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Under the supervision of:

Prof. Dr: M. K. El-Riedy

1- The internal energy of a system increases by 210 kJ while the system receives
168 kJ of work. Find the quantity and direction of heat transferred. During an
expansion process, a system did 42 kJ of work while the heat received was
equivalent to 30 kJ. Calculate the change in the internal energy of the system.
2- Mass flows at a rate of 0.5 kg/s through a system. The enthalpy, velocity, and
height at entrance are 231 kJ/kg, 30 m/s, and 100 m respectively. At exit, these
quantities are 227 kJ/kg, 0.3 m/s, and 3 m respectively. Heat is transferred to the
system at a rate of 6 kJ/s. How much work is done by this system:
a) Per kilogram of fluid flow.
b) Per minute.
c) In horsepower.
3- A tank of volume 300 liters contains air at initial conditions of 15oC and 0.3 bar
was connected to atmosphere until its contents reached conditions of 50oC and
0.6 bar, calculate:
a) The increase of the mass of air in the tank.
b) The heat transferred to the air in the tank.
c) The final pressure in the tank when it cools to atmospheric temperature.
Atmospheric conditions are 15oC and 1 bar.
Consider air to be thermally perfect gas whose gas constant R = 0.287 kJ/kg K.
4- Twenty kilograms of wet steam at 80oC contained in a strong tank of 0.6 m3
volume. This steam is heated by a steady flow of another wet steam which
passes in a coil within the tank. This latter steam is at 4 bar and 0.85 dryness
fraction. It leaves as saturated water at the same pressure 4 bar, find:
a) Maximum pressure attained by the wet steam.
b) The heat transferred to the wet steam in order to attain that maximum
c) The mass of flowing steam necessary to affect the above change.

5- An air bubble of volume 0.7 liter is at a depth of 3 m water and a temperature of
25oC. Calculate:
a) The mass of air and the number of kilomoles.
b) The volume of air when it emerges at atmospheric pressure and at 32oC.
6- Atmospheric air at 1 bar and 20oC contains one percent of water vapour by
weight. Calculate:
a) Partial pressure of each constituent.
b) Density of the mixture.
c) Specific enthalpy of the mixture.
d) Specific internal energy of the mixture.
Consider both air and steam as thermally perfect gases with gas constants
Rs=0.46 kJ/kg K for water vapour, and Ra=0.287 kJ/kg K for dry air.

1- Estimate the diffusion rate of water from the bottom of a test tube 1 cm
diameter and 15 cm long into dry atmospheric air at 25oC, ( D = 0.256 cm2/s ).
2- Dry air at 25oC and atmospheric pressure flows inside a 5 cm diameter pipe at a
velocity of 3 m/s. The wall is coated with a thin film of water and the wall
temperature is 25oC. Calculate the water vapour concentration at the exit of 3 m
length of the pipe. You may use the following formulae for flow in pipes:
 0.023 (Re)0.83 (Sc)0.44

3- The temperature of air stream is to be measured but the thermometer available

does not have a sufficiently high range. Accordingly, a damped cover is placed
around the thermometer before it is placed in the air stream. The thermometer
reads 20oC. Estimate the true air temperature assuming that it is dry at
atmospheric pressure, ( D = 0.256 cm2/s ). You may use the following formulae

  CP ( Sc/Pr )2/3

4- Dry air at atmospheric pressure flows across a thermometer which is enclosed
in a damped cover. This is the classical " wet bulb thermometer ". The
thermometer reads 20oC. What is the temperature of the dry air?
5- If the air stream in problem (4) is at 35oC while the wet bulb temperature
remains at 20oC, calculate the relative humidity of the air stream.
6- Dry air at 25oC and atmospheric pressure flows over a ( 30 cm  30 cm ) surface
of ice at a velocity of 15 m/s. Estimate the amount of moisture evaporated per
hour. Assuming that the block of ice is perfectly isolated except for the surface
exposed to the air stream. N.B.: For flow of air over flat plates:
Sc2 3  0.332(Rex)-0.5 ( Laminar Re<105 )

