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In 2020, the virus "comet" ravaged the world, causing the vast

majority of human beings to become infected with zombies. The

urgent study of successful antibodies does not cure the virus and
only protects the remaining one-tenth of the population from
infection. Governments have joined forces to build a huge
underground city "Charles" in a short period of time. The closed
biological circulation system has begun a new era in the
underground. Three major fields have developed rapidly:
information technology, brain science and virology.

Chapter One

The 12th year of the Charles calendar, in a forest.

The head hurts, and the tinnitus screams.

Xiao Yan twisted his eyebrows and reached down and held his
forehead. What moist and warm liquid flowed at his fingertips,
and opened his eyes to distinguish them carefully. It turned out to
be blood.

Suddenly a horrified voice came from the ear.

Xiao Yan looked at the sound and found that he was a

contemporaneous student. His eyes seemed to burst out of his
eyes. Zhang Da’s mouth could not say a complete sentence.
Xiao Yan remembered that their aircraft crashed during a visit to
the virgin forest, because the driver's brain was invaded, the
judgment was completely lost, and even the manipulation could
not be converted to manual mode.

The huge impact of the moment of touching the ground caused

Xiao Yan’s head to hit a window on the side to produce a short

And when he woke up, it was clear that everyone was in an

unusual panic, including the two seniors who were always calm
around him.

Xiao Yan’s side completely slammed into the ground. He couldn’t

see anything. He could only look over his head and look to the
other side. At that moment, he stopped.

An unknown number of zombies squatted on the plane and

slammed the window frantically, as if to open everything at any
time and tear everything that they saw into the abdomen.

"Ah... it’s a zombie! Zombie! What should we do?"

"Driver! Try to see if you can restart..."

Just after this sentence, the zombies who kept collecting fresh
flesh and blood threw a head on the glass. The muscles on the half
of the face were gone, revealing the bones of the white, the
eyeballs fell out, leaving a red color on the window. The imprint
was immediately picked up by another zombie and stuffed into
the mouth. It chewed and put the face on the glass. The between
the teeth was the mucus mixed with the yellowish saliva and
blood, which made people feel sick.

"Ah--" The young student by the window got up hysterically.

"Don't call! The sound will make them even more exciting!"

The top row responsible for this investigation was over. He is the
only one who is sensible.

Pushing on the safety device pressed against the body, the captain
made a quiet gesture.

"As everyone knows, our aircraft crashed, and even worse, the
cockpit was damaged. We not only lost the two drivers but also
lost the possibility of restarting the aircraft off the ground. But
fortunately, the cockpit and The cabin was separated by the door.
Although these zombies looked terrible, they were not strong
enough to penetrate the cabin."

Because they are only levelzero, the world's most widespread

zombies, they seem horrible, desperate in the face of killing, but
the ability to act is closest to humans, in addition to the
high-speed regenerative capabilities that humans do not have.
Captain White’s words calmed down the panicked students.

"We have a total of twelve people. According to this calculation,

the oxygen reaction device in the cabin can still last for six hours.
In these six hours, everyone should talk less and keep calm,
otherwise the oxygen will consume faster. If you are lucky, Our
aircraft lost contact with the research base. They should send
special mission troops to conduct the survey. We have a chance to
be saved. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded and stopped talking.

Most of them are students of the Central Academy of Sciences.

After graduation, they will be conducting research work for the
military. This time they leave the city of Shire, but it is an

Xiao Yan sighed quietly, from the size of the cabin to the time
when the oxygen reactor started to operate, at least three hours.
White has deceived everyone and extended the hope of waiting.

Damn - today may be his last day. Knowing this early, he

shouldn’t always peek at the same time Lili, but put her on the
bed! Life is short, and it’s a good time to be happy!

Students sitting by the window can only close their eyes. The
soundproofing of the cabin was excellent. They couldn’t hear the
sound of the zombies knocking on the bulkheads outside, and
they couldn’t hear them. But just look at the window and don't
want to sleep tonight.

Or whether they can spend the night is unknown.

Xiao Yan counted silently in his heart.

One, two, three... three thousand six hundred...

It’s been an hour, and the special mission forces still haven’t

From the research base they found that their aircraft disruption
was linked to determine their location. If an hour is still not
enough, perhaps there is no plan to send someone to rescue them.

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly, and suddenly regretted that she only
achieved the b-level in the college's grade test. If the aircraft is a
class student, I am afraid that the special task force has already
arrived. After all, the talent is the most. precious resource.

The temperature inside the cabin was rising and the students
untiedly untied the neckline.

This means that there is not enough oxygen delivery, they are
afraid that they will not be able to hold for two hours.

"We open the hatch... escape it..."

"What a joke! I would rather die here than go out and be


"Nothing, waiting for the rescue is the right choice. Just open the
door and open the seam, you haven't had time to breathe a fresh
air, only the door will be squeezed out by the zombies."

After the words of Captain White, there was a dead silence in the

The air is getting thinner and thinner, and everyone clearly feels
difficulty breathing.

Death is approaching.

I don't know how long it took, the engine sound of the aircraft
was faintly on the top of the head, and the students with
ambiguity faintly woke up and stared blankly at the window.

I saw the sharp sharp blade flashing, the body of the zombie was
smashed, the yellow-brown mucus splashed around, the head of a
zombie fell on the glass, and the shocking window of the
student’s throat made a ridiculous exclamation.

Captain White breathed a long breath.

"Yes... special mission force..."

This is an exciting news, even though they have lost their energy.

The scattered nerves were instantly clear, and Xiao Yan saw
through the window and saw the figure wearing a black combat
uniform flashing through. A touch of gold cut the vision of Xiao
Yan, he still had time to distinguish what he saw, two or three.
Only the zombies were cut off by the waist, and they slipped
along the glass like garbage, leaving a few traces of tired people.

Special mission forces - specialized armed combat forces. The

establishment of each base is inseparable from the cleanup of the
zombies by this unit. They are cruel executioners, cold killing
tools, and the only reliable backing when disaster strikes.

When the "comet" virus just broke out, humans tried to control
the infected area with an atomic bomb. As a result, the virus
absorbed the heat of the atomic bomb and the nuclear radiation
erupted more violently. The same deal with zombies, bullets,
missiles and other heat-generating weapons will only increase the
healing power of the zombies, so the cold weapon era has come
again. Everyone in the special mission unit is a master of cold

Xiao Yan was on the glass and looked hard. I saw a big man,
clenched his fists, and put some kind of weapon on his finger.
When his fist slammed on the head of the zombie, the yellow
brain cracked. His muscles were tight and his legs were pulled
out. They fell on the gravel floor and smashed on the trunk.
Although they couldn't hear anything through the glass, Xiao
Yan's mind could imagine the cracking sound.

Another agile and flexible body shuttled through the zombies, a

female commando. She releases a high-speed rotating weapon at a
speed that is difficult to discern with the naked eye, cutting the
body of the zombies and completely removing their limbs from
the body. The high-speed healing ability of the zombies does not
represent regeneration, just as they attack because they lose their
arms or legs. When the force weakened, she quickly pulled out
the double-edged back and simply rotated the body. These
zombies were either lost their heads or were cut off by the waist.

In less than thirty seconds, there were no more zombies on the


Captain White climbed slowly to the door and pressed the button.

The hatch opens and the moist air flows in, with a mixture of
decaying and foul smells.

Several trainees rushed out before they could lift the safety

"Give you a minute and transfer immediately."

The cold sound sounded from the outside of the cabin, as if the
blade was swept along the nerve line, indifferent.

Xiao Yan's brain seems to be cut by the other's voice, and the
closed thoughts enter a more vast space in an instant.

"Hey! Hey! Move fast! Don't tell me who among you broke your
legs! Stay here and feed the zombies!"

The tall man with a tall expression squatted into the cabin. The
weapons used to smash the zombies between his fingers were
cold, rudely lifting up the safety device, picking up a student and
throwing it out of the cabin.

The other party screamed.

"Continue to call, continue to call! The sound will cause the

attention of those zombies! You are here to attract zombies, we
return to our own aircraft, wait until you only have bones to pick
you up? At that time you should be quiet?"

His expression is extremely arrogant, his face is a smile of

gloating. Xiao Yan saw an excitement from his bloodthirsty
scorpion. This guy is not joking.

The screams stopped and everyone quickly opened the safety

device and escaped from the cabin.
When they saw the first sight of the outside world, they couldn’t
help but hold it.

Around the aircraft... the zombies piled up in the mountains.

Xiao Yan discovered that there were only three people in the
special forces who came to rescue them.

A slender figure stood between two aircraft, the golden brown

hair was picked up by the breeze, and the unusual harbinger of the
waves, the slickness of the ice-blue eyes and the pressure of
indifference Xiao Yan's vision invades the depths of the brain,
creating the illusion of pain.

His hands held a blade and the tip of the blade pierced into the
dirt, and the world was instantly broken.

For the first time, Xiao Yan found that she could not remove her
eyes from this man. He realized that the gold that he saw was the
hair of the other party.

Until someone pushed Xiao Yan's back, he lowered his voice and
said to him: "Don't stare at him again. He is Haiyin Burton."

"He is... Haiyin Burton?"

Xiao Yan lived.

He never thought that the man of the special task force, Haiyin
Burton, turned out to be such an elegant and beautiful man.

Hai Yin’s side face is persevering, like a cliff that has stood for
thousands of years, and it has been carved into deep and
undulating lines by the wind and rain.

Xiao Yan always thought that he was a monster, not the existence
of a difficult sight at this moment.

The zombies must be decapitated to completely lose their

mobility, biologically called "cutting off neuronal connections."

A zombie who was cut off by the waist, dragging the internal
organs that flowed from the waist and the abdomen, whispered
and climbed to the students who were walking into another

The big man enjoyed watching the horror of the group, then lifted
his foot on the face of the zombie. It made a squeaky voice, his
teeth and his tongue trembled, and everyone tightened his

Hai Yin, who had always been indifferent, finally looked over and
frowned. "Mark, it is dirty."

Mark shrugged his shoulders. "Can't you let it fall on those

delicate students?"
After that, he stepped on his foot and the sound of the skull
shattered loudly.

The trainees were scared to rush into the hatch, and two or three
people were crowded at the door of the cabin.

Mark smiled with satisfaction. "Hey, these daring guys are less
envious if they graduate, but we have to be arrogant, and it’s
unfair to have a military rank."

"Don't put your shoes clean and don't enter the cab."

Hai Yin turned and took the sharp edge of his hand back into the
scabbard on his back.

"Kid, if you look at Colonel Burton again, I will dig your eyes
and feed the zombies."

The female special forces with sharp and short hair showed
hostility to Xiao Yan. She seems to be only in her early twenties.
The black combat uniform outlines her undulating body and faint
explosive power. If she punches Xiao Yan's head, he has no doubt
that his brain will burst out.

"Oh, sorry."

Xiao Yan quickly lowered his head and walked into the aircraft
with other people.
The female special commander first entered the cabin. Mark stood
outside the cabin and cleaned the shoes with the backup
disinfectant of the crashed aircraft. Until Hai Yin nodded, Mark
entered the cab.

The aircraft took off, they gradually moved away from the
dangerous ground, and everyone exhaled.

As Mark said, there were countless zombies rushing to the

crashing ground. They stretched their arms and jumped, trying to
smash down the unreachable aircraft, making people creepy. 2k
novel reading network

Xiao Yan lowered his head, holding a green leaf in his hand,
gently sniffing it in his nose, and a pure fragrance. This is a
completely different taste from the zombie's suffocating gas. He
entered his lungs along his breath. , quietly spread into every cell
of his.

The female special commander sitting at the front turned back and
saw Xiao Yan covering the green leaf on her face. Her eyes
seemed to be thinking about something or the expression in the
brain, showing a hearty smile. You are so strange!"

"Where is it strange?" Xiao Yan opened his eyes and looked at

each other.
"They are frightened and rushed into the cabin. Do you still have
time to spare the leaves?"

"Our aircraft crashed and all research materials were scrapped.

This leaf is the only harvest, a very precious sample." Xiao
Yanchong blinked.

The other person's face turned red. "Don't try to play handsome
here. Class B students don't have any attraction for me!"

"It seems that in order to pick up the girl, I should also try to raise
my research level to a."

"Less come, it is not an effort but a gift." The other side stunned
Xiao Yan.

"Well, what is your name?"

"What is the meaning of knowing my name? Maybe someday my

name is engraved on the monument, you don't know that it is me."

After humans entered Shire, it took nearly fifty years to study the
"comet" virus, successfully extracting the most complicated
segment of the viral gene chain, and creating the x virus. After
entering the human body, the virus can quickly combine with
human genes, so that all aspects of the infected person can be
rapidly improved. The self-healing ability of the infected person
is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary humans, but it does
not lose the brain's judgment and become a living dead like a
zombie. But this is not a super power, but an "overdraft." Humans
who are generally injected with x virus will not live for more than
a decade. The reason why the special mission force's combat
capability is so strong is precisely because of this virus.

"Although I am not a class A researcher, my memory is good. Are

you sure that I don't want to remember your name? I am thinking,
maybe one day when I hang my old hair and white, sitting in the
garden and basking in the artificial Nikko, I have a lazy cat like
me in my arms. Although there are no children to accompany me,
I will tell the lazy cat a whole day. I describe it to me once. The
girl with a good impression, I clearly describe her dark brown hair
and bright eyes and the heat of the body, but unfortunately I don't
know her name."

Xiao Yan’s body leans forward, he knows that his appearance is

not good, but there are always women who comment that his
smile is very attractive, even his friend Kathy is really real with
Xiao Yan, as long as he reveals Lai’s smile. Kathy also did not
take him.

"... Liv." When the other person said his name, the whole face was
"Liv, I remember." Xiao Yan licked his right eye, and Liv snorted
and didn't go too far.

At this time, the broadcast sound came, and once you heard it, it
was the voice of Mark.

"Hey, the rookies - I am sorry I can't send you back to the base
right away, because we still have a mission to complete!"

The students in the cabin heard the news calm.

"We have to go to a nuclear power plant more than two hundred

years ago to take some nuclear materials."

As the population of the Shire grows, the lack of energy has

become a problem. Xiao Yan has long heard that the military
intends to explore nuclear power plants and other energy facilities
two hundred years ago, and bring all available resources back to

Mark is still going down in the tone of the Great Lara.

"There were two technical soldiers who followed us. Who knows
that when they see the zombies, they panicked and chased around
and chased them back - and they were eaten by the zombies!"

Everyone’s shoulders shrugged and he took a breath.

How does Mark’s tone sound happy, and it is doubtful that the
guys were watching the drama when the two technical soldiers
were killed?

"We are all rough! We won't dismantle any nuclear reaction

devices. Who are you going to? Let's take a trip! Go back early as
soon as possible!"

"Is this guy joking? There must be zombies in the nuclear power
plant -"

"Those zombies will definitely eat us! Say nothing!"

Everyone has been talking about it and experienced the wreck just
now. Who will go to die?

The aircraft has arrived over an abandoned nuclear power plant.

Looking down from the sky, a piece of steel covered the desolate,
as if sleeping and waiting to wake up.

In the dusty room, a few zombies could be seen wandering, and

the engine sound of the aircraft caused them to raise their heads.
The original eyes were bloodthirsty.

"Hey, we have to prepare for the task! Do you have anyone to

follow along!"

The cabin was dead.

"Ha? No one! Just pick it up!"

Mark opened the door of the cab and turned to the white captain
of his peers. "You must follow it! You have a rank here!"

Captain White was silent and did not refuse, and his face was
very tight.

"Another one... Who is it?"

Everyone is sitting in jeopardy, Liv white took a look at Mark.

"You are so boring!"

"Then you!" Mark's finger pointed to a senior student. "Your look

looks smart!"

"I... I won't go..."

"Don't go?" Mark's face suddenly became fierce. "That will throw
you down from here! We can go back without waste!"

" are abusing your authority! It is a threat!"

"What about threatening you?" Mark snorted. "It’s just a trick to

throw you all down!"

"I'm not going!"

Mark left the cockpit directly, came to him, his safety device was
opened, Mark lifted him up and slammed into the door.

"Do you want to fall free? Or go with us?"

Mark was full of excitement, and the other side was intimidated.

"Please don't do this! They are still trainees!" Captain White held
up and held Mark.

In the cab, the cold voice sounded, "Mark, don't play."

Inexplicable strength, people have to comply.

Mark snorted and slammed the student back, then said to Captain
White: "Then you pick one to follow?"

"I...I will go if I don't want to go..." Although Captain White is

afraid, he knows that these students have no experience, and even
if they go, they may not be of much help.

"If you are dead? Who will take out the nuclear materials for us?"
Mark seems to fear that the world is not chaotic, the more afraid
these students are, the happier he is.

"..." White did not know how to answer.

"Come on pick one!" Mark really lost patience.

At the moment when Captain White turned back, everyone was
not looking down and not looking away.

Xiao Yan looked out the window, as long as a living person enters
the area, the zombies will inevitably come. When the group of
special forces are afraid to be overwhelmed, it is hard to say
whether they can protect them.

No one was looking at the captain of White, and the sound of the
heart beating was close to the ear. No one wanted to hear his
name from White's mouth.

"That... Xiao go with me..."

Xiao Yan didn't squirt blood out of his throat. He looked at

White's eyes with amazement. Why is he?

It’s the turn of White’s turn to go.

Xiao Yan remembered that he had played a bridge with him two
days ago. I am afraid that among these students, he can only name
Xiao Yan.

what is this? Is it a mistake to have a little friendship with you?

It’s hard to rob the rest of his life. He shouldn’t have a bath in the
base room and then come to a bar to order a glass of blood. Mary
squints and enjoys life?
"Yes! That's it!" Mark raised his hand and sighed, "Go!"

What is "justified"? No one has ever asked his opinion?

Others did not look at Xiao Yan with sympathetic eyes. It was not
for themselves that they were lucky. The senior student who was
scared to incontinence actually sat back in the same place as if
nothing had happened.

what is this? What kind of?

Xiao Yan has the urge to jump out directly.

At this time, the commanding voice of Hai Yin came from the
cockpit. "Li Fu, you are responsible for driving the aircraft. Mark,
let's go."

"Yes!" Liv looked back at Xiao Yan and said to him with a mouth
shape, "Go back alive!"

Before I had time to react, the hatch was opened, and Captain
White was smashed by Mark and lay back. The two men fell out
and the sound of the rope slid. The mark had long tied the rope to
the door.


The screams of Captain White’s screams came from the air.

The cold wind poured in and wrinkled everyone's face.

Xiao Yan’s heart was frightened.

Haiyin Burton came to him. "If you make any shouts, I will
directly twist your neck."

His gaze is like a gust of silence in the darkness, sweeping

through Xiao Yan's nerves, leaving only a moment of chill.

Xiao Yan had not had time to digest this sentence. Hai Yin’s arm
swept over his waist and leaped away, leaving the cabin. At that
moment, Hai Yin’s arm was tightened instantly, and the strength
between the muscles caused Xiao Yan to create the illusion that
the bones would be crushed in an instant.

The ear is the sound of the roaring wind, the soul dragging the
body, Xiao Yan closed his eyes, not to yell, even the breath is in
the throat.

The body suddenly trembled, Hai Yin had landed, his hair was
raised due to inertia, Xiao Yan saw his five senses at close range.

Never thought that a man's eyebrows can be so delicate and

delicate, every inch is just right, every depression is exciting.

The arm in his waist was loose, and Xiao Yan landed violently,
his face squatting on the ground, causing a painful suffocation.
"Follow me, follow my orders, if you become cumbersome, I will
leave you."

Hai Yin turned and walked with her hands to the back, pulling the
sharp edge out of the sheath, and the cold light flashed. Xiao Yan
quickly got up and followed behind Hai Yin.

The two zombies opened their mouths, the dirty saliva kept
falling, and the swaying body suddenly rushed over to them.

Xiao Yan’s pupils shrank for a while, and he seemed to see his
torn picture in their eyes, and his legs could not move.

Hai Yin rushed to the past, and the action of raising his hand was
so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to distinguish. The
movement of a sword, the heads of two zombies fell, and
everything stopped.

Xiao Yan swallowed saliva.

too fast!

This is Hein Burton, and it is no wonder that so many special

forces have worshipped him as a **** worship.

Xiao Yan suddenly had a hunch that nothing could hurt him as
long as he followed this man.
Hai Yin has already gone far, but Xiao Yan has not had time to
keep up.

A zombie jumped from a height and fell straight to Xiao Yan.

With a soft leg, Xiao Yanzhen sat on the ground, and the zombie’s
open mouth was about to bite his forehead.


Xiao Yan is not sure if he should remember his life in his mind,
but one thing he is sure is that it is too hard to be killed by the

A figure appeared on his side, and a sharp knife tip pierced the
throat of the zombie and penetrated its brain. 2k novel reading

Xiao Yan still did not slow down the coming of God.

"I didn't mean to keep up with me?"

The low sound squeezed out between the teeth, and Hai Yin didn't
know when it came. One hand held the ground and the other hand
held the blade. The zombie flew out like a garbage and squatted
on the distant wall. , a cracking sound.

This guy is clearly far away... What kind of speed can make him
suddenly appear?
At this time, Xiao Yan's eyes are all on the side of Hai Yin. His
eyes are clear and have soft lines. The brows and noses are
undulating and cold.

As if the executive of God does not need any human expression.

"Get up." Hai Yin's wrist glimpsed, and the blade cut through the
sharp and graceful arc in the air, cutting the line of sight into two

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth and quickly followed him.

Mark has entered the nuclear power plant with Captain White.

They are going to the innermost part of the ruin, where the unused
uranium raw materials are stored, but I don’t know if it will leak
out two hundred years later.

A lot of zombies were attracted, and the blade of Hai Yin’s hand
was slashed endlessly. His movements were very flexible. Every
time the angle of the blade was as accurate as a precise
calculation, it was chilling.

Mark rudely opened the door to the nuclear power plant, and the
sound of the old steel sounded awkward.

White was scared and almost sat on the ground.

"Don't say... try not to make a voice to lead them over?"

Mark glanced at Xiao Yan, took out the respirator at his waist,
pressed **** his face, and walked in his collar.

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, the other's fingers reached in front of
him, and a respirator was hung between the index fingers and
fingers, pitifully swaying in the air.

Xiao Yangang did not have time to say thank you, Hai Yin did not
intend to wear a respirator, and the door was slammed, the only
light was blocked, everything fell into the dark, Xiao Yan quickly

The circuit here has long since been interrupted, and the hidden
space seems to penetrate what unknown power.

Hai Yin pulled out an illuminator from the waist and the channel
instantly brightened. The illuminators are suspended above their
heads and are constantly exploring.

Gradually, many of the corpses fell to the ground, they showed a

twisted shape, Xiao Yan felt a sense of discomfort, he faintly felt
that these corpses are not human, but zombies.

Opening the doors of the first floor, they entered the reaction
center of the nuclear power plant.
Everything here was very old. Xiao Yan stepped on the air and
turned down from the escalator. He fell into a wolf and his face
was dusty.

He could walk up and climb up, and it was the cold eyes of Hai

Xiao Yan’s heart was filled with anger, and there was no chance
of seizure under the pressure of the other side.

The arms and legs were so bad that Xiao Yan climbed up. Hai Yin
and Mark did not wait for him to move forward.

Finally, they came to the most hidden place of the nuclear power
plant, the warehouse for storing uranium raw materials.

Looking at the device of the type of steering wheel, Xiao Yan

recognized it as a vault at a glance.

"Hey, open it." Mark pulled White up to Kumen.

Captain White had a slight glimpse and couldn't help but step
back. "This... it's too old-fashioned... It's all informatized now,
there is no terminal to do the calculation... I don't know how to
open it..."

"What? You waste wood!" Mark slammed his fist on the face of
White's captain.

Hai Yin just shouted his name, and Mark’s fist stopped in midair.

"What! I thought you were awesome of these technical soldiers!

It's time to throw you to feed the zombies! Head, what now?
Explode this stuff?"

"The side of the door is uranium."

"...What should I do?" Mark's gaze stayed on Xiao Yan. "Hey!

Rookie! What about you?"

Xiao Yan tried to keep a safe distance from Mark. He stepped

back and hit his back on someone's chest.

The nerves suddenly tightened, and Xiao Yan slowly turned

around and saw the delicate but unintentional face of Haiyin
Burton. Any collision could not shake him a step.

"Open the door."

A short and imperative tone, as if he had long recognized that

Xiao Yan could do it.

"Yes... Colonel."

Damn, do you open it when you open it? I also want to open, but I
am not sure I have that skill! There are so many senior students in
the cabin that you are not choosing me!
Even if he kept arguing deep inside, Xiao Yan did not dare to put
a trace of displeasure on his face. He was even trembled.

Xiao Yan hardened his scalp and gathered it in front of the door to
check it carefully. "This thing should be CNC again two hundred
years ago, but now it is all powered off. If you want to turn it on,
you need to turn on the power first. You have a wireless terminal.
And the power supply unit?"

"Yes." Mark threw the backpack into Xiao Yan's arms. "This is
what the two dead technical soldiers left. They are left with tears
and the bones and the backpack. What you want should be there.

Xiao Yan’s heart was cold and sweaty. He didn’t understand why
the other party explained this. He didn’t want to know how the
two technical soldiers died!

When I opened the backpack, I found the power supply specially

prepared for this mission, as well as the wireless terminal.

After a survey, Xiao Yan roughly determined where the power

was connected. Mark, this guy really has the power to actually
smash the iron sheet and reveal the old wires. Xiao Yan uses tools
to open the wires and carefully connect the external power supply.
“Hey, has you taught this in college?” Captain White was curious
about Xiao Yan’s familiarity with this ancient power supply.

"Of course I haven't taught it. I occasionally saw it from the

history books in the library. I just don't know for so many years,
even if I plug in the power supply, can this door be activated?
Now the rest is to test the door with the terminal. The password is

Xiao Yan connected the device that sensed the password to the
terminal and started the operation.

"The password is out!"

Xiao Yan read the numbers, Mark turned the rudder, and only
heard a bang, dust coming in, as if a long time undisturbed old
time was quietly uncovered.

Shaking his arm, Xiao Yan stepped back.

The other side of Kumen is like a black hole.

The illuminator flew in and illuminated the space.

Mark first went in. Although he was hesitant, he still followed.

Hai Yin looked coldly at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan quickly picked
up the backpack and followed it up.
There are countless closed metal boxes in this warehouse. Hai Yin
scanned the metal boxes and nodded to Mark. The special devices
in these metal boxes ensure the stability of uranium raw materials.
They are fixed in place and cannot be lifted.

"Hey! Technician! Think of it!"

Seeing Mark's palm is about to shoot Xiao Yan's back, Xiao Yan
quickly evaded, if it was hit by this guy, Xiao Yan did not doubt
that his spine would break.

However, Xiao Yan never imagined that he once again hit the
chest of Hai Yin Burton.

The other party still didn't move half a step, and Xiao Yan felt that
he was touching a steep cliff. Xiao Yan didn't dare to look back,
just moved halfway to one side.

"Hey! I said the technical soldiers! Are you interested in our

heads? Are you constantly hitting our heads?" Mark touched his
chin and walked toward Xiao Yan.


Xiao Yan quickly shook his head, and it was interesting to people
like Hai Yin Burton. It was tantamount to finding a dead end!
The x virus enhances not only the physical and physical resilience
of the special forces, but also the crazy and absolutely enduring...

Twenty-one years ago, the special mission unit had a major

incident, that is, a special soldier was stationed at a certain base
all the year round and returned to the night of the gathering with
the lovers in the city of Shire. Because he was too missed and lost
control, his lover was doing it. #爱的过程不死不死. I heard that
after the death, the autopsy found that the corpus was broken and
the right arm was broken, accompanied by dislocation of the legs,
except for the suffocation caused by the high tide. In short, the
price of love with special forces is very fierce. After that, the
Central Academy of Sciences has been trying to solve this
problem, but at the expense of reducing the combat capability of
special mission forces, the military can only issue a ban on special
mission forces, prohibiting any special forces from having ****
with non-special combat personnel. Unfortunately, in addition to
the first few years, this ban has gradually become a dead letter,
because the proportion of men and women in special missions is
almost 20 to one, and special forces must meet their own
physiological needs. For non-special warfare personnel, it is as
attractive as a drug to do with the special forces. It is obvious that
the danger is still succumbing to the combat uniforms of the
special mission forces.
For example, Xiao Yan once heard that a school sister in the
college described the experience, and did not need any physical
contact. She could also create the illusion of j□j under the eyes of
the other party, and when she was kissed by the other party,
sometimes For the first time, she completely devoted herself to
the madness to the peak experience. She never felt it in other men.
Fortunately, her object has superb restraint.

But for Xiao Yan, on the contrary, he does not have any ambition
to pursue excitement. The stable and lazy life is what he is
yearning for, except for a little excess curiosity. Since he knows
the danger, he will never try it.

Moreover, he also remembered the big beauty Li Li who was born

in the same period! Even if you want to die with someone's
fantasy, that person must be Lily! Haiyin Burton is definitely a

Wait, what is this about Haiyin Burton? Even if he had an idea for
a special soldier, it should be a stunner like Liv, not Haiyin

"If not, trouble you to solve this bunch of guys!"

Mark rubbed his fist and the knuckles of the knuckles made Xiao
Yan come back.
He subconsciously turned back, and the upper part was the
posture of Hai Yin Gao Shang. He patted his chest gently and
looked at it in a meticulous manner, as if Xiao Yan was not as
good as this room full of dust.

If you don't want to be poisoned, you have to solve the problem at


Xiao Yan immediately squatted down and inspected the devices

that fixed the metal boxes. After scanning, he determined that the
devices that retained the uranium raw materials in these metal
boxes could be taken out. These metal boxes were only used for
storage. He again turned on the power to the fixture of the metal
box and prepared to simulate the extraction process.

After some investigation, Xiao Yan finally found a way, "it's ok!"

As it turns out, Xiao Yan’s recent luck is not so good. It should be

said that he is home...

He was tired for a long time, and he was about to stand up

sideways. The respirator on his face didn’t settle down. His lips
licked something soft and soft, and he still had a unique feeling.
One second his neck was caught and the whole person was lifted.

Xiao Yan gripped the strong and powerful wrist, only to find that
she was on the lips of Hai Yin!
At the time, the cold eyes were filled with killing, and Xiao Yan’s
throat was crushed by the other side.

"Head! Head - we haven't finished the mission yet! This guy can't

Mark rushed up, a pair of Xiaoyan to open the fingers of the sea,
but when they came to the front, they did not dare to touch the

Xiao Yan screamed in his heart, and it was rare to think that Mark
was useful once! 2k novel reading network

Just as he closed his eyes desperately, Hai Yinyu threw him to the
ground, half of his body collided with the ground, and the painful
bones were broken. He grabbed his neck, coughed desperately,
and his tears were arrogant.

The sound of the sharp edge and the sheath rubbing in the ear, Hai
Yin's blade smashed into the ground along his cheek, and
suddenly there was a burning pain... bleeding.

"If these uranium raw materials cannot be recovered successfully,

I will cut your flesh and blood and pull out your bones."

Every word of Hai Yin is very clear, as if coming from the depths
of hell.
Xiao Yan took a breath and his fingers trembled. He suddenly
understood that this man was a terrible existence than the

"Hey! I don't want to die yet!"

Mark pulled Xiao Yan up and pushed it to the front of the row of
metal boxes, and lowered the voice of the voice: "Your boy is so
bold! How dare you kiss us? He is famous for his cleanliness!"

Xiao Yan could not speak at all.

He thought because Hai Yin did not wear a respirator. If he wears

himself, how can he lick his lips?

Of course, he didn't want to be really pulled out of the bones by

Hai Yin. The captain of White was also frightened by the
situation. Now he reacted and came to Xiao Yan to help.

After ten minutes, the first fixture was opened and the mark
removed the flask-sized container.

Xiao Yan and Captain White breathed out a breath, and they used
the same method to take out other uranium materials. Mark, this
guy puts them all on their backs and they are ready to go out.
Xiao Yan smashed up. From the beginning to the end, Hai Yin
looked at his own eyes and was full of killing. As long as he left
here to face the zombies, Hai Yin might have let himself die!
No matter how helpless Xiao Yan feels, he still has to follow Hai

When Mark opened his door, it was so many zombies that he

slammed on the door. Haiyin took out double-edged swords and
several cold lights flashed. The heads of these zombies fell.

Xiao Yan stepped on their sticky bodies and broke through. There
are always zombies coming in, Xiao Yan almost holding his head
and hiding right.

Several times, the zombie had already held down Xiao Yan’s
shoulder. Hai Yin’s ignorance, but Mark’s guy had left him,
otherwise he could not imagine how terrible he would die.

Finally ran to the bottom of the aircraft, Haiyin pulled the device
between the waist, the rope rushed to the sky and docked with the
aircraft, he pulled the rope and easily returned to the cabin.

Xiao Yan stunned... So what about him? At the beginning, Hai

Yin took him to jump down. Now this guy has left himself alone?

Mark sighed and watched as there was a zombie rushing over. He

grabbed White Captain in one hand and grabbed the rope in the
other. "Hey! Rookie! Grab my arm!"

Xiao Yan seemed to see the straw of life and rushed to hug Mark's
With a bang, he flew up. The rate of ascent is very fast, and as
soon as he relaxes a little, he will fall down and fall into meat.

Finally returned to the cabin, Xiao Yan's arms were sore and sore,
fell off in the cabin, and gasped.

Li Fu pushed the door out of the cockpit and helped Xiao Yan
with a big smile on his face. "Hey! I heard that you did something
that we all dare not do!"

Xiao Yan’s arm trembled because of excessive force, and he

adjusted his breath against the back of the chair.

I didn't expect him to accidentally kiss Hai Yin and even Li Fu

heard it.

"I don't dare to do it... just happened to do it..."

If you can, please don't mention it again!

"This way..." Liv squinted. "I might hear you and the head roll the
sheets in a few days! I know that the guys in the base are bored
and there is no topic!"

"What...what..." Xiao Yan felt that his breathing was not smooth.
He was a man. Heinburton was also a man. What kind of sheets
did he roll?
"I don't know if the head is kissing very hard. I heard that the
strength of kissing when our special forces are estrus can squeeze
the skull of an ordinary person."

"That...I am really nothing with Colonel Burton..." Xiao Yan tried

to stop Liv from unrealistic imagination, but the effect was not

"You must not have imagined that a perfect figure like a head has
not been done with anyone after entering a special mission force!"
Liv's face came together, which was quite different from the
initial stability, as if eager to share some shock with Xiao Yan.
The big secret of the gossip days is general.

"...because the colonel has serious cleanliness..." In addition to

Heinburton himself, Xiao Yan does not believe that he can accept

Li Fu’s imagination continues, and even Xiao Yan’s thinking is

moving in an unrealistic direction.

"Because I haven't vented it for so many years, you know that the
x-virus makes the special forces' demand in that area very
amazing, so ah... once you are pressed against the bed, you will
definitely break your bones and scatter your skeleton! The
internal organs must It will all rupture! There must be a blood
flow below! It is estimated that your first small chrysanthemum
will be rotten! Oh my god!"

Xiao Yan’s shoulders rose and his back was cold.


"But it doesn't matter, our jjj also contains the attenuated x virus,
which is very easy to be absorbed by ordinary people, such as the
oral cavity, the intestines, and the mucous membranes in these
places. Even if you are tossed, you don't have to be an adult. Give
you a kiss, all the injuries will recover in 30 seconds, you can
continue to do it!" Li Fu's face is full of anticipation in Xiao Yan's
eyes, he even began to automatically make up for himself to
endure the dying results of non-human abuse and The other party
picks up a kiss and recovers from the injury and then endures the
torture of the other party again and again, in the picture of
reincarnation in pain.

Of course, he completely ignored the possibility that this fantasy

became close to absolute zero.

"I wish you a happy life!"

Liv looked at Xiao Yan’s expression of being completely

frightened and laughed.

Xiao Yan finally woke up, the other party is teasing himself!
But it is undeniable that Li Fu’s words made Xiao Yan have some
sinister thoughts about his future life, but this kind of reverie is
not the same as Haining Burton’s sheets, but the 11,000 kinds of
pictures that were tortured to death by the other side.

The aircraft will be docked on a platform ready to unload all

uranium materials, and Xiao Yan will also be on the platform.

Liv gets in touch with the tower and they will land at a specific
location. Just as they were getting closer and closer to the landing
platform, the aircraft suddenly rose.

Xiao Yan holds the safety rails, and they rise fast, making
everyone almost shout.

What happened?

Xiao Yan knows that the driver of the aircraft at this time is Mark
and Hai Yin. Can they say that their aircraft was once again
invaded by the blockers?

The so-called blocker is the "brain hacker" who invades the

human brain through the terminal. They are good at disturbing
people's thinking to destroy the internal information structure of
the brain, and even create a "brain of thought" to trap the ontology
in the subconscious and fall into a deep coma.
Almost every person in the special mission unit has received very
strict training against the "blocker". Xiao Yan believes that Haiyin
Burton is definitely one of the best. His will is firm and not so
easy to be blocked. "The person who captured!"

The aircraft almost rushed into the sky. At that moment, Xiao Yan
felt the vibration under his body, the aircraft swiftly swung, and a
missile flew past the window of Xiao Yan!

This missile was launched from the platform! This is a tracking

missile that will adjust its orbit until it hits the target, even if it is

"Oh- my God! It's a tracking missile! We are dead!"

There was a fear in the cabin.

Xiao Yan's back of the head is attached to the back of the chair,
and even the strength of the smile is gone.

But how many times does he have to endure in one day?

What is this, can't you escape?

"We are going to die! God! It’s better to pop us all! Maybe you
can still live..."

Several students actually cried.

"Idiot! Is it going to pop you up to feed the zombies?" Liv
slammed. "Do you think that the driver is a casual guy? Or you
forgot that this aircraft is our special mission! It The role is not to
do research but to fight!"

Xiao Yan has been unclear how many times the missile passed by
their engine, and how many times Xiao Yan’s face felt the heat of
the missile, and the aircraft avoided it in the blink of an eye. Xiao
Yan’s forehead cold sweat fell, and the students at the same time
were closing their eyes and biting their lips to wait for the last

Their space is constantly rotating and overturning, and Xiao Yan’s

neck is almost cut off.

Liv in front of him always has a calm expression, and she has no
reservations about Hai Yin and Mark.

"You can also close your eyes." Lifu looked in the direction of
Xiao Yan. "Otherwise it is easy to feel dizzy."

"I just want to see that moment... Colonel Burton and Mark will
find an opportunity to solve the tracking missile."

It was nearly seven hundred and twenty degrees of rotation, and

the students did not even have the strength to exclaim.
“What is the opportunity?” Liv asked with interest, her calmness
and a sharp contrast.

"Time difference."

Xiao Yan’s eyes sank. He is a class b student, just because he is

too lazy to think, because he knows that the person who is good at
thinking is living more tired, but this does not mean that he is not
good at thinking.

At that moment, their aircraft engine made a crazy sound and

rushed to a mountain.

The screams sounded together.

Xiao Yan's eyes widened. They touched the mountain rock

upwards as they touched the mountain. Because the speed was too
fast, the air at the bottom of the cabin and the vegetation between
the rocks and stones rubbed and violently burned.

And that every tracking missile is not so lucky, straight to the

mountains, the mountains and rocks are broken, the scene at that
moment is extremely spectacular.

Xiao Yan's palm covered the glass and felt the shock of the

Everyone took a deep breath and even some people cried out.
"We are still alive! God!"

"We have avoided the tracking missile!"

They once again passed away with death.

But Liv did not relax his guard. "Header! Was the platform just
occupied by the tide organization?"

The tidal organization, a mysterious organization that constantly

researches the comet virus, whose bases, numbers, and even
leaders are always unknown, is only certain—the organization is
their enemy.

“Yes. Send warning messages to Charles and all other external


The platform in Haiyinkou is equivalent to the refueling station

during the long-distance flight of the aircraft. There is no
scientific research institution in it, but in recent years it has
become the target of the tidal organization. They remain silent
after occupying the platform, thereby attacking the aircraft for

"How did Colonel Burton find that the platform had problems?"
Xiao Yan asked curiously.
Liv smiled inexplicably. "When you pass through the gaps of
death countless times, your intuition will become a weapon."

At that moment, the aircraft was slowly descending.

"What happened? Nothing around here?"

“Why are you landing?”

"There is neither a platform nor a base here... Is it a task for a

special mission force?"

Everyone looked at Liv with a curious look.

Liv smiled and asked Xiao Yan, "Guess what, what is going on?"

"The engine is damaged. The high-speed vertical flight just above

the limited speed damaged the power system of the aircraft and
the aircraft must land."

Xiao Yan replied faintly. He remembered that he had browsed the

power structure diagram of the military aircraft because of his

"You really are class b students?" Liv looked at him with

incredible eyes.

“But it’s not good to be a good researcher.”

Xiao Yan’s mentor once said that he had patience that was
difficult to fill but did not continue to study patience. This was a
fatal injury to the researchers.

At this point, the aircraft has steadily stopped into a jungle.

The restless atmosphere spread again in the cabin.

Mark opened the cabin and his brow was very tight. He said
loudly: "Hey, researchers! Prepare to leave the aircraft, we have to
walk to the 14th base."

"What do you say? Leave the aircraft!" White's pale face did not
restore blood, he did not stand up.

The other students stared at Mark and waited for him to tell them
that it was just a joke.

Mark shrugged helplessly. "You can stay here. Anyway, this

forest is only a 12-hour walk from the 14th base."

"Twelve hours -"

The cabin is like a popcorn that is being heated.

"Twelve hours! Not twelve minutes! There will be less than an

hour to sunset! There must be zombies in this forest!"

At this time, Hai Yinli stepped out of the cockpit and looked like
a knife tip to pick up the film of each person's heart.
"let's go."

After that, he picked up a box containing uranium raw materials

and opened the cabin door. He did not return to the jungle.

Mark laughed and smiled, and mentioned a box in one hand and
said, "You will stay here! The tide organization will invite you to
drink tea!"

"What? What do you mean?"

The faces of the students were white for a while.

Liv looked at Xiao Yan and handed a box to him. He said

seriously: "Go with us."

Xiao Yan did not say anything, he was going to follow Liv, and
the former intimidated student caught Xiao Yan.

"Don't go out! They may not be able to protect you! Or wait here
for the rescue of the 14th base!"

Xiao Yan took a breath. "You really don't understand what is

going on? The platform that was used as our transit supply was
occupied by the tide organization. Their purpose was to prevent
the aircraft from bringing uranium raw materials back to the
Shire. The ability, perhaps even faster than the No. 14 base to
locate the aircraft, they will find it! Do you think the tide
organization will really use good black tea to entertain us?"


Everyone is hesitant.

Only Captain White came to Liv and said, "I will follow you."

When Captain White and Xiao Yan left the aircraft, they closed
the door heavily.

"Oh..." White sighed.

"Don't be like this, their choices may not be wrong."

Both Captain White and Xiao Yan have seen the hands of Mark
and Hai Yin. If the tidal organization really does not destroy the
aircraft and does not stop, both Captain White and Xiao Yan
believe that the probability of living with them is much higher
than staying in the aircraft.

The sun is tilted, passing through the gaps in the foliage, leaving a
large backlit shadow. The sky gradually turned into a dull orange.

Xiao Yan leaned up to the head, and the sound of the tired bird
homing to the ear, as the night fell, the whole world fell into a
disturbing silence.
Xiao Yan’s military boots stepped into the gravel and deciduous
weeds and made a slight noise.

Mark is in front of him, and behind him is Captain White and Liv.
He couldn't see the road ahead and could only step on the place
where Mark walked.

Suddenly, Mark stopped.

"what happened?"

"Oh..." Mark put down the box in his hand and slowly pulled out
the blade on his back with both hands.

In the darkness, a pair of green eyes are particularly eye-catching.

Xiao Yan held his breath, even if he had not seen it with his own
eyes, he also saw it in various literatures. This is a beast named
Wolf. Their size is not huge, but they are very strong, and their
bite is amazing and fierce.

Liv turned and leaned back against Mark, her hands clasped with
a handle.

Xiao Yan didn't know that the wolves were terrible compared to
the zombies. It was because of the unknown that the fear was
The voice of Captain White's swallowing mouth was particularly
loud in this tense atmosphere.

The wolves gradually approached, and Xiao Yan stared at them

intently. This was the first time he saw a beast living in the wild.

They didn't bark, they just made a threatening whine.

Hai Yin slowly came to Xiao Yan in front of them, the expression
on his face was not terrified, and some kind of deterrence came
out from his body.

He kneels on one knee and holds one hand on the ground, looking
directly at the wolves. His back exudes an innate arrogance, as if
the sinister cold light shines through the sharp blade into the

Soon, the wolves slowly receded and disappeared into the

darkness again, disappearing.

How did Haiyin Burton do it?

Just as Xiao Yan exhaled, the engine sound of the aircraft came
from the sky.

Captain White raised his head and shouted: "Great! It is..."

Liv stepped forward and grabbed the mouth of White's captain

and pulled him under the shadow of the tree.
Xiao Yan also followed into the bushes, but when he looked at
him, he couldn't help but hold it. He thought that he followed
Mark, but he didn't expect it to be Haiyin Burton!

Finished! Finished! This guy has been remembering the

accidental kiss, I am afraid that he will let his head separate at any

It’s just not the time to think about these things.

Xiao Yan knows that such concealment is useless. The other party
has a night vision device and can easily find where they are.

If it was the 14th base sent to find them, then they would be
saved. On the contrary... Xiao Yan can't imagine what kind of
attack they will encounter! The heart is mad and the back is cold.
Xiao Yan’s fingers were shaking, even though there was no
expression on his face.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan was smashed by the past, Mars fell into the
grass in his ear, and the gravel was broken into powder.

Xiao Yan's hands are on the cheeks of Hai Yin, his body is
covered on the other side, and the waist is embedded between the
other's legs.

In such a distressed position, Xiao Yan saw in the darkness that

the eyes seemed to shine with stars.
Hai Yin’s knees were lifted by Xiao Yan’s thighs, and Xiao Yan’s
heart was provoked. At the moment when he was about to split
from the chest, Hai Yin’s palm pressed him open. Xiao Yan’s half
of his head 砸In the sand and gravel, before I could understand
what was going on, Hai Yin suddenly removed the barrel and
**** from the waist, and the assembly movement was so fast that
the brain could not respond.

"Don't get in the way!"

Xiao Yan was slammed out, and the internal organs almost did not
spit out from the eyes of the blind.

Just at the moment when he was smashed, countless laser bombs

were rubbed from his shoulders and even his thighs. When he
landed, Xiao Yan was scared. He even thought he was beaten into
a horse. His breath condensed into fog in the night, and his limbs
stiffened with great fear.

When he stared blankly at the night sky, the bright stars that
gathered into the Milky Way made him dizzy.

"Xiao Yan - run fast!"

Li Fu picked up Xiao Yan and his wrist was almost pulled off by
the other side.
Mark has assembled the gun. The guns in their hands and the
rifles that were so popular for more than two hundred years ago
have different structures, shorter ones, longer range and more
terrible power.

For the zombies, the weapons of the special missions are

double-edged, but in the face of the tidal organization, they are
equipped with more modern weapons.

"Oh--", Mark's muzzle shook, and a beam of fire in the dark

passed through the gap of the leaves across the right wing of the
aircraft. Although there was no direct hit, the incidental heat
broke the side of the engine.

What followed was a more fierce fire attack from the enemy, and
Mark ran wildly.

"How did they not use the missile?"

"Probably because they changed their goals, initially it just

prevented us from bringing this batch of raw materials back, and
now they want to get it."

Energy shortages have been a problem that humans have been

trying to solve for hundreds of years.

Liv looked up at the sky and clenched her gun. She made a "do
not move" gesture to Xiao Yan, rushed out, and the laser bomb
exploded along her heel. Xiao Yan vowed never seen any one.
People can move like Liv so fast.

But if you go on like this, Liv must be hit!

But Xiaoyan can't do anything but stupidly carry the box!

Mark ran and fired at the aircraft, trying to open firepower for

The plane turned a circle, a laser bomb hit Mark's shoulder and
burst, and Mark fell to the ground. Xiao Yan thought he couldn't
climb. Who knows that he stood up with his gun and screamed.
Going in the direction of Lifu. Mark's gun was hit and damaged
and could not be used at all.

"Stand up!"

The voice of indifference came, the air condensed, and Xiao Yan
turned back and saw only Haiyin Burton running towards him.
His speed almost tore the wind.

Xiao Yan's pupils expanded to the limit, and the moment of sea
vacancies, the line of sight solidified and weathered, and
everything suddenly pulled away. His toes stepped on Xiao Yan's
shoulders and rushed to a higher place.
At that moment, Xiao Yan’s world was shattered. He looked up at
the moment when Hai Yin raised his gun in the air, and the bright
world in the dark reappeared.

The engine on the left side of the aircraft made a cracking sound,
as the collapsed building suddenly fell, and when it had not
returned to equilibrium, Hai Yin had already fired a second shot,
destroying its right engine.

Xiao Yan looked at everything in front of his eyes, until the

moment the aircraft suddenly fell to the ground, he felt his
shoulder pain to the cone.

"Ah--" clenched his teeth, and Xiao Yan’s arm trembled, and he
could no longer continue to carry the box.

Sideways half-squatting on the ground, Xiao Yan grabbed his

shoulders, and in addition to the pain in his mind can not think
about other things.

Hai Yin shattered his shoulders!

This is completely different levels of pain from hitting the glass

and being cut by the blade of Hai Yin! Xiao Yan, who grew up in
the Shire, was barely injured. At this time, he almost could not
breathe. 2k novel reading network
The aircraft that crashed on the ground screamed and stopped

Hai Yin and Li Fu came to the front door and armed with guns.
No matter who they are, once they get out of the hatch, they will
collapse their heads.

The hatch was opened, but it was unexpected that countless

zombies rushed out at the door of the cabin to rush out.

"Oh shit--"

Mark pulled out a double-edged slash.

A few zombies ran towards Xiaoyan, making a low sob.

"Stand up! Run!" Liv yelled at Xiao Yan.

Death is close at hand, Xiao Yan does not know where the
strength comes from, his left hand is carrying a heavy box,
kneeling on the face of the zombie on the head, with the sound of
shattering, the brain of the zombie splashes out. The next zombie
has come to him. Xiao Yan has no weapons and no fighting
power. He can only watch it open to the almost cracked mouth
and reveal yellow teeth. When Xiao Yan intends to close his eyes
to meet the fate. The sharp blade pierces from its mouth and stays
less than a centimeter from the tip of Xiao Yan's nose.
The heart almost stops.

The sound of the sharp blade punctures the nerves of Xiao Yan,
the zombies fall down, and the night is cut open. Xiao Yan’s gaze
at the end is Hai Yan’s indifferent face.

This man can not be shaken into the deep thoughts of Xiao Yan,
firmly ruled, and can not be proud of himself.

Behind Hai Yin is a zombie corpse.

In less than a minute, the zombies that ran out of the aircraft had
all been cleaned up.

Mark opened the door of the cockpit and shouted, "Head--"

Hai Yin turned and frowned slightly, and Xiao Yan was only a
negligible presence for him.

The drivers of the two tidal organizations have committed suicide.

"Xiao Yan, how are you?" Li Fu rushed to Xiao Yan and watched
his pale, bloodless face know that he was not hurt.

"...White Captain?"

From the beginning, Xiao Yan did not see White Captain.

Liv licked his lips, and Xiao Yan looked at Liv's line of sight and
saw White falling down under a tree with blood on his face.
Xiao Yan squatted on his shoulders and stumbled down to the
tree. He found that Captain White's head was shot through. Xiao
Yan stretched his finger over the neck of White's upper jaw. His
body was still warm and his pulse had stopped.

Bowing his head, Xiao Yan’s throat choked.

This is the first time he saw his companion die in front of himself.
Xiao Yan, who grew up in the greenhouse of Shire, finally
smelled the unique smell of blood. It was a heavy smell similar to
rust, and it was warm and warm. Deep in my mind, I feel that the
bones are cold.

"Xiao Yan, we must rush to the No. 14 base."

"Yeah." Xiao Yan nodded.

"We still need uranium raw materials to be sent back, and the
sooner the better, so..."

"So I have to leave his body here." Xiao Yan took the box from
the hand of Captain White, and swayed and rose. "Liv, let's go!"

He is dead, and doing anything else is superfluous. The uranium

raw materials in their hands are very precious for Charles.

Xiao Yan took a military ceremony to the body of Captain White.

Just after he turned around, he found that Haiyin’s fingers were
tight and reached the forehead. The moment of letting down
seemed to cut off all the past, but it was solemn.

Mark and Lif are the same.

No matter how much the special mission troops look down on the
technical soldiers, they always pay tribute to the sacrificed

"Go away." Li Fu took the box from Xiao Yan's hand, and Xiao
Yan struggled behind them.

Li Fu looked back at Xiao Yan from time to time, for fear that he
would suddenly fall.

"Hey, Liv - if you really worry about him, it's better to kiss him!"

Mark shouted in a joke, but the expression on his face was really
so serious.

Each special soldier has been injected with the x virus, which is
why they are beyond the ordinary people's mobility and healing

A kiss is enough for Liv to enter the body of Xiao Yan, who has
lost his ability to replicate through the body's metabolism, and
temporarily improve his body's healing ability.
Liv sighed and came to Xiao Yan. She put down the box and had
not had time to touch Xiao Yan's chin. Someone came to Xiao
Yan's side and took him to the shoulder.

It is not allowed to refuse.

"Ah--" The pain in the shoulder movement made Xiao Yan almost

"Head--" Liv made a shout of surprise.

Mark stood not far away, but also a look that was slobbered.

Xiao Yan realized that it was Hai Yin Burton who was carrying

His hands are carrying the box and the pace is very smooth.

However, Xiao Yan was hard to bear, the abdomen was

uncomfortable, and the hanging arm caught the broken shoulders,
and the bones plunged into the muscles, causing Xiao Yan's teeth
to tremble.

Every moment is tortured.

Li Fu looked at Xiao Yan sympathetically, but could not go


Finally, Xiao Yan, who was unbearable, fainted.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yan felt a loss of weight, and
when he touched the ground, he pressed to the cracked shoulder,
and Xiao Yan woke up.

He discovered that he was in a similar passage, and the bright

lights spurred his brain.

The medical staff surrounded him and carried him to the

treatment instrument.

At the moment of the side, he saw the back of Hai Yin’s

departure, still in a condescending posture, with a scornful
meaning, as if Xiao Yan is an ant that is not worth mentioning,
and one day it will smash and decay into the sludge at the foot of
the sea.

Xiao Yan's shoulder bones are almost completely broken. He has

to suspect that Hai Yin is not only using him as a footboard, but
more revenge on the unexpected kiss.

But when Xiao Yan learned that the students who decided to stay
in the aircraft were all killed by the tide organization, they were
fortunate in their hearts.

At least he is still alive.

Life is often chosen, and this time his choice is adventurous, but
The most gifted part of Xiao Yan's brain is the function of
automatically filtering negative events. He should have been
sleeping in the dark for half a minute.

Nowadays, the medical technology is very developed. Even if the

limbs are broken off the body, the nerve line can be connected.
Moreover, Xiao Yan is only a comminuted fracture.

Three days later, Xiao Yan’s shoulders healed and lay in bed. He
heard a lot of right and wrong between Lieutenant Colonel Raven
and Haiyin Burton.

Hai Yin personally rescued 12 class B students. In the end, not

only failed, but even the only officer, the White Captain, did not
save his life. The entire No. 14 base was in talks and thought that
the students would die because of special tasks. The troops’
negligence did not put their lives in their eyes. But to put it
bluntly, Haiyin succeeded in breaking through the attacks of the
tidal organization and successfully delivered the uranium raw
materials to the base. The rescue of Xiao Yan was only a
temporary notice to them. Even if they filed a complaint with the
Military Discipline Office, who would be Haiyin Burton? Do you
conduct an investigation?

Captain Vere, the deputy of Lieutenant Colonel Raven, was a

cousin with Captain White, and the death of Captain White was a
big blow to him. He sent a report of intense rhetoric to Charles.
Xiao Yan, who was alive and well, was not interested in these
disputes. As the only survivor of the team, he was assigned to
another team by the commander of the 14th base.

Now he only wants to spend these days leisurely and then return
to Shire.

When he listened to the music on the bed, he received an order to

go to the command center to report the action to Lieutenant
Colonel Raven.

Finished... finished...

Xiao Yan held his own brain, and the trouble finally came to the

He sorted out his uniform and confirmed that he looked

conscientious, and then he followed the secretary to the command
room of Lieutenant Colonel Raven.

Lieutenant Colonel Raven seems to be in his early thirties.

Although he has no arrogant achievements, he has been a very
stable figure in the old No. 14 base for many years. There was an
elegant and exquisite teacup in front of him, still braving the heat.
But when Xiao Yan marched to him, he just nodded slightly and
lifted the teacup and took a sip. He stood next to the adjutant Will,
the captain.

"What made you choose to leave the aircraft and follow the
special mission troops to hike to my base?"

Without any chills, Lieutenant Colonel Raven asked questions

directly to Xiao Yan. His eyes told Xiao Yan what information he
wanted from him.

"I just agree with the judgment of the special task force at the

"Judge? How dangerous is the situation at the time? Don't you

know that when you leave the base, is it safer to have a stubborn
shell than the outside world?"

Xiao Yan put away his own burnout. He knows that the special
mission forces and the Central Academy of Sciences have always
been inconsistent with each other. The special forces believe that
the technical soldiers do not have to undergo any militarized
training and even have not seen the zombies for life, but they can
even step in the military. It is also extremely unfair to be in an
extraordinary position. Most of the technical soldiers also sneered
at the special forces, feeling that they are only zombie scavengers,
and the future of the military is far less than the technical soldiers.
But these two attitudes have nothing to do with Xiao Yan.
Regardless of their rank or their respective units, Xiao Yan is
deeply respected to them. At this moment, he did not want to be
involved in the political dispute between the academic and special
task forces.

"Reporting the Lieutenant Colonel, the supply platform we landed

at the time was already occupied by the tide organization. They
launched a tracking missile to our device. After we smashed the
tracking missile, the engine overheated and lost power and was
forced to land. We suspect that the tide organization The purpose
is uranium raw materials. If the rescue unit of the No. 14 base
cannot arrive before the flooding organization, we will not only
face the loss of uranium raw materials, but also the possibility of
complete destruction. Therefore, Colonel Haiyin Burton made the
uranium raw materials. I decided to walk to the base of the 14th. I
analyzed it and thought it was more sensible than staying in the

Lieutenant Colonel Raven held his arm and looked at Xiao Yan

Xiao Yan’s expression was calm and there was no slight shake.

The adjutant next to Li Wen’s lieutenant couldn’t stand it

anymore, and smashed Xiao Yan’s collar.
"You lie! Your team is only one of your life! It must be that
Haiyin Burton did not put the life of the technical soldiers in his

There is bloodshot in the other's eyes, and it seems that the teeth
of the teeth are swallowed by Xiao Yan.

"I am sorry, Captain, I am telling the truth."

"Fact? What is the truth? Haiyin Burton said that White is

following you with uranium raw materials and walking back to
the base. Is it only you two technical soldiers, Haiyin Burton can't
protect it? He is simply a dereliction of duty! I never thought
about coming back with alive!"

Xiao Yan looked at the five senses of the adjutant and faintly felt
that he was somewhat similar to Captain White. It seems that the
rumor that Captain Will and Captain White are cousins ​is true.

"Will! He is still a student, not a soldier." Lieutenant Colonel

Raven frowned.

Xiao Yan’s collar was finally released.

"So he is not worthy of being a soldier." Will glared at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan sighed softly, but it was such a subtle movement, but he
was noticed by Lieutenant Colonel Raven.
"Why sigh?" 2k novel reading network

"I feel sorry if I can distorted the facts to become a soldier."

Xiao Yan thought, it seems that in the report to his superiors, the
lieutenant colonel and his adjutant were only afraid to discredit
him as a follower of the "special mission force", then he would
not say what he wanted to say, the most The difference was also
expelled from the Central Academy of Sciences. Since then, an
ordinary citizen has not been able to receive the student
allowance, but at least live freely.

"Distorted the facts?" Will clenched his fist, and Xiao Yan
lowered his eyes, thinking that he was probably embarrassed.

"Weir!" Lieutenant Colonel Raven held down the adjutant's

shoulder. "Now your personal feelings are too heavy. There is no
calm judgment on this matter. Don't forget, this young man was
brought back to the base when the shoulder bones Broken, he
almost died."

"So White White is dead?" Will always determined that Captain

White's death was due to the disintegration of Heinburton.

Xiao Yan looked at his toes, whether Heinburton had scratched

his face with a knife blade, or his shoulder bones were broken,
thanks to this guy, if he was really ruthless and lifeless to others.
The guy who didn't care, when Xiao Yan's pain was unbearable,
Hein Burton didn't have to bother to bring him back to his

"Do you have anything else to say?" Lieutenant Colonel Raven

looked at Xiao Yan. He felt that this young man was obviously a
b-level student, but he was somewhat different from those of the
a-class researchers. He does not have the kind of enthusiasm to do
his best to express his wish for promotion, and there is no other
b-class student's arrogance, he just stands opposite, fame and
fortune has nothing to do with him.

"I just find it difficult to understand, Lieutenant Colonel."

"What makes you understand?"

"White's captain died under the guns of the tidal organization. I

believe that the report of the special mission force is more
detailed than my dictation about the situation at the time.
However, Captain Will does not hate the tide organization or the
determination to fight the zombies. Instead, he blamed everything
on the special mission. I was just wondering what choice would
be made if Captain Will and White were in the same aircraft?
Stay in the aircraft or follow the special mission forces with
uranium feed. go away?"
Will is going to be angry, but his arm is stiff in the air at the
moment he raises his fist.

"Leaving in the aircraft will be killed by the tidal organization.

This is the known ending. But you said that you have avoided the
tracking missile, we don't believe this. Even if the driver is Haiyin
Burton, I don't think He can make the aircraft avoid the tracking
missile. If the reason for your landing is fictitious, then everything
that happens afterwards is not credible.” Lieutenant Colonel
Raven is still smiling, but Xiao Yan can't identify his intention.

"Let's do a test. The simulated flight system can simulate the

terrain at that time. Just drive the aircraft to avoid the tracking
missile. Make your ‘story’ more convincing.”

Xiao Yan stared blankly at the eyes of Lieutenant Colonel Raven.

This guy is serious.

"The system will be commissioned after half an hour, I am

waiting for your performance. Let us see if the miracle really

Xiao Yan was taken away from the office of Lieutenant Colonel
Raven by the secretary.

Will did not understand the meaning of Lieutenant Colonel

Raven, and looked at his smile suspiciously. "Lieutenant Colonel,
if it is to test whether they have the possibility of avoiding
tracking missiles, our test object should be Heinburton. Isn't it?"

"I am just a lieutenant colonel. Do you think I am qualified to ask

Colonel Burton to be tested? And this guy named Xiao Yan is
also very interesting. The person who tells the truth is admirable,
but the person who tells the truth regardless of the occasion. I
need to get a little lesson."

Xiao Yan is behind the secretary's officer. Driving the aircraft is a

compulsory course for the reserve, but he has never simulated the
situation of encountering a tracking missile.

Going to the simulated cab, Xiao Yan’s mood was inexplicably


If he fails, what will happen? Is Lieutenant Colonel Raven really

accused Heinburton of his dereliction of duty?

Just as he was contemplating, the front was a special mission

force coming oncoming.

At the forefront is Liv, who blinked at Xiao Yan. "We will go and
cheer you up!"

"Boy, we are hard to save you from coming back, but if you lose
face to us, I will definitely unscrew your head!"
Mark showed a fierce expression and scared Xiao Yan back. The
big man laughed happily.

Haiyin Burton’s slender figure passed by, never stood still and
stopped, and nothing could be his concern.

Xiao Yan sat in the simulated cab. There were many people
standing on the observation deck on the second floor. There were
researchers, officers of the military and political department, and
many special forces. They were all under the Heinburton.

Liv stood leaning against the fence height waved to Xiao Yan, but
mark a fist, "If you fail to beat you up" position.

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly, you are better than stunned me better.

Looking around, I really didn't see Haiyin Burton. He didn't

bother with this occasion.

Wearing a helmet and connecting to the driving system, Xiao

Yan's eyes are vast, his eyes even have the illusion that he can see
the wind leaping from the wings of the aircraft. Underneath him is
a whole piece of wood that stretches towards the end of sight.

The supply platform has entered the field of vision, and Xiao
Yan’s heart seems to have been caught by the shackles and is not
allowed to move.
Be careful to drop, otherwise everything will not start, it will end.

Before coming here, he has revisited the situation in his mind

many times. Under what circumstances is Haiyin pulling up the
aircraft, and how to avoid the missile once, where is the
mountain, in which direction? The details went wrong and even
his reaction was a little slack, and everything was gone.

The aircraft is leaning against the platform and is preparing to


Everyone is holding their breath.

The aircraft descended at normal speed, and Xiao Yan closely

followed the muzzle of the platform.

It is also tempting him.

At the moment when the muzzle was slightly shaken, Xiao Yan’s
aircraft quickly climbed away from the platform and rushed to the

A missile rushed out of the muzzle and followed.

Xiao Yan galloped toward the mountain.

He constantly changed direction and delayed the flight path of the

missile. Every emergency evasive missile almost passed the
aircraft and passed by. Everyone squeezed a cold sweat, and the
relaxed atmosphere instantly became tense.

Xiao Yan's flight angle is extremely rough, and the combination

of curvature and speed is astounding.

"This kid is very powerful!" Mark blinked in surprise.

Liv crossed the crowd watching and looked at Lieutenant Colonel

Raven. "This guy is not well."

Lieutenant Colonel Raven squinted and looked at the holographic

projection screen.

The mountain is already close at hand, but the distance between

the missile and Xiaoyan is getting closer.

"Oh... he might not be able to stick to that mountain..." Mark

regretted his head.

Xiao Yan's back has been sweaty, and his eyes are constantly
showing the distance between him and the mountain. The
terminal responds to his brain thinking and calculates the speed
difference between the peak speed and the peak and the speed of
the missile.

When the data rose to the critical point, Xiao Yan drove the
aircraft decisively and rushed up.
"What is this kid doing! Suicide!"

Lieutenant Colonel Raven’s fingers clenched the armrests and his

lips slowly lifted. “Everything is for this moment.”

Xiao Yan’s ear sounded a system alarm indicating that the speed
had exceeded the engine load.

Xiao Yan still has not slowed down.

"Oh my god--"

Several wait-and-see students even held their eyes, after all, the
holographic simulation was too real.

Xiao Yan bit his teeth, and his mind remembers how Heinburton
flew sharply along the mountains, and all the trees fell down. The
burning in the air made the leaves burn wildly. It’s up.

The aircraft swayed straight up and rushed into the sky.

The tracking missile did not have time to adjust its direction, and
fiercely rushed into the mountains, making a deafening explosion.

Xiao Yan vigorously gasped, and the audience was silent.

For a long time, watching the Rise of Lieutenant Colonel on the

stage, the vermirist of Will, who was stinking on the side, but also
applauded the approval of Xiao Yan’s driving, Mark was very
excited, whistling and screaming, “Rookie! not bad!"
The system is prompted by the ear.

"The aircraft engine is too hot to continue driving. Please land


It was exactly the same as at the time.

After Xiao Yan landed, he closed his eyes and took a long breath.

He didn't know how Hein Burton did all this, and his nerves were
almost instantly crushed by these high-speed operations and the
oppression of the millennium.

Xiao Yan took off the helmet of the connecting terminal and
swayed to open the cockpit.

Everyone looked at him, Xiao Yan had no way to distinguish their

attitude, and Lieutenant Colonel Raven had come to him.

"Xiao Yan, you verified the feasibility of the aircraft avoiding the
tracking missile and did a good job."

"No, Lieutenant Colonel. What I have verified is that the special

forces can do it, and our technical soldiers can do it."

Xiao Yan’s face was pale and crumbling.

Lieutenant Colonel Raven groaned and twitched his mouth. "This

is the most beautiful truth you said after I saw you."
"Bad boy! So hey! Be careful, I pinch your neck!"

Xiao Yan smiled.

"Xiao Yan, tell me, do you think Captain White is a respectable

predecessor?" Lieutenant Colonel Raven asked suddenly.

"of course!"

"Although he is also a class A researcher, I am sure he can't do

what you just did. The talents that are outstanding are destined to
take on more responsibility. The pursuit of each field is the
persistence of the past, no **** Men will stay out of the way. Do
you understand?"

Xiao Yan paused and nodded. "I understand."

Understand that it does not mean that he will spend his energy on
those "dedications". For Xiao Yan, people will only live once.
This is the only time he will only be for himself, not for any
high-sounding reasons. . So he still intends to be a b-level student,
mixed up until graduation, and then assigned to do some
non-meaningful but not too brainy technical research, leading a
low but definitely not low salary, bubble A beautiful but
simple-minded woman, leisurely for a lifetime.

"Good. 'Excellent' is never divided by a or b, but here."

Lieutenant Colonel Raven clenched his fist and licked his chest.
"Now, you are a good student and reserve soldier. I hope that you
will also be a responsible man in the future."

Lieutenant Colonel Raven turned around. "Okay, now the test is

over. Everyone is back to their respective positions!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the researchers and officers left the
observation deck without saying a word, leaving only Mark and
Liv, and several special forces.

Xiao Yan walked in the passage, his head was groggy, just passed
a corner, and the body fell out of balance and fell.

He closed his eyes and thought about simply lying on the floor
and taking a nap.

But the imaginary touchdown did not happen, his arm was firmly
held and the balance was restored.

Xiao Yan’s line of sight fell into a deep bottomless cold, and the
whole person suddenly woke up.

"Coloton Burton!"

Supporting his own hands to loosen.

"You are very lucky, rookie."

The low-browed eyebrows, as if looking down from a height

forever, can't be awesome but awesome.
Xiao Yan opened his mouth slightly, but did not say a word.

"The aircraft is not only encountering a tracking missile, but also

the invasion of the 'blocker.'"


At this time, Haiyin Burton turned around, his back continued to

stretch, and the sight of follow-up never ends.

When Xiao Yan returned to God, he finally understood the

meaning of Hai Yin.

Novice, don't be too proud, your level is not enough. 2k novel

reading network

How many technical soldiers are hard to resist after encountering

a "blocker" in the flying aircraft. Haiyin Burton constantly resists
their brain invasion and even completes the task of avoiding the
tracking missile, which is almost impossible to complete. Xiao
Yan is in front of him. It is too small.

For the first time, Xiao Yan’s heart fainted an uncontrollable


He wants this man to stop, and the cold and ruthless eyes of his
side are on him. It is no longer ridicule and contempt, even if it is
just as calm and innocent as Liv and Mark.
Immediately, Xiao Yan smiled at himself.

What do you want, Xiao Yan. That is Haiyin Burton. You can
never enter each other's world.

That night, Lieutenant Colonel Raven and Hai Yin sat

face-to-face in the restaurant at the base to eat dinner, and from
time to time someone looked at them.

"Is it impossible? Lieutenant Colonel Raven has dinner with

Colonel Burton? Isn’t Lieutenant Colonel Raven not pleasing to
Colonel Burton?"

Xiao Yan also looked down on the past. Hai Yin is still the same,
but the beauty is not to enter.

"I always wondered what strange place the student had to let him
pick him up."

Hai Yin seems to have heard nothing, picking up the thick soup
with the entrance, slightly lifting his eyes when the shadows
between the eyes are ups and downs, there is a slight illusion of

"He's like a sponge, taking in the water around him, and the
students who have long stuffed themselves up."

Hai Yin opened the meal bag and chewed it slowly.

Xiao Yan admire his patience, because the base meal bag is the
most unpalatable thing that Xiao Yan has ever eaten, and it is
difficult to swallow.

Lieutenant Colonel Raven observed the expression of Hai Yin and

found that the other party was indifferent regardless of what he

"Forgot to tell you, Xiao Yan drove the aircraft to restore your
flight route on the same day, the degree of reduction is up to 94%.
This is not the terminal simulation with the help of the database,
but the human brain's command operation. The brains of both of
you can It’s a good match.”

Hai Yin got up and took the plate to the recycling bin. Lieutenant
Colonel Raven touched his eyebrows and finally showed a blank
expression to himself.

It was at this time that someone came to Xiao Yan and said, "Hey,
can I sit here?"

In the pleasant voice, with a few low and hoarse voices, Xiao Yan
couldn’t help but tremble. It was a **** female officer dressed in
casual clothes.

The base is full of military personnel. The stunner in front of the

eyes has a long brown-red wave and long hair spread out.
Mingli’s eyes are looking at Xiao Yan, and the heart jumps


"The days in the base are very boring, but thank you for letting
me finally find some fun." The other side swayed long hair and
blinked at Xiao Yan. "Forgot to tell you, my name is Maya."

"Maa..." Xiao Yan guessed that the other party should be a shift
today, so he did not wear military uniforms. If it is not his own
excellent aircraft simulation control, it is estimated that a big
beauty like Maya will not look at himself.

In the morning, everything became slower. The world except

Maya was unconsciously pulled away from Xiao Yan’s senses,
and the other’s smile became embarrassing and full of temptation.

"Is it free for a while? Can I go to your room?" Maya's fingers

hooked over Xiao Yan's chin, her breath constantly sweeping
through Xiao Yan's lips, what evidence penetrated into his brain,
and his left and right thinking.


"Great, I believe you will definitely bring me an unforgettable

Maya stepped onto the dining table, as if the **** night cat was
intertwined with Xiao Yan's lips and tongues, and everything was
out of control until a burst of screams came.

"Maya quasi-school! You come here again!" Liv, she stood at the
table with her arms and stared at Maya.

At the top of the temple, Xiao Yan suddenly woke up, only to find
that Maya still sat on his opposite side, holding his chin with one

Taking a breath, Xiao Yan’s back is against the back of the chair.
What happened just now? How can I appear that Maya climbs the
table and kisses her own illusion?

And Maya's fascinating expression converges, and impatiently

poses at Liv. "What do I need to do without your consent?
Captain Liv."

The sound of the pleasing sound turned into a dull, dumb,

completely from a man!

At this time, the charm of a woman belonging to the face of Maya

disappeared, and the rest was the unique sense of negligence of
the armed forces, not to mention the casual and free-spiritedness
of his gestures.
"This... what is going on?" Xiao Yan finally found that Maya was
a full ten man!

Liv sneered, holding down Maya's shoulder. "Although not

shameful, I still have to remind you that Maya is a teammate with
the same team, but his reputation is not particularly good. He
loves men, or The one above. But there are very few men in
special missions who are willing to be taken. Ordinary male
officers are also very alert to male special forces, so he often
pretends to be a woman to seduce a fool like Xiao Yan who can't
hold his own. Waiting for you. I was really fooled into bed,
remember the words I said to you on the aircraft?"

... remember all the dead!

Liv hooked the hook of Maya with a funny smile. "Hey, it’s a
rude and violent man. You have to learn to talk to women and
make those moves. Isn’t your heart uncomfortable?"

Maya glanced at Liv and opened her finger. "Of course it is

uncomfortable, so I have to go to bed, I must do it in the dead."

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth and looked intently to Liv. God, I
almost died! And it is still a terrible death!

But Maya still didn't give up, he suddenly buckled Xiao Yan's
hand, forcedly placed his finger between his lips, and the tip of
his tongue picked up Xiao Yan's belly, as if there were countless
currents along the fingertips. Break into the heart of Xiao Yan.

"It doesn't matter if I know that I am a man, dear... Let me go, I

promise you will hurt you..."

Xiao Yan’s blue veins on his forehead trembled, trying to pull

back his hand, but the power of ordinary people was not worth
mentioning in front of the special forces.

Maya's eyes were full of affection, and Liv slammed into the head
of Maya. "You are not finished yet!"

At this time, a certain sound cut through the air and instantly split
Maya and Xiao Yan into two worlds.

"Maya's prospective school, your action report has no research at


Maya's neck turned mechanically. When he was like Shanghai

Yin Burton, like a deep night, the whole person stood up. "Yes!
Colonel, I will modify it right away!"

After that, Maya quickly left with a serious expression.

Liv exhaled, "Xiao Yan, you are really lucky. Under normal
circumstances, Maya was almost pressed into bed the same day.
This guy can do nothing."
Xiao Yan is still in the same place, seems to be immersed in some
kind of thoughts.

Li Fu pressed his head and pressed **** Xiao Yan's cheek.

"Oh!" The pain made Xiao Yan's thoughts return to some

unspeakable fantasy.

"Xiao Yan, you really should exercise your self-control, otherwise

any special forces who have not held their own can have your life
in bed."

"This... what is going on? I just saw it..." Xiao Yan is stupid and
knows that his illusions are not normal.

"It is the x virus that strengthens Maya's hormones. Have you

studied in the Central Academy of Sciences for so long, are you
still not familiar with the basic characteristics of the x virus?" Li
Fu shook his head helplessly. did Xiao Yan forget it. The x virus can strengthen the
special forces' physical fitness and all sensory abilities, and also
promote the secretion of various hormones in their bodies,
including **** hormones, which is also the reason why special
forces are stronger than ordinary people. Just now, Maya is
obviously interested in Xiao Yan. This desire makes the x virus
stimulate the secretion of hormones in Maya. Don't underestimate
the hormones that have been strengthened. It is hundreds of times
more common than ordinary people. It is strong enough.
Spreading in the air and affecting the closest Xiaoyan to Maya, it
will cause Xiao Yan's interest in that area, which will lead to these

"God..." Xiao Yan's hands clasped his head, and he felt that this
was simply a plug-in for the special forces. No matter what they
liked, as long as they wanted to do it, the other party would be
easily attracted.

"Love life, stay away from Maya. Enjoy your short vacation
here." Liv pressed on Xiaoyan's shoulder.

"What special task force! It is simply an abnormal force!" Xiao

Yan summed up powerfully.

That afternoon, Liv saw Maya, who was connected to the terminal
and wanted to cry.

"I just don't know how to write action reports! Everyone knows!"

"Yeah." Liv nodded and played the game carelessly.

"Why should the head make me rewrite? I have written it

eighty-two times!"
"Are you accidentally hanging your hair on your head?" Liv
kindly reminded the other party.

"Absolutely not!" Maya cherished the long hair that she had hard
to keep, but long hair is always a trouble for the combat troops.
For example, his hair was accidentally scattered during the
process of killing the zombies. Opened, crossed the shoulders of
Colonel Burton, the other side unscrupulously pulled out the
blade to cut off the hair of Maya, and the whole row made Maya
almost cry.

"Then I don't know, I wish you good luck, I hope that the 83rd
time can be passed."

"Oh... you really shouldn't stop me. I almost got on that lovely
student! I haven't seen pure-blooded Asians for a long time. The
brown eyes looked at me stupidly, oh... "Maya is holding her head
and thinking is not extending marginally."

Liv said with a slanting eye, "I warn you not to play Xiao Yan's

"Oh, I understand! Captain Liv, one of the three goddesses of our

special mission force, took a fancy to the rookie trainee!" Maya
excitedly took Liv's shoulder. 2k novel reading network
"He is my friend, I don't want him to be poisoned by you. In
addition, there are still less than seventeen minutes, is your report
for the 83rd time completed?"

"Oh... you always remind me of the cruel reality..." Maya

fascinated and touched her long hair. "I always feel that today is
swearing at me. The instrument has nothing practical value, the
head. Little is so true."

"What are you?" Liv smiled coldly. "Do you have brain damage?"

Maya raised her eyebrows and said confidently: "I think it's my
long hair!"

Liv was completely speechless.

The second base is very boring because it is really a research

base, except that the stationed army is the research institute.

Xiao Yan has been sleeping until the end of lunch time before
coming to the restaurant. As the only surviving student, he now
has no one to speak and relieve, and he can only wait for another
research aircraft to transit here to have the opportunity to leave.

There are only a few people left in the restaurant, and the
atmosphere is too quiet for Xiao Yan to feel uncomfortable.
Suddenly, someone covered Xiao Yan’s eyes from behind and
brushed Xiao Yan’s ear with a smile. “Guess who I am?”

"Li Fu?" Xiao Yan raised his head suspiciously. Li Fu is not like a
joke, but the voice is definitely Liv.

"do you miss me?"

The voice of the other party was stretched, and Xiao Yan could
not help but hold his breath. He could feel the other side leaning
down, and the breath of the drink blew between his lips and teeth.

"You are not Liv."

Xiao Yan clasped the other's wrist and tried to pull the other's
hand. The low and ridiculous laughter came from the air. "So who
do you think I am?"

"Maa Prospect School."

"I thought that I had imitated Liv's voice and it has reached the
perfect state."

The palm of the hand over Xiao Yan’s eyes was released. He was
on a handsome man in a black combat uniform. The hair was
combed behind his head, revealing a smooth forehead. From the
five senses, it was indeed Maya. He still smiles, but reveals a
capable and sharp temperament.
He lifted his leg and sat down on the table, looking down at Xiao
Yan. "Hey, you look boring, do you want to date me?"

The tight-fitting combat suit outlined Maya's delicate body lines.

When he raised his hand and slammed it on Xiao Yan's nose, Xiao
Yan could see his stretched shoulder muscles. He even used this.
The guy imagined as a **** stunner, God, it’s just too

"No... no need..." Xiao Yan raised his plate and was about to get
up. Maya held his shoulder and looked no use of force. Xiao Yan
couldn't move.

"Dear, what Liv said about me is just a rumor."

Xiao Yan looked around and found that some of the officers who
were still in the restaurant actually left. His heart was cold and a
big piece, and Maya was obviously not good to him.

"At the moment, I don't think it is a rumor." Xiao Yan didn't open
his gaze. He knew that he had to leave Maya's range. Otherwise,
once this guy had any bad thoughts, his self-control was weak and
could not resist. Maya's lure.

"Trust me, being with me is definitely an unforgettable experience

of your life." Maya's lips slammed into Xiao Yan's earlobe and
bite it down gently.
The kind of trepidation made Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders,
his heartbeat accelerated, and the breathing became clearer and

He knows that Maya has re-applied his skills, and he suspects that
he will soon have the illusion of a blushing heartbeat, but he can
only roar in his heart - can you not force others to accept your

At this time, a force forcedly held Xiao Yan's right arm, and
opened him, and the plate fell to the ground and made a loud

The floating thoughts were returned to this moment. Xiao Yan

found that he had moved away from the table, and Maa, sitting on
the table, showed a surprised expression, and then he rose very
seriously. His eyes passed over Xiao Yan’s shoulder. The
contempt just said, very serious, said: "Head."

Xiao Yan’s shoulders were slightly shocked, and the painful

recapture of the shoulder bones in his mind generally caused his
heart to twitch, and he did not dare to turn back until the cold
voice sounded.

"Maya's prospective school, the 64th platform was attacked, and

three a-type researchers were waiting for the rescue."
"I am leaving now!" Maya honoured a ceremony and walked
away without heading back.

Xiao Yan didn't know how to get rid of this guy a moment ago.
The next moment, this guy could disappear without a trace.

Exhaled, Xiao Yan was fortunate.

Wait... There is a big trouble behind him - Hein Burton!

"Follow me." I haven't had time to see Hai Yin's face. He has
turned and moved forward.

It is an imperative tone, even if your rank is a colonel, but I am a

student of the Central Academy of Sciences! I am not the same
army with you at all!

However, Xiao Yan did not dare to scream, and he followed Hai
Yin in the passage, and the whole person's nerves were tense.

What does he want him to do?

This is Xiao Yan's first look at the back of Hai Yin's slow
walking. Every step is full of strength but indescribably elegant.
He stopped in front of a research room and opened the sliding
door with fingerprints.

Xiao Yan is not sure if he can follow up. He is not only a

researcher, but he is not even a class.
"I don't like to say the second time the same order."

Xiao Yan shocked and broke into the research room.

When all the lights are on, Xiao Yan finds out that this is not a
research room but a weapon repair room. Innumerable special
forces cold weapons are stored in the arsenal of the wall, and even
as long as the finger touches them, the holographic image will
pop open, showing the name, user, and damage data of these
weapons. Even if there are damages, there are countless zombies
killed by these weapons, reflecting the sharp edge of a splitting
soul in the cold white light of the repair room.

"Repair them."

"Ha?" Xiao Yan stunned.

There was no extra nonsense, and Hai Yin left the repair room.

When the sliding door was closed, Xiao Yan almost screamed.

What are you doing? I'm on vacation! Why should I fix these
weapons! Is there a special cold weapon repairer? why me? Such
an important thing you should do with yourself should not believe
that this repair room is the first rookie to come in!

Oh... Xiao Yan is mad at his head and knows how many
thousands of damaged weapons are stored here.
Xiao Yan picked up a rotating dart and began to fantasize about
the whirl of the sea. The darts spun out and popped sharp edges in
the air. When they touched the zombies of the claws, all the parts
were scattered... because Xiao Yan Cold weapon repairer level is
too bad! What a funny scene this will be!

If such a thing really happened, Xiao Yan only needed to stretch

his neck and wait for Hai Yin to break him. No... maybe even
more exaggerated, Hai Yin will take out each bone of Xiao Yan
and let him hear the sound of his bones being broken!

Xiao Yan is nervous, he doesn't want to die, he doesn't want to die

at all! Therefore, he must concentrate on repairing all the defects
of more than a thousand weapons in front of him!

When a person is determined to do something well, his

concentration will be incredible.

The type of weapon he first chose to repair was a rotary dart. The
dart was made of high-density titanium. If it was not forged more
than two hundred years ago, it would be quite difficult to refine it.
With the rapid development of science and technology, various
synthetic metals are widely used in weapons manufacturing and
artificial bodies. Of course, the name of the rotating high-density
titanium alloy darts is long and tacky, and the special forces
usually call them "silver wings."
The owner of the twelve "Silver Wings" that Xiao Yan is
repairing is Liv. Think of Liv's use of their heroic attitude, if you
can do something for her, even a little bit, Xiao Yan also feels

First of all, the biggest problem with this batch of "Silver Wings"
is that they cannot be successfully located and recycled. The
original design is that there is a delicate positioning device inside
the "Silver Wing". After being launched, the user only needs to
press the recycle button of the weapon collection, and the "Silver
Wing" will put away his sharp blade and return to the weapon
collection. . Xiao Yan analyzed and found that the positioning
device was damaged. He fixed the problem and adjusted the
spacing of each "Silver Wing" to enhance their destructive power.

After the system simulation was repaired, the "Silver Wing"

attack performance increased by 5%, and Xiao Yan was very
proud of his own achievements.

What Xiao Yan doesn't know is that every research room is

equipped with an observation room. Lieutenant Colonel Raven is
standing in front of the glass with his arms. If you think about it,
"you should know that the military has issued orders, and the
special missions will perform tasks. The Central Academy of
Sciences will send technical soldiers."
"So?" Haiyin Burton sounded like a mechanical, unfeeling voice.

"So for tomorrow's mission, I have to assign a technical soldier to


"I will not be responsible for their safety."

Lieutenant Colonel Raven knocked on the glass with the knuckles

and smirked and said, "How is Xiao Yan?"

He has come to the front of the sliding door to stop at the sea, and
the eyebrows that hang down are like rock falling from a height.
"He is just a student."

"All the students are reservists, not to mention that your attitude
of 'I will not be responsible for their safety' makes the entire base
of technical soldiers not willing to perform tasks with your troops.
But Xiao Yan, you saved him. Once, then for the second and third
time, you won’t watch him die."

Raven’s words have not been finished yet, and Hai Yin has
already gone out.

"Hey - Colonel Burton! I really appreciate this kid, remember to

bring him back alive!"

In the afternoon of the special task force training, I heard the

screams of Maya’s prospective school.
"Head! My arm - arm -"

Maya slammed on the ground, her arms were lifted back and
dislocated, and Haiyin's left knee slammed on his spine, and it
would be crushed as long as it was forced.

The cold man lowered his head, his face was not ups and downs,
accurate and ruthless.

"I am going to die - head! It's going to die!" Maya's tears had
already caught her eyes.

Mark 撑 held his chin on the side of the court. "Is Maa always
repaired because of his hair?"

Liv snorted. "He can't kill, but he can't avoid his own hair."

"Oh... what's hair, he's not a man!" Mark shook his head. "If you
don't want your head to continue to pack him, I really recommend
that he cut his hair."

"Maybe it's not the reason for the hair..." Liv sighed, because
Maya's left leg was also smashed by Hein, his screams escalated,
and Liv blocked his ears with his fingers. 2k novel reading

Xiao Yan spent a full three days and finally completed the repair
work. He looked at the rows of shiny weapons on the display
rack, and the pride was bursting! Finally, I can continue to take a
vacation, and after the vacation is over, he will follow a group of
students to the No. 14 base.

What he wants most at the moment is that something can make

him forget what he has experienced. He thinks of a very old book
in the library system, called. This is Xiao Yan's favorite reading
when he was a child. Xiao Yan's father is an anonymous
oceanographer. After humans entered Shire, the study of the
ocean has almost any meaning. But when I was young, when
Xiao Yan couldn't sleep, his father would lie next to him and
describe the strange sea creatures in a full-fledged tone.

Xiao Yan always listened to the fascination, and fell in love with
the fantasy of the ocean. After his father passed away, Xiao Yan
entered the Central Academy of Sciences. When he first found the
book in the library's terminal, he was deeply attracted.

Since the No. 2 base also has ongoing research projects, there
should also be a library database here, and I hope that the
information in this book can also be found in the database.

Wearing a terminal connection device, Xiao Yan was lucky

enough to find the book. His state of mind calmed down as
information flooded into his mind.
It seems as if you are unfolding another world, away from the
comfort of reality, letting his fantasy fly unrealistically. Gradually,
the sense of sleepiness struck, Xiao Yan’s eyes slowly hang down,
and the thoughts fluctuated in the sea.

There was a pair of hands silently reaching into the sea of ​water,
and one intercepted him, strong and powerful, and he could not
refuse. Xiao Yan’s heartbeat suddenly tightened, and his back
reached a solid chest. When he turned his head and met with the
deep eyes of the other, all the fears were almost instantly
disintegrated, and the fear of awe was spread.

"Coloton Burton... Why are you..." will be here?

His words have not been finished, the other's lips slammed up, the
tip of his tongue picked up Xiao Yan's lips, forcedly touched his
captain, and when Xiao Yan subconsciously refused, the other
side slipped over the side of his tongue. It seemed as if the gentle
water flowed through the smooth pebbles, and the aftertaste was
not enough. The other party then wrapped his tongue up and
stirred it up, invading all the softness in his mouth, constantly
kissing with no reservation, crazy to make people feel
uncomfortable. Dare to believe that Xiao Yan is struggling, the
more the kiss of the other side is overwhelming, the strong
oppression, and Xiao Yan is forced to lift his chin to bear

This is the kiss of Haiyin Burton, which has compressed the

world and everything is gone.

His slender and powerful fingers plunged into the hair of Xiao
Yan, and buckled him to himself, crushing the strength of the

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, and only the other person’s eyes were
seen. His legs were folded up and hung around the other’s waist.
The palms slid down the back of the head and extended along the
back of Xiao Yan’s back. Between the shocking gaps, the
kneading vigorously, the premonition of possession made Xiao
Yan frightened.

The subconscious rebelled, and Xiao Yan stretched out his hands
to push the other's shoulders, but he couldn't shake it.

His lips finally left, and Xiao Yan seemed to see a glimmer of
light in the infinite darkness.

But the other party banned his arms but did not loosen it.

Xiao Yan looked at each other's eyes and constantly sought to find
an answer in the unfathomable Hongyuan.

The other's fingers held his face, and the fingertips slowly and
forcefully slid Xiaoyan's cheek as if to confirm something.

When Hai Yin let go of Xiao Yan, he saw a crack in his

unshakeable gaze.

For the first time, Xiao Yan produced the hope that everything
would break.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Xiao Yan took a breath, sweat on his
back, and he looked wet between his legs.

"Oh - no!"

Xiao Yan was about to turn over the bed, only to find out that he
still wears the terminal! Quickly remove the helmet, Xiao Yan
rushed into the bathroom.

The water rushed down from the top of the head, and Xiao Yan
closed his eyes.

He is crazy... he will dream like this! That is Haiyin Burton! You

are in a dream...

God! If this is known by Hai Yin, Xiao Yan has no doubt that the
other party will crush his bones one by one!
When the water slid over his back ridge and slid into the gap to
fill the sag and fill everything, Xiao Yan's heart could not jump

The strength of the kiss in the dream, even the touch of his
fingers, is true to let Xiao Yan collapse.

He doesn't know how to make such a dream... Is it because he has

accidentally passed over the other's lips and has such a delusion?

Hein Burton is indeed the perfect face you have ever seen, but he
is definitely not an object of fantasy.

Shut down the running water, Xiao Yan walked out of the
bathroom. Fortunately, he is on vacation, and he can sleep all day

Xiao Yan returned to the bed and went to sleep with his quilt.

I really want to go to a place where there are no zombies and no

Haiyin Burton...

Somehow, he picked him up from the bed and Xiao Yan was
shocked when he opened his eyes, because Mark’s exaggerated
smile was really shocking.

"Hey, good morning rookie!"

"Early... Good morning..."

How could this guy appear in his room?

He... What does he want to do?

Is it not enough to crack his shoulders to eliminate the hatred of

Haiyin Burton, and change Mark to fix him?

"Pack up your things and get ready for the mission!"

"Ren... what mission? I am obviously on vacation!"

"The vacation is cancelled." Mark's face sank. "Why, you don't

want to?"

Xiao Yan swallowed, "I still confirm with my superiors..."

How can he have a b-level student with any tasks? And still work
with special mission forces?

He just opened the contact, and a task message came out.

The mission time is today, the location is an abandoned city

outside the base, the mission goal is to clear the hidden
organizations hidden in the city and rescue the hostages.

The hazard level is a, which means that you are likely to die at
any time.

"No... no!"

Xiao Yan showed a crashing expression.

"What will it be?"

Mark threw a backpack into Xiao Yan’s arms.

"what is this?"



Before I had time to react, Xiao Yan was taken out of the room.

In the passage, Li Fu was fully equipped against the wall, and

smiled comfortably to Xiao Yan. Her mouth type said "Don't

Liv’s side is the Maya that is pulling and playing with some kind
of silk thread. Xiao Yan saw this kind of thread in the repair
room. It is only a few micrometers in diameter, but it can cut iron
and mud, and control this. The silk thread is not easy, and it
requires a very high fighting skill, otherwise it will be hurt by this
weapon. Can use this kind of silk as a weapon, Maya's combat
ability is first-class in the special task force, no wonder Mark is a
big man, but Maya is already a quasi-school.

At this moment, Maya's lips are tilted up, rubbing her eyes at
Xiaoyan, looking at the mouth shape, saying that it should be
"baby, you think I haven't."
Suddenly a chilly all over the body, Xiao Yan quickly went over,
there are still six special forces in the channel, some are wiping
the sharp edge, and some are finishing the equipment, this scale
uses a whole special task squad, the task content It is never

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Haiyin Burton and Xiao Yan
passed by, and the low-browed brows made Xiao Yan almost
unstable. The picture in the dream of last night passed again, and
Xiao Yansheng was afraid that Hai Yin could detect any clues and
quickly looked at Liv.

If you are known by Hai Yin what kind of dreams you have, you
will die! And the death is not terrible!

"set off."

Xiao Yan holding a backpack, the special forces are walking like
a fly, Xiao Yan is almost running to barely keep up, not yet
arrived at the aircraft, Xiao Yan has sweated.

Maya, this guy clearly follows the direction of Hein, but he is

slow to follow Xiao Yan.

"Baby, I will take you away." Maya's arm stretched out and
touched Xiao Yan's waist.
"No! The bomb will explode!" Xiao Yan quickly hid to the side,
but Maya still leaned over.

"Mark, he is too slow." Hai Yin did not look back, but Mark has a
tacit understanding of the meaning of Hai Yin.

Mark folded back from the front of the queue, and Xiao Xiao
slammed his shoulders and reached the front end of the queue in
three or two steps.

"Hey! Even if you want to be jealous, I should be holding him!"

Maya chased him up.

Mark made a gesture of contempt towards him.

"Hey, head! Is this guy going to get off the plane?"

Xiao Yan suddenly prayed in his heart, don't let him go. Cities
two hundred years ago were the most densely populated and
infected areas. To date, more than two-thirds of the world’s
zombies are still concentrated in urban areas.

"of course yes."

The words of Hai Yin are like a huge stone, pressed against the
heart of Xiao Yan.

He will die this time! Will die!

Xiao Yan was thrown into the aircraft, and they left the base
through the flight path and rushed to the bright sun.

"Hey! Xiao Yan! I believe this will be a very interesting journey."

Li Fu and Xiao Yan sat face to face, and Maya was transferred to
the cab, losing the opportunity to harass Xiao Yan.

“Funny” in the mouth of special missions usually means thrills!

At this time, Xiao Yan's mood was stabilized and the facts were

"Hey, why should I follow you?" Xiao Yan lowered his voice and
asked each other.

"Because there is only you!" Mark's arm stretched over and

placed on Xiao Yan's shoulder, almost crushing him.

"What is called 'because only you?' I am just a student! You can't

understand the reserve technical soldiers! You can only take me
with a burden!"

Mark shrugged his shoulders. "Because the guys who were with
you on the same aircraft were dead, the technical soldiers thought
that we would throw them away on the battlefield. Lieutenant
Colonel Raven also said that he would not worry about his
subordinates coming out with us. ,and so……"
"So what?"

"So I have to choose you! How powerful you are! You can open
the door of the vault and unlock the equipment for storing
uranium raw materials! I believe that this detonation bomb can't
help you!"

"Introduction... detonating bombs..."

Cold warfare is usually used against zombies, because the heat

source will increase their ability to absorb energy. But the
members of the tidal organization are humans, and bombs are an
effective means to deal with them.

"Why don't you just launch a missile to hit the target!"

"Because they are hostage."

"Then you will save the hostage and then launch the missile!"
Xiao Yan thought how badly these guys' combat plans are!

Mark's face sank, and after two seconds, he finally couldn't help
but laugh. "Rookie, you are so cute! I also bet with Liv that you
really have no brains to think that we let you go to the bomb!"
Kind of things don’t require technical soldiers to do it ourselves!”

Xiao Yan’s blue veins on his forehead came out. “What do you
want me to do?”
“The tide organization used a device two hundred years ago to
build a small base. They blocked all wireless signals and formed
an internal network. Most of our technical personnel are used to
operating terminal systems to process data, but they don’t know
how to use this backward technology. It is good. Combining your
last performance at the nuclear power plant, the colonel thought
that you were more qualified for this task than those who were
over-reliant on the terminal. How do you say that you are very
good at retro things?"

"What? Which colonel?"

Liv and Markzizi point to the cockpit.

There is only one colonel in the cockpit - Hein Burton.

"Do you think the colonel hates you?" Liv asked with a smile. 2k
novel reading network

Xiao Yan nodded without hesitation. "Is that still used?"

At this time, they were driving through a blue sea, and they were
wrapped around the world. The sun fell on the wave and there
was a golden ripple.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and his forehead fell on the window like
a child who saw candy.
Liv smiled and said to the contactor, "Hey, our rookie technicians
saw the sea for the first time. Is it allowed to let him blow the sea

Xiao Yan to Liv, how Colonel Burton could allow such

outrageous demands.


The cool voice of Hai Yin came through the contactor, and Liv
pushed the cockpit.

The humid and warm sea breeze poured into the cabin, blowing
Xiaoyan's hair, and the salty water vapor poured into the nose of
Xiaoyan, which is completely different from the freshness in the
original forest, but it is refreshing and refreshing. It is a wide

Li Fu said to Xiao Yan with a mouth shape: Look, he is not as bad

as you think.

That is the sea, the land of human origin.

Xiao Yan did not consciously reveal the look of longing, showing
a helpless smile. "When I was young, my dream was to become
an oceanographer like my father. As a result, I really saw the sea
Liv blinked and said to the contactor: "He head, the rookie
technical soldier said his dream is to become an oceanographer!"

Mark grabbed his head and said: "Have you heard of virologists,
brain neurologists, and any ordnance physicists, and
oceanographers? Is there any good research in the ocean?"

Yes, since the human retreat to Charles, the study of the ocean has
completely lost its meaning.

Liv took a look at Mark. "Hey, can he let him touch the sea?"

As the voice just fell, the height of the aircraft slowly dropped,
even at a 60-degree angle close to the sea.

Xiao Yan was nervous and subconsciously seized the safety


Liv has waved to Xiao Yan. "Come here! I will catch you! The
colonel said that he will only give you thirty seconds!"

Xiao Yan blinked, and the cold Hai Yin Burton was on his way to
the mission... gave him such an opportunity?

Unlocking the safety device, Xiao Yan squatted and stretched his
arm to Liv, Li Fu grabbed him, and Mark also grasped Xiao Yan's
other leg with great cooperation. He ugly squatted in front of the
hatch. The left hand extended out of the cabin.
When the finger touches the sea, Xiao Yan’s heart is about to
jump out. Feel the temperature and intensity of the sea, which is
completely different from the constant temperature fresh water in
Charlie. Xiao Yan feels some kind of power. There is nothing in
this world that can bind the ocean except gravity.

Thirty seconds was too short, and Xiao Yan was pulled back into
the cabin by Li Fu and Mark.

The height of the aircraft suddenly increased, and the speed

suddenly increased, whizzing toward the target area.

The other special forces in the cabin gave Xiao Yan a faint smile,
and his eyes were not initially indifferent.

"Hey, this guy is really interesting. The technical soldiers want to

study the virus! You like the ocean so much! What else is there
beside the water?" A special soldier raised his chin and asked
Xiao Yan curiously.

"In addition to the virus, the most varied thing in the world may
be the ocean. This moment it is beautiful and calm, and it will
swallow everything in the next moment. And we are so hard to
recycle more than two hundred years of nuclear materials, it is
better to think about how to re-do it. The use of the ocean, the
power generated by the tide is not only renewable energy, but also
"Hey, rookie! I think you are good. Follow us when you perform
the mission! Liv! Is there a gun in his configuration?"

"Of course! But... Xiao Yan should not use it." Li Fu took Xiao
Yan's backpack and there was a gun inside.

"Xiao Yan, you listen well, this gun is very simple to use, and you
don't need to have superb shooting skills, because it will
automatically aim and the warhead also has the function of
locking the target. But if you use it to aim the zombies, It won't
react, but if there are any people in the tide organization close to
you, you can shoot without mercy."

This usage is so simple that it can't be simple. It is simply a

weapon designed for technical soldiers who are not good at

"Hey, you have to be careful! If the bullet hits any of us, make
you look good!" Mark made a fist.

"Yeah! Although we can't die, it hurts!"

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere made Xiao Yan feel that
he was really traveling instead of performing a very dangerous

Finally, they came over the land and passed the weathered
goddess. After two hundred years of baptism, the idol has been
very mottled. The high-lifting torch splits because of the vibration
of the aircraft engine, falling into the sea and splashing. Waves.

"This statue is quite big." Mark touched his nose.

"This is the Statue of Liberty. At the foot of us is Manhattan. It

used to be the most prosperous area of ​the economy." Xiao Yan
breathed a sigh of relief and could clearly see countless zombies
flying to chase the aircraft, leaping and stretching his arms.

"Now is also the most 'prosperous'." Liv chuckled.

“Finally understand why the surge organization is building a base

in this place. These zombies are their most advantageous guards.”

Xiao Yan raised his brow. "How do we land?"

The aircraft landed on the roof of a tall building, and everyone

quickly moved. They shot the ropes to a slightly shorter building
in the distance, and the special forces slid down the ropes.

Mark grabbed Xiao Yan and rushed down. Xiao Yan opened his
mouth and poured in only the whistling wind. At the moment of
landing, Xiao Yan almost did not spit it out. They recycle the rope
and shoot at another building.

"Not bad! I didn't even say anything!"

Li Fu picked up Xiao Yan, who was squatting on the floor, and
slipped out.

Despite crying in his heart, Xiao Yan knew that the voice would
lead to zombies, so he always resisted fear.

Is this a relay race? Xiao Yan is the stick!

Liv threw him on the top of the building, half jokingly saying,
"Slow up slowly!"

Then I slid to another building.

A pair of military boots stayed by Xiao Yan. "Baby, are you


Xiao Yan is in the heart of a cold, if it is not you, I am absolutely


Just as Maya’s hand was about to cross Xiaoyan, someone landed

beside him, and the low voice immediately made Xiao Yan hold
his breath.

"If you dare to make a sound or spit it out, I will let you faint."

Xiao Yan looked up and saw the side face of Hai Yin without a
trace of emotional fluctuations.

When his palms separated Maya's arms around Xiao Yan's waist
and brought him with one hand, Xiao Yan wondered if he had no
weight at all. And Maya stayed in the same place, looking at her
empty arms.

Hai Yin took Xiao Yan to the opposite building. When the floor
was too old because of the floor, at the moment they arrived, the
wall cracked and the rope fell.

Underneath are countless zombies waiting for me, a horrible

expression, Xiao Yan's breathing in the throat, and close his eyes.

Haiyin’s heel stepped on the edge of the window, only to hear the
sound of falling bricks and stones. Xiao Yan’s next sudden rise,
when he opened his eyes, he found himself falling on the roof.
His forehead was in the arms of Hai Yin, and one hand was still
holding the arm of Hai Yin.

"Let go."

Xiao Yan quickly let go.

Hein's other hand is still holding the rope. After he has recycled
the rope, all the people have arrived.

"There is still one kilometer from the target location. We need to

cross this block." Liv knees on the edge of the roof and leans over
the body to observe the street.
A group of zombies continually jumped downstairs, making a
sound similar to a broken bone.

There was no extra communication. All the special forces buckled

one end of the rope into the wall of the building and the other end
to the window sill of the distant building. After confirming the
stability, they slid out.

Their height is less than three meters away from the zombies. If it
is not very fast, the zombies who jumped up are afraid to hold
them at any time.

Xiao Yan looked at Mark's direction. Who knows that this guy
didn't come to take him to the point? He has already slipped out
with Liv.

Hai Yin fixed the slip line and came to Xiao Yan's side. His arm
circumvented Xiao Yan's armpits, his toes emptied, and the sense
of weight loss suddenly struck. Xiao Yan followed Hai Yin in the

This is the building complex more than two hundred years ago,
and you can still see the signs of the coffee shop and the cars that
are parked downstairs in a mess.

But this is not a sightseeing trip by cable car.

Hai Yin’s arm is very stable, and Xiao Yan, who was worried that
he would fall, now feels full of peace of mind.

The wind pulls the hair of the sea, forming an elegant and
unobtrusive line.

As they passed a balcony, a zombie squatted on the balcony and

saw a very excited expression when he saw Hai Yin and Xiao

Worn! They will hit it!

"Hey it."

Haiyin’s cold tone seemed to contain some kind of power. Xiao

Yan raised his ankle on the face of the zombie. It fell out of the
balcony and landed on the ground, making a squeaking sound, a
pile of pus liquid. Spread.

They came to a low building and everyone did not gather in the
same place. Mark was on a balcony, Liv stood on the top of a pole
and was crumbling, and Maya sat on the edge of a huge signboard
to organize her hair.

They all put on eyepieces and checked the situation of this low
Then everyone jumped in an instant and leaped to the low

Hai Yin and Xiao Yan jumped over a parabola in the air and
landed steadily on the roof, even without making a sound.

I thought that the old buildings had a gate installed on the top
floor. It was very strong at first sight, and the windows and doors
of the whole building were actually sealed. If it was viewed from
the plane, it would never be imagined that it was a tidal
organization. The location of the event, but now it seems that this
building is definitely a problem.

"Open it."

This gate is the same type as the Kumen that was last seen at the
nuclear power plant, but Xiao Yan is more cautious.

“If you open it rashly, it may touch the alarm inside the building.”

Even if Xiao Yan has no practical experience, he knows that the

tide organization will never let anyone enter easily.

Hai Yin nodded, "Give you five minutes."

The gate is embedded in the wall. Xiaoyan observes the

surrounding area and finds the electric box on the top of the
building. Even if the building is reinforced, the tidal organization
can not modify the circuit structure here. Xiao Yan took out the
tool test, and the wire here is working.

Xiao Yan cut off the insulation skin and made a short circuit in
the building. He never dreamed that he had the opportunity to do
things that only appeared in documentary movies more than two
hundred years ago. Xiao Yan suddenly fortunate that she is a
nostalgic person.

Everyone was on guard, and Xiao Yan returned to the gate and
said to Mark: "It is okay to open it with your strength."

"Ha?" Mark looked at Hai Yin. "Do you do this?"

Hai Yin nodded. What they were worried about was the alarm
inside the building. If the alarm does not ring, why should I care
about opening it?

Mark did not bear the heavy hope, blushing, almost did not
remove the entire gate.

Li Fu first entered, as a vanguard, Xiao Yan was nervous that she

would encounter an ambush.

Others followed, and Maya stopped at Xiao Yan's side, seemingly

wanting to protect or harass him all the time, but under the
pressure of Hai Yin's eyes, he had to keep up with other people.
Hai Yin looked at Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan had to bite the scalp and
follow them.

The building is full of dust, and it doesn't seem like someone has
ever been active.

Xiao Yan wanted to cough. Hai Yin pressed a respirator on his

face. The cold eyes seemed to say that if you make a little noise,
you will kill you.

Everyone's pace is fast, but there is no sound.

Step by step, they finally came to the basement of the building.

The previous scan showed that the hostage was locked inside.

Xiao Yan swallowed a saliva, which is a CNC electronic door that

can only be accessed with the correct password. It’s old and

Hai Yinyang raised his chin, meaning "to open it."

Xiao Yan had to carefully connect the portable terminal to the

circuit of the door and calculate the password. After pressing it,
the door slowly opened.

At that moment, Hai Yin grabbed Xiao Yan's back collar and
pulled him behind him.
Numerous zombies came out and special mission troops began to

It seems that the tidal organization has long guessed that they will
come, so they left such a big gift.

At the end of the basement, in a cage, a middle-aged man was tied

to the seat, and numerous zombies were kneeling in front of the
cage, trying to squeeze in. They stretched their arms, and each
one almost caught their flesh and blood.

Hai Yin pressed on Xiao Yan's shoulder, a roundabout, opened the

zombies, they fell on the ceiling, leaving a sticky mark.

Xiao Yan was so nervous that he didn't want to experience it


When he tried to move his shoulder and found that it was still
good, Hai Yin swept away without temperature. Xiao Yan felt that
he had become a zombie that was divided.

Whenever the zombie is about to touch Xiaoyan's moment, it is

cut off by Haiyin's sharp blade, and the pus splashes, but I don't
know if it is the angle of the sea. The pus that the zombie
splashed did not drop on Xiaoyan's body. . He is like an outsider,
watching the masterpieces of special mission forces.
Numerous zombies came to Xiao Yan and countless times under
the blade of Hai Yin, as if it were an irreversible reincarnation.

His eyes are like returning from the blood of hell, and every
moment of cruelty spreads the beauty of bleeding.

Hai Yin’s palms stretched over and clasped Xiao Yan’s back of
the head to press him into the chest. It was too hard to let Xiao
Yan suspect that his skull would be crushed. In the ear is the
sound of the blade cutting the bones, Xiao Yan found that he was
almost in the arms of Hai Yin! Any zombies who are close to him
are falling under the blade of Hai Yin.

When the respirator on Xiao Yan’s face almost ruptured, Hai Yin
let him go.

Xiao Yan bowed his head and was buried in a zombie. If it wasn't
a respirator, he might have spit out because of the foul smell.

In just five minutes, hundreds of zombies were solved.

They came to the cage and the man tied to the chair trembled and

Xiao Yan recognized him, "Professor Manson!"

The famous virologist of the Academy has a rank of major

general, but how can he be here?
"Do you have to get Manson to get out of the cage?" Mark looked
at Xiao Yan again.

Xiao Yan shook his hand quickly. "Oh... this is not my


Hai Yin came to the cage in silence and took out the blade and
slashed it down. He only heard a bang, Mars splashed, the cage
was cut, and the incision was neat and unreal.

Xiao Yan opened his mouth and Mark nodded. "Hey... it’s still the

Because this cage is made of ordinary steel, it is not worth

mentioning in the face of the special forces.

Xiao Yan quickly stepped forward to solve the rope on Professor

Manson's body. His lips were white and very embarrassing.

"Professor! You are fine!"

At that moment, Professor Manson slammed through Xiao Yan

and his fingers licked his neck.

Xiao Yan did not even react to everything. Hai Yin reached out
and his fingertips just wiped Xiao Yan's wrist.

Such rapid movements were not expected, and all the special
forces entered the state of alert.
Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin’s eyes, and suddenly there was a
conjecture in his heart... Is Professor Manson...

His fingers slowly reached his waist, and before he could touch
the gun there, he was screwed by Professor Manson and the gun
fell to the ground.

"You joined the surge organization, Major General Manson."

When Hai Yin’s voice fell, Mark’s fingers holding the blade
creaked, and Maya slowly pulled out the filaments between the
wrists, faintly seeing the cold cold.

"Mom! I haven’t been fooled by myself in this life!"

Manson pulled his mouth and took Xiao Yan step by step to the
door. "Coloton Burton, I know your skills, don't come over, or I
will break his neck!"

"You bastard!"

Mark just took a step forward, only to hear a bang, Xiao Yan
clenched his teeth, his face suddenly pale, his wrist was twisted
off by Manson.

Hai Yin grabbed Mark.

"Don't get closer, because the next time I will remove his wrist
directly, the x virus will not regenerate the tissue that has been
removed from the body."

" this..."

Xiao Yan never imagined that Professor Manson, who was

respected by everyone, would turn to the tide organization! All
this is only the trap set by Professor Manson. In order to attract
the elite of the special mission, why is there only one person
here? How can he deal with a complete special task squad
simply? Not to mention Haiyin Burton!

“Do you mean joining a surge organization? Or is it referring to

you here? Is the answer important?”

Just after the words, Manson had already left the door. He took a
picture of Xiao Yan’s face. “We always pursue certain things, so
life makes sense. And Shire, I can’t satisfy my pursuit!”

After that, Manson pushed Xiaoyan into the door and closed the
door. Several special forces rushed up, but they were still a step
late. Xiao Yan fell to the ground, the face on the left side rubbed
the ground, the burning pain, of course, the more painful is his
Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan's side and picked him up. Xiao Yan's
brain was thinking about Professor Manson's words. Hai Yin
slowly lifted Xiao Yan's palm and his fingers were silently
embedded between his fingers. The illusion is that Xiao Yan feels
that the other's finger skin is very warm, slowly licking his
fingertips, almost petting, but it is as short as an illusion.

"What are you thinking?"

Xiao Yan looked up and had not had time to answer, only heard a
"squeaky" sound, his wrist was picked up.

Zhang has a big mouth, Xiao Yan did not even have the
opportunity to exclaim.

He looked at the sea, and the blue in the other eye almost
rendered his world.

Xiao Yan did not expect that the other party would actually pick
up his wrist for him.

“Is there any other injury?”

Hai Yin's palm clasped Xiao Yan's shoulder, his eyes straight into
Xiao Yan's mind.

At that moment, Xiao Yan was lost in the eyes of Hai Yin.

"No... no..."
Xiao Yan felt that there must be a problem with his vision.
Otherwise, why did he feel that Hein’s fingers had rubbed his red
face, and his brow was about to pick up. Just as Xiao Yan
carefully distinguished all of this, Hai Yin suddenly left Xiao Yan.

Mark rushed to the door and pushed the door. "Mom-locked! Xiao
Yan! Can you open it!"

Xiao Yan shook his head. "Manson took my equipment."

Others sighed.

Xiao Yan knows that if he is not hijacked by Manson, even if

Manson injects the x virus and becomes more active than the
average person, any special soldier here can easily kill him.

After a long time, his technical soldier was still cumbersome.

"Manson wants to keep us in it? Kill us?" Mark grabbed his head
with irritability.

The entire space, except for the door that Manson left, could not
see any other exits, completely confined spaces.

"Hey--" Liv's finger is on his lips. "It seems like there is water!"

In the next second, there was a constant flow of water in the four

"Mom! I want to drown us! Too poisonous!"

Mark slammed his fist on the door.

"I have to say that this idea is very creative." Maya touched her
hair. "Hey, I know that today is my last day. I should ignore the
**** reports and put Xiao Yan on the bed and do it." Anyway, I
will not be killed by me. Today he has to drown..."

No one saw how it happened. Maya suddenly caught her nose,

and the red blood flowed from the fingers. He looked like a
painful one. "Hey - what do you do! That is my nose!"

"You are too noisy." Hai Yin did not look back, but slightly raised
his face and raised his chin, showing a proud expression.

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, and the water flow slowly spread
over their feet. He thought that Hai Yin would be disgraced
because of his incompetence, but it was obvious that it was not
put in his heart.

This man never fears, even for death, he is still indifferent.

"Head... what should we do?" Lifu looked at Hai Yin.

Hai Yin put on the eyepiece and scanned the four walls. "This
basement is made of high-density titanium, and we can't cut the
"That bastard! He deliberately created this basement to lead us
in!" Mark hated the teeth.

"This is the so-called flying wings!" Li Fu looked around for a

week, "Xiao Yan, in terms of this water flow, how long does it
take to fill the entire space?"

"One hour."

"Only one hour!" Maya's nose was finally restored. He was very
self-awarely away from the attack range of Hai Yin. "Let's think
about ways to get out!"

No one blames Xiao Yan, but Xiao Yan understands that as long
as they ignore his life and death, it is easy to catch Professor
Manson to leave here!

But now is not a guilty time, you are a technical soldier! When a
technician loses his equipment, he loses the same blade as a
special soldier in carrying out his mission!

and many more……

Xiao Yan suddenly remembered that he did not lose all the
equipment! 2k novel reading network

At this point, the water had flowed over his calf, and he came to
the cage and looked around.
"Xiao Yan, what are you looking for?" Maya came to his side and
asked curiously.

"My gun!" Xiao Yantou did not lift his head and explored.
"Maybe the water rushed it to other places!"

"Xiao Yan! The power of the gun is not enough to make a hole in
the wall!" Maya stunned Xiao Yan and did not want him to
continue to do nothing.

"Not a hole! There is an energy converter inside the gun! There is

also an energy starter! I might be able to open the door with

At this time, Xiao Yan, the whole person was squatting in the
water. As the water became deeper and deeper, Xiao Yan did not
hesitate to sneak into the water to explore, and there was no way
to find what he wanted.

It seems that someone came to his side. In the chaos, Xiao Yan
can only faintly see the elegant facial features of the other side.

One hand circumvented his waist, strong and powerful, and

picked him up.

"Ha..." Xiao Yan wiped the water stains on his face, and it was
discovered that the person in front of him was Hai Yin.
The other party sent his gun to him, and the dripping water drops
from the hairline of Hein. It is hard to imagine that the clean
seawater would go to the water to help Xiaoyan find a gun.

Xiao Yan was overjoyed, "Great! It's here!"

"What are you going to do?" Hai Yin's eyes did not hesitate. He
had already determined that Xiao Yan would succeed if he did

Xiao Yan looked at the door with his eyes open, and the red light
at the top of the door was still shining.

"I need to go to that height."

Hai Yin side of the side of the head, "Mark."

"Yes! Colonel!"

Mark put Xiao Yan up on his shoulder. This guy is tall and big,
and Xiao Yan can easily reach the top of the door.

He opened the gun and took out the energy device, which was
connected to the circuit that controls the door.

The water flow at this time has already passed over Mark's

Xiao Yan bit his jaw and pulled the trigger.

I only heard a "bang-" sound, but the door did not move.

"Mom! Sure enough?" Mark gave a curse.

Xiao Yan glanced at the red light at the top of the door and
frowned. "The door has lost its effect, but the pressure of the
water will hold the door!"

It is impossible for ordinary people to push this door under such

water pressure, but it is not an "ordinary person" who is trapped
with Xiao Yan.

"What do you mean?"

Mark still doesn't understand what's going on, Hai Yin has taken a
double-edged sword, "Everyone comes to help!"

They used the sharp edge as a lever to try to open the door.

"Mark! You come to help too!"

Mark put Xiao Yan down, "Boy! Don't drown!"

After that, he did not enter the water.

Legend has it that Mark can lift an aircraft. Xiao Yan did not
believe it before, but now Xiao Yan believes in it.

Only heard a hoarse voice, the door was opened with a slit, and
Mark was even more blushing.
As the gap became larger and larger, the water in this confined
space was continuously discharged. As Hai Yin gave a gesture, Li
Fu smashed Xiao Yan and pushed him out of the gap. With the
flow of water, Xiao Yan Was rushed out of the distance.

There was a constant flow of water from the door, and several
special forces took the body between the door joints until the
water level dropped to the knee position, and they slammed the
door open.

Hai Yin picked up Xiao Yan and everyone ran up.

All the way to the top of the building, Li Fu sent a signal, the
aircraft came, they entered the cabin wet.

Xiao Yan just sat in the seat, Hai Yin put the safety device down,
"upward the cabin temperature!"

Xiao Yan, who shivered, finally felt warm.

"Header... Is our task a failure?" Mark licked his nose.

"He has to rely on the aircraft to get out of here."

Xiao Yan is still coughing by the water in her nose. The aircraft
has already traveled rapidly. They have already tracked the
aircraft of Manson.

Hai Yin entered the cab and they started hunting for Manson.
Manson fired a tracking missile, Xiao Yan swallowed, the last
experience is still vivid.

Hai Yin also launched a tracking missile, but only targeted

Manson's missile.

Two missiles exploded in the air.

At that moment, Hai Yin fired another missile to hit Manson's

left-wing engine, and the aircraft was about to fall. The safety
capsule ejected and fell into a building.

Mark whistled: "Hey - don't know how our respected Major

General Manson will come out?"

The aircraft lowered its height and saw only the safety door was
opened. Manson faced a group of zombies. He panicked and fell
from the top of the warehouse, struggling desperately, just
twisting the neck of a zombie, and the other zombie had bitten On
his shoulders. The healing power of the x virus has now become a
cause of suffering.

But it was quickly overwhelmed by the swarm of zombies.

"Even if he injected himself with the x virus, would a person want

to beat the world?" Liv sneered.
"I guess he must be looking forward to a zombie biting his neck
and ending everything." Mark looked at everything coldly.

A zombie that is 50 centimeters higher than the ordinary zombies

opened up other zombies and easily smashed Manson's head. The
blood splatters out and it smashes.

That is the level1 zombie. According to the study, some

adolescents who are in developmental stage are infected by the
comet virus, and their growth hormone will accelerate the
secretion and mutate under the influence of the comet virus, so
the zombie with a height of more than two meters appears. Their
speed of action is similar to that of ordinary zombies, but the
power is 1.3 times that of ordinary zombies. It is the special task
force that does not like to encounter zombies when performing

Xiao Yan didn't look over his face. He had a lot of lessons for
Professor Manson. Among all the virology books, only Manson
used many interesting examples and metaphors to let Xiao Yan
study it over and over again.

"Go, we have to recycle his brain!"

The two special forces flew with a container and the blade in their
hands waved. In less than ten seconds, they returned to the cabin.
"Hey, is this guy not your professor? Do you want to say goodbye
to him?" Mark patted the container.

"No, I have already said goodbye to him in the basement."

Xiao Yan looked out of the cabin.

He suddenly did not understand the professor. He once said that

scholars are pursuing answers for life, and scholars' life is in the
process of pursuing answers.

What kind of answer is it that Professor Manson made this


"Xiao Yan, any question you are thinking about, when we send
Manson's brain back to the torture force, there will be an answer."

"In his brain... there must be a lot of secrets..."

At this time, the aircraft suddenly accelerated and traveled on an

extremely complex trajectory.

"Oh my God!" A spiral flight, Xiao Yan dizzy, and even raised his
hand to support the top of the aircraft.

Three UFOs are chasing them.

Numerous laser missiles and shuttles have been wiped away, and
the Haiyin and Maya pilots have escaped in jeopardy.
These three aircrafts are prepared, and their offensives have been
wavering. From the flight line Xiao Yan, Hai Yin and Maya are
still very calm even in the case of being besieged. The three
aircraft constantly forced them to leave the route, but Xiao Yan
knew that the platform closest to them was less than five minutes
away. At this moment they have left the urban area, and there is a
deserted wilderness.

"Fuck this is an ambush!" Mark whispered.

The three aircraft were from the tidal organization, and the signs
on the hatchway resembling church crosses were streamlined and
unexpectedly artistic.

However, Xiao Yan did not appreciate the mood. He closed his
eyes and almost jumped out of his throat.

The last time the miracle generally got rid of the tracking missile
was because the enemy had only one aircraft, but now it is three!

Can he still hide?

The place fired laser missiles from them in all directions, and they
escaped, but Xiao Yan knew that the situation would only be
worse! Because only one more tracking missile is needed, they
are inevitable!

At this time, Liv and Mark received the order.

"Xiao Yan! You must never open the hatch of the safe unless you
see us!"

Li Fu shouted out loud, didn't wait for Xiao Yan to understand her
meaning, the cabin chair suddenly fell, Xiao Yan felt himself
falling into a small confined space, and heard a "砰-" sound in the
ear, with a loss of weight Feeling, he suddenly realized that he
was popped up in the aircraft!

what happened?

They were hit?

There was a shock, as if touching the ground. Xiao Yan's internal

organs returned to his body from the clouds. He squinted blankly,
and his ears still echoed Liv's snoring.

What is the situation now?

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and sorted out his own thinking.
They recovered Manson’s brain and were returning to the base by
flying. On the way back, they encountered three attacks from the
tidal aircraft, laser missiles flying, and tracking missiles
alternating... and then his seat suddenly fell into In the safety
compartment, the sense of weight loss is because the safety
compartment is ejected out of the aircraft.
God, all this is done in a few seconds, Xiao Yan’s life has never
been as efficient as it is today!

So now...he was locked in a narrow safe cabin. He didn't die. He

didn't have any pain in his arms or legs. Did he land safely?

The claustrophobia makes Xiao Yan breathe faster, and the

inexplicable fear is filled with a small space, and the oxygen
replacement in the entire safety cabin is only enough for three

If he still does not receive the outbound instructions after three


If the entire aircraft is only his life?

If they can't find him at all?

Oh shit! From the first time I left Shire, everything was so bad!

Xiao Yan feels that she has been near death countless times. If he
can live this time, he vows that he will never leave Shire again!
He will be angry and become a type A researcher, staying in a
warm and safe research room, doing boring and meaningless
research every day, and then enjoying a cup of strong coffee in his
spare time!
God, he wants to kill the smell of roasted coffee now, the slowly
infiltrating taste, spreading along the blood vessels to the
temperature of the fingertips...

He knows that he must calm down, otherwise the consumption of

oxygen will only be more rapid, he can only think about other
things to divert attention.

Fantasy is Xiao Yan's specialty. For example, at this moment,

Xiao Yan sketches the colossal beauty of Lily's style in her mind.
Her graceful pace, the right female officer's skirt is split upwards,
Xiao Yan imagines Her arms circled Lily's buttocks, picked her
up, and then they kissed passionately, and fell to the bed full of
cockroaches. Lily smiled gratifiedly and opened her clothes to
him sexyly...

"Open the safe cabin!"

The icy voice breaks the beauty of everything and instantly

reduces the temperature of this small space. 2k novel reading

Xiao Yan’s heart is tight, Hai Yin Burton!

He pressed the button and he was picked up by the moment the

safety compartment was opened.
"Ah--" Xiao Yan just shouted, his stomach was almost spit out by
Hein's shoulder. Is there no other posture besides kneeling on
your shoulders?

Hai Yin stepped on the safety door and jumped up. The tip of a
zombie crossed the tip of Xiao Yan, and numerous zombies
chased it up.

Xiao Yan discovered that he was on a farm-like place. He could

still see the weathered and decaying farm fence. The grassland
was lush, but there was no trace of the animals. The clouds in the
sky stayed on the green field. A huge shadow that moves slowly.

At this time, two level1 are chasing them, they are tall, but the
action is not clumsy, the long and powerful legs run fast, the
tongue trembles constantly with sticky saliva drops, nausea is
extreme, and Xiao Yan is them The food that you dream of.

In the meantime, Xiao Yan was thrown on the ground. His arm
supported the ground and the palm of his hand pressed in the
gravel of the grass. The sharpest part of the gravel opened his
flesh and blood. He didn't have a time to cry, and the sea in front
of him was throwing the container of Manson's head to Xiao Yan,
and he was dizzy. Hai Yin did not hesitate to turn around, several
"Silver Wings" flew out, cut the two level1 bodies, one of them
lost the left leg, and the falling edge of the sea knife fell off its
head. The other right arm was cut off, the flesh was still
connected, and it was healing.

It has a large block and almost covers the sun in front of Hai Yin.

Hai Yin stepped on its abdomen and vacated. Xiao Yan couldn't
see his moves. He only knew that the right arm of the zombie had
not completely healed, and his knees shattered the zombie's chin.
Just as the zombies were receding, Hai Yin jerked up his left leg
and smashed the zombie, which was absolutely more than 150
kilograms, away from the ground. At the moment when it lost its
balance, Hai Yin’s blade crossed. Turned and walked down to
Xiao Yan, who was sitting in the ground, the big guy behind him
crashed down.

"stand up."

His eyes were very cold, Xiao Yan subconsciously held his
breath, and he quickly climbed up, only to find a tingling
sensation in his ankle. He knew that it was not just a sprain, it was
likely to have a fracture. But he can only endure, if Hai Yin finds
out that he is injured, I don't know if the other party will think that
he is a cumbersome and throw him down.

He could only follow the sea quickly, no matter how painful he

forced himself to show, and the container was heavy, he could
only use his hands to squat.
Why did Hai Yin find him, other people?

Are they all dead? What about Mark? And Liv...

They were besieged by three tidal aircraft, meaning that their

enemies would not only be zombies, but also the killers of the
tidal organization.

At this time, Hai Yin raised her wrist on the lip and issued a
command to the contactor. "I have found Xiao Yan, our old place

After hearing this, Xiao Yan finally felt relieved, at least they are
not the only ones who are alive.

Did not see the depression under the grass, Xiao Yan fell off the
balance, the chin was injured, he bit his tongue, **** smell spread
in the mouth.

Fucking bad luck! Too bad!

Although a big man is so shameful, Xiao Yan really wants to cry.

He struggled to get up, but his sprained ankle pain poured into his
mind. Now he even hurts his temples. Through the gaps of the
blades of grass, he can see the steps of Haiyin going farther and
farther, not far away. There are several more zombies running
towards Xiao Yan.
Forget it... You ate me... Anyway, everyone’s final ending is dead.

Xiao Yan turned himself away from the violence, and the gentle
wind blew his nose around the blade of grass. The blue sky above
the head was more broad and transparent than the dome
constructed by the holographic projection of the city of Charles.
Xiao Yan closed his eyes and felt that the sun's rays seemed to be
blocked... probably the zombies came.

His heartbeat was very fast, and Mansen was repeated in his mind
by the zombies. He regretted it and how to fight for Shanghai Yin
Burton. After all, sitting in a rocking chair and holding a lazy cat
to sleep and being killed by a zombie is a different matter!

"When do you want to sleep?"

Xiao Yan opened his eyes, and the deep blue of the other side
seemed to rush down from the sky.

Hai Yin was kneeling in front of Xiao Yan with one knee and a
half knees. The handsome facial features seemed to leave traces
in the empty air.

Xiao Yan can see the zombies falling to the ground with the gaze
of the line of sight, which has been solved by the other party.

"...I can't stand up, Colonel. It's better to take Manson's head and
give me a knife... I want to sleep long."
Xiao Yan didn't know how he would say this to Haiyin Burton.
Maybe he wants to retaliate against him. Hai Yin is likely to
really give him the result of a tiring.

While Hai Yin’s hand stretched out, Xiao Yan’s nerves were
inexplicably tight. His knuckles just passed Xiao Yan’s cheek,
only to hear a slight crack, Xiao Yan’s shoulders trembled, and
Hein’s was only picked. I have a blade of grass.

He opened his lips slightly, and could see his tongue tipping
against the blades of grass, slowly burying it. His cold and absurd
face was **** and **** at that moment.

Xiao Yan’s heartbeat flies fast until the other party takes the blade
of grass out of the lips. The crystal is the body fluid in the mouth
of Hein Burton. His fingers reach over the face of Xiao Yan and
force him to open his mouth. I put the blade of grass into
Xiaoyan's mouth.


Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, and at that moment his brain could not
think at all, as if he had completely lost his reaction to the world!

There seem to be countless tiny currents in his body, his muscles

tightening, and his fingers subconsciously grasp the grass under
his body.
Hai Yin let go of him, and when he got up, he picked up the
container and went "go."

Xiao Yan raised his hand, only to find that the scar on the palm of
his hand had completely disappeared, and the extremely painful
ankles and even the swelling were gone.

He stared blankly at the back of the sea, the scent of the blades of
grass between the lips and teeth... and the breath of Haiyin

The last time he was crushed by Hai Yin, Mark also joked that Li
Fu kissed Xiao Yan for his treatment, and this time, did Hai Yin
indirectly kiss him? The picture of the tip of the sea with the tip of
the grass against the blade of the grass appears in the mind, and
the heart of Xiao Yan almost bursts open.

"Hurry up, or die here."

Haiyin Burton turned around, his brows slightly lifted, and the
coldness in his eyes made Xiao Yan's unrealistic imaginations

What indirect kissing? The kiss of death is almost the same!

Hai Yin only gave Xiao Yan a little saliva by the grass leaf, and
the x virus in his saliva could be healed by Xiao Yan's injured
ankle once he was absorbed through Xiao Yan's mouth.
Hai Yin’s pace is very fast, and Xiao Yan can only breathlessly
follow him behind him, and then wandering a few times, Xiao
Yan’s face is thick, he doesn’t even think that shame, anyway,
only Hein Burton saw it.

Perhaps Hai Yin really couldn't stand the speed of Xiao Yan
relative to the special forces, he still put Xiao Yan on his shoulder.

"Coloton Burton! Colonel! I can go by myself!"

It is not so good to know that the feeling of head-down brain

blood is not so good.

"To shut up."

Xiao Yan sighed, well, being so stunned by Colonel Burton, he

had to chase after at least effort.

His body swayed with the pace of the sea, and he could see a few
wild mountain mushrooms showing a lovely round head, as well
as the cockroaches in the grass, and they were disturbed by the
grass stems. It's all very lively.

Maybe he is not unlucky, and those who are always in the Xiaer's
lab can't see it until they die.

Before they came to a typhoon windbreak, Xiao Yan saw such a

facility in the database of the Central Library. People who lived in
typhoons and tornadoes more than two hundred years ago would
build such a windbreak in the ground. Bring food and water and
avoid it before the hurricane or tornado raging.

Hai Yin put down Xiao Yan, the feeling of blood returning makes
Xiao Yan dizzy, but fortunately they did not go too long,
otherwise Xiao Yan believes that he must be the first researcher to
death of brain blood.

Hai Yin gently dialed the dust in front of the open wind tunnel
door, opened the door, and looked back at Xiao Yan, "Go in."

Here is the "old place" in Haiyinkou?

If the killer of the tidal organization finds them, it is easy to get

in! But it is really difficult for anyone to expect that they will hide
in such a place.

Staying in the wind tunnel is better than standing in the

wilderness and becoming a wandering zombie.

Without a trace of light, Xiao Yan almost stepped in and did not
fall down. His back neck was buckled by one hand, and the other
party forced him back.

Hai Yin threw the illuminator down. Xiao Yan finally saw that the
front step was a step extending downwards at a 60-degree angle.
If he really fell, he might directly break his neck and scream!
He carefully walked step by step, and the sea behind him closed
the door to the wind tunnel and locked the door from the inside.

The illuminator illuminates the space of less than ten square

meters, which is clean and meticulous. Without a high-tech
information system, this windbreak was in its most primitive state
two hundred years ago. Leaning against the southeast wall is a
wire bed with a bedding on the bed, while the wall facing the
northwest is an old sofa with a wooden coffee table in front of the

Hai Yin opened a cabinet and threw a packet of compressed

biscuits into Xiao Yan's arms.

At this time, Xiao Yan felt hungry. He had been taken out of bed
by Mark before he had breakfast, and now he is nearing dusk. He
feels his stomach is hurting. This should be a simple contact point
set by Haiyin’s troops when they perform their duties, and reserve
certain materials.

Under the bite of compressed biscuits, Xiao Yan could not help
but swear. In order to ensure the supply of protein and other
nutrients, the military-made compressed biscuits did not have any
moisture or even any smell that was so swallowing. Xiao Yan
almost spit it out. However, Hai Yin sat on the bed and quietly ate
the biscuits. The silent pressure made Xiao Yan even swallowed.
Suddenly, a bottle of water broke into the arms of Xiao Yan.

"Do not waste."

Xiao Yan understands the meaning of Haiyin. Although Xiaer has

developed a very convenient and low-cost technique for filtering
seawater into fresh water and has been using it for more than 100
years, they are on a mission, and drinking fresh water is not at
their fingertips. A drop is precious.

In fact, Xiao Yan was thirsty. He looked up in less than half a

minute. One third of the bottle of water was drunk into the
abdomen. The compressed biscuits in the stomach swelled with
water, and the feeling of fullness made Xiao Yan feel asleep. Hai
Yin sat on the bed, Xiao Yan sat quietly on the sofa, licked his
head and held his arm and closed his eyes.

The light from the illuminator gradually weakens and the entire
windbreak is dim.

It is not appropriate to act outside at night, not to mention the fact

that there is no bunker in the wilderness. There are only a few
farmhouses that were destroyed more than two hundred years ago.
Even Xiao Yan, who has no combat experience, knows that any
action should wait until dawn. Xiao Yan, who is accustomed to
the constant temperature environment of Charles and other bases,
feels cold. He holds his arm and can't sleep. His body shivers and
Xiao Yan feels that the hair on his arm is standing up.

I have been sitting on the edge of the bed and I don’t know when
to come to him. "Get up."

"Well... what?" Xiao Yan squinted and opened his eyes. Hai Yin's
palms stretched over and pressed against his forehead. "You are
having a fever. Go to bed and sleep."

Xiao Yan’s thinking was completely exhausted and refused to

work, but he still had to doubt what he heard.

Hai Yin actually let him go to bed to sleep? Is the person with the
highest rank here not Hai Yin? So the only bed is of course the
sea sleep.

Xiao Yan swayed and got up. He experienced too much today.
After being flooded, the military uniform on his body was soaked.
Although the nano-materials dried quickly, the water temperature
at that time was only a dozen degrees. He caught the cold, and
then His fatigue and nervousness, as well as the sudden drop in
temperature at night, his body function is out of balance.

He came to the bed, picked up the corner of the quilt and lay in.
The warm feeling made his sleep more intense.
Stumbled, he knew that Hai Yin was sitting beside his bed and
holding a gun against his arm.

Is he going to kill him? Then discard him here? 2k novel reading


Xiao Yan's brain was not marginally imagined, until a slight

tremor on his arm, Xiao Yan realized that Hai Yin used an
injection gun.

Perhaps it is an electrolyte, and perhaps a peptide that enhances

resistance. Xiao Yan doesn't care, he slept heavily.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yan slowly woke up. He leaned
over and felt that someone was sitting on his side with his arms
on his side. Xiao Yan realized that the refreshing smell on the
sheets blended with the people around him, even Can not see the
five senses, he also knows that the other is Haiyin Burton.

This person has been taking care of himself. He did not leave him
alone, nor did he have the slightest impatience.

He is not as terrible as he imagined.

As the line of sight became more and more adapted to the

darkness, Xiao Yan could vaguely distinguish the deep and
mysterious facial features of the other party. He felt the sight of
Hai Yin, without the usual alienation and indifference, showing a
little temperature in the cool air.

The other's palms stretched over and covered Xiao Yan's

forehead. His palm was warm, and Xiao Yan closed his eyes
unconsciously. The atmosphere that belongs to the night spread
quietly. Xiao Yan knows that the person beside him leans forward.
When his lips touch his own moment, every cell in the body is
shaking. The other's tongue tipped Xiao Yan's lips and slowly
covered his lips. The tongue that once teased the blades of grass
was wrapped around Xiao Yan, and it was gently touched with a
tentative temptation.

Xiao Yan’s knees were subconscious and his fingers were

stretched out and he didn’t know how to close. He didn’t refuse,
which was no different from the invitation. Haiyin turned over
and pressed against Xiao Yan's body. His hands clasped Xiao
Yan's wrists. The strong air pressure shrouded Xiao Yan, and the
kiss was gradually deteriorating, sucking harder and harder, tough
and indifferent possessiveness. Spread in the mouth, recklessly
kissed with force, Xiao Yan's back brain was pressed to the
pillow, and even felt the wire under the body.

The pain of the body being oppressed made him not even yell at
the power of his voice. His internal organs were strongly
impacted. His bones had no power in front of the power of Heyin
Burton. He heard that they were shattered by conquest. The sound
of cracking, he felt that he was dead...

At that moment, he took a deep breath, and the hot body was
completely cold at that moment. His body was nothing but the
bed, and Heinburne still held his arm against his bed.

God... what happened to me? It will produce such an illusion of


Haiyin Burton can't kiss himself! It is also less likely to do such a


Xiao Yan licked his chest... okay... okay... if that happened, he

must have no life! He also deeply remembers the tragic incident
21 years ago.

"what happened."

Apparently, his chest movements were discovered by Hai Yin

next to him.

"I... want to urinate..."

After saying this, Xiao Yan suddenly had the urge to die, and he
even said "撇尿" in front of Hai Yin! Although he really wants to
urinate now...
There is obviously no such thing as a toilet in this windbreak.
With the cleanliness of Haiyin Burton, Xiao Yan will never be
allowed to urinate. He will open the door and let Xiao Yan go
outside! How dangerous is the wilderness of the night!

Just as Xiao Yan was uneasy, Hai Yin unscrewed an empty water
bottle and handed it to Xiao Yan. "If you leak a drop, I will cut it

Xiao Yan took the water bottle and suddenly became messy. The
other party actually let him use this bottle to urinate!

The opening of the water bottle is not wide. If you don't want to
make a drop, don't you have to put your little brother in?

Haiyin Burton has returned to the original place, Xiao Yan sighed,
this is already the best result.

He left the bed, untied his pants against Hai Yin, pulled out the
poor little brother, and stuffed the first half of it into the bottle.
The process of releasing water is still very refreshing. It is only
when Xiao Yan feels the pressure of the air when he is a little
brother j□j. His heart is in a panic, thinking that his little brother
will not become a bottle specimen. Fortunately, he calmed down
and made a slight fiddle. After the air entered the bottle, the little
brother came out smoothly.
Xiao Yan exhaled and covered the bottle cap.

It was at this time that the door knocked and Xiao Yan was

Hai Yin even asked if he did not ask, and opened the door lock.

"Oh - my God! Finally arrived at the meeting place!" It was

Maya, behind him was a starlight, and the empty wilderness
seemed to be boundless.

Maya locked the door and saw Xiao Yan's moment to hold him
tightly. Xiao Yan was almost cut off by him.

"Oh - my dear Xiao Yan, it's great that you are still alive! How
worried I worry about the head directly suffocating you in the safe
cabin! I have met many zombies on this road! There are two
killers of the tide organization! Of course, they were all killed by
me! Hey, how come no one arrives at the meeting and place
except the head?"

Xiao Yan held the bottle and smiled slyly, because he also worried
that Hai Yin would suffocate him.

"What is this? Water?" Maya took the bottle in Xiao Yan's hand
and unscrew it. "Thirsty me!"

Xiao Yan had not had time to stop him, and he saw that Maya
would pour out the liquid in the bottle.

"What's wrong? How does this water taste? And is it hot?" Maya
looked suspicious.

"That is... yes..."

"It's his urine." Hai Yin's answer sounded, Maya's hand could not
help but tremble, he smiled and screwed the bottle cap on the
coffee table.

"Dear, I know that you miss me very much, but the way you
express your love is so special!"

"Oh..." Xiao Yan smiled. "There is no toilet in the wind tunnel..."

"Hey, the head is too inhuman. If it is me, I will definitely go out

with you to solve it. By the way... no one is there, and
occasionally a few zombies jump out of the active atmosphere.
We can lie in this starry sky. Underneath, do well #爱..."

Xiao Yan suddenly had a cold, and he stepped back two steps.

"No... no need..."

After a few moments, Liv and Mark also arrived.

Liv finally saw a sigh of relief when she saw Xiao Yan. She was
worried that Xiao Yan would not be able to open the safety cabin
before they found him.

More than a dozen square meters of space because six people

became busy, especially Mark almost drunk the bottle of liquid on
the coffee table, Xiao Yan quickly threw it out of the wind tunnel.

Liv, they were eating compressed biscuits around the coffee table
and discussing their next move.

Obviously, if they want to go back to the base or the Shire, they

need an aircraft. The nearest aircraft is on the 47th platform.

From the holographic map opened on the liaison, the 47th

platform is located about six hours walk from them. Of course,
these six hours refer to the walking time of the special forces, not
Xiao Yan.

Thinking of myself running for six hours tomorrow, Xiao Yan has
the feeling that the end of the world is coming.

"go to sleep."

Hai Yin, who is sitting on the sofa, looks up.

"Yeah, go to sleep, tomorrow is another day of running." Maya

turned her head and rubbed her eyes at Xiaoyan.
Xiao Yan lay back on the bed without words, and indeed for
them, his existence has no meaning at all. Xiao Yan picked up the
quilt and fell asleep again. Nothing to think about tomorrow is

During Xiao Yan’s half-sleep and half-awake, several special

forces arrived here. Hai Yin’s entire special task team has arrived.

Someone smashed the back of Xiao Xiaoyan. "Hey, wake up, we

are going!"

Xiao Yan turned and saw Liv standing by the bed.

"Forgot to say thank you to you, ‘Silver Wing’ is very useful, not
only can each be successfully recycled after release, but also has a
much stronger lethality than before.”

However, Xiao Yan’s “walking” is obviously different from Hai’s

“walking” meaning.

Xiao Yan just walked out of the wind tunnel and saw two special
forces running at full speed.

"Mark." Hai Yin did not raise his chin, and Mark immediately
smashed Xiao Yan.

"Don't yell at me like this! I will die!" Xiao Yan saw that he had
to head to the next road and rushed to express his objection.
Mark did not want to carry Xiao Yan back.

They are advancing at full speed. Fortunately, this area is far from
the city, so there are no zombies in a crowd.

Whenever there is a zombie close to Mark, this guy runs all the
way like he did not see. Liv and Maya around Mark will cook
them all. Li Fu's skill naturally needless to say, and the silk thread
in Maya's hand draws a complicated trajectory in the air, the wrist
stretches, and a strong level1 instantly turns into a corpse.

"Baby, do you want me to carry you?" Maya squinted at the rock.

Xiao Yan had to admit that this time Maa was tied to the long
brown hair behind her head, revealing the killing, the
incompatibility of strength in the power, but more eye-catching.
But Xiao Yan will not be confused by the other side.

"No need!" Xiao Yan steadily squatted on Mark's back. Mark's

shoulders are wide, and his hands easily hold up Xiao Yan's legs.
As long as Hai Yin gives him the task, he is very serious.

This high-speed running, Xiao Yan can feel that Mark's heartbeat
and breathing have remained stable.

Whistling the wind and passing the ear, Xiao Yan has a refreshing
But this refreshment didn't last long.

A tidal organization of the aircraft found them, and the laser

missiles exploded at their side.

At the moment when Mark fell, Xiao Yan fell from his shoulder
and was picked up by the moment when his head almost poked
into the mud.

It is Hai Yin. He made a combination of guns and nodded to


Xiao Yan can feel the tacit understanding between the two.

Maya's running speed was amazing. He quickly assembled his

gun while running, and there was almost no reaction time when
he turned back. The first shot hit the left engine casing of the
enemy aircraft, and the fire was ejected. The aircraft felt the threat
from Maya and locked him in the primary goal. The special
mission unit's gun penetration is extremely strong enough to
penetrate high-density titanium. Of course, the difficult task of
shooting down an aircraft with a gun is only possible for the
special forces to fly in the low-altitude flight of the aircraft. 2k
novel reading network

Basically at that moment, Hai Yin came to the bottom of the

aircraft, and all three shots hit the same position. The right side of
the aircraft suddenly fell. Xiao Yan suddenly realized that Hai Yin
hit the cockpit of the aircraft. .

At the same time as the flight altitude is getting lower and lower,
the aircraft madly launches a laser missile, and the entire land is
blown into the air. Fortunately, Mark stares at Xiao Yan,
otherwise he is afraid of being blown up now!

Hai Yin seized the opportunity of a few tenths of a second, hitting

the opponent's right engine with a shot. Before the aircraft
touched the ground, the hatch opened and more than a dozen
killers dressed in dark gray combat suits jumped out of the hatch.

Xiao Yan took a breath, this is his first time to face the killer from
the tide organization, and before that, the understanding of this
type of characters, Xiao Yanjin stayed in the full-screen news of
the central square of Shire, they were indifferent Ruthless killings,
once sneaked into Charles and assassinated many military
high-level and political leaders.

Just when these killers have not yet landed, Liv has released
countless "silver wings."

They evade sensitively in midair, and even if they are stabbed,

they are not important parts.
Hai Yin’s team has eight people, but the enemy has more than ten

They seem to understand that the most difficult thing to deal with
is Hai Yin. There are actually three people besieging Hai Yin. If
Hai Yin can't get rid of these killers as soon as possible, there will
be more killers coming soon.

"Maya, you and Mark and Lifu take Xiaoyan out!"

Hai Yin’s order, Maya did not have the slightest love, and Xiao
Yan was on the shoulder, and the other hand held the blade to
separate the enemy’s attack and rushed to the direction of the 47th
platform. Mark and Liv followed. His side.

As they ran farther and farther, Xiao Yan finally saw that the
sharp edge of Hai Yin penetrated the chest of a killer, followed by
a spine to open another killer.

"Are we leaving like this?"

Maya chuckled. "A fool, he is Haiyin Burton. The person who

can kill him has not yet been born into this world."

They finally entered a forest zone, and Xiao Yan could feel
Maya's shoulders tense.
A cold flash of light flashed over the head, and the four killers fell
from the thick foliage.

Mark turned and blocked the two killers, and Liv dexterously
released the "Silver Wings", followed by a series of complex and
rapid attacks, quickly pushing them away from Maya.

Two more killers appeared, and they were waiting for them to
enclose them.

It seems that the surging killers have long thought that they will
rush to the platform No. 47, so they are waiting here.

"I want to put you down, but you promised that I will follow me
closely." Maya's voice was low, and there was no half-joking tone
in the weekdays.

Xiao Yan swallowed, he had no time to think about life and death.
He only knew that he really became cumbersome this time, but he
couldn’t do it like those third-rate movies, "Don’t worry about
me, you go," because he knows himself. It will definitely die very

A killer shoots a gun from the waist, and if faced with humans,
guns are still the most effective weapon.

