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Celawyn's Guide to Wilderness and Fey


Table of Contents Credits
Playing the Fey pg. 2 Writing and design: Chamomile
Fangs of the Beast: Playable Werewolves pg. 2 Layout and formatting: Megan Bennett-Burks
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: Playable Hags pg. 4 Cover illustration: Custin
Sorcerer Bloodline: Fey pg. 6 Interior illustration: Deckydraws, Fukamihb
Form Of: The Shapeshifter Class pg. 10 Additional Illustration: Nelnes
Communing With Nature pg. 14 Additional monsters: Virgil Clemens
Running the Fey pg. 15
Common Threads pg. 15
Wilderness Adventures pg. 17
Courts of Reverie pg. 34
The Fair Folk: New Fey Stat Blocks pg. 35
The Old Gods: New Fey Bosses pg. 40
Additional Contentpg. 46
Additional Bosses pg. 46
Additional Feats pg. 52
Additional Spells pg. 53
Backers pg. 55
Index pg. 58

Playing the Fey
• If you take this tier at level 1, you may take the “Were-
wolf ” background. This gives you proficiency in either Per-
ception or Survival and the at-will ability to speak with wolves

Fangs of the Beast: Playable Werewolves as though using the Speak With Animals spell.
Ferocity Tier 1 (minimum level 5)
Werewolves have many origins. Some inherit the transformation
from their ancestors, often skipping one or more generations. • You can transform into a hybrid war form when under
Some become werewolves after being wounded by one, especially the light of the moon. Shifting between any of your three
by a bite. Some intentionally merge with wolf spirits to learn how forms always requires an action. While in war form, you have
to transform. Regardless of how they are changed, werewolves +4 STR and +4 CON (which also means you gain HP equal
have the power to transform into an ordinary (or at least, seem- to double your level), resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing,
ingly ordinary) wolf or into their powerful hybrid war forms. and slashing damage from non-silver, non-magical weapons,
have the Keen Scent ability granting you advantage on per-
Like other transformations in the series, you must attune to the ception checks to do with the sense of smell, your deep growl-
transformation as though it were a magic item to unlock its full ing voice gives you advantage on Intimidation but disadvan-
power. This requires permanently sacrificing magic item slots tage on Persuasion against anyone not used to dealing with
equal to the tier, which may be done at any level up when you werewolves (this is most people), and you have a claw attack
meet the level prerequisite. dealing 1d8+STR slashing damage and a bite attack dealing
Ferocity Tier 0 (minimum level 1) 2d4+STR piercing damage, which you may use together in
• You can transform into a wolf as an action when under a multiattack. If both your hands are unoccupied, you may
the light of the moon (full or not). Once you are transformed, also use your bonus action to make another claw attack. Your
you remain so until you transform back with another action hybrid form is capable of wielding ordinary weapons, and
or you are under the light of the sun, which transforms you when you multiattack with wielded weapons, you may replace
back automatically. You may remain transformed indefinitely one of the attacks with a bite.
so long as you avoid direct sunlight. • While in your wolf or hybrid form, you have the pack
tactics ability, granting you advantage on all attacks against
Under the light of the full moon, you transform into a wolf enemies who are adjacent to at least one of your allies.
automatically and may not revert to your human form until
• Silver is deeply harmful to you. When struck by a silver
the full moon is no longer in the sky (whether you are under
weapon, or when you spend an entire round in physical
its light or not). You remain in full control of your actions
contact with a silver object (probably because you’re unable to
when transformed, even under the full moon.
drop it), you must make a CON save of DC 15 or the attack
• While transformed, you have a 40 ft. movement speed, roll of the silver weapon, whichever is higher. If you fail, you
are medium size (if you weren’t already), have the Keen are nauseated by pain, which affects you as though poisoned.
Scent ability granting you advantage on Perception checks You can repeat the save to end the effect at the end of each of
to do with the sense of smell, and gain a bite attack dealing your turns.
2d4+STR piercing damage, and the target must make a STR
save against 8 + your STR bonus + your proficiency bonus
or be knocked prone. You cannot wield any weapons in
wolf form, and you can only wear armor specifically fitted
for wolves, which is not usually available except as a custom
request in most settlements (although goblins tend to make
wolf armor for their mounts and may have some lying around
their blacksmith). Your ability scores are not affected (though
your ability to use your Charisma and Intelligence may be
somewhat limited by an inability to speak) and both forms
share the same HP.

• Under the light of the full moon, you transform into Ferocity Tier 3 (minimum level 13)
your hybrid form automatically, and you cannot transform • Your regeneration when transformed increases to 10 HP,
out of it until the full moon has left the sky. While the full or 20 HP if you’re standing in moonlight.
moon is in the sky, your hybrid form is harder to control.
• You command the absolute loyalty of wolves (including
When rolling to Intimidate a creature, being Intimidated
dire wolves and etc.), at least as long as they are within your
(successfully or not) by a creature, or whenever you are
immediate presence. They may get bored and wander off if
attacked by a creature, you must make a DC 12 WIS save to
you ask them to garrison a location or do something else long
avoid losing control and attacking the creature in question (if
term and outside your presence, but they will never run away
you plan on attacking the creature anyway, especially in the
from combat while you’re still fighting, and they will carry
example of someone who is attacking you, you can ignore the
out actions that would ordinarily be far outside ordinary pack
roll, since it hardly matters). Once you have begun fighting
behavior, like infiltrating defenses or leading non-wolf allies
(for any reason), you must make a DC 12 WIS save at the
to a certain location in the forest.
end of your turn to stop. If there are no enemies left when
you fail the save, you must attack allies instead. • When in hybrid or wolf forms, you can howl as an
action. All creatures of your choice within 30 ft. must make
Ferocity Tier 2 (minimum level 9) a WIS save against DC of 8 + your STR + your proficiency
• While in your hybrid or wolf forms, you regenerate 5 bonus or be frightened of you. Frightened creatures may
HP at the start of each of your turns. This regeneration is make an additional save at the end of each of their turns to
increased to 10 HP if you are in the direct light of the moon. end the effect.
Your regeneration does not work so long as you are poisoned
by the nauseating effects of silver.
• When you transform, you may transform into a large
Werewolf Feats
Diurnal (requires Ferocity Tier 0): +1 Intelligence, Wisdom, or
size creature instead of medium. This increases your bite Charisma. You can transform without the aid of the light of the
attack to 3d4+STR piercing damage, and your hybrid form’s moon, are not turned back to human form by daylight, and do
claw attacks to 2d8+STR slashing damage and gives you +4 not have to transform under the full moon.
STR and +4 CON (for +8 total in hybrid form).
Lycanthropic Bite (requires Ferocity Tier 1): +1 Strength,
• Wolves (including dire wolves and any other wolf-ish
Dexterity, or Constitution. You can pass lycanthropy on via bite.
beast of INT 3 or below) recognize you as one of their own,
Creatures who take at least one point of damage from one of
and are supernaturally compelled to accept you as leader of
your bite attacks must make a CON save with DC of 8 + your
their pack. They will attack the creatures you attack or who
CON score + your proficiency bonus. If they fail, they automati-
are attacking you, although they will flee after losing more
cally gain Ferocity at tier 0.
than half their number, and may also be terrified away by
fire, explosions, or other frightening things beyond their
comprehension. You can summon any wolves within several
miles to your side with a howl, which will usually summon
2d4 wolves, who will arrive in about half an hour, but may
summon more in particularly wolf-dense territories, or none
at all in areas like deserts or oceans that just don’t have wolves
in them.
• When under the light of the full moon, you transform
into a large size hybrid form automatically. The WIS save to
avoid frenzy increases to DC 15, and you must make a save
immediately upon transforming and at the start of each of
your turns when you are within 30 ft. of fire or unsheathed

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: Coven Balance
Playable Hags In order to keep their coven spells refreshed, hags
must be in direct contact with one another often enough
Some hags are created by dark magic (usually from other hags) to refresh their coven spells together. Since adventuring
worked upon an infant, cursing the child to grow into a hag. parties are very mobile, most likely the only way a hag
Others spring up fully formed from fairy land, or have simply adventurer would be able to do this is if the other two
always been there. Either way, hags have the following abilities. hags of her coven are also adventurers (and note that
Ability Score Increase: +2 Wisdom. the hags of a coven don’t have to be the same type - you
can have a coven of a green hag, a night hag, and a sea
Age: Hags are sometimes made from mortals (usually through
hag, or two green hags and a sea hag, or whatever). The
some manner of dark ritual), but their lifespan is indefinite.
power of the coven was balanced around this, with three
Size: Medium. different PCs each giving up a magic item slot to get a
powerful but shared suite of spells, loosely equivalent to
Speed: 30 ft.
each PC attuning to their own wand, exchanging the
Claws: Hags have terrible claws that may be used as a melee twenty-one spell slots the wands would provide for a
attack with a reach of 5 ft., dealing 1d6+STR slashing damage. total of sixteen slots, but having a total of twelve spells to
Coven: When three hags come together, they may form a coven pick from instead of just three.
by attuning to one another as though to a magic item. The hags The coven is massively more powerful if the other
must be at least level 5, the coven lasts until one of the hags is two hags in it are NPCs who do not use their spells,
killed (even if one of the hags would like to break it off early!), providing all of them to just one PC who has to sacrifice
and all hags lose one of their magic item slots so long as the just one magic item slot. If a single hag PC really wants
coven is active. to have coven spells, I recommend either randomly con-
While the coven is active, each of the hags may cast the following suming ten of them (roughly two-thirds) every long rest,
coven spells from the following spell list, regardless of how close or else requiring the single PC to give up all three magic
the other hags are. Hags who do not have spellcasting can still item slots to attune to the coven.
cast coven spells and use WIS as their ability modifier for
these spells. The coven spells are shared between all hags
and refresh with a ritual that must be performed by all
three hags together at moonrise (if using one-hour long
rests, this ritual takes an hour but may be performed at
any time the moon is in the sky, and if using week-long
long rests, this ritual must be performed at moonrise on
Friday evening, specifically), although it does not matter
when (or if ) the individual hags take their long rest. Hags
do not have to be within 30 ft. of their covenmates to use
their coven spells.
Coven spells
1st level (4 slots): Identify, Ray of Sickness
2nd level (3 slots): Hold Person, Locate Object
3rd level (3 slots): Bestow Curse, Counterspell, Lightning Bolt
4th level (3 slots): Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph
5th level (2 slots): Contact Other Plane, Scrying
6th level (1 slot): Eyebite
Darkvision: Hags have 60 ft. darkvision.
Illusory Appearance: Hags can cast an illusion upon themselves
as an action, making them appear as another creature with their
same general size and shape. This does not change the physical
reality of the hag, so someone who touches the hag will still be
able to feel her claws, may be able to tell that the texture of her
clothes is much different from how they appear, and so on.
Languages: Hags speak common and sylvan.

Green Hag
Ability Score Increase: Green hags have +1 STR.
The Fair Folk: Playable Pixies
Pixies are known for their mischievous and curious nature. Partly
Aquatic: A green hag has a 30 ft. swim speed and can breathe this is just a result of selection bias: If a pixie is neither mischie-
underwater. vous enough to want to prank mortals nor curious enough to
want to eavesdrop on them, they won’t have much need to ever
Invisible Passage: At level 5, a green hag may turn invisible and get near them at all. Nevertheless, there are plenty of mischievous
leave no trace of her passage (i.e. no footprints, bent branches, and/or curious pixies out there, and while most of them start by
etc.). This effect can be broken the same way the regular Invisi- lurking in literal eaves, some of them eventually become com-
bility spell can be broken. Once the hag has used this ability, she fortable enough with mortal society to introduce themselves and,
cannot use it again until she finishes a long rest. almost inevitably, become adventurers.
Ability Score Increase: Pixies have +2 Charisma and +1 Dexter-
Night Hag ity.
Ability Score Increase: Night hags have +1 DEX.
Age: Pixies bloom from flowers fully grown and have indefinite
Nightmare Haunting: At level 5, a night hag may enter the lifespans.
ethereal plane. While there, she may reach out and touch a
creature on the material plane. This creature’s dreams are haunted Size: Pixies are tiny size.
by terrible nightmares that prevent rest for as long as the hag’s Speed: 10 ft., 30 ft. fly
ethereal form is in contact with them. If the nightmares last for at
least one hour, that creature does not benefit from a long rest and Pixie Dust: Pixies have pinches of pixie dust equal to their
their HP maximum is reduced by 1d10. If their HP maximum proficiency bonus, which they can use to cast spells. They must
is reduced to 0, they die. Protection From Evil and Good and meet the level prerequisite listed below to cast a spell. Spell DCs
Magic Circle prevent the hag from using this ability. Once the hag for pixie dust spells are 8 + the pixie’s CHA bonus + proficiency
has used this ability, she cannot use it (including the ability to bonus. They regain their pixie dust when they take a long rest.
become ethereal) again until she finishes a long rest. 1st level (0* dust): Dancing Lights
3rd level (1 dust): Entangle, Sleep
Sea Hag 5th level (2 dust): Invisibility, Phantasmal Force
Ability Score Increase: Sea hags have +1 CON.
Aquatic: A sea hag has a 30 ft. swim speed and can breathe 7th level (3 dust): Dispel Magic, Fly
underwater. 9th level (4 dust): Confusion, Polymorph
Horrific Appearance: At level 5, the sea hag’s appearance has *: These spells cost no dust, but you must have at least one pinch
become particularly gruesome. Any creature who starts within 30 of pixie dust to use them.
ft. of her and who can see her true form must make a WIS save
Pixies also get additional spells usable with pixie dust based on
against her spell save DC, or 8 + her CON bonus + her profi-
what fey court they belong to:
ciency bonus if she has no spellcasting. Creatures who fail are
frightened of the sea hag, and may make a new save at the end of Autumn Dust: Pixies of the autumn court can cast Contagion
each of their turns to end the effect. Creatures who succeed are with five pinches of pixie dust.
immune to the sea hag’s horrific appearance until their next long
Spring Dust: Pixies of the spring court can cast Awaken with five
pinches of pixie dust.
Summer Dust: Pixies of the summer court can cast Flame Strike
with five pinches of pixie dust.
Winter Dust: Pixies of the winter court can cast Hold Monster
with five pinches of pixie dust.
Stealth Proficiency: Small and quiet, pixies have proficiency in
Stealth automatically.
Tiny Weapons: Because they are very small, pixies must wield
very small weapons. These weapons have half-size damage dice
(for example, a pixie’s longsword deals 1d4 damage instead of
1d8) or, if they have an even number of damage dice, half as
many dice (for example, a pixie’s greatsword deals 1d6 damage
instead of 2d6).

Fairy Circles: Your fey ancestry calls you towards fairy land.
Sorcerer Bloodline: Fey Starting from level 6, any time you are in a wilderness area (like a
Fey sorcerers are descended from dryads or satyrs or occasionally forest or desert, but not a city or dungeon), you can search for a
other fey creatures. Fey sorcerers are descended from a specific fairy circle, and will find one within ten minutes. This fairy circle
fey court, which they must choose from level 1. However, fairy can be used to take you to and from the fey plane.
land is an unstable place in terms of both politics and geography.
Courts shift borders, cease to exist, and are reborn freely, both Fey Charm: At level 6, non-fey creatures take disadvantage on all
because of land taken or lost and because a river might decide to saves against being charmed or frightened by you.
start flowing through an entirely different set of kingdoms, totally Fey Sense: At level 6, you have an intuitive sense for when the
altering which fey courts do and don’t count as “river kingdoms” fey are nearby. As a bonus action, you can detect how many fey
and have easy access to one another via that river. A fey territory there are within 60 ft. This does not tell you exactly where they
may wake up one day to find they are now surrounded by im- are or what kind of fey they are, but it will give you a rough
penetrable mountains, and a long-lost fairy lord has reappeared estimate of the total number within range (this estimate is very
to rule over the isolated kingdom, re-establishing a court that had accurate when there’s only three or four fey in range, but if there’s
long since been defunct. dozens, then just like looking at a crowd, it becomes hard to
All of this to say that there are an uncountable number of fey count the exact number in a hurry and it just kind of dissolves
courts, and all that really matters is what damage type they’re into “a whole lot”). This is a divination effect and can be thwart-
associated with. One example court of each type has been given ed by things that block divinations.
in the table below, but you can feel free to invent your own even Fairy Wings: At level 14, you grow wings. For some, these wings
as a player (though if you make a court up as a player, there is no are permanent, but for many, they are telescoping dragonfly
guarantee that whatever court you’re descended from is currently wings which can be easily folded up along the back whenever not
extant). in use or something similarly possible to easily get out of the way.
Force damage is intentionally excluded from this list. There is Regardless of how inconvenient it’s become to fit through door-
no fey court attuned to force damage, because force damage is ways, you gain a fly speed equal to your land speed. You will need
almost never resisted by anything. special clothes and armor to accommodate the wings (although
clothes are very easy to modify - just cut some holes near the
Damage type Example courts shoulder blades).
Acid Court of Agony, Court of Entropy Elemental Immunity: At level 18, you are totally immune to the
Cold Court of Winter damage type associated with your court.
Fire Court of Summer Fairy Roads: At level 18, whenever you are in the fey plane, you
Lightning Court of Spring can use fey roads to find your way to any other plane within an
hour. Planes that intentionally try to close themselves off from
Necrotic Court of Autumn all outside access (fortresses and prisons and so forth) have only
Poison Court of Serpents a 20% chance of actually succeeding. Roll a d100 when attempt-
Psychic Court of Eyes, Court of Shadow ing to find your way to these planes with a fairy road. On a 21
or higher, a fairy circle exists within them, likely placed by some
Radiant Carnival Court, Court of the Sun
mischievous fey thumbing their nose at the attempt to deny en-
Thunder Cloud Court, Court of Cacophony try. On a 1-20, no such fairy circles exist in the plane in question,
Elemental Resilience: Starting from level 1, you are resistant to and you cannot access it through fairy roads.
the damage type of your court.
Fey: Other fey creatures recognize you as fey, and will treat you
as such, rather than as a mortal. This has no direct mechanical
consequences, but does mean that fey are less prone to messing
with you.
Hidden: Starting from level 1, you have advantage on all Stealth
checks made in natural terrain (like trees or snow, but not cities
or inside structures).

Calls of the Wild: Starting from third level, you may perform
Ranger Subclass: Beast Friend any of the following calls as an action. You may perform a total
While there are Rangers who focus on woodland magic and number of calls equal to your proficiency bonus before taking
Rangers who focus on straight-up murder, one of the most iconic a long rest to refresh them. Except where otherwise stated, each
Rangers is that of the beast friend, who goes into battle with an call has a range of 60 ft. and ends if the companion exceeds this
animal companion. This concept was done infamously poorly in range, lasts one minute, and requires concentration.
the PHB. The revised version was generally better received, but
while it’s acceptable, it’s only scratching the surface of how cool • Call of Ferocity: You direct your animal companion to
a concept an animal companion can be. We can do better - and fight with savage fury. For the duration of the call, they make
now we have. attacks at advantage and deal bonus damage equal to your
proficiency bonus on each hit.
Animal Companion: When you join this conclave at 3rd level,
you can magically summon a fey spirit in the form of an animal • Call of Haste: You direct your animal companion to act
to travel and fight by your side with a ritual that can be complet- with incredible speed. Their movement speed is doubled, they
ed as part of a short rest. Whenever you complete this ritual, your gain +2 AC, have advantage on DEX saves, and get an extra
companion may shift into a new animal form or restore their HP action on each of their turns. This action may only be used to
to maximum. This ritual restores them even if their HP had been make a single attack, dash, hide, or use an object.
reduced to 0, as they do not die when reduced to 0 HP. As fey • Call of Protection: You direct your animal companion
spirits, they are almost incapable of death, and when their phys- to fight cautiously. For the duration of the call, attacks against
ical form is slain, their incorporeal spirit enters into a slumber them take disadvantage, and their saves are made at advan-
until given physical form again. For most fey, this process takes at tage.
least a year and a day, and often centuries, but luckily your ritual Shape Companion: Starting from third level, you can apply any
can reliably coalesce their spirit into physical form again whenev- of the following alterations to your animal companion. Each
er you have time for a short rest. alteration increases the animal companion’s CR by 1 for purposes
Your animal companion must be of either the beast or mon- of max CR for animal companion. For example, if you are a 5th
strosity type, and must have a CR of 2 or more lower than your level Ranger, your animal companion’s maximum CR is 3. You
Ranger level (so when you join this conclave at 3rd level, you can could instead take a CR 1 creature with two of the following
have any beast or monstrosity of CR 1 or lower as your animal alterations. Fractional CR counts as 0 for purposes of max CR, so
companion, while at 20th level, you can have any beast or mon- even a level 3 Ranger can apply one of the below alterations to a
strosity of CR 18 or lower). Creatures with fractional CR count companion with default CR of ½, ⅓, etc. etc. You may reshape
as 0 for purposes of this ability. your companion whenever you take a short rest, as part of the
same ritual that allows you to reshape them into an entirely dif-
If your animal companion’s INT, WIS, or CHA are lower than
ferent creature and restore their HP.
6, they rise to 6. They have a proficiency bonus equal to yours,
which might alter their saves or attack bonuses compared to the • Aquatic. Your animal companion can breathe water and
default stat block. gains a swim speed equal to their land speed. You may apply
this alteration twice, doubling their swim speed on the second
Monstrosity Companions
There are a lot of really cool animal companion can- • Burrow. Your animal companion gains a burrow speed
didates who are monstrosity type instead of beast type, equal to half their land speed, rounded down to the near-
like the winter wolf, hydra, and purple worm. There’s est 5 ft. You may apply this alteration twice, granting them
also a couple of creatures in the monstrosity type that a burrow speed equal to their land speed with the second
probably should’ve just been humanoids, like the yuan-ti alteration.
abomination, harpy, and ettercap. You might choose to • Charge. If the animal companion moves at least 20
intentionally avoid them for roleplaying reasons. On the ft. before attacking an enemy and hits with their first attack,
other hand, you might decide not to, instead. If your fey the attack is automatically a critical hit. Subsequent attacks
spirit companion can transform into a yuan-ti, that’s cannot benefit from charge in this way.
not really any weirder than transforming from a wolf
• Critical Master. Your animal companion’s natural
into a bear. If it fits your theme, go for it.
weapons score a critical hit on a 19-20.