Sc2 3  0.0288(Rex)-0.5 ( Turbulent Re>105 )

1- The dry and wet bulb temperatures of air were found to be 28oC and 20oC
respectively, the barometric pressure was 74.5 cm Hg. determine the following:
The humidity ratio, partial pressure of the vapour, relative humidity, degree of
saturation, and dew point temperature.
2- Moist air exists under conditions of 30oC dry bulb temperature, 40 % relative
humidity, and 0.91 bar pressure. Determine the humidity ratio, specific
enthalpy, wet bulb temperature, and specific volume.
3- 700 gm of water are enclosed in a vessel of 0.12 m3 capacity containing also dry
atmospheric air. The temperature of the vessel and its contents is 20oC. The
vessel is then closed tightly and heated to a uniform temperature of 200oC. Find
the total pressure reached and calculate the heat given to the mixture.
4- The atmosphere within a room is at 20oC dry bulb temperature and 50 % degree
of saturation. The inside temperature of the window is 4.5oC. Will moisture
condense out of the air upon the window glass?
5- Assume the dimensions of the room of problem (4) are (915  457  244) cm.
Calculate the amount of water vapour in the room.
6- Air at atmospheric pressure and 25oC dry bulb temperature and 80 % RH flows
across a flat plate at a velocity of 153 cm/s. The plate is 30  30 cm and is
covered with a film of water which may evaporate into air. Plot the total heat
flow from the plate as a function of the plate temperature between t w = 7oC and
t w = 67oC.


1- Moist air exists at a condition of 38oC dry bulb temperature, 16oC
thermodynamic wet bulb temperature, and at standard pressure. By
psychrometrics determine:
a) Enthalpy.
b) Humidity ratio.
c) Relative humidity.
d) Dew point temperature.
2- A textile manufacturing process requires warm air at a low relative humidity.
Air at 22oC and relative humidity 75 % flows at a rate of 300 m3/min over a
group of tubes through which wet steam at 1.25 bar absolute flows at a rate of
12 kg/min. The steam losses its latent heat. The dryness fraction at entry and
exit of the heater are 0.95 and 0.72 respectively. The air pressure is atmospheric
pressure. Find the total temperature and relative humidity of the air leaving the
3- Moist air enters refrigeration coil at 32oC dry bulb temperature and 18oC
thermodynamic wet bulb temperature at a rate of 40 m3/min. The surface
temperature of the coil is 13oC. If 3.5 ton of refrigeration are available, find the
dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature of the air leaving the coil.
Assume sea level pressure ( 1 ton refrigeration = 3.516 kW ).
4- Saturated steam at a pressure of 2 bar is sprayed into a stream of moist air. The
initial conditions of the air are 13oC dry bulb temperature and 1.5oC dew point
temperature. The mass rate of air flow is 1000 kg/min. Assume sea level
pressure, determine:
a) How much steam must be added in kg/min to produce a saturated air
b) The resulting temperature of the saturated air.

5- Saturated air at 10oC is mixed with moist air at 27oC dry bulb temperature and
25oC thermodynamic wet bulb temperature in ratio of 0.9 kg air at 10oC
condition to 0.45 kg air at the other condition. Assume sea level pressure,
a) The temperature and humidity ratio of the mixture.
b) The heat would be added in kJ/kgair if the mixture is then passed across a
heating coil and leaves at a dry bulb temperature of 23oC.
6- Moist air is heated by steam condensing inside tubes of a heating coil as shown
in accompanying figure. Part of the air passes through the coil and part is
bypassed the coil. Assume sea level pressure, determine:
a) The rate of air which bypassed the coil in kg/min.
b) The heat added by the coil in kW.