He fired several shots, and Maya's movements were amazing. He

pressed Xiao Yan's head a moment ago, and then buckled Xiao
Yan's shoulder to push him in the other direction. He thought
Xiao Yan thought he was about to fall. At the time of the land,
Maya smashed Xiao Yan again.

At the moment of the electric light flint, Maya seemed to throw a

"silver wing", smashing the angle, cutting off the opponent's
muzzle, ejecting and sliding over the other's chin.

"Ah--" The guy grabbed his chin, but soon the blood stopped and
his wounds healed.

It is clear that the killers of the tidal organization also used the x

"Here are us! You take Xiaoyan to the destination! Everything is

good if you have an aircraft!"

Liv has been very calm, and Mark nodded in agreement.

Maya snorted coldly, grabbed Xiao Yan with his arms, ejected the
rope, and slid out like lightning.

"I originally wanted to take you through the buildings in the city,
but I was interrupted by Hai Yin! You see, I will finally take you
with you!" Maya smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Several black weapons like silver wings cut the air and hit the
back of Maya.
"Be careful -" Xiao Yan screamed.

Maya's wrist was rotated on the rope, the rope was cut, and Maya
squatted on the trunk, followed by another rope to the far side.

Behind them is a killer who catches up.

"By the way..." With a deep smile on the lips of Maya that Xiao
Yan shuttled through the woods.

The killer who has been chasing after him suddenly seems to have
collided with something. His body has been cut and dropped into
pieces. Under the light of the sun, Xiao Yan seems to see the ****

That is the unique weapon of Maya!

“Do you think I am particularly handsome?” Maya squeezed her


"You are handsome." Xiao Yan learned Liv's expression and

turned his eyes, but his admiration for Maya was as rising as the
exponential function.

Along the way, Maya met several zombies again. They are just
ordinary level0. Maya can easily solve them, and the 47th
platform is in sight.

Maya stopped and frowned.

At least one-fifth of the platform was blown up, and it was
obvious that it was attacked not long ago.

"I... don't think there are aircraft in the platform of the 47th... or...
there are aircraft that can be used..."

"Ha..." Maya closed her eyes and finally showed an irritable

expression. "But my mission is to enter this platform to find the

"...I saw that the zombies have entered the platform..." Xiao Yan
showed a blank expression.

"The terminal system there may not be completely paralyzed. We

can contact the No. 2 base through the system and let them send
the aircraft."

"Okay." Xiao Yan nodded.

"I must go with you. The colonel's order is for me to take you.
Even if you become a corpse, I must take you." Maya bowed her
head slightly.

Xiao Yan stunned, and he suddenly understood that he belonged

to the military.

"Well, I am going with you. I will be killed by the surging killers

or eaten by the zombies when I stay here."
"I will protect you, Xiao Yan." Maya chuckled and put her arm on
Xiaoyan's shoulder. "If this time we can all live back to Shire,
would you like to be with me?"

" still don't want to protect me."

"Follow me."

Maya picked up Xiao Yan and rushed to the platform at the fastest

Several zombies jumped up and tried to throw them down. Maya

slammed across the blade and the zombies were cut off by the
waist. Maya came to the wall of the platform and laid down Xiao

The entrance of the platform remains closed, and Maya can only
enter with Xiao Yan from the place where it was blown open.

Maya solved more than a dozen zombies and they finally entered
the platform.

The parking channel was opened and there was no trace of the
aircraft. The troops stationed here may have left the aircraft after
the attack.

"Let's go to the control center."

Maya grabbed Xiao Yan's arm and did not relax for a moment.
They followed the passage all the way, just turned the node, Xiao
Yan was scared by the scene in front of him and almost fell.

Along the way is the torn human body wreckage, **** and fuzzy,
more than ten meters away, a level1 is smashing on the ground to
tear a body, licking the corpse's internal organs frantically eating.

When it came face to face, the **** eyes were creepy, and the
moments of Maya and Xiao Yan were seen, showing an extremely
excited expression, slamming up and rushing toward them.

"do not move!"

Maya suddenly lowered her body and slid out suddenly. She
slipped through the j1j of level1, and the blade flew. The legs of
the zombies were completely cut off. Maya got up, and the sharp
edge of the other side penetrated its neck and wrist. Forcefully, it
will fall off its head.

"Call--" When Xiao Yansong breathed a sigh of relief, a sharp

blade swayed behind Maa, "Maya!"

The sharp tip pierces the flesh and blood of Maya's neck, and the
blood splatters out.

Xiao Yan's breathing stayed in the same place. The next moment,
Maya turned to the front of Xiao Yan. He grabbed his side neck
and blood flow was decreasing.
"Good insurance! Good insurance! If the head is cut down, it can't
be recovered!"

This guy can still talk, so the other person just cut the flesh and
blood of his neck, did not hurt the neck bone.

But no one breathed a sigh of relief, because the two killers took
the edge and stepped toward them step by step.

Maya stepped back half a step, and one hand pressed Xiao Yan
behind him.

"I dragged them, you go to the control room. Will you use the

Xiao Yan couldn't see Maya's expression, but he could hear it

from his voice. These two killers are definitely not good.

"Quasi-school... Do you look down on the reserve technical


Maya smiled softly. "These two people are very troublesome."

“How much trouble?”

Although there are two people on the other side, they did not
immediately rush, but they were slowly approaching and looked
cautious. It seems that for them, Maya is not an easy person to
deal with.
"The two guys have killed my instructor."


Not to mention that Maya is already a quasi-school. His hand

Xiao Yan has not seen it. He can be his instructor. Naturally, he is
also a first-class master in the special task force, but he died in the
hands of the two killers. Say……

"But I am sure that you can go to the control room smoothly. You
have to promise me two requirements." Maya guarded Xiao Yan
and retreated with the enemy approaching.

"any request?"

"First, we must communicate our situation to Base 2."

"Understand, quasi-school."

"Second, no matter what happens, lock the door of the control

room, unless you rescue someone, you will never open the door."

This order gives Xiao Yan a very bad premonition.

"Do you understand or not?" Maya's hand clenched the

double-edged blade in his hand, his nerves tightening his arrow
on the string.

"Understand, quasi-school!"

As soon as the voice fell, Maya suddenly released the "Silver

Wing" and attacked each other. The actions of the two killers
quickly became as if they were phantoms, but they appeared in
front of Maya.

Maya slammed them apart with a double-edged blade and yelled:


Xiao Yan didn't know where the courage came from, and rushed
out from under Maya's arm. He could feel the blade of a killer
passing over his head, and he was touched by the moment of his
brain. The blade was lifted and several hair strands belonging to
Xiao Yan were cut off. 2k novel reading network.

Without looking back, Xiao Yan rushed through the two killers.
He could feel something hitting his back neck. With a few crisp
sounds, he knew that the killer's attack was stopped by Maya.

On the way to the control room, passing through a channel node,

a zombie wandering in the platform saw Xiao Yan and quickly
caught up.

"Oh shit!"

Too bad!
Xiao Yan runs desperately. He knows that he can't expect Maya's
rescue. He can only pray that the door of the control room is not
closed. Otherwise, he will not be the order. He really wants to be
the food of the zombies!

I feel that the zombies are getting closer and closer, Xiao Yan has
never run so fast in this life!

Breathing and heartbeat are no longer important, only life and


The open control room sliding door in front makes Xiao Yan see
hope, he must be faster!

Slammed from the sliding door of the control room, raised the
hand and pressed the button on the door, and suddenly pressed the
button, the zombie tried to enter from the narrow door, but the
closed sliding door gave the card owner, its With both hands
holding the sliding door and squeezing hard, Xiao Yan’s heart
beat like a drum. I don’t know where to come. I opened the
emergency arsenal of the control room. Most of the weapons
inside have been taken away, leaving only a pair of guns and A
sharp edge. Xiao Yan took the sharp edge with both hands and
rushed toward the zombies.

He can't see his embarrassed expression, only know that he must

The first knife he cut the zombie and waved his arm, the pus
splashed on him, his mind was pale, then he raised his hand and
looked at the neck of the zombie.

He didn't remember what it felt like. He only knew that the head
of the zombie had fallen. His hands were shaking and numb, and
he couldn't hold anything. The sharp blade fell to the ground.
Xiao Yan raised his foot and pulled the half of the zombie out of
the sliding door. The sliding door closed.

There is no extra time to think, Xiao Yan sits on the main control
seat and puts on the terminal connector. This is his first
connection to the military terminal.

Calm! Xiao Yan! You have all learned this! These are all you

With the “link” command, Xiao Yan’s thinking was connected

with countless data channels, and the entire platform that lost
power started to operate instantly. Xiao Yan successfully
contacted the No. 2 base.

"This is the platform No. 47! I am Xiao Yan of the Central

Academy of Sciences! id1665! I was confronted with the squad of
Colonel Heinburton in the execution of the rescue of Major
General Manson. Three plane ambushes were encountered! Our
aircraft has crashed! Request Aircraft support!"

“Students Xiao Yan, please report the current situation!”

Hearing the voice of the liaison officer, Xiao Yan almost cried, he
adjusted his breathing and reported the current situation in an
orderly manner.

"Please keep calm, the center will send special mission troops to
support you! It is expected to arrive within an hour!"

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief. The
contact ended. He mobilized the monitoring screen in the passage
through the terminal, and the situation he saw made him tremble.

In Maya, a killer attack was opened, and the blade of another

killer fell. It was swift and fierce. It was cut on Maya’s left
shoulder. In Maya, despite the pain, the body leaned forward
along the other’s blade and slammed into it. In the other's belly,
but this does not constitute lethality, Maya kicked the other side,
and the killer behind him slashed to the left shoulder he was still
Maya seemed to turn without pain, and at the moment when his
left arm was cut off by the other side, he waved his right arm and
cut off the other's head.

Xiao Yan was completely stopped. He watched the left shoulder

of Maya's bloodshed through surveillance, and the completely
unmoved left arm on the ground... The world is bloody!

"Oh shit!"

Xiao Yan calmly closes all the nodes in the channel, completely
isolates the zombies in the platform from the active channels,
removes the terminal connectors, picks up the gun in the arsenal,
turns on the power of the butt, and turns on the automatic Lock
function and rush out of the control room.

When he rushed to the place where Maya was, he only saw the
blade of Maya waving like a lightning to the other's neck. In Xiao
Yan's view, this trick was inevitable, but only the right arm of
Maya. The balance of the body is not as good as before. At that
moment, the other person raised his left arm. Although he blocked
the attack of Maya, Maya pressed the blade handle and forced the
other person's wrist to be cut!

At the moment the other person fell, he swung his right arm and
cut off Maya's ankle! Maya fell and fell bloody.
"Maya--" Xiao Yan rushed up.

The killer swayed and stood up, raising his right hand, and
slashing it to Maya's neck.

Xiao Yan raised his wrist and started with a gun. The bullet shot
hit the killer, and the other side slammed the blade and opened the

"I am not asking you not to come out!" Maya roared toward Xiao

Almost no thinking, Xiao Yan rushed to the other side to shoot

three shots, even if only one arm left, the opponent is still
extremely accurate and cut the three rounds of tracking bullets.

Calm, Xiao Yan.

The next shot, Xiao Yan aimed at his right wrist! Since the bullet
tracking the opponent's angle is completely different from the
previous one, Xiao Yan aimed at his head and fired the last bullet
when the opponent tried to avoid the time difference to solve the

I only heard the sound of "砰-", the guy’s head burst open, and
the rest of the torso stood upright and made a "啪-" sound.
Xiao Yan’s shoulders trembled and remained in a shooting

"...have you received shooting training?" Maya leaned against the

wall and asked slowly.

Xiao Yan came back to God and rushed to Maya. The guy lost his
left arm and his right leg, but he smirked at him.

"This kind of gun can be expensive, only the commander will be

equipped. Where did you find it?"

"The commander will match? The gun that Lif gave me..."

"That's the head. I didn't expect him to use his gun with you. Hey,
can't you be stupid there, help me?" Maya's right hand held the
blade and tried to stand up. Xiao Rock quickly went to help him.

When the weight of Maya's body was pressed against Xiao Yan's
body, he almost couldn't stand.

"Why didn't you see the guys are so lucky."

"I closed the channel node and isolated the channel with zombies.
If you are lucky, you are not me. There is no zombie in the
passage from the control room to here." Xiao Yan bit his teeth and
took Maya forward.
"I remember telling you that you should stay in the control center
and never open the door unless the rescue arrives."


"I am a quasi-school, and you are just a reserve. You have

violated the orders given to you by your superiors." Maya's voice
was heavy.

"So how do you plan to punish me?" Xiao Yan pushed Maya into
the control center and closed the door.

"Follow me j?j?"

"Then you still die." Xiao Yan did not joke with him.

Maya lazily lay on the ground, and when she turned her face, she
could see the head of a zombie.

"Don't tell me, that's your masterpiece."

"I did it." Xiao Yan raised Maya's upper body, arms around his
shoulders, dragged him from behind, slammed into the sofa in the
control room, and checked his wounds.

The fracture at the arm and calf has healed and the bleeding stops

Xiao Yan was there, and he did not speak for a long time.
As long as he remembers the moment when Maya's arm was cut,
he felt that his world seemed to be split.

Then he did not look away, even now, in front of Maya, Xiao Yan
is still a weak person without combat ability, he is not qualified to
sympathize with each other.

He wouldn't have a pitiful expression to ask if the other person

was hurting because he knew that it would hurt, and that the pain
would never be forgotten.

"I don't know how the artificial limbs are connected, hi, technical
soldiers, you should know, that is your research project of the
Central Academy of Sciences." Maya squatted on Xiao Yan's
**** with her left leg.

"I am not a technical soldier, I am a reserve. I don't know what the

research project is because I am a student, not a researcher."

“How long will the backup arrive?”

"Within an hour."

"Hah, I hope that the tide will not send people to bomb in this
hour." Maya chuckled, for this man, life and death is no longer
important, "I don't have three years left. . . . Maybe you can get
out of the front line by this glorious and serious injury?"
Xiao Yan's fingers are subconsciously clenched. He can guess that
Maya's skill in this number is not only from training, but also
includes years of training, and the more his experience, the less
time he has left. Xiao Yan said silently.

"Hey, is my hair still okay?" Maya remembered the important

things and began to organize her hair.

"Your hair is very beautiful."


"Well, when I first saw you at the restaurant in the base, I was
attracted by your hair." Xiao Yan said in a very serious tone.

“Really?” Maya’s voice was a little bit leaping. Every time he

lifted his hair, the guy could turn from a first-class special soldier
to an idiot.

"Really." Xiao Yan's fingers carefully reached into Maya's hair,

which was a very comfortable touch. Inexplicable, Xiao Yan's
nose was sour.

At this time, the communicator on Maya’s wrist rang, and the

calm and introverted command came, “open the door.”

"It's the head, Xiao Yan, open the door." Maya raised his chin and
looked at the door.
Xiao Yan quickly pressed the button and saw that Hai Yin was
carrying a container with Manson's head and came in. It was still
cold and the whole body was murderous.

When he saw Maya's moment, Xiao Yan thought he would show

other expressions, but the man's face was always stunned.

"Hey, head. I am still alive!" Maya raised his hand and showed
off a little.

"Yeah. They are dead." Hai Yin's eyes slowly hang down, and at
that moment, Xiao Yan experienced some kind of soft

"However, one of them was Xiao Yan. Without this guy, I am

already dead."

Maya's expression is very serious, it seems that Hai Yin knows

that Xiao Yan saved him is a very important thing.

"No... actually it is Maya to protect me..."

At this time, Hai Yin came to him and reached out to hold the
back of Xiao Yan's back and put him into his arms. 2k novel
reading network

"You are doing very well, thank you."

The calm voice pressed Xiao Yan's already exhausted nerves, and
all the restlessness was calmed down in an instant. The
indescribable sense of security propped Xiao Yan's heart.

His forehead fell on Hai Yin's chest and heard the other's steady
heartbeat. Xiao Yan suddenly realized that Maya is not
unimportant to this Haiyin Burton, otherwise a man who is not
easily approached will not use this. The way to express deep

But this feeling lasted less than a second, and Hai Yin pushed him

The control room is quiet enough to only hear your heartbeat.

Maya looked bored at the ceiling, and the position of Commander
Hai Yin wiped his blade.

Ten minutes later, Liv and Mark arrived.

When they saw Maya's moment, Xiao Yan could see the
momentary shock from their expressions, and instead accept the
calmness of everything.

"My mother! You can live under the siege of the two guys, I
really admire you!" Mark patted the left shoulder of Maya's lost
arm, and then said, "You guys won't figure it out." With this
injury, I will leave the front line to support my life?"
"Hey! I think so!" Maya replied triumphantly.

"Less come! Without you, how much the combat power of our
entire team will drop!" Liv gave him a blank look.

"Ah, I don't know that I am so important!"

Unfortunately, after an hour, except for the two special forces who
arrived at the 47th platform, the rest did not arrive.

On the 2nd base, three aircraft were dispatched. A female special

soldier fell from the high altitude along the rope. When she saw
the Maya supported by Mark, she whistled. "God, Maya, who was
you cut?" Already?"

"The two guys who killed the Medes instructor." Maya pulled her

The expression of the other party’s laughter was suddenly serious.

"What about the two guys?"


"You killed them?"

Maya's other hand crossed Xiao Yan and squeezed his face. "I did
it with him!"

Xiao Yan did not wear combat uniforms, not even the epaulets.
The other side was slightly surprised, and then showed an
appreciative smile. "Not bad, technical soldiers."

"Come, Xiao Yan, I would like to introduce you to Xuelun

Michel, one of the three goddesses of our special mission."

Xiao Yan stunned, and the woman in front of her eyes had a dark
brown hairline behind her head, a beautiful eye contour, and a
rich lip, a real beauty of the heat.

And she is still a quasi-school, higher than Liv.

When she was against Shanghai Yin Burton, she respected a very
powerful military ceremony, "Colonel."

"Yeah." Hai Yin just nodded, released the rope to the aircraft that
stayed in the air, and then stepped back two steps to Xiao Yan's
side, and could not help but say that he was taken to his arms.

Before I thought about it, Xiao Yan was caught by the other's arm
and rose at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, Hai Yin raised his legs and slammed into the cabin,
and Xiao Yan was just thrown in a seat.

When Hai Yin pressed down the safety device at the top of Xiao
Yan, he finally recovered.
I remembered that I was left at the nuclear power plant by Hai
Yin because of an accidental kiss. This time he personally brought
himself up. Is it that he finally got a little approval from Colonel

Soon, Mark and Liv returned to the cabin with Maya.

The aircraft headed in the direction of the second base.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Maya bounced on Xiaoyan's head

with her right hand.

"...we will not be attacked again?"

"Ah?" Maya shook her head. "The three aircraft are not only the
elites led by Colonel Burton, but also the main squad of Jane
Wallace. Shelen is the subordinate of Jane Wallace."

"Ah? Jane Wallace?" Xiao Yan felt that the name was familiar. It
took a long time to remember that the name seems to be heard in
the news.

"You don't know Jane Wallace?" Maya showed a surprised

expression, then used the chin to indicate the direction of Hai Yin.
"So you haven't heard of Colonel Burton?"

"Hey! How could I have never heard of the name of Haiyin

Burton!" Xiao Yan quickly retorted and looked at Hai Yin's
reaction with Yu Guang. The other party seemed to be raising his
eyes with his eyes closed.

But in fact, Hai Yin does not care whether Xiao Yan has heard his
name. This man does not care about anyone's opinion of him.

Xiao Yan took a breath, "Li Fu, is our mission over?"

"Yeah." Liv nodded.

"Ah... I can sleep well, I feel sleepy now."

"Let's sleep." Liv licked Xiao Xiao's head.

Closed his eyes, Xiao Yan fell into his own dreams. This is a long
and exhausting task.

He doesn't want to think about anything, he just wants to stop it


When the aircraft was about to reach the base, Liv was about to
raise his hand and wake up Xiao Yan. Who knows that the cool
sound of Hai Yin makes her hand stiff in midair.

"Let him sleep."

In the command room of the No. 2 base, the liaison officer made a
report to Lieutenant Colonel Raven on the ground.
"The Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel Burton’s aircraft has been
hovering for an hour above the base ten miles away."

"What? The other two aircraft are back to the base. What does he
want to do?" Lieutenant Colonel Raven got nervous. "Are you
getting in touch with Colonel Burton?"

"Get in touch, Colonel Burton said everything is ok."

Lieutenant Colonel Raven touched his forehead and sighed: "Is

this normal?"

The aircraft finally stopped in the passage, and Xiao Yan was
awakened by Mark.

"Hey! Rookie! Your saliva is left, it's disgusting!"

"Ah? What?" Xiao Yan suddenly woke up and touched his lips,

Mark then laughed and was quickly punched by Liv.


When Hai Yin stepped out of the cabin, Lieutenant Colonel

Raven greeted him with a cold face. "What are you doing? I
thought your aircraft was hijacked by the tide organization!"
After everyone left the aircraft, Lieutenant Colonel Raven did not
see Manson, showing a weird expression, "Major General

"Are you coming to pay tribute to the Major General?" Maya

smiled ridiculously.

"What do you mean? Where is the general?" Lieutenant Colonel

Raven saw Maya's moment and couldn't speak. He opened his
mouth and finally turned to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan did not speak, but his eyes fell on the container of the

Hai Yin walked through Lieutenant Colonel Raven, pressing the

container into his arms and going away.

"Hey! Hey! What is this!"

"Mr. Manson." Liv squinted at Lieutenant Colonel Raven.

Only Xiao Yan and Li Wen Lieutenant are despising each other.

On the same day, the news that Major General Manson betrayed
Charles to join the tide organization was passed to Charles. His
brain was sent to the torture force.
The restaurant at Base 2 held a farewell ceremony for Maya. Maa
Da Lala sat at the table and enjoyed Liv and Mark to bring food
into his mouth.

Maya’s injury report has been sent to the special mission

headquarters in Shire, and tomorrow he will return to Shire on the
aircraft, and the military will tailor the prosthetic for him. This
prosthetic is as flexible as the human body. It can be connected to
the cut nerve line. All the prosthetic touches will be transmitted to
the user's brain. In a sense, the prosthetic and the real body No,
the only flaw is that this kind of prosthetic limb does not have the
ability to automatically recover like the special forces' own body.
For example, the enemy's blade stabbes the arm of a special
soldier. As long as the arm is not separated from the body, it can
heal automatically, but once the prosthetic arm Being stabbed,
nerve conduction is interrupted, it will lose its effect, which will
be fatal on the battlefield. Maya was promoted to a major, entered
the strategic warfare department of the special mission unit, and
served as the guard of the Special Task Force Commander Major
General Gordon.

"Your boy is still promoted! In the future, you will continue the
extravagant life of your drunken fans in Charles!" Mark smashed
a piece of steak into Maya's mouth, deliberately messing his face.
"Hey! Hey! Don't pick up my hair!" Maya resisted Mark with her
right hand.

Liv then poured a whole glass of red wine into Maya's mouth.
"Hey, talk about it! What is the first thing after your prosthetic
installation is completed?"

"Of course, do a hair care!"

When Maya’s words were finished, everyone laughed. Maya

looked at her face and waved at him when she saw Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan came to his side and sat down.

"Hey, brother, everyone is vying to take care of me. Should you

do something for me?"

"Do you feed steak or drink red wine?" Xiao Yan asked with a
funny smile.

"This little thing is enough for Mark and Liv. I certainly have to
give you the most important things."


"Come on my hair, the pus of the zombies makes my hair

knotted." Maya slammed a comb from the pocket of the casual
Xiao Yan can't smile. "Okay, okay, I will help you comb your

Maya made a look at the others, and everyone left with a beer.

Xiao Yan carefully spread the hair of Maya and combed him very

"The first time I heard you call me a 'brother,' I am not used to it."

"Why, do you miss the title of 'Dear'? I can't roll sheets with you."
Maya had a look of embarrassment.


"I also have the principle of rolling my sheets. First, don't roll
sheets with your comrades. Second, don't roll sheets with your

"So, am I a comrade-in-arms or a friend?" Xiao Yan gently

swayed Maya's hair.

"I am not lucky, now you are both!" Maya sent a large beer to
Xiao Yan. "Hey, brother! Have a good time!"

Xiao Yan groaned and the heart suddenly overflowed.

"Haha! It’s going to have a good time! When you get to Shire, I
can introduce Kathy to you!"
"Kathy? Which Kathy?"

"Maes Major Caesar of the Central Academy of Sciences, you

will definitely talk. Before he met you, he was my only friend.
This guy is not very good, but it is very cute. If you have the
ability, you can't prevent him from turning. Go to bed!"

"Hey - the major of the Central Academy of Sciences? Or forget

it, usually such a human eye is higher than the top! Not everyone
is as cute as you are."

This is the first time Xiao Yan has been drinking beer so
smoothly. His arms are unscrupulously placed on the shoulders of
a special mission unit. The two talk about the anecdote of the
past. Xiao Yan even puts his own fantasy on Lily. I also said it
out, and the madman Maya laughed wildly.

"Oh, not me! Usually such a beautiful woman will not look at

"So what kind of men would they like? Colonel Burton like that?"

Heinburton has a beautiful five senses, and as long as he thinks,

everyone will fall under his combat uniforms.

"The head is used to appreciate it. Men like Jane Wallace are
women's dreams! I have the opportunity to meet him, brother, you
have to learn from him! Haha!"
Unconsciously, Xiao Yan drank too much. The special forces will
not be drunk because of the strong metabolic capacity of the x
virus in the body, but Xiao Yan is dizzy and wants to go to the
bathroom but find the wrong direction.

"Hey! Left! Left! Oh, my God! Brother, can you get it right?"
Maya leaned against the table, lazy gesture, but he did not help

Xiao Yan stumbled and finally entered the bathroom. He was

confused and his head hit the sliding door. Just when he almost
fell, someone picked him up and buckled his shoulder to bring
him into the compartment.

"Hey--" Xiao Yan spit out.

The other's fingers clasped Xiao Yan's back neck, and the angle of
Xiao Yan did not make Xiao Yan's head fall into the toilet.

"Ha..." After the spit was clean, Xiao Yan finally got a lot better.

His eyes that have been rotating have finally been successfully
focused, and he slowly turned around. He supported the cubicle
so that he would not fall down, and the man standing in front of
him had a faceless face, a deep facial expression, and a stunned
eyebrow. It is Haiyin Burton.

Of course, it is only when Xiao Yan is drunk.

"...the colonel..."

At that moment, the opponent's palm reached over and pressed

against his ear, pressing him against the wall.

Xiao Yan is stunned, what happened? Was it accidentally splashed

on Hai Yin when I spit? Are you going to be jealous?

The palm of the sea is covered with Xiao Yan’s cheek, and the
side of the face is slightly drooping. This is incredible until his
lips are pressed down, when his tongue opens the upper lip of
Xiao Yan, this The world suddenly turned upside down.

Such a gentle kiss, the other's tongue slowly slipped through Xiao
Yan's mouth, and then gently sucked, extending without end. Xiao
Yan's body slowly descended, and the other's knees plunged
between his legs, slowly rising along his calf, gently licking
where he had reacted.

"You should go back to rest."

The cold voice instantly divided the world into two irrelevant
parts. Xiao Yan suddenly realized that Hai Yin still stood in front
of her, and her hands fell naturally.

And that kiss... pure illusion.

Xiao Yan blinked and cursed in his heart.

My goodness! This is not the first time! This is a dead end! How
come the illusion of Hein Burton...

Is it because of the sequelae of eating the other's saliva? He knew

that Haiyan's saliva contained x virus, but the x virus that the
other party had stuffed the blade into his mouth should have been
metabolized! Moreover, even if the x virus makes itself fantasies
about that aspect, why isn't every fantasy object Lily but Haiyin

At this point, the liaison on the wrist of Hai Yin flashes, his finger
is a little lighter, the holographic image pops up, and there is a
liaison officer on the screen.

"Coloton Burton, Manson's brain torture results have come out."

When mentioning Manson, Xiao Yanxi’s thinking was suddenly


There is a lot of incomprehensible in his heart, and he even thinks

in his sleep many times. What makes Manson choose to betray
Charles, and what does the tidal organization use to lure him?

If you can't get an answer, Xiao Yan will constantly think about it.
He can't help but imagine that if one day he is tempted by the
same reason?

The man in front turned around and closed the holographic image.
"The torture force has extracted the answer from Manson's brain."
His voice was calm, as if it was a matter of course to tell such
confidential information.

"Ah, what?" Xiao Yan knew that he was not qualified to ask, but
he still kissed.

"The tidal organization used 'Eternal Life' as a bait to lure Major

General Manson to them, and used himself as a bait to induce the
elite of the special mission troops to go to the basement. This is
his test of joining the tide, if we are all dead, His test passed."

There is no slight fluctuation in the tone of Hai Yin's tone, just

like the fragment in the phonograph.

"Eternal life?" Xiao Yan blinked. "In this world... there can be no
eternal life..."

Hai Yin’s face slowly swayed, and the moment of light and
shadow flowed, and Xiao Yan’s eyes continued to fall.

“Is it impossible to have eternal life or not to allow eternal life?”

It is clear that the question about Professor Manson has just

ended, but Hai Yin has given Xiao Yan another question.

"Everything about Manson is confidential."

Hai Yin said that he turned and left.

Xiao Yan is extremely puzzling. If it is confidential, why tell him?

"Your brain should be used to think about something more


His voice is flat, only logic and reason.

But Xiao Yan is confused, Hai Yin will care about what he

I can sleep all day tomorrow, Xiao Yan took out the terminal and
entered the chat room of the Central Academy of Sciences and
found his old friend Kathy. He knows that if he doesn't contact
each other again, the other party will be worried.

"Bastard! You are still alive!"

When Xiao Yan was on the line, the other party was full of

"Sorry, I am still alive." Xiao Yan rubbed his lips and his index
finger scratched his chin. This action will be presented in the
other's mind.

"Hey! I heard that you also participated in the task of saving

Professor Manson. Later, I heard that Professor Manson is dead!
Even people like Heinburton have not saved him... What
happened to you!"
"Zombie." Xiao Yan chuckled, he could not tell the truth of
Kathy's facts.

"How could it be just a zombie? If there is only a zombie, I don't

believe that Haiyin Burton can only bring back the head of
Professor Manson! Ah... Ah... I really want to join the criminal
investigation team to see if Professor Manson’s head is thinking.

"Ha... well, there are killers in the tides."

"My God! You are face to face with the surging killer! Are you
guys okay?" Casey's expression was very worried, which made
Xiao Yan smile proudly.

"Not only is it okay, I also used a gun to collapse one of the


Kathy sighed. "Xiao Yan, can you not eat if you don't brag?"

Well, he knows that he doesn't even believe this fact unless he

sees it. But he does have a problem to ask Kathy.

" are an expert on x-virus. I want to ask you if I

accidentally absorbed the x virus of a special soldier, is
it...will...have fantasies about this person..." Xiao Yan struggled
Finish this passage.
He couldn't rush to other x-virus researchers to ask such
questions, except for his friends. He has had three illusions about
Heinburton, one time after he fell asleep listening to music, once
in the windbreak, and the most recently in the bathroom.

Such illusions are too abnormal and too dangerous.

"Ha?" Casey showed an unexpected expression, and then he

became serious. "What is the way you said the absorption?
Kissing or rolling the sheets? How? You hooked up with a female
special forces? Xiao Yan, if you are terrible, I warn you to get out
quickly! The x virus is addictive! And the body of an ordinary
person can't bear the power of the special forces out of control!"

Kathy associates Hai Yin with a female special commander. This

makes Xiao Yan breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the female
special forces are at least women.

"...Yes, she... very attractive... you can rest assured that I haven’t
made any progress with her." Xiao Yan is still not used to lying in
front of Casey. Usually, Casey can always be very easy. Peel the
lie of Xiao Yan because they are too familiar.

"That step is forbidden!" Casey's tone was severe.

"I know! I know! I just want to figure out if I kissed her... You
know... I ate a little bit of her saliva... Does it make me fantasize
about her? If so, how can I stop? Lost this fantasy?"

" she in front of you?" Casey breathed out his breath.

"Sometimes...sometimes not..."

"Listen, if she is in front of you, and you have some kind of

fantasies, it is because she has produced **, x virus accelerates
the secretion of hormones in the body, spreads into the body along
the air, causing you... ...there will be so-called fantasies."

"... If she is not in front of me?" He remembered that after he

woke up, he dreamed of Hai Yin, how embarrassed he was when
he opened the quilt, whether it was a simple dream or because he
was influenced by the other.

"Either you want to do it with her, or she has invaded your brain."
Casey shrugged helplessly. "Xiao Yan, you must pull out as soon
as possible. I don't want to do an autopsy for you one day."

Xiao Yan laughed. "That day will not come!"

He never thought about the relationship with Hai Yin, and he

dreamed of being a beautiful woman like Lily. Hai Yin has no
reason to invade his brain, although Xiao Yan is sure that the
other party is an expert in this field.
Between the two, he found that the other end of the bed did not
know when to sit alone, could not help but put away all

"Xiao Yan! You fool! Why don't you talk?"

Contact with Casey was interrupted.

The man on the side of the bed pressed the left knee on the bed,
approaching Xiao Yan, and the chin that was lifted up was
drooping, but the abstinence was fatal.

Xiao Yan refused to lean back.

"Burton... Colonel..."

Why is he appearing in his room?

If he came in, why didn't he realize it?

Haiyin step by step, the beautiful face is clearly presented in Xiao

Yan's eyes.

That is the most unforgettable thing he has ever seen.

"Colonel, please..."

Xiao Yan’s words have not been finished yet, and Hai Yin’s face
is slightly sideways, which contains his lips.
Clear and gentle gestures, kisses are so determined and persistent,
and the intensity of deepening seems to draw Xiaoyan's soul. The
strength of the other's tongue, the ever-changing angle of change,
irreversibly plundering everything.

Xiao Yan was frightened and tried to struggle but found that his
body could not move.

Hai Yin pressed him on the pillow, his fingers pulled away from
him, and he touched every inch of his body with great
enthusiasm, as if to control his blood flow in his palm.

His legs were raised high, and the other side swooped down. Xiao
Yan opened his mouth and looked at everything in front of him in
horror. He continually slammed and went crazy. In addition to the
presence of Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan lost all his feelings.

"Why..." Xiao Yan squeezed his problem from the throat. 2k

novel reading network

"What you are best at is thinking, isn't it?"

Hai Yin leaned over, and the golden hair ends at the end of Xiao
Yan's cheeks. It was so soft and soft. His tongue was not
overbearing, but he still could not refuse.

If there is any resistance, Xiao Yan does not doubt that he will be
His body was opened to an unimaginable angle, and he struggled
to gather his legs so ridiculously in front of the other's power.

The pain is real enough to make Xiao Yan collapse.

The other person bowed his head and stared at his gaze and
slammed into his brain. He was deeply impacted again and again.
Xiao Yan was like a broken reef and would be crushed at any

When the other party hurriedly picked him up and instantly

entered the depths of his fierceness, Xiao Yan’s mind was blank,
only to see the man who never showed other expressions stroking
his cheek and falling a kiss in his eyebrows. .

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s thoughts seemed to rush to the light

through a dark tunnel.

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan, what's wrong with you! Xiao Yan!"

In the ear, Kathy’s shouts sounded, and Xiao Yan took a breath
and shivered.

The room was quiet, Xiao Yan looked at the other side of the bed,
and no one existed at all.

What about Haiyin Burton?

Is that all that was just his hallucination?

"I said what happened to you? Is it deliberately scaring me? I
thought you were cerebral infarction!"

Kathy has already blown up.

"No, I was just...thinking about things."

what's the problem? How did he appear the illusion of Hai Yin?
Now Haiyan has no possibility to affect himself. If he invades his
own brain, he is now talking to Kathy. Kathy is also a master of
the operating system. If his brain is invaded, how can Kathy be a
little bit? Didn't notice it?

"What do you want? About Professor Manson?"

Xiao Yan quickly calmed down and casually shifted the topic:
"That... Kathy, do you believe in eternal life?"

"Eternal life can't exist." Casey's answer is very positive.

“Is it impossible to exist or not?”

"It is impossible. Xiao Yan, the universe has its life, what else can
it be above the universe?"

Xiao Yan smiled, and this question that Hai Yin once asked him
was answered easily by Casey.

"Kathy, you really are a genius."

"If you put half the history of the online dating, the energy of the
old movie to your research level test, I bet you are also a genius."

"Kathy, are we not dating online now?"

"Go to **** you!"

The contact was interrupted, and Xiao Yan’s mood turned from
teasing Kaixi’s pleasure to stunned.

He looked down at his legs and it was soaked.

What exactly is Haiyin Burton just now?

If it is his fantasy, why is the touch so clear? It’s like someone

connecting through the system and his brain and building a game
in his mind... This may not exist in reality, but if Haiyin really
invaded his brain, it’s thinking and senses. The real world is what

God! Xiao Yan! It must be a problem with your brain! Haiyin

Burton simply does not bother to enter your brain, and people like
him can't have j□j at all! What's more, at that time, Casey and
Xiao Yan's brain were in the same system interface. Casey was
trained as a research elite to resist the blockers. How could Haiyin
make Kaixi completely unaware?
...but... Hai Yin was once a research elite of the Central Academy
of Sciences...

Damn, what the **** is going on? Do you have to go to see a

psychiatrist or a brain?

When I think of the psychiatrist entering his brain to explore the

cause of this illusion, even if there is a doctor-patient
confidentiality agreement, but other people know that he is in his
mind and Heinburton... This is a nightmare! And before he had all
the illusions about Lily, even his reaction in the mind of Maya's
temptation, Xiao Yan, are you sure you want others to see this?

Never! He would rather be ill!

Rushing into the bathroom, when the warm water flows from the
top of his head and spreads to the whole body, he can't take away
the thoughts in his mind.

What should he do? How should he stop these unrealistic


The man is always standing at an unattainable height, facing

everything coldly, he is not the object you can imagine!

No matter how perfect his face is, no matter how much you
believe in him when you are in danger, you and him will not
develop into that way!
Take control of your brain, Xiao Yan!

Otherwise, one day Colonel Burton will cut your head!

He can't stay in the room anymore, or go out and find something

to do. If you still want to live, you will dispel this ridiculous
fantasy as soon as possible!

Xiao Yan left the room and walked in the passage. The woman in
the military uniform wearing a military uniform, the golden hair
was meticulously behind her head, and slightly nodded with Xiao
Yan. Xiao Yan’s heart was Flying fast.

"Lily! Relax in the pool for a while!"

"Okay! Go together!"

God! How Lily will be here! Oh... I remembered that a group of

students went out for an internship last week. They were sent to
the base of Lieutenant Colonel Raven. Lily should be one of

Lily is not only his contemporaries, but also the goddess in his
mind. Even when he almost died several times, Xiao Yan regrets
that he has not been able to roll sheets with Lily.
When Lily passed him by the moment, breathing in the throat,
Xiao Yan determined that his inner incitement indicates that his
love for Lily has not changed.

All the fantasies about Hai Yin must be because I have eaten his
saliva! Anyway, back to Shire, his chances of meeting Hai Yin are
almost zero! Nothing to worry about at all!

Xiao Yan decided to go to the pool. With a heart of joy and no

exercise, Xiao Yan came to the base of the only heated swimming
pool. There are no civilians in this base, they are soldiers and
researchers stationed here, and it is only when they take a break
that they are likely to come here to relax.

When Xiao Yan came to the pool, she saw Lily and her friends
chatting in the pool. Xiao Yan couldn't help but eager to try. Now
is the best chance for him to approach each other!

Xiao Yan sneaked into the water, cut the water, and continued to
swim in the direction of Lily.

Among the clear water waves, Lily’s slender and **** legs can be
seen faintly, and Xiao Yan’s nosebleeds are squirting out!

Look! Sure enough, my favorite is still a big beauty like Lily!

At this time, Xiao Yan began to think about how he would appear
in front of Lily. Pretending to inadvertently swim to Lily’s side,

Just as Xiao Yan was swimming, the front figure rushed toward
him with the momentum of splitting the water.

Xiao Yan felt the water flow hitting his shoulder. When he
reacted, the whole person almost sat on the bottom of the water.

The opponent is unstoppable, and the worst is... the one that was
hit is his mouth!

The lips were caught by the teeth, and Xiao Yan, who was hurt,
forgot that he was at the bottom of the water and coughed up.

The next moment, he was pushed down by a force, and a palm of

his hand smashed his face into a deformed shape. The back of his
head hit the bottom of the pool, and he was dizzy. He barely
opened his eyes and saw that the other’s knee was fatally pressing
him. The lower abdomen.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, and he felt that he had not been so sad
in his life!

The golden brown hair seems to be projected into the water,

elegant and dazzling.
The other's eyes are just like the sea covered by the ice sheet, and
some kind of power is about to break through the **** and rush

Hein Burton!

Why is this guy again! Is this a nightmare!

The pain in the imagination did not come. When Hai Yin
recognized that the deformed face at the bottom of the water
belonged to Xiao Yan, his knees stopped, and his fingers reached
into the hair of Xiao Yan and directly pulled him out of the water.


Xiao Yan's nose is full of water, and it is almost necessary to

cough up the lungs.

He remembers the eyes of Hai Yin, when he slashes the zombies,

it is such a look!

Hai Yin reached out and shoved her hair to the back of her head,
revealing an elegant forehead. This calmness seems to be brewing
before violence.

Lily and her friends have already come over. At this time, Xiao
Yan is awkward, of course, this is not the time when he cares
about the wolf.
"This... this time you hit me..."

Xiao Yan did not contend with swallowing the mouth, and the
argument was completely absent.

Hai Yin turned and went to the poolside, and when she moved,
she took a little water. His shoulders have unforgettable lines, and
the ups and downs have nothing to do with the sight of two
women at the other end of the pool.

"Who is that?" Lily looked at the back of Hai Yin.

"It seems to be... Haiyin Burton of the Special Task Force?"

Hai Yin swims to the other side of the empty pool, and is not
prepared for anyone to re-enter his field.

Xiao Yan reached out and held his own brain, so dramatic
appearance, he has completely become the foil of Hai Yin...

Lily couldn't notice him anymore. Xiao Yan confessed to the

shore. He didn't have the guts to get along with Hein Burton in
the same waters and escaped to the shower.

When Hai Yin kissed his own picture and poured into his mind,
Xiao Yan’s breathing seemed to be shackled and could not leave
the body.

This is Xiao Yan's first time to see the guy's body.

Sexy to death...

Such a body, once pressed on his body to do whatever he wants...

Although Xiao Yan believes that such a picture comes from his
own fantasy.

After the grass and grass were washed, Xiao Yan pressed the
button and the door did not slide open.

Click again, still no response.

How is this going? He won't be so unlucky?

He lifted his wrist and contacted the management center with a

contact, and the response was "code failure"!

At this time, Xiao Yan realized that Hai Yin had been holding his
wrist when he was at the bottom of the water. His strength was
great, and the contactor had been pinched out of the crack...

"Is there anyone outside! Please help me to inform the

management center! The button is invalid and the door cannot be

Xiao Yan is kicking and squatting. This **** door does not move.

Damn the 14th base! If in Shire, the shower door is inductive!

Only this broken and old place is still using the button!

"Is there someone outside?"

Xiao Yan sighed, how could anyone be outside? There are only
two men in the pool, he, and Haiyin Burton.

At that moment, the door was pushed open and the whole
compartment was shaking.

Xiao Yan lived, because it was Hai Yin Burton who stood in front
of him!

The water drops down his hair to his shoulders, slipping through
the tough lines and falling to the ground. He only wears one
swimming trunk on his body. The muscles of his body are refined
and powerful. It is very different from Mark's exaggerated big
head. This is not the muscles that are exercised in the gym, but
the strength that has been created by countless killings. 2k novel
reading network

Xiao Yan subconsciously swallowed saliva. If Hai Yin is an art,

he can't even accompany him.

"You are going to stay in it all the time."

Xiao Yan shook his head and wanted to go out, but Hai Yin stood
at the door.

He can only bypass the other side with his scalp.

Hold your breath, for fear that your head will be pressed against
the door frame, like the zombie skulls.

In that narrow space, Xiao Yan almost narrowed his shoulders to

pass by Hai Yin.

All the senses become sharp, as if the other person's heat is so

clear that every moment his muscles are about to tighten.

When Xiao Yan left the shower room, he exhaled a long breath.

Finally saved... he is still alive!

"Ah - what are you doing!"

The woman’s exclamation sounded and she was a friend of Lily.

Xiao Yan shook, and realized that he had come out without even
wearing anything! The little brothers also hang out without cover.

Seeing Lily in the pool is about to come back, Xiao Yan rushed
back to the shower room.

He can only pray now that when he leaves his clothes, the woman
can't recognize him!

Still wait for them to leave and go.

Xiao Yan held his forehead, and all his lost face in his life was
thrown away in this minute!
Why is his life that is idle and idle?

It seems that from the time of the crash, the life is completely out
of the original appearance!

Someone walked by his side, Xiao Yan raised his eyes and saw
the sharp chin of the sea, the expression of indifference, he left
Xiao Yan's vision.

When Hai Yin walked out of the shower, Lily and her friends still
chatted and chatted.

"Hey, did you know the rookie who was taken out of the water by
Colonel Burton?"

"Know, he is my co-production, called Xiao Yan! What


"That guy likes you! I just found out that the guy has been staring
at your legs! And the guy just ran out of the shower without
wearing anything! It must be for you to see him. Yingzi..."

When Hai Yin walked in front of them, the line of sight came like
a cold mountain, and it was elated to say that Xiao Yan’s girl
suddenly stopped.

Until Hai Yin’s figure went away, she still seemed to be unable to
"Bella! Bella, what's wrong with you!" Lily was frightened and
kept patted Bella's back.

"I... I thought he was going to kill me..." Bella finally breathed



"Hyin Burton..."

"It's okay, he's gone! Come, let's go up, soak in the water for so
long, maybe the water pressure makes you uncomfortable!"

Lily pulled up Bella and left the pool. When she came ashore,
Bella’s legs barely stood.

When Xiao Yan confirmed that everyone had left, he walked out
of the shower with relief.

Swimming pool, Xiao Yan is no longer going, can only find other
ways to send vacations.

This base is completely without the prosperity of Charles, and the

various living facilities are not rich. The only thing that makes it
easy for people to relax is the small bar of less than 30 square
meters except for the simple fitness center.

Xiao Yan, who has been sleeping for a whole day, came to the
bar, which is the most prosperous place.
He sat down at the bar and ordered a special drink. The music was
melodious and soothing, and the tight brain relaxed.

Someone placed a glass of Margaret on his side and sat gracefully

on the high stool next to him, a slight rotation that attracted Xiao
Yan's attention.

"Sherlen... Michelle School!"

"Ah, non-task time, you can call me Xuelun." Xue Lun shrugged
his shoulders, infinite charm.

After Kathy's warning, Xiao Yan consciously alerted the special

forces like Xue Lun.

"Good evening, Xuelun." Xiao Yan smiled and deliberately did

not pay attention to the most full part of the other party.

"Don't be so nervous. Although you spend more time with

Colonel Burton's troops, it is very likely that one day you will
also go out with me. Now the army is not planning to have a
technical soldier after the mission. In order to enhance the
practicality of the technical research, strengthen the coordination
between the armed forces and the research department and also let
you see us."

"... Although the researcher really should look at the outside

world with his own eyes, the price paid is too heavy." Xiao Yan
remembers the students who originally worked with themselves,
and now he is left.

"Don't worry, I will protect you." Xue Lun blinked.

What Xiao Yan didn't want most was to be discharged by the

special forces. It was just that he didn't look at the sight. Xue Lun
caught his emotions.

"You are avoiding me, why? Worried, I will invite you to an

unforgettable night?"

Sheron's voice is very low and soft, without any sense of

oppression, with a woman's tenderness.

But the voices of the two military researchmen around them are
getting louder and louder. From the epaulettes, the two men are
young but already captains.

"Hey, have you heard that? Another aircraft crashed yesterday.

Although the special mission troops arrived, the b-class trainees
on the last aircraft were completely annihilated!"

"B-level students only, the Central Academy of Sciences has been

unable to meet special task forces, those cowards have no way to
find a class of researchers, can only use this method to vent their
anger! Anyway, the number of b-class students is much, the above
will not So investigate Haibin Burton, not to mention

Xiao Yan touched his nose, his level assessment is b-, can only be
reduced to the object of being vented...

And Xue Lun's fingers pressed between the lips, shaking his head
and smiling.

“The focus is not on this, but on the cause of the crash of the
aircraft! I heard that it was because of the ‘blocker’ invasion of
the ‘surge’ organization!”

"No! What's going on recently? ‘Current’ seems to have been

attacking the research department's aircraft!”

The name "flush" makes Xiao Yan like a current hit.

The reason why the "comet" virus spread throughout the world
was because the "flushing" organization carried out an explosion
attack on the institution that preserved the virus, causing the virus
to leave the storage container and have the end of humanity. Even
after the uninfected humans retreated to Shire, the "flush" is still
active, even larger and larger, and has become a public enemy of
all mankind.

As for the "blocker", one has to say that one of the most
leap-forward inventions of mankind in the past two hundred
years, man-machine communication. This is a high-end artificial
intelligence system. The terminal can be connected with brain
neurons, combining the brain's dynamics with the computer's
high-speed data processing functions. It is the perfect product of
information and brain science. Just when the human brain is
connected to the terminal, it also means that the brain may also be
attacked by hackers.

Such hackers are called "blockers." Once the "blocker" disturbs

the mind, it will cause confusion in the brain for a short period of
time. In severe cases, it will be trapped in the labyrinth of
thinking that the "blocker" deliberately creates. It is difficult to
get rid of it, and the rest of the life is spent in a nightmare.

Hearing here, Xiao Yan’s heart was half cold.

He can live, it is really luck.

"Well, let's not talk about the topic of the scenery. I heard that you
are dealing with a special soldier. How about it? She must be
special in bed?"

"**? But she kissed her twice, and she almost didn't break my

"Wow - it should be very hard when you do it! You must be

"When she was cool, she crushed the bed!"

"Haha, you have to understand! A woman who does not go well

to go to a man's special task force must be dissatisfied with the
man's desires. It seems that you can't do it, don't satisfy her! How,
you still have Is she in contact?"

"Communication, I have already smashed her! If she dares to

entangle me, I will submit a complaint report to the military!"

"Right, what is her name?"


Xiao Yan, Li Fu? how is this possible? This guy is screaming! Liv
is one of the three goddesses of the special mission force. Will she
look at you like this guy?

"Don't be like this, I want to give it a try! Or else you ask her to
come out?"

"I will help you out with her, you will be able to satisfy her..."

I don't know when, a figure came silently behind them, and the
man who was screaming screamed.

I only heard a "beep", his arm fell off the ground, the whole
person fell off the high stool, the wine on the bar fell on his body,
and the wolf was extremely.

Xiao Yan lived, and the person who came was not someone else,
it was Haiyin Burton. Xiao Yan subconsciously touched his
shoulder, clearly where he had completely healed, and instantly
felt pain.

The ice-blue scorpions are full of disdain, and the lips are rising
to separate the other's eyes, as if the eyes are not the elite of the
research department but not worth mentioning.

"You are really noisy."

The sound of Hai Yin is very special, as if the sound of quartz

hitting each other, even the air followed by a slight tremor.

"You...who thinks who you are!"

His companion grabbed the glass and slammed into the sea.

Hai Yin just snorted and slammed his legs. The movement of
lifting the legs was too fast. When Xiao Yan reacted, the guy in
the glass was already kicked by a kick, knocking over the wine
table a few meters away, painfully squatting. No, even the
strength to climb up is gone.
With the speed and strength of the foot just now, this guy is only
afraid of rib fracture or even internal bleeding...

At this time, Hai Yin has turned his eyes to Xiao Yan. I don't
know if it is an illusion. Xiao Yan feels that when the other party
saw Xue Lun sitting next to him and holding his arms and
watching the show, the temperature of the whole body


This is Xiao Yan's gaze on Shanghai Yin. He wants to deviate

from his sight. It is like being controlled by the other party. He
can't have a half-shake. The air is full of oppressive chill. Under
such pressure, Xiao Yan's knee. Produces a sense of
disengagement that is unconsciously bent.

He saw indifference to life in his eyes, this guy has long been
used to killing.

I am dying... I am going to die... Xiao Yan’s legs can’t move half

a step, but I feel very sad in my heart. The most important thing is
that Xiao Yan did not know where he offended Hai Yin. Is it
wrong to drink at the bar? 2k novel reading network

The next moment, Xiao Yan's shoulders were severely painful.

His face slammed into the bar table. The entire right arm was
screwed behind him. The severe pain struck deep into the brain.
He opened his mouth but did not scream.

The shoulders are dislocated.

Why is it shoulder? Is there a hatred for Haiyin Burton and his

shoulders? Can you change your place next time!

"Next time, if I hear you talk about my subordinates again, it will

not be your arm, but your head."

This is not a threat, but a fact.

It’s just that this sentence is not for Xiao Yan, but for the two

Oh shit! Since you are going to make a head for the subordinates,
let me go! I have never talked about your subordinates!

Xiao Yan roared in his heart, but he couldn’t say a word in pain.

"Department...Subordinate..." The guy who fell to the ground

finally understood. "You are Haiyin Burton!"

Hai Yin no longer cares about them, but leans down and leans
toward Xiao Yan. As a result, Xiao Yan’s arm is more distorted,
and his pain is shaking.
"Do you like me to unload your fingers one by one, or cut your
throat and let your blood dry?" Light to almost no one can hear
the sound but coldly tap in Xiao Yan's heart .

"Why... why..." Even if he wants to die, he has to know what he

has done wrong. This is Xiao Yan’s last attachment.

"Maya, Lily, and Michelle School, your hobbies are so wide." Hai
Yin's eyes stayed on the side of Xue Lun.

Xue Lun had to get up to help Xiao Yan, but he was forced to
move by Hai Yin’s line of sight.

what? What about the two captains and Lifu?

Xiao Yan bet his face must be wonderful.

His thinking is moving in a marginal direction under the pressure

of Hai Yin.

He understands! Haiyin Burton must have been an accidental kiss

in the nuclear power plant! Now that all the missions are over,
Maya and Liv, who will protect him, are not there. Hai Yin can
finally take revenge!

God! He couldn't even remember the touch of Haiyin's lips... Did

he experience the crash and face the zombies and survived
stubbornly, but finally got rid of this life because of a kiss that
didn't exist at all?

If there is an afterlife - he would rather be a zombie!

At this time, someone rushed into the bar and saw all the screams
in the ground shouting out, "Head!"

It is Liv.

She came to Hai Yin and recognized Xiao Yan, whose expression
was completely distorted. She quickly grabbed Xiao Yan's arm.
"You don't want to be Xiao Yan! Head, he is not the guy who
spreads rumors! Please let him go!" ”

In the eyes of Hai Yin, she still couldn’t see the joy. When she let
go, Xiao Yan slipped to the ground, but Li Fu held him.

"They are too noisy." Hai Yin's eyes hang down, as if to control
the death of the power to kill.

"I... there are still tasks tomorrow... I will go first." Xue Lun
looked at Liv, then took a look at Hai Yin, and quickly made a

When Xue Lun went far, Xiao Yan still suffered tremendous
pressure from Hai Yin.
"You want to live, or die in bed." Hai Yin, who had been silent,
finally spoke up.


"Then remember the lesson of today." Hai Yin's line of sight is

like a blade that crosses Xiao Yan's eye.

After a long time, this is the price I paid for drinking with Shelen?

God, he never thought about what happened with Shelen!

It’s too embarrassing!

But Xiao Yan knows that if he stays with Shiron for another ten
minutes, he doesn't know if he can hold it. Really and Scherren
roll the sheets, he will not only suffer from the dislocated

At that moment, Xiao Yan seemed to understand Haiyin’s phrase

“Do you want to live or die in bed”? In this impressive way,
Haiyin Burton will let Xiao Yan understand that the ultimate
pleasure will be accompanied by the ultimate pain, which will be
a hell.

Hein Burton took him back from the edge of hell, despite the
pain... Xiao Yan was glad that he had at least not fallen.

Just too **** hurt!

Any arguments could not be said, Hai Yin turned and left the bar.

When it appeared, it was silent, and when it left, it was very


Watching him go further and further, Xiao Yan's heart finally fell
back to his chest from the height of 10,000 meters.

"Sorry, Xiao Yan! You can bear it!"

Liv's palm pressed against Xiao Yan's shoulder.

"Forbearance..." What?

I haven't finished talking yet. I only heard a "squeaky" sound.

Xiao Yan shouted out. The pain was like a body flying in front,
and the soul was chasing behind.

"It's okay! It's okay! You can't stand a man with this pain?"

Liv’s comfort was accompanied by a bit of funny expression, and

whispered with a whisper: “No one in this world has ever met us!
It’s a miracle that you are still alive!”

The tooth was still sore and sore, and Xiao Yan moved his arm,
only to find that Liv had picked up the dislocated shoulder for
him. It is a special task force!

Xiao Yan determined that after meeting Haiyin Burton, he must

hide in the seams!
Li Fu looked down and only concerned that Xiao Yan’s
expression was instantly replaced by cold. She slowly approached
the captain, revealing a very charming smile.

"It seems like you talked to me last week, I didn't pay attention to
you? But when I came back from the task, how can everyone say
that I went to bed with you?"

Liv slowly kneeled down on one knee, his finger on the upper
jaw's head, and the other feared to shrink under the bar.

"Go... walk away!"

"Go away? Why?" Lifu grabbed the glass on the side and gently
squeezed it. The sound of the crack was exceptionally clear. "Are
we not going to bed?"

"Is sorry for... please..."

The captain almost cried out.

"What are you sorry for me?"

"I... I shouldn’t have said that you are going around... I went to

Liv snorted. "Your place is short and fine, and I am wondering

who can see it!"
The captain was on the ground, and there was no courage to look
at it.

Xiao Yan sighed, it seems that he is unlucky enough to come out

and drink something to happen. Will there be such an idiot in the
research department? The people of the special mission forces
dare to provoke, not to mention the subordinates of Heinburton.

Li Fu walked out of the bar with Xiao Yan and asked

half-jokingly, "Hey, would you like me to **** you to the
medical center to have a look?"

It looks like Xiao Yan is a weak little woman, and Liv is a strong

"I think... no need." Xiao Yan took a look at his shoulders,

without any feeling of discomfort. "But... your head is really

Liv said with a sigh of relief. "Don't blame Colonel Burton...

Without him, there would be no us."

"Seeing it, you are very convinced of him."

You don't need Liv's description. Xiao Yan also knows that the
**** hurricanes experienced by special missions are much more
cruel than the flowers in their greenhouses.
"However, I can feel that Colonel Burton is in a bad mood, so he
has repaired you."

"He is in a bad mood, so repair me?" Xiao Yan Wang Tian, ​he
would rather comfort his colonel in order to let him clearly
understand the consequences if he is tempted by Snow.

"Maybe the reason why he is in a bad mood is because of you?

Moreover, what he said to you before he left, at least for
protection. Never expect the colonel to protect you like protecting
fragile porcelain. He would rather let himself The person who
suffers is better than the other person’s death. I also followed his
side for several years to understand his style of doing things. He
would not do anything good-looking or just to make you
comfortable, he only has Meaningful things."

Li Fu’s words made Xiao Yan silent, indeed... Haiyin Burton is

such a man. At least Xiao Yan knows that any one of the special
forces on the bed will give him more pain than the one that makes
him dislocated.

"I heard that tomorrow and you will transfer to the 14th base."

"The news is so well-informed, would you personally **** me?"

"You are a funny guy, but we have a mission, it will take another
two days to reach the base. I heard that this morning, another
research aircraft lost contact with the 14th base, and even the
positioning device failed. There are two class A researchers on
the aircraft. Although I know the time is short, I hope you are
safe. Otherwise... the guy who remembers my name will be

Liv’s expression was very serious, and she regarded herself as a


Xiao Yan touched his chin and thought for a moment. "The sound
of 'surge' should be the person with considerable research ability.
I will suggest to the upper level, and put the words 'b class' on our
aircraft to avoid The 'flushing' organization wastes energy."

Liv laughed out. "I have never seen anyone like you, making fun
of yourself with incompetence."

"Sure enough, class b students are a symbol of incompetence."

Xiao Yan made a long sigh.

"Well, I have a hunch. Xiao Yan, you will become the top
researcher, connect those terminals that are complicated and
difficult to understand, and when you are alive, you can hear how
you can develop how to prolong the life of x-infected people.
Don't make me think that every day is the last day."

Li Fu’s words made Xiao Yan’s heart tremble slightly.

Being looked forward to is a wonderful thing.

"If I become a top researcher someday, isn't Colonel Burton sent

to protect me, and then I can arbitrarily instruct him to do
anything?" Xiao Yan was full of thoughts.

"You continue to dream. Even if there is such a day, there are so

many elites in the special missions, it is not necessarily Colonel
Pemberton to protect you."

"Who else is more arrogant than him?"

"Of course." Livton paused. "For example, Jane Wallace, he once

cut aside the other's nose because he was not pleasing to the eye
of a colonel in the military and political office. Although the
repair surgery made a fake nose perfectly. It’s on the face of the
colonel, but Jane Wallace’s crazy people know it.”

Sheron is the subordinate of Jane Wallace. There are many

madmen in the special mission forces.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath. "It seems that the special task force is
really a special place. Suddenly, Mark is very cute!"

"The cutest person is not Mark. There is a gift for you. Come with
Li Fu took Xiao Yan to his bedroom. Xiao Yan deliberately
showed a look of expectation. "What gift? Is this gift you?"

"This is your gift." Li Fu ignored Xiao Yan's joke and placed a

glass in Xiao Yan's hand.

The bottom of the glass is covered with a fine layer of sand, and a
small white conch lies quietly inside. Xiao Yan turned the cup and
could see something moving outside the conch shell.

"This...willn't it be a hermit crab? It's so interesting! I only saw it

in the library's information library!"

Xiao Yan is completely attracted to it.

"This is what we found on the beach. You said that you like the
ocean, the hermit crab... is it part of the marine life?"

"Thank you, Liv. I really love you too much! I will take a good
look at the information and see how to feed it!"

"Don't love me, Colonel Aberdeen."


The name made Xiao Yan's heart slightly vibrate, and he looked
at Livfu inexplicably.
"Mark almost stepped on the little guy, Colonel Burton picked it
up and said, ‘Bring it to the rookie student.’ We couldn’t find the
container to hold it, and Mark took it all the way.”

Xiao Yan did not think that Hai Yin actually remembered that he
said that he liked the ocean.

Don't be like this, Colonel Burton, twisting my arm at the

moment, but then let me think that I have something to say to

On the morning of the second day, in the aircraft that broke

through the sky, several young people in military uniforms were
nervously pushing the safety rails to the No. 2 base, and Xiao Yan
was one of them.

In the main control room of the base, Haiyin Burton silently

looked at the holographic image until the image of the aircraft
was switched.

Just as he turned and left, Lieutenant Colonel Raven slowly said:

"Do you think you can be satisfied with watching him like this?"

Hai Yin looked at the side face of Lieutenant Colonel Raven, and
the other party still kept a serious view of the documents.

"Why, do you really think that you are hiding well? I used to be
your peer."
"That is my business."

"You will be hurt, Hai Yin. He is too weak. When you lose him,
the x virus will not stop the pain."

"If it is fragile, I will teach him to be strong. Goodbye, Lieutenant

Colonel Raven."

Xiao Yan leaned his face against the window.

Underneath them are high-rise buildings that have been

abandoned for hundreds of years. They are lifeless and

Because of the weathering all year round, the cement has already
peeled off, and the steel rod j□j is in the air, as if it is a sharp
blade, piercing into the sky.

The aircraft traversed, and the vibration of the engine caused a

building to collapse like a lost heart.

Xiao Yan looked out the window and widened his eyes. He
constantly imagined how prosperous the human world would be
outside the "Charles" if it were not because of the "comet" virus.
Like the vast sea lights like the Xinghai, the magnetic levitation
vehicles that fly quickly between buildings, and the vast space
without restrictions...
"Hey, Xiao Yan... are you not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Xiao Yan looked very excited.

"The first time you leave the aircraft that Charles is riding, it will
fall. Only if you are still alive! If the tidal organization invades
our aircraft master system again, we will crash... will..."

On the desolate street, the "comet" virus infected people

wandered aimlessly. When they looked up at the sky in the sky, as
the ants swarmed the tallest building, they stretched their arms
and seemed to take it. Break into hell. Because the distance is too
far, they can't see their horrible expressions.

"We will be divided by them, and there is no flesh and blood. Not
every time so lucky, we can wait for the rescue of special mission
troops, right?" Xiao Yan clasped Lily's wrist and blinked. "So
scared." If you do something else, let's divert your attention."

Lily is the same student of Xiao Yan. The so-called angel's face is
the body of the devil. Xiao Yan never stops her fantasy object, as
if she became the only bright spot in Xiao Yan's boring student
life, and Xiao Yan's friend of the Academy of Sciences' genius
Kathy Xiao Yan’s taste has always been scorned. Now, he finally
has the opportunity to take a plane with Lily.

"What... what?"
Lily’s palm is full of cold sweat, and it seems that the recent crash
of the aircraft has frightened her.

"Let's kiss! The warmer the better, so you don't have an old
fantasy crash!"

Xiao Yan squinted, his lips were awkward, but his stomach was
full of bad water.

Lily sighed. "Xiao Yan... You can put half the energy of cold
humor on the business, maybe you don't have to do this task!"

"No... you don't think we only know what we really want after we
understand the reality?"

"Lilly, don't be afraid! This time the pilot of the aircraft is the
predecessor of the captain! They are very experienced and have a
lot of experience in how to defend against the 'blocker'! Their
thinking will not be so easily invaded!"

The students on the side quickly comforted Lily, and took a look
at Xiao Yan.

They finally left the ruins, and the ruins beneath them were
gradually replaced by vast green forests.

Xiao Yan made a sigh. He remembered the leaves that he had
picked up that day. He couldn't bear to keep it in the specimens.
When he got up this morning, it was already eclipsed and
shattered with a touch.

"Beautiful?" Lily looked at Xiao Yan with the look of the

monster. "After the smashing of the 'comet' virus, who knows
what kind of murder is hidden under this beauty! Fortunately, I
didn't kiss you, or I will change. Become an idiot like you!"

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders. He knows that even without the
‘comet' virus, nature is ever-changing, and the most horrible fangs
will be revealed at her most beautiful moments.

I don't know if this time has experienced too many twists and
turns and the moment of life and death. Xiao Yan suddenly feels
that their voyage will not go smoothly today.

Suddenly, the aircraft shook and the trainees in the cabin made a
shout and grabbed the safety rails.

"Don't... don't worry... it must be the airflow..."

The student who ridiculed Xiao Yan’s face was pale and

Xiao Yan has narrowed his eyes. They are now flying at low
altitudes. How can they be affected by air currents? Xiao Yan,
who has experienced two blockers invading the aircraft, has a
very ominous premonition in his heart.

Still thinking about it in the future, the left wing of the aircraft
suddenly tilted, and everyone again screamed.

Cabin broadcasts made all participants more emotional.

"Alarm! Alarm! Left wing power malfunction - alarm! Alarm!

Left wing power malfunction!"

"What happened?" Lily's hair fell on Xiao Yan's face, and the
sound almost squeezed out of her throat.

The aircraft can only rely on the right-wing engine to barely hang
in the air.

The call for help from the cab was heard on the radio.

"Who are you coming in to help! We have encountered a 'blocker'

invasion! Captain Jon is no longer able to operate the system!"

Everyone is stunned!

"What... blocker?"

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and his heart was cold - and sure
enough, it was a blocker.

"Is Jon Captain trapped? Is he awake?"

The trainees talked a lot, but no one opened the safety device to
the cab.

"What are you waiting for - I can't stand it anymore!"

Only the remaining drivers are angry.

The rookie is in a quiet state. They are just trainees. If even

experienced seniors are trapped by the "blockers," they will only
be sacrificed if they sit in the cab.

"What to do... we will die..."

"Look... it’s those zombies! We will be eaten by them..."

At this time, the left cheek of Xiao Yan was almost squeezed on
the glass window. His eyes were full of eager eyes on the
zombies, and they were terrified.

They followed the aircraft and once they fell, Xiao Yan
remembered how these guys madly beat the cabin, revealing
bloodthirsty fangs.

Gritted his teeth and Xiao Yan opened the safety equipment.

"Xiao Yan! Where are you going!" Lily shouted.

Xiao Yan climbed hard and climbed forward, and the row of
safety rails finally came to the front of the cockpit.
"Xiao Yan -"

"We always have someone to go! It’s better to be trapped in your

own mind than to be swallowed!"

"Captain - I am Xiao Yan! I will volunteer to replace Captain Jon!

Please open the hatch!"

Xiao Yan entered the cockpit, he glimpsed, the main system was
almost 360 degrees, the red light on the left side was flashing, and
Captain Jon’s head was hanging aside, the joint device covering
his head. The data is turbulent. Xiao Yan can only withdraw from
the system for Captain Jon and push him out of the cockpit.

"Kid, I am going to die!"

Xiao Yan knows that time is tight, the aircraft is falling, and the
zombies are chasing and almost jumped up. No more hesitation,
Xiao Yan put on the connection device, thinking quickly
connected to the host, and information processing began. He
doesn't need any words, the intelligent system automatically
responds according to his thinking, and countless information
data comes from the ocean.

If it wasn't for the pressure that had been felt in the analog
system, Xiao Yan would only be overwhelmed by this massive
amount of information.
The left-wing red alarm was lifted, and the aircraft slowly
returned to balance. At the moment when the zombies jumped
into the aircraft, the altitude suddenly rose and flew into the sky.

The students in the cabin exhaled.

Automatic navigation is turned on, they return to the original

route and gradually approach the research base.

This is a magical experience. All the information and knowledge

that he has touched is scattered along a certain frame. It becomes
a fluid in his mind that can be captured and touched. The middle
hooligans eventually gather the gap to the deepest.

At this time, the voice of the predecessors sounded in the ear.

"I'm sorry... I can't do it..."

When the alarm sounded, the aircraft tilted to the right and fell

"Predecessors! Seniors -"

"Alarm! Alarm! Right-wing engine failure -"

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and continued to have data flying in
front of him. No matter the flight plan, it is impossible to rely
solely on the left engine.
It’s too late to let other students come in instead of their

Why do the aircraft have to drive for two people!

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and he knew it was for safety reasons.
Dual drivers, once one has been captured by the "blocker", at least
one other can continue to drive, and now they are not likely to
switch the aircraft to manual mode, because the system is already

“Hint – is it in single-drive mode?”

Xiao Yan's brain responds automatically, yes!

Suddenly, there was a heavy pressure in the depths of thought,

and Xiao Yan’s head seemed to burst halfway. This is a scientific
research aircraft. If it is a simple terminal flight system, it is easy
to be invaded by “flushing” organizations. Only people's thinking
is ever-changing, and it can overcome the shortcomings of the
terminal system being easily implanted.

The aircraft was about to hit the ground, shouting behind him, the
body was crushed on the chasing zombies, crushing their bodies,
and the yellow-brown thick splatter splashed on the window.
At the moment of touching the ground, the right engine suddenly
started, and the aircraft crashed into the trees and rose to an
altitude of more than ten meters.

Xiao Yan's forehead is cold and sweaty.

They are still fifteen minutes away from the research base.

Lily in the cabin snorted with her mouth, the sturdy body, the
flesh and blood blur completely out of the human form.

The rest of the people closed their eyes and put their heads on the
back of the chair.

Some of them were the first to see the "Zombies" so close, and
others were reviving nightmares.

Just as Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, his thought fortress was

crumbling in an instant, and the nerves were cut and generally

It is a "blocker"!

Xiao Yan’s heart jumped wildly.

Can't relax, they have 12 minutes from the base! Go on! 2k novel
reading network

The dual system has already put him under great pressure, and his
thoughts are constantly being destroyed. He quickly thinks that
whenever the other party damages one place, he will quickly
make up for the construction and the speed of destruction is
getting faster and faster. Xiao Yan can only Think more quickly,
mobilize the computing functions of the terminal, and constantly
imagine how to maintain the possibility of thinking.

This is a game. He must first predict the module that the other
party is trying to destroy and consolidate the protection.

The system prompts that there are still 11 minutes from the base.

Just a minute, as long as a century.

At this time, there was a serious female voice in the system.

"This is the research base No. 2, and the pilot of the aircraft
should report the id number."

"Xiao Yan...id1665... encounters the 'blocker' invasion... the dual

system is overloaded..."

In the control room of the No. 2 base, the liaison officer quickly
connected to the person in charge, Colonel Shen Bing.

"Colonel, here is the line 1 liaison, emergency report!"

"Yeah." The man's cold voice sounded.

"The number k388 of the aircraft that went to my base on the 14th
base showed single-drive. The driver did not send the report to
Captain Jon and Captain Deng."

"Who is the driver?"

"Xiao Yan, a student of the Central Academy of Sciences,


"So is he on the accompanying list?"


“They have encountered 'blockers'?”

“Yes. Xiao Yan is currently running the twin-engine system alone.

If it is approved to enter the base, is there technical support?”

"A small student can run a dual-engine system, or under the

pressure of resisting the blocker, why don't I think anyone else
has the ability to give him technical support? Test the speed of his
brain access terminal."

After three seconds, the liaison officer hesitated, "Reporting the

major... is... 300 million mega-speed..."

Colonel Shen Bing has been in the calm eyes of a few waves.

"Connect Xiaoyan for me."

At this moment, Xiao Yan has already bitten his teeth. The speed
of thinking and the breadth of knowledge of this blocker are far
beyond his expectations. His thinking fortress is being destroyed
layer by layer.

"Hello Xiaoyan, I am the commander of the No. 2 base, Colonel

Shen Bing."

"... Colonel... I am going to die... please..."

"I am sorry, I am unable to give you any technical support for the
time being."

Shen Bing's tone is very calm, as if Xiao Yan is now under

pressure but it is as simple as a cup of tea.

"Colonel! Are you kidding! There are two students who have
fallen into mind and there are twelve students! We..."

Xiao Yan's emotions were excited, and the blocker slammed into
his subconscious mind with the moment of his emotional
fluctuations. Xiao Yan was born and stunned, and almost finished,
he was the same as the two predecessors!

The technical support referred to here is that the third person

intervenes in the terminal and remotely replaces Xiao Yan's
control system to help him eliminate the invasion.
"Silence, Xiao Yan. Once we give you any technical support, you
will be sneaked into the 'blocker' of your thinking. As long as you
insist on entering the base, we will cut off the terminal contact,
and the brain information of the other part will be Will stay in
your mind. This will be a very important resource for us to
understand the 'Chaoyong' organization."

"If... I failed..."


"Because we are only students, so our life does not mean anything
to you?" Xiao Yan asked with a grin.

The word "crash" was actually so easily exported by the other

party. Don't let him have the chance to see this **** colonel. He
will punch each other's face!

"I don't know anyone else, but in terms of the speed of your brain
and terminal processing, you are a very important resource for

Resources? He is a living person!

Although Xiao Yan is not a formal soldier, he can imagine the

hypocrisy and cruelty of the military. It is because of the
characteristics of the military that Xiao Yan does not bother to be
as hard as other students who want to enter the core of the
military through class a evaluation. In his opinion, it is a
quagmire. Every day dealing with these hypocritical guys will kill
his life!

“Listen, although all forms of thinking will have a formal

expression through the terminal. But this form of expression
depends on your way of thinking.”


These things are written in textbooks!

"Your form of expression determines how the blocker will destroy


Shen Bing’s contact was interrupted.

Xiao Yan has a strong urge to vomit blood. This will give the
other person a hint!

He will die! He will be killed by this **** colonel! This

cold-blooded madman!

This mode of continuous disassembly and continuous

construction makes Xiao Yan exhausted.

He simply let go of everything, the entire structure suddenly

collapsed, and his mind emerged from the forest he was
overlooking from the sky.
Broad boundless green, whispering in the wind.

Every nerve vein began to take root, and the other side burned a
raging fire along the trunk that continued to stretch toward the
sky, but it burned out in an instant, and the fire was finally
submerged by a whole sea.

Xiao Yan disassembles all the information and spreads it in every

corner of the mind, remembering their composition in their own
way, extracting them at any time and transmitting them in the
deep seabed.

For a moment, the sea was in a disorder, and all the information
was disturbed.

Xiao Yan had to chase the information he needed with the waves
in this ocean, and the blockers followed, every minute and every

At this time, Shen Bing has come to the command center from his
office, holding his arms and staring at the aircraft that is getting
closer and closer to the base.

"Open the base door."

The liaison button pressed the button and looked worriedly at the
aircraft with decreasing altitude. Sure enough, at a distance of 50
meters from the base, the aircraft was already below the
horizontal line of the hatch.

The "Colonel?" liaisons turned back, this time giving technical

support and a chance to save their lives.

"Let's wait." Shen Bing squinted.

Forty meters...

Thirty meters...

"Colonel!" The liaison officer turned back again. She was also a
soldier. Her comrades were struggling outside.

Shen Bing's lips are slowly lifting.

The liaison turned to look at the holographic display and saw that
the aircraft was climbing at a nearly vertical angle, returning to a
horizontal angle less than five meters from the door, and slammed
into it.

“Turn off all data transmissions and enter the wireless signal
shielding state.”

Shen Bing ordered.

When the darkness came, all the students in the cabin closed their
eyes and waited for the end of the day.

The vertical flight just hit the ground, as if it happened in an


"Why is it black... have we fallen..."

"……How is this going……"

"Where are we?"

Lily pushed the safety device hard, and there was no reaction at
all, which meant that the aircraft completely lost power.

"Xiao Yan - Xiao Yan, you are not there - Xiao Yan!"

Lily shouted loudly.

The lights above the head suddenly lit up, and everyone closed
their eyes subconsciously, and when they adapted to the light,
they heard the sound of the door opening.

Several officers stood stand outside the hatch, headed by a man of

about twenty-seven or eight years old, with short black hair and a
cold gaze, and suddenly the hearts of the students who survived
the catastrophe suddenly became nervous.

"I am the commander of the base, Shen Bing."

Shen Bing had a military ritual enough to serve as a textbook
model. Others had not returned to the gods. Shen Bing raised his
chin. Two officers with the ranks of the majors on the epaulets
opened the cab door and connected the system.

Lily looked very clearly. Xiao Yan still wore a connector and sat
down with her head down. It was obvious that the two officers
were not connected to the terminal of the aircraft but to Xiao
Yan’s brain.

"What are you doing! Xiao Yan, what happened to him!"

Lily just rushed over and was stopped by other officers

accompanying him.

Shen Bing looked at Lily and snorted disdainfully. "Welcome to

the No. 2 base. Everyone has worked hard. The dinner tonight is
very rich. Please enjoy the students."

Lily and all the students were forced to leave the cabin. What she
wants to say, but she is blocked by people around her.

"That is Shen Bing! We must obey his orders!"

Shen Bing is the military research elite of the Shire expatriate.

The external investigation has been carried out for nearly six
years, and many very valuable research reports have been
transmitted. The military has already intentionally promoted him
as a major general. For such a man of the storm, these students
are not worth mentioning at all. Even if Shen Bing throws them
out of the base to feed the zombies, they will not be ignored.

Captain Jon and Captain Deng Wei were lifted out.

Shen Bing’s secretary came to him and whispered: “Colonel, we

need someone with a 'blocker’ experience to help them return to
normal thinking.”

Shen Bing exhaled a breath.

"Do you want me to go out in person?"

The secretary was embarrassed and nodded.

"I will not enter anyone's mind again. The human subconscious is
a terrible place."

Shen Bing leaned against the hatch with one hand and stared at
Xiao Yan's side face.

“How is the information extracted?”

“All the tracks and information left by the “blocker” in his brain
were successfully extracted.”

"So what about him? When can I wake up?"

"...his brain is overloaded with information and encounters..."

"The reason is already very clear. What I want is the result." Shen
Bing interrupted the other party impatiently.

"...He is already in a state of self-protection of consciousness, and

unless someone sneaked into his consciousness to tell him that he
is safe, he will not wake up."

Shen Bing laughed. "Does this guy trap himself for a long time?"


"It's a rookie."

"Colonel... At least Xiao Yan got us a valuable piece of

information for you, you..." The secretary asked again, but when
he was on the face of Shen Bing, everything was shackled in the

"I said, I will not enter anyone's thinking any more. If you can't
do it, let him stay there, and wait for a chance to send him back to
Shire, where there are people who can wake him up!"

After that, Shen Bing turned and left impatiently. 2k novel

reading network

Xiao Yan, who was asleep, thoughtlessly drifting with the waves,
everything returned to a few days ago, when he was still carefree
in the city of Charles.
The green grass exudes a light and delicate sigh, the light wind
hits, and the grass leaves turn.

Xiao Yan's body is bent, and the black hair hangs down the
forehead, swinging with the blades of grass. He wore a military
uniform and the atomic surround on the epaulettes indicated that
he was affiliated with the Central Academy of Sciences.

Here is the central square, and the monument that towers into the
sky is engraved with a dense name.

Around the square is a continuous magnetic levitation car, the

LED of the mall constantly changes the advertising picture, like a
glimpse of light.

Someone is quietly walking towards him. It is a young boy of

about fifteen or six years old. The golden hair is curled up, the
green enamel is like a gem, and the lips are smashed with a
shackle like a porcelain doll in the window. People can't move
their eyes.

Xiao Yan is still lying on his side, his lips are slowly rising, and
he has already noticed that the other person is quietly
approaching, but he has no intention of opening his eyes.

The teenager slammed on him, and Xiao Yan opened his eyes as
if he was surprised. "You scared me, Kathy - you bad guy!"
"The bad guy is coming to you, are you not happy?"

Kathy Ming Ming is a small man, but his strength is still too big.
Xiao Yan’s wrist is pressed by Kathy on the top of his head. He
can’t move. He rides on Xiao Yan’s waist and leans over to reveal
a very beautiful neck.

To be honest, if other men pressed Xiao Yan in such a posture, he

would have been hairy. But Casey is an exception. Xiao Yan
enjoys everything he is childish, except when he is worried.

"You have become heavier again, is it taller?" Xiao Yan

deliberately blew his breath on the other's nose.

"You comfort me? I didn't have a penny in the whole year last
year! Xiao Yan, you are lazy here! I can hear, this month's end of
the month test, you are b-! And then you continue this way. There
is no way to enter the core of the Central Academy of Sciences! I
will never see the highest level of terminals! I can only be a
lieutenant in my life!"

Casey smugly tightened his wrist and watched him show his
distorted expression because of the pain.

The Central Academy of Sciences' master control system – the

high-end system that runs the entire Shire and confidentiality
research, the operator of this system is called the “connector” and
enjoys a high status in the Shire. It is also the goal of each Central
Academy of Sciences students to break their heads.

"I never thought about entering the core of the Central Academy
of Sciences. I want to go out."

Kathy's shoulders were stiff, and the eyes that crooked like a
crescent were severely stern, and even the sound was so cold.
Xiao Yan's wrist was squeaky.

"What are you talking about? Leave the Shire? You don't know
what kind of world is outside! Those zombies can tear you apart
and fill you in their stomachs!"

Xiao Yan sighed and looked up, looking at the blue sky, looking
far away, "Kathy, know what is above our head?"

"Sky." Kathy grinned.

"I just want to see the real sky. Kathy, are you not curious? What
is the smell of the air outside? How does the wind feel on our
faces? And..."

"Nothing is still there." Why do you think that our technical

soldiers are trying to become class a students in the college? Why
don't you want to leave Shire! Don't want to go outside! Do you
know that a research team left Shire last month? Going to the
research base, their host was invaded by the 'flushing'
organization, the aircraft crashed, and the special mission troops
who went to investigate afterwards took their **** bones back
and identified them by dna identification! You also want to
become Is that the case? Do you want to make the zombie's fruit?
Do you think that your name is engraved on the monument and
someone remembers who you are!"

Kathy's emotions are getting more and more excited, and even
bloodshot eyes are in his eyes.

You will remember who I am. Of course, he did not dare to say
anything to Casey.

"Okay, okay! I will get b at the end of the month next month."
Xiao Yan quickly appeased Casey, squinting and raising his chin
and kissing him on Kathy's cheek.

As Xiao Yan expected, Casey was completely fried.

"Xiao Yan! You are coming again! You thought I didn't know if
you were transferring the topic! You didn't have any heart for the
test! As long as you are serious, you can definitely get no
problem! You just don't want to enter the Academy, you just want
to go out." Xiao Yan, believe it or not, I will put you in the
research room! I will look at you personally every day!" Kathy's
soft short hair hangs down, even if such an angry expression is
true in Xiao Yan's eyes, very cute, Not to mention the suspicious
blush on his face, every time he jokes and kisses him, this guy is a
reaction, but Xiao Yan is not tired.

"Well, I am going to the library to study now. You are going to do

my supervision with me. Is there no problem?" Xiao Yan pretend
to slap Kathy's chin.

Kathy turned his head in disappointment. He was a rare and

beautiful boy. The female officers and researchers of the military
department were very difficult to count on him. But only Xiao
Yan was a slap in the face and was a small slap in the face. I
really enjoyed the look of Kathy's red face and round eyes. Of
course, after a long time, Kathy also dismissed Xiao Yan’s
manual foot, although he did not know that every time he forced
Xiao Yan to pass the test of class a, Xiao Yan imagined Kathy in
his heart. It turned into a Barbie doll, and he put on all kinds of
cute clothes and wigs, and put on all kinds of cute... and seductive

"Hey! Only you dare to do this to me!"

Kathy picked up Xiao Yan's wrist and pulled him out of the
central square. Xiao Yan was thinking that Casey was truly a
"King Kong Barbie".

Away from the silent area, the sound of the engine of the
magnetic levitation vehicle whistling from the top of the head
caused Xiao Yan to frown, the lines of commercial advertisements
repeated, the fashion displayed in the window of 360 degrees, and
the exquisite snacks, all comfortable. Extravagant, as if the cruel
world outside of Charles does not exist.

This year is the 224th anniversary of the new year of Charles.

Human beings have moved away from the paper age and entered
the bio-information era. As long as their brains are connected to
the host in the library, all information will naturally enter the
mind, but as far as you can understand And remembering how
much, it is not the computer can decide. Xiao Yan and Kathy
entered the library of the Academy of Sciences, where students
studying and reading are all students of the Academy of Military

Tens of thousands of top talents in various fields, but in the end

less than one hundred have the privilege of becoming a linker,
and Kathy, who is sitting next to Xiao Yan, is one of them.

When Casey walked into the library, he enjoyed the attention of

everyone. He is a rare genius of Charles for decades. At the age of
sixteen, he obtained a Ph.D. in biogenetics, mathematics, and
virology, and conducted military research for the military.

"Look, that's Major Casey! Really young!"

" Nonsense, he was only sixteen years old! I heard that he has
proposed a leap theory for x-virus. The military has already
planned to upgrade him as a lieutenant colonel and is solely
responsible for research projects!"

Kathy's expression is dull. He has been completely immune to

these envy and praise. Compared with virus research, it is more
challenging for him to let Xiao Yan quickly advance from a
student with a rating of b- to a. .

Unfortunately, Xiao Yan has not had time to enter the information
base, and the radio came.

"Please pay attention to all students! Please pay attention to all

students! Please go to the Military Department Meeting Room

Everyone listened, and when Xiao Yan’s name appeared, Casey’s

face completely changed.

"Sorry for Casey, there seems to be no way to study today... I am

going to conference room 145."

Kathy buckled Xiao Yan's wrist and lowered his voice. "You
didn't find it? None of the names in the list were a classmates!"

"So, I am afraid I will not be able to wait until next month's

assessment, I will be attending."
Xiao Yan smiled. He knew that the road ahead of him was both
broad and dangerous.

"These guys are thinking what I thought I don't know? They used
class b students as cannon fodder! I am going to Lieutenant
General Aivil now..." Kathy's voice trembled, but he was not left
yet by Xiao Yanyi. I caught it.

"Don't go, Kathy. I promise to wait until the end of this mission, I
will pass the test and listen to you in the research room... but at
least let me go out once, once." Xiao Yan is firm, he knows How
cruel the world is and how cruel it is, but if you have never seen
it, you will never know how to let it go. If he really stays in a
closed space for a lifetime, his desire for the outside world will
only increase with each passing day. He needs reality to ruin all
his fantasies, and then to be a researcher who is self-disciplined.

" have to come back well." Casey knows Xiao Yan too
much. He can stop Xiao Yan once, but he can't stop him for the
second time and the third time.

"I will."

"Otherwise, no matter where you are, no matter what you

become, I will rush out to find you."

This is Kathy, the face of an angel, the devil-like stubbornness.

Shen Bing stood in front of the bed and frowned at Xiao Yan,
who was lying in bed and sleeping.

His eyebrows are very gentle, his lips are with a smile, as if his
thoughts are not trapped, but immersed in a dream that cannot be

The secretary officer came to Shen Bing and coughed.

"Colonel, all the data was transmitted to Charles. Thanks to Xiao

Yan's complete retention of the information of the 'blocker', we
can understand the reason why the tide organization has
repeatedly attacked the research aircraft."

"You mean that this rookie played a vital role, but I refused to
save him?"

Shen Bing smiled and looked at the secretary, the other party felt
the pressure in the boss's gaze, and swallowed a little half a step

"... Colonel, I just remind you that Charles will soon receive an
information report about this action. Recently, the crash of the
crash has caused Charles to lose many research elites, and Xiao
Yan will get them soon. Pay attention."

Shen Bing sighed slightly and sighed.

"If I let me sneak into anyone's mind again, I am afraid that I can't
get back."

At this time, the communicator sounded.

"Reporting Colonel, Colonel Hein Burton and his team have

arrived at my base!"

Shen Bing’s shoulders were slightly shocked and seemed to think

of something. “I will go see him!”

In the simple and bright lounge, the cold men's legs overlap on
the sofa, he is wiping a sharp edge, the sword reflects the pair of
eyes like the bottomless abyss, the smooth hair ends As his
movements swayed slightly, he swayed in the air. His fingers are
slender, the knuckles are beautiful, and all the light and shadows
are captured between the half-down eyelids and the nasal bones.

Even so quiet, his figure gives people a sense of tension.

The door slid open to one side, and Shen Bing smiled and came

"Long time no see, Hai Yin."

"Yeah." Hai Yin did not look up, but his subordinates looked at
the colonel who was coming in with some surprise.
They know that their heads are a cold look for anyone, just a
"hmm" is enough to show that this person has a certain position in
Hai Yin's mind.

Shen Bingla Lala sat on the arm of the sofa of Hai Yin and topped
his shoulder with his elbow. "It is a little tired to know that you
are flying long distances, but... I have a very important thing to
ask for help."

The author has something to say: Kathy: I am such a high-end

foreign-level high-level (in) level (base) research elite even now
has the opportunity to play!

Fat winter melon: Sorry...

Kathy: Actually still in Xiao Yan’s weak memory!

Xiao Yan: I am not weak...

Fat winter melon: Sorry...

Kathy: Even in the memory, I even let Xiao Yan imagine me as a

Barbie doll!

Xiao Yan: It’s King Kong Barbie...

Fat winter melon: Sorry...

Kathy: Barbie is even better! I still want to put me in a cute and

seductive position! Xiao Yan, I killed you!
Xiao Yan: I am dead! Please burn paper!

Fat winter melon: Sorry... 2k novel reading network

"You need help," Hai Yin's eyebrows raised, and the weapons in
his hands were taken into the sheath, and the side eyes and Shen
Bing looked at each other.

"Hey, don't look at me like this, I am not a zombie." Shen Bing

took a breath. "You should have heard that a student is driving a
two-engine system and driving the aircraft into the situation when
the blocker invades the brain." Our base."

"How, he was trapped,"

Shen Bing reluctantly smiled. "Yeah, he was trapped. But not

being blocked, but being himself."

His voice just fell, and Mark Haha, who was playing games
boring on the side, laughed: "No? Where is the fool! I have
trapped myself!"

"Because I gave him an order, the longer the blocker stayed in his
brain, the more information left over. And the student he did, kept
a complete message in his mind. He I have not received training
to defend against the blockers, so I will use this method of
restraining the other and closing myself. I think, soon, Charles
will know the performance of the student in this matter, and then
ask I must send him back to Shire."

"Well, in a sense, this guy is also a warrior, although it is very

stupid. I just hated it and no longer laughed at him." Mark
shrugged his shoulders and continued to play the game, and added
another sentence, "Thousand Never tell me that the stupid rookie
name is Xiao Yan."

Shen Bing paused a little, "You... know him?"

"Ha? It’s really Xiao Yan! The guy is falling apart with a shot of
the bones, but the brain looks pretty good! How can you trap
yourself!" Mark squinted.

Liv also showed a worried expression, and the other players

accidentally stopped their own things and looked at Shen Bing.

"How do you want me to help you?" Hai Yin finally spoke up.

"Enter his subconscious mind and tell him that everything is over,
bring his consciousness onto the subconscious."

After Shen Bing’s words were finished, all the special forces’
gaze was stabbed like a blade. If ordinary people could not stand
such pressure, Shen Bing would not change his face.

"You should know that I will not enter anyone's subconscious."

At that moment, Hai Yin’s eyes seemed to be under endless
pressure, and it was on the verge of breaking.

"I...have experienced it with you. Of course I know your feelings

and understand why you don't want to go in person. My nerves
have been damaged in that exploration and can't bear the
subconscious projection. But I know, you can."

"I won't help you. People's subconscious mind is the dirtiest

place, and all evil thoughts come together. I won't let myself fall
into such a place."

It was at this time that the secretary officer came in and he made a
stern military gift to Shen Bing and Hai Yin.


"what's up?"

"This is the official letter that Charles sent to you."

The secretary officer gently clicked in front of Shen Bing and the
holographic image unfolded.

Shen Bing reluctantly said: "There is a command to wake up Xiao


"This is inevitable. If you wait until Shaw is sent back to Charles

to wake him up, it will take too long. His thoughts will be
disordered, and the information structure that was originally built
will be destroyed, greatly reducing his brain access. The speed of
the terminal." The secretary answered.

Shen Bing closed his eyes and made up his mind to stand up.
"Open the terminal, I will connect his brain."


"Xiao Yan?" Mark blew a loud whistle. "Head - the guy was not
killed by the zombies, not killed by the raging killer, but he
stupidly died!"

Liv smashed the past, "Mark!"

Mark Haha laughed and suddenly shot on Liv's back. "I said Liv,
you shouldn't like that kid?"

Li Fu took a look at Mark and opened his hand. He came to Hai

Yin and seriously pleaded: "Colonel... Xiao Yan and we
performed the mission and saved Maya. He is our comrade, hope.
You can help him wake up. Colonel Shen Bing is also your friend.
He has experienced neurological trauma... This time entering
Xiaoyan’s subconscious will be very dangerous.”

Hai Yin was just silent, and did not say a word.
Shen Bing came to the terminal and sat down. He closed his eyes
and took a deep breath. His fingers were buckled on the armrests
and the phalanx was slightly white.

The secretary officer realized that Shen Bing was in fear.

"Colonel...if you..."

Shen Bing closed his eyes and a bitter smile on his lips. "If I don't
go, don't you go?"

The secretary officer bowed his head. "Sorry, Colonel. You and
Colonel Burton were the only people who managed to retreat after
that operation. I didn't think that the mission would bring you so
much harm."

"You have always admired me, but now I want to tell you that I
am just an ordinary person, a weak ordinary person."

After that, Shen Bing lifted the helmet that connected the brain.
When he was about to wear it, someone buckled his wrist.

"I come."

Obviously there is no sound of emotion, but it makes people feel

at ease.

"Hai Yin!" Shen Bingyan eyes wide open.

The other party pulled him up from his seat and almost no
hesitation to lift the helmet and wear it on himself.

"Hai Yin..." Shen Bing held the other's hand. "Thank you! And...
please be careful."

"What is the speed of this guy's brain access?"

Hai Yin looked ahead and the researchers on the side were doing
system modulation.

"Three billion trillion."

Hai Yin looked up at the sight of Shen Bingbing, and the cruel
lines on his lips, "Is it faster than you?"

"Yes... so if there is anything that you feel can't be controlled, just

withdraw it, don't hang around!"

The faster the brain, the higher the complexity of the person's
thinking, the deeper the ideological dimension that can be
constructed, and the more dangerous it will be after sneaking into

"Nerve calibration!"

"Subconsciously connected!"

In an instant, Hai Yin’s line of sight shuttled through the five-light

tunnel, as if it were falling into a black hole.
Just as he tried to control the direction of his mind, there was a
ray of light in front of him, and he rushed out and fell into a blue
liquid. He remained alert, but found that the liquid was warm and
carried him softly. Occasionally, a gentle stream of water rushed
through his ear, licking his hair, gently rubbing his hair, as if
hugging and caressing. He frowned and kept diving. He thought
that the deeper it would be darker, but he did not expect the water
to calmer and faintly reveal the brilliance.

The next moment, Haines's face slowly squeezed out from the
bottom of the sea, and his eyes turned out to be a vast expanse of
green. In the world of thinking, all laws of nature no longer exist.

Without struggling, he easily got out of the sea, his body became
light as feathers, and when his toes touched the green grass, he
asked coldly, "Are you sure to send me into his subconscious?"

Shen Bing standing in front of the instrument was nervous.

"Hai Yin, what happened? If there is any abnormality, I will take

you away immediately!"

"No need to."

Hai Yin stepped on the green field. He half-squatted down, his

fingers touched the blades of grass, and the breeze stroked over.
The grass seeds flew, and the stars rose up, and the blue sea that
rushed to the top of the head.

"What did you see?"

Shen Bing's arms overlap, and his fingers don't consciously

tighten their arms.

"It's too calm here." Hai Yin looked around and looked for Xiao
Yan's consciousness.

"Calm? You have to be careful, the more calm the subconscious

is, the more traps there are!"


Unlike Shen Bing’s extreme alert, Hai Yin’s brows slowly

loosened. He closed his eyes and looked up. He felt the water
dripping on his face, leaving a rustling sound in his ear. There
seemed to be a song in the wind. A continuous soft song.

"Yes... it's dangerous here."

Hai Yin replied faintly.

It is completely different from the beauty and tranquility of

reality, and it is hoped that it will stay there for a long time.

"What's wrong? I am going..."

"No need to."

Hai Yin opened his eyes, his eyes sharpened and he continued to
move forward.

Finally, Hai Yin saw a towering tree, branches and vines,

connecting this green field with the ocean at the top of the head.

Xiao Yan is lying in the belly of the tree.

Hai Yin's palm is covered on the trunk, under the trunk, is the
blood and the rhythmic heartbeat.

"Hey, rookie, wake up!" Hai Yin's palm slaps Xiao Yan's cheek

At that moment, the seawater suspended in the sky was poured

down, and it was rushing to turn everything up. Hai Yin grabbed
the trunk hard and almost washed away. The original warm water
flow instantly turns into a blade, cutting the body of the sea, and
the blood drags out from the wound to outline the shape of the

"Hai Yin! How is it now? Need me to terminate the link! Hai


Hai Yin clenched her teeth and closed her eyes. His body slowly
became transparent and dissolved into the raging wave.
At the moment when the sea water is about to calm down, the
trunk is torn by a wave of waves, and the layers are peeled off.
The body of the sea has reappeared, and it is unstoppable to reach
into the trunk and shake Xiaoyan out.

At the moment when the sea was about to roll, Hai Yin slammed
into the head of Xiao Yan with her forehead.

The severe pain made Xiao Yan squeak and finally opened his

His gaze fell into the blue of the bottom of the sea, revealing a
dreamlike expression.

Hai Yin glared at Xiao Yan and told him with a mouth: "Stop all

Hai Yin... Burton?

Why is he here?

Xiao Yan looked at him with a sigh of relief, and the raging world
gradually calmed down. The sea water seemed to be sucked up by
any force, and all of them flowed back into the sky.

Hai Yin was on the shoulder of Xiao Yan, and the two fell on the
grass. The air was a moist and fresh smell.

"I... Where?" Xiao Yan looked at everything in front of him.

He realized that he was kneeling on the chest of Hai Yin, his palm
was on the side of Hai Yin, and Hai Yin’s arm wrapped around his
waist and held him tightly in his arms. His nose tipped almost at
the other side, and the subconscious Xiao Yan didn't go too far.
He felt that the nose of Hai Yin passed over his cheek, and the
other's breath swept past his lips from time to time, as if it were a
precursor to kissing.

Hai Yin looked at Xiao Yan with a cold look. "Your


"...what?" Xiao Yan stunned.

Under the body, Hai Yin is adjusting his posture. Xiao Yan can
feel the other's calf slowly licking his body. His mind is being
swayed, and the ocean at the top of the head is in a wave.

"You keep yourself trapped in order to keep the information that

the blocker stays in your mind. This is the way the brain is
self-protecting. Now you can't hear anything from the brain, so
you don't know you are safe. You and your team members have
entered the base 14."

"So... blocker?"

"When you enter the base, Shen Bing orders all wireless signals.
The blocker's intervention in your brain stops."
There is no undulation in the voice of Hai Yin, he is only stating a
fact that has nothing to do with him. He let go of Xiao Yan, and
he got up and shook Xiao Yan.

"So we have to go out from here?"

“Not ‘we’, but yourself.”

"I don't know what to do..."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: I thought the colonel
came in and my brain would have ooxx嘞...

Fat winter melon: After waking up, ooxx is more fulfilling. 2k

novel reading network

`p`**wxc`p``p`**wxc`p` Hai Yin did not have the impatient

expression, just said in a calm tone, "stupid rookie."

Xiao Yan smiled indifferently.

If I really can do anything, it is not b-student.

"I only said it once, you can hear clearly. You are not an entity,
but a subconscious subject. You must let yourself leave the
subconscious and reach the surface of the mind."

Xiao Yan pulled his lips and held back the urge to be arrogant.
He understood that Hai Yin and Shen Bing are the same style of
people, simplifying the abstraction of things, making people
unable to understand and feel overwhelmed.

While Hai Yin’s eyes are cold, Xiao Yan feels his ignorance in his

"Well, I will take you there. But this requires you to have absolute
trust in me. Once you have any aggressive behavior against me, I
will immediately evacuate your brain."

And Xiao Yan will be at the level of his own consciousness.

"I understand."

Hai Yin’s body slowly floated up, and the body made a
semicircle. His hair drooped down and almost passed Xiao Yan’s
forehead. This angle of the sea, the sharp facial features suddenly
produced a soft beauty. His lips are opposite to Xiao Yan's lips,
slowly moving up, passing Xiaoyan's nose, his frontal, gradually
parallel with the heavens and the earth, rising to the top of
Xiaoyan's head.

It was a slow and inexplicable process.

"let's go."

Imperative tone that cannot be rejected.

This embarrassing attitude, even if Xiao Yan is not happy, he can
only follow this man.

Xiao Yan’s body also floated, and Hai Yin always kept a distance
parallel to him. It is like two sides of the mirror.

They are getting closer and closer to the sea. Xiao Yan
subconsciously reached for the shoulder of Hai Yin, and when he
touched him, the other hand reached out and buckled Xiao Yan’s
finger, embedded in his finger joints, and was used for the first
time. Holding this way, this person is still Hai Yin, Xiao Yan does
not consciously take a breath.

"Do we want to go in?"

Hai Yin looked at Xiao Yan and said, "What are you afraid of?
That is your own consciousness."

Hai Yin extended the other hand, the fingertips did not enter the
sea, gently stroked, the water pattern jumped and plucked an arc.

The man's expression was calm from beginning to end, as if

nothing could shake him, and nothing could enter his heart.

It is this kind of indifference that makes him look firm.

Xiao Yan's body turned a half circle and came to the top of Hai
Yin. The other's fingertips were lightly on Xiao Yan's chest, and
he was submerged by the sea.

Hai Yin looked up at him from the beginning to the end, leaving
Hai Yin's sight, Xiao Yan felt that he could not go to a farther
place. He was scared, and at that moment Hein appeared in front
of him.

The golden hair flutters in the sea, blooming a halo that is

difficult to describe in words. The indifferent eyebrows softened,
and the five senses of the sea were swayed by the water, bringing
together unforgettable lines.

Just as Xiao Yan reached above the sea, Hai Yin pressed his
shoulder and pointed his finger at the top.

That is the world in which countless information and data are

intertwined, and they are rushing like machines that tell the

"When you go there, you wake up."

"Thank you."

The face of Hai Yin became the most perfect arc carved in the
eyes of Xiao Yan. The other side slowly turned to face, what
seemed to be brewing in the expression without temperature.
"Next time, protect yourself."


Hai Yin’s palm suddenly caught Xiao Yan’s back of the head and
instantly narrowed the distance between the two.

The process of his face that was slightly close to him was burned
in the eyes by Xiao Yan, pressed against his lips, slowly opened,
and strongly kissed the lips of Xiao Yan, and penetrated the
strength of the entanglement. A strong possessive desire. Xiao
Yan knows that he should resist, but he is just like what is bound
by the general movement. Hai Yin’s tongue was warm and
arrogant. He glared at Xiao Yan madly, opened his upper jaw,
forced him to open and accommodate the madness he could not
control, and then aggressively plundered everything in his mouth.
Almost desperately kissing, constantly changing the angle, as if
almost lost what is the most precious thing, but finally grabbed it
back in the moment of the millennium, in general, Xiao Yan's
tongue refused to have no room for it, the wild sucking gradually
lost control, desire In the rushing, it seems as if a fire is burning in
an instant.

At that moment, Hai Yin let go of Xiao Yan, as always cold, his
fingers stretched over, the knuckles of the index finger hooked the
broken hair in front of Xiao Yan's forehead, and when the tip of
the hair left Hein's finger, Xiao Yan had Followed by **.

"Why... why..." Xiao Yan asked him.

"Tell you why? What you do not remember the answer I gave

"Yes, here is the subconscious! What you said, what you did for
me, I will not remember! So tell me the answer, Colonel!"

"I am addicted to you, Xiao Yan."

Just as Xiao Yan was still relishing the words of Hai Yin, the
other party had fallen backwards and was safely immersed in the
blue ripples.

"Hai Yin!"

Xiao Yan tried to reach out and grabbed each other, but Hai Yin

Addictive? Is Hein Burton addicted to him? Isn’t it just that

ordinary people are addicted to the x virus? Their own illusions,
those unrealistic dreams, aren’t they because they are addicted to
the x virus?

At this time, Hai Yin has returned to reality. He opened his eyes
and removed the terminal connection device.
"You are fine!" Shen Bing closed his eyes and breathed out.

"I'm fine." Hai Yin got up and came to Xiao Yan's bed, his fingers
slowly falling between his eyelids.

Shen Bing stunned slightly. He and Hai Yin were born at the same
time as the Central Academy of Sciences. Although the former
Haiyin Burton gave a cold impression, it is not as stressful as it is
now. He does not touch anyone easily. Never let anyone enter
their field.

And now...

Hai Yin’s eyes hang down, his fingers slowly extending between
the hairs of Xiao Yan, and the thumb stroked the other’s cheeks.

Shen Bing breathed a sigh of relief and said in a calm voice: "He
will wake up."

Hai Yin stood up and walked out from Shen Bing without saying
anything. At the moment when the sliding door opened, Lily
stood at the door, and looked worried but hesitated to know how
to come in.

"Up... Colonel!" Lily looked up.

Hai Yin walked past her. I don't know if it was an illusion. Lily
was oppressed in Hai Yin's gaze and couldn't breathe until the
sound of Shen Bing saved Lily's breath.

"Come in, Xiao Yan hasn't woken up yet."

At this time, Xiao Yan is still in the place where the subconscious
and the thinking troposphere are handed over. He sat in the same
place, and the knuckles of the index finger licked the lips of the
numb kissed by Hai Yin. He knows that he has to go back to
reality, otherwise he will never understand what Hai Yin’s phrase
“addicted to you” means.

Determined that Xiao Yan took a deep breath and got rid of the
sea water. In a moment, his body broke down and became the data
and information of countless Mercedes-Benz rushing to the
commanding heights.

"Ha--" The breathing that choked in the chest was suddenly

liberated. Suddenly opened his eyes, Xiao Yan saw the white
wall, and the soft light made his eyes slowly focus.

"Xiao Yan! Great! You finally woke up!"

"Lily... What happened to me?"

Xiao Yan tried to get up, but a dizzy look made him fall back.
"You trap yourself in the subconscious, and now you are awake."
The tone of the serious voice flat is exactly the same as the ****
colonel who ordered the aircraft.

“Shen Bing—” Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and shouted.

This is a man of Asian descent like himself. Of course, since

humans entered Shire, the differences in race have long since
disappeared. Just as the pure-blooded Asians like Xiao Yan are
not much, Shen Bing is one of them.

"Yes, I am Shen Bing."

This mature man came to Xiao Yan's bed and held his hand in his
ear. Some kind of pressure came from his eyes. Xiao Yan's head
was nailed to his place. The other said one word: "But I I think
you should call me Colonel Shen Bing, a stupid rookie."

"Stupid rookie?"

Even if Xiao Yan is only a b-student, at most it is only discussed

that there is no talent in research, but the adjective "stupid" is
absolutely too damn.

"I am not stupid enough to trap myself? If Colonel Haiyin Burton

personally entered here, bring you out..." Shen Bing's finger is on
Xiao Yan's forehead. "You are afraid that you will never wake
"What... is Haiyin Burton?"

"Oh, I really forgot. But this is a normal physiological reaction.

No one can remember what happened in the subconscious."

Shen Bing snorted. "Your luck is very good. If it wasn't for Haiyin
Burton to come to this base, no one can save you." ”

Shen Bingli got up and the pressure felt suddenly separated, and
Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the ceiling
numbly, what is the emptiness in the heart?

What is very important, he has forgotten. Xiao Yan's back of his

hand covers his eyes and keeps searching for his search in his
mind. It is like a phantom. Whenever his fingertips are about to
touch the truth, they suddenly break apart.

"The colonel didn't lie to you, it was really Haiyin Burton." Lily

Xiao Yan propped up his upper body and suddenly stunned. "God,
I don't remember what happened..."

How can Hein Burton save him? Is this cold-blooded madman not
wanting to die early?
Shen Bing left the room and walked into the passage to see the
figure of Hai Yin leaning against the wall. He seemed to be
waiting for an answer.

But the experience of getting along with this guy for a long time
told Shen Bing that Haiyin Burton never waited.

"Is that stupid rookie still alive?" The cool voice was raised, no
different from the past.

Shen Bing smiled and replied: "Don't call him that, it will become
his nickname. I am sorry, let you once again enter the
subconscious of another person. Even in the real people who are
honest and kind, the depths of the subconscious will There are a
lot of evil thoughts, those cruel parts... The subconsciousness of
entering others is tantamount to jumping into the abyss. It is great
that you can come back safely."

Hai Yin turned and walked in the passage, and responded coldly:
"You don't need to say sorry to me. His brain is not so bad."

"..." Shen Bing opened his mouth and whispered for a long time:
"I was told by Haiyin that 'not so bad', I suddenly wanted to open
the head of the rookie and see it! Hey, sea Yin -"

Heinton lived in the footsteps, this is the face of his own colonel
to his old friends.
"What do you see in his brain? The terminal shows that your
mind is out of control before leaving Xiao Yan's brain..."

"Shen Bing, if one day I will die, I want to die in his world."

After that, Haiyin Burton went farther and farther, and there was
no trace of nostalgia and hesitation in his back.

Shen Bing's pupil slowly expanded, and everything recovered

calmly on the edge of losing control. He reluctantly pressed his
forehead and whispered: "I don't know a secret that is

When Shen Bing walked slowly and unhurriedly in the passage

back to the control center, the liaison on his hand shone, which
was information from the control room.

"Colonel! The missing a102 aircraft appeared! And is coming to

my base!"

Shen Bing’s eyes jumped, “Do you get in touch with the driver?”

"No calls have been contacted!"

“All entrances are closed! All departments are vigilant!”


Shen Bing quickly rushed to the control room.

The warning light on the top of the head lights up and repeats on
the radio: "Three-level alarm! Three-level alarm! All departments
remain vigilant!"

Xiao Yan sat up and looked to Lily, "What happened?"

"I don't know. But we'd better stay here. Anyway, we are trainees
and we can't do anything."

On the holographic image of the control room, an aircraft rushed

to the entrance gate of the No. 14 base.

"Take it down for me!"

Shen Bing is indifferent.

The liaison officer looked at him with surprise. "Colonel, that is

our aircraft!"

“If the driver is really ours, why not respond to the center call?”


Seeing that the aircraft is getting closer and closer, Shen Bing
suddenly presses the button to directly issue the order: "No. 6 and
No. 8 tower shooting! Never let this aircraft approach my base!"

The roar came.

The missiles of the tower have the target tracking function. Once
they are fired, they will be chasing after the target.

The aircraft continued to sway in the air, trying to get rid of the
trailing shells.

"Liaison Officer! What are you still doing! In this case, it is not
willing to report to the door, do you think it is your own person!"

The liaison officer suddenly realized that the a102 aircraft lost
contact with the center for nearly 72 hours, and I was afraid that it
would have become a "flush" capsule. The tide is to use this
aircraft to enter the base!

"Please pay attention to all the towers! Be sure to shoot down the

When the 7th and 9th towers also fired missiles, the aircraft had
no more evasive margins, was hit in the air, the fire flashed and

Just as Shen Bing relaxed slightly, a small missile in the bursting

Mars rushed over.

The wall was shattered, the ceiling fell, and Shen Bing was
thrown down by the secretary.
The missile rotted deep into the base, and the ice swayed and

Before I could figure out the situation, the ground seemed to be

picked up by a force and collapsed suddenly.

"Colonel! It's a ground-helical missile!"

Shen Bing’s ear screamed and his head was faint.

"Check the damage to the base!"

"The above-ground departments have all collapsed! Fortunately,

the underground part of the base was reinforced last year, and the
ground guide did not drill and only destroyed the ground!"

“All ground departments quickly enter the ground from the

nearest entrance! Send a warning!”

The room where Xiao Yan was located was completely smashed.
Lily hugged him in horror. The two almost slammed into the roof
and suddenly fell at that moment. Lily’s weight on him almost
squeezed out his internal organs. .

After two seconds, it is the system notification.

“Please pay attention to all ground departments! Immediately take

refuge in the underground via the nearest passage!”
The broadcast kept repeating, and Xiao Yan and Lily were
instantly lost.

"How... what's going on..."

Lily got up and was about to open the door. Xiao Yan
immediately stopped her, "Don't!"

"What's wrong..." Lily's fingers paused and turned to look at Xiao


At this moment, his heart was cold. `p`**wxc`p``p`**wxc`p`

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: Colonel, come and
save me...

Hai Yin: I saved you, you have to die in my bed.

Xiao Yan: ... can someone else save me? 2k novel reading

"It is a ground-helical missile... Only such a missile can achieve

such an effect." Xiao Yan cold channel.

"What...what..." Lily was dumbfounded.

The ground-helical missile will not burst immediately when it

launches the ground, but it will explode after drilling into the
ground for several tens of meters. Its power is amazing.
In order to prevent such missile attacks, not only Shire, but all
other research bases are reinforced with special alloys. Since then,
such missiles have had limited destructive power to underground
facilities, but the damage to the ground is still huge.

"Our position is above the ground." Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed.

"So we have to go to the passage to evacuate,"

Lily has been panicked.

"This is the enemy's strategy. All refuge passages are two-door

design. The first door can be opened by ourselves, but once the
enemy follows us to enter the first door, in order to prevent the
enemy from entering the ground, it will not open the second door.
So we will be killed between the two doors."

"No... no... it’s the tide of the organization,"

"The barriers have been blown up and we have lost the barrier
that is isolated from the world. Who do you think is the real
enemy at this moment?"

Lily stepped back and fell to the ground and replied: "Yes...

“Is there a terminal in this room?”

Xiao Yan turned down from the bed, his sense of balance has not
recovered, fell to the ground, and turned around in front of him.

Lily strongly suppressed the fear in her heart and stepped forward
to Xiao Yan.

"Even if... I’m afraid I’m disconnected...”

"Just looking for the wireless frequency, there is still a chance to

enter the system. We must see the situation outside. Since this
room is still intact, I believe we are not at the center of the ground

They found the terminal, Lily just wanted to say something, Xiao
Yan had put on a helmet to connect the brain.

All the data is running at a rapid speed, and Xiao Yan is

persistently looking for frequencies that are still viable. Although
the No. 14 base is old, thanks to the management of Shen Bing,
the terminal settings inside the entire base are very complicated.
The design of the key includes the depth and breadth of the
function and even contains complex information in various
aspects such as physics and chemistry. Finally, Xiao Yan’s
thinking rushed out of the encirclement and poured into a smooth

This room was successfully linked to the terminal system.

“The monitoring outside the corridor is still running.”

When Xiao Yan’s words were just said, the situation outside the
door was projected on the wall.

Lily took a breath.

The passages are full of zombies, they are beating, crawling,

running along the walls that have not yet collapsed, and their
faces are twisted and twisted.

Anyone who has not yet taken refuge in the passage has become
the target of being killed. They struggled in horror and fled.

Lily grabbed her mouth and barely cried.

If Xiao Yan didn't stop her from opening the door, she would end
up with the same people.

"Now... what should we do?"

"Send a distress signal. If you are lucky... maybe someone will

come to save us."

"If... bad luck... we will die in this room, right?"

Xiao Yan's lips plucked a smile.

"Lily, I haven't told you anything."

"You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen."

Xiao Yan said that he was very solemn, as if this was his last

Lily smiled bitterly.

"This is the most outdated compliment I have ever heard."

"I have sent a distress signal and hope that the other party can see

"Now... who else can save us?"

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and breathed a breath. "The whole base,
maybe only that person can save us."

All personnel in the control center evacuated at the first time. The
target of the ground guide is obviously the control center.
Fortunately, Shen Bingguo ordered the attack on the aircraft,
causing the missiles launched by the other party to deviate.
Otherwise, their casualties will not stop there.

Shen Bing and his men were escorted by the special task force of
Hai Yin, and all the way to the passage of the passage. When
Shen Bing entered the safe passage, Hai Yin stopped outside the

"Hai Yin! Come in!"

Shen Bing looked at him inexplicably.

Hai Yin’s lips are still indifferent, and the eyes are indifferent to

"I still have something."

"What?" Liv and Mark are about to rush out, but Hai Yin raises
her leg and slams Mark's chest to prevent him from coming
forward. It is a very strong and strong figure.

"We have forgotten that stupid rookie."

Hai Yin raised his wrist and the contact was a message from Xiao

"Wait! Colonel!"

Mark had not had time to go forward, Hai Yin kicked him in, like
a domino, Liv and other men behind the mark followed down, the
passage door closed.

"Hai Yin! You bastard!" Shen Bing wants to open the access door,
the alarm sounds locked, and the secretary and the liaison officer
pull him away.

"Colonel! You are our commander! You can't go out!"

Mark and Liv slammed hard, but the door did not move.
"Damn! Open the door!"

Hai Yin turned back and stared indifferently at the zombies that
had rushed to the rush. The sharp blades in the hands waved and
the world was divided into two.

Xiao Yan and Lily trapped in the room are very nervous every

Lily walked around the room with a dozen or so laps. "Even if

someone comes to save us, there will be more and more zombies
entering the base. How can we break through to the refuge

“So try to close unnecessary passages and form a closed road

where we pass.”

"Is this possible?"

"I have a try... I am afraid some channels are already difficult to


After more than half an hour, Lily sat on the floor and leaned on
Xiao Yan's knee.

"Hey... is anyone coming to save us?"

Xiao Yan did not answer.

He constantly mobilized the monitoring that can be used to
observe the situation of each channel.

Finally, in a certain monitoring, a sly and unscrupulous figure is

reflected in his mind.

The left and right double-blade speeding, the zombie's body was
broken and cracked, the yellow-brown pus splashed, and Xiao
Yan first understood what it meant to be invincible.

But in such a narrow place, his skills can not be carried out, but
the influx of zombies is endless.

Xiao Yan called up the floor plan of the upper base, analyzed it,
invaded all channel frequencies, and turned them off one by one.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer zombies in front of Hai

Yin, and he looked up and put his cold eyes on the monitor.

"Lilly, get ready, he is coming."


Xiao Yan took off his helmet and came to the door and suddenly
pressed the open button.

"Xiao Yan!" Lily stood up in horror.

The head of a zombie stretched in, opened his mouth, and had
disgusting saliva between his teeth.
In the next moment, its head was cut and it fell to the ground.

The ice-blue scorpion instantly captured all the Xiao Yan's

illusions. In general, he saw an impulse to crush the world in the
other's eyes.

"Let's go, stupid rookie." The cool voice blew through all the
chaos and went straight into Xiao Yan's mind.

The man in front of him is still beautiful, the golden brown hair is
falling down quietly, and the other between the lips and teeth is
like a world that has been accurately calculated. His hand reached
over, Xiao Yan's head was pressed into the other's arms, Hai Yinli
lifted his legs and opened the zombies trying to approach Xiao
Yan. Despite a brief moment, the man's arms have an
indescribable familiarity.

Hai Yin’s palm slid down the back of Xiao Yan’s back and
buckled his wrist. The coldness and firmness in the man’s eyes
made Xiao Yan suddenly relieved. “Don’t waste time!”

Xiao Yan turned back and held Lily very seriously: "She must go
with us!"

Lily was afraid to see the zombies that were approaching being
smashed by the sea, completely losing the strength of standing.

Hai Yin’s eyes fell on Lily’s body. “You have to learn to let go.”
"Colonel, will you let your comrades go?"

Seeing more and more zombies, Hai Yin turned and went. "I let
you run, you will run. Let you kneel, you will kneel down. In
short, let you do what, do whatever. No matter who dragged me
On the hind legs, I will kill him by hand."

Sure enough, it was the order of Haiyin Burton, and Xiao Yan felt
lucky at the moment.

In front of the passage, there were more than a dozen zombies

running towards them.

Lily whimpered and slammed back into the room.

"Don't be afraid! Lily! Dead or go, what do you choose?" Xiao

Yan looked at Lily.

Hai Yin has already rushed up without saying anything, "Run -"

"If you are afraid, close your eyes!" Xiao Yan picked up Lily and
ran behind Hai Yin.

The sound of the blood splattered by the muscles in the ear, and
the zombies that had been cut off were rolling around them.

Lily subconsciously wants to bow, and the zombies who have

only the upper body are moving, trying to catch them.

"Don't look down!"

The cold and low voice sounded, Xiao Yan forced himself to raise
his eyes.

Hai Yin’s gaze always looked ahead, and Xiao Yan’s gaze hit his
back. At that moment, all the scary zombies became a glimpse.

The sharp blade in the hand did not stop killing for a moment, and
Hai Yin was not tired of what it was, like a never-ending killing

In front of it was a 90-degree turn node. Hai Yin’s posture

suddenly stopped. He pressed him against the shoulder of Xiao
Yan and pressed him to the wall. Lily fell to the ground and Hai
Yin picked her up. Three people posted Wall. Hai Yin warned
Lily that no sound was allowed. One of his arms was in front of
Xiao Yan, forcing him to stick to the cold wall. Hai Yin’s side
face leaned toward Xiao Yan, his ear was almost attached to Xiao
Yan’s cheek, and his heart trembled fiercely. Xiao Yan swallowed
her mouth, and the skin of Hai Yin attracted him to
subconsciously close, but he knew what the result would be. At
the other end of the node, what is approaching, the moment of
lightning and lightning, the sea blade pulls out the sharp edge, and
it is almost impossible to see the flash. At the same time, three or
four zombies fall down.
"Run." Hai Yin gave a command, Xiao Yan picked up Lily and
wolfly followed. A large number of zombies chased them up.

But Xiao Yan and Lily's physical strength is limited. Especially

Lily, she can't run, panting.

Xiao Yan’s heart jumped as if it had to burst out of the chest, but
could not stop! He knows that Hai Yin will not slow down for
them, and a slight pause means that more zombies will be faced.

Just as they passed a corner, Hai Yin suddenly turned back and
took Xiao Yan to his shoulder.

"Hai Yin!"

"I can't take the two of you together."

Hai Yin’s words were sharp and cold, and Xiao Yan looked at
Lily and looked at them with pleading eyes.

"Don't leave me - don't leave me -"

Even with only one hand, Hai Yin still quickly cut the way

"Hai Yin! Let me down!"

Hai Yin’s expression did not waver.

"Let me down! I am accompanying Lily! You are quickly rushing
to the refuge channel and still have time!"

In the meantime, Hai Yin threw Xiao Yan on the ground. When
he collided with the ground, Xiao Yan’s bones almost split, and he
could feel the strong anger from Hai Yin.

Hai Yin raised his chin, and the blade in his hand was just
arbitrarily slashed. The losers who couldn't get close to him
flocked to Xiao Yan. One opened his mouth and slammed it to his
shoulder. One pulled his leg and he was torn open.

Xiao Yan clenched his fist and closed his eyes.

The next moment, thick pus splashed on his face, emitting a


Xiao Yan opened his eyes, and the zombies around him had no
prototypes. Hai Yin was eye-catching and there was a
contemptuous look between the eyes.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?"

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth and his heart beat like a drum. He
seemed to have concentrated on this moment of choice. His voice
was unexpectedly clear: "I am sure, and that accident... You didn't
always want to kill me? ?"
"I can take you away."

This is completely an unexpected answer by Xiao Yan. He saw a

pain-like emotion in the eyes of Heyin Burton, and the man was

"I know, but I am just a class b student. I know that my value is

not enough to make you take risks. Not to mention that I am a
man - I can be awesome, but I can't die."

Xiao Yan stood up and Hai Yin buckled his wrist.

"You can't save everyone, and you don't have to sacrifice for
irrelevant people."

Xiao Yan can clearly feel the feeling of Hai Yin’s fingers and his
own blood flowing under his fingertips. At that moment, he
suddenly realized that he was so fascinated by Hai Yin Burton’s
every touch, perhaps It is because of his embarrassment to him, or
the worship of the strong, but it does not matter. Hai Yin couldn't
take them away, he wouldn't drag him down.

"Colonel, you said... you have to learn to let go." Xiao Yan turned
to his own lips, and he faintly saw what was spreading on the
man's indifferent eyes.

The moment of loss, Xiao Yan broke away from Hai Yin, the
other hand is still empty.
He knows that the most real reason for his heart is that he does
not want his weakness to drag the strength of Hein Burton.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Hai Yin kiss, I
know your heart.

Hai Yin: ...

Fat winter melon: In fact, Xiao Yan just doesn't want to drag you

Hai Yin: I want to die.

Fat winter melon: This is what everyone likes to hear, but Xiao
Yan can't die so fast, there is no drama when he dies... Don't do
anything to die, you will do it forever, be bored... 2k

Xiao Yan knows what the consequences of his choice will be.

He is not as forgetful as he imagined, he will always remember

Lily's eyes at that moment, and then he will never sleep.

He remembers that his father once said that we can fear death,
because whether we are afraid or not, death will come. But we
can't be ashamed, it will cover a lifetime, more difficult to
conquer than death.

For a weak woman, Xiao Yan knows how stupid his decision is.
But she is not just a ‘a weak woman’, she is a woman I have been
in love for a long time.

Xiao Yan ran to Lily's direction. When he entered the Central

Academy of Sciences at the age of seventeen, academics and
research were never the world he was eager to pursue. Lily,
maybe she is superficial and weak in reality, but she is the most
beautiful expectation in her mediocrity.

She curled up in the wall in horror and cried with her knees. Not
far away, the zombies are coming.

Xiao Yan picked her up and said to her with a very fierce
expression: "You **** me up!"

Lily looked at Xiao Yan with a stunned look and didn't believe he
would come back!

Waiting for death will only be more fearful, and Xiao Yan would
rather run with all his strength, even if he exhausted.

There were countless zombies coming behind them, and they held
Lily’s arm and held Xiao Yan’s shoulder. Closing his eyes, Xiao
Yan fell to the ground, Lily clasped his wrist tightly but did not
cry like a panic.

They hold their breath and wait for the most painful moment.
The pain of being bitten did not come. Xiao Yan only felt a cold
wind sweeping through his ears, and looked up to the sharp edge
of Hai Yin’s hand.

"Go, this time, if you can't keep up, I won't stop."

In the eyes of Haiyin Burton, some kind of anger is suppressed,

and Xiao Yan is always in a hurry. He is the **** who holds the
power to kill and kill, and is calm and fearless. Xiao Yan was
surprised at that moment, and Hai Yin’s return was tantamount to
compromise. The hatred in his eyes was unexpectedly clear, and
even confided without any disguise.

Lily looked up and couldn't breathe when she touched the eyes of
Hai Yin.

Xiao Yan saw some unshakable determination in Hai Yin’s eyes.

This man never gave up at the last moment, Xiao Yan was upset
for the first time, and it was too early to give up!

Easily giving up is not a time-critical situation, but a weakness!

It was rushing all the way, the front was the channel that was
blown up, and the rear zombies had already caught up. Hai Yin
clenched the double-edged sword and blocked it in front of Xiao
Yan. "You go first!"

He wants to break.
Xiao Yan looked at each other's back, no trace of shaking, no
trace of fear. No matter what happens, this man will live, and he
will never question his power!

Seeing that a zombie was about to hit Xiaoyan's shoulder, he did

not hesitate to turn his back and swayed Lily forward. Haiyin
slashed his right hand and several zombies fell.

As they ran, the passage under the foot was slowly sloping, and
Xiao Yan frowned. He knows the ground structure of all the
bases. Most of the bases are connected by t-type. The down-track
is most likely because the t-nodes are destroyed by ground-helical
missiles, causing the building to lose support.

It was another bang, and the **** of the ground under the feet
was more serious.

"Lily!" Xiao Yan suddenly stopped in front of Lily, he suspected...

At that moment, the entire passage seemed to break open, and

Xiao Yan and Lily fell to the ground and slammed down along the
angle of inclination. It all came too fast, they were unprepared,
until the moment when they were about to slide completely, Xiao
Yan grabbed the raised part of the cracked metal floor, and the
feeling of fingers and muscles being cut open was heartbreaking!
But Lily fell, and at the last moment she fell, she grabbed Xiao
Yan's leg!
Underneath they were the ground floor of the base. Numerous
fallen zodiacs waved their arms and jumped to try to catch them.

No energy to fear, Xiao Yan's face is red, his fingers are white,
blood falls down his arms, and his shoulders are red.

"Lily - you must catch it! Do not understand it! If you let go, I
will let go!"

Lily looked up and looked at Xiao Yan’s completely trembling

shoulders and swallowed her mouth. She said very seriously,
completely different from what she had just said: “I have to let go,
Xiao Yan, be prepared! You have to climb up!”

"No! I will let go if you let go! I haven't reached the point where I
can't keep going!"

Lily smiled. "I think death is actually very fast, no fear."

At that moment, Xiao Yan felt that the weight of his leg suddenly
lost, Lily let go and fell.

"Lily--" Xiao Yan's heart is about to burst open.

The zombies widened their eyes, revealing a bloodthirsty and

cruel expression, and Lily looked at Xiao Yan, as if she could
bravely accept everything.
A rope slammed down, wrapped around Lily's waist, and took her
away when the zombies were about to catch her.

Xiao Yan looked up and saw a figure standing on a high place

under the light, and came to the blood.

Lily slammed on the ground and the rope around her waist
momentarily pulled away.

At the moment when Xiao Yan lost his strength, one hand
clenched his wrist. In Xiao Yan’s eyes, Haiyin Burton’s figure in
front of him was half-baked in his face. He was picked up.

When Xiao Yan crashed into the other's arms, he had the illusion
of fate.

Without any words, Hai Yin will take the sharp edge into the
sheath, and Xiao Yan and Li Li will be put on their shoulders, and
they will step back three or four steps.

When Lily understood what Haiyin was going to do, she

screamed loudly.

Xiao Yan’s heart was unexpectedly calm.

Hai Yan’s running is the speed that Xiao Yan never experienced.
The moment he vacated, Xiao Yan remembered the time when he
touched the blue ocean and the wind that was completely free.
His eyes are clearly crazy zombies, but it seems to be a picture
that has nothing to do with it.

Xiao Yan knows that this man will never let him fall, just like
every time he used to vacate.

Haiyin steadily landed on the other side of the fracture channel,

and the vibrations when landing caused them to hold their breath.
Hai Yin threw down Xiao Yan and Lily. Lily swayed and stood
up, she couldn't believe that Haiyin Burton had two people
jumping over the distance of four or five meters!

"Before you die, we must enter the refuge."

Hai Yin bowed his head and glanced at Xiao Yan's **** hands,
indifferently taking steps.

Xiao Yan at the moment only felt painful, but he shook his head
and Li Li shook his head, and the two continued to follow Hai

Finally, they came to the refuge channel. The first door opened
and they rushed in. Several zombies followed in when they
closed, but they were solved by Hai Yin in an instant.

He licked the sharp blade in his hand and took it into the sheath.

Everything was isolated from the door, and Lily was shocked.
Xiao Yan arrived at the door and looked at Hai Yin's straight
back. As if he saw him for the first time, he was so proud and

The inner door opened and Liv and Mark rushed out.


"Yeah." Hai Yin responded, suddenly picking up Xiao Yan's wrist

and throwing him to Liv, "handle the wound for him."

Mark looked at Xiao Yan and showed an incredible expression.

"Hey... you are for this stupid rookie..."

Liv hit the mark, "Enough Mark!"

"Handling the wound? How to deal with it? Is it necessary to kiss

him or..."

Mark’s words were not finished yet, and Liv squatted on the side
of his knees. The big guy almost didn’t fall to the ground.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and stepped into the underground of
the 14th base.

He is still alive.

He is still breathing, his eyes can still see the back of the person,
his brain is still thinking.
Xiao Yan’s body was a little shaken, and in front of him were
countless officers who were busy dealing with the attack.

Shen Bing's forehead is also bloody, but has stood in front of the
holographic screen to command everything in an orderly manner.

Hai Yinzheng and his men plan to deploy the action plan. His side
face is Xiao Su's breath, and even the sight is touching.

Liv sat in front of Xiao Yan, disinfected him, and wrapped a

special bandage around his palm. This bandage is completely
transparent, and the moment of contact with the wound will
adhere to the skin, which can isolate various harmful bacteria
without impeding oxygen permeability.

"Is it still hurting?" Liv asked with a chuckle.

"The most painful time has passed." Xiao Yan pulled up his lips.

"I really didn't expect the head to save you. When the danger
comes, his duty should be to ensure the safety of the chief
commander of the base."

Xiao Yan has a slight glimpse.

"Don't show such an expression. This does not mean that the
colonel has compromised his principles or forgotten his duties. If
you are trapped by me or Mark, the head will do the same."
So I don't have to be self-satisfied with self-satisfaction?

"So this means that you are not a person who can be abandoned at
will for the head."

Xiao Yan’s heart was knocked on by the cockroach, and it won’t

come back for a long time.

Li Fu stopped talking and silently took care of Xiao Yan's


From the speech of the surrounding people, Xiao Yan learned that
from the moment, the base 14 will give up the aboveground part
and enter the underground. Charles will dispatch an aircraft to
replenish the No. 14 base and construct the underground
biological circulation system. Hai Yin’s troops will also cruise
around the base.

After the wound was finished, Liv stood up and clicked on his

Xiao Yan reached out and found that it was the blood of the
zombies. The sticky feeling between the fingers was unpleasant.

"There are disinfection rooms over there, you can wash them.
Their contents are in contact with the skin for a long time and are
"Thank you."

Li Fu didn't say it was okay, and Xiao Yan felt that the face was
very itchy.

Xiao Yan entered the disinfection room, and the entire space was
covered with milky white mist, and the field of vision was vast.
The entire disinfection process is very simple, just walk through
the disinfection room, not only remove all harmful substances,
but also clean the clothes.

The feeling of itching on Xiao Yan's face gradually subsided. As

soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the zombies madly appearing
in front of him, and every time Hein Burton turned back.

His fingers were still shaking, clenching his fists and licking his

Going one step further, he hit someone.

"Oh, brother, sorry! I didn't expect anyone else here!"

Xiao Yan glared at his forehead, and the person in front slowly
turned around.

Knife-like facial lines, except for Haiyin Burton?

Xiao Yan stunned, "... Colonel Burton..."

Hai Yin’s face is soft and unreal in this mist. Only the cold
scorpion reminds Xiao Yan that this person is Hai Yin Burton.
Yes, there is a clean seaweed in order to save Xiao Yan from a lot
of zombie mucus, he will of course come to the disinfection room
to clean up in the first moment.

"I'm sorry... Colonel!" Although the other party is still

compelling, Xiao Yan's words in his heart can't help but say it.

"Where are you sorry for me?" There is no doubt in the tone of
the tile. It seems that Xiao Yan’s apology has no meaning for
Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan opened his mouth and found that he could not say a

Sorry, I chose Lily.

Xiao Yan feels that this answer is stupid, because he chose Lily or
others have nothing to do with Haiyin.

Still sorry, I wasted your chance to save me?

Or sorry, I let you go back and forth again, even questioning your
ability to protect me from harm at all?

Just as Xiao Yan hesitated, Hai Yin had turned and his figure
gradually fell into white fog.
Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and smiled helplessly, but there was a
desire to flap his wings.

He wants to go higher and further behind the man, he wants to be

strong, and even if Hein Burton never looks back, he knows that
he is behind him!

The figure in the white fog stopped.

"If I didn't catch you, would you let go?"

The soundless lines seem to cut this layer of mist.

Haiyin stood in a place not far from Xiaoyan, and the five senses
in the white mist seemed beautiful and beautiful.

"No one wants to die..." Xiao Yan did not think that Hai Yin
would ask himself this question.

Hai Yin walked two steps forward, his arms raised, and the
slender and elegant fingers were buckled on Xiao Yan's neck, and
he could crush his neck bone with a little force.

"Then you remember, except me, you can't die in the hands of
other people, and you can't die anywhere else."

In a simple and unwavering sentence, Xiao Yan felt that

something had been imprinted in the depths of his mind, and he
could not heal it no matter how hard he tried.
"And, the next time you ask me to let go, I will definitely break
your neck."

Between the vagueness, Xiao Yan felt that there were many
unspeakable things in the indifference of Hai Yin. He clearly saw
his shadow in the other's eyes.

"So you don't have to be complacent." This sentence is very light,

so light that Xiao Yan can't understand the meaning.

"Maybe you will die." Xiao Yan wanted to look forward to seeing
each other's expression, but the pressure of Hein Burton's
oppression was heavy, and his legs were pinned in place.

Since you are indifferent to everything, why would you save me?

"We will all die, sooner or later."

There seems to be nothing in the world that will make him feel
scared, and death will surrender to his feet.

Xiao Yan sadly found that he could not stop his sight, even if he
knew that the angry Hai Yin could kill himself at any time.

He loosened the finger that grabbed Xiao Yan's neck and slowly
lifted Xiao Yan's cheek. Xiao Yan could feel the almost touching
touch between the fingers.
The other's body leaned forward slightly, and the golden brown
hair fell as if caressing Xiao Yan's line of sight. He knew that he
should turn around and avoid it, but when it was cold and the face
of no desire was close to himself, it seemed that something was
burning wildly.

Haiyin's tongue is looming between the lips, until it touches

Xiaoyan's upper lip, slowly picking it up, Xiao Yan takes a breath,
is about to retreat, the other's fingers are deep into his hair,
forcefully His back brain is stuck and he can't move.

When Haiyin's lips were completely covered, it was extremely

powerful to occupy everything in his mouth, as if no matter how
hard he sucked, he could not be satisfied and oppressed Xiaoyan's
lips and tongue, depriving him of the air. Xiao Yan's skull is like
this. The pain was squeezing, and Hai Yin continued to bite Xiao
Yan's lips with a kiss, and everything went quickly in an
uncontrollable direction. This is like a prelude to a brutal plunder,
and Xiao Yan knows the result but can't resist.

He will die! He will definitely die!

Liv’s once jokes sounded in Xiao Yan’s ear, and when he reached
out and frightened against Hai Yin’s shoulder, he suddenly
realized that he only touched the air.

The pull force generally went back two steps. Xiao Yan realized
that I didn't know when Hai Yin had already reached the end of
the disinfection room.

Rubbing his eyes hard, Xiao Yan held his forehead.

Oops... it’s the illusion...

Hai Yin has left the disinfection room, and the whole space is

Xiao Yan walked slowly toward the exit. His hand touched the
sliding door of the disinfection room. The continually rushing in
his mind was the picture of Hai Yin’s slashing. This kind of
desperation was not to perform a certain task, but to save him. .

Everything is like a delusion. In this delusion, Xiao Yan finds

himself to be very important to the man who is strong and

"Ha..." Xiao Yan opened the sliding door and went out. He looked
up and he was very determined every step.

Because he knows that he will never be able to escape the desire

to chase the man deep inside, so he only has to make himself
The underground space of the base is very tight, and the private
space is completely extravagant.

Xiao Yan and several other students are completely useless here.
Everyone has their own position, busy and busy, but they can only
sit in a corner, quiet and silent.

Lily sat next to him, bowed her head, maybe too dull, and she
finally whispered, "Fortunately... your face is fine."

"Just splashing a little zombie pus."

Lily was still upset, Xiao Yan saw that she was fiddling with her
fingers, and then reached out and put on the back of her hand and
said, "Everything will be fine."

"thank you……"

No thanks, who told me that I have been crushing you for a long

In my heart, Xiao Yan did not say anything after all, because Lily
already has a boyfriend, Major Denzel of the Military Discipline
Division - a young and promising military officer. Many times,
paying is not just for a certain result.
"I think Colonel Burton is a little scary." Lily looked into the
distance, and Hai Yin sat silently in a corner, adjusting the
ordnance she carried with her.

His expression focused on the cold, and the hanging eyes pressed
Lily's heart.

"But he saved us." Xiao Yan pulled the corner of his lips and

Lily shook her head. "He is not saving us, we are only you."

The author has something to say: I have to vomit blood, I will

update it tomorrow night, and I will never write so much more. I
rolled away. 2k novel reading network

"Only me," Xiao Yan groaned, and then laughed. "That must be
because you don't know Colonel Burton."

"I really don't know him. But one thing I know very well is that
men like Haiy Burton never look back easily."

It was at this time that a quartermaster came to them and

interrupted Xiao Yan’s contemplation.

"Now the base is allocating rooms at night breaks. There are six
people, but you have a total of eight students and a female
student. Lily Gran."
"Sir." Lily stood up and saluted a military ceremony.

The quartermaster nodded and said, "You are assigned to Lounge

8, which is a female liaison."

"Thank you, sir." Lily exhaled.

The quartermaster opened his own liaison and popped up a

holographic picture with a list of names. He read six names. "The
students who were named, you are assigned to the 9th lounge."

Lily looked at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan was not worried about her
home tonight. He believed that Colonel Shen Bing could not let
him sleep in the control room.

"Students Xiao Yan."


"You are assigned to Lounge 2."

The quartermaster announced that he had turned and left.

Xiao Yan slammed on Lily's nose and smiled and said, "Look, I
still have a place to live, maybe it's a one-person room!"

"You dream!"

Their dinner tonight is quite simple, everyone has only one

compressed biscuit and one bottle of water. The experience of the
last time the biscuit was smashed made Xiao Yan really
uncomfortable with the food, but he knew that he had to eat and
provide nutrition to the body in the current situation. After
unpacking the biscuits, Xiao Yan chewed for a long time before
swallowing and looking at the expressions of other students. Xiao
Yan was very comfortable.

After dinner time, all the students went to their lounge.

Xiaoyan walked along the passage and went deep into the area.
There were fewer and fewer officers and men, and the whole
space was quiet and terrible.

Suddenly, someone picked him up and saw Xiao Yan screaming

almost without yelling. It was indeed the smiling face of Mark,
the big guy.

"Haha, Xiao Yan, I am special and the quartermaster said to let

you sleep with us! Just as Maya returns to Shire, you can use his
sleep bin!"

Xiao Yan understands why he is separated from other colleges.

"Let me down! Mark - otherwise I will spit the biscuits on you!"

"Haha! You spit it out and look at me!" Mark patted his hand on
Xiao Yan's **** with his big hand.
"Mark, you are too noisy."

Hai Yin walked past Mark. At that moment, Xiao Yan

subconsciously raised his shoulders until the sliding door opened
and the other entered the lounge. Xiao Yan relaxed.

Mark rubbed his nose and put Xiao Yan down, but his arms were
still on his shoulders. "Hey, is your head okay? Just woke up and
encounter a ground attack, will it affect your IQ?"

"His IQ is affected, even better than you." Liv smiled and pulled
into the room opposite the No. 2 lounge. She was a female special
soldier and was assigned to the lounge of several other female
officers. in.

Xiao Yan entered the lounge, only to find that there were only
eight sleeping bins in the entire room. In addition, it was empty.

The special forces put their personal belongings, such as the

compressed biscuits and water bottles that had just been issued,
neatly against the wall, and Xiao Yan followed suit.

"Hey, have you eaten such a compressed biscuit?" Mark squatted

beside Xiao Yan, a look of "you guys eat the same things as

"This biscuit really has no taste." Xiao Yan smiled.

"Also, but all the officers above the major have some extra good
things." Mark rubbed his eyes and suddenly stood up and grabbed
his head with a pure and harmless appearance. "That... head... our
technical soldiers Looks like there is no appetite, he has eaten a
piece of compressed biscuits tonight!"

Xiao Yan froze.

mark! You idiot! I will be killed by you! Who dares to ask

Colonel Burton to eat something!

Hai Yin did not say anything, just opened the sleep compartment
and lay in.

Others are preparing to rest.

Mark looked at Xiao Yan and showed a sympathetic expression:

"I thought the head was good for you! He saved you a lot back!
But now it seems that the head is better for you than for us!"

There is still a bit of smugness in this statement.

Xiao Yan sighed reluctantly. "You are his subordinate, I am just a

reserve. Why should he be nice to me?"

Open the sleep bin, Xiao Yan lie in and ignore Mark.

The sleeping compartment is very narrow, designed to save space.

It can't be turned over, and it can't be placed in an arrogant
position. However, its internal structure fits the human body, and
even in a flat position, it can feel soft and comfortable. The light
in the sleep chamber weakened, and the darkness came, Xiao Yan
quickly entered a dream.

I don't know how long it has passed, he woke up because of the

hunger in his stomach. The compressed biscuit has been
completely digested, and now the stomach is empty. He can't
sleep anyway. Looked at the contact on his wrist, now it is three
in the morning.

Open the sleep compartment, the lounge is still bright, and all
other sleep compartments remain closed. Xiao Yan came to the
wall where he placed the biscuits and water, and sat down with
his legs crossed. He knows that Haiyin must have a very strict
schedule. If he is found to be eating, he doesn't know... No matter
how much, the guy is still in the sleep bin, he won't know

Xiao Yan took out a compressed biscuit. Deep inside, he admired

the officers who swallowed a whole biscuit. They opened a small
piece with their fingers and put it in their mouth. The feeling of
dryness spread on the tip of the tongue. Xiao Yan quickly The
water poured into the mouth.
If there is a chance to have his own research lab, Xiao Yan's first
research is to improve the compressed biscuits. He knows that
compressed biscuits are emergency food for the armed forces, but
it makes such a taste... it’s so utterly devastating!

Just when Xiao Yan was depressed, a sleep bin slowly opened. A
figure sat up and slender legs crossed. When the other side stood
up straight, Xiao Yan was nervous, and the biscuits choked in the
throat, tears. Instantly arrogant.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Xiao Yan licked his throat and his heart

"what are you doing."

The cold voice made Xiao Yan unable to lift his head. That is
Haiyin Burton. Xiao Yan thought that the other party would not
wake up, but he was miscalculated.

It is three o'clock in the morning! Why don't you sleep well, why
should you get up!

"...I am eating, Colonel." He must answer Haiyin Burton.

The other side walked to his side, and the shadow oppressed Xiao
A slender and elegant finger reached in front of him and picked
up a half-bag of compressed biscuits in his hand.

Hai Yin’s fingers are completely unimaginable. It belongs to a

killing master. When he releases his fingers and the biscuits fall
from a height, Xiao Yancheng will catch it with trepidation,
fearing that the dregs will fall and Hai Yin will be angry. Hai Yin
turned and kneel in front of his ration bag, took out a piece of
bread stored in the fresh-keeping package, opened the package,
and suddenly the faint milk mixed with the smell of wheat spread
in the air.

The saliva was secretly secreted, and Xiao Yan swallowed hard,
and his heart was angry.

Why can only Hai Yin Burton enjoy this special treatment?

Then he lowered his head again. No matter who is the ability or

the military rank, who else in this base is entitled to special
treatment than Hai Yin?

Hai Yin has pulled out a small box. After opening it, the smell
makes Xiao Yan more want to go crazy.

It’s butter! Once you know it, you know that it is a fine butter
with a fine taste!
Xiao Yan stared at Hai Yin's movements. God knows how long he
has not tasted the taste of butter. It should be said that since he
came to this base, he has not even eaten a decent meal!

Hai Yin’s affection is always indifferent, as if Xiao Yan does not

exist. He used a knife to pick the butter out of the box, a thin
layer, embedded in the bread. Xiao Yan’s eyes locked the bread,
and her heart was sad. Is Hai Yin showing off to him? Still
deliberately use this method to punish him?

Facing Xiao Yan’s gaze, Hai Yin slowly came to him with the
piece of bread. “I finished sleeping.”

"..." Xiao Yan stunned. He stupidly reached out and felt the
weight of the other person pressing the bread into his palm. The
man's brow in front of him seemed to have a wrinkling trend, but
in the end it was still calm. His fingertips slid along the bandage
between Xiao Yan's fingers, as if touching.

"These wounds, you have to learn to heal yourself." His voice is

very light, completely different from the indifference of the

Until Hai Yin turned around, he still didn't wake up.

Hai Yin not only gave him a loaf of bread, but also personally
buttered the bread!
Shouldn't this be his hallucination again?

Is it going to disappear after a few dozen seconds? Including this


Hai Yin returned to her sleeper and everything was quiet again.

Is he an illusion?

Xiao Yan bite down, a soft taste, a touch of sweetness, he feels

that he is going to walk the clouds. This is the real food!

Beautifully eating a whole loaf of bread, Xiao Yan sighed with


The feeling of fullness in the stomach makes Xiao Yan know that
all this is really not his hallucination. He knows that it is
meaningless to think about why Haiyin gave himself a loaf of
bread. He is not Hai Yin, so he can't think in the way of Hai Yin.
Maybe Hai Yin just happened to be in a good mood... So got up
from the sleepy bin and gave him a piece of buttered bread
without doing anything?

Xiao Yan smiled and smiled. As long as he concentrated, he could

interpret and analyze the massive information, but he could not
read Haiyin Burton.

He not only has to learn to "heal" himself, but also learn to grow.
Ingesting the bread, he knows that he can never be a reserve, he
will become a real technical soldier.

Back in the sleep warehouse, Xiao Yan closed his eyes and
calmly fell into a dream.