• Elemental Weapon. One of your animal companion’s Advanced Shaping: At 7th level, you may apply the following
natural weapons deals an extra die of damage. This die of alterations to your animal companion when reshaping them on a
damage is one of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder dam- short rest. These alterations count as two alterations for deter-
age, chosen when you apply the alteration. You may apply mining the animal companion’s CR (for example, a CR 3 animal
this alteration multiple times, giving an elemental die to a companion with one of these alterations would count as CR 5).
different natural weapon each time.
• Breath Weapon. The animal companion gains a breath
• Elemental Resistance. Your animal companion be- weapon that is either a 30 ft. cone or a 60 ft. line. The breath
comes resistant to one of acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, weapon deals d6s of damage equal to your proficiency bonus
or thunder damage. You may apply this alteration multiple of either acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder dam-
times, making your companion resistant to a different damage age, chosen when you make this alteration. The damage can
type each time. be halved with a DEX save of DC 8 + your animal compan-
• Flight. Your animal companion gains a fly speed equal ion’s CON bonus + your proficiency bonus. When the breath
to their land speed. You may apply this alteration three times, weapon has been used, roll a d6 at the start of each of the
doubling or tripling their fly speed on the second and third animal companion’s turns. On a roll of a 6, the weapon is
alterations, respectively. available again.

• Grab. Pick one of the animal companion’s natural • Elemental Immunity. The animal companion is com-
weapons. Once per turn, they automatically grapple and re- pletely immune to one of acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or
strain a target when they land a blow with that weapon, with thunder damage. You may take this alteration multiple times,
an escape DC equal to 8 + your companion’s STR bonus choosing a different element each time.
+ your proficiency bonus.
• Keen Sense. Your animal companion
gains one of Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, or Keen
Sight, giving them advantage on Perception
checks to do with the selected sense. You may
take this alteration multiple times, choosing
a different sense each time.
• Natural Armor. Your animal companion
gets a +2 bonus to natural AC.
• Poison. One of your animal companion’s
natural weapons becomes poisonous, dealing 2d6
poison damage and inflicting the poisoned condi-
tion if it hits, with a CON save for half damage
and to negate the poisoned condition. The DC
for the save is 8 + your animal companion’s
CON bonus + your proficiency bonus. Crea-
tures poisoned by this attack can repeat the save
at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.
• Trip. One of your animal companion’s natu-
ral weapons trips its targets, who must make a STR
save against DC of 8 + your animal companion’s
STR bonus + your proficiency bonus or else be
knocked prone.

• Natural Weapon. The animal companion may add a • Innate Spellcasting. Your animal companion has the
claw attack dealing 2d6 slashing damage, a bite attack dealing innate ability to cast spells, which they may cast once before
2d6 piercing damage, a slam attack dealing 2d6 bludgeoning they need a long rest to refresh it. Each time you take this
damage, or a spine attack with a range of 30/120 ft. dealing alteration, pick up to six spell levels’ worth of spells, with each
2d6 piercing damage. This is a natural weapon and it may spell being a maximum of 3rd level.
be used as part of a multiattack. You may take this alteration • Petrifying Gaze. Your animal companion can petrify a
multiple times, adding a different natural weapon each time. creature with a look. This takes an action and must target a
• Swallow Whole. The animal companion may attempt single creature within 60 ft. who can see your animal com-
to swallow whole any creature who is at least one size category panion’s eyes. The target must make a CON save of DC 8
smaller and who they have grappled with their mouth. The + your animal companion’s CHA bonus + your proficiency
target must make a STR save against DC of 8 + your animal bonus. If they fail, they are paralyzed until the end of your an-
companion’s STR bonus + your proficiency bonus, and if they imal companion’s next turn. If they fail by 5 or more points,
fail, they are swallowed. Swallowed creatures take 8d6 acid they are petrified.
damage at the start of each of their turns with no save. They • Reflective Armor. Your animal companion is cov-
are grappled and restrained so long as they are swallowed, ered with some kind of reflective surface, whether that be a
but may make attacks from inside the creature. Swallowed carapace, crystalline scales, bony plates of natural armor, or
creatures remain swallowed until the creature who has swal- metallic, reflective fur. The animal companion has advantage
lowed them is reduced to 0 HP (whether from the inside or on all saves against spells or other magical effects, and all spell
outside). attacks against them take disadvantage. If they save for half
Call of Restoration: At 11th level, you can revive your animal against a magical effect, they instead take no damage. Line
companion from 0 HP to 1 HP with a call. This call is an instan- effects, cone effects, and single target spells which do not hit
taneous effect, but otherwise works like any of your other wild or which they make their save against are reflected back to
calls (including taking an action). affect the caster, which also prevents the spell from affecting
any creatures standing directly behind the animal companion
Expert Shaping: At 15th level, you may apply the following
(but not creatures standing in front or to the sides).
alterations to your animal companion when reshaping them
on a short rest. These alterations count as three alterations for
determining the animal companion’s CR (for example, a CR 10
animal companion with one of these alterations would count as
CR 13).
• Frightful Presence. The animal companion is terrify-
ing to look upon. All creatures who get within 30 ft. of the
animal companion must make a WIS save against DC of 8
+ your animal companion’s CHA bonus + your proficiency
bonus. If they fail, they are frightened of your animal com-
panion. Frightened creatures may repeat the save to end the
effect at the end of each of their turns. Creatures who succeed
on the save (initially or at the end of their turn) are immune
to your animal companion’s frightful presence for 24 hours.
The frightful presence is indiscriminate, but presumably all
your party members make their saves (possibly taking a few
minutes to do so) at the start of the day and are subsequently
unaffected for the length of the actual adventure.

Rat Form: A shapeshifter can transform into a rat as an action.
Form Of: The Shapeshifter Class Transformation: When a shapeshifter transforms into a morph,
The shapeshifter is a master of transforming into all manner of
animal forms, not just into perfect copies of animals like a Druid, they are a human-animal hybrid. They still use their own stat
but into hybrid forms, from rats and wolves up to sharks and block, modified by the morph. Morphed forms can still speak
bears and, ultimately, all the way up to the mighty dragon form. (though they may be higher or lower in pitch or have strange
enunciation) and have opposable thumbs capable of making
Hit Die: 1d8 about the same gestures and carrying about the same items as the
Armor: None shapeshifter’s base form.
Weapons: Simple When a shapeshifter transforms into a form, they use the statistics
of the creature they have transformed into, however they retain
Tools: None their own INT, WIS, and CHA score. They also have the follow-
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma ing effects:
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Nature, Perception, Stealth, • The shapeshifter assumes the HP and hit dice of the
or Survival creature they have transformed into, and retain the HP they
had before transformation when they revert back. However,
Starting Equipment: You start with the following items, plus
if they revert back due to being reduced to 0 HP, any excess
anything provided by your Background.
damage will spill over into their base form’s HP.
• A dagger • The lack of proper lips or opposable thumbs make ver-
• A sling bal and somatic components for spells impossible.
• A dungeoneer’s pack or an explorer’s pack • They retain any class features, feats, or other abilities
that their new form is physically capable of.
Level Proficiency Features
Regardless of whether they use them for forms or morphs, a
1 +2 Keen Senses, Rat Form, Transforma-
shapeshifter can shapeshift a number of times equal to their pro-
tion, Wolf Form
ficiency bonus before they must take a short rest to restore their
2 +2 Aquatic Form, Rat Morph, Snake shapeshifting power. Shifting back into their base form does not
Form, Wolf Morph count as shapeshifting for purposes of this limit.
3 +2 Shark Morph, Snake Morph Wolf Form: A shapeshifter can transform into a wolf as an
4 +2 ASI, Bird Form, Dire Transformation action.
5 +3 Bear Form, Cat Form, Regenerative Aquatic Form: Starting at second level, a shapeshifter can trans-
Morph form into a dolphin, reef shark, or giant octopus as an action.
6 +3 Scent of the Unnatural, Spirit Fangs
Rat Morph: At second level, a shapeshifter can transform into a
7 +3 Swarm Transformation half-rat, half-humanoid hybrid form. This grants the following
8 +3 ASI, Bear Morph, Cat Morph benefits:
9 +4 Troll Blood • If they were not small size, they become small size.
10 +4 Greater Dire Transformation • +4 bonus to DEX.
11 +4 Find the Path • Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
12 +4 ASI, Hydra Form damage from non-magical, non-silvered weapons.
13 +5 Wyvern Form • A claw attack dealing 1d4+STR slashing damage, a bite
14 +5 Bird Morph attack dealing 1d6+STR piercing damage, and a multiattack
with two claws and one bite.
15 +5 Hydra Blood
16 +5 ASI, Dragon Morph • Advantage on all Stealth checks.
17 +6 Unerring Tracker Snake Form: At second level, a shapeshifter can transform into a
poisonous snake or constrictor snake as an action.
18 +6 Master of Forms
19 +6 ASI
20 +6 Dragon Form
Keen Senses: A shapeshifter has one of Keen Hearing, Keen
Scent, or Keen Sight, giving them advantage on all Perception
checks made with the relevant sense. They retain this ability in all
of their forms, including their base humanoid form.

Wolf Morph: At second level, a shapeshifter can transform into a Snake Morph: At third level, a shapeshifter can transform into a
half-wolf, half-humanoid hybrid form. This grants the following half-snake, half-humanoid hybrid form. This grants the following
benefits: benefits:
• If they were not medium size, they become medium • +6 bonus to DEX.
size. • Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
• +4 bonus to STR and CON. damage from non-magical, non-silvered weapons.
• Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing • A bite attack dealing 1d8+STR piercing damage plus
damage from non-magical, non-silvered weapons. 3d6 poison damage, with a CON save for half of DC 8 + the
• A claw attack dealing 1d6+STR slashing damage, a bite shapeshifter’s CON bonus + the shapeshifter’s proficiency
attack dealing 1d8+STR piercing damage, and a multiattack bonus. Creatures who fail the save against the poison damage
with two claws and one bite. are also poisoned, and can repeat the save to end the poisoned
effect at the end of each of their turns. This attack can be used
• Enemies struck by their claw attack must make a STR to replace one weapon attack as part of a multiattack.
save against DC 8 + the shapeshifter’s STR + the shapeshifter’s
proficiency bonus or be knocked prone. • A poison spit attack with a range of 30/120 ft., dealing
3d6 poison damage, which works the same as the poison ef-
• Enemies struck by the bite attack are automatically fect on the bite attack. This attack can be used to replace one
grappled, and any bite attacks made against a grappled oppo- weapon attack as part of a multiattack.
nent are automatically a critical hit as the bone is worried.
• An extra 30 ft. of land speed.
• The pack tactics ability, giving them advantage on all
attacks made against enemies adjacent to at least one of the • Do not provoke attacks of opportunity from movement.
shapeshifter’s allies. • Have advantage on all checks made to grapple an oppo-
Shark Morph: At third level, a shapeshifter can transform into a nent and on all attacks made against grappled opponents.
half-shark, half-humanoid hybrid form. This grants the following Bird Form: At fourth level, a shapeshifter can transform into a
benefits: hawk, eagle, owl, or raven as a standard action.
• If they were not medium size, they become medium Dire Transformation: At fourth level, a shapeshifter gains the
size. ability to turn into much larger versions of their form transforma-
• +6 bonus to STR. tions.

• Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing • Aquatic form can be used to transform into a giant
damage from non-magical, non-silvered weapons. octopus.

• A bite attack dealing 3d6+STR piercing damage. This • Bird form can be used to transform into a giant eagle.
attack can be used to replace one weapon attack as part of a • Rat form can be used to transform into a dire rat.
• Snake form can be used to transform into a giant poi-
• A 30 ft. swim speed and the ability to breathe underwa- sonous snake or a giant constrictor snake.
ter so long as they have moved at least 5 ft. each round.
Bear Form: At fifth level, a shapeshifter can transform into a
• 30 ft. blindsight when under water. black bear or brown bear as a standard action.
Cat Form: At fifth level, a shapeshifter can transform into a lion
or tiger as a standard action.
Regenerative Morph: Whenever a fifth level shapeshifter
transforms into a morph (but not a form), their HP is restored to

Scent of the Unnatural: A sixth level shapeshifter can smell out Cat Morph: At eighth level, a shapeshifter can transform into
the presence of celestials, fiends, fey, and undead within 60 ft. a half-cat, half-human hybrid form. This grants the following
of their location as a bonus action. They know what square the benefits:
creatures occupy, what kind of creature they are (provided they’ve
• If they were not large size, they become large size.
encountered such a creature before, i.e. if they’ve never met a
bearded devil in person before, they’ll just recognize it as “an un- • +4 bonus to STR, DEX, and CON.
familiar fiendish scent”), and if they’ve met that specific creature • Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
before, even exactly which individual it is. damage from non-magical, non-silvered weapons.
Spirit Fangs: Starting at sixth level, all of a shapeshifter’s natural • A claw attack dealing 1d8+STR slashing damage, a bite
attacks in any form count as magic weapons for purposes of attack dealing 1d10+STR piercing damage, and a multiattack
bypassing damage resistance. with two claws and one bite.
Swarm Transformation: A seventh level shapeshifter can trans- • If the shapeshifter moves at least 20 ft. in a straight line
form into a swarm version of their forms. before attacking a creature in cat morph, they pounce on the
• Aquatic form can be used to transform into a swarm of creature. The creature must make a STR save against a DC of
quippers. 8 + the shapeshifter’s STR bonus + the shapeshifter’s profi-
ciency bonus or be knocked prone. This happens before the
• Bird form can be used to transform into a swarm of cat morph makes any attacks (although at least one subse-
ravens. quent attack is mandatory), which means the attack rolls will
• Rat form can be used to transform into a swarm of rats. benefit from advantage if the target is successfully knocked
• Snake form can be used to transform into a swarm of
poisonous snakes. • If the cat morph hits a prone creature with their bite
attack, the hit is automatically a critical.
Bear Morph: At eighth level, a shapeshifter can transform into
a half-bear, half-human hybrid form. This grants the following Troll Blood: A ninth level shapeshifter can passively regenerate
benefits: themselves whole from damage. They heal damage equal to the
number of transformations remaining at the start of each of their
• If they were not large size, they become large size. turns, and can reattach severed limbs by holding them against the
• +4 bonus to STR and +6 bonus to CON. stump for a full round.
• Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Greater Dire Transformation: At tenth level, the shapeshifter
damage from non-magical, non-silvered weapons. can transform into much larger versions of some of their most
• A claw attack dealing 1d8+STR slashing damage, a bite powerful animal forms.
attack dealing 1d10+STR piercing damage, and a multiattack • Aquatic form can be used to transform into a giant
with two claws and one bite. shark.
• The claw attacks grapple any target they hit automati- • Bear form can be used to transform into a giant bear.
cally, with an escape DC of 8 + the shapeshifter’s STR bonus
• Cat form can be used to transform into a giant tiger.
+ their proficiency bonus.
Find the Path: At eleventh level, the shapeshifter can use their
• Creatures grappled by the bear morph provoke an at-
supernaturally acute senses to orient themselves as a round. This
tack of opportunity if they attack anyone but the bear morph
allows them to find the most efficient route from where they are
grappling them.
to where they want to be, even if they’re totally unfamiliar with
their environment. Note, however, that the most efficient route is
not necessarily the safest route.
Hydra Form: At twelfth level, a shapeshifter can transform into a
hydra as an action. This expends three of their transformations.

Hydra Blood: At fifteenth level, the shapeshifter’s passive regen-
Balancing the Hydra Form eration is now 10 HP at the start of each round, and they can
By twelfth level, turning into a hydra is cool, but regrow missing appendages outright as a bonus action.
usually not very practical. Unprepared GMs who don’t Dragon Morph: At sixteenth level, a shapeshifter can transform
know how to exploit the hydra’s weaknesses, however, into a half-dragon, half-humanoid hybrid form. This has the
might find it hideously overpowered. In order to kill a following benefits:
hydra without too much effort, keep two things in mind:
First, the hydra is huge size, which makes it impossible • +6 bonus to STR, CON, and CHA.
to get through most dungeon corridors. The shapeshifter • Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
will most likely have to shift out of hydra form to get damage from non-magical weapons.
from one room to another, and even if they’re able to
squeeze through, they’ll be almost totally immobilized • Additional resistance to one of acid, cold, fire, lightning,
while doing so, inching forward one or two squares at or poison damage, based on color of the scales.
a time through a corridor that’s much smaller than the • A claw attack dealing 1d8+STR slashing damage, a bite
three squares wide they need to operate normally. This is attack dealing 1d10+STR piercing damage, and a multiattack
the perfect place for an ambush. with two claws and one bite.
Outside of dungeons, the hydra is very big which makes • Their bite attack deals an additional 1d10 acid, cold,
it visible from a very long distance, and it has no ranged fire, lightning, or poison damage, based on color of the scales.
attacks. Although it’s probably not so big as to be taller • A fly speed equal to double the shapeshifter’s land
than the trees and thus won’t necessarily draw arrows speed.
from the entire forest, it probably is big enough that
ranged enemies will be peppering it with arrows for • A breath weapon that is either a 30-foot cone of cold,
several rounds before it even gets into melee. Wild hydras fire, or poison damage or a 60-foot line of acid or lightning
usually spend all of their time lurking in ponds or rivers damage. Either way, it deals d6s equal to the shapeshifter’s
unseen, bursting out to attack their prey when they come proficiency bonus. Once used, the shapeshifter rolls a d6 at
within melee range. Adventurers, who must remain the start of each of their turns, gaining the power back on a 6.
highly mobile in order to preserve the inherent advan- • A frightful presence that causes all creatures within 30
tages of an adventuring party, are almost never able to ft. to be frightened if they do not make a WIS save of DC 8 +
hide in one spot for hours like this. the shapeshifter’s CHA bonus + the shapeshifter’s proficiency
bonus. Creatures who are frightened may repeat the save at
the end of each of their turns to end the effect. Creatures who
Wyvern Form: At thirteenth level, a shapeshifter can transform make their save (immediately or at the end of their turn) are
into a wyvern as an action. This expends two of their transforma- immune to the shapeshifter’s frightful presence for 24 hours.
Bird Morph: At fourteenth level, a shapeshifter can transform
into a half-bird, half-humanoid hybrid form. This has the follow-
ing benefits:
• +6 bonus to DEX.
• Resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from non-magical, non-silvered weapons.
• A talons attack dealing 1d8+STR slashing damage and a
beak attack dealing 1d6+STR piercing damage, which may be
used together as a multiattack.
• Their talons attack automatically grapples any target it
hits, with an escape DC of 8 + the shapeshifter’s STR bonus
+ the shapeshifter’s proficiency bonus. Note that dropping
a grappled creature is a free action, and that creatures who
cannot fly under their own power will subsequently take fall
• A fly speed equal to double the shapeshifter’s land

Unerring Tracker: At seventeenth level, a shapeshifter’s supernat-
ural senses are so keen that they can automatically determine the Communing With Nature
direction and distance of any creature or object they are familiar Thaemin’s Guide to Gods and Miracles presented the pilgrimage
with as a bonus action (for objects, they must have handled the of the divine caster as an alternative to Clerics and Paladins with
object, for creatures, they must have come within speaking dis- unlimited spells known. This makes adding new Cleric and Pal-
tance (30 ft. or so)), so long as the target is on the same plane. adin spells (as many sourcebooks are wont to do) less disruptive,
since these spells are not automatically added to the spell list of
Master of Forms: At eighteenth level, a shapeshifter is so unerr- every Cleric and Paladin, and adds a flavorful new way for Pala-
ingly in control of the shape of their body that they cannot have dins and especially Clerics to gain new spells, which is helpful for
their shape changed against their will. They automatically succeed classes which otherwise have relatively little to do with treasure,
on all saves against body-altering effects like Polymorph, but they since they require magic weapons and armor less than classes like
can still choose to forego the save and be affected if they like. the Fighter or Rogue (something which is particularly true for
Dragon Form: At twentieth level, a shapeshifter can transform Clerics who, heavily armored though they often are, usually view
into a wyrmling dragon of any color as an action, or a young themselves as casters first and frontline fighters only when no one
dragon for three transformations, or an adult dragon for six better is available).
transformations. All this recap to say that the same thing applies to Druids and
Rangers, except that they naturally would get their spells not
Shapeshifter Subclasses from a divine pilgrimage to holy temples and monasteries, but
The standard shapeshifter can transform into a rat, rather by communing with the spirits of different forests, moun-
wolf, snake, shark, bird, bear, cat, hydra, wyvern, and tains, rivers, and so on. Like Wizards, Druids learn two new
dragon. That’s ten different creatures, which is less than spells automatically every time they level up. Also like Wizards,
the number of creatures that exist in the world. Rather they can acquire more spells on top of these, but unlike Wizards,
than making two or three of those tied to subclasses and they do so by communing with natural spirits. The natural spirits
the rest a permanent fixture of every single shapeshifter, can only impart spells they themselves embody. Communing
shapeshifter subclasses work by swapping out some num- with the moon might give Moonbeam, communing with some
ber of form/morph pairings for some other number of cavern of primordial fire might give Flaming Sphere, and com-
form/morph pairings. For example, you might exchange muning with a mountain might give Erupting Earth.
the snake form/morph for a spider form/morph, or the This gives instant quest hooks for the Druid or Ranger any time
bear for a deinonychus, or the hydra for a giant ape. it involves passing near a new terrain feature (which is probably
common), even if it’s the same type of terrain feature as has been
visited before. The last forest granted Warding Wind, the next one
may grant Speak With Plants. And if you have no particular quest
hooks to dispense, you can just let the spirits of the wild grant
the spell to the Druid or Ranger immediately on their arrival.

