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Globalization refers to the integration of global economics,

READINGS: industries, markets, culture and policies making around the
world free from socio-political control and reduces distances
between regions/countries through a global network of trade,
communication, immigration, and transportation.

The roots of globalization can be traced back to ancient

times when early civilizations engaged in trade And cultural
exchange along the Silk Road, connecting the East and West.
However, it was during the Age Of Exploration in the 15th and
16th centuries that globalization began to take shape in a more
Recognizable form. European explorers like Christopher
olumbus, Vasco da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan ventured
into uncharted territories, forging new trade routes and
connecting previously isolated societies. The Industrial
Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries marked another
significant milestone in Globalization. Technological
advancements, such as the steam engine and telegraph,
accelerated the flow of goods, information, and capital across
borders. This era saw the rise of global empires and the
spread of Western culture and capitalism around the world.

To cut things short, the file being sent in the google classroom
tackles about the historical context of globalization, key
drivers, its impact, the pros and cons and the effects of
globalization as of today.
1. Globalization affects each and everyone of us since
the demand of the world changes overtime that forces
The three (3) things that I our industry to adapt to global competition when it
significantly learned from comes to production of goods and services.
the readings are 2. Globalization changes people’s ways of living as the
culture of one country become dominant over the
other and it become mostly followed because of its
appeal and it catches the interest of a person to
change their cultural identity.
3. The digital age plays a vital factor in advertising
someone’s culture, products, language, and
innovation. It also enhanced cultural diversity, better
access to goods and services and marketplace.
1. The key drivers of globalization
The three (3) things that 2. Multinational corporations and their contributions to
are still unclear to me globalization
3. Historical context of globalization
1. I used to think that globalization doesn’t affect that
I used to think that much because it doesn’t happen here, but I realized
that it is really existing and I was just too young to
know that it is happening.
1. Why Philippines seems falling behind in global
The three (3) questions competition when it comes to industry?
that I want to ask about
the readings are 2. Why Filipinos love western culture and why
westerners love Philippine culture?

3. Why companies give poor salary although people

work for many hours to be productive in a production

Hero M. Boleche

BSA- 1 C
Year and Section

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


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