Investigation of Drinking Water Quality in Sirtelibya

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World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

SJIF Impact Factor 5.045

Volume 3, Issue 4, 54-76. Research Article ISSN 2277 – 7105



Salma M. M. Attaf and Hany A. Omara*

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Sirte University, Sirte, Libya.

Article Received on
05 April 2014, This study investigated the quality of drinking water supplied from the
Revised on 28 April 2014, Man-made River (MmR) to the general drinking water network of Sirte
Accepted on 21 May 2014
city. A total of 18 sites were selected for water analysis. Chemical and
biological parameters were determined and compared to the WHO and
*Correspondence for Libyan Standard. The analysis has been devised to investigate the
possibility of quality changes in the drinking water during the study
Dr. Hany Omara
period. 59% of users responded that water quality is acceptable, where
Chemistry Department, Faculty
of Science, Sirte University, 22% of them answered the questionnaire on the quality of water by bad
Sirte, Libya. and only 19% good. Chemical and biological analysis revealed that the
distributed water is safe to drink except in one site, (Health Institute)
where the count of E. coli was notably high (1100 CFU/100 ml). Analysis also showed that
the quality of MmR water remains mostly unchanged in terms of chemical and biological
(micro-organisms) aspects for its transport from the main sources in Alserer and Alkoffra
wells. Moreover, the water of MmR exhibits a better quality during the study period when
compared to previous studies. The results obtained from this study revealed that the EC value
is low (41.6-705 µs/cm) even lower than the recommended value by WHO. Other parameters
such as Cl (11.7-70.2 mg/L), SO4 (17.2-104 mg/L), NO3 (0.7-9.6 mg/L) are also lower than
that of the WHO and Libyan Standards. Estimation of other metals such as (Zn, Cd, Mg, Mn,
Fe), were below the limits. Overall, it has been stated that a combined bio-chemical approach
that has cover the investigation of both chemical and microbial aspects become an effective
method of monitoring drinking water. the investigation is needed to pin point possible
sources of contamination such as storage tanks and pipeline to ensure the reach of safe
drinking water to the users.
Key words: Drinking water, Libyan and WHO standards, Man-made River, Water quality. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 54

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Water is essential to sustain life and it must be available for all. Libya is one of the countries
suffer intense deficit of fresh water. One of the basic sources of water supply is the
underground water. Millions of people die every year around the world from diseases caused
by contaminated drinking water [1].

Chemical and biological analysis are essential to determine the inorganic, heavy metals,
organic carbon, pesticides, organic chlorine compounds, volatile organic compounds and
pathagonic in water. The obtained data for the chemical water quality help in developing new
water quality criteria [2].

Water interference in Al-Jaffara in Tripoli and found that the problem was resulted from the
excessive pumping of ground water which brought up sea water interference inside the
ground water reservoir was studied [3]. Egdoura conducted a study the quality of ground water
in Al-Marj area, it is found that the pH value ranges from (7-7.5) in the studied samples, TDS
and EC values were high and NO3 exceeded the WHO allowed limits [4].

The quality of drinking water for some areas in Benghazi City was studied . Physical,
chemical and biological analyses were done and compared to the Libyan standards which
showed that all samples are drinkable. In the ground water and surface water, where
individual metals and heavy metal ions may originate from pollution industrial or mining,
may be also of geo-genetically origin [6, 7].

To evaluate the microbiological quality of treated and untreated water samples for examine
the relationship between coliform occurrence and average water temperature, the highest
numbers contaminated by TC and FC were found in the untreated water . The faecal
coliforms (FC) and Escherichia coli enumeration is classically used to monitor the
microbiological quality of waters .

There are four major underground basins in the following:

1. The Kufra basin covers an area of 350,000 Km2 and has an estimated ground water
storage capacity of 20,000 Km3 in the Libyan sector.
2. Sirte basin has an average depth of 600 m and is estimated to hold over 10,000 km3 of
water. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 55

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

3. The Murzuq basin, which is estimated to be 450,000 Km2, has an upper aquifer thickness
of around 800 m and an estimated storage capacity of 4,800 Km3.
4. AL-Gaffara Arch and Jabal Sawda to the coast, has a capacity of 4000Km3.
Drinking water for Sirte city supplied by Man- made River via turn out receives water to
main reservoir near Sirte University. From this storage reservoir water distributes to the
general water company reservoir No.1 and reservoir No.2 which then re-distributes to the
general water net.

The total water which was needed in the year 2000 is estimated as 5579 million m 3, what was
available estimated as 3335 million m3 with a deficit of 2244 million m3. And the deficit is
expected to reach 4700 million m3 in 2025 [10].

Sample site
As the objective of the study is to evaluate the quality of Sirte drinking water, 18 sites were
selected from the drinking water network in Sirte city to cover all areas of Sirte city, in Table

Sample collection and storage

Samples were collected in the period of five months from June to October 2013. All samples
were collected in 500 ml bottle which is washed with bidistilled water and rinsed with the
water sample whice stored in ice and analyzed. Samples collected for biological analysis
were collected in sterilized 250 ml glass stopple bottles, and were stored immediately in ice
box and analyzed.