Steam heating coil

=100%  = 20%
ma = 60 kg/min
tdb = 5oC tdb = 23oC

1- Measurements with a psychrometer indicate a wet bulb temperature of 10oC and
a dry bulb temperature of 24oC. Barometric pressure is standard. Both
thermometers are unshielded. Assume that the mean temperature of surrounding
surfaces is the same as the air dry bulb temperature. Determine:
a) The psychrometer wet bulb coefficient.
b) The humidity ratio of the air stream.
( Le  0.923 ,  C  0.063 )

2- A psychrometer with unshielded thermometers indicates a dry bulb temperature

of 21oC and a wet bulb temperature of 16oC. Both thermometers are of the
mercury in glass type. Assume that the mean temperature of surrounding
surfaces is 32oC. Determine:
a) The true dry bulb temperature of the air stream.
b) The humidity ratio of the air stream.
( Le  0.908 ,  C  0.134 )

3- A system including a pre-heating coil and an air washer (directly recirculates

spray water) is to be designed to process 400 m3/min of out door air. Saturated
out door air at –1oC enters the pre-heater where heat is supplied by steam
condensing inside the tubes of the coil. The air then passes through the air
washer. The air state at the exit of the washer is 20oC dry bulb temperature and
60 % degree of saturation. Average face velocity of the air through the washer is
150 m/min. Use Av equal to 600 kgw/(hr m3 kgw/kga) and sea level pressure.
a) The dry and wet bulb temperatures of the air entering the washer.
b) The required capacity of the pre-heating coil in kW.
c) The quantity of makeup water required for the air washer.
d) The necessary contact volume and length of the air washer.

4- Moist air enters an air washer at 30oC dry bulb temperature and 15oC
thermodynamic wet bulb temperature at a rate of 200 m3/min. It is desired that
the humidity ratio of the air leaving the washer be 0.008 kgw/kga. Face velocity
of the entering air is 150 m/min. It is estimated that the mass transfer coefficient
Av has a value of 450 kgw/(hr m3 kgw/kga). Determine:
a) Dry bulb temperature of the air leaving washer.
b) Air washer efficiency.
c) The required length of the washer.
5- A cooling tower is to be designed to cool 1500 GPM of water from 38oC to
29oC when the outside air is at 35oC dry bulb temperature and 24oC
thermodynamic wet bulb temperature. Assume sea level pressure. The ratio of
water flow to dry air flow (m w m a ) is 1 : 1. It is estimated that the average mass

transfer coefficient Av is 500 kgw/(hr m3 kgw/kga).

( Le = 0.915 , 1 GPM = 3.7854  10 -3 m3/min)
Construct the complete condition line on the psychrometric chart.
Assume a constant air mass velocity of 7000 kg/hr m2.
6- Calculate the required tower height in m for problem (5).

1- A conditioned space has a sensible load 84000 kJ/hr & latent load 21000 kJ/hr
is maintained at 27oC dry bulb temperature and 50 % relative humidity while the
outside conditions are 32oC dry bulb temperature and 24oC wet bulb
temperature. Ventilation requirements are 28 m3/min of outside air. If supplied
air (to the space) is at 15oC, determine the total m3a/min delivered by the fan and
the refrigeration load of the cooling coil in ton.
2- A space to be maintained at 27oC dry bulb temperature and 50 % relative
humidity has a rate of total heat gain of 97600 kJ/hr and a rate of moisture gain
of 7 kg/hr. The volume of air supplied to the space is 200 m3/min of standard
air. Outdoor air at 35oC dry bulb temperature and 24oC wet bulb temperature is
introduced to the system at a rate of 50 m3/min of standard air. The air which
passes through the cooling coil is brought to 90 % relative humidity. Space is
provided with the schematic system of figure. Find:
a) Dry and wet bulb temperature of air supplied to space.
b) The volume of recirculated air in m3/min which should pass through the
cooling coil.


