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Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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Diagnosis of central nervous system

abnormalities: comparison of prenatal
neurosonography and foetal magnetic resonance
imaging findings

Sureyya Saridas Demir, Erkan Cagliyan, Fatma Ceren Sarioglu, Handan

Guleryuz & Sabahattin Altunyurt

To cite this article: Sureyya Saridas Demir, Erkan Cagliyan, Fatma Ceren Sarioglu, Handan
Guleryuz & Sabahattin Altunyurt (2021): Diagnosis of central nervous system abnormalities:
comparison of prenatal neurosonography and foetal magnetic resonance imaging findings, Journal
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2021.1907560

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Published online: 08 Jul 2021.

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Diagnosis of central nervous system abnormalities: comparison of prenatal

neurosonography and foetal magnetic resonance imaging findings
Sureyya Saridas Demira , Erkan Cagliyana , Fatma Ceren Sarioglub , Handan Guleryuzb and
Sabahattin Altunyurta
Division of Perinatology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey; bDivision of
Pediatric Radiology, Department of Radiology, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey

Magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) is gradually becoming the more preferred imaging modality in Central nervous system;
the evaluation of central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities rather than foetal ultrasonography (USG). magnetic resonance
The aim of this study was to compare the findings of prenatal neurosonography and foetal MRI. The imaging; neurosonography;
foetal malformations; foetal
study was a retrospective study analysing the records of 160 pregnant women who underwent both ultrasonography; pre-
foetal MRI and USG due to suspicion of CNS abnormalities between 2008 and 2019. Indications for natal diagnosis
applying foetal MRI were neurosonography and foetal MRI findings. When the compatibility between
MRI and USG results was examined in CNS abnormalities, it was found fully compatible in 61.3% of
cases, partially compatible in 24.53% of cases, and not compatible in 14.5% of cases. When comparing
prenatal neurosonography and foetal MRI findings, additional findings were reported in 16.9% of cases,
and no additional finding was reported in 66.8% of cases. While normal anatomical findings were
reported in 8.8% of the cases in MRI, the diagnosis made by neurosonography changed in 7.5%. Foetal
MRI has more advantages than USG both in imaging the CNS abnormalities in more detail and in
determining the accompanying additional anomalies.

 What is already known on this subject: USG is a safe, practical and cost-effective primary imag-
ing method that is widely used for foetal anomaly screening. However, there may sometimes be
difficulties in evaluating the foetal brain structures due to foetal position which is unsuitable for
imaging, extremely obese with a high body mass index, oligohydramnios and ossified foetal skull.
For this reason, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used as the most commonly used imaging
method after USG in the evaluation of foetal anatomy, especially CNS.
 What do the results of this study add?: In our study, we saw that foetal MRI has more advan-
tages than neurosonography in both seeing CNS abnormalities in more detail and recognising add-
itional anomalies that may accompany.
 What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research?: We
have seen that besides neurosonography, foetal MRI can provide important information that can
affect the clinical approach in pregnancy management by increasing the correct diagnosis in preg-
nancies with congenital CNS abnormalities. MRI: it is the best secondary imaging modality that can
aid diagnosis in addition to neurosonography in the diagnosis of CNS abnormalities and in sus-
pected cases. Therefore, foetal MRI should be used more widely in prenatal diagnosis.

Introduction imaging method in antenatal screening programs is neuroso-

nography. Foetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is gener-
The central nervous system (CNS) is the most complex struc-
ally preferred as a second-line in cases when the diagnosis
ture among the foetal and adult systems. This is where con-
could not be confirmed by neurosonography (Paladini
genital malformations are most frequently observed, both in
et al. 2007).
fetuses with and without chromosomal abnormalities. Ultrasonography (USG) is the primary imaging modality
Structural abnormalities associated with major functional because of being widely available, easily applicable, practical,
problems are difficult to diagnose. On the contrary, major cost-effective and safe for the imaging of foetal anatomical
anatomical defects may not cause significant malfunctioning structures (Kul et al. 2012; Reda et al. 2018). However, rea-
(Ceausescu et al. 2018). Therefore, accurate diagnosis of CNS sons such as inappropriate foetal position, maternal obesity,
abnormalities is essential for pregnancy management and oligohydramniosis and low sensitivity to detect malforma-
parental counselling (Jarvis et al. 2017). The first preferred tions of cerebral cortical development limit the effectiveness