Sample analysis
Replicate analyses were carried out to evaluate the quality of water. The rest of the analysis
has been done in Sirte University and other laboratories in Libya.

Table 1: Sites of collected samples from (A) Inlet main Reservoir to (R) Zafran zone
A Inlet main Reservoir G Kalij Altahadi school M Sirte almarkazei school
B In the main Reservoir H Alfath school N Dat Alsware Mosque
C Outlet main Reservoir I Al Majd school O Reservoir Number (1)
D Sirte University J Clinics Complex P Res. No.(1) MmR Location
E Military Al Jeza Reservoir K Health institute Q Gate of 700 population Unit
F Eben sena Hospital L Al Boidi Café R Zafran zone Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 56

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Chemical analysis
Measurements taken by this study were: water temperature (T), (pH), electrical conductivity
(EC), total dissolved salts (TDS), chloride (Cl), sodium (Na), potassium (K), nitrate (NO3),
sulphate (SO4), calcium hardness (Ca-H), total hardness (TH), total alkalinity (T-ALK),
magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe). Temperature of
sample water was measured at the collection time by a thermometer (ZEAL, England).

Electrical conductivity (EC) determination

Samples were analyzed for determined EC value using conductivity meter, electrode-Model

Determination of pH
The pH of the samples was measured immediately after collection using pH meter, type
(HANNA), model (HI 9835, England), provided by glass electrode.

Determination of total dissolved salts (TDS)

Total dissolved salts were determined by TDS meter (HI 9835, England) provided by
electrode after calibrating the apparatus by bidistillated water.

Determination of sodium and potassium

Samples were analyzed by flame photometer type model (410 Corning, England).

Determination of chloride
Chloride in all samples was determined using argentimetric method (Mohr method), by
titration with silver nitrate solution, chloride was precipitate as silver chloride in the presence
of chromate ion [11].

Determination of nitrate
Samples were analyzed by cecil double-beam spectrophotometer, type (CE5501, 5000 Series,
England), at wavelength 220 nm [11].

Determination of sulphate
Samples were analyzed using the Cecil double-beam spectrophotometer found inclusively in
. The wave length is set to 492 nm and 10 mm cells were used. A fixed volume of samples
treated with a 50:50 mix of ethanol/glycerol in order to modify the viscosity, and then
acidified by means of hydrochloric acid, and finally crystals of barium chloride are added. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 57

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Then the fine precipitate of barium sulphate is formed and kept in suspension by the
ethanol/glycerol mixture. The precipitate density is measured on the Cecil double beam

Determination of total alkalinity

Total alkalinity is measured . The sample is titrated with a standard solution of
hydrochloric acid using the indicators phenolphthalein and bromocresol green-methyl red.

Determination of hardness
Total hardness and calcium hardness of water samples are determined by titrated with a
standard solution of (EDTA) at a pH of 10.0, and Eriochrome Black T was used as the
indicator [11].

Determination of other metals

The metals such as copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), magnesium (Mg),
manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), are determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy, (PU 9200X)
fisone, England.

Biological analysis
Biological analyses carried out for this study are total count of bacteria (T.C), total coli form
test (T.C.F) and fungi test. Total count of bacteria was determined by using plate method,
whereas multi tubes method was used to determine total coli form. faucal coli form had been
determined by membrane filter method where as fungi was determined by plate method.

The media used in the study

Nutrient agar (NA) or TGE agar, brilliant green bile lactose broth (BGBLB), azide dextrose
broth (ADA), MaCconky broth (MB), sabouraud dextrose agar, brain heart infusion broth,
titra thionate broth. The media used are Nutrient Agar, TGE Agar and ethanol 70%, using
Petri dishes, 0.1 ml pipette, air incubator set at (37 °C), colony counter.

A sample of 1.0 ml was pipetted into Petri dish (sterilizing by ethanol 70%). Molten agar of
20 ml was poured into each plate. The samples were immediately mixed by gentle circulation
movements for 5.0 to 10 seconds. The dishes were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. After
incubation all visible colonies were counted and recorded using colony counter. The counts
of up to 300 in number were made and more than 300 recorded as >300 colony/1 ml [12]. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 58

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Quality control
One milliliter volume of sterile distilled water were separated with each batch of sample as a
blank, and incubated at the same incubation temperatures (37 °C) to check the sterility of the

Total coliform count test

Total coli forms are generally measured in 100 ml samples of water. The procedures include
membrane filtration followed by incubation of the membranes on selective media at 35-37 °C
and counting of colonies after 24 h. The reagents used are MaCconky broth (double single
strength) or lauryl tryptose broth, brilliant green broth, EMB agar, and nutrient agar, using
test tubes, Durham tubes, air incubator set at (37 °C), 10 ml, 1.0 ml, and 0.1 ml pipettes, Petri
dishes, and racks.