He had a dream, dreaming that he had returned to Charles, and a

group of students sitting in a restaurant eating a barbecue and
drinking beer.

When everyone was upset about the next day's student level test,
Xiao Yan didn't drink for a long time. He wants to pass the test,
he wants to be a class A researcher, has his own research room,
and pursues the answers he wants.

"Hey! Rookie! Wake up! Rookie!"

Xiao Yan waved his hand irritably.

"Hey! Get up - rookie!"

Xiao Yan was picked up from the sleep bin.

"Ah--" suddenly opened his eyes, Xiao Yan on the mark is Mark's
helpless expression.

"You guys can sleep really sweet!"

"Mark?" Xiao Yan licked his head and found that all the special
forces were ready to go.
The author has something to say: Hai Yin: Eat and sleep.

Xiao Yan: er er er... (a heart bite on the bread) 2k novel reading


"Go, you guys are late, there is no time for you to have breakfast,"

"...why should I get up," Xiao Yan looked blank, he was just a
student on standby, and should sleep until he was naturally

"We have to go outside the base to observe the situation,"

"...this is what shuts me up," Xiao Yan felt an ominous

premonition in his heart.

"You don't know according to the military's rules of action. Every

special task squad must be equipped with technical soldiers when
performing missions," Mark said, you can't live in outer space.

"...I am not a technical soldier, I am a reserve." Xiao Yan knows

that he and Mark have had their missions. In Mark's eyes, they
have a little tacit understanding with their troops. But these days
Xiao Xiaoyan already knows that if a soldier takes on a role
outside his ability, it is likely to drag the entire team.

"In the thirty-second paragraph of the Reserve Act, in the case of

urgency and lack of staffing, the reserve soldiers must assume the
duties of the official soldiers, accept the dispatch, and execute the
military orders." Li Fu came to Xiao Yan and squeezed it. His

"If it is an emergency, you should not choose me!" Xiao Yan

looked at Liv very seriously.

"Now is the situation of 'lack of staffing'." Li Fu easily took Xiao

Yan out of the sleep bin and put a backpack with a technical
soldier into his arms. "Don't be so nervous, we are just ordinary
cruises." In addition, you have to be confident in yourself, you are
much more useful than the technical soldiers with empty ranks!"

"Really?" Xiao Yan never thought that he had such a high status
in the hearts of this group of special forces.

"Let's go." Hai Yin raised her chin slightly, and everyone
followed him out of the lounge.

In order to save time, Mark clipped Xiao Yan under his arm and
looked at Hai Yin behind his face with great enthusiasm.

Xiao Yan shouted in his heart: Don't always do this to me, I will
spit it out!

On the plane, Xiao Yan lowered his head and said nothing about
finishing the equipment in his backpack. He must be familiar with
it. If someone who really encounters a surge in the cruise process,
he must know what role he can play.

Sitting opposite Xiao Yan is Liv, who used her toes to rub the
knees of Xiao Yan.

"Hey! What's wrong with you, don't say a word?"

"I know! Yesterday I saw him always with a beautiful female

student! I must want to soak people but was rejected!" Mark was
a gloating expression.

Xiao Yan pulled his lips and didn't talk. Mark was a very sensitive

"Ah? No, you really refused? The woman has been taking care of
you when you are awake, it should be interesting to you!"

"She has a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend? Is it better than you?" Mark showed

a sympathetic expression to Xiao Yan.

"The Major of the Military Discipline." Xiao Yan no longer


Liv and Mark glanced at each other and stopped talking.

The cabin was quiet. And Xiao Yan’s abdomen snorted, causing
Mark Haha to laugh.
"I haven't eaten breakfast, hungry!" Mark looked like a good man
and sent a bag of compressed biscuits to Xiao Yan.

"……no need……"

Compress the biscuits... or forget it... He would rather be hungry.

They are flying over a dry rocky area, and a weathered rocky
mountain seems to prop up the world.

Xiao Yan leaned against the window and his vision extended to
the distant sky.

A group of unknown birds passed by the wing of the aircraft.

Mark’s eyes lit up and suddenly opened the cabin door.

"Hey! Mark! What are you going to do!" Xiao Yan was wrinkled
by the wind of hunting.

"Plus!" After that, Mark shot a few "Silver Wings" and seven or
eight birds were hunted and fell.

Mark hung the rope on Xiaoyan's seat and jumped. Xiao Yan was
shocked by this guy. In less than a second, the rope was retracted,
and Mark returned to the cabin and smiled smugly, holding a few
birds in his hand.

"Haha! Eat compressed biscuits and eat to vomit! Finally you can
eat something else!"
"Do you also think that compressed biscuits are difficult to eat?"
Xiao Yan showed a surprised expression.

"Hey! Even if we are injured and can recover quickly, it doesn't

mean that it is very good when it is squeezed by the compressed
biscuits!" Mark began to desperately vomit when he mentioned
the compressed biscuits. "If anyone can improve the taste of the
compressed biscuits, wait for me. I gave him all my savings when
I died!"

"Do you still have savings?" Liv smiled blankly at Mark.

Half an hour later, the aircraft stopped at the top of a rock


There is no wind today, and several special forces have made a

fire. Mark removed the birds from the internal organs. This is the
first time in the wild barbecue, Xiao Yan is full of expectations.

He was kneeling by the fire, and he didn't know what he could do,
but when he thought of the roast bird meat for a while, the saliva
was constantly secreted, and the screaming of his stomach was
louder. A few special forces around the fire haha ​laughed. Xiao
Yan turned his head and saw Hai Yin standing on the edge of the
cliff, bowing his head, and his eyes were far from knowing where
to look.
Suddenly, Hai Yin jumped down from the cliff. Xiao Yan stood
up nervously and came to the cliff to see Hai Yin sliding down the
mountain rock. His combat uniforms have a sliding function.

"What did the head do?" Mark had already baked the bird on the

"I don't know. Does the head occasionally not want to be alone?"
Liv said in disapproval.

Are you waiting for yourself... It really is Haiyin Burton, who has
a world that no one else can get close to or enter.

These special forces are masters of wild barbecues, and soon the
meat is cooked and the skin is baked into golden yellow. Mark
lifted it up, deliberately swaying in front of Xiao Yan's nose,
watching Xiao Yan's eyes stretch and his eyes look awkward,
everyone laughed.

Xiao Yan was not too shy. He looked up at Mark and said, "Give
some meat! You took me out of the sleep room early in the
morning, how cruel!"

"You kid!" Mark slammed one leg down and threw it to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan was accidentally agile, caught the bird's legs, and
almost fell into the gravel.
Several special forces watched Xiao Yan's posture and laughed.
They all rushed to say that they would throw their wings to Xiao
Yan to see if he could not pick it up.

Xiao Yan discovered that he seemed to be a pet...

Because there is no salt and no other ingredients, the bird meat

has almost no taste, but because of the hungry, Xiao Yan feels
unexpectedly delicious.

Several other special forces were still sitting in front of the fire,
and Liv snorted and said, "Hey, remember to leave a little bit for
the head!"

It was at this time that someone climbed up and everyone went

back and waited. When they saw Hai Yin vigorously climb the
top of the rock mountain, everyone continued to do things in their

Xiao Yan lived, it was easy to go down, how did Hai Yin climb

Hai Yin put a parcel wrapped in leaves in front of Liv, and said
aloud: "Everybody eats."

Liv opened the leaves and found some wild fruits inside. I
couldn't help but smile. "It's raspberry! I like raspberries most!
Thank you!"
Xiao Yan curiously put his head together, but Mark held his head
and said, "Hey! The rookie! The man should eat the meat! What
the raspberry is the woman's food!"

"You guys who have no products!" Liv glared at him and pulled
Xiao Yan to his side and said, "Xiao Yan, of course, eating so
much meat, you have to eat some fruit!"

After that, Liv put a raspberry into Xiao Yan's mouth, smiled and
narrowed his eyes and asked, "How? Is it delicious?"

Xiao Yan’s face slowly became complicated, and he swallowed it.

He grabbed his teeth and said, “God! It’s too sour! I’m so chin my
chin almost!”

"Haha!" Li Fu smiled casually on Xiao Yan's shoulder. "This is a

gift from nature. Without any catalyst or any interference, they
grow freely. This is not enough in Xiaer." the taste of."

"That's it!" Xiao Yan nodded, and there was a faint scent between
the lips and teeth. Although it was sour, it was endless.

"Hey? There are wild cherries here!" Liv snorted and looked at
Hai Yin. "Hey, have you found wild cherries?"

"Yeah." Hai Yin still looked into the distance, like the watchman
on the edge of the cliff.
Xiao Yan couldn't help but stare at his side face.

"I found that you really like to look at the head." Li Fu suddenly
got to Xiao Yan's ear, causing him to subconsciously shrug his

"Ah... I am just..."

"Don't mind, when I first entered the special mission force, I

always like to look at him. With him, we know our direction." Liv
half jokingly stuffed a cherry into Xiaoyan's mouth.

"Oh... still sour..." Xiao Yan's face wrinkled, but he couldn't help
but like this taste that was completely unadorned.

"This is the first time." Liv pulled a smile on her lips.

"What is the first time?"

Li Fu shook his wild fruit and said, "Xiao Yan, do you know that
cherry represents the meaning of cherishing."

Xiao Yan whispered: "I am sure Colonel Burton has no such

romantic feelings."

"Hey, rookie! Are you full?" Mark asked.

"Full!" Xiao Yan stood up and stretched out.

At this time, Mark’s face changed and he screamed: “Look

Xiao Yan did not react completely. He only felt that there was
something close behind him. His shoulder was pressed down. The
sharp blade was cut from the top of his head. At the moment
when Xiao Yan’s heart stopped, what was falling behind him?

Hai Yin's chest is close at hand, Xiao Yan's ear is tightly attached
to the position of Hein's heartbeat, and the other's palm firmly
holds Xiao Yan, and the force almost pushes him into the chest.

The male temperament belonging to Hai Yin spreads in the nose

of Xiao Yan, and the tension is concealed in the calm.

Xiao Yan was pressed to breathe until the other party released his

"What to do! How did this level1 climb up!"

It turned out that there was only a zombie who climbed up the
rock mountain, and Xiao Yan was bitten off his shoulder.

Hai Yin’s eyes swept away all the people, and the obvious look in
the eyes.
They are too big, and as a special soldier, they wait until the
zombies approach themselves.

However, Xiao Yan was suspicious, and the special forces’

hearing was much higher than that of ordinary people. According
to the truth, when the zombies climbed the rock, they could feel
it, how could it...

Xiao Yan, who was hard to hide, came to the wreckage of the
zombie, took out the instrument from the backpack on the back
and scanned the body of the zombie. The detected data made Xiao
Yan frown.

"What's wrong?" Liv came to Xiao Yan.

"The data shows that it is five percent higher than the average
level1 body agility... I have to pass this data back to the Central
Academy of Sciences in Charles, level1 is likely to be evolving.
You must be careful in your future missions!"

Liv stunned slightly, then looked at all the special forces, "Hey!
Everyone heard it clearly!"


Xiao Yan secretly swallowed his mouth. When the zombie

attacked himself, Mark couldn’t catch it. If it weren’t for Hai Yin,
his head was no longer on his shoulder.
"Let's go." Hai Yin's face still does not see any emotions, he
steadily stepped into the cockpit of the aircraft.

The entire cabin was quiet and all the special forces were
reflecting on their own mistakes. Fortunately, this is just a routine
cruise. If it is a battle, they can't find the close of the zombies,
which will cause a fatal blow.

It was not long before the mark next to Xiao Yan was a little bit
tolerant. He used his elbow to smash Xiao Xiaoyan. "Hey, you
will be the technical soldier of our army!"

"Why?" Xiao Yan did not understand how Mark suddenly said
that after all, the appointment of technical soldiers must pass
through the Central Academy of Sciences, and there must be
other researchers who are better and have practical experience.

"You think about the first time we went to the nuclear power plant
to perform the task, but you just kissed me, and the head almost
didn't kill you. But now, when the lock is locked, the head not
only takes you personally, just now. Protect you, the head has
already admitted that you are one of us, and then we will follow

Other special forces suddenly responded: "Yes! The research

institute is boring!"
"I heard that there are some weird people! What is talking to the
air! There is almost no life in locking the research assistant in the

"Yeah, you are still with us before you become a neurotic!"

Xiao Yan looked at Liv, and the other person didn't talk but just

He did not expect that he would be so popular in the army of Hai


When they returned to the base, they saw Colonel Shen Bing
rushing to the sea.

"What do you think you are doing!"

The special forces looked over and they did not know. Hai Yin
still sat in the driver's seat and allowed Shen Bing to enter the

"You know that Charles is right..." Shen Bing's eyes fell on Xiao
Yan's face, but his eyes quickly turned away.

Xiao Yan’s faint feeling that Shen Bing’s anger should be related
to himself.
"Xiao Yan, did you send a data about zombies to the Central
Academy of Sciences in Shire?" Shen Bing took a breath and
asked Xiao Yan in a tone that was as smooth as possible.

"Yes, Colonel."

"The Academy of Sciences asks you to do an analysis report and

hand in before 9 am tomorrow."

"...what?" He is only a first-line student, at most, it is to transmit

data, and what should be analyzed by the researcher.

"Even if it is a reserve, don't you understand the truth that the

military order only says it again? Are you still in the air here?"

"Yes! Colonel!" Xiao Yan saw that Shen Bing wanted to open
himself, so he left the cabin and a liaison officer took him away.

In the cockpit at this time, only Shen Bing and Hai Yin Burton.

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: Mark, Mark, do you
know what the colonel gave wild cherry to Lifu?

Mark: What do you mean?

Xiao Yan: It means "cherish"!

Mark: ...I am not happy, I can’t fight for it...

Liv: Xiao Yan, are you sure that the wild cherry is for me? 2k
novel reading network

"Xiao Yan is a student, but Shire has already issued an order to

me to transfer him back to the Central Academy of Sciences! His
brain speed has reached 300 million megabytes, which has caused
the upper level attention! But you just took him to the base like
this. Outside! If something goes wrong..."

"Since he is so important, when the base was attacked by the

ground, no one remembered to protect him from the refuge
channel." Hai Yin stood up, and he was half-headed and taller
than Shen Bing. At this time, he was extremely oppressed. "And,
Since I took him out, I can bring him back."

Shen Bing’s gaze stayed behind Hai Yin’s back until he left the
parking passage, and Shen Bing sighed with a sigh of relief. “This
guy! Really fucking...”

At this time, Xiao Yan came to an underground research room,

and the data he obtained from the zombies was all imported into
the terminal. Xiao Yan exhaled, this is his first time using the
terminal in the military research room. The moment when the
brain is connected to the database, it seems to fall into a whole
ocean. It is a professional configuration, the terminal's response
and processing speed is very fast, and the research room used in
the college is completely different.

Because there is only one zombie data, it can't be studied on the

basis of quantification. So after he made a guess based on the
existing information, he turned over his very random report.
Anyway, he does not expect anyone to Look at his things

On the second day, the transporter sent by Charles arrived safely

on the 14th base, and Shen Bing also issued a request to return the
non-staff personnel to Xia, and soon got a positive reply. Xiao
Yan also returned to Shire in this compilation. Unlike other
people, he was riding a special mission unit.

The special forces in the cabin closed their eyes, and only Xiao
Yan looked out the window.

They are flying through a desert zone, and the sand dunes are like
rolling waves in the wind, constantly changing lines and gestures.

"For the outside world, you always look like you are not enough.
After leaving Shire, you almost lost your life several times,
thinking that you will think about retracting like other students!"
Liv said.

"All yearning, there is a price to pay."

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed, the sand drifted down, and the
zombies lying in it could be seen faintly. For more than two
centuries, these zombies have not disappeared naturally because
they are constantly gaining heat from nature and converting it into
their own energy. The desert is exposed to direct sunlight and is
the best place to get heat. The desolate land that humans have
avoided in the past has become a paradise for zombies.

Xiao Yan was sleepy and fell asleep. When he woke up again, he
had already arrived in the city of Shire. He followed Liv out of
the aircraft, and at first glance he saw the expressionless Kathy.

His back is quite straight, and the awe in his eyes is very similar
to Shen Bing. The epaulettes show that he is already a lieutenant

Xiao Yan couldn't help but hate the teeth. This guy is obviously a
child and has learned to put on the shelf.

Kathy came to Haiyin Burton and performed a very strong

military ceremony. "Coloton Burton, I am Lieutenant Colonel
Casey from the Central Academy of Sciences, and was ordered to
bring the student Xiao Yan back!"

Hai Yin turned around and did not look at Xiao Yan.
Liv took a picture of Xiao Yan's shoulder and whispered:
"Welcome back to the cage."

With a smile on his face, Xiao Yan followed Kathy, this time he
entered the elevator for only a class of researchers.

As the elevator goes all the way down, Xiao Yan has an illusion
that they are about to cross the core of the earth.

"Where are we going?" Xiao Yan's brow wrinkled.

He thought that Kathy was not cold and hot because he was
working, but now Xiao Yan feels that this is not the only thing.


"Test? You still don't give up? My mind is like this, I am not as
smart as you! Kathy!"

"You are really not very smart, always play with your own life!"

Kathy’s voice was very low and he gnashed his teeth.

Xiao Yan quickly closed his mouth. When Casey was angry, he
would not say anything better.

They came to a special laboratory where the center of the

laboratory was a closed reaction cell and the upper part of the
laboratory was the reaction observation station.
"Sit down." Kathy raised his chin.

"You... what to test?"

Xiao Yan knows that someone on the observation stage is looking

at them, but he can't see each other. This test is definitely not just
a test of Xiao Yan's ability to become a class A researcher.

In the reaction tank, a person slowly rises. She slaps the glass in
horror. When she is opposite to Xiao Yan’s line of sight, the tears
suddenly fall. From her mouth shape, Xiao Yan knows that she is
shouting “Help me”. .

"Lilly! Lily, how are you here! Open it!"

"Student Xiao Yan, please pay attention to your tone. I am a

lieutenant colonel, and you are only a student, you are not
qualified to issue orders."

Kathy turned around the reaction tank in a cold circle.

"We extracted a gene chain from the comet virus and synthesized
a new virus, making it a biochemical weapon. Lily can be used as
an experiment in this kind of chemical weapon."

"What are you talking about? Experiment **? Are you crazy?"
Xiao Yan licked Kathy's collar, and Casey's expression has not
"You forced me. You can hear clearly. From the beginning of the
experiment, you will have 10 minutes to rescue Lily from the
reaction tank. In the first five minutes, the gas will attack Lily's
brain and make her lose her physical activity. After a minute, her
cells will lose the ability to synthesize oxygen. From the seventh
minute she will gradually die, and ten minutes later, she will
become a zombie.

Kathy was extremely calm, as if he were explaining the steps of

the professor to the students.

"Kathy! What crazy is your mother!"

Xiao Yan’s fist was about to lie on Casey’s face, but the other side
didn’t even blink.

"After she becomes a zombie, we will conduct a series of studies

on her, such as cutting her body to study her healing ability,
calculating the healing time, and whether she can use her as a
breeding ground to breed new varieties of viruses..."

"Enough! Don't say it again! Let her out!"

Xiao Yan’s eyes are red, and the blue veins of the forehead almost

"It’s not me, but you can let her out."

Casey delivered the terminal connector to Xiao Yan.

"You have ten minutes to complete the decoding of this viral gene
chain, and the enzyme that synthesizes the virus is injected into
the reaction tank."

Xiao Yan didn't reach out and Kathy raised her eyebrows. "The
countdown to the experiment begins. I don't care if you continue
to waste her time."

There is no choice at all!

Xiao Yan never thought that Casey, who was always a child like a
child, would do everything for the experiment!

A rock smashed through the connector, Xiao Yan was forced to

start the journey of thinking.

The mist mixed with the virus has been injected into the reaction
tank, and Lily slaps the glass wall, helpless and fearful.

Xiao Yan's brain quickly began to analyze. The gene chain of this
virus was criss-crossed. Xiao Yan not only had to perform
calculations, but also analyzed the consequences of each gene
chain combined with the human body. Information and data
rushed through his mind, and he was going to grab a life-saving
needle in the ocean.
Lily had been unable to sit down along the reaction tank and her
hands fell.

The instrument showed that her brain reaction was rapidly

decreasing and the ventilator was approaching zero after two

faster! Just a little faster! How to break down this virus!

Xiao Yan thought desperately, he vowed that his brain has never
been so hard in this life.

Cold sweat from the forehead corner, the back is also sweaty,
calm! Never panic! Once you lose your direction of thinking, you
will never find an exit!

In addition to decomposition, is there any other way?

For example... metabolism.

Finally, in the vast sea, he caught the message of life-saving.

In the next second, a certain gas in the reaction tank flooded and
spread to cover Lily.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and widened his eyes to look at the
reaction display.

Her brain began to fluctuate and was blocked by oxygen to make

functional cells slowly recovering activity.
"You have succeeded, eight minutes and twenty-four seconds, a
minute and thirty-six seconds faster than the time I set for you."

Kathy's voice is like a cold machine.

Xiao Yan slowly took off the connector, closed his eyes and
breathed out his breath.

"Why lie to me?"

"What did I lie to you?"

"The virus you want me to analyze is true, but what you inject
into the reaction tank is a common anesthetic. You have no
intention of using Lily to do the experiment."

"……how do you know……"

“I tried to invade the reaction system and analyzed the

composition of the aerosol.”

Kathy was stunned, and no one could have imagined that Xiao
Yan not only produced a decomposing enzyme but also invaded
the reaction system.

"Because you like her, don't you? I only use her to get you to go
all out to test this."

Kathy’s voice was very low, and it seemed to be very hard to bear.
He had a splash of water in his cold eyes.
This guy has always been in a sorrowful shape, and now in the
face of Xiao Yan, the cool look is finally broken.

"Who told you that I like Lily?"

"She was on the back of Charles's aircraft and said that in order to
guard her by her side, she could leave with Haiyin Burton but
chose to stay! This woman made you almost killed by zombies!
You also said that you don't like her. ?"

"She is a woman! I am a man! How shameful it is for a man to

leave a woman to escape! And... If the person who stayed there
was you, I would do the same thing!"

After talking about this passage, Xiao Yan felt that there was
something strange.

... How do you seem to be caught by a girlfriend who has an

affair, and is now trying to explain?

Kathy’s face raised a smile, and the stinky guy was obviously
happy and still had a look of heaven.

"What is the purpose of this test?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: Kathy, you don't have
special forces like you.

Kathy: Do you think I need special forces like it?

Xiao Yan: I don't like you like you.

Kathy: Are you too long? 2k novel reading network

Xiao Yan looked up and looked around. He wanted to know who

was looking at him.

"What can I do? If you don't give you pressure, you will never go
all out to test! I applied to the upper level. If this time your test
reaches the a level, let me do my research. assistant Manager!"

“Is this really true?” Xiao Yan expressed deep doubts.

"Otherwise? At least I am looking at you by my side! If I let you

go out and do a field trip, I will be scared every day!"

Kathy’s expression is extremely serious.

Xiao Yan sighed, yeah, very irresponsible for this friend himself.
Obviously know what the other party has been worried about, but
always do something that makes the other party not at ease.

"Don't be angry with me... I only have one friend of you... I just
don't want you to go to a dangerous place..."

Kathy lowered his head, no matter how he was called a genius by

outsiders, or he showed a strong and proud appearance, he was
always a teenager. In this icy research center, he was treated as a
human being, but how many people remember that he was just a

Xiao Yan gently hugged him and patted his back.

"Well, you are my best friend. When I am laughed at is firewood,

only you will stand up in front of me."

It’s a big deal. This time, through the class a test, I really went to
Kathy’s research assistant, and I am not eager to engage in
research work to get information about the x virus. Kathy has the
most sophisticated research equipment. And the most confidential

At this point, Casey's chin rested on Xiao Yan's shoulder, his eyes
swept a trace of sputum, and the depression of the corner of his
lips was unpredictable.

Turned in the test data, Lily was also sent to the medical care
room, Xiao Yan stretched out.

"I am hungry, go eat something!"

"How can you not care about your test results at all?"

"Is there any concern? If I am sent to be your assistant, then I am

a class A elite. If I am sent to do a field investigation, then I am
still a b-class firewood."
"You are really calm! That Lily! You really don't like her?
Remember that every time I saw her passing through the college,
you kept staring at her chest!"

"This is the nature of men! And chasing good things is human


Xiao Yan and Casey left the lab.

In the observation room, a man in military uniform stood in front

of the glass.

"Report, the test results came out."

"What is his rating?"

“A level.”

"What is the speed of the brain involved in the terminal?"

“300 million mega-speed, consistent with the data transmitted by

the 14th base.”

The man is thinking about his chin.

"Shenbing's intervention speed is only 200 million gigabytes."

“Hello... Do you need to upgrade Xiao Yan’s student level?”

"Of course not. Since we already know that the purpose of the
surge organization attack research aircraft is to obtain the
researchers' brains, if they know Xiao Yan's research level and
terminal intervention speed, they will definitely be regarded as the
target. Notify the Academia Sinica, Keeping Xiao Yan's research
level unchanged, the safety level is raised to level a, and he is
fully protected."

"So what is the request of Lieutenant Colonel Casey?"

“Approved. Let Xiao Yan stay in the most rigorous safety

research institute and protect him.”

"Yes! I heard... Have you reviewed Xiao Yan's research report on

the mutated level1?"

"Yeah, very daring and interesting guess."

"The research directors of the Central Academy of Sciences feel

that his report is too outrageous. It is all speculation. There is no
theoretical and data support. There is absolutely no need for

"All research begins with conjecture. For example, Galileo's

heliocentric theory hundreds of years ago, Newton's universal
gravitation and even the virological father of Constantine's virus
variant theory began with conjecture. Every conjecture is
unacceptable. But in the end it has been proven to be a scientific
classic. Perhaps, Xiao Yan will become the next classic? The
most exciting part of the world is that a person you completely
look down on will suddenly turn everything you understand and

Xiao Yan’s dinner was very rich. After all, because of the supply
problem on the 14th base, all the food was fixed. Xiao Yan had
not had such a wide open mind for a long time. Thinking of Shen
Bing who still stayed there, Xiao Yan touched his nose and
thought that the colonel might not be more happy than the

"What are you thinking about again?" Casey's finger poked on

Xiao Yan's cheek.

"Some proud things." Xiao Yan blinked.

"What makes you proud?" Casey supported the upper body and
continued to lean toward Xiao Yan until the eyes of the beautiful
emeralds were in front of Xiao Yan.

Obviously, it is a smiley expression, as always, the childish

arrogance, but under the package of the military uniform, it is
faintly exuding.

"No...what..." Xiao Yan subconsciously leaned back and put his

back on the chair.
"Cheat, isn't you thinking about Lily?" Kathy's eyebrows picked,
and the scorpion went cold.

"Hey! If you don't mention her, I didn't even think about it!"

"If you haven't thought about Lily's business, then Haiyin

Burton?" Casey held his chin and looked at Xiao Yan. The kind of
pressure that was completely different from jokes made Xiao Yan
slightly shocked.

"...What happened to Colonel Burton?" Xiao Yan didn't think that

Casey would suddenly mention Hai Yin.

"His troops will soon have a mission. The leader of the Academy
of Sciences, Lieutenant General Aivil, sent a major to provide
technical support for them. Do you know what his team members
are saying?" Kathy Dunton, looking into Xiaoyan In the eyes,
"They said that in addition to your little rookie, they don't need
other technical soldiers who are dragging their legs."

Xiao Yan touched his own back and smiled: "I didn't expect my
evaluation to be so high!"

"You still laugh! I thought that Hein Burton would take care of
him. Who knows that he didn't even say a word. Do you know
what it means? It means that he and his subordinates have the
same idea! Fortunately, Major General Gordon and Lieutenant
General Aivil will not support you to leave Shire, or you will
have to go out with the guys! Do you think you have a few lives?"

Xiao Yan opened his mouth and he wanted to say that as long as
he was with Haiyin Burton, he had a hunch that he could come
back safely no matter what happened. On the contrary, in this
underground city without sea, his thoughts are uneasily uneasi.

"Well, no matter what, I hope that you can keep a distance from
the troops of Haiyin Burton. I don't want my research to go to the
most important part and my assistant is taken out to deal with the

"You think too much." Xiao Yan lowered his head and continued
to eat.

I don't know why, this time I returned to Shire, I always felt that
Kathy had something different from the past.

"Very well, if I know that you still remember the woman who
made you almost dead or think about going outside, I will screw
your head down to make a collection and put it on my desk, as
long as I want to see it. I can see you. How?"

Kathy grinned and looked very cute.

Xiao Yan felt chilling and almost never fell off the back of the
After dinner, Xiao Yan and Kathy returned to their respective

The apartment of the b-level student is a townhouse, and the

space is small and pitiful, just enough to put down a bed and a set
of terminal equipment. Xiao Yan doesn't care about this. After all,
the dormitory is just a place to sleep. Moreover, as long as the
access terminal Xiao Yan can spend all the leisure time in the
online game, this is probably the so-called internet addiction.

When he came downstairs to the apartment, several people stood

in the shadow in front of the gate. They were dressed in military
uniforms, but the collar was open. The temperament was
obviously not the technical soldiers of the institute. It was like the
military and political office. This is the most disgusting
department of Xiao Yan. There is nothing but a bureaucratic style.

The unsightly guy naturally did not see it. Xiao Yan came to the
apartment door and was going to use fingerprints. The military
and political office relied on him to surround him. His eyes were
blind and there was no goodwill.

Xiao Yan warned.

"You are Xiao Yan?"

The headed officer pushed Xiao Yan a hand and said with a bad
voice: "Why don't you answer?"

On the force of force, Xiao Yan knows that he is a stupid rookie,

and he is thinking about how to lead them away.

"It's him! This guy is Xiao Yan! I remembered it. I saw him when
I came down from the plane today!"

Xiao Yan’s heart was cold, and he was about to run away. The
collar was caught and fell back on the wall.

Before I even had time to speak, a fist slammed down, and I was
dizzy, and my mouth was filled with blood.

Fuck! What's the matter! Outside, he was chased by the zombies,

and he returned to Charles and was chased by others!

"Ask you to dare not answer! Kill this guy!"

Several fists fell, Xiao Yan nowhere to dodge, can only hold his
head and kneel.

The heavy fist fell on his shoulders and arms. In addition to the
pain, Xiao Yan’s heart was incomparable.

He was hit hard and hurt.

Since entering the Academy of Sciences, he has been ridiculed by
firewood for many times by class a students, but it is the first time
that he has been beaten so inexplicably.

Even if he is lazy, he never values ​the indifferent face, but Xiao

Yan’s bones are still bloody.

"If you have the ability, you will explode my head! Otherwise, I
will definitely go to the military discipline to sue you!"

Xiao Yan’s voice just fell, the head of the squatting his hair
pressed against the wall, watching his face squeezed into a twist,
showing a smug smile, raising the voice and saying: "Kid? You
still want Going to the military disciplinary office to tell us? It
seems that you really don't know why! We are teaching you for
Major Denzel of the Military Division!"

After hearing this, Xiao Yan finally understood what was going

Major Denzel has been pursuing Lily, and even promised that she
can promise to marry him. Even if Lily can't be promoted to a
class researcher, she can do logistics without leaving Charles, but
Lily refuses him.
What Xiao Yan is most despising is such a man. When a woman
refuses to hurt her self-esteem, she goes to an irrelevant person to
find a sense of accomplishment.

"That will trouble you to tell Major Denzel... When Lily is chased
by zombies to escape... Where is the distinguished Lord Denzel?"

Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and smiled mockingly. Although he is

now embarrassed, he is hurting in his mouth, but he can’t help

"Your boy is looking for death!"

Another punch hit Xiao Yan's abdomen, and the subconscious

Xiao Yan reached out to hold the other's fist, and Hai Yin Burton
appeared in his mind. He raised his knees and slammed against
each other. The officer did not think that Xiao Yan would resist,
and there was no defense at all. He was pushed out to spit out
everything in his stomach.

The other two were stupid, and then they waved their fists to Xiao
Yan with anger.

At this time, Xiao Yan has calmed down and left to flick right to
find the opportunity to escape.

After all, the people in the military and political affairs

department were systematically trained in combat, and soon one
person was holding Xiao Yan, and the other person was going to
give him a fist.

"Stepping on his knees and leaning back, he will lose his weight."

The icy sounds spread out along the air, pouring into the depths of
thought from the ear of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan slammed up, his feet stepping on his guy's knees,
slamming backwards, the other party really lost his center of
gravity, and when he fell back, Xiao Yan kicked the guy who was
about to throw his fist at the opposite side. .

Xiao Yan, who was free, quickly climbed up, staring at the two
men who had not returned to God and left their attack range.

When I came back, I saw a cold and elegant man standing under
the streetlight.

Xiao Yan stared at each other, but I couldn't think of him coming


Haiyin Burton walked towards him, his palms passed through

Xiao Yan's ear, and the gust of wind dragged his hair, and he
sullenly behind him.
Xiao Yan thought that Hai Yin had to twist his own head, and his
heart was pinched. When he stiffened and looked back, he
realized that Hai Yin’s handcuffs were almost effortless on the
neck of a guy trying to sneak Xiao Yan. The guy was smashed,
the whole face turned red, and the toes left the ground a little bit,
and the eyes were afraid of death.

The other two officers saw that the situation was stunned.

" are you!"

They dare not go forward.

Hai Yin’s brow slightly picked up, and the officer in the hand was
opened. The other fell to the ground and coughed up with a neck.

"I advise you not to worry about anything! Otherwise we tell

Major Denzel, he will not let you go!"

Hai Yin went forward two more steps, slaps his own epaulettes
disdainfully, and his battle suit shows his identity.

"Special...Special mission troops..."

"It's a colonel..."

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Hai Yin, your
little baby was bullied.

Hai Yin: I will deal with him in the next chapter.

Fat winter melon: I think too, how can you make people feel bad
about your baby in the days when you are not there? Even if you
didn't put Xiao Yan's blue eyes on his face, these guys are dead~

Xiaokou ~ month ~ moon stone ... I am not anyone's: baby...

Maya & Liv & Mark: Little baby don't make trouble! 2k novel
reading network

Hai Yin squinted her eyes, her lips were slightly open, her voice
was not loud, and every word was cut like a blade on the nerve.

"Tell Major Denzel - I am Haid Burton waiting for him to be rude

to me."

Sure enough, the three guys opened their mouths and were stupid.

Enemy with Haiyin Burton is tantamount to offending the **** of


They climbed up and fled, and the embarrassing situation made

Xiao Yan somewhat uncomfortable.

"……Thank you."

Xiao Yan just intended to pull up the lips and lips, and the whole
body was sore and painful everywhere. It was ugly to laugh than
to cry.

Hai Yin’s brows were picked up, and Xiao Yan realized that his
nose was full of blood.

Xiao Yan’s subconscious mind would have to rub it with his back,
and something between Hai Yin’s fingers was gently pressed
against his face.

When the shoulders trembled, Xiao Yan did not consciously

retreat a half step, and Hai Yin’s eyes sank.

He is angry because he is dirty?

Even if this guy is killed in front of the zombies, it is also

spotless. At this moment, Xiao Yan’s face is blood, he should be
very disgusting.

"I will do it myself……"

When Xiao Yan’s fingers clasped the other’s wrist, he regretted it.

Will Hai Yin twist his wrist and will he dislocate again?

But the other party just released his hand.

Xiao Yan discovered that the "blade" in the hands, the military's
high-end nano research results, "swipe" will wipe the blade with
nano-materials into the cracks of the blade, making the blade
sharper. Of course, the cost of such things is also very high.

Hai Yin used it to wipe Xiao Yan's nosebleed...

"Put your head up." The cold and short voice passed to Xiao Yan's
ear with some inexplicable temperature.

Xiao Yan raised his chin and his nose hurt so badly. It was good.
After a while, his nose was definitely swollen. He didn’t even use
the door. He had already made an appointment with several
co-workers to go to the bar. He was afraid of one at a time. When
it appears, it will be laughed at as "Christmas red nose elk".

Looking up for a while, the neck was a bit sour, Xiao Yan lowered
his head, did not expect the nosebleeds to flow out again, and
quickly pressed with the "swipe". Once again, the eyes of
Shanghai Yin, Xiao Yan’s heart trembled.

He did not expect that the other party was still here, and he did
not know what to say at the moment.

Hai Yin’s eyes are drooping, and he is always unaware of his

emotions. It’s just that the sharp and indifferent in the week is
blurred at the moment. Xiao Yan doesn’t know if it’s because of
his sore eyes. Hai Yin’s hand stretched over, and Xiao Yan had a
retreating impulse. The other’s fingers swept over his auricle, held
his back, and gently raised him again, only this time, he no longer
felt The neck is uncomfortable. From this angle, he can't see the
eyes of Hai Yin, only knowing that the other's fingers touched his
lower lip.
Such a touch, Xiao Yan subconsciously shrugged his shoulders,
his lips were pulled away, Xiao Yan's breathing lingered in the
throat, he constantly wondered what Hai Yin should do.

He felt a certain breath along his lips and entered the mouth,
countering his internal organs and occupying him completely. The
body is shaking, Xiao Yan knows that Hai Yin is leaning against

He could hardly believe that the other party actually approached


When the warm tip of the tongue touched the upper lip of Xiao
Yan, he thought that the ground under his feet was shaking and
crashing. When the piece of softness passed his teeth and gently
licked his tongue, Xiao Yan’s heart leaped wildly, the blood
continued to rush down, his mind was pale, and all his senses
were concentrated in the place where the two touched. Everything
about him is out of control and wants to get more from the other

He subconsciously lifted the tip of his tongue, but the other party
evacuated extremely quickly. Xiao Yan couldn't control himself
and chased him. The other side slammed his back to prevent him
from continuing to lean forward.
At that moment, Xiao Yan opened his eyes. At the moment when
he and Hai Yin’s unchanging eyes met, he saw something in his
pupil that he had to endure for a long time.

It’s just that this sentiment flashed past, and Xiao Yan didn’t even
have any time to explore.

Hai Yin’s hand left Xiao Yan’s back, and at the moment he lost
support, his heart was inexplicably empty.

"Colonel! Let's go!"

Liv’s clear voice sounded, and Xiao Yan swept over the shoulders
of Hai Yin to see her coming out of an apartment.

"Farewell to your brother?" Hai Yin turned away.

"Yes!" Liv saw Xiao Yan's moment revealing that he didn't know
whether to laugh or the expression of anger. "My God, I haven't
seen you for more than ten hours. How do you turn yourself into
this look!" How are all blood?"

"Oh..." Xiao Yan still didn't come back from the contact with Hai
Yin. It was a kiss that was almost kissed. It was equivalent to
Xiao Yan's impossible thing.

"Hey? Has it healed?" Liv passed Xiaoyan's face and looked at it

At that moment, Xiao Yan suddenly found that the feeling of
numbness of the swelling and pain disappeared, and the bleeding
of the nasal cavity also stopped. Even the place where the sputum
was smashed was no longer painful. It’s the x virus, Xiao Yan’s
reaction to what happened to Hai Yin’s own purpose.

Just like that time, he sprained his ankle and lay on the ground.
Haiyin used his grass to touch his own saliva and fed it to Xiao
Yan, but this time Xiao Yan got the x virus through direct contact.

Liv seemed to understand what it was at that moment. When Xiao

Yan looked at Hai Yin, the other party left him with only his back.

Lonely, it seems to belong to a different world from Xiao Yan.

Li Fu shook his head helplessly. "I always feel that you are a
disaster. The aircraft you are riding will encounter a blocker
invasion. The base you enter will be attacked by missiles. Even
when you return to Xiaer, you can make yourself into this. Look

"It’s true that you are saying this. You are here to say goodbye to
your brother, is your army going to somewhere else?"

"We are going to Amazon! Have you heard that place?"

Xiao Yan’s heart is a vibration, “Amazon? It was a very
complicated biosphere more than two hundred years ago! Can I

Liv smiled and shook her head. "We are going there to do
resource research. When will you kill the zombies?"

Xiao Yan’s heart was filled with a touch of desolateness, “Yes...”

If his assessment results reach a, he will enter the Academy of

Sciences to do Kathy's assistant, and he has really become a cage

"Look, the head is really good for you." Liv blinked. She didn't
have any ridicule for Xiao Yan, just telling the truth. Li Fu easily
guessed why Xiao Yan had so much blood but could disappear in
all the wounds in a short time.

This calmed Xiao Yan's inexplicable heart.

This is the x virus in the special mission force. If it is directly

injected into the blood, it will strengthen the physical ability
including healing ability, but it will consume life. When the tip of
Haiyin touched Xiaoyan, the x virus that had been attenuated by
his body metabolism entered Xiaoyan body, which temporarily
improved his healing ability. At the same time, x virus is also an
irresistible aphrodisiac. Xiao Yan’s reason for the short-term
reaction to Hai Yin’s short-term reaction is not the slightest force.

According to Constantine, the father of virology in Charles, the

most terrible virus often has unexpected tenderness, and the
healing power is probably the gentleness of the x virus.

It is undeniable that this is the gentlest and most ** kiss that Xiao
Yan has experienced so far, although it can't hold a kiss at all.

Only when he was on the look of Haiyin Burton, his breath

seemed to be frozen in the chest, and all his feelings were
instantly broken.

He remembered the unrealistic fantasies, crazy kisses, deadly

strengths, and the almost gentle gestures that he had once had.
Xiao Yan didn't quite understand. When did the legendary
characters appear frequently and unexpectedly in his life?

On this night, Major Denzel returned to his officer's apartment

with an alcoholic atmosphere.

The lights automatically lit up, and he swayed toward his wide,
comfortable bed, faintly, and seemed to see someone sitting in
front of the sofa.
He narrowed his eyes and looked at each other. It was an
extremely delicate and beautiful face. Danzel pulled out a
frivolous smile. "Oh, dear... How did you get in?"

The focal length is unclear, he can't touch the other's line of sight,
but he is sure that the other side has a pair of very beautiful eyes.

It’s just that the other party has never said a word, and even has
not moved.

"Don't be so cold, I... I like passionate women..."

Denzel reached out and tried to pick up the other's chin. Just at
the moment when he was about to touch the other's skin, his
fingers were twisted and slammed, and Denzel's painful shouts
lingered in the apartment.

"I have three things that you need to remember."

The cold voice of the man oppressed the air, and Danzel struggled

"Do you know who I am? I am Major Denzel of the Military

Discipline! Don't let me know your name! I will make it hard to
see you dead!"

The man was unmoved, only to hear a "squeaky" sound, and

Danzel’s wrist was dislocated.

This time, Danzel was completely awake, and the alcohol in the
body seemed to evaporate in an instant, and the back of the ridge
was cold and sweaty. He finally saw the other person's eyes,
ruthless, indifferent and killing.

The black combat uniforms, slender and strong body, even if they
broke their arms, are still elegant and unattainable.

"The first one, I don't allow anyone to touch me."

After that, Major Denzel’s shoulder was unloaded.



He couldn't speak at all, he could only nod.

"The second one, I am Haiyin Burton, no one can make me die."

Major Denzel was completely stupid. Is this man like a **** like
Hein Burton?

Why is Hein Burton appearing in his apartment?

"The third and final one. If you let Xiao Yan bleed in any name,
even if I feel a little pain, I will break your head."
"Shaw...rock..." Major Denzel recalled the name in an
unparalleled pain.

Isn’t this guy competing with Li’s class B students? Several

friends of the military and political department once said that they
are going to repair him. Did they really do it?


"Remember... remember... Colonel Burton... Please let go... Ah-"

Major Denzel made a more tragic cry and his other arm was
screwed off.

"This is to make you remember something clearly."

Haiyin Burton let go of his hand, and Major Denzel seemed to

have fallen garbage in the place, and he screamed and snorted.

Hai Yin walked out of his apartment, and officials from the two
military disciplines outside the door were waiting.

"Coloton Bolton, are you finished with the conversation with

Major Denzel? We also need to take him to the Interrogation of
the Military Discipline."

Hai Yin nodded slightly and left.

The two officers looked at his back and took a breath without a
Xiao Yan’s order was issued early the next morning, and he came
to Casey’s research office to report.

Now Kathy has been alone. There are three virus research
projects under his name. A team of twelve a-class researchers
listened to him.

When Xiao Yan performed a standardized military ceremony in

front of Casey, as he expected, these researchers looked at his
eyes very complicated.

His research level is still b level, so it has become the object of

discussion in the entire Central Academy of Sciences. Many
people have criticized Casey, saying that the young lieutenant
colonel used the research room as a family wine, and Xiao Yan
was the nanny who accompanied him.

However, Casey’s attitude towards Xiao Yan was completely

formulated, and the assignment of the instructions and the
assignment of research tasks were treated equally.

Xiao Yan knows that even if he doesn't care, he can't make Casey
lose face. He didn't think about any new ideas. He just wanted to
behave like a qualified researcher.

Looking at his figure of serious data processing, Casey showed a

meaningful smile.
At the end of the day's study, Xiao Yan walked out of the lab,
front of what the two researchers who were walking talked about.

"I heard that Major Denzel was degraded from the Military

"What happened?"

"He didn't know what had done to anger Hai Yin Burton! His
arms and legs were twisted by Haiyin Burton!"

"This Danzel is already arrogant on weekdays! Someone will rule

him! But it is strange that Heinden Burton has rarely had an
intersection with a department other than the special mission
force. How can it conflict with Denzel? And even if Danzel was
repaired, was he demoted?"

"What will Danzel do in addition to being flattering? But Haiyin

Burton is irreplaceable! His troops are awesome!"

Xiao Yan blinked and Li Fu didn't mean they were going to have
a mission? By the way, there should be no time to find the trouble
of Denzel? Denzel was not a fool, he ran into the gun of Hai Yin

It can only be said that everything is destiny. For Danzel, a man

who is not bright and open, Xiao Yan will not have half sympathy.
At this time, two officers came to Xiao Yan.

"Hello, we are the officers of the management committee. Are

you Xiao Yan?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: Li Fu! Liv! They all
said that I kissed Colonel Burton. Is this a kiss?

Liv: The tongue is sticking in. What do you want?

Xiao Yan: Mark! Mark, is this also a kiss?

Mark: I will make suggestions to the head, and I will be a little

longer next time.

Xiao Yan: ... Maya, they all said that I kissed the colonel...

Maya: ... If this is not a kiss, what else can be pursued? 2k novel
reading network


What is wrong? Things have been going on lately, and then I will
start to arrogant.

One of the officers raised his wrist and revealed a nano-implanted


"What are you going to do?"

Casey rushed over and took Xiao Yan's hand.

"Don't be nervous about Xiao Yan, all the researchers here will be
implanted into the chip! I was implanted two days ago. In order to
monitor our heartbeat, pulse and other physical characteristics, it
is also to facilitate the military to track our whereabouts and
protect us. Safe!"

What is the monitoring of physical characteristics to protect

safety? Obviously, we must monitor them all.

"You won't feel the pain."

Xiao Yan hasn't reacted yet, only heard a muffled sound, the
feeling of numbness around the neck spread to the heart, and the
chip implant is over.

In this way, he is really thoroughly monitored.

"Xiao Yan?" Kathy pulled the sleeves of Xiao Yan.

"Kathy, I ask you, when did the military start implanting chips for
every researcher?"

“It’s all started half a month ago.”

"A half month ago?"

Half a month ago, Shen Bing extracted information about the tide
from Xiao Yan’s mind.
It seems that this information must be related to the Academia
Sinica. Is it true that the researchers are mixed with the spies of
the tide, so in this way, we must grasp the trends of all

"Xiao Yan, what are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing."

Kathy still knows nothing.

But Xiao Yan is really curious about what the information is. If he
can, he really wants to interpret his brain.

"Hungry? Go to the restaurant." Casey smiled and picked up Xiao

Yan's wrist, mentioning what he was eating, and his child's heart
was exposed.

“Yes? Is there a children’s meal in the restaurant?”

"Children's meal? For whom?" Kathy looked like he didn't know.

Xiao Yan hurried forward, "Give you food!"

"Okay! Xiao Yan! You are dead!" Casey waved his fist and
chased it up.

Don't look at this guy's height is not as good as himself, but the
strength is very big, Xiao Yan rushed forward.
Looking back at Kathy’s red face, my heart is so refreshing!

I haven't had time to look back, and my chest suddenly hit


Xiao Yan almost fell to the ground, his arm was firmly held by
the other side, and he looked up at the moment with a pair of sly


The narrow outline of the eye has some inexplicable teasing, and
the cockroach in the corner of the left eye is even more romantic.
White as a jade skin color, people can not open their eyes.

At this time, Xiao Yan discovered that the other side was not a
white research suit, but a black combat suit.

"Special mission force?"

"Yeah." The other's eyebrows were light and swaying, and his
fingers pinched Xiao Yan's chin as if to tease his pet. "Be careful
when walking."

The next second, Xiao Yan was stunned by Kathy, and the
childish face was suddenly serious.

"Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Wallace."

"Hey, Kathy, you are still so cute, like a thorny rose."

Colonel Wallace?

Xiao Yan looked at each other incredulously.

Jane Wallace, the killer of the special mission force and the same
name as Haiyin Burton.

Everyone knows that this year is the eighth year that Heinden
Burton accepted the x virus. According to the burden of the virus
on the human body, Haiyin is likely to be exhausted and
exhausted in the next two years. Jane Wallace is the successor to
the Ministry of Military Affairs.

This man who seems to have not experienced the sun and **** is
actually Jane Wallace?

"Thank you for your support of our research." Casey restored the
formulaic tone.

"Kathy, you are too polite. If the x-virus research is successful, we

can all live a little longer and be able to go crazy for a long time -
isn't it?"

Jane Wallace leaned in, and the posture was about to kiss Kathy.
Kathy clung to Xiao Yan's wrist and pulled him back a half step
away from the breath of the other.
"My assistant and I are going to have lunch, see you in the
afternoon, Lieutenant Colonel Wallace."

Kathy pulled Xiao Yan and Jane passed by.

"You can call me Jane, we will meet every month!"

Jane’s voice came from far away, and Casey’s face became more
and more stinky.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yan rarely sees Casey showing such obvious hostility to


"See Jane Wallace in the future, be sure to stay away from him!"


"We need to collect a blood sample from this guy every month to
observe the rate of exhaustion caused by x virus, and every month
there are researchers who become his one-night stand!"

"Ah? There aren't many female researchers here! Beauty is even

less! So he can see it?" Xiao Yan admired the taste of Jane
Wallace, and the special task force is really different! Most
importantly, all the researchers are known for their calmness.
Haven't they thought about the consequences of going to bed with
special forces? However, this is not to blame these researchers,
think about when they were lured by Maya, there is no power, not
to mention the appearance, Jane Wallace is indeed a very
attractive man. If he is just a regular officer, I don't know how
many women are swarming.

"He is interested in men!" Kathy replied gnashingly.

"Ha?" Xiao Yan showed a silly expression.

"Have you heard the rumors about Jane Wallace here?"

"What rumors?"

"The man he has slept with will not be raised from now on!"

"What?" Xiao Yan was even more stupid. "Is this the x virus that
causes biological variation? Why didn't I see it in the database?"

Kathy looked at Xiao Yan with a look at the monster. "This is a

rumor! I am warning you to stay away from him! Can you not
understand the key points?"

Xiao Yan sighed and patted the chest. "I thought the x virus was
so terrible!"

Kathy grabbed her forehead. "I used to think that you are very
smart... The stupid person is me!"

On the afternoon of the day, Casey's lab was busy, because all the
indicators of Jane Wallace's body were tested, and all the research
assistants looked serious and slid the data on the holographic
display screen.

Jane lies on the platform, his body will pass through the scanner,
and the data is passed into the system.

All the researchers are concerned about their holographic display,

and only Xiao Yan stands there leisurely against the wall.

"Hey, I have seen you, you were with the lovely Casey that day."

Jane’s voice is very mellow, and it’s completely different from

Hai’s innocent feelings. But Xiao Yan wouldn't be stupid enough
to think that this man looks as harmless as his appearance, even
extremely dangerous.

Xiao Yan smiled. When she entered the lab, Kathy only severely
ordered him not to say a word to Jane Wallace. He didn’t look at
him. This guy started to talk, maybe in so many researchers. He
was the only new face, or Kathy revealed that the protection of
him caused the interest of Jane Wallace, but no matter what the
reason, Xiao Yan did not have the idea of ​meeting with each

"Why everyone is very busy, you are so leisurely. Is this the

privilege that Casey gives you?"
Xiao Yan’s brows shook. This guy really knows how to provoke
himself. He used to be here to name himself. He also deliberately
said this!

I regretted not staying in the observation room with Casey.

"How much do you know about x virus? Do you believe that

Casey can develop x-?"

Do you die if you don't speak? Xiao Yan looked down at his toes.

"Is Kathy like you? It's so cute to see him in front of you like a
little beast to protect his belongings from being encroached!"

If you don't shut up, I will seal your mouth with adhesive!

"Have he kissed you? Have you slept? Are you still above him?"

Do you think everyone has the same special interest as you do! If
you can conquer Kathy, it is your skill! No, wait, don't go to
Casey's troubles, have the ability to conquer Mark! Yes, Mark
will definitely give you a good look!

Xiao Yan still bowed his head, no one saw that his thinking had
leapt to a hundred thousand and eight thousand miles away.

"Isn't Kathy telling you that the man I have slept with will not do
it?" It seems that this guy has heard about his own rumors, and he
can still say it out, his face is really thick.
Xiao Yan pays attention to the reaction of the researchers around.
These guys seem to have long been accustomed to Jane's tone. No
one has an embarrassed expression. It seems that he has to
improve himself.

"Would you like to date me? You should know that it is a

wonderful thing to kiss j□j with the people of our special

Jane’s voice was extremely slow, gently swaying Xiao Yan’s

nerves, stroking and squinting, and quietly moving away from his

Of course, Xiao Yan knows what the other party said is

“unbeautiful and beautiful”. From the brief tip of the sea, he
touched Xiao Yan. The j□j of these special forces contains the
weakened x virus, which not only accelerates cell division and
produces healing wounds, but also makes people addicted to j□j.
Rolling the sheets with them is tantamount to taking drugs.

After the machine automatically sampled Jane's blood, his

physical examination was over.

Jane got up and did not slow down, Xiao Yan secretly glad that
the ear can finally be a little clean.
"Xiao Yan, come over." Casey waved at the upper level toward
Xiao Yan.

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel." Although the two are friends, Xiao

Yan still gives Kathy face in the workplace.

Xiao Yangang was sideways, and had not had time to step
forward. The whole person was slammed on the wall. Jane's face
approached quickly and covered his lips. It was a kiss that Xiao
Yan had never experienced. It was very aggressive and
provocative. Xiao Yan’s breathing was controlled by the other
side. The brain was blank. He was like a meteor, hurried through
the atmosphere, burning wildly. The moment of contact with the
ground is destroyed.

Completely lost his mind, Xiao Yan’s body continued to fall.

Jane's palm clasped his back and pressed hard to himself. The
other party just quits a little, Xiao Yan seems to lose his breath
and then tangled up and responded fiercely.

Jane stepped back step by step, Xiao Yan was addicted and
continually approached for more, even holding down the other's
shoulders and chasing him, his mind was completely out of
reason, except that he was lost again with this man. The meaning.

Jane gave a pleasant laugh.

At that moment, Kathy’s high-pitched voice sounded: “Xiao Yan
– what are you doing!”

Xiao Yan suddenly woke up, and he pushed Jane open and looked
at him with wide eyes.

“Great feeling, right?”

The charming eyes made Xiao Yan think of the devil wearing an
angel coat.

There is still a simple atmosphere between the lips and teeth. Xiao
Yan’s heart beats violently, and the aftertaste remains for a long

"I feel very good?" Jane's lips came to Xiao Yan's ear, and a slight
breath came out. Xiao Yan immediately subconsciously shrugged
his shoulders.

"Xiao Yan--" Casey's anger was boiling and rushed downstairs.

"I am waiting for you in the blue tulip. See you tonight." Jane's
lips almost stick to Xiao Yan's auricle, and the warm breath
echoes into the brain of Xiao Yan along the auditory, and casts a
layer on his mind. The misty mist can't find the direction of the
As soon as Jane’s words were finished, Casey opened Xiao Yan
and waited for Jane. “Latcolan Wallace! You are too much!”

"Yeah!" Jane's finger crossed Kathy's chin. "I didn't see anyone
else in the lab seeing you like this? Or is Xiao Yan really different
from everyone else?"

"Go out." Casey's eyes were cold enough to freeze the entire lab.

Jane is still a pale face, and when he left, his eyes fell on Xiao
Yan's body. At that moment, Xiao Yan's breathing stayed in the

It is because of the x virus, because of the x virus... Xiao Yan

keeps telling himself, don't be addicted, and calm down.

However, he can't do it.

Suddenly, Hai Yin’s feeling of touching his tongue tipped into his
mind. Xiao Yan has been deliberately ignoring the softness of
forgotten to wrap his whole world and put everything out.

The author has something to say: Lieutenant Colonel Wallace:

Hein Burton, see how long you can be arrogant.

Hai Yin: ...

Lieutenant Colonel Wallace: I am destined to replace you.

Hai Yin: ...

Lieutenant Colonel Wallace: Xiao Yan looks delicious. [Notice:
Please tell each other 123 words ‘Love's only new address is】 Hai
Yin: Your life has been accepted. 2k novel reading network

He finally got rid of the temptation of Jane Wallis.

Until Jane left, Casey clasped Xiao Yan's fingers and squeaked.
Xiao Yan did not doubt that he would fracture if he continued this

"Don't be tempted, don't let yourself be addicted." Casey's voice

was heavy.

"I know."

"Jane Wallis... is a hedonist, I don't want you to be a tool in his

short life to fill the void."

"I know."

"Any researcher who has slept with him will not leave him in the
lab again."

Because the personal feelings of Jane Wallis will affect the

researcher's objectivity.

"I know..." Xiao Yan frowned, and finally he couldn't stand it

anymore. "Can you let me go... my wrist is broken!"

Kathy let him go.

Xiao Yan knows that Casey’s words are absolutely serious.

After leaving the institute that day, Xiao Yan went to the blue
tulip. Although Kathy is a genius, he is not deeply involved in the
world. He does not understand men like Jan Wallis. Of course,
Xiao Yan does not understand. It’s just that Xiao Yan can feel that
he has become a prey for Lieutenant Colonel Wallis’s boring
moments. If he still wants to stay in Casey’s research room, he
must solve it all outside the study.

A man like Jane Wallis, the innate pride that makes him not force
anyone, what Xiao Yan needs to do is let the other party know his
decisions and positions. With the x-virus to lure an unwilling
researcher, Xiao Yan believes that Jane Wallis will get a sense of

The blue tulip is the most extravagant bar in Shire, and as long as
you enter it, you will have to spend a lot of money. Kathy is right,
Jane Wallis is a pure hedonist.

The treatment of each special soldier is astonishingly high, but

most of them have not had time to spend half of their treatment
until they die, so Xiao Yan has no position to criticize Jane's

Walking to the door of the bar, Xiao Yan was stopped. His salary
at the Academy of Sciences absolutely cannot afford the expenses
here, and the security guard at the entrance of the bar saw his
dress and knew that he did not bear the strength of the
consumption in this bar.

"Sorry, sir, you can't go in."

"I came to Jane Wallis. If you can't go in, please let him know, I
have been here."

Xiao Yan just turned and left, but the security guard apologized to
him. "I am sorry, I don't know if you are a friend of Lieutenant
Colonel Wallis. Please come in."

"You didn't confirm my identity to Jane Wallis and let me in?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis said that anyone who enters the blue
tulip in his name will pay for each other."

Xiao Yan has the urge to scream in the sky, what is Jane Wallis in
the end?

Entering the bar, there are not many guests here. Elegant and
awkward music, the liquid flowing in the glass, the lovers who
are eager to hear, is like a luxurious feast. With the rotation of the
clock hands, the soul is separated.

Under the soft and soft light, Jane's eyebrows are more and more
tempting. His slightly elevated chin is not arrogant, but rather a
few lazy. The left hand is holding a young boy's waist, enjoying
the Margaret he fed to himself, and his right hand on the shoulder
of a blonde.

Xiao Yan sighed. Did this guy make his own appointment to show

Jane's Yu Guang passed Xiao Yan and provoked a smile. He did

not let go of the beauty in his arms. He just leaned forward and
looked at Xiao Yan with a playful look. "Hey, you are still here."

"I heard that as long as you give your name, will you pay for

"Yes. Anyway, people can't spend money after they die, and my
money can't be spent." Under the eyes of Jane's smile, it's the
unique charm, but this moment is in the Xiao There is a bit of
desolateness in the eyes of the rock.

The same is the money to spend more, Xiao Yan suddenly very
curious what Haiyin Burton is like?

Xiao Yan’s fingers knocked on the bar. “Hey, trouble a cup of

Croatia, remember it in the account of Lieutenant Colonel
"Where do you want to go tonight?" Jane's hand had already
stopped Xiao Yan's waist, his fingers continued to slide down his
spine, and Xiao Yan smiled and walked back halfway.

"I want to spend it tonight. I am here to tell you that Lieutenant

Colonel Casey has his own principles. Anyone who has a
relationship with a research subject must leave his research

"So what is the purpose of your visit here? Not just for a cup of

"Yes, this is the real purpose of my coming here, the most

expensive bartending in Xiaya - Croatia. I thought I had no
chance to drink in my life, thank you, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis."
Xiao Yan toasted A smile, gently sip a liquid with a pale golden
ripple in the brown.

"Reject me, you will regret it. You will miss my kiss day and
night." Light and shadow flowed between Jane Wallis's eyebrows,
which was totally different from Colonel Burton's cold and
powerful. Hai Yin is more like a mountain in the clouds, while
Jane is a mist that confuses people.

"I will miss the x virus, and then I will study it more fully. I want
to help Casey make x-, so I can't leave the lab anyway." Xiao Yan
looked at each other's handsome facial features, in him. In my
heart, this is a man's conversation with a man. He hopes to get the
approval of Jane Wallace, who can respect him as much as
respecting his comrades.

"Are you sure? My night is only open this time." Jane slightly
over the head, his eyes rushing from the narrow eyes like a stream
to Xiao Yan, this guy knows how to draw the hearts of others.

At that moment, Xiao Yan was slammed on the bar, his fingers
crossed his cheeks, the knuckles scraped through his auricles, and
the very provocative kiss fell, and the world swayed at the other's
tongue. Rock could not find its own direction. The warm palm
stroking his back constantly, then squeezing in along the edge of
the trousers, licking his hips arrogantly.

Xiao Yan took a breath.

wide awake! Xiao Yan! wide awake! This is not really happening!
These are all... the illusion you have created by Jane Wallis!

Xiao Yan squeezed his fist, and the moment the finger licked the
palm of his blunt pain, his saga was fortunately little by little. The
x virus, like gravitation, evokes the most primitive nature of
mankind, and Xiao Yan knows that he must break free from this
He stepped back a little, and Jane Wallis was still sitting leisurely
on the high stool, half-squinting, elegant and lazy.

Sure enough, everything just happened is an illusion.

Xiao Yan raised his glass and drunk Croatia. His face was cold
and it seemed that his negotiations had not worked. A technical
soldier who wants to win respect from a special soldier can never
do it in three or two sentences.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Lieutenant Colonel. It's very late
now, I still have work to finish tomorrow."

At the moment he turned, his wrist was buckled.

"Are you sure you don't enjoy me tonight?" Jane looked up

slightly, and he had a confusing face, but everything just made
Xiao Yan more aware of his identity.

"I don't mean to be your pastime. Moreover, your night is

precious, and every minute is worth taking seriously."

At that moment, the figure of Haiyin Burton appeared in Xiao

Yan’s mind. He stood on the edge of the cliff, and he was
dangerous, but never fell.

Xiao Yan licks his lips. He occasionally thinks that Jane Wallis's
heart is very similar to Hai Yin. They are all indifferent and
alienated. His bohemianism is more like a mockery of the world,
but Xiao Yan will not delve deeper. Because he knows that this
man will take off his disguise at some point, cruel. At this
moment, Xiao Yan is funny for his innocence. Not everyone
understands the position and dedication of others like Hai Yin and
his men.

Xiao Yan put down the wine glass and walked out of the bar
under the eyes of everyone.

"Jane? What's wrong with you?" A teenager wrapped his arms

around Jane's neck and kissed his forehead intimately.

Jane’s shoulder trembled as if waking up from a dream.

"It's nothing."

"This man is really boring. Would you like me to accompany you


"...I have a task tomorrow, I have to be a child to go to bed early

today." Jane got up and stretched out.

As he passed the bar, his eyes subconsciously swept through the

glass left by Xiao Yan, then he lowered his eyes and went out.

There was a lot of regrets coming from the bar.

When Xiao Yan walked out of the bar door, the applause sounded
and a figure slowly approached from the darkness.

“Few people retreat from Jane Wallis! He is notorious for his

special missions.”

Xiao Yan’s eyes are not going to be the trouble for Danzel to send
someone to find himself.

As the figure got closer and closer, Xiao Yan’s eyes lit up.

The long brown hair was softly draped in the back of the head.
The uniform of the military uniformed the other side, and the
smile was so beautiful. Xiao Yan wanted to forget that he couldn’t
forget it!

"Oh my God! Maya! Maya!" Xiao Yan opened his arms and
jumped up to hug each other.

And Maya took advantage of Xiao Yan to catch up, patted his
back and smiled and said: "You kid! If I don't come to you, I
guess you will forget me to go out!"

"How is it possible!" Xiao Yan looked at Maya carefully. He had

to marvel at Charles's prosthetic repair technique. Maya's hands
and feet could not be seen and installed.
"Is it the same as true?" Maya raised her hand and moved her
fingers freely. "Although it is a prosthetic, it can subtly convey all
the feelings, your temperature, your touch, I have experienced it."
It’s clear! It doesn’t prevent me from enjoying everything in bed!”

"That's great!" Xiao Yan sighed sincerely and automatically

ignored the last sentence of the other party.

"Dear, should we go for a drink!" Maya picked her eyebrows and

deliberately used the expression of Xiao Yan to seduce it. But
Xiao Yan did not produce any impulses and hallucinations. Maya
was joking. Xiao The rock responded naturally to him.

"That is of course, long nights, no you are by my side, I will not

sleep." Xiao Yan deliberately used the expression of the wind to
pick up the eyebrows of Ma Ya, and Maya Mingming is much
higher than Xiao Yan but still A small bird was pulled by Xiao
Yan's arm.

"Really? I will definitely make you cool tonight."

"Hey! You are really disgusting! What a cool!"

“Drinking beer and drinking is cool!” Maya showed a very

innocent expression. “Brother, you are getting less and less pure!”
At this time, the cynical expression on Jane Wallis's face under
the streetlight suddenly disappeared, and the chill in the sputum
slowly spread.

Xiao Yan and Maya went to a theme bar. There were more than a
dozen holographic displays in the bar, all of which were baseball
games. Xiao Yan and Maya drank a glass of wine, and soon his
lips were a circle of white beer. foam.

"Haha! I heard that you have been following the head! How are
you feeling?"

"Everyone is very good to me." Xiao Yan remembered the last

time they baked bird meat on the top of the mountain rock, could
not help but show a smile. Now think about it, the previous
thrilling seems to be more interesting than staying in the research
room, but there is a problem that has always been put in his mind,
and there is no answer in Casey, maybe Maya can answer him.

"Maa... I ask you if I occasionally fantasize about a special


Maya spurted out a beer, "What? Fantasy? What fantasy?"

"Well, kiss your mouth." Xiao Yan broke the can, and if he was
holding it in front of Maya, this guy would only laugh at himself.
"What is going to bed! It's really beautiful!" Maya seemed to
think of something, haha, laughing. "I know! Liv! When I used to
seduce you, Liv was righteously stopping me! Now think about it,
Must be selfish!"

Xiao Yan's face is black, how do he think his fantasy object is a

woman... No, it should be said that his fantasy object can not be a

"Actually, my fantasy object is Colonel Burton." Xiao Yan

deliberately said it in a relaxed tone, with the elbow on top of the
top of the Maya.

He thought that Maya would laugh even more. Who knows that
Maya’s expression is serious. "Are you telling the truth? If so, the
head has an idea for you... Xiao Yan, this is dangerous, you You
can't enjoy it in the head, you will be killed!"

The words of Maya made Xiao Yan's back a cold. Do you die?
Liv’s words of intimidation when he was joking again poured into
his mind.

"Hey! What is your expression! Hahaha!" Maya finally broke the

power. "I just tease you! You are relieved! The head definitely
can't see you! The head can't see anyone!"
Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, what is the reason for his own
hallucinations? These problems are still not solved!

"Hey, don't take the lead again to make a joke next time. Don't
you think it's cold when you mention him?" Maya hit the glass of
Xiao Yan and made him come back.

"... Maya, I ask you... are ordinary people who have kissed you,
will you continue to fantasize about you?" Xiao Yan always
guessed that he had eaten the mouthwash of Hai Yin.

"My kissing technique is at the level of the gods! Of course they

will continue to fantasize!" Maya slowly moved to Xiao Yan, so
that Xiao Xiao could not help but lean back, just when she almost
fell from the bar chair, Maya Haha laughed and took Xiao Yan

"Don't make trouble! I ask you very seriously!"

"Did you learn the basic characteristics of x virus when you were
a student? The x virus in saliva is not replicable. They will be
metabolized after 10 to 20 minutes after entering the normal
person's body via saliva. Kissing This behavior does not make
people fantasizing, but many x viruses are addictive, you
"This is the case..." Xiao Yan has not and will never have the kind
of deep "communication" with Haiyin Burton.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Maya frowned and slammed Xiao
Xiaoyan's head. "Look at your expression, it's not really any
special forces who are pursuing you? Jane Wallis?"

"Ha... don't mention that name! I have a headache!" Xiao Yan

pressed his head hard.

That night, Xiao Yan almost spit, but Maya is still in the spirit.

He left the bar with Xiao Yan and stopped a magnetic levitation

"Hey, Xiao Yan! Where is your officer's apartment address?"

Maya reluctantly patted Xiao Yan's head, but the guy muttered for
a while but couldn't say a complete sentence.

"You don't talk anymore, I will take you home!" Maya licked
Xiao Xiao's head.

"Well... um..." Xiao Yan just whispered twice.

"You guys... don't fight if you don't drink! You can never fight for
the special forces!" Maya shook her head. "And there is no sense
of crisis! Fortunately, when you are a brother, Otherwise, you are
not dead in bed tonight!"
At that moment, Maya felt that she was really great.

Bring Xiao Yan back to his officer's apartment, Maya feeds

Xiaoyan and drank some water. This guy slept and squatted and
occupied the whole bed.

"Fortunately, I am not clean! If the head is here, you must be

squashed and killed!" Maya lay in bed and arched Xiao Yan to the
other side.

The liaison on the wrist suddenly popped open, and Mark's sly
smile appeared in front of Maya.

"Haha, Maya! It’s so cool for you to be a kid in Charles!"

Maya's eyebrows were picked. "Are you not out of the task? How
can I have a leisure time to talk to me in the middle of the night?"

"This task is a piece of cake! We have to go back to the base! I

haven't even stretched my bones! It's really boring!"

"So come to harass me?"

"Haha, yeah! We are blowing cold air. You enjoy the warmth in
Charlie. How do you think it is unfair!" Mark’s eyes on the screen
slanted and saw a man lying next to Maya. "Oh! Ma Ya! Who is
this guy with you going to bed? You shouldn’t kill someone else!”
Maya pulled out a smirk. "He is sleeping right now. Do you want
to see who he is?"

"Ha? I still know this person?"

Maya stretched his hand and took Xiao Yan into his arms. His
forehead just arrived at Maya's chin. Although it was just a side
face, Mark did not scream.

"My God! My God! Maya's **** turned out to be a rookie!"

"What rookie?" Other special forces spoke.

"Xiao Yan!"

"What!" Liv's reaction was particularly large, and it immediately

appeared on Mark's contact screen. "Maya! What are you doing!"

"Yes! Yes! You will hurt him!"

Maya resisted the urge to laugh, and when he was about to

explain, the cold voice came.

"What are you doing?" is Hein Burton, and although he did not
see his face at all, Maya felt the familiar oppression.

"Head! Maya that the **** gave Xiao Yan a sleep!" Mark
couldn't wait to shout.
Maya's heart was cold, and it was not funny to make a joke to
Colonel Burton.

"That head! I didn't sleep Xiao Yan!"

"How can Xiao Yan be in your bed!" Liv asked sternly.

"Today, this guy had two drinks in the bar. He was so drunk that
he couldn’t tell the truth! I don’t know where his apartment is, I
brought him back to me!"

"You really didn't do anything to him?" Liv still looked


"My Maya never sleeps with her brother even if she has no
exercise!" Maya vowed.

"w2014, send him back now." The cold sizzling sounds, let Maya
subconsciously swallow.

"...what?" Maya did not respond.

"Xiao Yan's apartment code."

"Hey! I heard no! The head told you to send Xiao Yan back! Even
if you don't want to do anything to the rookie now, who knows if
you will do something for a while!" Mark's angry appearance
interrupted the connection.
Maya sighed. "Nothing wrong... Send Xiaoyan back in the middle
of the night? Wait... How do you know Xiao Yan's apartment

w is the area code, 20 is the street shortcode, and 14 is the

apartment number.

Maya got up and picked up Xiao Yan. He patted his cheek in

angrily and said, "You guys are so good! It’s rare for everyone to
take you seriously!"

So, the next day, Xiao Yan woke up in his apartment. He grabbed
his head in confusion and the contactor flashed. With a little light,
Kathy's angry face appeared on the screen.

"Xiao Yan - Do you know when it is now! You guys don't want to

Finished! Xiao Yan quickly rolled out of bed and stumbled into
the bathroom. Of course, being cut off by Kathy is his inevitable

Kathy's research went very smoothly, and it entered the finishing

work at the end of the month, and Xiao Yan was able to help the
less and less part. Most of the time, Xiao Yan was using the
terminal in the lab to log in online games, playing very vulgar.
Dating game. If you don't enter the research institute, Xiao Yan
thought that he might be drinking at the bar with a few of them at
the same time!

"Xiao Yan." Kathy kicked his calf with his toes. "Don't be okay to
play the game. No one tells you that this multi-dimensional online
game will make people stupid?"

Xiao Yan quit his game, and Kathy’s site, Casey, was the master.

He wants to tell Kathy that a fool is generally simpler and happier

than a smart person, so he doesn't mind being stupid at all.

Daddy, the sound of the chilly voice of the sea echoed in the mind
with a slightly ridiculous tone, whispering the "stupid rookie."

"That... what am I going to do?"

In the entire lab, only he did not have his own subject, because he
was only an assistant.

Kathy held her arms coldly. "As your department head, I am

giving you a task now."

"What mission?"

Xiao Yan prefers nothing to do.

"Open a project and give me a report on the opening of the

project." Casey's fingers pressed **** Xiao Yan's cheek, and the
eyes were threatening. "You listen to me, if this project has no
research significance. You have to redo it. Before you set up the
right project, there is no online game, no bar, no girls, no
entertainment, do you understand?"

Kathy is serious. He resisted many pressures and left Xiao Yan

here, not to make him a leisurely person.


Kathy's main research project is x virus. The research content is

how to alleviate the consumption of x virus on the human body
and create x-virus more suitable for special task forces. Since it is
necessary to open a new project, it is of course related to the x

Xiao Yan was bored into the database of x viruses, and all the
gene decoding and related coenzyme information poured into his

Everything is boring.

It didn't take long for Xiao Yan to fall asleep without even
disconnecting the terminal.

His thoughts slowly sink, the heavens and the earth reverse, and
the sea water floats above the sky.
The beach is so beautiful that the sand is as if it has been
subjected to the gravitational sparseness and sparseness. It forms
a shallow stream of water that falls into the sea above the head
and floats in the waves, shimmering with shimmer.

Xiao Yan walked along the beach. In the distance, a figure sat
quietly on the beach, with his eyes closed slightly and his head
tilted as if he was listening to the wind.

When he stepped closer and looked at the handsome side of the

other side, Xiao Yan stunned.

"Hein... Why are you here?"

Haiyin Burton's fingers point between the lips and make a "beep"

Xiao Yan looked around and finally chose to sit next to Hai Yin.

"where is this place?"

"Your subconscious."

Xiao Yan stunned and suddenly remembered that Hai Yin had
entered her own subconscious mind. "So... you are not Haiyin
Burton, but the information he has left in my subconscious?"

All the memories that happen in the subconscious are at the

bottom of consciousness, like a dream, and will be forgotten when
you wake up. Therefore, Xiao Yan has been unable to remember
how Hai Yin helped him escape the shackles of the subconscious.

"If you want to think so, you can."

The sound of Hai Yin was a little bit more soft in the sound that
Xiao Yan had never experienced. It seemed to be afraid of
disturbing the world of Xiao Yan. He lay down, his head resting
on his arm, and his eyes closed as if he were very tired.

"why stop talking."

Xiao Yan snorted. "You don't like people who have a lot of

"This is your world, no matter what you want to say, I can't stop

The golden brown hair hangs down, covering the eyes of Hai Yin,
leaving only the elegant nose bones, full of strength and sexy.

"I don't like the sentence you said."

"Which sentence?" Hai Yin still closed his eyes.

"We will all die, sooner or later."

"This is a fact."
"Because you are dying. I have always believed that death is my
end, but it is not my destination." Xiao Yan reached out and
touched the sea in the sky.

"You are so naive."

Hai Yin side of the face, the eyes are fascinating and beautiful, all
**** killings suddenly away.

Xiao Yan is about to fall in his eyes.

Hai Yin’s face slowly approached, his fingers touched Xiao Yan’s
hair, and slowly reached between his hair. His gaze was out of the
cold sputum, and it became blazing from softness.

Xiao Yan feels that the blood flow in his body is still.

The other side contained his lips, slowly kissing, and the intensity
of the deepening made Xiao Yan unable to bear falling into the
arms of Hai Yin. Hai Yin’s other hand bypassed Xiao Yan’s waist
and pressed him to himself. Xiao Yan is on the body of Hai Yin,
the angle of the other party's kiss is constantly changing, and
there is a rush of torrents in the slow kiss. The intensity of
sucking is getting more and more intense, the tongue of the other
side is entangled with him, constantly smashing Stirring,
everything in his mouth was ingested by the other party, as if
everything in his mouth was destined to belong to each other. The
pressure of this kiss was getting heavier and heavier. A pair of
hands that turned over the sea were in the ear of Xiao Yan, his
body shrouded in Xiao Yan. Above, he was completely pressed
under his body, and the raging kiss came again. Every inch of
Xiao Yan’s mouth was conquered by the other party’s
airtightness. He had the illusion of dying in the other’s kiss.

"Know why I want to kiss you here." Hai Yin withdrew from
Xiao Yan's mouth, his lips gently touching Xiao Yan's lips.

Xiao Yan, still unable to extricate himself, looked at each other

with squinting eyes. They were very close and close, and Hai
Yin’s eyes seemed to dye his eyes in the same blue color.

"Because only here, I am sure that all your reactions are not
related to the x virus."

The soft breath invades along Xiaoyan's lips, and instantly pushes
everything that is frozen. The thoughts are like the tides, and they
are out of control.

In the midst of it, the form of Hai Yin disappeared like an illusion.

Xiao Yan suddenly woke up and saw Kathy sitting face to face
with his cold face.
"... Kay... Kathy..." Xiao Yan has a feeling of waking up from a
big dream. How can he recover a piece of debris in memory,
except for the instigation of the chest.

"Scratch your mouth! Is it really sweet to sleep? It’s awesome

when you land on the online game!"

"Oh...hehe..." Now is not thinking about what dreams I have

made, Kathy in front of me is a big trouble.

! Xiao Yan thought, when it was over, Kathy met and saw himself
sleeping in the research process for a dim day, I was afraid not to

"What is your project report?" Kathy got up and walked up to

Xiao Yan, the momentum that made Xiao Yan's back chilly.

"...I will give it to you this afternoon!"

Xiao Yan vowed.

Kathy snorted coldly. "Well, I will see how you want to be 'out of

Xiao Yan regretted that he should not impulsively say what the
project report was in the afternoon, because he was really empty
except for a heart that yearned for freedom.
Kathy walked away, Xiao Yan glared at his head, and he would
rather go out to face the zombies.

Wait, face the zombies... Even if they are not as brave as the
special forces, are there really no way for them to conduct
external research?

Once again connected with the terminal, Xiao Yan enters the
database of x virus, but the original strain of x virus, the infamous
"comet" virus. The virus is ever-changing, the gene sequence is
extremely complicated, and Xiao Yan has a rough view, and he
has an idea in his heart.

In the afternoon, Casey came to a heavily guarded office and

performed a stern military service to the calm man sitting at his


"Oh, Lieutenant Colonel Casey, I have read your recent research

report and it is very progressing."

"Hello! I am very honored to receive your compliments! I am in

the hands of the student Xiao Yan's project opening report, please
look over."

Kathy gently clicked in front of the other side, the holographic

image unfolded, and the man’s initial pale and light expression
gradually became serious. The fingers of the report were carefully
read from the initial careless slide to the word, and when the
report was finished, his fingers were lightly Knocking on the
desktop seems to be thinking about something.

For a long time, he finally spoke.

“There is a very insightful idea, but do you think he might find

the result?”

"Hello, there is nothing in the world of scholars that is certain.

Any kind of 'possibility' can become a reality."

The man closed his eyes and immediately ordered it with a very
strong voice. "The project is approved! All the conditions
required by Xiao Yan must be supported by the Academy of

"So what about the staff?"

The man’s lips slowly plucked. “The researcher of this project is

only Xiao Yan. All the research processes are under your
supervision and you report directly to me.”

"Don't equip him with other research assistants?" Casey stunned.

"The speed at which he intervenes in the terminal is 300 million
megabytes. Isn't it? I want to see if he can complete his own
research if he is alone!"

"Yes!" Casey saluted and left the office.

In the afternoon, Xiao Yan got permission to enter the high-end


Kathy looked serious in front of him and opened a hologram.

Xiao Yan saw his name showing a research project, and the
project was even encrypted.

"If you just play with this project, you are dead."

Kathy's gaze was pinned into Xiao Yan's eyes, step by step, and
he was half-head shorter than Xiao Yan, but it seemed to be able
to crush Xiao Yan with one hand.

Don't always stare at me like this!

Xiao Yan roared in his heart, and recently faced Casey, he always
felt a sense of neurasthenia.

At the moment of connecting with the terminal, he realized that

he had entered the most core system. All the researchers dreamed
of a holy place, a vast sea different from the outside world was in
front of his eyes. What he needed was ready to jump in.
His mind was drawn and he was consciously immersed in it.

This day is like a moment for Xiao Yan. When he got out of the
terminal, there was a sense of crumbling.

There are still many people still working in the institute, but Xiao
Yan can't hold on, he needs to eat.

Walking on the way to the restaurant, Xiao Yan saw two officers
dressed in the Academy's white long serge.

Xiao Yan passed them by and went to the restaurant door,

stopped, and looked back at the backs of the two.

The pace of their walking is different from those of scholars who

stay in the research room. The most important thing is that Xiao
Yan, who has always had confidence in his memory, can't
remember seeing them. And they showed the gas field around
them, so Xiao Yan remembered the special task force.

But if it is really a special task force, there is no need to wear a


The brow wrinkled, perhaps it was some time ago that he had
been with the special task force of Hai Yin. The dangerous things
have gone through many times, and he has become suspicious.
Xiao Yan entered the restaurant and squatted in the corner, opened
the communicator, connected Kathy, and lowered the voice.
"Kathy, listen, go out right away! Or hide in a hidden place!"

Even if he thought about being ridiculed by Casey, Xiao Yan had

a strong ominous premonition.

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: What is going to

happen? Maya: No matter what happens, it will cover you.
[Notice: Please tell each other that the only new address of Le
Wen is]

"Why? Is it something that you have made?"

"No! I saw two..."

The top of the head was shrouded in a shadow, and the

communication device on Xiao Yan’s wrist was interrupted by a
person. His heart suddenly tightened and he slowly looked up,
only one of the two men was smiling at him.

"I am a new researcher Lyle, what about you?"

This guy looks like a sly, but Xiao Yan sees bloodthirsty killing in
his nephew.

"How come a scared look? I am not a zombie, I will not eat you."
The voice of the other party is soft and terrible.
"..." Xiao Yan at the moment could not speak at all.

“Do you know where Colonel Casey is? We have a research

project to discuss with him.”

"...he is in the research room." Xiao Yan tried to keep his voice
from shaking. At this time, Casey should be in the conference
room, and Xiao Yan is not sure if he or she believes what he said.

The goal of these guys turned out to be Casey!

"Thank you."

The other's smile was hidden, his hand reached the back, and
Xiao Yan knew that he was in a hurry and slammed a button on
the contact.

Suddenly the entire research institute alarmed.


The other side's movements were hot, and Xiao Yan didn't have
time to react.

The sharp blade penetrates the body and pierces the internal
organs. The ultimate pain makes Xiao Yan difficult to breathe.
The warm blood is constantly pouring out. The other's feet are on
his abdomen, and the blade is pulled out.

"Hey! What the **** is going on! How can it touch the alarm!"
"This guy!"

His blade was again swayed, and Xiao Yan had no doubt that he
wanted to cut his neck.

"Don't waste time! Go to Casey!"

The blade stopped in midair and the two killers hurried away.

Xiao Yan fell to the ground and grabbed the wounds in the
abdomen, such as the wounds. He gradually disengaged and his
vision was blurred.

Outside the restaurant, there was a flustered cry, and the

researchers fled, and the two killers kept waving.

It’s a group of fools... quickly close the passage and lock them

I don't know... Kathy escaped without...

The pain that was unbearable was gradually gone, and both the
visual and the auditory were blurred.

This time he is really going to die.

It’s not the same in the hands of zombies, but the same kind, it
feels a bit miserable.
He still has a lot of things to do... His research has not yet been
completed, he still wants to go to Amazon to do research, he still
wants... I want to see you again...

At this time, the aircraft of the special mission unit landed outside
the Central Academy of Sciences, and more than a dozen special
forces rushed in.

Hai Yin took Liv and Mark along the channel all the way forward.
From time to time, I saw the corpses of the researchers, and the
blood flowed through the passage.

"Action is fast!"

Hai Yin rushed into Casey's research room, in front of a dark,

sharp blade fluttering in the air, only to hear the sound of a metal
crash, "Hey's blade will block the opponent's sneak attack. .

The contest in the darkness begins, but it ends in an instant.

When the circuit in the laboratory was restored, the sharp edge of
the scene penetrated the chest at the moment and nailed the other
side to the wall.

He took the blade handle indifferently and slowly pulled it out. At

the moment the other fell, he cut off the other's head mercilessly.

"there's still one."

Mark and Liv rushed in two directions and searched for the only
remaining killer.

Hai Yin walked away from the lab, carrying a sharp blade and
walking in the passage.

He maintains a high degree of alertness, because the killer may

suddenly appear at any time.

When he came to the front of the restaurant, the red liquid oozes
out from the half-opened door, and when his toes are about to
touch the red, he pauses.

The eyelids suddenly became cold. He raised his chin and entered
the side with great vigilance. Only when he saw the figure of
blood flowing down on the ground and the abdomen stopped, the
pupils shrank for a while, and the sharp edge in his hand almost
broke away from his fingers.

He rushed up, faster than ever before.

Xiao Yan thought that he couldn't feel anything. Although he

didn't have the strength to open his eyes, he knew clearly at the
moment that someone was pressing **** the wound he was
running through.

Fool... useless...
The blood is almost flowing, no matter who you are, thank you
for trying to save me...

Someone pinched his cheek and forced him to open his lips.

The hot tongue rushed in, sweeping everything in his mouth,

madly screaming, and the trepidation of fear shook in this
earth-shaking entanglement, which was unreservedly aggression,
and never let go.

Xiao Yan's heartbeat jumped in that moment, and the whole

body's cells suddenly tightened and shattered in the next moment.
All the senses were provoked, his back arched, and the tension
was almost broken.

His originally inability to fall down the arm of the other side of
the shoulder, the tip of the tongue responded, and expressed his

Like an ice rim falling into the flame, it instantly evaporates and
loses itself.

He didn't know where to come, and he leaned **** each other. He

didn't know that he was pulled up. He didn't know that he was
completely crowded into the arms of another person. He didn't
know how to forcefully hold the other side. He didn't even know
that the other person closed his eyes and only opened his lips.
Take the request.

Xiao Yan knew that someone was holding him hard, his palm
pressed his body and locked him in his arms.

"Head - we found the guy! He hijacked Colonel Casey!"

The voice of Mark Da La La came out of the contact.

The next moment, Xiao Yan was pushed away and fell to the

His breathing has not been calmed down, and even the focal
length is unclear.

The strength of the other side is still strong in the lips, and the
desire in the heart is still unresolved.

"Are you satisfied?"

The icy voice sounded, and Xiao Yan’s chaotic heart instantly
returned to the body.

Hai Yin stood in front of him, nothing could bend his proud spine,
he lowered his head and slightly picked his brow.

Xiao Yan's palm covered his abdomen, neither wounds nor blood,
which has already made his painful numbness disappear.
what happened?

He opened his own clothes and found that there were no scars on
his abdomen. Is it an illusion that he was pierced by the killer?

"I will come here."

Hai Yin replied to Mark at the other end of the liaison. When his
sight fell, Xiao Yan found that he could not say a complete
sentence, just stupidly holding his elbow on the ground. What
made him unbelievable was that Hai Yin was kneeling on his
knees in front of him. His palm was covered in the place where
Xiao Yan was pierced, as if he had confirmed that it had been
completely healed.

Xiao Yan’s breathing stayed in the chest, and he didn’t dare to


Hai Yin’s palm temperature is higher than that of ordinary people.

It is completely different from his cold impression. It is steady
and introverted. Xiao Yan feels inexplicable peace of mind. The
golden hair fell to the forehead of Hai Yin, and Xiao Yan could
not see his gaze.

It’s just an illusion that the palm of your hand is shaking and
forbearing, and you can’t force it if you want to catch something.
Just as he exhaled a breath, Hai Yin suddenly got up and left
without reluctance.

Xiao Yan looked down and looked at the large piece of blood on
the ground and took a breath.

He couldn't believe it. He had so much blood and he was still


Can it be said that my wound disappeared because of the sea...

The phrase "Are you satisfied?" when the ear sounded Hai Yin,
Xiao Yan's blood flowed into the heart and it was about to split it!

He still remembers how crazy he was to control someone without

control. The other person must be a special soldier, otherwise his
wound would not heal at all.

There is no doubt that this person is Haiyin Burton!

Why does Hai Yin let him kiss him? If you say that kissing
yourself is the decision of Hai Yin to save his life in a hurry, why
should he not refuse when he is out of control!

wrong! Now is not the time to think about it! What about Kathy?
The goal of the two guys is Kathy!

Xiao Yan ran in the passage and couldn't help but be scared when
he saw the bodies of countless researchers.
When he rushed into Casey's lab, looking at Mark and Liv's back,
and the blade on Kathy's neck, he was stunned.


"Xiao Yan, don't come over!" Casey just spoke, and the blade was
more forceful against his throat.

"Hey, you have to kill and kill! It’s really boring!" Mark yelled.

Liv didn't talk, just frowning and waiting for the opportunity.

The killer snorted. "I can really kill him, but he is more valuable
to you."

"You think too much!" Mark shrugged. "Our special mission

forces have always been incompatible with the Central Academy
of Sciences. Why do we have to go outside in the storm, they
have a cup of tea in the lab and enter the core of military and
political affairs? If you Kill this kid, we still have trouble!"

Xiao Yan swallowed, and he was not sure what Mark said was
what he thought.

Liv slightly changed the standing position, and may rush forward
at any time, which also made the killer more pressure, with Kathy
stepping back half a step.
At that moment, the glass in the observation room on the second
floor shattered, and Hai Yin fell from a height. His sharp blade
directly cut off the neck of the killer.

Silently landing, Hai Yin smashed the blade, bloodstains flew, the
body of the killer without head fell.

Kathy stayed in the same place and seemed to have not reacted to
it all. Xiao Yan had already hugged him.



This is the first time Kathy saw the body of a human being,
making a shout of fear.

Xiao Yan quickly grabbed his eyes and took him away. "Don't

Hai Yin came to the head of the rolling down and lowered her
eyebrows. "Mark, send their heads to the criminal investigation


Mark grinned and grabbed the **** head.

Kathy squats in Xiao Yan's arms, with a white face and eyes that
don't dare to open.
Hai Yin will retract the double-edged sheath. When passing by
Xiao Yan, he slightly raised his chin and his sharp eyes fell on
Kathy's shoulder. "When are you going to install it?"

Xiao Yan is not clear, who is loading? What to install?

At this time, Kathy of Xiao Yan’s arms raised her head and
looked at Hai Yin. “What is it for you!”

Xiao Yan looks at Kathy. This guy has a little bit of fear and a
little beast.

Hai Yin did not put Casey in his eyes. His eyes glanced at Xiao
Yan's moment, and the world seemed to be isolated from Xiao
Yan's senses. Just for a moment, Hai Yin turned his face and left.

Kathy looked back at Xiao Yan, and she did nothing wrong with
herself. "I just want to enjoy your concern! I am not the first time
to be assassinated by the rushing killer... so these are fundamental
does not matter."

Xiao Yan sighed helplessly, and then he felt distressed, especially

Kathy's phrase "These are nothing at all." From the age point of
view, Casey is only a teenager, his talent makes him precocious.

"As long as you are fine, just fine."

The heads of the two killers were sent to the criminal
investigation unit, who interrogated the brain of the killer and the
information obtained was classified as confidential.

Xiao Yan and the surviving researchers walked in the passage and
looked at the bodies of the familiar colleagues, who touched their
blood everywhere.

This time the losses of the Central Academy of Sciences were

extremely heavy.

Seven of Kathy’s twelve researchers were killed.

Hai Yin returned to the special mission force headquarters and

came to the door of an office. The liaison officer outside the door
saw his first moment to stand up and march, and Hai Yin only
nodded slightly.

The door automatically slides open. In the vast space, there is

only a neat and uncomfortable desk. The middle-aged man in
front of the table smiles and looks at the cold special forces in
front of him.

"I am glad that you rushed back to Shire in time, otherwise the
Central Academy of Sciences... will be even worse than it is
There isn't a glimpse of Hai Yin's gaze, as if everything the other
person said has nothing to do with him. "The Major General, I
have already submitted the action report."

"I heard that you saved a research assistant." Rear Admiral

Gordon leaned back, leaning against the back of the chair, and the
corner of his lips was a playful smile. "I read your report, the
research assistant is on the verge of death, how do you save? He?"

"That has nothing to do with the mission."

Major General Gordon shook his head helplessly and said, "I am
just curious. You know that Lieutenant Colonel Wallis will be
stationed in Charles and will be responsible for supervising the
research of several important projects of the Central Academy of
Sciences. The subject of Lieutenant Colonel’s request for
supervision is the research assistant you saved."

Hai Yin’s expression is still not fluctuating, but she replied

indifferently: “So few you should consider the ability of
Lieutenant Colonel Wallis.”

"Really, although Jane Wallis has outstanding combat capabilities,

he is too self-centered. But you are different..."

Major General Gordon still wants to say something, but Hai Yin
took a step back and gave him a courtesy and left.
"Oh..." Major Gordon shook his head helplessly. "You can't let me
finish the conversation."

Outside the door of Major General Gordon, the liaison officer

looked at the scene in front of him and completely stopped.

Colonel Burton, who has always been indifferent to people who

doubt whether he has human feelings, leans against the cold walls
of the passageway, and the elegant eyelashes tremble slightly. He
leans up his chin, stretches his neck with a fragile curve, and his
right hand clenches his fist. When he took a breath, he slammed it
on his heart. The liaison officer opened his mouth and had not had
time to say anything. Hai Yin had already turned his back to the
front. Every step was firm and powerful. The pain and uneasiness
of the moment seemed to be the illusion of the liaison officer.

Kathy calmly and directs the researchers to save the research data,
organize all the research samples, and Xiao Yan, who is behind
him, frowned and said: "Their goal is you, Casey."

"I know, because I am doing x-virus research... and I report to my

superiors that there may be a breakthrough in this month. Are
they killing me?" Casey clenched his fist.

"...maybe not only. If the goal is only you, they don't need to be so
arrogant. The elite of the entire Central Academy of Sciences is
penalized by one-fifth... This is an irreparable loss for Charles.
They are all pushed back. And they can enter the heavily guarded
Central Academy of Sciences, and someone must help them."

"You mean... there are traitors among us?" Casey was surprised,
then the whole expression calmed down. "I think... the upper level
will be such a consideration, I am afraid that all the living
researchers will be internally isolated. Review."

"Well, don't want to do this first... you should have something to

eat." From the accident to the present, Casey has not even eaten a
compressed biscuit.

The two had just walked through the corner and saw the officers
of the torture force coming face to face.

"Is it Lieutenant Colonel Casey?"

"Yes." Casey sank.

"We got some clues about this assassination. We need your help.
Please come with us."

Xiao Yan was nervous. He heard that after hearing the brains of
the torture forces, it would cause a lingering psychological
shadow for many people.

He had just stepped forward to hold Casey, but the person in the
torture force held his shoulder.
"Xiao Yan, you don't need to go with us."

Xiao Yan lived.

"The action report of Colonel Burton has already written very

clearly about your part."

"Don't worry, Xiao Yan. They won't do anything too much for
me." Casey pointed to his head and smiled like a kitten, "Because
Charles needs my mind."

The people of the torture force went with Kathy Yang.

"Hey, Xiao Yan."

The lazy beggar sounded, Xiao Yan looked back and saw Jane
Wallis holding his arm against the wall!

"...what are you here? Are you not going out to perform the task?"

The author has something to say: Liaison Officer: What happened

to the Colonel?

Fat winter melon: Colonel is scared again!

Liaison Officer: Is there any fear of the colonel?

Fat winter melon: As long as the colonel is one second late, or

does not push the door of the restaurant, his baby will die!

Liaison Officer: Who is the little boy at the colonel?

Fat winter melon: Everyone on earth knows...

Zombie: Even the zombies know...

Fat winter melon wish everyone happy New Year's Eve, we can
know each other is a fate, although I can't see each other, the way
to understand is just my article, your message, but in many
Wenhai you saw me, and I am not too late I need your message
when I need it most. I hope that the valuable fate of the new year
will continue. I wish my dear ones a happy year, happy and

"I was recalled urgently. It seems that Charles needs me more

here than outside." Jane's index finger knuckles gently tapped the
wall of the passage and slowly came to Xiao Yan's face.

"Oh." Xiao Yan had not had time to turn around and his arm was
caught by the other party.

"Where are you going?"

His breath is too close, Xiao Yan wants to open the other side, but
with his power it is impossible to happen.

"Back to my researcher's apartment. The torture force did not

"You misunderstood, from now on, you are under my
supervision." Jane laughed, it was different from the previous

"What...what? Why do you want to supervise me? I belong to the

Central Academy of Sciences! Are you playing me again?" Xiao
Yan frowned.

"Haha..." Jane's fingers stretched over, and Xiao Yan

subconsciously retreated, but the other's fingertips touched his
eyebrows and slowly smoothed the wrinkles in between. "I didn't
play you, this time I was serious." ""

"what happened?"

"When the torture is over, Casey will also be protected by a

special task force. You are his research assistant, and there is an
independent research project under your name. Isn't it? The
Central Academy of Sciences means that you want to continue
this research, But this is no longer a safe place. I will protect you
all day long."

"What? It's like this, the research continues?"

"Even if Charles does not exist, the Earth rotates as well. It’s just
a loss of one-fifth of the researchers, and it’s good to add fresh
blood. If the study is stopped, isn’t it just for the tide?” Jane is
still an old god. In the look.

"Without Kathy, do you want me to complete my project alone?"

Xiao Yan felt that it was ridiculous.

"Even if Casey is here, isn't your research project only you alone?
Or..." Jane's gaze is getting cold, he leans forward slightly,
breathing almost blends with Xiao Yan, "You prefer Maya."
Major to supervise you?"

"Maa..." Xiao Yan raised his brow, why did Lieutenant Colonel
Wallis suddenly mention Maya?

"He is very gentle to you in bed." Jane leaned back and leaned
against the wall, laughing and laughing at Xiao Yan.

"Your imagination is really rich." Xiao Yan looked at the other

person coldly and turned and left. It seems that Jane Wallis, who
met Maya outside the bar that day, saw it. But what did he see?
He was with whom Xiao Yan loves to be with him, not to mention
that Maya is his friend!

Xiao Yan completely regarded Jane's words as a boring joke,

because he always felt that this guy had nine sentences in ten
sentences and was not worth trusting. He would rather return to
his apartment and sleep better.
He strode away from the Academy, and he followed him behind
him, causing the sight of countless people beside him. Their eyes
seem to be saying, oh, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, who has always
been romantic, has found a new goal!

Even when Xiao Yan stopped a magnetic levitation car, the other
side took it into the door.

"Hey! Go find someone else! Or you can chat with someone from
the same army and play cards! You can do anything!"

“They are all assigned to supervise different researchers.”

"I believe that the supervised researchers must be class A elites. I

am a class b waste wood, and you - the captain of the third team
of the special mission force personally came to protect me? It is
really flattering!" Xiao Yan don't go too far Look out the window.

"Don't be like this. The scenery outside is not as good as me."

Jane's finger hooked Xiao Yan's chin.

For Xiao Yan, that is a force that cannot be rejected, but for Jane,
he has no power at all. Yes, this guy has a meticulous face and a
fascinating demeanor.

"If you want to come close to me to cause Kathy's attention, this

is stupid." Xiao Yan looked straight at Jane's eyes, no matter how
charming the eyes, his expression at the moment is hard to be

Jane laughed. "Why do you think I like Kathy? I just think that he
is very angry. Why can't I attract your attention?"

"You can like anyone, that's your business. Lieutenant Colonel

Wallis, can you let go of my chin?"

Jane finally released him.

The car stopped in front of the apartment in the institute. Xiao

Yan opened the apartment door with a fingerprint, and the cold
and cold will be closed outside the door.

Only he just sat down in front of the sofa, the apartment door
opened again, Jane once again entered the room, and a very
curious expression looked at everything in the apartment. "Oh,
this is the researcher's apartment! It is better than our special
forces apartment equipment. It's more complicated."

"How did you get in!" Xiao Yan stood up from the sofa.

Jane stretched out her finger and made a fingerprint. "I don't mean
that you are under my supervision now? It means that your
apartment, your research room, I can go in and out at will."
Xiao Yan keeps his head, and it seems that Jane is true. "I am not
a big man. How can I send you to supervise me?"

"I also want to know what special things you have."

Thinking about the upper level is a thing that consumes brain

cells and does not have a result. Anben is Xiao Yan's philosophy
of life.

"Well, where do you like to stay where you are, but you listen to
me. If you give me any trouble in my life and work, I will make
you look good."

"Oh - how do you make me look good?" Jane came to Xiao Yan's
desk, where there were some paper books, and Jane pulled out
one of them and flipped it through. His back is straight and ready
to go, but his face is quiet and indifferent. "I didn't expect you to
like these antiques."

After that, he did not politely put the book back in place.

"Hey! Be careful! They are all paper!"

Xiao Yan distressed to check the Jane did not break his book, but
found that this guy did not know when to insert a red leaf between
the pages of the book, the finger touched, but also feel the
direction of the veins.
"This leaf looks great." Jane lowered his head, his fingers
constantly fiddling with Xiao Yanyang's hermit crab, and the poor
little guy shrank in the shell and shook the small pliers.

"This is Maple Leaf." Charles did not cultivate such a plant. This
is the first time Xiao Yan saw it with his own eyes.

"I don't know what it is, but I guess you should like it."

Xiao Yan didn't think that the other party would notice this, but
when he saw that his little pet had been completely retracted into
the shell and Jane still did not give up on it, Xiao Yan couldn't
stand it anymore, he stunned. Jane glanced, "Don’t bully my
hermit crab anymore!"

"Oh... the pet you raised is also very strange." This guy is very
happy, directly occupying the sofa, lying on his side and looking
at the TV.

This is the apartment provided by the military. Although

everything is comfortable, there is nothing to say, but due to
limited space, there is no division between the living room and
the bedroom. Xiao Yan felt strongly that his ** was violated.
After a simple shower, Xiao Yan lay on his bed. This is the day
when the peaks and turns, he has experienced too much. If it
wasn’t for Hein Burton, he was already dead.
Xiao Yan leaned sideways, reaching out and touching his lips. He
still remembers the touch of the other's lips, the irresistible tip of
the tongue, not for plunder, but for giving.

Hein Burton gave him a second life.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Xiao Yan slammed back to God, only to find out when Jane had
gotten out of bed, his hands pressed against his pillow, and the
whole body covered him, although Jane did not touch him at all,
but the kind was The pressure of imprisonment imprisoned
instantly made Xiao Yan's muscles tense.

"This is my bed, if you are going to sleep, the sofa is over there."

Xiao Yan’s expression is very serious. He knows that no matter

what he does to him briefly, he does not have the strength to

Jane laughed, but could not alleviate the pressure he brought to

Xiao Yan. "You are angry with me, right?"

"Why should I be angry with you?"

"Because I kissed you, and you can't resist the thrill of the x virus,
you responded to me. In fact, you are not the first person who
feels my kiss, and you don't need to blame yourself."
"I don't have to blame myself, just regret for you."


"Because when you kiss a person, you don't know if the other
person's response is for you or because of the x virus in your

Xiao Yan no longer evades, looking straight at the Jane, this guy
even if he is arrogant, can not really kill him.

"So what about Heyin Burton? When he kissed you, did you
know that he responded to him because of the x virus, or was he
dumping him?"

Jane is not angry, but his smile has some other meanings.

"What?" Xiao Yan's heart is tight.

Jane’s lips are more obvious, and they deliberately bowed their
heads. They are getting closer and closer to Xiao Yan, almost
pressing on Xiao Yan’s body. His palms are stretched into Xiao
Yan’s pajamas and covered on his lower abdomen. “Here is The
killer's blade runs through, and the chip that is implanted in your
body shows that when you officially enter death in three seconds,
the heart recovers again. The person who saved you is Haiyin
Burton, and there are only two methods."
"Which two?"

Xiao Yan just regretted the question, because the expression on

Jane’s face became more and more embarrassing.

"The first, he kissed you, the x virus in his mouth touched your
oral mucosa, speeding up the healing of your wounds. And the
second..." Jane's lips came to Xiao Yan's ear, warming The breath
lingered in Xiao Yan's auricle and neck, everything changed. "His
jjj comes into your body with the x virus and is absorbed here."

Jane's fingers ran down the tailbone of Xiaoyan and lie between
the hidden gaps.

"Lieutenant Colonel!" Xiao Yan smashed the past. When he tried

to organize each other while holding the other's wrist, Jane just
backed Xiao Yan's fingers.

"You know, I am telling the truth. But the time was so tight, I
don't think Hai Yin has enough time to complete the second
method in your body. So, he must have kissed you. And you
remember his kiss. So I am very curious, what is your obsession?"

"Go from me, immediately, right away." Xiao Yan's voice became
more and more cold.

Jane's palm moved up the Xiao Wei's lower abdomen.

"What are you doing!" Xiao Yan clasped the other's wrist.

"I just want to know if his kiss is really so thorough, leaving you
with a little scar on your body?"

Xiao Yan couldn't move the other's hand. He could only watch the
other person untie his pajamas and bowed his head to kiss the
place where he had been injured.

"Jane Wallis - I will complain to the Military Discipline Office

that you are harassing me!"

“I will ask them if it is harassment to check the wounded person

being supervised?”

This man is the biggest rogue that Xiao Yan has ever seen!

"I know that you and Haiyin Burton's troops have performed
several missions and can come back alive in the mission. I think
Colonel Burton agrees with your ability. Special mission troops
sent me to your side just to make you not I get any harm. So no
matter how unworthy I seem to be, or how much you want to go
into the arms of Haiyin Burton, I still hope you believe me."

Jane's smile slowly disappeared, Xiao Yan stunned, this is the first
time he saw such a serious expression.

"I will protect you. It is no less than Haiyin Burton."

Xiao Yan took a breath and tried to push the other's shoulder. "If
you want me to believe in you, please let me sleep well now."

"Well, you are the first person to let me sleep on the sofa."

Jane finally left, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief. When the
lights in the apartment were dark, Xiao Yan finally relaxed.
Although I don’t know why I’ve sent a master like Jane Wallis to
protect myself, some people’s protection is safe. Xiao Yan entered
a dream, and soon his shallow breathing sounded in the dark. He
is too tired to sleep very well.

At this time, in the restaurant of the special mission force

headquarters, a group of special forces gathered around a table,
carrying a beer mug, and talking laughter came and went.

"Aha! Maya! When you are out of the mission, there is no such
thing as you guys, and you feel quiet and lonely!" Mark's glass of
wine collided with Maya.

"So you harass me in the middle of the night? Mark, you have to
learn to enjoy loneliness! I am already destined to go out with you
again." The smile on Maya's lips is obvious, but there is a trace of
desolateness in her eyes.
"Right, I heard that you are now responsible for protecting the
safety of Major General Gordon. How about it, is it not difficult
for the Major General to wait?"

"I can drink beer with you here now, what do you say?" Maya
showed a boring expression, moved her wrist, and immediately
thought of something. "Right, now the Central Academy of
Sciences is the force of Jane Wallis. Supervised."

"It's nothing strange, there is such a big thing." Liv sighed and
asked, "Maya, do you know how Xiao Yan is? Even though he is
also a member of the Central Academy of Sciences, he heard that
he Just a research assistant."

"It’s my biggest headache when I talk about him." Maya pressed

his head. "According to the truth, if a character like Jane Wallis is
going to be a horse, the other party should at least reach the level
of Lieutenant Colonel Casey, but Jane. Wallis actually asked
Major General Gordon to ask, except for Xiao Yan, who would
not want to manage it, and would rather go out to perform tasks
than to stay with the rigid researchers!"

"Ah? It’s a madman Jane Wallis! Only he dares to say these things
to the generals! God! Give our Xiao Yan to his hand and wait for
our next mission to return to Shire, Xiao Yan. Still alive!"
For the troops of Haiyin, they have already accepted Xiao Yan. In
their hearts, if they must carry out a task with a technical soldier,
the only thing they hope is Xiao Yan. It’s just that they don’t
know that for Xiao Yan, going out with them to perform tasks is
the most dangerous thing in life.

When they took the beer quota of the restaurant today, they finally
got rid of it. Mark stretched out and complained that he would
leave Shire early in the morning.

Maya Yixing went back to her officer's apartment, but the figure
at the entrance of the apartment made him unexpected. The other
side quietly leaned against the wall, leaning slightly on the head,
looking at the empty wall.

"Head?" Maya subconsciously swallowed saliva.

"I am not your immediate supervisor. You now have a small team
responsible for the guard work of the special mission force
headquarters." Hai Yin's eyes moved to Maya, and the weight in
his voice made Maya unconsciously responsible for his present
duties. Pay attention to it.

"In my heart, you are still my head. You will leave Shire
tomorrow, is there anything I need to do?"

"Look at Jane Wallis." Hai Yin said in a very plain tone.

Maya frowned. He didn't understand the meaning of the other
person's words, but Haiyin had already left.

Sighing, Maya whispered: "It's still the same, it's unpredictable."

Xiao Yan slept for a day, so that when the communicator kept
making a sound, he did not know.

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan!"

The sound of warm alcohol sounded in Xiao Yan's ear, and he

slowly woke up.

"Well... what?"

When Xiao Yan had a smile on his eyes, the whole person
suddenly became awake.

"what are you doing!"

"Your communicator is always ringing, and it should be a call

from the lab."

Xiao Yan smashed through the communicator and found that

there were more than a dozen missed calls.

"Xiao Yan, you should have come to the research room two hours
ago to complete your work. Where are you now?"
It was not the voice of Casey, but the administrative officer of
several research offices, Colonel Michel.

"Sorry, I don't know if I have to do research today..."

"I don't need your sorry! Unless you are dead, nothing can stop
your research!"

After that, the communication is over.

Xiao Yan sighed with a long sigh of his head, and as soon as he
looked up, he saw him looking at him with a smile.

"Why don't you wake me up early?"

"First, when you fall asleep, I can look at you well, and you will
not look at me with impatient or even hostile eyes. Second, you
are not convinced that all the research I have said to you.
Wouldn't it stop because of this bloodshed? I must let you know
that I didn't make fun of you."

Xiao Yan opened the quilt and said nothing to go to the research

Kathy has not returned, several researchers are continuing Kathy's

project, and Xiao Yan's research has just begun.
Everyone's face is a very serious expression, only to find the
answer they have been looking for is the best mourning for the

Xiao Yan took a breath and he had to refuel. Otherwise, when

Casey returned to their research room and found that he had no
progress, he would be furious. He is immersed in the data of the
comet virus, constantly doing calculations and various
experiments. Jane sat across from him. At this time, he couldn't
see Xiao Yan's eyes. He could only know from his slightly lifted
lips that he was thinking very hard now. When Xiao Yan left the
terminal equipment, his face was obviously tired. He frowned and
seemed to be still thinking about something.

Jane was quietly behind him and came to the restaurant. Xiao Yan
numbs the food into his mouth and chews. Sometimes he presses
his forehead. Sometimes he chews for a minute and never

"Hey, you said why the zombies won’t go to bite the zombies?"

The author has something to say: the sister paper, the horse, the
good luck, the dragon horse spirit, the success of the horse~

[Notify the Hermit Crab, please tell each other that the only new
address of Le Wen is] I was being played badly... I don’t feel like
Star Lake...:.o fat winter melon: I am good at Star Lake~2k
After the start of the study, Xiao Yan spoke for the first time with

"Because they are the same kind."

"So what do they distinguish between the same kind? We all

know that the brains of zombies have shrunk, they have no
function of thinking, what do they use to distinguish the same

Xiao Yan’s question has turned down Jane’s question.

"This problem is beyond my scope of thinking. This is your field,

Xiao Yan."

"What are the commonalities of these zombies?"

"They used to be humans."

"What else?"

Jane paused, and at this moment, Xiao Yan’s eyes had a kind of
aggression that he did not usually have. In his gaze, the lazy Jane
began to think about his problems.

"They are all infected with the comet virus."

"The spread of the virus requires the host, so the zombies will
spread the virus in a way that bites humans. But the comet virus
will not let its own host bite another host, because this does not
make the virus spread, so If this conjecture is true, there must be
something in the gene chain of the comet virus to identify itself!"

Jane nodded and replied: "Although I don't understand virology,

what you said seems to make sense."

"But the zombies will attack the special forces."


"But the x virus you injected is cut from the gene chain of the
comet virus."

"Yeah... how can the zombies attack us?" Jane was curious.

"That is, the gene chain of the comet virus removes the part that
coincides with the x virus. In the remaining part, there must be a
part that it uses to identify itself! I have to find it out... find out..."

Xiao Yan put down the tableware and got up and walked away
from the restaurant.

"Hey, you haven't finished eating yet!"

Jane got up, shrugged helplessly, and stayed behind him.

Xiao Yan re-entered the research state. He ruled out all the gene
chains in the comet virus that were duplicated with the x virus.
Compared with the previous studies, all the known sequences
were excluded. The remaining invalid sequences, Xiao Yan
believes that there must be something hidden. The key to being

Throughout the afternoon, Xiao Yan’s thoughts did not leave the
terminal until he was unconscious, and his thinking became
slower and slower, and he couldn’t keep up with the flow of data.
He finally fell asleep.

The mind slowly descended and continued to sink into the


When he opened his eyes, he found himself returning to the warm


I haven’t been so lazy for a long time. Xiao Yan left himself to
drift in this blue.

A figure piercing the ripples of the water, the golden brown hair is
like an infinite stretch of illusion, elegant and full of strength,
gently coming to him.

Hai Yin...

The other's eyes are connected with the sea, and the boundaries
between reality and illusion are unclear.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and looked at the man in front of him,
but he did not see Hai Yin in a few days. Xiao Yan discovered
that when he started, this man has become a natural existence, and
his heart has an inexplicable desire. A little, closer to me!

Stretching his arm and stretching his fingers hard, Xiao Yan tried
to touch Shanghai Yin, even if it was only the end of his hair,
Xiao Yan did not understand why he was so anxious to approach
each other. Hai Yin is always not far from him.

"Why want to approach me."

As always, alienated and indifferent, Xiao Yan wants to tear the

man's everything to see through the depths of his heart.

I couldn't answer his question at all because Xiao Yan didn't know
the answer.

"So seriously answer my other question, you kiss me back

because it is me, or is it because of x virus?"

There is still no slightest tone, like a terminal stylized question.

Xiao Yan knows that he can never lie to Hai Yin, he can only
choose to tell the truth, even if the truth may cause the other
party's anger.

"Because of the x virus."

Xiao Yan is in the embarrassment, although he does not know the

reason for the embarrassment.
He never thought that the other party would speak. The sea in
front of me is just a piece of information, but the question is
representative of thinking, a piece of information is separated
from the subject of thinking, how can it be considered?

Hey, Hai Yin grabbed Xiao Yan’s hand and slammed him over.
He was pushed hard into the other’s chest. Two people fell from
the sea and passed through the water. On the delicate beach, the
gravel is like a turbulent flow through his ears, rubbing their skin,
slender and flying towards the ocean above.

"So now, everything has nothing to do with the x virus."

Xiao Yan had not had time to understand the meaning of the other
party's words. Haiyin's lips were pressed down, and she could not
refuse to kiss Xiao Yan's lower lip. The tip of the tongue invaded
the lips with great pressure and captured all of him. Xiao Yan’s
eyes widened and he couldn’t believe everything in front of him.
In front of his eyes, there is only a blue eyelid with a low eyelid.
The curve of the eyelashes is so clear, and the strong kisses are
deepening. Xiao Yan is going to bear it. He feels like a kiss for
the first time. He is not just every cell in the body. The tremor
even the deepest part of the mind was also imprinted. The other
side provoked his awkward tongue and sneered at each of his soft
places. It seemed that he could not get Xiao Yan’s response and it
would never end.

The man's arms were too tight, and Xiao Yan even suspected that
he would be killed in his arms.

Xiao Yan slightly reached the tip of the other's tongue. This tiny
movement seemed to be a crazy fuse. Hai Yin's kiss suddenly
sighed with enthusiasm, and escaped from the calm shackles.
Xiao Yan never thought that a man who seemed to be cold and
ignorant of everything had such a deep kiss. This kind of reversal
of the world's kiss did not make Xiao Yan fear, he felt that he was
not dispensable for this man in every effort.

He is very important, really important, it is important that this

man does not easily perform, he puts him in the deepest part of
his desire.

When Hai Yin slowly exited Xiao Yan's lips, Xiao Yan raised her
head and chased her up. Constantly smashed the lips of Hai Yin,
explored the tip of his tongue, eagerly squeezed into the lips of
the other side, chasing the tip of the sea. He gently sucked and felt
the return kiss of Hai Yin. It was like some kind of
encouragement, which made Xiao Yan kiss harder.

He didn't know whether the man accepted himself at the moment,

and he was not sure how the other person felt. He only knew that
he wanted to please each other. He wanted this cold man to feel
even a little bit of pleasure.

The other's palm covered Xiao Yan's cheek, and his lips were
slightly opened. At that moment, the hollow in Xiao Yan’s heart
was hard to say. His eyes touched the other's eyes, for fear that
Hai Yin would push him farther.

Hai Yin once again kissed him gently on his lips.

"You shouldn't be like this, Xiao Yan."

"...what?" Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin inexplicably. The other's

eyes were like an abyss, attracting him to continually approach
and suddenly devour everything.

"You will make me unable to extricate myself."

Xiao Yan didn't have time to think carefully about the meaning of
this sentence. Hai Yin's fingers gently knead his hair, and the tiny
kiss fell on his cheek and neck, and he kissed Xiao Yan's
collarbone with great force. The flesh and blood are even
skeptical in the entrance of the other side, causing Xiao Yan to
subconsciously fasten the shoulders of the place. His clothes are
opened openly, and the lips of Hai Yin touch the chest of his own,
the heart suddenly expands, and his tongue is swelled. The small
bulge on the chest of Shang Xiaoyan, which is completely
different from the roundness and softness of women, and the tip
of Haiy’s tongue is slid and smacked, but it is covered in the next
moment. The teeth touch the skin, as if to swallow Xiaoyan’s
chest. Into the abdomen.

"Pain..." Xiao Yan took a breath and gave a soft squeak.

"Call my name." The imperative tone is different from the

coldness of the past, as if something has been tried and
suppressed and finally broke out.

"...Hai Yin..." Xiao Yan looked at each other forcefully. Hein

Burton was suppressing himself. His body was full of energy, and
such a man could easily destroy him without frowning.

"Afraid me to kiss you." Hai Yin bowed his head and his tongue
tipped over Xiao Yan's lower abdomen. His kisses spread all the
way down and made more effort at Xiao Yan's waist.

"Not afraid." Xiao Yan's fingers reached into the soft golden hair
of the sea, and pressed the other's head until the other's breath
touched the desire to look up. The hot and hot, Xiao Yan

"That should never be afraid."

I haven't understood the meaning of the other party. Xiao Yan is

the most vulnerable part of the man. The pupil expanded in an
instant, and Xiao Yan opened his mouth. He did not expect that
all this would happen. Even in his own dreams, he did not have
the courage of such illusion (Note 1).

"...I really want to hold you, but it will ruin you." The word is
clear and clear.

Hai Yin loosened Xiao Yan and bit **** his earlobe.

Xiao Yan screamed.

"So you feel hurt..."

Xiao Yan sideways, looking at Hai Yin's eyes, helpless and


Reaching out, Xiao Yan touched his brow bone, so that it really

"Are you the information that remains in my mind... or my


The real Haiyin Burton is not so crazy and unscrupulous.

"This question should be answered by you."

Xiao Yan suddenly opened his eyes and stared at everything in

front of him until the image belonging to Haiyin Burton suddenly
disappeared and the whole world was hollowed out.
The sound of the banter sounded, dragging the nerves of Xiao

"You can do it, the brain is still connected to the terminal and falls
asleep. If you hit the ‘blocker’ and sneak into the system, you
have no power to fight.”

Jane, he took Xiao Yan's liaison and interrupted the connection

between Xiao Yan's brain and the system.

"I'm asleep?"

"What do you say? You have been in the terminal for five hours,
and the brains of ordinary people have long been unable to
withstand. You need to rest."

Xiao Yan frowned and held his forehead.

"I seem to have a dream."

"What dream?"

"I... don't remember." Xiao Yan tried hard to think back, but she
was helpless in her mind.

"If you can't remember, you don't have to bother to think about it.
When you brush your teeth or drink a cup of milk at a certain
moment, you will suddenly think of it." Jane lowered his head and
stared at Xiao Yan's legs. A deep smile on the lips, "Oh - it seems
to be a very beautiful dream!"

Xiao Yan bowed his head and noticed that his legs were wet. It is
obvious that the dreams he had just made were very... oh.

Oh shit! It was actually seen by Jane Wallis, this guy, Xiao Yan
really wants to burst his head!

"Don't be so embarrassed," Jane Wallis kneels in front of Xiao

Yan and looks up. The whole face of a resentful, handsome face is
presented in front of Xiao Yan, and his finger lifts his chin. "As
long as your fantasy object is not the sea." Yin Burton is fine."

"What?" Xiao Yan's chin trembled and widened his eyes and
looked at each other.

Jane Wallis gave a chuckle and said to him in a lazy and slow
voice: "Don't you know that the more man who is good at
patience, the more horrible he is when he can't stand it?"

"What is this about Colonel Burton!"

He Xiaoyan may have made a dream that is not very interesting.

Jane Wallis can use it to laugh at himself, but once he is involved
in Shanghai, the meaning is completely different.
" read his name when you fell asleep." Jane's
fingers pinched on Xiao Yan's cheek, but the smiley expression
showed a sense of oppression. "Not a very respectable Colonel
Burton." It is 'hai Yin'."

Xiao Yan slammed the other's fingers and slammed into Jane's
eyes very strongly. "Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, your jokes are not

“Is it angry?” Jane looked at Xiao Yan and stood up, her eyes
always following.

"Get here first today, because you and I have no research mood."
Xiao Yan stored his research data coldly, closed the lab terminal,
and walked out of the lab.

"Where to eat dinner?"

I am not at ease with you, and where to eat!

Xiao Yan did not answer Jane, and his heart was filled with
sorrow. Why is this guy! Why do you fall asleep! If you fall
asleep, why do you dream? Even if the dream is left, why is Jane
Wallis standing next to him! This guy looks at the end from the
beginning, must laugh at the mouth and cramps!
Passing through the research labs, many of them are still being
used, and Xiao Yan speeds up his steps, trying to get rid of Jane
behind him, even though he knows that it is impossible.

Forget it, let the guy laugh at his life for a lifetime!

When he passed a research lab, the alarm sounded.

Xiao Yan’s shoulders were tense and the alarm was too familiar.
The pain of the abdomen being pierced by the blade is again
transmitted deep into the brain along the nerve.

There are constantly researchers in the channel running, and the

look is flustered.

"Hurry up and shut it up! What have you guys done? How can the
dose go wrong!"

What does it mean?

"God! It ran out!"

Just as Xiao Yan didn't know how to move his footsteps, a figure
was in front of him.

"Don't leave my range."

It is Jane Wallis.
It is very different from the usual scornful tone. At this moment,
he is cold and alert.

"What happened?" Jane grabbed a researcher's arm and showed a

sigh of relief when he noticed the combat suit on his body.

"It was the zombies dissected in the No. 9 laboratory that escaped
the bondage!"


At that moment, only heard the sound of panic and fleeing,

several researchers wandered around the corner, a zombie's chin
fell off, and as the run swayed, the bloodshot eye seemed to be
unable to focus, the arm was The air is waving wildly.

"Help! Help!"

"What are you guys doing?" Jane frowned, picked up Xiao Yan,
entered a vacant lab, and locked the door.

Other researchers slammed the door and cried for the briefs to
come in.

"Open the door! The zombies are coming! Open the door!" Jane
hugged his arms and smiled on his lips, but his eyes were cruel
and chilling.

Xiao Yan has only returned to God.

"What are you doing! Let them in!"

"Why? This zombie is out of control because of their mistakes, so

they should all take responsibility." Jane still has a lazy
expression, and enjoys everything now with her lips. As the
researchers are more afraid, the more miserable they are, the
happier he is.

The zombies are getting closer and closer to the researchers, and
they are shaking and shaking.

"For you, dealing with that zombie is a breeze!"

"So I have to do it for them? Everyone has to pay for their

mistakes. Moreover, the zombies have limited attack power, they
can solve it with a little bloodyness. Xiao Yan... You have to
appreciate the current Everything may seem cruel, but it can
remind you – never put your hopes on others weakly. This is not
only the law on the battlefield, but also the law of elimination in

Jane's fingers tapped the glass regularly, so that the researchers

were attacked by fear.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis! You are a soldier!"

"Don't call my name with a military rank. My duty is to protect

you, not to protect everyone."
Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, and his finger just touched the button
to open the door.

"Xiao Yan, let's make a bet."

"Now you still have a mood to bet?" Xiao Yan's eyes squinted at
each other, but Jane was like not receiving his anger, and the lip
line was stunned.

"Open this door. If you can't solve the zombie with your own
strength, you belong to me tonight. I will kiss you, hold you, and
be with me as terrible as you think."

"You are so boring!"

"I want you, it has been a long time." Jane smiles, but his eyes are

Some familiar feelings came quietly, Xiao Yan only heard his
breathing and heartbeat, Jane's fingers slowly picked up his collar,
and the knuckles passed over his neck, as if there was anything
gently stroking Xiao Yan's nerves. Intent to pull him down the
abyss at his most unguarded moments.

Gritted his teeth, Xiao Yan slammed Jane's hand, and the world
returned at that moment.
"Don't seduce me, Lieutenant Colonel. I am your subject of
supervision. If you still have a bit of military blood, please don't
forget your duties."

"Protect you and you are not in conflict. How about, do you want
to gamble?" Jane still does not give up using his smile to seduce
Xiao Yan.

But Xiao Yan at the moment was completely calm down. His eyes
looked around the lab and found it was the center of condensation
research. Xiao Yan smiled coldly and said to Jane Wallis: "You
will regret and bet me, Lieutenant Colonel."

Jane seems to understand Xiao Yan’s thoughts and said, “It’s not
your lab, your fingerprints and ids can’t take out the lab
equipment inside.”

Xiao Yan did not answer the other party, but lifted the terminal
connector into the system, the brain quickly thought, invaded the
laboratory system, and the storage box for storing the
semi-finished products was automatically spread out. Xiao Yan
took out the condensation gun inside and came to the door.
Before, cold channel: "Let it open!"

"Xiao Yan, the gun in your hand has not been debugged, you will
hurt yourself." Jane's brow slightly picked up, and the joke-like
arc disappeared.
For a long time, ordinary bullets that rely on heat to produce
lethality have been ineffective against zombies, so the Central
Academy of Sciences began to study the use of anti-personnel
weapons for cooling purposes. It is not difficult to manufacture
such weapons, but because of the limited materials used to make
the condensing agents, mass production cannot be achieved at all.
The Condensing Laboratory is focused on making the most
condensed guns with the least amount of raw materials. Just last
week, the newly developed condensation guns were detected as
very serious defects.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, maybe in your eyes, we are just some

rookies who are not **** in the research room, maybe there are
no zombies without smoke, but here is our battlefield. Outside is
my comrade-in-arms. Will you throw your comrades on the

"You are stubborn." Jane shook his head helplessly.

"Isn't it reluctant to know at least. And what I am best at is the

way to find success after failure."

Xiao Yan raised his chin, free and easy, and the fingers did not
hesitate to press the button. Fortunately, the direction of the
zombies was lost by the pharmacy, and the researchers all
dispersed. The two researchers in front of the door climbed into
the condensation laboratory, and the zombies heard the sound and
rushed in this direction.

Xiao Yan raised the gun and momentarily pulled the trigger when
the zombie jumped to him.

The condensate bomb came out and hit the moment on the
forehead of the zombie. It quickly cooled down, and the sound of
the crack in the air was frozen. The brain of the zombie was
frozen, falling to the ground, and the head was broken on the
ground. Cracked open.

There is peace in the passage. The researchers carefully looked

out their heads and saw the zombies fall to the ground. Finally, a
researcher came out and determined that his brain was destroyed
by the condensation bombs. Everyone exhaled.

Xiao Yan’s fingers still hold the condensation gun and his arms
are shaking. When the condensing bomb is fired from the muzzle,
it quickly absorbs the surrounding heat. Xiao Yan's fingers and
the trigger are frozen together, and even the eyelashes are covered
with a layer of frost.

"Xiao Yan...It's okay! Or you react fast!"

The researchers did not find Xiao Yan's anomaly.

"Thank you, Xiao Yan!"

The researchers went forward and held the arm for him, only to
find that his arm was cold and there was no temperature.

"Oops! Hurry! Turn on the thermotherapy instrument!"

Xiao Yan's lips trembled, every cell in the body seemed to be

frozen, and the heart was clenched by a force, unable to beat.

The researchers flattened Xiao Yan's body and lifted it up.

"He can't walk! It's fast!"

Xiao Yan’s breathing is getting harder and harder, and the exhaled
breath is filled with white mist.

"Step aside!"

Jane pushed the researchers, and Xiao Xiao was hugged and
placed on the thermotherapy instrument.

Xiao Yan still has a condensation gun on his finger, and the start
of the thermotherapy device requires debugging time. When he
drags on, he will be completely frozen.

"Xiao Yan, don't reject me this time."

Jane’s voice rang in his ear.

Jane's finger gently clicked on Xiao Yan's lips, and he poured in
the next moment. The warm breath poured into the body through
the lips, and Xiao Yan could feel that his dying cells broke away
from the cold and re-emerged. His palm pressed against Xiao
Yan's shoulder, slowly sliding down his arm, came to his finger,
gently plucked the condensation gun, and the sound of Xiao Yan's
heart leaped with the sound of falling on the ground. Moved up.

Jane keeps kissing Xiao Yan, even though Xiao Yan’s body has
completely recovered at the moment, and it is clear that he repeats
the same strength of the same angle of kiss, as if he is not bored at

The researchers finally debugged the hyperthermia, and when

they saw the scene in front of them, they were in the same place.

Xiao Yan clenched his fists, and his mind struggled in the **. The
blood that had been cold to still was frantically surging, and
Jane’s kiss became more provocative from the initial
entanglement, as if pressing on the nerves of Xiao Yan. On, as the
tide continues to impact Xiao Yan.

Clenched his fist, Xiao Yan was on the back of Jane, biting

Suddenly frowned, finally lifted up.

"Xiao Yan, you are fine!"

The researchers gathered around.

Jane slowly receded, Xiao Yan could not see each other's

Until the body of Xiao Yan was confirmed to be safe, the

researchers dispersed and proceeded for follow-up treatment.

"Remember that you said to me, ‘Is it reluctant to do it at least?’

Xiao Yan left the thermotherapy instrument, and saw Jane holding
his arm against the wall, hiding in the darkness, and could not see
the expression.

His voice is like the echo from the depths of hell.

"I am stubborn. But I don't regret it."


"Practice is always higher than theory." Xiao Yan bent down and
was about to reach out to the condensation gun on the ground.
Jane suddenly appeared in front of him and clasped his hand.

"If you are frostbitten again, I will not kiss you, I will go directly
to you."
"This time I was frostbitten, let me know that the idea of ​relying
on the emission of condensing agents to freeze the zombies is not

"You always have a lot of ideas."

"Maybe I can turn them into reality."

"This may be the meaning they sent me to protect you." Jan took
a breath. "I know why I want to turn you to bed."

"Because I refused you?" Xiao Yan pulled his lips and he didn't
like to discuss similar topics with each other.

"The whole world refuses me. It doesn't matter." Turned around

swayingly and shook his hand. "Let's go, Xiao Yan. I invite you to
have a dinner. Now you need to empty your brain, fill your
stomach, and take a good sleep. Then maybe you will have new
progress tomorrow."

If it is not because of rejection, then what is it? This problem was

smashed in Xiao Yan's mind and was quickly pressed down. If
Jane is willing to say, he has already said it. Xiao Yan does not
intend to use his own brain to think about meaningless things.

"Not going to be... blue tulip?"

"The lights there are too dark, I can't see your face well."
"Can I refuse?" Xiao Yan's back rubbed his lips and couldn't help
worrying. He once ate the mouthwash of Hai Yin, so doing some
unrealistic dreams about Hai Yin has produced some illusions that
are difficult to talk about. His brain is already chaotic enough.
Today he ate the saliva of Jane Wallis. He didn't want his fantasy
object to become...


Jane put it on Xiao Yan's shoulder. At that moment, Xiao Yan

almost didn't kneel down.

Xiao Yan’s sense of crisis was overwhelming, and he suddenly

hated the x virus.

"Don't be like this, you solved the zombie, I will not go to you
tonight, according to my gamble with you."

Xiao Yan’s brows shook, and he did not ignore the “tonight” in
the mouth. Only tonight, what about tomorrow night? What will
happen later? How dangerous it is to stay with this unfashionable

This time, Jan took him to a small restaurant that didn't decorate
with too many holographic images, more like a small restaurant
on the street more than two hundred years ago.
Xiao Yan gave a slight glimpse, but Jane raised his chin. "Go in,
the owner of this restaurant insists that the all-hand-made dishes
are worth comparing with the ones that are designed by the
terminal system to taste and serve exactly the same. ”

“It’s not like your style here.”

"What is my style?"

“The pursuit of superficial glitz and luxury.”

Jane's lips gently slammed, "I mean, my every minute is worth

taking seriously. Now, I am going to **** every minute."

At that moment, the simplicity of the eyes was so fascinating.

An aircraft stayed at the top of the Central Academy of Sciences,

and the men’s slender legs stepped out of the hatch, and the wind
from the engine rolled his hair.

The ice-blue eyes are more hollow and empty in the night.

The author has something to say: Note 1:

The other person’s tongue passed over the top of Xiao Yan and
forcedly kissed. The angle of change Xiao Yan could feel his top
slid across the other’s teeth and slid through the mouth of the
other’s hot mouth. The whole body suddenly sank, he The little
brother seems to be bursting open, but the other party's almost
rude bite sucking makes Xiao Yan grasp the other's hair, the throat
can't breathe, and some emotions are suppressed and can't be

Xiao Yan loosened the hair of Hai Yin and turned to the other's

"Let me go... let me go out..."

Hai Yin still **** very hard, along the roots / stems, his fingers
knead the bag / bag at the bottom of Xiao Yan, whether it is
sucking or kneading, the power of Hai Yin is unquestionable, let
Xiao Yan body It will make you feel the pain that is hard to
ignore at the same time, but it is just that the pain is just right for
Xiao Yan to remember who gave it to the fast | feeling, sinking
and involuntarily awake.

Xiao Yan propped up his upper body and couldn't stop shaking.
He meant to hide backwards, and Hai Yin kissed him more
forcefully. His palms covered the inside of his thighs and
slammed openly. He was extremely overbearing and contained
everything in Xiao Yan. The toothed glides over the fragile
surface, as if at any time to embed his teeth in the flesh and blood
of Xiao Yan. When his breathing continuously sweeps through
the roots of Xiao Yan, such stimulation makes Xiao Yan almost
"Let me go... please... please..." Xiao Yan clenched the alveolar.
This tyrannical but irresistible feeling is beyond his reach. His
face is red and his breath is completely out of control.

Hai Yin finally released Xiao Yan. When he left, his tongue
tipped hard against the top of Xiao Yan and tried to pick it up
along the gap. The moment he felt as if the other side had taken
the sharp edge and killed it, Xiao Yan instantly vented.

Dramatically breathing, Xiao Yan's eyes must not be focused for a

long time. Suddenly, his legs were pulled open, lifted up, kissed
along his ankles and extended to the calf, his knees were folded,
and the kiss of Hai Yin spread from the knee to the thigh.

In such a debauched position, he appeared in front of Hai Yin,

Xiao Yan subconsciously wants to close together, and Hai Yin is
holding his knee with more decisive power. When Hai Yin’s line
of sight touched Xiao Yan’s weak desires, Xiao Yan struggled

When the hair of Hai Yin was close to the skin on the inner side
of Xiao Yan's thigh, Xiao Yan finally showed a look of fear.

"Burton... Colonel Burton..." Xiao Yan held up his upper body

and tried to leave, but the other side pressed his waist more hard.
"I said, call my name." Hai Yin's eyes always looked at the
fascinating part of Xiao Yan's legs, but Xiao Yan was stunned.

That is his most hidden/private part. He can't show it in front of

the other person without reservation, as if even the most wanted
thing he wants to hide in his heart is about to be seen.

"Hai Yin..."

"Yeah. [Notice: Please tell each other's message. The only new
address is .om] "Hai Yin is just looking at Xiao Yan. The feeling
of being unshakable in the gaze makes Xiao Yan shake his fingers
and hold his hips hard. Kneading 1 and letting it go. **. c, even if
Xiao Yan of the other party does not know what the other party is,
what he wants to do, he foresaw that this capacity is completely
unbearable for him. 2k novel reading network

He entered the elevator and came to the deepest part of the special
mission unit headquarters.

At the streamlined desk, a man in a military uniform sat.

"Your Mightiness."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Colonel Burton. You just
returned from Amazon. I should have let you rest, but I think you
have already heard of it. This afternoon, the laboratory that
conducted the research on the zombies had an accident. The
reagents are wrong, causing the zombies to leave the control."
Major General Gordon's fingers are interlocking, looking up at
the men in front of him.

Haiyin Burton had no visible mountain dew on his face, which

made Major Gordon unable to touch his forehead.

"There were four researchers present at the time. After four

people's review, the reagents had problems. Haiyin, what do you

"Someone invaded the system, changed the terminal settings, and

bypassed four researchers."

"This person is very embarrassed. What do you think is the

purpose of releasing a zombie?"

"Create confusion."

"What is the purpose of creating chaos?"

"About the research results of x-."

"All x- research results have been encrypted."

"What about Xiao Yan?"

The man at the desk groaned and smiled. "It’s rare that you
remember the name of a researcher. Indeed, his current research
project is related to x-virus, but there is no progress at present."
"But you have publicly published his research project. It is best to
test whether his system has been invaded in that chaos. Some
people may be paying attention to his research. The level of
security for himself should also be improved."

Hai Yin’s expression is still cold, and the ice blue eyes show an
unusual attachment.

"Don't forget, his supervisor is Jane Wallis." Major General

Gordon seemed to think of something, adding another sentence,
"Reassure, he won't cut Xiao Yan's nose."

Hai Yin turned to the door.

"Hey! I haven’t finished talking to you, you are going too fast!"

"I need you to apply for authorization from the Central Academy
of Sciences and enter Xiaoyan's research system."

The man showed a playful smile. "It’s rare that you are so
concerned about another person."

Under the soft lighting of the restaurant, Jane's eyebrows were

smudged out of the usual style, and the twists and turns of the
wrists were just right. Even Xiao Yan was surprised that this guy
also had an elegant side.
"Try this, it's definitely not the same as what you eat in the
research restaurant."

Jane cut a small piece of steak and placed it on Xiao Yan's plate.
When he looked up, he found Xiao Yan looking at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

"I just get used to the fact that you don't care about everything. It's
not serious for you."

The handle of the knife was on the wrist of Jane, and the tip of the
knife hit the plate. He smiled, his shoulders followed, and he
resumed his unyielding posture.

"You can easily be confused by the illusion of a moment. I will

not treat anyone seriously. I have less than ten years left in my
life. Instead of treating others seriously, I should treat myself

Jane's knife tip pierced the meat, biting a bite, brutal and rude.

Xiao Yan was unmoved and used the dinner step by step.

At this time, in the magnetic levitation vehicle in the cruise more

than ten meters away from the restaurant, the cold man silently
watched everything on the screen. The big man beside him
chewed the cow j□j, and said evilly: "Let's eat the steak! It's clear
that the rookie is a chick!"

"You sprayed the crumbs of food."

"Head! That's our rookie -"

Hai Yin did not say a word, staring at the screen cold eyes until
all electronic data was frozen.

At this time, Xiao Yan is focusing on cutting the steak.

Jane's choice is correct. The dishes here are completely different

from the tastes that have been calculated by computer. The taste
buds on the tip of the tongue seem to be energized.

"It's delicious."

Jane raised his eyebrows, and Xiao Yan’s moment of contact with
his gaze gave him the illusion that he became the cut steak in the
other side.

"Ah... um."

"Do you know why I chose to enter the special mission force?"
Jane played with the knife in his hand, revealing bloodthirsty
arrogance in his eyes.

"Because I am tired of Charles's stereotypes. Every inch of
territory in life has been clearly defined by the terminal program.
So I want to go to the outside world to see. But the outside world
is wonderful but cruel, so I Accepted the x virus."

Xiao Yan swallowed, and he did not think that someone would
become a special soldier because he was tired of a constant life.

"The price of your madness is too heavy. People can only enjoy
everything if they are alive."

"If you can complete a hundred years of completion in ten years,

why bother with time?"

Jane pulled the lips and the soft light fell on his white face to the
unreal face.

"I am very curious, in addition to any killing in the outside world,

what else do you want to complete or experience?" Xiao Yan
picked up the napkin and wiped the lips.

"For example... meet you..." Jane pulled the corner of his lips,
half-truth, Xiao Yan would not be stupid enough to take this
sentence seriously.

If Jane Wallis is not a special soldier, maybe they will not meet
each other in the life of Charles.
Jane stretched his arm, and the slender and powerful fingers
slowly touched Xiao Yan's napkin and gently pulled it to his face.

Just as Xiao Yan was subconsciously pulling the napkin back,

Jane's lips licked the corner of the napkin and looked at Xiao
Yan's eyes blurred.

The heart inexplicably jumped up, Xiao Yan had the illusion that
everything was imprisoned in the other's lips.

Mark staring at the screen is exploding, "Mom! I want to kill Jane

Wallis! This is a seduce! It’s too **** too!"

With Mark squatting, the man beside him is still unmoved. Mark
subconsciously looked at his own head, Hai Yin's side face did
not waver, but the low air pressure in the air is not an illusion,
Mark still wants to say something, but finds that he is oppressed
to breathe.

Hai Yin’s fingers hold the safety device tightly and the phalanx is
extremely hard.

Mark swallowed, and finally said: "The head... the safety device
cracked... cracked..."

When Hai Yinsong handed, Mark saw that the part that was held
by the sea has been completely deformed. Hai Yin’s line of sight
did not leave the holographic screen for a moment, and the line of
sight pierced everything like the blade of the special forces.

"Head... I think the rookie should follow us..." Mark kept silent
after saying this whisper.

Xiao Yan looked at Jane's eyes. He had to admit that Jane's eyes
were beautiful. Unlike women's femininity, there was a natural
sense of strength, and the outlines of the lines were elegant and

Daddy, Jane’s expression suddenly became fierce, and Xiao Yan

was dragged to the table by the other party before he could react.

"Oh--" sounded, what was rubbing his cheeks into the ground, the
plate was broken and the floor was broken, and the guests

"Xiao Yan!" Jane slammed Xiao Yan. "Don't look up, go with

Xiao Yan wandered on the ground, looking down, and piercing

the ground turned out to be a nano-needle. The needle is placed in
the warhead. Once it is shot from the muzzle, the rest will fall off
during the flight, and the nanoneedle will penetrate the target
body. This is to study the guns needed to capture the zombies. not When thinking about this! They must leave here

Jane was behind him, and the two finally came to the back door.
When Xiao Yan was about to reach out and press the door lock,
Jane stopped him.

Because he didn't want to get too much attention, Jane didn't wear
combat uniforms but ordinary uniforms. His fingers swept his
trousers and took a gun from his ankle. Magnetic suspension

Jane slammed Xiao Yan into his arms, and Xiao Yan’s head came
to his chest, and his heart’s strong and powerful heartbeat came
from his ear.

He turned his side and slammed open the back door. Sure enough,
several nano-needles shot in, and easily escaped with Xiao Yan.

Although it was only a glimpse, Jane saw that the gunmen were
not shooting at close range, they were two people in total. One of
them was ambushing in the building facing the glass window of
the restaurant, and the other was hidden in a low-rise building on
the back door street.

"Xiao Yan, this posture is really suitable for kissing."

Jane's palm buckled Xiao Yan's back of the head, his fingers were
embedded between his hair, and Xiao Yan looked up slightly to
smile on his eyes.

As if everything in front of him had no threat to him.

"I will bite your tongue."

Jane was shot on his head, his eyes showing a bit of killing, but
the voice seemed to treat the child. "You dare."

Xiao Yan didn't have time to say anything. Jane had turned
around. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the low building. He
went to the door.

Mark, who has been in charge of surveillance, looks at Hai Yin.

"Head! The tide of people has appeared! We..."

There was no expression on the cold face of Hai Yin. "Resist,



"Because we have to uproot the tidal people, otherwise when they

hide in places we can no longer see, the crisis around Xiao Yan
will be hard to prevent."

Mark made a slight meal and gritted his teeth with resentment:
"The rush of the mess!"
"Li Fu, send a magnetic levitation car to cover Xiao Yan!"

"Head! There are people in the traffic department! The traffic

lines will be locked, they will be useless even if they are on the
magnetic suspension!"

Haiyin's fingers are in the lips, his eyes are slightly lifted, and the
smashing intention spreads. "There is a terminal on the magnetic
levitation car. As long as there is a terminal, Xiao Yan can go

Mark realized at this time that his head would not let go of
anyone who might hurt or even threaten Xiao Yan. This time he
would put an end to all the risks around Xiao Yan. This is an
unprecedented determination, and this determination has nothing
to do with the mission and mission!

"Yes! Head!"

The way to kill a special soldier and kill a zombie is the same,
that is, to cut their heads to end their crazy healing ability.

Jane's eyes narrowed and the lip line pulled open and the gun was

Xiao Yan was nervous and shouted. Jane’s muzzle shook slightly.
At the moment when a maglev car passed, he squinted Xiao Yan
from the back door.
"Hey - isn't there a gunman over there?"


Jane extended his arm and just stopped a magnetic levitation car
and threw Xiao Yan into it.

The magnetic levitation vehicle is flying fast, Xiao Yan still has a
breath in the future, the two cars chased up and kept pace with

The simple input command sets the route, but finds that the route
command has been locked.

"They invaded the transportation system!" Jane frowned, and

even the doors were locked. They couldn't do it if they forced a

"Where is the terminal on the car!"

Each magnetic levitation vehicle is equipped with a terminal

intervention device located under the driver's seat for emergency
use only.

"This terminal can only be connected to the Ministry of


"As long as there is a terminal, I can connect anywhere!"

Xiao Yan invaded the network of the Ministry of
Communications with an unstoppable trend and unlocked the
magnetic levitation vehicle. His brain automatically guided the
navigation, constantly swirling and dodging, and instantly
separated the two aircraft.

Jane pulled out a smile, "Xiao Yan, I really look down on you!"

However, Xiao Yan did not give him any answer, but his lips were
very upset.

"Xiao Yan?"

Jane noticed that he was not right, their speed was declining, the
route was messy, and several times they collided with the
magnetic levitation vehicle in the same direction.

"Xiao Yan! Are you a blocker?"

At this time, Xiao Yan, the original thinking in his mind was
swept by a wave of tides, and he could not find the direction of
thinking, but the other side was in deep penetration. Once he
entered his subconscious level, Xiao Yan knows that he will be

He can only build everything in a panic, fragilely blocking the

opponent's offense.
what should I do? I want to block him!

Don't panic! Don't mess!

Xiao Yan simply let go of everything, and countless meticulous

streams of consciousness cling to the other side to go backwards
and smash the roots of that force. At the same moment, a
powerful force powerfully cut off the enemy's intrusion thinking,
guided Xiao Yan to counterattack, and forced the enemy to
desperate and fled.

This feeling......

A cold voice sounds in my mind: concentrate your energy!

It is Hai Yin! He is in his own brain!

In an instant, all the panic was firmly replaced.

Jane slammed the door, "Xiao Yan! Hold it!"

Only heard the "bang-", the door was opened, Jane interrupted the
terminal and pulled off the connector.

Xiao Yan, whose eyes are once again in line with reality, saw that
the first four or five maglev cars in the turning area rushed toward
them with a lightning-like arc!

The next moment, his shoulder was squeezed into someone's arms
and fell from a few meters.
Just as they got out of the car, their car was hit and made a loud

Xiao Yan’s ear was a whisper, and his heart seemed to be still in
the car.

"Don't be afraid!" When I collided with the ground, Xiao Yan's

ear heard the sound of broken bones.

"Hey--" snoring squeezing the heart of Xiao Yan.


The strength of Xiao Yan’s arms was not shaken.

"Jane! Let me see you!"

If it wasn’t under him, he would have died long ago!

"Give me... thirty seconds, don't move..."

This sound is almost squeezed out of the teeth.

Xiao Yan remembered that this guy is a leader in special

missions. The x virus gives him extraordinary healing ability.
Unless he cut his head off his neck, this guy is not so easy to die.