Running the Fey
These rules might be the doing of an evil tyrant fey or they might
be broadly accepted by all of fey society.
  3. Narratives that deal with fairies heavily pretty much always
How To Fairies either embrace or subvert fairy tale tropes, but rarely ignore them
altogether. Fey sorceresses disguise themselves as beggar women at
Fey are extremely underutilized in basically every edition of
the world’s most litigious fantasy roleplaying game. For most the side of the road and hand out wonderful gifts to those who give
editions, they were split up amongst otherwise unrelated planes them food, or terrible curses to those who refuse - or maybe some
and thus had only the most strained relations with one another, if fey are doing the exact opposite just to spread confusion amongst
they had any at all, which means they didn’t even really exist as a the mortals for the sake of wicked mischief, or maybe it’s just a
class of creatures unto themselves. That’s changed in the last two rumor that old beggar women started and the fey don’t actually
editions, but even with an official fey-themed plane, most people care. Animals are helpful to those who are kind, either because
cannot name even one fey lord. It’s not like major antagonists awakened animals are very common and generally pro-social or
are obscure amongst the audience. Everyone knows Asmodeus, just because otherwise unintelligent animals are drawn in by the
Orcus, Demogorgon, and Tiamat. It’s less consistent exactly aura of kindness that exists around them, or maybe being helpful
which archdevils, demon princes, dark gods, etc. etc. that people to “those who are kind’ is propaganda and Cinderella’s mice are
remember after those four, but even fairly casual players can actually mercenaries who would’ve worked for anyone willing to
usually name at least 3-5 others. give them more cheese. Step-parents are always evil, or at least, fey
think they are. Everything comes in threes, or at least fey expect
When it comes to fey, even heavily invested, veteran players them to, and are taken off-guard by a fourth.
usually cannot name even one major fey villain, and if they can,
it’s probably someone like Titania, who they already knew from A
Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Lieutenants of the Nature God
It’s common to depict fey as nature spirits, and it’s also common
This lack of attention means there’s no consensus on what a fairy to have a god of nature who created trees and animals and so
even is. There’s definitely a well-agreed upon fairy aesthetic, but forth. Under this paradigm, the fey are the divine servants of the
the details both metaphysical and narrative are totally inconsis- nature god. This doesn’t mean that pixies and sprites and so forth
tent, and you can use whichever combination of the following have to be any stronger than they already are in the MM, just
common paradigms seems most interesting to you. that they were created or recruited by the nature god to help care
for the natural world, which likely includes guarding it against
Common Threads humanoid intrusion. Depending on how good or evil your nature
god is, fey may be anything from perfectly reasonable conserva-
There are some things that all common depictions of the fey hold
in common, however. Specifically, three: tors of the environment who help lost travelers survive the wil-
derness to so bloodthirsty and vengeful as to kill all humanoids
  1. Fairies are driven by personal emotion, not ideology. This who enter the wilderness on sight.
makes fey distinct from celestials and fiends. Some fey are driven
by positive emotions like compassion and a desire to help other The problem with this paradigm is that there are a huge variety
people, while others are driven by negative emotions like jealou- of fey, and they tend to range from the fairly helpful (if some-
sy, greed, and spite, but fey are driven by immediate feelings, not times frustratingly distractable) satyrs to the largely self-interested
abstract morals. The closest you’ll get to an ideology amongst the dryads who mostly just want to protect their own personal tree or
fey is that many of them value loyalty highly, but even then they’re grove to the vengeful hags who usually try to torment and/or kill
loyal to a specific person, whether as a ruler, sibling, or vassal. A fey mortals for fun. You can imagine all these fey being a part of the
might oppose the cruel abuse of a tyrant, but only on the grounds same community, where the satyrs might not like the hags, but
that they feel sympathy for the oppressed masses. They do not they’re not at war with them, either. It’s hard to imagine them be-
oppose abstract concepts like “tyranny,” and might be totally un- ing part of the same organization, though. If all fey are ultimately
perturbed by an equally oppressive regime that has a more utopian taking orders from the nature god, why are satyrs so friendly and
facade, disguising the human cost of their authoritarianism. hags so murderous?

  2. Fairies obey bizarre laws and customs and expect oth- Your pantheon might have room in it for multiple nature gods
ers to do the same. Traditional fey respond very poorly when (indeed, it would not be hard to imagine a pantheon who are all
you don’t leave a saucer of milk out for them at night or walk nature gods, each responsible for a different part of the natural
under the boughs of a specific type of tree. This concept per- world), with different fey courts each answering to a different
sists in almost every interpretation of fey, although specific god, but if it doesn’t, it is best to give the fey a less direct rela-
fey are sometimes much more understanding about outsid- tionship with the divine. Fey, after all, is a different creature type
ers’ ignorance of their customs. Fey society as a whole, howev- from celestial.
er, has several easily-followed but impossible-to-guess rules and
are extremely vindictive about people who disobey them.

Sovereigns of Nature If you deposed the Winter Queen (somehow), you wouldn’t cause
the season of winter to halt, but you would make people unable
It’s common in modern fantasy (meaning, Tolkien and every-
to feel or express sadness, which is perhaps even more catastroph-
thing afterwards, as opposed to older fairy tales and myths - the
ic. Winter is honestly a pretty terrible season that mostly kills
last decade in particular has been moving away from this a bit) to
things and places that don’t have it tend to do just fine, but being
have the current gods be responsible for creating the world. The
unable to grieve might make people much less capable of moving
god of the sea actually created the seas, for example, and the god
on from loss, while emotions like anger as well as the malaise
of the forests created trees. This isn’t very common in mythology,
of depression - which is not feeling sadness, but rather feeling
though. Often, the god or gods responsible for the creation of the
nothing - run rampant in a world where no one can have a good
world are at least one generation removed from the gods current-
cry and get over it.
ly in charge of things, and have either retired or been deposed.
This one also mixes easily with the Sovereigns of Nature par-
This means that fey can be nature spirits without necessarily
adigm. The Winter Queen can be the personification of both
answering to a nature god. The fey were created along with the
sadness and the literal season of winter, both of which stop func-
rest of the natural world by a previous generation of gods or by
tioning if she is deposed.
a natural, cosmic process, and in any case do not answer to any
particular gods anymore. If there is a nature god, the fey likely Sidebar: Banshees
maintain a good relationship with that god (it is not wise to
In modern culture at large, banshees are supernatural creatures with
make a habit of angering the god of the place you live in), but are
a shriek that is either supernaturally loud or else has some super-
not servants of that god. Fey lords are fully sovereign, indepen-
natural effect of stunning, terror, instant death, etc. etc. on all who
dent from any god, in much the same way that mortal lords are
hear it. Super heroes named “Banshee” will have a power based on
sovereign and do not answer directly to any specific god (though
loud noises, sci-fi war machines (like tanks, star fighters, etc.) called
they would still be unwise to antagonize any god).
“banshees” will produce loud or unusual noises when firing or when
The expectations of unity on the subjects of a fey lord are much running their engine, and fantasy spells or magic items associated
lower than on servants of a nature god, so it is not so unusual with a banshee will be some kind of supernatural shriek, like a spell
that some hag is luring the unwary to a grisly demise in opposi- called “Banshee’s Wail” that causes a noise which stuns everyone who
tion to the official policy of a benevolent fey lord of the area, nor hears it or a magic item called a “banshee book” that screams when
that satyrs might be lackadaisical about the kill-on-sight policy of opened.
a malevolent fey lord. Similarly, while there are usually expected
It’s got nothing to do with being undead, is what I’m getting at.
to be a small number of nature gods (often just one, and some-
You never see banshees as part of the standard necromancer retinue
times none at all), people don’t find it at all unusual that there are
alongside skeletons, mummies, and vampires, the means by which
more fey courts than can be reasonably counted. This means the
someone becomes specifically a banshee rather than an ordinary ghost
fey of one forest can behave drastically differently from the fey
is different in every edition, and the latest fluff suggests a bizarrely
of another, and even a single forest might be contested between
cruel cosmic order wherein beautiful elves are required to use their
multiple fey rulers, or even timeshared between them. It would
body to benefit others under penalty of being cursed forever with
not be at all unusual for a different fey lord’s rules to be in force
tormented undeath, and apparently everyone is okay with this and
depending on whether it is day or night, or whether it is spring
nobody considers this terrible curse to be a problem that high-level
or autumn.
heroes might want to solve.
The world’s most litigious fantasy roleplaying game made banshees
Spirits of Emotion undead as part of the same general trend of underusing the fey in its
Fey are often tied deeply to dreams or emotions, a sort of elemen-
earliest editions and nobody ever changed it, but the word literally
tal of emotions rather than of physical matter. Hags are spirits of
means “fairy woman” and they work much better as fey than as
vengeance, satyrs of Bacchanalian celebration, nymphs of desire,
undead. You can fix it as easy as changing the creature type from
and banshees of grief. Under this paradigm, although fey may
undead to fey. There’s nothing wrong with the stat block. Even the
have themes around natural forces like night and day or the four
necrotic damage makes plenty of sense in the context of a regular
seasons, these are metaphorical. The Winter Court are the fey of
mythical banshee, who are omens of death despite not being dead
grief, and do not have any literal connection to winter.

Spirits of Chaos This can be combined with the spirits of nature or emotion
paradigms to a limited degree, in particular the emphasis on the
Some settings posit fey as having no metaphysical connection
relations between fey courts. The four seasonal courts might have
to nature or emotion or anything else at all. They’re from a fairy
an ancient alliance or perhaps be locked in never-ending war with
plane which works on bizarre rules, and they come to our world
one another, for example. This does mean, however, that upset-
and tend to expect it to work the same way and are upset when it
ting that balance of power (for example, due to the intervention
does not. Sometimes they attempt to warp the world with their
of PCs) could have bizarre and catastrophic consequences for the
fey magic so that the material plane works the same way as their
material plane that are hard to manage in an ongoing campaign,
home, either within a limited area (usually a forest or swamp) or
although they could be fairly easily managed in an epilogue if this
as an imperialist seeking to expand the borders of the effect until
rearranging of the natural order happens at a campaign’s climax.
the entire material world is consumed and indistinguishable from
their home plane.
Though this paradigm is called “spirits of chaos” for short, that
Spirits of Magic
This paradigm is similar to spirits of chaos in that the fey are
shouldn’t be taken to imply that the fey are dedicated to chaos
largely alien outsiders at least some of whom want to convert the
ideologically. They almost never are. Rather, they are from a plane
prime material plane to resemble their own, even more fantastical
that is chaotic and unstable compared to the prime material
plane. In this paradigm, however, rather than being residents of
plane, and they try to make other places chaotic and unstable as
another plane with no particular relation to the prime, fey are
part of the process of trying to make our world more like theirs.
spirits of magic. Their home plane is the source of magic, and
Unlike creatures of pure chaos, once they’ve created a world of
they carry that magical power with them. Wizards have learned
impossibly tall mountains and floating islands where every animal
to harness this magical power by channeling it through signs and
can speak and every tree can listen, they won’t continue to make
sigils, while Sorcerers are able to tap into it naturally in the same
things even more chaotic forever until the universe is reduced to
way the fey are.
a constantly shapeshifting, schisming, and recombining mass of
madness. The advantage of this paradigm is that every spell presumably
has an associated fey, which provides plenty of creative hooks for
Fey still have a certain degree of order to them, they have rulers
designing new fey. The disadvantage of this paradigm is that every
and courts and while there is a lot of turnover in who rules what,
spell presumably has an associated fey, or at least all the Sorcerer
the deposition of a fey lord or the conquest of a fey territory is
spells (or Druid spells, if you make the fey the source of druidic
not even a daily affair, let alone second to second as you would
magic instead of arcane), and while there is no need to have every
expect from maximum chaos. Though their relationships are
last spell assigned from the beginning, it does mean that players
often based on intense and volatile emotions, there are still
might reasonably ask “which fey spirit originated Globe of Invul-
friendships and romances and rivalries and vendettas that endure
nerability” and you will have to think of an answer.
for centuries or millennia largely unchanged, as intense in their
thousandth year as they were in their first day. The fey goal in
this paradigm is not “maximize chaos” but rather “terraform the Wilderness Adventures
mortal world into Reverie.” Fully half of the Twelve Labors of Heracles involve capturing or
slaying a wild monster (three more involve capturing or slaying
Because they are not the spirits of anything in particular, merely
tamed or domesticated monsters, which is different). Several
inhabitants of another, even more fantastical plane, this paradigm
knights of the round table hunted some animal or monster as
can put more emphasis on the political divisions between the fey.
a key part of their famous quest, and the Questing Beast in
Fey have different courts, and different courts are different pol-
particular was a famously un-huntable monster. There are many
ities, but these fey polities have wars and alliances driven purely
Conan stories, especially the short stories, in which Conan hunts
by the intense emotions and personal relationships endemic to
some fantastic monster for valuables or revenge. And in modern
the fey, in sharp contrast to mortal politics, where such emotional
fantasy, the basic premise of the Witcher books and games is that
narratives are usually post-hoc justifications for resource wars.
their protagonist is a wandering monster hunter, and the Monster
This paradigm draws greatest emphasis to the countless nature of Hunter games are, naturally, based on little else but tracking
the courts, and how a fey court is in one sense eternal, because it down and slaying monsters.
will never be forever destroyed, but in another sense quite ephem-
Despite this, hunts are rare in fantasy roleplaying, most likely be-
eral, because it could be cleared away from the fairy and mortal
cause the obvious way to run a hunt is also fairly boring: You roll
worlds alike by some overnight cataclysm, to not be heard of for
Survival blindly until you get however many number of successes
a hundred years until some wandering fey knight reveals herself
are required to track the target down, losing nothing else but
to be a long lost queen and establishes the court once more.
however many days of rations along the way, and maybe wasting
some time on some random encounters that you’ll rest up from
before encountering the main target anyway. Then you’ll have a
boss fight with a weird monster.

The problem gets even worse with adventures that simply involve Resting in the Wilderness
going from one place to another with lots of dangerous wilder- Part of the problem is the attitude towards resting that most
ness in between. Lord of the Rings is some of the original foun- campaigns have. Long rests lasting eight hours mean that only
dational material for fantasy roleplaying, and yet modern fantasy the most dangerous day of an adventure actually matters, and
roleplaying games are pretty much completely unable to present you may as well skip everything else. It’s never made much sense
“deliver cursed magic item to special location to destroy it” as an anyway. Healing wounds that quickly is absurd, and magic comes
interesting adventure. At best, they sometimes deliver a cavalcade back on whatever schedule you want it to, because it’s magic
of random encounters and then you’re done. At worst, it’s a giant and it plays by whatever rules you want it to. Older editions
railroad where you simply proceed from one end of the road to had wounds healing at a more reasonable pace, but magic still
another, encountering a predetermined set of encounters one came back overnight (for some classes, even faster!), at which
after another until the GM runs out of content and deposits you point healing to full took about 24 hours anyway, just with extra
at your destination. bookkeeping. The latest edition replaced this with healing to full
The actual narrative of the Lord of the Rings doesn’t work this every 24 hours (or so) automatically, which made things simpler
way! The Fellowship argues about which route to take, changes and works perfectly fine for adventures taking place in a dungeon
their minds, and gets split three or four different ways, with some or city, where the entire expedition is generally expected to take
party members sticking to the main quest while others break off an hour or two, tops.
to try and buy time. In the wilderness, however, expeditions take days or weeks. In the
It’s certainly possible to have wilderness adventures in fantasy Lord of the Rings, the most iconic “journey through a big fantasy
roleplaying, but in order to do so, you have to figure out how to wilderness” story of all time, the journey took months, and the
make interesting decisions (rather than pure, tedious bookkeep- accumulation of physical and mental wounds upon Frodo and, to
ing) out of resting, navigating, and eating. a lesser extent, the other characters was a major theme. In fantasy
roleplaying, all of that goes away every time you make camp.

Unless, of course, you’re using optional rules. There are optional Safe Campsites
rules that allow for a short rest lasting a full day, and a long rest There’s plenty of good campsites out in the wilderness, of course,
requiring an entire week. This is presented in the DMG as a but a safe campsite is one where you can set up camp for a full
hardcore, gritty option, but it doesn’t actually make any difference week and expect not to be attacked by bulettes while you rest.
to game balance at all and it doesn’t make characters any more These should generally be pretty rare. If every other hex has one,
likely to die. The enemies also require a full week to get their HP then any party with a decent scout will quickly find dozens of
back, so when you get beat up by a dungeon, you run away back them and never be more than two days away from total safety,
to town, spend a long rest licking your wounds while the bad especially if the campsite is also located in a Ranger or Druid’s
guys spend a long rest licking theirs, and then you’re both ready favored terrain, so food isn’t even an issue.
for another go (with advantage to the party because the baddies
You do want safe campsites to exist at all, whether as locations in
probably can’t revive any of the monsters killed, rather than
a hex with a high discovery DC or infrequent points on a point-
merely wounded, during the first round). This is exactly the same
crawl. A small smattering of two or three around the map makes
whether your long rests are one week long or one day long.
them precious discoveries that ease the tension of the race against
As such, it’s wiser to use the extended resting rules in basically starvation without destroying it completely.
every campaign. It’s required for meaningful wilderness adven-
tures, and the only difference it makes to urban or dungeon Navigating in the Wilderness
adventures is that your calendar will advance faster. You probably Hexcrawls and Pointcrawls
aren’t keeping track of the date anyway, so who cares? If you are The most iconic way of navigating in the wilderness is via hex-
keeping track of the date, perhaps because running out of time is crawl. If hexcrawling, there are generally two useful scales: Twen-
a possible failure state, multiply all your deadlines by seven and ty-four mile hexes are about the distance that can be traveled
you’re good to go. in a day, and is used for exploration scale. At this scale, the party
With week-long long rests, you don’t just get your HP back will pick a direction to move, move in that direction, hopefully
every Monday at dawn. You have to spend a full week actually arrive in a new hex, and encounter whatever is in that hex. At
resting, and while interruptions lasting less than an hour do not least 70% of the hexes at exploration scale should have some kind
prevent you from benefiting from the rest, marching for eight of adventure inside of them. The classic example is a dungeon,
hours a day sure will. If the party tries to camp in a random whether that’s a one-page dungeon that can be completed within
spot for a full week, they’ll likely face several random encounters the same session it’s discovered or the entrance to a megadungeon
before completing the rest, and since they are presumably already that could sustain many months of expeditions.
drained (they’re seeking a rest, after all), this could be extremely Exploration scale is also useful for traveling from place to place,
dangerous. although as we’ll discuss later on, if you want your wilderness to
As such, it becomes very important to be able to find safe places be a series of routes connecting specific locations, you are better
to rest. The obvious safe place is within the walls of a town, but off using a pointcrawl rather than a hexcrawl. You might use a
this also allows the Ranger, Druid, and other wilderness-themed hexcrawl for a mixed campaign, though, where both exploration
classes a chance to shine, by finding locations that are concealed, and straight A-to-B travel are called for in different situations.
which repel large predators for some reason, or which are other- Two-mile hexes are about the distance that can be traversed in
wise safe to rest in for a long period of time. Someone with high half an hour (the exploration scale assumes eight hours of travel a
Survival is also more able to set up an easily hidden camp, for day, but that a small fraction of the travel per day will be through
example, knowing how to gather food that can be eaten without some kind of difficult terrain even on hexes that are mostly open
the benefit of a highly visible campfire. terrain, so you cover twenty-four miles a day in practice rather
Many magic items in the game recharge on a 24-hour rate. There than the ideal thirty-two), and is used for hunting scale. At this
is an easy fix to update these to this or any other resting schedule scale, the party will be moving from one hex to another, trying to
you decide to switch to: The magic item instead refreshes when- narrow down the location of a specific target, whether a monster
ever someone who has attuned to it takes a long rest. This does they’re hunting, an army they’re reconnoitering, or just trying to
mean that unattuned items will not recharge, but this comes up figure out where the magic herbs grow around here. On a map of
only in edge cases and is just as balanced (though differently so) this scale, many hexes will be empty, and many hexes will contain
as more complex recharge schemes. essentially identical clues (i.e. a trail of fresh tracks might cover
eighteen different hexes and all be the exact same thing: “You
You only recover from one level of exhaustion per long rest in
find a set of fresh tracks heading from [direction A] to [direction
the standard rules. Levels of exhaustion are inflicted by almost
B]”). Hunting scale will almost always take place in a 91-hex
nothing, so this comes up mainly as a way to prevent Berserker
grid that is itself in the shape of a hexagon, 11 hexes across from
path Barbarians from using their sub-class features for some rea-
top to bottom (or side to side, if using true rows instead of true
son. Under week-long long rest rules, a single level of exhaustion
columns). This can fit inside of a single hex in exploration scale,
should be healed with an eight-hour short rest, and all levels of
and is thus perfect for when the party decides to hunt a monster,
exhaustion should be healed by a long rest.
recon an army, or similar in a specific exploration-scale hex.

