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Setting Up Multi Org Structure in R12 (MOAC)

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Setting up Multi Org Structure in R12:

Sequence of steps to be carried out:

Develop or Design a structure:

All Oracle Apps Org Structure

 Define Location

Open the E-Business Suite and navigate to Human Resources, Vision Enterprises Responsibility:
Human Resources

Navigate to Work Structures –> Location:


Enter the details as shown in the screen shot

After selecting the Address style you will be prompted to enter the details of the location as shown
in the form below.
After entering the location details click on OK button and enter the time zone as shown in the
screen shot.
Navigate to the shipping tab and the values are populated as shown.
Now navigate to the Other Details tab. Save the changes.
 Define Business Group

Open the E-Business Suite and navigate to Human Resources, Vision Enterprises Responsibility:
Human Resources

Navigate to Work Structures –> Organization –> Description

Select New button

Enter the business group name and the location created in the previous step and save the changes.
Select the LOV as business group under the Name field in the organization classifications block
Check the enabled check box for the business group name and save the changes
Click on the Others button and select the Business Group Info from the additional information
window click on ok
The below window is Visible

Press TAB and enter the mandatory fields:

With details:
Click OK Button

You will be prompted to save the changes. Click on Yes button

 Create Legal Entity

As per the structure defined above we have our business in 2 different geographical locations,
hence we need to create 2 legal entities. The 2 legal entities to be created are:

1. India Legal Entity

2. USA Legal Entity

Switch responsibility to General Ledger, Visions Operations (USA)

Navigate to Setup –> Financials –> Accounting Setup Manager –> Accounting Setups
Select the Legal Entity Tab
Click on Create Legal Entity
Enter the details:
Click on Create New Address radio Button and enter the details:
Go to the General Information and enter the details

Click on the Apply Button to save the legal entity created.

Create the legal entity for USA also in the similar manner.
Confirmation message:
 Create Ledgers

In the above scenario we need to create 2 ledgers and this depends on the following:

1. Currency
2. Calendar
3. Chart of Accounts

In multi org structure we will follow the same calendar,currency and chart of accounts for the
companies. In the above scenario as we have the companies in 2 different countries we will
have 2 different ledgers.

1. India Ledger
2. USA Ledger

Navigate to General Ledger Visions Operations (USA)

Navigate to Setup –> Financials –> Accounting Setup Manager –> Accounting Setups
Click on Create Accounting Setup
As we have already created the legal entity we can move forward and click on the next button
Enter the details and click the next button

Click Finish
The ledger for USA is created in a similar manner
 Create and assign operating units and legal entities

Navigate to General Ledger Visions Operations (USA)

Navigate to Setup –> Financials –> Accounting Setup Manager –> Accounting Setups
Enter the ledger name and click on GO button:
Click on the update button:

Assign legal entity to the ledger by clicking on the add legal entity button
Click on add legal entity button
Search for the legal entity created above and select the legal entity created for INDIA

Click on apply button

The legal entity has now been assigned to the ledger. Now click on the update button next to the
operating unit setup options

Click on Add operating unit

Enter the details. Assign the business group and legal entity created from the above steps to the
operating unit and click on apply button

Click complete

After completing all the ledger options click on complete.

Click on yes to complete the accounting setup
Verify the confirmation message and note down the request number and verify the status of the

Create the operating nit for the USA legder in the similar manner :
 Create Inventory Organizations

Switch responsibility to Human Resources Vision Operations

Human Resources

Navigate to Work Structures –> Organization –> Description

Click on New button:
Enter the inventory organization name and save the changes
Select the list of values icon under the name filed in the organization classifications
Select Inventory organization from the list of values
Check the enabled button and save the changes. Then click the others button
Select accounting information and click ok
Press TAB

Select the ledger and legal entity name from the list of values and click ok
Click ok

Click yes to save the changes entered

Click others

Select inventory information and click ok

Enter details in Inventory Parameters TAB
Enter details in Costing Information TAB
Accept defaults in Revision, lot, serial, and LPN TAB
Accept defaults in ATP, Pick, Item Sourcing TAB
Accept defaults in Inter Org Information TAB
Enter details in Other Accounts TAB
Save the changes and read the note carefully to understand the implications of inventory
organization costing method


In order to use the operating unit we need to run the Replicate seed data concurrent program from
system administrator responsibility
Run the same concurrent program for all the operating units
Run the Multi-Org Validation Report and check the output for no validations
Multi-Org Access Control:

Multi org access control is implemented in R12 to allow the users to submit requests and access
data of different operating units in a single responsibility.

This can be achieved by setting the security profile in HRMS

There are 2 security profiles:

 SECURITY PROFILE: is used for the selection of operating units from the same business group
 GLOBAL SECURITY PROFILE: is used for the selection of operating units from the different
business group

Set up of Multi-Org Access Control:

 Setup Security Profile in HRMS

Navigate to Human Resources Vision Enterprises responsibility:

Human Resources

Navigate to Profile function under the Security menu:

Select a name for the profile and attach the business group created.
Select the security type as “Secure organizations by organization hierarchy and/or organization list”
Select operating unit under classification and the operating unit name created under the
organization name. Save the changes

Add the operating units for which the MOAC feature needs to be shared.
Navigate to Process And ReportsàSubmit Processes and Reports
Select single request and click on OK
Select the parameters and submit the concurrent program

In order to test the profile created we need to create a new responsibility.

Navigate to the system administrator responsibility

Navigate to Security –> Responsibility –> Define to create a new responsibility
Enter the mandatory fields and save the changes.
Add the created responsibility to the user.

Navigate to Security –> User –> Define

Query for the user and assign the responsibility
Navigate Profile –> System
Select the responsibility created and enter the profile as MO: Security Profile and click on the find
Select the security profile name created from the LOV and save the changes.
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