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Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

Chapter · October 2009

DOI: 10.1002/9780470479193.adlpsy001014


99 14,966

2 authors:

Pamela Ebstyne King Robert W Roeser

Fuller Theological Seminary Pennsylvania State University


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Religion and Spirituality in

Adolescent Development

This chapter marks the first time that the topic words. Repeating this search for the period
of adolescent religiousness and spirituality from August 2002 to January 2008, we found
has appeared in the Handbook of Adolescent that only 20 of the 1530 published articles, or
Psychology. Although significant attention was 1.3%, referenced these key words.
devoted to the religious development of ado- These searches document that religion and
lescents in the early part of the twentieth cen- spirituality are still rare topics of inquiry in the
tury (e.g., Hall, 1904), and again in the 1960s field of developmental science. Nonetheless,
and 1970s (see Spilka, Hood, Hunsberger, interest is increasing. The Society for Research
& Gorsuch, 2003), this topic was relatively on Adolescence’s Study Group on Adolescence
neglected for much of the latter part of the twen- in the 21st Century, for instance, noted that one
tiethth century. It is only relatively recently that of the areas most in need of research “across
renewed interest in the topic of religious and all nations” is the development of spiritual and
spiritual development during adolescence has religious values and identities during adoles-
developed within the developmental sciences cence (Larson, Wilson, & Mortimer, 2002).
(e.g., Barrett & Richert, 2003; Bloom, 2007; As noted in Roehklepartain et al. (2006), spe-
Lerner, Roeser, & Phelps, 2008; Roehlkepartain, cial issues on the topic have also appeared
King, Wagener, & Benson, 2006). recently in peer-reviewed journals such as the
Benson, Roehlkepartain, and Rude (2003) Journal of Adolescence, Annals of Behavioral
documented this recent lack of attention to reli- Medicine, Applied Developmental Science,
gious and spiritual development during child- Review of Religious Research, Journal of
hood and adolescence by reviewing the frequency Health Psychology, Journal of Personality,
of publications on these topics in six top-tiered New Directions for Youth Development, and
journals (Child Development, Developmental American Psychologist (special section).
Psychology, International Journal of Behavioral Another indicator of emerging interest in
Development, Journal of Adolescent Research, this area is the inclusion of chapters on spiri-
Journal of Early Adolescence, and Journal of tual and religious development in prominent
Research on Adolescence). Of the 3,123 arti- handbooks in the field of developmental sci-
cles published in these journals between 1990 ence such as this handbook. For example, for
and July 2002, only 27 or 0.9% referenced the first time since its original publication
“religion,” “religious development,” “spiri- in 1946, the sixth edition of the Handbook
tuality,” or “spiritual development” as key of Child Psychology included a chapter on

The authors thank Casey Clardy, Kayla Davidson, Jennifer Davison, Lauren White, Sonia Issac, and Jenel
Ramos for their invaluable assistance on this manuscript.


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436 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

spiritual development (Oser, Scarlett, & Bucher, THE ROLE OF RELIGION AND
2006). In addition, comprehensive synthesis of SPIRITUALITY IN ADOLESCENTS’
existing research and theory in the Handbook LIVES: DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS
of Spiritual Development in Childhood and In 1999, Gallup International (1999) surveyed
Adolescence (Roehlkepartain et al., 2006) and over 50,000 people in 60 countries across the
the Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual world about their religious beliefs. The sample
Development in Childhood and Adolescence represented approximately 1.25 billion people.
(Dowling & Scarlett, 2006) have recently been Results showed that 87% of respondents self-
published. identified with a collective religious tradition,
Given this emerging area of interest in the and approximately two-thirds reported that
study of adolescence, we pursue four aims in “God” was very important in their lives. These
this chapter. First, as a way of demonstrating trends were particularly strong in West Africa,
the importance of the growing scholarly atten- Latin America, and North America. These
tion to religiosity and spirituality, we provide findings and others document that: (1) reli-
a demographic portrait of the role of religion gion/spirituality is a central part of the lives of
and spirituality in the lives of adults and ado- a majority of the people across the world, par-
lescents in the United States in particular. We ticularly in developing nations; (2) the United
present facts that show religion/spirituality States stands out as one of the most religious
to be an important part of the everyday lives nations in the developed world, especially
of tens of millions of Americans young and compared to western European countries; and
old. To ignore this domain of study in human China remains much less religious than other
development as has been the case historically developing nations (Pew Forum, 2002).
(Donelson, 1999) is thus to ignore some-
thing rather central to adolescent develop- U.S. Adult Trends in Religious and
ment (e.g., Lerner et al., 2008; Roehlkepartain Spiritual Self-Identification
et al., 2006), to the life of our nation (e.g., Pew According to the Pew Forum on Religion and
Forum on Religion and Public Life, 2008d) to Public Life (2008), the religious affiliations
the global challenges of our times (e.g., Harris, of the U.S. adult population are changing in
2004). After presenting a case for the impor- dramatic ways. Currently, the adult popula-
tance of religion and spirituality in adolescent tion identifies religiously as 51% Protestant
development, we review theoretical perspec- Christian; 24% Catholic Christian; 16% unaf-
tives on religious and spiritual development filiated with a religion; >2% Jewish, >2%
during adolescence with a particular emphasis Mormon, and >1% Muslim. About 4% were
on a developmental system, social ecologi- affiliated with other major faiths, and 1%
cal perspective. This perspective provides a refused to answer or didn’t know.
framework for organizing our review of extant These numbers reflect five basic trends
evidence regarding how different social con- in American religious life. First, for the first
texts influence religious and spiritual devel- time in the history of the United States, a
opment during adolescence, as well as the nation founded on Protestant Christianity,
role of religion and spirituality in broader Protestantism represents only a slight religious
aspects of adolescent development such as majority (51%) or may even now be less than
health, subjective well-being, education, risk 50% of the country (Portes & Rumbaut, 2007)
behavior, and civic engagement. Finally, we due to long-term declines in church member-
examine the problematic and sometimes ship. Second, a small but increasingly signifi-
pathological role of religion/spirituality in cant number of Americans identify religiously
adolescent development. We conclude with as Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Orthodox
suggestions for future research. Christian (e.g., Eck, 2007). Third, despite

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The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Adolescents’ Lives: Demographic Trends 437

declines in church membership among U.S.- In terms of specific religious identifica-

born Catholics, the membership of the Catholic tions, results of the National Study of Youth
church has remained stable (24%) in the United and Religion (NSYR) show that religious
States due to immigrants, mostly from Latin affiliations among adolescents parallel those
America, the Philippines, and, to some extent, of adults (Smith & Denton, 2005). Results
Vietnam, who identify as Catholic (Portes & documented that most youth in the United
Rumbaut). Fourth, an increasing proportion States self-identify as Christian (75%); mainly
of Americans identify themselves as unaffili- Protestant (52%) and Catholic (23%). In addi-
ated with any religious tradition. That approxi- tion, 2.5% self-identity religiously as Mormon,
mately 14%–16% of American adults affiliate 1.5% as Jewish, 0.5% as Muslim, and another
with no religious tradition, and that this per- 1%–2% identify with other religions (e.g.,
centage has increased over the past decade and Jehovah’s Witnesses, Hindus, Buddhists, Eastern
a half, is taken as evidence of an increasing but Orthodox Christian, Unitarian Universalist,
still minority trend toward secularization in the etc.). Furthermore, results showed that
United States (Portes & Rumbaut). approximately 3% of adolescents self-identify
Finally, evidence suggests that there is great with two different religions, likely due to the
fluidity among American adults with respect increase in interreligious marriages in U.S.
to their religious affiliations. The Pew Forum society (Eck, 2007). The rest of adolescents in
study (2007) found that more than one-quarter the NSYR, reflective of a substantial minor-
of American adults (28%) have left the faith ity of adolescents (16%), did not report any
in which they were raised during childhood in collective religious identity (see also Wallace
favor of another religion or no religion at all. et al., 2003). These youth were labeled non-
If one included switching churches within the religious (Smith & Denton, p. 31). Among
Protestant faith in estimates of fluidity, this adolescents whom Smith and Denton called
percentage of changing denominations rises to nonreligious, most self-identified themselves
44%. Add to this kind of fluidity Americans’ as “just not religious” (10%), “atheist” (1.5%),
tolerance for exploring practices beyond their or “agnostic” (1.5%). The remaining 3% of
tradition and the increase in interreligious mar- the 16% “nonreligious youth” seemed uncer-
riages, and the religious context in America tain about their religious identity, suggesting
seems fluid indeed. a small percentage of young people may have
relatively “unexplored” religious identities
U.S. Adolescent Trends in Religious in adolescence (Smith & Denton). Some of
and Spiritual Self-Identification these young people who did not identify with
Given the high levels of religiosity among a religion in fact were raised in a household
American adults, it is not surprising that rep- where there was religion. The main reason for
resentative studies of American youth have why U.S. adolescents raised in a religion said
documented that the vast majority of adoles- they were nonreligious was, by far, intellectual
cents in the United States tend to affiliate with skepticism and disbelief (Smith & Denton).
one particular religious group (84%–87%;
Smith & Denton, 2005; Wallace, Forman, Religious Importance and Attendance
Caldwell, & Willis, 2003). In addition, a sig- Among U.S. Adolescents
nificant minority of young people today do not Perhaps the most studied variables indexing
identify with any religion (13%–16%; Smith religiosity beyond religious self-identification is
& Denton; Wallace et al.). Similar to the find- individuals’ self-rated importance of religion to
ings for adults (Pew, 2008), the number of themselves (or in their lives) and religious
religiously unaffiliated adolescents seems to attendance—usually frequency of attendance
be rising (Wallace et al.). or time spent in religious services. These

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438 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

measures are often combined and called religi- middle to high school years. Nonetheless, that
osity or religiousness—an unfortunate mixing finding means that the other third of their sam-
of what can be considered psychological iden- ple showed a discontinuity during this period
tity beliefs and religious behavior. Nonetheless, with attitudes changing from both favorable
using these measures, several nationally repre- to unfavorable and vice versa. Wallace et al.
sentative studies in the last 10 years suggest (2003) reported less attendance among older
that between 50%–60% of American adoles- adolescence and Smith and Denton (2005)
cents can be considered “strongly religious” reported minor age-related differences in vari-
(Benson et al., 2003; Wallace et al., 2003). ous indicators of religiosity in their cross-sec-
Smith and Denton (2005) report that about half tional, national study of 13–17 year olds. These
of all U.S. adolescents (ages 13–17 years) indi- authors posit that declines in religiosity noted
cate a strong, positive orientation to matters of in other studies may begin after age 17.
religion, faith and religious experience in their
Cohort Differences
lives. They point out that this means “the other
half of U.S. teenagers express weak or no sub- Using data from the 1976–1999 panels of the
jective attachment to religion and have fewer Monitoring the Future Study, Wallace et al.
or no religious experiences” (p. 68). (2003) found a decline in religious attendance
Interestingly, Benson et al. (2003) also among high school seniors across the 1970s and
found sizeable proportions of youth who 1980s, and a stabilization of attendance among
reported high attendance at religious services 12th graders across the 1990s. A conservative
also reported low personal importance of reli- interpretation of their findings, the authors
gion. They speculated that parental pressures write, is that “religiosity has been fairly stable
to attend services or voluntary youth atten- for over a decade among 8th and 10th graders
dance for the social rather than the religious and for more than a quarter century among 12th
aspect of religious activities with same-aged graders” (Wallace et al., p. 121).
peers are the primary motivators behind such Sex Differences
adolescents’ attendance at religious programs, Several studies have shown that sex differences
activities, and services. These results highlight in religiosity are evident among adolescents
the importance of (1) conducting research (Smith & Denton, 2005; Wallace et al., 2003).
on the role of religion and spirituality in the Smith and Denton reported that, compared to
lives of adolescents; (2) attending to the diver- adolescent boys, adolescent girls aged 13–17
sity of motives youth have for such attendance; years old (1) attend religious services more
and furthermore (3) allowing for the possibil- frequently, (2) see religion as shaping their
ity in such research that in fact religion/spiritu- daily lives more; (3) are more likely to have
ality plays little to no role in the development made a personal commitment to live life for
of some youth. God; (4) are involved more often in religious
youth groups; (5) pray more alone; and (6) feel
Age Differences
closer to God. These gender differences, con-
Research on age-related differences in indi- sistent but fairly small in magnitude, remain
cators of religious attendance and salience is after accounting for youths’ social back-
equivocal. Findings from one longitudinal grounds. Furthermore, such sex differences
study showed widespread continuous levels persist into adulthood (Batson, Schoenrade &
of religious attendance and importance across Ventis, 1993; Donahue & Benson, 1995).
adolescence. In a study of 370 youth, Benson,
Scales, Sesma, and Roehlkepartain (2005) Geographic Trends
found that about two-thirds showed continu- There are also geographic differences in the
ous levels of religious importance from the level of religiosity among adolescents. Smith

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Concepts and Theories of Religious and Spiritual Development in Adolescence 439

and Denton (2005) found that adolescents in youth religious involvement may impact the
the Northeast were generally the least reli- development of adolescents. Such influences
gious, those in the South the most religious, and would, of course, depend at least in part on the
those in the Midwest and West fell in between. nature of religious and spiritual development.
Wallace et al. (2003) reported slightly different Accordingly, in the next section, we provide
findings from data collected in the late 1990s. an overview of theories of religious and spiri-
Among this cohort of adolescents, those living tual development during adolescence.
in the South indeed reported the most atten-
dance and highest centrality of religion to self CONCEPTS AND THEORIES
and those in the Midwest showed intermediate OF RELIGIOUS AND
levels of religiosity. These findings corroborate SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT IN
those of Smith and Denton. However, youth in ADOLESCENCE
the Monitoring the Future study in 1999 who The study of religion and spirituality in
lived in the West and the Northeast were found developmental science hinges on whether it
to be less religious on these measures than is possible to formulate good theories from
those in the South and Midwest. These find- which scientists derive clear and scientifi-
ings concerning youth growing up in Western cally tractable definitions of what religion
states differ from the NSYR findings. It may be and spirituality are substantively, what they
that 10 years of immigration in Western states, do functionally (Emmons & Paloutzian, 2003;
especially immigration of Latin Americans Weaver, Pargament, Flannelly, & Oppenheimer,
who tend to be very religious, may account for 2006), and how they develop systematically
this difference (Eck, 2007). over ontogenetic time (cf. Lerner et al., 2008;
In addition to these major geographical dif- Oser et al., 2006; Roehlkepartain et al., 2006).
ferences, research shows that adolescents who Indeed, the challenge of having “good” theo-
live in the most rural and sparsely populated ries is one that has historically plagued the
counties in the United States tend to be more study of the psychology of religion (Batson,
religious than those living in more populated, 1997). Having good theory remains a signifi-
urban environments (Smith & Denton, 2005; cant challenge in the contemporary study of
Wallace et al., 2003). Furthermore, studies religious and spiritual development (RSD)
within rural communities in Iowa show that during adolescence.
European-American adolescents living on Nonetheless, several key theoretical strands
farms had stronger ties to religious institutions can be discerned in current research on reli-
and were more committed to religious val- gious and spiritual development (RSD) dur-
ues than their peers who do not live on farms ing adolescence. Specifically, RSD has been
(King, Elder, & Whitbeck, 1997). discussed in terms of (1) a relational system
In sum, demographic evidence in the United affording security and anxiety reduction; (2) a
States shows that formal religious participation meaning system affording existential answers
is important in about 50% of U.S. adolescents’ in the context of life’s “boundary conditions”
lives, with some decline in religiousness among (e.g., death) and unexplainable life events; (3)
older adolescents. There are also sex differ- the development of cognitive schemas indexing
ences in which female adolescents are more conceptions of religious phenomena such as
religious than their male peers. There is also evi- prayer and God; (4) an identity-motivation sys-
dence to suggest that living in the South, the tem organized around particular religious and
Midwest, and to some degree the West, as well spiritual goals, values, and ultimate concerns;
as the less densely populated and more rural (5) states and stages of awareness that tran-
areas of the country, is associated with greater scend ego-consciousness and its boundedness
religiousness among youth. These levels of in time and space (e.g., mystical experiences,