Outdoor air

Fan C.C. Filter

3- An air conditioned space to be maintained at 27oC dry bulb temperature and
50 % relative humidity has a sensible load of 126000 kJ/hr and latent load of
67000 kJ/hr while outside conditions are 32oC dry bulb temperature and 23oC
wet bulb temperature. Ventilation requirements are 70 m3/min of outdoor air. If
temperature difference between room and supplied air is 10oC and the mixed air
undergoes cooling, heating, and adiabatic saturation process. Knowing that the
cooling coil bypass factor is 15 % and the apparatus dew point temperature is
8oC. Find:
a) Heating coil capacity in kW.
b) Air washer efficiency.
4- For a spinning factory, the estimated load is 3175200 kJ/hr with negligible
moisture gain. Its outdoor winter conditions are 7oC dry bulb temperature and
80 % relative humidity. It is required to keep relative humidity in the department
of 55 % . If mixing of inside and outside air is allowed before air is loaded to the
washer. If the volume of the department is 30000 m3 and number of air changes
per hour is 10. If the washer efficiency is 90 % , find the mixing condition of
inside and outside air.
5- An air conditioned space shown in figure has a rate of heat loss 30000 kJ/hr and
a rate of moisture loss of 5 kg/hr. Moist air is withdrawn from the space at 20oC
dry bulb temperature and 12oC wet bulb temperature. Moist air is supplied to
space at 30oC dry bulb temperature. Outdoor air is saturated at 7oC. Assume
mass of ventilation air is 50 % of the supplied air and the air washer efficiency is
95 % . Determine:
a) Volume of air supplied to space per hour.
b) Rate of heat added to the air by each heating coil.


H.C. Air washer


6- An industrial factory at 22oC dry bulb temperature and 35 % relative humidity

has its design heat loss 2646000 kJ/hr with no moisture loss. The air is supplied
to space at a rate of 2400 m3/min and ventilation requirements are 1400 m3/min
of air at –9oC dry bulb temperature and negligible moisture content. If hot water
is sprayed in mixed air at a rate of 30 l/min with saturation air washer efficiency
of 95 % . The leaving air is then heated and supplied to space. Find:
a) Supplied air conditions.
b) Entering and leaving spray water temperature.
c) Heat added to the sprayed water if makeup water is supplied at 8oC.

1- A heat pump driven by a heat engine is used to heat a house. The heat rejected
by the engine together with the heat supplied by the heat pump form the heat
supply to the building. If the thermal efficiency of the heat engine is 29 % and
the coefficient of performance of the heat pump is 4.4. Find the ratio of the total
heat used for heating the building to the heat added to the heat engine.
2- A reversed heat engine is used to produce ice from water at 0oC at atmospheric
pressure. If the temperature of the heat sink is 25oC, calculate the minimum
work required to produce one kilogram of ice if the latent heat of fusion of
water is 336 kJ/kg.
3- A cylinder fitted with a piston contains 0.5 kg of steam. Initially the steam is at
7 bar and 200oC. After expansion, and exchanging heat, steam pressure
becomes 3.5 bar and its volume becomes 0.254 m3. If the relation between
pressure and volume during expansion is PVn = constant, calculate:
a) The value of exponent n.
b) The work done and the heat transferred.
4- An adiabatic compressor compresses 42 kg of air per second. Initial and final
conditions are 1 bar, 15oC and 7 bar, 282oC respectively. Inlet and outlet
passages diameters are 0.6 m and 0.4 m respectively. Assuming air to be
thermally perfect gas, find:
a) The air velocity at inlet and outlet of compressor.
b) The work done per kilogram and the compressor horsepower. Neglect
change in potential energy.
5- An air standard reversed Brayton cycle with an ideal regenerator operates as
follows: air at 1 bar and 15oC is compressed isentropically to 14 bar, it then
flows in coil where heat is rejected at constant pressure air is then cooled in the
heat exchanger until its temperature becomes 50oC where upon it expands
isentropically in the turbine coupled to the compressor to the initial pressure.