 Presumptive test
The (double strength) MaCconky and nine (single strength) MaCconky tubes were setup in a
test tube rack. The bottles of water to be tested were mixed by shaking 25 times. With a 10
ml pipette, 10 ml of water were transferred to each of the double strength MaCconky tubes.
With a 1.0 ml pipette 1.0 ml of water was transferred to each of the middle set of tubes and
0.1 ml to each of the last three single strength MaCconky tubes. The tubes were incubated at
(35 °C) for 24 h. The tubes were examined and the number of tubes in each set that had 10%
gas or more is recorded. The MPN was determined from the table [12].

 The confirmative test

A plate of E.M.B agar was streaked with positive presumptive tubes. The plate was incubated
for 24 h at (35 °C). Typical colonies were looked for on E.M.B agar plate.

 The completed test

A nutrient agar slant was inoculated and tubes of MaCconky broth make a final check of the
colonies which appeared on the confirmatory media. After incubation at 35 °C for 24 h, the
tube was examined for gas production and Gram- stain slide was made from the slant. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 59

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Fungi test
Media preparation
The materials used are 47 gm Sabouraud, 2.0% glucose agar ad 1liter distilled water. The
flask was put on the hot plate-stirrer, and autoclaved at 121 °C for 15 min. The media was
poured in Petri dishes, and the dishes were put in refrigerator, using flask, heater + mixer
(hotplate-stirrer), magnet, Petri dishes, and distilled water. The dishes were kept at 35°C for a
period of 5 to 7 days. The result was recorded as ‘+Ve’ or ‘–Ve’ for growth. The
identification of fungi was carried out by inspection under microscope.


Results of the analysis carried out on water samples collected from 18 different sites in Sirte
city to evaluate the quality of Sirte drinking water during the study period (June-October
2013). The results obtained were compared with WHO and Libyan standards of drinking
water and are elaborated below.

Statistical analysis
The results in this study were compared and contrasted between months for all parameters.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was made to test the significant differences between months
for all parameters, at significant level of 0.05 (95%).

Test of significance level

To make sure of the extent to which zone factor affects the drinking water, a statistical
method is used to compare phenomena. The method used was the so called assumptions’ test
amongst two means - using factor test. The assumption to be tested in this study is that there
is no significant difference between zones in terms of measured values against the
replacement claim which says that there is a significant difference between zones. This test
helps in making the right decision in terms of accepting one and rejecting the other according
to the data obtained from the sample. The level of significant in the following tables is used
as a statistic standard to accept or reject the statistic assumptions. In the process of data
analysis, the prepared statistic program (STATGRAPHICS plus 5.1) is used to test the
significant difference between the whole means and the factor test that has been used. The
measured value of zones is counted and the equivalent significance level is also counted. The
results are given in Table 2. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 60

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Table 2: The results of (F) test

The confidence level of
mean 95% Immateria
Factor Mean SD T(F)
Higher Lower l level
limit limit
EC 1026.67 8.660 1034.113 1019.220 2.40 0.171
pH 8.097 0.037 8.1376 8.057 0.51 0.624
TDS 667.333 5.629 672.173 662.493 2.40 0.171
K 20.222 0.178 20.401 20.042 0.97 0.433
Na 91.788 1.045 92.949 90.628 0.24 0.793
Cl 117.867 7.238 125.765 109.967 0.35 0.717
SO4 179.633 11.250 191.222 168.044 0.76 0.507
NO3 9.877 1.659 11.753 8.02 0.13 0.883
Ca-H 120.444 17.486 138.165 102.724 0.89 0.459
TH 189.502 4.02 192.483 186.521 4.20 0.072
T-ALK 167.311 1.763 169.194 165.427 0.50 0.629

In general, from this statistic analysis, when observed the calculated F value, it is found that
there are no differences between sites at 0.05 level, which indicate to the value rate of all
coefficients same for all sites. The confidential limits for this mean reached 90.628 at low
limit, 92.949 at high limit, and the mean of all sites are at the allowed limits-for the drinking
water in Sirte.

Physical analysis
Analysis of some physical parameters such as color, taste, odour, and temperature were
carried out for all the 18 water samples. Taste and odour in drinking-water may be indicators
of some form of pollution or of a malfunction during water treatment or distribution [13, 14].
In all analyzed samples no color, taste or odour were observed. Variation in temperature was
observed between the collected water samples ranged from 30-40 °C and that may due to the
outside temperature where water taken before collection. The material through which the
water passes has direct relation between the outside temperatures. Normally the water
temperature will be high during summer months and low in winter seasons. Temperature
difference between storage tanks and entry to the distribution system can suggest
stratification in storage tanks and degradation of water quality that could lead to microbial
regrowth in the distributions system [15].

Electrical conductivity (EC)

The increase of conductivity may be traced to the interference of sea water and it was due to
intrusion of salt water from saline marshes, swamps and marine sedimentation from sea [16]. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 61

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Values of EC of all analyzed samples are shown in Figure 1, the highest value of EC was
found in the sample collected from site (B) in June 2013 (705.0µs/cm). The lowest value was
found in site (P) in June, (41.60µs/cm). The lowest variation between the months in EC
values were in July as the standard deviation was found to be ±4.48, and the highest variation
for EC values was recorded in June (±182.23).