CONTACT Sureyya Saridas Demir Division of Perinatology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dokuz Eylul University
School of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey
ß 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

of the images (Rossi and Prefumo 2014). Moreover, there may criteria were patients who were diagnosed with isolated CNS
be some difficulties in visualising the anatomical structures of abnormalities by neurosonography or who had the suspicion
the foetal brain due to ossification in the skull. (Sefidbakht of CNS abnormalities and who were referred for foetal MRI
et al. 2016; Tanacan et al. 2020). In addition, the results of the above 18 weeks of pregnancy. Exclusion criteria were history
examination are closely related to the timing of examination of radiation or any teratogen exposure, monochorionic twin
and experience of the examiner (Raafat et al. 2020). For this pregnancies, foetal MRI requesting below 18 weeks of preg-
reason, foetal MRI has been used as an additional imaging nancy, and fetuses having anomalies other than CNS
method in foetal anatomy evaluations since Smith et al. (1983). abnormalities.
Foetal MRI became an important diagnostic tool in compli- The differences between the findings of the USG and the
cated cases due to its increased soft-tissue resolution, wide foetal MRI were discussed in terms of both quality and quan-
field of view, the ability to depict myelination and sulcation, tity. Prenatal ultrasonographic examinations were performed
and multiplanar imaging (Reda et al. 2018). Besides, maternal in the Department of Perinatology with Voluson 730 Expert
obesity is not significantly affected by foetal position, oligohy- (GE Medical Systems, Zipf, Austria). Foetal MRI scanning was
dramniosis and bone artefacts (Yalçın et al. 2018). On the other performed with a 1.5-Tesla MRI device (Gyroscan Achieva;
hand, foetal movements observed during MRI scan may restrict Philips Medical Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). In
the accuracy of the diagnosis in some cases (Tanacan et al. accordance with the preliminary diagnosis specified in USG,
2020). Hence, ultrafast MRI sequences with only a few seconds for the MRI acquisition protocol, single-shot turbo spin echo
of scanning time have been developed in the last decade to (SSH-TSE) with T2-weighted rapid imaging sequence in the
minimise the negative impact of foetal mobility on the quality axial, coronal and sagittal plane were used for all fetuses. The
of images (Hubbard et al. 1999). Especially, in recent years,
images were evaluated by two radiologists experienced in
there is an increasing number of studies in the literature com-
foetal MRI. No contrast agent or sedation was used in the
paring the accuracy of neurosonography and foetal MRI in con-
genital CNS abnormalities and explaining the additional
advantages of foetal MRI. However, a common consensus
could not have been reached in these studies on foetal USG Statistical analysis
and MRI findings. Therefore, the aim of this study is to reveal
which indications are applied for foetal MRI in the CNS abnor- Statistical analyses were performed with Statistical Package
malities detected by USG, to compare the findings of prenatal for the Social Sciences (SPSS.22, IBM Corp., Cary, NC).
neurosonography and foetal MRI and to reveal the compatibil- Quantitative data were reported using mean, standard devi-
ity of MRI results with USG results and additional findings on ation, and range, while qualitative data were reported as fre-
foetal MRI. quency and percentage.

Materials and methods Results

One hundred and sixty-two pregnant women were retro- In this study, 160 pregnant women were included and the
spectively enrolled in the study from Dokuz Eylul University maternal age ranged from 18 to 44 years with the mean of
School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and age was 28.29 ± 5.63 years. Thirty-five point six per cent of
Gynaecology, Division of Perinatology Department between pregnant ranged between 18 and 25 years, 53.1% of preg-
January 2008 and January 2019. This study was conducted in nant ranged between 26 and 35 years, and 11.3% of preg-
accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration nant ranged between 36 and 45 years. The mean gestational
and Institutional Ethical Committee which approved this week for neurosonography and for MRI was 24.21 ± 4.37 and
study (Approval no. 5252-GOA; 2020/07-28; the date of issue: 24.51 ± 4.28, respectively. Foetal MRI was performed at the
13.04.2020). However, a written informed consent was not 18th–24th gestational week in 91 (56.8%) cases, at the
obtained from the participants due to retrospective research. 25th–28th gestational week in 33 (20.6%) cases and after
Patients who underwent both foetal MRI and USG due to 28th week in 36 (22.6%) cases. Termination of pregnancy was
suspicion of CNS abnormalities were retrospectively selected performed at 31 (19.4%) cases. Demographic features of all
from the hospital information processing system. Inclusion cases are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Demographic features of pregnant.

