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[ mo. 2002/55 1. Complete the flowing ay grams 2. where shouldbe the object lee font of concave minor a0 the maghiatin obtaned s-22 5. Theimageot a candle fame placed ata dtanceof 30, ‘mom phere lens erned. ona sere placed fon theather side ofthe ns at dstance of cm from the optical conte ofthe lens. etiythe tye of lens ad ealeulat ts focalength. fhe eg ofthe flame 3c, inthe height of ts mage, 4, Oraw the ay aagramsto show theformtion ofthe mages forme by concave mior. (ni Fivecases out fami] 5. white down for mportant characterises of nage formed by plane mirox 6. (a)Detinet dapte of power of ens. {b) Name a miror that on ave an erect and enlarged image of an object. [2 Why owe prefer a convex irr as rearview 8. _Readthefllowing and answer any four questions, from (064) Shyam partopated na group dscusson nis interschool competition an the practical appcation of light and was vry happy to won the award or is school On that very evening his ater celebrate the dy with Fay ner Ata parla moment, ‘Shyam obroned ins eure plate, the age ofa person's obesity on his backside Persons ‘moble was fel off which the person dint now about it Shyam went tothe petson and intrmed about this “The person wasthanfulto Shyam. Te | EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL‘THUMAMA CD arsiesusir-acrLecTION ano nerRacrion {i rm which one othe folowing sides ofthe plate ‘Shan oberved hs init (a) Nort (2) sath (9 Outward cave (ah towardcurve (W) The part ofthe crv plate was acing ke whieh of the flowing typeof minor? (2} convex (b) concave (Pine (None these {i} whieh of the folowing nature and sizeof mage oes by tis mirror? {a} Virtual erect, diminished (bj eal eect, diminishes (chnverted ere, diminihes [a Mone ofthese (wy anobjets placed a age convener of rei of ervature 40cm. owt far the image behind the miror? (@120em (b)4ocm (60am (a)80em (wanabjecats dstance af +15.m s slowly moved towards the poe of convex mir. The mage wil (2) shortened and ea (bj enlarged andrea! (e)enlrge and vital (G) lined and vital ree in fant ‘n 4.5 em needle spaced 12cm away rom aconvex rior focal length 15 er Give the locaton of image and magnflstion, Describe what happens to the mage athe needle moved farther Wom the iro. 120, Rafractne index of turpentine, Kerosene and aleohol are 147,144 and 136, respectwey, Based on this Information complete the ay diagram to show the path of ray of ight throug each medium, peer = 00¢ $$ ment Tage [emarss Ceo 1. brawa dapram to show the viual nage formation bya concave mio. 12, bra gra to show the image formation by a concave ans when the objets between infinity and optic ent 13 Red the following and answer any fur questions from (tot ‘mit want to become a entomoloi He wanted to secthe enlarged image of» bug andsmllocoach, He knows that en an frm agi image oft and uses a magniyng ls oS, He knew that the ference between a maiyng ls anda microscopes that a magnf¥inglss made with one lens while w microscope madefrom a embination ol Tonos, ach lns magnifies nl ones £8 each one Inereases th sz ofthe maga bit more. Canpound mmizoscopes can magayanestremly mal abject such as miro organisms which not visible ened {yer even toa mapiying estan rake detaisviible 1) ase onthe gram show, what kind of lenses are shown inthe dagram? {a} Concave lenses (b) convex ieses (e)focaoncer (a) at eses (i Ami examines a bu by holding @ meaning ass at arm'slergth and 100 cm away rom the bu The Imapnting gloss has focal length of 15.0, The Image tances [e)o.03em (e)30em 1h) 200em {200m EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL:‘THUMAMA PHYSICS —IGHT-REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 1 3. 16 y. (ifthe power ofthe fst lens 4 an the second lens 430, then whats the power ofthe Combination ofthe lenses? (850 (9-450 (050 (o20 (0) What wb he focal length of convex en that forms eal and inverted nage of mapnifetion of am obyectpacedat 20cm from ts opel centre? {aj20em {e)10em Baan (200m (0) What hint ages formed by 2 concave ens ieaspecio ofthe poston of the eject” [a)witat upright an inched Ub)rel up and diminished {a)vitwaupriht and magnified (a) rea invert and magnifies (i State Stow of retaction (0)ome smartphone screens havea speci aye of hardened iss named Goris Gls, through whch light travels at speed, v-2 0x10. What the absolut tractive index of Gril gas? The speed of latina, = 3000's Name the lens