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21/09/2021 14:16 Exposure Based Face Memory Test Results

Personality Tests

These are your results from the Exposure Based Face Memory Test. Tweet

You got 66 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher Like 1.1K

than 60.27% of other people who take this test.

Scores below 40 may indicate prosopagnosia.


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Zq Yang
66/75, higher than 60.27% of other people
Like · Reply · 12 · 3y

Goakin Vals
same here
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Angella Russell
Yeah I was pulling up to the kids grandma's house, saw a kid with long red hair and a
face similar to my kid's face and mistook him for my kid.

Don't tell me a pass on this works. I agree - change hairstyle, background, clothing and
would not recognizethem.
Like · Reply · 35 · 2y

Khalil Limitless
Goakin Vals I have the same result.
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Sherry Trahan
You need to change hair and jewelry. I used that to help. I would have scored much worse.
Like · Reply · 246 · 3y

Rosemary Thornton
Sherry, that was my experience too. Had it been faces alone, I would have done poorly
but there were many visual clues on hair, jewelry, lighting and even the "framing" of the
face within the picture.
Like · Reply · 151 · 3y

Ankita Sood
I used clues to help me . Like acne, jewelry, hair cut
Like · Reply · 97 · 3y

Ruth WG
Rosemary Thornton Ditto. I'm used to memorizing cues like that as shorthand for
remembering faces; this is a decent test of whether you can recognize different people 1/7
21/09/2021 14:16 Exposure Based Face Memory Test Results
remembering faces; this is a decent test of whether you can recognize different people
but not very good for recognizing facial features.
Like · Reply · 48 · 3y

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Chelsie Rachal
I could tell the differnce because of the lighting and hair.. even some people had acne which
helped me decipher the differences. Now... if the test was just a bunch of white men, wearing th
same thing with the same lighting, I would fail miserably. I think the test could be improved for
your study.
Like · Reply · 200 · 3y

Benjamin Alexander Smith

Take what you just said, word-for-word, but simply replace the word 'white' with 'black',
'asian'. Do you think your comment would sound a bit racist to some people?

(Although to be honest, I doubt you care, because it's only white men, bleh!) Tribalism
its most insipid. Gratz.
Like · Reply · 4 · 3y

Laura Gabriella Bulkin

Benjamin Alexander Smith Uh no. Face-blind realism. Many of us can't reliably identify
the race or even gender of people we meet unless it's super obvious. This is a
neurological impairment, not a cultural conditioning.
Like · Reply · 93 · 3y

Nancy Hicks-Gribble
So you probably want to avoid American Horror Story then:
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Cindy Montgomery Wyneken

I agree with others about hair, lighting, and jewelry. If it were just faces I wouldn't have done so
Like · Reply · 46 · 3y

Emily Bichel
Unlike real people in the real world, many of these people had super-obvious distinguishing
characteristics, and the rest kinda stood out in the grouping for NOT having distinguishing
characteristics.. In the real world, people go out of their way to hide distinguishing marks on the
faces (even men) or cover up things that make them obviously different.

In the future, try getting a few women with the same hairstyle/color, or the same hair color and
similar styles. Try getting people without countable blemishes, or photoshopping some of them
out/moving them around, etc. Add in hats and thing… See More
Like · Reply · 58 · 3y

Sarah Dactyl Meade

Taylor LaBonté I actually have it midly and have had trouble recognizing people I've
known for years after changes in hairstyle, drastic clothing style changes, facial hair
grown/shaved, etc. However, I tested "above average" on this test because of things lik
very large curly hair, acne, photos that are much darker/oddly tinted, very few POC, les
women than men, etc. It made me guess on several that I assumed I had seen even
though I didn't recognize them fully. They should have covered the hair and used the
same lighting, and also included more POC.
Like · Reply · 33 · 3y

Kevin R Breen
Taylor LaBonté Prosopagnosia doesn't prevent you from being able to see key features
such as having earrings, being bald, having a mole below the lip, etc. It just makes it
difficult to distinguish the raw facial structures, which are more similar than most people
realize because the human brain usually dedicates immense resources to differentiatin

With such obvious distinctions, this felt more like a memory task than a facial recognitio
task. I imagine most people, with or without prosopagnosia, would score similarly if the
photos were replaced with playing cards.
Lik R l 20 2 2/7
21/09/2021 14:16 Exposure Based Face Memory Test Results
Like · Reply · 20 · 2y

