6 Fig. 7 All other uses of the logarithmic scales are only variations of these two fundamental problems. If we wish to calculate on the rule in the same way as in Figures 6 and 7,,we must “set” the given numbers on the scales. We must also know how to “read” the scales. Some practice is required before the value of the graduations is understood. It is necessary to glance over the whole range of the scales and to be specially careful not to confuse numbers like 3-04 and 3.4, or 2-14 and 2-18. When the graduations are thoroughly understood, it is time to practise the insertion and valuation of the last figure. It is a rule that the first two figures should be set or read with certainty, while the third has to be estimated. Only when the first figure is 1 the first three can be found without estimation. Experience over many years has shown that this degree of accuracy is quite sufficient for all appli- cations in mathematics. There is no decimal point in slide rule calculations. Therefore, numbers like 13-45; 0-1345; 1345; 1-345 are all read as a row of figures 1-3—4—5. Where the decimal point must be placed in the answer will usually be clear from the problem. But when this is not so, a rough estimate with round numbers will indicate the number of figures in the answer. CALCULATING GRAPHICALLY. Multiplication With The C And D Scales. Either Fig. 8 Or 10 =F 1 a 10 Fig. 9 When the slide projects so much to the right that the factor b is not against the D iti to use the other end of the slide, as shown in Fig. 9. gains! the D scale, itis necessary The two scales form a table; Scale D is b-times the value of Scale C. a-b a-b Division With The C And D Scales. Either Fig. 1 The answer can only be read at that end of the C scale which is inside the rule body. This setting produces a fable of all pairs of numbers that have the ratio a+b. amt eee ta a Boa In this manner all conversions requiring the fourth proportion can be solved, such as, for instance: when metres on C are set to yards on D, read 75 m. = 82 yd. Ify -2 is to be solved for many values of x, the method shown in Fig. 12 will be the most convenient. Fig. 12 Multiplication And Division Using Scale Cr. The reversed scale Cr (which requires care in reading) is a very important scale; it simplifies many calculations and makes others possible. W Between Scales C and Cr there is a reciprocal relationship, each graduation on C being the reciprocal cae saa of the one immediately above it on Cr, and vice versa. For instance, 30 and 0-0333, 2-5 and 0-4, 125 and 0.008, If y === is to be solved for several values of x, the method shown in Fig. 15 should be employed. If both factors a and b are set in line on D and Cr, with the help of the cursor, a very convenient With this setting a table is formed which gives all pairs of numbers having ¢ as their product (inverse method of multiplying is obtained. The answer is always found, either by reading to the left (Fig. 13) or to the proportion). ight (Fig. 14). € ) 10 y 1 a | {| cr x xKey=¢ <= Y Fig. 15 The rule is now set to give all possible factors of the number c that satisfy the quadratic equation xts-x+c=0, but the sum must be—s. With the reverse scale, Cr, it is possible in most cases to find the product of three factors with one setting (Fig. 16). Reversing the procedure gives division by two divisors (Fig. 17). Squares And Square Roots. Both the upper scales are graduated to half length. The change over from D to A (and likewise from Cto 8 gives the square of the number that is set on D. Square rools are extracted by reversing this proce- dure (Fig. 18). Va 2 a & 3 b 1 10F Si 100. ‘i a t + a [1 10: 100 4 ” p44 3 $s _— 4 aes % Vee Fig. 18 In extracting a square root it is necessary to set the number on the correct half of the upper scale. If the figures 6 ..2 be set to the left, the root of 6-2 is found below, if to the right it is the root of 62. It is also necessary to take notice of the numbered graduations 1...10...100. If the number lies outside the scale range 1 to 100, it should be factorised by hundreds to bring the significant figures within these limits. Example: 1922 = 100 22 =10- 19-22 = 10. 