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The Christmas Grouch

Hello everyone,
We would like to introduce to you our very own version of 'The
Christmas Grouch' he is made up of basic stitches and rounds and
was made in DK, we advise that you use either DK or smaller yarn
whilst making 'The Christmas Grouch' as he stands at approximately
26” tall, this entire pattern is in US terminology only, We hope you
have fun whilst making him as much as we enjoyed designing him.
Happy Hooking!
You may sell on the product once it has been made, but you may not
sell or share this pattern as your own as this pattern is copyrighted,
we also ask that you use your own photographs of your own work
when displaying it to others, and please mention ' The Crochet Crazy
Crew' Enjoy!

Page 1 The Crochet Crazy Crew

Ch= Chain
MR= Magic Ring
Sc= Single Crochet
HDC= Half Double Crochet
DC= Double Crochet
TR= Treble Crochet
RSC= Reverse Single Crochet
Inc= Increases
Dec= Decreases
FLO= Front Loops Only
BLO= Back Loops Only
SKP= Skip
CH SP= Chain Space
NXT= Next
ST/STS= Stitch/ Stitches
SL ST= Slip Stitch
F.O= Fasten Off
Hayfield's Bonus Cherry Red DK Yarn-200g (2 x 100g balls)
Hayfield's Bonus Lawn Green DK Yarn- 200g (2 x 100g balls)
Hayfield's Bonus White DK Yarn- 100g (1 x 100g ball)
King Cole Pricewise Emerald Green DK Yarn- 100g (1 x 100g ball)
King Cole Moments Snowflake Fluffy Yarn- 100g ( 2 x 50g balls)
2.00mm hook
3.00mm hook
2 x Small Golden Bells (For Tips of Boots)
2 x 16mm Green Safety Eyes
5 x Red Buttons (Colour- Optional)
White Felt
Strong Wire
Wire Cutters
Wire Brush
Electrical Tape
Darning Needle
Sculpting Needle
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6.5-Pom Pom Maker
4.5-Pom Pom Maker
Fabric Glue
Fibre Stuffing
Now that we have listed all of the materials, we can now make 'The Christmas
Grouch' so continue:-
Firstly we will be making his hands and arms so do as follows:-
Left Hand and Arm
Using Lawn Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
1)Ch8, Join with a Sl St to form a circle and Ch1:- (8)
2-7)Sc around (8)
8)(2sc, dec) x 2 (6)
9-12)Sc around (6)
13)(1sc, dec) x 2 (4)
14)(dec) x 2 (2)
Sl St, F.O and put to the side for now, You will notice that you made the thumb
from top to tip, you will repeat this for the fingers so continue:-
Fingers x 4
Using Lawn Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
1)Ch10, Join with a Sl St to form a circle and Ch1:- (10)
2-9)Sc around (10)
10)(3sc, dec) x 2 (8)
11-16)Sc around (8)
17)(2sc, dec) x 2 (6)
18-21)Sc around (6)
22)(1sc, dec) x 2 (4)
23)(dec) x 2 (2)
With the last finger that you made you will now need to re-attach the same
coloured yarn at the Ch end of the finger, once you have done this do as
Join fingers as follows:-
1.(1st finger= 5sc, 2nd finger= 5sc, 3rd finger= 5sc, 4th finger= 10sc, 3rd finger= 5sc,
2nd finger= 5sc, 1st finger= 5sc)(40sts in total) Place your marker.
Stuff the fastened off ends inside of each finger, then stuff each finger with a
small amount of fibre stuffing, then continue:-

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2)(3sc, dec) x 8 (32)
3)Sc around (32)
4)(2sc, dec) x 8 (24)
5)Sc around (24)
We will now be joining the thumb:-
6)12sc, (Sc through one stitch of the thumb and one stitch of the hand) x 4, 8sc
7)12sc, (Sc into the gap where you joined the thumb, then Sc around the thumb)
x 5, 8sc (25)
8)23sc, dec (24)
9)Sc around (24)
Stuff the thumb and hand lightly and continue to stuff from this point onwards,

10)(2sc, dec) x 6 (18)

11)Sc around (18)
12)(1sc, dec) x 6 (12)
13)Sc around (12)
14)(3sc, inc) x 3 (15)
15-17)Sc around (15)
18)(4sc, inc) x 3 (18)