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440 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

construct-aware stages of functioning); and (6) transcendent other (i.e., God, higher power,
a dynamic developmental systems perspective ultimate truth) and (b) to bring about an under-
in which RSD is seen in relation to multiple standing of an individual’s relationship and
contexts, people, symbol systems, and oppor- responsibility to others living together in com-
munity. (p.18)
tunities and risks that foster or frustrate such
development across the life span. In addition,
not all current scholarship about RSD is theo- In contrast, spirituality is defined as:
retically framed. Accordingly, we begin this
discussion by describing two atheoretical defi- . . . a personal quest for understanding answers
nitions that nevertheless have served as a point to ultimate questions about life, about meaning,
of departure for more theoretical approaches. and about relationship to the sacred or transcen-
dent, which may (or may not) lead to or arise
Atheoretical Approaches and the from the development of religious rituals and the
Study of Religion and Spirituality formation of community. (p. 18)

A proliferation of atheoretical, descriptive tax-

onomies of RSD and of the question of how to This perspective is close to Pargament’s
distinguish religion and spirituality in human (2007) view of personal religiousness or spiri-
development characterize the field of the tuality as a “quest for the sacred” in which the
psychology of religion and spirituality today “sacred” is defined in terms of individuals’
(Paloutzian & Park, 2005). Traditionally, the field “concepts of God, the divine and transcendent
of psychology of religion subsumed the terms reality, as well as other aspects of life that take
religion and spirituality under the construct on divine character and significance by virtue
of religion (Spilka et al., 2003). However, of their association with, or representation of,
recent years have seen a divergence in these divinity” (Pargament, 2007, p. 32). Koenig et al.
constructs, both in the culture as well as in the posit that there are five “types” of (individual-
sciences (Koenig, McCullough, & Larson, 2001; level) spiritualities that are either “moored” or
Zinnbauer & Pargament, 2005). Thus, debate “unmoored” to an established (social-level)
over the substantive and functional distinctions religious tradition. For the vast majority, they
between religiousness and spirituality is one of posit that the spiritual life is “moored” or tied
a number of central conceptual challenges in the to a formal religious tradition. Nonetheless,
psychology of religion today, and one that bears Koenig et al. (2001) also acknowledge the
centrally on developmental science theories of existence of individuals who search for mean-
religious and spiritual development. ing to ultimate questions through unmoored
One prominent atheoretical approach to spiritualities such as “humanist spirituality” in
distinguishing between religion and spiritual- which the focal concerns center on humanity
ity is to conceptualize religion at the level of as a whole, universal ethics, and the cultiva-
an organized sociocultural–historical system, tion of human potential rather than around a
and spirituality at the level of individuals’ per- Transcendent God or Transcendental Reality.
sonal quests for meaning, happiness, and wis- This approach of assigning religion to the level
dom. For instance, in chapter 1, Definitions, of of context and spirituality to the level of the
the Handbook of Religion and Health (Koenig person as a means of differentiating religion
et al., 2001), religion is defined substantively from spirituality is somewhat elegant. Rather
and functionally as: than having to then decide if the person is
religious or spiritual at the individual level
. . . an organized system of beliefs, practices, (which tells one little about the meaning
rituals, and symbols that serve to (a) to facili- and functional significance of these terms),
tate individuals’ closeness to the sacred or Koenig et al. propose that researchers focus

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Concepts and Theories of Religious and Spiritual Development in Adolescence 441

attention on “religiously moored” or “reli- several theories of the development of reli-

giously unmoored” forms of spirituality at the giously moored and unmoored spiritualities.
individual level. As mentioned earlier, given
that nearly a half of adolescents report no for- Religion and the Development of
mal religious engagement, and more and more Relational Security
are identifying with no religion, a focus on Freud saw religion as a “universal obsessional
unmoored forms of spirituality during these neurosis” derived from infantile human wishes
years is warranted in the future. for love, comfort and security (Freud, 1961,
The notion of “moored spiritualities” is p. 43). Religion was an “opiate” derived across
akin to the situation when individuals identify human evolution to provide an illusory sense
as “religious.” The notion of “unmoored spiri- of safety and security against the frailty of
tualities” is akin to the situation in which indi- life and the ubiquity of suffering. Despite the
viduals identify as “spiritual, not religious.” fact that psychoanalytic accounts of religion
Zinnbauer and Pargament (2005) summarize have been criticized thoroughly on a number
research on adults that also applies to U.S. of grounds (see Spilka et al., 2003), Freud’s
adolescents with respect to identifications as “opiate theory” of religion informed and was
“religious and spiritual” and “spiritual, not transformed by subsequent object relations
religious.” They suggest that: and attachment theorists.
With respect to Object Relations Theory,
1. Most people identify as both religious and Rizzuto (1979) argued that representations of
spiritual. God are a universal outcome of a child’s rela-
2. A minority of people identify as “spiritual tionships with their parents or other caretakers.
not religious,” sometimes using this iden- According to object relations theory, individuals
tification as a repudiation of institutional internalize affectively charged representations of
religion (e.g., Hood, 2003). their relationships with significant others such
3. Religiousness and spirituality are con- as parents as “psychic objects.” Internalized
structs that overlap in the United States images of parents become “templates” for
and are very similar, but not identical. comprehending and understanding the devel-
4. The terms are both multidimensional and opment of God images and relationships in
multilevel constructs crossing biological, individuals.
mental, and social levels of analysis. For Rizzuto and other object relations theo-
5. Both religiosity and spirituality develop rists, God images are posited to serve as “tran-
and change over time at the level of indi- sitional objects” that can reduce attachment
viduals and groups. insecurity as the child develops more inde-
6. Religiousness and spirituality are develop- pendence from caregivers (e.g., Dickie et al.,
ing different connotations in U.S. culture 1997), and at other times in the life course
and science, with a trend toward religion characterized by significant life change and
being associated with the social system or stress. Of course, one such time in the life
group level, and spirituality being associ- course is adolescence and its suite of bio-
ated with the individual level of analysis. psychosocial changes. Evidence shows that
many young people in the United States and
For purposes of this chapter, we use the around the world report relationships with
generic term religious and spiritual develop- God (Gallup, 1999) and that as distance from
ment (RSD) to capture the development of parents increase, intimacy with God increases
both moored and unmoored forms of spiritu- (Dickie et al.). Furthermore, there is some
ality during adolescence. This general notion evidence of important changes in conceptions
provides a point of departure for discussing of God toward a more relational view during

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442 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

adolescence. In one study, Deconchy (1965) Among those who reported growing up with
found three stages in such development from religious mothers, those with any of three
ages 7 to 16 years among French Catholics. In types of attachment styles were more highly
the first stage, from about 7 to 11 years, God religious. Those with secure attachments to
was seen as having concrete anthropomorthic “nonreligious” mothers reported less religi-
attributes. From 11 to 14 years, these attri- osity themselves later. These findings were
butes of God became more abstract, follow- interpreted as examples of basic “mental mod-
ing general trends in cognitive development. eling effects.” The study also showed that
Interestingly, from 14 onward, youth reported those with avoidant attachments to “nonreli-
more abstract and relational conceptions of gious” mothers reported more of an orienta-
God—focusing on their personal relation- tion toward religion, more religious activity,
ships with God in terms of themes of love and and greater closeness to God later. This find-
trust. These findings suggest that conscious ing was interpreted as a “compensation effect.”
relational images of God may become more These individuals were also more likely to
salient during adolescence. Similarly, evi- report having had a “sudden conversion expe-
dence suggests that in adolescents’ prayer life, rience” as well. Kirkpatrick and Shaver note,
there is a development from instrumental forms “religion may function in a compensatory role
of prayer towards a dialogic style of prayer in for those with a (retrospectively) reported his-
which attempting to get closer to God is cen- tory of avoidant attachment; that is, God may
tral (Scarlett & Perriello, 1991). serve as a substitute attachment figure” (1990,
A related view of RSD comes from an p. 315). Those individuals with ambivalent
adaptation of the evolution-based theory of attachments fell in between, but were more
parent-child attachments put forth by Bowlby like the securely attached in that they followed
(1988). Kirkpatrick (1997) likened individu- the role of their mother in religion. Other
als’ relationships with God to their relational research with adults has also appeared more to
attachments to parents and also posited that support the correspondence hypothesis—that
the parent–child relationship serves as a tem- individuals develop attachments with God that
plate for the kind of God image children are similar to their attachment with parents
develop. Such attachment schemas, in both (Piedmont, 2005).
cases, are assumed to serve the functions of Research with youth utilizing the attach-
protection and comfort during times of stress. ment theory perspective on religion has been
Kirkpatrick and Shaver (1990) posited two conducted in Sweden, where the evidence
main hypotheses. First, they forwarded the suggested support for the compensation
compensation hypothesis in which individuals hypothesis. Youths with insecure early attach-
with insecure parental attachments are hypoth- ments were more likely to believe in a loving
esized to develop a belief in a loving, personal, God (Granqvist, 2002). These results sug-
and available God as a means of compensating gest a number of possibilities for adolescents.
for the absence of relational security in infancy. Those with secure attachments to parents are
Second, they presented the mental model likely to adopt the faith and God images (or
hypothesis, in which attachments, secure or lack thereof) of their parents (e.g., Hertel &
insecure, provide a mental model upon which Donahue, 1995). However, those with insecure
individuals base their later religious beliefs attachments are likely to seek security by join-
and relational images of God. ing a religious organization and seeking social
In a study of adults, Kirkpatrick and Shaver support in that setting. Alternatively, they may
(1990) found that the relation between attach- reject their parents’ religion altogether as a
ment style and individuals’ own religiosity function of their distant or difficult relation-
was moderated by their mothers’ religiosity. ships with parents (e.g., Smith, 2003b).

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Concepts and Theories of Religious and Spiritual Development in Adolescence 443

In sum, several of the notions originally dis- religious attributions for such purposes—
cussed in psychodynamic theories of religion God’s grace, karma, sin, salvation, and so on.
live on in the contemporary study of religious Evidence suggests that religious attributions
and spiritual development in adolescence in for events are more likely in circumstances in
spirit if not specific content. One is the focus which naturalistic attributions (e.g., to people,
on the relational elements of religious faith. physical events, chance, etc.) prove unsatisfac-
The notion of religious or spiritual develop- tory (Spilka, Shaver, & Kirkpatrick, 1997).
ment as involving the development of a rela- Such events usually involve “boundary con-
tionship with that which is perceived as the ditions” in life such as inexplicable suffering,
Transcendent (i.e., God) or that of transcen- moral transgressions, and death. According
dental value is present in many definitions of to psychologists of religion, the motivational
religion today (e.g., Pargament, 2007). Indeed, impetus for religious attributional processes
in a sense, William James’s (1902) view of reli- in the face of such unexplained events and the
gion was relational in that he defined personal consequent meaning systems that evolve from
religion as “the feelings, acts, and experiences them includes the need to establish meaning,
of individual men in their solitude, as far as personal control, and a sense of well-being
they apprehend themselves to stand in rela- (Spilka et al., 2003). Over developmental time,
tion to whatever they may consider the divine” attributional processes are both contributory
(p. 32). In sum, one way of understanding RSD to and a function of religious beliefs systems.
is in terms of the elaboration and internaliza- Such systems develop across the life span,
tion of specific God images, with specific beginning with intuitive or folk belief systems
affective tones, across time that serve noncon- and changing towards more abstract belief sys-
scious relational functions, such as anxiety tems during adolescence (e.g., Bloom, 2005;
reduction. The research on such conjectures Park, 2005).
suffers from methodological weaknesses how- Bering (2003) hypothesized that there exists
ever, such as the relative lack of ability of a unique attributional meaning system he called
researchers to accurately measure unconscious the “existential domain” whose function is to
“God images” (Piedmont, 2005). ascertain the meaning of events that happen to
oneself. As such, Bering described this domain
Religion as a Meaning/Coping System as an abstract ontological domain within
Another related way that scholars have concep- which the subjective narrative self is said to be
tualized RSD is in terms of the development of contained and whose function is said to be to
an attributional meaning system that addresses make meaning of, in order of developmental
certain kinds of life events, experiences, and complexity and abstractness, one’s life events,
existence writ large. Meaning systems can be one’s experience, and one’s existence in total-
defined as “personal beliefs or theories [indi- ity. This domain is hypothesized to be inde-
viduals] have about themselves, about others, pendent of both the physical domain, and its
about the world of situations they encounter, function in explaining the movements and
and their relations to it. These beliefs or theo- dynamics of inanimate objects, and the social
ries form idiosyncratic meaning systems that domain and its function in the comprehen-
allow individuals to give meaning to the world sion of intentional agents and other minds. It
around them and to their experiences, as well is also hypothesized to be independent of the
as to set goals, plan activities, and order their biological domain and its function in explain-
behavior” (Silberman, 2005, p. 644.). Religions ing animate objects and their dynamics of
provide individuals with meaning-enhancing growth and decay. Nonetheless, the domain
capabilities in the face of unexplainable events often involves elements of these other mean-
by providing individuals with a ready set of ing making systems. The triggers for meaning