Mean maternal age 28.29 ± 5.63 (18–44)
18–25 years 57 (35.6%)
26–35 years 85 (53.1%)
36–45 years 18 (11.3%)
Mean gestational week for USG 24.21 ± 4.37 (18–37)
Mean gestational week for MRI 24.51 ± 4.28 (18–37)
Foetal MRI according to gestational week groups
18–24 weeks 91 (56.8%)
25–28 weeks 33 (20.6%)
>28 weeks 36 (22.6%)
Termination of pregnancy cases 31 (19.4%)
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; USG: ultrasonography.

Table 2. Comparison of prenatal neurosonography and foetal MRI findings.

Neurosonography findings n (%) MRI findings n (%)
Corpus callosum anomalies 36 (22.5) Corpus collosum anomalies 27 (16.8)
Corpus collosum anomalies þ cerebellar hypoplasia 3 (1.9)
Normal anatomic findings 6 (3.8)
Neural tube defects 21 (13.1) Neural tube defects
NTD þ Chiari malformation type II 8 (5) NTD þ Chiari malformation type II 7 (4.4)
Diastematomyelia 1 (0.6)
Encephalocele 4 (2.5) Encephalocele 2 (1.3)
Encephalocele þ Chiari malformation type III 1 (0.6)
Chiari malformation type III 1 (0.6)
Myelomeningocele 4 (2.5) Myelomeningocele 2 (1.3)
Myelomeningocele þ Hydrocephalus þ Chiari malformation type III 1 (0.6)
Chiari malformation type II 1 (0.6)
Meningocele 3 (1.9) Meningocele 2 (1.3)
Meningocele þ vermian hypoplasia 1 (0.6)
Diastematomyelia 2 (1.3) Diastematomyelia 2 (1.3)
Posterior fossa anomalies 25 (15.6) Posterior fossa anomalies
Cerebellar vermian agenesis 1 (0.6) Cerebellar vermian agenesis 1 (0.6)
Cerebellar vermian hypoplasia 5 (3.1) Inferior vermian hypoplasia 2 (1.3)
Mega cisterna magna 1 (0.6)
Dandy Walker malformation 1 (0.6)
Cerebellar hypoplasia þ Lissencephaly 1 (0.6)
Cerebellar hypoplasia 3 (1.9) Cerebellar hypoplasia 3 (1.9)
Mega cisterna magna 7 (4.4) Mega cisterna magna 5 (3.1)
Normal anatomic findings 2 (1.3)
Dandy Walker malformation 5 (3.1) Dandy Walker malformation 5 (3.1)
Chiari Malformation type II 1 (0.6) Chiari Malformation type II 1 (0.6)
Aqueductal stenosis 1 (0.6) Corpus collosum anomaly 1 (0.6)
Posterior fossa defects 2 (1.3) Chiari Malformation type II 1 (0.6)
Dandy Walker variant 1 (0.6)
Ventriculomegaly 84 (52.5) Ventriculomegaly
Primary ventriculomegaly 84 (52.5) Primary ventriculomegaly 66 (41.3)
Lissencephaly 1 (0.6)
Ventriculomegaly þ Lissencephaly 2 (1.3)
Chiari Malformation type II 1 (0.6)
Encephalomalacia 2 (1.3)
Ventriculomegaly þ Corpus collosum anomalies 3 (1.9)
Ventriculomegaly þ Megacisterna magna 3 (1.9)
Ventriculomegaly þ Cerebellar hypoplasia 1 (0.6)
Pontocerebellar atrophy 1 (0.6)
Normal anatomic findings 4 (2.5)
Intracranial lesions 18 (11.3) Intracranial lesions
Intracranial mass 1 (0.6) Glial tumour 1 (0.6)
Intracranial haemorrhage 3 (1.9) Intracranial haemorrhage 2 (1.3)
Porencephalic cyst 1 (0.6)
Intracranial AV malformation 1 (0.6) Intracranial vascular malformation 1 (0.6)
Galen vein aneurysm 1 (0.6) Galen vein aneurysm 1 (0.6)
Intracranial cystic lesions 2 (1.3) Arachnoid cyst 1 (0.6)
Normal anatomic findings 1 (0.6)
Choroid plexus haemorrhage 1 (0.6) Choroid plexus haemorrhage 1 (0.6)
Arachnoid cyst 9 (5.6) Arachnoid cyst 5 (3.1)
Pontocerebellar atrophy 1 (0.6)
Corpus collosum anomalies 1 (0.6)
Normal anatomic findings 2 (1.3)
Cephalic Disorders 25 (15.6) Cephalic Disorders
Hydrocephalus 12 (7.5) Hydrocephalus 7 (4.4)
Vermian hypoplasia þ corpus callosum anomalies 1 (0.6)
Hydrocephalus þ lissencephaly þ cerebellar hypoplasia 2 (1.3)
Haemorrhage in germinal matrix 1 (0.6)
Chiari Malformation type II 1 (0.6)
Microcephaly 4 (2.5) Microcephaly 1 (0.6)
Cerebellar hypoplasia 1 (0.6)
Normal anatomic findings 2 (1.3)
Macrocephaly 1 (0.6) Macrocephaly þ Arachnoid cyst 1 (0.6)
Holoprosencephaly 5 (3.1) Holoprosencephaly 5 (3.1)
Lissencephaly 2 (1.3) Normal anatomic findings 2 (1.3)
Trigonocephaly 1 (0.6) Ventriculomegaly 1 (0.6)
Cystic hygroma 1 (0.6) Cystic hygroma 1 (0.6)
NTD: neural tube defects; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging.

