K.O WW2 2

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World War Two

1. The League of Nations 6. Impact of WW2 on Germany

Setup after WW1 to keep peace. If threatened Short term: People work 7 days a week / 18 hours per day. Rationing increased and propaganda
one member you threatened all of them against Jews intensified. Due to bombings infrastructure (roads, railways, bridges) and utilities (gas /
(collective security). However USA did not join water / electricity) destroyed. German economy shattered = money worthless. As Russians approach
and Britain & France weak. 4. Events of WW2 Berlin, mass migration of Germans westwards trying to escape Russian revenge.
Manchurian Crisis: 1931 Japanese army invade Battle of the Atlantic: Sept 1939 to May 1945: Naval blockade against Germany. Nuremburg trials: trial of war criminals was held in Nuremburg 1945 / 1946. Not all Nazis made it to
Manchuria. League condemned invasion but Battle of Dunkirk from May - June 1940: British and the French retreat, 338,000 men rescued. trial, many were executed by the Russians.
did nothing, thought a strong Japan was a Battle of Britain, July to Oct 1940: Luftwaffe try to destroy the British Royal Air Force. Fails
useful buffer against expansion of the USSR Division of Germany: Germany divided in to four zones: American, French, British and Russian. City of
The Blitz, Sept 1940 - May 1941: German bombing of cities and dockyards in the UK.
and communism. Operation Barbarossa: 1941: Germany invades Soviet Union during World War II Berlin also.
Pearl Harbour, December 1941: Japanese attack U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbour. U.S. enters WW2. East Germany: Under Russian control until became its own communist country, ‘The German
The Abyssinian Crisis: Italy invaded Abyssinia Battle of Stalingrad, Aug 1942 - Feb 1943: Russian defence of Stalingrad from German attack.
(in Africa) 1935. League condemned invasion Democratic Republic’ in 1949. Had close ties with Russia.
Battle of Normandy, June-Aug 1944: D-Day invasion of Nazi Europe by Western Allies.
and sanctions put in place. However, were Dresden: February 1945: British bomb German city, 100,000 people burned to death. West Germany: Under U.S, British & French control. May 1949 became own county, West Germany
token gestures to keep Italy’s friendship. Vital Battle of Iwo Jima: Feb - March 945: US invasion of Japanese Island. Japanese fight to death (Federal Republic of Germany).
goods needed (coal, oil, iron and steel) were Battle of Berlin, April - May 1945: Russia encircles the city, Hitler suicide / Germany surrenders.
not included. Battle of Okinawa: April - June 1945: WW2 final major battle. US invade Japanese island -civilians’ Unification of Germany: On the 3rd October 1990 East Germany reunited with West Germany.
suicide rather than face U.S occupation
Conclusion: Hitler saw League had no power.
In 1936 he ordered his troops to remilitarise
the Rhineland (an area of Germany boarding
7. Impact of WW2 on Japan
To force Japanese surrender U.S drop nuclear bombs. Also means Russian military help not
required = no expansion of communism in East Asia. The two A-bombs destroyed two cities in
2. Hitler’s foreign policy moments. On 15th August 1945 Japan surrenders to the U.S.
Hitler’s aims: Make Germany great again,
Post War: From 1945 to 1952 Japan under Allied military occupation, however Japanese government
unite all German speaking people and gain
stayed in place. Japanese empire disbanded, armament industries dismantled. 7 executed for war
territory to provide Lebensraum (living space).
German rearmament: Begins in 1932 - France Political reform: New democratic constitution for Japan. Role of emperor as now ceremonial / symbolic
and Britain do nothing. In 1935 Anglo-German rather than political.
Naval Agreement = allowed Germany to build Economic and social changes: To help stability and the economy land ownership is changed.
up navy / submarines. Landowners forced to sell their land to the government. This land then sold to tenants for a fair price.
Done to avoid revolution such as that in Russia in 1917
Return of the Saar to Germany: 1935 plebiscite Educational reforms: Allies believed democracy best taught through education, length of compulsory
(vote) held in the Saar = to return to Germany. education from six to nine years / both men and women.
Treaty of Versailles further undone. Return of sovereignty: April 28th, 1952, full sovereignty was restored to Japan. Impact of
American culture now everywhere. American jazz and rock music, pinball machines, soft drinks, fast
Remilitarisation of the Rhineland: 1936,
5. Impact WW2 had on British society foods, baseball all popular as were fashions of dress and grooming.
German soldiers marched into Rhineland, no
consequence. ‘Total war’= All resources /economy focused on victory. 1940 British introduce
Anschluss: Union between Germany and rationing and school children evacuated from cities. Post war – government 8. Impact of WW2 on Russia and origins of the Cold War
Austria forbidden. Following riots in Austria, want to improve people’s lives - social welfare introduced e.g. NHS created.
Many women worked during the war, led to greater independence for women 20 million Soviet soldiers and civilians died / 25 million made homeless / 3000 towns & cities plus 70,000 villages all destroyed / 32,000
German Army invited to restore order. Austrian
as were self-sufficient. This led to the feminism movement of the 1960s factories and 65,000 kilometres of railway track destroyed. No men, no machinery and no livestock led to famine. Is no doubt that the
government then hands power over to Hitler.
USSR took the brunt of the fighting against Nazi Germany.

Soviet Sphere of Influence created – agreed due to huge part Soviet Union played in defeat of Nazi Germany. Soviet territory expanded
3. Appeasement (giving someone what they want in order to avoid war) nearly 500 kilometres westwards and gained control of over 20 million people.
Arguments ‘for’: Britain / France wish to avoid war. Versailles too harsh / British forces were not strong / A strong Germany seen as This division of Europe between Western Allies and the Soviet Union was the beginning of the Cold War – a period in which both the USA
‘buffer state’ against communism. Arguments ‘against’: Encouraged Hitler to be aggressive / Germany grow too strong / betrays and the USSR believed the other was trying to spread their ideology worldwide. (Communism V Capitalism). Division described as an Iron
lands and people. Curtain across Europe, a metaphor for where Europe was divided between West and East.
The Sudetenland crisis 1938: Sudetenland part of Czechoslovakia - inhabited by 3 million German speaking people. Hitler told he The Truman Doctrine: USA would send money and military help to any country under communist threat. Cold War Begins: In 1949, USSR
would get it to avoid war. However, Hitler now demanded all of the Sudetenland. test nuclear bomb. In response the USA, Britain, France, Belgium and Canada joined forces to create an alliance known as the North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Communist countries responded by forming the ‘Warsaw Pact’, a military alliance involving USSR,
The Munich Conference (30th September 1938): Appeasement used. Agreed Sudetenland would become German, but NO MORE. This Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania. An ‘arms race’ had begun with each alliance building
ignored, Czechoslovakia invaded by Germany. more and more nuclear and conventional weaponry – should the Cold War ever turn ‘hot’. The Cold War ended with the collapse of the
Soviet Union on December 31, 1991. When the price of oil fell from $120 a barrel to $24 a barrel its capital (money) dried up and it main
Poland and war: Hitler wants area in Poland called Danzig, population 90% German. 1st Sept 1939 German invade, Britain declared
export was no longer worth what it once was, meaning it could no longer compete in an arms race against the USA.
war on Germany.

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