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Final Project paper

One of the assignments during the exchange program was to conduct interviews with
students from our community to express whether they feel like they are getting an equal
chance of education as other students from different regions. I had the opportunity to
interview a fellow family member.
The interviewee expressed a sense of privilege associated with being in the capital of the
country, noting the advantages that come with this geographical location.
The successes lay in uncovering nuanced perspectives, particularly through the interview
with a family member, which shed light on regional educational disparities. However,
challenges emerged in navigating sensitive topics and ensuring that diverse voices were
heard equally. Despite these challenges, the process was rewarding, fostering a deeper
connection within the group and a heightened awareness of the diverse educational
landscapes shaping our community members' experiences.

The Connect Program has been a transformative journey, providing me with a valuable set
of skills and profound insights. Engaging in discussions on sensitive and taboo topics, such
as gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights, allowed for a deeper understanding of diverse
perspectives. Exploring the nuanced differences in how these issues are perceived between
the USA and the Middle East/North Africa region illuminated the complexity of cultural
influences. The program not only enhanced my communication skills but also broadened
my cultural knowledge. Witnessing the exchange of opinions and observing the shifts in
perspectives, both in myself and others, was remarkable. However, it wasn't without
challenges. Navigating through differing cultural norms required sensitivity, and addressing
disparities in viewpoints sometimes posed difficulties. Nevertheless, these challenges
fostered an environment of growth, facilitating open and respectful dialogue that
transcended cultural boundaries. The program's impact lies in its ability to tackle such
important issues head-on, fostering a collective understanding that transcends
geographical and cultural differences.

In conclusion, the Connect program in general played a crucial role in my personal

development. It not only enhanced my communication skills but also deepened my cultural
knowledge. Discussing various subjects allowed me to connect with people on different
levels, and exchanging contact information made me proud to be a participant in such a
valuable program.

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