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n the untamed wilds and forgotten corners of power and the constant, looming threat of being

the world, where nature’s raw fury meets the consumed by the very forces they unleash.
ancient echoes of primal spirits, the Bloodrager Becoming a Bloodrager
Barbarian finds their calling. These warriors,
unlike their kin, do not merely harness rage; they Choosing the path of a Bloodrager Barbarian often
bind themselves to the very essence of life and arises from an intense, primal calling, a deep-rooted
death, drawing upon the ancient and mystic desire for unbridled power, or a fascination with the
power of blood. elemental forces of life. It’s a journey rife with both peril
Their art, primal and visceral, is born of an intimate and potency, as one learns to channel the tumultuous
connection with the life force that courses through all energy within their own life force and that of the world
living beings. The Bloodrager does not shy away from around them.
this connection but plunges into it, merging their own Your character might have been drawn to this path by
fury with the boundless energy of life itself. In their an innate rage or a quest for self-mastery. Collaborate
hands, blood becomes more than a symbol of life; it with your Dungeon Master to weave this choice into the
becomes a conduit for unleashing unbridled, savage fabric of the campaign’s narrative, exploring the events
power. and motivations that propelled your character onto this
As they roar into battle, their blood singing with the fierce and formidable road.
ancient rhythms of the earth, they become avatars of As a Bloodrager Barbarian, your path is one of raw
destruction. The ground trembles under their feet, not might and visceral blood magic, where every
just from their physical might, but from the raw, thunderous blow and roaring battle cry is infused with
untamed magic that they unleash. Their rage is no the untamed power of life itself.
longer just an emotional outburst; it is a cataclysmic
force, a storm of visceral energy that sweeps friend and Class Features
foe alike. Refer to the Barbarian class features starting on page
Yet, this power comes at a cost. To dance with such 46 of the Player’s Handbook.
primal forces is to risk being consumed by them. Each
time a Bloodrager taps into this ancient magic, they flirt Starting Equipment
with a fate more terrifying than death—the loss of self to Refer to the Barbarian class starting on page 46 in the
the wild, untamable spirits of blood and battle. They Player’s Handbook.
walk a razor’s edge, balancing between the ecstasy of
power and the abyss of madness. How to Play a Bloodrager
In the wild places of the world, where civilization is
but a distant memory, these barbarians reign supreme. Your rage channels arcane energy, granting temporary
To some, they are legends, embodiments of the wild hit points and the ability to inflict extra necrotic damage
fury of nature itself. To others, they are a reminder of by expending Hit Dice. This creates a unique risk-
the raw, untamed power that lurks in the heart of all reward dynamic central to the Bloodrager’s style.
living things. But to those who have faced them in Hit Dice Management: Vital for both offense and
battle, who have seen their eyes alight with primal fire, healing. Careful use of Hit Dice is essential for
they are a testament to the ancient and awesome power maximizing combat effectiveness and longevity.
that flows, hidden and forgotten, in the very blood of the Strategic Gameplay:
world. Risk Management: Balance using Hit Dice for damage
Blood Manipulation against the need for health recovery. Employ abilities
like Blood Frenzy and Bloodlust tactically, considering
As a fierce adherent of this primal art, a Bloodrager both immediate benefits and long-term costs.
Barbarian wields the raw energy inherent in blood, Effective Positioning: Maximize the impact of abilities
channeling it to amplify their ferocity, dominate their like Blood Boil and Bloodlust by engaging in combat
adversaries, and execute devastating attacks. This strategically. Position yourself amidst enemies to
practice is not just a show of strength but a dance with optimize aura damage and target injured foes for
the very essence of life and death. It is an art steeped in Bloodlust benefits.
risk and moral complexity, for it delves into the Hit Dice Economy: Monitor Hit Dice closely. These are
manipulation of the life force itself. Bloodrager crucial for both enhancing attacks and healing during
Barbarians tread a path fraught with danger, each drop rests.
of blood harnessed a testament to their unyielding will Leveraging Core Strengths: Integrate Bloodrager
to survive and conquer. Theirs is a balance of unbridled abilities with classic Barbarian traits, like enhanced
movement and resilience, for a potent combat style.