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19-21)Sc around (18)
22)(5sc, inc) x 3 (21)
23-25)Sc around (21)
26)(6sc, inc) x 3 (24)
27-46)Sc around (24)
47)(2sc, dec) x 6 (18)
48)(1sc, dec) x 6 (12)
49)(dec) x 6 (6)
50)(dec) x 3 (3)
F.O, Leaving a long thread for sewing to the body later on.
We will now be making the right hand and arm, so continue:-
Right Hand and Arm
Using Lawn Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
1)Ch8, join with a Sl St to form a circle and Ch1:- (8)
2-7)Sc around (8)
8)(2sc, dec) x 2 (6)
9-12)Sc around (6)
13)(1sc, dec) x 2 (4)
14)(dec) x 2 (2)
F.O and put to the side for now, we will now be making the fingers, so continue:-
Fingers x 4
1)Ch10, join with a Sl St to form a circle and Ch1:- (10)
2-9)Sc around (10)
10)(3sc, dec) x 2 (8)
11-16)Sc around (8)
17)(2sc, dec) x 2 (6)
18-21)Sc around (6)
22)(1sc,dec) x 2 (4)
23)(dec) x 2 (2)
With the last finger that you made you will need to re-attach the same coloured
yarn at the Ch end of the finger and do as follows:-
Join the fingers as follows:-
1)(1st finger=5sc, 2nd finger= 5sc, 3rd finger= 5sc, 4th finger=10sc, 3rd finger=5sc, 2nd
finger=5sc, 1st finger=5sc) (40sts in total) place your marker.
Stuff the fastened off ends inside of each finger, then stuff each finger with a
small amount of fibre stuffing and continue:-

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2)(3sc, dec) x 8 (32)
3)Sc around (32)
4)(2sc, dec) x 8 (24)
5)23sc (Leave the 24th stitch unworked!) (23)
We will now be joining the thumb:-
6)(Sc into the unworked 24th stitch and Sc around the thumb) x 4, 20sc (24)
7)(Sc into the gap where you joined the thumb, then Sc around the thumb) x 5,
20sc (25)
8)23sc, dec (24)
9)Sc around (24)
Stuff the thumb and hand lightly and continue stuffing from this point onwards,

10)(2sc, dec) x 6 (18)

11)Sc around (18)
12)(1sc, dec) x 6 (12)
13)Sc around (12)
14)(3sc, inc) x 3 (15)
15-17)Sc around (15)
18)(4sc, inc) x 3 (18)
19-21)Sc around (18)
22)(5sc, inc) x 3 (21)
23-25)Sc around (21)
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26)(6sc, inc) x 3 (24)
27-46)Sc around (24)
47)(2sc, dec) x 6 (18)
48)(1sc, dec) x 6 (12)
49)(dec) x 6 (6)
50)(dec) x 6 (3)
F.O, Leaving a long thread for sewing to the body later on, Now that you have
completed the hands and arms, you will notice the unsewn ends of the fingers
and thumbs with these ends you need to secure each end of the finger with a
couple of stitches and cut the ends but not to the tip of the finger, leave a tiny bit
of thread sticking out of each finger and thumb, with these ends you will
separate them with your fingers to make them look hairy, I implanted a couple
more strands of green thread to make them extra hairy, once you have done
this we will move on to make the boots, legs and body!(Please find below
picture of completed hands and arms):-

We will now be making the boots, legs and body, so continue:-

Boots, Legs & Body
Using Cherry Red DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
1)10sc into a MR (10)
2)(inc) x 10 (20)
3-4)Sc around (20)
5)Sc, Ch8, Skp8, 11sc (12)
6)Sc, Sc into each of the 8ch, 11sc (20)
7-8)Sc around (20)
9)(3sc, inc) x 5 (25)
10-12)Sc around (25)
13)(4sc, inc) x 5 (30)
14-17)Sc around (30)
18)(8sc, dec) x 3 (27)
19)Sc around (27)

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20)(7sc, dec) x 3 (24)
21)Sc around (24)
22)(6sc, dec) x 3 (21)
23)Sc around (21)
24)(5sc, dec) x 3 (18)
25)Sc around (18)
26)(4sc, dec) x 3 (15)
27-28)Sc around (15)
29)(3sc, dec) x 3 (12)
30-31)Sc around (12)
32)(2sc, dec) x 3 (9)
33-34)Sc around (9)
35)(1sc, dec) x 3 (6)
36)Sc around (6)
37)(dec) x 3 (3)
Sl St, F.O. Repeat this for the 2nd boot. (See Photo.)