4.38 = 43.8 V 0.000071 = V71=-1000000 = 71-1000 = 8-43-1000 = 0.00843, When both the upper and lower scales are used in conjunction many combined calculations are possible, as the following figures will show. When the calculation contains a square it is necessary to commence on the lower scales so that the a answer comes on an upper scale. There are five alternatives: 1 = i ——> : 2 ——— T 5 b 100 ie 100 Se TL = a e = we 0 8 io 3 D a i : 1 a o Fig. 19 \ Fig. 22 2 a 100 b ” a b? Fig. 20 Fig. 23 a’-b 100 19 Should there be a square root in the calculation, it is necesarry to start on the upper scales, so | that the root can be found on a lower. Care must be taken, in this case, to set the number on the correct half Fig. 21 of scale A or B. 17 T 100 Fig. Fig. 27 Vb Cubes And Cube Roots. : The Pythagorean Scale. Scale Cu is graduated in the ratio 1:3. In passing over from Scale D to Cu the number is raised to the | This scale represents the function y = V 1—x*. It is employed i cerenee . third power, while passing from Cu to D gives the cube root, as shown in Fig. 29. When setting the number | latter having the range of values 0-1 to 1. employed in combination with Scale D (— x), the for a cube root on Scale Cu it is necessary to watch the values 1. . . 10... 100... 1000. : Examples: x—0-8, y 0-6 (Fig. 30). Sin « = 0-134, cos « = 0-991. 4 3 nie 10 3 100 & 1000 Som 10S = = a : of r 7 > ae oe ae i = ' a2 aVa a i }- . | V1—x 1 ° 108, 100 ee 5 - 0,995 0,991 06 0 at a : 1 | 4 10 2 SS = = ie The Evenly Divided Seale. a 2 | This scale is used with S i , Fig. 29 three-figure table Naturally, fea Cane common logarithms, and may be used in place of a , the i i 0 ifthe number does not le within the scale range 1... 1000, it must be factorised by thousands fo bring i eee = i : within these limits. ono ee ae Example: Log 52 = 1-716 (Fig. 31) Je Example: |¥ 1260000 = J% 1000%=1-26 = 10817 1-26 = 100>1-08 = 108. log x = 3.574 x= 3760, i 170-32 = 320 = 1000 = 17320 +10 = 6-84-10 = 0.684. . ig x t Ip found (Fig. 29). Bai 2 | | | | 1 If the cube scale be employed with Scale A, powers having the exponents Zand 4 may be i | i 375 52 10 | 20 | The Cursor. The Trigonometrical Scales. i be employed as a scale. When the short right-hand line is set to a Tesch the $cale os Tei diame eee aes oe ee oe will give the area on B or A respectively (Fig. 32), and when the right 2 ’ ine indi i ilk Hts. i ‘i : : : hand line is on any given horse-power, the left-hand line indicates the corresponding kilowa Reading the sin-cos table from left to right, with the Black Numbers, we obtain a Sine Table on ? Scale D. 2 | With large angles the reading becomes uncertain; in this case it is more accurate if the red numbers g | are used and read on Scale P. In Fig. 33, sin 76° is given as 0-97 on Scale D, and as 0-9703 on P. i | Q ® < | - S AorB i 0 H.P.—kW | 3 3 Ot 3 % ecumat sin a Derc | d—A | z Fig. 32 as . ‘09 ; 3 ke ro Fig. 33 : a Reading the Red Numbers from right to left, we obtain a Cosine Table on D. 23 22 With small angles the reading is not exact: it is more accurate if read on Scale P with the black numbers, In Fig. 34, cos 11° is shown on D as 0-982, and more accurately as 0-9816 on P. 7 & 8 3 : 25 ¢ 2B 2 ig 8 . or 2 8 8 sin a cos a P cos 1708 Fig. 34 90° Reading black numbers on the tan-cot scale from left to right, we obtain a tangent table on Scale D. Reading red numbers from right to left, we obtain a cotangent fable on D. It would appear as if only tangents of angles below 45° and cotangents of angles over 45° can be read. But as tangent and cotangent values are reciprocal, the use of Scale Cr permits all values to be read as shown in the examples of Fig. 35. The procedure is summarised in the following: Tangents under 45° black numbers and D or C over 45° red numbers and Cr Cotangents under 45° black numbers and Cr over 45° red numbers and D or C 24 8 3 a = g i 2 | 3s 8 ge 2 && 3 Ie 10 a8 3 8 1 (A ee 3 =| 101 Cot a Fig. 35 oyt 10 Tana X tan {+ cy 759 180 329570 450 : The trigonometrical functions can be read in thi ae i: g i in this way down to 5°.7. Then, sin 5°. The following relationship can be used for still smaller angles: sing ~tane@~ are oe _e : The mark ¢ has been placed at 1-7-4-5 it i in Fi instance, fan 3° 0 Sin 3 = ore 3° 