In a pointcrawl, you have a series of nodes representing settle-
ments, dungeons, and other points of interest, and a series of Balancing Travel Speed
routes connecting them. Each route crosses through a certain ter- The speeds in the travel speed chart were chosen pure-
rain type and has a certain length in miles (for the sake of easier ly for game mechanical reasons, and the reason why the
math, it is usually best to round this to a multiple of twenty-four, ranges are so odd and jagged is because monsters from
or even measure in “days on foot,” which allows you to represent the MM are divided into odd and jagged speed brackets,
difficult terrain with shorter lines that nevertheless have longer which are neither neat multiples of one another nor
“days on foot” numbers, rather than having to do any multipli- a smooth spectrum from low to high. There are many
cation). A pointcrawl works best for situations where the nearby monsters with speeds of 50 ft., 60 ft., and 80 ft., but
area is at least moderately well explored, to the point where the none with 70 ft., and the table was designed to accom-
locals at one node can at least tell you where the neighboring modate these odd speed brackets.
nodes are to a reasonable degree of accuracy (i.e. the people in
The lowest bracket covers all player race options, from
town can tell you not only which other towns the roads lead to,
the wood elf ’s swift 35 ft. to the gnome’s short-legged
but also where in the wilderness you can find the entrance to the
25 ft., so that no one ends up slowing the party down
Caves of Terror - probably accompanied by some dire warning
because of their race selection. The next bracket up
about how none have ever emerged from them alive, traveler, so you
covers common land mount speeds, like the 50 ft. of
had best turn back!). New points can be added either by visiting a
the dire wolf as well as the 60 ft. of the riding horse or
point on the edge of the current map and learning from the locals
warhorse, while still leaving the mule’s 40 ft. behind in
what connects there, or by discovering hidden points via maps,
the standard category. The third bracket starts at 80 ft.
guides, or rumors.
because just about every flying mount, from griffons to
While it is less venerable than the hexcrawl, the pointcrawl wyverns to dragons, has an 80 ft. fly speed (the slow-fly-
reflects the medieval European pastiche of standard fantasy ing manticore’s 50 ft. move speed places it in the second
roleplaying much better, and is easier to design besides. In a bracket, however). Finally, the third bracket covers the
hexcrawl, you are committing yourself to filling in at least 70% tiny handful of extremely fast monsters, like the 120 ft.
(preferably more) of the hexes with interesting content. In a quickling or 150 ft. solar.
pointcrawl, you write up as much interesting content as you like,
and then draw lines connecting them.
Travel and Roles During travel, each party member can assume one of the follow-
Regardless of whether you are using a hexcrawl or a pointcrawl, ing travel roles. Generally speaking, everyone’s going to have the
the party is going to want to travel from where they are to a same role every day of travel, but they can swap roles from one
destination (whether that’s to a point on a pointcrawl, into a day to another if they like. A party member may also assist any of
neighboring hex in a hexcrawl, or perhaps many hexes away). The these roles, giving that role advantage on their check.
distance will give a total number of days of the journey, according
to the below chart. The forager can attempt to find food or shelter. If they are a
Druid or a Ranger in their favored terrain, they succeed automat-
Speed of slowest party member Miles traveled per day ically. Otherwise, the party must move at half-speed while they
45 ft. or less 24 forage, and the forager must roll Survival. If they succeed, they
find enough food and water to feed six people for the day, howev-
50-75 ft. 48
er the excess cannot be stored. If they fail, they find nothing, and
80-115 ft. 72 the slowdown was for nothing.
120+ ft. 96 The navigator attempts to keep the party going in the correct di-
rection. They make a Navigator’s Tools check using WIS or INT
against a DC based on the terrain they’re navigating through. If
they fail, the exact result depends on whether this is a pointcrawl,
or a hexcrawl. In a pointcrawl, all progress for the day is stalled
as the party spends the entire day getting lost and reorienting
themselves. In a hexcrawl, roll a d8 in secret. On a 1-3, the party
veers to the west. On a 6-8, they veer to the east. On a 4-5, by
sheer dumb luck they go in the direction they’re headed. Reori-
enting may take significantly longer than one day (especially if
they fail another navigation check), but if they’re lucky on the
veer roll they might keep headed in the right direction by pure
dumb luck.

DC Terrain type The pack-herder keeps the pack animals from wandering off. They
can lead animals equal to their passive Animal Handling score
15 Coast, forest, grassland, or mountain (non-winter) (including any mount they’re riding). Animals in excess of this
20 Coast, forest, grassland, or mountain (in winter), wander away from the group and get eaten by bears.
swamp or underground (any time)
The scout ranges out ahead of the party in all directions to try to
25 Arctic, desert find points of interest. The scout must have a higher land speed
The navigator does not need to roll if the party is following an than the slowest member of the rest of the party (but does not
obvious landmark, like heading towards a mountain or tower have to be in a higher speed bracket - even a 5 ft. advantage is
visible in the distance, or if they are following an obvious path, enough). In a hexcrawl, the scout rolls Perception to find loca-
like a road or river. The navigator has advantage automatically if tions in the hex the party is passing through. In either a hexcrawl
they have a map and compass. or a pointcrawl, they roll Perception to find a random encounter
before the encounter finds the party, and can report this infor-
DC Terrain type mation back to the party for an ambush. The party can attempt
10 Coast, grassland to ambush an encounter discovered by a scout, engage with them
normally, or ignore them altogether.
15 Arctic, desert, forest, mountain
20 Swamp, underground

The table below provides default DCs based on terrain, which are probably going to be combat-based, but don’t have to be, like
can be used for discovering an encounter in a pointcrawl or as a bandits operating a “toll,” who will let the party pass unharmed
default DC for finding the location encounter in a hexcrawl. for a price of 5 gp a piece. Player characters hate being extorted,
but 5 gp would probably cost them less than the resources they
DC Terrain type would expend fighting the bandits.
15 Coast, grassland Because of the time pressure to arrive before food runs out (see
20 Arctic, desert, forest, mountain the Eating and Encumbrance section), random encounters can
25 Swamp, underground also simply be time consuming. A rainstorm that causes muddy
terrain that might sap a precious day of travel time if you can’t
The sentinel stays with the party and focuses on spotting nasty make STR saves to power through, for example, or a bridge
things before they spot the party. If the party hits an encounter, that’s gone out or a ferry that’s out of service, requiring the river
the sentinel makes a Perception check against the Stealth check be forded, which could potentially destroy a wagon or sweep a
of the random encounter to spot them and alert the rest of the character downriver and potentially get them lost.
party, thus resulting in a normal encounter instead of an ambush.
When you do fall back on combat encounters, try combining two
Encounters monsters from the region together and ask yourself what kind
There are two types of encounters: Random encounters, which of story that suggests. In a low-tier grasslands region, ogres and
occur in both pointcrawls and hexcrawls, and location encoun- phase spiders suggests ogres with pets who can vanish into the
ters, which occur only in hexcrawls (they’re replaced by points in ethereal plane, and who might have some connection with the
a pointcrawl). ghostly otherworld themselves. Orogs and druids suggests a tribe
Random encounters wander around, and thus can’t be reliably or cult dedicated to nature, who might be enemies of all civili-
found without a hunt. For random encounters, make a table for zation who attack city folk on sight, but might also be wary yet
each region of the map and roll a die on the table to determine not immediately hostile and can potentially be negotiated with. A
what the encounter of the day is. If the party has already had that goblin boss and a giant boar suggests a goblin tribe whose leader
encounter and killed them, have them encounter nothing for the has an awesome mount.
day (saying “but nobody came” is optional). Even if the region If in a pointcrawl, the route should have an encounter spot DC
hypothetically has hundreds of random wandering trolls across its based on its terrain as per the table below, and the scout can find
breadth, don’t have the party encounter a troll ambush more than an extra random encounter if they hit the spot DC, which the
once. After the first time, it’s not really interesting anymore, so party can decide to engage with or ignore.
cross it off the table.
Location encounters have a certain DC for being discovered
Likewise, if a party has befriended an encounter, then you can that might be anything from 10 for fairly obvious locations like
just let them know they pass by that same encounter again and a ruined castle in the middle of some hills to 25 for a small and
move on by with a friendly wave (if the party wishes to call upon well-camouflaged secret entrance to a dungeon. Some locations
their allies for assistance, they can take the opportunity to do so, may be discovered automatically (like a ruined castle in a flat
but this is rare). If the party sneaks past an encounter, however, or grassland, or anything that has a road, river, or other obvious
if they scout an encounter and decide not to engage with it, that trail leading right to it). If the scout hits the DC for spotting the
encounter remains active and may be encountered again. location, they find it, and the party can subsequently visit it any
Some encounters might have sub-encounters attached (for ex- time they’re in the hex.
ample, one encounter might be “wandering merchant” with a d6 Terrain
table of specific merchants who can be encountered). Once one It’s important to have a mix of different terrain types in your hex-
of these encounters is solved (violently or otherwise), cross it off crawl or pointcrawl, of course. So far as its effects on travel speed
the sub-table, but leave the entry on the main table alone until go, however, it depends on whether or not you’re dealing with a
the entire sub-table is crossed off. hexcrawl or a pointcrawl.
No more than one-third of the encounters in any given table In a pointcrawl, you can go ahead and let some terrain types, like
should be pure combat (like a troll ambush or wandering pred- forests, cut movement speed to three quarters, while others, like
ator). Random encounters can also be faction-based (meaning mountains or swamps, cut it to half or even a quarter. Multiples
they might be hostile if the PCs have antagonized that faction, of 24 are very easy to divide by two, three, four, and six, so you
but they might otherwise be indifferent or even offer assistance, can use halves, thirds, quarters, and sixths freely and you’ll never
perhaps in the form of healing). For areas which are relatively have to deal with fractions of a mile (you could even use twelfths
safe (or extremely profitable despite the danger), merchants can if you wanted, although there’s probably no terrain so impen-
offer a chance to restock on supplies and may have a magic item etrable that you move only two miles a day even when you’re
for sale (a surprising amount of traveling merchants carry magic not lost). A 36 mile trip through a mountain and a 72 mile trip
items - they’re quite valuable, easy to transport, and easy to hide through a grassland both take three days on foot, but the trip
from would-be bandits). You can even have encounters which

through the mountains is much faster if you have a road (which You might also decide it’s worth it to keep track of how many
allows you to ignore the travel penalty) or if you’re riding flying days of travel into a hex with difficult terrain the party is and how
mounts (likewise). These differences can add complications to many days of travel they have left before they’ll get out of it. It
determining which of several routes to take to a destination. really just depends on where exactly your threshold for bookkeep-
ing lies. If you do want to have different hexes affect party speed
In a hexcrawl, difficult terrain slowing the party down remains
by varying amounts, you can use the following table (you can
just as realistic and potentially offers just as many interesting
also use this table to help estimate travel times in a pointcrawl,
choices. Unfortunately, it’s also a bit more complex, as you now
but pointcrawls don’t actually need to be perfectly proportion-
have to deal with hexes that take multiple days to exit and thus
ate anyway - only the length of a connector between two points
have to keep track of how long the party has been traveling
needs to be consistent, the rest of the map may well be somewhat
through one hex. This dilutes one of the advantages of a hex-
inaccurate or abstract).
crawl, which is that it’s easy to figure out where the party is (you
just keep a token on the GM version of the map).
You might have hexes of any terrain type be bizarrely easy to
travel through just like any amount of damage before the last
HP never even slightly impacts someone’s ability to continue
adventuring, while the final HP totally incapacitates them (peo-
ple talk about ability to roll with the punches, but you’d expect
someone whose ability to roll with the punches was on the verge
of collapse to be out of breath, but we don’t model this because it
would be more complication than it would be worth). It doesn’t
make sense, but it has minimal impact on the story one way or
another and is much easier to keep track of.

Terrain Speed multiplier type you can harvest food reliably in) before you starve to death.
Less bookkeeping, more tension.
Road x1.25
The current edition of the game has lots of rules for how to keep
Grassland x1
yourself fed in the wilderness. Unfortunately, none of them agree
Ocean* x1 with each other, they don’t do a very good job of putting the
Arctic x0.75 focus on those two critical questions and the deadlines that they
Coastal x0.75 should be imposing, and all of them are rendered irrelevant by
low-level spells anyway.
Desert x0.75
Hills x0.75 Encumbrance
So let’s talk about encumbrance. Firstly, if you are in town or
River Crossing** x0.75
within easy walking distance of town, inventory can and should
Forest x0.5 be completely ignored. If you have to take a few trips back and
Underground x0.5 forth to cart money back into town, so what? You can just do
Jungle x0.5 that.
City*** x0.25 When deeper in the wilderness, running out of food is a real dan-
ger and getting back to a spot you left some treasure can be an
Mountain x0.25
ordeal, so encumbrance matters and you should track it. Charac-
Swamp x0.25 ters can carry about one stone for every point of STR they have.
*: You will, of course, only be able to cross ocean hexes with a Your inventory is a numbered list with entries equal to your STR
swim or fly speed. You cannot rest in an ocean hex unless you can (for example, if your STR is 12, your inventory is a list going
breathe underwater (or have some means of staying afloat while from 1 to 12). You can’t carry more slots’ worth of equipment
sleeping, like a boat). than your STR, and if you’re ever forced to for some reason, your
movement speed is reduced to 0. Equipment takes up inventory
**: This is on top of whatever speed multiplier the terrain of the space as follows:
rest of the hex has, representing the additional time required to
find a ford. If the party is able to swim right across (pack animals Item Inventory slots
and all), or can fairly quickly rig up some kind of ropes-and- Trinkets, including holy symbols, arcane and 0
rings-of-jumping scheme to get across at an arbitrary point of the druidic focuses, and magic rings or amulets
river, they can ignore the speed multiplier. If the party is follow- Ordinary clothes, including boots, belts, and 0
ing a road, they can also ignore the multiplier, as the road will goggles
take them straight to a bridge.
Especially fancy and/or cumbersome outfits, 1
***: The land area of a single 24-mile-diamater hex is about 375 including cloaks
square miles. The official boundaries of New York City are about Two days of food and water (best written as 1
300 square miles. Medieval and Renaissance cities weren’t nearly “supplies” followed by two boxes, which can
so large, but if your setting has such megaloposies (there is a be crossed off as they’re consumed)
bunch of magic lying around, after all), “city” might well be the
Five potions 1
most common terrain type for a hex. Of course, a city almost
certainly has a highway going through it, which would use the Bags (particularly, magical items like a bag of 1
“road” speed instead, so this value is only used when trying to get tricks or bag of holding)
through a city via alleyways and sideroads. Two-person tent 1
Eating and Encumbrance in the Wilderness 50’ of Rope 1
The exact mechanics of how much food you can gather with Lantern 1
medieval tools in any given environment and how much is con- Any tool kit, including gaming sets and 1
sumed in a day are of great interest to the kinds of history books musical instruments
that RPG designers read when trying to work out worldbuilding.
Sometimes, RPG designers then feel the need to reproduce these Heavy, individual tools, like shovels, pickax- 1
mechanics in detail in their RPGs. This is a mistake. When it es, sledgehammers
comes to food in RPGs, exactly two things matter: How much One weapon and its ammo, if it needs any 1
you can carry, and how long it’ll last. As a part of that second One shield 1
question, it also matters what environments you can or can’t
Light armor 1
keep yourself supplied in indefinitely. This creates safe zones and,
when you move outside of those safe zones, deadlines. You have Medium armor 2
to find what you’re looking for and get back to town (or a terrain Heavy armor 4

playing choice, rather than disappear into the bottomless hole of
“Heavy” Potions an inventory already stuffed full of items you never use and don’t
If you do the math on potion weight, you find that care about.
one potion appears to weigh nearly three pounds, which Sometimes weird things come up. In these cases, one stone
is about four times the weight of the average can of soda literally equals fourteen pounds, so use your best judgement as
when full, which is, in turn, about three-ish times more to whether this should be a trinket, taking up no space on the
fluid than you would expect to be consumable in six inventory, a pile, something like food which takes up space in the
seconds via unassisted chugging. Naive division makes inventory but only because you’re expected to carry way more
it sound ridiculous, but bear in mind that the carrying than one of it around, or if it deserves to have an entire inventory
system is an abstract combination of both literal weight spot (or several) all to itself.
and ease of storage. Even if you do the sensible thing and
put them in wooden, metal, or leather flasks rather than One obvious thing is missing from this list: Treasure. Treasure is
glass vials, a potion’s wax seal needs to be easy enough to definitely a pile, like food, but there’s three very different ways of
pop off mid-combat, which means it’s prone to popping counting it.
open and spilling all over your trail rations if you just The first method is the simplest of all, but very bizarre and some-
toss them into your pack. what dull. In this method, all treasure is mulched into gold pieces
Potions usually have a groove about a centimeter below immediately. Instead of separate inventory slots for copper, silver,
the wax seal where you can loop a bit of string to carry gold, etc., you just have an inventory slot labeled “treasure” with
them on your belt. There’s only so much room for them a number in parentheses up to 750 next to it. This means that a
there, especially since the flasks are usually made of fairly 5,000 gp ruby weighs an absurd seven stone, but it’s very easy and
thick wood, which is cheap but also durable enough that preserves the important decisions regarding treasure: How much
there’s no chance it’ll crack open after getting knocked can you carry, and how much food are you willing to drop to
against your plate armor every time you take a step, for carry more of it.
a total of tens of thousands of tiny blows, not to mention The second method is only slightly more complex and only
several more violent blows from more rapid movements occasionally leads to bizarre situations. In this method, each
during combat. Thinner vials have a tendency to break distinct type of treasure gets its own inventory slot, which can be
at exactly the moment you most need them. If you have filled with up to 750 individual coins, gems, or tiny art objects
a particularly huge number of potions, then you prob- (like rings), best written as “gold” with a number in parentheses
ably have ten or so on your belt and the rest in special indicating how many coins is in the pile, up to a maximum of
chests which are subdivided into little cubbies, each of 750 before you need to start a second pile in another inventory
which is stuffed with grass or wood shavings or some slot. Larger art objects take up an entire slot of their own. This
other cheap, soft material that you can put the potion in means that if you have 400 gold coins, that can comfortably fit
and be confident it won’t break even if you then toss the into one inventory slot with room to spare, but if you have 100
chest haphazardly onto the back of a wagon and leave copper coins, 100 silver coins, 100 gold coins, and 100 platinum
it there for three weeks of travel across bumpy roads coins, that takes up four inventory slots.
or rough terrain. Either way, potions aren’t very space
efficient. You usually get a decent mixture of coins, so this usually works
out (every inventory slot holding coins will be holding a lot of
coins, so you wouldn’t save much space by combining them
anyway), but where things go screwy is with gems. You will rarely
This chart covers virtually everything that any character has ever
have more than two or three of the same type of gem, and it can
cared to use in any campaign I have ever run. There’s not much
be very aggravating to have three amethysts taking up an entire
you can do with a ladder that you can’t do better with a rope, the
inventory slot. You can instead count gems and tiny art objects as
ten foot pole is iconic but modern dungeon design doesn’t usual-
trinkets with no tracked weight at all, which works so long as you
ly call for one (if you really want one, it would definitely take up
never hand out more than a few dozen of them (barely ten per-
an inventory slot by itself ), and anyone who’s ever been hiking
cent of a single inventory slot, and that’s if one character carries
or especially in the military can tell you that you quickly learn to
all of them), which is perfectly typical.
ditch the kind of excess weight that comes from things you use
only once in a blue moon like blocks of incense or ball bearings.
Things like a hefty tome of lore are exactly the sort of thing you
leave behind. If your character is such a bookworm that they
actually do carry such extraneous things with them wherever they
go, then by all means put one into an inventory slot - having
inventory space that’s ordinarily tightly limited to actually useful
items will make such extravagences stick out as a significant role-

The third method is slightly more complex, but many groups will This method requires either a lot of manual addition or basic un-
ultimately settle on it after running into the limitations of the derstanding of spreadsheet software to automate it. Most people
other two methods, especially since electronic character sheets already have the latter, which is what makes this method (ulti-
make it very easy to have a second sheet of paper attached. In mately) so popular. For groups where one or more players don’t
this method, each inventory slot with treasure in it is labeled as know how to use Google Sheets and no one is willing to manage
“treasure A” or “treasure B” and so on, and has a number from 1 their treasure parcels for them (maybe you’re all in middle school,
to 750 in parentheses next to it, but this number simply tracks maybe you have somehow escaped the specter of spreadsheet
the amount of coins, gems, and tiny art objects in that treasure management in your professional life), you will probably want to
parcel. The exact contents of the treasure parcel are tracked on a use method 1 or 2.
separate sheet.