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444 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

making through the existential rather than the scriptures. Being morally good not only leads
physical, social, and biological domains of to happiness, but in general, youth believe that
mental life, according to Bering, are events “good people go to Heaven when they die”
whose causes are not easily interpretable (Smith & Denton, p. 163). Third, the MTD
through these other domains and whose causes worldview is “therapeutic” in that it frames
therefore demand some form of alternative God as an ultimate and benevolent being who
interpretation. For instance, individuals who assists us in feeling good and happy about
have a close encounter with death and can ourselves and our lives through grace and the
find no logical explanation for their good for- scriptures. Finally, Smith and Denton suggested
tune may invoke attributions about invisible that the “God” of MTD is “not one who is par-
forces (karma) and intentional agents (God) as ticularly personally involved in one’s affairs—
a means of establishing existential meaning. especially affairs in which one would prefer not
Furthermore, Bering sees this system as tied to to have God involved” (p. 164). This “distant
a more general intentional system that has been God,” they suggest, is selectively available for
documented to tend towards the attribution of taking care of needs, coping with stress, and
teleological purpose to an abstract agency (i.e., providing meaning to otherwise unexplainable
God) that is envisioned to be responsible for personal experiences and events.
events personal and otherwise (e.g, Bloom, Another area of study that builds on this
2005). Such a system, if proven to exist, would religion as meaning system perspective is what
have significant implications for religious and Pargament (2007) refers to “religious coping.”
spiritual development during adolescence, Religious coping is defined as “a search for
insofar as identity development and questions significance in times of stress in ways related
about purpose and existence become focal dur- to the sacred.” This definition means that some
ing these years (Damon, 2008). individuals will use religious and spiritual
Smith and Denton (2005) described the knowledge and imagery in their search for
prevailing religious meaning system among the causes of and ways of responding to life
adolescents in the United States today—the vast stress. For instance, some individuals interpret
majority of whom self-identify as Christian—in the causes of certain life stressors in terms of
terms of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD). “sanctification”—a challenging experience
They suggested that MTD among adolescents that is “God given” in some sense. Other
in the United States is “diesm” because it is people use religious responses as a means of
centered on a diety—an ultimate being called addressing life stress—for instance, not only
“God” (or, less so in America, “Allah” and attributing life stressors as “God given” but
“Yahweh”) who created the universe, orders reframing them in a positive light such that
it with divine moral laws, and then watches they are spiritual tests or learning experiences
over human life on earth. Given the central associated with suffering.
role of God in such a worldview, questions Despite the burgeoning literature on reli-
about “What, in the end, does God want for gious coping among adults (Pargament, 2007),
us and want for us to do?” and “What is the research on religious coping among adoles-
way to God and happiness?” arise. The MTD cents is not very well developed at this time
worldview is “moralistic” in that it teaches that (Mahoney, Pendleton, & Ihrke, 2006). In one
living a good and happy life on earth requires of the few studies done on religious coping
that one be a good and moral person. with youth to date, Dubow, Pargament, Boxer,
Adolescents in the United States believe that and Tarakeshwar (2000) found that Jewish
God wants them to be happy, and that the way adolescents used three different kinds of reli-
to happiness is by being morally good and gious coping strategies in the face of stressors:
obeying the moral laws laid down in religious asking God for help in times of need, seeking

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Concepts and Theories of Religious and Spiritual Development in Adolescence 445

support from Jewish culture and social rela- These theories focus on age-related changes in
tionships, and seeing one’s difficulties in a the kinds of mental representations that young
spiritual light. people could construct around religious topics
Religion as a meaning system can also and issues, as well as their functional impli-
serve as a buffer against the effects of racial cations for the motivation and regulation of
and ethnic discrimination on minority and behavior across development. Focal content
immigrant youth (Eck, 2007). For example, includes elements such as the development of
the use of Afrocentric coping strategies involv- conceptions of prayer and God concepts over
ing spirituality has been an important coping time (e.g., Spilka et al., 2003). Stage-structure
resource for the African-American community theories have shown that, from childhood to
for much of its history (McCrae, Thompson, & adolescence, religious concepts generally fol-
Cooper, 1999). In a sample of 106 African- lowed the Piagetian stages of representational
American high school–aged adolescents, development from more concrete and single
Constantine, Donnell, and Myers (2002) found domain to more abstract and multidimensional
that the use of religious coping strategies was representations (see Oser et al. for details).
greatest among those with a secure sense of
their African-American identity. In a different Faith Development Theory
sample of 50 African-American high school– One of the most comprehensive and enduring
aged adolescents, Brega and Coleman (1999) stage-structure theories of religious develop-
found that those who were more religious were ment was offered by James Fowler (1981).
less likely to internalize stigmatizing messages Fowler ’s Faith Development Theory is rooted
in the wider society about African Americans. in genetic structuralism and describes devel-
In sum, a second way of understanding opment that leads from the particular to the
RSD is in terms of the elaboration and inter- universal and from heteronomy to autonomy.
nalization of a specific meaning system and Fowler ’s theoretical approach establishes sig-
worldview that provides answers to the exis- nificant age trends and the stages, drawing
tential questions of life that defy naturalistic heavily from Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg.
explanations. In turn, questions take on emer- Faith Development Theory offers a framework
gent significance during the adolescent years for understanding the ontogeny of how people
as young begin to conceptualize the world conceptualize God, or a Higher Being, and
in increasingly abstract ways and encounter how the influence of the divine has an impact
increasingly adult-like life experiences, such on core values, beliefs, and meanings in their
as unjust treatment at the hands of others. personal lives and in their relationships with
others. Erikson’s stage theory greatly contrib-
Religion as Cognitive/Conceptual uted to the development of Faith Development
Development Theory (1981; also see Fowler & Dell, 2006).
Another notion of RSD is one that sees religion Thus, Fowler (1981) contends that faith has
as involving a distinct representational domain broadly recognizable patterns of development.
with its own focal psychological content, func- He describes this unfolding pattern in terms
tions, and stage structures (see Oser et al., of developing emotional, cognitive, and moral
2006, for a review of such approaches). In con- interpretations and responses (for a discussion
trast to psychoanalytic and objects relations of all six stages of his theory see, Fowler or
theories which focused on religion in relation Fowler & Dell).
to basic motives of the personality and the qual- Fowler (1981) described the substance of
ity of caregiver relationships, stage-structure religious faith as an individual’s personal way
theories drew upon notions of constructivism of responding to that of “transcendent value
and Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. and power as perceived and grasped through

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446 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

the forms of the cumulative tradition” (Fowler, support. During this stage, young people com-
p. 9). Fowler describes faith as an “orientation mit to beliefs, values, and aspects of identity
of the total person” involving an “alignment of that link them to significant others in their
the will” and “a resting of the heart” in accor- lives. Within this synthetic-conventional stage,
dance with “a vision of transcendent value and normative to adolescence, dependence on oth-
power, one’s ultimate concern” (p. 14). Faith, ers for confirmation and clarity about one’s
as such, is “the human quest for relation to sense of self and meaning can trap the adoles-
transcendence” (p. 14) and to “that which cent in the “tyranny of the they.” At this stage,
is universal” (p. 15). Functionally, Fowler ideology is lived and asserted, and only in later
hypothesized that religious faith serves “to stages it is critically reflected on.
give purpose and goal to one’s hopes and striv-
ings, thoughts and actions” (p. 14). Although Cognitive–Cultural Foundations
Fowler ’s theory has been criticized for its A cognitive science approach to religion has
strong cognitive basis and for its suggestion arisen that in some ways challenges and also
that children are limited to less mature forms extends constructivist notions such as Faith
of faith (e.g., Balswick, King, & Reimer, Development Theory with respect to religious
2005), it put the study of religion, spirituality, and spiritual development (Bloom, 2007). In
and faith on a serious developmental footing. contrast to Piaget’s conception that children
Specifically during adolescence, Fowler are confused about religious/spiritual things
attributes developments in cognitive func- until they have acquired the ability to think
tioning as the basis for faith development. abstractly and differentiate reality from fan-
Based on Piaget’s conception of early formal tasy, current cognitive–developmental research
operational thinking, Fowler suggests in this points to young people’s seemingly inherent
synthetic-conventional stage, that adolescents intuitive capacities to differentiate objects into
are capable of abstract thinking and begin to those of natural and supernatural kinds (Bloom,
reflect upon their own thinking and their sto- 2005). The conjecture underlying the develop-
ries and to name and synthesize their under- ment of such an intuitive capacity is that it
standings into higher order, abstract concepts, evolved from cognitive features designed for
and conceptual systems. In addition, Fowler other evolutionary tasks. These features, when
also credits the emergence of mutual interper- combined together, give rise to new and unex-
sonal perspective taking (e.g., Selman, 1980) pected things – in this case, beliefs in souls,
as an important influence on faith development Gods, and supernatural phenomena more
at this stage. He suggests that a young person’s generally (Bloom, 2007). Mithen (1996), for
capacity to be aware of what other people think instance, traces the emergence of spirituality
of them can make youth very sensitive to the to cognitive flexibility—the connection of pre-
evaluations they have of others and the evalu- viously separate domains of intelligence.
ations others might have of them. In addition, Alternatively, according to Bloom (2007),
because some adolescents may lack “third per- the existence of different intuitive cognitive
son” perspective taking, they are over dependent mechanisms for understanding physical reality
on the responses and evaluations of others. and social reality present at or near birth give
Because of these cognitive developments, rise to a fundamental dualistic outlook in human
identity development becomes a more self- functioning and to the universal themes of reli-
reflective process. Fowler contends that at this gion as well. These mechanisms evolved sepa-
stage youth construct transcendent understand- rately and allow humans to distinguish between
ings in terms of the personal and the relational. a world of material things, on the one hand, and
God representations often have personal quali- the world of immaterial things like goals, desires
ties such as love, understanding, loyalty, and and agency, on the other. Johnson and Boyatzis

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Concepts and Theories of Religious and Spiritual Development in Adolescence 447

(2006) note the human attraction to representa- A key point in both classic Piagetian and
tions of agents that combine the ordinary with new cognitive science accounts of RSD dur-
the extraordinary, as in the case of God. In sup- ing adolescence is that with the development
port of these ideas, studies show that very young of abstract symbolic representation and meta-
children all over the world, often despite their cognition during these years, intuitive reli-
parents’ own beliefs, seem to generate con- gious beliefs from earlier life and the insights
cepts of God (Barrett & Keil, 1996; Barrett & that they have provided children about nature,
Richert, 2003). Young people (and adults) often human nature and God can be challenged by
view God in concrete, anthropomorphic terms. new inquiries and doubts and by new sources
Nevertheless, they also see God as special and of information from school, the media, peers,
someone who is not limited by the laws of and so on. Elkind (1997), for instance, posited
nature. The coapplication of these mechanisms adolescence to be a period in which cognitive
to ourselves and other humans, according to this development heralds a new “search for com-
view, causes us to believe our bodies, as mate- prehension.” With respect to religion, Elkind
rial things, are different in kind from our minds saw adolescents’ emergent desire for com-
or our souls, as immaterial things. prehension as leading to two possibilities—a
According to Bloom (2007), the intersec- deepening commitment to faith and its ability
tion of these mechanisms gives rise to the to render life comprehensible; or a reflective
ideas of bodies without souls, souls without inquiry into and perhaps a repudiation of the
bodies, and the possibility of “life after death.” articles of faith that were assimilated earlier.
Contrary to the popular belief that children Given the widespread belief in souls, angels,
cannot fully grasp the concept of death, recent afterlives and so on among many adults in the
research (Bering & Bjorklund, 2004; Boyer, United States and the world, it seems these
2001) points to afterlife beliefs held even by early mechanisms are more often then not co-
youngsters. Young people can appreciate the opted into the shape of traditional religious
cessation of physical functioning. However, beliefs and doctrines than questioned in any
they simultaneously struggle with death’s serious manner that leads to a new kind of
elimination of mental functioning, due to the inner spiritual life for individuals (see Bloom,
application of different information processing 2005, for discussion). Nonetheless, it is clear
modules to understand the body and the mind. that adolescence represents a time of spiri-
In addition, the application of our social tual questioning, doubting, and questing (see
information processing module to non-social Hunsberger, Pratt & Pancer, 2002).
events causes human beings to be hypersen- In sum, a third way of understanding RSD is
sitive to signs of agency in the natural world in terms of the elaboration or repudiation of intu-
and to over impute intentionality to complex itive religious concepts concerning faith, God,
phenomena like the weather or the design the supernatural, creation, and so on, in terms
of nature. The consequence of this cognitive of the new information-processing capacities
functioning is to read agency into events in the that normatively emerge during adolescence.
form of Gods and other supernatural beings
that are intuited to control events and personal
experiences. Studies by Evans (2000, 2001), Religion as Identity System
for instance, reveal that 7- to 9-year-old chil- A fourth and related way that scholars have
dren typically hold creationist views whether defined RSD in adolescence is in terms a
or not they grow up in secular or fundamen- domain or set of domains of identity devel-
talist Christian homes. Children, that is, tend opment (Allport, 1950; Roeser et al., 2008a;
to explain the origin of things in teleological, Templeton & Eccles, 2008). Such conceptual-
creationist ways. izations often are founded on the notion that

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448 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

religion, like any other salient domain of social occupational roles in which youth could (or
experience, constitutes an important source of could not) expect to excel. Depending on the
individual differences in the kinds of social– relative fit or mismatch of the social contexts
cognitive–affective self-schemas or representa- of adolescents development with respect to
tions that are elaborated across development as accomplishing the general stage-salient task
a function of experience (e.g., Epstein, 1990; of identity development, and the specific
Harter, 2006). stage-salient task involving a renegotiation of
One early scholar who conceptualized issues of trust and faith as a key facet of iden-
religion as part of one’s broader psychoso- tity development, Erikson posited subsequent
cial development was Erik Erikson (1968). In paths of positive and problematic development,
contrast to early psychoanalytic perspectives, respectively, in terms of well-being, achieve-
Erikson was interested in the objective rela- ment, and social integration and participation.
tionships between the person (ego) and their Erikson suggested that the successful res-
social and cultural environments (ethos), and olution of the first stage of development in
the implications of these person–context rela- infancy (trust versus mistrust) shaped the life
tions for psychosocial identity development. virtue of hope, which “is the enduring belief
In his epigenetic theory of psychosocial in the attainability of fervent wishes” (1964,
development, Erikson (1950) gave consider- p. 118). Hopefulness is linked to beliefs about
able attention to the role of religion and spiri- whether the social, natural, and supernatural
tuality in development. According to Erikson, worlds are trustworthy or not. Fowler (1981)
identity development during adolescence described the substance of religious faith
involved a more or less conscious recycling as an individual’s personal way of respond-
through and reworking of prior developmen- ing to “transcendent value and power as per-
tal task resolutions from infancy, toddlerhood, ceived and grasped through the forms of the
and childhood. Erikson proposed that earlier cumulative tradition” (Fowler, p. 9). Fowler
task resolutions associated with security and describes faith as an “orientation of the total
belonging (e.g., trust versus mistrust), self person” involving an “alignment of the will”
and will (e.g., autonomy and initiative versus and “a resting of the heart” in accordance
shame, doubt, and guilt), and personal and with “a vision of transcendent value and
social competence (e.g., industry versus infe- power, one’s ultimate concern” (p. 14). Faith,
riority) were reworked during adolescence in as such, is “the human quest for relation to
the process of identity exploration and com- transcendence” (p. 14) and to “that which
mitment and in the context of (emerging) adult is universal” (p. 15). Functionally, Fowler
roles, relationships, institutions, and ideologi- hypothesized that religious faith serves “to give
cal systems. Specifically, earlier task resolu- purpose and goal to one’s hopes and strivings,
tions around trust were said to be renegotiated thoughts and actions” (p. 14). Thus, for both
during adolescence in terms of the kinds of Erikson and Fowler, religion was conceptual-
people, role models, cultural ideals, and social ized as an institution that confirms and supports
institutions in which the growing young per- individuals’ hopes throughout the life span.
son could (or could not) have faith; earlier task Religion not only provides a transcendent
resolutions around issues of autonomy and ini- worldview, moral beliefs, and behavioral
tiative were renegotiated in terms of the self- norms, but religious traditions also embody
images, purposes, and corresponding activities these ideological norms in a community of
and ideologies to which youth could (or could believers who can act as role models for youth
not) freely choose to commit; and previous (Erikson, 1968). For many youth, it is clear that
task resolutions around issues of industry religion and spirituality represent important
were renegotiated in terms of desired social, sources of hope, ideals, worldviews and role