The highest average of EC values was recorded in October 2013 as it reached 641.44 µs/cm
and the lowest average of EC values was recorded in June (576.08 µs/cm). The lowest EC
value in the sample collected from site (P) may be due to the addition of distilled water that
comes from the Sirte desalination station to the drinking water network. It was learned that
occasionally the distilled water pumped into the water network. The higher value in the
Figure at site (B) which collected from main reservoir may be due to the increase in
concentration of the dissolved salts from the precipitated salts in the reservoir.

It is found that there are no significant differences between zones in terms of EC values at
0.05 level. Confidence limits ٬٬values of lower and higher limits” appear in Table 2 to each
zone. It is clear that the best homogeneity amongst EC was repeated in B, O, and R zones
where the normative deviation was 5.77, whereas the repeated EC values of F zone was less
homogeneity where the difference between the F zone repetitions was greater than that of B,
O, and R zones.

Values of EC found in this study were less than those obtained on the water of wells in
Souq Al-Juma'a (13719.7 µs/cm), [16]
on the water of Benghazi City that ranged between
(2456.3-5605.4 µs/cm). The study of evaluating water position in Murzuq pond in Libya
where the conductivity results ranged between (952-9360 µs/cm) [18]. The water quality in Al-
Gardabiya Reservoir in Sirte city, and the EC was (2578 µs/cm) studied in the year 1998,
(1608 µs/cm) in the year 2000 [19]. The minimum and maximum value of analyzed samples is
ranges from 41.6 to 705 µs/cm and is within the range of WHO and Libyan standards are
(1500-2000). Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 62

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Oct. Oct.

Oct. Sept., R Sept., A Oct.

Sept., Q Aug., R Aug., A Sept., B
A B Aug., Q July, R July, A Aug., B
Oct. Oct.
July, Q June, R June, A July, B
C D Sept., P
Aug., P June, Q
Sept., C
Aug., C
June, B
P July, C
June, OP
E F Sept., O
Oct. Oct.
June, C
Aug., O June, N Sept., D
G H July, O

Sept., N June, D
June, M
I J Oct. Aug.,July,
N N July, E Sept., Oct.
Aug., E E

K L June, L June, E
Sept., M July, M
July, F
Aug., M
M N Oct. June, K June, F
Aug., F
Sept., Oct.
July, L
O P Sept.,Aug.,
L L June, J June, G
July, G
Aug., G
July, K June, I June, H
July, H Sept., G
Q R Oct. Aug., K July, J July, I Aug., H
Sept., K
Aug., J Aug., I Sept., H
Oct. Sept., J Sept., I Oct.
Oct. Oct.

Figure 1: EC values of the studied sites

Chemical analysis
The pH is considered as one of the most important factors and measures that have a vital role
in determining the quality of drinking water physically and chemically. The decrease in pH
value causes erosion problems and when it increases causes sedimentation problems. The
world health organization and Libyan standards of drinking water recommend that the pH
value should be between 6.5 and 8.5.

The relationship between CO2 and bicarbonates is the basic coefficient in pH values for the
most types of ground water, but the ratio of CO2 to bicarbonates is not fixed when the
pressure and temperature change [17]. Figure 2 shows the pH values of analyzed samples. The
highest pH values were found in samples (D and O) in June 2013, as it reached (8.80), and
the lowest value was recorded in sample (P) as 7.59 in September. The lowest variation
between the months in pH values was found in July as ±0.05, and the highest variation was
recorded in September (±0.17).

The high average of pH value was recorded in June, as it reached 8.61, and the low average
pH value was recorded in October as 7.86. The highest pH values were found in samples (D
and O). Sample (D) collected from Sirte University, which comes from reservoir No.1. The
sample (O) collected from reservoir No.1, where the water comes from the main reservoir. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 63

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The high pH values may be caused by treatments of drinking water which occasionally done
in this reservoir.

Measured pH values, it is found that there are no significant differences between zones in
terms of pH values at 0.05 levels. Confidential limits of each zone appear on Table 2. The
best homogeneity between values of pH repetitions was seen in (O) zone where the normative
deviation value was 0.017 whereas pH values of B zone was less homogenous which shows
that the breaking off between repetitions of B zone was lesser than that of F, O, and R zones.
The value of pH in Al-Shati ground water reached 6.6 [20] or ranges between 6.5 and 8.0 [21].

Oct., R Oct., A

Oct., Q Sept., R Sept., A Oct., B

Aug., R Aug., A Sept., B
A B Sept., Q
Aug., Q Aug., B
July, R July, A
Oct., P Oct., C
C D Sept., P
July, Q June, R June, A July, B Sept., C
Aug., P June, Q June, B Aug., C
E F July, P July, C
June, P June, C
Oct., O Sept.,Oct.,
G H Sept., O
Aug., O
July, O
Aug., D
July, D
June, O June, D
E Sept., E E
K L N Aug.,
Oct.,Sept., N July,
N June,
N N June,July,
E Aug., E Oct.,

M N June, M
July, M
June, F
July, F
Aug., M Aug., F F
O P Sept., M
Oct., M June, L June, G
Oct., F
July, L July, G
Q R Aug., L June, K June, H Aug., G
Sept., G
Sept., L July, K June, J June, I July, H
Oct., L Oct., G
Aug., K July, J July, I Aug., H
Sept., K Aug., J Aug., I Sept., H
Oct., K Sept., J Sept., I Oct., H

Oct., J Oct., I

Figure 2: pH values of the studied sites.

