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Define the Target Population: The target population for this research study is public
school teachers. This includes teachers from different grade levels and subjects within
the public school system.
2. Multistage Sampling: a. Stage 1: Cluster Sampling - Divide the target population into
clusters based on geographical regions or districts. Randomly select a representative
sample of clusters from the overall population of clusters. b. Stage 2: Simple Random
Sampling - Within each selected cluster, obtain a list of all public schools. Randomly
select a proportionate number of schools from each cluster to ensure a diverse
3. Section 1: Demographics

1. Age:

- 18-25

- 26-35

- 36-45

- 46-55

- 56 and above

2. Gender:

- Male

- Female

- Non-binary

- Prefer not to say

3. Educational qualification:

- High school diploma/GED

3. Section 1: Demographics

- Associate's degree

- Bachelor's degree

- Master's degree

- Doctorate degree

4. Years of teaching experience:

- Less than 1 year

- 1-5 years

- 6-10 years

- 11-15 years

- 16 years and above

5. Grade level/subject taught:

- Elementary school

- Middle school

- High school

- Special education

- Other (please specify)

Section 2: Physical Activity and Lifestyle

1. How many hours do you typically work per week?

- Less than 20 hours

- 20-30 hours

- 31-40 hours

- More than 40 hours

2. Do you engage in regular physical activity?

- Yes

- No

3. If yes, what type of physical activity do you

engage in?

- Walking/jogging/running

- Gym workouts

- Team sports

- Yoga/Pilates

- Other (please specify)

4. If yes, how many hours per week do you engage

in physical activity?
Section 2: Physical Activity and Lifestyle

- Less than 1 hour

- 1-3 hours

- 4-6 hours

- More than 6 hours

5. How many hours do you spend sitting or

sedentary during a typical workday?

- Less than 2 hours

- 2-4 hours

- 5-7 hours

- More than 7 hours

6. How many hours of sleep do you get on average

per night?

- Less than 5 hours

- 5-7 hours

- 8-9 hours

- More than 9 hours

Section 2: Physical Activity and Lifestyle

7. Do you smoke or consume alcohol?

- Yes

- No

8. If yes, how frequently do you smoke or consume


- Daily

- Occasionally

- Rarely

- Never

Section 3: Dietary Habits

1. How often do you eat breakfast, lunch, and


- Every day

- Most days

- Some days

- Rarely
Section 3: Dietary Habits

- Never

2. How often do you consume fast food or takeout

meals during a typical week?

- Daily

- 2-3 times a week

- Once a week

- Rarely

- Never

3. How many servings of fruits and vegetables do

you consume daily?

- Less than 1 serving

- 1-2 servings

- 3-4 servings

- More than 4 servings

4. How often do you consume sugary beverages?

(soda, juice, energy drinks)

Section 3: Dietary Habits

- Daily

- 2-3 times a week

- Once a week

- Rarely

- Never

5. Do you tend to eat when stressed or



- Always

- Often

- Sometimes

- Rarely

- Never

Section 4: Environmental Factors

1. Are healthy food options readily available in

your school's cafeteria?

Section 4: Environmental Factors

- Yes

- No

2. Are there vending machines or snack bars in

your school? If yes, do they predominantly

offer healthy or unhealthy options?

- Yes, predominantly healthy options

- Yes, predominantly unhealthy options

- No

3. Are there opportunities for physical activity

during school hours? (e.g., gym classes,


- Yes

- No

4. Are there any barriers to engaging in


activity at your school?

- Lack of facilities
Section 4: Environmental Factors

- Lack of time

- Lack of support

- Other (please specify)

5. Are there any school policies or programs

promoting healthy eating and physical activity?

- Yes

- No

- Not sure

Section 5: Stress and Mental Health

1. How would you rate your stress levels related

to your teaching job?

- Low

- Moderate

- High

- Very high

2. Do you find it challenging to balance work

Section 5: Stress and Mental Health

personal life?

- Yes

- No

3. How do you typically cope with stress?

(e.g., exercise, meditation, social support)

- Exercise

- Meditation

- Social support

- Seeking professional help

- Other (please specify)

4. Have you ever sought professional help for

managing stress or mental health concerns?

- Yes

- No

5. Do you feel supported by your school

administration in managing stress and

maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

Section 5: Stress and Mental Health

- Yes

- No

- Not sure

Section 6: Medical History

1. Have you ever been diagnosed with any

obesity-related health conditions?

- Yes

- No

2. Have you attempted any weight loss


or strategies in the past? If yes, please


Section 7: Additional Information

1. Do you feel that your weight or body


affects your job performance or overall

Section 7: Additional Information

- Yes

- No

2. Are there any other factors you believe

contribute to obesity among teachers?

- Yes

- No

- Not sure

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