that forma vital, erect, aed Aiminished image an object Two thin nse of power 43.5 Dand-25 Dare placed inconac Fir the power and fecal length ofthe ns combination, ‘Aeayof ight indent ona convex miro a shown, Redraw the diagram an complet the path of hs ay after reflection rom the mor Mark the angle of, Inedonce and ang of reecion, No, 2022/38 PHYSICS ~ LIGHT-REFLECTION AND REFRACTION pee EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL:‘THUMAMA 18, Read the following and answer any Fur questions from ()t0(¥) Rajesh wanted to patcipate n sco! scence a _Afterregiterg Ms rame for sence fa, be planned to buds boxtype oar cooker. Abo ype solar ooker consist of box covered by thick transparent ‘sheet fess When the Bos with as covers placed inthe sung the glass cover allows the nad ays present nsunight o pass into the box. Most ofthese infra-red rays ae then absorbed by bck suace of ‘the bor and the box becomes hot. Apherclsurtace reflector attached inreatestheeficency of slar ‘cooker by eflecting more and more sunight toward the coker, (what ype cf reflecting surface susedin the gure shown above? 5) Concave mir 1} convex miror Pane mitre 4) at miror (a) wha ithe formula fr maprietion obtained by 2 spherical mor? 3) vere of he ran of curvature 1) bauble the focal ent © fai ofheght of mage te hoe of abject. {2 Nverse ofthe object stance, {i teasing the above device Rajesh obtained the bes result when the cooker was placed at 5 em from {event of wir Tefal length of heroes ley to be 2)25em 150m e}100em aiden (i) tthe magntiation produce by such type of rior +8 then the objet places a)atthefoas Name by betwenn the focus andthe Cente of curate between the fous athe pole 4) beyond the Centre of urate (0) Rajesh after aoing tatty, he fund thatthe ove miror can ao be used shaving iors the Image ofan object cn be obtained as virtual, eect and enlarged byte inverteand ener ‘)vital and diminishes ‘vtualand same se 419, Rea the following and answer any four questions {tom 19 0) 1019 9) 20.{t4) 21, Amagnfing eas a cal hand lens is actually ‘the simplest form ofa basiemicioscope econ of) single lens that magnifies an object when the ls is eld up tol itor beleve scientist named [Azan rested st maging gas 1021. Since ‘Alnaers time, the principles of opi physi that rae mapnvingalases work so wellhave been the aundatin of great advancements in sionce, partielle ad astronomy. Tsay, magallng gases can be used for simple ass, such making Small again ext easier to read Fetloning ray diagram shows working of mapnitng ass ()8asedon the dagam shown, what typeof ess sed 0 make magnifing os 3} Concave lens )convextens laters 6) locales (iphen this magnifying gas eld directly in front ‘of sunlight and above a paper. bright and rk spot of ight formed on the paper and exaty at that pont paper started burning, because 2 The age of the un wae fred a 2F 1b) The mage ofthe sun was formed at 6} The mage ofthe sun was formed between F and 25 [ No, 2022/35 E 2 Fa ps rs. CD <4) Te image ofthe sun was formed beyond 2 (i) What the Formula fr magneton obtained witha ens? 2) Ratio of height of image to height of bet 1) Double the oa! eet CHinverse af the ads of cunt 4) Inverse of the obec tance. {i Foca length ofthe lens use in mang sss 5) Negative Positive Depends on the postion of sject, 4) Oepends onthe postion ofmage (0) way rom the object which 0125 elong The Postion of theimage formed lens we 2) 10. away from oe 1) 3m away rom eas €) 20m away fomens 1 25emavay rom lens Wat the nature of mage formed By aancave rior fhe magneton produced by the miro a Where shoul an object be placed in font ofa conser lens toe real image ofthese ofthe ojact? Ary of gts inet tangle of 35*t2 plane surface What wil the are ofretetion? Wilh ofthe two has great power? A has of hort {focal ingth or alone of ig focal ength? ‘concave lens has fc length of 20m At what Astance rm the lens a em tl object be paced zo ‘hati formsan nage at 18 em from helen? Aso ‘alate thes of the image formed, ‘lens has a power of2.50, Whats the focal ength fn nature often? (= EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL:THUMAMA, PHYSICS —IIGHT-RFFLFCTION AND REFRACTION 28, Where should the object be place in font ofthe ‘concave mitorso ato aban ts magnified erect image? 