Air is then passed in a coil where heat is absorbed at constant pressure until its
temperature becomes –50oC and then passes in the heat exchanger and finally to
the compressor.
a) Sketch the flow diagram.
b) Plot the cycle on both T-s and P-V diagrams.
c) Find the coefficient of performance of the cycle for the cooling effect.
6- In an environment of 50oC temperature it is required to cool the air to 36oC by
water as refrigerant in a vapour compression system. If the steam leaves the
compressor as saturated vapour, and the condenser as saturated liquid. Calculate
the following assuming reversibility:
a) Coefficient of performance of the cycle.
b) Mass of refrigerant circulated for a refrigeration effect of 4200 kJ/hr.
c) Theoretical horsepower required for the above load.

1- Refrigerant 12 is used as a refrigerant in a theoretical vapour compression
cycle. Evaporation occurs at –1oC and condensation at 35oC. Determine:
a) Evaporator and condenser pressure.
b) Temperature after compression.
c) Percent of flash gas from expansion valve.
d) Mass flow rate of refrigerant circulated in kg/ton min.
e) Coefficient of performance and refrigeration efficiency.
2- A refrigerant 12 system is arranged as shown in figure, compression is
isentropic. Assume frictionless flow, the known data are t1 = 32oC, t2 = 27oC,
t3=12oC. Find the system power per ton.




3- Vapour compression refrigeration plant using CO 2, as a working agent, works

between pressure limits of 67 bar and 25 bar. CO2 leaves the compressor with
enthalpy of 258 kJ/kg and entropy of 0.2514 kJ/kg oC. After condensation CO2
is cooled to 21oC. Assuming compression is isentropic, find the work done,
refrigeration effect per kilogram of CO2, and coefficient of performance of the
system. Find also the mass of CO2 to be circulated per minute and the
displacement volume in m3/min of an ideal compressor to give a refrigerating of
1050 kJ/min.
Pressure Sat. Temp. Enthalpy kJ/kg Entropy kJ/kg oC Sp. Volume m3/kg
Bar C Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour
67 27 86 193 0.084 0.206 0.0014 0.0397
25 -12 -22 240 0.029 0.281 0.0001 0.147

CP of liquid CO2 at 67 bar can be taken as 5.03 kJ/kg oC. Enthalpy and entropy
are reckoned from 0oC.
4- It is wanted to choose a compressor for a creamery installation operating under
the following conditions: capacity = 18.5 ton, condensing pressure = 14 bar,
ammonia liquid leaves condenser at saturated condition, ammonia liquid enters
the expansion valve at 27oC, vapour leaves evaporator at saturated condition at
–25oC, and vapour is superheated in compressor suction line by 8oC. A
compressor of the following characteristics is available: 4-cylinder, vertical
reciprocating, single acting, single stage, water jacketed compressor, maximum
speed = 600 r.p.m., cylinder diameter = 10 cm, and stroke = 12.5 cm. The
following supplemental assumptions to allow for further calculations are taken.
Clearance = 4 % , pressure drop in suction valves = 0.28 bar, and ammonia is
superheated to 10oC in cylinder on intake after passing suction valves. Pressure
drop in discharge valves = 0.42 bar, polytropic compression with n = 1.27, and
compressor mechanical efficiency = 80 % . Determine:
a) The speed in r.p.m. should the available compressor operate at.
b) The power required to drive the compressor in kW.
5- Catalogue data for a refrigerant 12 compressor with a displacement of 2 m3/min
show the capacity to be 13.7 ton and brake power of 10.5 kW when suction
conditions are –8oC and 2.3 bar and condensing temperature is 27oC. The
refrigerant leaves the condenser as saturated liquid. Calculate the actual
volumetric efficiency and the adiabatic compression efficiency of the
compressor at these conditions.

6- Calculate the required diameter of an impeller in a centrifugal compressor
which operates at 3600 r.p.m. and compresses refrigerant 12 from saturated
vapour at 15.5oC to a saturation pressure corresponding to 38oC.