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Concepts and Theories of Religious and Spiritual Development in Adolescence 449

models that influence the course of identity fulfill individuals’ basic needs for meaning
development during adolescence (King, 2003, and purpose, social belonging, esteem, self-
2008; Roeser, Issac, Abo-Zena, Brittian, & understanding, transcendence, and contribu-
Peck, 2008; Smith & Denton, 2005). One of tion to something greater than the self through
the shortcomings of Erikson’s work, however, organized cultural forms (cf. Fowler, 1981).
was the lack of a clear empirical basis for his In contrast to a religious identity, Roeser
views on identity and the general lack of a et al. (2008a) posited that the core of a spiri-
more domain-specific approach to identity- tual identity is a personal identification of
related phenomena (e.g., gender identity, reli- oneself with that which is pan-human and
gious identity, etc.). Neo-Piagetian views of transcultural, in terms of shared humanity
identity have been more helpful in this regard and universal values, ethics, and wisdom con-
(e.g., Harter, 2006) and have recently been cerning life’s ultimate existential questions
applied to the question of how to differentiate that are relevant to all human beings (Ho &
between religious and spiritual development. Ho, 2007). These ultimate concerns focus on
Roeser et al. (2008a) recently proposed a the nature of life and death, on how to lead a
new conceptualization in which they posited good and satisfying life, and on the nature of
that religious identities as primarily cultural human identity and our relationality with all
and collective in nature (see also Templeton that is “not self” (or not only “my in-groups”
& Eccles, 2006), and spiritual identities as which is “ego-self” extended socially; Roeser
primarily transcultural and contemplative in et al.). The spiritual domain of identity devel-
nature (see also Ho & Ho, 2007). From this opment can evolve from, co-evolve with, or
perspective, the core of a religious identity evolve independent of the religious domain
is a personal identification of oneself with a of identity development. That is, individuals
social collective (group) characterized by a can self-identify as spiritual, religious, both, or
particular cultural–historical–religious tradi- neither. The function of a spiritual identity is
tion (Ashmore, Deaux, & McLaughlin-Volpe, to foster an embodied realization of identifica-
2004; Templeton & Eccles). Individuals who tion with that greater whole of being, whether
claim membership in a particular religious conceived of in terms of an ultimate being, an
tradition share in common with other group ultimate state of being, or an ultimate reality
members collective sacred worldviews and that represents the (hypothesized) unity behind
their associated “beliefs, practices, rituals, the apparent diversity of being (e.g., Piedmont,
and symbols designed (1) to facilitate close- 1999). This functional definition is consistent
ness to the sacred or transcendent (God, higher with the view of James (1902), who noted
power, or ultimate truth/reality) and (2) to fos- that the function of personal religion was to
ter an understanding of one’s relationship and motivate individuals to realize a more satisfy-
responsibility to others in living together in a ing existence. “Not God, but life, more life, a
community” (Koenig et al., 2001, p. 18). Self- larger richer, more satisfying life, is, in the last
identification with a particular religious group; analysis, the end of religion. The love of life,
the meaning of that identification to the person at any and every level of development, is the
in terms of his or her representations of self, religious impulse” (p. 453). For James the core
world, life purpose, and the (prescribed) good of religion/spirituality at the individual level
life; the centrality of the identification to a is fundamentally about being whole, being
person’s overall sense of identity; and shared wholly human, and being part of the whole
religious practices and the nature and number that is existence.
of social bonds with group members are all key The conceptualization of religion and spiri-
substantive aspects of a collective religious iden- tuality in identity-related terms is consistent
tity. Functionally, collective religious identities with other contemporary scholarly movements

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450 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

aimed at defining religion at the individual Boyatzis (2005) has pointed out the com-
level of analysis in terms of idiosyncratic monness of spiritual experiences of children
meaning systems (e.g., Silberman, 2005). By and the lack of their study in the development
operationalizing religion and spirituality at the of beliefs and faith. The same situation holds
individual level of analysis in terms of cogni- for adolescents who, as a function of devel-
tive-affective belief systems concerning the opmental changes in brain, mind, and social
self and the world (e.g., Epstein, 1990) that worlds may be even more likely to have such
function to afford meaning and to motivate and experiences that inform their religious and spir-
regulate behavior, scholars have successfully itual development (Good & Willoughby, 2008).
been able to relate such religious meaning Conceptions of spirituality as “transcen-
systems to issues of engagement in religious dence” often rest upon this notion of spiritu-
practices (e.g., Roeser, Rao, Shah, Hastak, ality as “states of consciousness” that may,
Gonsalves & Berry, 2006); contribution to through practice, become “traits of conscious-
others (e.g., Roeser et al., 2008b), prejudice ness.” The capacity to turn transient states
(e.g., Hunsberger & Jackson, 2005), terrorism of ego-transcendence into enduring traits of
(Silberman, Higgins, & Dweck, 2005), coping awareness in which a stable and clear state is
(Park, 2005), parenting and discipline prac- continually realized is a core goal of spiritual
tices (Mahoney, 2005), and so on. Thus, fram- development from a contemplative perspective
ing religion and spirituality in terms of identity (Wilbur, 2006). This perspective is associated
and meaning systems regarding self and world with wisdom (Roeser, 2005).
is one scientifically useful way to study both the
common and divergent functions and correlates Developmental Systems Theories
of these two facets of human development. Stage-structural theories, once so prominent
in developmental science, have been subject
RSD as Evolution of Awareness to greater levels of criticism with regard to
Another way RSD has been discussed is in rela- human development in general (Kagan, 1996)
tion to spiritual experiences and corresponding and RSD in particular (Spilka et al., 2003).
phenomenological states of awareness—those Developmental scholars have been moving
that transcend the limits of normal, everyday, away from attempts to identify universal and
waking, ego-consciousness (King, 2003, 2008; invariant stages of development and towards
Roeser, 2005, 2008a). Ego-consciousness an understanding of developmental path-
is, by definition, centered in the ego (on ways, lines of development, and the role of
“Me”). According to the contemplative tra- culture and context in the process of develop-
ditions of the world (Wilbur, 2006), the state ment. Developmental Systems Theory (DST)
of ego-consciousness is said to be permeated shifts the focus from individuals to transac-
with a sense of uniqueness, separation, lack, tions between individuals and their various
fear, desire, and division. States of aware- embedded sociocultural contexts of develop-
ness that transcend ego-consciousness are ment (Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Lerner, 2006;
often labeled “religious,” “spiritual,” “mysti- Sameroff, 1983). In the rest of the chapter, we
cal,” or “non-ordinary” (Hood, 2003) because use DST as a key theoretical frame to discuss
they transcend this limited state and bring one the contexts and processes involved in RSD
temporarily into communion with “something during adolescence.
more.” Such states are often accompanied by Central to DST are the roles of plasticity,
particularly powerful emotions such as awe, context, and developmental regulation (Lerner,
wonder, elevation, and love which signal expe- 2006). Plasticity refers to the potential for
riences beyond the limits of self that often have individuals to change systematically in both
transformative value (Haidt, 2003). positive and negative ways throughout his or

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Concepts and Theories of Religious and Spiritual Development in Adolescence 451

her life. Such plasticity is important in that it task of adolescence is identity development
legitimates the optimistic search for character- (Erikson, 1968), researchers have used a DST
istics of people and their contexts that promote perspective to hypothesize that youth whose
positive development generally and RSD dur- interactions with their contexts are adaptive—
ing adolescence in particular. Although people mutually beneficial to the young person and
have the capacity to develop along a vast array society—are more likely to commit to a sense
of possible trajectories, the number of actual of identity that promotes reciprocity with
developmental trajectories is constrained by their family, community, and society (Lerner,
both individual and contextual factors. Alberts, Anderson, & Dowling, 2006). This
Also foundational to DST is the significance idea was originally Erikson’s (1968), in that
of context and person-by-context transactions. he hypothesized that youth who success-
From a developmental systems perspective, fully resolve the identity crisis gain a sense of
spiritual development is also located not in the fidelity—a sense of loyalty to an ideology that
person but in the ongoing transactions between engages the young person in the world beyond
the person and her or his multiple embedded themselves (Furrow, King, & White, 2004;
sociocultural contexts of development (Lerner King & Furrow, 2004; Youniss, McLellan, &
et al., 2008). It is the goodness of fit between Yates, 1999). Such an understanding of spiri-
person and environment that is of primary tuality is more than a feeling of transcendence,
concern in determining different developmen- but a motivational force that propels individu-
tal trajectories. In particular, optimal devel- als to care for self and others and contribute
opment occurs when the mutual influences to something greater than themselves. As such,
between person and environment maintain or spirituality nurtures a sense of thriving (see
advance the well-being of the individual and Lerner et al., 2006; King & Benson, 2006) in
context. This bidirectional relation is referred young people by providing the awareness of
to as adaptive developmental regulation. From responsibility and the passion to initiate and
a DST perspective, RSD is best characterized sustain commitment to agency.
by the transactions between individuals and This perspective is an important lens for
their various embedded contexts over time, spirituality, but it is also important to note that
as well as the fit of the developmental affor- adolescents are often co-opted into and become
dances of those contexts with the salient devel- faithful to things that are actually destructive to
opmental needs of adolescents (e.g., Eccles, others beyond the in group as in the case of child
Lord, & Roeser, 1996). If the transactions of soldiers or Hitler’s youth movement during
the young person and their context leads to World War II (Erikson, 1950). Thus, it is impor-
adaptive developmental regulation, Lerner tant to note that a developmental systems theory
et al. (2008) posit that youth will gain a grow- provides a helpful framework for thinking about
ing sense of transcendence—a sense of connec- negative spiritual development as well. Just as
tion to something beyond themselves as well as a youth may interact with their family, peers,
a growing sense of self or identity. This experi- and society in such a way that brings about a
ence of transcendence is hypothesized to moti- moral spiritual sensitivity, transactions between
vate a growing commitment to contributing to individuals and their contexts may bring about
the well being of the world beyond themselves. deleterious forms of spirituality. For example,
families may interpret and enact religious ide-
Positive Youth Development and ologies to create cultures of abuse (i.e. “Spare
Spirituality the rod, spoil the child) or cultivate generosity
A developmental systems approach has been and a spirit of gratitude and contribution.
useful in studying positive youth develop- History is full of examples where youth
ment. Based on the notion that the central have been socialized with an immoral and

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452 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

destructive spiritual sensitivity, and such issues for young people, and parental beliefs and
are discussed more at the end of the chapter. practices are thought to provide the foundation
In the next section, we review evidence about for young people’s development of their own
the core tenet of a DST perspective on RSD religious beliefs and practices (Ozorak, 1989),
during adolescence—that the nature of social both directly through explicit socialization prac-
contexts really matter for RSD. tices, and indirectly through the influence of
religion on parenting behaviors (Spilka et al.).
THE ECOLOGY OF ADOLESCENT Dollahite and Marks (2005) found that fami-
RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL lies foster religious and spiritual development
DEVELOPMENT in children through processes such as formal
From a developmental systems perspective, teaching, parent–child discussion, role mod-
religious and spiritual development, similar eling, and coparticipation in prayer and other
to other domains of development, are embed- rituals.
ded within networks of social relationships in The quality of the parent–adolescent rela-
proximal and more distal social settings across tionship is key to the religious socialization
the life span. Nonetheless, as Regnerus, Smith, process. Studies in the United States and
& Smith (2004) note in their review article on Scotland have shown that family cohesiveness
the state of this research: is related to stability of religious participa-
tion of sons and daughters over time (Ozorak,
Social scientists know more about which 1989). Parent–child relationships character-
American teenagers are religiously active than ized by frequent interaction and a high degree
how they got to be that way. We know less of trust have been linked to greater religious
about the social environment in which religious socialization (King & Furrow, 2004), and warm
development occurs, apart from the parent–child close relationships are also linked to greater
relationship . . . scholars have often appeared correspondence of offspring’s religious beliefs
less concerned about the role of ecology and with those of their parents (Hoge, Petrillo &
social relationships than about personality, emo- Smith, 1982). Bao, Whitbeck, Hoyt, & Conger
tions, and stages in the religious development of (1999) found that parental acceptance (trust,
the individual. (p. 27)
care, absence of fault finding) was important
for the socialization of religious beliefs and
In this section, we review existing evidence practices from parents to children with greater
on how relationships with parents, peers, and acceptance leading to greater influence. Other
mentors, and experiences in families and studies indicate that greater parent–child close-
schools can shape religious and spiritual devel- ness leads to less religious rebellion over time
opment during adolescence. We then offer a (Wilson & Sherkat, 1994). This literature sug-
macrosystemic analysis of religion and spiri- gests that warm, supportive relationships with
tuality as cultural phenomena and consider religious parents is a means of enhancing the
the role of ethnicity and culture in RSD. We RSD of adolescents.
discuss the role of religious institutions in ado- There is some indication that mothers may
lescents’ RSD in a later section. be more important in the religious socialization
of adolescents than fathers (Boyatzis, Dollahite
Family Influences & Marks, 2006; Erickson, 1992; Hertel &
Parents play an important role in the religious Donahue, 1995), although the research in
and spiritual development of adolescents (e.g., this area is somewhat equivocal (Mahoney &
Boyatzis, 2005; Spilka et al., 2003). Similar to Tarakestwar, 2005; Spilka et al., 2003). The
research in other areas of socialization, parents apparent greater impact of mothers, makes
are posited to be key interpreters of religion sense, given that women traditionally have