Phyllis Wilhelm
Taylor LaBonté I bet you don't have it, right?
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Thînvellon Êl
You need to consider that I, not knowing whether I have seen that face, just guessed it. Might
contaminate the results a little since the probability of guessing right is a 50/50 chance.
Like · Reply · 19 · 3y

Sudip Adhikari
You got 67 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 67.93%
of other people who take this test.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Patryk Radosz
61/75. I just kept tagging them as "balding guy with hair on the side", "tanned asian with short
hair" etc. dunno if it isn't cheating. but I can't help, maybe that's prosopagnosia, or maybe that's
just how everyone recognized faces?
Like · Reply · 10 · 3y

Woopwoop Wooper
It's how I recognize faces
Like · Reply · 46w

Leister Noel
Like · Reply · 6 · 3y

Elizabeth Clear
I got 71
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Dharma Karma
You got 57 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 7.57%
other people who take this test.

This was very confusing. I'm not sure if I took this test correctly.
Like · Reply · 4 · 3y

James Morris
You got 72 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 97.48%
of other people who take this test.
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Shilpa Bansal
Omg...your face recognition memory is so much excellent
Like · Reply · 1 · 1y

Minori Uemura
I can recognize people who's hair colors, races, hair styles are different. I have trouble with Asia
women who's hair color/style, make up is the same.
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Michelle Mathieu
Same. Just add any ethicicity with hair colour and skin tone similar.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Bao Pham
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Leah Tercher
74/75, higher than 99.81% of other people
Like · Reply · 5 · 3y

Michelle Mathieu
You need to alter the test. I recognize people by their hair.
Like Reply 18 3y 3/7
21/09/2021 14:16 Exposure Based Face Memory Test Results
Like · Reply · 18 · 3y

Brittney Mattison
Me too!!! I can recall someone's hair color/texture almost exactly, but their face? Heck
Like · Reply · 7 · 3y

Mikki Fuller
72/75 higher than 97.48% of other people. Yay.
Like · Reply · 2 · 3y

Regitze Kristensen
You got 69 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 84.74%
of other people who take this test.
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Rishabh Sharma
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Ky Letts
62/75, but I suspect this test isn't super accurate because of hair/jewellery. Things like piercings
even the clothing visible in some pictures made it a lot easier, which- though in real life is how I
help identify people- really doesn't help me in movies/tv shows when 70% of the cast is white
guys with the same damn haircut.
Like · Reply · 7 · 3y

Петър Великов
I was clicking so fast I wasn't able to remember them, and I became unsure if if faces were
repeated. Usually, I'm good at recognising people, even from a distance, or if time has passed a
they've changed.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Catherine Tobsing
56 of 75 q correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 5.5% of other people w
take this test. Yeah? Well, the pics were much too easy.

In reality I see the same people week after week after week and I can't recall who most of them
are until I am reintroduced about 4 times. Something about them has to be very unique or I just
gloss them over as straingers the next time I see them.

Forget recognizing almost anyone seen outside of my social boundaries.

Like · Reply · 4 · 3y

Ege Doğan Dursun

Ms, you are worse than 94.5% of the people. I think you misunderstood the percentile.
Like · Reply · 1 · 28w

Annie Li
My score is "higher than 2.68% of other people who took this test" which means I scored lower
than or the same with 97.32% of other people?? lmao
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Megan Kerr
They use the same pictures as in the Beging, if someone got a hair cut or something and they
used that pic to compare it would be way more accurate
Like · Reply · 2 · 3y

Heather Woods
I scored 49. I felt it was more of a memory test than recognising people I know.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Joe Kowalski
Something about the lighting and poor image quality made so many of these pictures low-key
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Kim Drennan
I was able to rely almost solely on the hairstyles and got an above average score (I also looked
the faces but those weren’t helpful) some I could recognize based on what shirt they were wear
and the lighting. If 2 people had the same hairstyle that would be a lot more tricky and would
make it so that you need to look at the faces. Also, in myth busters they made the faces graysc
and took pictures of only faces with no hair or context clues.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y 4/7
21/09/2021 14:16 Exposure Based Face Memory Test Results
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Yuripo Licens
68 of 75 questions correct. Not easy at all
Like · Reply · 16w · Edited

Katherine Bilbro
I went by hair, glasses, moles, and jewelry. That makes a difference...
Like · Reply · 2 · 3y

Alice Pacman
You got 56 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 5.5% o
other people who take this test.

Umm...I actually thought I would get a better score. I guess, I was clicking too fast, without lettin
my brain to analyze photos a bit. Gonna go for second round.
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Alice Pacman
You got 60 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 16.33%
of other people who take this test.