0-0-0524, The orror i loc em OSDbulg Pes os ShowN 8 Fig 36, For (The symbol ~& means “approximately equals”) D d 3 0,524 Fig. 36 25 Calculation with Trigonometrical Scales. IFitis desired to pass from the sine of an angle to cosine (or vic i Scales D and P these pairs of values are under one another. Also, in converting fr the reading of the angles is avoided, as the corresponding values are in line on converting sines or cosines to tangents or cotangents that the angle need be read. ‘As the functions can be found on D or Cr, they are convenient, in most cases, for further calculation. When the reading is on P, however, it has to be transferred to the main scales. (or vice versa), the angle need not be read. On ‘om tangents to cotangents C and Cr, It is only when The Log-Log Scale (Exponential Scale). This scale has manifold applications, but only the most important methods of calculating are given here. The following rule will be found helpful: For a single calculation use the slide in normal position, For a series of problems invert the slide. When the slide is inverted the three sections of the log-log scale move between Scales A and D. There is a tenth power relationship between each pair of adjacent sections of the log-log scale, which makes the reading of tenth roots and tenth powers extremely easy. a” Example: . 1-204" = 6-4, reading between 2nd and 3rd sections 1-035" = 1-41, a i iste 2nd, 10 ae V75 = 1-54 ad nd a OSs V1-248 = 1.0224 ” pee Onde Shea ey 26 These examples show that, with the log-log scale, the position of the decimal point is definitely fixed. Powers of e. The exponents must be set on Scale D. If th i inati i ne ie ee ees _ . ey are used in combination with the lowest section of otied Gaui gr cee pe eeea 1 to 10; with the middle section they must be read Normal Slide. Inverted Slide. Example: e!61 — 5, Set 1-61 on C to one end of D (say, to 1). Then, turn the rule over and read the answer, 5, on the lowest section under the left-hand index line. Set the cursor line to 1.61 on D and read the answer, 5, on the lowest log-log section. : Example: e9°¢1 — 1.84, et 61 on C (which has to be taken as 0-61) Set th i : : e cursor || 1 + over either end of D (say, over 10). Turn the rule over read 1.84 on the diene alee i and, at the right-hand end now, read 1-84 on the ; middle section. : Example: e027 1.0294, }et 29 on C (which is now 0-029) over either S et the cursor over 29 (0- end of D (say, over 1), turn the rule over and read —‘1-0294 on the upper oe ei anaiel 1.0294, under the index line, on the upper section of : the log-log scale. 7 Ve - Roots of e. If the exponent of the root be changed to a power exponent, as in tl i Qt is read from the reciprocal scales. It is, however, possible as in the foregoing. The conversion of the exponents to-find the root directly by means of Scale Cr. Normal Slide. Set 4 on Cr over either end (1, for instance) of D. Turn the rule over and read the answer, 1-284, under the lef-hand index line on the middle section of the log-log scale. Hyperbolic Logarithms. A ae Example: Ve = ef = 0% = 1.284. he above example, the solution is Inverted Slide. Set 4 on Cr under one of the index lines at the back of the rule (at the left-hand end, for instance). Then the answer 1-284, will be found on the middle section over 1 on D. Hyperbolic logarithms are found by reading from the log-log scale to Scale D or ice log.a Slide Normal. Draw the slide to the right until 25 (on the lowest log-log section) appears under the index line. Turn the rule over and read 3-2-2 on C over 10 on D. As the lowest section was used, loge 25 = 3-22. With the slide to the lef the reading is in exactly the same manner. Example: Loge 25 = 3-22. Slide Inverted. Set the cursor line on 25 on the lowest log- log section and read loge 25 = 3-22 on D. With this setting we obtain a table of hyper- bolic logarithms. There is no movement of the slide. Example: Log, 1-31 = 0-27. Slide Normal. I Draw the slide to the left until 1.31 (on thi middle section) opeea under the index ling ‘Turn the uw over an ae he numa 2-7 on C over on D. Being on the middl ion, i te gins middle section, it must be Proceed in the sam i the right @ way when reading to Slide