For this part you will need your Strong Wire, Wire Cutters and Electrical Tape,
Wire Measurements for the Boots
Measure out 7.5” of Strong Wire and cut off, you will now need to bend at both
ends. (See Photo.)

Now to secure wrap electrical tape all around. (See Photo.)

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Before you insert the wire, push a small amount of stuffing into the tip of the
toe, now place the wire inside of the boot and stuff the boot, continue:-
Join Red DK Yarn to the back of the foot with a Sl St and Ch1:-

1)Sc around (16sts + 1 stitch in each corner to avoid any gaps!)

2)Sc around (18)
3)(2sc, inc) x 6 (24)
4-5)Sc around (24)
6)In FLO:-Sc around (24)
7)Sc around (24)
8)(3sc, inc) x 6 (30)
9)(4sc, inc) x 6 (36)
10)Sc around (36)
11)*Ch1, Skp St, Sc*-Repeat this to the end, Sl St and F.O.
You will now need to change your hook size to a 3.00mm as you will now be
using White Snowflake yarn, with the White Snowflake yarn join with a Sl St
and Ch1:-

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12)Sc around using the Ch Sps as your guide.

13)Sc around.
14)Sc around, Sl St and F.O
Fold over and secure with a stitch, weave in the ends.

You will now need to change your hook size back to a 2.00mm, fold the boot
over so you can access the back loops of R6, with Lawn Green DK Yarn Sl St and
Ch1 to the back of the boot:-
15)In BLO:-Sc around (24)

16-25)Sc around (24)

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26)(11sc, inc) x 2 (26)
27-28)Sc around (26)
29)(12sc, inc) x 2 (28)
30-31)Sc around (28)
32)(13sc, inc) x 2 (30)
33-34)Sc around (30)
35)(dec) x 4, 8sc, (inc) x 4, 10sc (30)
36-39)Sc around (30)
40)(inc) x 4, 8sc, (dec) x 4, 10sc (30)
41)Sc around (30)
42)(14sc, inc) x 2 (32)
43-44)Sc around (32)
45)(15sc, inc) x 2 (34)
46-47)Sc around (34)
48)(16sc, inc) x 2 (36)
49-57)Sc around (36)
58)Sc around (36)
Sl St, F.O (Left Leg Only!)
Once you have completed the right leg do as many extra single crochets
needed to bring you on the inside of the leg and Ch6 (I did 20 extra single
crochets) Join the Ch6 to the left leg, the 1st stitch will be the last stitch you did
on this, the left over thread will show you this stitch, continue:-
59)Sc around Left Leg (36sts) Sc into each of 6ch, Sc around Right Leg (36sts)
Sc into each of 6ch and place your marker. (84)

