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Two people are required to prepare and inflate the liferaft and ensure the correct embarkation of

survivors and lowering of the liferaft to the water.

1 Transfer the liferaft to a position under the davit head, or position the davit head over the liferaft

2 Lower the release hook to the liferaft

3 Pull the ring or shackle out of the container

4 Open the release hook

5 Attach the release hook to the ring / shackle

6 Close the hook

7 Release and tie off: Painter lines

Bowsing lines

Container restraining line (s)

8 Lift the liferaft clear of the deck to the inflation height

9 Slew the davit outboard to the stop position

10 Inflate the liferaft by pulling the painter. Note: some liferafts are fitted with a short painter for this


11 Tighten bowsing lines to hold the liferaft alongside the embarkation point

12 Board the liferaft

13 When all survivors are aboard, release the bowsing lines

14 bower the liferaft

15 When the liferaft is about 2 metres above the water, cock the release hook

16 When the liferaft is water-borne, the hool, will release automatically. If it does not, give a sharp

tug on the cocking line

17 Cut or release the painter and paddle clear of the vessel

If there is not an opportunity to manually launch the liferaft. the submerged HRU will ensure the

liferaft is released.

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