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Firm Master Work Group Sp. z. o. o. With office in Piotrków Trybunalski ( post code 97-300),
Makowa 7, invected to KRS 0000883432, NIP 7712913628, represented by Andrew

hereinafter referred to as the,,Employer"

MARATHANTHARA SANTHOSH AKASH , passport V6576409 date of birth 30.03.1997,
hereinafter referred to as the ,,Employee", as follows:

1. Work will be carried out in the period from the date of Employee arrival to Poland to
09.06.2025 on the circumstances listed below.
2. Employee confirms that on the day of signing this contract he is available to carrying
out work and does not stay on sick leave, which denies this ability.

Parties of this contract determine job circumstances for Employe:
1. Type of contract work: Spawacz
2. Place of carrying out work: Poland
3. Work dimension: 42 hours per week
4. Gross earnings for a month 3876 zl (From 01.01.2023) i 4500 zl (From 01.07.2023)
Salary will be paid by the 15-th day every next month to the Employee's hands.
5. Parties of the Contract confirm that each of them could invalidate this contract before
the conventional date under the condition of observance 14 -days' notice period.
6. Work start day: the date of Employee arrival to Poland
7. Another circumstances of employment:
a) Employees are obliged to follow rules related with work discipline and
behavior according to work rules that were established by Employer.
b) Employee is obliged to acquaint and comply with health and safety rules
required by Employer, before start work
c) Employee is obliged to take a medical examination on every request of
Employer, in order to confirm his ability to carry out work and having no
d) Employee is obliged to use materials and tools, which he is to get from
Employer, only for carrying out temporary work. Tool's and other material's
usage must be thrifty and precise.
e) In the period of carrying out work the Employee has a right to use partly or
fully annual leave in the terms before approved by the Employer. Applications
for getting annual-leave are to be sent to the Supervisor. Application for
getting day-off because of other reasons or because of illness (card L4)
Employee is to give to Supervisor as well. Employee is obliged to inform and
confirm with Employer his absence at work.
f) In the case of assignment Employee is obliged to follow all procedures,
required by Employer
g) An Employee has the right to use sanitary equipment on the terms provided
for employed by the Employe

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