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60-61)Sc around (84)
62)15sc, (sc,inc) x 20, 29sc (104)
63-65)Sc around (104)
66)4sc, (dec, 4sc) x 3, 36sc, (4sc, dec) x 3, 28sc (98)
67)Sc around (98)
68)(47sc, dec) x 2 (96)
69)(14sc, dec) x 6 (90)
70)Sc around (90)
71)(13sc, dec) x 6 (84)
72-73)Sc around (84)
74)(12sc, dec) x 6 (78)
75-76)Sc around (78)
77)(11sc, dec) x 6 (72)
78-79)Sc around (72)
80)(10sc, dec) x 6 (66)
81-82)Sc around (66)
83)(9sc, dec) x 6 (60)
84)18sc, (dec, 2sc) x 6, 18sc (54)
85-88)Sc around (54)
89)(7sc, dec) x 6 (48)
90-92)Sc around (48)
93)(6sc, dec) x 6 (42)
94-96)Sc around (42)
97)(5sc, dec) x 6 (36)
98-100)Sc around (36)
101)(4sc, dec) x 6 (30)
102-104)Sc around (30)
105)(3sc, dec) x 6 (24)
106-110)Sc around (24)
111)Sc around, Sl St and F.O (24)
Leave a long thread for sewing!
Now that you have completed the boots, legs and body, take the 2 x golden bells
and sew them to the tip of each boot, once you have done this, we will move on
to making the head:-
Using Lawn Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
1)6sc into a MR (6)
2)(inc) x 6 (12)
3)(1sc, inc) x 6 (18)
4)(2sc, inc) x 6 (24)
5)(3sc, inc) x 6 (30)
6)(4sc, inc) x 6 (36)
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7)(5sc, inc) x 6 (42)
8)(6sc, inc) x 6 (48)
9)(7sc, inc) x 6 (54)
10)(8sc, inc) x 6 (60)
11)(9sc, inc) x 6 (66)
12)(10sc, inc) x 6 (72)
13-25)Sc around (72)
26)(11sc, inc) x 6 (78)
27-28)Sc around (78)
29)37sc, Ch2, Skp2, 7sc, Ch2, Skp2, 30sc (74)
30)37sc, Sc into each of Ch2, 7sc, Sc into each of Ch2, 30sc (78)
31)18sc, inc (sc, inc) x 20, (8sc, inc) x 2, inc (102)
32)Sc around (102)
33)(16sc, inc) x 6 (108)
34)(17sc, inc) x 6 (114)
35-45)Sc around (114)
46)(17sc, dec) x 6 (108)
47)(16sc, dec) x 6 (102)
48)(15sc, dec) x 6 (96)
49)(14sc, dec) x 6 (90)
50)(13sc, dec) x 6 (84)
51)(12sc, dec) x 6 (78)
52)(11sc, dec) x 6 (72)
Now is the time to put the eyes into place, to do this part you will need a sheet of
White Felt, Card,Scissors and the 2 x 16mm Green Safety eyes:-
Draw a oval template, use the template cut out and glue onto a piece of card,
hold into place onto a sheet of White Felt and cut around the template, cut a
small cross in the middle, pop the safety eye through and then pop through the
eye slots on the head and pop backs on to secure, you will start to stuff the head
here, continue stuffing:-
53)(10sc, dec) x 6 (66)
54)(9sc, dec) x 6 (60)
55)(8sc, dec) x 6 (54)
56)(7sc, dec) x 6 (48)
57)(6sc, dec) x 6 (42)
58)(5sc, dec) x 6 (36)
59)(4sc, dec) x 6 (30)
60)(3sc, dec) x 6 (24)
61)Sc around, Sl St and F.O (24)

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Now that the head is complete, we can now focus on making the facial features,
so continue:-
Firstly, we will make the upper eyelids:-
Upper Eyelids x 2
Using Emerald Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
Ch16, F.O Leaving a long thread.
Pin the upper eyelids above the eyes. Once you have done this we will move on
to make the lower eyelids, continue:-
Lower Eyelids x 2
Using Emerald Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
Ch14, F.O leaving a long thread.
Before you pin and sew the lower eyelids into place, we will need to sculpt the
eyes so continue:-
Sculpting the Eyes
Once you have stuffed the head firmly and the eyes are in place take a long
strand of Lawn Green DK Yarn and a large sculpting needle, take the needle up
through the neck and out onto the bottom left corner of the eye, you will then
take the needle into the bottom right corner of the eye, then back down and out
through the neck, pull tight and tie a knot, repeat this for the other eye. Once
you have done this we will continue:-
Now you can pin the lower eyelids into place, once you are happy with
positioning on both the upper and lower eyelids, sew into place. (See Photo.)

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We will now be making the eyebrows, so continue:-
Eyebrows x 2
Using Emerald Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
Ch19, starting from the 2nd Ch from the hook:-
1)Tr x 3, Dc x 4, Hdc x 3, Sc x 5, Sl St x 3, F.O Leaving a long thread for sewing!
Pin the eyebrows into position above the eyes and sew into place (See Photo)

Cut strands of around 4” each and using the hair method (Fold yarn in half,
place onto hook, pull through one of the holes, pull up, place fastened off ends
through loop, take the fastened off ends up and pull tight) attach strands on the
eyebrow.(See Photo)

Trim with scissor. Now take the wire brush and brush the strands until they
become fluffy looking then you will trim again to neaten. (See Photos)

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Now that we have completed the eyebrows, we will make the nose so
Using Emerald Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
1)6sc into a MR (6)
2)(inc) x 6 (12)
3-4)Sc around (12)
F.O Leaving a long thread for sewing!
Put a small amount of fibre stuffing inside of the nose and pin to the face, once
you are happy with positioning, sew the nose into place, we will now make the
mouth, so continue:-
Using Emerald Green DK Yarn and a 2.00mm hook:-
Ch50, and F.O!
Pin to the face and sew into place. Embroider on a green stripe from the top
centre of the mouth to the bottom of the nose (See Photo.)