The sound of the slap in the ear, Xiao Yan knows that it is the
sound of bone healing.
"Do you think I am dead?" Jane's breath stretched along Xiao
Yan's auricle, passing feathers across his heart.

Xiao Yan didn't talk, and he was really scared at that moment.

He still remembers how Captain White fell down under the tree
without any fuss. He didn't want to see any other person he knew
ended up in front of him with such cruel gesture.

"When can we go?"

"Now." Jane suddenly turned over and shook Xiao Yan.

"where are we going?"

"The headquarters of the special mission force."

The car accident just now has attracted a large number of people
onlookers. They pointed to Xiao Yan and Jane.

When I saw the scene of Xiao Yan falling from the holographic
screen, Mark was frightened and afraid that if Jane Wallis did not
paddle Xiao Yan... the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Hey--" a loud bang, whistling cold air into it.

It was Hai Yin who opened the door. He took off the terminal and
threw it into the car. He clasped the door with one hand and his
legs were about to leave.
His hair was pulled out of the lines.

"Head - what are you going to do!"

Hai Yin did not answer.

"Where are you going! The order of Major General Gordon is..."

"You and Li Fu get the undercover in the Ministry of

Communications! The traitors in the special missions... I have to
personally clean them up!"

After that, Hai Yin jumped down.

The place where Xiao Yan and Jane fell was being watched by a
group of people.

Waiting for it, the law enforcement officers of the Ministry of

Communications are coming, but Xiao Yan is very sure, whether
it is the Central Academy of Sciences or the Ministry of
Communications, I am afraid that people with tidal organizations
are lurking among them.

Jane buckled Xiao Yan's wrist and took Xiao Yan out of the

"Look down, don't look around."

Jane and Xiao Yan walked through the bustling downtown,

through a mall, to an alley.
"Where are you going to take me?"

"Xiao Yan, do you believe me?"

Jane's finger clasp is very tight, and Xiao Yan's wrist bones creak.

"I believe……"

At that moment, Xiao Yan saw a figure standing on a high place.

Not yet blinking, a cold light cut through the horizon, just when
Xiao Yan thought that his head would be cut off, Jane took the
other's blade with bare hands.

"I am still thinking about who it is, it is you - Cole!"

Everything is coming to Xiao Yan.

The next moment, Jane kicked out, and Cole escaped sideways,
but did not expect that the foot was just a cover, changed direction
in midair, and kicked his knee. Cole just leaned down slightly and
quickly pulled out the blade. Jane’s hand was bloody.

Everything is coming to Xiao Yan's eyes can't follow, Jane's

movements are hot and slick, every shot is full of killing, and
Cole has been smashed again and again.

Jane's elbow slammed on Cole's side brain and crushed him

directly on the wall, while Cole's sharp blade stabbed along Jane's
side, and Xiao Yan's back was cold and sweaty. Not only did he
escape sideways, but he also smashed Cole’s knees with one foot.
He crossed the sharp edge of his hand and penetrated his wrist.
He did not enter the wall and pinned him.

"Cole, you picked the wrong opponent."

Jane smiled, and the eyes lifted gracefully and slowly upwards,
like a relaxing wing.

The only hand that Cole can move is suddenly raised, and the
injection gun is buckled between the fingers!


Just as Xiao Yan shouted out, Jane slammed the other's wrist and
pulled it off the body, and the blood splashed out.

The white face was covered with a blood red, shocking.

Cole's face was blue and white. Even with extraordinary healing
power, it is impossible to regenerate parts that are completely out
of the body.

“Why do you want to start with Xiao Yan?”

Jane stunned Cole's chin, his smiling expression was gloomy and
"...Lieutenant Colonel, isn't the reason obvious?" Cole smiled
helplessly, leaned toward Jane and gnashed his teeth. "We have
never been fellow travelers."

"Oh - no one is with me. I am asking why you regard Xiaoyan as

your goal! Even you are not willing to expose your identity in
front of me!"

Jane patted Cole's cheeks with a casual gesture.

"Xiao Yan... successfully synthesized, you don't

know? It seems that the military is not trusting you enough!"

Jane got the answer, slowly turned back, glaring at Cole's knife,
the blood on the blade slowly ran down, his eyes staring at Xiao

"You took me to synthesize x-virus?"

Xiao Yan stepped back step by step, and his eyes seemed to be the
devil that came from hell, to destroy him.


The powerful killings rushed in, and Xiao Yan’s knees lost their
support and fell to the ground.

At that moment, Jane suddenly turned and the action of the blade
was ruthless.
Cole stood behind Jane, and when Jane plunged the blade into the
ground, indicating that everything was over, Cole's head
misplaced generally slipped from the neck.

Jane's palm covered Xiao Yan's eyes, and a low voice rang in his
ear. "Don't look."

Xiao Yan was shackled, and Xiao Yan was bright red between the
simple fingers.

" also a special task force..."

"Yes. This means that in special missions, there are also spies in
the tide."

Xiao Yan felt the coldness of the bones. For more than two
hundred years, people have lived in the body of Charles,
comforting everything and living very well. I didn't expect this
peace to be built on the quicksand.

"That Cole, is your comrade?"

"He is my men."

Jane’s voice is still not slow.

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth, and Jane’s decision was not like
treating his former subordinates.

"Do you think that I am cruel to the subordinates, is it a monster?"

"From the time you know that he is the undercover of the tidal
organization, he is no longer your subordinate. If you treat the
enemy with kindness, you will not be able to stand firm."

Xiao Yan’s voice is steady and calm. He is not a researcher who

has never been exposed to the rush of researchers. He knows how
ferocious and desperate their enemies are, and Captain White and
Maya are falling in front of him. It is extremely naive and
irresponsible to sympathize with your own enemies.

Jane’s nose gave a chuckle. “We are always good at finding

excuses for our cruelty, but only cruelty can survive.”

They have not yet stepped out of this long alley, and several
maglev cars overhead over them. The doors open instantly and
some people jump.

Xiao Yan looked up, the sky was flashing, and Jane pushed him
open. Xiao Yan’s back hit the wall, and four surviving killers fell.
One of them fell on the streetlight and swooped down. To the pair
of eyes full of killing, the world is still at this moment.

I can't see how everything happened. I only know that Jane

clasped the other's blade with a hand in the blink of an eye. One
turned and stepped on the wall next to Xiao Yan's body, and used
the force to smash the killer on the opposite wall. And seized the
other side's blade.
Other killers swarmed in, such a narrow place is not conducive to
Jane's skill. Although he has been in front of Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan
has been squeezed by Jane's back every time he swings his blade,
and then his bones will really be crushed.

Jane had to step on the wall with one leg and make room for Xiao
Yan. One raised his hand, the blade crossed the other side, and the
hilt hit the face of the killer.

"Go--" Jane slammed Xiao Yan's collar and threw him out. The
three killers tried to cross Jane, but they were intercepted by the
other side.

Xiao Yan didn't look back. He knew that since Jane could be the
same as Hai Yin, then the three killers were definitely not Jane's
opponents. On the contrary, if they stayed in the same place, they
would make Jane worry too much, so they went crazy.

Jane's gaze stretched with the sharp edge, and the bloodthirsty
smile plucked. "You still have three seconds."

I couldn’t think about the meaning of the so-called “three

seconds”. Jane jumped up. In a flash, the head of the first killer
was cut down. Jane stepped on the shoulder of the body and
turned over. The second killer tried to resist the dodge, but Jane.
But a sword opened his head, the third killer attacked, but did not
expect this is the flaw left by Jane, a sword cut his head.
Jane fell, cold and swept over the dead body, blood flowing to
touch his toes, he turned without mercy, looking at Xiao Yan's
back and running back, just at that moment, squinting eyes The
expression is picked up.

"Xiao Yan -"

Xiao Yan’s eyes are another killer, and the sharp blade in his hand
is full of shocking cold.

Jane rushed away but the other's sharp edge had already crossed
Xiao Yan's neck. At that moment, the killer's head was cut down.
Xiao Yan licked his neck and couldn't breathe and felt the blood
quickly leave between the fingers.

The killer fell, and the expression of the defender could not be
seen under the backlight. Xiao Yan was about to fall into Jane’s

At that moment, the other party smashed him over, and the palm
of his hand pressed his wound that was constantly bleeding. He
opened his mouth and could not breathe oxygen until the other
side slammed into it, rushing into his mouth, overbearing. The
ground swept all his softness, some kind of desire to be ignited,
Xiao Yan continued to **** hard, the body was close to control,
hope that the other side would hold him tighter, hoping to enter
the other's blood, Xiao Yan uncontrollably loosen the pressure
The hand of his neck, and then hold the other's head, press the
other side to force themselves.

He lost everything. His judgment, his thoughts, swept over the

flanks of the other's tongue, forcedly slammed into it, struggling
to hit the other's arms, and the other party always embraced him
firmly, never wavering. When the other's tongue touched Xiao
Yan and tried to push him out of his mouth, Xiao Yan's heart was
filled with inexplicable fear. He pushed back harder, pressed the
other's head and tried his best to seize the other's mouth.
everything of.

Such persistence gave the other party a sign of soft heart, Xiao
Yan side face, making the two people more entangled, Xiao Yan
indulged in the opponent's almost petting response.

Not far away, Jane looked at everything in front of her eyes and
said coldly: "Coloton Burton, if you don't push him away, he will
be addicted to the x virus."

In the meantime, Xiao Yan was pushed open, and the other's palm
was still pressed on his shoulder. Only at that moment, Xiao Yan
saw the madness in the eyes of Hai Yin. He could hear the heavy
and violent breathing of the other party.
At this moment, Xiao Yan was shocked. The pain in his neck was
the feeling of being stopped and stopped to lose his breath... It

"Why are you here?" Jane squinted at Hai Yin. When he turned
his face, his gaze was like the edge of the sharp edge, but Hai Yin
did not move.

"If I am not here, he will die."

The cold voice, as if the tolerance and softness of the past is

simply an illusion.

"I need an explanation, you are not a coincidence here."

"This is my task."

"So, I can only find someone who can explain this." After that,
Jane smashed Xiao Yan, and the force almost shook Xiao Yan's
arm off his shoulder.

Xiao Yan squatted behind Jane, and he also wanted to know what
was going on.

Hai Yin lowered his eyes and his fingers twitched gently. The
blood belonging to Xiao Yan still did not cool down, slowly
tightening his fists, and Hai Yin exhaled a heavy breath.
Xiao Yan was pulled by Jane. He could feel the anger of Jane's
body, and the headquarters of the special mission unit was close at

Of course, when they walked out of the alley, they found that
seven or eight surge killers dressed in combat uniforms fell to the
ground, and the blood was boundless.

Xiao Yan understands that Hai Yin has been protecting himself. If
these people are also surging, he is already dead. The neat way,
the murderous intention, Hai Yin’s killing of these people with
some kind of hatred.

Jane snorted, "Don't watch! Go!"

This is a completely different building from the Academy of

Sciences, cold and ruthless, without a trace of extra decoration.

Jane took Xiao Yan into the building, and all the special forces
who were dressed in combat uniforms with their faces were cold
and their eyes passed through Xiao Yan’s body, as if they were

Yes, I am still wearing the uniform of the Central Academy of

Sciences. The technical soldiers have made many special forces
not look good!
Jane took Xiaoyan into the elevator, and at the moment the
elevator door opened, two special forces stopped them.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis -"

"Step aside!"

Jane pushed their hands away and pulled Xiao Yan to walk in the

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis! The Major General has not approved

you to come here!"

The two special forces are about to take out the blade, Jane turns
back and slaps a sly smile, and the cold words are squeezed out of
the teeth. "I will cut your head down."

At that moment, the cold and bloodthirsty atmosphere spread, and

the channel of steel construction was on the verge of collapse.

The tense atmosphere is on the verge.

At this time, a secretary officer appeared in the passage, and the

clear voice echoed.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, the Major General will see you."

Jane snorted and looked at Xiao Yan. "Let's go."

Xiao Yan took a breath, "Minor?"

He is just a student, the so-called reserve technical soldier, the
level is still b, and today he will see the military generals?

"I just want to hear what the Lord will explain."

Jane’s uncomfortable expression, pulling Xiao Yan into a

spacious office with only one desk.

The man in military uniform was sitting directly on his desk,

playing with a bright dagger in his hand.

Just as Xiao Yan stepped in, the man threw the dagger, and the
seemingly random movement was full of strength.

The dagger was grasped by Jane in a place less than one

centimeter from the tip of Xiao Yan's nose.

Jane came to the man and put the dagger into the desk of the desk,
but the man did not hide.

The tip of the knife just pierced between the man's finger joints.

"You are still as boring as ever, sir." Jane raised his chin and his
chill appeared.

"I can hear what you said outside the door." The man clicked on
his ear.

He is the high-ranking Major General, who is responsible for

commanding special missions. He is about thirty-four or five
years old. He can be called "the lord". He is not relying on the
fighting power of the millennium, but his keen mind, his five
senses. It is very common, unlike Haiyin Burton or Jane Wallis, it
only needs to look at life for a lifetime, and there is no such thing
as Xiao Su’s killing, even a calm and indifferent manner. But it is
this seemingly ordinary and harmless person who commands the
entire special task force.

The author has something to say: Jane: I finally shot today, how
do you feel so cool?

Fat winter melon: Maybe because the opponent is not Hai Yin?

Jane: Then do you think that I and Hai Yin will win?

[Notice the fat melon please tell each other that the only new
address of the music is] Of course you win! Hehe... Jane: Got it,
say in front of me that I won, in Haiyin. Burton said that he won,
you are really a double-sided glue! 2k novel reading network

Strictly speaking, the special mission force is only the most

special force in the military combat forces. The soldiers in each
combat force are not accepted by the x virus, while the
high-ranking general is the armed forces. He himself Did not
accept x virus. When the special forces were born and died
outside the city of Charles, and the high-ranking generals were
able to sit at the desk and give orders, he must have something

"I came here not to troubleshoot your boring. I just want to ask,
what kind of tricks are you playing? When did Xiao Yan
synthesize x-virus? You are taking him as a bait and want to lead
to lurking in Shire. Spy in the middle?” Jane squinted, and the
pressure in his eyes made the high-ranking Major General slightly
converge on the smile.

Xiao Yan understands why he has not been so peaceful this day!
Why is he just a class B student military but sent a master like
Jane Wallis as a regulator, he is a bait, and Jane is a hunter.

"Don't be so angry, at least we have a lot of gains. For example,

the two-year-old cole who followed you for two years is actually
a member of the tide organization. The Ministry of
Communications, the Ministry of Military Affairs and even the
torture force are inevitably infiltrated by the tide tissue, including
Xiao. The Central Academy of Sciences where Rock is located.”
Major General Gordon’s gaze passed over Jane’s shoulder and
looked at Xiao Yan. “I didn’t expect you to come, Xiao Yan. Do
you have anything to report to me?”

Xiao Yan put away all the expressions and performed a stern
military ceremony in front of Major General Gordon.
"Reporting you! Yes!"

"Oh? What?" Major Gordon asked with interest.

"You are a complete bastard!" Xiao Yan's expression was very

serious, and the words were clear.

"Ha ha ha!" Major General Gordon laughed and patted Xiao Yan's
shoulder. "Don't be like this. This idea was thought out by
Lieutenant General Aiwei of the Central Academy of Sciences.
Moreover, Xiao Yan, you really have been chased by the tide
organization. The value of killing, the military has raised your
security level to s."

Jane brows, "What do you mean?"

"Xiao Yan, your research project is almost complete, if you

succeed, you will synthesize a new type of virus, right?"

Xiao Yan swallowed, "I didn't expect you to know my research


"Of course, as an elite in the combat forces, we must pay attention

to this virus, which will make our soldiers invisible in front of the

Yes, Xiao Yan found a code that was ignored by all researchers in
the gene chain of the comet virus. This code does not cause any
harm to the human body, but it is a chain mark in the complex
gene chain of the comet virus. This encoded virus infection, the
comet virus will mistakenly think that it is their own body, thus
giving up the attack. That is to say, once the soldiers have injected
the virus carrying the gene chain, in the face of the zombies, the
zombies will automatically treat them as their own kind of attack.

"Even if the gene chain is found, it must be synthesized with the

appropriate virus to be applied to the human body! I have no
finished products and no experiments in the human body! How
can the surge organization be possible..."

"Because Casey's assistant has a surge of members, he sends all

your information to the tide. In their view, your success is as
simple as God's breath." Major General Gordon's palm is covered
in Xiao. On the shoulders of the rock, "Do you know why the
surge organization attacks the research aircraft?"

“Why?” Xiao Yan faintly felt that this answer would never be
what he would like to hear.

Major General Gordon looked at Jane, and all the casual

expressions seemed to fall under the calm sea. Jane slowly said:
"Because the tidal organization has developed a biotechnology,
they take the researchers' brains and connect them to the terminal.
Force these brains to think until they lose their vitality and be

Xiao Yan took a breath, "What do I have to do with this


"Xiao Yan, do you know how fast your brain is involved in the

Xiao Yan shook his head.

"300 million mega-speed." This answer not only makes Xiao Yan
stupid, but even the surprise in Jane Wallis's eyes flashed.

"Xiao Yan, you are such a powerful person." Jane pressed his
head and pulled out a smile. "It is my negligence to treat you as a
simple and funny rookie researcher."

Simple and cute? Xiao Yan couldn't help but face the black line.
When Jane Wallis can treat him with normal attitude and normal
language, Xiao Yan will feel that the world is very beautiful.

"Your brain has become their goal." Major General Gordon

looked at Xiao Yan very seriously.

This sentence instantly crushed Xiao Yan.

He thought of those who were unwilling to leave the aircraft,

maybe they were not only killed, but their brains were also taken
away. Subconsciously, Xiao Yan touched the back of his head...
He could hardly imagine what would happen if his brain was
taken away one day.

A cool heart rose in my heart.

Jane sneered a sigh of relief, and smashed the collar of Major

General Gordon. The voice almost squeezed out of the teeth. "He
almost died, Major General. As you wish, his brain was almost
taken away from summer. Seoul!"

"I admit that this is my fault." Major General Gordon looked at

him with a very serious look. "I didn't think that the surging
people would kill Xiao Yan in such a desperate way, which shows
that they are in the brain of Xiao Yan. I have to, I can’t even hide
their identity."

Jane's finger slammed into the neck of Gordon's Major General,

and the sound was even cooler. "I should have pinched your neck
so that you can taste it. He almost died. The so-called 300 million
megabytes in your mouth. The brain is almost the other person's

"He is still alive, Lieutenant Colonel. And it is not just you who
secretly protects Xiao Yan." Major General Gordon looked at
Jane calmly, his voice still calm. "Twisting my neck can't hide
your heart's discomfort, because You made a mistake, Lieutenant
Colonel. It’s not just me, but you, that Xiaoyan’s brain is being
taken away by the tide.”

Xiao Yan stepped forward and held Jane's wrist. Now is not the
time to entangle this problem. "Mr. Major! According to you, all
the researchers are in danger! But they don't seem to know!"

"The military has not disclosed this news, just to avoid the fear of
researchers." Major General Gordon patted Jane's wrist hard, and
Jane's eyes made General Gordon a chill in his back.

This man really murdered.

"Jane... let go of Major Gordon..." Xiao Yan sighed, even if he

killed Major Gordon, he could not change the fact that he became
an enemy. He subconsciously reached out and held his neck, and
the pain of the muscles being cut by the blade again struck.

Jane Yan Xiaoyan, his eyes are dark and dark. He released Major
General Gordon.

Major General Gordon exhaled a breath and organized his collar

in an orderly manner. He never seemed to worry that Jane would
really want his life, but looked down at Xiao Yan’s expression.

"I... I am already scared, Major General." Xiao Yan suddenly did

not know where to go.
"For the time being, the tide organization has no chance to shoot
at you. Colonel Heyin Burton has cleared the spies who are
lurking in the Shire."

Has the power of the tidal organization infiltrated into the Shire?
Are there even people from the top of the government and the
military? If so... nowhere is absolutely safe. For the first time,
Xiao Yan felt that it was a sad thing to think too fast.

The ordinary people don't have to worry about anything, but he

has to be wary of his own head. He feels the malice from all over
the world.

"Heyin Burton..." Jane frowned, then closed her eyes and

breathed out. "No wonder the guy just appeared quickly. He was
ready for ambush. Xiaoyan and I have been with him. Under

"of course."

Jane smiled and laughed at her own head. "Oh, I am running

around with Xiao Yan, and it has become part of the plan of Hai
Yin Burton. It is really a miscalculation."

Listening to Jane, Xiao Yan understands that Hai Yin has been
monitoring himself, even if the task of leaving him to leave Shir
is true. Everything is just a cover-up. Xiao Yan is just a bait.
When Jane Wallis is constantly protecting him from the hunt and
assassination of members of the tide group, Hai Yin is watching it
all silently. According to these clues, he will lie in the Shire. The
tidal organization is uprooted.

So...when I was having dinner with Jane, Hai Yin was watching
herself somewhere?

Fuck! It’s so uncomfortable that this kind of every move is seen in

the eyes! Xiao Xiao has to admit that if Hai Yin has been secretly
concerned about himself, he may have died.

"Don't say that, this task is not for you, Colonel Burton, but Jane,
you feel that your character can't be as silent and crouching as Hai
Yin. Charles will be upset by you."

"Your explanation is so reasonable, I even seem to be refuted."

Jane sat on the desk of Major General Gordon, and the look of
self-satisfaction was extremely arrogant.

Xiao Yan admire the endurance of Major General Gordon, or that

the Major General has already pinched it to hundreds of times in
his heart, but no one can see it.

"But Xiao Yan, you have not experienced the 'blocker' training,
but can sneak into the system of the transportation department, it
is really amazing!" Major General Gordon thoughtfully touched
his chin.

"Right! At that time I met the 'blocker'! If it wasn't for Colonel

Burton to enter the system, I might already..."

"The blocker who attacked you has been arrested and is the top of
the transportation department. Hein Burton has locked his identity
based on the information track left by the guy."

Jane bowed his head and smiled, clapping his hands and
applauding. "Congratulations to the Major General for winning
this time."

"I have your credit in my victory." Major General Gordon

completely praised the other's satire. "It's boring in Shire, so you
have the task of Lieutenant Colonel Wallis. We are locked
according to the intelligence sent by those spies. A base for the
tide organization, you have three hours to start with your men, I
wish you success, Lieutenant Colonel."

Jane reveals the expression "Are you kidding?" "What about Xiao

"No one can beat his idea, please rest assured." Major General
Gordon got up and came to Xiao Yan's side, taking his shoulders,
a very close look.
"I was the following person who made the following mistakes. Do
you think that you should use a task to get rid of me?" Jane said in
a half-joking tone, but no one thought that he was joking.

"You really don't control well, but I haven't reached the point of
losing confidence in my ability to control."

Jane returned to the front of the major general, the body leaned
forward slightly, and the sharp arc was pulled over the lips.
"Hello, if I am not good when I come back, I will take your brain
out of the skull and give it to the tide. organization."

"I accept your threat." Major General Gordon waved his hand
with a smile and seemed to think of something. "Oh, yes, this
mission, your troops will cooperate with Colonel Burton."

"Ha?" Jane was so scared that his expression was amazed. The
temperature in his eyes plummeted. The pressure of pressure
made Grand Gordon not go too far. "Hello, you are not kidding?
You want me to work with that guy?"

"This time the mission is risky, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis. It's not
your arrogance or the time when you can. I hope that your troops
will leave the city and how many people will come back." Major
General Gordon's face was exposed. A dignified expression.
Jane Wallis, whose face doesn't care, narrowed his eyes and
pulled a sharp arc on his lips. "It seems that this task is very

"We will send Major Berry as your accompanying technician."

The major-level technical soldier is at least one head of the

research department in Charles, and this task has actually
dispatched a technician at the supervisor level, not only its risk
factor, but its difficulty is also unpredictable.

At this time, the sliding door opened, and a cold-faced man

walked in at a constant pace.

The golden brown hair swayed wildly, and the black combat
uniform outlined his slender and strong body, which was full of
mystery. His gaze did not shift at all, even if Xiao Yan couldn't
help but look at each other. There is still blood on Xiao Yan's
body, and some lines are drawn on the black combat uniforms. It
is so dark and dull after being illuminated by the lights.

"Hah, Colonel Burton. Come here, should this be your first time
to cooperate with Lieutenant Colonel Wallis?"

Jane licked her lips and looked at Hai Yin lazily. One arm was
about to take the shoulder of Shanghai Yin. No one could see how
it happened. Xiao Yan saw Jane being pressed by Major General
Gordon. On the desk, half of the face was almost deformed, and
the arm was twisted and folded behind him, absolutely broken.
Decisive, neat, and without any hesitation, this is Haiyin Burton.

Major General Gordon shrugged his shoulders and looked at

everything in front of him, only to return to God for a long time.

"That...the beginning of this is not so good, huh, huh..."

The other arm of Jane supported the table and suddenly made a
force, and instantly broke away from the elbow of Hai Yin. He
slowly moved his arm that was twisted, and the bones healed with
a creepy sound, and the smile on his face did not change from
start to finish.

Haiyin reveals an imposing manner, and Xiao Yan has to go away.

"Coloton Burton is still the same, I don't like anyone touching

you." Jane touched his chin and continued to say, "If you really
want to do it with me..."

"If you really want to do it, my special mission force headquarters

is only afraid of being completely ruined. Don't bother to
underestimate your own destructive ability." Major General
Gordon looked at his head with a distressed look, but Xiao Yan
always felt each other. I hope that these two people will fight.
Jane chuckled, leaning toward Hai Yin, saying in a voice that only
they could hear each other: "Don't think I don't know what you
have done."

Hai Yin just turned his face and his eyes swept coldly.

"When you fall asleep while he is asleep, he enters his

subconscious mind. You think that no matter what you do to him
in that place, you will not hurt, but have you ever thought that
everything that happens in the subconscious will be right? His
cognition has an impact. He will have the illusion of 'falling in
love with you'." Jane pulled the corner of his lips and always had
a bit of cruelty in the cynical smile.

"Similarly, he can express his true thoughts without any scruples.

In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, you did not protect him."
Hai Yin lowered his head, and there was endless pressure between
the falling eyes, as if The world can be crushed when it collides
with the eyelids.

"I admit my failure, then you, Colonel Burton - the wound in his
neck has healed, but you are reluctant to push him away. In fact,
you are deeply hopeful that he is addicted to you, right."

Xiao Yan frowned and wanted to hear what they were talking
"You let him dream, let him call your name silly, so that he can't
resist the x virus you brought him, you are more terrible than me,
Hein Burton." Jane's smile is getting colder.

What is going on in the air is about to crack.

Xiao Yan couldn't stand it, and came to the two people in three or
two steps, but at this time, the conversation between Hai Yin and
Jane suddenly ended.

"Your lord." Jane looked at Xiao Yan with a deep look, but turned
to look at the direction of Major General Gordon. He shook his
head with his arms. "Lord, I don't have a cold on the guy in Berry.
This is not a cold." The guy's willpower is too weak. The last time
he was almost blocked by the blocker to invade the brain to take
away the data is him? Don't see the zombies on a stupid look! I
said, you still have a more practical experience. Let us give it to
us? Don’t ask him to play a big role, just ask him not to cry and
scream at the crucial moment."

Jane's expression is extremely ironic.

Major General Gordon held his chin, his eyes patrolled Jane and
Hai Yin, and finally stayed on Xiao Yan and said slowly: "Then I
sent Xiao Yan to replace Major Berry."
"This idea is good! I can look at him personally! I can also enjoy
the brain's involvement in the technical service of 300 million
mega-speed!" Jane showed a big smile and took a sleepy Xiao

Hai Yin’s gaze to the high-ranking Major General has a near

warning and persecution.

what? What? The task of the high-risk two elite team actually
made him a rookie? Is Gordon Gordon crazy?

He was only a few days away in Charlie! He still has a lot of

research done without it!

The first few thrilling experiences poured into my mind, and it’s
not so good to escape in the dead!

"Xiao Yan's qualifications are not as good as Major Berry. He is

just a student." Hai Yin's eyes are heavy and he said to the senior
general Gao Deng.

For the first time, Xiao Yan felt that Hai Yin was so respectable
and it was simply a model of God. This guy is also fed up with his
rookie has been dragging his legs, right? Xiao Yan recalled that
every time he was shackled on the shoulders, he felt that he could
not eat!
"Students? He followed you to perform two missions? That time
you were ambushed by the tide, and Xiao Yan sent a distress
signal to the No. 14 base through the platform. Without him,
Major Maya is dead."

Jane's line of sight turned to Xiao Yan, and the smile on her lips
was a bit of a playful taste.

"Send the distress signal is the basic skill of all technical

soldiers." Hai Yin's answer is still unwavering.

"But Lieutenant Colonel Wallis means that he hopes to send

technical soldiers with practical experience. Now there are almost
no technical soldiers with skills and practical experience in the
field of technology. Xiao Yan's brain intervention speed is 300
million mega-speed. No researcher can match it."

"Then he should stay in Shire for protection."

"Don't say that, Xiao Yan is not the kind of incompetent person."
Jane Wallis licked Xiao Yan's head, a seductive expression, "Yes,
yes! Let me go, outside. The world is very interesting!"

Funny ghost!

Xiao Yan raised his hand to block the other side.

"Hello, please consider it clearly." From the beginning to the end,
Hai Yin's eyes did not stop in Xiao Yan's face for a moment.

It has been fortunate that Hai Yin vetoed the heart of Xiao Yan,
proposed by Major General Gordon, and suddenly had a bit of
inexplicable bitterness. In this man's heart, his Xiao Yan is not
worthy of being trusted. Weak, incompetent, any ordinary zombie
can kill him. The feeling of being vetoed all the time, Xiao Yan
suddenly felt that he was really not a man at all, and all
self-esteem was stripped, even though Xiao Yan never took
self-esteem as one thing.

"I think very clearly. You are the most elite army of Shire. If you
can't save your life with Xiao Yan, if you stay in Shire, the event
happened in the Central Academy of Sciences some time ago. He
may not be able to repeat it. Living." Major General Gordon got
up and took his teacup to the front of Hai Yin, revealing an
inscrutable smile. "Heyin, only when a person approaches death
again and again, will he really grow up." ”

Hai Yin didn't say anything more, just came to Xiao Yan and said
in one sentence: "Bring all the things that can keep your life."

"Yes, Colonel." Xiao Yan swallowed.

Major General Gordon nodded to Xiao Yan. "You and Lieutenant

Colonel Wallis are going to prepare."
After that, Jane bypassed Xiao Yan’s neck and took him away
from the office of Major General Gordon.

The vast space, only the high-ranking Major General and Hai Yin.

"This time, you are out of control. You did not follow the
instructions issued by the superiors to hunt down the tides under
the Ministry of Communications and the Central Academy of
Sciences. Instead, you left your team and acted alone." Major
General Gordon held his chin and looked up. Looking at the man
in front of him, "This is the first time, I want to know what is
going on."

He thought that he could wait for an explanation, but what he

didn't expect was that Hai Yin came to him. His hands naturally
fell on his side, but the cold eyes in his eyes pierced the eyes of
Major General Gordon. Into the depths of thinking.

"Hello, the risk factor of this mission is beyond your expectations.

Have you ever thought that if Xiao Yan really died in the tide, this
is just a decision-making mistake for you, but it is a disaster for

"...what?" Major General Gordon stunned, and Hai Yin’s words

were clear and straightforward, but he could not understand the
deeper meaning.
"You shouldn't take his life to take risks." When Hai Yin turned
and left, the warning in his eyes meant that Major Gordon had a

When the sliding door closed, Major Gordon finally breathed out.

At this time, Jane has sent Xiao Yan to the front of the research

"Ah... is this guy very annoying?" Jane bowed his head and said
with a smile. "If the eye is above the top, it will not change even
if the earth is destroyed."

"Well... yeah..." Xiao Yan smiled bitterly and then calmed his

"My troops need to assemble and see you later."

Jane Chao Xiaoyan blinked and turned and left, Xiao Yan chased
him up.

"Hey! Lieutenant Colonel Wallis!"

Jane's hands were in his pockets and he looked back at his

arrogant smile. "If you call my rank again, I will break your

"I know it hurts when the bones break."

It was only when Xiao Yan pointed out that they jumped from the

"Oh, even if it breaks, it won't die." Jane replied indifferently, he

could get close to Xiao Yan and blinked. "The world outside is
very interesting and dangerous. Remember to hide in my arms."

Xiao Yan just smiled and didn't say anything further. He knew
that people like Jane had long been used to pain.

"And, you don't need to say thank you to me. I know how terrible
it is to die." Jane converges all smiles in front of Xiao Yan for the
first time, not for killing. His fingers are light on Xiao Yan's
forehead. Lightly, "Next time, no matter what happens, I won't let
you leave me again."

"Sounds, I am really incompetent." Xiao Yan smiled and said, "I

should also give myself a x-virus."

"What are you talking about? That's what you don't need most."
Jane's palm pressed against Xiao Yan's head and his voice was
extremely low. This is his most serious passage. "Your time, the
longer it lasts, the more significance."

Xiao Yan did not return, and Xiao Yan found his heart more
In fact, Xiao Yan did not know what he should bring. The
Quartermaster has sent him a technical mobile-specific mobile
interrupt connector. Through this terminal, Xiao Yan can instantly
analyze the on-site sampling and keep in touch with the nearest
base. This interrupt connector is one of the most expensive and
technically expensive devices in the entire Shire.

He closed his eyes and recalled the previous missions with the
sea, then opened the lab's storage and took some pieces of debris.

"Are you ready?" The cool voice rang behind him.

Xiao Yan, who was dedicated to it, was shocked. When he turned
around, he saw Hai Yin standing behind him.

" should be ready." When I said this, Xiao Yan didn't

have any strength at all.

Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan's side, stretched her arm around Xiao
Yan's shoulder, and took out several transparent closed vials from
the reservoir. "What is this?"

“This is one of my research projects, they are unfinished


"Take them." Hai Yin’s voice was very light, and then he took a
gun from his waist. "And this, you bring it."
Xiao Yan took it and left the temperature on the handle. At the
beginning, Xiao Yan used this gun to save Maya. This time, Hai
Yin personally handed his gun to Xiao Yan's hand.

"Do you know what your mission is?" Hai Yin's eyes are too
deep, and Xiao Yan can't understand the meaning.

“Keep in touch with the base, and... provide technical support for

"These are not."

what is that?

In this case, Xiao Yan can't ask for it. It is ridiculous that a
technical soldier does not know what his mission is.

"Protect yourself." Hai Yin's fingers stretched over, Xiao Yan still
had time to retreat, and the other's knuckles gently passed over his
brows. At that moment, Hai Yin's eyes were soft enough to make
Xiao Yan feel unreal.

Hai Yin’s face turned slightly, the light and shadow slowly
shifted, and Xiao Yan’s heart leaped. Hai Yin’s palm came to
Xiao Yan’s neck, and the warm palm covered the once injured.

"Do you know that as long as one second, no one can save you."
Xiao Yan frowned, and he was dying again and again, but he
knew that Hai Yin could not arrive every time.

Hai Yin’s palm was slightly exerted, and Xiao Yan’s forehead
came into the arms of Hai Yin. At that moment, Xiao Yan was
surprised to be unbelievable. While Hai Yin’s palm turned to hold
Xiao Yan’s back of the head, it was not very hard, but it was
extremely reassuring.

Xiao Yan can hear the breath that the other party exhaled from the
chest. It is long and heavy, and it can not be guessed.

With such peace of mind, Xiao Yan closed his eyes and only
wanted to stop forever.

At this point, the sliding door opened again and Mark’s voice

"He head, we are going."

"Oh, yes!" Xiao Yan broke away from the embrace of Hai Yin in
a panic, and Hai Yin had a moment of sorrow.

When Xiao Yan took a breath, Hai Yin walked out of the study
room, as if everything was an illusion.

Xiao Yan smiled a bit in his heart. It doesn't matter, there are too
many illusions about Hai Yin.
In the study of the outdoor passage, there are two complete
special mission units, which makes Xiao Yan’s heart tremble.
Mark and Liv leaned against the wall and waved at Xiao Yan very
well. Xue Lun, who had previously been responsible for the
rescue of Xiao Yan, blinked at Xiao Yan.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, rookie."

When Shelen’s voice just fell, it attracted Mark’s resentment.

"Hey! Don't make a mistake! Now Xiao Yan is no longer a

rookie! You don't know how powerful he is!"

"Oh, oh!" Xuelun prospects nodded helplessly.

Xiao Yan touched his nose. Mark's phrase "He is more powerful",
no matter how you listen, it seems like his own rookie has no
right to comment. Anyway, closing the door of the aircraft, Mark
will still call Xiaoyan a rookie.

Hai Yin walked over to the forefront of her own troops and said
softly: "Departure", everyone quickly followed behind him.

Jane touched the nose and smiled and said to Xiao Yan: "Oh, I
was robbed by this guy."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: I have to go out of

the task again... I have to be taken away by people...
Jane: It doesn't matter, I can hold you and promise not to make
you uncomfortable.

Hai Yin: ...

Xiao Yan: I... I... or Colonel Burton, you are taking me away...

Ps: Jane's character prototype comes from the city's pill silver, but
he laughs without the exaggeration of the city pill silver. In this
way, Hai Yin seems to have become a dead wood, hehe ~ 2k
novel reading network

Xiao Yan's speed is not as simple as Jane. When Jane reached

over and took over Xiao Yan's equipment, Xiao Yan refused him.

"My equipment can be backed by myself." After that, Xiao

Yantou did not return to speed up the pace to try to chase
Shanghai Yin's troops.

"Lieutenant Colonel, you are a harbinger of rejection!" Xuelun

prospectively smiled and passed by Jane.

Outside the institute, several aircraft were parked there, the

engine was running, and there was a whirlwind. Xiao Yan blinked
his eyes and faintly saw a familiar figure standing in front of an
aircraft and waving at them.

"Maya--" Xiao Yan rushed forward.

Maya took his long hair to the back of his head, a few broken hair
fluttering in the wind, and a smile on his lips.

"Do you want to go with us?"

Maya shook her head. "Don't be stupid! The task with such a high
risk factor is that I am going to die in my current physical
condition. And by being rescued by the technical soldiers for the
second time, I will lose the face of the special mission."

Xiao Yan suddenly covered his face with black lines. Even if he
used prosthetic limbs, Maya’s combat power did not know how
many times he was Xiao Yan. But this guy said that he was going
to die, so Xiao Yan’s chance of survival is not lower?

"I am here to send you off." Maya brother took the shoulders of
Xiao Yan well. At this time, Hai Yinli stepped into the cockpit
and Liv and Mark followed. Two or three seconds, only Xiao Yan
and Maya are left outside the aircraft.

Maya gave Xiao Yan a hug, and he said very seriously in his ear:
"Brother, listen, no matter what happens, you only need to trust
one person, that is Colonel Burton. No matter what he gives you."
The instructions are not close to human feelings or you feel that
you can't do it at all, you have to do your best."

Xiao Yan frowned and sighed and replied: "I know."

"Good, go." Maya's strength is still great, and Xiao Yan is pushed
into the aircraft with ease.

Mark couldn't wait to put the safety device down for Xiao Yan.
Just at the moment the door was pulled, Maya shouted: "Come
back and have a beer!"

Xiao Yan made a "received" gesture and the aircraft took off.
Xiao Yan took a breath, and he was sitting opposite Liv, and Mark
was next to him. This seat was exactly the same as the last time
he performed the task.

"Hey, rookie, I haven't been out of the task with you for a long
time! Don't listen to it, don't run around, understand?" Mark's arm
stretched over and shook Xiao Yan's hair in a mess.

When Xue Lun’s quasi-school called his rookie, the guy retorted
it righteously.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, and then I remembered that I didn’t

even figure out what happened to this mission!

"Liv, where are we going?"

"A cave." Liv did not sell the Guan, but continued to say it, "Xiao
Yan, remember you submitted a data analysis report on level1?"

At that time, they were on the top of the rock. A level1 climbed
up and was not noticed by the special forces. Fortunately, Haiyin
reacted quickly, otherwise Xiao Yan was dead. Xiao Yan
suspected that this level1 was deliberately genetically modified
and submitted his report of suspicion to the Central Academy of
Sciences. However, the Academy of Sciences declined to
comment on this report. Xiao Yan thought that no one was
concerned at all, but now It doesn't seem to be.

"The Lieutenant General Aiwei of the Central Academy of

Sciences attaches great importance to this report. He dispatched
troops to conduct investigations and finally found this cave. It is
the secret cultivation base of the tide organization. What we have
to do is to destroy the base and get all them. Research data."

Xiao Yan lowered his head and his brows wrinkled. This task is
more sinister than he imagined. Since this is the base for the
research of the tidal organization, the killer in the base naturally
does not need to say that the most unknown is the monster that
was developed in the tide. The level 1 that was previously silent
has made Xiao Yan feel worried, and the research base of the tide
is definitely not only level1.

"Hey! Xiao Yan, there is something to ask you!" Mark's big voice
interrupted Xiao Yan's contemplation.
"Ah...what?" Xiao Yan felt strange. Mark’s nerves went straight
and he would think about it.

"You have been supervised by Jane Wallis for a while? Is there

any guy about you?" Mark's big voice shouted and all the special
forces in the cabin looked over.

"...what can he do to me?" Xiao Yan screamed, and Jane Wallis's

infamously hurt him.

"Of course it is yours... your little chrysanthemum!" Markton


Not only Liv, but even other people laughed.

Xiao Yan’s face was completely red. “Your little chrysanthemum

was smashed by Jane Wallis!”

Everyone laughed even more exaggerated.

At this time, Xiao Yan’s contactor shook and the holographic

image popped out, which was Jane Wallis’s smiling face.

"Dear, are you okay?"

That "Dear" made Xiao Yan really want to jump off the aircraft.
He converges on his own mind and blushes and replies: "I am
very good, Lieutenant Colonel, you don't have to worry. See you
at the destination."
After that, Xiao Yan will close the communication. Mark looked
at him with an interrogative look, and other special forces bowed
his head and laughed. Xiao Yan avoided Mark's line of sight and
looked out the window.

After a few hours of flight, they finally reached their destination.

The aircraft came to a group of caves in the South Pacific Ocean.

Xiaoyan looked through the glass window to see the huge deep
cave underneath, swallowing all the light, and the feeling of
horror in the whole body. The aircraft stopped at the side of the
huge cave, and the special forces left the aircraft to the cave.

Xiao Yan squinted at a distance of two or three meters from the

edge of the cave. He looked down and his eyes were dragged
down. The moment of illusion of weightlessness made him feel

" are sure...the tide organization has set up the research base
in this cave?"

Suddenly, a force pushed Xiao Yan forward, and he almost

screamed, but his teeth were closed. Just when he almost flew out,
he was smashed back. Someone tried hard. Hold him, his chin
resting on his shoulder, and the warm breath of his words sprayed
in his ear. "Dear, it is me."
Xiao Yan was undecided. When the heartbeat returned to calm, he
hated to smash Jane Wallis's head.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis! Do you think this is fun?"

"Do you think my arms are at ease?" Jane smiled and asked Xiao

Mark rushed up with dissatisfaction and lowered his voice and

said: "The Lieutenant Colonel, we are carrying out the task! If
you feel that there is any need to exchange feelings, trouble
change the day."

The lips still smiled, and the tip of the nose smashed on Xiao
Yan's ear, looking at Mark's eyes.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, please let me go." Xiao Yan frowned.

"Mark, it’s gone." The cold male voice sounded, it was Hai Yin.
Xiao Yan’s back is subconsciously arched.

"Yes, the head!" The mouth promised so, but Mark did not move
at the foot, still squatting Jane.

Jane gave a chuckle and suddenly saw the eyes of Haiyin Burton's
depression, and the absolute zero-degree killing spread in the air,
as if to freeze the breath.
Xiao Yan struggled harder and opened Jane's arm. Of course, if
Jane was willing to let him go, he could not get rid of his strength.
He turned to Hai Yin not far away, this man just turned around.

Hai Yin divides his troops into two, one will sneak in with him,
and the other will stay in charge of support. Mark took Xiao Yan
back to Hai Yin's side. "Hey! The rookie should go with us?"

Xiao Yan thought that in the other party's heart, he belonged to

the category of dragging and retreating. He should be left outside
the cave, but he did not expect Hai Yin to replied in a cold voice:
"He stayed outside the cave to analyze the sample."

Mark touched his nose and patted Xiao Yan’s shoulder and said,
“Don’t worry, follow us! I will cover you!”

Xiao Yan smiled in his heart. No one knows anything below.

Even you may not be able to retreat. How do you cover me?

Jane Wallis also deployed his troops, and the forwards came to
the edge of the cliff and were ready to dive.

Now in the dry season of the cave, you don't need to dive to reach
the entrance to the base of the tidal organization.

Xiao Yan put on the battle suit and put on the oxygen replacement
device. This device is small, but it can continue to supply oxygen
for 24 hours in the water. The terminal connection device is
connected to the brain, and the data signal from the base appears
in Xiao Yan's mind.

Jane Yan Xiaoyan reached out and said, "I will take you down."

Xiao Yan hadn't had time to think about it. One arm took him
around Xiao Yan's waist and took him one step at a time.

Ah - ah -

Xiao Yan was arrogant in the bottom of his heart. The rapid
weightlessness made him blank in his mind, and the light quickly
pulled away. His eyes could no longer see other things except the

Just when he thought that the fall would never stop, his arm was
suddenly tightened, and the tendency to fall stopped at that
moment. Xiao Yan didn't even dare to breathe. He didn't even
know who the person with him was.

The body was still in midair, and after a dozen seconds, Xiao Yan
began to breathe. What is the sound of the slip in the ear, it should
be that other special forces have fallen to their depth. Xiao Yan’s
fear has multiplied, and as soon as the people around him let go,
he will be broken.

Xiao Yan swallowed, and the cold, steady sound rang in his ear.
"Take your eyepiece."

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s fearful heartbeat finally recovered. It

was Haiyin Burton. This man was still arrogant and arrogant and


Xiao Yan did not react, and Hai Yin reminded him again. Xiao
Yan thought that his eyepiece was still hanging on his left arm. He
fumbled, because he was caught by Hai Yin, and his hand back
was licking Hein’s waist, and finally he finally found his
eyepiece. When I put on my glasses, I quickly put it on his face.
Finally, Xiao Yan can see things. This is the first time he saw the
sea bream through the eyepiece, and faded all the colors, leaving
only the original outline of the five senses, elegant and full of

When Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, Hai Yin was looking down at
him. It was a silent, unobtrusive gaze, as deep as the abyss under
his feet.

Thinking with the other's eyes constantly rising, will drag the
body, at that moment Xiao Yan realized that he is rude, quickly do
not go too far, what he should do now is to check the environment
inside the cave!
The inner wall of the cave is a stalactite washed by water. Even if
it is not touched by hand, Xiao Yan knows that they are very
slippery and cannot attach strength at all. On this stone wall, there
are several holes that look natural, but Xiao Yan knows that one
of them should be the entrance to the surge organization base.
Just...what is it?

On the rock wall, there are suspended special forces waiting for
instructions. Liv and Mark are not far from the sea. Ten meters
away, Jane Wallis and his troops.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Xiao Yan always felt that

something on the rock wall was moving slowly, very careful, but
it could not cover the creepy killing. The eyepieces make their
shape clearer.

Xiao Yan's breathing was rushed, and the terminal's data scan told
him that these guys had the animal form and the basic
characteristics of the zombies, all of which were genetically
modified level1, no... according to the database, they have been
defined as level2.

They climbed out of the caverns of the rock wall. Because they
were too excited, the mouth was constantly secreting some kind
of mucus, and dripping down the rock wall, Xiao Yan only felt a
"Your locks." Hai Yin's voice sounded again, instantly
suppressing Xiao Yan's uneasiness, but Xiao Yan knew that this
would be the most dangerous task he had ever participated in.

Xiao Yan quickly pulled out the lock on the waist, and Hai Yin
suddenly loosened his arm and violently fell. When Xiao Yan
thought that Hai Yin had to throw himself down, the other party
grabbed Xiao Yan’s lock. I tied it to myself.

Sucking his mouth, Xiao Yanqing forgot not yelling out,

otherwise Hai Yin might have thrown him down.

The special forces are ready to fight, and the zombies have lost
their crouching patience.

The first one leaped violently and rushed to the Xuelun school.
Sheron pulled out the sharp blade and suddenly swayed. In the
midair, a big leap, the blade crossed, the zombie screamed, and
the back was cut into deep scars. It fell on the other side of the
rock wall and shook. The body, the wound on the back healed.

Xiao Yan’s heart was so cold that she had just hit a hot and
powerful blow, but did not give the zombie a fatal blow. These
guys’ muscle strength is really higher than the average level1.

Like being stimulated, the dozens of zombies have rushed up.

Hai Yin was slashed, and a zombie flew to Xiao Yan. Hai Yin
slammed the lock and slammed. Xiao Yan felt like he was riding a
roller coaster. The mucus from the zombie was splashed from
Xiao Yan’s ear. The ropes of the two special forces were bitten by
the zombies. The moment of the fall was stopped by Mark, and
Mark suddenly became the object of besieging. Li Fu struggled to
support him.

Hai Yin slightly tightened the rope and swayed to the edge of the
rock wall, during which a zombie was attacking Liv, and it fell
into the bottomless abyss.

Hai Yin once again picked up Xiao Yan, slammed on the rock
wall, and all of them vacated. Xiao Yan’s body moved with his
rapid movement, his arm rotated, and a zombie’s head was cut
off. The moment when Hai Yin’s toes stepped on its body, it was a
wave of arms. A zombie trying to bite the mark rope was

Xiao Yan once again felt that the sea is like a god's combat

On the other side, Jane also opened his eyes. He lazily hangs on
the ropes, waiting for the zombies to attack. When they leaped to
Jane, Jane used the inertia of the rope to recede. His body leaned
back and the blade crossed the neat semicircle in midair. The
zombie was cut off by the waist, almost at that moment.
Direction, smashing the head of a zombie.

Gorgeous and cruel.

Finally, these zombies were killed and killed. Each of the special
forces was almost full of zombie pus, except for Hai Yin and

Hai Yin and Xiao Yan slipped into a hole. At the moment of
landing, Xiao Yan’s heart jumped wildly. Everything that
happened just now was terrible than a nightmare. He didn’t know
what to wait if he continued to move forward.

"Head, how do you know that the entrance is this cave?" Mark
came to Hai Yin, feeling a puzzle.

Jane quietly landed and chuckled and said: "Because there is no

zombie crawling out of this cave."

Mark snorted and turned away. Anyone could laugh at his IQ, but
Jane Wallis could not.

This hole is very narrow and cannot accommodate all the special

Xiao Yan can see the end of the deep cave through the eyepiece
and has a door.
"Hey, rookie, can you open it right?" This time, Mark's tone also
hesitated, which is after all a research base for the tide

Xiao Yan took a breath and if he wanted to open the door, he

would invade the base's main control system. Although Xiao Yan
once invaded the public transport system of Shire, compared with
here, it is completely the gap between the small ants and Godzilla.
Once they fail, they become alarmed and their entire task is
completely exposed.

In the face of Xiao Yan, Hai Yin and his face covered his cheek,
forcing his confused eyes to focus and staring at his blue eyes.

"You listen well, all system intrusions start from an inconspicuous

place. The more inconspicuous the place, the weaker its defense.
The so-called invasion is from a grain of sand to the whole

Hai Yin is teaching himself that Xiao Yan swallowed, and he

suddenly remembered that Hai Yin was once a top student of the
Central Academy of Sciences.

From a grain of sand to a world?

His mind must be divergent from the most vulnerable part of the
system, he must be faster than ever!
Xiao Yan smiled bitterly. He has no retreat. What he can do now
is to go all out!

His terminal began to emit wireless signals, constantly searching

for gaps that could be invaded, and finally found loopholes in the
air replacement system and invaded. His mind was extended in
the base in an instant, looking for the master, opening the door of
the passage. The most important thing is to close the emergency
alert inside the door.

Everything is like a huge criss-crossing network. It is very fast

and hides its own aggressiveness, covering the entire base
unconsciously. His mind gradually outlines the framework of the
base, the distribution of its research room and sample room,
complex passages, and deeper layers. When Xiao Yan finally
finds the master, he can't help but sigh that the master control
system is very hidden. Cleverly, he didn't care that he thought it
was just an ordinary drug matching system.

Mark 等 waited a little anxiously and whispered, "How come it

hasn't opened for so long? Can't you open it?"

Hai Yin’s eyes swept over and Mark immediately shut his mouth.
Jane leaned against the rock wall and bored with the dagger in his
hand, as if Xiao Yan could open the door.
Xiao Yan cleverly turned off the alarm but avoided the main
control. Then, when the closed door and the door valve made a
slight noise, Xiao Yan opened his eyes and looked at Mark.

Mark was about to open the door, but Xiao Yan grabbed him.
"Wait a minute, listen to me."


Xiao Yan took a breath and connected his liaison with his wireless
terminal. The holographic image popped up and formed a
structural diagram inside the base.

“The research center is at the bottom, and there is a sample room

on the same floor... Their data protection is very precise. If I go
deeper, they will touch their system alarms, but by monitoring I
see... they really create some ratios. Level2 is even more terrible...
Are you sure you want to go in?"

Xiao Yan looks to Hai Yin and Jane.

Hai Yin’s eyes did not shake.

Jane shrugged his shoulders. "If this mission is not dangerous,

there is no need to dispatch two elite troops."

"Well, let's go in." Xiao Yan turned his head on the equipment and
his heart beat like a drum.
"What do you see, Xiao Yan?" Jane stretched his arm and pulled
him into his arms, rubbing his head.

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly. He only hoped that he could live and
bring the analysis data back to Charles.

Mark first entered, the channel was unexpectedly bright, and Xiao
Yan still maintained the state of connection with the main control,
shielding all the monitoring here. Although Xiao Yan did not say
it, the moment that Hai Yin and Jane stepped on the smooth metal
floor, it was known that this is an all-round sensing channel, not
just monitoring, any gravity and temperature can be sensed and
transmitted into the master. But they have already passed this
entire passage to the first node, and the alarm still does not sound.
This is entirely Xiao Yan's credit. Hai Yin did not have any
reaction to this, but it was a little more to see Xiao Yan's gaze.

The road ahead is divided into two, passing through different

directions but eventually reaching the destination. Even Xiao Yan
can't accurately explore what is going on in front of each road.

Along the way, Xiao Yan's wrist was caught by Hai Yin, which
made people nervous, and feared that one of their arms would be
crushed by the other side.

Haiyin and Jane’s troops are about to enter separate passages.

Since there are unpredictable dangers waiting for them, moving
from different directions will increase the chances of success in
reaching the main control room.

Just as Xiao Yan took the course of Hai Yin to the left channel,
suddenly he was smashed. His whole person was almost in his
arms, and Hai Yin was looking at them with cold eyes.

At this time, Xiao Yan admired himself, no matter how sudden or

dangerous, he could never scream, what a power!

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis." Hai Yin's eyes implied a killing,

with a strong warning.

"No one stipulates that Xiao Yan must follow you." Jane's voice is
very low, but it has a hint of provocation.

Everyone stays alert, they have to move, and the longer they stay
in the same place, the easier they are to be discovered.

"We are carrying out the task, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis." Hai
Yin's voice is even cooler.

Jane smiled, still the tone is not too slow, "so we have to decide
the right to belong to Xiao Yan as soon as possible."

What is the right to belong? I am a person, not a tool!

Xiao Yan just tried to move, and Jane’s strength suddenly

multiplied, almost crushing his bones. Xiao Yan suddenly felt the
heartfelt fear, and Jane had been together for too long. Forgetting
this guy was also extremely crazy. Side.

The author has something to say: Jane: Dear, are you following
me or following Haiyin?

Xiao Yan: ... can I die? 2k novel reading network

"Jane Wallis." Hai Yin's voice was once again depressed, and
some dark tide in the air surged, so Xiao Yan, who was
sandwiched between them, was about to breathe.

"He is the only technical soldier. I and your troops have the power
to get technical support." Jane chuckled, his fingers up, squatting
on Xiao Yan's neck. "Or I am dying, so we are fair." It is."

Mark and Liv pulled out the blade on their backs and walked to
Jane. The atmosphere was even more tense.

Xiao Yan swallowed, he could feel the strength of Jane's finger,

this madman is not joking. He is just a technical soldier! Do not
have to be so serious!

Xuelun’s quasi-school did not even mean to dissuade him.

Instead, he was in front of Jane, quite opposite to Liv and Mark.

Hai Yin was silent, Xiao Yan felt a certain deep killing in his
gaze, as if through his body, Jane Wallis was crushed in the air.
God! Isn't it an extremely dangerous task now? Whether they can
leave this base alive is a problem! He is a burden to follow! It
does not increase the probability of success of the mission!

Xiao Yan’s terminal shows that people with several tidal

organizations are coming in their direction!

"Liv, Mark, let's continue."

Hai Yin suddenly turned around and took his man to move on and
entered the left channel.

Xiao Yan stunned, and couldn't tell because Haiyi had given up
too easily or such a simple concession did not conform to Haiyin's

But in any case, Jane opened Xiao Yan and squeezed his cheeks.
"How, scared?"

Xiao Yan glanced at him with a frown. The guy smiled as if

nothing had happened before. He didn't come from anger, but
when he was not angry, he didn't have the capital to face the

"Let's go, Xuelun school." Xiao Yan did not talk nonsense, turned
to the right channel.
At this point, Mark, who followed Hai Yin’s continued action,
angered and lowered his voice and said, “Hey, why did you hand
over the rookie to Jane Wallis? The guy will not protect him! Jane
Wallis just wants Grab it with us!"

In Mark's heart, Xiao Yan's first aircraft crash killed him and they
followed them to perform the task. No matter what happened,
Xiao Yan was certainly their technical soldier.

Hai Yin did not say a word, Li Fu snorted and said: "If the head is
really fighting with the madman, do you think he is going to
screw off Xiao Yan's neck is a joke?"

Mark is silent.

"Anyway... If Jane Wallis had anything to do with him, I would

have to unload the madman's head."

Li Fu looked at the back of Hai Yin, she could clearly feel the
Xiao Su atmosphere that spread around him, and even forced her
to breathe. She really didn't understand how Mark couldn't feel it
at all. After talking for a long time, she said coldly: "Mark,
remove the head of Jane Wallis, how many teenagers can you

When Xiao Yan and Jane’s troops quietly walked through the
passage and came to a circular hub-like place, they
subconsciously looked up. Jane suddenly turned Xiao Yan behind
him, and several killers fell straight from the height, and the sharp
blade flashed. Xue Lun barely resisted, and the other players and
several killers began to fight. Jane did not mean to take the shot,
but stepped back step by step. Xiao Yan behind him was pressed
against the wall, and Jane did not stop. It continued to force the
wall to squeeze. Xiao Yan’s back was against the wall. The chest
is attached to Jane's back and is squeezed and cannot breathe. He
had to slam the shoulders of Jane, he knew that this guy was

The sound of the blade touches the heart all the time, but Jane
turns a deaf ear.

"Are you tempering with me? Xiao Yan." The guy's voice still had
a faint smile.

At this time, a killer rushed to Jane's direction. Xiao Yan thought

that this guy had to be shot. He just pressed back harder. Xiao
Yan's sternum was almost crushed. At the same moment, Jane
Pulling out the gun at the waist, when the opponent's blade is less
than an inch away from his head, the bullet penetrates the head of
the killer, and before his brain splits, Jane pulls him out, his
reaction ability. It’s not in the human race. There are only three
rounds of bullets in each of the guns. Xiao Yan didn’t think that
Jane had used one shot, which was a waste of arrogance!

"Xiao Yan, you haven't answered my question yet." Jane lifted a

leg and his heel slid over Xiao Yan's calf. It was a teasing move,
but it was dangerous in Xiao Yan's view.

"No..." Xiao Yan used all his strength to get out.

"Nothing?" The simple, fluttering voice is incomparably owed.

"I... didn't have a temper with you..." Xiao Yan felt that he was
too ignorant, but he couldn't see the benefits of this kind of thing.

Suddenly, the force that oppressed the chest disappeared, and Jane
suddenly took out the double-edged sword and joined the battle.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, and he didn’t have time to distinguish

the other’s movements. Jane only made a slip, the wrists of the
two killers holding the blade were cut, and the head of the third
killer was directly degraded. Everything was against him. It's a
breeze, and every jump is as accurate as impeccable after
hundreds of terminal operations, even though Xiao Yan knows it
all because of Jane Wallis's instinct. Immediately after the simple
hand was held on the shoulder of a player, suddenly a large
rotation, and the heads of the two killers left their shoulders. After
a few tens of seconds, only the last killer squatted on the ground,
his hands were cut, and Jane put his foot on his left shoulder and
lowered his eyes as if he were about to land.

"You can't reach the main control room." He smiled and looked

Jane put away the blade and slowly walked toward Xiao Yan,
picking up his arm and coming to a vertical passage. Below the
passage is the next layer of the base.

Other players have come to Jane.

The killer looked at it suspiciously until Schlumen was the first to


"Don't you kill me?"

Jane's lips pulled out the cruel curves, and Xiao Yan took the tape
to his arms. The smile was scornful. "Have you killed? I also
intend to let you see me into the so-called main control room!"

After he finished, he leaned back and Xiao Yan closed his eyes,
thinking about his mother, and going again. He hates the feeling
of losing weight. What is even more bleak is that he has taken this
feeling as a routine.

Jane took Xiao Yan in the direction of mid-air and steadyed

down. Xiao Yan was pinched under his arm and released his arm.
Xiao Yan stood firm. Suddenly, the nodes of the vertical channel
are closed, and Xue Lun and others are subconsciously looking

"What happened? Xiao Yan, is your invasion of the master being


At this time, Xiao Yan gave a slight glimpse, and this felt that
there was an inexplicable force that seemed to be quietly moving
in his mind. No matter how dodging, the other side would follow.

Suddenly, Jane slammed Xiao Yan's interrupt connector, and all

the data in front of him was interrupted. The alarm sound of the
base sounded at that moment.

"Head! What have you done!" Xue Lun looked incredible.

Jane's expression was cold and terrible. He licked Xiao Yan's head
and there was no smile in his voice. "His brain was invaded."

Xiao Yan gasped, and the feeling of being free in that moment
made him almost unsteady.

His departure from the terminal meant that his invasion of the
main control here failed! However, if Jane does not interrupt Xiao
Yan's connection with the terminal in time, the blocker who enters
Xiaoyan's brain is likely to break into Xiaoyan's subconscious
mind and even confuse Xiaoyan's brain.
Sure enough, my experience is not enough.

This layer is not as simple as you might think.

The sound of "嘶嘶" came from the top of the head. The people
looked up and saw that the four zombies were crawling on their
heads in a distorted manner. They could not see the human form
at all. The bright red eyes seemed to burst.

At the moment when one of them fell, Jane pressed Xiao Yan and
the sharp blade crossed. The zombie made a squeaking sound and
fled in an instant, and the other three were close together.

Jane's sharp yellow-green sticky droplets on the blade, Xiao Yan's

still heart began to beat at that moment, instinctively he took out a
portable sampling instrument at the waist and saved the mucus.
From the form of these zombies, the surge organization has
definitely transformed them! Xiao Yan doesn't know if he can
leave here alive, but as a scholar's desire for inquiry and curiosity,
he must know what the tide organization has done for these

The three zombies fell at the same time, and the special forces
began to kill again. Sheron's blade cut one of them, and it fled
sensitively. The body, which was almost divided into two halves,
quickly healed in two or three seconds, making a
near-provocative voice.
Shelen gnashed her teeth and licked the blade. "What are these

Xiao Yan once again put on the interrupt connector and analyzed
the sample. He couldn't help but hold it. The genes of these
zombies actually contain the DNA of tarantulas and lizards!

This is simply impossible! Genes between species have an

insurmountable gap. They are mutually isolated and isolated.
How does the surge organization do it?

Jane's fingers fiddled with Xiao Yan's hair, and Xiao Yan looked
up and saw his cold smile on his lips.

"Let's stay here, don't move. Also, take care of your brain."

After that, Jane grabbed the name of Xuelun with a double-edged

blade and rushed out. His hair is raised, and the lines on his back
create an explosive power that is hard to predict.

Xuelun suddenly slashed toward the zombies, and each knife fell.
At the moment when the zombies were healing, Jane was cut
again in the precision of Xuelun's knife marks, and there was a
trace of madness in the decision.

Xiao Yan looked at everything in front of him with a stupid look.

He knows that Jane and Hai Yin are completely different. Hai Yin
is totally indifferent to killing, while Jane enjoys it.

But they are the same - equally deadly.

When Xiao Yan felt that something was close to his neck, Jane
suddenly came to his side, holding the blade in one hand and
slamming the hilt in the other, and the blade pierced the head of
the zombie behind Xiao Yan. With a bang, it fell like a mud, and
his face still had a mad expression.

"Hey children." Jane's lips open and close, as if from the spell of

Xiao Yan took a breath and Jane buckled his shoulder and
motioned him to move on. With the memory, Xiao Yan chose the
passage to the next floor.

Just as they all entered, the nodes behind them suddenly closed,
the walls were covered by holographic images, and Professor
Manson’s face appeared on the screen.

“Welcome to my cave and wish you a pleasant adventure.”

Xiao Yan was fascinated by Professor Manson's face for a

moment, and soon realized that it was just a very bad joke of the
tidal organization.
The node in front opens, and everyone stops at that moment. Jane
is completely in front of Xiao Yan.

"Hey, what's in front?" Xuelun asked half-jokingly, but Xiao Yan

knew how serious she was.

"Hybrid monster." Xiao Yan whispered.

He knew that when he was dead, he should not accept the ****
task, but now he regrets that there is no doubt that at least those
researchers have no chance to see these monsters.

If he dies, his name will probably be engraved on the monument

in the central square. Don't burn to a position that is too high so
that others won't see it. The Kathy guy probably stood in front of
his name and counted him for a lifetime. Think about it, Xiao Yan
feels a headache.

Jane did not rush to the front, the other side of the node was dark.
Since the tide organization already knows their arrival, it is
impossible to have a rich and delicious afternoon tea in the front,
let alone no one likes black tea and dessert. Xiao Yan knows that
they have become the mice of the tidal organization
experimenting with the mixed blood and zombies. He can only
hope that Jane Wallis and his troops will last.
Jane released the illuminator, and the entire space in front was
suddenly bright. It is a curved wall. The walls are like rows of
high-density titanium doors. The doors are numbered. As a
technical soldier, Xiao Yan suddenly understood what was hidden
behind these doors.

Jane is going forward, Xiao Yan grabbed him.

"What's wrong?" Jane.

"That is... the sample room of this base... there are a lot of
monsters they made." Xiao Yan was very careful.

Jane's fingers scraped through Xiao Yan's nose. His frivolous

smile had a bit of serious meaning. "Stupid, I am also a monster."

After that, Jane took the first step. At that moment, the ground
sensed the existence of Jane, and it turned on. Everyone saw this
clearly. On the ground is the cross mark of the tidal organization.

Xiao Yan just wanted to keep up, Jane raised his wrist, and Xue
Lun held Xiao Yan's shoulder.

Slightly looking up, the line of sight swept through the rows of
doors, and the front door suddenly opened to him. Something
rushed out and rushed straight to Jane.
Xiao Yan subconsciously took a half step back and watched the
sly monster open his mouth with a terrible fear and bite into
Jane's head. Like a hallucination, Jane's body swayed and
suddenly jumped, suddenly came behind the monster, knees
squatting. The back neck of the monster in the dome.

The head of this monster obviously has the basic characteristics of

zombies, but the body is several times the size of ordinary

It makes a sigh, and the huge body does not hinder its agility.

The monster's physical resilience is too fast, and the most

effective way to kill it is to cut down its head.

The guy stretched his claws to the back of Jane, but Jane stepped
on its arm and jumped in the air, turning the double-edged thorn
into its neck. The monster tried to make Jane fall, and he took the
sharp edge and landed sensitively. The monster gasped and the
wound on the neck healed again.

Jane pulled the corner of the lips and suddenly threw the sharp
blade in the right hand. The monster's claws opened the blade. At
the same moment, Jane slipped over and the other blade in the
hand went from the bottom to the bottom of the monster's chin. Its
In Xiao Yan's opinion, this is a very thrilling blow. Although it is
nothing at all for Jane, this guy is not breathing. But Xiao Yan
didn't see a smug look on his face. He raised his hand and made a
gesture, meaning "completely alert."

At the same moment, those doors were all open, and Xiao Yan’s
heart was instantly mentioned in the eyes of the blind.

I saw countless monsters of different shapes rushed out!

Xue Lun picked up Xiao Yan, they did not have the opportunity to
resist, passively chased by these monsters. The space that
originally felt wide was suddenly tense. Xue Lun just took Xiao
Yan away from a monster, and the other monster was close at
hand. Just when the mouth of his open mouth Xiao Yan could
clearly feel the spurt of the guy, Jane suddenly stepped on the
guy’s head and slammed it in from the top of his head. The guy
was dodging too fast. Jane only cut off its ears.

In a scuffle, Xiao Yan only felt the sound of the tinnitus, the
monster's shackles, the special blade of the special forces, he
could not recognize the direction. The arm of a special soldier
was torn down by the monster. At the moment when the combat
power weakened, another monster bit him and the two monsters
instantly tore him.
Xiao Yan opened his mouth but could not make a sound. This is
the first time he saw the tragic death of a special soldier.

"Xiao Yan! What are you doing!" Jane slammed him into his
arms, and a monster rushed into the air.

Lifting his eyes slightly, he did not see any sadness on his face in
Jane's face. This extra emotion would only make them judged to
be inaccurate or even killed. This is the real battle, cruel to make
people forget all the feelings that belong to humanity, including

In an instant, two monsters pushed Xiao Yan and Jane to the

corner. Jane patiently protected Xiao Yan and blocked the monster
from attacking again and again. The longer the battle dragged the
battle, the more casualties will be.

Xiao Yan raised his calf, pulled out a gun that was not there, and
raised his hand, even though his fingers were shaking.

"The essence of them is still zombies! You didn't use them at all!"
Jane reluctantly reminded Xiao Yan.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis, this time to see if I have a tacit

understanding with you." Xiao Yan clenched his teeth and no
longer trembled.
Jane couldn’t help but smile, and with one hand separating the
moment of a monster, the head of another monster slammed up.
Xiao Yan slammed the trigger, the density of the air suddenly
increased, the temperature dropped sharply, and the sound of
cracking sounded like a crack. The action of the monster quickly
slowed down, and it was fixed in front of Xiao Yan. The mucus in
Zhang’s mouth was solidified, and the red eye was bloody.
Instantly dim, Jane turned and knocked on his head with a hilt,
and it broke open instantly.

The other monster approached again. Jane took the gun from Xiao
Yan's hand and pulled the trigger. The monster tried to dodge, but
its half body was frozen, and he did not hesitate to split it in half.

With two monsters missing, the space for the whole event has
become more abundant, and the special people’s killing is more

"Are you guys who have successfully researched the

condensation gun?" Jane is very interested in this new weapon.

"No, it's not yet powered by..."

Jane buckled the third shot at the other monster, but what
surprised him was that the condensation gun in his hand shattered.
Fortunately, his reaction was quick, and the blade pierced the
monster's throat and the monster escaped. Jane looked back at
Xiao Yan. "Hey, what's going on?"

"I will tell you just now that although this gun will not frostbit the
user as before, it can only fire two shots!"

At that moment, the ground under their feet quickly contracted,

the special forces had popped the ropes, and Xiao Yan fell with
the monsters.

"Xiao Yan -" Jane loosened the rope, and Xue Lun also chased

The whistling wind swept past Xiao Yan’s ear, and there was
darkness in front of him. He closed his eyes.

There was something violently holding him, the speed of the fall
was drastically reduced, and the pain in the thought did not come.
He could hear the sound of broken bones, but not his own.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes and was in front of a cold face.

"Coloton Burton!" Xiao Yan discovered that the other party

turned out to be Haiyin Burton!

At this time, Jane and Xue Lun landed next to Xiao Yan.

The illuminator illuminates this space, and the monsters that fall
to the ground climb up and attack again.
Hai Yin put down Xiao Yan, slammed his arm, and the front paw
of the monster in front was cut off, and the battle began again. Hai
Yin and Jane seem to secretly kill these monsters. Hai Yin has no
one-time-solving monsters, and Jane deliberately kills them. The
monster that sneaked on Jane was pierced by the sea.

Xiao Yan was protected by Li Fu and Mark. The two cooperated

with each other, and Xuelun, although strenuous, they still
eliminated two monsters.

When the last monster was cut off by Hai Yin, everything finally
calmed down.

Xiao Yan swallowed the saliva, only to find that there were
several dried monster mucus on Hai Yin's body. Li Fu and Mark's
combat uniforms were also awkward. The number of troops in
this place belonging to Hai Yin was significantly less than a few
people. Rock guessed that Haiyin could get to this place and paid
a very heavy price.

This layer is already the main control of the base, and there seems
to be any nightmare in the dark passage ahead.

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: This is simply a

biohazard! I am not playing! Too **** dangerous!
Fat winter melon: Is it not dangerous to roll sheets with Haiyin? If
you become a trio with Hai Yin and you think you still have a

[Notice Xiao Yan: Please tell each other the only new address of
Le Wen]: mouth mouth... I am still a trio... No, no, I still play the
Resident Evil, mouth mouth fat melon: This article is unwavering
to read ivi.2k novels network

Hai Yin took Xiao Yan to his back. Through the eyepiece, Xiao
Yan could see that something similar to the monster's volume was
crawling out. The mark next to him has already gripped the
weapon, and the phalanx sounded creaking. Xiao Yan’s breathing
lingered in the throat, and the road ran away, he was already very

Suddenly something ejected from the passage, Hai Yin picked up

Xiao Yan to escape, it was a kind of mucus, the special forces
behind them were sprayed by mucus, and the mucus was quickly
cut off with a sharp blade. A double-headed zombie suddenly
rushed. When he came out and slammed into the special
commander, Mark rushed over, and the shoulders that opened him
were bitten by the zombie, and he slammed it open.

Initially, Xiao Yan thought it was a deformed zombie. It had two

necks on its shoulders. The two heads face in different directions.
There are also two arms on the back, but it has only one pair of
legs. But the zombie was too fast. It just appeared at Mark's side
just a moment ago. It was in front of Xuelun at the last moment.
Xue Lun swept his throat sideways. This guy bit the snowy

At the moment when Shelen took out the sword, its fangs
shattered, but it soon grew out again.

"Mark, Liv, here is to you." Hai Yin decisively ordered, they must
move forward.

Xiao Yan took a breath, and Mark and Liv stopped the zombie,
and the others followed the sea and entered the passage. At the
end of the passage, there was a loud noise, and Xiao Yan was
shocked by the scene in front of him.

In a huge metal cage, dozens of deformed zombies were locked

up, and they struggled with inexplicable expectations, trying to
squeeze out of the cage. At a glance, Xiao Yan saw that the cage
was made of high-density titanium, which is currently the most
dense and hardest metal, but such a strong cage has shaken under
the struggle of these zombies.

The brows that have never been crisis-conscious have also

wrinkled, and they are not moving to Xiao Yan, and they are quiet
and asked Hai Yin: "I feel that these guys are coming out soon."
The voice just fell, the cage opened, and the zombies rushed out.
Everyone is in a hard fight.

Hai Yin did not mean to fight in the slightest, with Xiao Yan
slashing, slashing all the things that blocked him, they rushed to
the inside, Jane and Xue Lun followed, not knowing the special
forces who stayed behind. How many can finally leave.

Xiao Yan knows that Major General Gordon is miscalculated. He

did not expect that this base is not just as simple as a crisis.
Moving on, they are likely to be wiped out.

At this time, there was a huge holographic image in front of them.

Many of Professor Manson’s faces appeared on the screen, and
the various expressions were dazzling, but they all said the same

"This is the last door. Are you sure you want to come in?"

Xiao Yan took a breath, and as a rookie without fighting power, it

is a miracle to live until now. He regretted using the condensation
gun too early, maybe he should leave the last condensation bomb
to himself. When he had no choice, he didn't want to drag anyone,
but instead of being killed by these monsters, he would rather
become a frozen rookie.
Someone buckled Xiao Yan's hand, and the slender fingers did not
enter Xiao Yan's finger joints. At the moment when the ten
fingers were tight, Xiao Yan's heart leaped wildly. That is the
hand of Hai Yin.

"Do you remember that I told you this time what is your

The cold voice swept through all the thinking of Xiao Yan, and he
could not speak anything.

"Must be alive."

After that, Hai Yin released Xiao Yan's hand.

The door in front of it slowly opened, and countless mutant

zombies rushed out.

Xiao Yan knows that he must not be the burden of Hai Yin and
Jane. This is no longer a joke. Severely take out the tiny injection
gun that is not at the waist and force it to your thigh.

This is a drug that has not been tested. Xiao Yan himself does not
know what kind of consequences it will have when entering his
body. But he can no longer hesitate.

Hai Yin and Qi Qiqi turned back and stared at Xiao Yan with their
eyes wide open. They were drowned by the zombies in the next
second. Hai Yin and Jane rushed to the direction of Xiao Yan. Hai
Yin just reached out to the shoulder of Xiao Yan with his
fingertips, and the zombies separated them.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and felt that the zombies were passing
by him. They smashed him, but there was never a zombie
attacking him.

Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes, unbelievable, he walked

forward, and there was nothing in the zombies.

This is to mark the virus, let the zombies treat him as his own
kind, so as to be free from zombies. However, this virus is very
unstable. According to research and analysis, at most, it will be
completely metabolized after staying in the body for 20 minutes.

But in twenty minutes, it’s enough for a master like Hai Yin or
Jane to do a lot of things.

The closest to him is Hai Yin, Xiao Yan tried to get close to Hai
Yin, just at that moment, Xue Lun fell to the front of Xiao Yan,
the zombies were about to bite her head, and several other
zombies swarmed.

Without hesitation, Xiao Yan raised his wrist and placed the gun
on the arm of Xuelun, injecting the remaining marker virus into it.
At the time, the crazy zombies seemed to be unable to find the
target, and instead attacked Jane and Hai Yin.

Sheron stayed in the ground and all the zombies turned a blind
eye to her.

"This... what is going on..."

"Don't waste time, solve them quickly before the end of the drug
effect!" Xiao Yan picked up Xuelun.

Innocent and more thought, with the help of Xue Lun, one zombie
was cut down. No matter how Xuelun attacked the zombies, the
zombies did not respond to her. Finally all the zombies were
destroyed and they were all over the place.

They stepped on the corpse of the zombies and walked toward the

"Xiao Yan, how many monsters do they have?" Jane glared at the
blade and asked lazily.

"Do you like monsters or killers?" Xiao Yan reluctantly pulled his

"What's the difference?"

At the moment the door opened, they saw more than a dozen
killers holding their blades for a long time.
"Ah..." Jane sighed. "At least they are much cleaner than the

The killers rushed out. Xiao Yan saw a man in a white study
outside the crowd. He didn't go too far into a sliding door.
According to Xiao Yan's analysis, the other end of the sliding
door should be the master of the base. Control room.

But they were intercepted. The knife flashed, Xiao Yan could feel
that they were sticking to their hair and neck, and Hai Yin and
Jane kept coping with these killers to protect Xiao Yan. Snowen
will also be unable to support.

At this time, Liv and Mark came, and did not say anything to join
the battle.

Haiyin smashed the thorns and pushed Xiao Yan to the passage.
The killer swarmed again, and the hair of the sea was raised, and
the back and shoulders formed a line of tension.

No matter anyone who tried to get close to Xiao Yan, they were
stopped under the blade of Hai Yin.

Xiao Yan frowned, knowing that he couldn't stay out of it, and
that he could do is in the sliding door.

At this time, Jane launched Xuelun into the battle.

"I am here with Hai Yin! You are going to protect Xiao Yan!"

Xiao Yan looks at Hai Yin.

"Li Fu." Hai Yin shouted the name of Li Fu, Li Fu under the
cover of Mark to kill the encirclement and came to Hai Yin.


"You go with Shiron."

Liv nodded, "Xiao Yan! Let's go!"

Xiao Yan escorted Liv and Xue Lun to the front of the sliding
door. Xiao Yan was once again connected with the interruption.
He calmed down his mind and took a deep breath. His biggest
drawback is that he does not have the slightest resistance to the
experience of the blocker, and his advantage is the speed of brain
involvement of 300 million megabytes.

If you want to invade me, why not try to keep up with me!

Xiao Yan's thinking is infinitely divergent in an instant, arrogantly

like a mad tide, constantly occupying the main control of this
laboratory. Any force trying to stop him is shocked into powder
by him.

In the world of thinking, this is tens of seconds or even minutes,

but in reality it is just a blink of an eye.
The sliding door opened and Xiao Yan opened his eyes.

Sheron was surprised that she had never seen any technicians
invade an extremely complex system at such a speed. Liv is much
calmer. She was in front of Xiao Yan and carefully entered the
sliding door.

This is a huge research lab, and its research equipment is even

worse than Casey's research lab. Numerous data runs on the
holographic screen, and every moment is changing. Xiao Yan
closes all the running analysis, and the entire lab is suddenly
empty. They can see countless petri dishes, and the zombies
resting in them are in a state of sleep.

He stopped in front of a huge instrument.

"What's wrong?" Lif asked.

"It's a gene cage. They use this to synthesize the monster


Gene fusion requires extremely complex calculations, and even if

it succeeds, most of the composites will die due to immune
problems. Xiao Yan is keen to know what the tide organization is
doing. His thinking entered the gene fusion database, and all the
data and research materials were removed.
At this time, a figure flashed over their heads, Li Fu and Xue Lun
pulled out the blade to resist, and the other party bounced steadily
and fell a few meters away.

Xiao Yan recognized the guy in a combat uniform. He was the

researcher he had just seen.

“It’s not a good boy to steal someone’s things.” The man pulled
out a smile. “This is plagiarism in the academic field.”

Look at this guy's skill, he also injected x virus into himself.

"What is your name, Shire's technical soldier? Or the first time

someone can invade my system, I can't catch up with you just

Xiao Yan licks his lips and does not speak. The technical
information of gene fusion has been fully acquired. Through the
interpretation of the terminal, he found that the zombies that were
transformed are successful because the comet viruses in their
bodies are constantly repairing the organisms caused by gene
fusion. Isolation, but this repair does not last long. The comet
virus will also overdraw the physical strength of these zombies. It
only takes three days and they will die and die.

"Before asking someone else's name, shouldn't you introduce

yourself first?" Xiao Yan opened his mouth coldly.
"My name is Dylan. To be honest, I really don't think that the
people of Shire can actually enter this lab." The man looks like a
courteous and polite, can't see it is irony or praise, "Your name?

Xiao Yan was about to speak, and Liv stopped him with his eyes.
She does not want Xiao Yan's name to be known by the tide
organization, which is likely to make him the object of tidal

"Oh, it seems that a child is being controlled by my mother."

Dylan laughed. "But I already know your name, Xiao Yan. Your
companion is so called you."

Xiao Yan thinks this man is super boring. Since I have known it
for a long time, why should I ask?

"I give you the opportunity to introduce myself. I hope that when
I take your brain out, I can follow your self-introduction. With
your brain, my research should be faster?"

Dylan raised his blade and Liv tried to intercept it, but he didn't
expect it to be a sniper. Dylan suddenly leaned toward Xuelun,
and Xue Lunli cut down his right arm.

Dylan slammed back, and the blood drips and falls, but soon his
wounds healed.
"Oh... oh..." Dylan sighed. "This is a prosthetic connection
surgery! You are really annoying."

Daddy, Xue Lun next to Xiao Yan fell down, the blade fell to the
ground, making a muffled sound.

"Snow!" Xiao Yan reached out to help her, but Xue Lu suddenly
seemed to lose all strength. Her body trembled, her breathing was
very hard, her arms fell, and the powerful special forces seemed
to suddenly lose all their anger.

"What have you done!" Liv rushed forward, and Dylan, who had
only one hand left, was not Liv's opponent.

In less than half a minute, Liv also cut his left arm, and the blade
was placed on his back neck. Dylan smiled at her lips and stared
at the weak Xuelun.

"Snow! Snowlen!" Xiao Yan found that Xue Lun tried to press his
arm and looked in the other direction. Xiao Yan looked at her
sight and found that there was a micro syringe near Dylan's
broken arm.

"What did you inject to Xuelun?" Xiao Yan screamed at Dilan.

"x virus accelerator." Dylan showed a meaningful smile. "Xiao

Yan, you have 300 million mega brain intervention speed, and
here are the most advanced research equipment, even better than
Charles. It is better to try one. Try, can you save her!"

"x virus accelerator..." Liv looked at Xiaoyan's direction in a dull

manner, and seemed to confirm to him whether there is such a
thing in the world.

Xiao Yan's face fell into the frost and rushed to the terminal of the
laboratory and quickly intervened.

The data that was originally closed appears again, flashing and
jumping, forming another world.

Accelerators increase the ability of x-virus to replicate in the

sullen body. They exponentially increase the body's strength and
nutrients, causing visceral and functional failure. Before Xuelun
was killed by the x virus, it was impossible for Xiao Yan to
develop a complete neutralizer. He can only make a certain
remedy to ease this acceleration, stabilize the situation of Xuelun,
and then bring her back to Shire, where there are talented people,
and Kathy is sure to be able to develop a complete neutralizer.

Xiao Yan analyzed the blood samples of Xuelun and all the signs
of the body, and analyzed the extremely active x virus. His mind
is extremely focused, meticulous and rapid, and does not allow
anything to break and obstruct.
Liv pressed Dylan's head and slammed into the wall, "said!
Where is the neutralizer!"

The blood stayed from the top of Dylan's head. The x virus made
his wound heal quickly. He pulled his lips and replied
unhurriedly: "Dear, I just don't know how to prepare a neutralizer,
so I took this tough. The project is handed over to Xiao Yan to try

"The next time, I will smash your head!" Liv grabbed Dylan's
hair, revealing a very embarrassing expression.

Dylan looked in the direction of Xiao Yan. "He has already taken
all the information here. If I really researched the neutralizer,
Xiao Yan has already seen it, isn't it?"

Dylan said nothing wrong. There are a lot of researches on

neutralizers, but they all ended in failure. Xiao Yan analyzed all
the data. From another perspective, I thank Dylan for these
studies, otherwise he would not have time to prepare the
medicine. Xiao Yan has prepared a drug that will reduce the speed
of virus replication in Xuelun by 60%. If you want to purify
again, I am afraid that Xuelun can't hold it for so long!

Xiao Yan took off the interrupt connector, took an injection gun,
and ran to the front of Shelen.
At this time, Shelen had no consciousness at all. Her slight eyes
lost all the focal lengths, and her face was pale. Her vital signs on
the holographic screen had become a line of no life.

The agent was injected into the body of Xuelun, and Xiao Yan’s
breathing stagnated in the throat.

Wake up, Xuelun! Wake up, Xuelun!

Xiao Yan stared at the screen, which was still a straight line. Her
eyes are like stagnant water.

Xiao Yan ran back to the terminal, re-formed the pharmacy,

injected it into the body of Xuelun, and went back and forth
dozens of times. Xuelun still had no reaction.

Is my calculation error wrong? Is it where I am wrong? Why is

there no response?

Xiao Yan constantly questioned himself that all the terminals in

the entire laboratory were brought up at that moment and ran
wildly. Li Fu looked up and looked at everything in front of him
and felt heartfelt fear.

"Xiao Yan - Xiao Yan -"

When she rushed to Xiao Yan, all the overloaded instruments
suddenly stopped, the data broke into shattered sparks, and the lab
fell into the dark.

Liv released the illuminator and the space was restored again.

Just seeing Xiao Yan sitting in the same place, looking at the
direction of Xuelun.

"Stop it, Xiao Yan. Xue Lun is dead." Li Fu reached out and
picked up the terminal connected with Xiao Yan.

He still hasn't recovered.

"My calculation must be wrong... it must be because I am too

stupid! If Casey is here...if..."

Li Fu pressed Xiao Yan's head on his shoulder and patted his


"You are right everywhere, you are not stupid. Even if Casey is
here, you can't do it."

Dylan, who has been quietly watching all this, said quietly:
"Really... you are not wrong at all, your thinking is not even able
to load the terminal here. It is just that you have not caught up
with the speed of x virus."

Xiao Yan’s shoulder trembled.

Li Fu turned suddenly, the blade was swirling in the air, and
Dylan's head was cut. She was cold-faced, staring at Dylan's head
and walking to Xiao Yan's side to sit down.

This is Xiao Yan’s first time to see Liv’s cruelty.

Liv always kept silent. She didn't know how to comfort him.
Because the confused look on Xiao Yan's face was never seen by
Liv, so she could only sit quietly beside him. She knew that she
could not share this Xiaoyan. Loneliness. Because a certain area
belongs to Xiao Yan only, no one else can explore and can't go to
his depth.

The young man will lazy to pick a leaf and meditate all day, and
will drink beer with them and then get drunk and unconscious.
When he has the most emotional ups and downs, Mark is wearing
his collar and saying that he wants to go out to perform the task.
He was terrified but never refused to cry. But now Xiao Yan, Li
Fu did not even dare to reach out and touch him, as if he would
break in the air at any time.

"Don't blame yourself, you are not a god, you can't solve all the
problems." For a long time, Li Fu only squeezed out such a

Xiao Yan still looks at the direction of Xuelun.

He remembered that he first saw Sheron, and she leaped from the
aircraft, and she could only look up in silly.

"Look at how sad you are. According to the truth, I should be

more sad than you. Isn't it? She and I were born at the same time.
We were even assigned to the same dormitory during training.
She has always been better than me and entered the second of the
special mission forces. In the year, he became a lieutenant, the
third year became a captain, and the fourth year was a

According to the regulations, Lifu should quickly evacuate with

Xiao Yan. Even if Dylan is dead, it does not mean that there is no
danger here. Maybe a test sample will be flushed out in the next
second. But Xiao Yan was tired and Li Fu was tired.

Suddenly, Liv wanted to sit quietly with Xiao Yan, listening to his
breathing, even if death killed them.

"This is the first few years of Shelen's acceptance of the x virus?"

Xiao Yan asked faintly.

"The sixth year. In fact, many special forces did not live to the
sixth year. Because the x virus is suddenly active, or because of
the mission." Li Fu Dunton, "Xiao Yan, the wireless terminal can
still operate, pass all the data to Base. If we have another
accident, as long as our people receive this information, all the
sacrifices will not be in vain."

Xiao Yan silently retrieved his wireless terminal and sent all the
data out.

The illuminator gradually darkens.

At this time, Xiao Yan had no initial fear of the darkness, just
sitting numbly.

Until someone entered here.

The other illuminator illuminates the entire space again, which is

Hai Yin and Jane.

Jane saw the moment of blood on the ground rushing to the front
of Xiao Yan, and found that his expression was sluggish, holding
his face in both hands to force his eyes to focus.

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan! Where have you been injured! What
happened!" Jane converged all smiles in front of Xiao Yan for the
first time, which made Xiao Yan feel like a dream.

Xiao Yan thought that he would want to escape the problem of

Jane, but he finally answered Jane in one sentence: "I have
successfully obtained all the research data here and sent it to the
nearby base. But Xuelun is in order to protect I was injected with
the x-virus accelerator by the enemy, causing death and death."

The author has something to say: Xue Lun: Is it me who died?

Fat winter melon: Because I can't write Xiao Yan to die, can't
write Haiyin to die, can't write Jane to die, Mark Lifu is dead, I
will be jealous, Maya even did not participate in the mission, so I
can't die... Only you are dead... ...

Xue Lun: What is the significance of my death?

Fat Winter Melon: Inspire Xiao Yan's Little Universe? Let him
take up the responsibility of being a senior researcher? Let him be
sad, so the next chapter Colonel Burton can hug and kiss him.

Shelen: It sounds like I am dead... but I still have to smash your

head! 2k novel reading network

Xiao Yan’s line of sight crossed Jian’s shoulder and stayed on

Xuelun’s body.

Jane closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. His face
couldn’t tell any grief, and he didn’t even look back at Shelen’s
direction in the first place.

"How did she die?" There was no ups and downs in Jane's voice.
"Because the x virus accelerator... the virus copied too fast and
consumed her life." Liv answered.

"Oh." Jane whispered softly, hanging down his eyes and playing
with a silver wing. "This is the fate of all the special forces, but
she is coming a little faster. Is she suffering?"

"She went very quickly." Liv can only answer this, as to whether
she is suffering, only she knows.

Mark rushed here with the rest of the people, seeing the body of
Xuelun and the expression of Xiao Yan's stunned expression, their
pity and pain are hidden under calm.

This task caused the loss rate of Hai Yin and Jane's troops to be as
high as 36 percent.

"Ready to evacuate." Hai Yin ordered.

Xiao Yan stood up and did not speak, but the main control who
was connected here, will evacuate all the hidden dangers on the
road and close all the sample banks. From the beginning to the
end, he did not look at Hai Yin.

Even if she is not a member of the sea, she is in the heart of Xiao
Yan who died because of her incompetence. If he has a strong
combat power and even the most basic self-protection ability, Xue
Lun does not need to be in front of him, nor will he die because of
the accelerator. He wants to hide his incompetence, but Hai Yin
looks into the eye. Xiao Yan was afraid to touch Hai Yin's gaze.
He knew that he would be heavy enough to lift his head.

Jane’s subordinates picked up Xuelun and the group left the base
of the Chaoyong organization.

When they left the passage, Jane tightened the rope and looked at
Xiao Yan behind him. He smiled and said, "I will take you up."

At this time, one arm bypassed Xiao Yan and stepped back two
steps and then rushed forward into the darkness and rose rapidly.

This kind of strength Xiao Yan is familiar, but he finally looked

up and saw Hai Yin bowed his head and looked at his expression.
This man still has no emotional fluctuations, but Xiao Yan feels
that he seems to be wrapped in the other's eyes, so the initial
panic disappeared, Xiao Yan found that nothing would scare him.

Looking up at Hai Yin, I can see Xue Lun and his comrades with
eyes closed and go to the bright place. Her hair can finally be
unscrupulously scattered, softly spread out to enjoy the touch of
the air, the light on the top of the head is more and more clear,
leaving a soft color on her body.
They left on the plane, and Xiao Yan looked at the bottomless
cave through the cabin glass, just like the endless fear of

It may be closer to the endless hopes of human beings, leading the

species to an unknown direction.

They first landed on the nearest No. 13 base because the task was
too heavy and even the special forces needed to be trimmed. Xiao
Yan was assigned to a temporary apartment.

When the quartermaster left, the whole space was quiet.

Xiao Yan felt very tired, but he didn't want to sleep, didn't want to
shower, didn't want to eat, and didn't even want to breathe.

The contact on the wrist is connected to the signal in the base. It

is flashing. He knows that no one will care about him except
Kathy, but Xiao Yan really has no strength to say anything.

Xiao Yan just wants to stop everything.

Time passed by, and it fell to midnight.

He was still sitting numbly until the sliding door opened. He

didn't even want to look up to see who the bottom is.
The other side pulled a chair and sat in front of Xiao Yan. The
slender legs were wrapped in combat uniforms, but the silence
was full of strength.

Xiao Yan realized that the other party could not be a

quartermaster or a liaison officer. His eyes followed the other's
long legs and stayed in the delicate and deep face.

Hein Burton's golden brown hair set off his beauty to the extreme,
and the ice-blue eyes gave Xiao Yan an illusion, as if he was a
run-down sail wandering in the ocean.

"Coloton Burton." Xiao Yan tried his best to call out the other's

"Yeah." Hai Yin's fingers stretched out, and Xiao Yan's back was
stiff until the other's fingers swept over his hair and gently

Xiao Yan’s breathing lingered in the throat, and the sea was clean,
but he had not showered yet, and his hair was dirty.

"You didn't have dinner." Hai Yin's voice was faint, and the
special sound quality tapped Xiao Yan's nerves.

"I'm not hungry."

"But you have questions to ask me."

Xiao Yan had a meal, and even he himself did not think that he
was confused because of what, but was easily seen by Hai Yin. As
if in front of this man, he can never hide.

"Is it dragging your hind legs?"

Xiao Yan looked up and asked very seriously.

This is the first time he has sat face to face with Hai Yin. If he has
any problems, he knows that Hein Burton will give him the
answer. And this answer will propel him up his world and peel off
all his weakness.

"No. To be precise, this task can't be done without you."

"Are you comforting me, Colonel. It's not like you." Xiao Yan
pulled up his lips and held his hands on the bed and looked up. "If
it is Casey, he will not be so easily discovered by Dylan after he
sneaked into the master. You will arrive at the core of the surge
organization base safely. Kathy's research on x virus is at its peak,
and no one can surpass it in the whole of Xiaer. He can certainly
make a neutralizing agent at that time, and Xuelun will not. will

"Have you ever thought about the purpose of setting up this base
for the tide?"
The words of Hai Yin made Xiao Yan's thinking floating from all
directions, and everything that had been experienced poured into
his mind. When the result and the result were connected in series,
the cause was not so difficult to analyze.

"This is a trap. The purpose of the tidal organization is to lure the

elite of the special mission force to the base, and then use these
monsters... even if you can't kill all of you, you can greatly attack
your combat power!" Xiao Yan replied.

"Yes. So from the time we receive this mission, no matter whether

the technical soldiers who are going to go are Lieutenant Colonel
Casey or you, those monsters will be released. Your report points
out that these monsters will not survive too long, but when When
we arrived, they were in the most vigorous time, which indicated
that the people in the surge knew when we arrived, maybe there
were still their spies in the Shire, and perhaps because the tides
tracked our aircraft. What they did and no matter what the price
we paid, the results were unshakable - you got all the research
materials from the tide organization. The brain intervention speed
of Lieutenant Colonel is 270 million mega-speed, he can't be
more than you Faster."
Hai Yin is gentle and has no ups and downs, and everything has
become an established fact in his mouth. Xiao Yan’s thoughts are

"What you really can't beat is Dylan's sentence that you can't
think faster than the x virus."

Xiao Yan stunned, and he immediately understood that this must

have been because the torture force had interpreted Dylan’s brain.

"Yes... he said yes, I can't think faster than the x virus. He is

telling the truth." Xiao Yan's fingers clasped the sheets, gathered,
and the fists trembled too hard.

"Wrong. Do you know what is the last words in her mind before
Xue Lun died?"

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, what is Xuelun’s last words? Xiao Yan
is even hard to imagine.

“She said, ‘Xiao Yan, you will change everything.’

"What?" Xiao Yan stunned for two seconds and suddenly

laughed. His hand held his forehead. "I can't change anything!"

"But Xuelun believes so."

"Colonel, please tell me, when you face the fact that Maya lost his
left arm and left leg, when you look at your own part and are torn
by those monsters, please tell me, how do you deal with all this?"
Xiao Yanyang At first, he wants to be determined to be as
impeccable as Hai Yin, and he is eagerly looking forward to
getting an answer from Hai Yin.

"I remember them, and then move on." Hai Yin's words are

"It's that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple. Listen, one day when you continue your
research in the lab, maybe one day you will hear a message that a
special soldier is derelict in the mission, this person may be Liv,
yes Mark, maybe it is me."

Xiao Yan’s nerves suddenly tightened. Will Hai Yin die? Will this
invincible man die?

Of course he will, but everyone sees him as a legend but forgets

why he became legendary.

The x virus creates legends and ruins legends.

"When that day comes, there is only one thing you need to do."

Haiyin Burton stood up and Xiao Yan looked up at him. The man
stood there forever, breaking into his life in an extremely vivid
and profound way, engraving the mark in the depths of his brain,
where there was no erosion of sand and sand, and the longer it
was, the clearer it was.


"Continue your research. Xiao Yan, do you know the butterfly


“The butterfly in an Amazon rainforest occasionally **** a few

wings, which can trigger a tornado on the other side of the globe
two weeks later.”

"A tiny mechanism, with the right guidance and efforts, will
produce a sensation, that is, 'revolution'." Hai Yin's knees gently
pressed against the bed, Xiao Yan subconsciously dumped
backwards in his gaze, "become that Butterfly, Xiao Yan."

Therefore, what he can't surpass is never the x virus, but the

death. Because that is the destination of everything, including

A force rushes from the deepest part of the bottom of the heart. At
the moment when it is not self-sufficient, Hai Yin’s face is over
and unparalleled. He could clearly see the shadow formed by his
nose and cheeks and his elegantly falling eyelashes. This chilly
man punctures his eyeballs, and countless warm streams rush out
and quietly spread this space.
Xiao Yan's lips are contained by the other side.

It was a very cautious kiss, and the tip of the tongue slipped past
his upper lip but never entered between the lips.

This is an illusion, Xiao Yan said to himself.

It can be so real touch, even the strength of the other person’s

fingers clasping his wrist against the ear is so unbreakable, Hai
Yin is covered on Xiao Yan’s body, but he feels not oppressed but
is isolated A safe zone is completely relaxed.

He was hugged, this is a completely different feeling from the

previous illusions. Hai Yin closed his eyes and even trembled, and
constantly kissed him at different angles. His wrists were freely
unconsciously, the sea. Yin's palm slowly descended along Xiao
Yan's waist, and the two pieces were full and stretched across his
military pants, pressing against the waist of Hai Yin, and tightly
fitting them together. Xiao Yan is immersed in his kisses. This is
an experience that has never been seen before. There is no
unspeakable desire, no madness to loss of reason. He knows that
this cold man is kissing him.

Xiao Yan subconsciously kissed up, the gentleness of the other

party is like a drug, Xiao Yan can not control the depth of the
heart. He contained the other's lips, trying to send his tongue like
he kissed the object he had been in contact with, but Hai Yin's lips
were hard to penetrate. The other party did not move, as if silently
refused. Just as Xiao Yan was cool for his bold and ridged back,
Hai Yin’s kiss was pressed again, only this time he kissed his
forehead and his eyes on his cheek, Hai Yin’s palm swept Xiao
Yan’s forehead. The broken hair in front, holding his eyes, Xiao
Yan can not see anything, but more clearly feel the man's kiss. He
could feel how jjj and hot on the belly of his own, as if to mark on
his body, it continually honed, as if to break through all the
restraints and smash into his body, destroying all his Everything,
but its owner will suppress all desires and hopes.

He knows that as long as he continues, all reason will be gone,

but this kiss is too tempting, and Xiao Yan has a near-crazy
desire. If he really can't escape death, he would rather be
destroyed by this man.

Just when he thought that the kiss would never end, all the weight
and pressure he experienced disappeared.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes and sat up, and found that Haiyin
Burton was standing at the door of his room, about to leave.

"Don't forget to have breakfast tomorrow."

When the sliding door was closed, there was only Xiao Yan left in
this room. He was lying on the bed for a long time, and his eyes
widened to recall everything.
what is that? What the **** is that?

There is also a breath of seaweed in the nose, and lifting the wrist
can also faintly see the traces that have just been caught by the
other side.

Hein Burton will not kiss anyone, nor will he be so careful about

Xiao Yan's eyes are not... No... This is not their first such intimate
contact. He is a researcher and he will not deny the facts. He
wants to grab him and ask him the answer.

What is all this for?

He can already know the answer without opening his mouth. This
man will only look at him with arrogance and look at other

And he is already addicted to him. He must find his way in Hai

Yin's gaze and fade away from the power of Hai Yin.

Xiao Yan reached out and his fingers moved at random. The light
left a shadow on the ground, and his shadow seemed to be
detached from the ground.

If you want me to be a butterfly, then I will.

Even if I am just a little-known person, I will always change
everything that exists, whether it is trivial or not.

The next day, Xiao Yan returned to Shire by flying the aircraft.
The life here is still the same, the huge holographic advertising
screen, the ordinary citizens who talk and laugh, and the magnetic
levitation car that constantly crosses the top of the head. The
bustling and noisy here is like a horror movie that Xiao Yan has

Hai Yin and Jane walked in the passage, and they went to the
office of Major General Gordon.

Xiao Yan followed behind them.

When they entered the office, the liaison officer stopped Xiao Yan
outside the door. "Major Gordon wants to talk to you alone."

Hai Yintou did not return to the office, Jane turned back and
blinked at Xiao Yan.

Compared to the first time I saw the shackles of Major General

Gordon, this time Xiao Yan was much calmer.

Half an hour later, Hai Yin and Jane came out, and the liaison
officer made a "please enter" gesture to Xiao Yan. In the blink of
an eye, Xiao Yan felt that the other's hair was slightly raised with
the pace, and the heartbeat was remarkable.
The back of Hai Yin is getting farther and farther, without any
signs of looking back. Xiao Yan felt silly for the first time.

At the desk of Major General Gordon is a teacup, and the tea has
no temperature. He turned his back to Xiao Yan and his waist
gently touched his desk.

"To be honest, you surprised me, Xiao Yan."

"I can be alive and return to Shire. I am also very surprised."

Major General Gordon laughed low and finally turned around. He

looked at Xiao Yan's eyes very carefully.

"You are not the same as when you left Shire. Sure enough,
letting you perform this task is an adventure, but it is the right

different? Where is my difference?

Xiao Yan didn't ask, just looking at each other with suspicious

"You are more calm than ever. You know who you are, know
what to do, and know your direction."

"Yes, this task made me thoroughly understand how cruel the

world is outside. Maybe I will shrink in Charlie forever."
Major Gordon shook his head and lowered his finger to the edge
of the quilt. "A person like you is born to be free. And you know
very clearly that Charles is not a safe haven for human beings.
One day, some At one moment, the false sky above the head will
fall. You will feel that I am cruel, knowing that the conspiracy of
the tidal organization still allows Colonel Burton and Lieutenant
Colonel Wallis to send their troops to death. But every time to
freedom The roads are bloody. When you have a dream, you have
to bear the price."

Xiao Yan stared at Major General Gordon. For a long time, he

asked: "Is the information I brought back from the tidal base
worthy of these blood?"

"Of course it is worth it. It has made Charles's research on the

comet virus into a new phase."

"This is fine." Xiao Yan suppressed the sorrow and grief in his

"The marker virus you developed is also famous for this task. The
Central Academy of Sciences says it will name the virus by your

"No, I hope the name of this virus is Xuelun. How many people
on the monument in the central square will actually go to see the
name of Xuelun? I want everyone who studies the virus to put this
name in my heart." Xiao Yan answered very seriously.

Major General Gordon nodded and said, "This is the virus you
developed. You can give it any name. But I want to remind you
that your brain intervention speed has caught the attention of the
tide tissue, they are likely to sneak into the summer. Seoul..."

"Retake my brain?" Xiao Yan's heart was cold.

"Yes, this possibility is much more than before you go out of the
mission. You need special protection. The Central Academy of
Sciences is not a safe place. To be precise, all the core researchers
in the Central Academy of Sciences will be left in special
missions. 24-hour protection for special forces."

Xiao Yan frowned, which is an inevitable result. And with the

special forces, you can collect x virus samples in real time and
analyze the biological functions of special forces. It is not a good

Major General Gordon laughed. "I hope you have a good time in
the special mission."

Xiao Yan walked out of the office of Major General Gordon.

There were two special forces outside the passage. They followed
Xiao Yan and the heart of Xiao Yan was very heavy.
When he came to the node of the passage, he saw Jane holding his
arm against the wall and turned his face to reveal a smile.

"Hey - have you been taken care of?"

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "Yes."

"I really want to stay in Chardonna for a few days, but I have a
mission again. Gordon guys want to squeeze me out before I die."

Although Jane has never mentioned anything about Xuelun, but

does not mention that it does not happen, Xiao Yan still could not
bear to speak: "I'm sorry."

"What?" Jane said it was unclear.

"I'm sorry. You and Shelen are very tacit, but..."

"This time, my deputy is even better than Xue Lun. He is an

Asian like you, the name is Ling Xiao, or a major!" Jane’s head
went to Xiao Yan’s face and deliberately turned his face. The
deputy wants to kiss up. "If you really apologize, it is better to
kiss me."

At this time, a figure suddenly blocked in front of Xiao Yan.

"Hah, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis is still the same, when you

hunted, regardless of time and place."
Jane glanced at the man in front of him and touched his nose in a
desperate way.

"Major Major, is it because I have never pursued you, so you feel

a great imbalance in your heart?"


Xiao Yan was about to step forward but was stopped behind by
Maya. He could feel Maya's hostility towards Jane.

"This is the special mission force headquarters, and advises you to

change a place to lure prey."

"You don't want to get him too? Major, you are not my opponent,
not before, now it is even more impossible." Jane's face has
become cold from the cynical moment.

And Maya, who often jokes with Xiao Yan, is also serious and
completely prepared.

"You can give it a try." Maya raised her chin slightly.

Almost at that moment, Jane slammed Maya's throat and pressed

him against the wall, and the dagger in Maya's hand was just
against Jane's throat.
"Hah, I can't see that Major Maya's skill has improved a lot. Or do
we compare it, is it that I first twist your throat, or do you first use
this dagger to cut my head?"

Jane narrowed his eyes, Xiao Yan is too familiar with this feeling,
this crazy man is not joking.

He slammed his gun out of his waist and pointed it in Jane's


"Let me open."

The author has something to say: Jane: In Xiao Yan's heart, it is

true that Maya is more important than me.

Maya: Of course, you are a bad-hearted disciple, and I am his

good friend! 2k novel reading network

Jane turned his head and looked at Xiao Yan's eyes. His eyes were
firm and unshakable, and he was completely different from the
rookie researcher who used to lift his gun and his fingers would

"Are you sure you want to shoot?" Jane step by step.

The two special forces behind Xiao Yan were coming forward,
but Jane made a gesture and they stopped behind Xiao Yan.

"I will."
"Do you like this kid so much?" Jane is still laughing, the lip line
is drawn perfectly, and the strength in the eyes is almost crushed
by Xiao Yan.

"I don't have many friends. Major Maya is one of the few friends
I have. I will not only shoot for him, this is not the first time I
fired at him." Xiao Yan’s hand is Condensing gun, another sample
he made while finishing the base.

Jane looked at Xiao Yan, his eyes were getting colder, but in the
end he let go of Maya.

Walking to the front of Xiao Yan, Jane deliberately let his chest
against the muzzle, easily opened Xiao Yan's fingers, and put the
condensation gun around his waist. He bowed his head and
covered Xiao Yan's ear and whispered, "Don't let me find that he
is not just a friend to you. Otherwise, I will make him die."

His tone was extremely slow, and Xiao Yan stood there and could
not move.

Until Jane Wallis went far, Maya took Xiao Yan and said, "Hey!
You are fine!"

"...I'm fine! You have nothing to do! How come you suddenly
appear! Good end and the madman fight for something!" Xiao
Yan smashed Maya.
"What madman? That guy is a pervert! He just wants to kiss
you!" Maya angered and slammed the two special forces behind
him. "You protect him like this! Is Lieutenant Colonel Wallis
going to bed you?" Also watching it!"

The two special forces did not change their colors, but they were
obviously blind.

"You almost killed by the guy!" Xiao Yan screamed, seeing that
Maya fell in the pool of blood and his nerves had been enough to
stab. Now, once again, he will definitely have a weak heart!

"Then I can't stand him to touch you! I promised..."

"What did you promise?" Xiao Yan looked over.

"I promised to be alone and I will be optimistic about you."


"What's the matter for you!" Maya turned angrily and walked
forward hard.

Xiao Yan quickly chased him up and put his hands on his
shoulders from behind. "How can it not be my business! You are
so handsome to protect me! Don't be angry! I invite you to drink
"Can you still drink beer? You have been thoroughly supervised,
and even the special mission force headquarters can't get out!"

"If you don't, I will pay, how about going to buy beer? Let's have
a good time!"

"Less come, you fall down after drinking a dozen bottles, and it is
said that nonsense is spitting everywhere!"

"That's not how... go to the restaurant to eat together?"

"Still eat." Maya muttered in a low voice. "Otherwise, if you get

drunk, you will find me trouble."

"Ha? What?"

"Nothing! I said I want to eat steak!"

The two sit at the table, and the steaks are as simple as a special
task force, without any beauty, and the taste is no innovation for

"Hey, is this guy still fantasizing about Liv?" Maya asked

casually, and Xiao Yan almost didn't kill himself.

"Ha? What? To Liv..." Xiao Yan remembered that he had

discussed with Maya the reason for his hallucinations in his mind.
At that time, the other party mistakenly thought that his fantasy
object was Liv.
Maya held her chin with a smirk and leaned forward slightly. "In
fact, Liv is very good! She is protecting you everywhere, and I
have a good impression on you."

Xiao Yan is silent.

He didn't want to see a psychiatrist, he didn't want to see a brain

expert, and he didn't want to talk to Casey about his illusions and
fantasies, because he knew he would be bombarded by Kathy and
would not stop in the future. .

But Maya is different. No matter how fascinating he looks on the

surface, he is very thoughtful, otherwise he can't live on the cruel
battlefield. He also has the sense of responsibility of the military.
Xiao Yan still remembers his desperate situation to protect
himself. He is a guy who is trustworthy and keeps his secret.

"Actually, my fantasy object is not Liv."

"Ah? Is it Snowen... You like Shiron... Oh, my God, I am sorry, I

shouldn't mention this..." Maya immediately showed a sorry

"I respect Shelen very much. My fantasy object is not her."

"Who can there be? The female special forces you know are only
two of them!" Maya frowned and thought hard.
"The other party is not a woman."

Maya is a little bit stiff, "What? Who?"

"..." Xiao Yan opened his mouth and said it, he must say it,
otherwise he will sooner or later collapse, "is Colonel Burton."

Everything is quiet and empty.

Until Maya's hand swayed, the fork crossed the plate and made a
sharp voice, but fortunately they came earlier, and there were few
people in the restaurant.

Xiao Yan thought that Maya would have a bigger reaction, but he
quickly put the plate back in front of him, the other hand pressed
his forehead and asked very quietly: "How far are you

Xiao Yan is really not good to answer this question.

"I can't even imagine the colonel hugging someone. Do you

imagine that he is holding you?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yan lowered his head.


"Hmm..." Please, what is the question for this kind of question!

Xiao Yan feels that she is like a young boy who came back from
her first date and was interrogated by her father.

Maya was silent for two seconds and asked the ultimate question:
"Your little chrysanthemum is okay?"

"..." Xiao Yan's ears are red.

Maya’s summary gave Xiao Yan the urge to die: “It’s not the
brains of 300 million megabytes of intervention! Even the fantasy
is different from ordinary people!”

"Maa..." Xiao Yan wanted to kill each other. "I said this to you, I
just want to know if there is any solution! It is not someone else!
It is Colonel Burton!"

Maya’s smile was very relaxed, and there was even a sense of

"Xiao Yan, have you ever thought that you will have these
illusions or fantasies because the head wants to go to you."

"Ha... Maya, you are not crazy? Jane Wallis has broken your
head?" This is the most outrageous sentence that Xiao Yan has
ever heard.

"The number of special forces is several times that of ordinary

people. The more it is suppressed, the more crazy it is when it
breaks out. I am sure that the head is not hurt, so when he wants
to be someone, he can suppress the other person. The impulse to
split into the abdomen does not mean that he can suppress the
instinct. Hundreds of times the hormones released are
uncontrollable. These are indeed the illusions in your mind, but
they are also the signals that the head gives you, he I really want
to go to you."

Xiao Yan wants to convince herself that Maya is making a story

to scare him, but the expression of this brother is too serious!
More serious than the professors in the Academy of Sciences!

"No... Colonel Burton can see who can do it..."

"What can it be? He will put you in the safest range, look at you,
take care of you, ask you with a standard 100 times higher than
others, but he will not touch you in reality. Because it is too
cherished, so Fear of an impulse destroys everything."

"Listen to you seems to be Colonel Burton." Xiao Yan could not

believe the words of Maya.

"Because I have something in common with Colonel Burton - we

are all special forces. What attracts us is the same as what we
Xiao Yan looked at Maya's eyes. Everyone thinks that the special
missions are infinitely beautiful, they can squander and enjoy
themselves for the rest of their lives, but their pain is always
wrapped under combat uniforms.

"Well, your opinion is based on the condition that when I have the
illusion and fantasy, the colonel must be by my side, right."

"Yeah, how can you feel his hormones?"

"But my hallucinations are not limited to when he is by my side."

Xiao Yan smiled and ate the last steak, slowly got up and blinked
at Maya. "If I told you if I was second person. I know, I will break
with you, I will cut your hair!"

"What? When did you have an illusion?" Maya followed Xiao

Xiao, but Xiao Yan smiled and did not answer.

"Secret." Xiao Yan did not tell Maya that she and Kathy were
chatting in the terminal and even accidentally fell asleep in the
research room and dreamt of Hai Yin.

After drinking the beer, Maya sent Xiao Yan back to the room,
and two special forces were always behind them.

"You should know that you have become the target of the tide
now?" Maya's fingers lightly clicked on Xiao Yan's forehead.
"Hey, I don't want to remember this at all!" Xiao Yan was
troubled by his brain. He knew that Maya deliberately mentioned

Maya smiled and passed the two special forces. Although it was
only a brief glimpse, his eyes were very heavy and his meaning
was obvious: protect him.

Until Maya went far, Xiao Yan still put his hand on his forehead.

Maya! You are too fucking! I have told you the vast majority of
my secrets, but I want to leave a little bit of **, you guys need to
scare people so much!

Sure enough, under the mental torture of Maya, Xiao Yan did not
fall asleep after lying in bed, and had a nightmare between
half-dream and half-awake, scaring the body cold sweat. Just
walked into the bathroom to prepare for a shower, and an alarm
sounded on the top of his head. Xiao Yan’s fell. The special forces
outside the door rushed in without saying anything. They saw that
Xiao Yan was sitting on the ground with a slap in the face, and the
shower overhead was dripping on him.

Can't take care of his wolverine, Xiao Yan stood up and said,
"What happened!"
"It is a special mission force to prepare for the war. There is a
small team that is attacked outside the city. Tonight, the prepared
troops will go out to support."

"...Is the tide of people entering Shire?"

"currently there is not."

Xiao Yan exhaled, but this does not mean that he is at ease.
Seeing Xiao Yan is fine, two special forces have withdrawn from
the room. Xiao Yan closed his eyes, and the water flowed down
from the top of his head. His palms were covered on the wall and
slowly held into a fist.

Everything that happened in the research base of the tide

organization once again came to my mind.

The torn special forces, countless monsters, Xuelun who never

wakes up again...

This night, Xiao Yan is destined to sleep.

I don't know how about Casey? Is genius like him a target of


Jane has already left Shire?

Is it really safe to stay in a special mission unit? Will the special

forces outside the gate be like the cours of the tide? Will the tidal
organization killer in Xiaer’s nephew sneak into it quietly, even if
it is a special task force that is strictly guarded against it? Maybe
his brain will be taken away in his sleep, and his cold body will
be found in the bed tomorrow morning...

He has always been a lazy person, thinking is a very laborious

thing. Even if the sky falls down, you can sleep until it is dark,
but what is the current anxiety? As if the belief that has been
supporting myself has been suddenly taken out of the ordinary.

He thought that he was no longer afraid, and even death was no

big deal.

But he is still in fear. He fears that one day he is not thinking

about what he wants to think. He has achieved all the
achievements. He is not for the people he cares about but the
weapons that hurt them.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Xiao Yan’s nerves
suddenly tightened and his back stiffened.

who is it?

The other side is getting closer and closer, Xiao Yan closes his
eyes and pretends to be asleep.

In the end, is it to supervise his special forces to come in to see, or

... the people of the tide organization?
The heart beats so badly that Xiao Yan can't keep going.

The other person sat down beside his bed, and the cool fingertips
crossed Xiao Yan's brow bone, which made people feel

Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes, and even in the boundless
darkness, he could recognize the deep outline of the other side.

He really thought that no one could hold the man's clothes and let
him stop. Even if he was entangled in the expectations of the
whole world, he couldn't crush him, but at this moment, he sat
next to him and stayed at the end of his sight. The most realistic

"Coloton Burton!"

Xiao Yan’s subconsciousness will hold up the upper body.

How could it be Haiyin Burton? How can this guy come in!

The other's body slowly fell, so that the distance that kept coming
close made Xiao Yan's thoughts uncontrollably chaotic.

His palms pressed against Xiao Yan's ear, and the warm breath
blew in Xiao Yan's lips. It was a silent invasion. Xiao Yan felt that
the man in front of him was no longer so high. He fell from the
edge of the cliff near the sky and fell into his own eyes.
"Give you three minutes, if you can't fall asleep, I will make you

There is no turbulent tone, no ups and downs of sound quality,

imperative and unrequited but natural and natural tone, except
that Haiyin Burton will not have anyone else.

His fingers lifted up and gently covered Xiao Yan's eyes, closing
his eyes.

This cold and incomprehensible man, few people know that his
palm is warm.

Xiao Yan remembered the night he and Hai Yin spent in the
windbreak, and Hai Yin was also beside him with a high fever, as
if he had become the man that the man must guard.

There are so many problems in his heart, especially the words that
Maya said to him, and at this time he struck his heart word by

Do you want to hug me?

Ever wanted to kiss me?

Even more uncontrolled than these?

However, Xiao Yan knows that once he asks for export, he has
only two results: Hai Yin will pull out the sharp edge as if he had
been in the nuclear power plant, piercing all his imaginations, or
directly to him. But no matter what the result, Xiao Yan knows
that he is not yet strong enough to accept.

He didn't know when he was asleep. The breath of Haiyin

penetrated into the depths of his mind. Between dreams and
dreams, there seemed to be something soft that touched his lips
and gently glimpsed everything. Sinking.

When he woke up again, the electronic clock on the bedside

showed no more than 7:30 in the morning. Xiao Yan was a bit
stunned after washing, and he didn't know what to do.

Pushing open the door, I saw two special forces standing outside
the door.

"Excuse me, who entered my room last night?"

Xiao Yan didn't understand why he was full of expectations. He

even got nervous when the other person opened his lips.

"Only Colonel Burton has come in."

The thoughts that have been squatting have finally spread out of

Last night, the seaman who sat on the bed and watched him fall
asleep turned out to be real!
Just as he was worried, the liaison showed a notice: From now on,
all researchers will conduct unified militarization training.

Click on the contact, the training schedule is popped up on the

holographic image, from the most basic physical training to the
fighting skills. Their time is basically occupied by the training in
the first three months, and they are allowed to return to their
respective research positions until the assessment is passed.
Technical soldiers who have not been examined for physical
strength and fighting skills in the past will also undergo a monthly
military assessment like the Ministry of Military Affairs and the
Interrogation Force. If they are unable to pass, they will return to
the training camp for training.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath. The armed forces of the military have
always blamed the technical soldiers represented by the
researchers for their lack of combat capability in times of crisis.
They cannot become the help or even the burden of completing
the task. They repeatedly demanded a unified military for the
technical soldiers. Training. The Central Academy of Sciences
stated that the technical battalion's duties are scientific research
and technical support to the armed forces. If limited energy is
dispersed, research efficiency will be reduced. The proposal of the
armed forces has not been passed. But from the recent events in
the Institute, this has become necessary. Not to mention the last
mission, if you have the fighting power of the armed forces,
Xuelun will not be...

The video phone rang and Mark's exaggerated face appeared on

the screen.

"嘿肖岩! I am here to send you combat suits!"

"Oh, thank you!"

Xiao Yan opened the door and took the combat uniform from
Mark. The palms were covered. This is completely different from
the military uniform. It is soft and fit, but it can maintain body
temperature and prevent external damage. In addition to hunting
the zombies, there is no What can easily penetrate it.

Before I even had time to talk to Mark, the radio sounded.

“All researchers should note that all researchers should note that
they will go to the training grounds in the five minutes!”

"So fast?"

"Hurry up and change the combat uniforms. If you miss the

collection time, the instructor will definitely give you a good

Mark, who has been laughing, converges on the smile and urges
Xiao Yan.
In a hurry to put on the combat uniforms, Xiao Yan’s body was

Mark touched his chin and looked at Xiao Yan. He shook his
head. "You can’t really look at you all over the body!"

Xiao Yan walked through the mirror and smiled awkwardly. If

Mark is a good steak, then he can only be a cognac.

The two walked quickly in the passage.

Mark looked at Xiao Yan's serious side face and rubbed his eyes.
"Hey, the mentality looks good, rookie! Many researchers have
heard the news and asked them to die!"

"It's better to save yourself than to wait for the rescue from the

As a reserve technical soldier, Xiao Yan is tired of his weakness

in front of the zombies. The lack of self-protection means that he
will never have the opportunity to get out of the aircraft to do
what he wants. No matter how good he is to think, it is just the
burden of others.

Once freedom leaves strong, it is vulnerable to being vulnerable.

Mark patted Xiao Yan's shoulder and suddenly regarded him as

the posture of his little brother. "The rookie don't be arrogant,
your physical training program is not easy at all! Otherwise, you
can't even hold a fist with your body." !"

Xiao Yan did not speak.

No matter what kind of training he experienced, he couldn't reach

Mark's level, but at least... He still remembers that Hai Yin was
unwilling when he walked back to the No. 2 base, and
remembered that Jane was trying to protect him from falling into
the ground. The crispness of the sound, even Li Fu had to expose
himself to the fire for him, and he had to stop breathing forever.
Once he accepted his incompetence, but every time Hai Yin’s
eyes were reminding him, even if there was only one point, a little
bit, he was eager to get closer to the field of Hein Burton.

When he followed Mark to the training ground, he saw more than

a dozen researchers standing in battle suits and whispering.

"What are you doing? If we even have to learn what fighting

techniques are, what do the special missions do?"

"Our work is not research?"

"I am almost forty years old. Do you still need to go out to fight?"

"Xiao Yan!"

Xiao Yan glanced at the sound and saw Kathy.


When Xiao Yan came forward, Casey hugged him. The strength
of this guy was still so great. Xiao Yan’s bones were crushed by

"Slightly... Kathy... I can't breathe..."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: I want to exercise!

Never do the burden of others!

Hai Yin: The bed is also.

Xiao Yan: ... 2k novel reading network

"You guy is dead! I am worried that you are worried about it! You
have no connected information! I am not connected to my signal!
Are you tired of living!"

Before Xiao Yan was almost strangled by the other side, Casey
finally let go, but this is not the end. He pinched Xiao Yan's face
and almost smashed his flesh down by 360 degrees.

"I didn't come back to report to Charles! You don't remember me

as your research supervisor!"

"..." Xiao Yan's tears flowed, and there was no way to say a word.
But he knows that the more he is worried about Kathy, the greater
his strength, which is the posture of his death! It seems that he
really scared Casey. At this time, we must apologize sincerely to
admit our mistakes! But he can't do it now!

Other researchers looked at Xiao Yan with great sympathy.

During the period of seemingly working together, they had a deep
understanding of the violent tendencies of Lieutenant Colonel

"I can worry about you! I heard that Gordon’s guy sent you to the
research base of the tidal organization. I haven’t slept for many

It’s not a Kathy. It’s a good name for Major General Gordon’s
“that guy”. Most of the time, you will see the famous research
elite who will also give up the three points! He really should send
Kathy to abuse the tide organization!

Finally, Kathy Song took a hand and watched Xiao Yan's face
swollen and finally vented his anger. Sugar and whip are his
consistent style. Sure enough, Casey’s forehead smashed on Xiao
Yan’s chest, and Xiao Yan’s hatred for him all vanished.

"This time the special task force's loss rate reached the highest
ever record... I looked at the long list of deaths until I finally
confirmed that I didn't have your name, I felt that I finally came
Xiao Yan’s eyes were sour, and suddenly he felt that the one who
was afraid of Kathy’s roar and refused to connect to the contact
was really confusing.

"I'm fine! Colonel Burton and Lieutenant Colonel Wallol

personally protect me!"

"Jane Wallis can't help it! Tell me! Does the guy do anything to
you! Your **** is okay!"

Xiao Yan grabbed his head and suddenly understood the meaning
of Kathy. His cheeks burned. "What is this about my ass?"

Kathy exhaled a sigh of relief, a look of relief, "It seems that your
**** has been saved!"

In front of the sound of clapping hands, all the arguments and

complaints were silent in an instant.

A special soldier with a slender, fair-skinned, youthful appearance

came to them and saw that his epaulettes were already major.

"You are senior, experienced and respected researchers! I am your

instructor of physical training - Major Wenn! I am under the
command of Colonel Burton! If you feel that the training program
is too harsh, the instructor is too ferocious, welcome to Burton.
Colonel complaint!"
The exaggerated tone of the opera attracts everyone's attention.

The boy named Wen En has a soft brown half-length hair, and the
tip of the hair falls on the shoulders. He looks almost the same
age as Casey, but his height is more than 180 centimeters. The
combat uniforms outline the beautiful muscles and the contours of
the facial features are very soft. The bright smile makes people
really imagine that this guy is a major! What kind of killing skills
can I get the rank of major at such a age? Therefore, Xiao Yan did
not doubt that this guy was playing a finger, and the heads of
these researchers were about to bloom.

"Since Major Maya retired to the second line, Wenn defeated all
the candidates in the election and became the adjutant of Haiyin
Burton." Casey snorted and explained his head.

Is he the one who replaced Maya? Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes.

"What? Can you complain?"

"Insane, you, complain to Hai Yin Burton about his men, you are

A figure slowly came, and the researchers who were still

whispering were quiet.

You don't need to be close, just the meticulous pace, Xiao Yan can
feel the unique momentum of Haiyin Burton.
His hands were behind his back, his legs were slightly separated,
and the sense of squatting in the tall and straight posture struck
back into Xiao Yan's eyes.

"Colonel!" Wenn, who was originally a decent, was so solemn

and solemnly saluting.

“Yeah.” Hai Yin nodded slightly, and the sights swept through the
researchers one by one. No one dared to look at it. “Before the
training started, I have a few questions to ask you.”

The researchers looked at each other and couldn't guess what

questions Haiyi would ask them.

"The first question. There are two technical soldiers who follow a
team of mine to perform a task, but they are dead. Do you know

Everyone bowed their heads and didn't talk.

Kathy looked at Xiao Yan and vomited his tongue and said with
his mouth that "because the special mission forces have no ability
to protect them."

Xiao Yan shook his head and gestured to Kathy.

Mark began to intimidate again. "They were eaten by zombies!"

The researchers trembled on their shoulders and Xiao Yan took a

Mark walked along the twisted queue and seemed to see

everyone's expressions clearly. "But why are they eaten by
zombies? Don't misunderstand that we don't want to save them.
It's really too disobedient! The colonel is against them. The order
was to keep up with me, but they couldn’t keep up! Even if I
couldn’t keep up, I was going to go back and save them. As a
result, the two guys ran in both directions, I Hesitant! Who is it to
save? The one on the left or the one on the right? I haven't
thought of the answer yet, and the two of them were eaten by the

Mark clicked on Xiao Yan's shoulder, squeezed his eyes and

asked with a threat: "Hey, rookie, you said if they can keep up
with me, will they die?"

"No." Xiao Yan's eyebrows wrinkled. He remembered that the

No. 14 base was invaded by the zombies. How did Hai Yin bring
him and Lily into the refuge channel. At that time, he did not
follow Shanghai Yin. If it wasn’t for Hai Yin to save them, they
would be the same as those of the two technical soldiers.

"The second question, when two killers enter the institute, a

researcher presses the alarm at the expense of life. Who among
you is evading according to the early warning mechanism?" Hai
Yin calmly stated the facts, without any blame, But the invisible
pressure falls straight down.

Xiao Yan suddenly remembered the abdominal cavity that had

been penetrated by the sharp blade of the day, and the pain
trembled along every cell.

At the moment of raising his eyes, Xiao Yan and Hai Yin’s eyes
touched each other, and the ice-blue eyes were as deep as the
mirrors that burst at any time. Xiao Yan tried to look elsewhere,
but his gaze was like being locked up by death and death. The
illusion came to life. On that day, it was not only Xiao Yan but
also Hai Yin.

"The third question, and the most important one, do you know
why the tide organization has repeatedly attacked the research

When the voice fell, everyone raised their heads.

"It's your brain."

After a short silence, it instantly boils.

"What are you talking about? Our brain?"

“What do we want the brains of our researchers to do?”

Hai Yin lowered her eyes and restored the appearance of even the
sky and the cracks.

Major Wenn patted his hands, and the expression of gloating and
ecstasy was exactly the same as that of Mark. Xiao Yan thought
that this incident will always be a secret. I did not expect Hai Yin
to say it directly.

"I will tell you what kind of function your brain has. Surge tissue
research has developed a new type of biological terminal system,
they will take out your brain, including the complete nerve line, in
a certain dish. Keeping the brain active, then connecting the
neurons in the brain into the system, your brain will be forced to
constantly think about calculating the problem that will never end,
no matter how tired you are, then you want to rest, once you The
brain no longer thinks, loses the saved value, and is finally
discarded like garbage."

Wenn smiled still, and the gloom in his eyes was creepy.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened. Is this the information that Colonel

Shen Bing extracted from his subconscious mind?

The military finally decided to open the news?

Fear spreads everywhere.

Kathy lowered her head, her eyes wide open, and her shoulders
could not tremble on her own. He is a lieutenant colonel of the
Academia Sinica, a famous genius, the two killers entered the
institute, in addition to the massacre of researchers, the real goal
may be Kathy's brain!

Xiao Yan gently buckled Kathy's wrist. He knew that nothing was
useless. He had to conquer this fear on his own.

"If you don't even have the most basic self-protection ability, you
can only make your own brains."

Wenn smiled and rubbed his fingers, making a squeaking sound,

and everyone trembled.

"So you, you are going to complete the training like your own
research work, or you can do it. It depends on you. But I have to
declare in advance that our special mission force is limited and
the duties are not the bodyguards." When your head is opened, we
have time to go down from the sky. Do you understand?"

The voice of Wenn is so soft that people can’t come back.

The researchers looked at this major with a few girls like a girl.

The other's eyes suddenly became cold, and the sound pierced
their nerves.
"Do you understand it?"


The researchers were afraid to answer.

Wenn smiled with a smile: "Did you eat breakfast?"

No one answered.

"If you have breakfast, there is something to spit!"

Wenn showed a big, bad-hearted smile, and everyone was

unconsciously worried about the next training.

Mark blew a whistle and said coolly: "You will definitely be


Xiao Yan is very embarrassed, everyone in the special mission

force is definitely the devil.

He is also looking forward to it because no one is better than the


They will undergo a one-month physical training, and when their

physical fitness tests reach the standard, the special task forces
will train them in fighting skills.

A group of researchers jogged around the runway, and the

atmosphere of fear created at the beginning kept them in a serious
attitude, but in just five minutes, they were already suffering and

"How do you think it is a waste of time to train them." Wenn

snorted and put his arm on Mark's shoulder and whispered,
"Mark, how is the head still here?"

Mark turned back and Hai Yin stood on the runway with his arms
in his arms. The elegant posture made people imagine how
invincible this guy was when he killed. Looking along the eyes of
Hai Yin, the upper part is Xiao Yan’s gasping figure.

Kathy, who was next to Xiao Yan, didn't persist for a long time.
He held his knees toward Xiaoyan and made a "you go first"
posture. Xiao Yan tried to pull him, and Casey still refused to
continue. He sat on the runway and pleaded with Xiao Yan.

"You just let me rest... thirty seconds... you see... that Wenn and
Mark are laughing at you... We! You go on! I promise... I will
stick to the end!"

Xiao Yan exhaled and continued to run forward. When he passed

by Hai Yin, he did not expect him to follow Xiao Yan.

His pace is steady, and his long legs are full of strength and
beauty. Compared with Xiao Yan's disordered breathing and pace,
he is more than comfortable.
"Listen, the purpose of jogging is not to improve your speed, but
to exercise your lungs and breathing regulation, and to coordinate
your body muscles. What you have to do is stick to this hour, not

Hai Yin rarely said such a long time to him, Xiao Yan always
thought that Hai Yin's patience would never be placed on him.

"The answer is clear or not understood."

The steady tone made Xiao Yan feel very strict.

"Ming... understand!"

On the runway, Major Wenn opened his mouth. "Who is that guy?
Did the head teach him personally?"

"Ah... his name is called a stupid rookie! The guys in the delicate
researcher also make people look pleasing to the eye." Mark
raised his chin and patted Wenn’s shoulder and said, "Hey, don’t
bully. He! Teach him well!"

"...hes he shouldn't be Xiao Yan? Mark the virus s Xuelun i's


"Oh, yeah, he has performed several missions with our troops,

including the last mission." When he mentioned the mission,
Mark showed his expression of embarrassment.
"Well, I can live in that mission to show that he is not weak. I will
practice him well! Wait, are you a major or I am a major? When is
it your turn to have a lieutenant to order me?" I want to be angry.

"Hey!" Mark touched his head.

At first, Xiao Yan thought that it was a very easy thing to stick to
an hour. I didn't expect Xiao Yan to feel tired after a few minutes.
The seaside look beside him.

"Slow down and adjust your breathing."

Xiao Yan took a long breath and closed his eyes. He felt that the
heart rate that was out of control was slowly falling.


Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin with amazement. Is this guy

recognizing him?

Hai Yin’s side face is like a knife, “Keep the rhythm and

Xiao Yan returned to Kathy's side again. The guy's jogging

posture was a bit funny. He had given up completely, just slowed
down the runway.

"Run up, Kathy!" Xiao Yan patted the other's shoulder.

"I am running... I am running..."

After another ten minutes, Xiao Yan felt that his legs were so
heavy that it was difficult to lift.

"Xiao Yan, follow me."

Hai Yin side face, the beautiful facial features into Xiao Yan's
eyes, ten minutes of jogging for Hai Yin is simpler than drinking
a cup of tea, but can have the life of Xiao Yan.

"Tune your thighs, don't press all the weight on your calves, and
lift your knees."

Xiao Yan followed Hai Yin and continued to move forward in the
motion of his legs.

Several squatting researchers at the runway looked at Xiao Yan’s

figure and shook his hand. “This guy is really amazing... I’ve
been running for almost half an hour...”

Major Wenn patted his hand and motioned for them to get up. He
snorted. "It’s not this guy, but he knows that it takes a price to

The researchers swallowed and watched Xiao Yan's overdraft, but

he was running slowly like a puppet.

Time has gradually become difficult, and Xiao Yan never thought
that an hour was so long.
"Don't think about how tired your body is."

Xiao Yan opened his mouth and couldn't say anything other than

"Think about Lily."

Xiao Yan’s body was shocked. He didn’t think that Hai Yin would
mention Lily. How did he know Lily’s?

"In the pool at Base 2, you just want to see her."

Xiao Yan has a slight glimpse, even this sea worm knows that the
x virus has made him have a mind reading technique?

"Think about her body."

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth, and when he outlined Lily's

graceful body lines in his mind, the sudden influx was the
moment when Haiyan broke through the water and rushed to

The lips were hurt by the teeth, and the short moment of the Ming
Xiaoyan had forgotten, but now suddenly occupied his entire

"Since you really like that woman, you can enjoy it."

The cool voice of Hai Yin is accompanied by the breath of the

Xiao Yan wanted to force out the figure of Hai Yin in his mind,
but his fantasies spread in an uncontrolled direction.

He imagined that at the moment of the collision between the two

men, Hai Yin's palms buckled his back, pressed him to the warm
bottom of the water, kissed unrestrainedly, and the possession was
overwhelming. Everything about him was plundered by the other
side, and a powerful tongue attacked the city in his mouth, and
there was no resistance.

He is his, destined to be his only. No matter how you struggle,

everything can be changed like a fate.

"An hour!" Mark waved his hand on the runway.

Xiao Yan suddenly recovered his mind, took a breath, and

instantly got a pain in his lungs.

Just as he fell to the ground, Hai Yin took him.

His head was attached to the other's chest, and a steady heartbeat
whipped in his ear.

"Don't fall, your heart won't stand, follow me."

Xiao Yan's chin was weakly on the other's shoulder, and the sweat
from the hair on the forehead fell on Hai Yin's body.
He was almost embraced by Hai Yin... No... not a hug, Hai Yin
only supported him.

"I'm sorry...get it...stain you..." Xiao Yan was going to wipe the
sweat from the shoulder of Hai Yin with his hand, but found that
his hand was also sweat.

The other party did not hesitate to hold his elbow. "Follow me,
walk for five minutes."

At this time, the eyes of Hai Yin’s eyes hang down and the
softness passed away.

Wenn on the side of the runway slammed through Mark's arm and
slammed him toward him. "Hey! You see it! Colonel Burton is
holding him! You see no!"

"Just help it... How can the colonel hold anyone? Wenn, you are
quick! I am going to break... Broken..."

"Mark, you are going to say! Is the colonel planning to recruit that

"No! No!" Mark shook his head desperately.

"When I was fainted during training, the colonel slammed me and

let me get up right away!"
"Oh..." Mark cried out. "Would you like to ask Colonel Burton
why he is special to Xiao Yan..."

Wenn snorted and let Mark go. "Since it is the candidate of

Colonel Burton, I must train him to be an outstanding special

"Ah? Xiao Yan just wants to be a researcher and doesn't want to

be a special soldier!"

Xiao Yan's body is crumbling, especially when he stops running,

the heart seems to burst out of the chest. He didn't know how long
he had gone. When his heartbeat finally recovered, he realized
that Hai Yin had been holding his arm.

Hai Yin let go of him and looked at Major Wenn. "Everyone rests
for half an hour and continues to train."

"Yes, Colonel."

"Xiao Yan, who you thought about in your heart just now." The
flat-toned tone of voice slammed into Xiao Yan's heart in an

Taking a breath, Xiao Yan raised his eyes and looked at Hai Yin.
There was no fluctuation in the ice blue scorpion, but Xiao Yan
had a sense of strength that he was seen through.
He opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.

Hai Yin seems to have never expected his answer, turned and left.

Xiao Yan pressed **** his chest, and every breath was painful.

"Rookie! Rookie! What do you want!" Mark's face appeared in

front of Xiao Yan.

"Ah... no... nothing... a little tired, so go for it..."

Wenn continued his training.

He thought he was facing devil-style training, but it seemed to be

completely different from what he expected.

But this half-day training is not over yet, as Mark expected, Xiao
Yan spit.

He lowered his head and spit into the stomach and there was
nothing. Mark laughed and smirked Xiao Yan's back. "It doesn't
matter! Don't mind! I also spit on the first day of the special
mission force!"

Xiao Yan coughed, and he felt that his body had no ability to

At this time, Wenn had something in his hand in front of Xiao

Yan. "You spit it? Uncomfortable! I have a functional drink to
supplement the electrolyte! There is milk bread! You can eat it!"
Xiao Yan looked at Wenn in a stupid way, not knowing what the
major wanted to do.

"Eat! Eat!"

I don't know if it is an illusion. Xiao Yan looks at Wenn more like

a big dog who is shaking his tail and waiting to be praised by his

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Colonel, you
are too bad, verbally called Xiao Yan thinks about Lily, and
finally asks who he thinks, and makes it clear that Xiao Yan is not

Hai Yin: ...

Fat winter melon: Received system news, **** custom printing

began to increase the cost on February 17th, so I opened the
custom printing that can be opened! If you want to buy this batch,
you can buy it quickly. If there are orders that need to be
cancelled, there are two ways: First, leave a message below this
article! Second, I leave a message on my Weibo or private
message on my Weibo. Third, if I have not responded to the
above two methods, I will be the editor of the short print
supervisor! Now, in addition to updating this article, we are
stepping up the correction and intend to produce a perfect
Simplified Custom Print to commemorate my lost youth. 2k novel
reading network

Suddenly, the cold voice fell from the top of Xiao Yan’s head.

"If you can't afford it, stop here today." Hai Yin stood in a place
not far from near, as if it was an insurmountable gap between
Xiao Yan and him. Didn't he have left, when did he come back?

"I'm alright……"

Every researcher thought that such a long-distance running is a

bundle of physical training, but they are all wrong. When Wenn
took them to the front of the simulated rock wall, everyone lifted
their heads to reveal a stupid expression.

"Climbing is the most basic skill of all combat troops. I don't

expect you to climb up the cliffs with your equipment, but you
have to climb. The best way to exercise is to exercise
coordination and muscle toughness. The warm-up has just been
bundled. Now enter formal training."

Wenn’s voice just fell, all the researchers sighed with sorrow, and
when they wanted to protest, Wen’s palm covered the rock and
gently took a rock and instantly crushed it in the palm of his hand.
When the sand fell, all the researchers snorted.
As a result, a group of researchers were shackled in the air, Wenn
Hughes roared "No" - even a few researchers hanged in the air in
a climbing position, and the rest of them, no matter how Wenn
Correcting their posture is useless.

Xiao Yan hangs in the air, how can he not step on the right
position. Wenn is particularly strict with him.

"Xiao Yan! Are you not a technical soldier? Don't tell me that all
your research and mechanics have nothing to do with it!
Otherwise, how can you not even force it!"

Xiao Yan was flustered by him, and he really wanted to loose the
rope and drop it on his face.

Hai Yin climbed up the rock wall and easily came to Xiao Yan's
side. The most terrible thing was that he did not even tie the
ropes. The neat appearance, whenever the shoulders of the
extended arms are tight and the long legs are moving upwards, the
full-bodied and slender posture can not help but look long and

He clasped the protruding part of the rock wall with one hand,
and supported the left leg root of Xiao Yan with his left hand,
slowly rising until the palm of his hand was on the inside of the
knee of Xiao Yan. His side face was almost attached to Xiao Yan.
On the back, such a close contact, Xiao Yan can even feel the
breath of the other side.

Just like touching, Xiao Yan clearly remembers the strength of

Hai Yin’s palm.

At the moment of his distraction, Hai Yin clasped his shoulder

and held him in his arms.

"Don't be afraid to fall." This is an order, short but full of



But Xiao Yan felt that some part of his body had already fallen.
This is not the first time he has been taken by Hai Yin. Every time
he is not a quick fall, he is carrying out a crisis. This training
finally gives him the opportunity to look at Hai Yin closely.

How beautiful his facial features are, Xiao Xiaoyan thought that
he had already been very clear, but at this moment he could not
recover his sight.

Wenn of the rock wall looked up at all the expressions that were
extremely confused.

"Hey! Mark! If you keep looking at your head, what will

Mark 无 boringly painted the circle on the ground and replied
without raising his head: "The head will cut my head."

"Why is Xiao Yan still alive?" Wenn's eyes burst into tears. Other
researchers hanging in midair thought that the instructors were
reprimanding them for not being lazy, so they worked hard.

What Wenn didn't say is that he had never seen Colonel Burton
look at a person with that look, even close to someone, almost to

Researchers hanging in midair curiously looked at everything in

front of them. The rumored Colonel Burton, who was indifferent
from communicating with people, was just 120,000 points
patiently guiding a researcher how to climb rock?

"At this time, relying on the strength of the thighs and knees, it is
futile to use the calf again."

Hai Yin’s arm bypassed Xiao Yan’s cockroach, and the side of the
side slightly indicated Xiao Yan’s hand. If the average researcher
must not dare to give the weight of the body to the other party, but
this is not the first time Xiao Yan was caught by Hai Yin's arm.

In the nervous mood of everyone, Xiao Yan did not fear to loosen
the rock and trusted.

"Put your hand on my lap and feel a muscular way."

Wenn, looking up at the head, almost came across this sentence.
"Ma... Mark... You can't hear..."

“What do you hear?” Mark frowned, feeling that Wenn had been
making a fuss.

"Do you let Xiao Yan touch his thigh?"

"...what is the thigh! It is clear how to let the rookie feel the

When Xiao Yan heard the sentence, he was also surprised. He felt
that all the exhaustion was peeling off in an instant. When he
swallowed water and touched Hai Yin's gaze, he determined that
it was an order. Xiao Yan quickly put the palm of his hand on the
legs of Hai Yin. When the sea force is pushing upwards, Xiao Yan
can feel how the whole leg muscles are tightened, and the power
bursts in an instant. This feeling is wonderful, a simple action.
Xiao Yan once again felt the power of this man.

Hai Yin let go of Xiao Yan and instructed him to step on the point
of force and fit the rock wall. Xiao Yan's consciousness mimicked
the movement of Hai Yin, and in his mind he recalled the way of
applying the force of the sea. The body naturally followed the
movement and climbed step by step.
"Pay attention to your center of gravity." Hai Yin's palms
stretched out and pressed on Xiao Yan's back.

Xiao Yan takes a breath, adjusts his center of gravity, and his
movements are gradually more coordinated.

After two or three round trips, Xiao Yan does not need any
language guidance from Hai Yin. Although his movements are
not skilled, he can slowly climb from the bottom to a position of
ten meters high until the body's strength cannot be loaded. When
he fell, he followed his sea and held his back. Xiao Yan’s heart
jumped and he looked down at Hai Yin’s look.

"carry on."

At that moment, Xiao Yan finally understood what Hai Yin said,
"Don't be afraid to fall."

When an entire morning training beam, Xiao Yan felt that he

could fall asleep on the ground. He leaned against the rock wall
and was sore, and even his head stopped thinking, just wanting to
sleep long.

Someone picked him up from the ground.

"Don't bother me... let me sleep..."

Xiao Yan thought that Mark had come to laugh at himself again.
He waved his arm and his wrist was caught by the other party. He
fell into someone's arms.

"Have lunch and sleep again."

Not Mark!

Xiao Yan opened his eyes and found that it was a sea cockroach.
He suddenly had a tight muscle, and even if he was shaking, he
would stand up straight.


Hai Yin’s footsteps are very slow. They have already had lunch
time when they came to the restaurant. Only Hai Yin and Xiao
Yan sat at the table.

Xiao Yan held his head down and drowsy.

"Open your mouth."

Xiao Yan’s consciousness opened his lips. Something was stuffed

into his mouth. The fragrant smell of food spread on the tip of his
tongue. Xiao Yan’s belly snorted.

He opened his eyes slightly, only to find that Hai Yin was holding
his fork and feeding him.
Surprised, Xiao Yan almost knocked the plate and fell off the

At this point, Hai Yin's fork stretched to his lips, a piece of neatly
cut veal.

"You need to add protein."


Xiao Yan opened his mouth and carefully contained the piece of
beef. Hai Yin slowly pulled the fork back. The friction between
the lips and the fork caused Xiao Yan to speed up his heartbeat.
He looked at Hai Yin and bowed his head, gracefully cutting
another piece of beef. , sent to his lips again.

"I... I can eat it myself..."

If someone else sees Haiyin Burton feeding himself, there must

be a lot of people who will be scared to death!

"Can you hold the fork?"

Xiao Yan tried to lift the fork and found that his fingers were

It is because of climbing training.

When Hai Yin sent the food to his lips again, what he thought of
in his mind was the scene of climbing training, Hai Yin’s
patience, Hai Yin’s palm... No... Now is not the time to think
about it...

Xiao Yan finally ate the steak and drank a whole cup of milk. He
walked faintly on the way back to the room, half-squinting to
follow Hai Yin's heel.