28. Define the principal focus ofa concave mir. Calelate the focal ength ofthe miro of rads of curvature of 26m, 20, (A vergant ens at a foal gt of 20cm. At what fistance should an objet height Sm fromthe ‘optical ate ofthe ens be peed so that tsimage formed 1Ser'avay rom te lens Find the sue othe ‘mage (i) raw aay dagramto show the formation of image lathe above stuation “he mapnicntin of tage formed by a miroris 40.75 ident te moran he rate of th image Forwar 232, Toobtain a vital and erect image fr any poston of the objet we need 3) aconcavemioror a concave ens 2) aconiexmiror ora convex ens a concave itor or conver es €) convex mirorora concave lens 3, You are even aconvexlensof focal length 200n_ At what stance fom te lens shuld you hod candle flame to observe a vital nage ofthe flame? 2}020en. 1b) 200m, «1 40600m. 4 anyuore 31, What the nature ofthe mags formed by 3. conve Ineo ifthe mapifetion produce iy themiron ie a 35. Redraw the gram avn below in your answer book and show the decton of the ight ay afte reflection from the ior TFs Name moma) PHYSICS LIGHT-REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 3. Redraw the dlagram given below in your answer book ‘nd show the ietion ofthe ight ray afer fetion from the mice Read the folowing and answer any fu guéstions from {10(8) [Conse Lensis he source ofthis sate mare ‘Typcaly made of ass or ansparent ast a corven lone ha teat ane race that ures tara he the exterior ofa sphere Of al ees, themost commen gen its mary uses A convexlens i ako known 5 conversing es. They can be identified by thal shape which relate hide across the mide anétin atthe upper and ower es. Th ees are tured outward rather than anata e lg approaches the ens the rays are paral. AS ae ay Teaches the gl surface lr econ tothe effective angle of nidence a that pot the es ‘Shon the surface curve deren ofa wi refacto diferent depees the outermost ys wil refectthe mast This uns contrary to what occurs ‘when a dvergnt ln otherwise oun a once, biconcave or ano-concave) is employed Inthsease, lights erate away fom the as an outware. {1 Wich one of the folowing materia cannot be ed tomake olen? (a) Wator (o) case {a Plastic {s)oay {i where should a obect be placed i font of ‘conver en to get realinags ofthe se ofthe objet? {a) tthe pinpal focus ofthe lens {@) Ate the focal enh {ej Atininty {a} Betwoen the opi conte ofthe ens ants ‘nia fous. {ty Th ay lagram shows the image oan object. formed by conversing les. aan EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL‘THUMAMA hat ithe foc leneh ofthe lens? {a} oem {by scm {e) 72m (a) s0em LW pace! Basi gn fats ona converging es. Whi gram shows what happens to the beam of (0) Whats the focal ength of lens of power 207 (a105.em (o1s0em (sem (a)500em 38 Name a minor hat an eve an eee nd enlarged mage ofan object, 38. what ype of mages formed by thick converging lens sed as 2 magntying ass? 40. The ras of curvature of spherical mor: 20m, What focal enath? 4 hati meant by power of ens? wre tune. A student uses a es of focal length 80cm and anather ‘of-20 cr. Wie the nature and power ofeach ens 42. tn objet spaced 2 50cm rom a covering miror offal lenah 25 cm. What the nature of he image STFaee No. 2022/ 5 PHYSICS Ce 43. What shouldbe he poston of ebect when a concave minor isto be wed a8 a doctor's miror? 24, ead the following and answer any four questions from (01, Amirorisa srfae that reflects cear mage. mages ‘an bof wo types: Real image and Vital mage Real images reformed when ight fs on& ior {tom the abet aes rtleced back by their on ‘the scren, ay diagram hls to race the ath of the ligt forthe person to view a point onthe image of an bjct.Ray gram wee erom ye ne to represen the incident ay andthe reflect ry aa help 0 teace the credion in which ah ral fhe cat pat ofthe hollow spheres painted rom nse then outer surface becomes therefleting uae, Ti hnd of mors own ae convexiitton MGOWeX mor ie eo known a¢ a diverting mora this miror verges ight when hey tte ots elcingsrtace, Vital ret, and dns ages are aay, ferred with convex mos eipective ofthe stance between the obec andthe miror () hat signs ven tothe focal length ofa convex minor? i) What she natre of the age formes by 8 i) Theo ongth ofa convexiror i12.5em, How farle scene of eurvature 23} omthe ple 1) om the foes. (0) The Foca eneth of aspherical mars 20em, What its Radio eurature? Iv) state therelstion between the object dtance, Image distance, an focal lenthof aspherical 45. orawthe given gram a your answer book and complet forthe path of ra fight beyond the ens ht 46. What the minimum numberof rye fo