Now that you have completed the body, head and facial features we will now
focus on making the clothes, so continue:-
(Please find below completed photo of head and facial features):-

Now is the time to sew the head to the body, to do this use preferred head
support (Wooden Dowel, Strong Wire ETC) once you have done this stuff the
neck whilst you sew around stuffing around the head support to give extra
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Firstly, we will make the Christmas jacket, so continue:-
Christmas Jacket
For this part you will need White DK Yarn, Red DK Yarn, White Snowflake Yarn, a
3.00mm hook, a 4.5 Pom Pom Maker and 5 x Red buttons (Colour Optional):-
Starting with White DK/8PLY:-
Ch37, starting from the 2nd Ch from the hook:-
1)Sc into each Ch (36)
Change to Red DK Yarn with a Sl St and Ch1:-
2)In BLO:-Sc into each st, Ch1 and turn (36)
3)(5hdc, inc) x 6, Ch1 and turn (42)
4)(20hdc, inc) x 2, Ch1 and turn (44)
5)5hdc,*(Hdc, Ch2,Hdc)- all in the nxt st, 10hdc*-Repeat from * to * 2 more
times, (Hdc,Ch2,Hdc)-all in the nxt st, 5hdc, Ch1 and turn (48)

6)5hdc, inc, (Hdc, Ch2, Hdc)- all in the ChSp, * inc, 10hdc, inc, (Hdc, Ch2, Hdc)- all
in the ChSp * Repeat from * to * 2 more times, inc, 5hdc, Ch1 and turn (64)

7)8hdc, Hdc into each of the 2ch, Ch15, Skp16sts, Hdc into each of the 2ch, 16hdc,
Hdc into each of the 2ch, Ch15, Skp16sts, Hdc into each of the 2ch, 8hdc, Ch1 and
turn (40)

8)10hdc, Hdc into each of the 15ch, 20hdc, Hdc into each of the 15ch, 10hdc, Ch1
and turn (70)

9-12)Hdc into each st, Ch1 and turn (70)

13)(34hdc, inc) x 2, Ch1 and turn (72)
14)(11hdc, inc) x 6, Ch1 and turn (78)
15)(12hdc, inc) x 6, Ch1 and turn (84)
16-23)Hdc into each st, Ch1 and turn (84)
We will now be making the button strip so we will be working up the right side
of the opening, so continue:-
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1)Ch1, 30sc, Ch1 and turn (30)
2)In BLO:-Sc into each st, Ch1 and turn (30)
3)Sc into each st, Ch1 and turn (30)
4)(3sc, Ch2, Skp2sts) x 5, 5sc, Ch1 and turn (20)
5)5sc, Sc into each of the 2ch, (3sc, Sc into each of the 2ch) x 4, 3sc, Sl St, F.O,
Leaving a long thread for sewing!
Sew the 5 red buttons to the left side matching up to the button holes.(See

With the left over thread, fold back the strip and secure with a couple of
stitches each end, this is to hide the buttons, the button colour isn't important
because you won't see them.