When he returned to his room, he couldn't help but fall into the

He knew that someone in his ear was gently calling his name,
deep and sweet, accompanied by a warm atmosphere. He
consciously reached out and hugged each other. He could feel that
the other person did not refuse to fall on him. The soft hair passed
over his cheek, and Xiao Yan heard his own lazy whisper. After a
while, the other party removed his arm, and the emptiness came
to make Xiao Yan enchanted, but he was too tired.

Between the blurs, he knew that someone had faded his combat
uniforms, picked him up and sent it into the warm waters. The
hands gently brushed his skin, kneading his nervous muscles, and
he was so comfortable that Xiao Yan didn't want to wake up.

When he sighed with a sigh, he knew that someone had kissed his
cheek, cautiously kissed his lips, licking it over and over again,
and the tip of his tongue licked the depression of his lips many
times, the feeling When the heart is swaying, but it is very
comfortable, when Xiao Yan tries to kiss the other side, the other
party does not hesitate to avoid it, kissing him, his tongue
screaming unscrupulously, all the way to the kiss, there is a
tendency Crazy trend, his throat is sucked hard, his skin is numb,
and the blood seems to ooze out. Xiao Yan didn't go too far, and
reached out and tried to open the other side. The other's kiss fell
on his palm, and the kiss was harder. The unique touch and
warmth of the tip of the tongue made Xiao Yan unexpectedly
enjoy. He did not struggle. Let the other person kiss his fingertips
with his fingertips and gently bite his wrist...

This feeling, he has been sleeping from noon to the morning of

the next day, if it is not an alarm clock, Xiao Yan does not doubt
that he will not sleep.

The body is sore, which is the sequela of the sudden increase in

the amount of exercise without exercising. No matter how
advanced human technology is, it cannot change this.

Xiao Yan slammed the bed and looked down when he came
down. He realized that he didn't know when to put on a clean
pajamas. I vaguely remembered that Haiyin Burton had been
taking care of him in the restaurant. Isn’t the pajamas help him?
Xiao Yan pulled the corner of his lips. "You want to die, Xiao
Yan! You are not bad if you are not dead!"

On the training day of the day, Xiao Yan was tired and wanted to
die, and Kathy... Forget it, this guy has already died, or was
turned back to the room. When Xiao Yan walked out of the
training room, someone smiled and walked toward him.

"Oh - not bad! I heard that you are the most persevering of all

"Maa..." Xiao Yan raised his hand in a weak manner.

"Go! Go eat! Eat me, this major is personally giving you a press |
How about a motorcycle?"

Maya’s words made Xiao Yan feel that he heard the voice from
God. There are things like muscle presses, but they can't leave the
special mission force headquarters, and what the special task
force doesn't need most is what muscles press. Xiao Yan's sore
muscles made him pour into the bathtub and didn't even have the
strength to stand up. That hurts, it is more life-threatening than

Have to admit, Maya's massage | technology is too high-end, open

a **** massage | instrument hundreds of times. At this time, Xiao
Yan was lying on the sofa. Maya relaxed the thigh muscles for
Xiaoyan through the bath towel, while Xiao Yan squinted and
gave a very comfortable voice.

"Hey... can you please don't make a noise?" Maya deliberately

squeezed it, and Xiao Yan called out.

"Oh my mom! It hurts! Why can't you speak out... I have been so
hard for so many days!"

"It's very good! Are you inviting me to you?"

"Okay, come on!" Xiao Yan broke his can and broke his legs, but
his posture was not tempting.

Maya shook her head in silence and whispered: "If you are heard
by the colonel, you don't know if you are dead or me..."


"Nothing! You continue to yell!"

Just as Xiao Yan was about to fall asleep, Maya asked again:
"Recently... Have you created those illusions?"

"...should not be..." Xiao Yan thought for a moment. He suddenly

remembered that he was taken into the bathtub, as if he had been
kissed, but he was not sure if it was a dream or a dream.

"Oh... also, it is estimated that you can sleep on the bed."

"... Don't worry... If there are those illusions... I will go to the
doctor..." Xiao Yan said, completely fainting.

Maya sighed helplessly and whispered, "It's a hopeless fool."

After two weeks, Xiao Yan had to be pleasantly surprised to find

that his body was gone, and he could even see a few muscles on
his arm. His physical condition has improved significantly.

In the third week of climbing training, Xiao Yan has been able to
climb the cliff very gracefully. Although according to Mark, this
is insignificant for all special forces, but his heart still has a small
sense of accomplishment.

"Okay! Everyone rests for ten minutes!" Wenn patted his hands,
and the other researchers were relieved. Only Casey was crying
and hanging in the air.

This guy's physical training has not improved much, even more
clumsy than a forty-year-old researcher.

"Even if it is a genius, there are weaknesses!" Xiao Yan stood on

the ground and looked up at Casey, whose tears were coming.

"You don't like Xiao Yan! Get me out!"

"What?" Xiao Yan licked his ears.

"I said you are getting me!" Kathy's face was red, and I don't want
to mention how cute it is in Xiao Yan's eyes. Genius also has no
time to do it!

"Baby, you are waiting, I will get you!"

Xiao Yan deliberately frivolously smiled and climbed up.

Wenn and Mark whistle whistling in the face.

Xiao Yanli climbed to the position of Casey. I don’t know how

this guy got it. The rope was twisted by him. Xiao Yan patiently
smashed Kathy’s leg and dragged his foot on the most suitable.
Position, step by step back to the ground.

Wenn blinked hard and looked at it. Mark curiously took his head.

"What are you looking at?"

"I suddenly felt that Xiao Yan's back was particularly sexy, and I
really wanted to tear open the combat suit that stretched on him."
Wenn said seriously.

Mark’s saliva almost didn’t spurt out, “What nerves are you

"I rushed into his body, listened to his shouts, and then he couldn't
shoot it..." Wenn said with great enthusiasm.

Mark didn't want to listen directly to his ears.

The two felt a shadow on their heads, and when they turned back,
they saw the eyes of the sea with chills.



Mark was photographed by Wen En and almost fell to the ground.

Xiao Yan, who touched the toes on the ground, turned around and
saw Haiyin Burton in military uniform.

The sturdy military uniform covers his delicate and elegant

muscles, which makes him more slender and straightforward.

Kathy has sat down on the floor and gasped.

"Take off the rope and climb up." Hai Yin looked at Xiao Yanda's

All the researchers who were resting were looking at them with
incredible gaze.

Caesar, tired and exhausted, stood up and his face looked serious.
"Coloton Burton, what did you say?"

"The order is never the second time."

Hai Yin’s eyes fell on Xiao Yan’s body.

Wenn and Mark are a look of "this is a big deal."

Xiao Yan took a breath, and he understood that when an
emergency needs to be climbed and evacuated, it is impossible for
them to be equipped with ropes, not to mention the mentality of
knowing that they will fall apart. Xiao Yanli took off the rope on
his body and looked up at the simulated cliff nearly 20 meters
high. He planned the footing in his heart.

Just as he was about to climb up, Casey caught him.

"You don't need to meet all the requirements of a special mission


"This is not a requirement of a special mission force. It is

something I should try to do."

"You will fall! You are not a special soldier without their healing
ability!" Casey anxious.

"I won't fall."

Xiao Yan patted his shoulder and looked up at the top of the cliff.

When practicing, I knew that there was a rope, and Xiao Yan was
not afraid of falling. But reality is a place where danger is born,
and fear is the most real training.

Step by step, Xiao Yan climbed up.

Follow him, and Hai Yin's eyes.

It is an invisible force that supports Xiao Yan's back. No matter
how thrilling the moment, Xiao Yan always walks steadily, and
every moment is farther than the previous moment.

"This is a small job, and the heart is very stable." Wenn looked up
and touched the bar. When he looked at the side of Hai Yin, he
couldn't help but live.

Like a silent watchman, he used his eyes to send Xiao Yan to an

unparalleled height, silently guarding the land.

Xiao Yan has climbed to half the height, his feet are awkward,
everyone exclaimed, and Casey has closed his eyes.

At that moment, Wenn saw a different mood in Hai Yin's eyes.

His footsteps moved, his arms wide open, and he was ready to
catch the falling figure with the most peaceful embrace.

But Xiao Yan stood still and everyone exhaled.

Kathy’s disgusting sighs to Hai Yin, gnashing his teeth and said:
“Don’t think that you are the colonel, everything we say, we must
obey! If Xiao Yan has something, I will submit a report to the
Military Discipline!”

“Why are you all afraid to stop him from going where he wants
and can go?”
For a long time, Hai Yin opened.

Kathy groaned and looked up to find that Xiao Yan had climbed
to the top. He looked down and showed a very satisfying smile.

A group of researchers began to applaud, and even Wenn and

Mark were applauding.

"Xiao Yan! Come slowly when you come!"

Major Wenn and Mark are closely watching Xiao Yan, ready to
catch him.

At this moment, Xiao Yan won more than just applause and

"Haha! I did it! I really did it!" Xiao Yan came to the front of Hai
Yin, the star in the eye.

"Yeah." Hai Yin nodded slightly, as if something was cracked in

the air, and the inexplicable vines stretched between the gaps,
quietly blooming, burning Xiaoyan's vision.

Because of the training, Xiao Yan was not as exhausted as he used

to be. Once he was at night, he was as bored as being imprisoned.
All the researchers were protected in the headquarters of the
special mission unit. There was no bar, no theater, and even the
terminal could not log in to the online game. Xiao Yan was bored
and was about to grow long. Just as Xiao Yan felt that he had a
tendency to depression, Major Gordon actually moved three
research labs from the Academy to the headquarters of the Special
Task Force!

When Xiao Yan led the secret officer to come to this same
laboratory, the bus could not be met.

The secret officer’s image of the interest rate conveys the order of
Major General Gordon.

"Xiao Yan, let you train only in the special task force all day, your
head will rust? So I applied to the Central Academy of Sciences,
moved your research room here, we are looking forward to when
you can Here is your research."

The call is bundled.

Xiao Yan finally understood his situation. The name is 曰

regulatory protection, in fact, he is under house arrest here into
so-called research. His research must not fall on the tide, his brain
is also.

Smiling with a squint, he did produce some research cravings


He wants to continue his own research.

Xiao Yan has long felt bored compared to the previous day except
for training. It is time to go to the activity head!

Entering the terminal, Xiao Yan called up his previous research

data, perhaps because of the relationship between the research and
the time. When he started thinking again, he could analyze the
existing data from an angle that he had never cut before. Excited
by this new idea. He didn't know how long he had stayed in the
system until his eyes were about to open, and he realized that he
was tired and needed rest.

Opening the door of the research room, the original two special
forces guarding the door were not there, and the empty and quiet
passage made Xiao Yan feel fear.

What happened?

Xiao Yan’s consciousness was guarded.

At that moment, a figure flashed, Xiao Yan did not want him to
press the alarm device on the contact, the other finger slammed
his arm and pressed him to the wall.

The author has something to say: Wenn: What to do, I am only

joking, I was heard by the head...

Mark: You killed me! I still want to hear what you have, if Liv
heard what I did!
Maya: Haha, you are not without me, I am trying to pinch the
little rookie, the colonel will not take me how to do it.

"The warning is weak and the mobility is slow. If I am a member

of the tide organization, you have lost your brain."

The icy hypothesis, the oppressive rhetoric, will not have a

second person except Hein Burton.

Xiao Yan’s arm was pressed behind him and accidentally he did
not feel pain except for the movement.

Hai Yin slowly loosened his arm, his palm slowly turned down
and buckled his wrist and pressed it to his ear. His chest was
almost pressed against Xiao Yan's back, warm body temperature
came, Hai Yin's The illusion of the face generally glides over
Xiao Yan's auricle, and the breath sweeps through his side neck
from time to time. All this is simply torture.

"The next time, you should confirm that everything is safe after
monitoring. Come out. Do you understand or don't understand?"

"Ming... understand!"

Hai Yin’s voice lingered in Xiao Yan’s ear. He subconsciously

shrugged his shoulders, and Hai Yin finally let him go.

"Let's go, you should go back to rest."

Why is Hai Yin Burton behind him?

Xiao Yan can't understand it.

Hai Yin first entered the room of Xiao Yan and confirmed that
everything was safe before leaving the door. It seems that the
safety of Xiao Yan is very important.

"Coloton Burton..."

When Xiao Yan looked at the back of Hai Yin, the moment of
nervous relaxation, he subconsciously wanted to grasp something,
but when he shouted at Hai Yin, he found himself ridiculous.

"what's up."

"I... my research needs a blood sample. Can you let me collect 5

ml of blood?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan put down the feeling of confrontation

with the colonel, but made a request to the other person as a
researcher, although he can also help Mark or Lifu.


Xiao Yan groaned, and after the other party left, his lips twitched
involuntarily and fell on the bed, revealing a big smile.

The blood of Heyin Burton, even Kathy has not received! It is

said that it is the perfect match of virus content and human body
function! At the thought of this, Xiao Yan started to roll on the

But from the training of the next morning, Xiao Yan did not see
Hai Yin again. Because Hai Yin is not there, Wen En and Mark
have slacked off their training, and Casey also took the
opportunity to steal.

Wenn and Mark sat down to the side and chatted dignifiedly. Xiao
Yan completed an hour of jogging and came to them to kneel
down. Mark took him over and licked his head. "Rookie, What
are you going to do?"

"Why didn't you see Colonel Burton today?"

"The head is out of the task."

Probably because of the reason why Hai Yin personally directed

Xiao Yan, Wen En was very fond of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan showed a disappointing look. Mark immediately

whistled. "From the very beginning, I felt that you were interested
in the head. I also deliberately kissed the mouth in the nuclear
power plant! Nothing, I went to the head of my head! You Like
the head right!"

"Ah--it was like this!" Wenn’s expression of ignorance did not

know whether it was true or not with Mark’s joke. “The head is
clean! Every time I go out of the task, only his body is spotless!
Xiao Yan, you are really special, the head is actually Let you kiss

Xiao Yan stunned Mark and said, "You have the same thing
before you come to Colonel Burton!"

Just as Xiao Yan was ready to stand up, Mark grabbed Xiao Yan’s
wrist and hesitated for a while, but he still said the words in his
throat. “Oh... our special mission forces are not omnipotent. So
you have to learn to protect yourself as soon as possible!"

Picking up his eyes, Xiao Yan realized that Mark’s words were
definitely related to Hai Yin’s mission. “Hey! What happened?”

Mark looked at Wenn and Wenn nodded. "It’s nothing to say to

him. He was originally a researcher. Maybe the sample brought
back by the head will still be handed over to him for research."

"Well, you know that Jane Wallis's troops have left Charles to
perform a mission. We have a very important transit platform that
was occupied by the tide organization, and Lieutenant Colonel
Wallis is going to retake the platform. It was originally a There is
no difficult task, but Lieutenant Colonel Wallis has paid a great
price for regaining the platform. The tide organization has
developed a potion that reacts with the x virus once it enters the
special forces' blood. It affects the oxygen function of cells and
causes suffocation to cause death. The x virus, which was
originally used to enhance physical fitness and improve healing
ability, has become the killer of special forces suffocation.
Lieutenant Colonel Wallis will be stationed on that platform for a
while, and Colonel Burton Just bring back the sample of that

Xiao Yan was shocked. "So, will Colonel Burton be in danger?"

Wenn and Mark smiled together. "There is nothing in this world

that can kill Haiyin Burton, except for the x virus in his body."

Xiao Yan bowed his head and meditated. Mark’s head came over.
“Hey! What are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking, maybe the influx of organizations from the

labeling virus ‘Snowon i’, made this kind of biochemical weapon
for special forces, which is about genetic markers.”

"What it is?"

“I have thought about why zombies attack humans but not their
own, because the comet viruses that infect them have a unique
genetic signature for identification.”

"I don't understand." Mark scratched his head, but Wenn showed
a very interesting expression.
"For example, both Mark and Wenn have a Caucasian lineage
characterized by blue eyes, which is determined by your genes.
And I am the Asian-American lineage of dark-skinned brown
eyes, and the genes that express this characteristic are absolutely
You are different. When Mark decides to attack an enemy other
than his own race, he will use blue eyes as a marker to eliminate
it, then Major Wenn will not be attacked, and I will be attacked
without the blue eye gene. The same comet virus has a short
paragraph. The gene that encodes complex but does not exist, this
is the 'blue eyes' of the comet virus."

Mark nodded. He understood the blue eye problem, but did not
understand the meaning of the genetic marker. Instead, Wenn
nodded frequently, and a very interesting look urged Xiao Yan to

Xiao Yan sighed, and sure enough, his IQ level was smoother
with Major Wenn.

"X virus can improve the mobility of special forces, it also means
that once the virus enters the target cell, it combines with your
gene to increase the protein content of mitochondria, accelerate
your cell metabolism rate, and also include oxygen supply. The
oxygen-building function must have some manifestation in the
gene chain of the x-virus. This gene chain is the blue eye of the

"Do you mean that the agent of the tidal tissue has attacked the
gene chain of the x virus?"

"Yes, if the gene chain is destroyed, it is like shielding the oxygen

function of the x virus. When the ability of all aspects of the
human body is rapidly increasing, the oxygen-producing ability
can be kept at an ordinary level, then the oxygen supply of the
whole body is insufficient!"

Wen En suddenly realized that he was full of admiration for Xiao

Yan's gaze.

Xiao Yan suddenly inflated his self-confidence. It is a very

unfortunate thing to be admired by a special soldier.

Mark scratched his head. "Although I didn't understand it, I think

Xiao Yan seems to be particularly powerful."

"This is nothing. I can think of something that Kathy can think

of." Xiao Yan smiled and looked at Casey.

Mark grinned and didn't believe it at all. "As far as his waste
wood is? I thought he was a little girl at first, and he was a man
for a long time!"
"The appearance can't determine the brain!"

At the end of the day's training, Xiao Yan returned to his

dormitory and was about to take a shower. He found a message in
the contact, signed by Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan, who had just drank a little bit of water, almost drowned
himself and quickly opened the information. There was only a
short sentence: what you want to stay in the study room.

"What do I want?"

Xiao Yan suddenly reacted that it was a blood sample of Hai Yin!

He slammed the door open and rushed out, and the two special
forces in front of the door silently followed. He came to the
laboratory to open the sample storage, and found a row of blood
samples, but not the five milliliters he requested, at least fifty
milliliters! This greatly exceeds Xiao Yan's imagination.

When Hai Yin left, he did not forget to agree to Xiao Yan, which
made Xiao Yan greatly change this cold guy.

In fact, this guy is not so close to show.

As long as he gets his approval, he can get his respect.

Xiao Yan took out the blood sample and began his research in
eagerness. Although she knew that she might not have access to
the drug samples brought back by Hai Yin, Xiao Yan was
interested in the oxygen-generating genes of x virus.

Xiao Yan, who is immersed in thinking, is immersed in the ocean

of data. He is not even satisfied with the processing power of a
single terminal. He starts the calculation and analysis of the other
two terminals in the research room.

But such a load is heavy for the brain, and Xiao Yan often falls
asleep without even exiting the terminal.

Time seems to be reversed, and back to that day he was pressed

by Hai Yin on the wall outside the study.

It’s just that everything is out of the original track.

Hai Yin passed Xiao Yan's chin, kissed his lips heavily, almost
violently kissing, and Xiao Yan's struggle seemed ridiculous and

A little bit of resistance is a more overwhelming encroachment.

Xiao Yan did not think that a person could kiss another person so

His clothes were pulled open, and the other party rushed into his
body, no matter how he yelled for mercy, he was forced to bear a
more ferocious possession than once.
Hai Yin’s invasion was so cold that he was even cold, and he even
asked Xiao Yan’s petition, forcing him to lift his left leg so that
every collision could reach the deepest.

Xiao Yan's tears spread all over the place, no matter how crying,
no response from the entire passage, it seems to have completely
become the space that Hai Yin constructed to invade him.

"Ha--" Xiao Yan opened his eyes and gasped, reaching out to
wipe the sweat from the forehead. "My God..."

It’s such a dream...

He then disconnected from the terminal, took off his helmet and
looked at his trembling fingertips.

Xiao Yan, what happened to you? That is Haiyin Burton!

Sucking his mouth, Xiao Yan lowered his head and saw that his
pants were wet...

God, my dreams are still cool? Do not all psychologists say that
dreams reflect the deep desires of a person? I always dream of
being invaded by Hai Yin. Is it not just a dream, but because I am
eager for Hai Yin Burton?

Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, you... you shouldn’t be shaking m? This is

really a tragedy!
It must be because it has been locked in this place for too long!

... or is it because you have not got used to the time when he
didn't look at you?

When he got up, he couldn't help but think of the warning from
Hai Yin, and he must confirm the safety whenever he left the
laboratory. He called out the surveillance and looked at the
passage outside the study. When he saw the two special forces
standing guarded at the door, they could not help but breathe out.

In the following days, Xiao Yan compared the blood samples of

Hai Yin with Mark and Li Fu, and found that the activity of x
virus in Haiyan blood samples was more than double that of
others. The activity of x virus is positively related to the explosive
speed and healing ability, but at the same time such activity will
quickly consume the body of the sea. When one day x virus runs
out of everything, it will be his fate. The end. With such high viral
activity, Xiao Yan could not help but worry that the day might
come suddenly.

Gradually, Xiao Yan’s head slammed to the side, and the moment
he was about to fall asleep, the system showed off the terminal
and the terminal was taken down.

Xiao Yan suddenly woke up, "Who!"

He opened his eyes and realized that it was Hai Yin in front of

This is the first time that Hai Yin kneels in front of him and looks
at him.

Xiao Yan’s thinking seemed to fall from a height of tens of

thousands of feet, and Hai Yan’s ice-blue elegant eyes captured
him instantly.

"You... you are back..."

"Yeah." Haiyin's fingers swept through Xiao Yan's black hair and
stayed at the tip of his hair for a short moment. He had a
fascination of near nostalgia. He slowly got up and "goed back to

In an imperative tone, Xiao Yan did not feel the oppression of the

"Yes, Colonel."

Xiao Yan did not think that Hai Yin would return to Shire so

This time, Hai Yin followed Xiao Yan into the room and watched
him lie down in bed before turning away.
"Colonel, did you really bring back the kind of potion that can
make the special forces suffocate?"

Xiao Yan reached out and tried to hold on to each other, but still
resisted such an impulse.

"Yes." Hai Yin unexpectedly returned to Xiao Yan's bed and sat
down slowly. Xiao Yan was nervous.

"Nothing... I am just..."

"You feel curious, want to study..." Hai Yin is still simple and

"Yeah, but even if you want to study it, give it to Casey."

Xiao Yan knows that although the Academy of Sciences has

specially assigned a research room to him, he is only an ordinary
researcher, and Kathy is not at a level.

"The remains of the special forces who lost their lives because of
this potion will be delivered to Charles in three days."

Sure enough, special forces have lost their lives.

Xiao Yan understands the meaning of Haiyan, and the blood

samples of the remains can also analyze the composition of the
Although Hai Yin told him this, he was afraid that there would be
no chance to study blood samples.

"good night."

Hai Yin's fingers gently passed Xiao Yan's forehead, and Xiao
Yan's black hair slipped through the fingers of Hai Yin.

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, his thoughts seemed to

be condensed, and the subconsciously wanted to keep the other’s
“good night” forever.

He got up and didn't have a trace of nostalgia when he left. When

everything was quiet, Xiao Yan had a near-collapse. He wants to
come out, Colonel, you are as disdainful as ever, contact me,
stepping on my shoulders, breaking my bones... These injuries
can be recovered after all.

But when I have a hope for you that should not be, this is the real

Is it really time for me to go on the road of shaking m?

Three days later, Maya and two special forces escorted a constant
temperature sample box to Xiaoyan's research room.

"Hey! Baby! Have you thought about me?" Maya blinked and
was still not very serious, pushing the sample box to Xiao Yan.
"This... what is this?"

"I just ordered to send this box to you. As for what is inside, I am
not responsible for it." Maya finished her hair and leaned in front
of Xiao Yan. "How do you feel that my hair is especially Gloss?
New care technology!"

Xiao Yan is like nothing. If the sample box is assigned to himself,

the box can automatically identify his biological information.

With a gentle touch of the finger, a row of blood samples in the

sample box is presented in front of him.

Xiao Yan groaned and looked at Maya and asked, "This is..."

"Because the tides organize the newly researched biochemical

weapons and kill the remains of the special forces. Don't waste...
For the sake of research, their bodies have almost pulled away all
the blood, just like the dead bodies." Maya took a breath and
bowed her head. Reluctantly smiled, "If the task is our team,
maybe you are studying my blood."

Xiao Yan’s fingers trembled a little, and the image of Xue Lu’s
fall in front of him suddenly poured into his mind. Xiao Yan said
hard and succinctly: “Those things can’t happen because I lose
my judgment.”
Maya patted on Xiao Yan's shoulder and smiled and said, "Well,
here is your field, I will not bother you!"

After that, Maya left the lab. Xiao Yan's fingers point through the
rows of blood samples, they are enough to do a lot of testing and
analysis, which makes Xiao Yan feel that he suddenly became a
researcher's upstart!

He couldn't wait to analyze the blood sample. He only ate half a

compressed biscuit for lunch. This was the first time he ignored
the taste of the biscuit. Even the most sleepy moment after lunch,
Xiao Yan was like being injected with stimulants. Stop thinking.

However, when Hai Yin stood in front of him with his arms, Xiao
Yan still felt the coolness of the forest.


Hai Yin does not need to say anything, Xiao Yan has begun to
blame. There is physical training tomorrow, he should guarantee
adequate sleep. Hai Yin's slender fingers were lightly pressed, the
holographic screen in the entire study room was closed, and Xiao
Yan was forced to leave the terminal.

"go to bed."

"...Yes, Colonel."
Xiao Yan lowered his head and silently followed Hai Yin's back.
The other's back was still far away but inexplicably close.

The eyes of Xiao Yan’s face were uncontrollably replayed in their

minds. Xiao Yan’s face was hot.

This is really the rhythm of death! Colonel, please don't show up


Daddy, the person in front stopped the pace, Xiao Yan’s nose
almost hit the other side, Hai Yin looked at him, his eyebrows
slightly provoked, “What’s wrong.”

"No...nothing..." Xiao Yan quickly followed up and opened the

door and fell to sleep.

Physical training is coming to an end and their final assessment is

coming soon. All the trained researchers were uneasy, especially
Casey, and the whole person was crying.

"What if I don't pass the physical assessment? So I can't train

fighting skills! Fighting training only takes half a day, and the rest
of the day can continue my research project! If I have been spent
on physical training, I will dead!"

Xiao Yan accompanied Kathy on the runway and didn't know

how to comfort him.
"You said that when you grabbed me, the strength was so great, I
thought you were very good!"

"Now you are proud!" Kathy glanced at Xiao Yan, and it looked
so cute. It was exactly the same as the seriousness of Xiao Yan's
research project, which made Xiao Yan unable to pinch his cheek.

Kathy and Xiao Yan are different. They basically went back to the
room to sleep at the end of the three months, and Xiao Yan
adapted to the evening after training and even took time to
continue his research.

"Do you know that Jane Wallis's troops were attacked by the tidal
organization, and some special forces suffocated and died. Maybe
the military will suspend the training of our researchers' shit, and
quickly invest in research to find the answer is the right way! So
we can get from the bitter sea Freed!"

Xiao Yan stunned, Kathy should mean that he did not get a
sample of research? But why did you get it? If it is a
confidentiality study, Xiao Yan knows that she is not qualified

When he looked at him, it was the sea that was standing in the
distance and listening to Wen’s training.
This guy's eyes are too deep, so that Xiao Yan can't speculate on
the emotions of the other party.

"Head, the sergeant of the torture unit sent a liaison officer to

come to you... I said that you have not gone to him for evaluation
all year round." Wenn finished this sentence, holding his breath
and waiting for Hai Yin. Reaction.

"Yeah." Hai Yin looked at the information that Wenn sent to his
contact, and did not mean to put Wenn's words in his heart.

Wenn swallowed, closed his eyes and prepared a heroic

expression. He said, "The generals hope that... you will not go to
him again... he will submit an assessment report that you are not
suitable for the battle. ..."

"Yeah." Hai Yin closed the contact, and the moment he looked at
Wenn, Wenn had the illusion that his bones were crushed and

When Xiao Yan’s gaze returned to the direction of Hai Yin’s

conversation with Wen’en, only Wen’s pair finally saw a single
sigh of relief and stood alone, and Hai Yin had turned and left.

Half an hour later, in a quiet and spacious room, a man in a

military uniform was sitting at his desk and was drinking a cup of
coffee. When a blond man with a cold expression came to him,
the generals gently put down the coffee cup and said hello to him
very well.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Colonel Burton. I almost
handed in your assessment report."

"You didn't write a report at all, and hoped that Major General."
Hai Yin stood in front of the other side, and the cold eyes were
indifferent, and the hopeful general in front of him frowned.

The author has something to say: Major General: I want to expose

your secrets.

Hai Yin: What secret

Major General: You like a rookie researcher!

Hai Yin: ...

Maya, Liv & Winn: This is a secret that everyone does not say. 2k
novel reading network

"I just 'inquire' about you, not brain torture, I know what you are
fighting against other people entering your brain, but I also have
my responsibilities. Even if you live in the devil, I must It talks."

"Even if it is killed by it." Hai Yin's tone is always dull.

"Yes, even if it is killed by it."

"Then you try to come in and see." Hai Yin ordered his own

Hope shook his head and smiled helplessly. "No one can enter the
troposphere of your brain. Even if you are deeply hypnotized,
your brain still maintains a very high degree of alert."

"Since you can't get into my brain, you can't do 'inquiry'. I don't
come or not, it doesn't make any sense."

"So we communicate in the most primitive way, Colonel Burton.

One question and one answer. If I ask questions you don't want to
answer, you can keep silent."

"I don't necessarily tell you the real answer."

"You will, because you don't bother to lie." Major General's

fingertips gently massaged the forehead, and the gaze was deep.
"The first question, do you send to General Walden and Jane
Wallis to perform?" The task is questioned."


I hope to look at Hai Yin’s eyes and observe Hai Yin’s expression
very carefully. “Between the comrades and the mission, do you
choose the safety of your comrades to complete the task at all
"There is no task that can reach me to the point of not paying all
the price."

This sentence is conceited for other special forces, but there is no

room for rebuttal from the mouth of Haiyin Burton.

"Today, are you still fearless?" Greek hoped, but he thought that
Haiy’s answer would be the same.

In the past, the other party was silent and did not speak.

There was no expression on the face of this man, but hope had a
strong sense of foreboding.

"Colonel, tell me the answer."

"Hello, you said, I can keep silent."

"No one can enter your brain, so what you don't want to say will
always be a secret. But are you sure you know how to fear in your

When Hai Yin looked at Major General Xi Jin, and for more than
an hour of silence until he felt tired, the man in front of him
finally spoke.

"When I saw him lying in a pool of blood with almost no

breathing and heartbeat, I thought I would die."

I hope to blink, "He?"

"From that day on, if he didn't stay where I could see, I would
start to fear."

Hope hopes to frown. He knows that what he hears is nothing for

ordinary people, but from the mouth of Haiyin Burton, it
completely subverts the understanding of this man. He can use the
extremely calm and innocent tone to say the most important and
even secret things in his heart.

"Colonel, do you clearly know the reason for your fear?"

"I fear losing him."

If other people are in front of Greece, they may feel embarrassed

or even silent about this issue, but Haiyin Burton has
straightforwardly said the answer.

"Colonel, no one is born strong. This fear will become your

weakness. But when a person does not hesitate to protect
everything, he will be stronger than ever."

With the action of Hai Yin standing up, Xi Yan raised his eyes
and the man’s pace came to the door and stopped.

"I think the conversation between us is over, Major General. You

asked me questions, and I gave you the answer."

"Yes, thank you very much for your cooperation."

When Hai Yin left the office, he hoped to drag out the military
file of Hai Yin from the holographic screen, hesitated for a long
time before the evaluation column, and finally selected
"qualified" and the file was closed.

The physical fitness test of the researchers was over. As a result,

Xiao Yan expected, he passed, and is about to enter the stage of
combat training. Only the Xiaoyan and two other researchers in
the researchers passed the physical test. Others include Casey.
The training time inside has been extended.

Although Casey repeatedly said that he "has spent the next year"
and submitted a report to the superior to terminate the training, it
is expected that the mainland has not been passed. The Central
Academy of Sciences has made up its mind to improve the
combat capabilities of researchers and it is impossible to give
anyone privileges.

Major General Gordon gave Xiao Yan a few days of vacation as a

reward. On this day they will be allowed to leave the dull building
under the protection of the Special Task Force Assignment
Commissioner and go out to relax. Although "outside" is still not
really outside for Xiao Yan, and he is following the special forces,
he can't keep up.
When I slept until noon, Xiao Yan slowly got up and put on the
casual shirts and jeans on weekdays. This three-month training
made him a lot stronger. Whether it was standing posture or
walking, the pace of laziness has faded. A little bit cool.

Going out of the door, I saw Mark, the big guy, blinking at Xiao
Yan. "Take me the blessing of this guy, I can also go outside the

"Mark! It's you!" Xiao Yan took off his horse and took a mark on
his shoulder.

"Want to go where?"

"Hey, if I remember correctly, it’s a baseball game between the

Mars League and the Blade Knights at two o'clock this afternoon.
Go together..."

"You don't think about the live game. There are too many people.
It is not convenient for me to protect you."

"Then I have to retreat to the next level, go to the Bermuda Bar to

watch the live broadcast, and drink beer! How about this?"

"Well, I am reviewing this resolution on behalf of Major General


Mark was amused by Xiao Yan.

The Bermuda Bar is famous in the summer of Charl because it is
comparable to the holographic display screen of the mall's
advertising screen, and it is really cool when playing the game in
real time. Today is not a day off, but when Xiao Yan and Mark
enter the bar, they still have a lot of voices.

Mark's hands were in his pockets and he looked around. Xiao Yan
knew that he was observing the environment.

"Mark, can you protect me alone?" Xiao Yan's head went to Mark
and said loudly in his ear.

"Kid! You look down on me! I am the elite in the special mission

"I am so honored! I sent an elite to protect me!" Xiao Yan


Mark grabbed his head. "I don't know what to say. Today, Wenn
said that the head must send the most trusted person to protect
you. I didn't expect to choose me. I thought it would be Liv."

"...Why are you the most trusted person?"

"Probably... Anyway, the head is very valued! You are not the
same as the weak chicken researchers!"
This answer makes Xiao Yan laugh, and Mark has a lovely side.
The weak chicken in his mouth is of course Kathy.

Five minutes before the start of the game, the big beer was pushed
by the bartender along the bar. Everyone was familiar with it. At
the beginning of the game, Xiao Yan’s full energy was occupied.

Mark held his head and seemed to be immersed in the atmosphere

of watching the game, but actually reported the situation to the
contact on the wrist.

After a home run, the whole bar cheered and some people sighed.
Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and he drank three big glasses of beer.

The beer in front of Mark did not move at all.

The game is finally over and everyone is talking about the details
of the game.

"Mark, I am going to the bathroom! Beer is too much!"

Mark couldn't help but say that he was behind Xiao Yan.

"I said Mark, can you not be so nervous, I feel that my situation is
very dangerous!" Xiao Yan reluctantly urinated.

"The responsibility is, in my opinion, it should not let you out of

the wind! There are too many people here!"
"You just twist my neck." Xiao Yan immediately made a crying

The compartment was pushed open and two teenagers walked out,
one of them looking in the direction of Xiao Yan.

Mark leaned sideways and blocked it in front of Xiao Yan.

"Hey, is this guy a bodyguard? Can you please be so nervous?

Too much scenery! Here is the bathroom!" One of the teenagers

"Please go out after you have finished your urine. We are not
being used to seeing the habit of urinating." Mark's face sank.

"Count you." Another teenager's palm pushed Mark, and the two

Mark's tight muscles were slightly relaxed.

"I said that they are two children, you don't have to be nervous at
this point."

Xiao Yan felt that Mark had made some fuss.

Just when Mark exhaled, Xiao Yan suddenly understood.

"In fact, it is not for us to let these researchers come out to relax,
but to use us as bait to see if there is a spy in the city of Charles,
Mark snorted and didn't speak.

Xiao Yan bit his teeth, Mom, the last time I almost played my life,
now come again?

He glanced at Mark's liaison and whispered his own guess. "In

fact, it's not just you who stare at me. Some of the guests who just
watched the baseball game have never looked at the game, but
looked around. What seems to be vigilant, plus their stature, I
guess they are also special mission troops."

Mark pulled his mouth and said, "You guys have a good

At this time, there was an exclamation on the other side of the

door, something happened!

"Don't go out first!" Mark raised his wrist and contacted the
special forces lurking in the bar, but he didn't get any response.
"Hey! There is a situation! I took Xiao Yan from the bathroom
and left the bar!"

After that, Mark turned around, but at that moment, he paused and
his face was a bit ugly.

"Mark! Mark, what's wrong with you!"

"I'm fine..." Mark tried to pick up Xiao Yan. Who knows that he
suddenly took off and sat down.


Xiao Yan was stunned. I saw Mark falling to the ground, his face
was blue, his hands were holding his throat, and his pupils were
gradually enlarged. These are the symptoms of suffocation.

An idea poured into Xiao Yan's mind. He checked where Mark

had been pushed by the boy. The special soldier's healing ability
was very strong. At this time, his body had no trace.

Xiao Yan immediately turned to Mark's contactor and saw the

name of Hai Yin. "Coloton Burton! Is it you?"

"Come in half a minute and protect yourself."

The contact was interrupted.

Mark's breathing is getting harder and harder, and his eyes are
slowly showing a desperate look.

"Mark! Hold on! You heard it, Colonel Burton is coming!"

Outside the window of the bathroom came the sound of the

engine flying at low altitude.
A figure stood in front of the hatch, the hair was dragged by the
wind of hunting, and the long leg and the cross steadily fell in
front of the window.

"Hai Yin..."

There was no expression on Hai Yin’s face. The special task force
had surrounded the bar. The three special forces among the bar
guests were hit by some sort of bullet and fell to the ground,
causing chaos in the bar. They had the same symptoms as Mark. .

Hai Yin came to Mark and took him to the shoulder and looked at
Xiao Yan. "Let's go!"

The next moment, Hai Yin's arm bypassed Xiao Yan, picked him
up and jumped out of the window sill.

He has not yet exclaimed, they have steadily landed in the cabin,
and the aircraft sailed to the military medical center.

The medical staff carried out an emergency ambulance on Mark,

and everything was too nervous to be true.

Outside the rescue room, Wenn and Lifu arrived.

"How is Mark's situation!"

"Is it the same as the attack on Jane Wallis's troops?"

"Yeah." Haien closed his eyes.

"Oh... God..." Wenn hugged his head.

This means that special mission forces are no longer invincible.

At the same time, the other three special forces who were sent to
the rescue room have all died of suffocation.

Wenn clenched his fist. "This group of bastards! They are still in
the Shire!"

Liv bit her lip and the fist clenched. "I can't stay here! The
investigation department has already sent up all the information in
the bar! There must be people in the tide! I am going to pick them
up." !"

Liv turned and walked away.

Hai Yin’s expression was cold, leaning against the wall and
squinting slightly.

The doctor responsible for the rescue of Mark came out and told
them that it is now possible to rely on medical instruments to
inject synthetic oxygen into Mark's blood. However, the inability
to supply oxygen to the body will deplete Mark's bodily
functions, and the final result is still death.
"How much time does he have! Let the researchers find ways to
save him! They don't feel that they train a lot every day! Spend
time on research!"

"The rest of his time will not exceed three hours. As time goes by,
his body can't absorb synthetic oxygen."

The doctor's words let Wenn slam on the wall.

Hai Yin’s contactor uploaded a newsletter from the Central

Academy of Sciences.

Wenn immediately stepped forward. "What do they say? Is it

already made to understand the poison?"


Hai Yin’s answer is desperate.

Wenn opened the message and he was lazy and laughed. He was
angry and said: "They are still studying how the toxins work on
the x virus! Xiao Yan knows this question!"

At that moment, Hai Yin raised his brow and looked at Xiao Yan.
"You already know?"

"That is my guess..."

Hai Yin stepped toward Xiao Yan step by step, and the heavy
pressure made Xiao Yan subconsciously retreat.
"What is your research?"

"I... synthesized a decomposing enzyme that breaks down that

toxin, but it doesn't work on the human body!"

Wenn groaned and looked at Xiao Yan with his eyes wide open.
"Which kind of decomposition enzyme is in your lab!"

"Yes... you shouldn't want to..."

"Mark has been less than three hours. We need to take risks."

Hai Yin passed Xiao Yan's wrist and took him to walk.

Xiao Yan stopped his footsteps. "Wait a minute."

Wenn was in a hurry. "Xiao Yan, I know what you are worried
about! Even if you synthesize the enzyme that can't save Mark, he
won't blame you!"

"I am a researcher, I have the courage to bear the consequences.

But there are still three hours, enough to do a lot of things! I need
Mark's current blood!"

Wenn stunned, and Hai Yin contacted the medical staff directly.
"How many blood samples do you need?"

"Five milliliters is enough."

Five minutes later, Xiao Yan rushed back to the lab with Mark's
blood. He entered the terminal and mobilized three main
computers in the study room. He knew he was racing against
time. The degrading enzyme has been synthesized and he needs to
use the appropriate carrying method to reach the target virus.

At this time, Major Gordon held his forehead and sat at his desk.
The secretary in front of him was also very low-faced.

"What happened? Are the guys at the Central Academy of

Sciences all waste? We have been handing the poison samples to
them for so many days, and they can't even synthesize an


"Let's Lieutenant Colonel?"

"He is now in the research."

"But anyway, the people we are lying in the hospital are too late...

Major General Gordon sighed heavily.

"Now there is only a small number of Marks left. The amount of

poison he has received is relatively small, but the hospital said
that the situation is not optimistic... Wait! The generals issued an
alarm and the terminal was connected at high speed!"

"Who is it? Is it because the tide organization wants to stop

Lieutenant Colonel Casey from conducting research?"

"No...not...the other party makes a terminal call request!"

"Who is it? Casey?"

" number 1665! It is Xiao Yan!"

"Isn't the three main computers in his research room not enough?"
Major General Gordon showed an impatient expression.

"That...the three main computers are now running at high speed!

Colonel Burton sent a message, I hope you will approve Xiao
Yan's application as soon as possible!"

"Hayin Burton?" Major General Gordon had to be surprised.

"Yes, Major General."


At this moment, Xiao Yan's thinking was extremely concentrated,

and the entire research room was drowned in the ever-flashing
data ocean.

According to Mark's blood sample, Xiao Yan synthesized a drug.

At the moment he left the terminal, he fell to the seat and fainted.

This is the deepest feeling he has slept from birth to sleep.

When he woke up, Xiao Yan found himself lying on the bed in
the room.

Slightly sideways, I saw Haiyin sitting on the chair by the bed.

"I... I fell asleep?"

Xiao Yan got up and the sleepiness had not completely dispersed.


Hai Yin’s hand reached over and padded his pillow.

"Mark? How is Mark?"

"He will come to see you in the afternoon."

"Mark, is he okay?" Xiao Yan exhaled.

"Yes, Mark is fine. The enzymes you just researched were sent to
the Central Academy of Sciences. They will use this enzyme to
make detoxification agents. Now every special soldier receives
the injection."

“Really the decomposition enzyme I researched?”

Hai Yin's fingers swept Xiao Yan's brow bone, gently massaged,
closed his eyes and felt the strength of his fingertips, Xiao Yan
relaxed and felt sleepy.



Hai Yin slowly lowered her head, and her face touched the gentle
angle and touched Xiao Yan's lips.

He closed his eyes and stayed as if he felt the temperature and

breath of Xiao Yan.

When he closed the door, he saw a serious face.

“The application for improving the security level of Xiaoyan has

been passed. Major General Gordon and the Central Academy of
Sciences mean that all confidentiality is maintained.”

"I am afraid that it is difficult to keep secret." Hai Yin's look is

cold and clear, "He will soon... will become the only target of the

Liv has been chasing the two teenagers that Xiao Yan met in the
bathroom of the bar. But these two people are like the evaporation
of humans.
When Liv and Mark talked about this in the channel, Xiao Yan
was on the way to receiving training in fighting skills.

"Hey! Xiao Yan!" Mark hugged Xiao Yan. "This day scared you
this kid! Look! I am still alive!"

This guy is still arrogant, Xiao Yan finally rest assured.

"The group of guys in the Central Academy of Sciences is not

completely useless! I heard that they developed poisons in three
hours! I suddenly admire them!"

"Central Academy of Sciences?" Xiao Yan paused, although he is

also a researcher at the Academy of Sciences, but...

Not far away, Wenn smiled and made a "beep" posture to Xiao

Xiao Yan suddenly came over. This is the way the military
protects him. The aura of the enzyme will be successfully
developed to the entire Central Academy of Sciences, not Xiao

"From today, your fighting instructor is me. I will not be merciful

because I think you are a good guy!" Wenn took Xiao Yan into
the training room.

"What? You?"
"What expression is yours? Can I still teach you a major?" Wenn

"I just think that it is too time wasting you to teach me!"

Wenn will not tell Xiao Yan that the military has issued an order
to him. He must guarantee that after three months of fighting
training, Xiao Yan can have certain combat ability and can protect
at least two or three zombies. Yourself. If Wenn can't do it, he will
be demoted.

Standing face to face with Wenn, the other side's very serious
expression made Xiao Yan swallow.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Xiao Yan,
Mark, this fool does not know that you actually saved him...

Xiao Yan: Forget it, his IQ has always been a level with me. 2k
novel reading network

"Listen, my course is to teach you how to deal with zombies!

When a zombie with full power is close to you, you have to do it
without going back and running, then you will completely expose
your back neck! It’s not a stupid standing in the same place, so
you can’t die! The zombies look terrible, their speed is far worse
than our special forces! What you have to do is make a correct
judgment in an instant, attack The right place!"
Wenn suddenly shouted, "Mark - you bring me in!"

"Ah? What happened?"

Mark, who was outside the training room, rushed in. Wenn raised
his hand and everything happened too fast. Mark was on the
ground, his arm was pressed behind him, and Wenn’s right leg
stepped on his back, despite Mark’s body. It is much taller than
Wenn, but at the moment it shows a distorted expression.

"Hey! Wenn, you bastard! What are you doing crazy! Let me go!"

Wenn loosened Mark, and the free mark turned around was a
punch. Wenn seemed to have expected the general, leaning back
and avoiding easily.

"I just gave Xiao Yan a demonstration."

"What demonstration!" Mark still looks like a drum.

"Being weak and strong." Wenn's hands returned to his back and
resumed his stance. "Xiao Yan, I am far from Mark, but I am able
to subdue him in an instant, not relying on brute force." ”

"It's a trick!" Mark groaned. "If you didn't suddenly call me in, let
me be prepared, how could I..."
Wenn only took a half step forward. Everything happened to Xiao
Yan's reaction. Mark made a miserable scream, kneeling on the
ground, and his left wrist was almost twisted by Wenn for a week.

"Broken! Relax! Wenn, you are a pervert!" Mark's face turned

red, yelling at his throat.

Wenn opened Mark. "This is why I can become a major and you
are always a lieutenant."

Xiao Yan showed a surprised expression and silently analyzed

Wen En's set of actions in his heart.

He first slammed Mark's knees, forcing his height to fall out of

balance. At the moment when Mark swept his fists toward Wenn,
Wenn leaned sideways to avoid Mark's wrist and then screwed it
with the strength of the body. Come over, it seems that the
movements are not so simple.

"You are very smart, Xiao Yan. I will not add nonsense to you,
just tell you that zombies are humans before they are infected by
the comet virus. Their body structure, including joints and bones,
is exactly the same as us! So the human body is the most
vulnerable. The place is also the most vulnerable place for
Wenn explained the most basic skills, and used Mark as a
demonstration to practice. Mark looked unwillingly to play the

"This is a basic coping skill when confronting zombies in front.

They don't have the ability to think. You can handle this as long
as you learn this trick. Can you see it clearly?"


It is one thing to see clearly, but it is another thing to do it.

"The actual battle is the best teacher!"

After this sentence is finished, Mark Chao Xiaoyan reveals a

pitiful expression.

"How...what happened..." Xiao Yan thought about Mark's eyes,

and his heart had a bad feeling.

Wenn chilled his face and opened a door. A zombie rushed out
suddenly. The five senses of the cockroach, Zhang Da had a
mouth with **** liquid, and had been hungry for a long time.
When he saw the food, he almost maddened.

When it opened his mouth to Wenn, Wenn only lifted his foot
slightly and heard a bang, and the zombie was smashed.

It made a disgusting sound, swaying and rushing toward Mark.

"Hey! I am not your food!" Mark is also kicking it in the direction
of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan’s subconscious mind would have to run away, and

Wen’s shout came. “Are you a coward? No one-on-one courage?”

Yes, he can't run away if he can see the zombies forever. No

matter how fearful you are, if you never face it, you will only fail

Xiao Yan clenched his teeth and rubbed his foot to the knee joint
of the zombie. Unfortunately, his rhythm was completely wrong.
Not only was he empty, but the zombie's fangs almost touched his
neck. Live the zombie's throat and throw it out, "Come back!"

Xiao Yan took a breath, and the zombies rushed up again, and the
eyes were bloodthirsty. It rushed to Xiao Yan's movements faster
than before, and Xiao Yan even fell to the ground without any
reaction. Wenn licked the zombie arm and opened it.

"Xiao Yan! You have to look at the timing, don't hesitate! As long
as you succeed, you will succeed for the second or even the

Xiao Yan wiped the sweat of the forehead, he could not grasp the
opportunity, because everything happened too fast.
When the zombies rushed to him again, Xiao Yan tried to force
his body to react, but when he was so hard to smash the zombies,
he also lost his balance and fell down. The face of the zombies
came back to him again, almost no distance. Even the decaying
smell of it is so clear.

A hand in front of Xiao Yan's eyes immediately took him away

from the attack range of the zombies.

When he came back, he realized that he was leaning on someone's


Wenn and Mark looked at him not far away, so who is he in his
arms now?

"Wen, pause." It seems to be a unique voice from the icy empire

falling from tens of thousands of feet.

Xiao Yan looked up and saw Hai Yin's chin.

"Head!" Wenn grabbed the zombie who tried to go forward and

threw it at Mark.

"Hey!" Mark stepped it under his feet, and it struggled but could
not escape.

When did Hai Yin come in? Why didn't he find it at all?
"Colonel." The invisible pressure pressed against the shoulders of
Xiao Yan as the eyes of Hai Yin slowly fell.

"You are too anxious, Wenn."

Mark also nodded. "Yes! When you come up, you will fight
against the zombies. If you don't learn anything, you will be

"Starting from the most basic."

After that, Hai Yin slowly tilted in front of Xiao Yan, lowering
the center of gravity. "Don't be nervous, as an exercise. I will keep
moving, and your target of action is my knee. Remember, you
want me. Losing balance is not just stepping on it."

Xiao Yan stunned, and Wenn looked at the expression in the


Hai Yin completely ignored their reaction, the body began to

shake, and even the mode of movement was very similar to the
loss, "Come here!"

Xiao Yan seems to be drawn by the other side, and constantly

seeks opportunities as the sea swaying.

"The angle is wrong! This angle attack, before you crush the
zombie's knee, it has bitten your neck!"
Hai Yin's side face appeared in Xiao Yan's neck. The cold eyes
seemed to warn Xiao Yan. This is not just an exercise. He will
open his teeth and stab into his flesh like a zombie. Xiao Yan's
back ridge was so murky that he was pressed to the ground by the
other side, and a strong sense of oppression almost smashed him.
Hai Yin dumped, his nose tip is very close to Xiao Yan, and there
is a force in the calm eyelids, which seems to be a disaster for
Xiao Yan.

"You don't have concentration."

The breath of Hai Yin swept through Xiao Yan's lips, and the
heartbeat accelerated at that moment, forgetting all instinct.

“Come on again!” Hai Yin patted her knees. “See how I move!
Use common sense you know to determine how to force me to
lose balance!”

Xiao Yanzhen set his own mind and told himself that even if he is
facing Hai Yin Burton, he can't lose his judgment!

Winn leaned her arm against the wall. "Hey Mark, even when
training us, the head didn't say so much..."

"Probably because Xiao Yan is too dishy..."

Wenn glanced at Mark and sighed and photographed Mark's
shoulder. "The difference in our IQ also determines that you can
only be a minor and I am a major."

On the forehead of Mark, the blue veins are protruding.

"Is there no power in your legs? Tomorrow, start weight-bearing

exercises to strengthen your leg strength!"

Hai Yin’s gaze is like a blade, and it cuts the limbs of Xiao Yan.

"If you can't keep up with me, I will break your leg!"

Xiao Yan swallowed, and he never doubted what Hai Yin said.

"Your speed! Xiao Yan! Zombies won't wait for you to pant! They
just want to tear you!"

Haiyin can almost be described as harsh, Xiao Yan's arm was

screwed to the back of the other body, fell weightlessly, and the
face was about to hit the ground, Hai Yin picked him up, Xiao
Yan was almost surrounded by the other side. In the arms.

"Come back."

After an entire morning of training, Xiao Yan was too tired to


"Today is here." When Hai Yin said this sentence with his unique
voice, Xiao Yan was ashamed.
He gasped on his knees, sweat dripping down the hair. Feeling
something fell on his head, it was a towel. The other's fingers
gently wiped Xiao Yan's head through a towel. You don't need to
look up, just look at the slender and effortless calves. He also
knows who the other is.

Obviously, the heart is calming down. At this moment, the

original frequency has been lost. He is like a demon and reaches
out and holds the finger of the towel. The moment of the
movement seems to have something to crack his chest. .

He's crazy! He's crazy! Hai Yin will be angry and will crush his

But things turned in his completely unexpected direction. Hai

Yin’s hand flipped over and buckled against Xiao Yan’s fingers.
He could almost feel the fingers of Hai Yin gently stroking the
back of his hand, with some kind of finger Attachment left his
fingertips, then left the footsteps.

Until the breath of the sea is completely gone, Xiao Yan breathed
a breath.

"Mr. Wenn, am I really weak?"


Wenn kneels in front of him.

"I didn't hit the target once..."

"So is it going to be so mixed?"

"..." Xiao Yan lowered his head and did not answer.

Wenn sighed. "I can't understand your mood. When I first entered
the special mission force... even Mark couldn't beat it!"

"What is called ‘even Mark can’t beat’! I am weak?” Mark’s

flamboyant expression was about to rush and Winn’s desperately.

Xiao Yan looked at her toes, and her fingers still had the feeling
of the skin of Haiyin Burton. It was a special feeling, completely
different from the softness of Lily’s feminine, but Xiao Yan knew
how much she wanted to catch. Hein Burton's hand.

He felt that he was crazy.

"I am hungry." For a long time, Xiao Yan just looked up, his face
was a light smile.

Xiao Yan put on Mark's shoulder, and the expression on his face
could not imagine the original loss.

"Hey, I thought you guys would fall back to their room and bite
the quilt!"

"That is what women do! Xiao Yan is a rookie is also a man!"

Wen En smashed the head of Xiao Xiaoyan, this guy is obviously
smaller than Xiao Yan, but always has a posture to take Xiao Yan
as a child.

"Women don't do this, you are all out of date!"

Mark and Wenn saw Xiao Yan not so lost, just let go of his heart.

"Hey, Xiao Yan." Wenn topped Xiao Yan with his shoulder.


"He is Hein Burton. I and Mark have never had a chance to knock
him down."

"I know."

"Anyone standing in front of Hai Yin will feel incompetent."


"So don't lose confidence."

"Not what you said, this is just the first day of my training." Xiao
Yan showed a big smile.

"And the colonel said yes, I am too anxious, I should teach you
from the most basic fighting techniques." Wenn began to
self-review and made a decision. "From tomorrow, you will start
from the most basic exercises! is the most important!"

"Yes, major." Xiao Yan responded with a smile.

After leaving the training room, Xiao Yan did not go directly to
the bedroom or restaurant, but went to the office of Maya. This
guy is now responsible for the three **** squads. The safety of
Major General Gordon is fully entrusted to him. He even has his
own office.

"Hey, Xiao Yan! How come you? I thought that when the training
is over, you want to find a place to stay asleep!" Maya stepped
forward to give Xiao Yan a big hug. "Why, do you need me to
give Are you getting a massage?"

"...not... I want to chat with you, we haven't chatted for a long

time, aren't we?"

Maya looked at the two special forces behind Xiao Yan and said
with a funny voice: "Can you wait outside my office? Or do you
think I will pinch him?"

"Yes, major." Two special forces retired.

Maya took Xiao Yan to sit down on the sofa and fell to one side,
squatting down with Xiao Yan, his fingers scraping through Xiao
Yan's face and laughing: "Okay, baby, what troubles you have
encountered." Is it that Wenn’s guy is too harsh? I’m going to talk
to him well, he’s always short-circuited, and he doesn’t have to
put what he said in his heart.”
Xiao Yan was very comfortable with Maya's arm, and one leg
pressed against him. "It is not Queen Wenn who trained me today,
Colonel Burton."

"Ha?" Maya showed a surprised expression, but soon calmed

down. "The head is really harsh, but he doesn't teach anyone
easily. He will teach you that you are important to him."

The phrase "very important" struck the heart of Xiao Yan. He

closed his eyes, and his mind was the beautiful face of Hai Yin's
unwillingness and the impulse of his distraction when he leaned
against his face.

"I always look at him subconsciously... Now think about it, I can't
control myself from the first face of seeing him. Maya... I have
been working hard to make myself in the sea as much as I can. ·
Burton’s face is worthwhile. I want to catch up with him. I want
him to stop watching me for a moment... Maya, it’s not just that I
fantasize that he kisses me or dreams of him... he is Hein Burton,
I can never catch up with him..."

Maya's fingers groaned in Xiao Yan's hair, just like treating her
own children: "A fool, every one of us wants to catch up with
him, when we think we are away from that man." When the field
was a step closer, it was **** that he went to a farther place. You
always thought that the head was far away from you, why not try
to approach him? Maybe he is willing to send everything he has
to hand. In front of you?"

"What are you talking about? Maya..." Xiao Yan laughed.

"Should say what you are vetoing, Xiao Yan. Don't tell me, you
are really innocent and simply admiring Hein Burton. You want to
be close to his field. You want to be seen by him just because you
want him." Identity. Even knowing that one of his hugs can crush
your bones, even if one of his kisses can take away all your
breathing, even if his possession is not different from death, you
are sure... you really don't want it?"

Maya's words made Xiao Yan's shoulders stiff. For the first time,
someone directly pointed out that he had been avoiding thinking
in his heart.

"You are a researcher, a scholar, and you are pursuing the truth of
nature in your life. Why don't you dare to deal with your inner
answer?" Maya asked with a funny smile, but the tone of laughter
was incomparable. Serious.

"What should I do, rush to the colonel and say to him, I often roll
sheets with you in my dreams!"

“There is a simpler way to give you an excuse close to the

"What excuse?" Xiao Yan sat up and looked at Maya's eyes.

"The colonel hates people, and when he gets close to him, he will
be killed by a kick. The person who the colonel cares about is
how to let go, and his tolerance will exceed your imagination."

"...How do I let go?" Xiao Yan asked with a funny smile.

Maya got up and whispered something in Xiao Yan's ear, and

there was an absolute smirk on her lips. Xiao Yan turned his eyes
to the sky and used all that Maya said as a joke.

Two days later, the entire special task force was busy, because the
birthday of Major General Gordon arrived.

The generals responded eloquently to each of the men who gave

him a birthday greeting, and then looked at Maa, who was behind
him, whispering, "Hey, what kind of makeup party did you had
last birthday, and I almost kissed Mark? Ass! What do you want
to do this year?"

Maya’s expression shook his hand absolutely seriously. “Hello,

you think too much! Last year, when you lost the game, you were
asked to go to the horse’s ass, just as Mark played the zebra at the
"I don't want to listen to your explanation! You first tell me
clearly, what are you going to make this year?" The voice of
Major General Gordon showed some threats.

"The striptease?"

"What?" Major Gordon bite the socket.

"Do not worry, it is definitely not you!" Maya vowed.

Major General Gordon pointed to Maya’s chest and warned very

seriously: "If you make me a little bit uncomfortable tonight, I
will order to lose your hair, major."

"Haha... you really want too much... the party is not my plan, it is
your chief liaison officer Jessica..."

"Hey!" Major General Gordon said that he did not believe in

every word that Maya said.

On this day, Xiao Yan’s training was responsible for Wen’s.

However, it is obvious that the young majors are not in the state,
and sometimes they look at the contact between their wrists to
confirm the time.

At the end of the training, Wenn showed a happy expression, took

a sweaty Xiao Yan, and yelled at the mark on the floor and
boringly circled on the floor: "Mark - Go! The party will it has

Mark got up and looked at Wen En with some nervousness. "Hey,

Wenn... Is it really a striptease?"

"Of course! Don't be shy! I don't believe you don't want to see
Jessica's striptease!"

Xiao Yan stunned, and the subconscious asked: "What a


"You don't know, Xiao Yan! The birthday of Major General

Gordon, our special mission force is a rare crazy day of the year.
All the special forces without missions will have a day of
no-fashion in the restaurant at the headquarters! Ah, I am now I
can't help but imagine that in addition to Jessica, who else will
perform on stage! Is it Liv..."

When Wenn’s words were not finished, they were pushed by

Mark. The other person’s face blushed thickly: “Liv won’t dance

When the voice just fell, Wenn laughed and squinted and said,
"Mark! I know that you guys are interesting to Liv!"

"You...what are you talking about!"

And Xiao Yan is completely in outer space, the birthday of Major
General Gordon... It’s a whole striptease, don’t tell him that this is
the opportunity that Maya created for him to test Colonel
Burton...and there is no limit. Right?

"Hey! Xiao Yan, I suggest you change your clothes! I admit that
you are wearing combat uniforms in the thin researchers, but
compared to us you are too careless, female officers will not like
you! Wenn kindly reminded Xiao Yan.

"Ha?" Xiao Yan showed an incomprehensible expression.

"I am asking you, your student uniform is still not there!

Remember to untie the button on the neckline!"

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: The strip club, who
else is performing?

Maya: Head.

Xiao Yan: No, I can't read it.

Maya: No, you all believe. 2k novel reading network

Xiao Yan returned to his room, stood in front of the mirror and
looked at himself in a combat uniform. The black tights
completely outlined his figure. He could see the inverted triangle
he was forming, even if he didn’t make a fist, his arm. The
muscles on the upper side are also faintly visible. He is no longer
a weak chicken, but Wenn said that there is nothing wrong with it.
Compared with other special forces, his body has no visitability.
Silently took off the combat uniforms, Xiao Yan simply
showered, replaced with long-lost student uniforms. Standing in
front of the mirror, finishing the collar, Xiao Yan thought about it,
or buckled the button on the neck, and pinched the bangs in front
of the forehead, which was much longer than when he first
entered here. Forget it, this is not a promotion interview for the
military. It is just a striptease that is not at the margin. Maybe he
will go to the restaurant and find that he is only wearing uniforms.

Taking a breath, Xiao Yan came to the restaurant, the whole space
was dim, and the smell of various alcohols permeated the air. The
window of the original meal did not know when it was made into
a bar, and a cup of liquid with special color Delivered from the

All the tables were moved to the wall and there were some
snacks, but most of them were bartenders. The special task force
has only one-tenth of the officers who have taken a break today.
The special forces, the liaison officers, and the researchers who
are being trained together have nearly a hundred people. The
elegant blues are accompanied by a slap in the heart. Major
General Gordon is holding the liaison officer Jessica's hand and
dancing in the middle of the center. Jessica was almost stuck in
the arms of Major General Gordon. Her knees licked each other's
calves from time to time. Under the deliberate teasing, Major
Gordon smiled without change.

Xiao Yan looked around and saw Wenn, who had a smirk in his
glass, and Mark, who was not interested in him. It wasn't until Liv
patted Mark's shoulder that this stupid big man smiled. Xiao Yan
was about to step forward, and suddenly a pair of arms hugged
him from behind him. The other's head was attached to Xiao
Yan's back, and there was a bit of a wayward and a bit of a poor
voice saying, "You are a bastard!"

A slight glimpse, Xiao Yan clasped the other's hand with a smile,
said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Kathy!"

"I'm sorry for any use! I have left so much information in the
contact, have you replied to me?"

"Don't be angry, because it's too tired! Every time I go back to the
room, I almost fall to sleep!"

Kathy snorted. "How come you didn't see you go back to sleep,
but look at the strip club? You guys are hard to change!"

“Hey...” Xiao Yan smiled embarrassedly, but his eyes searched in

the crowd, but he never saw Haiyin Burton. Xiao Yan sighed in
his heart, and Maya was miscalculated. Why didn’t he think of
such an event, and Haiyin Burton would not come at all?

The blue tone that has been slow has suddenly changed into a
passionate electronic music in an instant, and the transition has
made Xiao Yan somewhat unrecognizable. The surrounding
officers have already whipped their hands and whistled.

I don't know who took the chair to the center, and the chair just
stopped behind the high-ranking Major General.

Jessica put a Major General on the seat, and the younger

representative showed off his collar sexyly, causing a shout of
people around him.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud. He didn't expect the
high-ranking Major General Gordon to be so open. At this time,
Jessica twisted her waist and relaxed her shirt with her music.

People around are even more crazy.

Xiao Yan was too admired by Gordon's determination. In the end,

Jessica only had underwear sitting on his body. He still looked at
Jessica with a look of elegant opera.

At the end of the song, Jessica got up, and the dimly lit restaurant
brightened. Everyone stared at the trousers of Major General
Gordon and found that without their expected reaction, everyone
showed a disappointing look.

I don't know who shouted: "The original Majority likes men - so

there is no response to Jessica!"

Everyone followed up: "Mr. Major! What type of man do you


"Oh, I said it, will that person lie in bed waiting for me?" The
lower limit of Major General Gordon was unfathomable.

Kathy and Xiao Yan looked at the crowd, although Xiao Yan
wanted to go forward to see the expression of the Major General
at this time, but Kathy, who was next to him, ordered Xiao Xiao
to keep him away from them. Kathy always disliked Xiao Yan.
Go and join in this excitement.

"Is Lieutenant General Aiweier!" a munitions officer shouted out.

"The generals of the Major General like to go to the Central
Academy of Sciences, the afternoon tea of ​Lieutenant General

It’s just a joke, but it’s what other people should do.

"Go! Go to the Lieutenant General Aiwei of the Central Academy

of Sciences!" Maya shouted cheerfully.
Xiao Yan is full of black lines, and he wants to know that your kid
is going to make such a thing out. He must lock the door and stay
in the room!

"Wait, is it the performance of Lieutenant General Aiwei or the

performance of Major General Gordon?" Mark once again
showed his unusual neural circuit.

"Hey, how can you think of the figure of Major General Gordon,
or Lieutenant General Aivil is more novel!" Wenn followed.

The dialogue between the special forces is moving towards a

direction with no lower limit. Several researchers looked at each
other and showed an embarrassed expression.

"Haha, if you have the ability to find Dear Avil, I have the ability
to let him undress!" Major General Gordon leaned back against
the back of the chair, and Jessica was fascinated by Major
General Gordon. .

Wenn suddenly shouted: "For a long time, what you like is that
you have a temperamental mature man like Lieutenant General

In an instant, the whole restaurant burst into laughter. The distress

of several researchers turned into anger. They belonged to the
Central Academy of Sciences after all, and Lieutenant General
Aivil was their leader. The squadron was actually used by these
special forces to make color jokes. Their dignity as a researcher
was hurt. The group anger turned and left to leave the ball, but
before they reached the restaurant door, they were stopped by a
few sneer special forces.

"You... what do you want to do?"

"With such a passionate dance, you will have no fun if you are

Someone put a row of chairs in the center of the restaurant, and

several researchers called for struggle, but they were pressed into
the chair. Obviously, these special forces are looking for a chance
to play with these researchers who are not pleasing to the eye.
Who wants them to look like a normal eight hundred eyes higher
than the top, this time I am afraid that no layer of skin will not be
able to give up.

Kathy buckled Xiao Yan's wrist and took him away from the
crowd. Xiao Yan also followed the retreat with a tacit
understanding and came to a corner.

"What do you want to do!"

"We are going to the military discipline office to sue you!"

The researchers who were forced to sit in the chair panicked.

A special soldier directly sat on a researcher's body, his fingers
swept over his cheek and smiled: "Worry! We won't want your
life! You guys stay in the lab every day, too old-fashioned Now,
come up with something new that you have not experienced
before stimulating your occluded thinking!"

Major General Gordon took advantage of Jessica to get up slowly,

and looked at a few feared researchers. "You can enjoy the quality
service of the special forces. You can't see their hot dance every
day. Remember to Ai Weier." Lieutenant General conveyed my
personal respect for him!"

Major General showed everyone the high-end atmosphere of "the

hooligans that have been ordered by the military."

The hot dance of the special forces... Xiao Yan thought that there
were not many women in the entire special task force, let alone in
the rotation. Looking at the removal of Liv did not see others.

Sure enough, several male special forces dressed in military

uniforms smirked towards them.

Xiao Yan silently lit candles for the researchers, especially when
he saw the expression of Maya's face. This guy was so excited
that he didn't know how to end it.
At this time, Major General Gordon, who had already retired from
the crowd and prepared to watch the show, suddenly said: "Hey,
why didn't you see Xiao Yan? You are so enthusiastic to serve,
don't let him enjoy it?"

Xiao Yan’s shoulder trembled and shrank into the corner.

God! Major General Gordon, I have no enmity with you! Why are
you taking me to play this time!

Everyone turned back and looked around. Although Xiao Yan

does not have a military rank, it is most important that the troops
of Haiyin Burton’s missions come back a few times, and they are
still alive in special missions.

Xiao Yan only hated how he did not invent an invisible medicine
so that everyone could not see him.

At this time, someone circumvented his waist, picked him up and

took a loud shot on his butt.

"Find it! This guy is hiding here!"

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and looked at each other. This guy is not
someone else, Maya! And Maya just did not receive the sight of
Xiao Yan's anger, laughing and walking towards the center of the
"Xiao Yan!" Kathy tried to pull Xiao Yan down. The strength of
this boy was big. He and Maya were alone in Xiao Yan's arm.
One person dragged Xiao Yan's waist and didn't tear him in half.
Do not give up.

"Let him go! What kind of strip clubs for your special missions
will be played by yourself! Why are you not on us!" Casey was
very angry.

Who knows that the two special forces from both sides went
forward and easily opened Kathy's hand.

"I said Lieutenant Colonel Casey, do you think that Major

General invited Xiao Yan but did not invite you, so I feel so cold!
Don't worry, the next round will be your turn!"

"Maya! You are a madman! Xiao Yan doesn't like this! You let
him go!"

Kathy is getting farther and farther away from Xiaoyan, and the
noise and noise are louder and louder. Xiao Yan suddenly has the
feeling that his head will be blown up.

"Maya, don't play! I really don't like these!" Xiao Yan lowered his
Maya put Xiao Yan on the rest of the seat and poured it over his
ear. "You don't really want to know how much the colonel has
tolerated you?"

Just when he got up, Xiao Yan grabbed Maya. "He is not here at

Maya smiled in an unpredictable way, and she did not loosely

release Xiao Yan's hand.

The sound of the dance music rang, and with a drum, the
researchers on the seats shrugged their shoulders as if they were
enemies. The special forces in uniforms of the military swayed
with the music.

Xiao Yan's arm was tightly held by the person beside him. The
researchers held their breath and even closed their eyes and
lowered their eyes to make up their minds and see nothing.

Wenn shouted: "Hey! Let's dance to show you, what do you do

with your eyes closed!"

Everyone laughed again.

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth in the heart, Maya, you remember to
me! I will take good care of your hair!
At this point, the special forces have come to them. Xiao Yan,
who was head down, was pushed up by his chin and forced to
raise his head. The other party deliberately sprayed his breath on
Xiao Yan's face, and his fingers swept across his neck and hooked
his collar.

Xiao Yan really regretted this time. He shouldn't listen to Wenn's

fart. If he wears a uniform of uniforms, he should wear combat
suits and see how these guys can knock down his combat

"Baby, you can't learn to learn from the high-ranking generals,

calm down?" The sound of the playful voice sounded.

Xiao Yan looked up and had a pair of smiling eyes. The

appearance of the other party is not outstanding. It belongs to the
type that was immediately forgotten in the crowd, but Xiao Yan
remembers him. He is one of the subordinates of Hai Yin, whose
name is Tolle. Suddenly, Xiao Yan was relieved. Under the
command of Hai Yin, even if it is noisy, it will not exceed the
bottom line.

In fact, think carefully, isn't it a striptease? I used to go to the bar

to go crazy when I was in the same period of time. I couldn’t see
it when I was crazy. At that time, I could still appreciate it with
enthusiasm, and I couldn’t help myself. Seeing that the
high-ranking generals don’t change their colors, and the special
forces personally perform, how novel experience, maybe this life
will not be seen again!

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, and the men’s bodies in front of him
were wrapped in military uniforms. Although they did not
completely outline the body lines like combat uniforms, they had
another sense of abstinence. Whether it's an arm-winging motion
or a knee-slung, Xiao Yan's arm slips, even the rhythm of the foot,
is completely different from Jessica's flattering temptation. The
heart of Xiao Yan jumped with the beat of the other party, and the
ordinary man in front of him became very attractive instantly. The
line of sight did not follow involuntarily, and after all the
restraints were put down, Xiao Yan found that he could treat it as
freely as Major General Gordon.

Toler pulled his collar away, revealing the collarbone and half of
the chest. With the rhythm of a sly movement, it was so clear that
people could not open their eyes. Xiao Yan thought that if she was
a woman, she was afraid that she could not wait to offer her red

Really a good opportunity to learn!

Xiao Yan nodded with the rhythm. His attitude attracted the favor
of other special forces. Everyone danced in front of him,
half-jokingly pulling Xiao Yan's clasped neckline and even
picking him up and jumping. In less than three minutes, Xiao
Yan’s front button has been opened, and the belt does not know
where to go. The uniform pants are loosely hanged on the waist
and are crumbling. Although these guys have been attached to
Xiao Yan, they are very measured. No one has continued.

As Xiao Yan became their focus, other researchers showed a


At the end of the song, Xiao Yan was surrounded by special

forces. This group of people added blood to the knife all day long.
When the task was performed, it was ruthless and ruthless. Xiao
Yan suddenly became a human flesh sofa. Almost every special
soldier came to Xiao Yan with a glass of wine. He sat on his lap
for a moment and deliberately ridiculed him. Otherwise, he
hooked his chin to pour the wine. Xiao Yan was smashed several
times. Mouth, a blush is going to burn. But the more he is, the
more people think this guy is cute. Tolle took Xiao Yan from the
chair and turned a few laps. Xiao Yan was dizzy and really
wanted to vomit.

"Hey! Let's do the task again next time!" Tolhaha smiled, very
Xiao Yan was picked up by another guy, and he squatted with a
slow shake. The slower the movement, the more **** the outsider
looks. The unconsciously is a glass of mixed drink. Xiao Yan only
feels himself. Walk through the clouds.

In the eyes of Casey, Xiao Yan became the fat of the special
forces who were about to come to the mouth. His angry shouts
were drowned in the noise. Major General Gordon came to Casey
with Jessica and bowed his head in a funny way.

"Lieutenant colonel, you are too serious. Look at Xiao Yan, he is

playing with everyone..."

"Knocked in one piece?" Casey's tail rose. "There is a lack of

restraint in them, you can lose Xiao Yan's life!"

"But people who lack restraint can't enter the special task force."
The voice of Major General Gordon seemed to be in the midst of
this noise as if an ice rim fell into a boiling flame.

At this time, Maya set aside the crowd and raised the crumbling
Xiao Yan. "Hey! Hey! Brothers! If you see it, you will receive it!
Otherwise, this guy will spit you all and have you!"

The special forces around Xiao Yan smiled and dispersed.

Maya picked up Xiao Yan, and Mark shouted behind him: "Hey!
This guy is going to die, you are holding him like this, he will
wake up and fight with you!"

When this was said, it was another burst of laughter.

"That's got him to fight me too!"

When Maya passed through Casey, she blinked at the angry

Lieutenant Colonel. Kathy wants to go forward, he does not
believe in any special forces at all, but he is helpless, but he will
become the protagonist of the second strip show.

The sliding door of the restaurant opened, and the air without
alcohol poured into Xiaoyan's chest. He lifted his eyes and saw
Maya's chin. Although the mind is dizzy, it does not mean that his
consciousness is not clear.

"Let me... come down..."

"Are you sure you can move?" Maya asked with a smile.

"...It’s better to be hugged by you..." Xiao Yan insisted on it.

Maya put down Xiao Yan and just landed. Xiao Yan almost fell
on his leg.
"Hey, you see your face flushed, the uniform is not complete, and
the legs are soft. I don't know if I thought you would turn you to
roll the sheets!"

Maya easily smashed Xiao Yan and held him slowly in the

"It doesn't seem to go back... the direction of my room..." Xiao

Yan frowned.

"Oh, it seems that I should fill you a few more cups."

Xiao Yan wanted to turn around, but Maa continued to move

forward by holding her shoulders.

"I want to vomit..." Xiao Yan's stomach turned over the river and
caught his mouth.

"Forbearance, there is a washroom in the front training room, you

can spit out."

Maya stepped up and came to the door of a training room. At the

moment when the sliding door opened, Xiao Yan rushed in
regardless of the three seven twenty-one. I didn't expect this to be
a shooting training room. It was different from the place where
Xiao Yan had been training. He stumbled and could not find the
bathroom. Then I spit it out.
"Hey - you guy!" Maya glared at Xiao Yan's collar and pulled him
in the direction of the bathroom.

Xiao Yan bowed his head and spit out all the stock in his stomach.
People also woke up a lot.

"What's going on." The cold voice was used deep into the brain
along the air.

Xiao Yan’s shoulders were slightly stiff, and Maya, who was half
a beggar, turned around and said, “Hey, are you still here?”

At this time, Haiyin Burton wore a special eyepiece for shooting,

and the hair was combed to the back of his head, revealing a
smooth and elegant forehead. He was carrying a gun in his hand
and stood in the doorway. His expression was as indifferent as

"Oh... Xiao Yan drank too much at the birthday party of Major
General Gordon." Maya pulled Xiao Yan up, and Xiao Yan took
two steps and stood very seriously.

Hai Yin stared at Maya and did not move. Suddenly Xiao Yan
admired Maya's determination. If ordinary people were looked at
by Hai Yin, I was afraid that I could not bear it.
"That... he couldn't tell the direction after he was drunk, and he
came to the training room. It just happened that he couldn't help

Xiao Yan has made Ma Ya a pig in her heart. Can't tell the
direction? I am going to the training room here? Can't you stop
me? For the second time, Xiao Yan regretted that she had not
studied any invisible medicine. Even if it was the size of the
needle tip, he wanted to hide in it.

"Clean up." Hai Yin did not say anything, turned back to the front
of the shooting target.

The atmosphere that has been under pressure has been alleviated,
and Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief and lifted his foot and
smashed Maya.

"Hey, you spit things out and you clean up."

"I can't move..." Xiao Yan sat down directly against the wall of
the bathroom. The subtext in his gaze was "The colonel didn't
even look at me."

Maya sighed with a sigh, took out the cleaning machine, and
pinched her nose to clean up the things that Xiao Yan spit out. At
this time, Hai Yin still holds a gun, and the performance of the
simulated shooting is impeccable. At this time, Maya’s liaison
rang, the liaison officer Jessica, who urged Maya to go back to the
restaurant and don’t forget that his duty was to protect the major.
Maya looked at Hai Yin in a dilemma. The other party is
adjusting the simulation environment settings, and there is no
tendency to move.

When he licked his nose, Maya came to the bathroom and kneeled
in front of Xiao Yan, who was drowsy against the wall. He
whispered, "Hey, brother, the bathroom is not a good place to

Xiao Yan snorted softly.

Maya sighed and got up and came behind Haiyin, but in less than
a minute, the other party completed a simulation test.

"That, the head... Jessica urged me to go back..."

Hai Yin will take the gun back to the original place and turn
around. "Do you know what mistakes you made?"

Maya snorted a little, and then she put away an expression that
didn't matter to everything.

"I know."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: ... Maya, how do you
get me drunk?

Maya: It’s so good to be drunk.

Xiao Yan: ...

Fat winter melon: The next chapter Xiao Yan overwhelmed the
colonel and was overwhelmed by the colonel. 2k novel reading

"First, I was a guard and left the side of Major General Gordon."
Maya took a deep breath and looked at Hai Yin's eyes.

Hai Yin is silent.

“Second, Xiao Yan belongs to the supervised person. I took him

away from the restaurant without any special forces to follow it.”

Hai Yin’s eyes fell on Maya’s body, and the young major did not
swallow his mouth.

"Third, I should not condone Xiao Yan's drunkenness. Alcohol

will reduce his own judgment. If there is an unexpected situation,
it will put him in danger."

"Yeah." Hai Yin gently sighed.

Maya stood in the spot and did not know what to do next. It was
to send Xiao Yan back to his room or to return to the high-ranking
Major General.

"Go back to the generals."

A simple sentence made Maya stunned. He replied "Yes, Colonel"

and immediately turned away from the training room.

When she stepped out of the door, Maya couldn't help but pull a

Hai Yin adjusted the system settings again and continued his
shooting training in an orderly manner. After more than half an
hour, no other scene settings were available for deployment, and
Hai Yin shut down the system.

Slowly walked into the bathroom, Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan and
kneel down. At this time, Xiao Yan lowered his head, his hands
fell on his side, and the completely open uniform collar was the
whole skin. The legs were spread out, and the pants were hung in
a cautious sense. A cut bottom | pants.

"Wake up."

Xiao Yan licked his mouth, opened his eyes, and saw the moment
of cold face, like a stress reaction, the whole person bounced.
"Coloton Burton!"

It is a pity that the power of alcohol did not pass. Xiao Yan stood
up in the moment and stepped on the trousers. The waistband fell
instantly and half of the thigh was revealed. Xiao Yan screamed at
his pants and stood up straight.

Of course, he just thought that he was standing up straight. In the

eyes of Hai Yin, he was shaking slightly back and forth.

"Your military pants belt." Hai Yin also followed up straight.

“Ah?” Xiao Yan thought about it with his head in his head, but at
this moment he found that his head didn’t seem to be so good.
The figure in the hot dance of the special forces and the cup of
wine delivered to him were revealed in his mind. I just can't
remember when my belt was not there.

Without waiting for the answer, Hai Yin’s next question has

"Can you go?"

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth and nodded solemnly. "I can...
walk, Colonel."

Xiao Yan stunned for a long time, only to understand that Hai Yin
meant to send him back to his room. So some embarrassing
scenes happened, that is, Xiao Yan licked his own pants and
staggered in the passage, and Colonel Burton did not say anything
behind him, no matter how slow Xiaoyan walked, the sea. Yin
always keeps a distance from him. Xiao Yan’s head was a little bit
bleak. He came to the dormitory door and pressed his finger to the
identification area, but he did not expect the door to move.

"Well?" Xiao Yan stared at the identification area for a long time,
and pressed it with another finger, still no response. Soon Xiao
Yan’s ten fingers were tried again, and the door did not show any
signs of slipping open.

Haiyin Burton said that he did not stand in front of Xiao Yan,
which made Xiao Yan's embarrassment increase by a

He opened his own contact and said to the quartermaster: "I am

Xiao Yan... student id1665... my door is not playing..."

The next moment, Hai Yin behind him buckled Xiao Yan's wrist
and closed his contact. Just as Xiao Yan turned back, Hai Yin’s
hand bypassed Xiao Yan’s arm and the finger touched the
recognition area, and the sliding door opened.
Xiao Yan groaned and laughed: "Coloton Burton can open my
door! It's so convenient!"

Perhaps because of returning to his room, Xiao Yan had a feeling

of total relaxation. He stumbled on the sofa, lazily narrowed his
eyes and never wanted to move again. The eyelids are heavy, and
in less than half a minute, regular breathing sounds come. The
sofa cushion beside me was stuffed down, but Xiao Yan didn't
blink to see the desire. He knew that someone was sitting next to
him, and the other's palm was over his back, gently stroking it,
and the right strength made Xiao Yan more interesting.

When the other party left, Xiao Yan frowned. Soon, his chin was
lifted up, the edge of the cup came to his lips, Xiao Yan took a sip
of cool water, opened his eyes and saw that Hai Yin was by his

"Hai Yin... Haiyin Burton..."

"Yes, you still recognize me." The voice of the other party was
cold and faint.

Yes, that's the expression! This is the tone of this speech! It’s
irritating to make people **** more angry!

"How can I not recognize you!"

"Yeah." The other party pressed the cup into Xiaoyan's hand and
"drinked the water."

In the eyes of Xiao Yan, the sea is again, only the back is left.

As if he was pinned, Xiao Yan stood up fiercely.

"I hate to see your back." Despite his fascination, every word of
his words is clear.

He thought that Hai Yin would go without hesitation as before,

but this time the other side stopped and turned around.


"Because it seems that I can't catch up with it! I can study the
neutralizer of birth weapons. I can research the marker virus. I tell
you that one day I can finish x-! But I know that you will
definitely return that day. Fucking show me your back! Anyway, I
can't beat you! You can only drag your legs when you perform the
task! So you won't look at me, you won't trust me like you trust
Mark or Liv... because I even Your knees are not stepping on..."

Xiao Yan stood there, shaking, and the pants slid again and went,
just hanging on the hips, he just went forward and stepped off

Hai Yin’s posture did not shake.

Xiao Yan laughed at himself and took a step back and fell back on
the sofa. He was annoyed that he was drinking so much wine, as
if everything had not gone through the brain. Usually, Hai Yin
will completely ignore him.

Only this time, the man came to him and slowly said: "I have
been watching you."

The air seems to have been scratched, and there is a constant

source of it.

"Ha?" Xiao Yan looked up. What did Hai Yin say?

"No one can step on my knee."

Xiao Yan realized that Hai Yin was very seriously responding to
what he had just said.

"When you finish x-, I will hold you. Even if you cry and ask me
to stop, I won't stop."

Xiao Yan opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word. What hug?
What won't stop? Why is his brain not working?

Hai Yin’s hand pressed on Xiao Yan’s head, which was very
gentle and seemed to comfort a child.

You don't want to know how much the colonel is tolerating you?

Maya's words rang in Xiao Yan's ear.

Anyway, he didn't have the courage afterwards. If he was too big,
he would break his arm and break his arm. What else? If you have
the courage to suffer from the loss of the eternal pain, you will
never get the answer you want!

Xiao Yan's hands slammed against each other's shoulders, and Hai
Yin did not move, but Xiao Yan was not discouraged. His face
slammed up, desperate. At that moment, he saw a similar horror
in the eyes of this man. The iceberg finally broke a gap. For the
first time, Hai Yin lost his center of gravity and fell backwards.
Xiao Yan was on his body and his lips slammed into the bones of
Hai Yin. Fortunately, Hai Yin reached out and held Xiao Yan's
forehead, otherwise his lips would inevitably hurt the eyes of

"What are you doing!" Hai Yin's eyebrows wrinkled


Xiao Yan was the first to be proud of his history. He determined

that the senior killers of the tidal organizations could not make
this man move.

I kissed you! You are not clean? Disgusting to you! Are you
planning to kill me?
"I asked what you are doing!" Hai Yin's voice squeezed out of the
teeth, his hands clasped Xiao Yan's arm, Xiao Yan has heard his
bones creaking.

I am doing stupid things!

Even if Hai Yin’s face is full of anger, as if he is going to kill him

at any time, Xiao Yan still feels that his heart is flying fast. He is
riding on this man’s body. He is still alive now. It is like a

Xiao Yan stared at Hai Yin, and she did not answer.

"Get up!" Hai Yin loosened Xiao Yan's arm, but at that moment
Xiao Yan looked down again like a lifeless one.

Hai Yin subconsciously reached out and blocked, Xiao Yan kissed
his palm and made a slight "squeaky" sound.

In an instant, what broke, in general, was turned over by the palm

of Xiao Yan’s kiss to buckle his back, and suddenly pressed him

Haiyin Burton's crazy kiss fell on Xiao Yan's cheek, on the tip of
his nose, and it was quick and hard, as if to eat him. Xiao Yan was
pained by the other side and subconsciously reached out to push
Hai Yin’s shoulder. The refusal of that moment made the other
side harder to buckle his back. His chin was kissed by Hai Yin
very hard, and the jaws were almost sucked out by the other side.
Xiao Yan was so nervous that he could not speak. After a while,
Xiao Yan was crushed under the sea, the man looked at his gaze
to pierce him, and Xiao Yan just widened his eyes, everything
was completely in the direction of Xiao Yan's unexpected
direction. .

He tried hard to say something, but the brain was blank. Is this his
illusion again?

The next second, the pain in the neck made his whole body
suddenly tense, and Hai Yinqi kissed his neck, and the big skin
was close to cracking. Not yet able to exclaim, the other's tongue
licked his collarbone, biting it down, Xiao Yan hurts to tremble,
all the impulses that alcohol brought him suddenly awake at this
moment. At this time, Hai Yin, his palm is almost Ling | abused
across the military pants and pinched Xiao Yan's buttocks, and
Xiao Yan subconsciously arched the back, but was quickly
suppressed by the other side.

"Say! Who taught you these!"

Suddenly, Hai Yin buckled Xiao Yan's wrist and pressed it to his
brain. Xiao Yan saw an unparalleled anger in Hai Yin's eyes, and
the room was torn open.
"..." Xiao Yan is there, he has never seen such a sea, he can
swallow him in one bite.

"If you don't say it, I will go to you!"

Hai Yin’s fingers hooked the waist of Xiao Yan’s trousers and
slammed it, and it was smashed. Hai Yin's left knee is up, and
Xiao Yan's right leg is topped up. This posture is ready to go,
Xiao Yan is completely stupid.

"Is it Maya!"

Xiao Yan’s shoulder trembled and he nodded subconsciously.

When he reacted to Maya, he was afraid that he would die. He
shook his head quickly, but it was too late.

"Xiao Yan, do you really think you can afford it? Are you too

Hai Yin grabbed Xiao Yan's right hand and slid down. Through
the combat uniforms, the place where the stand was clear was so
scary that the moment the palm touched, the hot rock sighed. Hai
Yin forced Xiao Yan to bend his finger over the part, and the
blood rushed thick and strong, and it was about to burst.

"Next time, you will play this game for any special soldier. I
promise to kill you."
Although Hai Yin’s eyes were not killing, but shocked Xiao Yan,
he nodded innocently, and then Hai Yin got up from his body, and
the pressure of crushing his bones suddenly came away. Xiao
Yan’s The breath in the chest finally came out.

"Go to sleep." Hai Yin's voice is very low and low.

Xiao Yan nodded. No matter what the three or seventy-one rushed

to the bed, he pulled up the quilt and wrapped himself completely.
He didn't know why he was so scared.

At that moment, the nose spread a calm and introverted

atmosphere, strange and familiar. Xiao Yan wants to rejoice, but
the alcohol in the body begins to swear, and the drowsiness
spreads again. He only knows that someone is sitting next to him.
For a long time, there is no movement.

"...Is it really a rookie?" Xiao Yan whispered in a confused voice,

although he could hardly remember what he was asking after he

"No. Everyone has their own field."

" this is not my field... I can't be as powerful as the special

forces." Xiao Yan didn't know what was going on. It was
obviously difficult to let go of his sleep, but he was afraid of it. I
feel inexplicably feel at ease.
"If you mean x virus, I don't allow you to pay that price."


The other party did not answer him, but just gently plucked the
quilt covering Xiao Yan's head with his hand. Xiao Yan knew
what had touched his lips.

Xiao Yan subconsciously licked the other side with his tongue. He
found that he was unable to let the other person leave as if he was
being pulled, so he chased him and kissed him.

The other's arm circumvented his shoulder and easily hugged

him. He knew that he was lying on the other side, while the other
hand was holding his waist and the other hand was gently
clasping his back. .

"Well..." Xiao Yan groaned on the other's cheek, and then the
other gently kissed his earlobe.

This feeling made Xiao Yan feel obsessed with it, and it didn't
take long to fall asleep.

The man holding him always keeps his eyes open, his fingers stiff
and very hard to endure some kind of impulse.

After a long time, the man finally slowly put Xiao Yan around
and got up and left the room. At two in the morning, the
restaurant's striptease was finally over. The special forces were
still leaving, and several researchers were unable to get up. Liv
looked at Mark and Wenn, who had been swearing, and lifted the
unscrupulous Casey.

Major General Gordon walked in the passage, behind which was

Maya and Jessica.

"I think this striptease is much more interesting than last year's
masquerade." Major General Gordon felt the chin's ability to
organize Jessica and Maya.

After returning the general to the room and arranging everything,

Maya walked on his way back to his room.

Opening the door, all the lights are on, the long-term operation
makes him have a great hunch for danger and killing, but Maya
still has to evade in the future, the other party quickly and
violently buckles his neck and presses him Above the wall.

Maya tried to crush the other's wrist bones, but did not want a
knee shot, Maya almost did not spit out the internal organs.

This is a coherent attack that cannot be dealt with. Maya can only
think of one person. He grabbed his abdomen and lowered his
head. "Head..."

“Do you think the game you designed is fun?”

The cold and cruel voice sounded, clearly questioned, but there
was no ups and downs in the tone, the air was suppressed and
could not enter the lung cavity, and Maya swallowed hard.

"...Head...I just thought..." He couldn't say it in the second half of

the sentence.


"I thought... you want him..."

The world suddenly fell into silence. Hai Yin loosened Maya and
stood in the same place. Maya bowed her head and gasped in a
big mouth. He knew that as soon as Hai Yin pulled his neck hard,
he really died.

Even if the breathing resumed, Maya did not look up to see the
courage of Hai Yin. But perhaps avoiding the other's gaze, he has
the courage to say all the words in his heart.

"Head! You want him! I am sure! Just because he is a talented

technical soldier, will you save him again and again? Even if I
want to see him? If we want not to be pinched If it is crushed in
the hand, must it be ours?"

Hai Yin pinched Maya's chin and forced him to look up and look
at himself.
"What I want is the complete one. I don't need anything that is
easy to break."

"...head?" Maya stayed stunned, and he didn't understand Hai Yin

in front of him.

"And, he is mine, so it is up to me to decide when to go to him."

Hai Yin loosened Maya, and the other side usually fell down
against the wall. Hai Yin turned and walked to the door, stopping
a little.

"You should get a little lesson, Maya."

Maya gradually showed a sad reminder.

Xiao Yan wakes up until noon, not waking up, but waking up.
The skull creaked and smashed his forehead, and Xiao Yan’s
mind revealed a picture of himself being drunk by a group of
special forces.

These guys who kill God want his life?

Xiao Yan opened the quilt and got ready to get up. At that
moment, he felt that something was wrong. The palm is covered
on the sheet, although all the bedding in the special task force is
uniformly configured, but...
It is breath! Xiao Yan puts the quilt on the nose, the smell... In the
end, Xiao Yan thinks that when the zombie hits Hai Yin, he
presses him into his arms. He remembers the breath of Hai Yin,
and the peace of mind is inescapable.

I suddenly remembered that after I was drunk, it seemed to be

sent back by Hai Yin!

He stood up and looked around, his shoes were neatly placed on

the side of the bed, his body was still wearing a crumpled
uniform, and the legs with bare legs didn't know where to go.

And where is the hermit crab on his desk? How to become a

whole row of paper books?

Xiao Yan stepped forward and subconsciously took out a book

and flipped it over, which made him feel awkward. Although the
paper has been yellowed, it is obviously preserved after the
oxygen barrier treatment. The paper book almost disappeared in
the Shire, and the book in his hand is obviously antique.

At that moment, Xiao Yan realized that it was not his room at all!

"You are awake." The sliding door opened and a man stood at the

Xiao Yan’s shoulder trembled a little, this voice is...

"Coloton Burton?"

The other party came in without any slowness, sitting on the sofa,
leaning back slightly, even if it was a leisurely gesture, Haiyin
Burton seemed to brew some kind of explosive power.

Xiao Yan suddenly realized that he was not wearing his pants, and
suddenly he was in a hurry.

"Your military pants are in the third compartment of the

wardrobe." Hai Yin said aloud.

Xiao Yan quickly opened the closet, his military pants were
actually hung inside, and there was also a military uniform. Xiao
Yan suddenly remembered the striptease of the special forces, and
the ears suddenly burst into flush. If Hai Yin also went to the strip
club, would he also wear the uniform of the military? Desperately,
I realized that Hai Yin was sitting on the sofa and looking at
myself. Xiao Yan quickly put on the trousers and could not find
his own belt for a long time.

At this time, Xiao Yan had to remember that he was swaying his
pants in the channel... His belt seemed to fall in the restaurant... It
was terrible!

Hai Yin, who had been sitting still, suddenly got up, came to Xiao
Yan's side, hooked the belt on the military uniform in the closet,
and passed it through Xiao Yan's waistband, which clasped the

Xiao Yan lowered his head and held his breath. In this position,
he is almost surrounded by the sea between the arms.

“Remember what I said to you last night?”

Xiao Yan, what did you say last night?

As the memory flows back to my mind, Xiao Yan suddenly

remembers the picture of kissing her on the body of Hai Yin... and
the back of the sea back and then...

"If you play this game with any other special forces next time, I
will kill you." Haiyin repeated this sentence.

Do you die? How to do it……

The author has something to say: Maya: I am unlucky, I am


Mark & ​Liv & Winn & Casey: Deserve it! Deserve it! 2k novel
reading network

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin with an unbelievable look. He

suddenly remembered the man's strength to press his kiss last
night. He subconsciously reached out and touched his neck. There
was a pain in the skin. It was not an illusion, not a dream. ,it is

"Go to the restaurant for lunch." This is an order.

Xiao Yan left the room like an escape. When he walked out of the
door, he remembered that he had completely gone the wrong way
yesterday. The drunken himself did not realize that he was going
back from the training room instead of the restaurant, so the
direction was completely wrong!

It seems that the sliding door is sea, that is to say, this room is
Haiyin? And I not only went to the wrong room but also slept in
the other's bed for one night!

That is not someone else's bed... it is Haiyin...

Unknowingly, Xiao Yan has come to the restaurant. When he was

taking the meal, several special forces came over to ridicule.
Especially the guy of Tolle, I don’t know how to keep going to
Xiao Yan’s neck. Xiao Yan looked down and found that his neck
was blue and purple.

That was the evidence that Hai Yin kissed herself last night.

God, the colonel kissed myself! The colonel really kissed himself!
How is this going? How do you understand it all!
Xiao Yan took a breath and his head was messy. He
subconsciously fastened his collar and the entire student uniform
was crumpled.

Wenn, this guy still suspected that he was not embarrassed, came
to his side and rubbed his shoulder and said with a smile: "Hey,
Xiao Yan, are you still alive? Maya is too much, and the pro is so
hard, fast. Bleeding?"

He reached for the collar of Hook Shaw, and Xiao Yan quickly
grabbed the neckline. "Not Maya!"

"Not Maya? Don't tell me that your good friend Lieutenant

Colonel Casey is? Is it Jessica, she has been with the Major
General and can't roll sheets with you! Oh... Wouldn't it be Liv?
Mark will kill you!"

Xiao Yan has a feeling of futuristic explanation.

Someone put the plate on the opposite side of Xiao Yan, tilting his
legs and lazily saying: "The medicine can be eaten
indiscriminately. If you can't talk about it, Master Wenn."

"Maya!" Xiao Yan looked up at the other side of the moment and
The handsome short hair of the young man in front of him,
coupled with this tight-fitting combat uniform, attracted the
attention of many people.

"... Maya, what about your hair?" Wenn almost didn't spray the
soup from the import.

"Cut it." Maya sent the food into her mouth indifferently.

"Why cut it?" Wenn still couldn't believe the expression.

"It’s too much trouble to take care of." Maya pulled her lips. The
reason for this is that he would not believe in killing Wenn.

Xiao Yan did not speak. He knew that Maya’s hair was only
related to Hai Yin.

Lunch was over in a strange atmosphere, Xiao Yan just returned

to the room, Maya came.

To be honest, Xiao Yan really can't get used to the short hair of
Maya, so he opened his door and looked at each other with a silly

"I know that you all lick my long hair! Now I cut it off, you don't
stare at me like this?" Maya closed the sliding door and Da Lala
sat on the sofa.
"Actually, I always wanted to say that your short hair looks more
masculine, brother, I never thought you were so handsome!"

Maya licked the position around him, Xiao Yan sat down, and
Maya held his chin and asked, "Hey, did the colonel send you
back last night?"

" it..." This question is really bad to answer.

"Hey, I am because you have cut your hair, shouldn't you tell me
the truth?"

"Does your hair be cut off because you have offended Colonel
Burton?" Xiao Yan asked, and he still didn't blame Maya for his
sorrowful idea of ​what he did last night.

"Is it not for the crime of Colonel Burton to let you test his
bottom line and find out your own mind?"

Maya’s words made Xiao Yan stunned.

Colonel's bottom line and my mind? What is my mind?

"Let's say, where did you sleep last night?" Maya seemed to know
what it was, and Xiao Yan was too boring to hide it.

"It seems to be the room of the colonel... I didn't figure out the
direction when I walked back, and mistakenly took the colonel's
room as my own. And... the configuration of each room is the
same, I didn't tell it..."

Xiao Yan thought that Maya would have a big reaction to hear the
news, but he did not expect that he just sighed very calmly.

"What happened to you in the colonel's room?" Maya stared at

Xiao Yan's neck, meaning that she wouldn't stare at him. Many
things can be seen, such as the hickey on Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan took a sigh of relief, and he should know more about
Hein Burton than he knew that Maya.

"...I, kissed Colonel Burton." This sentence said Xiao Yan felt
funny, he waited for Maya's ridicule, but did not expect the other
party's unexpected calm.

"What about the head?"

For a time, Xiao Yan suddenly did not know how to describe the
reaction of Hai Yin. Maya gave a chuckle. "Well, look at the
prints on your body and you will know the result. If you think
about it, what would happen if Mark kissed him?"

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and recalled that his lips in the nuclear
power plant accidentally hit the end of Hai Yin, and the back was
cold. "If you are not killed, you will probably be twisted off your
"But your life is still there, and one hair is not lost." Maya looked
at Xiao Yan with deep thought. "You should know that if the head
really does something for you, you will probably not die, but I am
afraid I have already entered the intensive care unit."

The piece of bruise on Xiao Yan’s neck was sore again.

"But do you want to stay away from the head? Or do you still
want to be close to him?" Maya looked straight to Xiao Yan, and
at that moment Xiao Yan had a feeling of being completely seen
through the other side.

Xiao Yan stunned, even though Hai Yin did such a dangerous
thing to him last night, he found that he was not really afraid,
even if Hai Yin held his hand and covered the part that could lose
Xiao Li’s life. The deep pursuit of this man in his heart still has
not stopped.

"Is this really just your worship of him? Is this really just your
embarrassment to the strong?" Maya's palms stretched over and
covered Xiaoyan's chest. "Xiao Yan, you are a man, you want
There is responsibility. This responsibility includes you have to
face your heart."

Xiao Yan’s pupils shrank at that moment, recalling that Hai Yin
suppressed the picture of his strong kiss. Xiao Yan knew that he
was instinctively afraid, but this fear did not make him have the
slightest hatred of Hai Yin, he remembered himself Kissing
Shanghai Yin’s moments, he even thought that if the man really
broke his hands and feet, would he be much easier? Going to kiss
a man who is stronger than himself and who doesn't know how
many times, a man who is always unpredictable, Xiao Yan first
began to reflect on the reasons for doing this.

Haiyin Burton is like an icy fire, falling into the calm and lazy
world of Xiao Yan, burning in silence, and waiting for him to
react, he has already been overwhelming.

"I am not finished, Maya... I thought I liked a woman like Lily...

No, Liv is really good... Why is he?" Xiao Yan looked at Ma The
direction of Asia.

Maya sighed and reached out to put Xiao Yan's head into his
chest. "You guy, sometimes smart to people and gods, even the
problems that the **** researchers at the Central Academy of
Sciences can't solve are not here." What? (Sometimes, you are
really stupid enough to let people know how to be good.)

"I don't know how to do it now."

What should he do, rushing to Hai Yin and saying, "Hey, Colonel,
I like you, do you want to be with me?"
Not to mention the man's confession, the guy is Hai Yin Burton, a
myth that cannot be surpassed in the special mission.

"Xiao Yan, you have to brew strength, you have to go to a higher

and further place. The head keeps looking at you, waiting for you
to go to the place with him, and then he will give you the answer."

Xiao Yan clenched his fist, although he was not sure what the
answer Maya meant, but he knew he had to be stronger.

"Hey, Maya, thank you for everything you have done for me,
although I don't like the effect."

"... my hair was cut."

"Cut off handsome. Don't believe you ask Jessica."

"I don't want to talk to you."

This afternoon, Xiao Yan returned to the research room.

He knows that the power of Hai Yin is not only because of the x
virus, but also the experience of combat and the reaction with
many dangers. Xiao Yan knows that what he lacks is also
experience, and that these experiences are not taught by Wen En
and even Hai Yin. Everyone grows differently, and Xiao Yan
believes that he also has his own way.
When I think of Hai Yin, Xiao Yan’s heart can’t help but confuse
the rhythm.

Concentrate, Xiao Yan! concentrated! Otherwise your efficiency

will drop greatly!

Xiao Yan brought up all the information about the zombie's

ability to operate, designed a special software to simulate the
scene of zombie attack in his mind, and Xiao Yan practiced his
own reaction ability.

The response requires the brain to be in a scene to successfully

respond to threats in thousands of times. The body's mobility
needs to be exercised, and the brain's ability to respond is also the

The next day, Xiao Yan’s training schedule was completely

replaced by basic exercises.

Wenn began to train Xiao Yan's various angles of throwing,

picking and anti-smashing, and even killing skills.

Mark is the sparring of Xiao Yan. But Mark is a guy who is too
big. Xiao Yan is an elephant in front of him. Even if he tries to hit
the mark on the body, there is no effect at all, but Xiao Yan
always carefully punches every punch, gradually, Mark was
infected by Xiao Yan's momentum and responded to Xiao Yan's
attack. This big guy obviously didn't know how to control the
power, but he still carefully blocked Xiao Yan's fist.

After ten days of practice, Wenn and Mark suddenly called Xiao
Yan to the door of a room.

"Hey, brother, I heard that there were several people in the

military and political office who had passed you?" Mark had a
cheerful expression.

"Ha?" Xiao Yan thinks that it was when Major Denzel was
looking for a few military and political offices because of Lily's
affection for Xiao Yan.

Wenn blinked. "I and Mark took the little babies to the inside, so
that you can practice your skills! We have to build self-confidence
for you!"


Winn pushed Xiao Yan's shoulder and pushed him into the
training room. "Let's enjoy!"

Xiao Yan squatted in and saw the three guys in the military
discipline staring at him with resentment.

On the radio, Wenn’s cheerful voice came. “Hey, the rookie of the
military and political office, if you can’t climb this upright, brave,
cute and kind researcher, we will break your hands and feet and
hang it in the military and political office. On the building!"

This is simply intimidation! It seems that Wenn wants Xiao Yan

to be repaired!

The guy in the military and political office rushed up, Xiao Yan
subconsciously escaped the first punch, and Mark smashed out
again. "Hey! Novice! Don't be merciful! I have to wait for so
many days to practice with you!"

Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and he wanted to clean up these guys.

It was a fist to Xiao Yan's nose. He leaned forward and just

avoided it. He lifted his right fist and squatted on the other's chin.

"Hey--" The other side squatted back and slammed back, spit out
his mouth and spit out broken teeth, and the wolf was ridiculous.

The remaining two guys had to reapply, one trying to keep Xiao
Yan from behind and curb his actions. Xiao Yan knew his
intentions, one elbow was on the other side's chest, and the other
was next to another guy. On the knee, he committed a punch in
his chest.

Mark’s whistle came from the radio, and Wenn said coldly: “You
three wastes!”
Sure enough, the three military and military departments’ fearful
expressions rushed up and down to attack Xiao Yan, and the fear
made them lose their senses. On the contrary, Xiao Yan’s
counterattack was more orderly. In less than ten minutes, the three
guys fell to the ground. Start.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and breathed out a breath. At this
moment, he felt that he was really different from the past.

Wenn and Mark smiled together.

"This guy is progressing much faster than I thought! If he enters a

special mission, he must have a future than you!" Wenn said

"Haha, if you accept x virus, this guy will be a powerful

character!" Wenn turned back and found that Hai Yin was
standing behind him.

The cold expression and the scrutiny of the eyes made Wenen and
Mark nervous.

"Up... Colonel!"

"He is still a long way off."

The broadcast did not close, and this sentence was directly
introduced into Xiao Yan’s ear.
I always leave you very far.

But there must be one day, you can't find me when you overlook,
because I am standing behind you.

At that time, what kind of expression would you show?

After day-to-day training, Xiao Yan will return to the research

room to simulate the brain in a simulated system. Maybe the body
reaction can't keep up, but the ability to judge instantly increases,
and Xiao Yan gradually finds himself if he still To make progress,
you need a superb imitation object.

The first thought in his mind was Hai Yin, and then he shook his
head again. Then he thought of Mark, but this power player is
obviously not the most suitable imitation object of Xiao Yan. In
the mind, Wen En quickly and courageously put the mark on the
uniform, Xiao Yan could not help but feel that this is the style that
suits him.

When Xiao Yan found Wenn, Wenn was guiding several new
special forces. In the same training room, Wenn greeted the
recruits and waved his lips and said, "Don't waste time, go

The three recruits rushed up without hesitation. They all accepted

the x virus. No matter the speed or strength, Wenn was able to
avoid everyone's attack and hit the other side in an unexpected
moment. In less than thirty seconds, one of the three recruits was
smashed out, one was unable to move by Wenn's anti-twisting
arm, the other fell to the ground, and Wenn's ankles stepped on
the other's face.

Unlike the first time I saw Wenn repairing Mark, after a period of
training, Xiao Yan has been able to clearly distinguish his
movements. It is not only fast, but each attack seems to be
decisive and has actually been formed after numerous actual
combats. Reflection.

"You should be glad that this is not actual combat, otherwise I

will unscrew your heads! Don't think that you will be proud of
your special mission. The members of the tide organization are
more than me."

Unlike the lazy and joke-like threatening language of training

researchers, the pressure in his cold eyes made the recruits unable
to lift their heads.

Xiao Yan knows that Wenn’s major title has also experienced an
unimaginable **** hurricane.

When Wenn turned back, she saw Xiao Yan standing in the door
of the training room. The expression on her face changed so fast
that it could not be accepted. "Hey, Xiao Yan! Come and watch
the special forces training!"

"I am here to ask you to do me a favor!"

Winn is the only developer who knows that Xiao Yan is the
decomposing enzyme in addition to Haiyin. The synthesis of this
enzyme not only saves Mark's life, but also eliminates the shadow
of special task forces. Therefore, he has always been a researcher.
Wenn, who didn't like it, liked Xiao Xiao as his brother.

"Let's say, except that you can't marry you, you can do anything

Since he is so refreshing, Xiao Yan will also tell him about


Xiao Yan will place a sensor on Wenn to collect his data entry
software against the zombies, thus improving the brain simulation

"Xiao Yan, I really want to open your head and see what is inside.
How can you have so many strange ideas? The brain simulates
the battle system? I and Mark are still wondering how fast you are

"In fact, the idea of ​this system comes from online games. The
only difference is that my system can bring the loggers into the
role. All the happening comes from the real data simulation, so
the brain reacts and reality. it's the same."

"I want you to help you, but you have to pass a test." Wenn held
his arm down and looked like a girl's face has been very

"What test?"

"Oh. You don't think it's very theoretical to simulate the battle
against zombies in your brain. Is it time to return to practice? You
have to prove to me that your so-called brain simulation system
really makes sense."

"No problem." Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and was different from
the initial fear. He is now eager to try.

"Hey, the rookie!" Wenn came to the three recruits. "Now the
status of the special mission is declining. Do you know why?"

The three recruits shook their heads and they had never heard of
similar rumors.

"Because the researchers we look down on can kill the zombies!"

"Impossible!" The recruits did not believe it at all.

"Then you will look at it!"

The recruits retired outside the training ground and they looked at
Xiao Yan curiously.

Xiao Yan spent a period of time in the institute, and naturally

cultivated a few scholarly temperament, not to mention that his
current figure looks really good, but it is far worse than the
explosive power brewed in the muscles of the special forces. .

Wenn entered the command, a door slowly opened, a zombie

squatting at the door, red-red eyes slowly appearing, it glared at
Xiao Yan, and the gasping sound more and more heavy showed
that it was hungry to madness.

At this time, Xiao Yan, the mood is much calmer than before.

The zombie rushed out and vacated, and opened his mouth and
rushed over.

The three recruits are preparing to go forward. After all, the fact
that a researcher has an accident here will cause conflicts between
the special mission forces and the Central Academy of Sciences.

Wenn was in front of them, "No."

At that moment, Xiao Yan suddenly lowered his center of gravity,

turned sideways, his elbow slammed into the side neck of the
zombie, and the zombie fell to his side.
The recruits widened their eyes and did not expect a researcher to
have such a reaction.

However, Xiao Yan's strength is far less than that of the special
forces. Although this blow is quick and decisive, it does not break
the neck of the zombie. Seeing that it will climb up, Xiao Yan
hardly thinks twice. The knee is on the back of the zombie, and
the right arm is pressed. He lived on his forehead, his left arm
circumvented his shoulders, only heard a "click", the zombies still
glaring at large, empty eyes, distorted and exaggerated, but
nothing more.

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, staring at the zombies on the

ground, slowly looking over and looking at Wen En.

The applause sounded, and Wenn opened his arms to him. "Baby,
I really love you! You know that you are the first researcher to kill
the zombies by hand! If I have to roll the sheets with you!"

Xiao Yan was uttered by Wennler.

You really want to be a woman, I can't afford it!

Wenn glanced at the recruit. "Is it seen? If this guy also accepts
the x virus, it is not a problem to kill you."

"Hey! Wenn! You promised me to talk and count!" Xiao Yan

quickly reminded the other party to fulfill the promise.
"no problem!"

That night, Xiao Yan put a sensor on Wenn and entered a training
room with more than a dozen zombies.

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: Fat winter melon, I
am stronger! Become stronger!

Fat winter melon: So you are a step closer to being killed by Hai

Xiao Yan: ...why must die...

Mark & ​Liv & Maya: It is clear that it will last forever, and it will
not die! 2k novel reading network

Xiao Yan entered the terminal and entered the whole process of
Wenn's handling of the zombies into the system. Wenn only took
a minute, and all these zombies were solved. Xiao Yan entered the
pre-designed code and completed the setup.

From this moment on, Xiao Yan can simulate the battle mode of
Wenn through the system, and the reaction of each action will be
reproduced in the system.

After another half, Wenn specially selected a number of armed

forces soldiers who had not officially entered the special mission
force as Xiao Yan’s fighting practice objects.
"Xiao Yan, you have always faced me and Mark, but you know
that we are different from you, no matter how fast or reactive, it is
impossible for your body to reach our level..."

"So you and Mark have to slow down to match my practice, and
be careful not to hurt me."

Wenn didn't want to say the truth too directly, but Xiao Yan
calmly let him be surprised.

"It is true that the military's request to our researchers is only to

protect themselves when dealing with single or a few zombies.
But I also want to see how much difference between myself and
other armed forces." Xiao Yan twisted Twisting the wrist, making
a squeaking sound, a look of eagerness.

Wenn laughed. "The gap will be great."

"Of course, I only accepted training for a few months."

But obviously Wenn’s "great gap" is exactly the opposite of Xiao

Yan’s imagination.

One morning, Xiao Yan singled out the 12 soldiers of the armed
forces, winning a big victory. In addition to being beaten by the
eyelids and taking a punch at the corner of his mouth, he was
incredible for his own record.
Many special forces have come around to watch, and they have
argued that Xiao Yan is a recruit who will be recruited by Wen En
into a special mission.

"This guy is very powerful, I don't know which team to score in

the future!"

"Mr. Wenn is looking at him! Maybe he can be with Colonel

Burton like Mark and Liv!"

"Oh... no... I remember how he was a researcher at the Central

Academy of Sciences! I have never heard of the technical soldiers
willing to join the special mission force..."

Wenn showed a smug smile, Xiao Yan but he cultivated it.

Leaving the scene, Xiao Yan looked at his palm and felt

"There are three main reasons why you can have today's record."
Wenn reached out.

"Which three reasons?"

"First, train your elite in the special mission force elite."

Xiao Yan smiled. "Really, don't say that Mark spent a lot of
thoughts on me. I practiced in the brain every night as a
simulation object by Major Wenn, even..."
Even Haiyin Burton personally directed him.

"The second thing I want to say is that you have a very clever
head. The elements of experience and responsiveness can never
be obtained as long as you stay in Shire. But you designed it for
yourself... How do you say it? The incredible system, the actual
simulation in the brain, although your fists can not match the
strength and speed of the soldiers from the armed forces, but in a
sense, you are more experienced than them."

"Thank you for your affirmation of my work. So what about the

third point?"

"The last point is also the most customary never gave
up." Wenn took Xiao Yan's shoulder and bowed his head to his
eyes. "I never admired any technical soldier. They all Self-esteem
is always immersed in your own world, measuring everything
with their unrealistic standards. Xiao Yan... I have a hunch, you
will go higher and farther than they, but I hope that you can
always As it is now, it will not be changed by success."

"I will not succeed, I will not know what will happen in the
future. But you are my teacher and brother, this will not change
because of anything."
Wenn licked his nose, and the young major finally had a few
expressions that matched his age. "Go! Starve me! Go and have a
good meal."

That night, Xiao Yan stayed in the lab for a very late night.

When he quits the terminal and picks up the terminal connector,

the man sitting in front of him makes him breathe.

"Burton... Colonel..."

Heiner Burton had a high demand for work and rest time. In order
to ensure the quality of training, he did not support Xiao Yan
staying up late.

At this moment, his eyes were cold and cold, and it seemed that
there was a sound of freezing. The eyes were dumb and captive.
Xiao Yan’s ability to think, constantly squeezing his heartbeat,
until Xiao Yan couldn’t stand it, his eyes were about to be The air
pressure is broken.

"What's going on with your face."

"Ah..." Xiao Yan reached out and touched the corner of his lips.
This reaction came. "It’s morning and several soldiers of the
armed forces..."
I haven't seen Hai Yin for a while. Xiao Yan desperately
suppressed Wen's impulse to ask about the recent situation of Hai
Yin. He used training and research to fill all the time, but when
the other party suddenly appeared in front of him, The feeling of
blood pulsation is clear to Xiao Yan's inability to suppress.

Hai Yin’s fingers stretched out, and the moment the knuckles
touched his chin, Xiao Yan’s eyes were the side of the sea slowly

The warm eyebrows, like the **** of the eyelashes, form a quiet
beauty between light and shadow.

When Xiao Yan's upper lip was caught, the other's tongue tip
slowly entered, and Xiao Yan's breathing suddenly tightened.

His tongue was caught, and with the increase of strength, Xiao
Yan raised his head subconsciously, swallowing the other's body
fluid, systemic cell tremors, all sensory nerves were mobilized,
and Xiao Yan subconsciously longed for the man in front of him.

Although the other party's kiss is mechanically full of abstinence,

Xiao Yan feels some kind of warm impulse, constantly
suppressing himself if he can't get a response.

Trapped by a force, Xiao Yan stood up and took the palm of his
hand to buckle the cheeks of Hai Yin. It seemed that after a long
thirst, he finally found the water source and lost his sense of
tempering, but the more he got, the more he was thirsty. He kissed
the other hard, constantly sucking to get everything from the
mouth of Hai Yin.

Hai Yin stepped back step by step, and Xiao Yan madly kissed
until Hai Yin's back was on the cold wall. Xiao Yan's kiss was
more and more forceful, almost pressing the back of the sea on
the wall.

Xiao Yan's arms bypassed Hai Yin's shoulders. Hai Yin only
slightly turned his face and wanted to end it all. Xiao Yan
followed, as if Hai Yin's mouth was his territory, and he would
not give up for a moment.

Hai Yin's brow slowly picked up, and the arm of the calmly
falling arm gradually tightened. At some moment, he raised his
hand to hold off Xiao Yan's shoulder and slammed him away.

Xiao Yan gasped, and the rushing thoughts gradually returned to

their original position. When he looked up at Shanghai Yin’s eyes,
he was like a thunder.

What did he do!

"Is sorry for..."

God, he kissed Hein Burton! The drunken one, he just kissed each
other's cheeks and palms, but this time he... he put his tongue in...
and stirred it for a long time!

But at the moment, Xiao Yan's heart is not afraid. He is no longer

worried that Hai Yin will break his arm. He is even more
embarrassed about how this man will react.

Hai Yin loosened Xiao Yan's shoulder.

At this time, Xiao Yan remembered that the person who started
the kiss was Hai Yin and not himself.

The pain in his lips has disappeared, and even the swelling in the
bruises of the eyes is not felt.

It turned out that all this was like when I was killed by the killer.
Hein Burton only used the x virus in his body to enhance his
healing ability. Xiao Yan admits that there is something in her
heart... the unexplained loss...

"I'm all right."

"You should rest."

"Yes, Colonel."

Xiao Yan returned to his room behind Hai Yin as a wandering

soul. When he was lying in bed, he woke up.
I would be so out of control and even be killed by Hai Yin,
because the x virus doubled his senses. But Hai Yin is sober, why
not stop himself? Let him be as arrogant as he is...

Holding a forehead and sighing, Xiao Yan found that he could not
read Hai Yin Burton more and more. Xiao Yan confirmed that this
is not the first time he stepped on the bottom line of Hai Yin, but
as Maya said, Hai Yin's tolerance to him is completely beyond the
scope of Xiao Yan's knowledge. Xiao Yan believes that this is not
a wishful thinking.

Xiao Yan turned to the side and saw the hermit crab on the table.
It was quietly squatting in the same place. Suddenly, Xiao Yan

The back of his hand was lifted up, blocked in front of him, and
he sighed long.

In the end, in the heart of Hai Yin, like the hermit crab, he can
only hide in the fragile shell and be carefully held in the palm of
his hand.

Even if this man who looks strong can only look up, he is more
afraid to crush him.

Xiao Yan, you can't expect yourself to find a hard shell that must
be really strong.
Thinking is constantly discretizing, and between Xiao, Xiao Yan
has another idea. If you can design a mechanism that mimics the
human body to metabolically attenuate the x virus, and then inject
the attenuated virus into the human body, maybe you can retain
the x virus. The super-powerful effect can reduce the damage to
the human body. However, the activity of x virus retained in sea
worms is very high, but why is the virus in □ only attenuated?

With such problems, Xiao Yan entered sleep.

The next day, Xiao Yan once again found Wen En. He needed to
re-acquire Wenn's fighting data and increase the difficulty
coefficient. Wenn saw that Xiao Yan was eager to improve his
ability, so he agreed very quickly, but he did not expect Xiao Yan
to exaggerately release twenty zombies in the training room.

"Brother, are you too hot?"

"Since you are called a major, I believe in your strength."

It is undeniable that Xiao Yan still has a bit of darkness. He wants

to know how much Wenn has reached as a major.

There are no sharp weapons, completely freehand, and these

zombies, which are quick and unpredictable for ordinary people,
are awkward in front of Wenn. In less than three minutes, all the
zombies were twisted off by Wenn.
The young major leaned against the wall leisurely, throwing a kiss
in the direction of Xiao Yan, and his face was bright.

Unfortunately, it is not a beauty, or Xiao Yan has already rushed.

“Is it all recorded? I have shown my most exciting fighting


Xiao Yan smiled and recorded all the data into the system for
editing. Indeed, in just three minutes, Wenn broke the arm of each
zombie and even killed them in different ways, which is crucial
for the establishment of the model. Xiao Yan had to go through
thousands of simulations, and his brain was able to keep up with
Wenn's speed and judge and act with Wenn's experience.

After this training, Xiao Yan’s fighting objects have all been
zombies, and even the two zombies Xiao Yan can win at the same

Even Mark had to feel, "How do I feel embarrassed to call him a

rookie again?"

Wenn snorted coldly. "Don't see who taught him!"

"Yeah, saw him with his elbow to break the zombie's neck? It's
really imaginable with you!"
Wenn showed his smug expression and then began to meditate

"What's wrong?" Mark's elbow arrived at Wenn.

"I... I just think these researchers are terrible. Obviously we have

to go through countless battles and even the experience gained at
the expense of life, but they can get it more efficiently in a
risk-free way..."

"Is all the researchers horrible, or is this guy?" Mark's laughing

expression also calmed down.

"...Who knows? Maybe, Xiao Yan or one of the many researchers,

there is always a veil that can uncover the x virus."

At this point, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, don't look at the
door and see a figure holding his arm and looking at him coldly.


Wenn and Mark turned back.

Hai Yin slowly left the wall that leaned on. "He will take part in
the final test next week."

"Xiao Yan has no problem." Wenn is very confident.

Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan and made a "come" posture in his right
Is this Hein Burton's test of himself?

Xiao Yan suddenly got nervous.

Wen En nodded to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes. He knew that he was not an

opponent of Hai Yin, but the opportunity to play against Hai Yin
was precious. Usually, this guy disdains to cope with a rookie like
Xiao Yan.

He took the courage and rushed to Hai Yin. Every step felt that he
was approaching an unattainable ice peak. He swung his fist, but
received a punch in midair, and his side was elbowed to the side
neck of Hai Yin.

Hai Yin just raised his hand slightly, clasped his elbow, and
suddenly lifted up, turning Xiao Yan in a moment.

"Oh..." Xiao Yan had a pain, and Hai Yin slowly released him.

"Come back."

Xiao Yan licked his shoulders, and Hai Yin’s power was perfectly
controlled, and he did not hurt Xiao Yan.

The next shot of Xiao Yan’s knees hit Hai Yin’s lower abdomen.
Hai Yin’s backhand folded over Xiao Yan’s thigh and instantly
turned him over to the ground. Xiao Yan couldn’t move because
Hai Yin’s knees were pressed against his waist. On the top, his
wrist was screwed behind him.

Xiao Yan’s face pressed against the ground, and when he looked
up slightly, he saw Mark’s laughing and laughing on the ground.

Bastard Mark! One day I will let you taste this!

Hai Yin let go of him, and slowly lowered his wrist, and pulled
him up again.

This gives Xiao Yan an illusion that the other person is afraid of
his injuries, including pain. Otherwise, how can Xiao Yan not be
hurt a little, such a decisive, rapid and fatal attack?

Sure enough, for him, it is a hermit crab that can be easily


"Come back."

Only his expression was so condensed that Xiao Yan could not
see any emotions.

This time, Xiao Yan's head was controlled by Hai Yin between his
hands. Xiao Yan couldn't find other descriptions except for the
surprise of Hai Yin's movement. Everything has nothing to do
with speed and strength. Every action of Hai Yin is thoughtful.
But it reacts instantly, just like calculating the precise terminal,
always predicting the trajectory at the moment when Xiao Yan's
muscles are exerted or before Xiao Yan's action.

"If I am a person from a tidal organization, your head has been


Xiao Yan's breathing stayed in the chest, feeling the breath of Hai
Yin's speech slipping through his ears, and everything that made
people want to rely closer and involuntarily wanted to escape. He
even had the illusion that the place where his neck had been
kissed by the other side was brutally ill.

Hai Yin let go of Xiao Yan. "You still have a lot to learn."

Like every time, Hai Yin left with everyone's eyes.

Xiao Yan bowed his head, and Hai Yin's skills were different
every time he was subdued. Every moment was fleeting, so that
Xiao Yan had a eager desire to follow Shanghai.

"You are really lucky, and the head rarely teaches you personally."
Wenn looked at the back of Hai Yin with an extremely envious
expression. "I want to know the few things I have just had, and I
have no experience for other special forces."

Xiao Yan admits his own surprise. He thought that Hai Yin should
always point to other special forces, but Wenn’s expression told
him not to suspect that Hai Yin was alienated from others.
He must bravely move forward. At least I can look at the same
angle and understand Hai Yin’s guidance to myself.

That night, Xiao Yan was sitting in the study room. He did not
enter the simulation system, but played a bottle of solution in his

This bottle of solution is the result of his first exposure to

virology, the numerous encounters with zombies, and even the
numerous cases of x virus analysis. It is not perfect. It is just the
beginning of another exploration. Xiao Yan has always been
skeptical, but at this moment he has the courage to move forward.

As if determined, Xiao Yan put the solution into the injection gun,
put on the sensing device, and went to the training room.

Two special forces followed him, this time, Xiao Yan asked them
to wait outside the training room.

Putting the gun's muzzle against his thigh, Xiao Yan closed his
eyes and pulled the trigger. His heart jumped very fast. If the
special forces outside the door failed, he couldn't save him, but if
they told them they were doing one. For dangerous experiments,
they will definitely stop him.

Opening his eyes, Xiao Yan's expression was firm and cold. He
pressed the switch and five or six zombies rushed out of the door.
His brain was so clear at that moment, the tiny sound was
multiplied, and he even felt the blood flowing from his heart to
his fingertips when he punched.

He repeated the movements of the sea, these zombies were

extremely fragile, and Xiao Yan quickly broke their limbs and
unscrewed their heads.

Looking at the timer and killing the six zombies, he only used
thirty-six seconds, which was the speed that I never thought of

Just as he exhaled a breath, someone violently pushed him to the

wall, fierce to the almost killing momentum, Xiao Yan body
bones almost to be embedded in the wall.

The ice blue eyes are extremely angry.

"What have you done?"

The plain voice was suppressed to the extreme tone of the


Xiao Yan's collar was picked up. He was picked up by the other
side. He lowered his head and his eyes fell into the eyes of the
other party, as if they were going to be killed.


Although there is no red-eyed cheeky expression, the man in front

of him is in anger.

The most unlikely thing to produce such an emotion is the man in

front of him - Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, but the throat could not squeeze out a

What is the anger of Hai Yin at this moment, which is indifferent

to everything?

"I... I just want to give it a try..."

"Try what? x virus?"

"x virus?" Xiao Yan looked at the zombies who were the result of
their own, and then realized that Hai Yin thought that his ability
to surpass ordinary people was due to x virus, of course, anyone
would think so.

But even if he really injected x virus for himself, why should Hai
Yin be so angry?

"You are a researcher and tell me how long life is left after
receiving the x virus."

"ten years."
"It seems that you know the answer, but you still use this virus for
yourself. Is it the only glorious thing in your heart to kill the

He was questioning him. In Xiao Yan's memory, Hai Yin always

said everything in a tone of truth. He had few doubts, even if he

In the ice-blue mirror of Hai Yin's eyes, it seems that a crazy

beast is brewing, and at any time, he can't help but bite and tear
Xiao Yan.

For a long time, Xiao Yan asked: "You don't want us to become
strong in these technical soldiers... I will not trouble you in the
future tasks... I can solve them in a dangerous situation. Isn't that

"Those technical soldiers can do it, but you can't."

Low to the sound that Xiao Yan couldn't breathe, Hai Yin's gaze
made Xiao Yan feel the pain, and this man who could never be
shaken finally broke the hard and indifferent shell in front of him,
revealing a different expression.

He still wants to see another point, and then see him lose control,
even... fear.

"Why can't I?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: The colonel is fierce
to me... obviously the people who injected themselves x-2

Fat winter melon: What is x-2?

Xiao Yan: It is an incomplete x-virus. It is time-sensitive and will

be metabolized by the human body. It can improve the healing
ability and combat ability of ordinary people in a short time.

Fat winter melon: Oh... it feels like a stimulant...

The new version of the insert is very handsome, thanks to the

dedication of the dedication, to everyone to appreciate, but the
mobile party can not see. Remember to go back to the computer
and have a look. The collection of black empire and lost is
already a collection of illustrations, the cover is also very
low-key, you can rest assured collection

Song Yingdi and the tender Lin director of the young era who lost
the black and white insert

Gu Feiqian who lost black and white illustrations: 2k novel

reading network

"You are not a child, ten years is not enough for you to do any
in-depth research, not enough for you to fall in love with
someone, not even enough for you to figure out what you want."
"Do you care?"

Xiao Yan didn't know why he should continue to ask, as if he

didn't take advantage of this opportunity to let this man who is in
control of everything completely out of control and refused to
give up.

Hai Yin looked at him, but never said a word.

Xiao Yan's collar was loosened, and Hai Yin retreated a half step.
He recovered his cold expression, and there was no trace of
disappointment or even disappointment.

This is the emotion that Xiao Yan is most reluctant to see from
this man's eyes.

"I didn't give myself the x virus."

Hai Yin stopped the footsteps and looked at Xiao Yan in a

distance not far from it. It was like a quiet deep sea. At any time,
the waves rushed to destroy everything, or at this moment, Haiyin
Burton was on the verge of destruction.

"It is x-2."

Xiao Yan swallowed, he didn't know if he should continue to talk.

After all, Casey has been working on x-2, but there has been no
progress. And Xiao Yan, a researcher without a military rank,
synthesized the x-2 virus. Who can believe it?

But there is no doubt in Hai Yin’s sight.

"But... it's not a completely successful x-2. Its effectiveness can

only last for a short period of time."

"You are taking your own experiments."

Hai Yin’s voice sank.

The virus is ever-changing and fierce. In case of improper control

or any negligence in the cultivation process, it will be different
from the original virus set. It is harmless and fatal.

"To verify the effectiveness of this virus, only the human body is
the ultimate target receptor... Let others bear the results of my
experiment is not as good as my own! And I am confident that
this virus will be metabolized in the body! Study x-2, I I also hope
that one day I will leave Charles like you and get out of the

"Then do two things." Hai Yin suddenly opened.


"First, you can't let anyone know that you synthesized x-2."

Xiao Yan suddenly understands Haiyan's concerns. If he is known
by the tide organization, even if it is not fully successful, he will
become their target. More than once, he feared that the brain
would be removed from the body and stored in the nutrition dish
and connected to the terminal and forced to think about complete
loss of activity. So Hai Yin’s proposal requires him to comply

"Second, you must be under my supervision to conduct similar



Xiao Yan raised his smile and there was no special soldier to look
after him during the experiment. In case the virus failed, Xiao Yan
had not killed all the zombies, which would be very dangerous.

Hai Yin’s words mean that he recognizes everything he has done.

This research has also become a small secret between him and
Hai Yin. This common secret makes Xiao Yan inexplicably feel
that the distance from Hai Yin is closer.

After a week's graduation test, Xiao Yan was filled with

embarrassment in this training room where she had practiced
countless times.
Not because of the zombies that will be released from the back of
the door, dozens of special forces are rushing to see the
excitement. Mark actually used Xiao Yan and other special forces
to gamble. Even other supervised researchers have suspended
training and came to the sidelines.

"Xiao Yan! Come on!" Casey waved his fist toward Xiao Yan.

This guy has not graduated after half a year of physical training,
but now he is obviously stronger and stronger, and he is still a lot
taller. His eyes are full of enthusiasm.

Major General Gordon came to Xiao Yan as a test officer and

smiled and said, "Are you ready? If not, this test can be

"I am ready, Major General."

Xiao Yan has killed zombies here many times, and he knows he
can do it.

"Good, courageous to face never escaping, no matter what the

outcome today, you have already succeeded in half."

Major Gordon pressed the button and a zombie rushed out.

It was captured for no more than three days and is very active. It
is rare for the outside world to see a living human being. At this
moment, it is surrounded by human beings, and the eyes are full
of bloodshot eyes.

The first one to become the target of attack is the Gordon Major,
who is closest to it.

It opened its mouth, the yellowed teeth hit the shoulders of Major
General Gordon, while the Major General stood still, not sure if
he fully believed Xiao Yan could solve it.

The next moment, Xiao Yan's palm rested on its head, pushing it
away from Major General Gordon, followed by Xiao Yan
sideways, knees hitting the waist of the zombies, only heard a

Several eager special forces shouted, "The action is fast!

Otherwise it will be restored!"

Xiao Yan lowered his center of gravity. At the moment when the
zombies turned back, they suddenly punched on their chins. The
zombies made a hoarse voice, and they just showed an irritated
expression. Xiao Yan gently surrounded it behind him and glared
at it. The moment of the high chin, slammed, twisting his neck.

Two steps back, Xiao Yan looked at the zombies and fell down,
and there was no sign of getting up again.
Major Gordon looked at the time. "Twenty-six seconds, six
seconds faster than your usual training, good."

After a moment of silence, the onlookers of the special forces all

applauded, including the appraisers Major General Gordon.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, although the test was completely

within his expectations, and he still felt uncomfortable in his

"Xiao Yan, doing a good job. As a reward, I decided..."

Xiao Yan’s brows twitched. This guy can’t say anything about
deciding to let him take a day off... The last experience has
already made him fed up.

"Lieutenant General Aiwei, who represents the Central Academy

of Sciences, officially announced that the student Xiao Yan, as a
qualified researcher at this moment, you have graduated from the
Central Academy of Sciences. The military officially awarded
you the rank of Lieutenant!"

Major Gordon came to Xiao Yan's face. His expression was

solemn. His finger was in Xiao Yan's eyebrows: "I hope that you
will always retain the passion of the military! Always pursue in
your field and become the most solid backing of our special
mission forces. !"
Xiao Yan saw too many things that were difficult to describe in
words in the eyes of Major General Gordon. He looked around,
his shoulders were heavy, but his mind was awkward.

He is no longer a reserve technical soldier, but a technical soldier

with research and combat capabilities and a hope!

At this moment, all the special forces in the onlookers bowed to

him, as if they had a good edge and were unyielding.

Major Wenn nodded slightly to him. He paid a lot of energy for

Xiao Yan. Mark rubbed his eyes and said that the mouth is "you
are really good." Liv is really proud of him.

The side of Major General Gordon is Hai Yin Burton.

His eyes are far-reaching, and Xiao Yan is his end.

This man who is too strong to be unreal, his fingers stretched his
fingertips against the forehead, without any extra expression,
without the slightest temperature, but Xiao Yan knew that he
finally agreed with him.

When Major Gordon put down the hand of salute, Mark couldn’t
wait to rush over and lift Xiao Yan to his shoulder.

"Boy! You are real!"

"Why don't you call me a rookie?"

"Haha, you are still a rookie, just not as stupid as before!"

"Go! Go to the restaurant and celebrate! I have booked ten liters

of beer in advance!" Li Fu raised his hand.

"Ten liters?" Xiao Yan reveals a jaw-dropping expression.

"Hey! Do you think there are only a few of us? As the first
technical soldier trained by the special mission force, you will be
recorded in history!" Liv smiled.

Although there is no exaggeration of Li Fu’s “History of History”,

Xiao Yan’s success has affirmed the efforts of many technical
soldiers who have been training researchers in these days. Even if
they are not for Xiao Yan, they are worthy of drinking for

Entering the restaurant, Casey came to him and hugged Xiao Yan
tightly. "You are so great! Finally, let our technical soldiers be
proud of the special forces! You don't know what my instructor
said about me!" ”

"What did you say?" Xiao Yan squeezed Kathy's cheek forcefully.

"I said that I have to stay here for physical training in my life..."

"Haha! What to do, I think so!"

"Xiao Yan! You are dead!"

Kathy was about to grab Xiao Yan's shoulder, but did not expect
Xiao Yan to twist his wrist. Xiao Yan smirked and kissed Kathy's
face loudly. "I am not the former Xiao Yan. Not so easy to be
bullied by you!"

"You are dead! You are dead!"

Kathy struggled vigorously, but Xiao Yan felt that his blushing
face was cute and cute.

"I am waiting for you to let me die!"

Xiao Yan deliberately put his nose in front of Casey, and Casey
could only stare at him.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Xiao Yan always felt that there

was a gaze that oppressed him. The more he and Kathy were, the
more intense he felt.

Looking back, Xiao Yan saw Hai Yin Burton holding his arm
against the wall. He was talking to Wenn. When his eyes turned,
Xiao Yan quickly moved away from his sight.

so close……

Mark put a large beer in front of Xiao Yan. "Okay! This guy is a
lieutenant colonel! Be careful that he will find you trouble later!"
Xiao Yan stunned and realized that the "this guy" in Mark's mouth
was Kathy.

"Would you find me trouble?" Xiao Yan pretended to ask Kathy

very seriously.

"You are waiting!"

Several researchers gathered around and congratulated Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan replied one by one, and the lingering eyes of the eyes
looked around, but did not find that Hein Burton had left.

Such a situation is not suitable for Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan feels that this man will remain awake and cold forever,
indifferent from any temptation, including alcohol.

When the beer is consumed, everyone leaves. Xiao Yan sat alone
in his original position, he was not drunk, but at this moment he
enjoyed the quietness of the scatter.

Mark patted Xiao Yan's shoulder. "Hey, go, brother!"

Xiao Yan slowly got up and Mark sent him back to the door of the

"Hey, I heard that from tomorrow, you have to stay in the research
room... those studies that I can't understand. Suddenly feel
lonely." Mark grabbed the back of his head.
"So when you have a mission, don't forget to make an excuse to
bring me."

"of course!"

All the training is finally over.

Xiao Yan picked up his lips and his pursuit was not over. He will
continue to improve the x-2, making it last longer and longer, and
one day he will stand at the same height as Hein Burton!

In the middle of the night, Casey lying in bed opened the contact
with a boring, and sent a newsletter: Hey, when are you coming
back to Shire, your beloved little pet is already a minority!

In less than two seconds, the other party's newsletter was sent
back: very soon.

Kathy’s lips twitched slowly in the dark.

Xiao Yan, who was completely involved in the research, carried

out a second round of transformation on x-2.

But the progress is not obvious, whether it is the attenuation

coefficient or effectiveness of the virus.

In the noon restaurant, Xiao Yan saw the exhausted Casey. This
guy is about to fall into the plate.
Xiao Yan deliberately sat next to him, rubbing his arm with his
fingers, and Casey said with a closed eyes, "When I am full, I
must look good!"

"You said that I have been looking good for many times."

Kathy’s expression immediately became wronged, and she

entered Xiao Yan’s arms. “I don’t want to do any training... I want
to go back to the research room...”

Looking down, Xiao Yan just saw the bruises in his eyes. This
guy finally bid farewell to physical training and entered the
fighting training, but the first day he hung up.

Xiao Yan’s fingers licked the hair of Kathy.

"What research is being done recently?" Casey's forehead licked

Xiao Xiaoyan, revealing the look of yearning.

Xiao Yan almost spoke out his own results, but remembered his
commitment to Hai Yin, and if Kathy knew that he had
synthesized x-2, this guy couldn't help himself.

"I am trying to synthesize a virus, but I can't achieve the effect I


"What effect do you want to achieve?" Casey looked curious.

Xiao Yan showed a smirk, "I want to enhance the strength of

"Which strength?" Casey showed a completely puzzled


Xiao Yan’s palm ran down Kathy’s side and patted him on his hip.
“What do you say?”

Kathy is really angry, but fortunately he has no strength at

present, otherwise Xiaoyan’s head must be unscrewed. “How are
you so bored! Don’t even say it!”

Xiao Yan deliberately made a grievance expression. "I didn't lie to

you, it is to enhance that ability... I think this study is very

Kathy showed a smirk, propped up his upper body, slightly tilted

his head, and the finely curled eyelashes inexplicably stunned,
and the green scorpion under his eyes was full of shackles,
attracting the sight of Xiao Yan.

"Even if you don't use any virus, my ability in that area can make
you beg for mercy. Do you want to give it a try?"

Xiao Yan hadn't had time to think too much. Kathy was like a
lazy cat, nesting back on Xiao Yan's leg.

He snorted and closed his eyes and whispered: "All viruses are
like a sealed box. This sealed box contains 'mutation'. Some
variants can cause cancer. Some can enhance physical fitness,
such as x virus. Some can make people become zombies, such as
comets. These sealed boxes must go through the right way to
reach their destination, release the 'mutation' at the moment of
opening, change the human body. So in addition to this 'variation'
is what you want, more The important thing is whether the virus
is suitable for entering the human body?"

Xiao Yan stunned, and for a long time he bowed his head and
sighed: "Kathy! No wonder others say you are a genius!"

Kathy really took Xiao Yan's waist. "Don't talk anymore, let me
sleep for a while... just a little while..."

Xiao Yan licked his head and whispered: "You are so smart,
fighting and training is absolutely impossible for you."


That afternoon, Xiao Yan, who returned to the research room,

changed her research direction. After half a month, Xiao Yan
synthesized a new virus.
Fingers pinched the transparent container, and Xiao Yan glanced
at the liquid in it, and finally installed it into the injection gun.

He took a breath, opened the contact, and selected the name.

"Hello, Colonel."

The man on the holographic screen sits on the bed and the slender
legs overlap. This is the first time Xiao Yan saw that he did not
wear combat uniforms or military uniforms. Simple to no-style
white casual wear, the neckline reveals his elegant neck, hands on
the lower abdomen, without the sharpness of ready to go, but the
calm pressure is still infiltrated into Xiao Yan's mind through the
screen image.

"See you in the 002 training room after five minutes."

Xiao Yan has not said anything yet, Hai Yin has already
understood the requirements of Xiao Yan.

002 training room?

In Xiao Yan's impression, all the training rooms with zero prefix
are special training rooms for special forces above the major.

Xiao Yan passed the three safety gates before he found the
training room.
When the door of the training room slowly slides open, Xiao Yan
sees a space twice the size of the peace. The light close to the sun
hangs from the top of the head, and when he steps on it, the
ground shows the weight and strength.

Hai Yin stood in the center, and there seemed to be light flowing
between the golden brown hair. He still wears the white casual
attire, and the wide neckline reveals a few **** and powerful
clavicles. The whole body is still divided into a field and cannot
be invaded.

He is always like a god, only a distant view.

“This training room will automatically record all your activities,

and the data can be taken away. Everything you have here will be
encrypted, only I can access it.”

Xiao Yan nodded, this is to protect him, not let him leak any data.

"There is no zombie here, your only opponent is me."

Hai Yin's hands naturally fell to the side of the legs, so the
leisurely posture made Xiao Yan more nervous.

"let's start."
When I brought up the injection gun and heard the sound of "啪
-", Xiao Yan closed her eyes and felt that a force in the blood was
flowing, and it continued to flow into every cell.

Timing begins!

Xiao Yan rushed to Hai Yin, his speed was doubled in the past,
and he punched the door of Hai Yin.

He knows that his fist can't hit the other side, just want to try to
see if the current Haiyin is as easy as before.

Hai Yin’s back was calmly separated from Xiao Yan’s fist. Just as
he turned his wrist to screw Xiao Yan away, Xiao Yan followed
his direction around him, a vacant elbow slamming into the sea.
The spine of the worm.

As if he had already expected his action, Hai Yin side-by-side

buckled Xiao Yan's arm and the other hand against Xiao Yan's
elbow. A force, Xiao Yan's arm was folded behind him, Hai Yin
forced him to bend down. He can only hold his head and look at
each other.

"It’s a good job, but it’s a bit tender.”

Hai Yin waved, and Xiao Yan left the attack distance.
This time, Xiao Yan vacated and pressed his body to his elbow
joint, trying to hit Hai Yin's shoulder. He knows that the speed of
this sea must be avoided, but the moment of the fall has recovered
the arm, a side kick hit the waist of the sea.

Unexpectedly, Hai Yin took the lead forward and hugged Xiao
Yan. The waist was smashed by the other side and slammed

Finished! His cervical spine!

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, and his palms supported his body as
soon as his hindbrain was about to touch the ground.

At the moment, Hai Yin raised her leg and held Xiao Yan's back
ridge, and slowly put him down.

"You think too much before the attack. No offense can be

perfectly designed, only decisive judgment can save your life."

Hai Yin’s palm held Xiao Yan’s back neck and slowly stood up
with him.

Xiao Yan felt the other's palm slide from his neck along the spine
to the waist. When he released the moment, Xiao Yan breathed
out a breath.

"Come back."
No wonder he didn't move every time before he attacked Hai Yin,
because at the moment when he couldn't follow the vision, he was
analyzing Xiao Yan and he did not hesitate to respond and

This time, Xiao Yan just walked to the place separated by Hai
Yin, quickly hitting the other's lower abdomen with his knees.
The palm of Hai Yin pressed the knee of Xiao Yan, and the palm
formed a knife face to his carotid artery. Xiao Yan leaned back
and vacated, and the knee of the other leg was facing the chin of
Hai Yin.

Under such a complicated attack, Hai Yin still evaded. His elbow
lifted the chest that was about to smash Xiao Yan, but at that
moment he suddenly changed his movements and reached out to
hold Xiao Yan.

The two fell to the ground.

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and he stared at the bright lights until
Hai Yin’s face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Is there any injury!"

Hai Yin's palm covered Xiao Yan's cheek, and because of the lack
of response, the eyebrows wrinkled.
Xiao Yan tried to move his fingers, slowly bowing his legs, his
knees licking the calf of Hai Yin, I wonder if it was an illusion,
the man covering his body trembled.

"I... I'm fine. It seems that the effectiveness of the virus has

If the elbow of Hai Yin is shot down at that moment, his end will
be very fierce. The sternum will pierce the lungs and press the
heart. It is just cold and sweaty.

Just... How did Hai Yin judge that the virus in his body had failed
at that moment?

Hai Yin looked up at the timer, "three minutes and twelve


At this moment, Xiao Yan completely forgot his own research. He

just looked at the bright chin of the sea line and the neck that was
stretched out with smooth lines when he was raised.

Hai Yin propped up his upper body and kneeled on Xiao Yan's
side, pulling him up.

The data shows that after the virus is metabolized, Xiao Yan's
body functions are normal.
Hai Yin looked at the data very seriously. When the last set of
data showed that the virus did not cause any damage to Xiao
Yan's body, he closed the hologram.

"Go back to rest."

Hai Yin is about to open the door of the training room, but Xiao
Yan has buckled the other's wrist.

"and many more!"

Realizing that his behavior may make Hai Yin unhappy, Xiao Yan
quickly recovered his hand.

"what's up."

"Teach me... how did you predict your opponent's actions in the
shortest amount of time..."

Xiao Yan knows that such a request is very abrupt.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Xiao Yan, you
want Hai Yin to teach you what he will teach!

Maya: Also includes that aspect?

Xiao Yan: Which aspect? 2k novel reading network

"Yes. But this is not something that can be learned between day
and night."
Hai Yin’s answer gave Xiao Yan an expectation. Isn’t he satisfied
if he asks the man what he wants?

"Nothing can be done between day and night. Please believe in

my sincerity."

Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan's face. He took Xiao Yan's hand and
pulled it toward himself. At that moment, Xiao Yan's heart
jumped uncontrollably.

"This is a judgment about the possibility. Suppose that when your

fist comes to me, I will filter out all the impossible actions in my
mind. The closer you are, the more information I filter out. The
response will be more accurate. For me, this is the accumulation
of experience. What you lack is this kind of experience. It is easy
to make judgments, but it is difficult to make up your mind."

Xiao Yan understands the meaning of Hai Yin, and the more
possibilities he envisages, the more difficult it is to make

"I will attack you, now you are trying to stop me."