ting the mage formed by 3coneave itor foram object? raw ‘ay diagram to show the formation of itu mage bya concave itor. [Nome EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL‘THUMAMA LIGHT REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 47, hn object Ikep at stance of mi font of 2 spherical ior which forms is erect image at 2 dance of m fom the meet, Whats the Ineniation? fhe mor concave or convex Gi was paying wih thin beam of et from hor laser tor yet rom diferent rections on a convos les held vertcaly, he wa surprzd to see that na particular rection the beam fet antinuestomove along the same dection after sing thoughthe lens. tte the reason forth faseration 49, Read the following and answer ay fou guests ‘rom (tt) ‘nals teflon observation table showing ‘variation of maga-atanes wth objet distance (| Ingase of eonver es and answer the question that fellow without doing any caleultion: [386 Objet Dione tage Distance (ou) (c=) Ef 7 [a0 0 sf i elo 00 (0 focal ena of convex ens: {a)sen (6)100n (easem (a}20em (i) Forthat objec stance) ithe coresponsing Imagestance not comect? [ay stobseration| {b} 2nd obsevaton (e)ethobservation 4) sthobseration {up concave miror ves real nerod and same se image the object ic placed (2) Atfoous (6) Atty {e) contre ofuvature {beyond centre ofcuratre SFaae E E 5 we 20 8 J Name: PHYSICS ~ LIGHT-REFLECTION AND REFRACTION A anc hen alight travel rom medlum At, wk 2) bond tomardsthe normal bend away fom the normal pas straight without bending ‘etlec backto medium A Toanastront, sk appears rk insted of be Why? Wy do ilfeent colours deviate trough ferent angles on pasing though prism? Why does the sun appear reddish aly inthe morning? Wy recolour select for danger sina iis? Pee 2022/8 4. thechange onan electron be 1.8 10°, fd the approsinate numer of elections in 3 2. when thelehning stakes, 100 Cachan flaw in 02 S. Whats the current? 3. te the rlation between resistance (of flament of bu, s power (P) anda constant vole Vapled 4. wie shaving resistance of 10 Wi ben form 2 ce Whats the elective restanc betweon the ‘wo points alone any ameter ofthe cc? 5. What san induced cure? 6 ead the flowing and answer ani four questions from (ito) Thecutentn the conductors direct praportinato ‘he potenti cos the conductor provide physi ae eee and same crosesecional aren as shown below, which is comect about ther esistance? a) ee Ry bye ay ony> Re R= Ry 13, Caleuate the ramber of elec ron that would low per second though the sso fa wie when caren flows nt 14, A howe ted with 10 tabere8¢hOFA0W athe tubes are ight for 10 hours nda the est fone unt of electric energy ss 20, the total cost of lect consumption 2) Rs. 100 ym. 25, 85,20, as.10 15. equal rstances ae fist connected in series and ‘then comnectedn paral therate ofthe maximum tothe minimum resistances 2}. bn east aun 16, Anlecticattle rated at 280, 1000 W, Whats the stance oft lent? hat wil be the maxanur cuenta an passthrough it elerent? 17,3} What is meant by electric caren? 5) ame ana ete ts stunt «hina conductor, electrons are lowing rom B10 A. ‘What the dation of convertonal current? Ge Iustseation for your answer. 4) Asteady erent of Lamgere lows through 2 andor Calculate the number ofelactrons that low through any section ofthe conductor in 1 s8cond 18,3) Cale the rexitane of 1 im na copper wire of ras im, esti of coppers 1.72 1080.m ‘Name: EL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL‘THUMAMA, PHYSICS ELECTRICITY 1) raw a schematic gram of circuit consisting of} battery of cll of 2V each connected oak, a ammeter and two restr: f 20. and 30 respectively in series and aveltmeter to measure potential ference across 3 Find the ammeter and (State Ohm's aw. Give mathemstia relation between potenti diference (current () and resistance Wt ofa conductor. Draw an electiciait for studying Ohm’ aw. (a) When 42V battery isconnected across an Unknown esr, SmA cen Hows nthe creat Find the restance ofthe restr. 20, ()Bve an expression fr tutes aw of heating. Li ve te examples forappcations of heating eect of settee ( 2004oF heats preduees each second in a8 ress. ithe potential diference seross the reastor. 2, Twalltors ith xstance 1 @and20.0 respective are f be connected oa attery of so {Minimum current owing, (i) Maximumeuren owing Hom wil you connect the estorsn each ase ant caleulte total esitance in each cee? 2 Explain two dsadvantagas of series arargament‘or household ai, 24, A charge of 120 Coulomb ows trough wisn cre ‘inte. Find the electric current fing though 25. wie of esistty pis stretched to doubles lent ‘nate ts new resittye 26. How does use of fuse wie protec letra appliances? 