The pH value of the analyzed samples higher than 8.0 which is considered as near to the
maximum allowed range (8.5) due to the nature of the surrounding of well water.

Total dissolved salts (TDS)

The total dissolved salts values of all analyzed samples. The highest value of TDS was
recorded in sample (B) as 458.30 mg/L in June. The lowest value was found in sample (P) as
27.0 mg/L in June. Table 8 also shows the lowest variation was recorded in July 2013 ±2.91
and highest in June ±118.46. The maximum average of TDS value found in October as it
reached (416.21), while the low recorded in June (374.48). Sample (B) has high TDS value,
which collected from main reservoir. Compared with site (A) which collected from the inlet
reservoir, the increased were noticed in EC may point to source of addition of salts in this
site. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 64

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It is found that there are no significant differences between zones in terms of TDS values at
0.05 levels. Confidence limits of each zone are shown on Table 2. The best homogeneity was
found where the normative deviation is 3.75. TDS repeated values of F zone were less
homogenous (6.5), which indicates that they were less than that of B, O, and R zones. The
increasing in TDS in Al-Jaffara flat, due to the leakage of saline water from marshes and
swamps or resulted from marine sedimentation [3].

The result found less than those founded by [18] for the water of wells in Benghazi city where
they were 3888 mg/L, 1669.2 mg/L, and 2718.8 mg/L in Beneina, Seedi Mansur field and Al-
Kiweikheya field respectively, whereas the results in 1999 of TDS values were in the range
of 906-3000 mg/L in Benghazi city . The results of dissolved salts concentration reached
2800 mg/L in ground water for the group of upper reservoirs in Sabha as indicated, but in
Brak The TDS concentration was in the range of 510-515 mg/L . The results of TDS
concentration were within the WHO limits (in the range 415-500 mg/L) . In the
ALgardabiya Reservoir in Sirte, The TDS at 1593 mg/L in year 1999, and was found 1045
mg/L in the year 2002 [19].

The highest potassium concentrations were found in samples (R, N, and K), 33.0 mg/L, in
June 2013, and the lowest concentration in 20.28 mg/L in sample (O). The lowest variation
during the months in the potassium values was recorded in October 2013, as the SD was
±0.29 and the highest variation was recorded in June.

The highest average of Potassium value was found in June 2013 as it reached 30.61 mg/L,
while the low average was recorded in August 21.66 mg/L. Sample (O) collected from
reservoir No.1 may due to the addition of distillation water, which comes from Sirte
Desalination Plant.

Measured values of the factor shows that there are no significant differences between zones
in terms of potassium values at 0.05 levels. Confidence limits of each zone are shown on
Table 2. The best homogeneity amongst repetitions of potassium values was found in B zone
where the normative deviation was 0.057, whereas the repetitions of potassium values in R
zone was less homogenous and this indicates that differences between repetitions of R zone
was greater than the breaking off between repetitions of B, F, and O zones. The results in AL- Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 65

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Shati area clearly shows that the concentration of potassium was in range of 24-50 mg/L [21].
The potassium concentration in Brak area was in the limits of 23.4-25.4 mg/L . The
concentration of potassium in AL-Gardabiya reservoir in Sirte at 29.3 mg/L at 1997,
minimum value 15.77 mg/L in the year 2001 [19].

The highest value of the Cl was found in the samples collected from sites (A and G) in June
2013 as it reached 70.20 mg/L, and the lowest value was recorded for sample (O) as 11.70
mg/L in June. The SD value in September was ±4.31. The lowest variation for chloride value
during all months was recorded in September 2013 and the highest variation was recorded in

High average chloride value was found in September as it reached (60.79) while low average
of chloride was found in August (57.62). High value of chloride in samples (A and G) was
recorded in June compared with all samples during all months. Sample (A) was collected
from a site located before drinking water flows into the main reservoir. That drinking water
comes from MmR. The differences in chloride content between sites are due to the change in
rate of withdrawal of water [23].

There are no significant differences amongst zones in terms of chloride values at 0.05 level
when observing the measured values of the factor. Confidence limits of each zone are show
on Table 2. The best homogeneity between repetitions of chloride values was found in (O)
zone where the normative deviation was 3.90, whereas repetitions of chloride values of R
zone were found as less homogenous where the normative deviation was 10.31 and this
indicates that the difference between the repetitions of R zone was higher than that of B, F,
and (O) zones.