There’s not actually a major balance concern if different group A creature that is being ridden must carry the weight of its rider
members use different methods. Method one is dead simple but as well as all that rider’s inventory. The average medium creature
very inefficient, so presumably characters who use it are very bad weighs ten stone. Each size category smaller weighs half as much,
at packing. Method three requires some extra bookkeeping but is and each size category larger weighs twice as much. Although rid-
much more space efficient in situations where you are the Why ing horses theoretically have 32 inventory slots, they only add 12
Can’t I Hold All These Limes guy but for gems, especially since inventory slots when ridden by a character with 10 STR (10 slots
gems usually come in a wide variety of different types within a are taken up by the rider and 10 slots are taken up by the equip-
single treasure hoard, so one or more players really interested ment the rider could’ve carried themselves), and only 2 inventory
in maximizing loot might switch to it temporarily to manage a slots over what a 20 STR rider could’ve carried on their own.
specific situation and then go back to method 2 (or even method
A cart can carry an extra 15 stone, but requires two medium or
1) afterwards, suggesting that their characters, faced with a par-
one large creature to tug it and will quickly break down off the
ticularly large and irregularly shaped pile of treasure, unpacked
road. A wagon can carry an extra 30 stone, but requires two large
all their gear and repacked it more efficiently to hold all the loot.
or one huge creature to tug it, and will likewise quickly break
down off the road. The additional capacity is in addition to the
Ban Pound-Based Inventory creature’s regular carrying capacity, although all of the weight
The default inventory system, that of counting each will be in the cart/wagon, not on the creature (so if the wagon is
item pound for pound against a weight limit, is very destroyed but the creatures survive, the entire inventory of the
bad for wilderness adventures. It requires a lot of ac- creatures is lost, including both their original slots and the extra
counting, which is often tedious. The carrying capacity slots provided by the wagon).
offered by the current edition is absolutely ludicrous, A bag of holding can carry an extra 35 stone. It also takes up an
and when combined with a flawless ability to stow items inventory slot by itself.
in a pack as though they were all liquids being poured
into a glass rather than solid items with air gaps, the
party can carry so much, so easily, that there is never any Realistic Carrying Capacity
risk of running out of food except on the most absurdly The core encumbrance rules posit that characters
long expeditions, nor any risk of running out of space to can carry 15 pounds per point of STR. This means the
cram treasure. Players who want to use the hyper-effi- average person with 10 STR can carry 150 pounds.
cient packing of the default rules are either optimizing This is completely ludicrous. The encumbrance system
themselves out of a good time or else don’t want to play in this book rectifies this a bit by measuring inventory
a wilderness game at all and are intentionally trying to in a somewhat abstract way that cares as much by how
skip the supply problems of long expeditions altogether. much space something takes up as how much it weighs,
If it’s the former, ban pound-based inventory and use but even so, inventory space is extremely generous. For
the methods that spotlight the logistical decisions of more the default system, this is probably fine. It means that
limited inventory space. If it’s the latter, ban pound- inventory crunch is an occasional problem in the wil-
based inventory and give everyone unlimited inventory derness, something that comes up once every expedition
so they don’t have to worry about it at all. or so, while also drastically reducing the bookkeeping.
If you want inventory crunch to come up more often,
however, it would be perfectly balanced and also perfect-
ly realistic to cut carrying capacity in half. That is, in-
Expanding Inventory stead of having inventory slots equal to your STR score,
you have inventory slots equal to half your STR score
All characters are assumed to have backpacks as part of their de-
rounded down, or in other words, equal to your STR
fault gear. If you don’t, you can no longer carry piles of anything,
bonus + 5. This means characters of 7 STR or lower
whether that’s food, treasure, or anything else where a single
would not be able to move while wearing heavy armor,
inventory slot comes with a maximum amount. Each individual
carrying more than a week or so of rations is possible
item must take up its own inventory slot. Wearing a second back-
only for the strongest characters (or someone who’s almost
pack does not expand your inventory.
completely unequipped otherwise), and adding even
Domesticated pack animals can carry inventory around. They get one extra slot’s worth of inventory is a big deal. These
inventory slots equal to their STR just like regular characters, but are all perfectly plausible consequences that help greatly
they don’t have to carry weapons or armor. For each size catego- intensify supply pressure in the wilderness, thus making
ry larger than medium, their inventory space doubles, but they decisions about what to carry and what to leave behind
consume twice as much food. For each size category smaller than come up much more often. Be warned, however, that
small, their inventory space is halved, but they consume half as this means that the party will regularly have to leave
much food. large amounts of treasure behind in the wilderness.

Eating in the Wilderness Terrain Types
The fundamental tension of wilderness supplies is that you might A fairly significant part of wilderness travel (especially for Rangers
run out of food on the way back. Getting lost or being stone- and Druids of the Circle of the Land) is terrain types. Both the
walled by an obstacle or hazard for the better part of a day eats Ranger’s Natural Explorer and the Druid’s Circle of the Land
into the buffer between you and starvation. Losing a pack animal offer eight terrain types: Arctic, coastal, desert, forest, grassland,
in combat can be catastrophic - you’ve still got all the food, but mountain, swamp, and a specific term that Hasbro’s lawyers
you can’t carry it anywhere. Likewise losing a cart or wagon while could almost certainly convince a judge should be protected
attempting to ford a river, which will sweep the supplies away by copyright but which is synonymous with the generic term
with the wagon. Druids and Rangers can easily feed a party in “underground.” It’s difficult to imagine some of these sharing a
certain terrain types, turning large swaths of the map into safe map that’s less than 250 miles across, but you almost certainly
zones, while characters with good Survival scores can staunch have grassland, forest, and swamp, probably have at least one of
the steady flow of rations from your bags to your stomachs, but mountain (which includes hills, the MM distinguishes between
their success depends on the roll of the dice and can encourage hill and mountain environments for monsters, but the PHB
expeditions founded on averages rather than guarantees, which options combine them) and coast and probably both, and may
can go terribly wrong if the dice turn against you at a crucial have one of arctic or desert, though probably not both. You can
stage. Bags of holding are precious for how easily and safely they also add underground regions, though unless you plan to make
can transport large quantities of food and treasure. an entire second map of all one terrain type, this will probably be
constrained to specific underground routes.
Tracking food supply in the wilderness is ordinarily very easy:
Each day you are out in the wilderness, you mark off one box of Even so, it should be fairly easy to have at least four terrain types
rations. When all boxes within an inventory slot are filled, you and not so hard to have six. You can have these terrain types
clear that inventory slot. There are a few character abilities that heavily intermixed, in which case any journey will involve passing
can modify this: through several of them and only very high-level Rangers will be
able to make an entire journey without using rations. You can
• The Ranger’s Natural Explorer ability allows them to
also have them heavily separated out, such that an entire expedi-
keep a party fed automatically whenever they are within one
tion may well take place in just one or two terrain types, in which
of their favored terrains.
case lower-level Rangers and Druids of the Circle of the Land will
• A Circle of the Land Druid can do the same within be able to make some expeditions without having to worry about
their selected terrain type. food at all, but will be unable to use their favored terrain at all for
• Goodberry can feed up to ten creatures for one day. others. The balance on these options is different from each other,
but neither is broken.
• Create Food and Water provides seven inventory slots’
worth of food. Unlike Goodberry, the food created by this Travel Checklists
spell does not lose its nourishing power after 24 hours. Every day the party spends in transit, you as the GM will want to
• Heroes Feast can feed up to thirteen creatures (including go down a quick checklist to make sure you’ve covered everything
the caster) for one day. you do each day when traveling. Getting through a checklist,
assuming no encounters, should take no more than two or three
It is very importantly true that none of the spells which can feed minutes (including time spent asking for and resolving things
characters are castable by Warlocks, who gain their spells back on like foraging checks). It’s without a checklist that things become a
a short rest and would thus be able to cast them every day. Dru- complicated headache, as it becomes easy to lose track of whether
ids, Clerics, Rangers, and Paladins must all either return to town or not you’ve done or not done something for this specific day of
or find a safe place to camp to refresh their spells, so although travel.
their magic can extend the range of a trip or save an expedition
from starvation, it does not come for free.
If you have no food for the day, you take a level of hunger. This
works like and stacks with levels of exhaustion, however hunger
levels can only be recovered from if you are well fed while resting.

Hexcrawl Checklist   5. Roll a random encounter. If the encounter is unfriendly
  1. If the party haven’t assigned roles yet, ask them who’s doing and at all capable of sneaking up, they will roll Stealth (even if they
what. Otherwise, skip this step. The party can also change roles on are rolling flat DEX with a penalty - they may as well try). The
this step, but they rarely do so, so there is no reason to ask them scout rolls Perception to try and detect them, while the sentinel
if they are. uses passive Perception. If the scout spots the encounter, they may
report it back to the party who can attempt an ambush or to lay a
  2. Ask the party which direction they’re headed for the day.
trap. If the sentinel spots the encounter, the party is not surprised,
If you already know their destination, you can skip this step, al-
but cannot surprise the enemy either. If the sentinel does not spot
though it’s usually good to double check (i.e. “we’re still headed
the encounter, the party is ambushed.
northeast, right?”) just to set the precedent that they can change
direction.   6. If the number of days left in the journey is 0, the party
now arrives at their destination. Otherwise, 20 GOTO 10.
  3. Everyone marks off supplies for the day. Alternatively, the
forager can forage. If they are not a Ranger or Circle of the Land Journeys
Druid, or if they are but are not in their favored terrain, they make So you’ve got a wilderness full of monsters, and you’ve got your
their Survival check now. party’s resting, navigation, eating, and encumbrance rules all
  4. The navigator makes their check. If they fail, the party may straightened out and ready to handle a deep expedition into the
veer. heart of the woods.

  5. Enter the new hex. Nothing needs to be done in this step, Now what do you do with it?
but from now on, all skill check DCs, encounter tables, etc. etc. One option, of course, is to simply put dungeons way out in the
are based on the new hex. sticks, with the wilderness serving as the first stage of a dungeon
  6. Roll a random encounter. If the encounter is unfriendly expedition, a sort of 0th floor. This can help make the world
and at all capable of sneaking up, they will roll Stealth (even if they feel larger, like there’s real distance between different dungeons,
are rolling flat DEX with a penalty - they may as well try). The rather than having them all within an hour’s walk of whatever
scout rolls Perception to try and detect them, while the sentinel town serves as homebase. On the other hand, you can actually
uses passive Perception. If the scout spots the encounter, they may cram all of your dungeons so close together that they have direct
report it back to the party who can attempt an ambush or to lay a connections to one another and you get a megadungeon, a cam-
trap. If the sentinel spots the encounter, the party is not surprised, paign structure that automatically qualifies as a good idea on the
but cannot surprise the enemy either. If the sentinel does not spot grounds of being kind of like Hollow Knight.
the encounter, the party is ambushed. You can also have a campaign that revolves quite a bit around
  7. Have the scout roll Perception to find any undiscovered travel itself. There are many possible routes from Rivendell to
locations in the hex. Mordor, which the different members of the fellowship argue
over. Gandalf recommends heading south through Eregion, then
Pointcrawl Checklist over the Misty Mountains at Rhedoras to reach Lothlorien and
  1. If the party haven’t assigned roles yet, ask them who’s doing head south to Emyn Muil, into the Dead Marsh, and ultimately
what. Otherwise, skip this step. through the Black Gate of Mordor. Gimli recommends a similar
  2. If the party is at a point, ask them which neighboring point plan, except instead of going over the mountain, he proposes
they’re headed towards and calculate how many days it will take going under it, through Moria. Boromir recommends continuing
them to get there. Otherwise, double check whether the party south from Eregion through Enedwaith and into the western-
wants to keep going or turn back. most fringe of Gondor, where his people can provide them a safe
  3. Everyone marks off supplies for the day. Alternatively, the escort to Mordor’s doorstep.
forager can forage. If they are not a Ranger or Circle of the Land Nobody suggests it for the Ring quest, but they could also have
Druid, or if they are but are not in their favored terrain, they make followed Bilbo’s route east, going through the High Pass near
their Survival check now. Goblin Town and turning south towards Lorien. Gollum, who
  4. The navigator makes their check. If they fail, the party joins the party after they’ve followed Gimli’s plan to Emyn Muil,
gets lost and makes no progress for the day. Otherwise, mark the suggests they avoid the Black Gate and head through Ithilien to a
party as one day closer to their destination. secret entrance into Mordor through Shelob’s lair.

It’s easy to fall into the mistake when trying to recreate a jour- Unlike the hexes of an exploration-scale hexcrawl, most of these
ney-based campaign like this of looking on the path Frodo and hexes are empty. The hunt-scale hexcrawl is not about entering
Sam took to Mount Doom as inevitable and presenting your own a hex to see what’s inside it, but about trying to find a specific
version of it linearly. In the actual books and movies, a specific encounter or encounters, usually one that’s moving around, by
route was decided upon, and we never saw any but the barest interpreting the clues it leaves behind. Only about a dozen or so
glimpse of what other routes might’ve looked like. But the char- different encounters need to be designed, as this will hopefully
acters discuss several alternative paths and even attempt some of lead to the party always being within about two hexes of the
them (they tried Gandalf ’s route before giving up and switching nearest encounter. These hexes can be packs or herds of animals,
to Gimli’s, and in the movies Frodo and Sam are seconds from a single large predator, other intelligent creatures (whether inhab-
committing to infiltrating the Black Gate when Gollum proposes itants or transients), useful or dangerous plantlife, or the lair or
the route through Shelob’s Lair instead), and a campaign about home of any of the above.
traveling through the wilderness would want to do likewise.
There might be two or three elven parties wandering about
Have multiple routes with different terrain types, lengths, and hunting wild game while their village is located in a forested hex
encounter tables for each, give the players enough knowledge to somewhere on the map, a pack of dire wolves with a lair, several
make informed decisions about which route to take, but hold herds of deer which the wolves and elves chase around, herbs that
enough in reserve that they can’t simply sit down and crunch the can be picked for use in healing potions if you’ve got proficiency
numbers on the mathematically optimal answer (it’s usually best with an herbalist’s kit, a treant wandering slowly through the
to give them a broad overview of each area that is accurate but forest hexes that enjoys showing newcomers the wonders of the
doesn’t give much detail, for example, mentioning the forest is woods but is easily angered by the site of metal tools (especially
overrun with spiders and trolls, but not the exact statistics of the axes), a specific deer herd with an awakened deer who escaped
troll chieftain or the spiders’ brood mother). from a ritual sacrifice of an evil druid whose wicked archfey
patron prefers intelligent sacrifices, the evil druid themselves wan-
Of course, this means you end up preparing a lot of content, at
dering around looking for deer to capture, awaken, and sacrifice,
least partially, that does not get used. You can solve this by having
the archfey’s hidden palace, and so on.
not one, but multiple journeys which need to be undertaken.
If the continent is being criss-crossed often enough, you can be You don’t want there to be so many moving parts that you can’t
reasonably certain that every route will get used at least once or quickly move a couple of tokens on a map every time players take
twice. Perhaps your adventurers are part of some Pony Ex- a move, but you don’t want there to be so few that the place feels
press-style high-speed, high-risk delivery service. It doesn’t even static. Players should feel like they might cross paths with some-
have to be the main plot of your game, just a constantly available one they’ve met before at any time, no matter where on the map
side quest that prods players who’ve run out of content in one they are (unless that person specifically avoids certain parts of the
region to move on to another. map). On the other hand, you don’t have to move every theoreti-
cally mobile token on every turn, though they should move more
Monster Hunts often than not. Indeed, it’s important that the NPC tokens not
One adventure type that lends itself clearly towards wilderness
move often enough that players can catch up with them so long
journeys is the monster hunt. A monster hunt takes place on
as they always take their move.
the hunt-scale hex of 91 hexes arranged themselves into one big
hexagon eleven hexes across, with each hex being two miles across Herbivores tend to move to a specific spot with lots of good
and taking half an hour to traverse, assuming no difficult terrain. vegetation and graze or browse there for a long period of time,
This map might be a specific point of interest on a pointcrawl, not moving for several turns (possibly remaining stationary indef-
or it might be the zoomed in map of a specific hexagon. Either initely until a predator arrives in the hex, driving the herbivores
way, it’s a sub-area of a greater map, and isn’t usually suitable out). Carnivores move every turn when following an herbivore’s
to containing an entire campaign by itself (although, just like a trail, but more like every other turn otherwise, as they wander
moderately sized dungeon, it might serve as a decent 2-4 session around looking for signs of prey without any specific direction.
mini-campaign if it’s especially thick with content). When they encounter herbivores, they’ll kill one, and guard the
carcass for at least one turn while eating, often four or more.
Some hexes might have rough terrain that could take a full hour,
an hour and a half, or even a full two hours to traverse. What this
comes down to is that you have sixteen moves per day before you
need to either make camp or make a CON check for a forced
march, most hexes require only one move to enter, but some
require two, three, or even four.

The party might be here looking for a static location, like the lost • Noises. If the monster encounters a rival in its territory,
entrance to a dungeon, the lair of a specific villain or monster, or if it encounters herbivores and hunts one, it will roar (in
or the place where certain magical plants grow. In this case, they the latter case, to keep scavengers at bay while eating). Roars
can probably narrow down the location by speaking to local can usually be heard at least in adjacent hexes, and often two
inhabitants, or by narrowing down possibilities (i.e. if you know or three hexes away, especially for very large creatures. Mon-
the magical plants grow only in high altitudes, you can eliminate sters might also howl (whether the traditional wolf ’s howl or
every non-mountain hex) and then brute forcing what remains. something more like howler monkeys), a behavior which is
If you’re doing an actual monster hunt, though, then the creature rare but can happen at almost any time, and which can often
you’re looking for is mobile. The locals can tell you that you’re be heard up to five hexes away. Any aggressive animal (i.e.
in the right place and might even be able to give general hints one willing to fight for territory, as opposed to animals like
like “it lives somewhere in the southeast and is found there more rabbits which are quiet and evasive) might roar or bellow, but
often than other places” or “it gets thirsty easily, so it likes to stay howling is a form of long distance communication, so it only
near the river,” but they have no idea where exactly your target is comes up in social animals, i.e. those with a pack or herd.
right now. Noises immediately give away what direction the animal is in,
and with a DC 15 Survival check, you have enough familiar-
Tracks ity with how loud these animals are at what distances to pin
In order to track it down, you’ll need to follow actual tracks. Here
down exactly what hex the animal is in.
are several tracks a monster might leave behind. If you think of
any additions to this list, use them, and share them with others! • Prints. Prints can be old or new. Because prints some-
The more different ways of tracking a monster there are, the more times last for several days, old prints don’t serve to give much
interesting a hunt becomes. indication of where the monster is now, but do serve to indi-
cate that the monster comes to this hex at all. As the GM, if
• Blood. An injured animal, in addition to usually there are any areas of the map where the monster simply does
moving more slowly (i.e. skipping its turn between player not visit often or ever, tell players entering those places that
moves more often) will usually leave an extremely clear trail they found no prints at all. If they enter a hex that is within
of blood, making it immediately obvious where they’ve been, the monster’s territory but which it has not been in recently,
although not necessarily which direction they’re going. A tell them they find old prints. If they enter a hex the monster
bleeding animal continues doing so until they heal or die, has been in within two hours (usually this is any of the last
and thus continues leaving a trail behind until either it takes four hexes it has visited), tell them they’ve found fresh prints
an eight-hour short rest or is killed (probably by the party and which direction they lead. Small or tiny prints might
catching up to it). Even after the eight-hour short rest, the require a Survival check to determine direction (usually DC
animal hasn’t fully recovered, but is no longer leaving blood 15 for small creatures and DC 20 for tiny ones), but large or
everywhere, at least. larger prints will be immediately obvious. A DC 15 Survival
• Carcass. Any time a predator encounters an herbi- check is still required to tell which animals’ prints they are,
vore, a carcass is left behind. By the next day, whatever of however. If the party are bad survivalists, they may follow the
the carcass wasn’t eaten by the predator in the first place will wrong animal by mistake.
have been completely consumed by scavengers, leaving no • Sighting. Normally only happens if you’re in the same
valuable traces behind. A carcass gives no indication of where hex as the animal, at which point we are having an encounter,
the animal went afterwards, but does give a clue that it was in but animals flying above the treeline are visible from adjacent
that specific hex in the same day. Of course, a carcass can be hexes if they are medium size, from two hexes away if they are
left behind by any predator, and it usually requires a DC 20 large, from three hexes away if they are huge, and from four
Survival check to determine exactly which kind of animal did hexes away if they are gargantuan.
the killing, but it is only a DC 10 Survival check to determine
the kind of animal killed and the size of the animal that did • Trails. Herbivores tend to follow specific trails con-
the killing. If the party knows what their quarry eats and how necting different hexes that are particularly abundant with
big it is, this might be enough information on its own. vegetation. Carnivores tend to follow those trails to catch the
herbivores. Trails are fairly obvious and any party can identify
• Lairs. Many monsters return to lair at the same spot them immediately when they run into a hex with one, but
consistently. If you happen to stumble into its lair while they’re pretty weak evidence for any specific creature. Still,
searching for it, you can camp out there and wait for it to following the trails will allow a party to find which hexes are
return at the end of the day (or end of the night, if it’s noctur- high-vegetation. High vegetation hexes draw in herbivores
nal). and herbivores draw in carnivores, so when once you’ve got
the bountiful hexes and the trails connecting them mapped
out, you can mostly ignore everything in between.