27. eine Ohms aw. The vai of cutrent owing in a ven resistor forthe corresponding vale of potent ‘ilerence V across the rasta are gen belo oso [asa aa Ta esa) [ue far — fa fos — fos 3TFeee No, 2022/38 , 0. Be 2. x“ PHYSICS ELECTRICITY if every esstor 620, what utenti fw the ‘ Draw a schematic gram of an electric cut onsiting fa battery of two els each of 15,50, 20(and 15 Qresstor and 3 lg he, all are 42, Drowa schematidagram of accuitconstingof a cello 15V 100 restr and 150 resistor and lug Fey allannect in series, 42, tothe cru elagram shown the wo estance wires ‘and Bare of ame area of ress section and same ‘material but longer than 8 which anmter Aa ‘2 wilindicate higher fading curren? Ge ‘I eee ‘ing rl the maim curent that How thrush the te esstor, A potential erence Visapled acrssa onductr of length and ameter d How ithe resistance Rof th conductor aectd, when in turn (Hvishaved a). is hated ane (Os doubed? dusty your anawerin each cs 45, Te estance (A of wie of ngth doubled and sa of eos ection (shale What wl bo ts ne revatanc (A? 45, Cleat the voltage when the caren 6034, and the restance 20 ohm siFage Ce 47, Find othe lowing ia the eerie 2} Tota Restance nthe cect 1) current towing tough Sahm esistor 48, 3] Weke two points of iference between Eectie Energyand elec Powee 3) Out of sow and 40 amps, which Se has wer ] Which uses more Energy, 1250. TV stn out ‘or 1200 toasterin 10 minutes? 49, why are eos of elec toasters and elect rons made of an alo rather than pre metal? 50. Wit current flow mors esi trough a hiker {hin wie of the sare atrial whe conned tthe same source? Why? 5 A place of wire of resstance 20 ohm i rewn cut so thats lengths increased to twits original nth, Calculate the resttance ofthe wire nthe ne stuntion s (considera conévetor of resistance length, thickest and rss 'p. Now this conductor ‘at into four equal parts. What willbe the new resistivity ofeach ofthese parts? Why? (i Find the restnce fall of thse pats are ‘connectdin (a) para) series (i) Out of he combinations of esstors mentioned above nthe previous par, for pen vltage whlch ‘combinaton will conume more power and eh? E An elecriclamp, whos resistances 20 0 2nd 3 conductor of 40 resistance ate connected in series to 8 6V battery. alate) the ttl estance ofthe ‘ret (the curent through the cet, anal} the potent ference acosthe elec amp, st 56. » ss Name: EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL:THUMAMA, PHYSICS —SLECTRICTYY ——2 si (a) State Ohm's aw, Draw labled ecu agra to (b)1fyoudrawa graph between the potential ‘ference and current flowing throughs metalic fondue uh tnd of uve wil you get? {c) Explain how you would use ths graph to determine the resstanc ofthe conductor. [a Derive an Expres to ith total resistance ‘when va resistors having resistances RL. and R2 are ‘connected in paral {b/Tree resistors, A2and RS have the values 0, 109, 300, respects, hich have been connected patel toa battory of 2 V. {heats (te ttal GreutRestnce (the tata curtent inthe cit. 2a. An elect oh a rating of 750 200. Galeate the resistance of ts heating element. A we has redtance of 16 ohm. mated and daw] Into a wire of ka ofits orignal length. Calculate the reseance of the new wire Inthe cat shown below, whats th vale of he unknown estance Ro tha he total esitance of the cut between the points Pand Q's abo equalto jon Inthe cut shown below tnd he curen fwing ‘through the 30 resistance. 30, wv aah "° I = Three [vo 2022 ss Cx» 59, Astudent hastwa esetors2 vand3n She has opt ‘one of them in place of Re hown nthe ict The ‘cent that he needs ia the ete cut 94, Show by caluation which ofthe ts resistors she shoul! chooee 60. Tho resistityof some substiias is aven below: 6 Name EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL‘THUMAMA PHYSICS ~ ELECTRICITY Ap ca bs ‘A, A AB and Aare ammeter onnected inthe are connected to 2 Voltage Soure as shown in Fre the current recorded in ammeter AA, wa] ar] | | Answer the following questions in eat te them ving usttieatin for each I) Wien materi the Best raking connecting cord (i) Which materi do yousuggestto Be used as heatngelement (i) Youhave 2 wires ofthe same length andsame tines. One made of materia A and othe of materia. the rete of wie