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The Ecology of Adolescent Religious and Spiritual Development 453

been called upon to organize the religious edu- participation with adolescents was more effi-
cation of children in the home (Slonim, 1991). cacious than mere parental religiousness.
Mothers who experience depression are less Similarly, another study on Protestant youth
able to carry out this role in the intergenera- found that talking with parents about religious
tional transmission of religion, however (Gur, issues and participating in religious activities
Miller, Warner, Wickramaratne, & Weissman, together predicted an adolescent’s experience
2005). of God and their report of the importance of
Other studies have looked at parental reli- religion (King, Furrow, and Roth, 2002).
gious socialization and have found that daugh- Although many studies have documented
ters are more influenced by their parents than the importance of parents, some longitudinal
are sons. For instance, in a study of highly findings have failed to support the importance
religious parents, results showed that paren- of family life in long-term patterns of religi-
tal efforts to control their adolescent sons osity in children. For instance, O’Connor,
with respect to problem behavior involve- Hoge, and Alexander (2002) found no rela-
ment can backfire, whereas such strategies tion between various indicators of religious
are more effective with daughters (Mahoney socialization taken when adolescents were 16
& Tarakeshwar, 2005). On the other hand, years of age and their religious participation
Bao et al. (1999) found that parents who were at age 38. The relative dearth of longitudinal
perceived as accepting had equal influence studies on this topic make inferences about the
on both sons and daughters in the religious long-term effects of parenting on the religion
domain. These findings suggest that control- of offspring, especially given the consider-
ling parenting practices, in conjunction with able fluctuation of religious affiliations noted
religious teachings, may be particularly prob- earlier (e.g., Pew Forum, 2007), unclear at this
lematic with adolescent sons, whereas sup- time. In addition, other sources of influence in
port for autonomy and warmth can facilitate the family, including siblings, aunts and uncles,
religious socialization in sons and daughters and grandparents are important to consider in
equally well during adolescence. the religious development of youth (Boyatzis
Another way parents can socialize adoles- et al., 2006). Despite the importance of family
cents in the religious domain has to do with in RSD, adolescence is clearly a time when reli-
engagement in family rituals around religion. gious and spiritual doubts increase (Levenson,
For instance, results of the NSYR showed Aldwin, & D’Mello, 2005). Factors other than
that 54% of U.S. families engaging in “giv- the family, such as peers and mentors, are likely
ing thanks before or after meals,” and 44% important in this developmental trend.
of youths said they talked with their families
about God, the scriptures, prayer, or religious Peer Influences
and spiritual matters one or more days a week. The research on the effects of peers on adoles-
Family prayer is very common in conserva- cent religiosity is still in a nascent stage and
tive Protestant, African-American Protestant, results are not yet conclusive. Several find-
and Mormon families and likely is one major ings are worth mentioning at this point. First,
way that parents socialize religious practices according to NSYR results (Smith & Denton,
in their offspring (e.g., Ozorak, 1989). In a 2005), American youth generally report hav-
national Seven-Day Adventist population, ing peers that share their religious beliefs.
Lee, Rice, and Gillespie (1997) found that When youths are asked to report on charac-
family worship patterns that involved a high teristics of their five closest friends, between
degree of adolescent participation was posi- two to three of these friends, on average, are
tively linked with active adolescent faith scores. said to “hold similar religious beliefs” to the
Erickson (1992) found that parental religious target adolescent; in turn about one of these

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454 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

friends, on average is said to “be involved adolescents aged 16 years, Schwartz (2006)
in the same religious group.” Conservative, found that perceived faith support from
African-American Protestant, and Mormon Christian friends was one of the most impor-
teens were more likely to have friends in their tant influences on adolescents’ faith net of
same religious group (Smith & Denton, 2005). family variables.
King and Furrow (2004) found that compared
to their less religious peers, religious youth Mentors and Gurus
reported higher levels of positive social inter- Despite the known role of adult mentors in the
action, shared values, and trust with their clos- lives of youth (see Rhodes & Lowe, vol. 2 of
est friends. this Handbook), only a small body of literature
These findings suggest the existence of examines the roles of adult RS mentors and
both selection effects (youth pick religiously teachers in adolescent RSD. Some research
similar peers) and socialization effects (peers has documented that the relational quality of
shape each other). For instance, in longitudi- the mentor–mentee relationship impacts the
nal study of children from ages 7 to 22 years level of influence on spiritual development.
of age, results showed that the best childhood One study of more that 3,000 Christian ado-
and adolescent predictors of religiosity dur- lescents conducted by Schwartz (2006) found
ing early adulthood were ethnicity and peers’ that when a young person described their rela-
church attendance during high school (Gunnoe tionship with their youth pastor as including
& Moore, 2002). Similarly, Regnerus et al. strong religious instruction, spiritual modeling,
(2004) found that peer church attendance was and being known (i.e., intimacy), these rela-
an important predictor of youth church atten- tionships contributed significantly to youths’
dance. Hoge and Petrillo (1978) found that perceptions of their own spiritual development.
friends have at least moderate influence on Another study found relationships between
religious practices (e.g. youth group atten- youth pastors and their youth that are charac-
dance, enjoyment of that participation). Having terized by both relational intentionality and
friends who verbally talk about religion and spiritual focus, result in spiritual development,
spirituality has been found to be associated as is indicated by outcomes such as personal
with higher self-reported religious belief and relationship with God, moral responsibility,
commitment among individuals, compared to hopeful and positive attitudes, and engaging
those with friends who did not talk about their in mission and service (Strommen & Hardel,
faith (Schwartz, Bukowski, & Aoki, 2006). In 2000). In a rare comparison study, Cannister
addition, Schwartz (2006) found that not only (1999) found modest support for mentoring
did friends’ spiritual modeling and dialogue as supportive of the maturing spiritual devel-
account for significant variance in adolescent opment of adolescents. The study compared
religious belief and commitment, but that first-year college students who had a formal
these factors actually mediated the influence mentoring relationship with a professor who
of parents on religiousness. Similarly, King was intent on nurturing spiritual growth and
et al. (2002) found that talking with friends about those who did not have such a relationship.
religion and participating with friends in infor- Those who were being intentionally mentored
mal religious activities (i.e., studying religious reported enhanced spiritual development.
or sacred texts, listening to religious music, or Although only a few studies exist, research
attending religious camp), explained signifi- suggests that the presence of intimate and
cant variance in religious commitment over interactive relationships with spiritual mentors
and above parental influences (King et al.). may provide a rich context for spiritual devel-
Similarly, in a large sample of Christian opment. These studies and others demonstrate

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The Ecology of Adolescent Religious and Spiritual Development 455

the importance of non-parental roles models of spirituality and self-consistent with the
in the RSD of adolescent youth. Not only are under-lying religious philosophy and practices
relationships important within the develop- in their schools. This finding was true even
mental systems of RSD, but institutions play when students attended schools with a differ-
an important part as well. ent faith tradition than their own.
Other studies have examined the “religious
School Influences climate” of schools. Regnerus et al. (2004) used
A few studies have examined how school- National Longitudinal Data of Adolescents
ing may affect the religious and spiritual Health data to examine how the mean level of
development of young people. In one strand adolescents’ schoolmates’ inclinations toward
of research, the focus has been on the direct religion were associated with adolescents’ own
effects of attending a religious school on ado- religious service attendance and perceived
lescents’ academic development. In a second importance of religion. Findings indicated
strand of work the focus has been on under- that the level of religiosity among classmates
standing how the religious composition of predicated individual religiosity, even after
the student body may exert indirect effects on accounting for family religiosity, peer religios-
adolescents’ religious lives. Oddly, rarely have ity, and a host of demographic factors. In fact,
studies looked at the religious and spiritual these authors found that aggregate student
developmental effects of religious schooling body religiosity was a more powerful predic-
(Spilka et al., 2003). Thus, this is an area ripe tor of individual religiosity than was attending
for future research. a religious school. These effects make sense
Benson, Yeager, Wood, Guerra, & Manno given the power of peer influences in schools
(1986) found that Catholic high schools serving specifically, and the more general influence of
large proportions of low income youth affected climate variables over school sector variables
the religious development of youth if they in mediating school effects generally.
stressed both academics and religion simul- Barrett, Pearson, Muller, and Frank (2007)
taneously. In a study of an African-American posited that the private religiosity of school-
Muslim school, Nasir (2004) documented how mates, especially popular ones, may create
a shared religious ideology allowed teachers a climate and discourse community in which
and staff ideational and relational resources religious matters are normative and valued. In
by which they could offer a positive identity to addition, the authors posited that to the extent
students. Specifically, teachers viewed a par- youth are motivated to conform to such norms
ticular student as a spiritual being waiting to due to their level of shared denominational affil-
be developed rather than as a behavioral prob- iations with schoolmates, and due to religiosity
lem worthy of diagnosis and labeling. This of high status peers in the school, student-body
social positioning based on a spiritual ideol- religiosity may affect personal religiosity.
ogy afforded these young people a unique set
of supports and a unique identity position from Culture, Diversity, and Ethnicity
which to move forward despite adversity. There exist additional macro-level contextual
In a case-comparative study of eleven private, influences on RSD. Adolescence is a particu-
English-medium religious secondary schools in larly important time in which cultural influences
India, Roeser (2005) found a relation between in the shaping of the religious and spirituality
aspects of adolescents’ student and religious development of young people “show through”
identities and the nature of their school cul- in the forms of rituals and ceremonies marking
ture. Through examining Hindu and Christian the transition from child to adult status in the
schools, they found that students reported views eyes of the religious community. For instance,

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456 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

in some Protestant Christian communities, 2006). The fact of the matter is that religions
voluntary baptism during this stage marks a are deeply cultural in nature, reflecting large
moment of sacred rebirth, inclusion, and adult scale national, historical, ethnic/racial and
membership in one’s church. Similarly, the Bar- geographical influences (Geertz, 1973). Thus,
and Bat-Mitzvahs are transitional ceremon- to study religion without regard to culture is to
ies in which youth move from childhood miss something fundamental about its origins
to adult religious status within the Jewish and manifestations.
cultural–religious tradition. In still other con- Non-Western, Abrahamic forms of spiritual-
texts, children may go through formal rites ity also diverge significantly from the assump-
of transition in which physically painful ritu- tive frameworks and worldviews of Western
als are used to evoke courage and emphasize Christianity. In some cultural contexts, for
the passage from one life stage to another instance, spiritual development is assumed to
(Magesa, 1997). Such initiation rites are begin prior to birth. In some communities in
important cultural opportunities to teach youth which reincarnation is accepted, adults may
about self-sacrifice, cooperation, and survival; believe children inherit the spirit/soul of a dead
and provide an opportunity for adolescents’ to ancestor; thus, children are born with spiritual
acknowledge to willingly participate in serv- powers, wisdom, and even physical attributes
ing the community. that can reflect their spiritual maturity. In
Unfortunately, biases in the field of study addition, the early stages of a child’s spiritual
concerned with religion in psychology have development are usually perceived as times of
limited our knowledge of religious and spiri- spiritual vulnerability in such cultures due to
tual development among diverse religious, the evil eye phenomenon (Leach & Fried, 1972;
ethnic and culture groups within and beyond Obermeyer, 2000). Some believe that malevo-
the United States (Mattis, Ahuluwalie, Cowie, lent and benevolent forces exist and manifest
& Kirkland-Harris, 2006). Leaders in the field themselves in the child’s immediate family and
of the psychology of religion, for instance, extended community, impacting all aspects of
have acknowledged that the field has been the child’s new life. Consequently, the child’s
dominated by a largely Protestant Christian survival and healthy development depend on
orientation to date (see Hill & Pargament, others’ protection from spiritual harm. Thus, in
2003). What is less acknowledged is that this cultures that believe in the existence of the evil
orientation includes a tacit emphasis on dual- eye and its power, rituals are performed to pro-
ist metaphysics (spirit versus matter, sacred tect children from malevolent forces (Ruble,
versus profane, soul versus body); theistic con- O’Nell, & Collando Ardán, 1992).
ceptions of divinity (God as a Being); singular In sum, although it is evident that adoles-
pathways of spiritual development (e.g., devo- cent religious and spiritual development occurs
tion to God); and specific Western cultural within the developmental–contextual systems
issues in the study of religion and spirituality in which young people live, the processes by
(Roeser et al., 2006). which this development occurs have been less
Specific cultural issues that are intertwined explored. In the following section, we provide
with Western Christian religious traditions an overview of the theoretical explanations for
include a focus on the sinful nature of human how religious congregational and youth group
beings and the Veneer Theory of morality with contexts may influence not only religious and
its impact on economics, law and government spiritual development of youth, but also wider,
(de Waals, 2007); concern with differentiating aspects of development during adolescence.
between whether one is spiritual or religious Many of the processes discussed in this section
(e.g., Fuller, 2001); and a focus on racial dif- are also relevant to other social contextual influ-
ferences in religiosity (e.g., Mattis et al., ences on RSD outside religious institutions.

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Religious Institutional Influences on Adolescent RSD and Positive Youth Development 457

RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONAL and life-transforming faith” (Benson, Donahue,

INFLUENCES ON ADOLESCENT & Erickson, 1993, p. 3). Search Institute con-
RSD AND POSITIVE YOUTH ducted a series of studies that examined the
DEVELOPMENT relationships between congregational dynam-
Erikson (1950, 1964, 1968) pointed to religious ics, religious education, and faith maturity in
institutions as important parts of the sociohis- mainline Protestant Christian churches. The
torical–cultural matrix in which identity devel- findings suggested that personalized educa-
opment takes place. He argued that religion tional practices, caring and effective leaders, a
was an important institution in the promotion climate of warmth and caring, a thinking cul-
of fidelity during adolescence—defined as ture, support for families, engagement in practi-
commitment and loyalty to an ideology. This cal life issues, and opportunities to serve others
may still be true today for perhaps half of all were important for faith development (Benson
American youths who regularly attend ser- & Elkin, 1990). Similar findings resulted from
vices (Smith & Denton, 2005). In this section, replication studies in other Christian faith tra-
we explore the role of religious congregations ditions, including Seventh-Day Adventists,
in shaping RSD and positive development Catholics, and the Lutheran Church–Missouri
through a variety of mechanisms involving Synod (see Roehlkepartain & Patel), suggest-
social relationships, identity and skill devel- ing that the multifaceted educational, rela-
opment, and opportunities for transcendence tional, and emotional nature of congregations
through spiritual practices. Nonetheless, we may promote spiritual development, at least as
note at the outset that only a little is known operationalized by faith maturity.
about how the dynamics of participation in Secondary analysis of the Survey of Youth
religious congregations and how they affect and Parents yielded results substantiating the
youth spiritual development. claim that religious congregations provide rich
The term congregation refers to an organized settings for increasing closure in networks
community associated with a religion such as a involving youth (Smith, 2003a). These relational
church, parish, or cathedral (Christian); syna- ties may operate as extra familial resources,
gogue (Jewish); masjid/mosque (Muslim); reinforcing parental influence and oversight.
temple (Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish), ward Similarly, in an ethnically diverse sample of
(Latter-Day Saint); gurdwara (Sikh); or assem- urban youth, research found that religious youth
bly (Bahai). According to the NYSR, 48% of reported higher levels of network closure and
American youth attend religious services once social capital resources including social interac-
a week or more, with another 27% attending tion, trust and shared values among parents, close
at least many times a year. Of these attend- friends, and a nonparental adult (King, 2004;
ing youth, 89% find that their congregations King & Furrow, 2004). As such, religious
usually or sometimes make them think about institutions provide unique support systems
important things and 94% report that their con- for youth that have the potential to influence
gregation is usually or sometimes a welcoming religious and spiritual development.
place for youth. About 38% of the sample are Other types of religious organizations besides
currently involved in a religious youth group, congregations such as paracongregational
and 69% are presently or have previously been youth programs and organizations, faith-based
involved (Smith & Denton, 2005). social services, (nonreligious) youth organiza-
Congregations have been linked to promot- tions, camps, and schools can also affect RSD
ing faith maturity (Roehlkepartain & Patel, in adolescents. Sometimes these organizations
2006), which refers to the degree to which a intentionally promote adolescent religious and
person exemplifies the priorities, commit- spiritual development and sometimes these
ments, and perspectives indicative of “vibrant ends are accomplished unintentionally.