1- The following conditions apply to 100 ton ammonia compound compression
system with water intercooler. Condenser pressure = 14 bar, evaporator
pressure = 1.8 bar, intercooler pressure = 4.7 bar, and volumetric efficiency: for
low pressure compressor = 85 % and for high pressure compressor = 78 % .
Assume pressure losses through compressors valves as follows:
low pressure suction = 0.15 bar, low pressure discharge = 0.3 bar, high
pressure suction = 0.3 bar, and high pressure discharge = 0.7 bar. Ammonia
may be cooled to 32oC in intercooler and subcooled liquid to 29oC. Suction
temperature at low pressure compressor = –18oC, let n = 1.27 for low and high
pressure compressor. Calculate:
a) Ammonia to be circulated per minute.
b) Indicated power of low and high pressure compressor in kW.
c) Heat rejected to intercooler.
d) Piston displacement of low and high pressure compressor.
e) Coefficient of performance.
2- For the theoretical single stage cycle and the two stage cycle in figure assume
evaporating temperature of –46oC, condensing temperature of 38oC,
compressors volumetric efficiency of 86 % , and ammonia as the refrigerant. For
the two stage cycle assume that the intermediate saturation temperature is –6oC
and the vapour leaves the water intercooler at 38oC. Determine for each cycle:
a) Coefficient of performance.
b) Maximum cycle temperature.
c) Total piston displacement per minute per ton.

1 9
High pressure
7 Water 6
Flash intercooler
intercooler 3
Low pressure

4 5

3- An ammonia system with a 45 ton evaporator operating at 0oC and 10 ton

evaporator operating at –40oC uses flash gas removal and intercooling. The
condensing temperature is 32oC. The arrangement is as shown in figure.
Calculate the power required for each compressor.

1 9
High pressure
2 10 High pressure 11 compressor
evaporator 12
7 Water 6
Flash intercooler
intercooler 3
Low pressure
Low pressure
4 evaporator 5

4- A refrigerant 12 system is arranged as shown in figure. Assume isentropic
compression. The following data are given:
Condensing temperature =32oC, high pressure evaporator has capacity of 5 ton
and evaporating temperature of –30oC, low pressure evaporator has capacity of
10 ton and evaporating temperature of –60oC, vapour leaves each evaporator in
dry saturated conditions, t1= 30oC, t6= –20oC, t11= –7oC, t16= –20oC, t17= –50oC,
and compressors have 5 % clearance.
Draw P-i diagram for the cycle and determine:
a) Coefficient of performance.
b) Piston displacement for each compressor.
c) Theoretical power input for each compressor in kW.

1 20 High pressure
2 6 19
3 7 18
8 5 Low pressure
High pressure compressor
12 Low pressure
11 evaporator 13

5- During a test on a double acting compound ammonia machine with both water
and flash intercooler, the following average data were recorded:
Ammonia leaves the condenser at the rate of 56 kg/min.
Pressures of refrigerant:
At evaporator = 0.5 bar.
At intermediate = 4.75 bar.
At condenser = 15.5 bar.
Temperatures of refrigerant:
Leaving evaporator and entering low pressure compressor at –23oC.
Leaving low pressure compressor and entering water cooler at 83oC.
Leaving water cooler and entering flash cooler at 37.5oC.
Vapour leaving flash cooler at saturated temperature.
Vapour entering high pressure compressor at 10.5oC.
Vapour leaving high pressure compressor at 82.6oC.
Vapour entering condenser at 69oC.
Leaving liquid reservoir at 33.5oC.
Leaving liquid subcooler and entering first expansion valve at 25.7oC.
Liquid to second expansion valve is at saturated temperature.
Compressor data:
Bore: 56 cm low pressure compressor
33 cm high pressure compressor.
Stroke: 61 cm.
Speed: 150 r.p.m.
Draw flow diagram and P-i diagram of the cycle and then calculate:
a) Ammonia supplied to evaporator in kg/min.
b) Capacity in ton refrigeration.
c) Piston displacement of low and high pressure compressor.
d) Heat rejected in condenser receiver, and interconnecting pipe in kJ/hr.
e) Heat rejected in liquid subcooler.