Prenatal neurosonography and foetal MRI findings of all hydrocephalus (12, 7.5%) were the most common neurosono-
160 pregnant women are presented in Table 2. Primary ven- graphic findings necessitating foetal MRI screening.
triculomegaly (84, 52.5%), corpus callosum anomalies (36, Foetal MRI demonstrated corpus callosum anomalies with
22.5%), posterior fossa anomalies (25, 15.6%), neural tube cerebellar hypoplasia in 3 cases and normal anatomic find-
defects (21, 13.1%), intracranial lesions B (18, 11.3%) and ings in 6 cases among 36 cases with suspicion of corpus

Figure 1. Sagittal (a) and axial (b) SS-FSE T2-weighted images of a 29-week gestational age fetus with severe inferior vermian hypoplasia (short arrow), an elevated
torcula (long arrow), and cystic dilatation of the posterior fossa. The findings are consistent with a Dandy Walker malformation.

callosum anomalies in foetal USG. Foetal MRI changed the reported in 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1 and 1 cases, respectively,
diagnosis as diastematomyelia in one of the eight cases with among 83 patients with a prenatal diagnosis of primary ven-
neural tube defect with Chiari malformation type II. Foetal triculomegaly in foetal USG.
MRI reported one encephalocele with Chiari malformation Foetal MRI changed the diagnosis of a case with intracra-
type III in one case, and Chiari malformation type III in one nial mass to glial tumour. Porencephalic cyst in one case was
case among four cases with a diagnosis of encephalocele in reported among three cases with suspicion of intracranial
neurosonography. Myelomeningocele with hydrocephalus haemorrhage. Foetal MRI revealed no abnormality in one
and Chiari malformation type III in one case, and Chiari mal- case and arachnoid cyst in one case among the cases with
formation type II in one case were reported in MRI among the diagnosis of intracranial cystic lesions in neurosonogra-
four cases with suspicion of Myelomeningocele in foetal USG. phy. In one case pontocerebellar atrophy, in one case corpus
Foetal MRI revealed additional information as meningocele callosum anomaly and in two cases normal anatomic findings
with vermian hypoplasia in one of the three cases with a were reported among nine cases with suspicion of arach-
diagnosis of meningocele in neurosonography. noid cyst.
All diastematomyelia cases diagnosed by neurosonography Foetal MRI demonstrated vermian hypoplasia with corpus
were confirmed by foetal MRI. Dandy Walker malformation, callosum anomalies, hydrocephalus with lissencephaly and
Chiari malformation type II, galen vein aneurysm, choroid cerebellar hypoplasia, haemorrhage in germinal matrix and
plexus haemorrhage, holoprosencephaly, and cystic hygroma. Chiari malformation type II in 1, 2, 1, and 1 among 12 cases
Foetal MRI changed the diagnosis as inferior vermian with a suspicion of hydrocephalus in foetal USG. Foetal MRI
hypoplasia, mega cisterna magna, Dandy Walker malforma- reported cerebellar hypoplasia and normal anatomic findings
tion and cerebellar hypoplasia with lissencephaly in 2, 1, 1, in 1 and 2 of 4 cases with a diagnosis of microcephaly in
and 1 cases, respectively, among four cases with suspicion of neurosonography. Foetal MRI reported additional finding as
cerebellar vermian hypoplasia in foetal USG. Foetal MRI macrocephaly and arachnoid cyst in a case with macroceph-
revealed normal anatomic findings in two cases among seven aly. No abnormality was found in foetal MRI in two cases
cases with suspicion of mega cisterna magna. Foetal MRI with lissencephaly. Foetal MRI changed the diagnosis of a
agreed with neurosonography in five cases with Dandy case with trigonocephaly to ventriculomegaly.
Walker malformation (Figure 1). In one case, aqueductal sten- Table 3 shows the compatibility of MRI results with USG
osis in foetal USG was reported as corpus callosum anomaly and additional findings on MRI. If the compatibility between
in foetal MRI. Two cases with suspicion of posterior fossa MRI and USG results was examined, it was found fully com-
defects in foetal USG were reported as Chiari Malformation patible in 98 (61.3%) cases, partially compatible in 39 (24.3%)
type II and Dandy Walker variant in foetal MRI. cases and no compatible in 23 (14.5%) cases. When compar-
Normal anatomic findings, lissencephaly, ventriculomegaly ing prenatal neurosonography and foetal MRI findings, add-
with lissencephaly, Chiari malformation type II, encephaloma- itional findings were reported in 27 (16.9%) cases, no
lacia, ventriculomegaly with corpus callosum anomalies, ven- additional finding was reported in 107 (66.8%) cases, normal
triculomegaly with mega cisterna magna, ventriculomegaly anatomic findings on MRI were reported in 14 (8.8%) cases
with cerebellar hypoplasia and pontocerebellar atrophy were and MRI changed the diagnosis in 12 (7.5%) cases.

Table 3. Compatibility and additional findings of MRI and USG results.

Compatibility of MRI results with USG results Additional findings on MRI
Fully compatible 98 (61.3%) Additional findings 27 (16.9%)
Partially compatible 39 (24.3%) No additional finding 107 (66.8%)
No compatible 23 (14.5%) Normal anatomic findings on MRI 14 (8.8%)
MRI changed the diagnosis 12 (7.5%)
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; USG: ultrasonography.