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458 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

Larson, Hansen, and Moneta (2006) found 3. By providing social capital in the form
that students participating in faith-based youth social ties across differently aged peers,
groups reported significantly higher rates of nonparental adults, and members of wider
identity work. About 66% of the students in communities and society.
faith-based activities endorsed the item “This
activity got me thinking about who I am,” In short, religious institutions afford adoles-
compared to 33% of youths in other types of cents resources that provide moral guidance,
organized activities. Others have shown that meaning, and purpose; learning opportunities
religious youth organizations help integrate that provide coping and life skills; and social
adolescents into a community of youths and relationships that provide support, social
adults (see Regnerus, 2000; Smith, 2003b). capital, and network closure. In addition to
Larson et al. (2006) also found that youth discussing potential ideological and contextual
involved in faith-based youth programs were resources embedded within religion and spiri-
significantly more likely to be engaged in pos- tuality, the spiritual practices often associated
itive relationships and in adult networks than with RSD offer unique benefits to youth.
youth not engaged in faith-based programs.
Ideological Context
For example, 75% of youths in faith-based pro-
Relationships and contexts that provide youth
grams reported that “We discussed morals and
with ideological and moral directives provide
values,” compared with 24% of youths involved
adolescents with a structural framework of nor-
in other organized activities. Furthermore, sig-
mative beliefs and values that reinforce their
nificantly more youths in faith-based activities
existing belief system. Young people strive
stated that the activities improved their rela-
to make sense of the world and to assert their
tionships with parents/guardians and helped
place in it. The beliefs, worldview, and values
them form new connections with nonparental
of religious traditions provide an ideological
adults in their faith community.
context in which a young person can gener-
ate a sense of meaning, order, and place in the
Theories of Religious Congregational world that is crucial to adolescent development
Influence (King, 2003, 2008). Religion intentionally
Smith (2003b) theorized that there are three offers beliefs, moral codes, and values from
different ways that religious institutions can which a young person can build a personal
exert positive, constructive influences on youth belief system (Smith, 2003b). Benson (2006)
development: indicated the function of spiritual development
is to make sense of one’s life by weaving the
self into a larger tapestry of connection and
1. By providing youths with resources in meaning. Spirituality entails the intentional
the form of moral and religious world- identification and integration of beliefs, nar-
views (i.e., seeking reconciliation instead rative, and values in the process of making
of vengeance, treating body as temple of meaning. Whether this process is one of per-
Holy Spirit, respecting mother and father), sonal construction or socialization, the inten-
spiritual experiences (e.g., experience of tional act of relying on personal, religious, or
profound peace and belonging), and role cultural ideology is central to spirituality and
models and mentors crucial to the development of identity, mean-
2. By providing opportunities for skill devel- ing, and purpose—all foundational to positive
opment (i.e., leadership and coping skills) youth development.
and cultural knowledge development (e.g., Relationships, organizations, and institu-
Biblical events) tions that intentionally provide clear ideology

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Religious Institutional Influences on Adolescent RSD and Positive Youth Development 459

provide important contexts in which young for promoting adolescent thriving. In addi-
people can internalize moral directives, clarify tion, religious institutions and the relationships
their beliefs, integrate a prosocial identity, and that they afford may promote network closure,
find meaning and make sense of the world providing relatively dense networks of rela-
(Lerner et al., 2006). Such environments nur- tionships within which youth are embedded,
ture religious and spiritual development as well providing oversight of and information about
as other important aspects of adolescent devel- youth to their parents (Smith, 2003b).
opment. In addition to providing ideology,
Social Channeling
such developmental systems provide social
contexts that nurture adolescent religiousness Religious institutional involvement also
and spirituality as well as overall positive ado- involves social channeling, conscious process
lescent development. on the part of adults to steer their children
toward particular individuals positioned to
Social Context discourage negative behaviors and to promote
Religion not only provides a transcendent positive life practices among young people
world view and morality, but religious faith (Smith, 2003b). In addition, social channel-
community members more or less embody ing is a major way that parents socialize their
these ideological norms in a community set- children’s religious development—they put
ting and thereby act as role models for youth them into groups, activities, and contexts that
(Erikson, 1968). Although religion and spiri- reinforce their own efforts at religious social-
tuality do not exclusively offer these social ization (e.g., Martin, White, & Perlman, 2001;
resources, research documents that they may Wallace & Williams, 1997). For youths in
very effectively offer social capital, helpful urban, low-income neighborhoods, Regnerus
networks, social support, and mentors. and Elder (2003) have shown that church
attendance is particularly important because it
Social Capital
channels youths into relationships with those
Social capital models posit that religion’s who support academics and who help them
constructive influence on young people may build “a transferable skill set of commitments
be accounted for by the nature and number and routines” (p. 646) useful for success in
of relationships—and the benefits associated school. Similarly, Schreck, Burek, and Clark-
with them. For instance, through religious Miller (2007) found that religious involvement
involvement young people have access to serves as a protective factor for adolescents by
intergenerational relationships that are recog- encouraging less contact with deviant peers
nized as rich sources of social capital (King & and more contact with parents and school
Furrow, 2004; Putnam, 2000; Smith, 2003a). officials.
Few other social institutions afford the oppor-
tunity to build trustworthy cross-generational Social Support and Coping
relationships and link youth to sources of help- Religious institutions and the relationships
ful information, resources, and opportunities. they afford also provide forms of social
King and Furrow (2004) found that religiously support that are particularly important to ado-
engaged youth reported significantly higher lescent coping, resilience, and well-being. For
levels of social capital resources than less instance, the coping resources offered in a reli-
active youth. They found that relationships gious setting may include group level shows
characterized by social interaction, trust, and of support through prayer. A study of young
shared values are most strongly related to posi- adolescents showed the social support of reli-
tive youth outcomes. Social support available gious community members was the strongest
through religion may be particularly effective negative predictor of depressive symptoms

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460 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

(Pearce, Little, & Perez, 2003). These find- themselves (see Schwartz et al., 2006). Mentors
ings were replicated in a sample of over 3,000 or gurus often occur within a religious context.
16-year-old adolescent girls at various stages For example, within the Hindu religion, gurus
of pubertal development (Miller & Gur, 2002). are teachers that are widely considered to be
Specifically, findings showed that not only was self-realized masters and embodiments of the
the expectation of social support from religious divine (Martignetti, 1998). In such relation-
congregations in times of need associated with ships, followers of such teachers often treat
less depressive symptoms among youth, but devotion or service to this teacher as a major
also the expectation that religious congrega- focus of their lives. In some forms of Judaism,
tions were critical of teenagers generally was sages serve as important role models who illus-
associated with increased depressive symptoms trate right living and wisdom. In the Christian
(Pearce et al.). Thus, religious communities can tradition, young people are often discipled by
be sources of social support or socioemotional youth pastors or adult volunteers at churches.
distress based on the ways adults in those com- Whether a young person perceives himself
munities perceive and relate to youth. or herself as a being a follower or by being
mentored or discipled, these individuals con-
Spiritual Modeling nect the young person to a larger whole and
Spiritual modeling and mentorship are two enables the youth to identify with a commu-
other ways theorists have discussed how adults nity beyond himself or herself. Furthermore,
socialize young people’s religious and spiritual the worldviews provided by spiritual models
identities in the direction of the beliefs, norms, and mentors are powerful cultural resources
and expectations of a particular religious group that can inform adolescents’ quests for a sense
(Cornwall, 1988; Oman, Flinders, & Thoresen, of meaning, order, and their place in the world
2008). Spiritual modeling refers to emulating (King, 2003, 2008). This is particular true dur-
another in order to grow spiritually. This effect ing adolescence and puberty when one’s body,
occurs through observing and imitating the life thoughts and feelings, and social relationships
or conduct of a spiritual example or model who are all changing and creating both possibility
may be a living or historic example of religious or and uncertainty.
spiritual ideology and values. Spiritual modeling Developmental Assets The developmen-
is based on social modeling and observational tal asset framework also provides a similar
learning in the acquisition and maintaining account of the resources available to youth
of human behaviors (Bandura, 1986, 2003). through religious involvement. Through sec-
Foundational to this approach is the notion that ondary analyses, Search Institute assessed the
the people with whom we regularly associate, developmental resources embedded within a
either by force or by choice, shape the behav- congregation that may contribute to positive
ioral patterns that will be repeatedly observed outcomes in young people. Using a subsample
and learned most thoroughly. Acknowledging of 20,020 randomly selected 6th–12th grad-
the complexity of spiritual development involv- ers of youth in the United States, Wagener,
ing the acquisition of beliefs, attitudes, and Furrow, Ebstyne STET King, Leffert, and
skills, Bandura (2003) argues that spirituality is Benson (2003) found that the positive benefits
difficult to teach and is better understood when of adolescent religiousness was partially medi-
exemplified or embodied. ated through developmental resources avail-
Mentors and Gurus Spiritual mentors able to these youths.
provide opportunities for young people to These developmental resources are based on
experience being a part of something beyond Search Institute’s framework of developmental

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Religious Institutional Influences on Adolescent RSD and Positive Youth Development 461

assets, which includes eight categories consist- beneficial side effects through their relation to
ing of support, empowerment, boundaries and coping and resilience.
expectations, constructive use of time, com- Prayer is one such practice. In a study of
mitment to learning, positive values, social a community-based sample of 155 men and
competencies, and positive values. Although women aged 25–45 years of age, researchers
the study found that religious variables do have found that the use of religious coping strategies
some independent effect on risk behaviors, the such as trusting in God, seeking God’s help, pray-
study showed that the positive benefits of reli- ing, and taking comfort in religion in the face of
gion are significantly mediated by these assets. stressors, was associated with reduced ambula-
The authors contended that religious influence tory blood pressure among African-American,
might be better understood by the network of but not European-American adults (Steffen,
relationships, opportunities, and shared values Hinderliter, Blumenthal, & Sherwood, 2001).
common to religious congregations. These Another practice is meditation. In a national
findings suggest that the developmental assets study of religion and spirituality, Smith and
or social nutrients available through congrega- Denton (2005) found that 10% of all youth
tions promote thriving. The outcomes exam- reported “practicing religious or spiritual
ined in this study were not homogenous with meditation not including prayer” during the
religious or spiritual development, and are bet- prior year. What is the effect of such practices
ter described as indicators of aspects of spiri- on adolescent development (Roeser & Peck,
tual development, such as positive values and 2008)? Barnes, Johnson, and Treiber (2004), for
helping others. Nevertheless, this study sheds instance, found the practice of mediation was
light on how congregations may influence associated with reduced ambulatory blood pres-
RSD among young people not through mere sure among African-American adolescents.
participation, but through the provision of In sum, the various environments in which
developmental resources such as caring adults, youth live will foster positive development inso-
boundaries and expectations, and opportuni- far as they offer clear ideology, social resources,
ties to serve others. and transcendent, spiritual experiences. Whether
secular or faith-based, settings can promote
Spiritual Context Congregations not only
spiritual development by “helping young
provide important developmental resources and
people along the quest for self-awareness,
social relationships that may nurture RSD
meaning, purpose—shaping their core iden-
and positive development, but they also pro-
tity and their place in their families, com-
vide opportunities for spiritual experiences.
munities, and the larger world” (Benson &
Religion and spirituality provide opportuni-
Roehlkepartain, in press). Relationships, pro-
ties for transcendence when young people can
grams, and institutions that provide clear
experience something greater than themselves.
beliefs, moral directives, and values; peer
Spiritual Practices Specifically, a process and adult relationships that model and rein-
that shapes RSD during adolescence involves force these prosocial norms; and experiences
patterns of participation in spiritual practices. that move young people beyond their daily
Spiritual practices can be defined as everyday, concerns and connect them with something
deliberate activities, engaged in solitude or in beyond themselves are apt to nurture youth on
the company of others, in which individuals such a quest. Such influences may therefore
seek to explore and extend their relationship enhance adolescent development more gener-
with some conception of the sacred or divin- ally. Accordingly, we next discuss some of the
ity. Thus, spiritual practices may enrich one’s impact of adolescent RSD on overall adoles-
spiritual life; such practices can also have cent development.

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462 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

DEVELOPMENTAL CORRELATES levels of health-promoting behaviors such as

OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY consuming breakfast, fruit, and green vegeta-
DURING ADOLESCENCE bles, in addition to obtaining seven hours or
Adolescent religion and spirituality have gained more of sleep per night.
increased attention within the academy largely
due to the growing evidence suggesting that Psychological Distress and Well-Being
religion serves as a protective factor, buffering The relationship between religiosity and men-
young people against health-compromising tal health has also been clearly demonstrated
behavior and promoting their engagement in in adults (Hackney & Sanders, 2003) and ado-
health-promoting behavior through many of lescents (Cotton, Zebracki, Rosenthal, Tsevat,
the mechanisms just reviewed (e.g., Benson & Drotar, 2006). For instance, adolescent
et al., 2003; Kerestes & Youniss, 2003; Smith, religiosity, assessed in terms of church atten-
2003b; Spilka et al., 2003). Studies have gen- dance and reported importance of religion,
erally revealed that measures of religious atten- was inversely related with feelings of depres-
dance and religious importance are negatively sion, hopelessness, and loneliness (Pearce
correlated with indicators of risk behavior such et al., 2003b; Schapman & Inderbitzen-Nolan,
as delinquency, substance abuse, violence, sexual 2002; Sinha, Cnaan, & Gelles, 2007; Smith &
activity, and suicide. Furthermore, these reviews Denton, 2005; Wright, Frost, & Wisecarver,
reveal a positive relationship between religious- 1993) and positively related to life satisfaction
ness and positive outcomes like life satisfaction, (Varon & Riley, 1999).
wearing seat belts, and civic engagement. In the In studies in Germany, Spain, and the United
following section, we examine studies of RSD States, adolescent religiosity, assessed in
during adolescence and indicators of both posi- terms of church attendance and reported
tive and problematic development. importance of religion, was positively related
to self-esteem (Donahue & Benson, 1995;
Health Smith, Weigert, & Thomas, 1979). In a study
Evidence shows a strong correlation between of 615 ethnically and denominationally diverse
denominational religious involvement and adolescents, Kelley and Miller (2007) found
health in adults (Koenig et al., 2001) and ado- that frequency of spiritual experiences in the
lescents (Gottlieb & Green, 1984; Oman & context of daily life (e.g., seeing the sacred in
Thoresen, 2005). Jessor, Turbin, and Costa others) was associated with life satisfaction.
(1998), in an ethnically and racially diverse, In a study of 134 college students, Leake,
longitudinal sample, found that adolescents’ DeNeve, and Greteman (2007) found that youth
frequency of church attendance and the reported who reported spiritual strivings (see Emmons,
importance of religious teachings and values 1999) were more likely to experience positive
was strongly correlated with their engagement emotions such as vitality and zest, in addition
in healthy lifestyle behaviors such as keeping to greater psychological health as operational-
a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, keeping ized by tendencies toward self-actualization
up with dental hygiene, using seatbelts, and and achieved identity status. The one exception
exercising. to these trends are pregnant adolescent girls
Similarly, using Monitoring the Future data who may be more likely to experience feelings
from nationally probability samples of 15,000 of guilt and shame due to their pregnancy and
to 19,000 high school seniors collected annually its incongruence with religious – moral teach-
since 1975, Wallace and Forman (1998) found ings (Sorenson, Grindstaff, & Turner, 1995).
that more highly religious adolescents (as mea- These studies documenting a relationship
sured by reported importance, attendance, and between religious involvement, less psycho-
denominational affiliation) reported higher logical distress, and greater positive emotional