f) Heat rejected in water intercooler.
g) Volumetric efficiency for low and high pressure compressor.
6- An industrial plant uses R-12 system with three evaporators served by two
compressors and one condenser. First evaporator is for air conditioning and
second and third evaporators are for cooling processes and have the following
1st evaporator: cooling capacity = 40 ton and evaporation is at 5oC.
2nd evaporator: cooling capacity = 50 ton and evaporation is at –10oC.
3rd evaporator: cooling capacity = 10 ton and evaporation is at –30oC.
The first evaporator is operated by one compressor and the second and the third
are operated by the other compressor with a pressure reducing valve at outlet of
the second evaporator. The low pressure compressor discharges through a water
intercooler to the suction of the first evaporator compressor which discharges
into the condenser at 8 bar. Assuming 5oC subcooling in the condenser and
vapour leaves each evaporator is dry and saturated.
Draw flow diagram and P-i diagram of the cycle and then calculate:
a) Brake horsepower of compressors assuming 75 % mechanical efficiency.
b) Rate of cooling water flowing through the condenser assuming 8oC
temperature rise in the cooling water.

1- A stream of liquid aqua-ammonia has m = 10 lb/min, X = 0.7 lbammonia/lbmixture,
t = 60oF, and P = 100 psia is adiabatically mixed with a stream of saturated
liquid aqua-ammonia has m = 5 lb/min, t = 200oF, and P = 100 psia. Assume
steady flow conditions, determine:
a) Mixture concentration.
b) Mixture enthalpy.
c) Equilibrium temperature of mixture.
d) Percentage liquid and percentage vapour composition of the mixture after
equilibrium has been reached.
2- One lb/min of saturated ammonia vapour at 30 psia is mixed with 10 lb/min of
saturated liquid aqua-ammonia at 30 psia and 100oF. The final mixture state is
saturated liquid at 30 psia, find:
a) Concentration, temperature, and enthalpy of the mixture state.
b) The heat removed in Btu/min.
3- A saturated liquid aqua-ammonia solution at 200oF and 200 psia is throttled to a
pressure of 10 psia, determine:
a) The equilibrium temperature after throttling process.
b) Relative portions of liquid and vapour coexisting after throttling.
4- An aqua-ammonia system similar that in figure below operates as follows:
Condensing pressure = 200 psia.
Evaporating pressure = 30 psia.
Generator temperature = 240oF.
Temperature of vapour leaving dephlegmator = 130oF.
Temperature of liquid leaving the condenser is reduced 10oF in the heat
Temperature of strong solution entering column = 200oF.

Assume saturated conditions for states 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 12. Neglect pressure
drop in components and lines. Assuming that the system produces 100 ton of
refrigeration and knowing that:
It can be assumed that the state of the vapour in the column lies on the principal
operating line, at the location where the strong solution enters the column, is
saturated with a temperature 10oF higher than that of the strong solution which
is entering ( t3 ). Assume environment temperature = 79oF, determine:
a) All thermodynamic properties for all state points of the system.
b) Mass flow rate in lb/min for all parts of the system.
c) An energy balance for entire system.
d) System coefficient of performance.
e) System refrigeration efficiency.
f) Comparison of C.O.P. with that of a theoretical vapour compression
ammonia cycle.

12 qG 3

Evaporator Absorber 1

5- An aqua-ammonia system similar to that in previous figure operates as follows:
High side pressure = 200 psia.
Low side pressure = 30 psia.
t3 = 190oF, t4 = 210oF, t7 = 140oF.
m 8 = 100 lb/min.

Assume equilibrium ( saturated ) conditions for states 3, 4, and 7, determine:

a) Mass flow rate of strong solution leaving absorber in lb/min.
b) Mass flow rate of cooling water required for the dephlegmator in lb/min if
the water temperature rise is 15oF.
N.B.: You may make the same assumptions with regard to the rectifying
column as made in problem (4).
6- An aqua-ammonia system similar to that in previous figure operates as follows:
High side pressure = 220 psia.
Low side pressure = 20 psia.
t4 = 210oF, t8 = 80oF, t12 = 40oF.
m 4 = 1000 lb/min, m 12 = 100 lb/min

Assume equilibrium conditions for states 1, 3, 4, and 12, determine:

a) The concentration of the strong solution leaving the heat exchanger.
b) The heat removed in the absorber in Btu/min.
c) The amount of refrigeration produced in ton.

