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Skills Test 1B Units 1-3


Name: _______________________________________ Class: ______

5 How does Emily describe most big sisters?
1 [Track 1] You will hear five speakers A polite
responding to a survey about the media they use B cheerful
and what they use it for. Match each speaker C helpful
(A–E) to what they say (1–9). One speaker
matches two statements. There are three extra 6 What does Emily sometimes ask for advice
statements. about?
A boys
Speaker A ______ ______ B her homework
Speaker B ______ ______ C medical problems
Speaker C ______ ______
Speaker D ______ ______
Speaker E ______ ______
Emily Taylor, 14, Cornwall
Which speaker…
The Top 3 Annoying Things
1 doesn’t have a radio?
My Big Sister Does
2 never reads film reviews in newspapers?
3 sometimes writes articles for a local newspaper?
4 only checks the weather forecast on the internet? She tells me what to do all the time
5 doesn’t pay for their newspaper? My big sister says things like, ‘It’s your turn to
6 uses the internet a lot at work? help Mum and Dad with the dinner – can you
go and do it now?’ It’s bad enough that she
7 watches football on the TV quite often?
orders me around, but she never says ‘please’
8 doesn’t listen to any modern music? or ‘thank you’ either! And she uses this horrible
9 watches a lot of sport on the TV and internet? pretending-to-be-an-adult voice. It’s so
/12 She takes my things without asking
Reading Every time I look in my jewellery box to choose
something to wear, the necklace or the
2 Read the letter to a magazine and choose the earrings I want are not there. Guess who’s got
correct answers.
them! When I ask her about it, she says
1 How does Emily describe her sister?
‘What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.’
A bossy I don’t know why, but she doesn’t return them
B moody on the same day, or even the day after. She
C selfish seems to like waiting for about a week before
they appear back in my jewellery box like
2 What annoys Emily about the way her sister talks magic!
to her? She gives stupid answers when I ask for
A She’s polite, but doesn’t mean it.
B She speaks very loudly.
C She’s very rude. I think many big sisters like giving advice –
they’ have more experience and enjoy
3 What does Emily’s sister take from her bedroom? teaching younger sisters about life. Not mine! I
A clothes never ask for advice about school work – I
B accessories don’t need to. When I ask about boys, though,
C footwear she says ‘You don’t need to know. You’re
much too young!’ Or she tries to be funny and
4 When does Emily’s sister give back the things she
says ‘I don’t know. Go and ask a doctor!’
A a week later
B one day later
C the same day

English Class A2+ © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Skills Test 1B Units 1-3

About Me
3 You are making your own website and need to
write a personal introduction about yourself. My name is and I’m years old.
In your personal introduction: _______________________________________________

• Write about yourself and your family. _______________________________________________

• Say what you enjoy doing in your free time.
• Write about your everyday routines.
Your personal introduction should be between 80 _______________________________________________
and 120 words.
You can use this space for notes.




















Listening ___ / 12 Reading ___ / 12

Writing ___ / 20
Your total score ___/ 44

English Class A2+ © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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