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Developmental Correlates of Religion and Spirituality During Adolescence 463

experience, esteem, and life satisfaction also research shows that religious adolescents are
extend to immigrant youth. In a national study significantly less likely to smoke cigarettes reg-
of adolescent health, Harker (2001) found that ularly, to drink alcohol weekly, or to get drunk,
1.5 generation immigrant adolescents experi- whereas less religious adolescents are likely
ence less depression and greater positive well- to smoke marijuana (Smith & Denton, 2005).
being than their native-born peers from similar In native populations of Native American
demographic and family backgrounds. adolescents, orientation to indigenous spiri-
tual beliefs and practices has been associated
Suicide with reduced substance use among (Garouette
Adolescents who experience feelings of et al., 2003). Longitudinal research that fol-
worthlessness and depression are at heightened lowed adolescents from grades 7 through 10
risk for suicide. Population analyses point showed that religiosity reduced the subsequent
to a relationship between having a religious impact of stress on substance use initiation and
affiliation and lower rates of suicide in both on the rate of growth in substance use over
male and female adolescents (e.g., Baker & time (Wills, Yaeger, & Sandy, 2003).
Gorsuch, 1982; Gartner, Larson, & Allen, The inverse relationship between religion
1991; Sturgeon & Hamley, 1979; Trovato, and substance abuse is not as clear among gay,
1992). Other studies have shown indicators of lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered adolescent
religiosity (attendance, importance) are associ- populations. Rostosky, Danner, and Riggle
ated with lower levels of fatalism and suicidal (2007) cautioned against overgeneralizing the
ideation and fewer suicide attempts in large protective effects of religion to all adolescent
representative samples of American adoles- populations, as their study of sexual minority
cents in grades 6–12 (Donahue & Benson, adolescents found that religiosity was not pro-
1995; Jamieson & Romer, 2008; Nonnemaker, tective against substance abuse for these youth
McNeely, & Blum, 2003). In a cross-sectional in the way it was for heterosexual adolescents.
sample of 1,456 American Indian tribal mem-
bers (ages 15–57 years old) living in Northern Sexual Activity
Plains reservations, orientation to traditional Evidence also documents that adolescent reli-
spiritual practices was associated with reduced giosity is associated with increased age of
suicide attempts (Garroutte et al., 2003). sexual debut and decreased number of sexual
partners. Although religious youths engage
Risk-Taking Behaviors in sexual behaviors, they tend to be less sexu-
ally active and have fewer sexual partners
A solid body of evidence documents a nega-
than their less religious peers (Donahue &
tive relationship between adolescent RSD and
Benson, 1995; Holder et al., 2000; McBride,
risk-taking behavior (Smith & Faris, 2003). It
1996). Adolescent religiosity has also been
is not that religious or spiritual youths are not
found to be inversely correlated with risky
taking risks or engaging in dangerous activi-
sexual behaviors (Lammers, Ireland, Resnick,
ties; rather, research has suggested that they do
& Blum, 2000; Murray, 1994; Thornton &
so to a lesser extent (e.g., Donahue & Benson,
Camburn, 1989). Smith and Denton (2005)
1995; Bridges & Moore, 2002).
documented striking differences in teens’ sex-
Substance Use ual attitudes based on their level of religious
Adolescents RSD is negatively related to their involvement and religious commitment that
use of marijuana, tobacco, steroids, and alco- likely are behind these behavioral differences.
hol (e.g., Bartkowski & Xu, 2007; Regnerus Almost all religiously devoted youths believed
& Elder, 2003; Sinha et al., 2007; Wallace & in sexual abstinence until marriage. Only 3%
Forman, 1998; Yarnold, 1998). Cross-sectional of religiously devoted teens agreed that as long

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464 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

as teenagers were emotionally ready for sex, it who considered religion to be of considerable
was okay to engage in it. By comparison, 56% influence in their lives and attended church
of religiously unengaged youths endorsed this frequently were 50% less likely to engage in
position. serious fighting than their nonreligious peers.
Similarly, Bridges and Moore (2002) found Johnson et al. (2001) found that adolescent
that adolescents who attended church, valued religiosity was negatively correlated with ado-
religion, and held strong religious beliefs had lescents’ attitudes toward delinquent behav-
lower levels of sexual experience and held iors, their association with delinquent peers,
conservative attitudes about sexual activity. and their engagement in delinquent behaviors
These findings have been replicated among after controlling for their sociodemographic
Latin-American, African-American, and backgrounds. Pearce, Jones, Schwab-Stone,
European-American populations of youth and Ruchkin (2003) found that frequent
(Edwards, Fehring, Jarrett& Haglund, 2008). exposure to religious content (e.g., reading,
However, females who considered themselves watching, or hearing religious information)
highly religious were less likely to use contra- decreased the likelihood of antisocial practices,
ception during their initial sexual experience, witnessing violence, or being the victim of vio-
which leads higher risk in sexually transmitted lence. In a nationally representative sample of
diseases and pregnancy. Similar reports were youth in grades 7–12, Regnerus (2003) found
found among males in which those who asso- evidence for a cyclical trend in the relation-
ciated more with religiosity were less likely to ship between adolescent religiosity and delin-
partake in sexual activity at early ages and hold quency. In this sample, religiosity was related
more conservative sexual attitudes and beliefs to a slight decrease in delinquent behaviors in
in one 13- to 16-year old sample. early adolescence, disappeared as a predictor
In a national longitudinal study of 3,691 of delinquent behaviors during middle ado-
adolescents assessed at age 15 (time 1) and age lescence, and finally emerged as a stronger
21 (time 2), Rostosky, Regnerus, and Wright negative predictor in late adolescence.
(2003) found that adolescent religiosity at age In sum, the current literature paints a clear
15 predicted delayed onset of coital debut for picture of the protective relationship between
both males and females assessed at time 2 adolescent religiosity and various risk behav-
after accounting for adolescents’ demographic iors. Participating in various forms of religion
background and number of romantic partners. is clearly linked to a reduction in dangerous
Delinquency activities among young people. However,
this buffering effect is less explored with spe-
The inverse relationship between religios-
cifically spiritual variables. Do these salutary
ity and delinquent behavior among adoles-
impacts of religiosity and spirituality exists as
cents has also been well established (Baier &
well when we turn from problem behaviors to
Wright, 2001). Adolescent religiosity has also
positive ones? In the next section, we examine
been linked to lower delinquent and violent
the relationship between adolescent religios-
problem behavior (Donahue & Benson, 1995;
ity and spirituality and positive developmental
Johnson, Jang, Larson, & Li, 2001; Regnerus
& Elder, 2003) and has increasingly become a
focus of research for criminologists seeking to Positive Development and Thriving
explore the mediating factors of crime deter-
A growing body of literature has documented
rence, particularly in juveniles (Evans, Cullen,
associations between adolescent RSD and vari-
Dunaway, & Burton, 1995). For instance,
ous indicators of positive youth development and
Sloane and Potvin (1986), in a national prob-
thriving. A thriving young person, as defined in
ability sample, found that youth ages 13-18
this chapter, is one who is developing a posi-

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Developmental Correlates of Religion and Spirituality During Adolescence 465

tive identity and a meaningful and satisfying and the broader search for purpose, mean-
life, who experiences a sense of well-being, ing, and fidelity characteristic of adolescence
and who develops personal competencies. In (Damon, 2008; Roeser et al., 2008; Templeton
addition to these things, however, a key attri- & Eccles, 2006). However, research using
bute of thriving is an individual’s contribu- Marcia’s identity statuses paradigm has yielded
tions to the well-being of his or her family, equivocal findings. For instance, Markstrom-
community, and society (King et al., 2005; Adams, Hoftstra, and Dougher (1994) exam-
Lerner et al., 2006; Scales, Benson, Leffert & ined the relationship of religious participation
Blyth, 2000). As such, the term thriving has to Marcia’s (1966) identity commitments.
referred to positive development that is char- They found that identity commitments of
acterized over time by a pattern of functioning foreclosure and achievement were related to
indicative of the individual’s ability to adapt church attendance. Subsequent studies showed
to environmental opportunities, demands, and that intrinsically religiously motivated youth
restrictions in a way that satisfies individual’s were most likely to have attained Marcia’s
developmental needs and the needs of others stage of identity achievement (Fulton, 1997;
and society. This section examines the empiri- Markstrom-Adams & Smith, 1996). Other
cal work that supports the claim that spiritual- studies have shown identity diffusion has been
ity and religion are associated with indicators associated with lower levels of religious impor-
of positive youth development and thriving. tance and participation, orthodoxy of Christian
Thriving beliefs, and intrinsic religious commitment
(Markstrom-Adams et al., 1994). However,
Dowling et al. (2004) found that adolescents’
Hunsberger, Pratt, and Pancer (2001), however,
spirituality (defined as experiencing transcen-
found only weak associations between reli-
dence and defining self in relationship to oth-
gious commitment and achieved identity sta-
ers and having genuine concern for others) and
tus. Clearly, better conceptualization of RSD
religiosity (defined as institutional affiliation
as well as “identity development’ is needed
and participation with a religious tradition
to clarify the interaction of these domains of
and doctrine) had direct effects on an omni-
development. What has proven more fruitful
bus measure of thriving (defined as a concept
is the focus on how RSD affects adolescents’
incorporating the absence of problem behav-
sense of meaning, hope, and purpose.
iors and the presence of healthy development).
It is not surprising that religion has been
In addition, adolescent spirituality mediated
shown to have a positive impact on adolescents’
the effects of religion on thriving. These find-
development of a sense of personal meaning
ings suggest that both spirituality and reli-
(Chamberlain & Zika, 1992). For instance, in
giousness may play roles in the development
a national probability sample of U.S. adoles-
of thriving. Although most existing research
cents showed that their religious and spiritual
has confirmed the positive role of religion, this
commitments are positively associated with
study demonstrated that spirituality may have
their overall sense of meaning and hope for the
an influence on youth thriving beyond that of
future (Smith & Denton, 2005). Tzuriel (1984)
religion. In another study, Benson et al. (2005)
and Francis (2000) found that religiously
found that religious salience and importance
involved youth reported higher levels of com-
were positive predictors of eight thriving indi-
mitment and purpose when compared to less
cators across sex and racial/ethnic subgroups
religiously engaged youth. Furrow et al. (2004)
of youth.
found that youth reporting a strong religious
Meaning and Identity identity were more likely to have a meaning
Adolescent RSD can contribute to thriving by framework that added direction and purpose to
influencing psychosocial identity development their lives than their nonreligious peers. It has

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466 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

also been shown that youths participating in who reported greater importance of religion in
religious communities are more likely to report their lives and who attended public religious
having a sense of purpose indicative of a com- services more were involved in constructive
mitment to a personal philosophy (Markstrom, after-school activities. Furthermore, these
1999). Also consistent with these findings, youth were more likely to have friends with
Showalter and Wagener (2000) found among similar religious commitments and conven-
youths attending a Christian summer camp tional value profiles, and who were similarly
that religion served as a productive source of involved in formal religion and constructive
meaning. free-time activities (Jessor & Jessor, 1977;
Smith & Denton, 2005). In turn, Hart & Fegley
Contribution (1995) noted the positive role of religion in the
Several studies have indicated a positive rela- lives of youth nominated for their commitment
tionship between religion and indicators as to caring and contributions to others. For many,
community service and altruism. For instance, caring values, attitudes, and behaviors were
Youniss and colleagues found that religious not independent of their spirituality. Rather,
youth were more involved in community ser- all aspects of their morality were governed by
vice compared to those adolescents reporting their religious beliefs and experiences, which
little religious activity (e.g., Kerestes, Youniss, informed their goals of service and care and
& Metz, 2004; Youniss et al., 1999). Using were closely related to their identity.
Monitoring the Future data, Youniss et al. In summary, although the research just
reported that students who believe that religion reviewed is suggestive of how RSD in ado-
is important in their lives were almost three lescence is associated with other positive
times more likely to participate in community developmental outcomes (Wallace & Williams,
service than those who do not believe that reli- 1997; Frank & Kendall, 2001; Regnerus,
gion is important. Similarly, Smith and Denton Smith, Christian, STET & Fritsch, 2003).
(2005) reported that religiously devoted youth Furthermore, work with national longitudi-
committed twice the national average of acts of nal research designs and samples, rather than
service to homeless and needy people and sig- cross-sectional, correlational designs and sam-
nificantly more acts than less religious youth. ples of convenience are needed to strengthen
Tracking religious development from the our knowledge base in this area. Nonetheless,
sophomore year to the senior year, Kerestes the reviewed findings do point to potential
et al. (2004) found that civic integration, mea- avenues for further research.
sured by participation in civic activities such as
working on a political campaign and demon- Negative Outcomes of Adolescent RSD
strating for a cause, and willingness to perform It is important to consider adolescent RSD in
volunteer service, were positively associated its entirety, lest we identify religion and spiri-
with stable or upward religious developmental tuality as a social panacea. Although there is
trajectories among a sample of predominately ample evidence to make the case for the ben-
white, socioeconomically middle- to upper- eficial role of religion and spirituality in ado-
class students. Religious salience (Crystal & lescent, RSD may also lead to problematic
DeBell, 2002) and religious values (Serow social outcomes and developmental forms of
& Dreyden, 1990; Smith, 1999) have both psychopathology (see Silberman et al., 2005;
shown to be associated with various forms of Wagener & Maloney, 2006; Oser et al., 2006).
civic engagement. The notions of developmental systems theory
Teenagers’ religious commitment and atten- concerning transactions, contexts, plasticity
dance has been associated with free time activ- and different forms of person–environment
ity involvement and peer characteristics. Youth fit in different sociocultural and historical