Sample (G) collected from Kalij Altahadi School and when compared the chloride content
with that of reservoirs of ground water in Sabha city, we found that they were less than those
found in 1984 which were in the range of (48-96) mg/L. Concentrations of chloride
decreased in the northern and central parts where they were in the range of (20.2-716.3)mg/L.
Chloride concentrations decreased in the water of underground reservoirs to a greater extent
where they were in the range of (0.3-40)mg/L. The chloride concentration in Al-Shati area
was in the limits of (75-550) mg/L [21]. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 66

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The ideal limit of sodium concentration in drinking water is 20 mg/L according to the
international and Libyan standards. The highest value of the sodium was found in site (H) as
86.40 mg/L in July 2013, and the lowest value found in site (K) as it reached 34.80 mg/L in
July. In table (10) also shows the lowest variation in the sodium values during the months
was found in June, with SD of ±3.06 and the high variation in sodium values was recorded in

High average sodium value was found in June, as it reached 62.26, while lowest average of
sodium was found in September (59.0). The sodium content in the analyzed water is within
the maximum limit of the sodium concentration stated in international and Libyan standards.
The measured values of the factor shows that there are no significant differences between
zones in terms of sodium values at 0.05 level. Confidence limits of each zone are shown on
Table 2. It is found that the best homogeneity between repetitions of sodium values was
found in (F) zone where the normative deviation was 0.40, whereas repetitions of sodium
values in (O) zone were less homogenous which shows that the differences between
repetitions of (O) zone were higher than the breaking off between repetitions of B, F, and R

The sodium content in Wadi Al-Shati is lesser than that of Sabha drinking water[20, 21]. The
maximum concentration of sodium at 497 mg/L in the year 1997, minimum value was 273.5
mg/L in 2002 , and explained the increase the sodium by increasing in sodium
concentration in the source (Sarir well).

The highest value of sulphate was found in sample (Q) 104.0 mg/L in June, and the lowest
was found in site (O) as it reached 17.20 mg/L in June. The sulphate values was recorded in
September as the SD found ±3.92 while high variation of sulphate values was recorded in
June. High average of sulphate value was found in June as it reached 83.61 while lowest
average of sulphate was found in September (58.46). Sample (Q) was collected from the Gate
of 700-population-units which comes from reservoir No.1, therefore may be caused by
drinking water network between reservoir No.1 and site (Q).

The measured values of the factor show that there are no significant differences between
zones in terms of sulphate values at 0.05 level. Confidence limits of each zone are shown on Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 67

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Table 2. The best homogeneity between repetitions of sulphate values was found in B zone
where the normative deviation was 4.81, whereas repetitions of sulphate values in (O) zone,
where the normative deviation was 15.36, were less homogenous and this indicates that the
difference between repetitions of (O) zone were higher than that of B, F, and R zones.
Although the concentration of sulphate is increased in site (Q) to reach 104 mg/L still it
considered under the low limit of WHO and Libya standards.

The results found in this study were less than that reported in Wadi Al- Shati water, in
Benghazi area [24], in Brak [25], and in the Al-gardabiya reservoir in Sirte the concentration of
sulphate was found the maximum value 564 mg/L in the year 1997, and the minimum value
was 251.7 mg/L in 2002.

The highest value of the nitrate was found in sample collected from site (P) in July (9.6
mg/L), and the lowest value was found in site (O) in June (0.7 mg/L). The statistical study the
lowest variation between the reading of the months were in Sep. as the SD found to be ±0.69
but in July found to be the highest.

High average of nitrate value was found in October as it reached (5.77), while lowest average
found in July (2.90). There are no significant differences between zones in the measured
values of the factor in terms of nitrate values at 0.05 level. Confidence limits of each zone are
shown on Table 2. The best homogeneity amongst repetitions of nitrate values was found in
(O) zone where the normative deviation was 1.68, whereas the repetitions of nitrate values of
B zone were less homogenous and this shows that the difference between the repetitions of B
zone was higher than that of F, O, and R zones.

The concentration of nitrate in the water of Wadi- AL Shati area was in the limits of (1-21)
mg/L [21], and the concentration of nitrate was 9.93 mg/L in the year 1997 [19].

Calcium hardness (Ca-H)

Water hardness is affected by the type of dissolved salts in water which are themselves
affected by the rocks of ground water reservoirs. Water that found in the rocks of limestone
may be of high calcium and magnesium content [26].
The highest value of the Ca-H was found in the sample (C) 100 mg/L in July 2013, which
was collected from a site after the main reservoir. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 68

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

The lowest variation between the months in the Ca-H values was recorded in August, as the
SD was ±4.17 and in June it is found to be the highest variation. However, the highest
average of Ca-H value was in September, as it reached 61.80 while the lowest average was
recorded in June (50.90). There are no significant differences between zones in the measured
values of the factor in terms of Ca-H values at 0.05 level. Confidence limits of each zone are
shown on Table 2. It is also found that the best homogeneity between repetitions of Ca-H
values was observed in R zone where the normative deviation was 11.54, whereas repetitions
of Ca-H values in (O) zone (27.22) were less homogenous and this shows that the difference
between repetitions of (O) zone was higher than that of F, O, and R zones.