Why? .-.
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Jennifer Romirer
orientated myself on jewerly or distinguishable things like acne and hair.... would have done a
loooot worse without those details ...66/75
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Sade Williams
Did anyone notice there was there a picture of a woman wearing glasses but she wasn't in the
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Jared Young
too many caucasians in this test
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Jinkee Nova
Easy to identify exactly the same picture over and over. Also, why did everything look like a mu
shot? Different stages of the same people's lives would be a MUCH more reliable indicator.
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Sharon Ryan
Pretty useless as I focused mainly on hair, clothes, and accessories. So like purple shirt = seen
bald = seen, when I was unsure I was thinking like did I see Mr. red shirt yet or not??
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Fee Marshall
Less than average. As I expected
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Вадим Ритенко
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Kate Hucks
I've always been good with faces, wondering which ones I messed up on...
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Zoran Radusin
72 of 75 and I misseclicked 1 and I'm tired. Its 4.30am and Im still up. Then again this way to ea
cause its the same pictures.
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Geoffrey Harris
Only got 59 of 75 here as I was a little rushed and inattentive. These looked like very unattractiv
unhealthy British people.
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Louise M Shaw
I did beter than I thought I got 54 which means I am better than 3 1 percent of the population 5/7
21/09/2021 14:16 Exposure Based Face Memory Test Results
I did beter than I thought. I got 54, which means I am better than 3.1 percent of the population.
not think my mum looked into my eyes enough as a baby
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Greta Ieva Počaitė

71/75, Higher than 95.02% of other people who take this test
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Yasmine Waratah
69/75, higher than 84.74% of other people.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3y

Rishabh Sharma
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Tomasz Kasiak
I spent 25 years of my childhood in counthry where mayority of citizens are caucasian. Then wh
I moved to multi cultural London i did stugle to memorise non caucasian people, I had to look a
them for longer to memorise then looking at caucasian person.
I did 60 out of 75, and I guess that those who grow up in mulicultural cities can do better score
then me because of the way people memorise faces. And race of people on pictures may affect
score of some tested.
Like · Reply · 3y

Lindsey Elaine
I've lived in a very diverse part of California all my life and I struggle quite a bit to identi
people, especially if they change their hair or style of clothing. I use hair, clothing,
accessories, tattoos/piercings, body type, posture and way of walking as clues. Strang
I went to schools that were predominantly Asian and yet Asian people are the most
difficult for me to identify.
Like · Reply · 1y

Sarah Dactyl Meade

The results of this were not accurate for testing facial recognition. I was able to get an above
average score because I used hair styles, the very low number of POC, and a few images bein
really bright or colored differently to pick them out. All hair should be slicked back or covered, a
photos taken in the same lighting conditions to get more accurate results. I've literally had to wa
for someone to speak to figure out if they were someone I've known for years because they
changed their hair style and beard drastically.... yet I scored 59. Comical.
Like · Reply · 3 · 3y

Lindsey Elaine
Yup! Same score and same problem! This test is a joke. Everybody who knows anythin
about face blindness knows that all face blind people use hair and stuff to help them
identify people. I tried really hard to ignore the things I would usually use as clues so a
not to totally ruin the results but theres just no way to get an accurate reading on
somebody's ability to recognize facial features when there's a bunch of other things to
on. The hair, clothes, jewelry, acne and varying lighting all ruined the possibility of
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Ian Gillies
Does scoring higher than 7.57 mean I did well or pourly? I got 57 of 75 correct.
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Jemma May
72/75, higher than 97.48% of other people
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Gordon Palmer
What few I recognised were almost entirely because of the background, jewellery, unusual
hairstyle, acne, etc. I don't think these parameters should b e part of a facial recognition test.
Like · Reply · 3 · 2y

Casey Kitten
I have really bad prosopagnosia, but still scored 64! People with prosopagnosia quickly learn to
recognise others without relying on faces, such as hair and accessories. The te
much more accurately measures facial memory as it elimates these factors - in this test I scored
just 1, where the average person scored 8! Just a tip for next time
Like · Reply · 1 · 2y

Lindsey Elaine
I scored 5 points lower than you and I only have mild face blindness This test is a joke 6/7
21/09/2021 14:16 Exposure Based Face Memory Test Results
I scored 5 points lower than you and I only have mild face blindness. This test is a joke
It's like it was designed by people who don't actually have any idea what face blindnes
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Cheryl Maplefish
I used skills I already use to recognize people such as clothing, hair styles, lip stick, and jewelry
you mixed that up I would have been screwed.
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Rachel Brown
I also relied almost totally on surrounding clues
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