rade of Osis? om what the resistance ofthe other wie 61 Inthe igure gen blow A, Band Care thee mmeters The ammeter Brees 058 dq (aelate:2} The eaings Inte ammeter A and 5) The toa resistance ofthe ceuit, 52. The refractive ines of four wbstancesP,, Rand S| e150, 136, 177 and 131 respectively. Speed of Tht the maxim i « |'\—-e— 5} Wht toe the amount of caren flowing theo etch blo the ee the bl 631 Blown away, the bull 81 and 2 wil stat ewig more THe oF fae. Why? €] What wil béthe readings of al the ammeters Bub] Lis blown aay? Find the esuivelent estance between points And 8 Newome wir of length and rods has restoce change when: {a} On the length ofthe wire i doubled? (0) On tne diameter of te we double? lusty your answer. (e) Wy are aarent of lect heating devices made up of alloys? Inan electra ce, two roitor of 2 obm anda ohm respectively are connected in series to a6 batter as shown inthe gure [noo rss care saan EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL-THUMAMA PHYSICS FLECTRICITY The heat disipted by the2 ohm resstrin Ss wil bee) What would be the reading of ammeter and (31 voltmeter in the ven cet? (e209 (oo (301 E (a) Wha isthe fequoney of ateratngeurent (ACA Ina? How many times per second, changes its ction? a (0) Acurrent through a horiontal powerline HG it ‘xs to west diteton. What the econ of ‘magnetic fl ata plat ect above? {c) Two magnetic ald ines nave interes achothet wn? 57. (a) Mame ad state the rule uso detorine the ection ofthe magnetic tld arsund aight currenteanying conductor, (b) When the free experienced by 3 cent «amin eonductr placed na magnetic lrgest? {c)Exphnterm: ()ovsooding ond shot 58. (a) Why are copper ap aluminium wires uel used forelecrety transmission? [b}¥1 graph fora conductors as shownin fue | hat do youtnfr rom this raph? Tih tat the ow expressed here [i Name the physical quantity represerted by the slope ofthis raph and its lun, |e) Rie o resstance 5 ohms bent in te Formof ‘dosed dl. Find the resstance betwee two pons at the ends of any ameter ofthe ce No 2022/ 35 => What ban induced arent? PA's acurrencareying conductrin the plane of he paper shown nthe fre Blow Find the ditions of the Pape fs produced by itt points Wand Given > 2, where the treat of the magnetic eld be age? ave reasons Ifthe platy ofthe Battery contd tothe wre reversed, how woul he direction of ‘the magnetic fd be changed? plain the rule that se td he rection ofthe magne fer astra State the flowin rues: 2) fight hand thumb ale 8) mig’ lof-hand role An alpha price (ve charged pat) enters a magnetic fel at rg ange tots shown inthe ‘gute, Fnd the rection of force acting onthe alpha When the fore experienced bya curent earring 5. Mestion the shape of magnetic il re around 2 current carving straight conductor. Mention the shape of magnet lnes around 2 curent carying straight conductor ‘Read the folowing and answer an our estions from ito Acai of many eur tus of isuated Name EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL:‘THUMAMA PHYSICS ~ MAGNETIC EFFECT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT metal wire wrapped cos inthe shape ofa inde Caled a solenoid. The pattern ofthe magnetic ed lines around a curent-caryng slenodisshown in Fin fat one endothe solenoid behaves asa magnetic orth ol, while other behaves the ‘uth pol. The fie! nes sie the sleno aen the} form of paral straight nes. tong magnetic eld produced inside a slenoidcan be use to magnet 3 piece of magnetic materia when placed inside the ‘col The magnet so formed called an electromagnet (Wha ste atu of magnetic eld inside the selenoi? (2) non~Unvloem an tong, {o) unonm and tong (oon unform an weak (a) unitorm and weak (i) what happens to strength of magnetic the strenth of current owing through solenoids doubled? {2} becomes ha (oy Remains same (c) doubled (a) none of hese (uy the magnet fel ptt produced by asolenold esr to that fa (a) eur current oop (b) Sag curent carving wie (c)Barmagnet (a) None ofthese {0 Why softron used to make eloctromagnets? (a) Megnetsetion snd demagnetiation ae dict {b) Magnetesten and demagneteton ae e3ey [e)Magnetiationiceasy and demagnetization ‘fete (a) Magntisations ificuk and demagnetsations easy TTFage No 2022/ Ce (0) Which ofthe folowing metas i prelered to manufacture asolenid?