inverted. ___ Set the cursor line-over 1-31 on the middle section and read the numbers 2-7 on D. This means 0-27, since itis on the middle section. Example: Log,’ 1-0145 = 0-0144, The procedure is exactly as before; the numbers 1—4—4, read on D, must be taken as 0.0144, as the uppermost section was used in setting. Powers With Fractional Exponents. Example: 3.752% — 50. : Bring 3-75 on the: lowest section to the right-hand index line (Fig. 37a). Move. the_ cursor over 1 on C (Fig. 37b) and bring 296 on C under the cursor line (Fig. 37c). Turn the rule over and read the answer, 50, under the index line (Fig. 37d). Set 3-75 (on the lowest log-log section) over 1 on D, move the cursor line over 296 on D and read the answer, 50, directly above (Fig. 38). 28 29 Back of the rule Back of the slide Fig. 370 Fig. 37b 0 Fig. 37¢ Back of the rule Fig. 374 Face of the rule Face of the rule tol Face of the slide Face of the slide Back of the slide 30 Face of the rule a tg oe id Back of the slide Dy 2.9% a] Fig. 38 Example: 1-89 605 — 47.1, Draw the slide to the right until 1-89 appears Set 1-89 over 10 on D, using the cursor. Move under the index line. Put the cursor over 1 on C and the cursor over 605 on D and read the answer, 47-1, bring 605 on C under it. Turn the rule over and read above it. ‘ the answer, 47-1, under the left-hand index line. In By this method, the change over from the finding this power, we passed from the middle section middle section to the lowest is more noticeable. to the lowest. Example: 1.0525 274 == 4.5, Draw the slide to the right until 1.0525 Set 1-0525 over 10 on D, using the cursor. appears under the index line. Put the cursor over 1 on Move the cursor over 294 on D and read the answer, C and bring 294 on C under it. Turn the rule over 4-5, above it on the log-log scale. and read the answer, 4-5, under the left-hand indexline. In the last example, we passed from the highest to the lowest section of the log-log scale. Had the exponent been 2-94, the change over would have been to the middle section (Answer = 1-1623). There should be no difficulty in selecting the answer on the sections of the log-log scale, at it can be estimated easily. 31 Roots With Fractional Exponents. When the root exponent is changed to a power exponent by means of the reciprocal scale, the problem is solved as above. It is possible, however, to obtain the answer without the conversion. ® 44 Va Example: 23 = 2.04. Normal Slide. Reversed Slide. Draw the slide to the right until 23 appears Set 23 on the log-log scale (lower section) under the index line. Put the cursor line over 10 on over 4-4 on D and real the answer, 2-04 (central the reciprocal scale Cr and bring 44 on Cr under it. _ section) over D'10. Turn the rule over and read the answer, 2-04, under the right-hand index line. 208 Example: V 1.0268 = 1-0128. In this case, draw the slide to the left until By means or the cursor line set 1-0268 on the 1.0268 appears under the index line. Put the cursor _log-log scale (upper section) over D 2.08 and read line over 1 on Cr and bring 208 on Cr to it. Turn the the answer 1-0128 over D 1. rule over and read the answer under the left-hand index line. 32 ae x e ° ; Example: 673 5 + 9269, By + 734 8 6676 — 845 5831 Before operating, see that the middle Register is set al zero. Should an ¥ sign rem: insert stylo in the "1" in corresponding column above and pull towards the middle. (Limi at this stage to square-holed register at bottom. Addition and Subtraction. To clear register. Pull up the metal slide on th top of the machine, and then push it down again. after clearing the machine, ™M"), Pay no attention Adding and subtracting. Use the respective part of the machine, and proceed as indicated in "Short Rules”, inserting stylo on left of figure required. Insert numbers as you would write them (lef to right). Insert stylo in the "6" in third column from right and pull towards middle. Proceed similarly with “7 (29d column from right) and "3" (right. hand column). Machine now shows “73”. Now add "5269". The “5” in 4th column from right must be pulled towards middle. Also the “2. The “6” and “9, both being in coloured portion of slide must be pushed away from middle (upwards) and round bend to limit “B”. Now insert “734” in the same manner, and sub-total of “6676” will appear in middle register. To subtract “845” use subtraction part. The “8” in 3'¢ column from right, being coloured, must be pulled away from middle (down- wards) and round bend to limit “B’. The ‘4” and “5" are to be pushed upwards to middle. Correct total is now shown in middle egister of "5831". r Automatic stoppage. If a movement has ‘been made in the wrong direction, i. e., pushed up instead of down or vice-versa, the mistake will be indicated automatically by stoppage of the machine so that the wrong movement will not be continued. In this case, you have merely to leave the stylo in the relative hole and move it to the opposite limit, and the correct total will be shown. 33 Arrow signal. Should an “arrow” appear in either the middle or bottom register, it should be eliminated by inserting the stylo in the “0” of corre- sponding column — addition or subtraction according to direction of arrow — and moving same, upwards or downwards, round bend to limit “B". Pay no attention to arrows in bottom register unless calculating with negative results. Example: 756 After insertion of the numbers an A appears in 2nd column from right in middle register, which is eliminated by + 149 inserting stylo in "0" in 2nd column from right — addition portion — and pushing it upwards and round to limit 5305 “BY when correct anwser of "905" will appear. If the operator omits to eliminate the signal, the machine will continue to function correctly, but later a stoppage might occur in the bends, preventing the stylo from reaching limit “B", When this occurs, the signal must be cleared from the "1" to limit "B”. Example: 199 After insertion of the 199" and "'5" it will be found impossible to move the “8” right round to limit, but by ++ 5 clearing the arrow from “Tin 284 column, correct answer of 212” will be shown. ++_8 When subtracting a larger amount from a smaller one, an arrow will appear on the left of the figures in middle 212 register signifying that the answer will be found in bottom register, where also a “——" sign will be shown. The figures to the right of the minus sign represent the answer, and no notice is to be taken of the figures on the left of this sign. Example: 634 eye 223 will appear in bottom register as negative result +536 is added in addition part 313 will appear in middle register as correct answer. ‘On certain occasions, two minus signs will appear in bottom register, in which case the righthand one must be eliminated in the same manner as an ¥ is treated. Example: 600 Afr insertion of the figures and eliminating the ¥ sign in right-hand column ~ subtraction part — the answer 800 will read “—1~0". By eliminating righthand minus sign, ais instructed, answer of — "200" will be shown. —200 Important. Before operating, see that middle register is set at zero. 1/70de 34 Maximator Extension Scale. This scale is intended for quick and accurate calculations by the logarithm method. By its use logarithms of numbers can be read quickly to the 4 or 5th place, thus avoiding long and tiresome references to logarithm tables and interpolated figures. The scale is read upwards from the bottom to the top, the green portion giving the mantissa corresponding to the number itself on the white portion. Any figures may be multiplied together by reading off their respective logarithms from the green scale opposite to their values on the white scale, and adding the logarithms together on the Addiator on the back of the slide rule, The resultant is the log of the desired answer, of which the value-can be read off on the white scale against the resultant log on the green scale. Division is done by subtracting the log of the divisor from the log of the numerator and reconverting the resultant log in the same way. In this process no notice is to be taken of negative results as the right mantissa, always shows up automatically in the round ‘openings in the cenire,scale of the Addiator. Example: [#143] 29,775 >< 2,5965 _ 4475 12,513 — [wa The framed figures are the mantissa corresponding to the numbers of the example.

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