1- Show the complete derivation for maximum C.O.P. of a thermoelectric system.
2- Show that when the refrigerating capacity of a thermoelectric system is a
maximum the C.O.P. is given by:
To (T1  To )
C.O.P.  
2T1 ZToT1
3- A thermoelectric cooling system is to be designed to maintain a small isolated
chamber at 4oC when the ambient temperature is 32oC. The estimated cooling
load is 0.029 kW. Each thermoelectric element will be cylindrical with a length
of 1.25 cm and a diameter of 1 cm. Thermoelectric properties are given in the
table, determine:
a) The number of couples required.
b) The rate o heat rejection from the heat dissipater in kW.
c) The coefficient of performance.
d) The overall voltage drop and Watts capacity for the direct current power.
Property p n
Thermoelectric power ( Volt/K ) 170  10 -6 -190  10 -6
Resistivity ( Ohm-cm ) 0.001 0.0008
Thermal conductivity ( Watt/cm K ) 0.02 0.02

4- A steam jet water vapour machine is to be produce 8 kg/min of chilled water at

7oC. The supply water is at 15oC and quality of vapour entering the ejector is
0.97, the condenser pressure is 0.06 bar. Condensate leaves the condenser at
32oC. The motive steam is supplied at 10 bar and 188oC. Nozzle efficiency is
90 % . Entertainment efficiency is 65 % and diffuser efficiency is 75 % . The
steam consumption of the auxiliary ejectors may be considered 6 % of total.
Neglect the power demands for water pumps, calculate:
a) The steam consumption of main ejector in kg/hr and kg/hr ton.

b) The total steam consumption in kg/hr and kg/hr ton.
c) The heat rejected in the primary condenser in kW and kW/ton.
5- An air cycle system produces 10 ton of refrigeration. High side pressure is 4 bar
and low side pressure is 1.3 bar. Air enters the expander at 48oC and enters the
compressor at 0oC. Assume compression is polytropic with n = 1.35 and
expansion is polytropic with n = 1.3. Assume frictionless flow, calculate:
a) The coefficient of performance.
b) The refrigeration efficiency.
c) Piston displacement of compressor in m3/min.
d) Piston displacement of expander in m3/min.
Assume clearance factor = 5 %
6- Air is bled from the jet engine at 327oC and 7 bar at a rate of 8 kg/min. Air
enters the turbine at 102oC. For turbine assume a polytropic exponent n = 1.2
and a mechanical efficiency of 85 % . Cabin pressure is 0.92 bar and the air
exhausted from the cabin at 24oC. Assume there is no air is bypassed around the
turbine, determine:
a) The turbine power output.
b) The amount of refrigeration produced in ton.

1- Dry air at 21oC and 1 bar is to be liquefied at 1 bar by the simple Linde
method. Assume the air is isothermally compressed at 21oC to 171 bar,
a) The yield of liquid air in kg/kgcompressed air.
b) The work required in kJ/kg of liquid air produced.
2- For the dual-pressure Linde cycle prove that the specific work consumption
WZ,2L in kJ/kg of liquid air is
(i11  i10 )  (i  i ) (i  i )(i  i ) 
WZ , 2 L  2W3   12 10  11 10 12 14  4W5
(i11  i8 )  (i14  i5 ) (i11  i8 )(i14  i5 ) 
Where: 2W3 = T2( s2 – s3 ) – ( i2 – i3 )
4W5 = T4( s4 – s5 ) – ( i4 – i5 )
3- Prove that points P1, 1, and 4 for Linde double air columns must lie on a
common straight line.


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