| (2) aluminum Ub) nike (deoppee (aheungsten 9, Two col C1 and 2 are wrapped around anon conducting nde, Cll connected toa battery and key ar 2 with eatanometerG. On ptessne the ke fearon starts owing inthe cil C. tate Your bseration inthe galanomater wy oe {2} When hey Kis pessedon {b).When ctrent inthe cic es wtched ot (c) When currents passed coniuoush trough cil a (@) Name and state the phenomenon response for the above observation [e} we the name of heal that uzeato determine te direction of euent produced inthe phenomenon. 20, Whats olenoll? etch magnet field ines produced sound caren caring solenoid. Mark the region where elds unflarm, Compare sik wth ‘hat ofr magnet. 11, State th direction of magnet fl nie the bar 12, What dos the rection of thumb nat night hand hum le? 13.9) Desribe an att o determine the direction of magnetic fl produce by a current camyng straight onducor Az, show thatthe drecton of magnetic els reversed on reversing the dein of erent )n apart (which spstvely charged parle] enters, a uniform magnet fl! at reht angles toa Taare EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL‘THUMAMA PHYSICS = MAGNETIC FFFFCT OF FLFCTRIC CURRENT shown below. Stati the relevant princi explain in ‘whch dracon wl this a-partle moves? | Magee I 18, or the magi iil ines around a curent cary straight conductor, 15. The given dlgram reptésen's the structure ofan ‘eerie moto. What wibe your obsenaton I curen} Is passing hough the cut? Ge the function ofthe brishinaneetie motor 16 Read the folowing and answer any fur questions solenoid along heal ol of we tough which ‘atrent run in order ocreate a magnet fel. The Iognel eld ofthe slenod the suerpostion of ‘the sds tothe current through each ot srl unr inside the solenoid and dot 0280 ‘outside and isimiarto the dof bar magnet aving snort pate atone end and 3 south poe athe | other depanding upon the drection of current flow. ‘The magnet field prodiced in the solenoid it dependent on a fe factors sucha, he cutant nthe «co nurber of turns per nt egth ete nemns > |-Te magnet field nes inside curent caring solenoid ae 2) along the ai ae pale eaeh ater ») parpendcularto the ax and equidistant rom each other «excl and they do not ntsc each other eur atthe nds but ther are parallel tothe ai 1) Azoft iron bar isntaduce inside acre caren Solenoid. The magnetic el side the slenod a} wll become o| wi decease «hil increase 1) wi remain unatlected i whieh among the followingtatementeieomeet, out the strength of the magi el produce 8 current caring Solna 1 te drecty propor the rumberaftues ofthesoleno | nverelyproportonlto the eben nthe sero H—drety proportions the cent inthe solenoid hs Gamotie charged sony both a clon 4) bth ia 1) For making a strong elcrcmagnet, the material ot the core shou be: 2) soft ron ste bras 4) laine ste str ay Te role are 2) parabolic D)eurved «) aight 9) ear ities sie a current eanying 17, antwo magnetic ne of fore intersect? sty your " EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL‘THUMAMA. PHYSICS ~ MAGNETIC EFFECT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT 18 Hans Cran Oersted, wa a Daishscentt He noticed thats compas needle placed in close proximity detected sna aligned north-south ‘ieton inthe presence of erent crying we ‘That experiment hs been the st one t nat that urentcanying wire produces a magnet fl. Ne howe that lect and magnetism were lated phenomena “This experment cone ofthe most importantin te atsation of elect power as ited tothe dcovey of ‘lectromagnti andthe development ofthe ete oto. ie earch ter crested echnologes uch the ad, television an fre optics (eahape ofthe magn el lines produced by turer aring condator are (o}stalgh nes (by Concentric ergs (e)Coneentteciles (@) concentric parabelas (u) Rear crying conductors hoi exact verti aetion herder to produce a cockwise ‘magnetite round the conductor, thecrrent shouldbe pasted nthe conductor {a}From tp te bottom {b) From et ori [e)From bottom top (oh From rg let (ui) current caving conductor placed ina magnetic fies experiences force, The dee bated on this pci {a} electric gonerator (bjetete motor (c)elecicbe [enone these lw tne rection o tree ona current earn fandustorin magnetic filéispven by (a) Fleming et-han ae (oy igh hand thumb le [c)omings eee nae le (a) tet nand thumb le STF ree To. 2022/58 EXCEL EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL‘THUMAMA PHYSICS = MAGNETIC FFFECT OF FLPCTRIC CURRENT 2. 