Discussion has been used by many professionals as a second-stage

screening method in cases where an anomaly is suspected
Even if the possibility of detecting CNS abnormalities has
with foetal USG scanning. Rossi and Prefumo (2014) recently
increased with neurosonography in recent years with the
published a review article including 13 articles and 710
development of USG technique and knowledge, the correct
fetuses undergoing both USG and MRI for CNS abnormalities.
diagnosis in congenital CNS abnormalities has always been
According to the review, there was approximately 65% agree-
controversial. Because of the mineralisation of the foetal skull,
ment between USG and MRI in detecting CNS anomalies and
the complexity and variations of foetal anatomic structures
the highest agreement was reported for ventriculomegaly.
make it difficult to make the correct diagnosis with USG.
Another result of the review was that MRI provided add-
Therefore, foetal MRI has been used to make a definitive and
itional information in 22% of cases and MRI changed the
second-line diagnosis of congenital CNS anomalies. In the
diagnosis and clinical management in 30% of cases. In a
present study, the most frequently requested foetal MRI indi-
retrospective study conducted by Paladini et al. (2007) on
cations and comparison of prenatal neurosonography and
773 fetuses, it was concluded that 86.5% of the cases were
foetal MRI findings were revealed.
compatible with USG and MRI, 7.9% of the cases had add-
The most common MRI indication for CNS abnormalities is
itional findings in MRI and 4.8% of the cases had additional
ventriculomegaly and constitutes 40% of foetal MRI indica-
findings in USG. According to a meta-analysis recently per-
tions for CNS abnormalities (Manganaro et al. 2017; Parazzini
formed by Jarvis et al. (2017), which included 34 studies and
et al. 2012). In a study in which Yalçı n et al. examined the
959 fetuses, the accuracy of prenatal USG at diagnosis was
foetal MRI indications, 53% of the cases were planned for fur-
ther evaluation of ventriculomegaly that was sonographically 75% and the accuracy of MRI at diagnosis was 91% when
detected (Yalçın et al. 2018). In a study by Sefidbakht et al., results were confirmed by postnatal imagining, surgery or
74.4% of the patients had foetal MRI due to suspicion of ven- autopsy. In a review and meta-analysis by Van Doorn, which
triculomegaly (Sefidbakht et al. 2016). In a study by Tanacan included 27 articles and 1184 cases, it was revealed that the
et al., primary ventriculomegaly (32.7%), corpus callosum diagnoses by foetal USG and foetal MRI were agreed in 65%
anomalies (26.3%), posterior fossa anomalies (10%) and of cases, an additional or different pathology was reported in
neural tube defects (10%) were found the most common MRI in 23% of cases and the diagnosis of USG was rejected
neurosonography findings that necessitated foetal MRI and reported normally in MRI in 8% of cases. Therewithal, in
screening (Tanacan et al. 2020). According to a meta-analysis the same meta-analysis, it was found that the diagnosis of
of 710 fetuses performed by Rossi and Prefumo, 44.7% of foetal MRI was correct in 80% of cases undergoing postnatal
cases were ventriculomegaly and 33.8% of cases were mid- imaging or autopsy, whereas foetal USG was diagnosed cor-