Blood Frenzy Blood Rite
3rd-level Bloodrager feature 18th-level Bloodrager feature
At 3rd level, as a Bloodrager, you discover the ability At 18th level, your mastery of blood magic allows you to
to channel the raw power inherent in your blood to perform powerful rites by sacrificing your vitality. You
enhance your rage. When you rage, you gain temporary can spend Hit Dice to extend the duration of your Blood
hit points equal to your Barbarian level plus your Frenzy. As an action, choose one of the following rites,
Constitution modifier. Additionally, upon entering your each lasting a number of rounds equal to your
rage, you can make a single weapon attack as a bonus Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round):
This feature allows you to expend any number of Hit Gain resistance to all damage types.
Dice, adding extra necrotic damage to your weapon Gain advantage on all saving throws.
attacks equal to the total rolled on those Hit Dice. Increase your speed by 30 feet.
Furthermore, whenever you hit a creature with an Gain immunity to fear and charm effects. These rites
attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to half the require the expenditure of a Hit Die.
damage dealt. While using a Hit Die deals immediate
necrotic damage, your temporary hit points can partially
offset the potential cost of further Hit Dice expenditure.
6th-level Bloodrager feature
At 6th level, while raging, you can enter a further state I sincerely hope this content was helpful, fun, or
of rage by going into a bloodlust as a bonus action. For otherwise inspiring. Please consider checking out my
1 minute, you gain the following benefits: other content on DMsGuild. Your support is kindly
appreciated. A heart-felt thank you from me to you!
You have advantage on attack rolls made against Please check out these additional features on
creatures that are not at full hit points. DMsGuild.
After being attacked with with a melee weapon, you
can use a reaction to strike back at the creature that Feedback. This feature enables the purchaser of this
attacked you, which can only be used to take the
Attack (one weapon attack only) action. content to leave a rating on DMsGuild, positive ratings
help considerably.
When this effect ends, you gain one level of exhaustion. Negative Feedback. This condition enables the writer of
You can only use the bloodlust ability once per long rest. this content to know what the players and DMs think
Blood Boil work well, and what doesn’t work so well.
10th-level Bloodrager feature Rating. This feature enables the writer to reach a wider
At 10th level, your rage manifests as a damaging aura. audience, to grow and to continue to produce content
When you enter your Blood Frenzy, you can spend a Hit for folks like you to enjoy. Positive ratings are
Die to deal excessive damage. At the start of each of appreciated, even if the product isn’t quite perfect.
your turns while in this state, creatures within 5 feet of I revise the content based on feedback, so while I would
you take necrotic damage equal to your Barbarian level. still appreciate a positive score, by all means, please
This feature lasts until your Blood Frenzy ends or until comment let me know where I failed or what would
you choose to end it. make this even better– or if I rolled a Nat 20!
Blood Reckoning
14th-level Bloodrager feature
Upon reaching 14th level, in moments of near defeat,
you can defy death. When you are reduced to 0 hit
points, you can spend a Hit Die and choose to instead
drop to 1 hit point. Immediately after, you can take an
extra turn, during which you can only make a single
weapon attack. At the end of this turn, you gain one
level of exhaustion, and your maximum hit points are
lowered by the total rolled result of the Hit Die
expended until you finish a long rest.
(Instant Death pg. 197 PHB)
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of theCoast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards ofthe Coast
product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
other countries. This work contains material that is
copyright Wizards ofthe Coast and/or other authors.
Such material is used with permission under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Guild. All other original material in this work is
copyright 2023 by Ken Tate and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Writing & Editing by Ken Tate
Proudly created with The Homebrewery.

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