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University Of Punjab

Hailey college of commerce

Roll No: BC22-275, 261 & 284
Subject: Retail Marketing
Submitted to: Prof. Ossama Fazal

Consider you are a retail manager of chocolate

manufacturing company and you decide to sale the new
flavor of chocolate in your retail shop?

If I were a retail manager for a chocolate manufacturing company,

taking inspiration from Cadbury's retail marketing strategy,
introducing a new chocolate flavor on 11.11 (Singles' Day) would
involve the following strategic elements:

Brand Storytelling:
Leverage Cadbury's approach to brand storytelling. Create a
narrative around the new chocolate flavor, emphasizing the
craftsmanship, quality ingredients, and the unique inspiration
behind the flavor. Cadbury often uses emotional storytelling in its
marketing, and this could be applied to introduce the new product.
Iconic Packaging:
Design distinctive and visually appealing packaging for the new
chocolate flavor. Cadbury is known for its iconic purple color and
simple yet elegant packaging. Ensure that the packaging stands
out on the shelves, catching the attention of customers during the
11.11 promotion.
Multichannel Marketing:
Implement a multichannel marketing strategy similar to Cadbury's.
Utilize social media platforms, email marketing, and in-store
promotions to create a cohesive and comprehensive marketing
campaign. Engage with customers across various touchpoints to
maximize visibility and awareness.
Limited Edition Concept:
Embrace Cadbury's success with limited edition products. Position
the new chocolate flavor as a limited-time offering available
exclusively on 11.11. This scarcity can drive a sense of urgency
and encourage customers to try the new flavor during the
promotional period.
Interactive Social Media Campaign:
Cadbury is known for its interactive and engaging social media
campaigns. Develop a 11.11-specific social media campaign
encouraging customers to share their experiences with the new
flavor. Create contests, challenges, or user-generated content
initiatives to enhance engagement.
In-Store Displays and Sampling:
Implement in-store displays that echo Cadbury's visually
appealing presentations. Consider offering free samples of the
new chocolate flavor to entice customers and allow them to
experience the product firsthand. Cadbury often uses in-store
experiences to create a positive association with its products.
Collaborations and Partnerships:
Explore collaborations or partnerships, a strategy Cadbury has
employed successfully. This could involve teaming up with
complementary brands or influencers to amplify the reach of the
new chocolate flavor and create additional excitement around the
Customer Feedback Integration:
Cadbury values customer feedback, and a similar approach
should be taken. Encourage customers to provide feedback on the
new flavor, whether through social media, email surveys, or in-
store comment cards. Use this feedback to refine marketing
strategies and potentially improve the product in the future.
Data-Driven Insights:
Implement data-driven insights into the marketing strategy,
drawing from Cadbury's emphasis on consumer insights. Analyze
customer data to understand preferences, buying behavior, and
the effectiveness of various marketing channels. Adjust the
strategy accordingly for future campaigns.

By aligning with key elements of Cadbury's retail marketing

strategy, the chocolate manufacturing company can create a
compelling and effective promotional campaign for the new flavor
on 11.11, fostering customer engagement and driving sales.

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