Alternatively: Recon If the party is lucky enough to have tents and bedrolls, they can
The basic conceit of a big hex grid with about 10%-20% of its make camp anywhere, preferably somewhere away from animal
hexes filled in with mobile encounters, one or more of which the trails where they’re less likely to draw the attention of nocturnal
party is looking for, has uses beyond just monster hunting. The predators. Creating shelter from scratch will require a Survival
most obvious is reconnaissance, where instead of trying to find check of DC 15 in forests or jungles, or DC 20 elsewhere. Rang-
some natural creature, the party is trying to find out what kind ers or Circle of the Land Druids in their favored terrain succeed
of organized enemies are in the area. The map can have enemy automatically.
patrols who must be evaded (or, if not evaded, wiped out before Some hexes may be riverbeds that will flood in the rain. While
they can escape), enemy supply lines or depots (including things flooded, they are unusable as resting points, parties resting in
like rivers or lakes from which water can be gathered), and enemy them when they flood may be swept away, and they can only be
camps whose tents must be counted to get an estimate of troop crossed by creatures with a swim speed, a fly speed, at fords, or by
size and type. particularly stubborn adventurers with a ten-foot pole, a grap-
Many of the types of tracks described above can apply - enemy pling hook, and an unyielding disregard for their personal safety.
armies certainly leave prints, and if they have flying allies or And yes, it’s a bit ridiculous that the entire two-mile diameter
mounts, those may be sighted in the air. Unless they’re in active hex becomes unusable as a resting point because one riverbed,
combat, camps won’t give off noise so loud as to be heard from presumably no more than a hundred yards across, has flooded,
miles away, but they do usually give off smoke which can be seen but finding and keeping track of riverbeds makes the geography
from at least five hexes away, and plausibly as many as ten. Armies more dynamic and interesting and we don’t want to zoom in
won’t follow animal trails around, but they will definitely avoid closer than two miles to get that. Ensure that hexes neighboring
certain terrain types like hills, swamps, and mountains, which a streambed are rarely (better yet, never) less safe to rest in than
can be used to narrow down their general direction. If the enemy the streambed itself and it won’t come up, because the party can
force you’re scouting is smaller, then they might be hunting local just rest in an adjacent hex anyway (or they can’t, but resting in
game to help feed themselves, in which case they will follow a streambed was already unsafe for reasons besides flooding, so it
animal trails, seeking to find herbivores the same as any other still doesn’t make a difference).
predator. If there are friendly forces in the area, skirmishes will
leave clear signs of battle the same way as a carcass will, often Midgame: Making Friends
including actual carcasses. You can scavenge for food and shelter and simple weapons in the
wilderness. There might be a few exceptions, like light crossbows,
Survival which certainly can’t be banged together out of rocks, and certain
Like a monster hunt, a survival adventure takes place on a hex weapons might lose some qualities, like a stone dagger not being
map with two miles across, which require a half-hour to traverse throwable, but for the most part, once you know the lay of the
(unless terrain is difficult). Most of the hexes are empty, with only land, you can catch food and make spears indefinitely. D&D
about 10-20% holding encounters, and these encounters move adventurers usually have aspirations a little bit higher than that,
around. Some of the hexes hold special resources. though, and for most of them, they will need allies.
Earlygame: Food and Shelter To reach these allies, the party will have to traverse some obstacle.
Unlike a monster hunt, a survival adventure assumes a party is The nature of this obstacle can vary quite a bit. It can be some-
bringing little to no resources with them, or else that their initial thing that just goes away on its own after a while, like a raging
resources will run out with no means of resupply, and will have to river with no safe fords and whose current is too swift for Shape
scavenge from almost nothing. The hexes of high vegetation that Water to provide safe passage (attempts to create frozen patches
draw in herbivores and, therefore, carnivores, may also have valu- to cross are foiled by the speed of the current, which quickly pulls
able fruit (usually small berries) that the party can scavenge for a the ice patch into the rapids), but which dries up on its own after
ration, enough to keep one person from starving for one day. a set amount of time, requiring the party to survive long enough
The animals (whether herbivore or carnivore) can also be con- to cross. It could be a dungeon that acts as an underground
sumed, in which case a single medium creature can hypotheti- passage connecting the starting area to the rest of the otherwise
cally provide 6 rations’ worth of food (each size category smaller unreachable map. It could just be that the allies aren’t in the
provides half as much to a minimum of 1 at tiny, and each size immediate vicinity of the party’s starting point, and they’ll have
category larger provides twice as much), but in practice meat to explore to find them.
spoils almost immediately. A hunted medium creature provides Ultimately, all that matters is that there aren’t reasonably friendly
only one day’s worth of food, although it can provide that food inhabitants right in the starting area, who would presumably help
for up to six people. the party survive by just showing them how the wilderness works.
This is an obvious humanitarian thing to do for someone lost in
a wilderness you know how to survive, but also way less fun as a

Although referred to as “friends” or “allies,” they’re really more You can also have imperialist hobgoblins who mostly hang out
potential friends or allies. Actually making an ally out of them in one corner of the map for a while, but then eventually begin a
might require helping them secure resources either from mon- fullscale invasion, or a slowly spreading undead army, or an ele-
sters or from rivals (rivals who might also be willing to ally with mental cult summoning elemental princes from hidden elemental
the party if the party helps them secure those resources instead), temples, who then go on a rampage until the party defeats them,
helping slay a dangerous monster who’s moved into the area, re- whereupon the cult can simply resummon them until the party
trieving some kind of treasure from a dungeon - standard adven- finds their temples and puts a stop to them. What’s important
turer coalition-building. Once allied with, these settlements can is that either the endgame villain somehow interacts with and
provide certain resources. A martially inclined settlement might threatens the network of allies established in the midgame, or
be able to make martial weapons, for example, while a magically else these allies are somehow absolutely necessary to reaching an
inclined one might be able to create scrolls or potions. endgame goal (like traversing an otherwise lethal region to reach
a final dungeon and some ultimate treasure).
Rather than a single city where gold can be exchanged for all
kinds of goods and services, in survival adventures, the party Be wary of the second approach, though. High- or even mid-level
must establish a network of allies to fulfill all their advanced PCs have access to lots of tricks that allow them to reach places
adventuring logistical needs like potion resupply, new spells for without the help of any specific magic item or scroll, and reach-
casters, and magic items (if you have Bianca’s Guide to Golems, ing level 13 and unlocking Teleport as one of the party Wizard’s
you can combine the magic item crafting rules from there with a two automatic spells per level might render the entire midgame
survival adventure by having crafters of different types of magic network of allies irrelevant.
items be spread out across different villages).
Endgame: Defeating Enemies
While you can have plenty of enemies simply from the friends
you didn’t make, settlements you sided against instead of with
in the conflicts across the map, there are also some enemies who
make for good automatically hostile foes. The magical nature of a
fantasy world means that elementals and treants can the like can
serve as combat-capable natural hazards, while fiends or undead
can serve as fundamentally inhuman opposing forces who nev-
ertheless expand and take territory. Of course, these imperialist
tendencies are hardly absent in humans, and you can just have
some ordinary humanoid creatures be expanding into the region
and serve as your main antagonists.
The main thing to contend with when designing enemies is that
if they use forged weapons and have a regular economy and so
forth, then the game becomes less about survival and getting to
know the land and much more about stealing the enemy’s stuff.
While such a guerilla phase can be a great endgame, it can totally
obviate the actual survival part of a survival adventure. Just like
the initial phase of a survival adventure will usually not have any
potentially friendly settlements available (if only because they
aren’t nearby, so you have to explore to find them), the midgame
will usually not have any evil empires nearby to be pillaged for a
complete set of magic items (if only because their outposts are on
the opposite side of the map from the starting point).
You can also not have enemies with these resources at all, and
instead have your endgame be defined by reaching and plunder-
ing ancient dungeons and/or slaying terrible monsters. Perhaps
the land is terrorized by an ancient dragon who is seen flying
overhead, occasionally extorting the party for magic items, drain-
ing settlements of resources which causes them to be unable to
produce anything for the party for a time, and destroying settle-
ments when they can’t pay up. The endgame could be finding the
dragon’s lair and putting an end to their reign of terror.

The Carnival Court has no fixed territory. They wander in and
Courts of Reverie out of not only other fey courts, but also other planes, spending
The Court of Spring is bright, vibrant, curious, and mischie- as much time in the mortal world as not. They are patrons of the
vous. The Court of Spring is a court of renewal, rebirth, and lost, the misunderstood, and the outcasts. They are the circus that
the future. They love new things, new people, art and creativity. unwanted children run away to. Many courts replace a mortal
The lands of the Court of Spring are confusing and ever-shifting child with a fairy lookalike called a fetch, but the fetches of the
labyrinths into which Spring fey often abduct “party guests” to Carnival Court do not replace their mortal counterparts. They
stay for extended periods of time. All aging is halted within the just invite them in for a twins act.
boundaries of the Court, but every moment catches up with the
guests again when they leave. Those who have been guests of the The Carnival Court will not reject anyone for any reason, which
Spring Court long enough will collapse into dust the instant they makes them a home for every kind of outcast, including those
leave. Under the glamours of the fey, it seems like it’s never been who were outcast for good reasons. Some members of the Carni-
more than a few hours, maybe a weekend at most, since the party val carry on vicious feuds with one another which the rest either
guests arrived, and they are usually reluctant to leave “so soon.” quietly ignore or else pick sides in.

The Court of Summer burns with passion. They are a court of The Court of Clouds exists entirely in the sky, and almost all of
terrible strength and limitless vitality. They are enraptured with its members can fly. Clouds look like tiny puffs from a distance,
the extraordinary. The lands of the Court of Summer are lands of hardly larger than the average person’s head, but this is an optical
vibrant extremity, with impossibly tall mountains and impossibly illusion caused by immense distance. In truth, clouds are floating
swift rivers. The Court of Summer is obsessed with its own might mountains, and in Reverie, their tops are covered in lush jungles
and glory, and loves to prove its power by challenging others - and waterfalls.
whether other fey or mortals - to contests from those as jovial as The Court of Clouds is free-spirited and uncontainable, full of
races or drinking contests to those as horrific as open war, for the heroes and monsters alike who pursue glory or infamy (respec-
Court of Summer is exuberant and valiant, but not afraid to start tively) unrestrained by any laws of god or man. Even the “heroes”
fires. are called such not because they are virtuous, but because they
The Court of Autumn is a dark and fearsome place inhabited have remarkable powers and abilities, and are distinguished from
by dark and fearsome fey. They are a court of terror and fear. It is the monsters only by their humanoid form. Mortals sometimes
perpetually dark within its tangled brambles and haunted moors, refer to Cloud Court heroes whom they dislike as “villains” in-
and its inhabitants bring fear, some as a terrible and timely stead, but the fey of the Clouds do not recognize the distinction.
warning, others as cathartic pranksters, and others terrorizing the Fey of the Cloud Court are also outright annoyed when mortals
helpless out of pure cruelty. The boundaries between one category refer to monsters they approve of as “heroes.”
and another are often fuzzy. The Court of Entropy wishes to destroy everything. If they ever
The Court of Winter is buried in snow, ossified and unchanging. had a homeland, they unraveled it long ago, and now wander the
The fey who live there are a grim and solemn people, completely planes freely. Mortals are rarely happy at their approach, but are
lacking in the mirth usually associated with fairies. They are not sometimes left better off when tyrants and warmongers have their
necessarily miserable or depressed, but certainly they are driven kingdoms left in ruins. The Court itself is frantic and hedonistic,
to action more by duties and ancient obligations rather than hope going about their devastating work as though on an extremely
or mischief. violent bender.

The Court of Agony are the most straightforwardly cruel of all The Court of Eyes is always watching and is filled with an
the fey courts, and yet there are still mortals who seek them out. insatiable need to know. They do not record what they see, and
Some seek revenge, and wish to learn how to inflict the most hor- indeed, they are so thoroughly in the moment that they frequent-
rific pain possible. Others are thrillseekers who wish to embrace ly forget and then remember and then forget again. Sometimes
the extremes of all sensations, even pain. Some are just hoping to they’ll be halfway through an invasive attempt to extract the true
find a way to feel anything at all. Many of the court’s “guests” are story behind a certain event only for one of them to remember
not voluntary at all, which has led to many a rescue mission into that they were present and saw everything personally. The scatter-
their land of thorns and fire, of crooked castles and mountain brained Court of Eyes often see connections between events that
ranges bent like broken bones. don’t actually exist, and become obsessed with conspiracies, at
least until they get distracted by something else.
The Court of Cacophony live in a land perpetually overcast with
rumbling storm clouds that crack with impossibly loud thunder.
From the shrieking of banshees to the chanting of manic choirs,
the court’s obsession with sound, both music and noise, is all but

The Court of Revelry is a constant party rampaging across the
planes, whether that be Reverie, the mortal world, or elsewhere. The Fair Folk: New Fey Stat Blocks
In order to feed its never-ending festivities, the Court pillages ev-
ery place they come to, using enchantment magic or brute force Courts of the Four Seasons
of arms to commandeer any interesting locations in the area for Some fey are unique to a specific court, but fey knights, dryads,
dance halls or festival grounds, then carrying off food, drink, and satyrs, and pixies are common to most of them. A pixie of the
new “guests” to take to their next location. Those places unable to Autumn Court is not quite the same as a pixie of the Winter,
fend off the Court of Revelry (especially the ones foolish enough Spring, or Summer Courts, however. You can apply the below
to welcome them in because of their festive facade) are often left templates to a fey in order to make them fey of that particular
as smouldering ruins by the time they move on. court, and make new templates based on them to create fey
unique to that specific court (generic fey knight, dryad, satyr, and
The Court of Serpents live in a land of ancient, primordial pixie stat blocks can also be used for fey of any court). You can
power. All fey do, of course, but the Court of Serpents is obvious also apply these templates to other fey (including talking beasts).
with it. Cyclopean temples and titanic monuments rise up from
the mists of old growth forests and untouched jungles. From A satyr’s innate spellcasting ability for purposes of abilities grant-
every tree and stone, the Court exudes that it was here long be- ed by these templates is Charisma.
fore you, and will be here long after, lost treasures and forgotten Spring Fey
secrets deep within its vaults. • Damage Resistance. Radiance
The Court of Shadows perpetuate the cycle of courts falling and • Nature’s Stride. Spring fey can pass through nonmagi-
rising, not because they have some ideological attachment to it (it cal plants without being slowed by them and without taking
would happen with or without their participation), but because damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar
they enjoy playing the villains. They usurp courts, slay rightful hazard. Additionally, the fey has advantage on saves against
heirs (as much as anything fey can be slain, at least), and ride plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede
through the night terrorizing the common satyrs and brownies movement, such as the Entangle spell.
and so forth, more for the love of the role than anything else.
• Spring fey may cast Entangle once per long rest.
The Court of Sun is arguably not distinct from the Court of
Shadows, for while the Court of Shadows loves to play the villain,
Summer Fey
• Damage Resistance. Fire
the Court of Sun loves to play the hero. They take on the role of
mentor, sidekick, or sometimes even the hero themselves (though • Call to Dance. A summer fey may call a creature within
narrative often demands they leave that role to someone with 30 ft. to dance as an action. A creature called to dance must
more personal investment). They are frequently in conflict with make a Charisma saving throw or be charmed by the summer
the Court of Shadows, whom they consider their arch-nemesis. fey. While charmed by this ability, they dance. Dancing crea-
Although the vast majority of Reverie is untouched by their tures must use their action to dance, cannot take reactions,
rivalry at any given time, from the perspective of the Courts of and have their movement speed halved. A charmed creature
Sun and Shadows, the entire fate of the plane is shaped by their may repeat the save at the end of each of their turns to end
epic struggle. this effect.
The Court of Sun acts not out of moral conviction, but rath- • Summer Fey may cast Create Bonfire and Dancing Lights
er out of love for a narrative role. This leads them to making at-will.
decisions that are bone-headed or even cruel for the sake of an Autumn Fey
intentionally pursued character arc, something which can be • Damage Resistance. Necrotic
compelling if you’re one of the small handful of “characters” they
have decided are important to the narrative and must be deeply • Innate Spellcasting. 1/day - create food & water
involved with it every step of the way, but for the vast majority of • Terrifying Presence. When a creature the fey can see
other fey and mortals alike, the Court of Sun are the fairies who starts its turn within 30 feet of the fey, the fey can impose a
come into town, stay at the inn, and then loudly signal their pres- glamour upon them. If the creature can see the fey, they must
ence to the Court of Shadows so that the inn can be dramatically make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the winter
burnt to the ground. Even selected “protagonists” are sometimes fey. As long as they remain frightened, they gain a level of
dismayed to find that the Court of Sun has decided that their exhaustion. Affected creatures may repeat the save at the end
struggle works better as backstory than as a main event, and takes of each of their turns to end the effect.
a dive in order to ensure things are suitably tragic whenever a
“real” protagonist wanders on set.

Winter Fey Flying Head of Zobiana
• Damage Resistance. Cold
Huge fey (winter)
• Winter fey may cast Dissonant Whispers at-will.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
• Ice Walk. The fey can move across and climb icy sur-
faces without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, HP 47 (6d8 + 12)
difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost them Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft.
extra movement.
STR 16 (+3)

Giant Beasts DEX 14 (+2)

This is a template you can apply to any beast in order to make it CON 14 (+2)
a giant beast. It’s mainly intended for things like giant bears or
giant tigers, but can probably work just as well for making a giant INT 3 (-4)
wyvern or giant catoblepas or whatever. You can also apply the WIS 7 (-2)
template multiple times to the same creature to increase their size
CHA 2 (-4)
category by more than one step, in case you want a giant rat big
enough to gnaw through a suspension bridge. Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
• Increase the creature’s size category by one step (i.e. Damage Immunities poison
medium to large, large to huge, etc.).
Condition Immunities poisoned
• Increase the creature’s STR and CON by 4 points.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
• Increase the creature’s hit die by one step (i.e. d6s to
d8s, d8s to d10s, etc.), to a maximum of d12. Languages Sylvan

• Double the creature’s number of hit dice. Magic Resistance. The flying head has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
• Increase the die size of the creature’s natural attacks by
one (i.e. 1d6 to 1d8, 2d4 to 2d6, etc.), to a maximum of d12. Actions
If any of the creature’s natural attacks already deal d12s, add Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
one die to their damage (i.e. from 2d12 to 3d12). Hit: 9 (3d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 17 (5d6) poison damage.
Stunning Shriek. The flying head shrieks. Each humanoid and
beast within 30 feet of the flying head and able to hear it must
succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until
the end of the flying head’s next turn. While frightened in this
way, a target is stunned. If a target’s saving throw is successful, or
the effect ends, the target is immune to stunning shriek from all
flying heads for one hour.

Challenge. As a bonus action, the knight may challenge a foe
Fey Knight they can see within 60 feet. If the target does not inflict any
In service to the courts of faerie, these knights are valiant protec-
damage by the start of the knight’s next turn, the knight deals an
tors of their realms. They appear largely human but for the head
additional 3d6 damage with every attack for that round.
of a woodland creature; examples include a mouse, a hare, or
even a bluebird. Their gleaming metal armor & intricately carved Actions
weapons revert to leaves and sticks upon their death. Multiattack. The knight makes two melee attacks.

Medium fey +2 Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+4) magical slashing damage.
Armor Class 18 (plate armor)
+1 Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600
HP 52 (8d8 + 16) ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+2) magical piercing damage.
Speed 30 ft.
STR 16 (+3) Parry. The knight adds 2 to their AC against one melee attack
that would hit them. To do so, the knight must see the attacker
DEX 13 (+1)
and be wielding a melee weapon.
CON 15 (+2)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 17 (+3)
Skills Perception +4, Persuasion +6
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from non magical attacks that
aren’t made of iron or steel
Condition Immunities frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Fey Step (Recharge 4-6) As a bonus action, the knight
and their steed can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied
space they can see.
Innate Spellcasting. The knight’s innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 17). They can innately cast the follow-
ing spells, requiring no material components:
At will: druidcraft, find steed*
* A knight must always choose the fey type. The mastiff has the
appearance of a giant corgi, the war horse & pony are a colour
from the rainbow that changes each time they are summoned,
and the knight has the option of summoning a giant snail.
Magic Resistance. The knight has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Mounted Combatant. A knight benefits from having the
Mounted Combatant feat while controlling a mount from their
Find Steed spell.
Immunity to Vorpal. A knight suffers no mechanical penalty
should they be decapitated by a vorpal sword. Their head & body
continue to function when separated, and while the knight may
prefer to recover their head and reattach it as an action, they can
regrow it after a long rest; the original head turning into a rotting
turnip should this happen.

Giant Snail Huldra
Large monstrosity The huldra is a pine tree nymph who resembles a beautiful wom-
an. Their masculine counterpart, the huldrekall, is an equally
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) beautiful nymph of stone. Huldras dislike being seen, even by
HP 47 (5d10 + 20) friends. Each huldra has a hollow in their back that is much
larger than it appears, but which disappears if they are slain. This
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft. hollow is usually covered by their long hair.
STR 17 (+3)
Medium fey (winter)
DEX 5 (-3)
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
CON 18 (+4)
HP 58 (9d8 + 18)
INT 3 (-4)
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
WIS 10 (+0)
STR 19 (+4)
CHA 5 (-3)
DEX 14 (+2)
Skills Perception +1
CON 15 (+2)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft., passive Perception
11 INT 12 (+1)

Spider Climb. The giant snail can climb difficult surfaces, WIS 12 (+1)
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an CHA 17 (+3)
ability check.
Saving Throws DEX +5, CON +3
Knightly Steed. If summoned by a courtly knight, the giant snail
Skills Nature +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4
has a land speed of 50 feet.
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Actions from non magical attacks that aren’t made of iron or steel
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Shell Defense. The giant snail withdraws into its shell, gaining a Languages Common, Sylvan
+4 bonus to AC until it emerges. It can emerge from its shell as a Magic Resistance. The huldra has advantage on saving throws
bonus action on its turn. against spells and other magical effects.
Innate Spellcasting. The huldra’s innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 spell attack). She can innately
cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will - druidcraft, mold ice & snow*
3/day - disguise self
1/day - entangle, phantasmal force
* As mold earth, but only for ice and snow
Hollow Back. A huldra has a large hole revealing a deep hollow
that acts as a bag of holding while she is alive.
Rime Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) cold damage and target must make a
Strength saving throw or be restrained by ice. A creature re-
strained by ice, or adjacent to this creature, can make a Strength
check against the save DC. On a success, the creature is free. The
ice is also destroyed by any amount of fire damage dealt to the

Baleful Raven Ashen Lady
Baleful ravens are giant ravens that carry an oversized eyeball in Ashen ladies are spirits of the autumn fey. Their skin and clothes
their beaks. The intense heat of these eyes can set other creatures are all shades of ash grey, and scorched and burned by some for-
ablaze. gotten fire in the hollow halls of the Autumn Court.