Xiao Yan is not ready yet, Hai Yin has buckled Xiao Yan’s
shoulder and pressed him to the ground. “Concentrate.”
Yes, Haiyin Burton, who has an unbeaten myth in the special
mission force, personally teaches that every minute must

Hai Yin’s action deliberately slowed down, as if to dismantle all

the moments and let Xiao Yan see it clearly. When Xiao Yan
thought that the attack of the other party could not be changed
anymore, Hai Yin could always subvert Xiao Yan’s imagination.

Maybe it was an hour, or two hours later, Hai Yin stopped.

Xiao Yan gasped with his head down, sweat dripping and falling
from his forehead. It was like a baby in the contest with the
master. If it was in the past, Xiao Yan’s self-confidence would
have collapsed.

He knows that the more he is not worth mentioning in front of

Hai Yin, the more he represents the other party to show him
everything without reservation.

"Come here today."

Hai Yin turned and pressed the door of the training room. Two
special forces responsible for supervising Xiao Yan waited
outside the door for a long time.

"Give him back."

"Yes, Colonel."

Xiao Yan and Hai Yin walk in different directions in the passage.

Three minutes and twelve seconds, compared with the results of

the first experiment is simply leaps and bounds, but this is not

He must make the x-2 virus last longer.

Back to my room, despite the physical exhaustion, Xiao Yan's

thoughts are boiling like tides. The terminals in the room cannot
handle complex data processing, but they can communicate with
each other. He looked for Casey, who is still online.

"Hey, Kathy, I thought you were already asleep."

"I ended up in the bed and slept until now. What kind of guys like
you are simple and well-developed, now you don't have to be
tempted by the special forces, what do you want to do!"

Xiao Yan bowed his head and smiled. He knew that as long as
Kathy did it seriously, there was nothing he could do, but this guy
was very disgusted with things like physicality and fighting.

"You are laughing at me! Make it clear! All your expressions are
clear to me!"
"I am not laughing at you, I just think that you are really a genius.
Remember the advice you gave me half a month ago. I adjusted
the virus and it has been in the experimental body for 36 minutes
to three minutes. Twelve seconds, but I don't have a clue how to
extend this time again."

Kathy pulled his lips and raised his chin. It was a proud
expression that he would only reveal when he explored the
professional field. "Dear, what you want is not that it lasts longer,
but forever."

Xiao Yan groaned, "So... how can I make it permanent?"

"When the virus does not only exist in the experimental body, it
completely changes the gene of the experimental body."

"..." Xiao Yan frowned. "Change it completely... is this possible?"

Kathy shrugged. "If you think it's impossible, then continue to

transform the virus. The way the virus enters the human body is
like walking in a maze. Don't let it go too many detours. Imagine
what else to let. It can go directly to your destination."

"More direct..."

Xiao Yan thought about it.

Kathy made a hit, "Dear, I have to sleep... tomorrow is a
depressing day."

The system sent a prompt: "Your friend is offline."

Xiao Yan did not respond at all, how can it be more direct?

Unconsciously, the light on the top of the head became brighter,

and Xiao Yan found himself lying in the training room.

Hai Yin is covering himself, his arms are in his ear, so close-up
posture, when the hair of Hai Yin hangs down, as if countless
stars fall from the black night sky.

Xiao Yan pulled up his lips, God... it’s coming again...

"Because you have ever entered my subconscious mind, so I can't

always restrain myself from dreaming about your existence?"

"Do you hope that this is an illusion?" Hai Yin's face is very real.

The elegant eyelids of the other side are falling, and the cool and
indifferent nose bones reveal a different kind of softness.

Sure enough, it is fantasy, because in the real world, Burton, will

not ask any questions, there is no doubt in his heart.

Xiao Yan pulled out a slightly arrogant smile. "If it is fantasy, I

can do whatever I want..."
Every time this guy kisses himself with an overwhelming
momentum, how do you want to win back.

Slightly propped up the upper body, Xiao Yan violently kissed

Shanghai Yin's lips.

He thought that the other party would stop him, if he was

imagining that he would not have to worry about pain or death...
although every feeling is so clear in the brain.

He remembered how the other side picked his own lips and kissed
it unscrupulously. This time, Xiao Yan completely entered the
mouth of Hai Yin in the way of Hai Yin, and turned over and sat
on the body of Hai Yin.

In an instant, everything seemed to be a fire. Hai Yin slammed

Xiao Yan’s cheek and madly kissed. Xiao Yan was forced by the
force to lose his weight, and his hands were on his shoulders.

Hai Yin sat up very easily, his fingers picked up the hem of Xiao
Yan's shirt, and he smothered his body with great enthusiasm. He
came to his buttocks, kneaded more arbitrarily, and stretched in
along the waistband. The strength of the gap seems to be to
isolate all the things that hinder their contact. The hot hard mouth
squeezed out the shackles and rushed into the deepest part of Xiao
Yan's body. The pain that even the heart stopped jumping made
Xiao Yan struggle, and the other side only pressed him back more

"That's why I always go deep into your mind. You will feel pain
and know that I am possessed by me, but when you are separated
from this world, you will still be complete."

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and he saw the madness of his mouth in
the other’s face. The ice-blue eyes extended a force to suppress
Xiao Yan’s.

Vigorously entering and exiting, heavy slap, Xiao Yan seems to

be torn apart, he buckled Hai Yin's shoulder and tried to get up,
but this is like a no return, the other side clasped his waist, did not
give him any chance of repentance .

Xiao Yan's body ups and downs with the opponent's attack, every
time it is topped to the highest point, the pain and some kind of
quick j□j, the man is hard to be infused with his desire to enter
and exit fiercely in his body. Xiao Yan's feelings could not be
relieved from the unparalleled impact, he could only squeeze out
the sound from his throat.

"...the colonel...stopped the colonel..."

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin in confusion. He feared the man but
could not chase him by himself. The wave of the man’s eyes,
Xiao Yan, determined what it was.

Hai Yin stretched out his hand and pressed Xiao Yan's back of the
head. After a crazy kiss, he rolled over and pressed against Xiao
Yan's body, lifting his legs up high, and then pressing against his
shoulder, fiercely entering | It’s not over, it’s been going on for
too long.

For Xiao Yan, this is not a nightmare.

He was sore because of the strength of the other side, because of

the attachment of the other person, because of the inability to
escape, so even if he ruined his own power, he could not hate

"I want to hold you in reality."

It’s not just ** that sheds in the low-lying eyes. Xiao Yan looks at
each other and asks silly: “Why?”

"...because I want to have you."

Hai Yin's lips are on the tip of Xiao Yan's nose. The teeth bite
bitten. His hair sweeps across Xiao Yan's cheek. It is an
unexpected relative movement.
The body suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness. Xiao Yan
opened his eyes and the bright light turned into a soft light. He
gasped and found himself returning to reality.


Shake off the terminal connector, Xiao Yan lowered his head, his
heart was still jumping wildly, subconsciously hugged his arm,
and the strength of the kiss seemed to remain in his lips.

Just now, is Hai Yin invading his own brain?

Xiao Yan stared at the terminal connector. He remembered that

Hai Yin used to be the leader of the Central Academy of Sciences,
his former illusions... I vaguely remembered that I was connected
to the terminal several times.

Is this the answer that Hai Yin gave to himself?

"I want to have you..." Xiao Yan couldn't help but recite the
sentence, and the heart suddenly jumped up.

Because the illusion of the sea is too special, no longer so far

away, no longer so cold to be inaccessible.

His strength, his temperature, are so clear and direct.

However, Xiao Yan couldn't help but remember that when he was
locked in the subconscious, Hai Yin entered and awakened
himself. Once a person enters the subconscious of another person,
it will have an impact on the other party's thoughts. This influence
may be minor and may affect everything in the future.

"I love Shanghai Yin Burton." Xiao Yan frowned and licked his

Because of this, he also has to doubt, if the sea in the mind is not
an illusion, but because he is looking forward to being possessed
by the other party?

Xiao Yan exhaled and wanted to become stronger...

I am still inevitably attracted to this cliff-like man.

I remember my father once said that people walking under the

cliff always look down on the cliff, because the direction of the
cliff is the sky.

"Well, Colonel Burton." Xiao Yan clenched his fist and narrowed
his eyes. "Since you challenge my tolerance in your brain, then in
reality, let me see if it is me." If you are forced to the point, you
will tell the answer!"

This is the determination of his Xiao Yan!

Xiao Yan continues to increase the duration of the virus, and after
one month, it has a time limit of six minutes.
It’s already unclear how many times he was subdued by Hai Yin,
one of Xiao Yan’s arms was pressed behind by Hai Yin, and the
other hand of Hai Yin was on his back neck. If it was actual
combat, Xiao Yan’s The neck bone has been broken.

The sweat dripped from the tip of the hair, and the moment when
Hai Yin let go of Xiao Yan, he almost fell to the ground because
of the force, but Hai Yin’s palm lifted him up, and Xiao Yan’s
back leaned into the arms of Hai Yin.

"Thank you……"

Xiao Yan deliberately leaned back and looked up at Shanghai

Yin's eyes. The man looked down at himself. Although he was
well hidden, Xiao Yan saw it carefully in his eyes. Xiao Yan
knows that he is very bad. He can raise his chin and let his lips
lick the side face of Shanghai Yin. Almost at that moment, Hai
Yin doesn't go too far, hold Xiao Yan's shoulder and stand firm.

"Yeah." Although it is only a single syllable, it has a few low


Xiao Yan’s heart smirked and smiled. Then he moved his finger
and felt that the virus had not been completely metabolized. He
jerked back and swung his fist to the belly of Hai Yin. The other
hand hit the side of Hai Yin. In that moment, holding his cheek
and taking back his fist and attacking his heart more forcefully, all
the attacks were done in one go, but Hai Yin still buckled Xiao
Yan's wrist and lifted Xiao Qi down.

At the moment when the chin was lying on the ground, one hand
held his shoulder.

Xiao Yan raised his eyes and found that Hai Yin was kneeling in
front of him and leaning.

“Is there any injury?”


How did Hai Yin do it, and the person who clearly took out the
foot was him, but this guy could hold him in the next moment.

It seems that this kind of hair is just to prevent Xiao Yan from
being injured.

Xiao Yan stared at Hai Yin, and subconsciously recalled the crazy
and irrational Hai Yin in her mind that day, maybe that was the
real one. In reality, he is too frustrated and always afraid that he
will be hurt. Xiao Yan slowly leaned on the other side, he
suddenly wanted to kiss him, at least let him know that he
understood the man's almost excessive protection for him.

Hai Yin was frowning and stood up.

Xiao Yan’s impulse for his own moment is red. What are you
doing? For a long time, Colonel Burton didn’t mean that!

Climbing up the ground, Xiao Yan felt that the effectiveness of

the virus had passed.

“Who can explain to me what is going on here?”

The sound of anger sounded.

Xiao Yan turned back and saw a figure slowly coming, and a pair
of iced scorpions stared at the sea.

The face of the moon is like a moon, the exquisite and elegant
face, but there is no laziness in the past and an attitude that does
not matter to everything. The air is floating in the air.

"Heyin Burton - you actually use x virus for him!"

Extrusion from the teeth is a haze of haze.

He hasn't seen this man for half a year. The clean and fascinating
temperament has disappeared, and the sense of danger oppresses
Xiao Yan's visual nerve.

"Jane... you are back..."

Jane Wallis took Xiao Yan to his back and raised his chin and
stared at Hai Yin.
"Answer my question! Did you inject him with the x virus!"

"Here is my training room, you don't have access."

"If I don't come in, no one knows what you did to him! I am still
wondering why you would personally hand over Xiao Yan to you
before leaving the city! It turned out to be this!"

Xiao Yan had not had time to explain, Jane hit the face of Hai

Regardless of speed or strength, any of the special forces that

Xiao Yan has seen can't match.

Hai Yin extended his hand and intercepted the opponent's attack
without any margin.

The pressure suddenly dropped, and Xiao Yan had the illusion of
being breathless.

Their wrestling speed is too fast, and the air is so fast that the
angle of the elbow is extremely accurate. The other moment Xiao
Yan sees it is that Hai Yin’s neck is pressed against Jane’s neck.

"You still have him tender, Lieutenant Colonel Wallis."

"You are too naive, Colonel Burton -"

Jane's knee hit a side, and then the finger broke into the shoulders
of Hai Yin, forcing him to let go.
This is the highest level of fighting in the special mission force,
but Xiao Yan has no feeling of watching.

"Stop! Lieutenant Colonel Wallis - you listen to me -"

Hai Yin’s palm grabbed Xiao Yan’s mouth and pulled him over.
The cold voice was floating in his ear. “Do not explain anything.”

And the short-legged legs were stiff in the air at the moment of
kicking Xiao Yan.

He frowned, slowly lowered his leg, and slammed forward to take

Xiao Yan out of Hai Yin's arms.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis!"

Hai Yin’s gaze was like a wave rushing down from the sky, and
Xiao Yan was crushed in an instant, making him unable to say a

"I will report all this to Major General Gordon. You are a

Xiao Yan was shackled out.

Just leaving the door, Xiao Yan was simply pressed against the
wall. "Say! What is the reason for you to make this decision!"

This is the first time that Jane is angry with Xiao Yan. Most of the
time, the man in front of him always smiles in a look that doesn't
matter anything, instead of smashing Xiao Yan between his teeth
at this moment.

"...I was not injected with x virus."

Xiao Yan looked at the other side very seriously.

"You haven't been infected with x virus? Are you a fool? I am

next to Hai Yin Burton when I guide you in fighting skills. The
training room can only be entered by the special forces above the
school level. Obviously he doesn't want too much. People know
about you! Just now your speed is obviously much higher than
ordinary people! Do you know what the consequences of x virus
will be! You can't be a technical soldier honestly!"

"You also know very well what the consequences of the x virus,
but you still choose to enter the special mission force."

"Don't tell me this! You are different from me!" Jane pressed the
palm of his hand at Xiao Yan's ear, and the clenched fist knuckles
were white.

"What is different?"

Xiao Yan asked with a funny smile, he suddenly wondered what

he was in Jane's heart.
Jane's palm slowly covered Xiao Yan's cheek, but wanted to force
but had to be careful to be afraid of breaking something fragile.

"Here... not the same as me and Hai Yin."

Xiao Yan shook his head. "We are all the same."

"Ha..." Jane reluctantly put his forehead on Xiaoyan's shoulder. "I

shouldn't go to perform that **** task... I should look at you!"

Xiao Yan looked up and felt the shudder of Jane. This guy really
cares about himself, otherwise he would not break his bones to
protect him.

"I really haven't been infected with x virus, believe me."

The fist that was tightly held still did not loosen.

Xiao Yan patted his back. "At the moment, I don't even have the
strength to crush a glass."

"How do you explain your fight with Haiyin Burton? Don't tell
me that training in just half a year will give you the combat
capability of a special commando!"

Xiao Yan just opened his mouth and Hai Yin came to them.

When passing by, his gaze passed through Xiao Yan, and as
always, Xiao Yan felt the warning.
He promised to pass the sea and never tell others about his

Until Hai Yin went far, Xiao Yan exhaled.

"You are so afraid of him?" Jane's face was squinting and


Such a serious expression is not suitable for him.

"I am not afraid of him, I just respect him. He has saved me many
times. Without him, I didn't even have the chance to see you."
Xiao Yan patted Jane's back and motioned to let him go.

"So you are obeying him? The x virus is not what you think..."


This time, Xiao Yan took hold of his cheek and confronted the
eyes of the two people.

"I know that the x virus is not as powerful as it is supposed to be

and it can't be compromised... instead it is the goal I have always
wanted to conquer!"

"You keep telling me that you haven't accepted the x virus, but
you are always silent about your own performance.

Jane chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "Well... since you said
that it is not x virus, I believe in you." ”
After that, the Jane did not leave.

Xiao Yan held his forehead and sighed for a long time, then
chased it up in three or two steps.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis!"

Just as Xiao Yan was about to hold on to each other, Jane turned
around and said impatiently: "I told you, I don't like to hear you
call me by surname and rank!"

"Okay... okay..." Xiao Yan raised his hands. "I just want to invite
you to have a drink. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Jane snorted with a sigh of arms. "Get it, you belong to a

researcher supervised by a special task force. You can't get out of
the headquarters building. Where do you want to ask me for a

"...Restaurant? Mark and Liv have asked me to drink beer in the

restaurant..." Xiao Yan didn't look at Jane with certainty.

He understands Jane's quality of life.

Sure enough, the guy who raised the beer frowned.

"... Many times the important thing is not what to drink, but who
to drink with it... right..."
Xiao Yan smiled and looked at Jane. The other side smashed his
collar and almost walked in the passage.

"Okay! Look at the fact that your poor researcher asked me to

have a drink, and the beer was barely accepted."

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Jane was still
angry because he was not completely honest with him, but Jane
expressed his compromise in this way.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Colonel, do

you know that Xiao Yan is deliberately going to kiss you?

Hai Yin: I know.

Fat winter melon: Then why don't you let him kiss you?

Hai Yin: I can't help myself.

When they arrived at the table, Xiao Yan ordered an apple pie and
French fries. These things are not like Jane.

This guy hates any food made by the terminal program because
their taste is the same.

Pushing the beer to the front of the Jane, the guy only took a sip
and revealed a disgusting expression, boringly holding his chin,
but not looking at Xiao Yan’s eyes.
"Hey! Don't be angry! When the time is right, I will tell you what
is going on here! Please don't tell anyone what you see!"

"Do you want me to report this to Major General Gordon? Major

General Gordon is my superior, and I have the obligation and
responsibility to report your affairs. I don't care if it is x virus or
something else that gives you strength, once this If something
hurts your body..."

Xiao Yan quickly reached out and held Jane's mouth. Although
there were only a few people sitting in the restaurant at this time,
Xiao Yan knew that the special soldiers' hearing could completely
understand Jane's words.

"Listen, once this thing is leaked out... the tide may take my head
at all costs."

Sighing with a sigh of relief, I looked very seriously at Xiao Yan

and said: "So I should report to my superiors. If you feel that you
can't give me everything, then report to Major General Gordon.
This is not just to satisfy your personal wishes. Xiao Yan, your
life is not only important for Shire, but for me personally."

Squinting eyes for a moment, Xiao Yan replied: "If you must
report it... then give me three months."
"Three months?" Jane stared at Xiao Yan. His expression was
calm and full of vigilance. "Impossible! Do you know how many
things can happen in three months? The order that General
Gordon gave me was to hold a platform for three months." And in
the past three months I lost one-third of my men!"

Xiao Yan stunned, and this reminded me of the biochemical

weapons that the special forces had lost their breathing function.

Although they knew that they had sacrificed a lot of special

forces, they did not expect that there would be a third of them, not
to mention that Jane’s troops must be elite.

The reason why Jane reacted so much to himself was because he

didn't want to lose him anymore.

"One month...Is it not a month?"

Jane closes his eyes, don't go too far, it is acquiescence.

"thank you!"

"That would really thank me."


At the moment when Xiao Yan’s hair was stunned, Jane’s finger
hooked his chin and slowly approached.
Jane held the hand on the table and held the beer in the other
hand. Xiao Yan was on the spot. Jane's side face is very beautiful,
he has a temperament, and Xiao Yan's heart is sinking.

When his tongue touched his own moment, Xiao Yan’s back was
not consciously stiff, and Jane had a real pro-go in the future.
Xiao Yan frowned and slammed his head, subconsciously holding
his elbow against Jane’s shoulder, and then turned back. In the
moment, Jane held Xiao Yan's shoulder with one hand and the
other hand clasped Xiao Yan's back of the head, easily defusing
his attack. Jane's fingers were embedded in his hair, and the
constant tightening of the arms finally made Xiao Yan lose the
power of breathing. From the beginning to the end, Xiao Yan
grabbed his lips with force, but Jane just looked down at his

"Are you in love with Haiyin Burton?"

He broke away from Jane's arms, or Jane finally let him go.

"What do you say..."? Xiao Yan squats Jane, his clenched fist is
angry, he thinks Jane is like Maya, after experiencing countless
dangerous moments, this man can regard him as a brother as a
comrade. Rather than being a rookie researcher who can be joked
at any time, if he has a potion on his hand, he has no doubt that he
will give himself a shot, and then give Jane Wallis a little color!
"He saved you many times, isn't it? You worship him. Even closer
than worship, you are attracted to him. Even trying to get rid of
my tactics is very similar to that guy."

Xiao Yan's active thinking suddenly condensed at that moment,

and the heartbeat was cursed.

He looked at Jane's eyes, but couldn't say a word.

He thought he was hiding well, but Jane Wallis, the guy who
hadn't met him for almost half a year, easily broke the secret
inside him.

“It’s hard to be attracted to someone.”

Xiao Yan does not intend to cover up in front of Jane, because

once concealed, this guy will reveal himself more arrogantly.

"Some people have said that it is hard not to be attracted to me.

But you are indifferent to me like a natural immunization."

Putting the beer down, the grace of the dagger smile is very

"Heyin Burton makes you forget one thing."

"what's up?"

"I just kissed you almost."

Xiao Yan reacted, and he was going to be angry with this guy, but
when the guy mentioned Hai Yin, he forgot everything.

At the moment, Jane’s hands squatted in the pocket of the military

uniform, standing at the door of the restaurant, he slowly turned
and pulled his lips and always lazy smile: "The next time you use
Haiyin Burton to teach you Something to deal with me, I promise
to break your arm."

Xiao Yan licked his lips and rubbed his head. This guy... Why do
you always come to him to verify his charm?

Even if I am attracted to Hai Yin, you are still irreplaceable to me.

I will always remember the sound of your bones fragile, maybe it

is insignificant to you, but every time I think of it, I feel pain.

Only the study of x-2 can make Xiao Yan concentrate. If the
research is successful, when he tells Jane not to spend every day
as the last day to squander, maybe this guy will show a different

At that moment, a certain aura flashed through Xiao Yan's mind -

x virus can adapt to the human body, but x-2 can't do it. It is very
likely that he has removed a certain gene chain that maintains
stability, he must take it. Get back and make changes.
With an idea in mind, Xiao Yan was very excited to go to his lab.
In the passage, Xiao Yan found that there were special forces
being mobilized. Although it was not a sea force, he had
something faint to happen. Perhaps it is a calm day to live too
long, Xiao Yan has forgotten that the world is not safe, even in the
impenetrable city of Charles.

There is a **** squad heading towards him, the most advanced is

Maya. This guy's face is dignified, and there is no smile in the

"Maya?" Xiao Yan paused in front of him. "What happened?"

Maya smiled comfortably, and the palm of his hand patted on

Xiao Yan's shoulder. "Nothing, the tide organization has always
been uneasy. Don't worry."

Despite this, Xiao Yan felt faintly, and the atmosphere of the
special mission troops was much more intense than in the past
few days. But no matter what happens, his first thing to do is to
complete his own research.

Two minutes later, Haiyin Burton walked into the office of Major
Gordon. The generals who like to enjoy a leisure time with a cup
of black tea have no extra chills and go straight to the subject.
"Coloton Burton, we were under siege by the tide organization at
the base in Antarctica."

Major Gordon leaned back against the sea and leaned against the
desk. Although he couldn't see his expression, the low tone said
that it was a small matter. The frequent mobilization in the special
mission forces in recent days is to strengthen the defense against
several other research bases.

But from any angle, the base of the Antarctic is a very special
existence. Because of the low temperature, the polar region is the
only place on earth that has no zombies. The most primitive
comet virus sleeps under the Antarctic ice sheet. In order to
monitor the comet virus, Charles established a high-end scientific
research base in Antarctica, and two special missions were
stationed all year round. The most sophisticated research team
except Shire has been engaged in research at the Antarctic base
for decades. And continuously send very precious data back to

"Because the Antarctic possesses the most primitive unmutated

comet virus, it has a crucial reference value for the development
of a complete x virus."

"But Charles must give up the Antarctic base. It is too far away
from Shire, and the difficulty of defense and replenishment is
quite huge. As long as the tide continues to attack, the base of the
Antarctic will not be able to survive sooner or later. What do you

"Strategically, the Antarctic base does not have any value. But
from the perspective of virus research, it is like a chicken rib. It is
too costly but does not create a corresponding value.
Unpredictable research potential."

Major General Gordon nodded. "According to the report of the

commander of the Antarctic base, Colonel Luther, the next attack
of the tide organization will occur within 24 hours. We must
evacuate all the garrison personnel and obtain the base before the
base is compromised. There are enough samples of comet virus.
The military and the Central Academy of Sciences have had a
meeting. The history of the Antarctic base is even longer than that
of the Shire. We have been studying the origin of the comet virus
for so many years, and all the valuable information has been
mastered. And the surge requires the Comet virus, but also wants
to develop a complete x virus, and there is no value for us."

"Hello, please tell me what my mission is." Such a big decision

did not make Hai Yin's expression half-shake. It was such calm
and calm, so that Major Gordon always placed Haiyin Burton in
the most trusting. Location.
"This time, your mission is to protect the troops of the Antarctic
base from being successfully evacuated. In addition... the
environment of the Antarctic is subtle, and it is a miracle of
nature that can keep the comet virus stable for tens of thousands
of years. Lieutenant General Aiwei means He wants to send a
Shire researcher to do the final field study of the stable comet
virus in the remaining time. What do you think of Colonel

"You will ask this question, saying that you are not worried about
Lieutenant Colonel Casey."

Major General Gordon chuckled. "Lieutenant Colonel Casey does

have strong research capabilities, but he has no experience of
leaving Shire's field trips and has no resilience to unpredictable
dangers. Of course, I also know that regardless of the Central
Academy of Sciences. You can protect him by sending a
researcher. It is only limited time. We must choose the person
who can make the most extensive and in-depth research in the
shortest time. This person is likely to influence the future of
Charles. I give You tell me, your choice in three seconds."

"Xiao Yan." Saying this name, Hai Yin did not think about it.

The so-called "three seconds" is superfluous.

Major General Gordon nodded. "I will tell Avil the guy, only
Shao Yan can maximize the efficiency of this mission. Go, Hai

"Yes, sir." Hai Yin respected a military ceremony and walked

away from the office.

Xiao Yan at this time was amazed by the lack of progress in the
research. He has a deep premonition that to study stable x-2 must
have another stable homologous virus to provide parameters. The
real most valuable reference is the "comet" that sleeps under the
Antarctic ice sheet.

Xiao Yan, whose thoughts are occluded, conducts a test shot of

the condensation gun in his own laboratory. Of course, the entire
Academy of Sciences, which uses the condensation gun research
as a pastime when the brain is exhausted, is probably only one of
Xiao Yan.

The pistol was previously developed, and now he is interested in

converting the condensation gun into a sniper rifle and even a
more fierce gun. He explored the construction of various firearms
and designed several firearms to test in the system. The cost of
the condensing agent has always been high, but fortunately the
military is very valued for his research lab. The so-called "at all
costs" to support his research also includes cost.
The simulation system showed that the precision of an assembled
sniper rifle he designed has reached the standard for military

The lips twitched and laughed. When Xiao Yan was about to
continue research, the terminal showed a disengagement.

"what happened?"

Taking off the interrupt connector, Xiao Yan discovered that Hai
Yin was standing beside him, with a calm expression and a fully
armed state.

"...Do you have a mission?"

"It is we have to go out of the task."

Hai Yin knows the structure of Xiao Yan's research room, and
even studies on him. Open the display, Hai Yinli took out the
sniper rifle that Xiao Yan had just developed, and quickly split it,
not to the upper body.

"Hey... that's the test!"

"Only they can be tested in actual combat."

After Hai Yin finished, all the samples of x-2 were taken out and
Xiao Yan was picked up from the seat.

"Change into combat uniforms."

"I want to perform the task with you?" Xiao Yan's eyes widened,
not like the fear and reluctance of the past, and his heart was filled
with an impulse to eagerly try.

"Yes. You have three minutes to prepare." Hai Yin raised his wrist
and looked at the electronic time on the contact.

Xiao Yan said nothing about it. He took off his researcher and
threw it aside, and took off his military uniform.

Compared with last year, Xiao Yan's body shape has changed a
lot. His back is straight, his waist is not sloppy, his lines stretch
out with a strong sense of beauty, especially the muscles of his
buttocks. When he lifts his legs, the lines rise and fall until the
combat uniform covers his body.

Xiao Yan turned back to the sight of Shanghai Yin, and his heart
glimpsed, but the other’s line of sight was unshakable and walked
to him.

He lowered his head slightly and put a gun on Xiao Yan's waist.
He then tightened the **** his leg and fitted the kit, so Xiao Yan
could take medicine for himself. In just 30 seconds, Xiao Yan's
equipment is exactly the same as the ordinary special forces,
except that the back is not a double-edged but a specialized
terminal equipment for the technical soldiers. Xiao Yan has more
sophisticated and sophisticated than the general special forces.
"Are you ready? Lieutenant." Hai Yin looked up. He was very
close to Xiao Yan. The warm breath swept through Xiao Yan's
lips and was firm and calm.

"Yes, Colonel."

Xiao Yan did not hesitate to meet Hai Yin's gaze, Hai Yin's
fingers approached, and the knuckles gently glided over Xiao
Yan's cheek, seemingly certain.

The side of the face, the beautiful facial features of the other side
is in front of him, Xiao Yan has an impulse to kiss, he still
remembers the almost impulsive kiss of Hai Yin when drunk, just
crushing himself.

"set off."

The cold voice brings all the fantasy back to reality. Xiao Yan
took a breath and felt that he was an idiot.

Hai Yin has turned around, and the moment the sliding door
opens, Mark and Liv and other special forces are on standby in
the corridor. When Hai Yin opened his long legs, Xiao Yan
quickly followed.

Unlike many times before, Xiao Yan did not feel that the
equipment on his body was heavy. He relied on his own strength
to keep up with the whole army. In front of his eyes is the back of
the sea, and the mentality of the previous missions. Xiao Yan did
not care about the destination for the first time. He just wanted to
follow the man's impulse.

Out of the special mission force headquarters, Maya in front of

the aircraft showed a big smile toward Xiao Yan. "I should have
thought of it, except for you, the head will not have other
technical soldiers!"

The last time I left Shire, it was Maya who pushed Xiao Yan onto
the aircraft, and this time, Xiao Yan jumped up handsomely.

At the moment of bowing his head, he saw the surprised

expression of Maya.

"You are different from the past, Xiao Yan!"

Maya's short hair was dragged by the whirlwind of the aircraft

engine. He habitually fiddled with his hair and then let go.

"Where is it different?"

Maya did not answer this question, but sighed: "Do what other
researchers can't do!"

When the cabin door was closed and Xiao Yan put down the
safety device, he exhaled a deep breath. This time only Haiyan’s
troops were dispatched, but Xiao Yan did not take it lightly. As
long as it is carried out by Hai Yin, there is no non-hazardous

"Hey, less, don't worry about your own life?"

This is the first time Mark called Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan nodded honestly and solemnly said: "Make me alive!"

Liv, sitting opposite, showed a hearty smile. "You must be alive

and you must live."

"Hey... Antarctic... In addition to special training, I have never

been to that place!" Mark sighed with a sigh of relief.

"What? The place where we perform the mission is the South

Pole?" Xiao Yan's eyes widened. He thought it was just the base
of a certain tidal organization, but the source of the Antarctic...the
comet virus, Xiao Yan thought that he had no chance to go to that
place in his life. .

"What expression do you have? Do you even follow the

mission?" Mark looked at Xiao Yan from head to toe. "You can
become more and more like a special soldier!"

Xiao Yan’s heartbeat was a mess, and suddenly she remembered

the scene where Hai Yin arranged her equipment. He knows his
own habits, whether it is a pharmacy or a gun, knowing where to
put it, and using it best. And finally, his knuckles licked his
cheeks as if the heart was gently sighed.

"Maybe because of the time constraints, the colonel did not

introduce you to this action, let me explain it to you."

Li Fu’s voice made Xiao Yan come back.

"This time we are mainly responsible for the evacuation of the

Antarctic base."

"What? We have to give up the Antarctic base?" Xiao Yan was

completely surprised that the Antarctic base was the place that all
virologists dreamed of. Although no more valuable data was sent
back to Charles in recent years, it gave up...

"Yes, because of the tidal organization. The Antarctic base

successfully prevented the tidal attack six hours ago. In the next
18 hours, the tidal wave is likely to attack the base again.
According to the news of the commander Colonel Luther, the tide
It is likely to launch a 'ablation bomb' on the ice sheet where the
base is located."

Ablation bombs are not offensive weapons, but research weapons

that specifically perform deep ablation of glaciers. Under normal
circumstances, local ablation can only be performed, but with the
madness of the tidal tissue, if a sufficient dose of ablation bombs
attacks the ice sheet at the base, causing the ice to melt, the base
will collapse.

Xiao Yan’s eyebrows are tight, Shen Sheng said: “If this is the
case, our research on the comet virus will be terminated! Even if
we have to give up the Antarctic base, we must at least send the
research elite in the Academy of Sciences to conduct the final
environmental research on the comet virus. !"

Liv’s finger clicked on Xiao Yan’s chest. “This person is you.”

Xiao Yan is totally unbelievable. "What do you say? Me?"

Liv nodded. "Think about it."

At that moment, the excitement of eagerness is filled with every

cell in the body, and he knows his chance is coming! Closing his
eyes, Xiao Yan silently thought about the problem he wanted to
solve, and sorted out his ideas. He knew that his time to contact
the "comet" was extremely short, and he must let this short time
play its greatest function!

Mark still wants to say something, and Liv is warned by his eyes.
The entire cabin was in a quiet state, and all the special forces had
a tacit understanding of creating the best thinking environment for
Xiao Yan.
Half an hour later, Xiao Yan looked out the window, they had
entered the cold zone, the climate became cold, the temperature
dropped, and a layer of white fog condensed on the window.

"Hey, Xiao Yan, you can't cry no matter what you encounter in
the Antarctic!" Mark shouted loudly.


"Because tears will form ice on my face." Liv explained with a


Finally they came to the Antarctic Circle, which is a pure and

white world, spotless. The ocean around the Antarctic continent is
filled with a large number of icebergs. The glaciers reflect the
lustrous luster under the sunlight. This white continent looks holy
and lonely. It is completely isolated from the world. Even when
the whole earth is in a zombie crisis, as the real source of the
doomsday crisis, it still sleeps quietly and has never been invaded.

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: Wow, I will conduct
face-to-face research on the comet virus!

Hai Yin: Yes.

Xiao Yan: I will use the comet virus to study the completed x
Hai Yin: Yes.

Xiao Yan: The Antarctic is so cold that I can't sleep...

Xiao Yan knows that no matter how beautiful the scenery is, the
moment he leaves the cabin, he will face a cruel polar
environment. The average wind speed here is up to 18 m / s, and
the lowest temperature can even reach minus 88 degrees Celsius.
When walking on the ice, pay special attention to the ice crack.
Every step is likely to be the last step of life.

Crossing the glacier, you will arrive at an innocent ice sheet, and
above the ice sheet is the Antarctic base established by Charles.
Only this base was obviously attacked, some of the bases were
badly damaged, and the towers and towers on the south side were
completely lost.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but breathe out a sigh of relief. It seems
that the tidal organization is really worthy of this base.

The shutdown channel was blown up and the aircraft could only
smash above the base. Hai Yin issued the instruction to leave the
cabin. Mark first lifted the safety device to the door of the cabin.
At the moment when the hatch opened, the cold wind poured in
and made a hula, and Xiao Yan’s face was quickly wrinkled and
entered the nasal cavity. The cold air seems to freeze his breath.
Li Fu took a potion from the thigh's equipment and squirted it on
Xiao Yan's face. The feeling that the facial skin is frozen is

This is a thermostatic agent developed for the armed forces that

temporarily isolates the skin from low temperature and high
temperature damage.

Liv smiled slyly. "Frozenly broke your face. Someone is


"What?" At this time Xiao Yan had come to the door and
confirmed that the rope was preparing to jump.

Liv shook his head.

Xiao Yan took a breath and jumped down according to the

training. The wind in the ear is raging, and the speed of the fall is
heartbeat. When he reaches a certain height, he decisively adjusts
the consolidation of the rope, increases the friction to reduce the
speed of the fall, and calmly falls.

Hai Yin, standing in the distance, looked at him.

"Colonel." Xiao Yan admits that he is nervous. Every time in the

past, Hai Yin took him out of the aircraft.

"Yeah." Hai Yin nodded and turned to enter the passage.

The ground part of the base has lost its function, and the troops of
the sea have entered the base of the base. They were greeted by
the commander Colonel Luther. He was older than Shen Bing,
with short linen hair and a pale skin color.

He saluted Hai Yin and looked at all the special forces. "Coloton
Burton, all the personnel in my base are ready to evacuate. All the
research data has been encrypted and extracted. The final
sampling of the 'Iridium' virus has also been completed. I'm Ai
Weizhong Where are the research teams to be sent? I will
personally lead them to do the final field analysis."

"Xiao Yan Shao Yan." Hai Yin made a gesture to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan stepped forward and saluted Colonel Luther. "Colonel, I

am Shao Yan of the Central Academy of Sciences, and will
conduct a comprehensive analysis of the comet virus!"

Colonel Luther stunned. He stared at the young officer in front of

him and immediately became angry. "Coloton Burton! What is
going on! This is the chance to conduct a final field analysis of
the Comet virus! The one that Charr sent should be one. The
entire research team! Even if it is not a team, at least it should be
an elite at the school level! How could it be a lieutenant!"

Facing the anger of Colonel Luther, Xiao Yan did not know how
to react. Does he have no chance to contact the "comet"?
"I only protect useful people here."

Hai Yin’s expression was cold, and there was no undulation in the
voice, but there was a shock inexplicable.

Luther stunned. He gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Yan’s eyes
full of scrutiny. "Come with me, Lieutenant. There are only three
hours left from the countdown of evacuation. I hope you will not
waste this. Last chance."

Xiao Yan did not say anything, and now no matter what
explanation is done, it is superfluous.

This base is completely different from the bases No. 2 and No. 14
that Xiao Yan has visited. There is almost no living facilities. The
limited space is set up as a research room, which is cold, concise
and lacking in anger. Even with great enthusiasm for virus
research, Xiao Yan is not confident that he can stay here for a
long time like Colonel Luther and his team. Xiao Yan is not a
madman who only focuses on scientific research. His life includes
talking with the students in the bar, fitness and obsession with
various ball games. At this moment, Xiao Yan looked at the back
of Colonel Luther and admired the man who had no side to heart.

Luther took Xiao Yan and Hai Yin into the deepest layer of the
base. The Antarctic base is a deep structure, its area is not large,
but the depth is the highest of all bases. Xiaoyan saw the most
primitive comet virus across the glass. In fact, it is not seen, they
are just ice.

Luther authorized the opening of a terminal, and the side of the

sea opened again: "open all terminals."

Luther looked at Hai Yin inexplicably, but the other party did not
give him extra explanation. Time is running out, Luther does not
want to discuss with Hai Yin for unnecessary things, he simply
authorized the opening of all terminals.

Xiao Yan sat down and connected with the main control terminal,
and he took a deep breath.

This is the only chance in his life, just as unique as birth and
death. Once you miss it, it is a regret forever.

He can't have any omissions.

Thinking flows into the system and all terminals are activated at
the same time.

Luther looked at the rate displayed on the holographic screen with

a very surprised expression. The base's research system is
performing high-speed analysis at a critical speed. In just three
seconds, the young researcher has obtained all the previous
research results, and based on this, the entire ice sheet
environment, ice flow, and even trace back to 10,000 Virus data
before the year.

"This...this is simply..." Luther sighed as he held his forehead. "Is

this really the human brain?"

Hai Yin did not say a word, holding his arm against the wall,
quietly staring at Xiao Yan's back.

Xiao Yan's energy is completely concentrated. In the process of

studying x-2, he has produced too many questions, and only these
questions can be answered by the comet virus.

Luther’s face sighed with deep breath. “I really want to enter the
terminal to explore his ideas and analyze the data with him... If he
was sent here, maybe we have made a breakthrough.”

At this time, the whole base trembled fiercely, and Colonel Luther
supported the wall. Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan
completely focused on what was not happening.

"It's a melting bomb! I didn't expect the surge to produce such a

large dose of ablation bombs in a short time! Colonel Burton, we
must evacuate immediately! Otherwise... we will be drowned
once we melt!"
Hai Yin raised her hand and glanced at the time on the contact.
The space they were in was shaking. Although it was not severe,
they were in a very deep position and needed some time to leave.

"Mark, Liv, you lead all the personnel to evacuate." Hai Yin
issued instructions, he looked to Luther, "Luke Luther, you leave

"I? Leave? But you are still here..."

"I will protect Xiao Yan from the last moment."

"I know that every second is extremely valuable at his brain

speed, but..."

"No, Colonel, I can't protect you while protecting Xiao Yan."

Luther was instantly clear, and he decisively left.

Hai Yin looked up and felt the shaking of the head. Ten minutes
later, the water of the drip fell and dripped in the holographic
image, making a creaking sound. He hurried to the front of Xiao
Yan and touched his terminal connector with his finger.

"Major, I count three times, you have to store all the data in your

Xiao Yan’s eyebrows rose slightly, and he heard the words of Hai
"one two Three!"

Hai Yin took off the terminal connector, and Xiao Yan slammed
his eyes and took a strong breath, just like waking up from a big

"Let's go! Less!"

The water flow pressed against the wall, constantly pouring in

from the gap, the main control issued an alarm, and the ice sheet
was melting.

Hai Yin took Xiao Yan into the vertical channel, and the circuit at
the base was interrupted, leaving only the backup power of this
channel still running.

Xiao Yan is uneasy, he can feel the vibration of the car during the
vertical ascent, which is the reason for the attack by the ablation
bomb. I don't know how long the car can last.

Hai Yin put Xiao Yan's head on his shoulder. Xiao Yan feels the
temperature of the palm of his hand and the power of his

"do not worry."

At that moment, all the cockroaches went away. Xiao Yan’s heart
is filled with an unparalleled sense of security. He will leave this
base and he will be safe!

Gradually, the cold water infiltrates into the stream at their feet,
and the rate of their rise is slower. Xiao Yan knows that the cabin
is about to collapse.

At the moment of the influx of water, Haiyin buckled the waist of

Xiaoyan. They did not reach the surface of the base. If the ice
sheets melted, they should have approached the surface according
to the speed and time of the rise. More and more water is being
poured, and combat uniforms isolate the cold temperatures.

After another ten seconds, the rate of rise was slower and slower
and eventually stopped.

“Are you ready?” Hai Yin lowered his eyes.

The car made a humming sound like a sorrow.

Xiao Yan put on the eyepiece and oxygen replacement device and
nodded to Haiyin. "I am ready, Colonel."

With a bang, huge waters poured in from the top of the head, and
after a few seconds they passed over their heads, and everything
suddenly fell into the dark.
Hai Yin took out the illuminator, and the pale yellow light showed
the five senses of the sea from the darkness. The hair swayed with
his movements, and the slender body slashed the water and went
up. Xiao Yan looked up until the man lowered his eyes and raised
his chin toward Xiaoyan. The young lieutenant came back and
followed Hai Yin. The car body. They are still in the vertical
channel of the base, still a dozen meters away from the exit of the
tunnel, and must leave before the entire base sinks into the water,
otherwise they will be trapped forever.

The speed of swimming in the sea is quite fast, and the rope
connecting the two people is constantly dragging Xiaoyan. Hai
Yin's legs are at the edge of the exit of the passage, and one
borrows upwards. At this time, several figures in wetsuits kept
coming close.

I thought it was the troops of Haiyin who rescued them, but the
figures of these guys were very strange. Xiao Yan’s heart had a
dangerous foreboding, and when Haiyin pulled out the sharp
edge, the blade was weakly reflected in the sea. On the heart of
the rock.

They are the killers of the tide organization! These guys really
won't let them go!

The fighting in the sea is completely different from that on land.

Hai Yin quickly tightened the ropes to try to close his distance
from Xiao Yan, but one of the killers quickly cut off the
connection between them. The condenser gun could not be used
in the water. Xiao Yan had to take out the gun and launch it. The
evasiveness in the sea was not as good as that on the land.
However, the tracking and positioning function of the bullet had
little effect on the water flow. A killer’s head was hit and the
plasma was hit. Instantly spread in the sea.

But Xiao Yan never imagined that a killer had already circled his
side, and the blade was wiped along his waist. In such a cold sea,
once the combat uniform burst, it meant losing the constant
temperature protection. Xiao Yan Will completely lose mobility,
and even die in a minute because of low temperatures. Xiao Yan
avoided the other side's sharp edge in the midst of a thousand
miles, and the situation of Hai Yin was quite dangerous. The
blade of a killer was picked up by Hai Yin, and the other side
simply grabbed his arms. The other killer's blade was cut to Hai
Yin. Hai Yin's side pose was extremely distorted to open the other

Xiao Yan took out the medicine on the thigh. The injection gun
had not touched his body, was picked up by the enemy, and the kit
left the body. Xiao Yan was shocked and turned to chase the
pharmacy, and the other person took him over, one hand clasped
his chin from behind, and he could break his neck with force.

Xiao Yan’s heart almost burst open, and he knew he was dead this

I haven't had time to think too much. I lost my strength in Xiao

Yan's arm. Xiao Yan used his legs to open the other side. When he
came back, he realized that Hai Yin had cut off the other's head.
The object pierces the chest of the sea, the red liquid spreads
rapidly, and the pupil of Xiao Yan expands in an instant to a few

There was no painful expression on Hai Yin’s face. He did not

hesitate to buckle his own sharp edge. The other party decisively
waved another sharp edge. Hai Yin’s right hand instantly changed
the position of the blade, and the blade turned backwards. A block
blocked the right hand of the killer. He opened the killer
backwards and pierced his blade as he left. Hai Yin turned back
and threw the sharp blade out of his hand. It cut through the sea
and ran through the head of the killer.

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately thought that

the battle uniform of Hai Yin broke down. Low temperature not
only disables the comet virus, but also includes the same x virus
as the comet virus. Seaweed must be removed from such a low
temperature environment as soon as possible.

But Hai Yin turned and swam deep into the sea.

What does he want to do!

Xiao Yan struggled to follow Hai Yin's body, but Hai Yin pushed
him to stop his follow.

Hai Yin stretched her fingers and tried to sneak into the ground. It
seemed to catch something.

Xiao Yan understands that it is his own kit.

That fool! He can reconstitute the pharmacy! If Haiyin has

something wrong, he...

Hai Yin grabbed the pill box violently, and on the way back, he
took the injection gun. He came to Xiao Yan and couldn't help but
point the injection gun at his neck and injected it.

The tired and weak body is instantly dominated by a force. Xiao

Yan's vision and hearing are extremely sharp, and he can even
clearly hear Hai Yin's steady heartbeat. Hai Yin’s palms stretched
over and clasped Xiao Yan’s hindbrain. Under the cold water, the
illuminator gradually weakened, and Hai Yin’s lips touched
gently on Xiao Yan’s nose. The movement was too light and too
fast. So that Xiao Yan always suspects that it is his own illusion.

Daddy, what seems to be approaching in the current.

It is also two killers. These guys are really a ghost!

Xiao Yan cursed in his heart and snorted.

Hai Yin Chao Xiaoyan made a gesture, meaning "one person

solves one."

Xiao Yan was excited, which shows that Hai Yin regards him as a
reliable comrade. The two had a tacit understanding back to back,
and each other borrowed from the direction of the killer.

The killer apparently looked down on Xiao Yan, and the blade
flew straight down to Xiao Yan’s neck. Xiao Yan, who had been
prepared, raised his hand and buckled the blade. His movement
was resisted by the resistance of the sea, so he simply followed.
The direction of the other's blade is pulled in the distance between
the two, and the elbows slammed into the sternum of the other
side. The killer coughed fiercely, Xiao Yan continued to work
hard, a reflexive screwed over the other's blade, the knee lifted to
the other's chin, the force of this blow was weakened by the sea,
the other side hid, and Xiao Yan did not give him Any chance,
decisively pierced the other's abdomen with the blade in his hand,
then grabbed his throat, clenched his teeth and slammed hard, the
cervical spine of the killer split, Xiao Yan released his hand, his
body bounced weakly, Slowly sinking.

Xiao Yan quickly looked into the direction of Hai Yin, he had
already solved his opponent, and opened the water flow toward
Xiao Yan. Suddenly remembering that he was hitting his lips in a
heated swimming pool, Xiao Yan’s heart jumped at that moment.
When Hai Yin stayed in front of him, Xiao Yan couldn't wait to
buckle the shoulders of Hai Yin. The nose of Hai Yin stopped in
front of her eyes. At that moment, Hai Yin's palm rested under
Xiao Yan's armpit. He went up.

Hai Yin looked up and looked at the interface where sea water
and air intersect.

When they gushed out of the water, several aircraft on the top of
the head were smashing.

Xiao Yan looked around and found that the original ice sheet had
disappeared. The ice-white world fell into a sea of ​blue, and the
sound of the glacier slid into the sea. Hai Yin held the hand of
Xiao Yan with one hand, and the other hand slid the rope, and
buckled it on the knot of Xiao Yan's waist. In a moment, Xiao Yan
leaped from the sea and escaped from the buoyancy of the water.
Feeling Xiao Yan subconsciously grasped the rope, and Hai Yin
had been carrying another rope in parallel with Xiao Yan, and
they both entered the cabin.

"Head!" Mark saw that they were safe and free of their hearts.

"Evacuation." Hai Yin issued a cold and cold order.

Several aircraft left at full speed, and the engine's power left a
trace on the sea.

The effectiveness of x-2 has declined, and Xiao Yan’s body is

gradually feeling exhausted.

Hai Yin sits opposite Xiao Yan, his legs are so long that when the
aircraft is flying back, everyone dumps to one side, and Hai Yin's
knees are just on Xiao Yan's legs. Xiao Yan looked in the
direction of Hai Yin. He closed his eyes and his eyes hang down.
Even without the slightest expression, he still attracted Xiao Yan’s

Where his abdomen was punctured by the killer, Xiao Yan could
not determine whether he was healed.

"I'm fine." Hai Yin, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

Xiao Yan didn't think that Hai Yin actually guessed what he was
thinking, or that Hai Yin would care about his feelings.
Xiao Yan couldn't help but stretched his hand, and the palm of his
hand covered the belly of Hai Yin. The palm of his hand came to
the body temperature of Hai Yin. Make sure that the place has
healed, Xiao Yan has to take back his hand, and Hai Yin has
buckled his wrist.

"Even if you accept the same training as the special forces, you
and the special forces are not the same. You have a battlefield that
belongs to you and other special forces can't get involved."

Hai Yin’s words made Xiao Yan’s heart tremble.

Mark looked at the two men with squinting eyes. The special
forces on the side bumped him. Mark was so reluctant to go back.
He had many questions to ask, but everyone used his eyes to warn
him to "shut up."

Despite the warmth in the cabin, Xiao Yan’s tiredness is even

heavier. The analysis of the "Iridium" virus has greatly consumed
his mental power, and the x-2 has also overdrafted his physical
strength. Xiao Yan took out the compressed biscuits, no matter
how irritating the taste, but its nutrients are the essence after
concentration. Looking down, barely swallowing the first biscuit,
Xiao Yan still feels hungry.

Hai Yin stretched her arm, pressed the fingerprint in a certain part
of the cabin, and opened a narrow compartment on the top of the
head. He took off something like an energy bar. Xiao Yan knew
that the thing was chocolate, and compressed. Unlike biscuits, it
has a high protein content. Hai Yin unpacked the outer packaging
and handed it to Xiao Yan.

"Go to sleep after eating."

Xiao Yan didn't talk much, and the energy bar was finished in
three or two. The sweetness of the chocolate remained in the
mouth. Xiao Yan passed his head and fell asleep against the safety

I hope that when he wakes up, he will have returned to Charles.

Between the confusion, Xiao Yan felt the body lose weight.

"Xiao Yan! Wake up!" Hai Yin's cold voice rang in his ear.

Xiao Yan slammed his eyes openly, and all the special forces in
the cabin were in a state of preparation. The trajectory of the
aircraft was messy and embarrassing. Xiao Yan instantly realized
that they must be chased by the tide organization!

The Antarctic base personnel plus Shanghai Yin's troops, the

number of aircraft more than ten, such a huge target surge
organization can not easily give up, not to mention the
researchers' brains and decades of research data.
"Xiao Yan, you are ready, we may be able to pop you out of the
safe cabin at any time!" Mark said to Xiao Yan.

But I didn't expect Hai Yin to open Xiao Yan's safety device and
buckle his wrist to pull him into the cockpit.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: I really want
to write a love of underwater love...

Hai Yin: There will be in the future.

Xiao Yan: Can you not do this, I am your son!

Fat winter melon: Hai Yin is also my son, son

At the moment when the cockpit door opened, the aircraft

suddenly tilted. Hai Yin grabbed the door and the other hand
grabbed Xiao Yan. The two men hung vertically at almost 90

"Liv - steady direction!"

It was at this time that an aircraft had crashed and several safety
cabins were ejected.

Xiao Yan realized that the situation was a hundred times more
dangerous than he had imagined. They are not only hit by the
surge of organizations, but also their brain invasion of the driver.
Tolle, who was driving the aircraft with Liv, had no heads, and the
single driver gave Lif too much pressure. Their aircraft was
getting closer and closer to the ground, and the mountains were
stretched in front. Once they hit, the consequences were

The aircraft struggled to restore the angle, but Liv couldn't hold
on for long. Hai Yin took the time to take Xiao Yan into the
cockpit. They took off Toler's interrupt connector, and Hayes
replaced his position, and the instant aircraft recovered its height,
passing the thrill of the mountain.

At this time, the aircraft that Colonel Luther was riding was
dropping rapidly, and their drivers were also caught by the tide.

Colonel Luther closed his eyes. This road was thrilling. He sighed
in his heart. He did not expect that he would not be able to return
to Charles even if he left the Antarctic base.

"Colonel! Please be prepared to enter the safe cabin!"

Just as they bumped into a protruding rock, the explosion came

and Colonel Luther and other researchers in the cabin were
suddenly ejected.

Xiao Yan saw this scene suddenly tightened, "Colonel Luther -"

"As long as we get out of trouble! There is still a chance to find

them." Hai Yin is still calm.
It seems that the "blockers" of the tidal organization are
extraordinary, and they succeed in succession. If they continue
this way, they are likely to be wiped out.

"Xiao Yan! You replace Liv! Link all our aircraft!"

Hai Yin decisively reached the order.

"Head! This is too dangerous! If Xiao Yan was also invaded by

him in his brain about the study of comets..."

"No one can invade his brain because there is me."

This sentence is as if it is truth.

Xiao Yan pushes Liv in hesitation and wastes time. They will lose
more comrades.

His brain and Hai Yin are connected in an instant, clearly

controlling each other's left and right engines, and their tacit
understanding is just like the same brain. Xiao Yan can feel the
strength of Hai Yin's thinking, and the strength of extension
cannot be rejected.

Connecting with another person's brain is another experience for

Xiao Yan. Without words, Xiao Yan can understand all the
thoughts of Hai Yin in an instant, and Hai Yin's thinking speed is
on the same track as Xiao Yan.
They reached a consensus, that is, the strategy of unifying attack
and defense, and jointly defending the enemy.

Xiao Yan’s thinking quickly expanded outwards, locking all of his

own aircraft, raising the altitude and avoiding the mountains. In a
matter of seconds, the aircraft formed a queue to resist the
recourse of the tidal organization. Under the guidance of Hai Yin,
Xiao Yan launched a tracking missile to the surging aircraft, and
instantly two enemy aircraft were hit and crashed.

Sure enough, the tidal wave tried to capture Xiao Yan’s brain and
was affected, and the entire flight queue became messy. Xiao Yan
felt that his connection to other aircraft was blocked and
interfered. The other party even reversed into the outer edge of
Xiao Yan's thinking, and violently tried to pierce his
self-protection into the troposphere of his thinking.

At that moment, all the forces that entered Xiao Yan’s brain were
instantly removed, and his outer edge of thought was shrouded in
a force to isolate all interference.

It is Hai Yin!

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and knew that he didn't have to
worry about any harm. All he had to do was fly.
Out of all the shackles is like a broken butterfly. Xiao Yan
controls the aircraft to split the sky. The mark in the cabin fastens
the safety device and curses loudly: "Mom - this is for me to spit
it out!"

The enemy locked Xiao Yan and launched a tracking missile.

Xiao Yan skillfully deployed several aircraft, which not only
blocked the enemy's missile attack, but even shot down an enemy

The two people cooperated with the fire, and even turned into
Xiao Yan, who was responsible for the flight path, and Hai Yin
operated the fire control system. No need for any communication.
Xiao Yan knows how to fly so that all the aircraft can form a
matrix, and each shot of Hai Yin looks like a thousand, In fact, it
is extremely accurate.

In less than a minute, three consecutive aircraft were shot down

by them.

Liv looked at the sparkle outside the window, and the air trembled
because of the burst. She sighed, "Who else can beat them?"

Xiao Yan avoids all the cracked pieces and sways through the
enemy's gunfire. The remaining part of the opponent concentrates
all firepower on the attack on Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan skillfully
closes them, and Hai Yin grasps all the gaps. , pushing them to
desperate circumstances. An aircraft crashed into the rock under
the panic.

The enemy was in a chaotic position. Xiao Yan, who was at a

disadvantage, began to make a near-fighting comeback. The
aircraft crossed the arrogant curve in the sky, and the big return
and even the spiral flight. Not long after, the remaining three
enemy aircraft were evacuated.

Xiao Yan and Hai Yin did not give them the opportunity to leave.
Several missiles made them the dust in the sky.

All the surviving special forces and researchers have witnessed it

all, and looking at the entire Shire, I am afraid that I can't find
such a perfect match. The offense and defense are seamless.

Such a life escape may only be experienced once in a lifetime, not

to mention such a counter-attack!

Hai Yin and Xiao Yan are gradually disconnected from other
aircraft. What they need to do now is to locate the safety cabin,
especially the colonel of Luther. He carries a sample of the comet
with him. It is a piece of fat for the tide.

"Head! What should I do? We are all members going to find

Colonel Luther?" Lifu expressed concern about the current
They must send the other researchers who evacuated the Antarctic
base back to Shire. The more time that is delayed, the more likely
it is to be attacked by the tide organization. But Colonel Luther’s
identity is very special. If he can’t bring him back to Charles, the
mission will lose half of its meaning.

Hai Yin issued instructions, except for the aircraft he was in, other
aircraft continued to withdraw to Shire.

Li Fu lifted the safety device and returned to the cockpit. At this

moment, Xiao Yan is still connected to the sea via the terminal.

"Colonel, about Xiao Yan...Is it necessary for him to transfer to

other aircraft to go back to Shire, and the task of finding Colonel
Luther does not require Xiao Yan..."

"He must stay with us." Hai Yin replied coldly.

Liv was very worried to see Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan smiled and
smiled at Liv. "Where is there any more safe in this world than
Colonel Burton?"

Hey, Li Fu suddenly understood the intention of Hai Yin. If the

tide organization launches another attack, their primary goal will
be to return to the aircraft of Shire, because no one can expect
Xiao Yan not to go back to Shire but to continue to perform the
task of searching for Colonel Luther.
Liv returned to the cabin, leaving only Xiao Yan and Hai Yin in
the cockpit.

The unconscious Tolle was sent to another aircraft, and Xiao Yan
hoped that the guy would return to Charles safely.

This is the first time that I have been fighting alongside the true
meaning of Hai Yin. His brain is still immersed in the previous
tacit understanding. Subconsciously, he reached out and touched
the finger of Hai Yin. At the moment when the skin touched, Xiao
Yan felt that he was stupid. But at the moment he took back his
finger, Hai Yin took Xiao Yan's finger.

Hai Yin's fingers are slowly embedded between Xiao Yan's finger
joints, and they are very hard to gather. Xiao Yan's phalanx was
sore. He knew that Hai Yin didn't have any force at all.
Otherwise, his finger was broken. Xiao Yan frowned and didn't
try to break free. He inexplicably missed the feeling of strength
brought by Hai Yin. Because the two people's brains are
connected through the operation terminal, they feel more sensitive
to each other than usual. Perhaps feeling the pain of Xiao Yan,
Hai Yin silently released his finger, but he was reluctant to leave
Xiao Yan completely.

Xiao Yan did not hesitate to hold Hai Yin's hand again. For the
first time, he felt the clearness of Hai Yin's treatment of himself.
If you are afraid that I am hurt, you can do nothing and let me
come close to you.

Like a tacit understanding, Xiao Yan's palm is covered on the

back of Hai Yin's hand, and the colonel who has always been
indifferent, the back of the hand is holding the hand of Xiao Yan.

The two finally approached the landing of the safety cabin of

Colonel Luther.

At this moment, an enemy aircraft is staying above the safety

compartment, and the two killers are sliding down the ropes, and
they are trying to destroy the safety function of the safety
compartment with some kind of electrode device. Once the hatch
was opened, Xiao Yan had no doubt that Colonel Luther’s head
would be cut down.

The other side naturally found that Hai Yin and Xiao Yan were
close, and even launched two tracking missiles. Xiao Yan
cooperated with Hai Yin quickly, and carried out a loop spiral
flight, shooting down a missile. But because the chasing of the
previous battles consumed too much, they only had one missile

Xiao Yan and Hai Yin made the same decision with great tacit
understanding. There was a command from the sea in the cabin.
All the special forces jumped out of the cabin door at that
moment. Xiao Yan and Hai Yin were ejected from the driver's
seat. While they were hit by the tracking missile, they also fired a
missile and hit the enemy aircraft. . The other party did not expect
Hai Yin and Xiao Yan to lock the missile trajectory and launch
before being hit. It was too late to evade. The engine room and
the left engine were badly destroyed, falling down and lying on
the ground.

At the moment of ejection to the sky, Xiao Yan was instantly lost,
and a figure glided from a distance, cuddling Xiao Yan, who was
completely out of balance in the air.

Hai Yin pulled out Xiao Yan's injection gun and injected the
medicine into Xiao Yan's body before landing.

Although Hai Yin completely lost balance when Xiao Yan landed,
Hai Yin suddenly turned over the cushion under Xiao Yan's body.
The sound of friction with the ground sounded, Xiao Yan pressed
heavily on Hai Yin, and Hai Yin doubled. The legs slammed on
the ground to slow down and they finally stopped.

The combat uniforms weakened the pain caused by the friction

between the body and the ground gravel, but Xiao Yan knew that
Hai Yin had suffered most of the damage for him. The moment he
looked at Hai Yin, the other's eyes could not see the painful
emotions. He was very powerful in holding his own strength,
squeezing Xiao Yan's lung cavity, and even breathing.

At the moment when Hai Yin released his arm, Xiao Yan quickly
climbed up. He was once again saved by Hai Yin.

"Go back to Shire, you need to perform air taxi training."

This is Hai Yin's summary of all this.

Obviously, I was injected with x-2 seaweed and I don’t need to

worry about the damage he suffered when he landed. But this guy

"Follow me!"

Hai Yin ran up, Xiao Yan understood that they could no longer
waste time. Once the surging people opened Luther’s safety
cabin, the consequences were unimaginable. Xiao Yan never ran
so fast, and the wind rushed past his ears. His eyes were the hair
that was picked up by Hai Yin and the lines with strong tension
on his back when running at full speed.

The safety cabin was close at hand, only heard a bang, the door
opened, and the surging killer raised his blade to cut down the
head of Colonel Luther.
At this time, Colonel Luther will be equipped with a gun at his
chin. He only needs to be detained, and his brain will be
completely destroyed! Luther's fingers did not tremble, his eyes
stared at the surging killer, and he was completely dead.

He spent fifteen years of research at the Antarctic base, doing

everything for Charles. For him, if his brain is taken away by the
tide, it means that the fifteen years of research is meaningless.

The blade of the killer refracts sunlight, and the cold chill swells
and spreads in Luther's eyes. Daddy, a silver arc in the air was cut
open, the arm of the killer broke open, and the bright red liquid
scattered. Behind the killer, Hai Yin's blade has already touched
his neck, and he has no intention of giving him the hesitation.

Just as Luther’s horror moment, another killer swayed to Luther’s

side, and the other’s fingers touched Luther’s neck. His fingers
were still buckled on the gun, and Hai Yin was blocked by three
killers. Even though Hai Yin is a legend of special mission forces,
Luther believes that even if Hai Yin can only return to Shire with
his own brain to complete his long-cherished wish to return home
as an expatriate researcher, he still dare not take risks. At the
moment when Luther pulled the trigger, someone suddenly
removed his muzzle and the other hand buckled on the killer's
wrist. He only heard a "click" and the other's wrist was crushed.
At that moment, Luther was taken behind someone. The other
side's back is also carrying a wireless terminal dedicated to the
technical soldiers.

"Colonel Luther, your gun should aim at the enemy, not yourself."

"Xiao Yan Shao Yan?" Luther completely stunned, and the other
party's action was completely different from the technical

Xiao Yanli landed the dagger from the waist and blocked it on the
blade of the killer. Then he used the rotation of the body. The left
foot fell accurately on the right foot of the killer. The knees
slammed into the opponent, and they were on the other side. At
the moment of imbalance, Xiao Yan’s dagger firmly plunged into
the shoulders of the other party. At the moment when the other
party failed to heal, Xiao Yan took the opponent’s blade
backhand. All of this was done in less than a second, accurate,
stern, and without hesitation.

Luther even reacted to what Xiao Yan did.

The killer obviously didn't expect Xiao Yan to have such agile
skill. He stepped back two steps, and Xiao Yan also stepped back
two steps. This retreating action surprised the killer. Why did
Xiao Yan take advantage of it?
Xiao Yan’s lips are a little laugh, because this is his safe distance
from the enemy. Just as the killer pulled out the dagger on the
shoulder blade, Xiao Yan decided to pull out the gun at the waist,
and the moment the child popped out, the temperature
plummeted, and the sound of a similar condensation could be
heard in the air. The killer has already avoided the bullet, but he
has not left the scope of the condensation bomb, and his half body
is completely frozen.

"Cold...condensing guns..." Major Luther stunned. He had not

heard of the fact that the condensation gun had been successfully
put into actual combat.

At the same time, Hai Yin jumped up, the body drawn an arc in
the air, and a fully assembled sniper rifle in the hand was
designed towards the ground. The force of the pop-up spurred
him to jump higher, because the bullet The goal is the ground, the
three killers just followed the sea, but did not expect the bullets to
burst open, their bodies were frozen at low temperatures, and the
sea has landed in the distance.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, just now Hai Yin is too risky! In case
there is any problem with the condensation gun, maybe he will
freeze himself!
At this time, Liv and Mark found them. When they saw that the
three of them were safe, Liv exhaled a long breath.

"Xiao Yan is a lieutenant, are you injecting x virus into yourself?"

Luther came back to this. For him, Xiao Yan's skill has only one

Xiao Yan is going to answer, but Hai Yin said coldly: "It is the
latest medicine developed by the Central Academy of Sciences. It
can only be maintained for a certain period of time and will be
metabolized by the human body."

"Ah... this is the case... This is a revolutionary development that

can be applied to the study of the x-virus!" Colonel Luther was
excited and couldn't help but talk to his peers.

Even so, Colonel Luther looked at Xiao Yan's gaze more

meaningfully, because no matter what kind of potion can make
Xiao Yan's skill automatically become so neat, he just missed the
killer every shot and the special soldier is no different.

This young ensign has more than a normal brain intervention

speed, and even his skills are so good.

However, I have not returned to Shire for more than ten years.

"Head! We lost the aircraft..." Liv’s anxious expression is now

just a surging aircraft, and soon more enemies will be chased, not
to mention being exposed to the wilderness. They gathered
together. Their expressions are embarrassing, and the hunger and
killing of food in their eyes makes Luther subconsciously retreat
two steps. He has not seen zombies in fifteen years. From the
outside, zombies are much more terrible than the surging killers.

Xiao Yan next to him is much calmer.

"Xiao Yan." Hai Yin just faintly called Xiao Yan's name.

Xiao Yan took off the wireless terminal, located their current
location, and sent a distress signal.

"I have contacted Colonel Shen Bing of the No. 2 base and his
aircraft will arrive in ten minutes!"

All of them are waiting, and it is not difficult to solve all the
nearby zombies within ten minutes.

"Protect Colonel Luther." This is the order issued by Hai Yin.

The effectiveness of x-2 gradually faded, and Xiao Yan’s body

began to get sleepy.

Hai Yin's cold voice sounded in Xiao Yan's ear: "Resist, less
envious. After ten minutes I promise you a good night's sleep."

Xiao Yan got up and got up.

The number of zombies in the wilderness was not as great as in
the city, but the scenes of dozens of zombies still made Colonel
Luther nervous and his fingers trembled. He clenched his gun.

Xiao Yan sighed and reminded: "Colonel Luther, your gun is

using a tracking bullet, and its biopositioning function does not
work for zombies."

Luther’s shoulder trembled and Xiao Yan delivered his

condensation gun to the other party. “Be careful, don’t freeze our

"So what about you?" Luther asked worriedly.

"I... use this." Xiao Yan picked up the blade of the killer with his

The zombies are getting closer and closer. Although Luther used
the condensation gun for the first time, his observation and
memory were amazing. According to the power and scope of
Xiao Yan’s last use of the condensation gun, he broke the gun
when the zombies entered the estimated range. When the bullet
penetrated the power of a zombie's chest, the surrounding five or
six zombies were all frozen. The feeling of using this weapon by
hand is beyond Luther's imagination. The recoil of the gun is very
small. The speed of the pop-up is extremely fast and the accuracy
is quite high. It has undergone multiple calibrations and fully
meets the high-level operational standards.

Luther seemed to find a general feeling, followed by two shots,

and the rushing zombies formed an ice wall and blocked them.
The zombies have no tolerance for low temperatures, and other
zombies circumvent the ice wall from another direction. Luther
did not continue shooting. He knew how scarce the raw materials
of the condensation guns were.

However, only one second, Hai Yin lifted the blade and swayed.
The heads of more than a dozen zombies were degraded. Other
special forces also showed their talents. They will be very busy
before the aircraft of Colonel Shen Bing arrives.

Xiao Yan has been standing by Luther's side, and other special
forces have tried their best to organize any zombie close to Luther
and Xiao Yan.

Two zombies became the fish of the net to the direction of Xiao
Yan and Luther. Hai Yin’s eyes crossed Xiao Yan, Luther thought
he would come over, but did not expect Hai Yin still sweeping
other zombies.

A zombie opened his mouth and bite Luther's shoulder. Xiao Yan
pushed Luther away and suddenly lifted his leg. The palm pressed
against the back neck of the zombie, and smashed it to his knee.
The sound of broken bones Clearly, Luther’s shoulders trembled.
This zombie fell to the side like a puppet who lost the line.
Another zombie has already rushed behind Xiao Yan.

"Be careful!" Luther was shocked.

Xiao Yan raised his arm violently, his elbows backwards, on the
chin of the zombie, and then turned around and circled behind the
zombies, and he threw off his head.

Luther looked at everything in front of him. If Xiao Yan, who was

injected with x-2, was too fast, Luther couldn’t recognize it. Just a
series of attacks, Luther had to admit that not all technical soldiers
could enhance their physical fitness. Reach the level of Xiao Yan.

Finally, Shen Bing’s aircraft arrived.

Xiao Yan glanced at the contact on the wrist. In eight minutes, the
reinforcements arrived early. It must be said that the efficiency of
Shen Bing was higher than that expected by Xiao Yan.

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: I am amazing?

Great? Great?

Fat winter melon: ...

Hai Yin: Yes. 2k novel reading network

"let's go."
At the same time as Hai Yin ordered, there were still zombies
coming close to each other.

The slip line of Xiao Yan's waist ejected upwards, connected with
the aircraft, quickly left the ground and stepped into the cabin.

Mark suddenly put Luther on his shoulder, and as Ludger looked

up, Luther looked at the ground farther and farther away from
him, and the heart almost stopped. Mark rudely threw Luther into
the cabin and pressed it into the seat. Luther’s fright was
undecided, and Xiao Yan, opposite, smiled and pressed the safety
device for him.

Mark is laughing and laughing, obviously it is deliberately scaring

Luther. Xiao Yan glanced at him helplessly, remembering that he
was also the object of this group of special forces.

After a few minutes, they successfully entered the No. 2 base, and
Shen Bing waited for a long time with his arm in the parking lane.

Hai Yin stepped out of the cabin and walked past Shen Bing's
side, only a slight dagger said: "Thank you."

Luther and Shen Bing respect each other for a military ceremony.

Xiao Yan looked at Shen Bing, and this guy was as unsmiling as
he was when he first saw it, but it was a lot more. With the fact
that one of the bases outside the city of Shire was attacked by a
tidal wave or even destroyed, the situation of the base 2 as a
research center outside the city is actually not optimistic. Shen
Bing’s gaze passed over Luther’s shoulder and Xiao Yan’s eyes,
and the lips evoked a smile.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, less envious."

Shen Bing read the word "Lieutenant" very clearly.

Xiao Yan quickly saluted Shen Bing.

"Shen Bing, do you know Xiao Yan?" Luther asked.

"The last time I saw him, he was a rookie who would trap himself
in the unconscious."

"When is the last time in your mouth?"

"Almost a year ago."

"It seems that he has grown a lot this year. No one can think that
he is a rookie now." Luther appreciated Xiao Yan.

Shen Bing and Shay get in touch, and Shire will send a special
mission force to **** Colonel Luther and the virus sample back
to Shire within three hours.

The three-hour rest time was very valuable for Xiao Yan. When
Shen Bing, Luther and Hai Yin were discussing something, Xiao
Yan sat in the seat and slept with his head. Shen Bing arranged a
lounge for Xiao Yan. The munitions officer was about to wake up
Xiao Yan. Hai Yin was silently holding him up, and the emperor
went out.

Shen Bing looked up at this scene with amazement. Mark and

other special forces were playing some kind of old-fashioned card
games. Li Fu sorted out his equipment, and they were not
surprised by Hai Yin’s actions.

"When was Colonel Burton so close to Xiao Yan?" Shen Bing

looked at the group of special forces.

"Xiao Yan is our dedicated technical soldier! In addition to him,

the head can go out without other rookie missions!" Mark looked
back and grinned, and a pair of "you don't even know this, it's
really outdated" expression.

"It seems that Xiao Yan's fighting training is also taught by the
head?" Another special soldier took out a card.

"Hey! I also teach him how to be good!" Mark added indignantly.

Li Fu said coolly: "Ming Wenwen teaches more!"

"The original mission of Wenn is also scheduled to be dispatched,

but Major General Gordon sent him to protect Lieutenant General
Aiwei of the Central Academy of Sciences. Otherwise, Wenn
should be very happy to see Xiao Yan's performance in actual

"No wonder he is different from the general technical soldiers..."

Luther made a sigh, but Luther knew very well that not every
researcher accepted the training of special forces could reach the
battle level of Xiao Yan.

Shen Bing reluctantly pressed the temples. These can't explain

why Hai Yin will personally bring Xiao Yan to the lounge. Don't
forget that the colonel will not easily let anyone close and never
approach anyone.

When Hai Yin placed Xiao Yan on a bed and touched the soft
pillow on the back of the head, Xiao Yan whispered softly and
opened his eyes slightly. Between the gaps in the eyelids, he saw
the lashes of Hyin's eyelashes. His line of sight seemed to fall
from the height of hundreds of thousands of meters and fell into
the eyes of Xiao Yan.

"Coloton Burton..." Xiao Yan's sleepy eyes were completely open,

greedily depicting each other's facial features.

"You still have two hours of sleep." Hai Yin originally carried
Xiao Yan's back palm and was about to leave.

Xiao Yan caught the other's wrist at that moment.

Hai Yin’s body was slightly overwhelmed, and Xiao Yan always
looked at him.

Now that they are safe, Xiao Yan also came to the No. 2 base with
research information belonging to the comet virus, but he is very
clear inside, which does not mean that he really becomes strong.

"Colonel... If you didn't find the kit for me, maybe I am already

Xiao Yan did not expect Hai Yin to give him any answer. He
simply could not forget that Hai Yin had resisted the extreme cold
and sneaked into the deep water in the case of a ruptured combat

"You won't die, or you will leave me alone."

This answer, pressing the heart of Xiao Yan. The answer he has
been pursuing is now very clear at this moment.

Hai Yin tried to get up, and Xiao Yan still stared at him. It is clear
that the power of Hai Yin can easily break free, but he chooses to
stay at this moment.

Xiao Yan raised her head slightly, and her lips were about to
touch each other. Hai Yin didn't go too far, Xiao Yan's lips
touched his cheek.
At that moment, Hai Yin’s body trembled and Xiao Yan could
clearly feel it.

What is deep in the mind is frantically surging, unable to press.

"Sleep, less."

Hai Yin’s voice converges on her own emotions, pulling away the
hand held by Xiao Yan and sitting up straight.

Just as Haiyin got up, Xiao Yan said: "Colonel, can you stay

Hai Yin did not answer.

Xiao Yan’s heart leaped wildly, and he didn’t feel this way in his
life. He remembers how terrified he was when the sea chest was
pierced by a sharp blade. He was afraid that his wound could not
heal at low temperatures, and he was afraid that he would become
a burden of sea.

"You don't need to spend so much effort to protect me. I am not

the federal president." A little laugh on the lips, Xiao Yan said
very seriously, "You are an irreplaceable legend for special
mission troops."

The special forces who wandered on the edge of the blade needed
the spiritual sustenance of Hai Yin.
"I have never been irreplaceable. All legends will become history.
And you are far more special than me." Hai Yin sat on the edge of
the bed, facing Xiao Yan.

“What special do I have? Because the brain is involved in the

speed of 300 million megabytes? Or is it because I did the final
environmental research for the comet virus?” Xiao Yan never felt
that he could be so courageous, and who could ask him like him?
Is the Burton problem?

"Because you are not a substitute for me."

The world fell into a softness at that moment.

Xiao Yan's fingers clasped the sheets, and he sat up. He had the
illusion that he had completely entered the field of Hein Burton.
As Maya said, this man might have no bottom line in front of him
because he didn't know. I feel everything about Xiao Yan.

"Colonel... I want to look at you. It’s a very hard thing to look at

your back."

Hai Yin finally turned back slightly, his eyes were still indifferent,
but Xiao Yan could feel the different temperatures.

"I think of it, I can't help but look at you from the first time I saw
you. Even if I was threatened to dig my eyes, I couldn't help it."
Xiao Yan’s voice was calm and calm. In his mind, there was a
scene of killing zombies, how the golden brown hair flashed past
his eyes, and strongly suppressed his visual nerves, that is, the
initial branding. The more you try to smooth out, the more
profound it is.

"Sleep, less envious." Hai Yin's voice sank, but there is no cold
and ruthless meaning.

"I'm not sure why every time I feel my heart suddenly, whether
it's kissing or hugging. But I know very well that every time I
look at you...not because of x virus."

Perhaps ten years, or twenty years later, Xiao Yan will feel
embarrassed or even regret for every word he said.

But there is a near-confidence illusion in his heart that the man

will spare no effort and even protect him in desperation.

Hai Yin is still silent, but this silence did not let Xiao Yanzhen,
because no matter what he said, at least the man did not get up
and leave. He listened to him and even kept moving and accepted
everything he had.

Xiao Yan opened his own kit and pushed the last bottle of solvent
into the injection gun.

"What are you doing?" Hai Yin finally turned around.

"This is the last dose. I may be slumbering for a few days after
using it, but I will use it to do what I want to do."

After that, Xiao Yan violently injected the medicine into his

The clear and incomparable world suddenly came, just different

from the previous ones. Without the crisis, without the task, all
the interference was stripped, revealing the original truth.

"Colonel... I don't want to waste this only a few minutes."

At that moment, Xiao Yan was keenly aware that Haiyan's pupils
contracted for a while, and all of them were unwilling to break

The man's lips slammed up, crazy to incredible, Xiao Yan was
pressed by the shackles, even if he reached out and tried to hold

Hai Yin clasped his wrists to his brain, and everything was out of
the shackles of reason. Xiao Yan's mouth was completely
occupied by the other side.

Unsatisfied with such contact, Hai Yin’s palms slammed Xiao

Yan’s back of the head and suddenly sat up. Xiao Yan determined
that he and Hai Yin had the same idea. They wanted to touch each
other without distance, and even the air was superfluous.
Xiao Yan was sitting on the waist of Hai Yin, clasping the
shoulders of Hai Yin, and the tip of his tongue was slightly flat.
However, for Hai Yin, it seemed to be pulled from the clouds, and
he even forced Xiao Yan.

Gradually, the madness precipitates and the strength of the kiss

becomes slower. Xiao Yan closed his eyes and felt the touch of
Hai Yin. His temperature and his breath, even every time his
tongue tipped over his mouth, made Xiao Yan swing.

The strength of Hai Yin’s kiss is still tough, not so much that it is
not to be rejected. It is more like to use every second as the last
moment of life.

The efficacy of the drug is gradually dissipating, Xiao Yan's

endurance is weakening, and his bones are creaking in the
embrace of Hai Yin. Hai Yin was reluctant to kiss him. He kissed
him in a way that was so soft that Xiao Yan never imagined. The
world seemed to have no meaning to Hai Yin Burton. Only the
temperature that Xiao Yan gave him was real.

Daddy, Hai Yin completely loosened Xiao Yan, hands clasped in

Xiao Yan's ear, bowed his head and gasped heavily. Hai Yin
kissed his side face, his forehead, his palm slowly moving to
confirm his presence.

For Xiao Yan, Hai Yin’s lips touched his own skin and the man’s
indifference and hardship on weekdays. This strong contrast made
him enjoy the kiss of Hai Yin. His knees were raised
subconsciously, and he was close to the waist side of Hai Yin. He
knew that he was the only one in the world who was unscrupulous
and enjoying the sea. This is an indescribable sense of

The feeling of sleepiness struck, Xiao Yan couldn't support it

anymore. The ear was the sound of the sea like the sound of the
night and the deep sea. Xiao Yan slept heavily.

Hai Yin was buried in the neck of Xiao Yan, and his fingers
carefully passed the broken hair in his ear.

"Stupid, don't do such a dangerous thing next time. I almost killed


Xiao Yan fell asleep without reaction, and Hai Yin turned
sideways, arms around his shoulders and brought him into his

Two hours passed quickly, and the special task force sent by
Charles arrived at the second base.

The cabin door opened, Jane’s long legs took off, and there was
no slight smile on his face.
Hai Yin came face to face, followed by Mark, and Mark carried
Xiao Yan, who was asleep.

"What happened?" Jane's eyes stayed on Xiao Yan's body and


Hai Yin did not answer, and sat down in the door and sat down

When Mark walked past Jane, he felt the low pressure from the
other side, and he could not help but fight a cold war. He quickly
sent Xiao Yan into the cabin, and Hai Yin personally pressed the
safety device for him.

Jane did not personally drive the aircraft, but sat opposite the sea.

They drove off the base 2 and headed for the direction of Charles.

"This mission, Lieutenant General Aivil, is Kathy. Why do you

want to bring Xiao Yan out?"

In the cabin that has been dull, Jane’s voice is not big, but it is
extremely clear.

"I won't stop him from doing whatever he wants, nor will he stop
him from finding the answer he wants." Hai Yin's voice is calm
and can't guess any emotion.
Jane closed his eyes and sighed. "This answer will make him
more dangerous than ever."

The aircraft arrived in Shire safely and returned to the special

mission unit.

Maya waited in the stopway early. When Mark walked out of the
cabin with Xiao Yan, this guy was terribly nervous. "Marc! What
happened to Xiao Yan? Why didn't he react? Did he say... he was
rushed again' The blocker 'invaded?'

Mark grinned impatiently. "No big deal! It's tired, falling asleep!"

Maya approached, and I heard Xiao Yan’s soft snoring from the

"Maya, send Xiao Yan back to rest."

After Hai Yin issued the order, he went to the office of Major
General Gordon.

The general will sit at the desk with a faint smile on his lips.

"Although I know that there is no task that you can't finish, I

heard that Colonel Luther's aircraft crashed, I still squeezed a cold

Hai Yin’s eyes are heavy.

"Xiao Yan is still sleeping? We have advocated giving up Cassie
Lieutenant Colonel and choosing Xiao Yan. Lieutenant General
Aiwei has a lot of opinions." Major General Gordon watched the
expression of his subordinates playfully.

It’s just that Hai Yin’s eyes still have no trace of fluctuations.

"Fortunately, Colonel Luther was very appreciative of Xiao Yan

in front of Lieutenant General Aiwei. At least he recognized our
choice." Major General Gordon paused. "Hai Yin... Xiao Yan is
no longer a thing." Students who don’t understand, not just a
technical officer. There will be more people spying on his brain
and trying to understand his thinking. One day, you will rely on
your personal strength and even our entire special mission force.
Can't protect him."

"At that time, he had learned how to protect himself."

Major Gordon laughed helplessly. "You really trust him blindly."

"Is there any other things, Major General."

"Tell Xiao Yan, from this moment on, he is not allowed to enter
any non-independent terminal system, without the instructions of
Lieutenant General Aiweier, it is forbidden to communicate his
research with anyone. As his supervisor, Colonel
The responsibility is much heavier than before he went to the
Antarctic base."

"Yes, Major General."

Hai Yin walked away, and when his long legs went out, the
liaison officer Jessica could not control himself. This is not the
first time she has seen Hai Yin’s entry into the office of Major
General Gordon. This man has a unique temperament and is cold
and isolated. Jessica knows that this man's mood has a
near-absolute scale, and even his indifference and calmness are

Only when he lowered his eyes, what faintness is different from

the past.

As the supervisor of Xiao Yan, Hai Yin opened the door of Xiao
Yan with his fingerprint. The room was dim and I could clearly
hear Xiao Yan’s gentle breathing. Hai Yin crossed a leg on the
edge of the bed, sitting sideways on the bedside of Xiao Yan,
stroking Xiao Yan's forehead, pinching the end of his black hair.

"Well..." Xiao Yan’s nose made an unconscious low-pitched


Hai Yin stayed in his ear, slowly bowed his head and covered his
slightly lip.
Xiao Yan’s original eyebrows stretched out, and his fingers
moved downwards. When he was sideways, Hai Yin stood up.
Xiao Yan picked up and his knees were resting on Hai Yin’s legs.
Hai Yin’s body froze slightly until Xiao Yan lay motionless.

Hai Yin sat quietly, but Xiao Yan’s sleeping posture has changed
several times. Finally, he was still lying flat, the quilt slipped
aside, leaving only one corner on the abdomen. Hai Yin pulled the
quilt back for him.

Xiao Yan’s eyes trembled and slowly opened. There was still
some chaos in his mind, and his vision gradually adapted to the
darkness, only to realize that someone was by his side.

The lines of the other's back, the outline of the side face, are very
familiar to Xiao Yan, and the moment is very clear.

He still remembers that at the second base, the other party

oppressed his kiss with absolute power.

Xiao Yan's breathing screen is in the throat. He doesn't know how

long he has slept. He doesn't know how long Hai Yin has been
with his bed, but the kiss that is unscrupulous with each other
seems to happen in the previous second. Xiao Yan looked at Hai
Yin with enthusiasm. Even in such a dark light, the other's facial
features were still deeply imprinted in his eyes.
Time does not know how long the past, Hai Yin is about to get up,
Xiao Yan grabbed him.

"I want to see you for a while." Xiao Yan licked his lips. He felt
that he was so bad. He knew that he was holding the sea, and the
other party would stay, or what he asked for, and Haiyan would be

Sure enough, the colonel sat back in the same place and leaned
down slightly. Xiao Yan could clearly see the elegant forehead
and the tall nose.

Xiao Yan turned sideways and made his second request very
seriously. "I want you to sleep next to me."

Hai Yin lay down, even if he was wearing a combat uniform with
no temperature, Xiao Yan's arm was still going up. The hair of
Hai Yin is in the ear of Xiao Yan, and the soft touch is the heart of
Xiao Yan.

"I want to kiss you."

When Xiao Yan said this, the man holding himself obviously
tightened his arms. Xiao Yan’s lips leaned up carefully and
touched the tip of Shanghai’s nose. Xiao Yan closed his eyes. He
never kissed someone so devoutly at this moment. Hai Yin picked
up Xiao Yan. When Xiao Yan reacted, he was already on the body
of Hai Yin. The other person’s nephew stared at himself, long and
deep. This is acquiescence to Xiao Yan, he bowed his head and
touched Shanghai's lips.

Did not put his tongue in, Xiao Yan knew that Hai Yin did not
want himself to lose control of the x virus in his body, and Xiao
Yan also enjoyed the feeling of touching the other side at the
moment, instead of being irrationally driven by the **, he
cherished this. Experience.

Xiao Yan gently licked the lips of Hai Yin, and when he turned
his face, his nose and sea swelled, and Hai Yin began to respond
to Xiao Yan. Gradually, Hai Yin held the bed with one hand, and
the other hand sat up on the back of Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan was
sitting. Whenever they are about to get out of control, they will
separate, and after calming down, they will not be able to kiss
each other again.

Repeated over and over again, there is no half-sentence, but what

overflows in the chest, and they are tireless.

Until the chorus on Xiao Yan’s wrist flashed, Mark’s voice came
out, “Xiao Yan! Are you still asleep! It’s been two days! Hungry,
you are not dead!”

A burst of snoring, Xiao Yan, who had forgotten everything, felt

hungry at this moment.
His forehead was on the forehead of Hai Yin, and he couldn't help
but smile. "Mark is a guy who hates it!"

"You have been sleeping for two days, you really should eat
something." Hai Yin pushed Xiao Yan up, stretched his arm and
opened the bedside lamp.

The dimly lit room recovered brightly, and Xiao Yan walked to
the door and suddenly thought of something and turned around.



"We will have a lot of time in the future."

"I know."

The author has something to say: Fat Winter Melon: Xiao Yan,
you and the colonel have a long, long time to do, what to do?

Xiao Yan: Eat, sleep, play mahjong!

Hai Yin: ...

Xiao Yan: Ok, eat, sleep, stocks!

Hai Yin: ...

Xiao Yan: Isn't that okay? Then eat, sleep, set off firecrackers!
Hai Yin: ...

Fat winter melon: ... 2k novel reading network

Hai Yin's simple phrase "I know" instantly flooded into Xiao
Yan's thinking, like a certain orientation and a certain direction.
Xiao Yan clearly understood the meaning of his existence for the
first time.

His life was once again under the supervision of special task
forces, but Xiao Yan no longer yearned for a rich and colorful life,
which made Maya feel sad.

For example, today, sitting at the table, Maya vividly described to

him how luxurious the newly opened bar in the city of Shire,
"Hey, you can't imagine it - this is a veritable crystal bar! The bar
is also Rotary! Customers can enjoy a variety of bartending
processes at 360 degrees! There are even dozens of bartenders
performing together!"

"Oh, um." Xiao Yan nodded. It was obvious that he did not listen
to what Maya said.

Maya raised the voice very dissatisfied: "There is also a band's

aerial performance! The difficulty coefficient of the action may
not even be possible with our special forces! When your
supervision period is over, I will take you out to play! What is
blue?" The tulip is much more luxurious!"

"Yeah." Xiao Yan lowered his head and the things in his mouth
had been chewed for at least five or six minutes.

Maya couldn't help but move his plate away, and Xiao Yan didn't
notice it all. The fork smashed around the table.

After ten seconds, he finally came back, "Hey... my plate?"

At this time, he noticed that the opposite Maya was very

dissatisfied with his arms.

"That... Maya... What did you say?"

"I said, your concurrent Lili, she passed the assessment to become
the alternate liaison officer of Lieutenant General Aiwei!"

"Oh, then congratulations to her!" Xiao Yan showed a few happy


"Just congratulations to her? Just like this?" Maya's head

stretched out.

Xiao Yan showed a blank expression, except congratulations...

What else can he do?

Maya groaned and then sighed and sighed. "In your guy's head,
apart from research, are there any other things?"
Xiao Yan just smiled apologetically, his brain thinking about his
own research all the time.

He has never been so eager to pursue an answer.

When Xiao Yan quickly processed all the data in the research
room, Major Gordon and a middle-aged man looked at everything
in front of the observation room in the high place.

"In fact, you have been paying attention to him. The first person
who agrees with his research report is you." Gordon's hand
squatted in the pocket of the military pants, facing his face and
looking at the lieutenant.

"Now, your decision is more sensible than the head of the Central
Academy of Sciences. He is indeed the best person to be sent to
the South Pole." Lieutenant General Aiweier gently pointed his
finger on the glass.

"You are not unwise, but there is no courage to take risks. So I

sent Haiyin Burton to protect him. So far, Hai Yin has not lost."
When he mentioned his subordinates, Major Gordon gave a smug

"It is not difficult for Xiao Yan to understand the comet virus.
How can he guarantee his safety in the future? How can we
protect his brain? We have no absolute grasp."
Major Gordon walked up to Ai Weier in a hurry and held his hand
on the glass in his ear. He leaned closer and pulled closer to Ai
Weier. "Hello, worrying too much will make you look down."
Clear direction. Don't underestimate my special mission forces,
and don't underestimate Xiao Yan."

Aiwei chuckled, "I will wait and see."

A few days later, Xiao Yan synthesized a new type of virus.

According to his study on the stability of the comet virus, he
applied the same mechanism to the virus, and repeated tests and
system simulation experiments on the newly synthesized virus. If
successful, this will be the longest duration of the body, x-2,
which can be used by ordinary armed soldiers to deal with
small-scale zombies.

Picking up the lips, Xiao Yan felt for the first time that he was
further from the answers pursued by countless sophisticated
researchers. He pushed the potion into the injection gun and
walked to the door of the laboratory.

At this time, the alarm sounded.

Xiao Yan had to stop the research lock data immediately. He

entered the monitoring system. He was shocked by the situation
he saw. There were countless zombies coming in the corridor. The
two special soldiers guarding the door were killing, but the more
they killed, The more zombies that are pouring in!

What's the matter!

Xiao Yan read the situation inside the building, only to find that
the zombie storage equipment used for research and training in
the whole building was completely unlocked. The headquarters of
the special mission unit was in a mess, and all the special forces
waiting at the headquarters were busy cleaning up. .

Intuition tells Xiao Yan that someone must have invaded the
building's internal control system to create such confusion. In
addition to the Central Academy of Sciences, the most rigorous
terminal protection is the special mission force. The other party
can control the system here. There is only one possibility. This
guy is in the headquarters, and the level is not low, so that it can
be manufactured beyond the security settings. situation. Just...
what is the purpose of the other party?

Is it a mess to take away a researcher's brain?

Xiao Yan’s fingers trembled. He suddenly realized that there were

two training rooms on the same floor. The zombies in the area had
all escaped, and the closed passages formed a closed loop. These
zombies could not go anywhere but fell straight. At the end of the
passage, Xiao Yan is in the research room!
It’s simply deliberately designed to make it impossible for
zombies to choose!

At that moment, the door of the laboratory suddenly slipped open,

and numerous zombies came in. Two special forces tried to enter
the research room to protect Xiaoyan, but the number of zombies
was too much. Just when they finally got out of trouble, the
research room door suddenly tightened. close.

Xiao Yan took the button and the door did not slide open.

He is stupid and finally understands that it is no coincidence that

their goal is to be yourself!

Without any thoughts, Xiao Yan raised the injection gun and
injected the virus into his body.

The zombies have come to him, they have to tear his body to eat
his flesh and blood!

The agent spreads in the blood and invades every cell of Xiaoyan.
His ability to visually capture the movement is greatly increased.
The movements of the zombies seem to be played in slow motion
in his eyes. The sound of the bones is clear when they move.

Xiao Yan raised his hand and crushed the throat of a zombie.
Then he lifted his leg and slammed it. A zombie flew like a
cannonball and slammed into the cold wall, like a mud.
The mind of Haiyin Burton was unconsciously in his mind, and
his body followed the movement of the figure. Xiao Yan’s elbow
cracked the sternum of a zombie, and he did not need to turn
back, and his head turned his head back.

There are still three zombies left, although all of them close to
Xiao Yan have become a pile of rotten corpses, but they do not
understand what fears, rushing in three directions.

Suddenly low, Xiao Yan slammed on the chin of the zombie, the
bones were cracked very loudly, and the other foot swelled on the
knee of another zombie, punching the back of the third zombie. .

The remaining two zombies swayed and went forward.

Xiao Yan snorted and smashed them together, instantly twisting

their neck bones.

The entire lab was quiet.

Two special forces on the glass window of the laboratory patted

the door to indicate Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan pressed the button and the door was still locked.

Major Gordon frowned and heard the alarm sound.

"All personnel please note that the i-level control system fails, the
j-layer isolation system fails, the training zombies are completely
out of control, all personnel enter the combat state and begin to
clean up!"

The alarm was still repeated. Hai Yin, standing next to the
high-ranking general, suddenly left sideways, because the door of
the high-ranking general was temporarily closed. Hai Yin looked
back at the major general, "Open the door!"

"You have to go out to clean up the zombies?"

“Xiao Yan’s research room is on the i level!”

Gao Deng’s shoulders suddenly became tense. “Jessica!

Immediately dispatched the staff to Xiao Yan’s research room!”

Just as Gordon Gordon pressed the button to open the sliding

door, Hai Yin had already rushed out.

Major General Gordon, who is still in the middle of the squad,

continues to urge the liaison officer, "I will immediately report the
situation of the Xiaoyan Research Office in the i-level!"

“A large number of zombies have flocked to the research room,

but they have all been cleaned up! At present, all the passages
leading to the Xiaoyan Research Office are closed, the isolation
system is out of control, and the research room door cannot be
On the holographic picture, two special forces were trying to open
the door of the research room. The study room was in a mess, and
the zombies fell to the ground. The entire research room was only
Xiao Yan, and no one except him could kill the zombies.

In terms of the number of these zombies, ordinary people, even

armed fighters with rich operational experience, are unlikely to be
completely destroyed... Major Gordon guessed that Xiao Yan
must have injected himself x-2! The extent to which this young
man’s research has progressed has made the enemy unscrupulous
to this point!

Major Gordon gnawed his head and immediately ordered: "No

matter what the price! You must guarantee the safety of Shao
Yan's ensign!"

At this time, Xiao Yan thought about the situation at hand. It is

obvious that the system of the special mission force headquarters
was invaded by the tide organization, and the door of the research
room was also deliberately locked, indicating that the tide is
intentionally closing itself here! The lab is connected to a variety
of drug configurations, and if an intruder opens a toxic agent, he
will die in this confined space! Even if you open the door and
encounter a zombie, the special forces outside the door are
experts in cleaning up the zombies. Only by trying to open the
research room door and stay with the special forces is it safe.

Xiao Yan put on the terminal connection device and entered the
system, ready to open his own research room door. At that
moment, he felt a force invading his mind and constantly
ingesting the information in his brain. At that moment, Xiao Yan
suddenly realized that he had encountered a "blocker"! But this
time it is different from the blockers encountered by your own
flying aircraft. The former is to destroy his mind to deprive him
of the ability to fly the aircraft, while the latter is to steal
information from his mind!

Xiao Yan was so helpless that he could not build a barrier to

thinking, so putting the other person into his own thinking was
tantamount to sending a huge cake to the other side.

That power is going deeper, Xiao Yan's all thoughts, the analysis
of the data for the research is being dragged and taken away by
the copy. Xiao Yan suddenly pressed the button to interrupt the
contact, but he found his limbs in amazement. Can't move!

bad! The other party must have hindered the transmission of their
own thinking!
Xiao Yan shunned in a panic, splitting everything about x-2 in his
mind and delaying the time for the other party to get all the

No matter who is it! Hurry and find him!

Xiao Yan's heart is tight on the front line, and the brain is running
at speed, as if the centrifuge is trying to get rid of each other. And
the speed of the other party is amazing!

Xiaoyan can't keep going. Xiao Yan keeps hiding his only
analysis of Haiyin Burton's blood samples and the study of comet
virus. In any case, these can't be taken away!

At this point, the multi-level access door was opened, and the
special mission unit resumed its internal control over the
headquarters. Hai Yin flew across the control gate and finally
came to the door of the research room.

"Colonel! The door is locked!" The two special forces rushed to


Hai Yin saw Xiao Yan wearing a terminal connector through the
glass on the door, and the pupil was shocked. He couldn't help but
say that he had a gun with his waist.

"Colonel! What are you going to do! You can't open the door with
a gun!"
"Step aside!"

Hai Yin could not help but say that he shot a shot at the door. Sure
enough, there was a depression between the door and the wall,
and the door did not move. Hai Yin pulled out the sharp edge on
the back, between the top entry and the gap between the walls.

The two special forces finally understood the intention of Hai

Yin. This sliding door fits perfectly into the wall for a seamless
fit. The shot just made a depression, creating a fulcrum for the
sharp edge of the door.

Hai Yin pressed the blade handle, one leg stepped on the wall, and
the whole body was attached to the blade. He bit his teeth, the
blade slowly bent under his power, and the door of the study room
had a wide gap of thumb.


The two special forces quickly put their blades in. When the door
was smashed to reach into the arm, Hai Yin did not hesitate to
reach out and hold the door.

After the low boring, he pushed the door open just enough for a
person to squeeze in, "Let go!"

"Colonel!" The two special forces did not dare to let go, once the
sliding door will quickly return to its original position, if the sea
is not passed at this moment, it will be crushed by the sliding

"There is no time!" Hai Yinyu told them.

Just as they pulled back the blade, Hai Yin squeezed it, and it was
too late to be unexpected. The door was again heavy and closed,
and the special forces outside the door saw the sea in the glass
and walked quickly toward the back of Xiao Yan.

Haiyin was in front of Xiao Yan and touched Xiao Yan's

fingertips. He couldn't help but take another terminal connector.

Suddenly, the wolf squatting to hide his own Xiao Yan felt a
powerful force pouring into his brain, and the thoughts of the
intruder were cut off, and Xiao Yan was wrapped up, and it was
not easy to penetrate the wind. Suo, the other party could not help
but quickly withdraw from Xiao Yan's brain under such a strong

Xiao Yan was still scared, but at that moment, the power wrapped
around himself disappeared, and the terminal was removed from
his head. He took a deep breath and was dizzy.

When the cold face of Hai Yin was finally recognized, Xiao Yan’s
heart finally fell back to his chest.

"Hai Yin..."
"Oh... look at me and adjust your breathing."

Hai Yin’s voice was very calm and brought Xiao Yan’s chaotic
thought back to reality. His fingers swept over Xiao Yan’s sweaty
front, and his eyes were soft and firm.

"I... my body can't move..."

"You can move, imagine your thinking from the brain, it is now
flowing in your arm, flowing to your wrist and into your

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and imagined the flow of thought.

"The fingertips of a move."

Hai Yin’s voice is cold and sensible, but the tone is unexpectedly

Xiao Yan's fingers slowly gathered. At that moment, all the senses
of the body quickly poured into the brain. At that moment, he
took back control of his body. The first thing he did was to hold
Hai Yin's wrist.

"Now stand up with me."

Xiao Yan swayed and the balance gradually recovered.

He gasped heavily and looked at the sea. The other's fingers

pressed gently against his forehead to help him relax.
The zombies rushed out of the door and tried to pour them in.
They cut them open with a cold blade, and the sensitive posture
jumped up through the passage wall, and all the zombies were
cleaned up.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis..." The special forces responsible for

protecting Xiao Yan were shocked by the other's skills.

Jane’s gaze swept through them, and said quietly: “Are you
protecting him like this?”

After that, Jane entered the research room of Xiao Yan, and the
picture of Xiao Yan’s forehead was sweating almost in the arms
of Hai Yin.

"You almost need a brain to rehabilitate. How do you dare to rush

into the terminal when you know that the flood has invaded the
main control system?"

"Jane..." Xiao Yan called out the other's name. The thinking
invasion was too strong, and his language function seemed to be

"Coloton Burton, I don't think you can protect him with one

Jane's eyes have no temperature.

When Haiyin passed by Jane, the other side grabbed him and
lowered his voice. "Lieutenant Aivil is questioning Major General
Gordon about everything that happened today."

"Even if this is the case, Xiao Yan is not likely to return to the
Central Academy of Sciences."

Mark and Liv have already come to the door. "Hey, Ai Weier is in
the future, he wants to see Xiao Yan."

"Lieutenant Ai Weier..." Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin. He did not

think that a young man who had just graduated would have to
meet the highest person in charge of the Central Academy of

Hai Yin did not look back, "Go."

Xiao Yan quickly followed him, but his heart was uneasy.

But no matter who he is facing, Xiao Yan has nothing to worry

about. He closed his eyes and cheered up his mind.

At this moment, all the channels are being cleaned up.

A zombie has only half of the sternum and one arm left, but still
refuses to give up climbing to Xiaoyan.

Hai Yin lowered her eyes and the movement on her feet was so
incredible that the zombies were kicked into the clearing device.
They came to the office of Major General Gordon and the liaison
officer was at the door.

Hai Yin turned and his face was quiet. When his elegant and
slender fingers reached for himself, Xiao Yan’s heartbeat missed
half a beat.

His fingers tidy up Xiao Yan's collar and smooth the folds on his

So close to the distance, Xiao Yan, the other person's eyes, can
see it as long as he raises his eyes.


"Yes, Colonel." At that moment, all hesitations and sudden

withdrawals, no matter who stood in front of him, Xiao Yan
would face it calmly.

The liaison officer opened the door and Xiao Yan walked in.

In front of him is a simple desk, sitting in front of the table is the

high-ranking Major General, his expression is serious, without a

"Little will!"

Xiao Yan stood up and carried out a military ceremony with great
Major General Gordon turned his head, and Xiao Yan looked at
him with his eyes and saw a gray-haired man dressed in military

"Hello, Xiao Yan is less."

The slow and mellow voice sounded, the man's lips showed a
smile, the smile of the corners of the eyes was mature and
charming, and the brown eyes showed a wise look.

"Your!" Xiao Yan turned to the direction of the man and gave
another ceremony.

This is Lieutenant General Aiwei. He is responsible for the

management of the entire Central Academy of Sciences, leading
the most high-tech core of Charles and even human beings.

He is much younger than Xiao Yan's imagination, and his eyes

reveal the pursuit of rigorous oppression, but it does not want to

"You are Xiao Yan."

Here is the office of Major General Gordon. Although the rank of

Lieutenant General Aiwei is above the rank of Major General
Gordon, he is only a visitor. Since Xiao Yan entered this office,
Lieutenant General Aiwei quietly sat on the conference sofa,
completely Concealed his sense of existence, but at the moment
when Xiao Yan and him looked at each other, the other party
brought him a non-negligible air pressure.

"Yes, sir!"

Lieutenant General Aiwei laughed, and his back leaned back on

the sofa to reveal a casual expression. "The last time you
researched an antidote against the tidal tissue chemical weapons, I
began to pay attention to you. I heard that you solved the x-2
virus. The problem of being metabolized by the human body at
high speed."

"Reporting, I have not completely solved this problem for the

time being, but extended the staying time of the x-2 virus in the
human body to 21 minutes and 24 seconds."

Lieutenant General Avile laughed, and Zall’s extraordinary style

made it impossible to look away.

"Twenty-one twenty-four seconds has been a revolutionary

advancement. However, the duration of the virus in the human
body, in addition to the attenuation of the virus itself, includes
whether the body's own immune system accepts it." With one
hand on the chin and looking at Xiao Yan, the inspiring squint
made Xiao Yan feel the fall. "It is not to destroy the body's
immunity, but to let our body think that this virus is part of itself,
so... can use the virus to transform the genes of the human
body without any scruples, and make the effectiveness of x-2

Xiao Yan looked at Lieutenant General Aiwei and couldn't return

to God for a long time.

Until Major General Gordon left the seat and came to them,
"Well, Ivy, I know that you are the smartest person on earth. But
you are not here to guide Xiao Yan's research direction."

The author has something to say: Hurry up in February...

Xiaohonghua took a lot of hard work... I want to break more and
want to play around... 2k

Ai Wei touched his chin. "I remember you should have whiskey

"You are an alcoholic." Major General Gordon poured a small

glass of whisky into the audience.

Avil sipped a cold whiskey, raised his chin and closed his eyes,
not knowing what to think.

"Now the military is strengthening the security protection of the

Central Academy of Sciences. The number of special forces is not
large and it is impossible to send them to the Central Academy of
Sciences. The most feasible way is still to place the most
important research in the special mission headquarters."
Major General Gordon shrugged his shoulders at the desk and
smiled: "Don't forget, our master control system has just been
invaded today."

"The main control system here is not a joke. Such an important

military base has collapsed completely. If it is easy to attack from
the outside, but the other party is doing so thoroughly, there is
only one possibility - the crowd is here."

"So, Xiao Yan should be transferred out, I can send the most elite
special forces to protect him."

Lieutenant General Aiwei shook his head. "Here, Xiao Yan is at

the core of the entire special mission. Even if the people in the
tidal organization are here, there is no way to do anything to Xiao
Yan. But transfer him back to the Central Academy of Sciences.
How much can a special commander play? The influx of people
in the surge organization has invaded the main control system of
the special mission force in order to let go of the smoke bombs
and confuse us to transfer Xiaoyan to another place that is more
convenient for them to do."

Hearing here, Xiao Yan’s back was sweating. If all this is as

expected by Lieutenant General Aiwei, it would be terrible.

He... became the primary target of the tide.

Major General Gordon sighed. "Your thoughts make sense."

Lieutenant General Avil took the position next to him and

gestured to Xiao Yan to sit down.

"Xiao Yan, we will completely separate your laboratory system.

You will have your own information base. In order to ensure the
confidentiality of your research, the Academy will not assign any
research assistants to you. Of course, I believe that you do not
need any assistants. ""

Xiao Yan is still digesting the words of Lieutenant General Aiwei.

Even if the research system is completely independent, even Xiao
Yan can find the gap invasion, but only for a long time. No
system can be truly completely independent.

Looking at his nervous appearance, Lieutenant General Aiwei

played in Xiao Yan's eyebrow. "Child, do you know what the
perfect protection is?"


"It's our own." Lieutenant General Aiweier's index finger points

to Xiao Yan's forehead. "The brain, when it is open to everything,
is the most vulnerable. When it is complicated, it can be
impossible." I think that the experience of this day makes you
tired, you should take a break."
Xiao Yan rose up and walked out the door, only to find out that
the lane was still waiting for him by the wall.

"Coloton Burton, Lieutenant General Aivil will see you."

Hai Yin walked by Xiao Yan's side, "just wait for me here."


Hai Yin walked into the door, and Xiao Yan stayed in the passage
and stared at the liaison officer.

Someone quietly approached, his hands violently ringing Xiao

Yan's waist, and he hugged him. Xiao Yan did not think about the
body's automatic reaction. He tried to squeeze his hands into the
other's arms to open each other's cockroaches, but obviously The
power between them is very different.


The other party released Xiao Yan and pulled his face over.

Xiao Yan is on the opposite side of the sly anger.

"Now I finally know that I am afraid?"

"Jane!" Xiao Yan exhaled. "I thought it was..."

"I thought I was a tidal person?"

Jane stared at Xiao Yan, and there was no laziness in the past, and
even more accountability.

"It’s full of flaws, not alert enough. Now, today, you still don’t
even have the most basic safety knowledge!”

Jane's palm pressed on Xiao Yan's head and leaned in. His
handsome face was reflected in Xiao Yan's eyes, and his
expression was very obvious. It was really not seen that you were
stupid. people.


"Ha--" Jane sighed hard, and the palm of his hand patted on Xiao
Yan's forehead until Xiao Yan closed his eyes and began to dodge
him. "Because I know that the tide organization is invading the
main control system through the terminal, you Why are you still
stupid enough to enter the terminal and send yourself to the front
of the tide organization?"

"But they can release the research drug when they control the
system. I am trapped in the lab and will die!"

Jane's teeth were bitten, and both hands pressed against Xiao
Yan's cheek until they became ridiculous. "I said Shao Yan, you
really don't know why the tide organization spends so much, even
at the expense of the military. People know that they have already
sneaked into a special mission and will also attack you?"

"...because they need our brains." In particular, he went to the

South Pole to conduct environmental research on the comet virus.

"If the poison makes you die or affects your thinking ability, isn't
it so expensive for them to do so? Your best practice is to stay in
the lab and wait for the rescue!"

Jane’s words woke up Xiao Yan, and he suddenly sighed with a

sigh: “It’s like this!”

Holding the heart, Jane has a look of myocardial infarction.


"What's okay?"

"I thought you would blame me for not letting you report the
results of my research to Major General Gordon..."

Jane closed her eyes and sighed. "We are all military. Although
our duties are different, obeying orders is the duty of the military.
You are engaged in x-2 research. If there is a breakthrough, it is
so arrogant in the tide organization. Now, your superiors will also
ask you to keep confidential. Hein Burton, as your supervisor, has
the right to know how much your research has arrived, but I am
different, I am not your supervisor, you can insist on me. I feel
very relieved about the principle."

"rest assured?"

"If there are really influxes of the tidal organization, they will
definitely approach you in the most harmless way to gain your
trust, and then expose your fangs when you are least guarded. You
can keep the principle for me, then I Don't worry about you being
foolish about who is not defending."

Jane’s words instantly let Xiao Yan’s big stone in his heart fall.

At this time, in the office of Major General Gordon, Ai Wei tilted

his leg and his fingers tapped on the knee at a certain rhythm.
Hein Burton in front of him had no expression on his face, his
hands behind his back, and the impeccable perfect posture. .

"Ah... you are exactly the same as eight years ago, but I feel that I
am a lot older."

"Hello, I believe that you are not coming to me."

Lieutenant General Aiwei and Grand Admiral Gordon smiled. "I

miss him when he was still in the Central Academy of Sciences.
Although it is also an inaccessible appearance, it is more lovely
than it is now."
"Hello, if you have nothing else, I will leave."

"Don't be so anxious. In my impression, you are not so

impatient." Lieutenant General Aivil took the glass to his lips, but
did not kneel down. "We must let Xiao Yan's research continue."

Hai Yin is silent.

"This time, your link terminal will expel the blocker from Xiao
Yan's brain. We can't hope to isolate Xiao Yan's research system
to ensure his thinking is not attacked, because no protective
system can surpass people. The brain. Even if he is doing
research, you need your protection, Colonel Burton, do you
understand what I mean?"

"You want me to enter the terminal to protect his brain."

"Yes." Lieutenant General Aivil nodded. "For now, his brain is

very important."

"I can't protect him forever."

Just after this sentence was finished, the look of Ai Weier and
Gordon was bleak. This year is the eighth year that Hein Burton
has become a special soldier. He has two years left. If the activity
of the x virus continues to strengthen in his body, he has not even
had two years.
"Then protect him until -- he knows how to protect himself in the
world of thinking." Aivil's voice paused. "Of course, if he can
successfully develop x-2, everything is no longer a problem. ”

Hai Yin turned and pushed the door open.

"What do you think? Do you really think that Hai Yin will be
optimistic about Xiao Yan? Since that incident... I always feel that
Hai Yin has no longer nostalgic for everything in this world."
Major General Gordon is for Ai Weier. Added half a glass of

"He will." Ai Weier's lips are slowly sinking.

When Hai Yin opened the door, she saw Xiao Yan and Jane
chatting on the wall.

"Hey." Jane raised his wrist, and he said hello.

Hai Yin directly ignored Jane and came to Xiao Yan's front to
convey the command of Lieutenant General Aiwei in a
commanding tone with no ups and downs: "Xiao Yan Shao Yan,
from now on, in addition to your personal safety, your brain It
will also be under my supervision. Your system will be
completely separate from the main control system, and it is not
recommended for you to do any research before."
With such awkward pressure, Xiao Yan felt as if he had returned
to the first time he saw Hai Yin.

Sometimes Xiao Yan can feel that Hai Yin treats his subtle
tolerance and almost no patience, but sometimes the sense of
alienation will suddenly emerge, making Xiao Yan feel

"Yes, Colonel." This is Xiao Yan's only answer to him.

"Please report your schedule for this afternoon."

"I... want to rest in my room."


Hai Yin sideways, Xiao Yan looked at Jane and walked forward.
He could feel the footsteps of Hai Yin behind him and return to
the room. Xiao Yan thought that Hai Yin would leave. I didn’t
expect him to come in and sit down. On the sofa facing the bed.

This is not Xiao Yan and Hai Yin are alone in the same space,
every time Xiao Yan is attracted by the subtle atmosphere
between the two. At this moment, he sat silently on his bed, and
Hai Yin did not have any intention to communicate with himself.
Xiao Yan simply fell to the bed and pulled up the quilt.
Closing his eyes, Xiao Yan feels bored. He really wants to wear
the terminal to listen to music or chat with someone to kill time,
but it is obvious that the terminal is no longer a safe device for
Xiao Yan.

Subconsciously looking in the direction of Hai Yin, the other

party just sat on the sofa and closed his eyes.

At this time, Xiao Yan can appreciate each other without any
scruples. He has extremely delicate facial features that make
people want to touch and fear to approach. At this moment, the
force of repressing the breath went away. Xiao Yan seemed to
find a gap, and a Haiyin Burton left him a glimpse of his own gap.

Xiao Yan quietly got up, leaning against the bed, looking at the
sea, the chaos and sorrow in the heart like the dust in the air
slowly sinking, he knows that this man is guarding himself all the

After a long time, Xiao Yan’s head fell asleep and fell asleep.

The man sitting quietly on the sofa slowly opened and quietly got
up and came to the bed.

Xiao Yan’s head is very uncomfortable, and the eyebrows are also
picked up.
Hai Yin's palm came to Xiao Yan's cheek, gently lifted his head,
arms around Xiao Yan's knees, easily picked him up, laid flat, and
took the quilt over him.

Xiao Yan slept very heavy and heavy. He felt that he had gone to
a very cold and strange place. The complicated equipment was
extended and connected to the core of this space. The brain of a
person in a huge nutrient vessel was stored in it. Numerous neural
sensing lines connect the brain. Xiao Yan looked around, and tens
of thousands of holographic screens flashed past him. The
countless speculations of precision calculations were running.
Xiao Yan looked at the brain in the vessel and felt something in
his ear. Whispering coldly.

So tired... really tired... who will end it all...

"What?" Xiao Yan hugged his arms and trembled around. He

didn't know where he was and couldn't find any familiar signs.

Don't want to think anymore...

"Who? Who is talking!"

Xiao Yan turned around and looked back to the nutrient vessel.
The deep gully of the human brain was white and weak and
exhausted, which made Xiao Yan have a familiar fear.

I am talking to you.
"who are you?"

Xiao Yan is afraid of it.

I am your brain.

In an instant, Xiao Yan saw himself in the reflection of the

nutrient vessel. The skull above his eyes was removed, and the
skull was empty.


Xiao Yan shouted in horror and stepped back step by step.

As if into the water, Xiao Yan's arm waved wildly.

A force slammed his wrist, "Xiao Yan! Wake up! You are

Xiao Yan opened his eyes and his body was already sweaty. He
gasped and focused on it, only to find that Hai Yin was on his
side. He was lying on the side of Xiao Yan, one hand around Xiao
Yan's back neck pressed against his shoulder, the other hand is
clutching his wrist.

"Where is my brain?" Xiao Yan asked with a whisper.

Hai Yin loosened Xiao Yan’s hand and turned his palm over his
forehead. “It’s here.”
Xiao Yan closed his eyes and swallowed hard, and Hai Yin
pressed him into his chest and his chin rested on top of his head.

"You are making a nightmare." The cool voice of the cool

soothing Xiao Yan's nervous nerves, clearly and neatly without
the temperature of the tone, makes Xiao Yan feel more warm than
the space in the dream.

"I... I dreamed that my brain was taken out... in a nutrition dish...

they forced me to think... kept thinking... I was tired and tired, but
they refused to let me stop. ......"

"Things don't happen."

"Why... they can sneak into the Shire, they can invade any master
system... they can easily find me...they..."

"Because I am by your side."

Hai Yin’s simple sentence instantly calmed Xiao Yan.

"You let me..." Xiao Yan didn't look over his face and smiled. "I
feel like I have never been weak."

"You once said that you can die and die but you can't die. Since
death is a frightening thing, you don't need to feel weak because
of your own fear."
Hai Yin's eyes are too close to him. The ice-blue sea squirt
instantly traps him, calm and tolerant. This is why Xiao Yan never
thought about the feeling that he could get from Hai Yin.

"But you seem to have no fear of death."

"I will also fear."

Hai Yin’s fingers gently knead Xiao Yan’s hair, and the touch
made Xiao Yan’s flustered heartbeat gradually calm down.

"What are you afraid of?"

"The person I want to protect can protect myself after I leave


As always, the calm and indifferent tone, but fell heavily on Xiao
Yan's heart.

In Xiao Yan’s life, he may be attracted by many people. He once

held a baby girl with a baby in the kindergarten and held a hand
under the small table and even told his mother to marry her, but
now he can’t remember the little girl. The name is gone. He used
Lily as the goddess in his own fantasy, and now when Maa
mentions her, there is no surging in her heart.

Xiao Yan reached out to touch the nose of Shanghai Yin, and Hai
Yin neither left nor stopped him. He just closed his eyes slowly.
This is probably the bottom line that Maya said. Xiao Yan can do
anything that other people can't do with Hai Yin.

The knuckles of the index finger lifted the eyelashes of the other
side, and Xiao Yan first realized the softness of the sea. He jerked
up his upper body and kissed him hard. Hai Yin leaned back
slightly, but eventually did not escape. Xiao Yan's tongue tip tried
to push into the other's lips, but Hai Yin always clenched her lips.
This is the only bottom line for this man. He does not want Xiao
Yan's emotion because of the x virus.

The more Xiao Yan is hard, the tighter the sea. Suddenly, Hai Yin
slammed Xiao Yan on the mattress, his hands clenched against his
wrists, and the foreheads of the two men touched together, and the
hot breath of Hai Yin was in the lips of Xiao Yan. His lips fell on
Xiao Yan's cheek, kissing his chin, converging strength, but
touched Xiao Yan's feelings.

"Go to the shower."

Without giving Xiao Yan the time to continue thinking, Hai Yin’s
palm held his back and lifted him up, and instantly broke the
impulse to get out of control at any time.

Xiao Yan discovered that he almost sweated the sheets. Mark and
Liv said more than once that Hai Yin hated and touched people,
not to mention other people's sweat. Even if Hai Yin didn't say
anything, Xiao Yan was concerned.

He entered the shower. The hot water that was transferred to the
right by the system ran down from the top of the head. Xiao Yan’s
hands were supported on the wall. The brain stored in the
nutrition dish was clearly engraved in Xiao Yan’s mind like a
brand. He hoped to be warm. The water flow can take everything
away, but the dream is too impactful. Xiao Yan can't calm his
mind in a short time.

When he left the bathroom, he found that the sheets had been
replaced and a dinner was placed on the small coffee table in front
of the sofa.

Xiao Yan noticed that it was already at 7:30 in the evening.

"your dinner."

Hai Yin ordered the edge of the plate, and Xiao Yan was hungry
when he smelled the smell of food.

Xiao Yan lowered his head and ate the first bite, while Hai Yin sat
next to him.

This makes Xiao Yan feel a little embarrassed.

"You don't have to eat?"

"I have already eaten while you are sleeping."


Hai Yin is not an object that is good at chatting. Xiao Yan even
wants to find some things to distract the influence of the dream on
himself, but he can't listen to music and watch movies without
logging in to the terminal, and... he also wants to always and Hai
Yin. Together.

"Can you continue to teach me... about fighting..."

Xiao Yan made a request indefinitely and carefully observed the

expression of Hai Yin.


Haiyin got up and Xiaoyan exhaled, and finally he could find

something to do.

Out of the door, Xiao Yan noticed that there were six special
forces guarding Xiao Yan's door, including Li Fu and Mark.

Two special forces stayed at the door of Xiao Yan's room, and
everyone else followed Xiao Yan to the nearest training room.

Being noticed by so many people, Xiao Yan has a feeling of being

very unaccustomed. He grabs his neck from time to time and licks
his elbow.
Finally entered the training room, Hai Yin slightly sideways side
face, Mark and Li Fu plus two other special forces guarded
outside the training room, which made Xiao Yan slightly relieved,
if they were looked at, Xiao Yan could not concentrate .

There is no special course, and Hai Yin is accompanying Xiao

Yan to learn how to get out of trouble after being subdued.

Hai Yin single-handedly buckled Xiao Yan's wrist and pressed his
shoulder. Xiao Yan repeatedly repeated how to get rid of each
other's flaws with skill and angle.

If you don't have x-2, these skills are more proficient in practice,
but they are also in vain.

At this moment, he was pressed by the sea to the ground, his arms
folded back, and Hai Yin was half beside him, his knees pressed
against Xiao Yan's back.

This is simply impossible for Xiao Yan to get rid of.

"Don't use brute force to struggle, this will hurt your shoulder."

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and tried to roll over, but Hai Yin’s
knees prevented his movements.

"I can't get up at all!"

"Of course you have a chance to get up."

"how to do!"

Hai Yin put away his knees and picked up Xiao Yan from the
ground. "Now is your chance."

"What?" Xiao Yan was on the spot, Hai Yin's lips were very close
to him. I remembered that I had almost accidentally licked the
other's lips and was almost killed. Everything changed without
knowing it.

"Unless the other person intends to keep you on the ground, he

will pick you up. But before you get up, he will first make sure
that your wrists are incapable of moving."

"I thought... you mean there is a way to..."

Hai Yin loosened Xiao Yan and met him face to face.

"Fighting is not about fighting for your life, including the patience
of waiting for an opportunity. When you know that you have
entered a situation that you can't control, you have to wait for the

"Yes, Colonel."

"I hope that you are not only at this moment, but always keep this
in mind." Hai Yin's eyes sank, and Xiao Yan understands that this
is more important in Hai Yin's eyes than all combat techniques
and fighting techniques.

"I am sure I remember, Colonel."

Unconsciously, more than three hours have passed.

Xiao Yan returned to his room behind Hai Yin.

At this time, Xiao Yan was obviously exhausted, but he never had
the courage to close his eyes.

Hai Yin seems to be sitting on the sofa as a statue. Xiao Yan even
suspects that this guy is really planning to sit on the whole night.

"Why don't you sleep yet."

The sound of Hai Yin came, very light, without the coldness of
the light.

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: Recently, I am tired

with Hai Yin! Will readers feel annoyed when they look at it?

Fat Winter Melon: Give you the opportunity to show you love so

Xiao Yan: This is also a show of love... 2k novel reading network

"Maybe I slept too much before."

Xiao Yan leaned on the pillow and realized that the existence of
the other party is much better than the nightmare.

"Fear is mostly because of the unknown."

The man on the sofa finally got up, Xiao Yan could hear the other
person gradually approaching his footsteps, and each stepped on
his heartbeat.

"You think too much about what is not happening, so you will
only shake yourself and make you more fearful."

Xiao Yan’s heart sinks with the weight of the seaside sitting on
the side of the bed.


The sound quality of the other party is as cold as ever, and Xiao
Yan has the illusion that he is scorned.

He hopes that Hai Yin will stay at the closest distance to himself
and don't leave. Hai Yin seems to have read his expectations and
lay down beside Xiao Yan. Haiyin's soft hair slipped over Xiao
Yan's ear side, and the momentary touch made Xiao Yan's
inexplicable heart beat faster. The other party's fingers gently
fiddled with Xiao Yan's hair, gently pressing his forehead, Xiao
Yan subconsciously closer to each other. Hai Yin’s arm
circumvented his neck and gently buckled his back and pressed
him to himself.

The next day, Xiao Yan woke up and found that it was close to
noon. The electronic alarm clock did not ring. When he was
sideways, he saw Hai Yin at first sight. The smooth facial features
made Xiao Yan unable to open his mouth and slightly praised.

His hair naturally fell to the pillow, and the delicate eyes seemed
to be the end of his eyes.

Xiao Yan looked at each other greedily, until the eyes slowly
opened, another transparent and pure world broke in front of Xiao
Yan's eyes.

The breathing screen is in the throat, and Xiao Yan stares blankly
at the other's ice blue eyes.

"You should get up and wash, otherwise you won't be able to

catch up with lunch."

Hai Yinli stood up, and those soft moments suddenly disappeared
like an illusion.

Xiao Yan saw only his elegant back neck and tensioned back
Today's restaurant is very lively, especially when Xiao Yan walks
in, can clearly feel the sight of betting on himself.

For example, the researchers' incredible gaze. After all, even

Kathy, who is called a genius, failed to make a breakthrough.
Xiao Yan made it possible. Xiao Yan used to be a silent class b
student. Now it is only An ordinary ensign.

Then there are those special forces. They look at Xiao Yan. The
development of x-2 means that their situation of being eroded by
x virus will be alleviated, and it is even possible to enjoy the same
life as ordinary people.

And the special forces who have trained Xiao Yan, such as Mark
and Wenn, their eyes are as always, even a bit of a jump.

Mark exaggeratedly shook his fork, as if Xiao Yan didn't sit there
and the guy would have to turn over the table.

When Xiao Yan just sat down, someone put the plate on his side,
and it was a cold-faced Casey.


Kathy didn't talk, forced the fork into the potatoes, stuffed it into
his mouth and chewed it, and the bulging gang helped him like a
Xiao Yan was just laughing at his cheek, and the guy yelled at

Mark and Wenn looked at Kathy's childish expression and

couldn't help but smile. It is not so easy to see the way captain
Cassie is willful.

"I'm so angry, can I ask you to eat popcorn?"

"not good."

Kathy Ming is posing to Xiao Yan to look at him, otherwise he

will not bring the plate to his side.

Xiao Yan grabbed the back of the head and looked at Wen En.
Wenn just smiled.

"That, Kathy... I solemnly apologize to you."

"What apologize?"

"As a friend, and a superior, I should not hide my research results

from you."

Kathy was still cold-faced, and Xiao Yan looked more and more
and felt that he had become a potato in the plate.

"I still talk about virus research with you like a fool!
went to the South Pole!"
In an instant, Xiao Yan picked up. After returning to Shire, Xiao
Yan knew that Lieutenant General Aivil had originally planned to
send Casey to go to the South Pole. It was the selection of Major
General Gordon and Hai Yin.

Kathy's nose was red, and she looked pitiful and cute in Xiao
Yan's eyes. She really wanted to squat in her arms.

"I will study with you in the future."

"Your head is not good? Now all your research must be done
independently! How to study with me! If I am a bad person, all
the stupid things in your head are looked at by me!" Kathy is not
good. I reached for the face of Xiao Yan.

"We can not pass the terminal! I can still talk to you!"

Xiao Yan quickly and eagerly sent the veal from his plate to
Casey's plate.

Mark and Wenn laughed even more.

"I think you are still getting married." Mark squinted.

Wenn cleared her throat and closed her eyes. "I want to share
everything with you, potatoes, beef, research, and other trivial
things in my life."

"Including pulling and farting." Mark added it seriously.

Xiao Yan bowed to Mark, but Kathy, who was next to him,
laughed haha.

"Haha... you only shared with him the fart! The person who
supervises him is not me!"

Xiao Yan’s neck was stiff, and Hai Yin sat down on the opposite
side of the plate and dine in an elegant manner. She clearly felt
Xiao Yan’s gaze but did not raise her eyes.

"Lieutenant General Aiweier has issued instructions, and each

researcher is not allowed to exchange their research content,
including progress, details and data." Hai Yin said coldly, and the
atmosphere in the restaurant was quiet.

Ten minutes later, Hai Yin’s plate was empty, and the slender
fingers put down the knife and fork very elegantly, but Xiao Yan
felt the inexplicable pressure.

Xiao Yan could not help but bow his head and continue to eat his
own dinner. Yu Guangyi gave Kathy, this guy really showed a bad

No way, the round rank, Hai Yin is also higher than the Casey

Hai Yin did not get up, but sat in the same place waiting for Xiao
Yan to run out.
Kathy stepped on Xiao Yan's foot under the table. Xiao Yan
wanted to make a sound but could only hold more things in his
mouth and hold back. He understood that Kathy was angry, and
when Hai Yin said that they were not allowed to communicate
with each other, Xiao Yan did not refute.

Xiao Yan made a hand and pushed Kathy, but the other party was
not loose.

The next moment, Xiao Yan felt that there was something kicking
Kathy's calf. Xiao Yan's feet finally regained his freedom.
Sometimes Kathy was childish like a child, and people could do

Xiao Yan thought it was Wenn. After all, Mark didn't notice the
things under the table, but Wenn looked at Mark's shoulder and
seemed to have just talked about something interesting.

It’s not Wen’en and Mark... Xiao Yan’s head turned to Hai Yin’s
direction. Only he was sitting opposite Kathy. At this moment, his
indifferent eyes fell on Kathy’s forehead, and Kathy could not lift
his head. .

"That... I finished eating, I went to the research room first... I slept

too late today, huh, I have to go back to the research room and get
through the progress!"
Xiao Yan squeezed Kathy's finger under the table and then got up.

Hai Yin took the opportunity to leave with Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan
turned his head and looked at Kathy. In fact, he also wanted to do
research with Kathy. The progress and results should be more

When Xiao Yan left, Casey also packed up the plate, leaving only
Mark and Wenn exchanged a look.

"Lieutenant Colonel Casey... knows that Xiao Yan has gone to the
South Pole, and his position is also very embarrassing." Wenn
held his chin.

“The genius was taken away by the rookie for research

opportunities?” Mark asked sillyly.

"I just think that since his mind is even better than Xiao Yan, why
the study of x-2 has no results after he was promoted to lieutenant
colonel. Perhaps he needs an opportunity for Antarctic research to
prove his ability. Wenn chuckled.

"Genius also has a day of bottlenecks." Mark did not hesitate to

grab his head.

Xiao Yan, who returned to the lab, has no interest in research on

the virus.
Because once connected to the terminal, it may encounter the
invasion of the 'blocker'.

Whenever thinking of your own thoughts and thoughts is

constantly being ingested by the other party, the level of thinking
is constantly being destroyed, and there is no power to fight under
the panic, except for the fear of the heart.

For a few days, although Xiao Yan was sitting in the research
room, he only looked at various research data on the holographic
image, or typed the code to make some meaningless experiments,
and Hai Yin was sitting opposite him. Xiao Yan knew that he had
already I was seen through Hai Yin.

But Hai Yin did not speak a word.

A week later, Hai Yin left because of a joint meeting between the
Special Task Force and the Central Academy of Sciences. This is
the first time Hai Yin has not been with him since his brain was

Sitting quietly in the study room, although knowing that there are
still half of the team's special forces guarding themselves outside
the door, Xiao Yan is inexplicably upset.

Every second of consumption is tormented.

The study room was silent and terrible. Xiao Yan opened all the
holographic images, letting the system have no purpose to
calculate, but he could not really think.

The door of the research room slipped open, and Xiao Yan was
nervous under the guidance of the military uniform. The restless
mood suddenly calmed down.

Xiao Yan silently exhaled.

Hai Yin stood behind Mark. This big guy pulled the collar
unbearably, and seemed to be very unaccustomed to the uniform
of the military. Of course, Xiao Yan had to say that this guy is still
suitable for combat uniforms. The military uniform worn on Mark
is like a small skirt that puts a doll on a gorilla.

"Hey! Xiao Yan! I didn't see you in the morning, I missed me!"

Mark came over and just wanted to take Xiao Yan's shoulder. It
seems that the firewood researcher couldn't afford his strength if
he didn't inject x-2. Finally, he just snorted on Xiao Yan's
shoulder. How do you see it? funny.

"Coloton Burton."

The tight heartstrings slowly relax, and some kind of expectation

“Yeah.” Hai Yin nodded slightly, and the uniforms of the military
uniforms were perfectly fitted and textured, setting off the long
legs of the sea and the artistic beauty. The collar of the uniform
seemed to have all the punches and movements. Contained,
lustrous epaulettes, the sash from the right shoulder naturally
hangs out of a proper arc connected to the front sill, elegant and
decent. The tightened black belt perfectly outlines the waistline of
Hai Yin.

If it was not for the important meeting of the military, Xiao Yan
might not have the chance to see Hai Yin wearing a formal
military uniform.

It is difficult for him to keep looking at Hai Yin himself, as if he

had to look away a little, the sea worms in front of him will

The other person's finger dexterously enters the code on the

holographic control, and all the screens disappear instantly. "You
have not connected to the terminal once this week."


Finally, it is still at this moment, and it is true that Hai Yin cannot
let himself.
"This is your instinct to protect yourself. Your brain knows the
source of danger and makes an evasive response."

Hai Yin sat down in front of Xiao Yan, and the overlapping legs
entered the brain of Xiao Yan along a calm air.

"In order to ensure that your research continues, I will be ordered

to enter your brain to protect you in real time. I will always be on
the outer edge of your mind. Any blocker who intends to invade
your brain can't bypass me. But I must Warn you, this requires
you to have absolute trust in me."

This is the decision of Major General Gordon and Lieutenant

General Avil.

Xiao Yan looked up at Hai Yin, and the other's expression was
still unattainable. The tight military uniforms seemed to hold all
the thoughts of Hai Yin firmly. I don't know what kind of gap to
see his inner depth. . However, Xiao Yan always felt that his eyes
were really beautiful. It was the only way for this self-made and
cold body to exchange ideas. This is Xiao Yan’s most trusted

"I understand, Colonel."

“Besides, you have to learn the same skills – how to resist the
"...Really? Can I learn this? Who will teach me?"

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and he looked forward to it. In his

opinion, the invasion of the blocker was much more practical than
the study of what was going on! Instead of being uneasy, it is
better to learn to deal with it!

Mark couldn't help but laugh. "Ah, your reaction is really

straightforward. You know that training the brain to resist the
blocker is not so easy. It involves the communication between the
mentor and the person being guided. Your brain Very special, the
speed of intervention is faster than that of Colonel Shen Bing!"

Xiao Yan is silent, and he will not let anyone enter his own brain.
The more people who are good at dealing with the blockers, the
more dangerous they are to themselves, because they know that it
is easy to get any information from Xiao Yan’s brain. .

Therefore, in addition to the outer edge protection of Hai Yin's

brain, only Hai Yin can teach him.

"Mark, you come to teach him."

"..." Xiao Yan stunned.

Why is Mark?

Xiao Yan’s disappointment was on his face.

The guy was very rude at first glance, although he also saw him
connecting the terminal to fly the aircraft, but in this respect, Xiao
Yan always felt that Mark could not rely on it.

“Learn how to defend against ‘blockers’, first make yourself a

blocker. You have to enter Mark’s brain, and Mark will stop you.”

Xiao Yan suddenly realized that this is indeed more useful than a
bunch of empty theory.

But Mark at this time was completely horrified.

"No! Absolutely not! I don't allow anyone to enter my brain! Not

to mention that this rookie has no experience at all! It will
definitely upset my brain!"

"This is an order."

"...Hey, you killed me..."

How does Mark look backwards and how to look funny?

"Mark, you shouldn't have any secrets that I am afraid of being

seen by me?"

When Xiao Yan’s words were finished, Mark’s face was red with

"Off... What are you doing! Anyway, no one is allowed to enter

my brain!"
"Then go to mine."

Hai Yin’s voice just fell, not only Mark’s stunned, but even Xiao

"Head...What are you talking about?" Mark looked like a broken

man, pointing to Xiao Yan. "You let this rookie go to your mind?"

"After you enter my mind, look for a piece of information. Xiao

Yan, you give me a question, I will think about the answer, and
the purpose of your sneak into my mind is to steal the answer."

Xiao Yan still did not wake up from the shock of the "into the
sea" Burton brain.

All the time in the world has never been reflected in the eyes of
this man, and Xiao Yan has a chance to see the world of this man?

What will he see?

No, the other party is Haiyin Burton. Anything that he does not
want Xiao Yan to see, Xiao Yan will not have a chance to touch.

But Xiao Yan knows that only by following this man can he be
truly strong.

"What kind of topic?"

Xiao Yan has heard that Hai Yin, who was 17 years old, was once
a class a student of the Central Academy of Sciences. When
everyone thought he would be in the field of research, he
resolutely abandoned everything into the special mission force. .

"Any topic."

Xiao Yan thought for a moment and designed a very complicated

argument involving physics, chemistry and very difficult
functions. It is very quick to solve this problem with the terminal,
but it is difficult to find out how to hide this question. answer?

Hai Yin closed her eyes and put on a connecting device.

Xiao Yan sat opposite him, his heartbeat was tense. Allowing
another person to enter his or her own brain, this person has
absolute confidence in hiding his own subconscious mind.

"Terminal connection, neuron calibration."

In the ear, there is no sound of the system.

Xiao Yan’s thinking is rushing all the way, flying fast in the
channel of changing angles. He has no time to judge the direction
and does not know how to make a choice. This is a huge
labyrinth, the passage is constantly tightening, and he is crushed
at all times.

Fear is born, even if Hai Yin does not do anything dangerous to

him, but if the face of the leader Xiao Yan is fearful, then in the
face of the real members of the tide group, he has no power to
fight. . Now what he needs to think about is how to cross the
labyrinth! If he continues to follow the path built by the sea, his
final destination will only be the trap that Hai Yin deliberately
lured him to reach.

It’s not as good as a road built along with Hai Yin!

Xiao Yan slammed through the barriers of the passage, breaking

through the limitations of the layers and coming outside the
tunnel maze. This dark space, Xiao Yan knows that he has not yet
reached the mindset of Hai Yin, this guy is trapped in the outer
edge of his thinking.

What is needed now is calmness and blind collision will only give
the opponent a chance to fight back.

The most important thing is that Hai Yin used this way to confuse
Xiao Yan's direction. Without any reference objects, he could not
feel gravity. Here is the space for thinking. Xiao Yan did not
know which direction to enter the other's thinking.

In an instant, Xiao Yan distracted himself. Thinking is invisible. It

is never a whole. Like water, it can spread to any place.
Constantly extending, as if expanding the universe, Xiao Yan
finally found the direction and quickly gathered in that direction.
The mirrors of countless prisms were overwhelming, and he
seemed to enter the world of kaleidoscopes. The strange
directions were once again blocked and the direction was lost.

Xiao Yan did not break through a prism, it broke into countless
faces, and the group surrounded him and broke everything about
him. Even if he scatters in different directions, the fragments of
these prisms seem to be embedded in his flesh and blood, and
they can't get rid of them.

Just after Xiao Yan’s loss of strength was unsustainable, he came

in front of him.

Xiao Yan fell down forcefully and fell into the arms of Hai Yin.

"Xiao Yan, if I am your enemy, you are now over."


Xiao Yan feels tired and is terminated when he is finished. This is

just a training... He can't become a master like Hai Yin in the day
and night...

"You need a little lesson."

The sound of Hai Yin is cold, but the tone is soft.

His palm slowly moved up along Xiao Yan's neck, clasping his
back, and captured his lips in a blink of an eye. With a kiss of
killing, Xiao Yan struggled in horror. The madness to the ultimate
intrusion | invading Buddha wants to curb everything about Xiao

This is a scene that he never imagined. The opponent's fingers are

almost embedded under his muscles.

Xiao Yan tried to pull himself away and disband his body, but
seemed to be imprisoned in the body by the other side and forced
to bear everything.

"Do you really think I won't hurt you?"

Xiao Yan finally understood that Hai Yin’s method of imprisoning

him was not a so-called maze, but his own body. He can't divulge
his own thinking and he can't be free from it.

Everything was out of control, he was crushed underneath by the

other side, his neck was twisted and he was forced to accept all
the kisses of Hai Yin, his body was opened, and his arrogance
squeezed into almost collapsed him. The crazy impact,
unreservedly entering the deepest part of the body, Xiao Yan can
not breathe, the pain is unsustainable, the impact of the impact
seems to make him crush and break at any time.

"If you don't want it, leave."

Haiyin was cold and indifferent to the sound of no emotion, and
could not see any eyes that looked at the mouth, as if all this was
only the torture of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan wants to escape, as long as the slightest distance is

pulled, the opponent will press back more and more, once more
crazy than once.

He was confused by his former gentleness, completely forgetting

the cruel side of Hein Burton!

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Recently

influenced by the Dongguan incident, the wind is even tighter.
The editor said that if you find that you have written something
that is not harmonious, you will not be listed again in the future.
Very big... The determination of the Tian Dynasty is also very

Must escape!

His waist was about to be broken, and the other's palms pressed
against his back. He could only tremble with the other's in and

"Give you a hint, let this body split, your mind can escape."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and clenched his fists. Even if this body
is built by Hai Yin, he must also let it break!
The sound of slaps began to spread from the forehead, and Xiao
Yan’s thoughts flowed from the gap between the shells.
Everything shattered in an instant, and he would not flee again as
before. The reason why Hai Yin can follow the shadow is because
he has embedded the fragments of his mind into his own thinking.
Xiao Yan was very patient in removing these fragments and

"Hey! Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan, you are fine!"

Mark's voice rang in his ear, and Xiao Yan suddenly broke the
link and took off the connector.

He was sweating all over his body and his eyes were dizzy.

The opposite side of the sea slowly opened his eyes, the
expression on his face was quiet, as if everything was not there.

"Xiao Yan, your appearance looks very miserable! Is it a terrible

torture caused by the head? It's no wonder! Few people can fight

At this time, Xiao Yan's legs were soft, and he didn't even know
how to get up.

Mark looked back at Hai Yin. "Hey, you scared Xiao Yan!"
Haiyin Burton slowly got up and walked toward Xiao Yan step by
step. Xiao Yan subconsciously leaned back to the back of the
chair and unconsciously looked up as the other side approached.

"...for...why do that..."

Hai Yin’s finger knuckles swept through Xiao’s forehead and

wiped his cold sweat, but the cold expression could make such a
gentle gesture. “When you feel that you are very safe, there will
be no hard work. determination."

Xiao Yan's bones are shaking, even if it is all the illusion that Hai
Yin created to confuse him, the feeling of possession of being
imprisoned is exactly the same as in real space.

"That... what's wrong?" Mark looked puzzled.

"Tell me, what have you learned from me?"

"Everything you feel is not credible."

For example, the body that banned its own thinking is the real
"maze" that Haiyin created.

"The first class, you graduated."

There is no trace of dew in the eyes of Hai Yin. Like every turn in
the past, he left Xiao Yan’s sight.
"Hey! Xiao Yan! Look at your face is scared, what do you see in
the brain of your head?" Mark was curious.

"It's nothing."

Xiao Yan’s heart is jumping wildly, and blood flows at an

uncontrolled speed.

Haiyin Burton has thousands of ways to tell himself what is fear,

but why... is this one used?

"Oh, in fact, the head can make you enter his brain is really
unexpected." Mark sighed.

"Because he is strong, or because he is not close?"

Xiao Yan smiled a bit.

After a moment of silence, Mark decided to open his mouth: "Do

you know Lieutenant General Renault Ding, the former head of
the Central Academy of Sciences?"

"Of course I know! I heard that he was assassinated by the tide

organization! After being killed, he was chased as a general!"

Mark chuckled. "What was assassinated by the tidal organization,

they are all used to deceive a little rookie like you. Lieutenant
Reynolds rebelled and joined the tidal organization."

This news is tantamount to the sudden collapse of everything that
Xiao Yan once slandered. Lieutenant General Renault is a pioneer
in the field of science. He vigorously developed the educational
career of Charles, which made the Central Academy of Sciences a
place of talent. Xiao Yan’s father was very respectful to
Lieutenant General Renault.

"I can't believe it! He sent a lot of confidentiality research from

the Central Academy of Sciences to the tide, which is simply
using the entire Shire resources to do research for the tide

"Why is he doing this? I remember Lieutenant Reynolds was born

in Shire! He has never left Shire in his life! How can it relate to
the tide organization!"

"So the military sent two elites who had been trained by the
blockers to sneak into the brain of the deep hypnotized Lieutenant
General. These two people are Shen Bing and our head."

"How is this possible? According to the time of the assassination

of Lieutenant Reynolds, Colonel Shen Bing should have just
graduated from the Central Academy of Sciences. And Hai Yin...
Colonel Burton is just a student!"

"The human brain is a terrible place, and the depths of the

subconscious are even more terrible. Those who look kind and
upright just put their most cruel side firmly in the subconscious
mind to be harmless and respected in reality. These are all
illusions, no one will express the true self, because even they
themselves do not know what they are."

"What happened to Shen Bing and Hai Yin?"

"I don't know... these are the secrets in the secret. All we know is
the result, that is, the neuron of Colonel Shen Bing is damaged,
and it is no longer possible to consciously sneak into such tasks.
And our head, gave up the identity of the students. Applying for
special task forces. At that time, there was a great uproar. They all
thought that the achievements of the head in the research field
were absolutely huge, and the special forces had only a decade to
survive. There was no way for him to achieve decades or even
influence the afterlife. The achievement is compared to...but the
head is resolutely accepting the injection of the x virus. The
people in our unit think that... he will not enter anybody’s
subconscious mind and will not let anyone enter his brain again.
You... broke all of this."

Xiao Yan remembered that he was trapped in the subconscious

mind, that is, Hai Yin brought him out. The subconscious is the
bottom of consciousness, so no matter what happens there, Xiao
Yan is hard to remember.
So what about his subconscious? Is it like Lieutenant General
Renault, full of hypocrisy and horrible thoughts, and what did
Hein Burton see?

"Hey, go to noon, eat and go!" Mark laughed.

The atmosphere in the restaurants and research institutes of the

special missions is completely different. Everyone eats like a
copy, and it is completely militized.

Xiao Yan finally saw Kathy here, and Kathy was surrounded by

"Xiao Yan! Great to see you here!"

Kathy reached out and clasped Xiao Yan's wrist. At that moment,
Xiao Yan's wrist was almost cracked.

"Kathy! Lighten! Lightly!"

Xiao Yan grinned, and Casey held him tightly.

"I really miss you! I miss you every day! The supervision of the
researchers is now more strict! Although they finally canceled the
**** fighting training, all the research was suspended!"

Kathy had a lovely face, and now she shed tears and said that she
missed Xiao Yan. Many people looked at it.

Finally, Casey finally let go of Xiao Yan.

"However, Xiao Yan, is your research still going on?"

"Continue? My energy can't concentrate..."

Kathy sighed and said comfortably: "Everything will be fine. The

military has asked all researchers to pass anti-intrusion tests
before conducting important research. Even if the test passes,
everyone will have to conduct independent research. ”

“Why? Isn't this making research less efficient? Originally a

project should be different people responsible for different parts!”

“Reducing efficiency is better than stealing experimental data

from each other.” Kathy’s childish expression instantly cooled
down. “And everyone’s thinking and thinking are different, and
independent thinking is beneficial to the divergence of thinking.
It’s like maybe now. And you are clearly doing the same subject,
but in a different direction. Without my supervisor's **** to you,
you can think more freely."

"..." Xiao Yan smiled bitterly.

"I know you are scared. Really... I am a little scared, but Xiao
Yan, without any kind of success, can be obtained at no cost."

Kathy stood up, slowly leaning forward, the green scorpion

smiled, his lips touched Xiao Yan's forehead, and he took it back
at the moment of Xiao Yan's blink of an eye.
"I am going to lunch break!"

Xiao Yan’s face instantly reddened, and his mouth squinted at Liv,
who was supervising Kathy. Liv just smiled and left behind

"Wow, your kid is really... that Kathy is notoriously bad temper!