22 2s Sa) (0) Testa is equtaent {0} newton per coulomb (0) ampere pernewton {c) newton per ampere-motre (a) newton per ampere—second ‘sworqeston number (0 on the bass of your understanding ofthe following paragraph an the Felted studies eoncops ‘whan the current lows through conduct fom South to North then the magnet needle paced beneath. gets averted to the west, thereby proving thatthe lw of elec current produces a magnet field. Tiss because the compass needles work a8 small bar naghet, so when hs nagetineedle brought near another magnet property surround ‘then the ike poe: wil epl serby he nee gets : i agneticcompass nee 5) Define magnet fel 1) can two magnetic ed Ines intersect ach ator Justify your answer? ch te the properties of magnetic eld ines, 4) How can we gt the polarity of magnets? raw the magnet fd nes representing uniform imaprti fd ‘When ste force experienced by curent caring ‘conductor pacedin amagnti lds he largest? State the rule which eves diretion of magnet ll asscited with a current cayng conductor. Read the following and answer any & question frm WwW. ‘solenoids afong hea co of wre through which a ‘urent run inorder to create magnetic fel The apneic fl of he solenoid the sperporition of theficks de tothe current thru each cot nearly unflorm msde the solenoid and cose to zero ame couse and sila tothe fll of bar magnet having # noth pleat one en anda south pole athe ‘other depending upon te direction of erent flow, ‘The magnet field produced in the solenoids dependent on af fators sucha, the current inthe cil numberof turns par anit length ete Te folowing t7ph is obtane by 2 researcher whe doing an experimen ta ee the variation ofthe magnetic isk with espet tothe current in thezoleneid The unto ‘magnetic as ven inthe graph atachod sin il: “Tesla an the currents gen n Ampere | (what ype ot energy conversion chserved na Inesreolenoi? 2) echapia to Magnetic electra to Magratie ‘lect to Mechaniat A) Magnetic Mechanial (iy wha wt happenif aso ikon bars placed inside the solenoid? 2} The bar wll be electrocuted esting ia shor 1b) The bar wal be magnetised as ong there is furcent inthe cect The bar il be magnetised permanent {The bar wal nt be affected by any means. (uy The magnet fell nes produce inside the solenoid are simiato that of 2)A barmagnet 1b) A straght cuter arying conductor (Acre arent canyng oop 4) electromagnet of any shape (i after anatsng the graph, astm writes the The magnetic ald produced bythe olen i Inversely proportional tothe cure Page No, 2022/3 [xene PHYSICS ~ MAGNETIC EFFECT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT ene EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, AL:‘THUMAMA IL The magnetic ii produce by he slo ety prportonalto the caret. i The magnetic fll produce bythe leno directly proportional squace ofthe carrent, IV: The magnetite produced by the eno i. Independent ofthe current Choose fom the falowing whieh of he llowing ‘would be the corset tstemen() oni ana 2} tana and aloni (0) rom the raph deduce which ofthe owing atements core. 8) Fora curent of 0.88 the magnet ei 33 m For larger carers the magnetic eldinereases romney fora current of 8A the magnet He i613 mT 4) Tres not enough information tof the magni conespanding 128A curent 22, 2) Mame an state ther to determine the rction offore experienced bya current carr straight conductor paced ina uniform magnetic el, whichis perpenscular tt 1) awa abled agram ofan lectrcmotr. 25. Two crear cols Aand 8 replaced close teach, oer the current inthe co Ais changed, il Some cureatbe induce the ea 7 Ge aro, 26, to two magnetic et Hoes intesetexcrother. Give 27 state he rule wsed to fad the ction ofthe Image proguced around carer caring conductor 1) plain wth cei gram an aethty of the magnet el formed due to acura evying, straight conductor Consider the cut shown where APB 904 ACB are ‘emicrles. What wl be the magnetic fellate Centre Cof the eral nop Gv eaton Or (W)Acolofinsulated wire conected toa talvanometer What would he have sen fa bar magnet with its nth pole toward one face th oil sft a) moved quickly towards 7 paced near its one fae? iE cA gure stows a cutent crying alumni od AB ‘Haced ia magnetic ied experionces force. The Aretion ofthe fore on the conductor depends upon ‘he deection of rent ane the cretion ofthe magnate. Eperinems nave shown thatthe Asplacement ofthe ods gest or he magnitude of the forces the highest when the direction of curent leatrght angles tothe dietion ol the meget ie ‘The flowing erp obtained by a rezearcher while

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