Now that we have completed the jacket and button holes, we can now work on
the bottom of the jacket, so continue:-
Bottom of the Jacket
Join White DK /8PLY Yarn with a Sl St and Ch1:-
1)In BLO:-Sc into each st around, Sl St and F.O
Now that the jacket has been made we can focus on making the sleeves so
Sleeves x 2
With Red DK/8PLY and a 3.00mm hook:-
Join the Red yarn to the back of the sleeve with a Sl St and Ch1:-
1)do 36hdc around sleeve and place your marker (36)
2-11)Hdc around (36)
12)(4hdc, dec) x 6 (30)
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13-18)Hdc around (30)
Join White DK/8PLY Yarn with a Sl St and Ch1:-
19)In BLO:-Sc around, Sl St and F.O (30)
Repeat this for the 2nd sleeve, Now that the sleeves have been made take White
Snowflake Yarn and anywhere you see white on the jacket, join the yarn with a
Sl St and work 3 rows of Single Crochet, you do not have to use Snowflake
Fluffy Yarn it can be any white yarn, but I chose White Snowflake yarn as I love
the finish.
With a 4.5 Pom Pom Maker and White DK Yarn, Make 3 White Pom Poms and
sew each of them to the front of the Jacket.
Once you have done that, we will make the hat, so continue:-
Using Red DK Yarn and a 3.00mm hook:-
1)6hdc into a MR (6)
2)(inc) x 6 (12)
3)Hdc around (12)
4)(1hdc, inc) x 6 (18)
5-7)Hdc around (18)
8)(2hdc, inc) x 6 (24)
9-10)Hdc around (24)
11)(3hdc, inc) x 6 (30)
12-13)Hdc around (30)
14)(4hdc, inc) x 6 (36)
15-16)Hdc around (36)
17)(5hdc, inc) x 6 (42)
18-19)Hdc around (42)
20)(6hdc, inc) x 6 (48)
21-22)Hdc around (48)
23)(7hdc, inc) x 6 (54)
24-25)Hdc around (54)
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26)(8hdc, inc) x 6 (60)
27)Hdc around (60)
28)(9hdc, inc) x 6 (66)
29)Hdc around (66)
30)(10hdc, inc) x 6 (72)
31)Hdc around (72)
32)(11hdc, inc) x 6 (78)
33)Hdc around (78)
34)(12hdc, inc) x 6 (84)
35)Hdc around (84)
36)(13hdc, inc) x 6 (90)
37)Hdc around (90)
38)(14hdc, inc) x 6 (96)
39-40)Hdc around (96)
41)(15hdc, inc) x 6 (102)
42-43)Hdc around (102)
44)(16hdc, inc) x 6 (108)
45-46)Hdc around (108)
47)Hdc around and Sl St (108)
Change to White DK Yarn with a Sl St and Ch1:-
48)In BLO:-Sc around, and Sl St (108)
Change to White Snowflake Fluffy Yarn with a Sl St and Ch!:-
49-51)Hdc around (108)
52)Hdc around, Sl St and F.O (108)
Weave in all the ends, you will now need to make a Pom Pom so continue:-
Using a 6.5 Pom Pom Maker and White DK Yarn, make a Pom Pom and then sew
to the top of the hat, now that you have made the hat, we can focus on making
the scarf so continue:-
For this part you will need Red DK/8PLY Yarn, White DK/8PLY Yarn and a
3.00mm hook:-
Starting with Red DK Yyarn:-
Ch11, Starting from the 2nd Ch from the hook:-
1)Sc into each Ch, Ch1 and turn (10)
2)Hdc into each st and Sl St (10)
Change to White DK Yarn with a Sl St and Ch1:-
3)In BLO:-Hdc into each st, Ch1 and turn (10)
4)Hdc into each st and Sl St (10)
Change to Red DK Yarn with a Sl St and Ch1:-
5)In BLO:-Hdc into each st, Ch1 and turn (10)
6)Hdc into each st and Sl St (10)

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Change to White DK Yarn with a Sl St and Ch1:-
7)In BLO:-Hdc into each st, Ch1 and turn (10)
8)Hdc into each st and Sl St (10)
Repeat this until the scarf measures out at 29” in length, make sure you finish
with Red DK Yarn.
Once completed loop through threads of Red DK Yarn along both ends for the
tassels and then trim to desired length.(See Photo)

For the final part, you will need to implant some lawn green strands into the top
of the head using the hair method , Cut strands of 15” and do as follows:-
(Fold strand in half- Place strand onto hook inserting your hook into the loop
end- Place hook and strand through one of the holes in the head- Pull loop end
up and place fastened off ends through the loop- take the fastened off ends and
pull tight making a knot to secure to the head) Once you have done this a few
more times on top of the head, brush strands with a wire brush until the hair
looks fluffy looking.
Well done, you now have your own version of 'The Christmas Grouch' we hope
you enjoyed making him as much as we enjoyed designing him, if you have any
questions or require any help please do not hesitate to contact us, we are on
Here is the link to our Facebook page:-
(Please find below, completed images of 'The Christmas Grouch'):-

Continue onto next page= Page 21 The Crochet Crazy Crew

Page 22 The Crochet Crazy Crew

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