Large fey (summer) Medium fey (autumn)

AC 12 Armor Class 14
HP 40 (9d8) HP 71 (13d8 + 13)
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. Speed 30 ft.
STR 15 (+2) STR 9 (-1)
DEX 14 (+2) DEX 18 (+4)
CON 11 (+0) CON 13 (+1)
INT 6 (-2) INT 10 (+0)
WIS 16 (+3) WIS 11 (+0)
CHA 7 (-2) CHA 19 (+4)
Skills Perception +6 Skills History +3, Perception +3, Performance +7, Stealth +7
Damage Resistances fire; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slash-
from Nonmagical Attacks that aren’t Iron or Steel ing from attacks that aren’t made of iron or steel
Condition Immunities charmed Condition Immunities charmed
Senses Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 16 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Sylvan Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Magic Resistance. The baleful raven has advantage on saving Fey Step (Recharge 4-6) As a bonus action, the ashen lady can
throws against spells and other magical effects. teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space she can see.
Actions Magic Resistance. The ashen lady has advantage on saving
Multiattack. A baleful raven makes two attacks with their eye throws against spells and other magical effects.
ray. Innate Spellcasting. The Ashen Lady’s innate spellcasting ability
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks).
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material
Eye Ray. Ranged Weapon Attack.+9 to hit, range 60 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (4d6) fire damage. At will: dancing lights, druidcraft, levitate, minor illusion
3/day: create food and water
Melting Gaze (1/short or long rest). The baleful raven targets
every creature in a 60 foot cone. Each creature in that area must Incorporeal Movement. Ashen Ladies can move through other
make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 35 (10d6) fire creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. She takes 5
damage. After this ability is used, a baleful raven’s Eye Ray attack (1d10) force damage if she ends her turn inside an object.
is made at disadvantage until they take a short or long rest. Actions
Blood Harvest. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. The target’s HP
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage
taken. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The
target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Bewitch. A target within 30 ft. that the Ashen Lady can see
must make an Intelligence saving throw or have their senses
overwhelmed by the rosy dream of a courtly ball long since lost;
reality only faintly discernible. Until the end of the target’s next
turn, all other creatures are heavily obscured to the target. A crea-
ture is immune to this effect if they are immune to the charmed

Goodberry Slime The Old Gods: New Fey Bosses
Medium fey (spring)
Armor Class 8
Gloriana, Queen of the Midnight Sun
Gargantuan fey (summer)
HP 67 (9d8 +27)
Armor Class 21 (natural armor)
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
HP 255 (30d8+120)
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 6 (-2) Speed 50 ft., fly 120 ft.

CON 16 (+3) STR 28 (+9)

INT 11 (+0) DEX 14 (+2)
WIS 14 (+2) CON 19 (+4)
CHA 17 (+3) INT 15 (+2)
Skills Nature +3 WIS 17 (+3)
Damage Resistances radiant CHA 24 (+7)
Damage Immunities acid, necrotic, poison Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +10, Wis +9, Cha +13
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poi- Skills Intimidation +13, Perception +9
soned, prone
Damage Resistances lightning, thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks.
Amorphous. The goodberry slime can move through a space as Damage Immunities fire, poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren’t Iron or Steel.
Regeneration. Goodberry slimes regain 10 HP at the start of
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
their turn if they have at least 1 HP. If the slime takes fire dam-
age, this trait doesn’t function at the start of their next turn. Senses darkvision 300 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Magic Resistance. The goodberry slime has advantage on saving Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Stone Slumber. Wrapping herself in her wings and holding her-
Innate Spellcasting. The Goodberry Slime’s innate spellcast- self motionless, Gloriana becomes indistinguishable from a mass
ing ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell of stone, suppressing her Aura of Glory.
attacks). They can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
Aura of Glory. Unless she is incapacitated, any creature that
material components:
starts its turn within 20 feet of Gloriana must make a DC 21
At-will: druidcraft, shape water Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a fey is charmed and a
3/day: enlarge/reduce (touch range), bless (5’ range) non-fey is frightened for 1 hour. If Gloriana or any of her follow-
ers attack the creature, they get an additional save. If a creature is
1/day: polymorph successful, the creature is immune to Gloriana’s Aura for the next
Final Fruit. When a Goodberry Slime is reduced to 0 HP, it’s 24 hours. Creatures with a courtly background (such as courtier,
core goodberry heart is exposed. If a creature eats this heart as an knight, or noble) make the saving throw with advantage.
action, they gain the effects of tenser’s transformation. The good-
berry heart will overripe after an hour’s time, and eating it after
this happens will instead deal 27 (6d8) poison damage. Spells
such as purify food and drink and gentle repose will not prevent the
heart’s magic from expiring.
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage and 4 (1d8) radiant
Healing Touch (3/Day). The goodberry slime touches another
creature. The target magically regains 11 (2d8 + 2) hit points.
In addition, the touch removes all diseases and neutralizes all
poisons afflicting the target.

Magic Resistance. Gloriana has advantage on saving throws Elite Actions
against spells and other magical effects.
1 Dance of Summer
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Gloriana fails a saving throw, 2 Recruit
she can choose to succeed instead.
3 Royal Presence
Innate Spellcasting. Gloriana’s innate spellcasting is Charisma 4 Wing Attack
(spell save DC 21, spell attack bonus +13). Gloriana can innately
cast the following spells, requiring no components. Ultimate Eclipse

At will - dancing lights, druidcraft, pass without trace Dance of Summer. With an action, Gloriana summons two
Courtly Knights with the Summer Court templates adjacent to
1/day - commune with nature, control weather her. They roll initiative upon entering the field and vanish when
Speak with Beasts and Plants. Gloriana can communicate with they are reduced to 0 HP. At her discretion, each of the Courtly
beasts and plants as if they shared a language. Knights may be substituted with four other fey that have the
Summer Court template.
Empowered Attacks. Gloriana’s attacks and the attacks of her
conjured minions are magical. Recruit. As an action, cast polymorph on a target of Gloriana’s
choice. Unlike normal castings of the spell, the effect lasts until
Dark Sacrifice. If any creature with the Summer Court template sunrise without concentration, at which point, the target can
is reduced to 0 HP, Gloriana can spend a reaction to immolate attempt a new save. The form has the fey type rather than beast,
& consume their essence, recovering 10 HP and making a free and the target is friendly to Gloriana and her companions for the
spawn flame attack. duration. They will obey any verbal commands given by Glori-
Actions ana (no action required) which do not violate their motivations
Multiattack. Gloriana makes two attacks with one action. (whether base, noble, or social).

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., two adja- Royal Presence. As a bonus action, Gloriana’s Aura of Glory
cent targets. Hit: 27 (4d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage. takes on a nearly inviolate state. She gains the benefits of the
sanctuary spell until the start of her next turn. Creatures without
Spawn Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +13 to hit, range 120 ft., a courtly background (such as courtier, knight, or noble) make
one target. Hit: 25 (4d8+7) fire damage. If the target has taken saves against this effect with disadvantage.
fire damage since last turn, they take an additional 9 (2d8) fire
damage. Wing Attack. Beating her wings, each creature within 10 feet of
Gloriana must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or
take 16 (2d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
Gloriana can then fly up to half her flying speed.
Eclipse. The sun and the moon are engulfed, spreading darkness
out to 300 feet from Gloriana. Within this area, the brightest
level is dim light, and remains so until Gloriana chooses to end
this effect or is reduced to 0 HP. As a bonus action, Gloriana then
casts flame strike as a 9th level spell.

Preservation. Any creature that is at 0 HP while in Line of Sight
Queen Zobiana, the Mother Witch of Zobiana instantly freezes solid. While in this state, they are
Large fey (winter) petrified until they receive any amount of healing.
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Magic Resistance. Zobiana has advantage on saving throws
HP 285 (30d8+150) against spells and other magical effects.
Speed 40 ft. Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Zobiana fails a saving throw,
she can choose to succeed instead.
STR 19 (+4)
Ice Walk. Zobiana can move across and climb icy surfaces
DEX 21 (+5) without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult
CON 21 (+5) terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost her extra moment.
INT 15 (+2) Innate Spellcasting. Zobiana’s innate spellcasting is Wisdom
(spell save DC 21, spell attack bonus +13). Zobiana can innately
WIS 24 (+7)
cast the following spells, requiring no components.
CHA 21 (+5)
At will - detect magic, druidcraft, minor illusion, vicious mock-
Saving Throws CON +11, INT +8, WIS +13 ery
Skills Arcana +8, Disguise +11, Intimidation +11, Perception 2/day - control weather
+13, Ride +11
1/day - commune with nature
Damage Resistances lightning, thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing,
Speak with Beasts. Zobiana can communicate with beasts as if
and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks.
they shared a language.
Damage Immunities cold, poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Empowered Attacks. Zobiana’s attacks and the attacks of any
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren’t Iron or Steel.
creature with the (winter) subtype in line of sight are magical.
Condition Immunities frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 19 Multiattack. Zobiana can make three attacks with her claws or
Languages Common, Elvish, Primordial, Sylvan two attacks with her soup bone.

Head Fey (1/short rest). As a bonus action, Zobiana can conjure Claws. Melee weapon attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
a flying head, which she is considered to have the Mounted Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Combatant feat while riding. +3 Soup Bone. Ranged weapon attack: +13 to hit, range
Wretched Countenance. Any humanoid that starts its turn 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8 + 10) cold damage.
within 60 feet of Zobiana and can see her true form must make Change Shape. Zobiana magically polymorphs into a Small or
a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saved, the creature is Medium female humanoid, or back into her true form. Her sta-
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw tistics are the same in each form. Any equipment she is wearing
at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the Zobiana or carrying isn’t transformed. She reverts to her true form if she
is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a dies.
creature’s saving throw fails while they are frightened and within
Recruit Goat. As a melee spell attack, Zobiana can enchant a
line of sight of Zobiana, they must succeed on an additional sav-
giant goat to become part of the Winter Court. The target’s type
ing throw or drop to 0 HP. If a creature’s saving throw is success-
becomes fey (winter), they gain resistance to cold damage, their
ful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Zobiana’s
ram attack deals an additional 1d6 cold damage, and they are
Wretched Countenance for the next 24 hours. Unless the target is
loyal to Zobiana. The effect ends when the giant goat is reduced
surprised or the revelation of her true form is sudden, the target
to 0 HP.
can avert their eyes and avoid making the initial saving throw.
Until the start of their next turn, a creature that averts its eyes has
disadvantage on attack rolls against Zobiana.

Elite Actions King Nudd
1 Rime Rebuke Large fey (spring)
2 Wall of Ice
Armor Class 20 (+1 studded leather)
3 Cursing a Storm
HP 255 (30d8+120)
4 Hoarfrost
Speed 40 ft.
Ultimate Crushing Stampede
STR 19 (+4)
Rime Rebuke. Activated as a bonus action, until the start of her
next turn, whenever Zobiana takes damage from a creature she DEX 25 (+7)
can see within 120 feet of her, Zobiana can force that creature to CON 19 (+4)
make a DC 21 Dexterity save or take 16 (3d10) cold damage and
be entangled. A target that is entangled by this effect can, as an INT 15 (+2)
action or bonus action, make a Strength saving throw to remove WIS 17 (+3)
the condition.
CHA 21 (+5)
Wall of Ice. Zobiana casts the spell wall of ice without needing to
maintain concentration. Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +13, Wis +9

Cursing a Storm. Zobiana can make four attacks with her soup Skills Athletics +10, Intimidation +11, Nature +8, Perception
bone, dealing thunder damage instead of cold. Whenever a target +15, Persuasion +11, Stealth +13, Survival +9
is struck, they must make a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or Damage Resistances fire, cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
suffer from the effects of bestow curse cast as a 5th level spell. Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks.
Hoarfrost. Every creature of Zobiana’s choice within 30 feet Damage Immunities radiant, poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing,
gains a patina of enchanted frost. Each creature gains a +2 bonus and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren’t Iron or Steel.
to their AC until a successful attack is made against them. Shat-
tering the frost on one creature does not affect the others. Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned

Crushing Stampede. Calling upon the power of the Wild Hunt, Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 25
a multitude of loping, galloping, and charging fey spirits are Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
made manifest. This hunt forms a line 30 feet wide and charges
Regeneration. Nudd regains 15 HP at the start of his turn if he
away from Zobiana in a direction of her choosing for 600 feet.
has at least 1 hit point. If Nudd takes necrotic damage, this trait
Each creature in the path of this movement must make a DC 21
doesn’t function at the start of Nudd’s next turn.
Dexterity saving throw or take 49 (14d6) necrotic damage and is
knocked prone, or half as much on a successful one and remain Magic Resistance. Nudd has advantage on saving throws against
standing. spells and other magical effects.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Nudd fails a saving throw, he
can choose to succeed instead.
Innate Spellcasting. Nudd’s innate spellcasting is Charisma
(spell save DC 19, spell attack bonus +11). Nudd can innately
cast the following spells, requiring no components.
At will - commune with nature, detect magic, druidcraft, friends,
pass without trace
1/day - mass cure wounds
1/week - plant growth (8 hour casting only)
Speak with Beasts and Plants. Nudd can communicate with
beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
Tree Stride. Once on his turn, Nudd can use 10 feet of his move-
ment to step magically into one living tree within his reach and
emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of the first tree,
appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second
tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger.

Actions Archimago, Regent of The Empty Throne
Multiattack. Nudd takes three attack actions.
Medium fey (autumn)
+2 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9) slashing damage and 9 (2d8) poison Armor Class 23
damage. HP 165 (30d6 + 60)
+2 Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, range Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9) piercing damage and 7
STR 10 (+0)
(2d6) radiant damage.
DEX 15 (+2)
Elite Actions
CON 14 (+2)
1 First Strike
2 Nature’s Veil INT 25 (+7)
3 Nature’s Mark WIS 19 (+4)
4 Spike Growth CHA 20 (+5)
Ultimate Animate Trees Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +8, Int +13, Cha +11
First Strike. Nudd makes a multiattack with every attack at Skills Arcana +19, Deception +17, Perception +10, Sleight of
advantage, rerolling all 1s from damage (he must keep the results Hand +8
of the rerolled dice).
Damage Resistances force; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
Nature’s Veil. As a bonus action, Nudd becomes invisible until from Nonmagical Attacks.
the end of his next turn.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing,
Nature’s Mark. During this round, any creature Nudd success- and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren’t Iron or Steel.
fully damages with an attack is marked as an enemy of the forest.
All plants and fey deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage with Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
a successful attack. This mark stays on the target until a remove Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 20
curse is cast.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elvish, Infernal, Pri-
Spike Growth. Nudd casts the spell spike growth without having mordial, Sylvan
to maintain concentration. Plant creatures are not vulnerable to
Proficiency Bonus +6
this spell when cast by Nudd.
Desolation. The lack of a true heir in the Autumn Throne hangs
Animate Trees. Nudd animates one or two trees he can see with-
over Archimago, manifesting as a pattern of illusions to precisely
in 60 feet. These trees have the same statistics as a treant, except
counter stimuli around him in a 200 foot radius. Colours are
they have Intelligence and Charisma scores of 1, they can’t speak,
dull, sounds are less lively, and even lights are dimmer; creating
and they have only the Slam action option. An animated tree
an unnerving sense of eerie isolation. Every non-fey in the area
acts as an ally. The tree remains animate for 1 day or until it dies;
that suffers the frightened condition must make a DC 21 Wis-
until Nudd dies or is more than 120 feet from the tree; or until
dom saving throw or be subject to the effects of the Shadowfell
Nudd takes a bonus action to turn it back into an inanimate tree.
Despair table for as long as they are in the area. A successful save
The tree then takes root if possible.
makes the creature immune until after their next short or long

Magic Resistance. Archimago has advantage on saving throws Elite Actions
against spells and other magical effects.
1 Vanish
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Archimago fails a saving 2 Shadowy Killer
throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
3 Blood Knell
Innate Spellcasting. Archimago’s innate spellcasting is Intelli- 4 Fey Escape
gence (spell save DC 21, spell attack bonus +13). Archimago can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no components. Ultimate Final Hour

At will - detect magic, disguise self, minor illusions, prestidigita- Vanish. Every creature of Archimago’s choice within 60 feet gains
tion the effects of improved invisibility until the end of their next
3/day - counterspell
Shadowy Killer. Archimago casts phantasmal killer on up to
1/day - scrying, teleportation circle three targets, without having to maintain concentration.
Actions Blood Knell. For the round, Archimago’s silent knell additionally
Multiattack. Archimago can make two attacks with Silent Knell. restores him HP equal to half of the damage dealt.
Silent Knell. Ranged Spell Attack: +13 to hit, range 120 ft, Fey Escape. Until the start of Archimago’s next turn, he may
one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 7) necrotic damage, or 32 (4d12+7) spend a reaction in response to being attacked, leaving behind
necrotic damage if the target is missing any HP. an illusory copy and teleporting up to 30 feet to an unoccupied
Phantasmal Backstab. Two adjacent creatures within 60 feet of space he can see and be invisible until the start of his next turn.
Archimago must make a DC 21 Intelligence saving throw. On a Final Hour. An ominous ticking sound resonates through the
failure, the target sees the other turn to attack them, dealing 42 air. Archimago no longer wishes to suffer his enemies to live,
(12d6) psychic damage. They treat the effect as real, including choosing any number of creatures within 30 feet of each other
sound, temperature, and other stimuli only evident to them. The that he can see. They take 21 (6d6) necrotic damage, lowering
target perceives the damage as a type appropriate to the illusion. their maximum HP by an equal amount. Subsequently, they
must make a DC 21 Constitution save or have their bodies age
into decrepitude, gaining disadvantage on Charisma checks and
become vulnerable to all damage. This status cannot be removed
without the use of greater restoration or similar magic.

Additional Content Action
Multiattack. Alouette makes two attacks with her rapier.
+1 Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Additional Bosses target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.
Alouette Dhorinshylva Misty Escape (Recharge 4-6) In response to taking damage,
Alouette Dhorinshylva is a fey with an especial interest in war-
Alouette turns invisible and teleports up to 60 feet to an unoc-
locks and other mortals seeking to make pacts. She is a ruthless
cupied space she can see. She remains invisible until the start of
negotiator in pursuit of her own hedonistic power.
her next turn or until she attacks, makes a damage roll, or casts a
Medium fey spell.

Armor Class 18 (unearthly grace) Elite Actions

HP 111 (17d8 + 34) 1 Opening offer
2 Levy
Speed 30 ft.
3 Counter Offer
STR 13 (+1)
4 Escape Clause
DEX 18 (+4)
Ultimate Final Offer
CON 14 (+2)
Opening Offer. Singing a melody, Alouette projects a vision into
INT 12 (+1) the minds of creatures within 30 feet of her that aren’t constructs
or undead, showing each creature achieving whatever they most
WIS 13 (+1)
desire. An affected creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving
CHA 19 (+4) throw or drop whatever they are holding and become paralyzed
Saving Throws DEX +8, INT +5, CHA +8 until the end of their next turn.

Skills Deception +12, Insight +5, Perception +5, Performance Levy. Alouette casts conjure fey as an action.
+8, Persuasion +8 Counteroffer. As a reaction, when attacked, Alouette brokers a
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from temporary deal. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or
attacks that aren’t made of iron or steel be granted 25 temporary HP and must attack a different target of
Alouette’s choice within range of the attack.
Condition Immunities charmed
Escape Clause. Alouette’s Misty Escape automatically refreshes.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18 If she uses it before the start of her next turn, she is healed an
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan amount equal to the damage inflicted.

Unearthly Grace. While Alouette is wearing no armor and not Final Offer. As an action, Alouette casts dominate monster as a
wielding a shield, her AC includes her Charisma modifier. 9th level spell, without the need for concentration. If a creature
had failed their saving throw against Opening Offer or Counter-
Magic Resistance. Alouette has advantage on saving throws offer, they make this saving throw at disadvantage.
against spells and other magical effects.
Predatory Dealmaker. Alouette has expertise with Deception.
Innate Spellcasting. Alouette’s innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). She can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no material compo-
At will: druidcraft, message, minor illusion

Súile. Aiobhean magically forces a creature she can see within 60
Aiobhean feet to make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw. The creature takes
Aiobhean is a satyr of sorts, with short, black horns, mar-
21 (6d6) psychic damage on a failed save and is charmed until
ble-white skin, and a love for song and wine. She also has in-
the end of their next turn. On a successful save, the target takes
credible strength. Fey Lord of the Court of Revel, Aiobhean runs
half as much damage and is not charmed.
a constant party, and pillages every place she goes to for “party
supplies.” She comes in with lights and music and leaves ashes in Bonus Actions
her wake. Displacement (Recharges 5-6). As a bonus action, Aiobhean
projects an illusion that makes her appear to be standing in a
Medium fey place a few inches from her actual location, causing any creature
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) to have disadvantage on attack rolls against Aiobhean. The effect
ends if Aiobhean takes damage, she is incapacitated, or her speed
HP 230 (20d12+100)
becomes 0.
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
Elite Actions
STR 25 (+7)
1 Howl of Yeth
DEX 16 (+3) 2 Rush
CON 21 (+5) 3 Draining Strikes
INT 12 (+1) 4 Thousand Mirrors
WIS 14 (+2) Ultimate Waves of Ecstasy

CHA 19 (+4) Howl of Yeth. As an action, Aiobhean casts Conjure Fey, but
always summons three yeth hounds.
Saving Throws STR +13, CON +11, WIS +8, CHA +10
Rush. As a bonus action, Aiobhean and any allies within 30 feet
Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +8, Performance +10 can instantly take the Dash action. If she or any of her allies end
Damage Immunities Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from their movement adjacent to an enemy, they can make a single
Nonmagical Attacks attack at advantage.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Draining Strikes. As an action, Aiobhean attacks four times
with Caladbolg. Any creature struck by one of these attacks must
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20
make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or suffer a level of
Languages Common, Elvish, Giant, Sylvan exhaustion.
Magic Resistance. Aiobhean has advantage on saving throws Thousand Mirrors. As a bonus action, Aiobhean generates phan-
against spells and other magical effects. tasmal combatants. One phantasmal fighter appears adjacent to
each enemy within 30 feet of Aiobhean. A phantasmal fighter
Innate Spellcasting. Aiobhean’s innate spellcasting is Charisma
has an AC of 13 and is destroyed if struck by an attack or is no
(spell save DC 18, spell attack bonus +10). Aiobhean can innate-
longer adjacent to an enemy. A phantasmal fighter has a speed
ly cast the following spells, requiring no components.
of 0 and cannot take actions, but can make opportunity attacks
At Will: minor illusion, disguise self*, druidcraft with a +10 attack for 13 (2d6+6) psychic damage.
* Range of touch Waves of Ecstasy. As an action, Aiobhean emanates waves of
pleasure and joy. All enemies within 60 feet of Aiobhean must
make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or be incapacitated until
Multiattack. Aiobhean attacks twice with the sword Caladbolg
the end of Aiobhean’s next turn.
and once with either Ram or Súile.
Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d4 + 7) bludgeoning damage. A creature that takes
damage must succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
+2 Caladbolg. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. If a target is
reduced to 0 HP, Aiobhean gains 24 temporary HP.