Every time I see you, it becomes a Barbie doll?" Mark's chin is
going to fall off.

"Oh...hehe..." Xiao Yan smirked, his eyes unnaturally touching

the oncoming seaweed, his fingers trembled unconsciously.

His eyes were very cold, and Xiao Yan confirmed that Kathy had
just seen his own scene. He saw it very clearly.

Leaving the restaurant, Xiao Yan walked on the way back to the
research room, and Hai Yin was behind him. The even stride
seemed to be the same thing that happened in the brain.

There are countless questions in his mind, but he can't get


Throughout the afternoon, Xiao Yan just fiddled with the data.
Hai Yin was sitting on the chair. The slender left leg was on the
right leg. The fingers were lightly hooked on the edge of the cup.
Elegant and alienated, Xiao Yan felt up.
At the end of the day, Hai Yin’s voice sounded, “Connect your
terminal and start your research.”

This is an order and there is no room for negotiation.

But at this moment Xiao Yan hesitated no longer the blocker of

the tidal organization, but Hai Yin Burton. Because once you
connect to the terminal, according to the order of Major General
Gordon, this guy will enter the outer edge of his thinking.
Everything that happened to the brain that himself sneaked into
the sea that day, he will never forget.

"Your brain is not so easy to be invaded."

Tiled straightforward without any ups and downs, inexplicably

oppressed Xiao Yan's mood.

Hai Yin has entered the system.

Xiao Yan reluctantly put on the terminal connector.

"If you have any questions, it is best to ask me now."

Xiao Yan took a breath and he always felt that he was completely
seen through the uncovered space in front of Hai Yin.

Since Hai Yin gave him the opportunity, he would ask all the
questions. If he never pursued the answer, he knew that he could
never move forward.
"You have been to my subconscious."


"What is my subconscious mind... is it as terrible as rumors?"


Hai Yin’s answer is very simple. Xiao Yan knows that this guy
will not say anything that is against the heart in order to make
others feel good. But what he wants to hear is not simply "yes" or

What is the reason, when he sneaked into the brain of Hai Yin, he
would do that for him? Is it because some of the dark side of my
subconscious mind makes Hai Yin feel unhappy?

"So what did you see?"

Hai Yin is silent.

Mark felt that the atmosphere was really strange. He moved

backwards two steps. "Hey... you continue to talk... continue to
talk... I went to Liv to see if she needed help..."

After that, Mark squeezed out the door.

"Blue ocean, white sand beach or endless wilderness, even a

whole starry sky."
Xiao Yan frowned. "How does it sound like you have entered my
brain more than once?"


Hai Yin’s answer made Xiao Yan completely stunned.

"This... how is this possible? How did you get in?" Xiao Yan
couldn't sit still.

"You often fall asleep while connecting the system. I just want to
find you and enter you."

"Entering you" made Xiao Yan's heart beat faster. He suddenly

thought of his dreams and even those illusions. Every time he had
a crazy moment with Haiyin Burton... He always thought that he
was derailed himself, but Those are made after Hai Yin sneaked
into his brain!

Xiao Yan suddenly realized that both the dream and the illusion
are in the case of connecting the terminal! Haiyin Burton invaded
his brain! And more than once!

"Why are you doing this? Mark said that you will not enter
anybody's subconscious mind anymore!"

For the first time, Xiao Yan felt that sitting in front of him was
indifferent to all the indifferent men and imagination.
“Because your subconscious mind is the most reassuring place I
have ever been to.”


Why do I make you feel at ease?

I used to be killed by zombies countless times. Now I am

inexperienced in the face of the surging killer. I am dead without
x-2! In the face of your power, I am completely self-confident!
But you said that I will make you feel at ease?

The man is still in the right shape, his thoughts are in the gloom
of the fire, the closed impervious ice sheet is on the verge of
rupture, the heat of evaporation passes over Xiao Yan's face, and
there is something in the blood that will soon bloom wildly. Open.

Xiao Yan opened his mouth but couldn't speak. He knew that Hai
Yin was very concerned about his addiction to the x virus, but if
he had the illusion and the hard-to-open dreams were because of
Hai Yin... that is to say this. Does a seemingly indifferent man
have an unusual feeling for himself a long time ago?

"In the world of thinking, I can make you feel painful because of
me. You will know clearly that the person who holds you is me."

Xiao Yan saw himself in the eyes of Hai Yin, clear to fear.
Hai Yin slowly got up and stepped forward to Xiao Yan. His
fingers slid along his eyebrows to the end of his eyebrows. The
knuckles licked his nose and stayed at the tip of his nose.
Everything was soft and incredible.

"What I want to do can't last as long as your life."

Xiao Yan looked up and listened to the other party's words in a

non-wavering tone.

"So, you must be strong."

Xiao Yan blinked and looked at each other for a long time.

That afternoon, he remained in a stupid position.

When Mark sent him back to the room, Xiao Yan still didn't wake

"Hey! Xiao Yan, what did the head say to you?" Mark pushed
Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan is still in a state of travel.

"Oh..." Mark grabbed his head and looked distressed.

Xiao Yan suddenly caught Mark. "I asked you! Did Colonel
Burton have a blood test recently? How active is the x virus in his
"Ah..." Mark didn't think that Xiao Yan would suddenly ask this
question. For a moment, he didn't know how to react. "This...
maybe Maya knows."

Xiao Yan left the lab without saying anything. At this time, Maya
was sitting at her desk and browsing some information. When
Xiao Yan sat in front of him, Maya couldn't help but see.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yan’s expression was very serious, and he looked at Maya’s

eyes with a sense of oppression.

When Maa groaned, she closed the holographic image in front of

her, and the palm of her hand pressed her forehead and silenced
for a long time. Xiao Yan knows from his expression that he will
say that he is not willing to hear it.

"The blood test for the head is Lieutenant General Aiwei. We

don't know what the test results are, but the report is encrypted.
No one has read the report except Lieutenant General Aiweier and
Major General Gordon. ""

Xiao Yan’s fingertips trembled, and Hai Yin’s time was at most
two years left. This is the fact that the special mission forces are
open. If his blood report is encrypted, there is only one possibility,
the x virus is copied too fast, and the time of Hai Yin is not much

In what kind of mood did Hai Yin say to him, "What I want to do
can't last as long as your life?"

He thought that he was not as strong as Hai Yin, but at least they
could fight side by side, but why didn't he mention the blood test?

Ha... You are stupid, Xiao Yan.

Haiyin Burton has always suffered everything, even death.

"A lot of people want to replace him. They think that instead of
his position, they can become a myth. But the myth is only Haiyin

Xiao Yan bowed his head.

"We will all die, sooner or later."

Hai Yin did not ignore death, but he had already accepted death.

That's why he will kiss him so hard in his mind, because maybe
every time is the last time.

That night, Xiao Yan did not sleep. He sat on the pillow against
the pillow, did not turn on the lights, let himself fall into the dark.
While Hai Yin still sat on his sofa, Xiao Yan tried to feel the
breath of a person for the first time.

He found that he had not thought so hard about one thing for a
long time.

What does Haiyin insist on? What does his "addictive" mean?

These can't offset the things he has done to himself! Although

they have not happened in reality! I have been given this guy
more than once! Although these have never existed in the real
world, they are subjectively true!

Xiao Yan supported his head. If he used to play games or listen to

music and fell asleep, he wouldn't pick up the terminal connector
at all, which gave Hai Yin the chance to do whatever he wanted.

That is not fantasy! Every time I am madly possessed by the other

side, unable to resist the opportunity to escape, this absolute
control of the brain... Haiyin Burton is really terrible.

Holding down his head, Xiao Yan has the urge to hit the wall.

What "I am addicted to you"! It is clear that only he is addicted to

the x virus, Hai Yin Burton said he is addicted to his researcher!
At that time, he looked ordinary, his combat power was almost
zero, he was idle, and he was not doing business. Why did Hein
Bourton say that people were constantly trying to figure out the

Xiao Yan’s fingers subconsciously touched his lips.

He has been unforgettable for his kiss, Xiao Yan closed his eyes,
this man is strong and cold, but the heat between his lips is almost
to evaporate the blood.

Perhaps it is because the father who is passionate about research

has never thought of a lifetime, because it is ridiculous to have
never seen it as an oceanographer. From the day of his father's
death, Xiao Yan did not think that thinking had any meaning.

But are you willing? Xiao Yan?

Unconsciously, it was all over the night.

When his electronic alarm clock sounded, Xiao Yan seemed to

wake up from a long dream.

He rolled over and went to the bathroom to start washing.

Hai Yin still wakes up earlier than him.

His expression didn't change much, as if everything he said to

Xiao Yan yesterday was Xiao Yan's self-fantasy.

"Coloton Burton, may you tell me yesterday that you will protect
my brain? Is it true?"

Without hesitation, his answer is as absolute as when he was at

the blade.

"Then please protect me."

Xiao Yan threw the terminal connector out and Hai Yin steadily
caught it.

From today, he will try his best to think more than ever before.

Because time does not wait for people.

What can't you stick to my life so long! It’s just a joke! My life
has not allowed you to leave midway!

Closing his eyes, Xiao Yan's thoughts rushed into the break, the
ever-changing data flashed in his mind, and the entire lab began
to operate.

Mark's surprised expression, countless holographic screens

flashed, the laboratory instantly entered the ocean of data,
changing rapidly.

Major Gordon, who is playing chess in the terminal system, was

suddenly interrupted by the secretary.

"What?" Major Gordon showed an impatient expression.

“The sixth laboratory terminal is connected at high speed! Critical

load operation!”

"What? Is it a surge blocker? Did they actually invade us?" Major

General Gordon stood up and the pieces on the board were



"After screening, the id number 1665, Xiao Yan Shao."

Major General Gordon blinked. "Is he doing research right?"


"Hai Yin will monitor his brain. I don't believe anyone can sneak
in. Then you come in to inform me what to do with these

"But the energy supply of the laboratory..."

Major General Gordon chuckled. "Then please ask the Academy

to provide an energy response nuclear."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: My life does not
allow you to leave midway!
Hai Yin: Then do it for a lifetime.

Xiao Yan: ... 2k novel reading network

Mark didn't know if he had the illusion. He always felt that from
today, Xiao Yan was different from what he used to be. It became
even colder and more powerful, and even he was justified to be

"Mark, collect your two milliliters of blood."

"Ha? What?" Mark still didn't respond, and there was a slight
electric shock on his arm, and his blood sample had been taken

"Mark, go and pour me a cup of coffee, sixty degrees of water


"Mark, collect a little bit of your mouth fluid."

Mark glanced at the head that had been sitting still in the original
position and opened his mouth before coming to the instrument.

Even in the noon restaurant, Xiao Yan used a fork to poke the
food in the plate, and the whole person still did not get rid of his

Mark looked at Xiao Yan's plate, and all the food was terrible.
Until Hai Yin came to the opposite side of him and touched Xiao
Yan's fingertips, he was like an electric shock and looked up.

"Take the lunch."


Hai Yin was sitting opposite him. Xiao Yan lowered his head
under the pressure of the other's eyes and stuffed the food into his
mouth. In fact, he did not taste anything at all.

"I need to collect your blood samples again."

Xiao Yan lowered his head.


"You accept the x virus for nearly eight years, and Mark is five
years. I need to compare the activity of the x virus in your blood

"I don't need to know the reason, as long as you want."

Xiao Yan’s tears and tears are really terrible... What is “whatever
you want”? Shouldn't it be "as long as research needs"?

If Hein Burton always talks to him like this, his head will be dead.

After a whole month, Xiao Yan was immersed in the study.

He has many discoveries. For example, as time goes on, the
activity of x virus in the human body is increasing. When it is
more active than the human body can load, the human body will
rapidly fail and be swallowed by this virus. all.

It is obvious that the x virus in the sea blood sample is far more
active than Mark's blood sample, and it should be said that it far
exceeds the metabolic cycle of ordinary special forces. Maya’s
fears are not wrong. Hai Yin’s body does not insist on persisting
for two years, and even half a year is a problem.

The speed of the body's strength is more than ordinary people, but
the price paid is scary.

Previous researchers have been working to reduce the activity of

this virus, but active is the property of this virus, reducing the
activity of the virus will also reduce the physical capacity of the
host and thus can not meet the special operations needs.

The virus has completely bound to the host, changing part of the
host's genes.

What he needs is a way to completely reverse the virus's ability to

get energy. Researchers have been trying to strip off the
functioning part of its gene chain. Maybe it should be the
opposite, see it as a defective virus. , you must add some elements
to it to make it a perfect virus!
Hai Yin’s brain resilience training for Xiao Yan did not end. The
training time was arranged after dinner until the end of bedtime.

Before the training began, Xiao Yan swallowed the mouth

vigorously, and Hai Yin sat down in front of him, straighten his
back, palm on his knees, standard army sitting position.

"Now there is a question in your mind, and I am not sure what I

will give you."

Hai Yin’s direct out of Xiao Yan’s expectations.

"So I will give you the opportunity to find the answer."

Xiao Yan was nervous and his fists were tight. Did he have to
re-enter Haiyan’s thinking?

"I will enter your mind as a 'blocker'. Try to trap me."

"What?" Xiao Yan was dumbfounded. The last time he tried to

trap a blocker, the end is that he trapped himself into the
subconscious and slept for a few days!

"Try to analyze my thinking in your brain, because that part of the

thinking is more delicate than the thinking in my brain. You will
find it easier to find your own answer than if you sneak into my
"I... I don't know how to do it! I only build a structure. When the
other party is constantly destroying and I am constantly repairing
it... it is useless."

"This is not the reason you are trapping yourself."

"So what is the reason?"

Xiao Yan looked at each other forcefully. The incident became the
reason why Mark laughed at him. From then on, he was called a
"stupid rookie."

"Because your thinking layer is too shallow, you will use your
own subconscious. Thinking is not material, it can be infinitely

Xiao Yan’s smile is still an abstract interpretation.

"Imagine when you are in the universe, away from the solar
system, surrounded by darkness, only distant stars. How do you
identify the direction?"

"...the direction is meaningless."

Xiao Yan seems to understand something, but does not fully


"Link the terminal, a small number."

Xiao Yan’s heart leaped wildly, and when he lifted the connector,
he blurted out: “Do you still do those things?”

"If you mean to you, of course."

This answer is completely beyond his expectations, and Hai Yin

has entered the terminal.

Oh shit! Xiao Yan can only scream in his heart.

In an instant, he can feel that Hai Yin’s consciousness is

deepening through the outer edge of his thinking at a speed that
cannot be chased.

At this speed, he will soon enter Xiao Yan's subconscious.

How to capture him?

Don't think about building anything concrete, which is quite

dangerous in the world of thinking.

Imagine yourself in the universe, surrounded by vastness, and any

nouns that indicate direction lose their meaning.

At that moment, Hai Yin rushed into a void, only a few bright

Xiao Yan can't tighten his thinking. He knows that the more broad
the other, the less likely it is to escape. No matter which direction
Hai Yin goes, he can extend infinitely.
"Now, learn to parse. When most blockers sneak in, their thinking
is a whole, this is the best time to interpret each other's thinking."

Xiao Yangang tried to interpret Hai Yin, and the other's thinking
body spread out instantly, like a cracked star, spreading in Xiao
Yan's thinking.

This is what Xiao Yan never imagined. He can only continue to

extend himself to embrace the sea. The scattered sand is a
fragment of countless memories and thoughts, even if the
interpretation is incoherent.

But Xiao Yan saw himself in it.

For example, he squats and puts a fallen leaf on his nose,

surrounded by the remains of countless zombies, next to the
students' rapid transfer.

That was the first time he met Hai Yin. He thought that this man’s
eyes were empty and nothing had ever noticed himself. It can be
as clear as in his memory debris.

Or he was lying in bed and sleeping deeply, his eyelashes and his
drooping eyelashes were traced by Hai Yin's line of sight, and
even the breathing was outlined by the other side.

This made him believe that Hein Burton had looked at himself
with such care.
What makes Xiao Yan feel incredible is that he is covered in
blood in the restaurant. Xiao Yan feels a kind of tingling and
sputum | feeling, like a visual crack, fear is like a tidal wave,
sensibility is gone, it is difficult to suppress Despair is

It turned out that this is the feeling of the day.

As if to smash him into the blood of the bones | have | desire, so

Hai Yin can not tolerate his death.

The heart beats faster and the mind is uncontrollable and


When the speed of his extension did not follow the diffusion
speed of Shanghai Yin thinking debris, Hai Yin was about to
reach Xiao Yan's subconscious.

He was shocked and he still failed!

Hai Yin exited Xiao Yan's brain and interrupted the connection.

Xiao Yan wore the terminal connector, gasped with a low head
and a sweat on his forehead.

“How do you feel about your performance?”

Everything in Xiaoyan’s pores is trembled.

" bad?"
"What did you see from me?"

"That time... I almost died." Xiao Yan did not continue to say it,
but the emotional impact was unusually shocking. Haiyi, who
thought that he was fearless of everything, would have such a
shaken moment.

"If I am late for a second, if I don't walk into the restaurant, if the
person performing the task is not me, you may be dead."

"I have imagined this many times about this." Xiao Yan smiled
helplessly, but the heart was filled with the desire to hold this

"Besides seeing, please report whether you interpret my emotions

at the time."

Xiao Yan looked up and he was not sure if he should say it, but
Hai Yin’s eyes were calm and calm.

"You are very scared."

"Please report whether you understand the reason for my fear."

" fear that I will die."

Xiao Yan swallowed her mouth and her heart was stuck and could
not beat.

"This class, you graduated."

Hai Yin got up and Xiao Yan could only see his delicate chin on
his back.

"Less, remember what you learned today."

"Yes, Colonel."

"Thinking can transform **** into heaven and torture heaven into

Hai Yin’s eyes hang down, almost stylized but always make it
impossible to remove the look of the line of sight. Xiao Yan
knows that this man is convinced that he is obedient to breathing.

Hai Yin said that he graduated, then his interpretation of his

memory is correct?

Does that mean that Hai Yin once really feared his death?

Walking on the way back to the room, the two are still quiet.

But at that moment, Xiao Yan’s yu thoughts that wanted to

explore each other were constantly expanding. Even the back of
Hai Yin was like a black hole for him, pulling everything.

When they came to the door of Xiao Yan's house, Hai Yin opened
the room of Xiao Yan with fingerprints and routinely went inside
to inspect. Xiao Yan opened his mouth and stopped him.

"Hai Yin!"
At the moment when Hai Yin turned back, Xiao Yan held the door
frame and kissed it, but it was a pity that Hai Yin’s chin was
touched. However, Hai Yin’s arm bypassed Xiao Yan’s body and
pressed him on his back and brought him into the room.

At the moment when the sliding door closed, Hai Yin kissed Xiao
Yan's cheek forcefully and punctured his neck.

"You shouldn't do that, there is monitoring in the channel."

Xiao Yan pushed the sea cockroaches, step by step, until Hai Yin
sat on the sofa, Xiao Yan's hands were held in the ears of Hai Yin,
and Hai Yin was slightly forced on Xiao Yan's waist, Xiao When
the rock fell off, he never imagined that Hai Yin suddenly
propped up his legs and made him sit on his own body. Xiao
Yan's legs were hugged by Hai Yin at the waist. His feeling of
pressure on the kiss became more and more intense. He was on
the verge of losing control and always pressed at the last moment.

"Next time, don't call me like this anymore. You can't afford the

Hai Yin gently kissed Xiao Yan's lips, which was a warning, but
lost strength in Xiao Yan's ear.
This man can do whatever he wants in the world of thinking and
even let him suffer, but in reality he is suppressed and does not
hurt him.

This made Xiao Yan proud.

Leaning his head on the other's shoulder, Xiao Yan whispered: "I
will solve all problems."

Outside Xiao Yan’s door, a man with his arms on his closed
sliding door, brewing a chill in his eyes.

After lunch at noon the next day, Xiao Yan routinely teased Casey
on the way back to the study room.

"Kathy, although your fighting training has been suspended, but

these muscles in your body are real!"

Kathy raised a brow, of course, knowing that Xiao Yan is not

complimenting himself. "What do you want to say about life?"

"Haha... Kathy, congratulations, even if you wear a pettiskirt now,

it’s not like Barbie! You finally entered the ranks of muscular

Xiao Yan still remembers Kathy’s kindergarten wearing a

pettiskirt and smiling like a picture of the sun flower. Although
Casey deleted it, Xiao Yan found it out of the system memory.
Think of it as your own terminal theme. When Kathy achieves
some kind of achievement or military advancement in the field of
research, Xiao Yan will use this photo to beat him.

"Xiao Yan - you dare to mention the pettiskirt, I killed you!"

Casey really furious, waving his fist and chasing behind Xiao

After a period of training, both of them have greatly improved

their physical strength, especially Xiao Yan easily opened a
distance with Kathy. The special forces who followed Xiao Yan
had to run at his speed and were forced to participate in this naive
chase game.

Until Xiao Yan’s shoulder accidentally hit someone, he woke up

from his own pride.

"This is not the first time you have hit me when I was playing
with Lieutenant Colonel Casey."

The narrow eyes with a smile made Xiao Yan lose his mind for a
moment, and his thoughts fell from a certain height and finally
returned to reality.

Jane's lips slowly swelled, showing a certain grace between the
light and shadow interlacing, lazily sliding over Xiao Yan's

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Should you give me a kiss or
give me a hug?"

"Still hug."

Xiao Yan took the other's shoulder and didn't expect Jane's palm
to hold him on his thigh.

At the moment of leaving the ground, Xiao Yan subconsciously

hugged the other's neck.

"Hey! Lieutenant Colonel Wallis!" Casey yelled and ran up, his
face showing the hostility to Jane Wallis as always, "Let Xiaoyan

Xiao Yan is about to speak to Casey, but Jane has turned his arms
and smiled: "When I am holding you, I really don't recommend
you to look at others."

Jane deliberately made a gesture to kiss Xiao Yan, which led Xiao
Yan to quickly put his face.

Jane said to the two special forces guarding Kathy: "Please ****
Lieutenant Colonel Kathy, this is an order."
The two men looked at each other for less than a second, and they
had to fight from the left and the right, and Kathy’s anger echoed
in the passage.

"I said, you will not let me go, I promise you will regret it." Xiao
Yan's look was serious.

"Yes? How long does your x-2 last for being metabolized? Let me
measure if you have the capital that makes me regret?"

Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and said, "Already..."

"You are not allowed to disclose research progress, data, ideas

and all relevant information to anyone."

The cold voice, the imperative tone, Xiao Yan side of the face, it
is true that Shanghai Yin dull eyes.

Jane opened Xiao Yan, and turned his arms to the front of Hai
Yin, his fingers gently point on the other's chest.

"Coloton Burton, hurry up and hide your possessiveness, so it is

not like you to lose control."

Xiao Yan’s heart screamed, did Jane know what? However, the
term "occupied|has a desire" is indeed suitable for Jane Wallis,
who has no lower limit.
"If you have any questions, you can report directly to Major
General Gordon."

Hai Yin seems to have not put Jane's words on her mind, leaving
no room for turning around.

Xiao Yan can only keep up.

At the moment of passing by, Jane grabbed Xiao Yan.

"It’s been boring to stay in the lab."

Jane just licked his left eye, and Xiao Yan’s heart beat a half. This
guy is very clear about his unique position and will take
advantage of this.

"Fortunately." Xiao Yan's direction to Hai Yin, the guy has gone
further and further, there is no tendency to slow down, but Xiao
Yan can feel the dissatisfaction of Hai Yin.

"Tomorrow..." Jane smashed Xiao Yan, his lips almost touched

Xiao Yan's auricle, and the warm breath ran, carrying some kind
of hint that the blood along Xiao Yan poured into the depths of
the brain.

The subconscious wants to leave the opponent's range, but his

power is obvious and Jane is not a level.

"Would you like to train with me?"


Xiao Yan has long been accustomed to the instinct of this guy,
and thought that he had to say something that is ashamed, I did
not expect it to be just like this?

"What expression are you, are you disappointed?" Jane's palm

slammed on Xiao Yan's head. "In addition, in your current
situation, in addition to research, it is also very important to
enhance combat capability. Burton can teach you, I can."

Jane's skill, Xiao Yan, is not unseen. This guy is different from
Hai Yin's precise and neat style. He is more casual and

"Of course not disappointed!"

Xiao Yan has begun to imagine how to collect Jane's action data
to upgrade his simulation system. Of course, the most important
thing is that Xiao Yan wants to get a simple blood sample!

"You should show disappointment and say that you are more
willing to roll sheets with me. I promise that after being with me,
you will feel that other people will not enjoy the fun of that."

Xiao Yan has some habits of this guy's style of speech, and the
brain filters directly.
"Hey, talk tomorrow."

Xiao Yan looked down at Jane's hand and the other person
deliberately showed his disappointment and let him go. Xiao Yan
must admit that Jane's exquisite irrelevance to the harmless
expression of the human and animal will really make people feel
loved. But Xiao Yan knows how powerful this man is.

The two left in different directions.

Xiao Yan quickly followed the direction of Shanghai Yin, and

turned Jane, the casual smile slowly disappeared under a cold.

At this time, there were almost no officers walking in the passage.

The whole space was long and empty. Xiao Yan could not find the
figure of Hai Yin and had to speed up his pace.

Just at the moment of entering the node, one hand suddenly

pressed his shoulder and put him on the cold metal wall.

The whole body cells entered the guard, and his fists were thrown
out and easily held by the other side.

The line of sight crashed into the seemingly calm but dark tide of
the blue world, and Xiao Yan was surprised to find that the other
party turned out to be Hai Yin!

"Coloton Burton!"
Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and what happened?

"He said nothing wrong."

"What is wrong?"

Xiao Yan was confused, and the pain made his expression
distorted. If Hai Yin does not put himself down, his spine will be
crushed and his shoulders will be dislocated.

"I can't hide the possession of you | Yes | Desire."

Xiao Yan opened his mouth slightly and was still thinking about
the meaning of the other party's words.

What did Haiyin Burton say? What is


"So little envy, I told you straight away that you must not be
attracted to Jane Wallis."

His expression did not change his speed of speech, but asked Xiao
Yan to report the content but made people feel that they had gone

The oppressive eyes squeezed the heart of Xiao Yan as if he was

forced to answer questions that he never wanted to think about.

"He kissed you."

The sound line of Hai Yin almost frozen the nerves of Xiao Yan.

"The x virus makes you addicted."

"...that is the consistent style of Lieutenant Colonel Wallis... I

didn't put it in my heart." It was hard to find the reason, and Xiao
Yan reluctantly opened his mouth.

"If he easily lures you, what is the meaning of my patience?"

At that moment, the dust of time went against the flow, and Xiao
Yan’s line of sight was folded into a section, annihilated in the
other’s dark blue eyes.

His breathing was careful, and when he was in contact with the
gentle breath of the sea, he was defeated without any suspense,
and the powder spread out.

What is the sound of the bursting sound in the ear.

The other side contained Xiao Yan's lips, and he had no time to
react to how this happened. The rushing yu looks screaming along
the blood, Xiao Yan subconsciously grasps the other side, he is
not afraid of falling, but afraid that such madness will disappear

His legs were folded up, and the kiss was too hard to crush Xiao
Yan's skull on the wall.
He can't remember the other person's closed eyebrows, don't
remember the other person's fuss that broke into his flesh and
blood, and completely forgot to immerse himself in the thirst for

Hai Yin suddenly picked him up and walked step by step to his

The back of his back fell into a soft mattress, which made him
extremely empty, and the man who oppressed himself was the
most real existence.

The opponent's palm pressed against his forehead, forcing him to

lift his chin and bear all the strength.

Even if the combat uniforms can isolate all temperatures, Xiao

Yan feels the heat that has never been seen before.

When the other side slightly exited a little, he chased him as if he

had lost his life.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: finally

reached the 28th... February has passed... can you not have more
than six thousand words in the next month, will be dead...

Hai Yin buckled his back ridge and hurriedly picked him up. Xiao
Yan had an illusion that he was born to belong to this man.
At some point, Xiao Yan’s wrists were caught, and he fell back to
the mattress again, and his hands were firmly pressed to his ears.
When he was still chasing the man, the other side slowly moved

His eyes were fascinated, and his thoughts were eager to climb
the man like a cliff, even if he could only see the sky that belongs
to him in just one second.

The warm breathing gradually cooled down, and Xiao Yan’s

thoughts always fell back to his body.

Hein Burton pressed on his body and took full possession.

His chest was his arm, and there was no resistance to the pressure
until the other side opened again.

"Do you know who is kissing you?"

"..." Xiao Yan opened his mouth vigorously and finally spoke,
"Hayin Burton."

Hai Yin’s index finger knuckles swept over Xiao Yan’s lips,
completely different from his voice.

"So remember forever, this kiss is for me, not related to the x
The kisses that stretched in and out, the palm of the other hand
extended downwards forcefully. Everywhere, there was some
kind of power transmission. Xiao Yan stayed open and didn't
know how to breathe. His confusion fell into the ice blue of the
other party. In the world.

Xiao Yan wants to scream, but he loses his voice between the
opponent's fingers.

Hai Yin’s kiss once again fell on Xiao Yan’s lower lip. When
Xiao Yan tried to kiss each other, the man raised his chin and
Xiao Yan only kissed his throat.

The blood seems to be squeezed out by Haiyin. It is such a

dangerous and fast feeling. Xiao Yan has no ability to resist. His
calf keeps licking the body of the sea, and the other side responds
to him with a stronger kiss and The frequency is getting more and
more crazy.

The moment of the summit came, Xiao Yan’s eyes were in the
sky. He breathed hard and couldn't find his most original world.

The man who pressed on him slowly left and returned to the sofa.
He closed his eyes, and the back of his head leaned back, sighing
heavily, as if he had tried hard to finally suppress the craziest
For a long time, Xiao Yan calmed down his breath and gathered
his thoughts.

The man's face is clear and delicate, perfect to be reminiscent of

the likes of desire and hope.

But what happened just now?

Xiao Yan pressed his face hard and his legs were wet.

At this time he realized that he was in the room.

How did he come back?

At the moment of leaving the bed, he continued to fall to the

ground with a soft breeze, propping himself up in a wolf, and he
looked in the direction of Hai Yin, and the other's figure did not

Xiao Yan helped the wall into the bathroom, even without fading
the top, and the water flowed from the top of the head.

He knew he was struggling because he was falling out of his own


This night, he could not sleep at all.

All thoughts, even every cell in his body, are immersed in the kiss
of Haiyin. The line of sight outlines the curve that belongs to
Haiyin in the darkness. Xiao Yan desperately pretends to ignore
but can only feel each other more clearly. presence.

Xiao Yan said to himself: It seems that it is really finished...

No sleep for one night.

In the early morning of the next day, Major Gordon was listening
to music with his eyes closed. The fragrance of black tea spread
all over the place. With the ups and downs of music, this is the
most leisurely moment of the whole Shire.

The headquarters suddenly shocked.

When the high-ranking generals raised their brows, the alarm


"Alarms - Alerts - Military control zone a3-a6 encountered an

aircraft attack!"

"Alarms - Alerts - Citizen Living Area d20-d22 Encountered

Aircraft Attack!"

"Alarms - Alerts - E6-e9 in the citizen's living area has been

attacked by aircraft!"

Major General Gordon slammed out of the seat and the liaison
officer pushed in. "Report the Major General! Now the entire
Shire is in an emergency preparation state!"
"Maya! Maya - what's going on!"

Maya, who followed the liaison officer into the office, looked
nervous: "Reporting Major General! There are six aircraft that
have completely lost control after entering Shire! They are
launching missile attacks in the city of Charles!"

The holographic image was unfolded in front of the high-ranking

Major General, and the original peaceful city of Charles was just
a few minutes in chaos.

The citizens who have been accustomed to enjoying the calm

have fled, the aircraft constantly attacked various buildings, the
sound of the collapse was deafening, the explosion was
everywhere, and the armed forces had already dispatched to
evacuate the citizens.

This is the first armed attack in the city of Charles in two hundred

The Air Force sent an aircraft to fight against it.

Shire is completely in chaos.

"Hello, these six military aircraft were hijacked by the tidal

organization! They did not go to the designated stopway after
entering Shire..."
"How can they enter the designated channel? Is the head of the
control tower not good enough? Even our people can't get it out!"

"They all reported the shutdown code, and the people who
commanded the tower didn't think of it..." The liaison officer saw
that Major General Gordon had a bad face and stopped talking.

“It’s hard to get the stop code? Just take our drivers and invade
their brains!” Maya sneered, and the loophole became more and
more obvious as the “blocker” technology of the tidal
organization became more sophisticated. Whether the armed
forces or the Central Academy of Sciences is good, there is no
solution. Lieutenant General Aiwei once predicted that if the tide
surges into the gap between Charles, the possibility of using more
than one percent is to use this method. This prediction was made
at the military meeting six months ago and was fulfilled six
months later!

At this time, the video of the presidential palace was cut in, and
Secretary of Defense Kasbin expressed an urgent and serious

"Mr. Gordon! Please dispatch a special mission force to the

presidential palace immediately! In any case, guarantee the
president's safety!"
At the same time, the door of a shot down aircraft opened wide,
and numerous zombies came out. They suddenly became mad
when they saw the living.

The screams came, the ordinary armed forces were not the
opponents of the zombies, let alone the fact that they had little
experience with the zombies. In less than a minute, more than a
dozen soldiers had lost their jobs.

Major General Gordon smiled bitterly. "So these zombies? Do we

want us to ignore civilians?"

At this time, the door of another aircraft was opened at a low

altitude, and nearly a hundred zombies were released.

The cry of hitting fear, the scene of the body being torn is
inconspicuous, the bright red blood is spreading everywhere, and
the greedy face of the zombie is full of screens.

“The safety of the people is of course important too!”

After that, the minister’s communication was interrupted.

Major General Gordon snorted. "This old guy is very powerful,

pushing all the puzzles to me!"

"Hello, please give an order." Maya said coldly.

The senior generals linked the special task forces. "The third
team, the fourth team and the fifth team urgently dispatched the
presidential palace! Lieutenant Colonel Jane Wallis served as the
commander! The first team and the second team were dispatched.
Major Wenn served as the commander. The official carried out the
zombie clearing in the area of ​Xiaer City! The sixth and seventh
teams were dispatched, and Major Ling Xiao served as the
commander to clean up the zombies in the d and e areas!"

Xiao Yan, sitting in the study room, was completely immersed in

the study and could not feel the same. At this time, he can only
use research to distract his extra energy.

If he continues to think about any information related to Hein

Burton, he will involuntarily imagine the touch of the other's lips,
and the most urgent thing he needs is to verify his own research
results, even though he already has nine percent of the results.
More than ten grasps, but the research of the Central Academy of
Sciences is not a probability but a 100% affirmative answer.

And he knows that Hai Yin is guarding him on the outer edge of
his thinking, and maybe he has quietly entered his subconscious
mind, but his inexperienced fool can't feel it. If so, is it not easy
for them to be informed of the uncontrollable feelings of the sea?
The passage outside the door is the sound of emergency transfer
of each special mission unit.

Wenn’s troops passed by his door, and Mark and Liv, who were at
the door, made a gesture of “good luck” to him.

The expression on the face of Hai Yin sitting in front of Xiao Yan
did not waver, but raised his wrist and gave instructions to Mark
and Liv. “Follow the attention of the headquarters.”


Mark and Liv looked at each other with each other. With such a
large deployment, the headquarters was empty.

In less than a minute, the entire special mission unit headquarters

became quiet and terrible from tension.

From time to time, the bombing sound came from outside. A

missile directly hit the west wing of the special mission unit
headquarters. During the explosion, there was a strong shock. All
the holographic data in the study room began to flicker in

No matter how Xiao Yan concentrated on it, he was awakened at

the moment. He interrupted the terminal, took off the connector,
and looked at the opposite.
The other person's eyes were heavy, and his hands were placed on
his knees. Xiao Yan felt the momentum that was ready to go.

"what happened……"

Although the broadcast alarm sound has stopped, the red

first-level warning signal is still flashing.

“The surge organization hijacked six aircraft.”

Xiao Yan’s fingers trembled.

He remembered that when he talked with him for a while, the

other party once said that if an air raid occurred in the city of
Charles, it would be like putting a bomb into a soda can. The
effect would be very fierce.

All along, Charles has been motivated by the military's strict

control of entry and exit.

But obviously, the control has failed.

When your enemies keep searching for your weaknesses, but

when you stop, you must pay the price.

It was just this price, which made Xiao Yan unexpected.

No one knows how this started, and no one can imagine how it
will end.
Another explosion came, Xiao Yan looked up. He knew that the
structure of the building was very special. Even if the middle
layer was destroyed, the superstructure still maintained its center
of gravity. But such a large-scale invasion of Xiao Yan was not
expected. His system is completely independent and can't see the

When his fingers point to the contact, Hai Yin buckles his wrist.

"Don't look at it, don't worry."

Xiao Yan took a breath and nodded. It would only make her
flustered without any effect, and Hai Yin must make the most
accurate judgment on the situation.

Major General Gordon frowned at the battle in the holographic

image. Five hijacked aircraft released the zombies all the way.
This made the special task force's clearing work unstoppable. The
Air Force finally played a role and laid down three aircraft in one
fell swoop.

The zombies climbed out of the fallen wreck, and the special
forces went to the front to produce them. The pus yellow mucus
splashed, and some of the civilians who were evacuating saw the
zombies who had been cut off for the first time. They couldn’t
stop screaming, and several children had spit out their mouths.
"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis please return your current position!"

"Dear Lord, Lord, I am already at the side of the president. He

looks safe and sound. We are arranging his underground refuge."

"Good." Major General Gordon nodded.

"It's not good at all. I haven't been active for a long time. There is
no use here."

Major General Gordon sighed helplessly.

"That is the president. The more you have no use, the more secure
the president is."

"Right, my dear Xiao Yan, is it all right? The matter of protecting

the president should be handed over to Colonel Burton. I am
willing to stay with Xiao Yan at all times!"

"Put up your unfair tone and don't throw the face of a special
mission force in front of the president."

It was at this time that the alarm sounded again.

"Alarms - Alerts - two aircraft are approaching headquarters!"

The senior general will jump in the eyelids. "Mom! Shouldn’t the
goal be the presidential palace?"
The automatic defense of the headquarters was opened and the
guns were fired towards the approaching aircraft.

At this time, the sea meditation suddenly got up.

"Don the things you think are the most important! Destroy all the
data! We will evacuate immediately!"

Xiao Yan paused, and Hai Yin quickly took off all the research
reagents and threw them to Xiao Yan. Then he entered a code in
the system, and all the holographic screens showed a red prompt
“Data destruction, whether to execute”.

At this moment, Xiao Yan understands that the situation has

reached an emergency.

"This is your research, you decide whether to leave traces."

Xiao Yan did not hesitate to choose OK, and put a micro disk into
the syringe, looking at Hai Yin calmly: "I ... store all research
ideas and data in this micro disk. If I am ... I I hope someone will
continue my research."

Hai Yin did not hesitate to take the syringe and push his shoulder
so that the microdisk was implanted in his muscles.

"I accept it because you don't need to spend time sorting out the
experimental data after this storm."
After that, Hai Yin grabbed Xiao Yan's wrist and took him out of
the study room.

Xiao Yan clenched his left hand, a small bottle of pink transparent
solution in his palm.

The aircraft has collided with the headquarters, and the huge
collapse and high-density titanium cracked sounds irritated the
eardrum, and Xiao Yan subconsciously licked his ears.

The deformed door of the aircraft was opened and more than a
dozen armed men in combat uniforms came out.

"The Major General! The headquarters is understaffed! You must

evacuate!" Maya saw this scene at the moment the monitor was
destroyed by the opponent's blade.

Major Gordon got up and suddenly thought of something, "Xiao

Yan is less!"

"Coloton Bolton has already entered the evacuation channel with

Shao Yan;"

Major General Gordon left the office quickly, and Maya led six
special forces outside the door to guard him away.

Xiao Yan's eardrum was stimulated, his headache was cracking,

and Hai Yin shook his shoulders forward. The other's shoulders
are constantly hitting Xiao Yan's stomach, and the discomfort of
turning over the river is not as good as the screaming in the
depths of the brain.

Daddy, a figure rushed, and the other side stepped on the side
wall, the body crossed the exaggerated arc in midair, and the
speed of the blade was absolutely hot.

Hai Yin sideways on one knee and pulled out the blade backhand,
then turned the blade across a bright arc.

The other side avoided it and stood still not far away.

Hai Yin put Xiao Yan down, Xiao Yan saw that the other side is a
young woman, the golden hair is tied behind her head, the combat
uniforms set off her firm figure, bright red lips, slightly picking

The woman held the blade and looked at Hai Yin, revealing a
playful smile. "It turned out to be the famous Bolton Colonel. I
forgot to introduce myself. My name is Claire."


Xiao Yan took a breath, Claire was one of the elite killers of the
tidal organization, nicknamed "Witches", and her souls under the
blade were countless, including the commander of the former
Special Task Force, Major General Smith.
"What do you do when you enter the special mission?"

Liv and Mark came to the front of Xiao Yan and Hai Yin with
great vigilance.

"Ah, in fact, it's a big deal. Our head likes that little pet. Can you
let me take him?" Claire played with her hair and looked relaxed,
but no one took it lightly. .

Xiao Yan’s heart screamed and they entered the special mission
force headquarters and the target was him.

Hai Yin was silent, and Liv sneered. "You have spent so much
effort to hijack the aircraft first, then create chaos in the Shire,
and even fake the presidential palace. The purpose is to send all
the special forces from the headquarters. It is convenient for you
to come in! If you hand Xiaoyan to you, it is to help you complete
the task, do we look so stupid?"

"Oh--" Claire shook his head. "If you are really not stupid, this
so-called headquarters will not be so empty."

Xiao Yan holds the syringe, and at this time he can't be the burden
of Hai Yin.

Hai Yin pressed his hand and whispered: "It's not the time."

After he finished, he picked him up and rushed to the front.

Claire didn't expect Hai Yin to rush straight up and quickly wave
the blade to block, but Hai Yin's speed was too fast, not to
mention Liv and Mark Qiqi attacked her and stopped her.

Hai Yin came to the corner of the passage, pressed the lock
button, the passage closed, and Claire and Mark were isolated at
the other end.

Xiao Yan was put down and Hai Yin pulled him to continue

"Don't worry, Liv is no worse than Claire's master."

Not to mention Mark also fought side by side with her.

Just as they passed by a faint laboratory door, Hai Yin suddenly

slammed Xiao Yan into his arms, and the blade suddenly spurted
out from the door, and the tip just stopped on Xiao Yan's back.

"Oh, oh, I almost stabbed the pet in the head."

The sliding doors were separated by blades, and two 17- and
eight-year-old teenagers came out. Their looks were exactly the
same, and they were twin brothers.

"Ah, look at who this is! Haiyin Burton! It is rumored that this
guy can't beat!"

"That means to fight alone. Brother, we are two people."

Xiao Yan’s heart is cold, how many people have entered the
headquarters in the tide?

And they made such a big storm and the goal is to be themselves?

After that, the two men slashed, and it was so frightening.

Although Xiao Yan is their goal, they slashed to Xiao Yan without
hesitation, and Hai Yin had to resist.

The two brothers thought that they would have an advantage, but
Hai Yin’s attack was too unexpected. No matter the speed and
precision, these two youngsters could not match them. If they
were not watching each other, they would have become the soul
of Hai Yin’s knife.

The two brothers also attacked Xiao Yan more unscrupulously.

The blade edged through Xiao Yan's neck countless times. Their
purpose seemed to be to cut off Xiao Yan's head. In fact, he
attacked Xiao Yan to contain the sea.

Suddenly, the brother of Hai Yin separated the sword and did not
enter the brother's chest, followed by a kick, the younger brother
attacked, Hai Yin did not mercy the opponent's attack, reflexively
kicked his brother's On the neck, I only heard a "squeaky" sound,
and his neck broke.
No matter how strong the healing ability after receiving the x
virus, once the neck breaks, the neuron contact is interrupted and
everything is over.

"Damn--" Brother's eyes are full of redness, and he grabs the

blade on his chest and pulls it out a little bit. Haiyin does not give
him the chance to heal. He raises his wrist like a **** of death,
bloodstains splash, and the sea is refreshingly Open the blood on
the blade and turn around to pick up Xiao Yan, "Go!"

The two ran all the way, and when they passed a room, Xiao Yan
suddenly stopped.

"and many more--"

This is Kathy's room. Everyone is evacuating, so what about


The sliding door was only closed halfway, and the moment that
Xiao Yan pushed it away, the lung cavity seemed to be torn and
could not breathe.

Kathy leaned her eyes against the bed, her lips trembled with
pain, and when he felt someone entering the room, he struggled to
lift his eyes, and the eyes and Xiao Yan’s opposite moments were
full of fear of death, his belly. It was a blade that was completely
devoid of, and the bright red blood was rendered on the white
sheets, red to pierce the world.

"Kathy--" Xiao Yan rushed over and fingered Kathy's abdomen.

"My...the brain is still...not..."

"Still! Still!" Xiao Yan's palm dragged Kathy's back, where there
was a trace of impact, and the skull should be broken.

"That's good..." Casey slowly lowered his head. It seemed that

Xiao Yan's arrival made him feel at ease, and he also lost the
strength to stick to it.

"Don't sleep! Kathy! Look at me!"

This is not someone else, this is Kathy! The self-willed boy who
has always been thinking about him, the friend who left Shir for
the first time from Xiao Yan, is always worried about him!

He can't die! He is still young, there are so many possibilities!

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin. "You can save him! Just like you
saved me before, right?"

Hai Yin hurried to Kathy, his fingers just touched his cheek, and
suddenly his brow wrinkled.

He slammed Xiao Yan, stepped back, and even hit a half-open

sliding door.
"Hai Yin?"

The anxious Xiao Yan did not understand Hai Yin's behavior at
all, and was constantly struggling to touch Kathy, but Hai Yin
only pulled him back with more strength.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: This article
has no real bad guys, except for a big bad guy who has not
officially appeared.

Mark & ​Liv & Maya & Wenn: So we are not bad guys.

Jane: So I look the worst, but not necessarily the bad guy.

Kathy: Maybe some of us are double-faced spies. 2k novel

reading network

"You may as well kill me! Because no matter what the reason can
not convince me!"

A slight sting on the arm came, what Kathy had injected him.

Xiao Yan’s eyes were dizzy, his body continued to lose strength,
and Jane firmly supported him, and he hugged him when he
completely lost his strength.

The line of sight is blurred, Xiao Yan tries to stay awake, but the
mind is spinning and falling.

"Let's go. What about the aircraft?"

"I am waiting for us." Jerry sighed. "I thought that this time I
could assassinate the president!"

Kathy glanced at Jerry with contempt. "What does it mean to

assassinate the president? A president is dead, and another
president will be replaced and nothing will be changed."

"What about Claire? She seems to be trapped."

"Who is her opponent?"

"Hylie Burton's subordinates - Liv, there is a big man named


Jane slightly frowns, "If they are both, Claire is either dead or
shackled. We don't have time to look back, Major Wenn should
have received news to get back."

"Well, if Claire is still alive, I believe she must have a way to


In front of it is a large hole blown out by a bomb. Outside, you

can see the flustered central square. The zombies scattered around
the civilians are being cleaned up by special missions. Other
armed forces are also embarrassed.

The presidential palace in the distance is collapsing. This is only

an internal explosion to achieve such a thorough effect.
"Hey, what have you done?"

"I just think that it is really uncomfortable for the president to live
in such a luxurious place." Jane smiled and turned back to a
military ceremony for the already ruined special mission unit
headquarters. "Goodbye, Charles."

He entered the aircraft with Xiao Yan, and the tower of the Shire
issued instructions.

"Please return to the k92 aircraft!"

"Here is the k92 aircraft. I am the commander of the third, fourth

and fifth teams of the special missions. Jane Wallis, the
emergency mission leaves the city of Shire, the destination is
located at the base of the 14th station, please open the route. ""

Jane smiled and answered the tower in an orderly manner.

"Task code."


"The route is open."

Jane bowed his head and stroked Xiao Yan's forehead. He leaned
quietly on Jane's shoulder and slept very deeply.

"I know that you like the sea very much, this time I will give you
a whole piece of sea."
Jane gently kissed Xiaoyan's head, and the aircraft rushed out of
Shire and rushed to the sky.

Jerry used his elbows to top the Kathy in silence. Although his
tone was smirking, his eyes were very serious. "I said Kathy, are
you really willing to leave here?"

"Why not reluctant?" Casey's eyes were cold.

"He is your ideal father." Jerry still teased Casey, his palms over
his head, and shattered his hair into a bird's nest. "You injected it
into the body of Haiyin Burton." A needle accelerator, I am afraid
that I will be chilling to Lieutenant General Aiwei. You said to
Xiao Yan that you are studying accelerators. In fact, you are really
studying inhibitors. Accelerators are only unintentional products,
but they are Cole. The guy secretly sent the tide."

"So Jane found a chance to solve Cole." Casey coldly waved

Jerry's hand and replied very hard and lowly. "I will come back, I
will definitely come back, and I am standing in front of Aivil!"

Jerry sighed helplessly. "I feel that I have joined a more

dangerous organization than Charles. Kathy, you are for
Lieutenant General Aiwei, Jane is for the future to do whatever he
wants, then I am following you. For what?"

"Because you are our 'family'."

Three hours later, the turmoil in Charles was calmed down.

Major General Gordon successfully left the headquarters of the

Special Task Force through the emergency channel.

The stunned eyes in front of him made him clench his fists. There
are countless armed and wounded soldiers, and the bodies of
civilians can be seen everywhere. The collapsed buildings have
crashed magnetic levitation vehicles, and the broken holographic
advertisement screens make a loud noise.

Major Wenn and Major Ling Xiao have completed the clean-up
work and returned to the ranks of Major General Gordon.

The liaison pop-up holographic screen, the Secretary of Defense's

face is very ugly.

"Mr. Gordon! Do you know that the special forces who came to
protect the president did not even have a commander!"

"What?" Major General Gordon showed a surprised expression. "I

clearly sent Lieutenant Colonel Jane Wallis!"

"You should check out the record of entering and leaving Shire.
Lieutenant Colonel Jane Wallis left the Shire for three hours
before the mission!"

"This is impossible! He has no tasks at all!"

"Mr. Gordon, you should be glad that the President is safe and
sound, otherwise I will definitely propose to dismiss you with
General Sharif!"

At this moment, Major Gordon’s face was pale, and he suddenly

realized what he was, and the liaison officer, Jessica, who was
squatting by the side, “I ask you, Xiao Yan’s lieutenant! You are
not saying that Colonel Burton will protect him. Are you
evacuating? They are people!"

Jessica swallowed. "Report, Major General... I tried to call

Colonel Burton many times, but I didn't respond..."

"Why don't you report it!"

Ma Ya, who has been staying with Major General Gordon,

replied: "I told Jessica to report to you, in order not to delay your

Major Gordon bites his alveolar and scorns Maya. This part of the
department is somewhat less serious, but he is accidentally
attached to the task.

At this time, Maya's eyebrows were shaking slightly. He put the

safety of Major General Gordon in the first place and was worried
about Xiao Yan.
Major Gordon will push the liaison officer away and almost yell
at the underground command: "Wen! Ling Xiao! You should go to
Xiao Yan immediately! Even if you turn the whole earth over, you
must find him!"

Wenn heard that Xiao Yan and Hai Yin had lost contact, and Ling
Xiao looked at Wen En, and seemed to be puzzled.

"Xiao Yan has synthesized x-2! He has been at the headquarters

for protection before this attack."

"What!" Ling Xiao suddenly understood. "That is to say, the

influx of Shire in such a large-scale invasion of Shire is actually
to remove us from the headquarters! Their goal is not the
president but the researcher!"

At this time, Mark and Liv took a woman to the front of Major
Gordon. Her wrists were locked by high-density titanium, and her
face was still disdainful and proud.

"Hello! This is the sorceress Claire of the tidal organization!"

Mark pushed Claire with mercy.

Claire twitched his lips. "Hey, Major General. Are you still
looking forward to the midst of the heart, can Hein Burton escape
with the cute researcher?"
"What do you mean? How can Colonel Burton lose contact?
Where is Shao Yan?"

Major General Gordon did not have a pity for this seemingly
stunned woman. She picked her up and pulled the hair behind her
head, forcing her to look at herself.

"Did you always think that Casey is studying x-2 for you? In fact,
he has borrowed your resources from Charles to enjoy your
research and synthesizes something interesting. It can accelerate
the activity of x virus in special forces. The energy consumption
of the special forces is hundreds of times, and the metabolism of
the new city is also a hundred times increase, which means that
the muscles, bones and organs of the body are rapidly declining. I
bet that when you find Haiyin Burton, he is already a dead body.

"What... Kathy..."

"Yes, he has always been regarded as an irreplaceable brain

resource for you. This guy is very arrogant. It is very hard for him
to stay in the military for so many years. I urge you to find it
quickly, maybe with Hai Yin." Burton said goodbye."

Liv stepped forward and punched Claire's face. "Where is Colonel

Claire swayed to Liv's ear, and a slow voice slid across her ear.
"You should ask, where is his body?"

Wenn no longer wastes time, "The first team! Go back to the

headquarters to search with me! The second team drives the
aircraft for wall search! All aircraft including our own aircraft
must be ordered to return! If you refuse to return, shoot it down!"

"Mr. Wenn!" Liv grabbed Wenn and was puzzled by what he

called "shoot down."

"The other party has hijacked Xiao Yan! I would rather die than to
let his brain fall on the hands of the tide organization." Wenn
pulled out a bitter smile. "This guy doesn't look very hard,
actually lazy... want him. Thinking about what you hate endlessly
is the same as asking for his life!"

Claire pulled his lips. "It's too late. The head has already left
Charles with his little pet. You can't catch up."

"Are your head Jane Wallis or Casey?"

"What do you say? Haha!"

Wenn had already taken people along the channel, and Wenn
snorted before they came to the bodies of the twins.

"Continue to move forward!"

"Major! There is a laboratory locked up here! But from the door
and window, there is no such thing as Colonel Burton and Shao

Wenn narrowed his eyes. "There must be something inside!"

He opened the contact and issued an order to "restore the research

system of the No. 2 laboratory!

The green light was on, the sliding door opened, and Wenn
entered with two special forces, and the rest continued to search.

Winn entered the code, scanned the entire lab, and finally
detected * in an unactivated reaction unit.

The reaction device slowly rose and they finally saw the sea
worm that had completely lost consciousness by the glass.

He looked very stunned, and his clenched fist did not loosen even
in a coma.

"Get him out!"

The medical force rushed to the emergency rescue of Hai Yin.

"He is still alive! He is still alive! I just touched his pulse!"

Wenn's eyes burned hope.

Hai Yin’s face is not so bloody, her body is weak, she is getting
hot, and her body is sweaty.
"The heart rate is slow! The heart rate drops to a dangerous

"High heat temperature 42.85!"

"Atrial fibrillation!"

"You want to save him!" Wenn nervously held the head of the
medical unit. "He is irreplaceable for our special mission forces!"

"I know, please calm down! Major!"

Hai Yin was sent to a special rescue device and went to the
military medical institution via the aircraft.

A few minutes later, Major General Gordon and Lieutenant

General Aivil arrived at the scene.

"How is the situation of Colonel Burton!"

"His physical condition is very dangerous. No matter whether the

heartbeat, the pulse or even the brain reaction is in a very chaotic
state. We try to stabilize his physical function, but all efforts are
in vain. If this continues... he can't keep it for an hour. ”

"But he has been in the reaction device for three hours! If he

really dies, he will die long! Report his blood test results."

Lieutenant General Aivil looked calm and calm compared to the

confusion of others.
"Blood tests have shown that the activity of x virus in Colonel
Burton is rising! But the viral base is declining!"

Ai Wei reveals the expression of thinking. "Claire said that Casey

synthesized a virus accelerator. If Haiyin was injected with this
accelerator, it is not surprising that x virus activity is rising. They
consume the body's physical fitness. He The signs should be that
the body temperature is declining and the internal organs are
inactive. The heartbeat and pulse of the seaweed are confusing,
but it is never below 30 per minute. The decline in the viral base
is even more puzzling."

"Lieutenant... you mean..."

"I need to observe the blood samples of Haiyan in real time."

Lieutenant General Aiwei personally tested the blood samples of

Haiyan, and every five minutes, he would follow up and test the x
virus in the sea worm.

The medical force originally stated that Hai Yin could not last for
an hour under such signs, but he had been in the isolator for three

Lieutenant General Aiwei suddenly walked out of the

examination room with an unbelievable expression on his face.
"Prepare high-concentration nutrient solution! He needs nutrition
to get through! You must keep 30 mg per minute! He does not
need any medical care! He needs energy!"

Major General Gordon looked at Aiwei, he knew what the other

party must have found!

"Gordon! You listen! I believe that in addition to Casey's

accelerator, Haiyin has been injected with another virus!"

"What virus?"

"X-2! Xiao Yan Shao Yan must have completed his research!"
Lieutenant General Ai Weier's eyes sparkled with the burning
world. "This is incredible! The x virus in the sea body is affected
by the accelerator and is constantly copied." However, the x-2
virus injected into his body helps Hai Yin's body resist the
invasion of x virus and builds a special immune defense line! This
is like a war that occurs in the sea body! Hai Yin needs energy to
survive this war. !"

"But if the x virus doesn't work, Haiyin loses its fighting ability...
but as long as it can survive, it doesn't matter."

Major General Gordon closed his eyes and exhaled.

"What are you talking about? x-2 will replace the x virus to
provide energy for the sea! The x-2 will store energy through
daily nutrient intake, even through the sun like a zombie! When
the sea sleeps and When a person talks, the virus does not
consume his physical energy endlessly like the x virus. It is like
an energy storage device. The most important thing is that it is
synchronized with the gene of the sea, and it will become part of
the body of the sea. !"

"You mean..." The second half of Gordon’s second half of the

sentence was in the throat and did not know how to express it.

"I mean... I can't estimate how much combat capacity he can

maintain after he has survived, but... the so-called "decade" limit
of the special forces has not existed in Haiyin."

"This is real?"

Gordon and Avil Qiqi turned and smiled at Wenn, Mark and Liv.

"If... Hai Yin can wake up, it's all true."

Everyone looked at the isolator, and they couldn't do anything but


Lieutenant General Aiwei, who has been studying for more than a
dozen hours, is already exhausted. He closes his eyes and breathes
a deep breath. Someone removed his terminal connector.
Ai Wei slowly opened his eyes and saw the position of the
high-handed general with one hand on his back. The other side is
close, but this posture does not make Aivil feel any oppression.

"Kathy injected the accelerator into the sea, and you must save
the sea to correct his mistake."

"Kathy will not make mistakes." Aiwei looked at Gordon's eyes

hard and did not shake it. "The accelerator he injected into Haiyin
was carefully calculated, so Haiyan must not die."

Gordon nodded helplessly, "Avil, I know that when your wife and
son Alex died because of Reynolds's betrayal, you are very
painful, so you see that Casey, who looks similar to Alex, is right.
He has uncontrollable trust. But he is not Alex! The tide is taking
his dna to cultivate Kathy just to make you take it lightly!"

"He will come back, Gordon."

"Ai Weier, there are no two leaves in the world that are exactly
the same! So Kathy is never Alex!"

"I know, so what I am saying is that Casey will definitely come


"You will be tried by a military court, Ai Weier."

"Do you want to tell me?" Aivil looked up.

"That person can never be me." Gordon closed his eyes and
turned away.

Like a long journey in the dark, accompanied by severe

headaches, Xiao Yan opened his eyes, soft light formed a
beautiful vision, Xiao Yan felt the softness under his body, and
the nose was a touch of grass.

"This feeling, you can sleep for a long time."

The lazy voice has lengthened the sound line, and the beautiful
face is reflected in Xiao Yan's eyes.

When the narrow and full of charm eyes became clearer, Xiao
Yan woke up instantly.

He slammed up and shook his fist, "Jane Wallis -"

The fist was easily held, Xiao Yan pulled back his hand hard, and
the other side grabbed him with almost no effort. He easily
opened his finger one by one, slowly placed his lips and kissed
him. Back of the hand.

"Don't be so angry, dear. I paid you so much to bring you out, you
should enjoy everything here."

Jane’s eyes are deep and deep, as if to **** Xiao Yan into it.
Looking around, Xiao Yan discovered that it was a huge glass
house. The outside of the room was a dense forest. The sun was
patchwork. Under the shade, several lizards were quietly
squatting. Looking up, the blue sky seems to have to rush down
from the heights, and instantly immerse Xiao Yan's gaze.

"Dear, take a breath." Jane's finger swept over Xiao Yan's brow
bone and slowly approached.

Xiao Yan subconsciously supported the body to retreat, but was

caught by Jane.

The air is the fragrance of the leaves, it is refreshing. Xiao Yan

remembered that for the first time, she picked up the taste of the
leaves covering the tip of the nose.

“The smell here is completely different from that of Charles. I

know you, Xiao Yan. You are never willing to be a captive lamb.
You love all things that are boundless and free.”

The heart trembled slightly and Xiao Yan slowly clenched his fist.

"I will give you everything you love."

Jane’s arms were tight, but the control did not make Xiao Yan feel

"who are you."

"I am Jane Wallis."

"You know that I am not asking this."

Jane chuckled, sitting sideways on Xiaoyan's side and slamming

his shoulder. "This question is not romantic at all."

"What is your relationship with the surge organization?"

"Before you ask this question, let me answer a question first.

What is the tide in your heart?"

"Terrorist organization, the public enemy of the human race. It

was the tide bomb that attacked the Crimson Venom Virus
Management Committee that stored the comet virus, which led to
the end of the catastrophe!"

"Charles taught you very well." Jane suddenly kissed Xiao Yan's
cheek loudly. "Just they didn't tell you. At that time, the
government also discovered the other side of the comet virus's
lethality but hope. They want to monopolize the virus for
immortality research."

"And in order to break this monopoly, do you let the comet virus
spread to all mankind?"
Xiao Yan did not dodge, his body x-2 has long been metabolized,
and now he can only let the other side be at the mercy, any
resistance is meaningless.

He still remembers how Hai Yin taught himself. When the

situation is out of control, wait patiently until the opportunity

What he needs now is an opportunity. The opportunity is based on

a complete understanding of the situation.

"Well, it is futile to reverse your opinion in a short time, but I

believe that your smart head will make a rational judgment."

Jane turned his face, it was a very romantic posture, Xiao Yan did
not go too far, the other's lips licked his cheek. Jane is not angry,
he enjoys this kind of contact with Xiao Yan almost no distance.

"Come on, I will take you around to see. Let you know how hard
I am to please you."

Jane pulled Xiao Yan up and looked mysterious.

This coincides with Xiao Yan's wish, he needs to know where he


In front of the glass door, the sliding door senses that the presence
of Jane automatically opens.
Xiao Yan’s feet were on the sand, and the small blades of grass
fell to his feet. Xiao Yan subconsciously looked up and there were
birds passing by the sky. His hand plucked the leaves, and he
smiled and turned, his fingers stretched out, and his fingertips
were the halo of the sun.

Xiao Yan subconsciously retreated, but was pulled hard by the

other side. He took a green worm from his hair.

Reaching out, Xiao Yan caught the obese insect, it was very soft,
the body with a hint of coolness, slowly squirming, the strange
touch with the skin into the brain. There are almost no insects in

"It will spit and grow, and grow wings to become a moth. It's very
strange, the same creature has two very different forms."

Jane pulled Xiaoyan and continued to move forward, and Xiao

Yan carefully carried the worm until it passed a low grove, and
Xiao Yan placed it on a leaf.

"Your expression is really sincere."

Xiao Yan ignored him.

"Let's go, we haven't even finished one-third of the journey."

Xiao Yan followed Jane's body, gradually the air was moist, with
a slight salty taste, the memory was touched, Xiao Yan
remembered that a team with Hai Yin passed the sea when
performing tasks...

They walked out of the woods and saw a whole piece of delicate
white sand. The blue water was in front of Xiao Yan and blended
into the sky. It was wide enough to be seen.

Xiao Yan showed a blank expression, step by step slowly

forward, the transparent sea water did not pass his instep, the
broken shell of the conch was at his feet, he kneel down, his
hands did not enter the sea.

Jane squats beside him, and the sound flows into his ear with the
sea breeze. "I know that you like the sea, so I bring you here."

Suddenly aware of what, Xiao Yan stood up fiercely.

He stumbled and ran along the beach.

Why is the sea?

Why is the sea!

A series of footprints are left on the beach.

Jane's hands are in their pockets and they are moving forward
along Xiaoyan's footsteps.
Finally came to the end of the beach, Xiao Yan is a reef in front of
the eyes, the waves are slaps repeatedly, and the distance is still
endless blue.

Xiao Yan stands on the side of the rock, and the body loses
weight and generally dumps forward.

"what are you doing!"

Jane took him back and grabbed his waist tightly and returned
step by step.

"This is an is an island..."

"Yes, this is an island."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes tightly.

Jane’s cheeks crossed Xiao Yan and kissed his lips. “So you can’t
go anywhere.”

"let me go."

"I can let go of you, but if you do what you just did, I won't give
you another chance to leave the room, I will endlessly let you feel
my presence."

Xiao Yan understands what the other party's so-called induction

exists, and similar threats have already numbed him.
The author has something to say: Jane Wallis: I will bring the
world to you, and you will not be tempted.

Xiao Yan: Because I only have Hai Yin in my heart.

Jane: Fat winter melon, you won.

Fat winter melon: Take a thousand dollars! Hahaha!

Xiao Yan: I am your son, you are so fierce to take my bet! 2k

novel reading network

"I just didn't stand firm. Even if I jumped into the sea, I couldn't
swim to the land."

Xiao Yan’s voice is completely indifferent.

“There are countless small islands in this sea area, but it takes ten
minutes to get on the island from the nearest island, and we are
farther away from the mainland. As for the outer base of the
Shire, you don’t even have to think about it.”

Jane’s voice is full of smiles.

He brought him here, not to give him freedom, but to cut off all
the way.

Xiao Yan struggled to leave from Jane's arms and turned and
walked aimlessly.
Jane mentioned the aircraft, and Xiao Yan’s heart gradually
calmed down.

There is no such thing as an aircraft on this island. If he really

wants to escape, he must figure out where the island is and plan
how to board the aircraft. Even if there is no way to reach
Charles, he must know that the closest base is Which direction.

"You really get up and it's easy."

Xiao Yan made a slight meal, and Jane’s line of sight instantly
made him feel that he was seen through.

“Why do you always think about those things that are

bothersome? Think of it as a holiday. Sunshine, beach, sea breeze,
leisure life that disappeared hundreds of years ago, return here.”

Jane stepped closer, and when his sigh of breath shrouded Xiao
Yan, he could not help but step back half a step, and the back fell
on a tall palm tree.

The shadow of the tree shrouded Jane's shoulders and cheeks,

quiet and mysterious.

"Close your eyes, Xiao Yan. This is not the air after being filtered,
but the real sea breeze."
The long voice is like hypnosis, and Xiao Yan does not
consciously close his eyes.

At the moment when Jane's lips came up, the heart of the tongue
tipped open and closed, and the next moment was covered.

The body trembled with all the senses suddenly tightened, the x
virus lured Xiao Yan, the reason is about to break away from the
reins of thought, some eager to run rampage in the blood.

Xiao Yan holds Jane's cheek and can't get the satisfaction of the
other person in any way. He constantly gets everything he wants
from Jane's mouth, and Jane's kiss is more forceful, changing
angle, extreme Skillfully suppressing Xiao Yan, it seems to be to
let him know who is kissing him when he is overwhelmed by the
thrill of the x virus.

Xiao Yan’s casual clothes belonging to the researcher were untied

by the other side. Jane withdrew from Xiao Yan’s mouth, and
Xiao Yan could not meet Yan’s cheeks and neck.

Raise your chin, close your eyes, and smile with difficulty. "You
are such a bad boy..."

At that moment, Haiyin's side profile was carved like a sharp

blade in Xiao Yan's thinking. The heart was stabbed and severely
painful. Xiao Yan suddenly woke up and his elbows slammed into
the other's cheek.

Jane still easily escaped from the past, but his arm did not release
Xiao Yan, but hugged him.

Out of the ground, Xiao Yan’s resistance seemed childish and


Jane's eyes with a playful gaze, constantly smashing Xiao Yan's

cheeks and auricles, the more he struggled, the simpler the kiss
would be.

"Do you now resist in order to arouse my interest?" The sound of

laughter in Xiaoyan is simply ridiculous. He squats Jane, and the
other side contains his nose and gently bites it down." I have been
attracted to you for a long time, so you don't need to do anything

"If you want my brain, take it now! If you want my life, don't
waste time!"

At that moment, Jane's scorpion was cold in the blink of an eye,

and even the sea breeze licked the cheeks into the pores.

Xiao Yan’s back is cold.

"You seem to have forgotten what I said to you."

In my mind, I suddenly felt that I was holding the chin with a gun
but was stopped by Jane. Jane crushed the gun in the face of Xiao

The next time you dare to point your gun at your head, I will let
you know what the real pain is.

"If you really want to die, I would rather you are killed by me."

The words "dry death" are squeezed out between the simple
fingers, crushing the nerves of Xiao Yan.

This man has always been unconstrained by all people and even
indifferent to everything, thus ignoring his cruelty and haze.

"You want to see the brain, then I will take you to see - live but
out of the human brain!"

Xiao Yan was slammed up and squatting behind Jane.

Through the trees, the animals that were originally unguarded felt
the scent of the scent, and they were far away.

They passed through the glass room and went underground. There
is a gloomy passage in front of the eyes, and there is some kind of
depressing and unpleasant breath in the nose. Jane’s back in front
is like a ghost.

Finally, some slight light is projected.

When Xiao Yan saw countless holographic displays on the wall
and monitoring of all-round sensing coverage, he understood that
it was a huge underground base and was no more advanced than
Charles's master.

"The main control processing speed here is 1.5 times that of

Charles. Only the blockers whose brain intervention speed
exceeds 300 million megabytes have the possibility of invading
here. Of course, it is only ‘may’.”

Jane turned back and looked at Xiao Yan with a cold look.

The presence of all channel node inductions is automatically

turned on, which means that if only Xiao Yan is a person, he has
no chance to enter.

A vast underground space is presented in front of Xiao Yan.

Here is the ocean of data, reasoning and computing all the time.

The teenager with a lollipop came over with his arms and looked
arrogant. When I saw Xiao Yan's moment, the pair of green eyes
smirked into a crooked gap.

"Xiao Yan! You are awake!"

He was about to hold Xiaoyan with his arms open, but Xiao Yan
moved half a step.
In the past, all my trust in Casey has become ridiculous.

Kathy was not angry. He took a brief look. "Hey, here is my

place, and the idlers are free."

"Our guests have been clamoring to give their brains."

Kathy gave a slight glimpse. If she looked at Xiao Yan with a

deep look, she wouldn’t know how to be a good expression
according to her head. "We are different from Valentin’s running
dogs, to take away the brains of others, such a Hobbies are too
low-level fun."

Xiao Yan raised his brows, who is Valentin? If Jane and Casey are
not ashamed to take the researchers' brains, what is the real
meaning of their own being here?

"I don't want you to see these things."

Casey's gaze rested on Xiao Yan's face, raising his wrist and
playing three fingers in rhythm.

All holographic data is stored and suddenly disappears.

At this moment, Xiao Yan finally has the opportunity to see this
underground base clearly.
Hundreds... No, thousands of brains are stored in nutrient vessels,
and numerous nerve-sensing fibers penetrate them and connect

The gray brain Xiao Yan dreams exactly the same, each one is
unclear attribution, they are separated from the ontology,
controlled by the master code, mandatory thinking.

Xiao Yan clenched his fist and suppressed the urge to keep up the
stomach, but his face was pale.

A nutritious dish in the distance suddenly lit a red light.

Kathy looked in that direction and raised her brow. "I am also a
researcher and would like to stop their torture. But if I did, I
would probably be defined as a traitor by Valentin."

The brain in the dish has died.

"For the brain that died... How do you deal with it?"

"Ah, you are so cute." Jane's finger smacked Xiao Yan's chin and
leaned forward slightly. "How did Charles deal with the dead

"The body will be synthesized into a thumb-sized crystal for

family retention."
“Very human. The surge tissue is also very human.” Jane blinked.
“The dead brain will be made into a nutrient solution for other
brains that are still working. Look, even if it dies. Significant."

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and looked at Jane. “...they are human

"Yes, they are human beings, we are human beings. The

difference is that the tide group thinks that it is more superior.
Dear, do you know why people eat all kinds of animals but rarely
eat their own kind?"


Xiao Yan knows that the answer will not be what he wants to

"Because humans are conscious of all the creatures on this


The low temperature made Xiao Yan tremble, and he couldn't

even imagine what was left in these brains.

"Are you sure you want to give your brain?"

Jane's finger gently held Xiao Yan's cheek, and the thumb slowly
stroked Xiao Yan's cheek. His eyes were too deep, as if he
couldn't be crushed anyway, Xiao Yan's legs seemed to be filled
with lead. General movements are not allowed.

A warm embrace took him over, and Casey’s voice calmed down
in a cold, even floating, reagent-scented space.

"Don't force him again." Casey slammed Jane hard and blocked in
front of Xiao Yan.

"Okay, okay..." Jane shrugged her shoulders, snapped her fingers,

and all the holographic images started again. The data leapt.
Between the ever-changing Mercedes-Benz data, I could see a
few red dots. The brain is overwhelmed and dead.

"Can you still go?" Jane chuckled and asked.

This does not matter to make Xiao Yan resentful.

He waved Jane's hand, and despite the unstable center of gravity,

he walked toward the passage.

This has nothing to do with kindness or lack of kindness. He may

not even be able to keep his own brain, so there is no doubt that
he sympathizes with others.

Jane came to Xiao Yan's side, the sliding door of the node opened
automatically, and the warm air was poured in.

They walked in a passage that seemed to never end.

Xiao Yan suddenly stopped.

"Do you let me see the purpose of all this to make me fear?"

“Yes.” Jane leaned against the wall with her arms laid down.
“Because you seem to get used to putting some words on your
mouth, I want you to know clearly that such a habit is

"If you don't plan to take my brain, what is the reason why I have
to take me out of Charles?"

There is another idea in Xiao Yan’s mind that the brain does not
last for a long time without the human body. They don’t open
their skulls at the moment. It’s very likely that they want to keep
him, and then take it out when needed. A way to avoid wasting

"I want to give you a different vision. Time will prove


Xiao Yan wanted to ask, what is the relationship between you and
the tidal organization, because what is revealed from Kathy's tone
is the disapproval of the tide. But aren't they sneaking into Shire
as a surging spy?
But Xiao Yan also knows that unless Jane wants to answer, even
if he puts the knife on Jane's neck, this guy will only have an
inscrutable face.

At night, Xiao Yan lay on a soft, broad and exaggerated bed, and
when he looked up, he could see the sky of the Milky Way
through the transparent glass roof.

The space that Shire gives to everyone is limited, such as the bed
in Xiao Yan's room, if he turns over one body, it will fall. But now
this bed is almost as big as his former bedroom.

Looking up at the night sky above the head, Xiao Yan felt deeply
at this moment that the world is far more vast than he imagined.

If Jane is not lying next to him, he will enjoy everything at the


"It's ironic, those who live in Charles can't see this kind of
scenery in their lives. They enjoy everything they have and
comfortably lose their ambition to chase."

Jane slowly sideways and stared at Xiao Yan's side face.

"I have no ambitions."

Jane laughed. "If there is no ambition, how can I look at the sky
with such a longing look?"
Xiao Yan closed his eyes and looked back at everything he saw

Even if it is not a flooding base camp, it is at least a very

important base. All bases will be built in relatively quiet areas of
the ocean currents. In order to avoid being investigated by
Charles, the island must be quite far from the land. There is no
problem with self-sufficiency in an independent environment,
depending on the capabilities of the tidal organization. Tomorrow,
you must be more careful to observe the direction of the sun from
rising to falling, even the constellations, waves and vegetation in
the sky, which can help him locate the general orientation of the
island on the earth. He must also figure out where the aircraft on
the island is and the structure of the island.

"What are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about anything."


"Well, I am thinking of Colonel Burton."

"He is dead."

The soft sound was cold.

"He is still alive."

Xiao Yan’s answer was calm but calm.

The next moment, the man next to him slammed down to Xiao
Yan's body, lowered his eyes, his hands pressed against Xiao
Yan's ear, overwhelming momentum, Xiao Yan moved to have a

"I am too petting you."

Daddy, the other party kissed him up and fiercely crushed him.

Xiao Yan's palms pressed against each other's shoulders and tried
to turn over, but it was not worth mentioning in the face of Jane's

Suddenly grabbed Jane's hair, Xiao Yan's struggle to struggle as if

the end of the world, Jane finally rudely terminated the kiss.

"Kill me... or take my brain... can..."


Jane slammed up, his fingers darting into Xiao Yan's back, pulling
his hair and kissing him madly.

The wound behind him healed quickly, and Jane loosened Xiao
Yan and let him fall back.

"Next time, if you ask me to kill you again, I will send someone
to Shire, all the people you know, including your colleagues in the
institute, your co-original liaison officer who spoke to you, even
the special forces. Take out their brains and send them to you!"

The simple and beautiful facial features are distorted.

Xiao Yan's breathing and heartbeat gradually separated from the

control of the x virus and restored calm.

He knows that Jane Wallis does not just threaten him, but will do

At this time, Charles, Lieutenant General Aivil is observing the

blood sample. Major General Gordon beside him is very cramped.

"Hey, what's the matter? Don't tell me that this guy will always lie
in the isolator!"

At this time, the man's fingers that had been lying in the isolator
trembled, and the moment the eyes opened was sharp enough to
puncture the entire space, and then suddenly sat up after a while.

The indicators soared, but they suddenly fell back at the critical

All medical personnel rushed in.

"Coloton Burton!"
At the moment they just opened the isolator, Hai Yin slammed
into everyone and clicked on the holographic button. His combat
suit slowly rose.

"Coloton Burton! We still need to check your body!"

After smashing the battle suit, he was put on the floor and no one
could stop him.

In the blood test room, Lieutenant General Aiwei left the terminal
and grasped Major General Gordon.

"He succeeded!"

"Who? What succeeded?"

"Xiao Yan's Lieutenant has succeeded! The x-2 in Colonel Burton

has completely integrated with the body, not only has built a new
immune defense line and replaced the original x virus into an
energy supply!"

At this time, the medical soldiers rushed in.

"Hello! Colonel Burton is awake! He is leaving here!"

The two generals smashed, and Major Gordon first reacted,

opened the contact, and issued instructions.

"Winn! Ling Xiao! Colonel Burton is already awake! You must

stop him!"
And Wenn opened his mouth, until the man who had a
bloodthirsty smear in his body almost came to him, and Wenn
replied, "This is really Colonel Burton...?"

The golden brown hair was meticulously tied behind the head,
and the unparalleled squats were cold and the suffocation spread.

Just as Hai Yin walked past Wen En and Ling Xiao, it was still
Ling Xiao’s first reaction.

"Coloton Burton! You don't want to know what happened after

you passed out?"

Haiyin Burton stopped at the pace, "Where is General Gordon."

Wenn, who was stunned, exhaled.

"The general will wait for you in his office. He has already called
up the image for you at the time."

At this time, Major Gordon was nervous and ten-handed, and

Lieutenant General Aivil told him that his current physical fitness
is at its peak, and his brain will be more acute than before.

The Central Academy of Sciences must know all the research

details of x-2, and the developer of this virus has been hijacked.
The only one who knows the whole research most is Hein Burton,
because he has been stationed in the outer edge of Xiao Yan’s
thinking. The origin is not the armed forces, but the Central
Academy of Sciences.

Major General Gordon has already felt that Xiao Yan has a
special significance for Hai Yin. He clearly knows that Hai Yin
will not stay in Shire. Unless he finds Xiao Yan, this man will not
stop his own steps.

The office door was rudely opened and slammed into the wall,
leaving a shallow dent in the high-density nanowall.

Don't underestimate this dent, no second person in the special

mission can do it.

Although the expression of the high-ranking generals in front of

the desk was calm, his eyes could not help but look at the slightly
deformed sliding door.

"It seems that you are more aggressive than ever. I should also
accept x-2."

"Monitor the image." Hai Yin did not have the slightest intention
to chill with the other.

Major Gordon’s expression was serious, his fingers were light,

and the holographic image spread slowly.
What appears on the screen is Xiao Yan's image of the gun's
mouth against the chin.

He raised his neck, the tight eyelids did not tremble, and the lips
pulled out of the lines of fortitude, and there was no doubt about
his determination.

Major General Gordon glanced at Hai Yin. "You really should

take care of your own gun."

In the next moment, I heard only a "gun--" shot, even if it wasn't

the first time I saw this episode, Major General Gordon still had
the illusion of a heart splitting.

Hai Yin looked at the screen but did not tremble.

Major Gordon showed a disappointing expression. "Oh, I thought

that at least you will see a little scared when you see this scene."

In the screen, Jane Wallis clasped Xiao Yan's finger and took the

When he picked up Xiao Yan to leave, he deliberately looked at

the surveillance and pulled out his always unrestrained smile.

The mouth is saying: Goodbye, Charles.

"Jane Wallis is the real mastermind."

When they reported this information to the military, the entire
upper level shook. Later, the reports for Jane Wallis and Casey
pointed out that their identity records seemed to be exhaustive,
but after a more in-depth investigation, they finally found some
traces of intrusion modification in the file system.

They are both from outside the city of Charles.

"Yeah, he entered the special mission force for four years, and his
combat merits were bright, and according to common sense, the
more deviant the person is, the lower the possibility of
undercover, but the more hidden and convincing guys like you.

"Where was he taken?"

Haiyin calmly replayed the video, and the final picture was
always fixed on Jane Wallis's smile.

Major General Gordon felt the killing in the air, and the whole
body did not consciously erect.

If there is anyone in the world who can hunt down Jane Wallis,
maybe only Haiyin Burton.

"we do not know."

"He has a microchip in his body."

"His chip signal has completely disappeared. So there are
currently three possibilities. The first one, the microchip in his
body has been destroyed, because the surge can also be expected
to use the chip to locate; the second, he is already dead, The
microchip automatically fails when it doesn't feel any vital signs.
The last one is also the most optimistic and of course the smallest
possibility. He is imprisoned in a signal-shielded location. The
military executives have already given instructions. Any cost
must bring him back, even if only his brain is left."

"His brain won't be taken out."

The author has something to say: Today is the

twenty-eight-year-old birthday of fat winter melon. From the
perspective of Baidu Encyclopedia, the 28-year-old is already a
complete leftover girl...

I never knew that you also had such a time of blind optimism.
"Granden Gordon pressed the corner of his eye.

"Because Jane Wallis won't let that happen. Where is the witch

"Ha..." Major Gordon held down his head. "Don't tell me that you
want to torture her brain! This woman is very powerful. Three
elites of the torture force have damaged their neurons after
entering her brain. You What do you mean by my words?"
"Claire killed them all in her brain."

"and so……"

"So I have to enter her subconscious. Please arrange it now."

The tone of the command of that moment made Gordon Gordon a

slight glimpse.

"She is the witch Claire, her subconscious mind is not so

undefended as Xiao Yan! You can't remember everything you
faced with Shen Bing in the subconscious of Lieutenant
Reynolds? Shen Bing has not recovered the damaged neurons! ”

"Please prepare, Major General." Hai Yin finally pours, the

golden brown hair is cooled and dazzled in the light of the office.
The outline of his eyes is meticulously challenging the limits of
human aesthetics. Close up and look at your own subordinates.

"You are crazy... I want to think about what the price of Shao Yan
has saved you!"

"Your lord," Hai Yin sideways, using his fingers to take out a
micro-disc from the flesh of his shoulder. His movements are neat
and courageous, and there is no such thing as a **** and
uncomfortable discomfort. "This is the research data of Shao
Yan." No matter what happens to me, it will not prevent Charles
from continuing research on x-2. There will be more and more
special forces out of the x virus."

Major Gordon clenched the micro-disc and looked serious. "Who

should I give it to?"

"The person you trust."

"I trust people? I no longer believe in anyone I have trusted. Jane

Wallis is a senior spy from the tide, and the president already
knows that I am waiting for a demotion."

"But at the moment you are still the leader of the special mission

"I am only curious now, will Sharif send someone else to replace

An hour later, in the dark isolation cell of the torture force, the
glamorous woman slowly opened her eyes.

When Haiyin Burton entered the cell, Claire's pupil did not
consciously shrink, it was a signal to refuse to believe everything
in front of him.

Her hands are bound by high-density titanium, her legs are

wrapped in fused titanium, and she can't get rid of her legs unless
she has to give up her legs. The special device on the neck only
needs the torture command to automatically break her neck. The
lower part of her face was also wearing a titanium mask, unable
to attack anyone, and unable to break herself. In the tidal
organization, she is the assassin's master, a tall and incompetent
mark, Claire is definitely not in the eye, but he underestimated
Liv. Liv is not only flexible, but also more compatible with Mark.
This is why Hein Burton was relieved at the time.

"I don't need you to tell me anything, because I will find it


Claire always looked down on everything and finally got nervous

at that moment.

Haiyin took out the terminal connector, like the death of the
killing, the silent sickle opened the outer edge of Claire's
thinking, and cut off all the thought links with irresistible

This is not an invasion at all, but a massacre.

Claire began to tremble, and Haiyin had not even entered her deep
thinking, and Claire could not bear it.

"I have millions of ways to make your neurons suffer more than a
thousand times more cruel than those of torture experts. I have no
patience and time."
The sound of Hai Yin sounded in Clare's mind, without
temperature, as if it had spread from the depths of hell. But this
stubborn woman refuses to say anything. Her mind layer was
oppressed to produce cracks, and Hai Yin suddenly rushed in. In
the dark endless subconscious, invisible murder, but there is no
doubt about Hai Yin.

He is like a phantom that is deep and unremovable. No matter

how dangerous Claire's subconscious is, he can't touch this man.

He squatted down and slammed down.

What has been dragged out, the whole world is falling apart.

"Alarm! Alert! Thinking subject heart rate is too fast!"

"Alarm! Alert! Thinking subject neurons are damaged!"

"Alarm! Alert! Thinking subject decline!"

Several observers of the torture force were astonished. They were

ordered to take care of Colonel Burton’s brain. Once he felt
abnormal, he would be disconnected from Claire’s neurons, but
now Claire is in danger. ?

What should they do?

Haiyin Burton suddenly opened his eyes and interrupted neuronal

On the opposite side, Claire lowered her head and looked

ashamed and weak. She didn't even have the power to open her

Hai Yin came to the observer and asked for a few codes. Claire in
the cell seemed to get oxygen and gave a breath.

The heart rate is slowly recovering, but the subjective

consciousness is still at a low level.

All observers of the torture force looked at Hai Yin.

"He...has it succeeded in extracting information from the brain of

the witch Claire?"

"...still, did he kill her in Claire's brain?"

"Will the Claire Claire wake up? How do we report to the


At this time, Xiao Yan lay flat on a white sand beach with the
shadow of palm trees on his head, a beach hat on his face, and
countless paper books.

Jane slowly came to his side to sit down,

The sound of seagulls and the waves blend together, and the
heavens and the earth are infinitely high.

Jane chuckled, his fingertips slammed his hat, slowly and lowly,
and when his breath touched Xiao Yan's lips, Xiao Yan, who had
closed his eyes, finally opened.

"If you dare to do this..."

"How can you do that?"

The kiss eventually fell.

Xiao Yan firmly closed his lips, but Jane's tongue was strong and
powerful. This kiss has no compulsion, and it is only a moment of
teasing after entering.

"I shouldn't be sorry for you that night. I should enter you slyly,
even if there is a bloodshed, as long as I inject x virus into your
body, you will soon heal. And the pain I bring to you, You will
always remember."

Jane's fingers gently twirled Xiao Yan's black hair, and

pure-blooded Asians are rare. His soft black hair has a different

"If you do that, I will use my head to hit the sea."

"Don't be like this, the sea reef has a special meaning for me."
Jane's fingers tirelessly fiddled with Xiao Yan's hair.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and turned away, while the opponent's
palm implied the strength to fix his forehead in place.

"I have never heard of any fairy tales since I was a child. The first
time I met a fairy tale was that my troops were resting in an
abandoned library after a certain mission. I turned to a fairy tale
book. It is a story about a mermaid. ""

The simple voice is very unique, and the sound of the sea breeze
blurs with the sound of the ebb and flow.

"The mermaid will use its own voice to confuse the fishermen
who have passed through this sea and drag them into the deep sea.
But once, the little mermaid saved a teenager on the fishing boat
because of sympathy. The boy is riding the boat back and forth
day after day. I went to the sea to find the little mermaid, and the
little mermaid avoided it. Finally, one day, the little mermaid
couldn't help but ask him, I can satisfy you with a wish, please
don't follow me after fulfilling this wish."

Jane stopped.

"What is the wish of the teenager?"

"I thought you were not listening."

"You can't make a story?"

"...the boy's wish is to become a reef in the sea. He said that this
sea area is smashed, there are no islands and reefs, and the little
mermaid has no habitat. He hopes that when she is tired, there is a
place to let her Stay."

"So the little mermaid turned the boy into a reef?" Xiao Yan asked
in a nonsense tone.

"I do not know."

"You are really playing me." Xiao Yan sighed.

"...the ending page of the fairy tale is gone."

"You haven't gone anywhere to look for it?"

"No. No fairy tale has the ideal ending for everyone. And I have
been searching for my own reef."

Xiao Yan raised his brow. He subconsciously began to think about

Jane. What is the meaning of this fairy tale? Perhaps this fairy tale
is originally a simple story. What is the reef that he refers to?

"I know that you don't like my story, but do you like the book I
gave you?" Jane's words successfully ended Xiao Yan's thinking.

“How did you find them? Paper is a fragile thing, and they should
be weathered for more than two hundred years.”
“There were many books in the library more than two hundred
years ago that were vacuum-protected. They were not damaged.”

"So you picked them up? This will speed up their destruction!"

Xiao Yan reveals the expression of violent objects. It is no

wonder that those pages are yellowish, especially if they are not
brought to the beach. The humidity in the sea breeze will cause
them more damage.

"Nothing can be saved forever, at least you have them now."

Jane's laugh almost melts in the wind.

He slowly got up and walked to a palm branch that was inserted

in the gravel not far away.

"You still haven't given up trying to escape from here?"

Xiao Yan’s fingers are tight, what did the other party discover?

"Using tree shadows to estimate latitude and longitude is very old,

but it is undeniable. It is also very clever. The shortest direction of
the shadow is the meridian. The highest sun at noon, the length of
the shadow is higher than the height of the tree. You don't need to
know the most. The exact coordinates, you just want to know
where the nearest Shire base is."

Xiao Yan’s back was cold and he was seen through Jane!
"Do you think I don't know these little tricks?" Jane's fingers
stroking the top of the branches, the sea breeze tearing his hair. "I
like you, I also like to read old things. But you don't have to
worry, I won't How about you."

Just here, Jane’s contactor bounces the holographic effect, which

is Jerry.

"Hey, head, Haiyin Burton is still alive."

Upon hearing this news, Xiao Yan’s back trembled slightly.

He is still alive! He is still alive!

The heart is shaking, every cell is jumping.

However, Xiao Yan tried his best to keep calm, closed his eyes,
but his lips were not trapped.

X-2 is not a virus that can be widely used. It must be precisely

adjusted according to the carrying capacity of different cells of
each body. And Xiao Yan is injected by Haiyin, it is the x-2 that is
only suitable for Haiyan after studying the blood samples of

Jane turned back and looked at Xiao Yan. The straw hat covered
his face and could not see the expression.

"He has destroyed our three bases."

"Yeah." Jane nodded. "He should have obtained this information
from Claire's brain."

"It’s a temporary decision to land, and Claire doesn’t know where

we will go. But sooner or later, he will find it.”

"He is coming here, the three bases are all by the sea. He knows
that Xiao Yan likes the sea. We are ready to transfer."

Jerry picked up his eyebrows, and he didn't think that the

unremarkable researcher's preferences could determine so much

After Jane finished speaking this sentence, he returned to Xiao

Yan's side, his fingers gently stroking his ears.

"Do you like it here?"

"I love to die here, can I stay here all the time?"

"Request for rejection."

Xiao Yan used his hat to open the sand on his body and stood up

Jane pulled up the leaves of the palm tree. "You can keep this as a

The aircraft smashed in the sky, the sand was raised, and it was
like a diamond storm in the sun.
Xiao Yan reached out and covered his eyes. He clenched his wrist
and brought him into the cabin.

They gradually moved away from the island and watched it

gradually become a polka dot in the center of the blue sea.

Xiao Yan's forehead is on the glass. As the height of the aircraft

continues to rise, Xiao Yan's eyes have no other colors except the

There are only four people sitting in the cabin, Xiao Yan, Jane,
Jerry and the special soldiers who sneaked into Shire last time.

Kathy and another person drove the aircraft.

"where are we going?"

"A special place." Casey was sitting opposite Xiao Yan, with a
rare caution in his eyes. "Then you will meet a special person who
will decide whether your brain will remain in your skull, or It
should be taken out. Don't do anything impulsive, Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan admits that "special people" made him interested in this
line. As for the latter part of Kathy, Xiao Yan did not pay
attention to it.
He is mentally prepared. If his brain is finally taken out, it means
he will have access to the terminal. He will use the last power to
do what he can do, such as invading their master.

Looking at Xiao Yan's meditation, Kathy knew that he did not put
his words in his heart, but he could only helplessly exhale.

Jane's finger bounced on Xiao Yan's cheek.

"Don't listen to this guy nonsense. I will take you to see, it is our

"Your father?"

Jane’s expression is a bit complicated, even with a warning.

"You and he must have a lot of topics."

An hour later, special mission troops arrived at the island.

Wenn’s team opened the door to the underground laboratory.

When they saw hundreds of brains soaking in the nutrition dish,
they couldn’t even say what they were surprised.

Ten minutes later, Wenn came to the beach, and Hai Yin stood in
a white sand and bent down to pick up a scattered book.

"Colonel... The people in the tidal organization have all been

evacuated. Many brains have been found in the underground
laboratory... Should we determine if Xiao Yan’s brain is also in

"No, Jane Wallis took him away."

Hai Yin's fingers turned over the paper, and the yellowed traces
were faintly belonging to the paper.

Wenn didn't understand how Hai Yin would be so sure.

"This is. The average person will not read such a book except
Xiao Yan."

"Ha?" Wenn did not know the expression.

"If I were Jane Wallis, I would use this way to please him."

"What?" Wenn’s expression was still stupid. "Who are you going
to please?"

Hai Yin did not answer him, but took the few books to the
aircraft. In the fierce sea breeze, Hai Yin closed her eyes and
kissed the pages of her hand, as if his lips touched the gentle
fingertips of the man in his mind.

"All aircraft are spread out in all directions! Open the search

Mark and Liv are sitting in the cabin, and Mark's face looks ugly.
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Liv lifted his leg and rubbed the
other side.

"I heard that Xiao Yan is here! Jane Wallis also used a glass room
to shut him down! But we came a step late... I now see the face of
my head groan."

"How do you know that Xiao Yan was locked in the glass room
by Jane Wallis?"

"...the head said. He knew it as soon as he entered the room."

Mark still remembers that he followed Hai Yin into the glass
room, wide and exaggerated white bed, Mark could not help but

God, just imprison a small researcher, use it... Is it too much?

Hai Yin’s eyes hang down as if to crush the whole world. He

looked up slightly and his chin was very strong in the dazzling
sunlight. He sat on the knees on one knee and covered his palms
over the bedding. It was just the place where the quilt was
opened. He looked down and felt what he was feeling.

When Mark tried to shift his direction to see the expression of Hai
Yin, the indifferent colonel had got up and sent instructions to
"If that's the case, I think the head may still be relieved at this


"At least Xiao Yan, he is still alive, this is more important than
anything, isn't it?"

This is a long flight for Xiao Yan, because in his eyes, in addition
to sea water or sea water, it took a long time to start getting

He forced himself to wake up and tried to write down any

possible landmarks.

But in the end, he still fell asleep.

Jane's palm stretched out and gently put him into his arms.

Kathy exhaled. "This guy has been persistent for a long time, and
the aircraft has been around for three full laps. Even I am bored
and vomiting."

At that moment, the aircraft advanced at full speed and landed in

a deserted sea.

Jane held Xiao Yan slowly, and a submarine surfaced.

They sailed in the deep sea. Countless peculiar marine creatures

swam around them.
Kathy leisurely poured a cup of black tea for himself,
accompanied by freshly baked snacks, and looked like a nobility
in the afternoon.

"Hey, Jane. If the father wants to take out Xiao Yan's brain...
What are you going to do?"

Jerry on the side also looked over.

Jane touched the chin, "then let Xiao Yan become his child."

"Oh--" Kathy sneered. "It is more difficult than eternal life."

Xiao Yan’s body continued to fall in the darkness, until a strong

embrace held him tightly, and the force of constant gathering
almost crushed him.

The other kissed his neck softly and whispered in his ear.

No matter what happens, be patient and be alive.

Xiao Yan knows that deep in his subconscious mind, Hai Yin will
always exist.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Xiao Yan saw the gorgeous account
slow, deep but graceful color, making Xiao Yan for a long time.

Sit up and sit up, Xiao Yan thought bad! How do you fall asleep
When he opened the quilt and turned it down from the bed, he felt
a faint glow on the wall, and it seemed that there was a slow

Xiao Yan suddenly turned back, and suddenly found out that the
floor-to-ceiling window turned out to be boundless deep sea!
Only the marine life that has been seen in the literature is in front
of his eyes. Xiao Yan subconsciously came to the window and
looked up at the traces of the sun. It is still daytime!

Where is he?

"Child, do you like your room?"

The low voice sounded as if it came from the gap of time. Xiao
Yan turned around and took a breath.

In front of him was a man in a wide sweater looking very

laid-back, sitting side by side on his bed.

His age should be similar to that of Lieutenant General Aiweier,

the temperament of intellectuality and rationality. White skin, the
English is like the nose of the church sculpture in the literature,
elegant and deep eyes, and the corner of the corner of the eye
makes Xiao Yan shoulders shocked.

This is not Jane, Jane is only in her twenties!

"In the next 20 years, the Jane you know should be what I am
now. Hungry, child?"

The man in front of him was very polite, and the slowing down
voice effectively relieved Xiao Yan’s nervousness.

Xiao Yan shook his head and he had no appetite.

"I have already said to Casey, don't use nerve anesthetics casually,
no matter how it claims to be harmless to the human body, it will
eventually have side effects."

No wonder you will fall asleep! It turned out that Kathy moved
hands and feet!

"Here is... the bottom of the sea?"

"Your question should not be this. What you really want to ask is
'who is this guy in front of you'." The man's smile is very
attractive, and it is contrary to Jane's arrogance. It is deeper and
can't help but keep on relishing. And feelings.

"Well, who are you?"

The author has something to say: finally *oss appeared, this

article is longer than I thought, and I want to finish it within
300,000 words. As a result, many things have not been written
clearly. I hope everyone will have the patience to watch. Thank
you! 2k novel reading network

However, Xiao Yan’s wariness has not been put down. His
instinct tells himself that this man is absolutely different from all
he has seen. But what is the difference?

The man smiled and looked over his head as if to see Xiao Yan
more clearly, his fingers touched his black short hair, and the hair
tip swept past his knuckles. At that moment, as many countless
wings flapped from the heart of Xiao Yan.

"You are a pure-blood Asian, and you are less than one in ten
human beings of the same blood. After all, after two hundred
years of prosperity in a small space, human beings are not so
obsessed with bloodlines."

Although Xiao Yan did not retreat, but faintly felt oppressive.

"I really want to have a pure child like you."

At this time, Xiao Yan finally guessed the identity of the other

"You are the father of Jane Wallis!"

"Yes, I am not only his father, but also his creator. For a long
time, these children have been with me and helped me through the
dark and lonely years. They called me 'father' for a long time. I
don't even remember my name. Let me think about it... ah, my
name is Valentin Sheen."

Xiao Yan thinks that the tidal organization has been using the
"comet" virus to study the so-called eternal life.

"How long have you lived?"

"Two hundred and seventy-two years old."

This is a shocking number.

"..." Xiao Yan stared at the other person's eyes and confirmed that
the other party said it should be true.

"The comet virus keeps the body of the zombies recovering and
absorbs the heat to synthesize the nutrients needed by the body.
Think about the zombies still disappearing after more than two
hundred years. Isn't this the reminder of the creator to humans?
The x virus is also in the comet virus. Based on the synthesis, I
use this virus to constantly restore my damaged organs and
achieve the purpose of longevity, but the human body has one of
the most important organs, I can never fix it."

It is well known that zombies do not think only instinct because
their brains are shrinking.

"You are really smart. So I need you to solve this problem for me
with rare thinking skills."

The man's finger clicked on Xiao Yan's temple and then chuckled.

"Don't be so nervous, I will give you time to think seriously. Are

you planning to go back to Shire forever living underground, or
just like Jane, living freely? I heard that Haiyin Burton is still
alive because you developed The x-2 virus, who is now the first
of the Shire special forces to break away from the ten-year life
shackle, once again created a myth. But for me, this myth belongs
to you, not to him."

This is a great compliment.

Xiao Yan licked his lips and did not speak.

"You are unique, child."

Valentin's palm covered Xiao Yan's cheek and his fingers slowly
penetrated between his hair. This is an overly warm posture, but
Xiao Yan knows that the so-called unique is not his own, but his
"No matter how much I collect your genes, there is no guarantee
that he will have your mind completely."

The man got up and left the room, and Casey leaned against the
wall in the deep corridor, hiding deep uneasiness between the


"Try to take the information from his brain, but don't hurt him."

"Understood, father."

"Do you know when the safest way is?" Valentin looked at Casey

"When he fell asleep, father."

As the sun sets, the window becomes dark, and nothing can be
seen as if it were a black hole.

Xiao Yan lowered the curtains. Although the whole room was
large, it was very depressed.

The smell of the food spread in the air. Jane took the plate and
walked into the room, but did not see the trace of Xiao Yan. He
sighed slightly and looked around to find Xiao Yan leaning
against the corner.

"I know there is no sunshine or beach here, you don't feel free."
Jane squats in front of Xiao Yan.

"You don't care about my feelings at all, don't pretend to be


Jane’s finger flicked in Xiao Yan’s eyebrows. “I promise that

freedom will come soon. Whether you or me.”

He placed the plate on his knee and sat face to face with Xiao
Yan, picking up a spoonful of food and sending it to Xiao Yan's
lips. "Taste it, this is the porridge that I picked out, and Charley's
The taste is completely different. You need to try different things,
look at different things with your eyes, and then think with your
good brain."

Xiao Yan did not have any reaction.

Jane sighed helplessly. "I don't mind including them in your


Xiao Yan finally opened her lips slightly. Let him accept the kiss
of the other party and go crazy. He would rather have the bones to
eat the food from the other party.

Only at this moment, Xiao Yan's tongue can't taste any taste.
After eating a few mouthfuls, he began to nausea.
Jane did not force him to get up with a plate. Xiao Yan was still
sitting in the same place, and it was motionless for a long time, as
if it were a sculpture combined with a wall.

Time passed by little by little, and Jerry, who was observing the
room through surveillance, couldn’t help it.

"This guy doesn't have a point to sleep at all! I want to faint him!"

Just as Jerry was going to enter the code, Casey stopped him.

"This guy can't even eat anything now. Do you want to use it
again? Don't say that you can't spare you, I can't spare you!"

Jerry stunned, opening a bunch of snacks and starting to arrogant.

"Who is entering his brain to extract information?"

"I." Kathy grinned.

Finally, after Jerry had finished eating all the snacks, Xiao Yan
slowly fell asleep and fell asleep.

Jerry touched the full stomach and pressed the button. Xiao Yan’s
room was filled with a faint sweet smell.

"What did you release?"

The cold, oppressive voice rang in Jerry's ear, and he was stunned
by the horror.
"No...not...the a keep his brain
calm...otherwise, if you haven't connected him to the terminal, he
will wake up!"

Jane's face is slightly relaxed.

"If his appetite for tomorrow has not recovered, I will let you eat
as much as he does."

Jerry looked at the back of Jane, cold sweat.

Kathy reluctantly sighed. "Whether it is for us or for Jane, Xiao

Yan is very important."

Jerry exhaled, "Know it!"

Once again, push the door open and carefully lift Xiao Yan from
the ground and put it back on the bed.

"I will look at you here, there are any exceptions, I will interrupt
the link between you."

Jane’s attitude is serious and cautious that has never been seen

"Know it! I will not allow myself to hurt him!"

Neuron calibration, Casey entered the subconscious of Xiao Yan.

Through the surface of his mind, Casey easily and deeply
penetrates the unprepared thinking troposphere, and all thoughts,
information, and memories are static.

Regarding the study of x-2, Kathy has taken all the effort.

"Kathy, how is the situation?"

"He was the final synthesis of x-2 based on the blood samples of
Heyin Burton and the study of the comet virus, but I can't find
any relevant research here!"

The relevant clips that Kathy can find are only how Hai Yin trains
with Xiao Yan. I don't know if it is because the memory has
beautified the reality. Casey always feels that the seaweed in these
fragments peels off the cold shell, whether it is the action of the
finger across the cheek, or the moment that teaches Xiao Yan to
fight, it is known to Kathy. The coldness is even different from
the sea that is not shaken by the world. When Casey parsed
another episode, he admitted that his thoughts had been shocked,
and his mouth was open to reveal the expression of "my god."

"Kathy, what happened?"

Kathy pulled his lips, "Jane... you better don't know..."

"Then I will break the link."

"Don't...that is, Haiyin Burton used to be very...this...that..."

"What is this, that?"

Even if he listened to the sound, Casey could feel the cold smile
on the corner of his lips.

"I will break the link for you."

"Don't! Don't! It's Hai Yin who used to kiss Xiao Yan very hard.
The picture is very hot... The memory is very deep...hehe..."

"If you can't find the target information in the troposphere, I

suggest you enter his subconscious."

"Roger that."

Although Casey said that he still wants to see more, he might

have a good picture. But Jane’s voice sounded calmer, and Casey
knew that the more terrible he was.

Leaving the thinking troposphere close to the subconscious,

Casey's body did not enter a blue calm ocean.

He slowly dive, his hands plucking the water, and he was

surprised to find a wider space.

Slowly falling from the sky, the toes stepped on the delicate soft
sand, Kathy patted the chest.
"What did you see, Kathy?"

"His subconscious is too calm, not a bit aggressive."

Kathy walked on the sand and looked up at the blue water. The
world has no clear boundaries in Xiao Yan's brain. Most people's
subconscious mind is very dark, and this space is incredibly
bright. When Kathy, came to pick up the gravel and tried to
analyze it, he realized that it was a scattered memory, such as the
picture of Xiao Yan’s father tidying his collar for his husband
before leaving his home, such as his father’s hologram Explain to
him the strange sea creatures.

As he continued to move forward, he finally saw a figure sitting

on the sand and looking up at the sky.

"I seem to find his ideology of consciousness..."


The thick voice sounded, I don't know when, Valentin came

behind Casey, the palm of his hand patted on his shoulder, he
looked up and smiled and looked at the Jane, and comforted him
with his mouth: Don't worry.

With the affirmation of his father, Casey continued to move

toward that figure, he must be careful, and must not arouse the
opponent's resistance.
The closer it is, the more Kaisi feels wrong.

The other party's golden brown and short hair, strong side face,
strong body posture ... how to see how the Asian Xiao Yan is far

Casey took a breath and stepped back.

"No... impossible... this is impossible!"

The man who was sitting still slowly got up, and the cold face
exudes a natural sense of oppression.

Until the other party is getting closer and closer to him.

Casey couldn't stand the pressure and slammed down.

The other hand's hand reached over and pressed on the top of
Casey's head, and the shadow of death shrouded Casey.

In an instant, Casey's signs continually fluctuated on the

holographic screen, and the heartbeat was on the line, and the
thoughts were disordered.

"After! Quick terminal connection!"

Jerry, who was responsible for monitoring the signs, was about to
cut off the connection, but Valentin stopped him.

"Let's wait."
Jane frowned at Xiao Yan's expression and all the data.

His heartbeat is still flat, his breathing is long, his pulse and body
temperature are no different from normal.

There is no resistance at all, why is Casey so confusing?

Kathy opened his mouth and couldn't control his breathing. His
shoulders trembled and his thoughts could not diverge. At this
moment, he understood that he was imprisoned in Xiao Yan's

"Jerry! Let me leave! Jerry -"

The next moment, Hai Yin unscrupulously broke his head.

Neuronal information quickly comes down to zero.

Jerry looked at Valentine, "Father... Kathy was killed in Xiao

Yan's brain..."

Valentin didn't take a look at it. "A guy who can develop the x-2
virus, his thinking is of course complicated."

After Kathy left the terminal, his eyes closed and his eyebrows
trembled. His expression was full of horror, and even the
breathing choked in the chest and seemed unable to release.

Valentin came to Casey. "Child, listen to me, no one can stop your
breathing, your body will always listen to your brain."
His tone is very flat, and Casey seems to sink into the gray-blue

His heartbeat and body temperature finally turned normal as the

breath in his chest vomited out.

"Tell me, what did you get from Xiao Yan's brain?"

Valentin’s father usually holds Kathy’s palm and gently relaxes

the muscles on his arm.

"I got some x-2 research information... This guy really has a lot of
ideas... but I haven't been able to find a blood sample study about
Heyin Burton, so I entered his subconscious..."

Kathyton lived, he swallowed his mouth vigorously, and the green

eyes seemed to be shattering.

"Are you finding target information in his subconscious?"

Valentin's fingers appease Kathy's forehead, soothing his

emotions and encouraging him to go on.

"...I saw... Haiyin Burton! That guy is in Xiao Yan's brain! He

must have invaded the terminal! He found us! He broke my neck!
Maybe Charles has found it. Here! They will send special mission
troops! We must leave!"

Kathy hysterically got up.

"Hey - hey - you are still alive. Hein Burton can't invade the
terminal here because he didn't find us at all."

"No! I saw Haiyin Burton! It must be Hai Yin! I know his skills
very well!"

The tears of fear slipped from the eyes of Casey.

Valentin looked at Xiao Yan, who was sleeping, and his calm and
Kathy's fears formed two extremes.

"What the **** is this all about?"

Jane took the interrupted connector off Xiao Yan’s head and
narrowed his eyes. “Kathy said that he met Hai Yin Burton after
entering Xiao Yan’s subconscious. If it is really the Hai Yin
invasion terminal, He will intercept Casey on the outer edge of
Xiao Yan's thinking. The subconscious is a very complicated
place, and Casey said that Xiao Yan's subconscious mind is calm
enough to have no attack power."

Valentin touched his chin and showed a clear expression. "But no

one's subconscious mind has no defense to allow other thoughts
to enter. Xiao Yan's self-defense is Hai Yin Burton in his mind.
This is just A thinking body."

"Impossible! I looked at the guy! The guy's eyes! Action! The

momentum! It's exactly the same as the real Haiy Burton!"
Casey was anxious because of his father and Jane’s doubts about

"We don't doubt anything you see. It's Xiao Yan... He has an
extraordinary trust in Haiyin Burton. He remembers all the
information about Hai Yin too clearly, so he created the thinking.
The body is getting closer to reality." Jane's eyes sink, his fingers
are not between the hair of Xiao Yan, and the helpless arc is
pulled out of his lips. "He regards Haiyin Burton as his guardian,
so his Thinking is also protected by Haiyin Burton."

Casey finally understood the meaning of Jane. He exhaled and

looked tired.

"No matter what... I don't want to enter this guy's subconscious

anymore... Next time, change it. If anyone can be enemies with
Haiyin Burton, it's only simple."

Jane's finger clicked on Xiao Yan's nose.

"I hope that the next time you see me in his subconscious, not
Haiy Burton."

The next day, when Xiao Yan woke up, he found himself lying on
the bed. He looked at the luxury account on his head and felt the
temperature around him.

A gentle kiss fell on his cheek.

"good Morning."

"...what did you do to me?"

I was still sitting in the corner of the wall just a moment ago, but I
woke up from my sleep at this moment.

Xiao Yan’s alertness has never been higher.

Jane opened Xiao Yan’s clenched fist and kissed each of his

"Xiao Yan, let's run away."

"Is your brain circuit blown?"

Jane passed Xiao Yan's body and lay sideways with him.

"I said, you are with me, leave here. Regardless of Valentine,
regardless of Charles, live our own life."

"... Is this a new round... negotiation means?"

Jane's lips touched Xiao Yan, but there was no deep kiss, and
there was a lot of water, but there were countless flaws.

Xiao Yan suddenly pushed Jane away and watched Jane very

"Actually, you like this kind of kiss, it's really innocent."

"you're so boring."

And Jerry, who is monitoring them, looks at Valentin


"Jane... What the **** is thinking?"

Valentin smiled inexplicably. "Isn't this obvious? My dear Jane

likes this smart Asian young man and tries to lure him."

"You don't worry? In case, Jane really left with Xiao Yan?"

"Then let them leave. No matter where you go, Jane will
eventually come back to me. Because he is my child."

On this day, Xiao Yan still did not eat anything.

There is no terminal, and there is no entertainment for

entertainment. Xiao Yan is bored to want to smash his head.

Jane walked in. "I will take you around? Don't be so languid."

I am sluggish?

You try to be locked in this place! Dark and depressed sea

bottom! There are a lot of guys waiting to cut your head!

But Xiao Yan followed Jane out. The more he knows about this
submarine base, the more capital he has left. Although this is
simply a fantasy.
"In fact, you know that your every move is monitored, so I look
cold to me?"

Xiao Yan did not speak, he carefully observed this place. Here is
the sea, if he wants to leave, what is needed is no longer an
aircraft, but a submarine. Where does the submarine stop? How
do you get there? Since there is a submarine, it also means that
there is a corresponding fire control system. If he drives the
submarine to leave, he is afraid that a torpedo will make him a
remnant of the sea.

Thinking of this, he mourned for his future.

"I need your help."

Jane’s voice was very low, and the oncoming was with two of
Jerry’s men.

"Hey, head..."

Jerry’s eyes are a bit complicated, and it seems to be saying how

to come out and pets today.

Jane just licked his left eye and didn't know if this guy was as
glaring as anyone else.
Jerry gave a light cough and her face was a little embarrassed.
"Hey, we have talked about it many times. Don't look at me with
the pressure that makes me feel stressed."

"It's not a brain cramp." Jane smiled and patted Jerry's shoulder.

It seems that Jane is somewhat prepared for Jerry, or is guarding

people around Jerry.

When they left, Xiao Yan slowly opened.

"I don't think I have anything to help you."

“Has Hein Burton taught you, don’t you come to a conclusion too

I don't know when, Jane wandered in front of Xiao Yan, his

fingers hooked over Xiao Yan's chin, and the lazy and half-falling
eyes were sharp and sharp.

Xiao Yan’s thoughts have fallen, and he knows that the “help”
that Jane needs is not easy to do.

"You should ask Casey for help. Anything I can do, Casey can do

Not to mention that Casey is also an infected person with x virus.

At this moment, his physical strength is several times that of Xiao
Yan, and it is easy to pinch Xiao Yan's head.
“Everyone here calls Valentin Sheehan a father, know why?”

"He has nurtured you."

"So he is our god."

"and then?"

"For humans, God only needs to exist in a spiritual world, and he

is not a true God."

Picking up the sneering lip line, Jane’s eyes are devout to Valentin
Sheehan’s respect. In fact, he is the person who is best at hiding.
No matter how difficult it is for Haiyin Burton, his mind is far
less difficult to understand.

“Is this another trap you prepared to gain my trust?”

"It should be said that this is the trap I prepared for him. Do you
know why so many so-called 'children' call me "head"?"

The author has something to say: Fat Winter Melon: Valentin

Sheehan is a science freak who pursues eternal life. He uses
biotechnology to create so many "children" and is the king in his
own world. This is the leader of the base, the group, and the

I found that the girls are so ferocious, I said that this month will
not be able to do more than six thousand... But we will have more
than ten thousand in the next day... The melon's skull is rotten! 2k
novel reading network

"Of course not just because of your fighting ability." Xiao Yan's
heart faintly produced a speculation.

Jane laughed, the shallow smile on the corner of his eye was
similar to that of Valentin Sheen, the only difference was the
grace. Jane has some kind of temperament, and Valentin Sheen is

“Talk about your conjecture. Give you a hint that everything is

related to Valentin Sheen’s so-called eternal life.”

Xiao Yan thought for a moment, "Everyone here is an individual

that has been deliberately selected to breed, regardless of physical
fitness or intelligence on ordinary humans. But embryos infected
with x virus are not so easy to survive, so you are all It is the
perfect breeding body after the elimination of x virus. And your
gene comes from Valentin Sheen itself."

Xiao Yan looked at Jane. He didn't know if he could discuss it all

safely here.

The next moment, Jane pressed Xiao Yan on the wall, "hold me."

A sliding door opened on the wall, Xiao Yan fell down, it was a
vertical space, full five or six meters high, the moment of landing,
Xiao Yan was held steady and steady, even the tremor did not

This is a simple room. Apart from the bed and desk, there is only
a full-length bookcase, and there are countless paper books on the

“Welcome to my world. I love the feeling of flipping pages more

than the vast endless information base. We are still very similar
about this hobby.”

Jane put Xiao Yan on his bed, half-squatting in front of him, and
his slightly reclined face was almost pure and handsome under
transparent white light.

"Now, you can continue to talk."

Here is Jane's room, and Xiao Yan curiously looks around and

"The x virus does not make people indestructible. Valentin

Sheen's eternal life is just to replace the damaged or aging organs.
No matter the skin, internal organs or even the limbs, he can use
his own genes to cultivate a fusion of individuals. Then he took
the request, but he could not replace his brain..."
"Well, give you another hint. The x virus in my body is close to
the peak."

"So... your body is at its best! He doesn't want a part of your

body, but... all of your body."

"Yes, he will take his brain out and implant it into my skull to
control this young and powerful body. If there is no accident, he
has gained at least ten years of vigor from my life. For him, I am
not a 'child' at all, but a petri dish, even a lamb that he is captive.
You think I should let this God dominate everything about me... Is
it right, should I say that I have taken everything away?"

"……what do you want to do?"

Jane Wallis will never let anyone slaughter, even if that person is
his "father."

"I need your strength. The main control system here can only
invade your brain. I want you to shut down all operating systems
except the oxygen supply system, including fire control. Valentin
Sheen There is a potion that limits my ability. This is the real
'magic power' that controls everyone."

Sure enough, Xiao Yan had long thought that Valentin Sheehan
had cultivated so many "children" who had extraordinary
intelligence and possessed the capabilities of special forces. There
must be a more favorable control method than the so-called
relatives. Otherwise, freedom is the nature of mankind. He cannot
be forever. Take control of them.

"Do you want to steal medicine?"

Jane shook his head. "The person who steals the pharmacy is you,
not me."


"All thinking will leave traces in the system. Valentin Sheehan is

unlikely to keep the pharmacy, he will only temporarily prepare
when needed. When he infected us with x virus, he specially left a
virus for this virus. The suffix, attacking our heart, every once in a
while, we have to inject his formulated remedy to resist this
suffix, knowing that losing the heart and losing the brain is as
serious. I need to completely remove the virus suffix, do you

Aha, Xiao Yan rushed up and laughed.

His world changed too fast. In the past few days, he was robbed
by Jane Wallis. At this moment, this guy is asking for help.

"Would you like to join, or are you not willing?"

"If it fails, I will lose my brain, right." Xiao Yan looked at the
other person's eyes very hard and wanted to know how successful
this guy was.

"If you don't do anything, sooner or later, he will lose patience

and take your brain." But Jane still smiles indifferently, as if the
plan is not exposed.

"So if we succeeded?"

"I said, I want to run away with you."

His fingers swept over Xiao Yan's nose, and the meaning of
petting, what they are about to do, is a matter of life and death!
This guy is still a bit like this!

Xiao Yan left his head and thought for a moment. "If you want me
to help you, I need your blood."

"What do you want my blood to do?" Jane stared at Xiao Yan.

"You and my blood type are the same, I can infect x virus by
inputting your blood. I don't want to have no resistance when I
encounter Valentin's carefully trained assassin. If we can get out
of here, I will be myself. Synthesizing x-2, I will also decode the
suffix virus and then eject it. If you give it to me, we will deal."

"I can't give you my blood."

Xiao Yan gave him a glance, this guy really was out of his mind,
if he believed that he was a fool of ten.

"In case I fail and you have a chance to leave, the suffix will also
kill you. But I can get a sample of x virus for you."

Jane’s expression is very serious, which makes Xiao Yan feel a

little moving.

But Xiao Yan’s move is faster, and he will not forget the reason
why he is in this ghost place.

"It’s ridiculous. I didn’t want you to be infected with the x virus

when I died.” Jane’s lips are self-deprecating smiles.

"Because now I am not the original. The x virus is no longer a

deadly myth."

Jane smiled and lowered her head.

"But before that, we need to dispel the doubts of Valentin



Daddy, Jane stepped onto the mattress and pressed Xiao Yan

"You bastard!" Xiao Yan's nerves are tight, and this guy has never
been a gentleman!
Jane smiled and kissed Xiao Yan's cheeks and neck, deliberately
making a squeaking noise, and forced him to almost **** his
blood out.

"Jane Wallis - you are going to die!"

"Even if you are infected with x virus, it is not my opponent!"

This sentence is really **** owe!

Half an hour later, Xiao Yan walked coldly in the passage, and
Jane smiled behind him.

Oncoming Kathy saw the red marks on the neck of Xiao Yan,
making a snoring snoring. When he passed Jane's side, he
lowered his voice and said, "You should explain to your father
why he was taken away from surveillance."

“Do you like to be stared at by many people when you like to be


Kathy licked her lips and did not speak.

That night, Jane, who was carrying the plate into the room, saw
Xiao Yan still sitting in the corner of the wall, her hands hanging
on the side of her legs, and her empty eyes staring at the deep sea
outside the glass window.
“Do you know that this behavior means you are vulnerable and

"I only know that the feeling of relying on the back makes me
think more focused."

Xiao Yan stared at Jane's plate.

"Okay, okay, I want you to bring you something. But before that,
you have to eat the rice."

Jane put the plate on Xiao Yan’s knee. Xiao Yan stabilized the
plate and felt something on his lap.

That is a miniature injection gun!

The cells that felt the contact surface shivered and the virus
solution entered his body.

"You need physical strength."

From that moment on, Xiao Yan’s heart suddenly tightened, and
the blood ran wildly in the body. Even the breathing seemed to be
suppressed in the throat and could not be released.

"How? Still can't eat anything? I don't think this is because of

Casey's nerve anesthetic, but your mood is not good. The seabed
is really a place where people feel depressed, but you have to
A spoonful of oatmeal was sent to Xiao Yan's mouth.

It seems that he had long expected that he would not be able to eat
anything, and he simply prepared a liquid food. Strongly resisting
the discomfort of the stomach, Xiao Yan will drink the oatmeal all

"Do you need me to be here with you?"

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and did not speak.

He once heard that Liv had mentioned that the process of being
eroded by the x virus was extremely painful. It was painful and
there was no painkiller to stop it, as if all the bones were
reorganized after being interrupted.

Xiao Yan clenched his fingers and his shoulders trembled. He

can't shout, can't scream, can't even frown, because Valentin
Sheen may be watching!

Xiao Yan's body has a lot of cold sweat, and his legs are
constantly groaning because of pain.

"It will be fine, it will be good soon."

Throughout the night, Xiao Yan trembled in Jane's arms until the
pain reached his peak in the middle of the night. He could only
keep recalling everything about Hai Yin. For the first time, I
accidentally went to Hai Yin in an abandoned nuclear power
plant. His desperate memories are short-lived and only a moment
of touch, which is the most embarrassing experience in his life
and the experience of no regrets no matter how many times.

Xiao Yan's fingers gripped the bed, he couldn't struggle and

couldn't tremble. He told himself that the pain was not as good as
the one that had broken his shoulders. The bones pierced the flesh
and blood and the pain was crushing the nerves.

He can squat in the past, he must be able to smash it in the past!

The sweat soaked his back, and the phalane that fastened the
sheets almost crushed himself. Jane's hand was covered on Xiao
Yan's back and forced to cover his trembling. But in the long
endurance, Xiao Yan did not try to fasten Jane's hand.

All this is like his alone fighting alone.

"You won again, Xiao Yan!"

Jane loosened Xiao Yan and leaned in, their cheeks close together.

"You are more cruel than Valentin."

Finally, Xiao Yan’s shoulders slowly relaxed, and the pain was far
away after a long endurance. His cheeks slid to one side and his
breathing gradually lengthened.
Jane's fingers swept his sweaty forehead and held him tightly in
his arms.

Xiao Yan has been asleep until the heartbeat in his ear is getting

He slammed up and stared at the bright but oppressive room.

The hearing is infinitely magnified, and he can almost feel the

sound of the ocean creatures on the other side of the glass wall,
the lower the choking, and the glass resonates slightly.

Bowing his head, Jane kept his head on his side and his eyes fell
on him. The accountant left a whole shadow on Xiao Yan's back,
but he looked up at the direction of the light.

“Would I like to say congratulations to you and become my


"We were the same kind." Xiao Yan put the pillow on Jane's face.
"I am ready, what about you?"

He didn't want to see this tempting face. Once there was a

moment, Xiao Yan was forced to almost surrender to this man.
The x virus makes Xiao Yan's memory of anything more
profound than before, and Jane's kiss becomes the starting page of
this memory.
"just now."

After that, Jane buckled Xiao Yan’s wrist and moved the pillow.
He turned over and put a white coat on Xiao Yan’s face. “Let’s

"What? Monitoring is..."

"Monitoring has been going on for a long time."

Jane took Xiao Yan back to his own room and took out a terminal

Xiao Yan took a breath.

Jane pressed his shoulders, and the cynical expression was all
over the air. He sighed with a stern tone that he had never had
before: "You must stop the stop at the fastest speed. Once
Valentin Sheen When you find out, he will pierce your
subconscious mind mercilessly, destroying all the support of your
thinking, and you will never wake up again."

Xiao Yan’s briefness means that you guys don’t say the danger
factor of this matter earlier.

But for Xiao Yan, even if he is destined to wake up, he has no

retreat. Valentin Sheen will definitely find everything that Jane
has done. What kind of result this guy will have, Xiao Yan doesn't
care, but for him there is no better chance to leave than this!

Without any resilience, Xiao Yan resolutely entered the main

control. All the information seemed to be the dust being knocked
open by his thoughts. The exploding thoughts of the universe
jumped into the sky. In an instant, the whole base fell into a
darkness. Through the invasion of the master, he finally spy on
the whole picture of the submarine base in zero and one second,
including the submarine's location, and how to reach the channel,
he began to search for the traces of thought left by Valentin's
preparation of the agent. But no matter how search is futile, he
even began to suspect that Valentin did not pass the terminal but
used the most primitive manual method to match the drug. At this
moment, he felt that a force was following the outer edge of his
thinking. Entering his brain, Xiao Yan’s heart trembled and
suffered! Must be Valentin Sheen!

The thought that has accumulated more than two hundred years
has captured Xiao Yan with ease and intensity.

"Three billion trillion brain intervention speed is really the best

person to invade the master. I think this is the purpose that Jane
brought you to me."
In my mind, it is the whisper of Valentin Sheen, as if it was a
curtain call.

Xiao Yan's thinking was squeezed and split, which seems to be a

long process, but in reality it is only a moment.

The troposphere has no effect on his obstruction. Valentin

Sheehan’s subconsciousness into Xiao Yan is effortless, and his
spiritual world is gradually falling apart.

"I don't remember what I said to you."

Cool and no ups and downs of the tone to pick up Xiao Yan's
broken thoughts.

"Unlike the real world, the broadness of thinking is beyond your


Now he is not training to prevent brain invasion, but the battle of

life and death!

When Valentin Sheen finally came to Xiao Yan's subconscious, he

found that it was a dark and empty place, and the direction was no
longer meaningful.

Everything in the real world will also have similar expressions in

the world of thinking, such as gravity. In this space, he is just
floating, and even the direction of evacuation does not exist. Xiao
Yan used his brain to subvert everything in reality, and breaking
through the stereotype of thinking is often the key to the
breakthroughs of research scholars.

Valentin Sheen pulled up her lips for more than two hundred
years, and he finally waited for a funny opponent.

Just as he was preparing to extend his mind infinitely, he realized

that someone was interpreting his own mind!

At this time, Casey had entered the terminal and entered the brain
while Valentin invaded Xiao Yan, continually extracting
information greedily.

Valentin Sheehan must withdraw from Xiao Yan's thinking. He

constantly diverges and extends his thinking, breaking through
Xiao Yan's thinking boundary. He finally retreated.

At this time, he was shocked. From the beginning to the end, he

stayed in Xiao Yan's thinking troposphere. He thought he had
reached the other side's subconscious mind, but that was just the
scam that the young man built for him!

He was actually cheated by a young man!

The moment of being fooled is smooth, and what he has to do

now is to take out the little thief who is trying to steal something
from his brain!
But Valentin never imagined that Xiao Yan’s thinking was
counter-attacking, and he continued to climb the thoughts that he
could not fully withdraw. His ability to analyze and interpret
information was unimaginable, when Valentin resigned his mind.
On the body, Casey has already received the opportunity to
quickly evacuate the terminal.

“Have you got it?” Jerry asked with a smile.

"You said it." Casey picked up his lips.

Suddenly the alarm sounded and all channels were locked.

At this time, Xiao Yan, who exited the terminal, entered a code
command. This is a virus he recorded in the research lab of Shire.
The information carried in combination with the code in the main
control system terminates the channel lock. command.

Jane picked up Xiao Yan, "Let's go!"

"But I haven't got it yet..."

"No need."

Jane runs with Xiao Yan in the channel. Valentin will not let the
main control system stay in the embarrassing state. They are
racing against time!
Several men in black combat uniforms rushed to them and pulled
out the sharp edge.

They are all first-class masters, and Xiao Yan also realized the
true strength of Jane for the first time. The last time I had a
confrontation with Hai Yin, this guy definitely had reservations.

Before the moment, his elbow smashed the wrist of one of them
to the wall. Xiao Yan only heard the sound of "磕啦", and at the
last moment, he simply emptied and lifted his leg and broke
another person's head.

At this time, there were five or six surging assassins rushing up.

"Jane Wallis - you traitor!"

Jane’s lips were a bad smile, and blinked at Xiaoyan’s eyes. “Let
me see what Haiyin Burton taught you.”

One of the blades slashed to Xiao Yan's shoulder, and the body
naturally responded without thinking. Xiao Yan turned to the side,
his wrists raised his blade upwards, the other hand screwed his
arm, stepped over and slammed him against the wall, waiting for
the other to restore balance, Xiao Yan The elbow was cracked
against the other's spine, and then his blade was taken back and
his head was cut down.
Blood splattered on his coat, and Xiao Yan stepped back in two

This is his first kill. Xiao Yan swallowed her mouth and did not
have timidity out of control. The sympathy of the unclear
occasion will only kill oneself, and the person who kills him will
not be half-pity.

Jane has already produced three people.

The remaining two watched them with vigilance.

"Good job."

Xiao Yan originally thought that his movements were slow, but in
fact, the series of combination attacks he completed almost in one

Looking forward to the blockers, step by step, and they step back.

The killing scent is like a shadow.

"Let it go, or die here."

The two men looked at each other and immediately clenched the
blade and rushed with the determination to die.

Xiao Yan was ready, but Jane stepped on the wall and took a leap.
The elbow of the right hand cracked one of the neck bones. The
moment of turning over avoided the blade that was turned to the
front. The wrist twisted his bones and slammed the blade back
into his throat.

"Unfortunately, you made the wrong choice."

Jane looked down at them and didn't have the slightest pity.

"let's go!"

Xiao Yan keeps up with Jane.

"where are we going!"


"What about your pharmacy?"

Jane turned back and licked his left eye, the iconic action.
"Nothing is more important than you."

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, "This is not romantic!"

When they rushed into a turning zone, they briefly pulled Xiao
Yan back, and jumped up through Xiao Yan's shoulders. The guy
who was about to come forward, did not expect the other party to

"You are not likely to pass through here. Jane, you are too
disappointed with your father. He gave you everything."
The four killers were in front of them, and the whole body exudes
an unusual momentum.

Xiao Yan can feel that these four people are absolutely different
from the guys who have just been the result of them!

Jane’s nose squeaked and shook his eyes at Xiao Yan. “Baby, I
forgot to introduce you, this is the famous ‘Ghost Knight’

Xiao Yan’s brows trembled, and Sheldon’s name was louder than
the witch Claire. The guy in front of him was pale, which was
completely different from Jane’s white, very sick, silver-gray hair
falling, full of killing eyes. Still projected from the hairline. But
Xiao Yan had to say that the guy's facial features had aristocratic
elegance, and people unconsciously remembered the vampire in
the movie.

Sheldon slowly opened his mouth: "Jane Wallis handed it to me.

Xiao Yan will hand it over to you. Just break his hands and feet,
as long as he doesn't break his head."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: I am also infected

with the x virus now, but I am confident to develop x-2 for

Hai Yin: When we return to Shire, we will be jealous.

Xiao Yan: ... 2k novel reading network

The three assassins rushed over and ignored the existence of Jane.

At the moment when Jane’s body moved, Sheldon suddenly came

to his side. When it seemed to be tilted, the center of gravity was
still in control. His blade slashed to Jane’s side.

Jane took his blade and used it to turn over his head. He tried to
crush Sheldon’s spine. It was only at the moment of Sheldon’s
defense that he found that Jane’s heel fell on one of the assassins’
heads. With a cry, he fell to the ground like a mechanical machine
that lost its clockwork.

And Sheldon’s blade runs through Jane’s chest.

The blood drip replied.

"It seems that you really care about your pet." Sheldon's lips are
mocking smiles.

The two remaining assassins came to Xiao Yan's face, and the
sound of a simple voice came, as if being pierced by Sheldon was
not a big deal. "There are only two, you should deal with it."

Sheldon stepped forward slightly, and the blade moved in Jane's

body, triggering a nerve-splitting sound with the muscles.

"Do you still care about others?"

Jane has buckled the other's hand, forced back, pulled out the
blade, and the sound of flesh and blood healing is very loud.

The two assassins in front of Xiao Yan shot at the same time,
trying to hold his shoulder.

However, Xiao Yan deducted the hand they had stretched out, and
one of them leaped upwards, and the two people’s shoulders
dislocated with the rotation of the body.

But the two assassins did not feel the pain and did not wrinkle
their brows, but quickly retreated to a safe distance and stared at
Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan did not take the initiative to attack. He did not know the
extent of the two men's skills, so they waited quietly for their

Sheldon smiled. "We underestimated your little pet."

"Don't keep calling him a little pet, you will regret it."

After that, Jane suddenly appeared in front of Sheldon, his fingers

close together, and suddenly poked into the other's chest, pinching
his heart.

Xiao Yan stared nervously at the two assassins. As they alternated

their eyes, one of them waved his blade and vacated. Xiao Yan
knew that the purpose of this guy was to cut his arm. The
trajectory of the attack was very clear in Xiao Yan's eyes. His
shoulders were tight, his arms were wiped over the blade, and his
palm fell straight on the other's chin. His head instantly receded
and broke.

"磕啦", the assassin who attacked him widened his eyes, still
reacting to what Xiao Yan did, and fell weakly at the foot of Xiao

Sheldon frowned. If he was simply pulled out of his heart, even if

the x virus in the body could not synthesize a new heart, he had to
smash the killer and try to cut Jane's arm.

Jane instantly pulled away, and the blade was empty. Sheldon
grabbed his chest and stepped back half a step.

"So, are we not even?"

Jane smiled.

"Even if you can get out of here, no matter where you hide in the
world, your father will find you!"

"Come on, anyway, he never used me as his son."

The rest of the assassins were shocked by Xiao Yan's skill. He has
always heard that Jane's researcher, but why is this researcher...
no less than any killer who has been trained for many years?

Xiao Yan picked up the blade on the ground, gently slammed, the
blood splashed along the blade, and then Xiao Yan rushed up.

The assassin thought that Xiao Yan was about to slash, so he

raised his arm and blocked it, but he couldn’t imagine what Xiao
Yan had changed in front of him. He made his body with a blade
and slammed on the assassin’s hand. His blade fell straight into
his throat.

The applause sounded.

On the shoulder of Xiao Yan, he blinked at Sheldon. "Now, two to

one, do you think you have a chance to win?"

"In addition to winning, there is only death. Don't you


After that, Sheldon rushed up.

His right hand slashed to Jane, while his left hand slammed Xiao
Yan's neck.

The guy's action was so fast that when his cold fingertips touched
Xiaoyan's skin, it was too late to react.
In my mind, it was the picture of Hai Yin Burton’s fingers holding
himself in the training room.

Learn to apply the body's steering power.

The body naturally responded. Xiao Yan clasped Sheldon's tiger's

mouth with his right hand, his left hand twisted his wrist, and the
body followed the lowering of the center of gravity. One turned
and Sheldon's left hand was unloaded.

And Jane also took the edge of Sheldon with lightning speed and
stabbed him into his chest. This time, Jane did not relax, the eyes
were suffocating all the suffocating, the handle was pressed into
Sheldon's body, and he fell to the ground.

"Kill me." Sheldon looked at Jane, his left wrist is still losing

Jane picked up the left hand on the ground and pressed back his
broken wrist. The x virus is accelerating his healing.

"I hope that your respected father can spare your life, or you can
replace me as his body."

Jane whispered in the ear of Sheldon.

Sheldon’s eyes widened and he was still thinking about the

meaning of Jane’s words.
In the channel, the footsteps of the running came, and Jane
continued to move forward.

"Are you sure that the fire control system here is sealed?"

Jane ran while asking Xiao Yan.

"I'm sure! The current end system is too high-end, but it has no
defense against the most common underlying viruses in the
network system more than two hundred years ago, unless Valentin
Sheen personally removes him from the system! But that requires
manual calculations. Even if he has more than two hundred years
of accumulated wisdom, it will take an hour to clean up the

"Then we don't have much time left!"

They entered the submarine and closed the valve. Jane pulled
Xiao Yan to the cab, and Xiao Yan discovered that Kathy and
Jerry had four or five people waiting inside!

Xiao Yan thought badly, I was afraid that they had already
discovered Jane’s plan, and they were waiting for them to be
delivered to the door!

But Casey was stunned and ran forward to hug Xiao Yan.
"Fortunately, you are coming! If your head is cut off by Sheldon's
fool, I will never forgive Jane!"

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s heart trembled, and he almost

subconsciously patted Kathy’s back as comforting him as before.
But Xiao Yan’s hand stopped in midair.

Jane’s lips are a consistent smile. "You look down on me too

much, Kathy. Did the information get?"

"Get it!" Casey showed a smug look.

"let's go!"

Casey put on the terminal and the submarine slowly drove out of
its mooring place.

Xiao Yan finally understood everything at this moment.

Jane has been plotting to steal the remedy from Valentin Sheen,
and Kathy and Jerry are his accomplices. The motive of Jane’s
robbery is to use his brain three times faster than the average
person to invade the master, and to contain Valentin’s thinking,
and Casey can sneak into Valentin’s brain and steal him. The
information you want.

The submarine kept moving away, and the undulating mood of

Xiao Yan calmed down.
He was used by this group of scammers!

"Next, we should find a place, synthetic drugs. Every fall of the

year is always painful to die." Casey has been shattered.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I need to synthesize the agent to remove the virus suffix, and you
have to synthesize x-2... How about us to capture a research
base?" Jerry's tone was half-joking, and Yu Guangzhong was
chilly. If Xiao Yan does not synthesize x-2 as they say, Jerry will
kick him out of the submarine without mercy.

"Are your head broken?" Casey coldly glanced at Jerry.

"Don't worry about anything. We are free, Xiao Yan."

Jane seems to be a little tired, closing her eyes on Xiao Yan's

shoulder. His breathing was long, and this was his first time
sleeping in front of Xiao Yan.

The submarine floated up in front of an island, and Xiao Yan saw

an aircraft.

The feeling of leaving the deep sea was unparalleled, and Xiao
Yan took a deep breath above the submarine. The sea breeze
bursts, and the sound of Shanghai birds on the top is lively and
"Hey! Fool! You don't keep up, we will throw you here." Casey
wrinkled his nose.

At that moment, Xiao Yan seems to have returned to the most

simple years of the past, and Casey is still Kathy.

"Go, baby."

I took a brief look at Xiao Yan’s waist and pinched it twice in a

very restless manner.

Xiao Yan opened Jane and followed Kathy.

The aircraft took them away from the island.

This time, they are flying deeper into the sea.

"Are we going to land?"

"You guess." Jane once again made a fool of himself.

A green color gradually appeared in front of him, and Xiao Yan

bowed his head. Such vegetation cover and plant community, the
original mountain range, were very familiar in Xiao Yan. Here is
the place where he first met Hai Yin!

The heart cannot jump on its own.

"Really can attract your attention." Jane smiled faintly, his fingers
slammed into his black hair.
“Can you open the hatch? I want to smell the smell of the woods.”

Xiao Yan's fingers were placed on the glass, and the look of a face
looked forward.

Casey looked at Jane and nodded briefly.

At the moment when the hatch was opened, Xiao Yan quickly
lifted the safety device and slammed it in the direction of the

Almost at the same time, Jane buckled Xiao Yan's shoulders, and
the gentle eyes fierce in an instant.

"What do you want to do!" The roar sounded over the trees for a
long time.

Jerry would close the hatch without saying anything, but Xiao
Yan slammed on Jerry's finger.

"Ah--" Although this hurts nothing, it makes Jerry scream.

The sound attracted the zombies between the trees. They looked
up at the head and showed an excited expression. They chased the
aircraft and leaped constantly. Some even climbed the tree and
stretched their arms, but they were still far and far away from the
"I saw no! You will be surrounded by countless zombies! You
think you can kill them!"

Jerry looked at Xiao Yan with resentment and suddenly punched

his face. "Mom! I know you guys are restless!"

His fist was stopped by Casey.

"I went to the cockpit!" Jerry left angrily, and looked cold Xiao
Yan before leaving.

Xiao Yan was smashed back, squatting on his neck and squatting
on the glass window. "I don't believe you anymore."

"I don't believe you either."

Xiao Yan fell straight and looked at Jane.

"Head, this is too close to the base 2, we have to go around."

At least two special task teams are stationed at Base 2, so that the
current manpower is not enough to compete.

Kathy deliberately said in front of Xiao Yan.

"Go around."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and felt sorry for his impulse. He should
be patient and bear again. He can wait until the plane landed, even
pretending to join Jane and Kathy, and then create a chance to
leave, instead of just now, the impulse ruined everything.

At this time he realized how much he missed Hai Yin.

Missing his indifference to the maddening expression, missing his

strong and unwilling embrace, and his...the strength of kissing.

Xiao Yan has not cared about what Hai Yin is really about.

He just wants to see this man again.

At this time, the aircraft oscillated, and Casey made a "Oh-"


"Hey! Jerry! You can't drive well! Deliberately scary this trick
doesn't work!"

But did not receive a reply from Jerry.

"What happened?" Casey's face changed.

Jane seemed to understand what it was. Suddenly, he took a

dagger from his ankle and pulled the hair of Xiao Yan to himself.

"Hey - Jane! What are you going to do!" Casey looked at it in

horror, trying to bring Xiao Yan to her side.

"The microchip on him brought the people of Shire! Kathy! You

take over Jerry! His brain is invaded!"
The height of the aircraft is declining, and Casey sits in the
cockpit without speaking.

The simple tip of the knife opened the skin between Xiao Yan's
neck, and the blood flowed down the neck. Xiao Yan made a
squeaking sound.

"Hey - hey - it will be alright soon!"

Jane sighed in the ear of Xiao Yan, and the tip of the microchip
was picked up. The wound between Xiao Yan’s neck quickly

"Okay, it has already been taken out."

"Oh," the microchip became a metal powder between Jane's


"Now they can't track you anymore. When we get rid of them this
time, no one can find you."

"Jane - save me!"

Kathy’s cry for help was heard in the cockpit.

Jane’s look was tense and she entered the cockpit after saying that
she was optimistic about Xiao Yan.

The aircraft finally stabilized its height.

"I'm sorry... Jane... Someone just invaded my mind. When I
reacted, the guy almost entered my subconscious..."

Kathy had a lingering fear, and Jane snorted.

"There are very few people who can invade you?"

The aircraft was rushing forward, and Xiao Yan could not see the
chaser when he turned back.

I haven’t come back yet...

There are now four people in the cabin, and this time they can no
longer be impulsive.

Xiao Yan jerked his legs up, and the guy oppositely tried to hold
his knees and Xiao Yan suddenly lifted the safety device. The
people around him tried to press the safety device back, but Xiao
Yan punched his abdomen. The legs slammed against the guy
opposite, and the other raised his arms to resist, and Xiao Yan
lifted the safety device, opened the door and jumped out.

Unfortunately, it was still caught.

Xiao Yan tried his best and finally fell.

At that moment, Jane jumped from the hatch.

"Xiao Yan -"

His hair was smashing in the wind, and his lazy expression was
full of horror.

"Don't let your head hit the ground!"

Xiao Yan suddenly realized that he had turned over in the air, and
the pain of the neck fracture at the moment of landing on his legs
made him fall to the ground.

Although the bones were also broken, it was obvious that Jane
Wallis’s tolerance for pain was much higher than that of Xiao
Yan. At this moment, he has come to Xiao Yan, and he has picked
him up.

"Do you think that you can escape?"

The low voice, the chilly cold spread on the back of Xiao Yan.

"You can't trap me forever!"

Xiao Yan, who recovered his cheekbones, lifted his knees, but
Jane slammed his calf and picked him up and pressed it against
the tree.

"Are you always proud of me? I am reluctant to start with you?

You are wrong! Xiao Yan! I have seen your stubbornness, and the
things you believe will not change even if all human beings
"You have got what you want! You have already held the
freedom! Why can't you let me go!"

“I got what I wanted?” Jane raised her eyebrows and sneered.

“Yes, from now on, I want to get all I want!”

Jane's kisses were pressed down, and his waist was squeezed
between Xiao Yan's legs. Xiao Yan struggled to struggle. Jane
didn't care that he pulled his pants down every time he broke his

Xiao Yan knows that this time the other side will not let himself
go. He tightened Jane's neck and pinched his cervical spine. He
hadn't had time to force it. Jane clasped his fingers and slammed
it down.


His phalanx was crushed, although the pain was not worth
mentioning compared to the fracture of the shin. The man no
longer cares if he is in pain, and his anger completely wipes out
his intellect.

Xiao Yan used his elbow to hit Jane's side neck, and the opposite
hand quickly buckled his wrist, slamming backwards, and the
elbow slammed against the trunk.

This time Xiao Yan hurts to add.

Jane has already vigorously opened his mouth and is about to
attack the city!

At this time, Xiao Yan’s afterglow noticed that many zombies had
already come over.

They are shaking their bodies, and in their eyes they are eager to
see food for a long time.

And Jane did not care about this until four or five zombies fled in
desperation. Jane finally had to let go of Xiao Yan, grabbed one
of the zombies, and pressed it against the face of another zombie.
All the zombies that had been thrown up were taken out by him.

The zombies of Chengshan were surrounded.

Hearing an explosion in the distance, Jane’s aircraft crashed into

the mountain because of the loss of control. Xiao Yan
instinctively shook his shoulder.

"You don't want to run? There are thousands of zombies waiting

for you!"

The encirclement of the zombies is getting smaller and smaller,

and Xiao Yan is stepping back step by step.

"Where are you going!" Jane will hold Xiao Yan.

"They want to eat you, not me...sorry, Jane."

There are still zombies rushing up, even without weapons, they
are fragile in front of Jane Wallis, just like the momentum of the
mountains, the moment will be drowned.

One has a result, the wreckage of the zombies is constantly piled

up, but Jane can't see the trace of Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan, where are you! Xiao Yan!"

Jane didn't hear any answer from Xiao Yan. He just saw Xiao Yan
running away from the gap between the zombies.

All the zombies did not respond to Xiao Yan completely, as if

Xiao Yan was their kind.

Because Xiao Yan completed the study of the virus "Snow Lun"
before he was taken away from Charles. He injected himself with
this special virus, allowing the zombies to treat themselves as
peers from attack.

He must escape, the sooner the better. With the ability of Jane,
you can quickly get rid of the group of zombies to catch up with

A sly, Xiao Yan fell to the ground, without hesitation, he climbed

up and continued to move forward.
At that moment, the sunlight on the top of the head was refracted
and the air was cut.

Xiao Yan quickly turned to the side, a figure in a black combat

uniform fell, his blade fell into the mud.

As long as he was late for a fraction of a second, his head was cut

The other slowly raised his head, and the silver-gray hair swayed
with the action. Xiao Yan saw the other side's cold eyes.


Sheldon did not say a word, and once again, he slammed into
Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan raised his arm and stopped, and was almost smashed by
the other side.

"I don't have much time, you know that the zombies can't stand
him for too long."

The blade fell, Xiao Yan flashed off in a thrilling manner, and the
trunk behind him was neatly cut.

Xiao Yan’s heart jumped wildly. He was not sure if he was

Sheldon’s opponent. This guy would chase him, and the goal was
not simple. He only said that he would take Xiao Yan’s head back
to return to Valentin.

Sheldon held the blade with both hands. "Let me see how much
you learned from Hein Burton!"

The blade stabbed over, Xiao Yan just want to dodge, Sheldon
suddenly released his left hand and held his chest, Xiao Yan, who
could not escape, was penetrated by the blade and nailed to the

Painfully groaning, Xiao Yan pulled the blade to pull it out, and
Sheldon pulled another handle from his back and waved his neck
without expression.

He is dying...

Unable to accept such a fate, Xiao Yan madly pulled out the blade
that nailed himself to the trunk.

The engine sound of the aircraft was uploaded overhead, and a

figure descended from the sky, as if the meteor broke through the
atmosphere and finally slammed into its destination.

Just as the blade touched Xiao Yan's neck, Sheldon's wrist was cut
down, and one foot smashed out, and five or six trees were cut off
one after another, and finally a tree trunk puncture.
The back of the eye is so familiar, propped up his distracted
consciousness, and smashed the momentum of the earth.

The author has something to say: Fat Winter Melon: Colonel

Burton is making a debut!

Xiao Yan: Isn't it more common to use it when it's awkward?

Fat winter melon: ... 2k novel reading network

"Sea... Hai Yin... Great, you are still alive..."

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and looked at each other greedily.

Hai Yin came to his side in an instant and held the wound in his

The eyes are low, and everything flies.

His palm covered Xiao Yan's cheeks and opened his mouth. At
the moment when the lips and tongue touched, the nerves burst

Hai Yin’s kiss was too hard, and his arms even shattered Xiao
Yan’s shoulders, so that when Hai Yin’s death and death buckled
Xiao Yan’s back to his own body, the force would have to crush
Xiao Yan’s head.