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Developmental Correlates of Religion and Spirituality During Adolescence 467

environments is useful for understanding both and ends of the religion more than an individ-
positive and negative forms of religion and ual’s life.
spirituality. However, some traditions might not lever-
For instance, the change of Tibet from a age their potential as being conducive to
nation of warriors to a nation of Buddhist promoting positive development because they
contemplatives necessitates a complex, mul- emphasize the individual, over and above pro-
tilevel sociocultural-contextual and historical moting a sense of community and belonging.
systems analysis to understand. A similar lens For example, some conservative traditions
is needed to comprehend Nazi Germany and within Christianity emphasize the individual
the religion of German youth generally and the believer ’s relationship with God to the extent
Hitler youth (Hitler Jugend) in particular. Both that they do not expend time or resources on
societies transformed themselves in the direc- promoting a sense of community or contri-
tion of spiritual worldviews, one becoming a bution to larger society. When this occurs,
place in which the ethics of universal compas- although youths are reinforced about their per-
sion and nonviolence thrived, and the other sonal worth, they lose out on both the support
one where pseudospeciation and the holocaust and accountability of a faith community and
unfolded. Indeed, the notion of “meaning the value of learning what it means to belong
systems” at the level of institutions and and to contribute to a greater good. In addition,
communities of religion, and “identity sys- individual forms of spirituality that are not
tems” at the level of individuals, have proven connected with a group of followers also have
very fruitful for applying systems concepts the potential to leave youths without the web
to both spiritual thriving and pathology (e.g., of support present in spiritual traditions asso-
Altemeyer & Hunsberger, 2005; Roeser et al., ciated with a intentional group of followers.
2008a; Silberman et al., 2005). These manifestations of spirituality are not
We assume that optimal religion and spiritu- necessarily deleterious for youth development
ality affirms both individual development and or for society. Rather, they lack the rich social
engenders social contribution. This balance is context that is so effective for optimal develop-
important, for if one violates the other, healthy ment. Forms of spirituality that do not connect
development does not occur. For example, if youth with a social group or a transcendent
a religious tradition emphasizes the faith com- experience of other may not promote a self-
munity, without valuing the uniqueness of its concept that fully integrates a moral, civic,
members, youths may not have the necessary and spiritual identity. However, taken to the
opportunities to explore different aspects of extreme, forms of religion and spirituality that
identity. When youths are not given the free- exalt the individual over a greater good can
dom to explore, and are either forced or pres- promote a sense of narcissism, entitlement,
sured into adopting a specific ideology, social and lack of connectedness and contribution to
group, or expression of spirituality, identity society.
foreclosure is a risk. A developmental systems perspective high-
Taken to the extreme, cults can be under- lights not only the goodness of fit between
stood from this perspective as spiritual expres- an individual and a religious/spiritual tradi-
sions that devalue the individuality of their tion, but also between a religious/spiritual
members in order to elevate the ideology and tradition and the greater society. If such a
group. This is graphically illustrated by spiri- spiritual tradition causes detriment to others,
tual groups that demand that their members all such as the case with prejudice (Hunsberger,
dress alike. In addition, recent current events 1995) and terrorism, then spirituality has
such as suicide bombings illustrate devastation gone awry. Numerous research studies have
caused by religious groups that value the goals linked religious fundamentalism to right-wing

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468 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

authoritarianism, which in turn is related to positive outcomes. In this section, we high-

ethnocentrism and many forms of prejudice light what we see as a few key areas for future
(Hunsberger & Jackson, 2005). Understanding research that would strengthen this emerging
the developmental antecedents to such delete- area of scholarship.
rious religious commitments is an important The scientific study of religion and spiritu-
aspect of development science. ality in human health and development neces-
It is important to note that although a spe- sitates definitional clarity of key concepts of
cific religious group might point to certain religion, religiousness, spirituality, and spiri-
behaviors as indicators of thriving from within tual. In the wake of stage-structural theories
that group’s perspective, these behaviors do falling out of favor in the developmental sci-
not always represent “constructive develop- ences, there is a need for renewed theory in the
ment” from the perspective of developmental area of what constitutes religious and spiritual
science. For example, as Silberman (2003) development during adolescence. Innovative
points out, the September 11, 2001, attacks on new approaches that incorporate and expand
the United States can be viewed from very dif- on these previous works exist (e.g., Wilbur,
ferent perspectives, which engender different 2006), but have yet to be examined during
assumptions about desirable kinds of world adolescence.
change and violence or peace as legitimate Why are individuals religious or spiritual
means of achieving world change. According in the first place (e.g., Bloom, 2005)? Does
to one meaning perspective, the attacks were adolescence represent a sensitive period in
religiously legitimated. From another mean- religious and spiritual formation (e.g., Good
ing perspective, these attacks were seen as & Willoughby, 2008)? What processes mark
violent assaults on innocent civilians that are “authentic” and “inauthentic” forms of devel-
prohibited by religion. How to tip the “double- opment in these domains and what are the
edged sword” of religion away from its violent best candidate mechanisms for explaining
world change ideological forms and toward the relation of religiosity or spirituality to
its peaceful world change ideological forms various aspects of human development? How
is the challenge facing the faith communities should we study religion and spirituality at the
of the world today (Silberman et al., 2005). individual level – as domains of development
Such change may also be a force of future the- generally, as domains of identity development
ory and research in developmental science. in particular, etc. (Roeser et al., 2008)? In sum,
it is with respect to issues of theory, construct
DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE definition, and the elucidation of mechanisms
THEORY AND RESEARCH of influence where we see the most room for
The role of religion and spirituality in inform- innovation and creativity in this emerging area
ing and shaping the development of ado- of study.
lescents is only beginning to be explored in There is also a great need for longitudinal
the developmental sciences with respect to a research in this area. Understanding the devel-
systems views of development in which biol- opmental precursors and sequelae of various
ogy, psychology, and social ecology play religious/spiritual identities and behaviors will
equally important, transacting roles. Research be critical for untangling patterns of influence
now shows that religion and spirituality are and pathways of continuity and change in this
important for the course of youth develop- aspect of human development. Some of the
ment (Smith & Denton, 2005). However, more most comprehensive studies to date remain
nuanced knowledge is required to better elu- cross-sectional in design (e.g., Benson et al.,
cidate the precise individual and contextual 2005; Lerner et al., 2008; Smith & Denton,
relations that account for youth RSD and its 2005). A focus on particular subgroups of

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Directions for Future Theory and Research 469

interest such as those who are particularly spir- Adolescence, with its characteristic changes
itually precocious, those who undergo conver- in thinking and feeling, is a prime time for
sion experiences, or those who leave religion young people to be exposed to, and engaged in,
and decide they are atheists, may be one way dialogue about ideas and philosophies bearing
that such studies may advance understanding on ultimate existential questions of identity,
of not only normative but diverse patterns of purpose, and meaning. Spiritual mentors, in
religious and spiritual development across ado- such a context, can take on considerable impor-
lescence (e.g., King, Ramos, & Clardy, 2008). tance in the lives of youth (e.g., Issac, Roeser,
The employment of non-self-report measures Abo-Zena, & Lerner, 2007). Unfortunately,
of behavior and behavioral sequelae will also be recent work on youth purpose highlights the
important in this work. For instance, little work relative absence of such conversations about
on the development of prejudicial attitudes meaning in the lives of young people at least in
with respect to religion during adolescence, the U.S. today (Damon, 2008). What happens
using implicit measures of attitudes has been to youths when they experience a significant
conducted (e.g., Greenwald & Banaji, 1995). absence of discussions of purpose and mean-
In addition, in order to understand the effect of ing? What is the net effect of this absence on
religious attendance on positive behaviors dur- the quality and richness of the inner spiritual
ing adolescence, such as service to others, it is lives of youths? Do violence, risk behavior,
necessary to gain multiple informants’ perspec- and anomie provide channels for frustrated or
tives and to use observational methods. Recent misdirected spiritual longings?
work on the neural underpinnings of spiritual In summary, the preceding conceptual ques-
experience, as well as on basic self-regulatory tions are important, general issues that should
functions associated with particular practices be addressed in further research. In addition to
like meditation, provide other new kinds of these more general issues, there are more spe-
measures that move from first person to second cific contextual and individual variables that
person to third person in nature (e.g., Newberg require greater empirical attention.
& Newberg, 2006; Urry & Poey, 2008).
In addition, understanding the role of social Race, Culture, and Ethnicity
factors in religious and spiritual development Given that religion and spirituality are key fac-
in a world plagued by religious violence, as it ets of ethnicity, race, and culture (Mattis et al.,
is today, seems essential. Thus, one key direc- 2006; Slonim, 1991), a key direction for future
tion for future research on religious and spiri- research concerns the intersectionality among,
tual development during adolescence involves young people’s developing ethnic/racial, cul-
a more thorough examination of the kinds of tural, and religious and spiritual identities in
people, opportunities, and social settings that shaping patterns of positive or problematic
nurture healthy and authentic forms of spiri- youth development. Virtually no research has
tuality and spirituality ←→ positive develop- examined the intersectionality among such
ment relations (see King & Furrow, 2004; King identities with adolescents (e.g., Abo-Zena,
et al., 2008). As in any other domain of devel- Roeser, Issac, & Lerner, 2007; Abo-Zena
opment, we believe religious and spiritual et al., 2008; Juang & Syed 2008). New research
development is scaffolded and linked to the in this area would enhance our understanding
kinds of social worlds and people with whom of the roles that religion and spirituality can
adolescents “come of age” (e.g., Rogoff, 2003). play in the positive development of ethnically,
It is the developmentally instigative role of racially, and culturally diverse youth (e.g.,
these social contexts in religious and spiritual Nicolas & DeSilva, 2008).
development that require more research in this For instance, despite the centrality of the
field of study (Regnerus, 2003). church in African-American history, “almost

c13.indd 469 11/4/08 5:00:53 PM

470 Religion and Spirituality in Adolescent Development

no research focuses specifically on Black such discrimination on the identity formation

adolescents” with respect to religion and devel- of gay and lesbian youths during adolescence
opment today (Taylor, Chatters, and Levin, is important.
2004, p. 46). What is known is that African- Similarly, what is the role of religion in
American youths place more importance on ameliorating or even exacerbating the risks
religion than their European-American peers associated with being a religious minority
(Donahue & Benson, 1995; Wallace et al., in the United States today (Abo-Zena et al.,
2003) and that religion deters deviant behav- 2008)? How can religious practices such as
ior among African-American youths. But what wearing a headscarf differentially expose cer-
about its role in enhancing positive develop- tain youths to risk factors like discrimination,
ment? In addition, most existing research on while engagement in such practices provides
adolescent religion and spirituality is based a buffer against such experiences at the same
on North American samples; little research time?
takes into consideration the role of spirituality
in developing nations (King et al., 2008). Worldviews and Violence
Immigrants Another area for future research concerns
Similarly, we believe that religion and spiri- the development of religious and spiritual
tuality play a key role in the development of worldviews during adolescence and early
immigrants and their families (Abo-Zena et al., adulthood and their functional significance
2007; Jensen, 2008; Juang & Syed, 2008; for well-being and life choices (e.g., Arnett,
Roeser, Lerner, Jensen & Alberts, 2008). How 2008). How do young people’s knowledge
might religious institutions provide a “context and understanding (or lack of knowledge and
of reception” for newcomers to the United understanding) of the world’s religions shape
States? How might spiritual beliefs support their own worldviews? How can we help all
immigrants in their efforts to assimilate and young people achieve a deep appreciation for
bridge to the mainstream of American cultural the plurality of religions and wisdom traditions
and economic life? How might being an eth- that characterize different facets of humanity
nic–minority immigrant who is also a member today and, in doing so, promote greater mutual
of the religious majority of the country affect understanding and civil society (Roeser &
youth development? Future studies examining Lerner, 2008)? Which religious and spiritual
such issues would increase our understanding worldviews are differentially associated with
of the development of immigrant youths in the positive and problematic forms of human
United States as well. development (e.g., Feldman, 2008). Why are
young males so vulnerable to the influence
Sexual and Religious Minorities of violent worldviews and attendant forms of
The role of religion and spirituality in the actual violence in nations all around the world
development of youths who are sexual or (Wagener & Maloney, 2006)? What social eco-
religious minorities is also important. For logical conditions foster such vulnerability?
instance, research has documented the impor- How can worldview beliefs be used to differ-
tant influence social environments can have on entiate religious terrorism from positive forms
the sexual identity development of gay and les- of development (Silberman, 2005)?
bian youths (Ream & Savin-Williams, 2004).
As the research on proscribed and nonpro- Life Event Catalysts of RSD
scribed sources of prejudice in religious tradi- More research on the life event catalysts of reli-
tions illustrates (Hunsberger & Jackson, 2005), gious and spiritual development is also needed.
sexual minorities remain targets for religious- At the time of writing, King et al. (2008) were
based discrimination. Examining the effect of in the process of analyzing in depth interviews

c13.indd 470 11/4/08 5:00:54 PM

References 471

of 32 adolescent spiritual exemplars from a significant interaction between ideology and

spiritually and culturally diverse backgrounds social support available through religious or
around the globe. An emerging finding as a spiritual contexts (King, 2008)? Was Erikson
key factor thought to affect the emergence of (1959) correct in suggesting that youths who
a reflective and intentional approach to life, in are embedded in a social context that affords
which happiness and a more satisfying life are and models a particular worldview and moral
sought, is the experience of suffering and an order have advantages when forming an iden-
inability to address it sufficiently through pre- tity? Longitudinal studies exploring these
vailing identity commitments and worldviews issues are needed to understand causational
(Corbett, 2000). From this perspective, spiri- effects of these potential mediating factors.
tual development is said to be triggered when
“traditional religious beliefs and images from CONCLUSIONS
childhood no longer offer comfort from suf- There is renewed interest in the study of reli-
fering or provide adequate reasons for injus- gious and spiritual development. For far too
tices in the world” (Templeton & Eccles 2006, long the field of developmental science over-
p. 255). The resultant loss of meaning and looked these important aspects of being an
desire for livable solutions to questions of ulti- adolescent. As the field moves toward con-
mate meaning (e.g., the existence of suffering) sensus on the conceptualization of spiritual-
catalyze new existential questioning, explo- ity and religiousness, social scientists will be
ration, and seeking. More generally, under- able to advance the operationalization of these
standing how life events may trigger spiritual complex constructs. Our hope is that the not-
doubts, identity explorations, and ongoing too-distant future will see the rise of creative
commitments is an important topic of inquiry. and rigorous methodologies that will begin
to answer some of the questions raised in this
Mediating Factors chapter.
Although the relationship between religion/ Varying approaches to data gathering and
spirituality and positive outcomes for youth is analysis will allow scholars to examine the
well documented at this writing, the mecha- presence, development, and impact of spiritu-
nisms behind this association have not been ality and religion in the lives of diverse young
well explored. Although there is evidence people. Increased understanding will elucidate
that social support, such as social capital or how spirituality may serve as a potentially
developmental assets may mediate the effect potent aspect of the developmental system,
of religious participation or religious salience through which young people can gain a greater
on positive development in young people, fur- understanding of themselves and their connec-
ther research is needed to clarify how social tions to the greater world in ways that fosters a
support might work for different youths in dif- sense of responsibility and compassion to the
ferent settings. For instance, do adolescents greater good.
with varying amounts of parental support ben-
efit differently from religious social support? REFERENCES
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