The total hardness concentration was in the range of (400-780) mg/L and those results are
higher than those obtained by this study from drinking water in Sirte city . The results of
this study are less to a greater extended (2149 mg/L) in which the water in Souq-Al-
Juma'a area in Tripoli. The reason is that the area suffers the interference of sea water which
contents high rates of salts particularly Mg, Ca, and Cl. Our results are also less than the
results of total hardness of Sabha wells’ water which recorded where the total hardness
was amounted to (303-790) mg/L in terms of upper reservoirs, and hardness is estimated to
34 mg/L for underground reservoirs, which was less than the value of TH obtained by this
study about drinking water in Sirte city.

Total hardness (TH)

The highest value of the TH was found in the sample collected from site (K) in August 2013
as it reached (137.40 mg/L). The lowest value was found in site (O) in June 2006 as it
reached (16.0 mg/L), shown in table (15) the low variation between the months in the TH
values were in September as the SD found ±1.97, while in June found to be high variation.
The high average for TH value found in August as it reached (130.59), while low rate found
in June (118.98). There are no significant differences between zones in the measured values
of the factor in terms of TH values at 0.05 level. Confidence limits of each zone are shown on
Table 2. It is also shown that the best homogeneity amongst repetitions of TH values was
found in F zone where the normative deviation was 0.0, whereas repetitions of TH values in
B zone (10.07) were less homogenous than that of O, F, and R zones.
The high TH value in sample collected from site (K), may due to the sample collected from
reservoir No.1 in August, may caused by the water net between main reservoir and reservoir
No.1. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 69

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

These results less than results obtained in the ALgardabiya reservoir in Sirte was found
the total hardness at 320 mg/L in the year 1998, and 235 mg/L in the year 2002.

Total alkalinity (T-ALK)

Alkalinity is a measure of the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate or hydroxide. Concentration
less than 100 mg/L are desirable for domestic purposes. The recommended range for drinking
water is 30 to 400 mg/L. Alkalinity is not detrimental to humans. Moderately alkaline water
(less than 350 mg/L), in combination with hardness, forms a layer of calcium or magnesium
carbonate that tends to inhibit corrosion of metal pipes. Many public water utilities employ
this practice to reduce pipe corrosion and to increase the useful life of the water distribution
system (Illinois Department of Public Health).

The highest value of the T-ALK was found in the sample collected from site (R, Q) in June
2013, as it reached (177.3 mg/L), the lowest value was found in site (O) in June as it reached
(35.5 mg/L). The low variation between the months in the T-ALK values were in October as
the SD found ±3.14, while in June found to be high variation. The high rate for T-ALK value
found in October as it reached (157.22), while low rate found in August. No significant
differences in the measured values of the factor between zones in terms of T-ALK values at
0.05 level. The confidential limits of each zone are shown on Table 2. The best homogeneity
between repetitions of T-ALK values was 0.0, whereas the repetitions of T-ALK values in B
zone (13.74) were less homogenous and this indicates that there is a great difference between
repetitions in B zone compared to that of F, O, and R zones.

The high T-ALK value can be noticed in sample collected from Q, R. It may due to the sites,
water sample collected at the end of these sites of water net in Sirte. The total alkalinity 264
mg/L in the year 2000, and the lowest was 209.8 mg/L in the year 2002 [19].

Other metals
Single analysis of Zn, Cd, Mg, Mn, and Fe was carried out only for 9 sites. Due to the lack of
facilities needed for such analysis (AA) the determination of these metals and the difficulties
faced in the analysis of metals, only single determination was done in September which
showed that all concentrations were below the limits set by Libyan and WHO standards for
drinking water. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 70

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

At Table 3 shows the results of single analysis of Zn, Cd, Mg, Mn, and Fe, of the mentioned
sites comparing the founded results with that of water samples analyzed in Wadi Al-Shati
where concentrations of heavy metals reached 4 µg/L for (Cr), 1.2 µg/L (Cd), 350 µg/L (Hg),
2.0 µg/L (Zn), 4.0 µg/L for (Cu). The Iron (Fe) concentration at Brak area was in the range of
2.6-4.4 mg/L and that of manganese (Mn) as 0.24 mg/L [20, 21].

In South Africa the concentration of all the heavy metals found below the international
guidelines and acceptable concentrations for drinking water except the values of Cd and Pb
. The concentration of heavy metals in Al-Gardabiya reservoir and pipeline water in Sirte
were within the normal ranges [19].

Table 3: Other metals in the analyzed samples

Samples Zn Cd Mg Mn Fe
B 0.07 n.d 23.200 0.012 0.041
D 0.060 n.d 23.400 0.016 n.d
E 0.08 n.d 21.800 0.020 n.d
F 0.014 n.d 23.200 0.07 0.016
G 0.016 n.d 21.900 0.015 0.016
H 0.08 n.d 22.900 0.024 n.d
I 0.020 n.d 22.600 0.031 n.d
M 0.072 n.d 23.900 0.020 n.d
P 0.06 n.d 23.500 0.011 0.044

Biological analysis
Total count of bacteria (T.C)
The values of total count of bacteria (T.C) of all analyzed samples. The highest count was
recorded in sample A, B, D, E, F, H, K, and R which were collected in August and September
2013, as it reached (300 CFU/1m). The lowest count was found in samples (A, E, J, L, N, Q)
that were collected in September, (B, C, F, N, O, R) that were collected in October, as it
reached 0.0 CFU/1m.