line anomalies. In the present study, 52.5% of the indications rectly in only 54% of the cases. In a similar study conducted
for requesting foetal MRI were ventriculomegaly, 22.5% were by Whitby et al. (2004) on 100 fetuses, it was found that foe-
corpus callosum anomalies, 15.6% were posterior fossa tal MRI and USG had similar results in 52 cases, MRI had extra
anomalies and 13.1% were neural tube defects in accordance information in 12 cases, MRI changed the diagnosis of USG in
with the literature. 35 cases and MRI reported the brain normally in 11 cases. In
Prenatal MRI may be particularly useful for abnormalities, the present study, additional findings were reported in 16.9%
including cerebral structures that are not easily recognised of cases, no additional finding was reported in 66.8% of
by USG. Biometric measurements can be made in axial/trans- cases, normal anatomic findings on MRI were reported in
verse plans in routine prenatal USG examinations, but foetal 8.8% of cases and MRI changed the diagnosis in 7.5% of
USG is insufficient in taking sagittal images (Salomon et al. cases in accordance with the literature.
2011). Therefore, sagittal images obtained by foetal MRI are One of the controversial problems between the studies
required in the evaluation of corpus callosum anomalies, pos- examining the relationship between foetal USG and MRI is
terior fossa, and especially vermiş (Rossi and Prefumo 2014). due to differences in the classification of CNS abnormalities.
Moreover, foetal MRI has advantages over foetal USG in size, In the present study, ventriculomegaly constitutes the largest
characterisation and identification of CNS lesions. group of anomalies. When the contribution of foetal USG
A comparison of foetal USG and MRI in the evaluation of and foetal MRI to the ventriculomegaly diagnosis is com-
foetal CNS abnormality has been one of the most important pared, the diagnosis was changed by foetal MRI, or an add-
issues discussed in the literature. On the other hand, the gen- itional anomaly was detected in 11.2% of cases with
eral opinion in the literature is that foetal MRI gives more ventriculomegaly diagnosed by USG in 51.5% of all cases. In
detailed and precise results than foetal USG as we have a prospective study of 147 cases of ventriculomegaly diag-
reached in the present study. However, because the applic- nosed by USG, additional CNS abnormalities were detected
ability of foetal MRI to each patient is not cost-effective, it in 17% of MRI cases and corpus callosum agenesis was the

most common association with ventriculomegaly (Griffiths Disclosure statement

et al. 2010). In 179 fetuses with ventriculomegaly, 19.5% of
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
MRI detected additional findings (Parazzini et al. 2012).
Prenatal MRI can detect the midline anomalies including cor-
pus callosum anomalies with a high sensitivity of 88.9%, as ORCID
reported by Conte et al. (2016). Corpus callosum dysgenesis
Sureyya Saridas Demir
is the second most common indication for foetal MRI, with a Erkan Cagliyan
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et al. 2005). In the present study, while corpus callosum
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