Mindmap CH 1 Variations in Psychological Attributes

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Drafted By: Vishal Pandey - Learn Psychology with Vishal Pandey

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Variations in Psychological Attributes

Intelligence Assessment of Psychological Attributes Individual Differences in Human Functioning

(Alfred Binet) 1. Formal Assessment
(Wechsler) 2. Informal Assessment) Individual Differences
(Gardner & Stenberg) Situationism
Domains of Psychological Attributes
1. Intelligence
2. Aptitude
3. Interest
4. Personality
5. Values

1. Psychological Test
2. Interview
3. Case Study
4. Observation
5. Self-Report

Theories of Intelligence

Psychometric Approach Information Processing Approach

Alfred Binet Charles Spearman Louis Thurstone Arthur Jensen J.P Guilford J.P. Das, Kirby, Jack Naglieri (1994) Robert Stenberg (1985) Howard Gardner
Uni or Structure of Intellect Models PAAS Model Triarchic Theory of Intelligence Theories of Multiple Intelligence
One-Factor Theory Two Factor Theory Primary Mental Abilities Hierarchal Model of 1. Operations 1. Planning, 1. Componential
1. G-Factor 1. Verbal Intelligence 2. Contents 2. Attention - Arousal & a. Meta Components 1. Linguistic
2. S-Factor Comprehension 1. Level One 3. Products 3. Simultaneous-successive b. Performance 2. Logical-Mathematical
2. Numerical Abilities (Associative c. Knowledge 3. Musical
3. Spatial Relations 2. Level Two (Cognitive Cognitive Assessment system 2. Experiential Intelligence 4. Bodily-Kinesthetic
4. Perceptual Speed Competence) a. Novelty 5. Interpersonal
5. Word Fluency b. Auto Motion 6. Intrapersonal
6. Memory 3. Contextual 7. Naturalistic
7. Inductive Reasoning a. Adaptation 8. Spatial
b. Selection
c. Shaping

Individual Differences in Intelligence Culture & Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Special Abilities Creativity
• Sternberg's notion of contextual or practical
Interplay of Nature & Nurture • Vygotsky Salovey & Mayer 1. Aptitude : Nature & Measurement Terman (1920)
Identical twins reared together 0.90 ○ Technological Intelligence a. Independent (Specialised aptitude) test
Emotional Quotient (EQ) i. Clerical Aptitude Creative -> Divergent Thinking
Twins separated early in childhood 0.90 Intelligent -> Convergent
ii.Mechancial Aptitude
Identical twins in different 0.72 Intelligence in the Indian Tradition iii.Numerical Aptitude
Fraternal twins in same environment 0.60 iv. Typing Aptitude
Integral Intelligence
b. Multiple (Generalised aptitude) test
Siblings reared together 0.50
Buddhi - J.P.Das
i. Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT)
Siblings reared apart 0.25 1) Verbal Reasoning
2) Numerical Reasoning
3) Abstract Reasoning
Assessment of Intelligence 4) Clerical Speed & Accuracy
(Alfred Binet & Throdore Simon, 1905) 5) Mechanical Reasoning
6) Space Relations
IQ = (MA/CA) * 100 7) Spelli ng
MA = Mental Age 8) Language Usage
CA = Chronological Age ii.General Aptitude Tests Battery (GATB)
iii.Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Variations of Intelligence 2. Interest

1. Intellectual Deficiency
2. Intellectual Giftedness

Types of Intelligence Tests

1. Individual or Group Tests

2. Verbal, Non-Verbal or Performance
a. Raven's Progressive Matrices
3. Culture Fair or Culture-Biased Tests

Intelligence testing in India

S.M.Mohsin (1930)
C.H.Rice - Binet's test in Urdu & Punjabi
Mahalanobis - Binet's test in Bengali
Long & Mehta - 103 tests of intelligence in

Class 12 Page 1

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