The lowest variation between months in T.C value was found in October where the SD found
as 50.07, while high variation in T.C values was recorded in August. The highest count of
T.C was found in August as 127.2 while the lowest value was recorded in October. The
highest value of T.C was compared with all sites during all months. Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 71

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

The samples collected from Pakistan households showed that bacterial contamination
exceeded the maximum acceptable limit . The T.C, T.C.F and F.C.F in the Al-Gardabiya
reservoir water in Sirte, were found to exceed the permissible limit throughout the study
period. The bacteria count however was corresponded with the movement of water and the
increase in temperature [19].

The total coliform (T.C.F) values of all analyzed samples. The highest value of 1100
CFU/100 ml was found in sample (K) which was collected in September from health
institute, and the lowest value of 0.0 CFU/100 ml (O, P, D, Q) was found in September and

No T.C.F was detected in all other water samples. The lowest variation between the months
in T.C.F value was found in October where SD found as 5.0 while the highest variation in
T.C.F values was recorded in September.

Oct., R Oct., A
Oct., Q
Oct., B
Oct., P Sept.,
Sept., Sept.,
Sept., L
Oct., C
Oct., O Aug.,Aug.,
A B Aug., Q
Aug., P Aug., B Oct., D
Aug., O
Aug., N
C D Oct., N Aug., M
Aug., C
Aug., D
E F Aug., L

Aug., E
G H Oct., M

Oct., L Aug., F
K L Aug., G
Aug., K
M N Oct., K
O P Aug., H Oct., E

Q R Oct., J Aug., J Aug., I

Oct., I
Sept., K
Oct., H
Oct., G
Oct., F

Figure 3: T.C.F values of the studied sites.

Figure 4 shows the fungi values in CFU/ 1 ml of all analyzed samples where the highest
value was found in samples A, H that were collected in August, and samples (A, B, C, F, J,
N, P, R) in October, as it reached (300 CFU/ 1 ml). The lowest value between all sites was
recorded in September and October as it reached 0.0 CFU/ 1 ml. The low variation of fungi Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 72

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

value was recorded in September as it reached 2.9 CFU/ 1 ml while the high variation was
recorded in October. The highest fungi value was recorded in October as it reached 142.6
CFU/ 1 ml.

The isolated species of fungi from Al-gardabiya reservoir water in Sirte, found no dangerous
species and recorded no effect on the quality of water [19].

Oct., R Oct., A
Sept., M
Sept., O
Sept., I
Oct., Q
A B Sept., H
Aug., Q R
Aug., P
C D Sept., G Aug., O
Aug., N Aug., A Oct., B
E F Oct., P Aug., M

G H Sept., F
Aug., L
I J Oct., O

K L Aug., K Aug., B
Aug., J
M N Aug., I Aug., C Sept., B
Aug., D Oct., C
Aug., E
Oct., N
O P Sept., E
Aug., F
Q R Aug., H Aug., G Oct., D
Oct., M
Oct., K Sept., D
Oct., F

Oct., J Oct.,IHG

Figure 4: Fungi values of the studied sites.


This study was aimed to evaluate the quality of drinking water supplied from MmR to Sirte
area. Physical, chemical and biological parameters were investigated and compared with the
WHO and Libyan standards. The physical parameters include temperature, colure, taste,
odour and EC. The important chemical parameters are pH, TDS, K, Cl, Na, SO4, NO3, Ca-H,
TH, T-ALK and heavy metals. Biological parameters such as T.C, T.C.F and fungi were also
analyzed. Analysis has been done on water samples collected from eighteen representative
sites in the study area for a period of five months.

Based on the bio-chemical investigation of this study have been suggestion recommendations
is obtained: Vol 3, Issue 4, 2014. 73

Hany et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

 Periodic monitoring of the quality of water is a pre-requisite to ensure the safety of

drinking water. It required infrastructure and latest facilities. It must be Practical program
to monitor the quality of drinking water net work and provide and means to achieve that.
 Provide the required facilities to examine and monitor supplied drinking water, such as
analysis laboratories chemically and biologically.
 Much care must be directed to the network of drinking water, particularly in public
sections such as schools and hospitals.
 Intensify attention on main reservoirs, domestic tanks, by cleaning and purifying them
and follow the standard specifications and measures of chlorination and control chlorine
 Enforce legislations that control water consumption, and set standards that relate to
saving water, and observe these legislations to be applied strictly and accurately, in other
words, to put them in to action strictly.
 Observing tubes of drinking water network (which transport water from public water
network to the domestic tanks) and tubes that transport water from domestic tanks to
internal parts of homes, because they are exposed to rust and erosion, and advice
consumers to use filters for all domestic taps.

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