Siege Monster. The Kingfisher deals double damage to objects
The Kingfisher and structures.
The Kingfisher is a massive sea serpent with a thirst for royal
blood. It swims through the rivers and lakes of Reverie and out Favored Food. The Kingfisher has advantage on Wisdom (Sur-
into the mortal world, where it demands scions and sovereigns be vival) checks to track those of noble blood, as well as on Intelli-
offered up in sacrifice. If it is refused, it begins to attack the land, gence checks to recall information about them.
starting out by wiping small villages and hamlets, and slowly
Innate Spellcasting. Kingfisher is an 18th level spellcaster, and
working its way up to assail larger towns and cities until the
their spellcasting ability is Constitution (spell save DC 16). The
entire kingdom is being depopulated by its wrath. Although the
Kingfisher can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
Kingfisher is primarily a creature of the water, it is quite capable
of emerging on land, using its powerful flippers as legs, coated in
a caustic slime that keeps it wet for hours or even days as it jour- At-will: command, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
neys to an inland target, levels it, and then returns to the water.
Gargantuan fey Multiattack. The Kingfisher makes two attacks, one with the bite
and another with the tail, or two castings of sacred flame.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
HP 261 (18d20 + 72) Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a Large
Speed 30 ft., swim 80 ft. or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 13+ Dexterity
saving throw or be swallowed. A swallowed creature is blinded,
STR 23 (+6) restrained, and has total cover against attacks and other effects
DEX 16 (+3) outside the Kingfisher. At the start of each of the Kingfisher’s
turns, the creature takes 21 (6d6) acid damage.
CON 18 (+4)
If the Kingfisher takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from
INT 8 (-1)
a creature inside it, the Kingfisher must succeed on a DC 11+
WIS 14 (+2) Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate
all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet
CHA 12 (+1)
of the Kingfisher. If the Kingfisher dies, a swallowed creature is
Skills Intimidation +5, Perception +6, Survival +6 no longer restrained and can escape from the corpse by using 20
Damage Immunity bludgeoning feet of movement, exiting prone.

Damage Resistances piercing, and slashing from nonmagical Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
attacks Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, re-

Senses truesight 20 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Amphibious. The Kingfisher can breathe air and water.
Freedom of Movement. The Kingfisher ignores difficult terrain,
and magical effects can’t reduce their speed or cause them to be
restrained. They can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from
nonmagical restraints or being grappled.

Elite Actions Poutine Sass-a-Frass
1 Charge Poutine Sass-a-Frass is a shapeshifting kitsune swashbuckler. He
2 Mucus Cloud is typically found in his mixed form, a humanoid with fox ears
and tail as well as a large, twirled mustache, though he can shift
3 Frightful Glare
to full fox or full human form if it’s convenient. Poutine views
4 Triton’s Breath himself as a hero and loves to strike down any who he’s decided
Ultimate Blood of Kings are villains.
Charge. If the Kingfisher moves at least 20 feet straight toward a Small fey (shapechanger)
creature and then hits with an attack on the same turn, the target
takes an extra 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage. Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Mucus Cloud. Kingfisher’s coating of slime begins to slough HP 115 (14d8+10)

off in great heaps in a 5 foot radius, creating difficult terrain. If Speed 30 ft.
underwater, it lightly obscures the area as well. Each creature that
STR 10 (+0)
starts its turn in the slime or enters them during their turn must
make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the crea- DEX 16 (+3)
ture is restrained as long as they remain in the slime or until they CON 13 (+1)
break free. A creature restrained by the slime can use its action
to make a DC 16 Strength check, no longer being restrained if INT 12 (+1)
successful. WIS 14 (+2)
Frightful Glare. Each creature of the Kingfisher’s choice that CHA 17 (+3)
is within 120 feet and aware of them must succeed on a DC
16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened. A creature can Saving Throws DEX +7, INT +5, WIS +6
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +7, Perception +10, Sleight of
the effect on themselves on a success. Hand +7, Stealth +7
Triton’s Breath. The Kingfisher exhales a torrent of water in a Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
60-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 18 Con- non magical attacks that aren’t made of iron or steel
stitution saving throw, taking 52 (15d6) bludgeoning damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Condition Immunity charmed

Blood of Kings. As an action, the Kingfisher calls upon the Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20
noble blood accumulated over the years, casting mass suggestion as Languages Common, Sylvan
a 9th level spell.
Shapechanger. Poutine can use his action to polymorph into
a Medium fox-humanoid hybrid, a human, or back into his
multi-tailed fox form. His statistics, other than size, are the same
in each form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn’t
transformed. He reverts to his true form if he dies.
Keen Senses. Poutine has expertise with Perception.
Magic Resistance. Poutine has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Innate Spellcasting. Poutine is a 12th level spellcaster. His spell-
casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, spell attack bonus
+7). Poutine can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
At-will: dancing lights, thaumaturgy, vicious mockery
Evasion. If Poutine is subjected to an effect that allows him to
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, Poutine
instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and
only half damage if he fails.

Sneak Attack (1/turn). Poutine deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage
when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on
Oxenfree is a mercurial and passionate satyr who is famous in
the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of his
Reverie for his fighting talents. Quick to anger and also quick to
that isn’t incapacitated and Poutine doesn’t have disadvantage on
forgive, Oxenfree is an unpredictable character in any situation.
the attack roll.
Actions Medium fey
Multiattack. Poutine makes two shortsword attacks or three Armor Class 16 (studded leather armor)
throwing knife attacks.
HP 128 (15d10 + 45)
Bite (Fox Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
Speed 40 ft.
ft., one target. Hit: x (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
STR 18 (+4)
+1 Shortsword (Hybrid & Human Form Only). Melee Weap-
on Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 4) DEX 15 (+2)
piercing damage.
CON 16 (+3)
Throwing Knife (Hybrid & Human Form Only). Ranged
INT 12 (+1)
Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit 6
(1d4 + 3) piercing damage. WIS 12 (+1)

Bonus Actions CHA 15 (+2)

Cunning Action. Poutine can take a Dash, Disengage, or Hide Saves STR +9, DEX +7, WIS +6, CHA +7
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +7, Perception +6, Performance
Reactions +7, Stealth +7
Uncanny Dodge. Poutine halves the damage that he takes from
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
an attack that hits him. Poutine must be able to see the attacker.
non magical attacks that aren’t made of iron or steel
Elite Actions
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
1 Flurry
Senses passive Perception 16
2 Camouflage
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
3 Pounce
4 Reactive Pickpocket Magic Resistance. Oxenfree has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Ultimate Fox Fire
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when
Flurry. Poutine’s maximum number of sneak attacks this turn is Oxenfree hits with it (included in the attack).
Stage Presence. As long as Oxenfree wears light or no armor and
Camouflage. When using Uncanny Dodge, Poutine simultane- does not wield a shield, he adds his Charisma modifier to this
ously teleports up to 120 feet away and is invisible until the start AC.
of his turn.
Special Equipment. Oxenfree possesses two magic items; hand
Pounce. When taking a Dash action, Poutine does not provoke drums and a hand mirror, each providing additional actions. The
opportunity attacks and his attacks are made at advantage. hand mirror acts as a crystal ball.
Reactive Pickpocket. If Poutine uses Uncanny Dodge against
a weapon attack, he can disarm for free. The attack is made at
Multiattack. Oxenfree makes three shortbow attacks or two
melee attacks.
Fox Fire. As a bonus action, Poutine casts magic missile as a 7th
Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
level spell. A creature struck by one or more such missiles is
Hit: 11 (3d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medi-
outlined in light. While illuminated, they cannot benefit from in-
um or smaller creature, they must succeed on a DC 17 Strength
visibility and creatures that can see them attack at advantage. At
saving throw or be knocked prone.
the end of each of their turns, they can make a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw to end the effect. +1 Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
+1 Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 80/320
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Hand Drums. Playing the drums, Oxenfree chooses to either
frighten or charm, every creature within 60 feet must make a
Simon is a fey spirit with acidic and fleshwarping powers with a
DC 13+ Wisdom saving throw or are afflicted by the selected
dismissive attitude towards mortals and even towards other fey.
condition. Creatures that cannot be charmed are unaffected. An
affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each Medium fey (human)
of their turns, ending the effect on themselves on a success. If a
creature succeeds on the saving throw, the creature is immune to Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor)
the drums for 24 hours. HP 145 (10d12+80)
Reactions Speed 50 ft.
Parry. Oxenfree adds 3 to his AC against one melee attack that
STR 18 (+4)
would hit him. To do so, Oxenfree must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon. DEX 16 (+3)

Elite Actions CON 26 (+8)

1 Dark Reflection INT 12 (+1)
2 Inspiring Drumbeat WIS 14 (+2)
3 Riposte CHA 13 (+1)
4 Spell Reflection
Saving Throws STR +8, CON +12, WIS +6
Ultimate Arrow Hail
Skills Athletics +8, History +9, Insight +10, Perception +6
Dark Reflection. As a bonus action, Oxenfree casts mirror image.
Damage Immunity acid, poison
These images have a weight and reality to them. Oxenfree has
advantage on all attack rolls as long as at least one image persists, Condition Immunity petrification, poisoned
as he single-handedly flanks his target.
Senses passive Perception 16
Inspiring Drumbeat. As an action, Oxenfree plays his drums an
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan
inspiring beat. Up to six creatures of his choice (including him-
self ) within 30 feet that can hear him gain 12 temporary HP. Acidic Blood. A creature that hits Simon with a melee attack
while within 5 feet of him takes 7 (2d6) acid damage.
Riposte. As a bonus action, Oxenfree enters a battle stance that
lasts until the start of his next turn. Until the start of his next Immutable Form. Simon is immune to any spell or effect that
turn, for every melee attack that misses him, Oxen gets to make a would alter his form.
melee attack against them. Magic Resistance. Simon has advantage on saving throws against
Spell Reflection. Until the start of Oxenfree’s next turn, all spell spells and other magical effects.
attacks against him are made at disadvantage. If this spell attack Magic Weapons. Simon’s weapon attacks are magical.
misses, then the spell instead targets the caster, using the slot
level, spell save DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the Survivor. Simon regains 15 hit points at the start of his turn if he
caster. has at least 1 HP but fewer hit points than half his maximum.
Arrow Hail. Oxenfree fires an arrow that magically transforms Rejuvenation. If Simon dies, he returns to life in 1d6 days and
into a flurry of missiles that target every enemy in a 60 foot regains all his hit points. Only a wish spell can prevent this trait
radius. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity from functioning.
saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) piercing damage on a failed save, Legendary Resistance (1/day). If Simon fails a saving throw, he
or half as much damage on a successful one. can choose to succeed instead.
Eternal. Simon is completely immortal. His long life has given
him expertise in History and Insight. Additionally, he doesn’t
require air, food, drink, or sleep; not that he can’t and doesn’t
experience such activities as he sees fit.

Multiattack. Simon makes two fist attacks. Additional Feats
Hani’s Beastken: +1 Wisdom or Charisma. You gain the ability
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. to speak with any creature with the beast type as though Speak
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medi- With Animals were continually cast on you.
um or smaller creature, they must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone. Shroom Network: Whenever you take a long rest, benign fungus
grows throughout the area, reaching a twelve mile wide radius
Acid Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 20/60 ft., (that is, covering one complete hex) by the time the long rest is
one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) acid damage. Using this deals 4 complete. Even if removed from the surface, the fungal network
(1d6) piercing damage to Simon from having to bite his mouth remains spread throughout the ground. Only digging up the
to produce the corrosive blood. earth across the area affected to destroy the fungus can get rid of
Reaction the network. Two different networks with an overlapping range
Parry. Simon adds 3 to his AC against one melee attack that will become connected automatically.
would hit him. To do so, Simon must see the attacker. Whenever you are within range of this or any other network
created by the same method (even if it was created by a stranger
Elite Actions
or an enemy), you can send messages to anyone who is within
1 Implacable Advance range of the same network, which will cause fungus to sprout
2 Caustic Wound from the earth and speak. You can communicate telepathically
3 Relentless with anyone touching the fungus, and it’s common to audibly
tell someone to touch the fungus so that you can communicate
4 Frighten Foe telepathically with them.
Ultimate Flesh Bind
Your shroom network withers and dies if you are killed, how-
Implacable Advance. As a bonus action, Simon moves up to his ever shroom networks it was connected to are unharmed. If
speed, ignoring difficult terrain. Any object in his path takes 55 two shroom network creators take a long rest in the same place
(10d10) bludgeoning damage if it isn’t being worn or carried. as one another every time (perhaps because they’re in the same
Caustic Wound. Simon’s attacks deal an additional 14 (4d6) adventuring party), the network will not be affected by the death
necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, they suffer a lingering of either of them, although it would still wither away if both are
wound that causes them to take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage at the killed.
start of each of their turns. The wound ends if the target regains
hit points or if a creature uses an action to staunch the wound,
which requires a successful DC 15 Medicine check.
Relentless. Simon casts freedom of movement as a bonus action.
Frighten Foe. As a bonus action, Simon targets a creature he can
see within 30 feet. If the target can see and hear him, they must
succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until
the end of Simon’s next turn.
Flesh Bind. As an action, every creature of Simon’s choice within
30 feet must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be healed
for 7 (2d6) HP. If the creature is at less than half of their maxi-
mum HP, their flesh stitches together in unnaturally direct lines.
Any creature healed by this effect becomes restrained until they
take at least 7 piercing or slashing damage from a single attack.

1d6 falling damage as the vine releases them and returns to the
Additional Spells earth.

Artor’s Deadly Crystal Aura If one target makes the save but not the other, the affected target
is pulled to the vine’s point of origin and takes the 1d6 falling
4th level - Evocation - Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard damage, but does not take any bludgeoning damage from impact
Casting Time: 1 action because there wasn’t one.
Range: 30 ft. At Higher Levels: For every level higher than first, an additional
Components: V S M (a focus crystal from the fairy plane of vine may attempt to grab an additional creature. Bludgeoning
Reverie) damage is calculated based on the largest creature successfully
pulled into the collision.
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: You create a searing aura of light in all directions from Haska’s Polymorph
your position. Every creature within range takes 8d8 radiant
1st level - Transmutation - Sorcerer
damage, with a CON save for half, unless they are a fey. This
includes the caster themselves. You would think, give that, that Casting Time: 1 action
Artor was himself a fey, but no, he was a humanoid, and eventu- Range: 30 ft.
ally killed himself by upcasting the spell too far. We don’t know
why, either. Components: V S M

At Higher Levels: For each level higher than 4th this spell is cast Duration: Instantaneous
at, it deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage. Effect: This spell creates minor and random alterations to the tar-
Asher’s Fairy Banishment get’s appearance. If the target is unwilling, they must make a WIS
save to resist. If they fail, or if they choose not to resist, their hair
3rd level - Abjuration - Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard color, skin color, height, build, and other identifying physical
Casting Time: 1 action features shift randomly. The caster has no control over the result
and cannot make the target look like anyone specific, but the
Range: 60 ft. target will certainly not be recognizable as their original selves.
Components: V S M The effect lasts until the target creature takes a long rest.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Effect: You attempt to send one fey within range and which you
Magrim’s Fairy Dance
can see back to the legally distinct fairy plane of Reverie. This 1st level - Conjuration - Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
spell has no effect if you’re already in Reverie. The target makes Casting Time: 1 minute
a CHA save, and if they fail, they are banished to Reverie, where
they remain until you lose concentration on the spell or, if you Range: 120 ft.
retain concentration for the full minute, indefinitely. Components: V S M
Duration: 1 long rest
Coregan’s Vine Bludgeon Effect: For the duration of the long rest, up to six creatures
1st level - Conjuration - Druid within range (including the caster, if they so choose) are swept up
Casting Time: 1 action into a dance with conjured fey. The target creature may attempt
to make a WIS save to resist. If they fail, they must attempt the
Range: 60 ft. dance.
Components: V S M Creatures attempting the dance (willingly or not) may make ei-
Duration: Instantaneous ther a CON or CHA save (their choice). If they succeed, they are
reinvigorated by their time with the fey and finish the long rest
Effect: Two vines grow out of the ground at a point you can see
with an additional 1d8 + the caster’s CHA bonus in temporary
within range. Each of them grabs a creature of your choice within
HP. If they fail, they take a level of exhaustion.
30 ft. of the point they grew from, which must make STR saves
against your spell DC. If both creatures fail, the vines slam them At Higher Levels: The dance gives an additional 1d8 temporary
together in the air 10 feet over head. This deals 1d6 bludgeoning HP for every two levels higher it is cast at, i.e. 2d8 at 3rd level,
damage to creatures of the same size, plus an extra 1d6 bludgeon- 3d8 at 5th level, etc.
ing damage for every size category larger the largest creature is
compared to the smaller one (i.e. 3d6 bludgeoning damage to a
large creature against a small creature). Then both creatures take

Norok’s Immobilizing Icicle Effect: You sing a piercingly annoying song. All creatures who
start their turn within range take 2d8 psychic damage, with a
3rd level - Evocation - Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard WIS save for half. Creatures who fail the WIS save are also at
Casting Time: 1 action disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks until they
leave the range of the earworm or until the start of their next
Range: 60 ft. turn (when, if they are still within range, they will have to make
Components: V S M another save, renewing the disadvantage if they fail again). Once
you cast this spell, you can maintain it as a bonus action.
Duration: Instantaneous
At Higher Levels: For every level higher than 2nd this spell is
Effect: You fire an icicle to impale an opponent and pin them
cast at, it deals an additional 1d8 psychic damage.
to the ground. Make a spell attack roll against the target. If you
hit, they take 4d6 cold and 4d6 piercing damage and their speed
is reduced to 0. They may take an action on their turn to pull Watersmith Etherealness
themselves off of the icicle. 9th level - Transmutation - Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
At Higher Levels: For every two levels higher than 3rd the spell Casting Time: 1 action
is cast at, it deals an additional 1d6 cold damage and 1d6 pierc-
ing damage, i.e. 5d6 of each at 5th level, 6d6 at 7th, up to 7d6 Range: Self
cold and 7d6 piercing damage if cast as a 9th level spell. Components: V S
SiNaFay’s Earworm Duration: Concentration, up tp to 8 hours
2nd level - Enchantment - Bard Effect: You make yourself ethereal or not with pinpoint preci-
Casting Time: 1 action sion. You become invisible and incorporeal, capable of passing
through solid objects, but retain the ability to affect the physical
Range: 15 ft. world, allowing you to make attacks or cast spells while ethereal.
Components: V You are immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
from non-magical weapons while this spell is active, and you have
Duration: Concentration resistance against acid, cold, fire, and lightning damage.

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Shroom Network 52 Spells 40, 53–54
Ferocity 2–3 Kingfisher 48–49 Artor’s Deadly Crystal Aura
Fey 2, 6, 15–17, 34–37, King Nudd 43–44
A 39–40, 42, 45, 47 Coregan’s Vine Bludgeon 53
Kitsune 49
Additional Bosses 46–52 Autumn 35 Haska’s Polymorph 53
Aiobhean 47 Courts 34–35 L Magrim’s Fairy Dance 53
Alouette Dhorinshylva 46 New Stat Blocks 35–40 Lycanthrope. See Werewolf Norok’s Immobilizing Icicle
Animal Companions 7–9 Running 15–17 54
Monstrosity 7 M Watersmith Etherealness 54
Sorcerer Bloodline 6
Aquatic 5, 7, 10–12 Monster Hunts 30–31 Survival 2, 10, 17, 19–20,
Spring 35
Archimago, Regent of The 28–29, 31–32, 38, 43,
Summer 35 O 48
Empty Throne 44–45
The Old Gods: New Fey
Ashen Lady 39 Oxenfree 50–51
Bosses 40–45 T
B Winter 36 P Terrain 21–22, 24, 28

Baleful Raven 39 Fey Knight 37 Paladin 14, 53 Tracks 31

Bear 10–12, 56 Fighter 14 Pixie 5 Travel 20, 28

Bird 10–13 Flying Head of Zobiana 36 Pointcrawl Checklist 29

Poutine Sass-a-Frass 49–50
C G Werewolf 2–3

Cat 11–13 Giant Beasts 36 Q Feats 3

Cleric 14, 53–54 Giant Snail 38 Queen Zobiana, the Mother Wilderness
Courts of Reverie 34–35 Gloriana, Queen of the Mid- Witch 42–43 Adventures 17–33
night Sun 40–41
Coven 4 Eating 28
Goodberry Slime 40 R
Encounters 22
D Ranger 7–9, 14, 19–20,
H 28–29 Encumbrance 24–27
Dragon 10, 13–14 Navigating 19
Hag 4–5 Beast Friend Subclass 7–9
Druid 10, 14, 17, 19–20,
Green 5 Rat 10–12 Resting 18
28–29, 53–54
Night 5 Rogue 14 Safe Campsites 19
E Sea 5 Terrain 22–24, 28
Encounters 22 Spells 4 Travel 20, 28
Encumbrance 24–28 Satyr 35, 47, 50 Wolf 2–3, 10–11, 31. See
Hexcrawl Checklist 29
Sea Serpent 48–49 also Werewolf
Huldra 38
F Shapeshifter 49–50. See Winter Wolf 7
Hydra 10, 12, 13 also Werewolf
Fair Folk 5, 35. See also Fey Wyvern 10, 13
Class 10–14
Playable 5 I
Fairies. See Fair Folk, Fey Simon 51–52
Inventory. See Encumbrance
Feats 3, 52 Snake 10–12

Diurnal 3 J Sorcerer

Hani’s Beastken 52 Journeys 29. See also Travel Fey Bloodline 6

Lycanthropic Bite 3


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