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GREAT LAKES) € Go Back to PM23-T5-Project Management ‘= Course Content Quiz 3 Type Attempts Questions Time Due Date Your Marks Attempt History Attempt #1 Feb 11, 2:46 PM . QNo: 1 Cincorrect Answer ) Q Graded Quiz 1/1 21 16m Feb 11, 2:45 PM IST 14/21 Marks: 14 n Marks: 0/1 Ifyou are only allowed one tool to manage a project which of the following would you choose aNe:2 Correct Option 5 >) (You selected) Marks: 1/1 Who should be involved in the creation of lessons learned in the project end stage (@) Project team You Selected (b) Project office (©) Manay gement of performing organization (d) Stakeholders aNe:3 Marks: 0/1 Pick the odd element out in reference to the Project journey from the list (a) Kick backs (b) Kick off (© Short cuts (d) Wired Correct Option Nea Which one of the following is the last step of project closing Marks: 1/1. (a) Client has ( eciates your product ns learnt are docume! (d) Archives completed anes Marks: 1/1. What should be done by Project Manager to ensure that all work in the project is included (a) Create contingency plar (b) Create Work Breakdown Structure ont (d) Create a scope statement anes Marks: 1/1 Based on the information provided which project would you recommend? {a) Project | - NPV of INR 5 crore (b) roject Il - IRR of 18% (© Project Ill - Payback period of 3.8 yrs the available data (d) Car y fro QNe:7 Marks: 1/1 Which characteristic distinguishes a project from regular business operations? @ @) Carries more risks © (b) Produces benefits O (Delivers products O @)Incurs cost ane Marks: 1/1. If the Cost variance is positive and the schedule variance is also positive, then it indicates that © 2) Project is under budget and behind schedule © (b) Project is over budget and behind schedule © (© Project is under budget and ahead of schedule O Project is over budget and ahead of schedule anes Marks: 1/1. Which of the following can definitely make a project fail? O @) The project team does not have insufficient skills, © (b) The customer raises a lot of small change requests @ (© The project team fails to communicate & build a working relationship with the customer O ()Akey team member has pulled away from the project due to a changed priority Marks: 1/1 Ifa risk event has a 90 percent chance of occurring, and the consequences will be the INR 10,000, what does INR 9,000 represent? ane What is the total of direct and indirect costs incurred in accomplishing work on an activity during a given period known (abbreviated) as? Marks: 1/1. S Incorrect Answer ) QNo: 12 Marks: 0/1 Which of these organizations offered Certified Association in Project Management as credential? (a) Project Management Institution (b) Project Management Corporation (0) Project Management Agency (d) Project Management Institute Correct Option aNe:19 Marks: 0/1. The Project manager meets with the project team to review lessons learned from previous projects. In what activity is the team involved? a) Performance Management (b) Scope identifica (© Risk identification Correct Option (d) Project team status meeting ane Marks: 1/1 The Risk management plan in Project management includes all except {a) Roles and responsibilities (b) Risk d (OQ Funding the risk activities (d) Methodologies- specific approaches, tools and data sources QNets Marks: 0/1. Eamed Value Analysis is a project management tool that best helps to and budget over time (b) Create a value proposition for a project (Q) Compare earni s to a revenue baseline over time (@) Monitor the value of work completed to a baseline over time Correct Option QNe:36 Marks: 0/1 An effective risk management plan will need to address which of the following issues? {a) all alternatives gency pla (© tisk monitoring d) risk idance Correct Option QNe:17 Marks: 0/1. Generally the project closure is done by submitting O the handover report duly signed by the client and the Project head © ithe report on the expected project deliverables and the actual signed by client and the project head. © (© project closure report to sponsor, stakeholders and client | Correct Option | © Wallof the alternatives anes18 Marks: 1/1. SPILTTING of tasks is a scheduling technique used to get O () better project schedule O Wiincreased resource utilization @ (better schedule and resource utilization © none of the alternatives QNo:39 Marks: 1/1. Which is the incorrect statement O @)project schedule is not a schedule until resources have been assigned O (inadequate resources lead to schedule extension © (resources smoothening improves their utilization © () results after resource scheduling are same as results from CPM method ane20 Marks: 1/1. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? (a) the goal of the project closure is to complete the project (b) the goal of the project closure is to improve the performance in future (0) deliverables of project closure rformance evaluation - wrap up, audit an (d) all of th < Previous Next > “one Marke: 41/4 Proprietary content.©Great Learning. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use or distribution prohibited. © 2023 All rights reserved. Powered by Great Learning Help

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