Kissing endlessly, heavy being occupied | Some feel running in

the blood.
The aircraft are still flying over them.

Mark stretched his head and looked out. "Oh... pro is really

Liv took Mark back and said, "Be careful to poke your eyes!"

Sheldon, who was nailed to the trunk in the distance, finally fell
down. When he fell to the ground, half of his face was stained
with dust. His left hand would pierce his trunk and pump out | and
his right hand remained in the cut. The place.

"Head! We should go -"

Mark’s head screamed.

Hai Yin picked up Xiao Yan and suddenly waved something out.
She was the blade of Sheldon.

It pierced Sheldon's forehead and ruthlessly decided.

Xiao Yan’s ear is a whisper, everything is not true.

Is it really Hai Yin who found himself?

When Hai Yin entered the cabin, Mark and Liv reached out and
pulled Xiao Yan in.

"Welcome home! Xiaoyan Shaohao!"

"You rookie! Let us find you for a long time!"

"Kids! What do you want to stay!" Mark smirked at Xiao Yan's
shoulder, as always, vigorously, but now Xiao Yan is no longer
worried about being broken.

"I... just wondering if it's true... is it back?"

"Of course it is true!" Liv blinked. "You don't need the colonel to
give you another hot kiss?"

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin's side face, and the wind poured in
from the open hatch and pulled his hair. His deep side lines make
Xiao Yan's eyes sour.

"You don't know how many places you went to find out during
this time! Our days are almost spent on the plane! Now I can
finally go back to Shire and have a good rest in a stable bed!"

"First go to the 14th base for replenishment." Hai Yin issued a

cold and cold command.

"The base of the 14th... It’s better than floating in the sky..." Mark
licked his nose.

It’s all too fast, Xiao Yan still feels incredible. More importantly,
he feels that the cold breath has been pressing him... from Haiyin

How many times can you survive this life?

The madness just made Xiao Yan's heart shake, but now the
calmness of Haiyin Burton makes him feel overwhelmed.

Mark and Liv were quiet and the topic became serious.

"Xiao Yan, you are the first researcher to escape from the tide
organization... I bet... Back to Charles is still trouble."

Xiao Yan understands that Li Fu refers to internal censorship. He

will be interrogated by the torture force. He will not be able to
engage in any research work for three months. If the torture force
has any doubts, he may even be forced to leave the Central
Academy of Sciences and become an ordinary summer. Citizen.

"No one will find him in trouble." Hai Yin said coldly.

When the aircraft stopped in the passage, Lieutenant Colonel

Raven greeted them personally.

"Coloton Burton! I haven't seen you for a long time! I heard that
you successfully rescued Shao Yan of the Central Academy of

At that moment, Hai Yin smashed Xiao Yan's wrist. "I need to test
this guy blood."

"Testing... What?" Lieutenant Colonel Raven looked blank.

"I suspect that Shao Yan is infected with x virus."

“Is it done by the tide organization? What are their purposes...”

Lieutenant Colonel Raven did not receive any answer. All of them
watched the low-pressure Lieutenant Colonel Burton walking
along the wrist of Xiao Yan and walking in the passage.

His strength is so great that he almost dislocated Xiao Yan.

However, under the anger of the other party, Xiao Yan did not
have the courage to cry.

He knew that Hai Yin was absolutely disgusted that he was

infected with the x virus. The last time he used x-2, he was almost
mistaken for killing the seaweed with x virus.

"I have no way... if it is not x virus... I may be dead!"

The next moment, Xiao Yan was forced into the other's arms.

This is the embrace of Haiyin Burton. Xiao Yan never thought

that one day he would hold himself like this.

"How do you torture me... will you give up?"

The tone of the teeth is incisive, and the heart of the bones is sour
and sorrowful.


Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and his mind continued to analyze the
words of Hai Yin.
"You let me pay attention to you, so I have to look at you. When I
try my best to protect you, you don't treasure your life!"

"... Colonel Burton..."

"Don't call me Colonel! I am not your colonel!" Hai Yin's palm

held Xiao Yan's cheek and forced Xiao Yan to look at himself.
"How can you hold my gun with your head!"

The scorpion, which has always been cold to no mood swings, is

full of all the emotions that Xiao Yan has never seen in this man's
eyes. They roll over and suppress for a long time.

Xiao Yan opened his mouth. "I... I can't help... you know how
scared I am..."

"So I want you to leave me alone! I let you go! That is the order!
Why don't you listen!"

"Do you want me to leave you? You never left me! It turned out
to be the order given to me by the colonel!"

"Yes, there is only one order I give you."

"What?" Xiao Yan asked with a voice.

"Absolutely can't die before me."

Xiao Yan stunned. He shook his head and looked at each other
"And, the same order, I won't say the second time. You are not
me, so you will never realize the great possibility of being locked
up in a small space and imagining your most important person...
Killed is What does it feel."

The most important person... Xiao Yan looked at each other with
his eyes wide open.

The whole world was broken and bones slammed into the man's

"You always make my patience meaningless."

Hai Yin’s lips fell.

At this moment, he was not injured, and Hai Yin’s pro-wen had
only one reason.

He wants to kiss him.

The best pro-wen, from the beginning of the overbearing and

strong, forced to full of mouth. This is what Xiao Yan never
imagined. He was crushed on the cold wall, but the world was
caught in the fire.

A sliding door opened and a liaison officer came out and saw the
moment of this scene stupid.
Hai Yin could not help but pull Xiao Xiao into the room and the
door was locked.

Xiao Yan was pushed to the sofa, and his forehead hit the handrail
of the sofa. Although it was not painful but could not tell the
direction, he just got up and belonged to the breath of Haiyin

He pressed Xiao Yan to the sofa, pulled his collar away, kissed his
neck, and the strength of his palm reached the bone marrow.

Xiao Yan never thought that this completely irrational man would
be Hai Yin.

It seems that it has been suppressed for too long and finally broke
out. Everything is crazy and out of control.

Hai Yin’s fingers opened his hair and revealed his smooth

"You will abide by the orders I gave you, less envious."

"Yes... Colonel..."

Xiao Yan’s breathing lingered in the throat, he inexplicably feared

everything that was about to happen, he was not ready yet... or he
faintly knew that once the man vented everything that was closed,
it would be far beyond what he could The range of tolerance.
Daddy, he was turned over by the other side, his arm was
subconsciously supported on the armrest, he just tried to climb up
and his pants were rudely pulled down.

“Hai Yin!” Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and he turned his head back.
The other’s hands vigorously opened his body and bowed his
head and kissed him.

"Ha--" took a breath, this is a scene that Xiao Yan never


Xiao Yan can clearly feel that the lips of Hai Yin leave the spark
of the original.

He went all the way down to the place where Xiao Yan was the
most embarrassed.

"Stop! Hai Yin! Stop..."

"I am a colonel, you have no right to give me any orders, less


The ruthless voice is always hoarse and low, and it seems that
something has broken out and he has to be swallowed up.

His mouth opened his mouth and slowly squeezed in.

This kind of experience Xiao Yan never felt, "I beg you to come
out! It is very dirty... ask..."
If the hair of Hai Yin has not passed through the skin of Xiao Yan,
the breath of the nose spurts, which makes Xiao Yan almost

He slaps the sofa and tries to struggle, but Hein is pressing him.

Xiao Yan’s breathing was completely messy, who would stun

him... end it all.

The other party finally retired and turned to his fingers.

"no, do not want!"

Jane Wallis also did the same thing for him, and the purpose is
Xiao Yan. This is just for a place to come in smoothly!

Hai Yin is low, biting Xiao Yan's auricle, his back neck, fingers
moving faster and faster, only a slight rotation for Hai Yin, but
Xiao Yan is exaggerated to take his body Tearing.

The contact device at the door rang the voice of Lieutenant

Colonel Raven.

"Coloton Burton! What happened?"

Xiao Yan was nervous and was afraid that Lieutenant Colonel
Raven would come in suddenly. As the commander of Base 2, his
authorization code can open all rooms in the base.

"I am doing love."

The sound of Hai Yin seems to have declared fate for Xiao Yan.

Lieutenant Colonel Raven at the end of the door stopped, and he

turned his back on his back and looked at Liv and Mark.

"Just... is it the voice of Colonel Burton?"

Mark’s expression of a sudden realization, “It’s like this! I still

want to ask the head how to do it, never solve it...”

Liv stunned Mark and said to Lieutenant Colonel Raven in a

calmest tone: "It may last for a long time, so I suggest that the
liaison officer in this office change office space."

"But I just got ready for the blood test..."

"Or prepare a research room, I think... Xiao Yan needs to

synthesize x-2 for himself." Lie's expression was obviously

At this point, Xiao Yan felt that the other's fingers had left, and
the feeling of emptiness caused him to be overwhelmed. He
touched him in the exaggerated part of the next moment, and the
heart was hung high. Xiao Yan was not exclaimed. The other side
was eager to stab, and the body was expanded to the limit. Xiao
Yan’s mouth was too big to breathe, as if he was going to pant.

Fully open, open, bloody.

The man behind him moved up, and it was so horrifying that Xiao
Yan clenched his teeth. Every moment he felt so clear that he
collapsed, and the patience of the other party was exhausted, and
the range of entry and exit became more and more out of control.

"Please... please..."

He yelled at his fist and pleaded for mercy, but the other side
turned a deaf ear, clearly a repetitive mouth, each time with a
different experience, tormenting his nerves but burning some kind
of desire in his heart.

His heart is going to rush out of the body. Hein Burton's most
unattainable reason has completely collapsed, and the heat and
softness of being wrapped has made him forget everything, only
in depth. The pain can't be added, but the x virus makes Xiao
Yan's body recover quickly. He wants to faint himself, but the
other side attacks without any gap. It takes less than ten minutes
to enter. Xiao Yan feels like a century. Long.

He can only breathe with a big mouth, and some feelings rush to
the whole body.

At the bottom of the sea, the change in angle made Xiao Yan
groan and tried to fasten something, and Hai Yin’s arm was held
in his ear. He subconsciously buckled the wrist of Hai Yin, and
the revenge was generally pinched to his bones. The shattering
sound, the low-dumb and extremely depressing gasp of the ear,
made his heart beat to the limit, the strength of the other side
caused him to collapse, his body was turned over, and he was
horrified to hold the shoulder of Hai Yin when he was spinning.
The legs are about to be broken. Hai Yinbing's blue eyes burned
in general, and the more he got it, the more difficult it was to
satisfy. He put Xiao Yan's legs on his shoulders and swooped
down, almost smashing his body.

His tears were raging, and he knew that there was no point in
begging for mercy, and he could only help each other with

Can't see the man's expression, he only knows that the other
person is buried in his neck, and he is desperately ingested, and he
wants to **** his flesh and blood.

Xiao Yan clenched his teeth, and Hai Yin contained his auricle
and finally began to talk. The airflow poured into Xiao Yan's
auricle and entered the depths of thought, setting off another

"If you want me to end it all, please please me."

The imperative tone, if there is no uncontrollable breathing, Xiao

Yan can not imagine that this man has been swallowed by mouth.
He could only clumsily kiss Hai Yin's chin, hard enough to reach
his lips, and opened the next crazy prelude.


Hai Yinxi pressed him to the sofa, and one of his legs was put
down, so that the angle of the sea can enter a deeper place.

Xiao Yan’s eyes are tearful and he has been released three times,
but Hai Yin has no signs of ending.

He will die here...

Xiao Yan's blurred eyes looked at each other helplessly. He first

saw Haiyin Burton, who was completely controlled by the mouth.

He raised his chin, closed his eyes, noble and wild, so indulgent.

At the moment of rushing to the top, the heat flowed into his
body, and he grabbed the other's shoulder and was afraid of being

They gasped and Hai Yin shattered his cheek.

"This may be the only advantage of being infected with x virus."

I don't know if it is an illusion. At this moment, Haiyin Burton

has a gentle expression.
His body won't be broken by the other side, so this is not the end,
but the beginning of madness.

His breathing has not been able to calm down, and the other party
has expanded again in his body. He exclaimed, Hai Yin kissed
him on his cheek and suddenly picked him up. He began to rush
and spurt indefinitely. Xiao Yan’s body fluctuated with the other’s
movements. He first understood Hai Yin Bo. Will destroy him.

Although the body will not be broken, it never means that the
nerve can withstand such stimulation. Hai Yin has not yet rushed
to the top, Xiao Yan's chin weakly leaned on Hai Yin's shoulder
and fell asleep.

A few hours later, Mark and Lifu passed the office.

"That, should we ask them to get up for dinner? Red wine veal...
Xiao Yan's favorite..."

"The head will unscrew your head."

" should know that if no one tells them to 'temperate', they

can always die..." Mark worried.

“No one of us knows more about ‘temperance’ than the head.”

Liv took a foot of Mark and the two quickly left.

Unfortunately, Liv was wrong this time.

When Xiao Yan recovered his mind slightly, he found himself
completely seated on the other side, and it was a torture that
caused him to collapse.

This time, Xiao Yan was sleeping for three days, and Li Fu even
worried about giving him three nutrients.

Haiyin Burton sat next to Xiao Yan and kept browsing the
holographic images.

"Head, Jane Wallis's aircraft crashed into control and crashed into
the mountains. When our people went to investigate, they did not
find any members of the surge organization."

"Kathy's control is first class."

“In addition, the surge group sent a large number of killers to

search for Jane Wallis for unknown reasons.”

Li Fu’s eyes fell on Xiao Yan’s body. She meant that Xiao Yan
had been hijacked by Jane Wallis. Maybe he knew what the
reason was.

At this point, the young ensign half of the face pressed against the
pillow, full of tired face. Slightly revealing a trace of bruising on
the neck of the quilt.
He made a slight whisper, and a small half of his shoulders
revealed his quilt. Liv couldn't help but bow his head. She
suspected that Xiao Yan's body estimated that every inch of skin
was confirmed by Captain Burton.

“In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Raven prepared a research room

for Shao Yan.”


Although Li Fu believes that Xiao Yan is difficult to consciously

synthesize x-2.

"Don't... Colonel... Don't..." The sleeping shackles made a very

fragile pleading.

Hai Yin slightly sideways, snoring Xiao Yan in the mutter, his
fingers gently twitching his hair.

Liffe couldn't see the colonel's expression across the holographic

display, but she left the room with great interest. Walking in the
long passage, the smile on Liv's lips is more and more difficult to
cover up.

Hai Yin’s kiss gently fell on the frontal angle of Xiao Yan, which
is completely different from the loss of control in the previous
days. Xiao Yan's head gradually retracted into the quilt until Hai
Yin only saw a few black hair. Hai Yin lowered his eyes, gently
plucked the quilt, looked at the tip of the nose that appeared in the
small section, and pressed the quilt under his chin a little bit,
otherwise the exhausted Xiao Yan would be killed by the quilt.

Xiao Yan's mind is filled with the unstoppable kiss of Hai Yin and
the extreme sway, even unconsciously trembled shoulders. At this
time, Hai Yin would hold his hands and hug him, his fingers
gently brushing his forehead, as if to tell him, don't be so scared.

Finally, Xiao Yan woke up from a deep sleep, the room was dark,
behind it was a warm embrace, and the sound of the heart beat
was powerful and powerful.

In an instant, the images that are occupied and poured into the
mind, the irresistible power is absolutely imposing, Xiao Yan
subconsciously hides to the side, but still does not leave the other
side's arms. .

He was very fortunate that the x virus in his body saved his life,
otherwise he was dead according to the way Hein Burton was

The people around him moved a little, and Xiao Yan immediately
became nervous.

The soft light on the bed, he realized that it was not the crazy
The soft kiss fell on his back neck, and the always cold voice
seemed to have a little temperature at that moment.

"You need to eat something."

Just hearing the other party's voice, Xiao Yan's blood boiled

The madness of sensible being burned makes Xiao Yan clearly

realize that it is not an illusion built into the brain, and that every
kiss and ingress makes it difficult for him to breathe.

He never thought that Hein Burton could get out of control to this
point. This man is very dangerous, Xiao Yan instinctively wants
to dodge.

"Come back." Hai Yin's back of his hand slid gently across Xiao
Yan's cheek, and then he buckled his shoulder and pulled him

The head hit the other side's strong chest, Xiao Yansheng was
afraid to wipe the gun again.

"You don't need to be afraid." Hai Yin looked down, as if looking

for Xiao Yan from a gap.

"You... you have invaded my brain more than once... I never

thought you would be so out of control..."
Even if they were the last kiss in Shire, Hai Yin did not cross the

"Because the body of an ordinary researcher can't afford the

power of a special soldier, I don't want you to die because of me."

The breath of the other side is lingering in Xiao Yan's ear, and the
dangerous premonition is multiplied in Xiao Yan's heart.

Can not afford? Give life?

How much does this guy want to do?

"...when did you want to do this to me..."

"long, long ago."

long, long ago? What is it a long time ago? I saw you for the first
time just two years ago! Two years ago called a long time ago?

Xiao Yan knows one thing, that is, he is spiritually dependent on

this man. He admires his strength, but Xiao Yan just put all this
on the label of love. Hein Burton can’t wait to take the oath with
practical action. all.

At this time, Hai Yin’s liaison was illuminated, from the

information of Major Gordon.

"Dear Colonel Burton, I am very glad to hear that you have

successfully rescued Xiao Yan's news."
Xiao Yan carried his back and slightly raised the quilt. He didn't
want to be seen by the other side and he was lying with Hai Yin.
Colonel Burton’s object of rolling sheets is still a man, and he will
surely become a man of the Shire.

"The military hopes that Colonel Burton will be able to return to

Charles as soon as possible. Major Ling’s troops were attacked
while stationed at the No. 24 base, and lost 12 special forces."

what? Lost special forces 12 people?

Did they encounter the same chemical and biological weapons

attacks as Jane Wallis’s forces?

"Please inform the specific situation."

The holographic image was switched to the situation where the

base was attacked on the 24th.

Xiao Yan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The three aircrafts of the tidal organization are chasing a transport

aircraft and all the way to the base of the No. 24 base.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: If this chapter
is locked... everyone should not leave any mail | box and the like,
I will find time to change it back, I will send you one by one | box
is not realistic. Please leave a message and keep a low profile. 2k
novel reading network

The base opened the passage urgently and prepared to close the
passage after the transport aircraft entered, but found that the
passage node was out of control, three enemy aircraft trailed in,
bombarded in the passage, and even entered the base through the

The three aircraft were finally successfully shot down in the base,
but like the usual style of the tide organization, the cabins of their
aircraft were all zombies.

Although Xiao Yan has barely met with Major Ling Xiao, but he
can become a major, his combat capability is absolutely no worse
than Wen En. Even if these zombies will cause certain losses, the
12 special forces... This is too exaggerated!

At the moment when the hatch was opened, Xiao Yan understood
the reason.

In the past, those zombies that were stupidly driven by instinct

were scattered four times, and their speed of action was at least
one-fifth higher than that of ordinary zombies.

The special mission forces were dispatched urgently, and these

zombies seemed to have intelligence, and they knew how to
attack the neck of the special forces. When the first special forces
were bitten off the neck, the other special forces confirmed the
current situation and alerted them. In the past, these zombies only
knew to rush to their prey, but now they know how to hide,
cooperate and even organize attacks! Just like a soldier!

The zombies who are experiencing rapid action are not fatal to the
special forces, and once they cooperate with each other, the
situation is reversed.

For example, this young special commander on the video, when

he is fully chasing a zombie, another zombie falls from the top of
his head. He subconsciously slashes his head to the top of his
head. The zombie chased by him has turned back and throws him.
Down, there were four or five zombies rushing up in an instant.
Although he killed the one who had thrown himself down, other
zombies quickly stepped forward to grab his limbs and made him
unable to move. Finally, his head was killed by a zombie. Bite,
the picture is **** and fuzzy.

Xiao Yan didn't overdo it. He stared at it all. This can already be
classified as level3!

"Xiao Yan is a lieutenant, I don't have to hide in the quilt, I have

already seen you." Major General Gordon did not reveal the
slightest smile.
Pushing the quilt out of his head, Xiao Yan is also an
open-minded look. Dead pigs don't need to worry about being

“As a good researcher, what do you think about everything in

front of you?”

"All viruses... are constantly evolving to adapt to the environment

and the host... But if they are deliberately released by the tide
organization, I think the attack on the 24th base is actually an
experiment. These actions are fast and... there is some intelligence
The zombies should be the result of the experiment of the tidal

"Your guess is correct." Major General Gordon nodded and

swiped across the screen.

At this time, the picture on the holographic image was that after
the zombies were arbitrarily ravaged for an hour at the No. 24
base, they suddenly hugged their heads. They slammed their
skulls apart and their yellow brains splashed on the screen. .

Xiao Yan’s shoulder trembled. He didn’t know that Hai Yin had
been in the office for two days. After that, he slept for two days.
He hadn’t eaten anything for four days. His stomach was
stimulated by that picture. When you start retching.
"So Colonel Burton, when the news spread to Charles, people are
worried, your special mission is the strongest combat force in the
Shire, and the military command to you is to return to Charles
before sunset tomorrow."

After that, the contact was interrupted.

Xiao Yan glanced at the bedside time, they are now leaving.

When he opened the quilt, he realized that he and Hai Yin did not
wear anything. The shoulders of the other party's shoulders are
strong, the **** and the sense of the clavicle, and the shadows of
the big and big Aung Yang are slightly standing at this moment.
Xiao Yan's body is hot and hot, don't overdo it, only to find that
he is not at all. Know where the clothes are.

Hai Yin slowly got up, and did not show his strength in front of
Xiao Yan. His fingers were lightly pressed at a certain position,
and a set of military uniforms slowly withdrew from the wall.

"Thank you."

Xiao Yan didn't dare to go to see Hai Yin with his head down.

When Xiao Yan finally put on the military uniform, he realized

that Hai Yin still sat on the edge of the bed without a glimpse,
leaning slightly on his chin, and his eyes fell on Xiao Yan's body.
"Colonel, we should leave."

Xiao Yanqiang pressed his heartbeat. This closed space belongs to

the spread of Haiyin Burton. He is always swaying his heart, as if
there is something that squeezes his heart from time to time, like a
fingertip. When he wants to feel it, he disappears.

Hai Yin finally got up. He came to Xiao Yan and put up his collar
and smoothed his epaulettes.

Xiao Yan lowered his head and unexpectedly confronted the very
strong and strong part. Now it seems very quiet and implies
attacking power, but the size in front of the eyes has already made
Xiao Yanxin feel awkward, thinking that his body actually
accommodates it, Xiao Yan thinks It is incredible.

Yeah... he hurts...

Haiyin put on the combat uniforms, and the movements were

sharp and rapid, without any slight delay.


Open the door of the room and they walk in the passage.

Because of the attack on the No. 24 base, the entire No. 2 base is
also in an emergency preparation state.
Lieutenant Colonel Raven walked quickly. "Colonel, I don't have
time to send you away! I hope you will return to Charles!"

"Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel."

I don't know if it is an illusion. The liaison officer who is next to

Lieutenant Colonel Raven has kept his head down and the whole
face has turned red.

Because Xiao Yan didn't know, when the door of the liaison
officer's office finally opened, Xiao Yan, who was sleeping, was
left by Hai Yin. His body was covered with a blanket on the sofa,
and the exposed calf was full of traces. The nose of the liaison
officer was almost not sprayed.

Not to mention that when the liaison officer walked into his
office, he realized that it was a mess. The sofa armrest was
overturned when Xiao Yan struggled, with white spots
everywhere and a strong atmosphere in the air.

The liaison officer still remembered the cold eyes of Colonel

Burton. He knew that if he said a nonsense, he would die under
the other's blade.

Three aircraft took off to Charles.

Hai Yin and Xiao Yan are the two people who finally boarded the
Only Haiyin opened the door of the cockpit. "What are you
grinding, less envious."

Xiao Yan hurried into the cabin, and at the same time, he was
smashed into the sea.

This is the most combative aircraft,


"you and me."

The door was closed.

The aircraft leaves the passage.

Xiao Yan was excited, and he once again drove with Hai Yin.

System startup, route setting, engine lock. I don't know if Hai Yin
is accommodating him, or if he and Hai Yin's thinking are in sync
with each other, the two even did not calibrate the neurons, and
the aircraft left the base smoothly.

This feeling is wonderful, he and Hai Yin's brain are connected by

the driving system.

Mark in the cabin showed a sullen expression. "I used to drive the
Liv lifted his leg and stepped on his face. "You are a stupid big
man! If the influx of people invades the aircraft control system,
do you think you are reliable or Xiao Yan is reliable?"

"Of course it is me!" Mark said confidently.

"H..." Liv shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"But we should not encounter the tide organization? Look at the

logo of the aircraft, we are the troops of Haiyin Burton!"

Xiao Yan is concentrating on the flight system. Hai Yin’s lips

suddenly landed on his lips and slipped along the lips and slits.
Xiao Yan subconsciously turned his face, and the constantly
changing system data was the beautiful eyelashes of the sea. He
was forced to accept the breath of the other party, and the aircraft
suddenly crashed at that moment.

Mark reached out to the cabin and slammed into Liv, meaning:
Who said that this guy driving technology is better than me?

However, Haiyin did not stop at all. It continued to deepen with

Xiaoyan. When the aircraft was about to hit a two- or
three-year-old ginkgo, it suddenly climbed high.

Xiao Yan’s heart was almost out of control, and Hai Yin finally
retreated from his mouth.
"Colonel! You..."

"You should learn to focus,

No matter what happens, even if a zombie has bitten your neck, as

a driver, you must be attentive. ”

There is no trace of the side of Hai Yin’s side, as if the feelings of

the past are just an illusion.

Xiao Yan yelled in his heart a "mother", he will not naively think
that the other party is just to teach him "concentration."

They flew over a whole desert and sailed towards the weathered
rocky terrain. This peculiar landform attracts Xiao Yan's attention,
and perhaps he will no longer have the opportunity to watch the
second time. The sun shines through the film, leaving a large
shadow, light and shadow

Suddenly, the system showed an abnormal situation in the rock.

Xiao Yan had not yet reacted. Hai Yin had already started the fire
control system, and several missiles were blown up.

At the moment the rock burst, the two aircraft flew out of the
rolling ash.

In an instant, Hai Yin’s troops entered a state of combat.

At the same time, Xiao Yan felt that something had entered his
operating system, which was a blocker!

"Less, concentrate on driving the aircraft."

Almost in an instant, all the burden of the two-person driving

system fell on Xiao Yan's body, and Hai Yin's thinking left the
body, invading the two engine deviations of the aircraft, and
began remote driving control.

Remote control requires extremely strong thinking skills, not to

mention two. Xiao Yan fully realized the power of Haiyin Burton.

At this time, the enemy aircraft attacked Xiao Yan.

He had to do his best to speed up, the aircraft shuttled between the
gaps of the mountains and rocks, using the raised rocks to block
the continuous attack of the other side.

"Use a fire control system, less."

Xiao Yan's thinking is constantly expanding and quickly reaching

the fire control system. It is very simple to issue an attack
command. He must also construct a strike angle in an instant.
Otherwise, the bombing and bombing is likely to hurt the
comrades behind them.
A laser missile was fired and a large piece of mountain rock was
blown up.

Mark held his eyes and expressed his regret for the deviation of
the shot.

But what he didn't expect was that an enemy aircraft was hit by
the fallen rock. Just the next moment, the second missile
penetrated the gravel and hit the target.

Liv snorted. "Don't look down on Xiao Yan. His brain is more
flexible than you."

Xiao Yan single-drives the dual system and manipulates the fire
control without training. If it is already a miracle, then Hai Yin
invades the remaining local aircraft in the case of the aircraft
under the remote control and makes it Crashed, this is simply God

The crashed aircraft door was slammed open and more than a
dozen zombies fled.

That is the variant that Major Gordon said!

Using the aircraft system to test their running speed, Xiao Yan
could not help but swear.

"Liv! You are driving the aircraft instead of me!"

"Yes, Colonel!"
After Liv entered the cockpit, Hai Yin jumped down.

"What does the colonel do!"

Xiao Yan suddenly got nervous.

"Don't worry, he just tried to test how bad the zombies were after
the mutation."

Sure enough, Hai Yin just landed, and those zombies rushed up.

Hai Yin pulled out a double-edged blade, lowered the center of

gravity, and instantly cut off the legs of the zombies, but after the
two zombies escaped, they attacked Hai Yin at the same time.

They are moving too fast, and Xiao Yan, who observes all of this,
can't help but feel a cold sweat.

At almost the same moment, the tips of the sharp edges were
pierced from their hindbrain, and the sea has once again refreshed
Xiao Yan's understanding of the limits of human response.

Hai Yin returned to the cockpit, palms over Xiao Yan's shoulders,
bowed his head, "Is it recorded?"

It was a low-pitched voice of extremeness and sensation. Xiao

Yan swallowed, "Yes, Colonel."

Through the previous records, it will become an important data to
analyze the patterns of these variant zombies.

"They have not yet reached the human intelligence." Xiao Yan
roughly browsed the battle screen and played it back slowly.
Although they can be attacked in an organized manner, the form
of attack is very similar to that of Xiao Yan's video playback at
the base station. Xiao Yan suspects that they must have received
some training before being released.

It is only a matter of one-fifth of the speed of light movement,

which is already quite destructive to the special mission forces.

Before sunset, the three teams led by Hai Yin returned to Charles.

It was only the armed forces on standby in the passage that made
Xiao Yan feel inexplicably depressed.

Just as he stepped out of the aircraft, the soldiers of the armed

forces quickly stepped forward and clasped his shoulders.

But they are not Xiao Yan's opponents, and they are easily opened
by Xiao Yan.

"What are you doing?"

"Less, we are ordered to **** you to the torture force."

"What? Your torture team is too urgent to wait!" Mark angered in
front of Xiao Yan.

Other special forces also showed their killings.

Haiyin Burton is like a special soldier standing at the peak of the

depths of thought. When the mountain nearly collapsed, Xiao
Yan’s x-2 saved their faith. Not to mention the x-2 study is also
significant for the entire task force.

The torture force is the least lovable of all branches of the

military, and even innocent soldiers will have a willingness to
retire after their review.

Haiyin Burton slowly came to Xiao Yan, "Lieutenant Aivil is

waiting for you, about the variant zombies."

"Coloton Burton! We are coming to take the command of Major

General Xiao Yan with the command of Major General..."

Hai Yin’s nephew looked cold and cold, and the soldier caught his
throat and couldn’t speak.

The special mission troops left, and the torture forces stood in the
passage and could not move for a long time.
In fact, on the way back, Xiao Yan is ready to be tortured. There
are no secrets in his brain that are unknown, except for the
extraordinary feelings of Hai Yin.

I haven't returned to the Central Academy of Sciences for a long

time, and it is much more deserted than it was a year ago. The
researcher also put on a new face.

This is the first time he has come to the office of Lieutenant

General Aiweier. Unlike the simplicity of the office of Major
General Gordon, the office of Lieutenant General Aivil is full of
the latest technology.

He sat quietly in the ocean of data and galloping, leaving a

glimmer of light on his face as the holographic screen flickered.

"Please sit down, Colonel Burton, Shaoyan Shao." Lieutenant

General Aivil's finger clicked in the air. The titanium flowing in
front of Xiao Yan instantly merged into a table, and the contact
officer took two cups of black tea and walked in. .

"We studied the information in the microchip left by Colonel

Burton. Because the physical fitness of each special soldier and
the activity of the x virus are different, there is a slight difference
in the x-2 virus they need. But these subtle differences determine
whether x-2 can replace the x virus in their body. Because of the
confidentiality of the research, only a few senior researchers have
entered the project. From your hijacking by the tide organization,
today you return to the Shire We have only completed the virus
ratio of Major Wenn and Major Ling."

"In fact, during this time, I also had a new idea."

"What idea?" Lieutenant General Aiwei turned his head and held
his chin.

"We can build patterns by quantification."

"But that requires very complicated calculations. Other

researchers say this is an impossible idea."

Xiao Yan blinked and tried to stop.

Lieutenant General Avil has narrowed his eyes. "You mean... can

"I just think that if the hard operation is done, the quantitative
contact required is really huge. But if there is a regularity, all our
quantitative data can be based on the x virus..."

It was at this time that the holographic video in front of

Lieutenant General Aivil opened.

"Hello, I am the Chief Liaison Officer of General Sharif."

The other party went up a military ceremony on the screen.

"Hello there."

Lieutenant General Avil has changed his sitting position.

"Admiral Sharif needs to talk to Colonel Burton."

"I know."

Ai Weier's gaze fell on Hai Yin's face through the holographic

image. The other party clearly heard the conversation, but did not
mean to get up.

What does General Sharif want to talk to Hai Yin?

Xiao Yan looked at the past curiously, but Hai Yin’s eyebrows
were as usual, yeah, to get any information from this guy’s face
like a fantasy.

"I will take care of Xiao Yan. You don't have to worry about
anything. He is a researcher at our Central Academy of Sciences."

At this time, Hai Yin got up. He looked at Xiao Yan and left the
office of Ai Weier.

"Xiao Yan..." Lieutenant General Aivil took a breath. "Now the

position of the Central Academy of Sciences and the special
mission forces is very embarrassing."

"Because Jane Wallis, and Kathy?"

"Yes. So the military does not allow anyone who might be a tidal
organization to infiltrate into the two most essential forces."
Lieutenant General Aivil called up the video and watched Hai Yin
walk out of the Central Academy of Sciences and boarded
General Sharif. He was sent to pick up his magnetic levitation car
and pressed a button on the screen.

"I know that you are almost as powerful as the special forces, but
you can't be an enemy of the entire Shire. Children, do you
understand? You have talents that no one else has, so they will
have hope for you, too. I am afraid of you."

The office door slipped open and the torture force dispatched an
entire squad with a gun to Xiao Yan.

"I understand, sir."

Lieutenant General Avil looked at the major who led the torture
force, frowning, and the general who was known for his wise and
refined style showed a sullen expression.

"It seems that the Major General hopes that he will not have the
ability to discipline his subordinates. He will show his weapons in
a lieutenant's office. Why, are you going to shoot me?"

"No, you! Please don't misunderstand! Xiao Yan's danger..."

"It’s Shaoyan Shaohao! And he doesn’t have any danger. I have
given my full trust and proud pride to your hands because of my
duties. Once there is any accident in the torture force of Shao Yan,
no matter what Or unintentionally, out of my duties, I will also
pay for the entire torture force."

Under the deterrent of Lieutenant General Aivil, they put away

their guns.

Xiao Yan left with the torture force.

When he was taken out of the Central Academy of Sciences,

many researchers stopped studying and came to the door, and
there was a lot of discussion.

"He is Shao Yan Shao! It is he who synthesized x-2!"

"I have heard that he has developed a degrading agent for the
biochemical weapons of the surge."

"But why is he still a minority?"

“It seems to be to avoid being noticed by the tide organization!”

"God, it’s a torture force! Are all the researchers who contribute
to it be persecuted?"

Xiao Yanzhen set his mind and told himself.

It doesn't matter, nothing is scared. His position has never
changed. Valentin’s so-called "eternal life" lies can not seduce
him, and there is no fear in his heart.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: you don't have
to worry, hope that the young general is a very handsome and
handsome man, he will become another teacher of Xiao Yan. Hai
Yin’s teaching method is too chilly and Spartan, and it is
necessary to teach Xiao Yan like a teacher who is so familiar with

Xiao Yan: Is there a tuition fee?

Major General: Give me a licking leg and shoulder tea to send


He was sent to a special magnetic levitation vehicle and arrived at

the headquarters of the torture force. Walking in the headquarters
of this unit, Xiao Yan found that it was not as cold and humid as
imagined. The light in the channel is also bright and warm, and
the air is a nerve soothing agent that can easily put down the alert.

Just the sign of the "interrogation room" on a cell passing by

reminded Xiao Yan that this is the darkest army in Shire, and
Mark even called Major General Xia as a "brain killer."
They did not bring Xiao Yan into any cell, but instead came to an
office at the bottom.

The liaison officer stood in front of the door and took a military
ceremony to Xiao Yan, then the sliding door slowly opened.

When Xiao Yan stood at the door, he couldn't help but hold it.

The warm colors are not dazzling, and are completely different
from the style of strict and self-disciplined in all military offices.
The soft parlor sofa, the rustic tea table, and even a small basin of
sun flower in front of the desk bloom in the most natural posture
under the artificial sunlight.

A figure in a military uniform is facing Xiao Yan. He seems to

have a mug in his hand. The scent of coffee spreads in this space.

This is the hope of Major General. At this time, Xiao Yan could
only see his dark brown short hair and his straight back. In
addition, he has very beautiful fingers, and he is comfortable with
the manner of the mug.

The soldiers stood by Xiao Yan and waited.

"This is not a trial of the prisoner. I just chatted with Xiao Yan
and you can go out."

"But you... Xiao Yan’s body has x virus in his body...”

"So he can forcefully and strongly break my head and shake it
away from Shire?"

Major General Xia finally turned around. His eyes are big and
bright, his gray-blue eyes are smiling, but he can feel that he is
not really laughing, it is just a formula expression. The sharpness
in the depths of the eyes seems to instantly see someone’s mind.

No secrets are in front of him.

He is the youngest "Hello" of Charles, a 31-year-old Major


All soldiers withdrew from the office after receiving the order.

Finally, only Xiao Yan and Xi Yu are left.

"You are totally different from what I imagined." Hee he touched

his chin and looked at Xiao Yan with a playful look.

"I am just an ordinary person."

"You mean the brain of 300 million megahertz? This is the brain
speed of Haiyin Burton. When he transferred from the Central
Academy of Sciences to the special mission force, it caused a

"I heard about it."

"The cause of the incident was the brain of Lieutenant General
Renault. I heard that his subconscious mind was dark and
boundless. Although Hai Yin successfully withdrew, Colonel
Shen Bing was irreversibly injured. Before Lieutenant Reynolds
was found to be in the tide group, It has also made an indelible
contribution to Charles."

"I understand." Xiao Yan swallowed.

"Don't be nervous, less envious. I didn't want to arrange this brain

torture in the interrogation room. I just don't want you to be
nervous. I will personally ask your brain to avoid disturbing your
thinking and ensuring your consciousness structure." Without any
damage. The human brain is a very delicate part, especially for
researchers like you, the more complex the thinking, the more
vulnerable it is."

"Thank you, sir."

He hopes to use "inquiry" instead of "torture". Although he has to

do the same thing, it has completely different meanings for Xiao

"I will ask my adjutant to be the monitor of this inquiry. I will

retreat if there is any discomfort in your signs."

"I understand, sir."

Ten minutes later, everything was ready, Xiao Yan was injected
with a nerve stabilizer, in order to keep him soothing and reduce
the rejection of the inquirer.

Xiao Yan and Xi Yu's neurons docked, and hoped to enter Xiao
Yan's outer edge of consciousness.

At this time, Hai Yin walked into a very solemn office. A white
man with two whites was sitting down on the sofa and playing

Elegant five senses, although the wind and frost spread on the
man's eyebrows, but still can feel his extraordinary momentum
and demeanor.

"Hello." Hai Yin tightened his back and gave him a military
salute. Then he put his hands behind his back and looked intently
at the front.

"There is no one here, you can call my father."

General Sharif raised his head and the military’s tough eyes

Hai Yin is silent.

"I haven’t played chess with you for a long time. The last time it
seems to be when you were ten years old."
Hai Yin still did not speak.

"When I heard that you were in trouble, I begged Ai Weier to save

you. I regret not doing everything to stop you from entering the
special mission."

"I have never regretted it, sir."

Hai Yin’s gaze is not fluctuating. His facial features are similar to
that of General Sharif. It’s just a little more beautiful and elegant.

"I am very grateful to the young researcher, but we are soldiers,

and reason is always above emotion."

"You deliberately led me here, and you handed him over to the
torture force."

"Sorry, child. I have to do this. The army is not allowed to have a

second Reynolds."

"Hypomorphic liar. You said that you thanked him for saving me,
but you can't even remember his name. In addition, he will never
be the second Renault, because he never dismissed the so-called
'eternal life'."

After that, Hai Yin quickly left Sharif’s office.

Sharif closed his eyes and pressed his forehead. "This kid..."
The liaison officer came in. "You, you don't need to close the
passage to stop the colonel!"

"No, let him go. I have to make sure that the young man has no
connection with the tidal organization, otherwise the sea that pays
full trust to him will be hurt, and no virus can heal this damage."

At this time, Major General Xia has entered the troposphere of

Xiao Yan's thinking.

This is an extremely vast space. The collection of various data is

intertwined with the ocean currents. This shows that Xiao Yan's
thinking is not only logical but also very holistic, and most of the
memory fragments are reflected here.

"I have entered your mind, Xiao Yan is a sly, please stay relaxed.
Now we start to ask. The first question is a test question. About
your impression of your father."

At this time, the memory segment that Xi Xi interpret was a child

lying in bed, and his father explained various kinds of marine life
to him. It was a gentle middle-aged man with a very desirable

“Very good, memory presentation is normal. The second test

question, your ideal object.”
The middle-aged man in front of him hopes to become a beautiful
and **** blonde woman. She is also wearing the uniform of the
Academia Sinica. The skirts under the semi-open skirt are
attractive legs, swaying when walking, and the smile is very

"I have to say, Lieutenant, your taste is very good. The last test
question, you first saw Colonel Burton."

I hope that I was suddenly imprisoned in a closed space. Through

the window of the cabin, I saw the special forces who killed the
zombies. The figure of Haiyin Burton flashed past, but it was only
that moment, smooth. The quick movements are so clear that even
the pair of cool and full of killing eyes seem to be immersed in
the situation, and hope that the major will even have the illusion
that they will be beheaded.

"It seems that Lieutenant has a deep memory of Colonel Burton.

The three test questions responded normally. I will ask you below,
Xiao Yan, I ask your question no matter how private, I hope you
can be like a book spread out. Frankly, anything I see here, as
long as it is not related to the tidal organization, I will not tell the
third person to know. Please tell me all the details when you are
confronted with the raging of the tidal organization and nowhere
to go."
Major General hopes that the chin will feel cold for a moment,
and the ear is a desperate but firm heartbeat after making up his

No matter what happens, these guys can't get my guy out of my

head! I will only think about the problem I want to think forever!
If my brain will become a weapon that hurts the sea, I choose to
end it!

At the moment of the trigger, the heart of the Major General was
brought up, but Jane Wallis stopped him.

It is the first time that Major General hopes to give thanks in the
process of inquiring, otherwise the fool researcher will really
collapse his head.

"Tell me, Shao Yan, what happened after you were taken away by
the tide organization."

All the conversations he was in when he was in a tidal

organization were untouched, including Jane Wallis's lure to him,
including some restrictive images. If it weren't for Xiao Yan,
Major General hopes that he will not have the chance to feel the
kiss of Jane Wallis in his life.

Although affiliated with different units, he hoped that he had

never heard of a simple and unrelenting life.
He knows how to make the other person's heart and mind, how to
set off a wave in a calm mood. From the kiss to the tip of the
tongue, the squatting is fine. For the first time, he hoped to cheer
for his psychological quality, and his face was not red-hearted and
skipped everything.

The real highlight is the appearance of Valentin. This is the first

time in more than two hundred years that Charles has intuitively
realized what the behind-the-scenes of the tide organization is. All
the words that Valentin said to Xiao Yan were completely
recorded. This is very important news for Charles.

"Liao Yan Li Yan, candidly tell me that you have considered

whether to join his research after Valentin tells you that the comet
virus will bring eternal life."

This is the most critical issue. No one can lie in this world.

What Major General hopes to see is a young man who has

desperately jumped from the aircraft without hesitation.

His mind is carnival in the wind of hunting.

Ha - I am out! I am free! You are a bunch of shit!

Even then he was heading to the ground. It was followed by Jane

Wallis's picture of him jumping down. Xiao Yan’s chance to get
rid of Jane was actually a group of zombies, but he was not
attacked by this group of zombies.

"Less, you have to tell me why the zombies turn a blind eye to

Because Xiao Yan had synthesized a "marked virus" with a

playful attitude when he was trained at the special mission
headquarters, this virus made the zombies lose recognition ability.
After Xue Lun's demotion, Xiao Yan completed the research of
this virus. The virus "Shelren" has stabilized. At that moment,
Major General hoped to suppress his surprise. If his mood swings
too much, it will affect Xiao Yan's thinking.

At this moment, he fully understands why Major General Gordon

and Aivil will be so concerned about this young ensign.

"Less, I will enter your subconscious. Please do not make any

aggressive rejection to me, I guarantee that this inquiry will soon

Major General hopes that this young man will have complete trust
and no resistance to himself, and that only accepting this attitude
will ensure that his brain will not be harmed. Major General
hopes to cross the troposphere of consciousness and enter the
subconscious of Xiao Yan.
He must admit that Xiao Yan once again exceeded his
imagination. The softness and calm of this young man's

Unlike all of his interrogated people, Xiao Yan's subconscious is

broad and bright, soft sand, and comfortable under his feet.
However, as an experienced expert in torture, he hopes that he can
never have his own thinking in the subconscious of others, so that
he will be easily killed. He slowly spreads out and turns into a
soft sand that melts into this special world.

Here is Xiao Yan's most precious memory, and hope that the
Major General will have to admit that he has lost a moment.
Because from Xiao Yan's eyes, he felt the madness and
perseverance of Hai Yin, and even produced the illusion that he
was also encroached by this memory.

At that moment, everything suddenly collapsed, the water on the

top of the head seemed to disappear by the evaporation of the sun,
and the soft sand gradually lost its luster. When the great general
thought that he would encounter Xiao Yan’s subconscious mind,
he realized that he had left. Xiao Yan's subconscious.

"what happened?"

Major General hopes to turn to his adjutant. This is not Xiao Yan's
rejection of him, as if Xiao Yan's consciousness suddenly
disappeared. The first reaction of the hope is that the system is

"Xiao Yan's neuron has not responded!"

"What?" Major General Xia took off the connector and came to
the adjutant.

All the test data on brain activity on the holographic screen are all

“Is the system disconnected from Xiao Yan’s brain?”

"No... it's his brain... stop thinking..." The adjutant looked at him
with a look.

"Let's get out!" Major General Xia opened the adjutant, constantly
testing the system, repeatedly trying to dock with Xiao Yan's
neurons, but there was no response. "The dose of the nerve
stabilizer you injected him has no problem!"

"Hello, you have to say twice that this trial must be very cautious!
So we checked the stabilizer three times!"

"So what is going on now?" Major General Xi Zhi thought for a

moment, "ready to wake up thinking!"

The adjutant adjusts the neurological intervention mode and

micro-stimulates Xiao Yan's brain. The weak to almost no current
can inactivate the brain through some subtle positions, such as
vegetative awakening.

But Xiao Yan still has no response.

"What the **** is going on?" The adjutant's back was cold.

They used all the neuron wake-up methods, and Xiao Yan's brain
data is still close to zero.

"In addition to maintaining the most basic breathing of his body,

his brain has no signs of thinking at all!" The adjutant
encountered this situation for the first time. The general human
brain, even in the case of deep anesthesia, may not be
unresponsive. The current situation is almost equal to Xiao Yan's
brain suddenly disappearing. But the brain scan shows that his
brain is clearly on the screen.

"What the **** is going on..." Major General hopes to hold down
his head. "I have been careful not to touch all the sensitive
information to reduce his subconscious resistance... there is no
possibility of hurting him. Even nerve stabilizers are no

The adjutant swallowed, "Hello...we..."

"Notify the medical force to come quickly! If you drag it down,

he may have respiratory failure, that is not what we can control!"
When Hai Yin arrived at the torture force, he saw the medical unit
carrying the isolator into the aircraft. Hai Yin’s body swayed
inexplicably, and then rushed up at the moment the hatch closed.

"Burton... Colonel Burton..." The medical unit responsible for the

ambulance showed a surprised expression.

"How is Xiao Yan's situation?"

After learning that Xiao Yan’s brain completely lost its thinking
swing, Hai Yin was silent. The entire space was extremely
depressed, and several medical soldiers even produced the
illusion of lack of oxygen.

The news quickly spread to Major General Gordon and

Lieutenant General Aiwei. After half an hour, they came to the
office of General Sharif.

Major General hopes to stand at Sharif’s desk to report all the


"Mr. Hope, you are sure that you have not found any information
on the rebellion or shake in the brain of Shao Yan?"

"Hello, I am sure not."

Major General hopes that Jane Wallis has no scorn for Xiao Yan,
because Sharif asked Xiao Yan's position rather than what Jane
Wallis did.

"Then you have to give everyone a reasonable explanation."

Sharif's gaze crossed the shoulders of hope, behind him was the
sneer of Major General Gordon and the icy Lieutenant General

Major General hopes that the face of the Major General has not
changed in any way, and reports in a calm tone. "Hello, I am sure
that my inquiry has not caused any harm to Xiao Yan's brain."

"But he can't wake up now, hope, any mistakes in the link may
cause harm to him. This is why I have always disapproved of
handing him over to the torture force! Then I also helped you to
transfer the sea. Burton! Now I don't know how to face the
Central Academy of Sciences and I don't know how to face
special missions! Xiao Yan is not a simple researcher! He not
only saved Colonel Burton but also gave hope to the entire special
mission! Today he I’m even talking to me about how to build a
model for the x-2 ratio. Once this model is successful...not just
the existing special forces, there will be more young people
voluntarily joining the unit!”
Major Gordon did not speak because Aivil had already said
everything he wanted to say.

Sharif hung down his eyes and said for a long time: "I believe that
Major General Xia has no problems in the inquiry to Shao Yan's

"What?" Major General Gordon was picked up by Ai Wei before

he rushed up. "He may be just a lieutenant, but he has developed a
potion for the special forces chemical weapons! How many
special forces he saved! He saved the boss." Colonel Hayden
Burton is like a belief in the special forces. If he died, what effect
will it have! This young man can go to the present, although it is
not my personal training, but the entire special task force looks at
him. Grow up! You feel that it is incredible to escape from the
tide organization, so you suspect that he thinks he is dead in the
tide is the most normal result!"

"The Major General!" General Sharif's voice sank.

Ayville buckled the waist of Major General Gordon and took him
out of the office. "You need fresh air to calm down."

Sharif exhaled, "a little enemies... set off such a big wave. But
now we need him to wake up completely, we need him, not just
the special mission force or the Central Academy of Sciences."
"I am sorry, sir."

"You don't need to be sorry, you just exercise your duties."

"No... Major General Gordon is telling the truth. Shao Yan has a
very agile brain... maybe there are some things that he can only

"Now we can only pray in the heart, hope that the medical force
can wake him up."

At this time, the medical team is conducting a comprehensive

inspection of Xiao Yan. None of his internal organs received any
damage, and the brain found no lesions at all.

Hai Yin stood in front of the isolator and watched Xiao Yan

He is like falling asleep, doing a sweet dream in another

untouchable world.

Hai Yin's palm is covered on the glass and slowly clenched into a

"I need Xiao Yan's blood sample."


All the medical personnel were too busy, but in fact there was no
Hai Yin directly pressed a button on the holographic screen, Xiao
Yan's blood sample was taken, and Hai Yin took a small tube of
blood to quickly walk away.

He came to the Central Academy of Sciences and walked through

rows of research labs. All the researchers on the way felt a strong
low pressure and consciously against the wall to avoid the man
who seemed to be unable to control at any time.

Lieutenant General Avil's office was almost opened, and the

liaison officer was shocked by a big jump and pressed the alarm.

"Coloton Burton... I am sorry..."

"You really should be sorry, but I will not screw your head down
for the time being."

The liaison officer heard the threatening words more tense, and
Lieutenant General Aivil gestured to the liaison officer to leave

"So what is the reason my head is still on the shoulder?"

"I want to make sure that Jane Wallis gave Xiao Yan the x virus."

Hai Yin sent Xiao Yan's blood sample to the front of Lieutenant
General Ai Weier.

The other person’s eyes narrowed and he immediately got up.

He personally analyzed this.

"This is indeed the x virus, but it is not exactly the x virus. It adds
a virus suffix to the x virus. The virus suffix is ​also the main way
to add additional functionality to the virus. If the calculation of
the virus dna is ingenious, Can make the x virus attack a certain
function of the human body, such as cell hematopoiesis, heart
valve, bones and even..."

The author has something to say: Major General Xia: Give me tea
soon! Worship me as a teacher!

Xiao Yan: What is good for you as a teacher? You also took my
brain down!

Hope: It’s a virus, not me! Why, don't want to learn how to invade
the brain of Hai Yin? I can teach you shortcuts!

Xiao Yan: Decisive tea! 2k novel reading network

"Even even shutting down the brain's thinking function." Hai Yin
is already clear.

"Yes. Strictly speaking, Xiao Yan's brain is not stopped now, but
he is no longer thinking."

"So remove this suffix."

"Hai Yin! You used to be a student of the Central Academy of
Sciences! Don't you understand what kind of virus is it? Once it
enters the human body... it is like a part of the human body! No
matter who made the virus, his purpose is Not a host to kill the
virus, so there must be anti-viral agents on his hands! Only this
thing can make Xiao Yan wake up. It is not terrible to lose
thinking ability, but we can't estimate the termination of this
neuron to his brain. What kind of damage is produced. So you
must find the virus maker as soon as possible."

"Jane Wallis."

Lieutenant General Aiwei pressed his forehead. "I heard the

report of hope in General Sharif. Jane Wallis left the tide with
Kesi, and they also became the target of the tide. Jane Wallis is
The ideal body of the leader of the tidal organization, Valentin.
We will not find him so easily."

Hai Yin suddenly turned around.

"Where are you going? Haiyin!"

"Interpretation of the army."

In fact, since Xiao Yan lost consciousness, hopes have been

constantly reviewing his true inquiry process. He wants to know
where he has made a mistake, and what is causing everything

He admitted that he was not willing, because he still remembers

how Xiao Yan brought him. His fingers swept over the waves,
and he teased the hermit crabs in the bottle, and even the little
wildflowers in his eyes had a unique charm. No one has seen the
world like Xiao Yan. All the neglected things are magnified in his
eyes until you find out that this is such an interesting or such
wonderful thing.

He hopes that this young ensign will wake up.

At this time, several armed soldiers of the torture force were

thrown in and slammed under his feet.

He hoped to get up, no need to look up, he also guessed who the
other party is.

"Coloton Burton."

The fallen soldiers climbed up to guard the side of Greece.

"I have to find the location of Jane Wallis."

"So you want to interrogate the witch Claire. But the last time you
tortured her brain hurt her nerves, I don't think she has the ability
to accept your second torture."
"You came to interrogate her, not me."

Hope lowered his head and his fingers kept stroking the edge of
the cup.

"If you get the answer you want from her, can you wake up Xiao


Hope couldn't help but say that he and Hai Yin came to Claire's

"Open the lights, don't you think it's too dark here? This is not
good for mental health."

I hope to sit down gracefully in front of Claire.

This is not the first time he has interrogated Claire. Every time he
is about to approach the answer, the woman will kill him
violently, and he always withdraws from her thinking when she is
in the first round. Hope is the only neuron in all the people who
have been tortured by Claire has not been damaged.

Claire raised his eyes and looked at the eyes of hopes filled with
disgust and impatience. Although this guy didn't leave much
room like Hein Burton, his squadrons took a lot of time and
pulled a lot from Claire's mind. Useful information.
The difference between torture and inquiry is that when the
torture is conducted, the torture expert will create a series of
hallucinations in the mind of the tortured person to torture the
other party's heart. The inquiry is just an ordinary question and
answer. The inquirer makes judgments based on the memory
naturally emerging by the inquirer. This requires the cooperation
of the inquirer to achieve the goal.

"I know how much you hate me, and I don't like you very much.
Your brain is not a beautiful place. But if you cooperate, I can
leave your brain earlier."

The aide's adjutant injected double the stabilizer for Claire and
began to monitor the signs.

The two neurons were calibrated, and this time they hoped to
spend almost half a day on Claire's thinking edge, which made
Claire's defenses more and more exhausted, and hoped that the
Claire thinking troposphere did not get too much resistance.

This is to try not to destroy Claire's consciousness before getting

useful information.

As hopes continue to deepen, Claire really began to resist, at this

time Valentin's image appeared in Claire's mind.

"Do you know, my child, you made too many mistakes."


At the moment when Claire’s consciousness paused, he hoped to

enter Claire’s subconscious mind.

Bloody in the darkness means strong. From time to time, she

hopes to resolve all the killing training that Claire has accepted.
She does not grow up in a normal environment. What she
cherishes is that she endures all her companions in hell.

Just as Claire's subconscious layer squashed against the existence

of hope, Jane Wallis's image appeared in the meantime.

Claire instinctively thought that this image was an illusion, and

everything around it became a simple room.

Jane lay on her bed with a book on her face.

“Hey, I just like these old things. The feeling of holding a book is
much better than the terminal system.”

Claire stepped forward and sat down next to Jane.

"Why I will be here..."

"This is why you come to my room." Jane rolled over lazily.

"It's good... I can still see you." Claire slid down tiredly next to
"Oh, forget to tell you, Valentin is preparing to take my body."

"……what should we do?"

"Well... I and Kathy and Jerry are ready to leave here. Your

"Of course it is with you! Only you are my family."

"But where are we going? We can't let Valentin find it, it's too
much trouble."

"There is a place called Tahiti..." Claire closed his eyes and eased.
"I heard that the pearls there are beautiful..."

"Ah, you can have a bunch of jewelry and dress yourself like an
ordinary woman."

As Claire's subconscious mind gradually sinks, he hopes that he

can't continue, or her consciousness will be even worse if it

Fortunately, he got a lot of information about Jane and Valentin

from Xiao Yan's memory, otherwise he really didn't know how to
set a trap for Claire.

When he left the interrogation room, he saw Hai Yin holding his
arm against the wall.

"Tahiti. You can try to find Jane Wallis there."

Hai Yin immediately left Shire, and the aircraft waited for a long
time outside the headquarters of the Interrogation Force. He
hoped that the Major General would sigh for the action of Hai
Yin. In addition to Liv and Mark, he followed the troops of Major

"Look at Xiao Yan for me." Hai Yin pulled the collar of Maya.

Maya nodded. "Reassured, he is my brother."

Shire’s medical force was on the alert, and on the night of the day,
Admiral Sharif personally came to Xiao Yan’s ward. Outside the
ward, there was a face of Major Maa, and the ward was in the
head. Lieutenant General Aiwei, who is very upset.

"Your!" When Aivil woke up, Admiral Sharif had already arrived
in front of the isolator.

He leaned slightly over his face and looked at Xiao Yan, who was
very eye-catching.

"It is this young man who makes Hai Yin out of control."

Ai Wei was nervous, and he was not sure what the words of
General Sharif were. The news that Hai Yin led a special forces
squad to leave Shire should have been passed into the ears of
Colonel Sharif. Almost only the upper class of the military knows
that Hein Burton is the only son of Admiral Sharif. Hai Yin’s
military strength and ability were taken as major generals, but Hai
Yin refused to promote.

"But I am very grateful to him. He makes Hein... looks like an

ordinary person. For the first time, I feel that Hai Yin has the
willingness to do what I want."

"Hello..." Avil was relieved.

“I remember that there are three important research projects under

the name of this young man.”

"Yes, the first is for the study of tidal biochemical weapons, the
project has ended. The second is about the study of labeled
viruses. Although the project is not finished, according to the
report of Major General Xia Yan, Shao Yan gave him a labeled
virus. And played a very important role in the process of escaping
from the tidal tissue. The third is x-2. For a single individual,
Xiao Yan has also succeeded. The problem now is to conduct a
universal synthesis study of the virus. Once successful, the special
mission force will be greatly expanded, which will play a decisive
role in the clean-up of the wall and the pursuit of the tide

"So it is ironic, he is only a minor."

"We just want to protect him."

"Now no need, almost the entire military knows that there is a
genius in the Central Academy of Sciences. You are right, we
need hope, whether it is for the special task force that treats each
day as the last day or the Central Academy of Sciences. If he
wakes up, he will be appointed as a major. He deserves the
respect of everyone."

"Your Mightiness……"

"Do you think the rank of the major is too low? But I don't want
this child to fly into the sky. If he climbs too fast, it will be easy to
forget who he is."

Sharif smiled and got up and left.

Ai Wei looked at Sharif’s back and sighed deeply.

"Are you worried? Casey is now with Jane Wallis. Hein will be
against Jane, and it is likely to be in direct conflict with Casey."
Major General Gordon did not know when he came to Ai Weier.

"At this moment, I still believe in Casey. This child always wants
to prove something in front of me. Especially my trust in him."
Aiwei slowly turned around and leaned against the wall to
examine Gordon. Major General, "So you, Gordon. Are you still
confident about Jane Wallis as always? You lend him to Xiao Yan,
but the result now shows that he has betrayed you more than 90%.

"I have never had 100% trust in Jane Wallis, and even 60%. I only
trust a little. He wants to subvert the tide more than I do."

"Then we will wait and see, for the virus in Xiao Yan, what is his

The aircraft of the special mission unit arrived over the South
Pacific Ocean an hour later.

"Goal is determined, Tahiti."

Underneath they are islands like sea pearls.

Major Ling Xiao ordered the scan and the system found an
underground building. Ling Xiao led his team members to land.

"Hey, do you say Jane Wallis is really in that underground base?

Follow him, Kathy! Maybe they will release chemical weapons in
the base..." Mark looked at this beautiful Tropical islands, hidden
under the calm natural scenery.

"You and Lifu are standing by in the air."

Hai Yin came to the front of the hatch.

"Head!" Liv grabbed Hai Yin. "I don't believe in Major Ling
Xiao! After all, he used to be the subordinate of Jane Wallis!"
"He passed the hope of the hope."

After that, Hai Yin stepped out of the cabin and fell straight down.
When the rope pulled up to the limit, he landed on the beach of
the island.

“The head chose the wrong landing point?” Mark watched Hai
Yin walk on the beach without hesitation.

"He never missed."

At this time, Major Ling Xiao blew the entrance of the

underground base with his subordinates. When he entered, he
found that it was empty.

"Jane Wallis! You get out of me - Jane Wallis!"

It was at this time that something was projected on the dark wall.

Jane Wallis was lazy to the face of the flat and projected on the

"Hey, let me guess..." Jane's palms are in the same position, and
the fingertips are on the lips. "It shouldn't be the colonel of
Burton, who is known for his calmness, but my old man."

Ling Xiao looked up and squinted, only to notice that on the

opposite side of the wall, there seems to be a machine running,
which emits light to form an image on the wall.
"I like all the retro things, including this stuff. Two hundred years
ago, people called it a projector. Very good, right. Ling Xiao, I
know because you have been questioned by the military, which
has hurt you as a soldier. Dignity, but if it weren't for me, you
may not have the experience of being tortured in your life. This is
a unique experience."

Jane Wallis has a look like "You have to thank me."

Ling Xiao instantaneously gnashed his teeth and raised his blade
to the projector.

"Hey! This is an antique! Don't destroy him."

Jane is anticipating the response of Ling Xiao, the more angry

Ling Xiao is, the projector is pierced by the blade, and it is

At this time, the seaweed walking on the beach, reaching out and
looking at the expressionlessly, the sunlight penetrated from the
fingers to leave a shadow on the gravel.

In the distance, a man lies under the palm tree towards the sea.

It is Jane Wallis.

“I didn’t quite understand why Xiao Yan liked to lie on the beach
and basking in the sun, and didn’t do anything to be lazy.”
Jane’s long voice and the sound of the waves sounded.

"Give me an antiviral agent."

The coldness in the eyes of Hai Yin and the warm sea breeze here
seem to be two worlds.

"You know that every time he comes back to me, I feel very
distressed, because he always burns himself. On the arm, the red
part of the leg. I have to be careful and very careful to rub the
medicine on his skin. Otherwise, he will frown, even if he hurts,
he will not tell me."

Jane propped up his upper body and patted the gravel on his palm
against the palm tree.

"I don't want to hear you nonsense."

"Don't be like this, Colonel Burton. We used to talk about it when

we were still in the same army. There are even so many people
who see me as your successor. Of course, since you accepted x-2,
I am this. The successor is obviously much more."

"It's all your trap. Your goal is not Xiao Yan, but the tide."

"Ah, it seems that Major General Gordon said everything to you. I

tried my best to take Xiao Yan away from Shire, just to borrow
the speed of his brain to deal with Valentin Sheehan. But did not
think of the injection. Xiao Yan’s x virus was moved by Valentin."

"If you don't have antiviral agents on your hands, tell me where
Valentin is."

Jane did not answer the question of Hai Yin, but lazily threw
another question: "Why do you know that I am not at the
underground base, but at the seaside?"

He stepped forward and came to the sun.

His sloppy contrasts with Hai Yan's cold and unshakeable, as if

two extremes.

"Because Xiao Yan likes the sea. And Charl is underground, you
have been in the ground for too long, and you are not willing to
see the daylight."

"You really know me."

Jane chuckled, at that moment, Hai Yin's figure suddenly came to

him, the sharp edge split the daylight, touched the moment of the
neck skin, the smiling man turned a clever incredible turn,
escaped the attack, And his action of pulling out the leg daggers
was almost as fast as the sight of the followers. When the tip of
the dagger was about to reach the back neck of Shanghai Yin, Hai
Yin suddenly turned back and slammed, only to hear the sharp
metal impact, Hai Yin's sharp edge blocked in front of Jane's

"Ah, x-2 makes you a lot more healthy than before." Jane touched
his chin. "It is a masterpiece of Xiao Yan."

A shadow shrouded them, even if he didn't have to look up, he

knew that his head was an aircraft, a silent engine, and a look at
Casey's masterpiece.

"You won't want him to sleep forever." Hai Yin's voice was cold
and cold under the scorching sun.

"Yes, I don't want to. So Haiyin Burton, I don't need you to pay
too much, I just have one thing. Your blood."

Jane threw a blood sample container to the other side, and Hai
Yin seized it steadily.

"Xiao Yan is very stubborn. He will not disclose his research to

anyone, even if he has been a friend of Kathy for many years. We
need x-2, just give Casey the opportunity to study your blood
sample. Rest assured, we have no plans. Going to Shire to make a
mess of things."

Hai Yin's blade is drawn in the palm of his hand, and blood flows
down the container into the bottom. He threw it back to Jane.
“Thank you for your sponsorship, I believe we have a lot to work

With a simple finger press, the rope slammed into the sky and
connected to the aircraft. As he rose to the height that Hai Yin
could not reach, a glass bottle fell.

"I miss him very much." Jane paused in the air, and the hair was
pulled by the wind. "Protect him. I don't want to regret returning
him to Charles."

Hai Yin reached out and did not move half a step, and firmly
grasped the glass bottle.

Jane’s aircraft was just about to leave, and Ling’s troops chased it

It was a violent bombing at sea, and five or six missiles were


Hai Yin returned to the cockpit indifferently.

"Head! Are we also going to hunt down Jane Wallis?" Mark asked
aloud, seeing Jane Wallis could not help but hate the teeth, and
would like to send him an atomic bomb.

"Covering Major Ling."

Although Mark did not understand Hai Yin’s orders, he never

They followed the three aircraft of Major Leo.

Sure enough, when Jane’s aircraft made a rapid maneuver, it

finally fired a missile.

However, the missile suddenly disintegrated in the air and became

a group of small missiles with extremely fast speeds. The targets
were scattered in different directions, but the targets were directed
at the three aircraft.

Almost at the same time, Haiyin’s aircraft suddenly came to the

top of the sky, continuously launching a row of missiles in front
of the aircraft of Ling Xiao, the accuracy of the shooting was
staggering, the small missiles in the row were completely hit and
exploded in the sky. Come.

"Hey--" Casey in the cockpit made a cry of surprise.

"Look at Colonel Burton, you will suffer." Jane smiled and licked
Kathy's head.

Kathy instantly increased the engine power, flying at twice the

speed of the ordinary aircraft, and the air fluctuations during
acceleration even pushed the chasing aircraft away from the
In this way, Jane Wallis disappeared beyond the scope of the

"Mom!" Ling Xiao’s fist almost opened the hatch.

"Returning." Hai Yinli landed the order.

"Coloton Burton, we may not have the chance to lock Jane Wallis
in the future." The voice in the contactor was extremely

"You still have a long time in the future."

This sentence of Hai Yin is very meaningful. Ling Xiao and Wen
En are the first special forces to accept x-2 in special missions
except Hai Yin.

At this time, Jane, holding her chin with one hand, looked at the
blue sea outside the window.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I want Xiao Yan." Without a cynical expression, Jane's side face
was even a bit lonely.

Kathy gave him a blank look.

"I don't even know how you would like him."

"Isn't this all your fault?"

"My fault? Who do you like, what about me?"

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: When the
article ends, I will say that I am going downstairs to buy a
steamed buns, and then much the same as the other, lost!

"You transferred Xiao Yan to his own research lab. If not, I have
no chance to see him."

"There are a lot of researchers in my lab! They are rarely touched

by you. On the contrary, Xiao Yan is the only one who has never
wavered to comfort me!" Casey almost smashed out.

"Yeah... I should be on him in Charles." Jane looked blank.

"If you want to go to him now, I can send you to Charles."

"You don't need to worry so much, we will definitely see each

other again."

"Oh, Jane."


"He is not for you. Everything in this world can do whatever you
want, even your survival and death. But Xiao Yan can't."

"Not that he is not suitable for me, but that I am not suitable for
him. So I will not do stupid things." Jane slowly closed his eyes.
"What stupid thing?"

"For example, like Valentine, thinking that subverting the world

will get the results you want. Even if everything turns over, my
impression in Xiao Yan's mind is not likely to be square."

"You have a self-knowledge." Kathy snorted and did not go too


The antiviral agent was sent back to Charles, and the medical
soldier injected the drug into Xiao Yan while confirming the
safety. Throughout the process, not only Ai Weier and Gordon,
but also hope to observe Xiao Yan's brain movements.

As the drug pushes into Xiao Yan's body, under the breath of
everyone's breath, Xiao Yan's neuron information feedback marks
the holographic screen and slowly becomes active.

He whispered softly and turned away.

Major General hopes to stand in front of the screen and chuckle.

"This guy is dreaming, this is a sign of subconscious activity."

Gordon and Aivil looked at each other and breathed out.

The medical unit said that Xiao Yan’s various signs were normal,
and now he only needs to wait for him to wake up and leave.
Ai Wei personally tested Xiao Yan's blood and found that the
virus suffix that affects brain thinking ability is gradually peeling
off. Xiao Yan was also transferred from the isolation ward to the
ordinary room.

"This antiviral agent was developed by Casey. Does this make

you happy?" Major General Gordon twitched his lips, and if he
had a deep smile in his smile.

"Jane Wallis escaped again. You only feel happy when you know
where he is going. The tide will spare no effort to hunt down
Jane. He has become a great bait, and you only need to wait for
Valentine. En appeared."

"This is either an opportunity or a disaster." Gordon laughed at

himself. "But to survive, it may be necessary to be desperate."

Xiao Yan, who had slept fully, finally licked his mouth and
opened his eyes.

He felt someone lying next to him, his arms around his neck, and
his back in a solid, warm place, his fingers slowly and tirelessly
stroking his forehead.

Xiao Yan moved lazily and opened his eyes.

The powerful chin line in front of him makes Xiao Yan slightly
This... is a man.

When Xiao Yan saw clearly who the other person was, the whole
body cell shuddered and almost fell from the bed, but fortunately
the other party grabbed himself.

"Bo... Colonel Burton!"

what happened! How can you lie with Colonel Burton?

"You are awake. Is there any discomfort?"

Xiao Yan discovered that this is not his own room. It is too simple
and has no life. The medical soldiers who are coming to let Xiao
Yan realize that this is a medical force.

Hai Yin was lying on the side of her uniform on the side of the
military uniform. She was holding Xiao Yan's posture as if to
squeeze him into her chest. Xiao Yan's breathing was in the

What is the status of this? Did you get crushed on your shoulders
or twist your arm? How does he feel that he is more like being
hurt by his head?

A major of the medical unit came to Xiao Yan, conducted a series

of inspections on him, and even asked him to do a few test
questions. It is obvious that Xiao Yan’s answer made them very

"These are all thinking questions about logical ability, spatial

ability, and reasoning ability. I want to ask... What happened?"

At this time, Hai Yin was still sitting on the side of her bed. She
saw the elegant eyebrows of the other side, but the fingers with
absolute strength came to her face, and almost gently swept his
bangs. Xiao Yan even beat his heartbeat. Live, for fear of being
careless, the other party will break his arm.

Finally, Major Stevenson, who was responsible for the treatment

of Xiao Yan, explained the ins and outs of the matter for him, but
Xiao Yan still looked like a blank look.

"You said... I was taken away by Jane Wallis? Jane Wallis is the
undercover of the tide? Even Kathy is..."

Xiao Yan was in the same place. He still remembered that he and
Kathy were playing in the central square. With the deep
excavation of memory, Xiao Yan’s mind flashed himself sitting in
a corner, and his heart was full of vigilance. Jane Wallis came to
him in front of him and injected him with the x-virus. This
cut-and-off couldn't be connected. Everything broke into sand,
and the more he tried to sort out the clutter, the more messy he
The people around me swayed, one hand on the waist side of
Xiao Yan, the other hand holding Xiao Yan's cheek, the warm
breath pulling Xiao Yan's thoughts, "Remember my name."

"...Hayin Burton..."

In the next moment, he felt that the other person touched his lips,
and the tip of his tongue could not be refused to squeeze into his
lips. A very thorough kiss made Xiao Yan's eyes wide open. The
other party's kiss is getting deeper and deeper, and Xiao Yan's
thinking is swept away. Suddenly, there was a picture of himself
being crushed on the sofa, and the violent collision, madly almost
killed his in and out, fear intrusion, Xiao Yan suddenly struggled.

He slammed on the shoulders of Hai Yin, and the body reacted

naturally, holding the other's shoulders, lifting his legs and trying
to suppress it, but he was firmly pressed back to the bed by Hai

Hai Yin left his lips and watched his eyes look similar to the eyes
in his memory.

"Why... why..." Xiao Yan opened his mouth. At that moment, his
shoulders were slammed into the heart by the pain of the sea, and
Xiao Yan almost shrank to the edge of the bed. One point is going
to fall.
The face of Hai Yin’s face is slightly past, and the meaning of the
shift of sight seems to cut Xiao Yan’s thinking.

"what why'."

Of course why are you here! How much do you hate me, I still
remember clearly! For example, in the nuclear power plant
accidentally rubbed your lips, you almost want my life! For
example, when you stepped on my shoulder! For example, you
screwed my shoulder off the bar!

But Xiao Yan just looked up and couldn't say a word.

Because he had an illusion, Hai Yin’s eyes had too many

unfathomable things, and he was separated from the control of
self-control and indulged in everything.

"You are already mine, remember."

Not an imperative tone, Hai Yin held the upper body a little closer
to Xiao Yan.

In the mind, there are countless pictures of being kissed and


And the man who is crazy to lose his senses, Xiao Yan does not
believe that it is Haiyin Burton.
He frowned and reached down and held his head. He had many
pieces of memory. They were scattered and intertwined. Xiao Yan
didn't know how to concentrate them into a stream.

I followed Haiyi’s troops to carry out the task. Haiyin took her
own shuttle between the old buildings. The next moment she
appeared in her mind was the last moment when she was pierced
in the abdominal cavity by the rushing killer in the restaurant.
Someone desperately kissed him with his sense of strength. When
he opened his eyes, he was chillingly suppressing his fearful eyes.
When Xiao Yan subconsciously explored, it appeared again how
Hai Yin trained his own fragments. This made Xiao Yan think
that his unworthy man was dragging his leg and patiently taking
him rock climbing step by step. On... and the fragile and
unresponsive Haiyin Burton put his weight completely on Xiao
Yan’s body, and he left Hai Yin into the reactor when he was
almost desperate but left without hesitation...

what are these? How did this happen?

What is the feeling of uncontrollable feeling in my heart?

He pressed his head hard, and the more he pressed, the more he
could hear a slight "giggle".

Hai Yin buckled his wrist and said coldly: "Stop!"

Xiao Yan looked up and looked at each other.

"You still have x virus in your body, and you will crush your

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth, and Hai Yin slowly released his
hand and bowed his head. "Tell me what happened to you."

"My... my memory can't keep up... everything that Major

Stevenson said just happened, I remember... I remember... but I
can't even get a complete clip..."

Miscellaneous memories are mixed together, and Xiao Yan

reveals a confused and awkward look.

"Do not think about anything."

In a simple sentence, like the terminator, Xiao Yan’s chaotic brain

is stopped.

Hai Yin's palm pressed Xiao Yan's back of the head and pressed
him into his arms. All the uneasiness in Xiao Yan's heart fell back

"Adjust your breathing."

With the cool and not cold sound of the sea, Xiao Yanping
regained his breath. His ear was the calm heartbeat of Hai Yin,
and he felt that everything was calm down.
"Control your thinking, don't fear it, those are things you have
already experienced, and resistance does not obliterate their

All of this is like hypnosis for Xiao Yan, the intense memory
gradually precipitates, and the fragments that come up are light
and reassuring.

He remembered that he was lying in a dark, closed place, curled

up in the bedding, and his head was chaotic because of a fever.
Sitting on the side of Hai Yin, the warmth of his palm on his
forehead is the clearest feeling in the world.

The news of Xiao Yan’s memory confusion soon spread to

Lieutenant General Aiweier, who personally came to the medical

"Hey, Xiao Yan. You should remember who I am?" Lieutenant

General Aiwei sat opposite Xiao Yan and smiled softly.

Xiao Yan squinted for a moment and did not answer with
certainty. "You are Lieutenant General Aiwei, the leader of the
Central Academy of Sciences..."

This made Lieutenant General Aiwei relaxed a little. He and Xiao

Yan had only seen a few faces. If he could recognize himself, it
proved that Xiao Yan was not amnesia. As long as his logic and
memory are not affected, then the research projects of the Central
Academy of Sciences that urgently need Xiao Yan will not be

But Ai Weier also noticed that Xiao Yan had been leaning against
the other side of the bed. It seemed to leave the position to the
side of the sea, rather than relying on the sea, so that Ai Wei was
slightly worried.

"If it is a question about memory, it is an expert that the Major

General is the expert. We must ask him for help." Ai Wei looked
to Hai Yin suggested.

At this time, Maya walked into the room with a small potted
plant. "Hey... are you okay? You remember who I am, right?"

Xiao Yan frowned and stared at Maya. Suddenly, the picture of

Maya falling in a pool of blood appeared in his mind. He almost
jumped out of his bed. "Maya - your legs! Your hand! Maya..."

The sea around him held his shoulder, and Maa spit out a breath
and acted on his artificial prosthetic. "Hey, don't worry! I am fine!
Look, I am standing in front of you!" These are all artificial, but
the feeling of the skin and the acuity of the activity are not
different from before!"
"...How was your hair cut?" Xiao Yan picked up his head and
began to search for memories of Maya's hair.

"Hey! Hey! I just think that my short hair is more handsome! You
don't have to worry about it!" Maya hurried forward to stop Xiao
Yan, if he could hope that Xiao Yan would never remember the
reason for cutting his hair.

"How is it possible! You obviously love your own hair..."

Just when Maya didn't know how to stop Xiao Yan's trace of that
memory, Wenn, Liv and Mark came, and his big voice instantly
distracted Xiao Yan's attention.

Xiao Yan is also distressed. Everyone who comes to see him, such
as Liv and Mark, even he can recognize it, and he can remember
many situations that everyone can get along with, like seeing him
for the first time. To Major Wenn, everything he said as an
instructor was clear. Between Liv and Mark's conversation, he
also recalled the rebellion between Casey and Jane. Although
unexpected, with his deep digging, many details were recalled,
such as Casey pretending to be in the room. The picture of the
assassination of the tidal organization, Xiao Yan still remembers
the heartache of the heart, he wants to save him, but the end is
that he injected the medicinal agent into the body of Hai Yin, after
which the memory is confused, such a change Obviously
unacceptable but so real. The huge memory fragments in my
mind can never be integrated into a complete thinking fluid.

Hai Yin got up and took military uniform for Xiao Yan. "We have
to go to the torture force."

There are many special equipment for testing thinking, including

memory, and medical forces are not experts in thinking.

When Hai Yin’s arm bypassed Xiao Yan’s shoulder, the man’s
breath lingered around him. Xiao Yan felt inexplicable pressure,
but in the depths of his heart he could not restrain himself from
wanting to approach each other. At this moment, Hai Yin crushed
his skeleton-like kiss screen and suddenly hit his mind. Xiao Yan
licked his collar and rolled out of bed. "Thank you."

Which one is the real Haiyin Burton? ice cold? Ruthless?

Inaccessible? Or is this man who is unexpectedly gentle without
any mood swings?

Shouldn't he say "very dirty" coldly, or "If you don't do anything,

just break your fingers one by one"?

Now Hai Yin is not only lying on his bed, but also wearing
clothes for him, God! This must be the rhythm of death! The
gentleness at this time is for the more painful lesson of the next
Xiao Yan’s world view is cracked.

Is there any way to get everything back to normal? Although Xiao

Yan has been unable to define "normal".

Finally someone came to save him.

"Dear Xiao Yan, you haven't forgotten me!"

A woman in a female military uniform stood at the door with a

large bouquet of flowers, and her graceful calf instantly caught
Xiao Yan's attention.

"... Lily?" Xiao Yan stunned, God! His goddess appeared in front
of him, still holding a bunch of flowers?

"Too good, they said that your memory has some problems, I
thought you forgot me."

"How come! We are classmates!"

"Renew your memory!" Lily's fingers quickly pointed to Xiao

Yan's forehead, and Hai Yin's eyes made her unable to hold her
wrist. "I am already the liaison officer of Lieutenant General

"" Xiao Yan remembered that Maya had

mentioned it, and Lily passed the liaison officer's assessment.
Feeling the low pressure that appeared in the head, Lif took the
flowers and smelled it. "Is this not artificially cultivated?"

"Your nose can be really spirited. This is what my friend brought

back when he went out to perform the task. The character of Xiao
Yan would not like the artificial plants of Charri, the same
fragrance, even the open posture is exactly the same."

"You really know me!"

In an instant, Xiao Yan felt that his wrist hurt so badly that Hai
Yin’s fingers pressed him hard.

The original mood of the caper shrank in an instant, Xiao Yan

swallowed a sip of a smile: "Thank you for me. That... I have to
go to the torture army. I heard that my memory problem can only
be helped by the Major General."

Liv received the help signal from Xiao Yan. "The torture force!
That is not a good place for consultation and recuperation. Let me
go with you!"

saved! If he and Colonel Burton continue to stay together, he will

definitely die weakly!

So Hai Yin was at the forefront, and Xiao Yan was far behind
"Hey, Liv... What happened to Colonel Burton?" Xiao Yan asked,
whispering in Liv.

"What's wrong?"

"When I woke up today, he was right beside my bed! This is also

true..." Xiao Yan closed his eyes and grabbed his heart, making an
exaggerated expression. "I almost shocked."

"So you are shocked?"

"He is Haiyin Burton!"

"Well, for Colonel Burton, what do you remember?"

"You warned me that if I look at him again, you will poke my


"When did I say this?" Liv frowned.

"When we first met." Xiao Yan's expression "How can you not
remember, make me very wronged".

"Okay... okay..." Liv shook his head helplessly. "What else?"

"He has cleansing. Mark spent ten minutes cleaning up the

wreckage of the zombies on the military boots, and Colonel
Burton allowed him to enter the cockpit! Also, I just accidentally
licked the guy... the lips, no, no, no, I barely found it, he almost
killed me!"
Although Xiao Yan’s voice is very low, his emotions are a little
excited. It is not difficult to see that in his heart, Colonel Burton is
definitely close to the scope of active death.

"I'm sure if you accidentally smashed the colonel here," Liv said,
licking his lips and smirking. "He won't kill you. He will throw
you down, then I have to go." Prepare nutrients for you."

“Preparing nutrients? Why?”

Liv squeezed his face hard. "You look so foolish!"

They took a magnetic levitation car and flew all the way. Xiao
Yan looked out the window and found that there were many
places in the memory that became different in Shire.

"I remember that the place should be a mall, how is its giant led
screen gone? When did it start repairing?"

“Because the tidal organization is invading the aircraft, the entire

city is rebuilding.” Hai Yin has no emotional ups and downs.

Xiao Yan's eyes, in the medical force, he did not have the
opportunity to observe Hai Yin, and now Hai Yin's side face and
memory overlap. This extremely handsome man has a delicate
line of eyes. He feels that Xiao Yan is looking at himself. Hai Yin
leans over and the palm rests on the glass window of Xiao Yan's
ear, slowly approaching.
Xiao Yan was so helpless that he quickly turned his head, and the
other's lips fell on his neck. Xiao Yan subconsciously shrugged
his shoulders, and the other's breath passed over his skin, as if
something had passed his heart, everything Thoughts suddenly

Colonel... Please don't do this anymore... Although you are really

a rare beauty man, I still prefer beauty...

God! What is the leap from Haiyin Burton's attitude from "getting
close to me and killing you" from time to time?

This part of the memory must be completed, otherwise ... Xiao

Yan determined that he will have no bones.

Li Fu coughed a little, and Xiao Yan discovered that the window

was the headquarters of the torture force.

Major General hopes that he has been waiting for a long time.

Xiao Yan circled the office of Gu Xiwei, and Hai Yin and Xi Yu
seemed to be talking.

"Hey, the head is not as terrible as you think. He saved you many
times." Liv was relieved.
"Well..." Xiao Yan’s mind suddenly appeared as Hai Yin’s
shoulders on his shoulders, bursting out in countless zombies, and
he was determined to be cold.

After the conversation between Major General and Hai Yin

ended, he smiled and came to Xiao Yan.

"It's nice to see you wake up, less envious. Or I should call you
Major Xiao Yan."


Is it a lieutenant or a major? My brain is very messy now, no

matter who is it, don't mess up my brain!

"It seems that Colonel Burton has not told you that because of
your outstanding research ability, Lieutenant General Aivil has
signed your promotion order. As a major, you will continue your
research and personally select your research assistant."

"My outstanding... research ability?"

"Yes, I can see that your memory is a bit confusing, but don't
worry, I will help you make adjustments." Major General's smile
is very calm.

"So what is the situation with me now? The medical team's

diagnosis says that I am not amnesia, but a memory disorder?"
The author has something to say: Major General: Open the brain
upgrade mode!

Xiao Yan: Hey?

Major General Xia: Since I am here, how can I upgrade your xp

system to win8?

Xiao Yan: That means I want to be more powerful?

Major General Xia:... 2k novel reading network

"Yes. I am very happy that this time is to help you sort out the
order of memory, not to ask. Your thinking has completely
terminated, it is like the terminal suddenly stopped working.
When the terminal restarts again, those have been retained and
organized. The classified files will still be in the same place,
which is equivalent to your long-term memory. The longer you
remember, the more clearly you remember. But the ongoing
research in the terminal may not be saved, and it will remind you
whether to recover if you restart again. It's your short-term
memory and the part that is gradually becoming a long-term
memory. They are broken up into pieces, intertwined, and you
have to piece them together along countless clues. If you want to
fully recover, it will be vast. Engineering."
Xiao Yan nodded. When he was a child, even in the Central
Academy of Sciences, he remembered very clearly. The real mess
was that he left Shire for the first time. Everything is like a
scattered puzzle. He sees the details but doesn't know the whole.

"Not to mention the speed of your brain's intervention, which

makes your brain contain more than twice the amount of
information, so once the continuity of memory is destroyed, your
memory is more difficult to recover." Lieutenant General hopes
that you will be qualified for the research work as soon as
possible, so I don't have much time to chill." The younger general
got up, put together his cuffs, smiled and turned to Hai Yin,
"Coloton Burton, I am sorry I need to ask you and Liv The
captain left for a while, and I promised that after three hours, Xiao
Yan would walk out of the way clearly."

"I hope your promise will not be the same as the last time."

Hai Yin looked at Xiao Yan, and the other side did not look away
from his sight.

The hope of the young generals did not change their smiles and
made a "please" posture. "The black tea of ​our torture forces is
first-class. Please enjoy the two."

Finally, there were only two of them left in the room, and Xiao
Yan shouted out.
Major General hopes to rely on his desk and hold the table with
one hand. He is very good at letting people down, not to mention
his unique and soothing voice.

"It seems that Colonel Burton is very nervous."

Xiao Yan smiled.

Is he so obvious?

I hope to put down the teacup and come to Xiaoyan to sit down.
Although the five senses of Xi Xi are not as delicate and profound
as Hai Yin, they are quite handsome. He has an elite temperament
and can converge his own pressure.

"In fact, what you are confused is not all memories, but what
happened in the last one to two years. The more new the
memories, the more broken, because people's memories are like a
building, the deeper and more stable."

Xiao Yan nodded.

"I have no way to sort out all the pieces for you, because they are
too fragmentary, and I don't know your life, so I can't help you to
connect all the information. I am just ordered to let you remember
all your research projects accurately and completely. ”
Hope is a very patient and logical guy. Under his guidance, Xiao
Yan gradually clarified his first research project and is currently
widely used by the military, a degrading agent for the surge of
biological weapons. . In order not to burden his brain, hope did
not rush to guide him to restore everything, but to stop.

Half an hour before the end of the agreed treatment time, hopes to
pour a cup of tea for Xiao Yan. "I'm sure you don't want to go out
and meet Colonel Burton so quickly."

"...because Colonel Burton and my memory are different..." Xiao

Yan didn't know how to explain this so-called "difference."

"Haha..." hoped to touch his chin. "You should remember that I

have consulted you."

"Yes... although I can't understand why I was asked for a


"This reason is no longer important, but as far as I have read

about the memory of Colonel Burton..." hoped that the body
slowly leaned forward and covered him. "I hope you won't be
fooled by him." broken."

Xiao Yan’s shoulders trembled, and the subconscious began to

explain the meaning of the so-called “broken”. And the hopeful
generals bowed their heads and sipped their black tea, laughing
and not talking.

When the time is up, Hai Yin pushes open the office door and
looks coldly at the face of the two people facing the tea.

"Oh, Colonel Burton. After my guidance, Xiao Yan has already

thought of his own research project, a very big leap."

Hai Yin stared at hopeless smiles without any reaction.

"But everything in life, for example, he knows someone, who

kisses and who rolls sheets, etc... I can't do anything about it.
After all, the information is not logical and very 'sense'. I have
slowly combed it in my future life."

I don't know if it is an illusion. Xiao Yan feels a smile of hope...

Some gloating.

They left the torture force and came to the officer's apartment.
What makes Xiao Yan unexpected is that his apartment has been
changed from the former small student apartment to this
high-class apartment, which is not very spacious but full of
facilities. The most exciting thing is that he actually has his own
bathtub. ! He used to take a shower before, but he had to go to
Thinking of Kathy, Xiao Yan is somewhat low. As if he woke up,
his life was completely changed. Many of the things he thought
he had, such as friends and free freedom, disappeared. Instead, the
news of the electronic journalism about the death of Lieutenant
Colonel Casey of the Central Academy of Sciences in the tidal
attack, of course, Xiao Yan remembers the guy's horrible work,
this news is only to give the people a "result". Then again...
Colonel Burton appeared in his life almost for a moment. The
only thing that Xiao Yan feels fortunate is that the special forces
who have always looked down on the technical soldiers are
undoubtedly familiar and enthusiastic about him. And from now
on, his apartment was guarded by special forces 24 hours a day,
even if he accidentally knocked the teacup down, they were very
nervous. Xiao Yan is proud to discover that he has become an
important person!

He needs to debug... and adapt to it all.

"Hey, what are you thinking about!" Liv said with a funny smile.
"You guys look like they haven't seen a bathtub in this life."

Xiao Yan raised his smile on Liv, and now Liv is the only person
who can make him feel completely relaxed. Xiao Yan couldn't
help but make a joke: "Dear, we can lie together in the warm
water and enjoy each other. Skin, then..."
Li Fu grabbed Xiao Yan's mouth and smiled and looked at the
door. "Head!"

Xiao Yan’s shoulders trembled, and there was an inexplicable fear

in his heart, although he did not know what he was doing wrong.

"I will inform the people in the Quartermaster to remove the

bathtub." Hai Yin's cold voice sounded.

"Ha? Why?"

Hai Yin left Xiaoyan’s apartment without saying the reason.

"Liv! Why do you want to remove my bathtub! This apartment

only has a bathtub that is truly valuable!"

"Who wants you to open a joke?" Liv didn't give him a sigh of
relief, and poked his head hard. "The most important thing is not
to drag me into the water!"

"What should I do with my bathtub?"

"Well, you just have to say the words that I said to you, I think
you still have 30% chance to leave it."

"What? Say this to Colonel Burton? He will crush my bones! He

will kill me!"

"Oh, I'm sure it won't be that serious. At most, you have to lie in
bed for three or four days."
Li Fu left the Xiaoyan apartment without returning.

Bored in the bed, Xiao Yan was lying on the bed and looking at
the ceiling. What happened between yourself and Haiyin Burton?

Close your eyes and look for all the relevant memory debris. He
felt who was covering him, and once again opened his eyes, he
was on the eyes of Hai Yin, like the burning sea of ​ice, his lips
were occupied by the other side, his legs were pulled apart,
Pressing on the other side of the waist, when the kiss is getting
out of control, Xiao Yan’s waist is lifted and pressed to the other
side, the extremely aggressive part of the position is hot and
pressed against his lower abdomen, as if Pierce him in general.

"Ha!" Xiao Yan took a breath and almost turned down from the

Breathing in an instant, he slammed his head. He knew that it was

not an illusion but a reality that had happened. Is it... Haiin Burton
really did these things for himself? Clearly, an unshakeable
expression, how could it be so crazy?

Numerous fragments fluttered in the air in front of his eyes, and

his various wolves were uncontrollably replayed by the other side,
and Xiao Yan’s breathing was completely chaotic.
Why are those who violate the bottom line and even complete
violence being built on their own by Hai Yin? He has no hate for
this man except for struggling?

Xiao Yan got up and poured himself a glass of water. He rubbed

his head.

He suddenly felt that amnesia was much more fortunate than his
current situation.

The special mission force at this time is conducting an internal


All the commanders above the major are sitting in the conference
room, while Major General Gordon is serious.

"Now, the special forces have lost twenty-six people in the

process of fighting the mutant zombies. From the establishment of
the special mission force to the present, this is the highest number.
We are hunters, but now they have become prey. What do you
think of this? ?"

"Previous special task forces focused on individual combat

capabilities. Maybe now we need to let the special forces who
have always maintained independent maneuvers learn to
cooperate with each other." Major Ling Xiao expressed his
opinions. Soon other commanders also talked about it. The focus
is mainly on what is an effective training method. In the past,
when the special forces were trained, it was not related to more
than a dozen zombies. The danger can be controlled by the
instructors. But which instructor can now say that the safety of the
trainees can be guaranteed in the face of loss of variation?

"I thought of it!" Wenn suddenly got excited. "Xiao Yan's brain
simulation system! As long as the data of the mutant zombies are
collected, our special forces can simulate the battle scene in the
brain! This system is super powerful! You also know Xiao When
Yan was trained, there were many... But after three months, this
guy could solve two zombies at a time without receiving the x
virus! The individual combat capability of our special forces is no
longer able to be greatly improved. What we need is the ability to

Wenn’s advice made the other commanders excited.

"Yes! Xiao Yan can solve the biological weapons of the tidal
organization! Let the zombies treat him as non-existent! Can
synthesize x-2, a simulated battle system, he can do it!"

There were not many people who knew that Xiao Yan was in a
state of memory disorder. This is the news that Admiral Sharif
specifically requested confidentiality. Because Xiao Yan’s coma
after being questioned has aroused the dissatisfaction of the two
core forces of the military, this dissatisfaction must not continue
to spread.

Major General Gordon read the report of Major General, and the
content of the report made him slightly stretched.

"With regard to this proposal, I will solemnly recommend to

General Lieutenant Ai Weier."

When the meeting of the special task force was over, Hai Yin
came to the restaurant and saw Xiao Yan eating the potato steaks.

"Hey, are you going to finish them all? Be careful of indigestion!"

Liv kindly advised.

Hai Yin sat down on the opposite side of Xiao Yan. In an instant,
Xiao Yan’s throat was stunned. His face was red and he was
looking for water everywhere. He was so worried that he would
help Li Fu.

"How much did he eat?"

"He has already eaten a banana waffle, a black pepper lamb

chops, this potato sirloin is already the third..."

Li Fu’s voice was not finished yet. Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan’s
back and pressed his palm to his chest. It seemed to be a light
shot. Xiao Yan snorted.
"You have eaten too much."

Cough for a long time, Xiao Yan could not help but worry about
vomiting in front of Haiyin Burton is a fatal mistake, this time is
what? Please don't screw his shoulders anymore!

The magic is that Hai Yin did not have any violent action against
him, just pushing the plate full of vomit.

"Let's go back."

"Yes." Xiao Yan glanced at the opposite Liv with the expression
of the rest of his life. The other man sighed helplessly.

Back in the room, Xiao Yan opened the bathroom door and found
the bathtub still there, and immediately burst into anger.

A picture pops up from the liaison, Li Li, the liaison officer of

Lieutenant General Ai Weier.

"At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, you will attend the internal

meeting of the Central Academy of Sciences." Ming is a
formulaic tone, Lily blinked in the picture, Xiao Yan's mood
suddenly relaxed.

“Internal meeting? Isn't that only those who are above the major
level of the research project?”
Lily’s smile is profound, “Because from tomorrow, you are a

Xiao Yan has not woke up and the communication is over.

There was a sound of water in the bathroom. Xiao Yan opened the
door and found that Hai Yin was sitting on the side of the bathtub.
He came low and his fingers swept through the water.

When did Haiyin come in? Why is it so quiet every time!

"That... that..."

Is it necessary for Hai Yin to use his bathtub... How is this


"You have a meeting tomorrow and need to attend, take a break


When he finished, he got up and came to Xiao Yan's front. He

leaned forward and his face turned his face to make his heart beat
faster until his lips touched Xiao Yan's forehead.

"good night."

The lingering steam seems to be stationary in the air.

When Xiao Yan returned, the heart beat violently, and he almost
fell to his knees.
Hai Yin Burton kissed him?

Even the "good night" that was expressed in an imperative tone

was so convincing...

Finished, Xiao Yan! This must not be the world you first knew!

Lying in the warm water stream, Xiao Yan's thinking scatters.

Slightly sighed, Xiao Yan felt that yesterday he was just a class b
student who was looked down upon. Will he be promoted to a
major tomorrow? Is this time shuttle?

There is also Hai Yin, who is eager to connect all the memories
related to it, and is subconscious and somewhat fearful.

Slowly, he remembered that on the day he was officially declared

a lieutenant by General Gordon, everyone saluted him, and his
end of sight was on Hein Burton.

The man's gaze is as cold as ever, but Xiao Yan remembers that
he feels a kind of expectation, a broader world.

He is his goal, he looked up, the highest point of the cliff.

Early the next morning, the quartermaster sent a new set of major
military uniforms to his apartment. Looking at the epaulettes,
Xiao Yan felt not the vanity but the weight.

He walked out the door and the two special forces followed.
Before he stepped into the military maglev, he couldn't help but
glimpse because Hai Yin was already sitting inside.

"Coloton Burton!" Xiao Yan is not sure if he needs to salute.


Hai Yin’s hand reached over and clasped Xiao Yan’s shoulder and
took him in.

The forehead hit the other's shoulder, Xiao Yan quickly sat up,
squinting at each other.

Today's Hai Yin is also wearing a military uniform, a straight

collar, even if it is just sitting facelessly, it is also imposing.

The other party suddenly turned his face, and Xiao Yan looked
nervously out of the window.

"If you want to see me, just look."

The other party directly let Xiao Yan want to kill himself.

Xiao Yan didn't want to look too unnatural. Just as he turned

back, Hai Yin's kiss was pressed down, as if falling from a high
altitude. Xiao Yan was at a loss and could only raise his hand to
support the front seat. And the previous half is stronger

The imminent kiss is different. This kiss has the meaning of

temptation. Xiao Yan is tempted by the cautious feeling. The
moment of forgetting the rebellion, the strength of the kiss is
deepened. His entire mouth is filled with the breath of the sea, and
the heart beats out of control. The blood seems to be cracking out
of the blood vessels. He continually retreated, and Hai Yin's
palms stretched over to buckle his back to bring himself to

Haiyin slowly changed the angle, and the strength of being

entangled and sucking was constantly changing. It was full of
enthusiasm and inducement. Even Xiao Yan kissed up and turned
to the other side. Hai Yin loosened the hand that buckled Xiao
Yan's back brain, slowly descended along the back ridge, and
kneaded the ridge of Xiao Yan.

The magnetic levitation vehicle suddenly stopped and the prompt

sounded: "The Central Academy of Sciences has arrived."

Xiao Yan slammed and held up his upper body, only to find that
he had pressed Haiyin Burton under his body. The hair of the
other party was scattered on the cushion, and the eyes that slowly
opened openly opened the heart of Xiao Yan. It was really

Xiao Yan swallowed, my god! What did you do yourself!

Xiao Yan feels that his cheeks are hot, which is the most
embarrassing moment in his life!
The door of the magnetic levitation vehicle has been opened, and
two special forces following the Xiaoyan in the front seat have
already got off.

Xiao Yan was at a loss to step out of the car door, but he did not
expect Hai Yin to hold him.

The other person slowly got up, his fingers touched his collar, and
the pleats and wrinkles were flattened.

Xiao Yan swallowed the mouth, Hai Yin's eyebrows were too
close, so the sharp man showed a almost gentle attitude in front of
him, Xiao Yan thought he was not dead, sorry God!

Another kiss fell on his lips, not deep, but with the meaning of
pets and relatives.

"Go." Hai Yin pushed him up.


The words have not been finished, the door is closed, and all the
feelings are cut off in an instant.

Xiao Yan slammed back, the two special forces looked calm, but
Xiao Yan determined that they must have seen all!

Walking into the Central Academy of Sciences, every researcher

has seen his eyes and his initial memories have made a huge
difference. There are admiration, envy, and of course occasional
embarrassment and inquiry.

He came to the front of the conference room and the liaison

officer nodded to him. This is his first time to participate in such a
high-level meeting, the palm of his hand has been a thin sweat.

You can, Xiao Yan.

Even a rookie has a day to take off!

It is no accident that you will be promoted to a major.

There is a wider world waiting for you!

Xiao Yan crossed in.

At that moment, all the officers sitting at the round table got up
and saluted him.

"Welcome to join us, Major Xiao Yan." Aiwei stood in the middle
of everyone, this sentence officially announced the responsibility
of Xiao Yan shoulder.

Xiao Yan is a scorpion on one of his faces, sitting next to the

decadent major with a black-green under his eyes.

"All of you here know about the mutated zombies. Now this has
become the top of the entire military. Major General Gordon has
put forward a request for us to develop a system for simulating
and mutating zombies to help the special forces improve their
response. Ability and adapt to new forms of combat. He
specifically mentioned that Major Xiao Yan designed a set of
intra-brain simulated combat systems for the special supervision
force headquarters when he received protective supervision and
training. Major Gordon hoped that Major Xiao Yan could
improve. This system is applied to the actual battle against mutant

Everyone’s eyes were on Beyond’s body. Despite the calm

expression on his face, his heart was sweating. 2k novel reading

He just took office, isn't there any adaptation period? Why did a
project fall on his head so quickly?

And what kind of simulation system... Xiao Yan tried hard in the
brain, and sporadic can find fragments, but he couldn’t figure out
the details.

"Master Loch, the technical support of the system will be handed

over to you. As we all know, the speed of the brain and terminal
docking of Major Xiao Yan is 300 million megaspeed. We need a
faster processing system to adapt the thinking speed of Major
Xiao Yan. In order to improve efficiency."
Major Loch? Is that the guy who designed the aircraft double
driving system at the age of sixteen? where is he?

"Oh, I know."

The sound of lifeless sounds, Xiao Yan side. Loch turned out to
be this... a decadent man?

"In addition, Major Xiao Yan, your department has just been
established and needs fresh blood. After this meeting, the liaison
officer will send you a list of research assistants."

Research assistant? He is also a research assistant at Casey...

“There is no need for headaches. The so-called research assistants

are just the objects that you are instructing. They only need to
meet three conditions, first, obedient. Second, obedient. Third,
still obedient.”

Loch’s voice is like a plant that is half dead, always in a state of

extreme water shortage, as if to say a word more and more.

"Don't listen to this guy, the research assistants have only one
condition to meet, that is, always put their research director first.
With this belief, they will succeed in the battle for your research."
On the right side of Xiao Yan is a major with a linen-colored
micro-curly. His military collar is open and one arm is placed on
the back of Xiao Yan's seat.

"Mr. Ritz, in addition to Xiao Yan's simulated battle system, the

second project we need to discuss today is about military aircraft.
I heard that Jane Wallis and his members have developed a new
type of aircraft. Not only did the engine mute, but the speed was
twice that of a normal aircraft. And their fire control system..."

Lieutenant General Aiweier's fingers are lightly in the air, and

each person's front is unfolding a holographic image. Jane's
missile attacking Ling Xiao's missile is very advanced. If it is not
Hai Yin's decisive decision, Ling Xiao's entire team may be

"Remarks Major, in the past two years, your department has

rarely contributed research results, I have to consider whether you
are too lazy." Ai Wei squinted at Reitz, the other party just smiled

"Give me a month, I can increase the speed of the aircraft to 2.5

times now."

Xiao Yan paused, and the people beside him were lazy, but the
confidence in the words was never fake. Because no one dares to
brag in front of so many elites.
"So what about the fire control system of the aircraft?"

"Thinking is a very tiring thing." Ritz licked his head.

"If you can develop a better fire control system than this video, I
can give you a week off."

Ritz shook his head without interest. "My life is more than a short

"Or I can send you to the 46th base, where the commander is

The No. 46 base is located in the Arctic Circle. The base is not
large. Although the supply of materials is sufficient but not
abundant, the most important thing is... very boring.

"I chose the long vacation of the week." Ritz sat up straight on his
back, and the serious expression could not imagine the lazy
appearance of the guy.

"Very good." Ai Weier’s gaze returned to Xiao Yan’s body again.

“Other research on x-2 must continue. We hope that this virus will
not be used by individual special forces, but will be widely used
by the entire military. Application. Major Xiao Yan, your
shoulders are very heavy, but all departments in the room will
cooperate. No matter what your needs, please do not hesitate to
"Yes, Lieutenant General."

The meeting took place all over the morning and finally ended.

Xiao Yan exhaled, and Ritz was happy to kneel on Xiao Yan's

"What's wrong? A depressed look? It's a simulation system and a

wide-ranging application of x-2. It sounds like a headache, but
there is no three or four research projects for everyone here? Look
at the opening point." ”

“Do you want to be like you? From last year to now, your
department has accumulated twenty-six unfinished projects.”

Loch’s eyes smashed through Ritz.

"Are you very good? Always complete all the research projects
like a dying wish, then Aiwei's veteran guy will only give you
more research. How long have you not slept? I bet you I must die
earlier than me." Ritz had a look that I had seen through.

"You are so reluctant to think, the odds of getting Alzheimer's are

much bigger than me."

These two people went to each other one after another to make
Xiao Yan smashed.
This is the same with him and Kathy. However, he has become a
major, and Casey has left Charles.

"Hey, Xiao Yan! Today is the first day you become a major. Do
you want to go to the blue tulip with me? There must be a lot of
beautiful women waiting to pounce on you!" Ritz has begun to
count the military. The beauty, even he has a leaderboard.

"Mr. Ritz, I suggest you not to do this." Loch's soul-like sounds

"Why? You just can't see me!"

"If you are drinking yourself in a blue tulip, I have no doubt that
you will be very happy. But if Colonel Burton knows that you are
going to drink with Major Xiao Yan, I am sure you will live
without me for a long time."

"..." Ritz put his arm on Xiaoyan's shoulder and put it down,
"Oh... oh..."

"Why should you mention Colonel Burton?" Xiao Yanton lived.

"Why should you mention Colonel Burton?" Ritz learned Xiao

Yan's tone and shrugged his shoulders. "Young people, Colonel
Burton kisses you in front of the Central Academy of Sciences.
This behavior is basically playing with you." There is no
difference in branding. I think we still have to maintain
cooperation and communication at work, and we must still define
the boundaries in life. Anyway, I will live longer than this
decadent uncle!"

"Let's go, I can go to the blue tulip with you." Loch took Ritz and
forced him to take him away.

"Who wants to go drinking with you! Those beautiful women

can't come close to me! You are just a giant dog! There is still a
rabies virus!"

"The rabies virus has been extinct."

Looking at them as they went further and further, Xiao Yan

breathed a sigh of relief.

These two projects handed over to him by Lieutenant General

Aivil are of great significance. He can't understand anything, but
he must figure out the two studies. He knew that only one person
in the entire Shire could help him.

So Xiao Yan once again came to the torture force.

The symphony came.

The liaison officer opened the door and hoped to close his eyes
against the seat, tapping his fingers and the beat on the table.

As Xiao Yan approached, the music gradually faded. When Xiao

Yan came to him, everything was quiet until only the breathing
sounds, and the rare general opened his eyes. He looked at Xiao
Yan for a long time, the lips. Slowly lifted up.

"I bet, Haiyin Burton looks at you in a military uniform and must
want to take it down."

Xiao Yan subconsciously licks his lips, and the good-looking

generals who are good at observing reveal a playful smile.

"Isn't the memory of Colonel Burton yet?"


“Is there still or don’t want to?” Xi’s smile is more interesting.

Xiao Yan chose to ignore this problem.

"Oh, then I will remind you."


"Don't fall asleep while connecting the terminal."

"Ah?" Xiao Yan looked blank and he had the habit of wearing a
terminal to listen to music before going to bed.

"Culst Burton will invade here along the terminal." Greek's

fingers bounced in Xiao Yan's eyebrows, "and then slammed you
on the ground."
Xiao Yan stepped back half a step, and his mind was filled with
the moment that Hai Yin kissed himself in a dream. No matter
how he struggled, he could not escape. The impulse that could not
be relieved in reality broke out unscrupulously in his dreams.

“Haha!” hoped and shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “I just

finished the military meeting. Didn’t they hold any inauguration
or promotion party for you?”

Xiao Yan shook his head. "I need your help, sir."

“Is it about your research project?”

"Yes, sir."

"It really disappoints me. I thought you wanted me to help you

understand everything about Colonel Burton."

Xiao Yan spent the whole afternoon in Xi's office. When he left,
the expression of Major General hoped to be serious.

"Major Xiao Xiao, I hope this is the last time you have asked for
my help."

"...I am sorry to have delayed your time..."

"No, you didn't delay my time. On the contrary, entering your

brain is a very enjoyable thing. But whenever you read it like an
open book, it makes me often rush to ruin your impulses." I have
good self-control, but it doesn't mean that others are like me, and
it doesn't mean that everyone who enters your brain has

At that moment, the temperament and gentleness of the glory of

the gloom is chilling.

Xiao Yan stunned, because the temperament displayed by the

other party was so mild that he completely forgot that the man in
front of him was Shire’s famous torture expert.

"This is really regrettable." Xiao Yan lowered his head.

"What are you sorry for?"

"As a torture expert, you are the real 'blocker' in Charles. I

thought I had a chance to learn from you."

Major General’s lips slowly screamed. “I’m glad you can have
this idea.”

"Hello, you promised to be my mentor?" Xiao Yan was


"I am a little tired, major. I want to listen to my symphony."

Major General Xiaqi slowly closed his eyes. "Major, I hope you
can learn to control everything."

"……Thank you."
Xiao Yan got up and left and returned to his apartment.

He sat down in front of the sofa and pulled the collar that was too
comfortable for the neck, then he stopped. When there is a
bookcase behind the opposite desk, a row of paper books is
placed neatly. Xiao Yan excitedly took them down one by one.
There are, and even some old, famous works. For example, there
are some books written in Xiaoyan's unfamiliar words, which
makes him interested in inquiry.

"Like it."

"Of course I like it!" Xiao Yan looked back and saw Hai Yin
holding his arm against the wall.

"How do you come in?"

"Because of my security level."

Xiao Yan pulled his lips in his heart, and Yu Guang saw the glass
jar on the table. The biological circulation micro-system
mimicked the beach, sea and sunshine effects. A small hermit
crab slouched on the sand and occasionally shook its small pliers.
Xiao Yan’s heart is filled with a familiar feeling.

When I came to the glass jar, I deliberately made it worse. I

turned the hermit crab over and pitifully struggled. This made
Xiao Yan’s lips swell and smile. When the little thing was tired,
he was merciful. It turned back.

"I remember... it seems like you gave it to me."


"It’s weird... The part that I remember the most clearly stays when
you step on my shoulder. It may be too painful, so it’s hard to

"It's too late, sleep."

Hai Yin walked past him, Xiao Yan thought he would kiss
himself, but did not expect him to just leave.

The heart suddenly became empty.

Xiao Yan slowly exhaled until the sound of the sliding door
closed. The man who walked outside the door raised his chin
against the wall, and there seemed to be something too much to
suppress from the ups and downs.

The next day, for Xiao Yan, it was a busy day. He will choose his
own research assistant. According to the staffing of the Central
Academy of Sciences, a major can be equipped with six research
Xiao Yan looked at the spacious and unaccustomed study room
and exhaled. All assistant candidate lists are in the terminal
system. Xiao Yan couldn't help but stay in the system. The speed
of this system seems to be faster than before. Even within zero
and one second, all terminals in the research room start up
instantly. There are only six terminal processors in the general
research room. Here, twelve terminal processors were actually

The voice of Major Loch was heard in the system. "Major Xiao
Xiao, welcome to the landing system."

"Major Loch? Have you upgraded my system? So fast?"

"Your research is a matter of seconds. If you have any questions,

welcome feedback."

Xiao Yan was excited, as if he had got a great toy and tried to do a
lot of complicated calculations and experimental conjectures. Just
as he forgot about it, the liaison officer reminded him again about
the research assistant.

Xiao Yan quickly transferred the list, most of whom are senior
researchers, and many of them are seniors of the student era. In
addition to browsing their achievements, Xiao Yan even read their
research report. Whether it is Loch or Ritz, the criteria for their
choice of assistants can't be understood by Xiao Yan. He doesn't
need the researchers who are bound in the framework. He needs
one who can always question him to keep him awake and always
show him another. A person who thinks about ways.

Xiao Yan saw the list from the beginning and finally closed the

He walked out of the study room and two special forces followed.

These researchers have formed an established mode of thinking

and are accustomed to their research directors. Xiao Yan feels that
he needs more active and unconstrained thinking.

"Major, where are you going?"

"College. Memories reminisce about my past worries."

Xiao Yan's hands were inserted in the pockets of the military

pants and leisurely walked to the teaching area.

Countless young and energetic faces passed by him.

Xiao Yan feels that the air is flowing, and the feeling of being
dead in the research room is completely different. His face is a
long-lost smile, as if he is going back in time, he can talk freely
with the students at the same time and have nothing to do with
academics. Then Kathy squats. I rushed to blame him for not
submitting the project report on time.
Even the brain is flying.

"Look, it’s Major Xiao Yan!"

"Do you know? He used to be a class b student! But what the a

class researchers didn't do, he did it!"

"How is he still following the special forces behind him?"

"Stupid, of course, because the major is very important for

Charles! The tide organization has also robbed him!"

The accompanying admiration and admiration made Xiao Yan


In order to accept the attention, Xiao Yan felt that he could not
relive the campus time. He lowered his head and returned to the
apartment, ordering three sets of student uniforms with the
terminal. Xiao Yan called in the two special forces outside the
door and asked them to change into the uniforms of the students.
Xiao Yan proudly saw their faces sullen and incomprehensible,
although their serious expressions really did not match the
uniforms of the students.

When he returned to the college again, he was very comfortable

to find that no one noticed him anymore.
Now the classroom 299 should be teaching viral variability. Xiao
Yan ordered two special forces to stand at the door and quietly
entered the classroom. Xiao Yan came to a vacant seat and
connected to the terminal. The gene chain of the coronavirus is
displayed on the screen, and the professors requesting the students
to make antiviral agents against the virus.

This question was too simple for him. He looked around at

random and found that a young student in the back row was
closing his eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep. If you do not
submit an answer before class, the student will not be able to
complete the credits for this class.

Just as the last minute of the answer time, the teenager opened his
eyes lazily, rubbed his forehead, his data on the holographic
screen changed constantly, and submitted the answer at the last

The teenager found Xiao Yan looking at himself and squinting.

Xiao Yan hurry and don't go too far. When he looks at the other
side again, the boy has disappeared. Xiao Yan quickly stepped out
of the classroom. Two special forces came up. He crossed the
shoulders of the students and finally found the boy. He was
holding his head and walking forward boringly.
Half an hour later, Xiao Yan followed him to the classroom of
mechanical physics. Xiao Yan once again chose to sit on his side.
The professor is explaining the principles of the aircraft engine,
and the teenager is still sleepy. This allowed Xiao Yan to observe
him without any scruples.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen years old, the skin of the white
scorpion, the eyebrows that were slightly picked up were
impatient and tight, and Xiao Yan suddenly remembered Casey.
In the first year of Xiao Yan's entry into the Academy of Sciences,
Casey was his contemporaries. At that time, Casey had any
knowledge to master. In order to complete the credits, he had to
come to the classroom to attend classes. He often slept in the
classroom, causing the professor to be unhappy, but the final test
of each subject could be the first. The gesture of the name passed.
In almost two or three months, Casey jumped to the first level.
When Xiao Yan just finished his junior course, Casey had

Just as Xiao Yan missed the past, the teenager had already stared
at him with big eyes.

The good death is not dead, the professor also asked Xiao Yan
through the terminal, Xiao Yan, who did not listen to a word at
all, lived.
The teenager showed a sly smile and seemed to say: You guy is

Xiao Yan reviewed the problem and after ten seconds the terminal
generated an answer based on his thoughts. Sure enough, the
teenager showed a slightly surprised expression, Xiao Yan's heart
was small and proud. You must be too lazy to think about such
problems when you are still a student. But now, he himself feels
that it is ridiculous to show off like this.

At the end of the course, all students left.

Xiao Yan just walked out of the classroom door. Suddenly

someone appeared in front of him. He picked up his collar and the
two special forces were about to rush. Xiao Yan made a gesture.
They were in the same place and stood by.

"Hey! I know you guys have been following me! You are not my
same life!"

The juvenile made a provocative expression, as if the little beast

was about to worry.

"How do you know that I am not your co-production?"

"I have never seen you! You must be a senior! I saw that you
solved the problem of the professor. It took only ten seconds from
the time you started the terminal computing program to get the
answer! The chattering old man also spent Last twelve seconds!"

"That's because the professor must slow down the speed of

solving problems so that you can see his ideas."

"I don't need to see his thoughts, but it's rigid and dragging!"

"So you sleep in class?" Xiao Yan asked with a low head and

The teenager is half a head shorter than him, and even this height
gap makes Xiao Yan think of Casey. The guy has been
complaining that he is not tall.

"Hey, look at the tone of your education! I will say that you are a
senior! You have been following me! I deliberately spent half an
hour in the college before going to the next class, you have been
following me!" ”

"Oh? How do you know?"

This guy has not looked back.

The teenager raised his wrist and patted the contact, Xiao Yan
understood. This kid saw Xiao Yan from the metal surface of the
"I followed you because I thought you were very interesting."
Xiao Yan opened his eyes. "You seem to be very smart."

"I was very smart!"

“There are a lot of people who say that I am also very smart, not
as good as one. How about?”

"Oh! But there is a bet! If I win you, you have to do a terminal

test for the whole school year!"

"Yes. If I won?"

"You won... you said what you want to do!"

"I haven't thought about it yet. Can you say it after the end?
Anyway, it must be something you can do. It's better to talk about
our rules of the game. Everyone can test each other's questions,
and it's hard to live with each other. But there are A necessary
condition is that the topic to the other party must be capable of

"Interesting! Our library is the winner!" The boy's ambition was

stirred up by Xiao Yan.

"Right, what is your name?"

"What is my name about you?"

“Do you want me to call you ‘hey’ or ‘small kid’?”

"... Lauren Ann." The boy said reluctantly.

"What?" Xiao Yan smirked and pretended not to hear.

"I don't even understand it!"

Lauren turned and walked to the library. Xiao Yan made a gesture
to keep the distance between the two special forces.

Five minutes later, they found two adjacent seats in the library
and started competing.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Xiao Yan,
what is your major and children? It’s just a big bully!

Xiao Yan: I want to shape the image of Gao Fushuai in front of

future assistants!

Fat winter melon: You are dead this heart... 2k novel reading

I don’t know if Lauren’s kid is deliberately provocative. He even

wants Xiao Yan to analyze how an aircraft can evade the
president’s fire control system to complete the raid in one minute.
The goal is to blow up the president’s office.

Xiao Yan fell cold sweat, thinking that he really wants to answer
this question will not be suspected of the undercover of the tide
Just when Lauren was proud, Xiao Yan joined the terminal and
the countdown began. The fire control system of the presidential
palace is very high. It is a masterpiece of the entire Central
Academy of Sciences. The last time the tidal organization
attacked the presidential palace. Although the two aircraft ran into
the west wing, they did not successfully reach the presidential

Lauren obviously wants Xiao Yan to do an impossible task.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and his mind rushed. The picture on the
holographic display was constantly flipped, and the data flashed
like a light, but the aircraft in the simulated scene was still
inaccessible in the artillery, and Lauren picked up his lips.

Time passed quickly, Lauren deliberately suggested, "Hey, there

are still thirty seconds left."

There are already a lot of people around them watching the


"Look! There is a fool who wants to hit the president's office with
an aircraft!"

"How is this possible! The fire control system of the presidential

palace is the famous work of Major Reitz!"

"There are still twenty seconds!"

The aircraft flashed a smashing angle on the screen and suddenly
began to attack. The presidential artillery automatically aimed at
its flight path, and the aircraft suddenly pulled up. The power was
three times that of normal flight, and it almost swept past the
dome of Charles. However, the fire control did not have time to
turn, and the aircraft crashed into the window of the president's
office before the engine lost its kinetic energy due to overheating.


"Oh my god!"

All onlookers exclaimed.

Lauren stunned. In the first nine minutes, Xiao Yan’s aircraft was
like a headless fly, just to find out the scope and angle of the fire
control system. Collecting data, the last minute is the real
breakout. But how fast is the speed of brain intervention to make
such crazy trajectory calculations?

"Lauren, I am finished." Xiao Yan blinked at each other.

"Hey! What's great, I can do it in nine minutes and fifty-five

seconds, you used nine minutes and fifty-eight seconds!"

Xiao Yan suddenly wanted to know what happened to Major

Reitz when he heard this. Fortunately, the last time the
presidential palace was attacked, Ritz has upgraded the main
control, and now wants to capture the presidential palace within
ten minutes. Xiao Yan knows that it is a mission that is really

"It’s my turn to come out." Xiao Yan closed his eyes, and the
terminal with his brain outlined the sample of biochemical
weapons that had been used in the tidal tissue, removed some
complex components, and gave some hints, "This ingredient Once
inside the special forces, it will affect the x virus, and the result is
to reduce the oxygen supply capacity of the cells. You can try to
create an antidote within ten minutes."

Although Xiao Yan would like to give him a complete sample of

biochemical weapons, the confidentiality level of this study is
orange. Once some key components appear in the system, it will
directly cause an alarm. Although this question is not as large as a
research project, the researchers of the Central Academy of
Sciences have to spend at least half an hour to answer. Xiao Yan
gave him a ten-minute limit... In fact, he was a bit bully.

Lauren sneaked into the terminal with a cold face, and made a
gesture of contempt to Xiao Yan. Lauren really is not a regular
guy, actually invaded a professor's terminal, stole a set of
computing modes, saved at least ten minutes of computing time,
and then easily got the answer.
It took only eight minutes.

"This is cheating!"

The onlookers called out.

Lauren bowed to Xiao Yan. "The conditions you originally set did
not say that you are not allowed to invade other people's

"This is academic dishonesty!"

Other students also questioned Lauren.

Although the professor's terminal settings are far less complicated

than in the lab, the kid can invade in three minutes, proving his
thinking is fast and active.

"Really, I didn't say that I was not allowed to invade someone

else's terminal."

"It's my turn to ask questions!" Lauren squeezed a smirk, Xiao

Yan gave him a test question with the virus, and Lauren seemed to
be in the same field and Xiao Yan, and also had a virus. The title,
"You have the ability to synthesize the antiviral agent of this virus
in ten minutes!"

At first glance, this virus is only a relatively complex and

aggressive immune virus, similar to hiv one hundred and fifty
years ago, but the virus is even worse, and it will be within a few
hours of being infected.

Xiao Yan was interested, but ten minutes was too generous. Xiao
Yan felt that it was time to frustrate Lauren's sharpness and
instantly push the speed of docking between himself and the
terminal to the limit. Unfortunately, the library system is not as
fast as the processing room. Xiao Yan spent twice as much time
as he imagined. Only get the answer.

"God, five minutes and forty-one seconds! Is this the speed of


Lauren’s eyes flashed a bit, but he still had to face.

"Hey! I just want to let this game continue to be merciful!"

"I know."

Xiao Yan smiled, but Lauren was very dissatisfied.

"Why are you laughing!"

"Thank you for your mercy!" Xiao Yan touched his nose. "But
now it is my turn to ask questions."

"You are out!" Lauren raised his chin and looked at what kind of
expression you could play.
Xiao Yan felt that he could no longer be merciful to this arrogant
boy. Daddy, there was a scene in his mind, and he and Hai Yin’s
team were trapped in a closed room...

Ok, see how this kid will escape from birth!

In thirty seconds, Xiao Yan fictionalized a room that was exactly

the same.

"Lauren, you are trapped in this room. Oxygen will be exhausted

in ten minutes. You don't have any tools in your hands, but you
have a special gun for the technical soldiers. Good luck."

Xiao Yan did not copy the details of the water injection, because
he was able to escape by relying on special forces to stand on the
door, but Lauren did not have such conditions. Xiao Yan just
wants to know how this guy will respond in an emergency.

"Nothing but a gun? How do you open the door? I don't see any
identification devices on the door!"

"How to open such a door? Is it a gun to shoot?"

"This is an impossible task!"

After Lauren confirmed Xiao Yan's setting of the door, he couldn't

help but chill out. "This kind of door that can only be seen in the
movie, you design it!"
"I like old movies. They are very important documents." Xiao
Yan smiled faintly.

On the holographic screen, after Lauren carefully examined the

circuit of the door, he decisively removed the gun in his hand,
connected the energy conversion device to the door, buckled the
trigger, and the door opened.

"Oh! This is fine too!"

"If it is in the real situation, I guess I will commit suicide with

that gun!"

Lauren looked at Xiao Yan and pulled out a smug smile. "I hope
you can come up with more difficult questions. But I admit that
this question is quite interesting."

Xiao Yan knows that his time for Lauren is too full. After all, in
reality, it is impossible to analyze the circuit of the door by means
of the terminal. He must use his own brain to analyze the
direction and function of each circuit, but he It is very practical to
think of the energy converter in the gun. Although looking into
Lauren's direction, Xiao Yan's mind was when he was looking for
a drop gun with his own underwater. Hai Yin came to his side and
took him. He still remembers the short moment of seeing the side
of Hai Yin in the underwater of chaos. This man does not need
any expression and does not want any gentle demeanor, but also
can occupy his eyes and even think.

At that moment, Xiao Yan knew that he was thinking of the man

"It's my turn. This time you don't want to pass easily." Lauren
even synthesized a virtual virus sample, which is the gene in the
comet virus that guarantees that the zombies can get energy from
the sun!

“What is your question?” Xiao Yan concealed his surprise. This

sequence is only mentioned in the senior virology practice class.
This class is a specially designed course for the military.
Thinking, whoever can offer groundbreaking insights will be
transferred to important projects by the Central Academy of

"Reducing the photosynthetic capacity of this virus." Lauren

looked at the expression of the play.

I almost didn't laugh out loud. Doesn't this bear child want him to
make a condensing agent?

"How long do you want me to finish?"

"five minutes."
“Five minutes is just to reduce its photosynthesis, right?”

"Yes. Can you still do something else in five minutes?"

Xiao Yan shook his head. "I just confirmed your question."

The manufacture of condensing agents is simple. The really

difficult part has always been the raw material and stability of the
condensing agent. This is why the condensing gun cannot be used
on a large scale to fight zombies.

It takes no more than five minutes. Xiao Yan only needs two
minutes to configure a medicine. Lauren's virus is in a low
temperature inactive state under the influence of the medicine,
and gradually loses the ability to accept heat.

Laurenton paused, which is obviously a headache for many senior

students, and even few people can formulate such stable drugs...

"Hey! What the **** is this guy..."

Lauren’s words have not been asked, and Xiao Yan interrupted
him. “It’s my turn.”

Close your eyes, Xiao Yan builds a virtual room in the terminal
system, the only exit of the room is controlled by a cipher, which
is a 12-digit password, and the password changes every second.

"Lauren, you have five minutes to leave."

Lauren reveals a disgusting expression. "Do you guys like to
design a secret room? Or do you have any abnormal tendency,
and you like to imprison people?"

His words provoked the laughter of the onlookers.

Xiao Yan didn't care, just made a "please" gesture.

"Tell you, there are no passwords in my world that I can't solve!"

After that, Lauren entered the terminal and began to calculate. He

discovered that the key is absolutely complicated, including
various variables of the space function, physical mechanics and
electromagnetics, etc., and the wide range of stalks caused Lauren
to raise his eyebrows slightly.

At that moment, Xiao Yan finally had a bit of shame, as if an

adult was bullying the child.

But Lauren still exceeded Xiao Yan's imagination. When he had

ten seconds left, he unlocked the key and entered the password.

Clearly the password has been displayed correctly, Lauren still

can not open the door, the terminal shows that his power has
reached the upper limit of ordinary humans, but this door does not
"Mom--" Lauren slammed his fist and slammed it on the

time up.

"What the **** is going on? Isn't he unlocking the password?"

"Or, the password is incorrect?"

"But there is no password error!"

Lauren looked at Xiao Yan, who was quietly watching all this.
"Hey! What the **** is going on! Is it really my calculation

"Your calculations are very subtle, and they are not bad." Xiao
Yan pulled up his lips, and the smile seemed unremarkably flat in
Lauren's eyes. "But I just told you to go out from this room and
didn't ask you to calculate your password."

"What...what...?" Lauren showed an incomprehensible


"According to my setting, this door is not locked at all." Xiao Yan

entered the simulation scene, came to the front door, pushed
forward with force, the door opened like this!
And Lauren has tried his best to pull the door open, because he
regards it as a sliding door that can be seen everywhere in the

"You play me!" Lauren got up and slid over Xiao Yan's collar and
waved his fist to his nose.

Xiao Yan grabbed his wrist easily and suddenly got up and put
him back on the seat. The speed of the students seemed to move

"Mom! You are not a student here! You are a special soldier!

Lauren’s half face was pressed against the back of the chair,
looking funny and embarrassing.

Xiao Yan was surprised at his own skill. His mind suddenly
flashed in a training room, and he was buckled to the ground by
Haiyin Burton. His hands were pressed behind him and his knees
were against him. Waist. He can feel the change in strength when
the sea is slightly low, and if the other person's steady breathing
passes through the back neck, he even has an illusion that the
other party is about to kiss.

"Hey! Hey! You **** let me go! My arm is going to break!"

Lauren’s shouting made Xiao Yan return to reality.

He let go of Lauren, and the other side looked at him with his
shoulders in his arms.

"What the **** are you! Inexplicably bet with me, then use this
topic to play me! You are not a student here!"

Xiao Yan sighed. "I didn't play you. You got used to Shire's
sliding door, so I saw that every door felt that it was laterally open
rather than pushed away. Such stereotypes would hinder you from
studying. Thinking, you will be tied to a specific thinking logic,
unable to break through the bottleneck, and will always be locked
in the bottom of the glass bottle."

Lauren groaned, when he was about to say something, the sound

of a sense of oppression in the indifference sounded.

"Whether your entertainment today is coming to an end, Major

Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan’s shoulders were slightly rounded, and he turned stiffly.

He saw Haiyin Burton, who was dressed in military uniforms, and
his two guards who were responsible for guarding him were
behind him. His face was embarrassed. After all, they were seen
by the heads that these special forces were wearing the uniforms
of the students and guarding the door of the library. It was very...
For a moment, the entire library was quiet, and all eyes were on
the way to Hai Yin.

No one can say a word.

Lauren stared at Xiao Yan's back and left, until they disappeared
outside the door, and the entire library suddenly collapsed.

"God! That person is Major Xiao Yan! Lauren, you can do it!
Actually, I have a question!"

At that moment, Lauren suddenly launched a fire and rushed out.

"Xiao Yan -"

The two special forces easily stopped him, letting him struggle
but unable to move forward.

Xiao Yan stopped his footsteps and turned around.

"You really are playing me right? Look at the trap that your
ability is not as good as your own, is it a special sense of

"I am not playing you, I am just looking for my own companion."

"What?" Lauren frowned.

"The military wants me to pick a research assistant, but I don't
need an assistant. What I want is a guy who reminds me to try to
push the door when I try to pull the door open."

"Ah..." Lauren stunned and forgot to struggle.

After that, Xiao Yan left behind Hai Yin.

The door of the magnetic levitation vehicle opened upwards, Xiao

Yan sat in, and Hai Yin sat next to him.

The contact on the wrist popped up and the liaison officer's face
appeared in front of Xiao Yan.

"Major, do you have an assistant in your heart?"

"Well, Lauren Ann."

The liaison officer’s brow screamed. “I’m sorry for the major. I
didn’t find Lauren Ann on the roster. Do you want to take another
look at the list?”

"He is not on the list. He is a student in the Academy of


"...Are you sure to enable a student as your research assistant?"

"Yes, I am sure. When I became Kathy's assistant, I was just a

student and a class b student."

The magnetic levitation car has stopped at the door of the

apartment, the night is about to come, and all the street lights are

Just as Xiao Yan stepped out of the door, Hai Yin grabbed him.

"have dinner together."

Xiao Yan did not have the right to refuse, Hai Yin has changed
the destination, they will go to the second tower.


The speed of the magnetic levitation car is extremely fast, Xiao

Yan does not understand what they can eat at the No. 2 tower!

“From there, you can see the sunset outside of Shire.”


This is an experience that Xiao Yan had never thought of before.

The tower opened the first door for them, because there was no
aircraft to dock, so the entire flight path was dark.

Xiao Yan touched the wall and walked forward. Even though he
knew that there was no obstruction in the passage, he could not
take every step as calmly as Hai Yin.
"Give me the handle."

The sound of Hai Yin was unexpectedly clear in this darkness.

Xiao Yan reached out and he didn't know where the other person
was. He waved and suddenly was forced to clasp his wrist.

"let's go."

The senses were infinitely magnified at that moment. Xiao Yan

could clearly feel the temperature of the fingers of the sea. His
feeling of touching the belly and the skin was very special. It
seemed that when the blood flowed, it rushed to rush out of the
skin. belly.

It’s not enough... Xiao Yan... This is really bad...



At this time, the outermost side of the channel slowly opened, and
the orange light rushed in along the gap. Xiao Yan first saw the
small legs of the sea under the military uniform, which was
slender and powerful, leaving elegance on the ground. The

The horizon is gradually widening, and the distant mountain rocks

are invisible under the orange-red sunlight.
There are constantly birds flying towards the shadows between
the mountains, dragging out numerous innumerable lines in the

The sun is about to fall under the foothills.

Xiao Yan glared at the big eyes until someone brought a packet of
biscuits around him.

"your dinner."

“Ah?” Xiao Yan took the biscuit, and Hai Yin had sat down at the
edge of the passage. “You said that eating dinner is to eat
compressed biscuits?”

“The military has improved its taste, and in order to accommodate

the nutritional needs of the special forces, the heat is five to six
times higher.”

Xiao Yan, who just bite a bite, quickly spit out the biscuits. "The
heat is so high! It is not fat!"

If all the special forces use x-2, their energy will come from
external food intake and daylight, but the heat of the food will be
very important when they can't guarantee sunshine.
"I thought it would be good to have a piece of bread with jam.
Can this be considered a dinner?" Xiao Yan whispered, sitting
down far away from the sea.

"What kind of dinner do you want?"

"Ah..." Xiao Yan didn't think that the other person would ask for
his opinion. "It's nothing. This kind of good scenery always thinks
if there is a glass of red wine..."

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, these are meaningless, Hai Yin could
not suddenly find a glass of red wine, and she is not waiting for a
woman to be pleased. He still picked up the compressed biscuits
and took a bite.

Hai Yin said yes, the taste has indeed improved, it is creamy
vanilla, and even the taste is very soft. Xiao Yan used to be
curious and smashed a piece. In order to ensure the nutrient
reduction of the additive, the biscuit did not taste other flavors
except the salty Xiaoyan, not to mention the dry biscuit ****
slipping from Xiaoyan's throat... ...that is one of the most horrible
foods in Xiao Yan's impression.

At that moment, a scene poured into his mind.

The author has something to say: Maya: dating a head is a

Liv: I’ve got it for a while...

Maya: Do you still need nutrients?

Liv: Depending on the situation, continue to ask, do you want to

be cut into bald, Maya? 2k novel reading network

"You used to put butter in the bread. It was the food that was
given to the school-level officer, right?"

"Is it not good?" Hai Yin put the half of the biscuit between Xiao
Yan's fingers and put it on his lips and bit it gently.

That sounds crisp, Xiao Yan's world is shocked by countless


In front of his eyes, Hai Yin used a knife to apply butter to the
bread with a calm expression. As if he was performing a delicate

Repeatedly, can't be shielded from my mind.

"I don't have red wine and steak."

Obviously there is no logical answer, Xiao Yan unexpectedly

understands the meaning of his words.

Although you like red wine and steak very much, when the
material is in short supply, I can give you only buttered bread.
Xiao Yan sighed helplessly. In fact, what I want to ask you is how
can you prepare bread and butter for others? Although she is very
cautious about this issue, Xiao Yan can't help but miss the
complicated and subtle mood when she took bread from Hai Yin.
That is different from sitting in the classroom and watching Lily's
back, and enjoying the fire in the bar | spicy off | clothing dance
blood spray | Zhang's mood is different, he carefully suppressed,
constantly veto, but finally the last Every time I remembered it,
the only thing he was sure of was that it was not a fear, even with
some unspeakable expectations.

"Hey, that biscuit I have eaten." Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows.

Hai Yin’s voice is still indifferent. “I kissed you.”

There is still no dialogue that is necessarily logical, but Xiao Yan

has an unparalleled sense of superiority at that moment. He
remembers Hai Yin’s alienation from everyone. He remembered
that Liv and Mark had discussed his near-morbid cleanliness, but
the phrase “I kissed you” made Xiao Yan know that he was in this
man’s field, he would have nothing. Tolerate him in principle and
to accommodate him.

Daylight finally disappeared and everything sank into the


Hai Yinli got up and stood up. When there was no light left, the
outside world became hollow and terrible.

The gate at the top of the head is about to fall, and Xiao Yan
quickly gets up and Shanghai Yin.

Everything is cut off.

This guy can't wait for me!

Habitually stretched out his hands and explored in the darkness, I

wonder if it was an illusion, and the road back to the passage gate
was longer than he thought.

Until his palm touched something.

"Coloton Burton?"

Xiao Yan just determined that he touched the other's back.

I clasped my fingers from the cold of no = to the slightest roll =

hot, the skin that was pressed seems to be branded, Xiao Yan’s
mood is uneasy, as if the man guiding himself will turn around
and swallow him. belly. The breathing in the darkness is
particularly loud. Xiao Yan’s heartbeat is gradually being
disrupted. When he subconsciously breaks away from the other
side, Hai Yin only slightly tightens his fingers, and Xiao Yan’s
wrist is almost broken and painful.
"I won't let you go."


The other party suddenly stopped and Xiao Yan swallowed.

"You used to stuff me into a small reaction device. You don't

know every moment of fear and despair. You just sway yourself
and squander my patience."

Calm to a scary tone, like an overwhelming harbinger.

"...I...I remember everything that happened with you, Colonel! I

just need time to connect them together!"

Xiao Yan knows what Hai Yin really cares about. Sometimes,
when I am sleeping in my dreams, the scenes and fragments are
constantly rising. Every time I feel the feeling of touching myself,
my feelings are clear. Every one of his looks is away. Xiao Yan
knows that he is very serious. Deeply remember. This man
occupies him too much attention, so that when he wakes up again,
Xiao Yan has a total incompatibility.

"What is the meaning of connecting them together? They are

always in your brain. Or, you can't connect them together, so you
are not the original Xiaoyan?"
Xiao Yan never thought that he would be questioned by Haiyin
Burton. In his impression, this man only has orders, even care and
protection, but also in a way that does not feel the temperature. At
this moment, his indifferent shell is making a crisp sound and
bursting at any time.

A force shrouded Xiao Xiao's body, his body slammed into the
side, and when he managed to maintain balance, his shoulders had
already hit the wall of the passage.

"Coloton Burton! It happened..."

His lips were pressed, and the lips between the lips were the
unruly tongues of the other side. The tongue was sharp and hot. It
was difficult to make their own desires = the dynasty of the dyke.
Xiao Yan could not build any dam to defend, and it would not be
a success.

The other's palm is squatting in the upper reaches of his body, and
the vision is blinded, so that all his feelings are concentrated on
the temperature of the other's palm.

very hot.

He can't think, only struggles with desperation. Various break-out

attacks, elbows, and knees were blocked by the other side.
There are always pictures in my mind, and Xiao Yan suddenly
finds that all his resistance skills are actually taught by the other


Hein Burton, who has always been impressed by himself, will

spare no effort to teach him these things?

In order to protect him.

Why is this man oppressing him in this form of total possession?

Because of fear.

Why can you fear?

Because Hein Burton is obsessed with what he wants, only him.

The answer to all the questions is so obvious, Xiao Yan knows

that there is nowhere to escape.

The strength of the kiss escalated, Xiao Yan’s head moved with
the direction of the other party’s kiss, and all reason was defeated
by the mouth. Xiao Yan’s military pants were smothered by the
other side, and his hands were raised with his mouth upwards.
The sound of the military pants landing came. Xiao Yan was
forced to look up, and the other's kiss spread to his chin and fell
**** his neck. His legs were opened, the toes of his left leg were
unable to be on the ground, and the right leg was raised to an
almost broken position.

"Try to enjoy all this, major."

Like the flame burning in the cold, the ear is the commanding
tone of Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan's muscles burst into a mouth, because the other's fingers
squeezed into the most difficult part of his teeth.

"No... Colonel Burton... you must..."

You must not be Haiyin Burton! He will never do such a thing!

The other's fingers are rotating, and the mouth is forced, as if to

tear all his softness and fragility.

Xiao Yan couldn't breathe. The elbows pressed against the wall
and tried to resist the other side. Like punishment, Xiao Yan was
once again pulled back to the wall with force. At that moment, his
spine was almost shattered.

The other side suddenly rushed in without warning, and the body
was suddenly slammed, and Xiao Yan was frightened and beaten
on the other's shoulder.

"Hey - hey - I have come in."

The cold and dull voice, countless longings of silk linger in
between, and Xiao Yan firmly in the net.

"Twist my neck or hold me tight."

This is a multiple-choice question that has no choice at all. Xiao

Yan can only hold the other's shoulder and put his chin on the
other's shoulder.

"Feel me, then remember me."

Hai Yin slowly mouths up in Xiao Yan's body, and it is extremely

hard, as if to be one with him.

Hai Yin said yes, in such a darkness, he could not feel anything
except Hai Yin. The shape of the other side, his strong, obsessive
and even inevitable collisions continue to stab | excited Xiao
Yan's brain.

His legs were put down, he couldn't stand at all, and he sat down
slowly against the wall. His legs were placed on the shoulders of
Hai Yin, and at the moment of his mouth, there was no initial
slowness and patience. The power of his body is off the ground,
he can only support the other side of the shoulder.

"Don't... don't do this..."

Xiao Yan’s language is fragmented and he does not know how to
beg for mercy.

The other party stopped and kissed Xiao Yan's closed eyes,
touched his nose and gently squatted.

Xiao Yan can feel the other side's light side face, and the lips
touched with a soothing meaning. Such gentleness is hard to
imagine from Haiyin Burton, and such gentleness and brilliance
of the talents form a sharp gap, making Xiao Yan not consciously

At the moment he sank, his body was violently turned over, and
the other side was almost rotated in his body for a week. Xiao
Yan could not help but scream. He was kneeling on the ground,
and the darkness covered his shame = shame. He felt more about
the strength of the other person lifting his waist again. Constantly
clamoring for hope and being destroyed, Xiao Yan felt that she
was crazy and completely mad.

His body moved back and forth. He used his arms to support his
upper body and tried to escape, but the ending was pressed back
by the other party. His knees couldn't stand and trembled, his
brain was chaotic, and he finally fell. His forehead was on his
hands, and the other side had not reached its apex.

Xiao Yan’s thinking is indulged, and he is allowed to ask for it.

When he regained consciousness, he was under a soft bed and he
was held tightly in his arms.

The calm breathing spread in the air, Xiao Yan slowly turned back
and saw a beautiful side face caught in the pillow.

Such a harmless and quiet **** = feeling, Xiao Yan's throat is

usually ignorant = dumb.

Taking a breath, he remembered everything in the dark passage.

The body suddenly tightened and supported the upper body, and
Xiao Yan turned to get out of bed at a speed never seen before.

The whole body was cold, and Xiao Yan found that he was not in
the air.

The man on the bed raised his side with one hand and slowly
opened his eyes.

"It's still early."

The other's eyes are down, elegant and moving, and Xiao Yan
swallows and keeps thinking in his mind.

In the liaison officer's office, two days and two nights of madness
made Xiao Yan feel awkward.

Hai Yin finally got up, and Xiao Yan quickly reached out and
grabbed his small mouth. He believed that the scene was
ridiculous, but he had to do it. Hai Yin reached out and pulled him
over, clasped his wrist and pulled him away.

Xiao Yan reluctantly stunned and looked at it! I have you all! You
are **** bigger than mine!

Hai Yin couldn't hear Xiao Yan's belly. He just looked at Xiao
Yan's small mouth. Under the other's line of sight, Xiao Yan sadly
renewed his mouth.

If the other party's nasal breath has not passed through his body,
this is simply a fateful call.

"This... this is the morning..."

And the colonel, you shouldn't do those things to me at all! It

should not appear in my room at all! The most important thing
is... Xiao Yan knows that the time in the passage is not the first
time between him and Hai Yin!

Wait, yesterday in the channel...

"I... how did I come back yesterday?"

"I am holding you back."

Shaw rocking.

He is still applying to the base of the Arctic! He can't mix in

"Hate me?" Hai Yin looked up, his eyes were too soft, it was the
beginning of a complete fall.

"Do not hate..." Almost no thinking, Xiao Yan said the answer.

At that moment, he understood more clearly why the man forced


Hai Yin let Xiao Yan realize that no matter how much he has done
to him, Xiao Yan has an inclusive attitude.

For most men, being embraced by another man means being

convinced. Xiao Yan can imagine that if the same thing happened
to Maya, don't look at this guy who is very embarrassed on
weekdays, he will definitely fight with each other!

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, his fingers gently immersed in the hair
between the sea. No matter how cold the man is, there is always a
soft place.

Ode to the ground, Xiao Yan’s small mouth was wrapped in soft
and warmth. When he lowered his head, the heart seemed to
burst! Xiao Yan feels that the shock of his life is hard to surpass
this moment! Hai Yin covered all his mouth and gently sucked it.
Xiao Yan could clearly feel the other's tongue slipping over his

God! God!
Xiao Yan lowered his head and could not remove his own sight.
In the eyes of all people, the unattainable sea is unexpected...

With the sound of the electronic alarm clock, Xiao Yan rushed to
the top.

Sticky = thick liquid rushes along the cheeks of Hai Yin, Xiao
Yan enjoys the unparalleled moment with his eyes closed.

"Your new assistant is waiting for you in the research room."

Xiao Yan only noticed what he left on the other's face... This is
the legendary Yan = shooting?

When he was still immersed in shock, Hai Yin had calmly got up
and walked into the bathroom.

"Colonel! Colonel Burton - Why..."

Xiao Yan followed the bathroom and saw Hai Yin washing his
face with his head down.

"What ‘why’.” Hai Yin took Xiao Yan’s towel and wiped her face.

"Why help me with my mouth... mouth..." He couldn't say the


"What you want to ask is not just a mouthful."

Hai Yin said it out of the hall, as if the Xiao Yan could not do
anything. For Hai Yin, it is just as natural as eating and sleeping.

"..." Xiao Yan's heart calmed down with the voice of the other

"Or you have to ask me yesterday that I was in the channel."

Hai Yin put Xiao Yan's towel back in place.

"It’s totally different for me to talk to me."

This time Xiao Yan was no longer timid and greeted Hai Yin's

"So you believe the answer I gave you."

Hai Yin walked out of the bathroom, his fingers were in the air,
and his military uniform appeared from the wall. Slightly bowed
his head, the military uniform was put on his shoulders, and
self-control is a label that describes this man, but he...

"Yes, I believe."

"I am your man. I will please you except you." Hai Yin's palm is
over the heart of Xiao Yan. "Ask yourself, who is the person you
trust the most. No matter what the danger, You do everything you
want to get back to. If you ask me why you are on you, as a man
you have lost your self-esteem in me, would you want to kill

Xiao Yan shoulders a meal.

He didn't think about it... He didn't hate Haiyin for a minute or


Hai Yin's palm covered his cheek. "No matter whether you can
understand the past between us, but one thing has never changed."


"You want to belong to me." Hai Yin's kiss fell on Xiao Yan's

Yes, he trusts Hai Yin. He still remembers that when the zombies
were rampant at the base, he was trapped in the room, and the
only thing that could be thought of was Haiy Burton.

"You are going to be late, major."

When Xiao Yan woke up, Hai Yin was buttoning the last button
on his collar.

From the moment Xiao Xiao entered the Central Academy of

Sciences, he found that people around him looked at him with
strange eyes.
"Hey, major!" Ritz grabbed Xiao Yan's shoulder. "I didn't expect
you to be late too! But as the head of the research department,
being late is not a big deal!"

"Oh..." Xiao Yan was grateful to the x-virus in the body. If it

wasn't for it, after so intense...the movement yesterday, he might
have died long ago, instead of walking like this moment.

"I suggest you make an appointment with a psychiatrist to take a

look. The current psychotherapy is very advanced."

Major Loch walked past Xiao Yan's side, and his footsteps did not
sound. He scared Xiao Yan.

What psychologist?

"Ah, we heard about what happened in the flight path yesterday!

It’s great to see the Majors safe and sound!" A captain left after
bowing to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan’s face instantly turned red.

Sure enough, the things that he was taken out by Colonel Burton
spread throughout the Central Academy of Sciences! I don't know
what the whole Shir knows!

God! How will they add to this experience? Said that he was
being unconscious by Colonel Burton?
"Fortunately, your research room is very bright." Ritz licked the
back of the skull.

Other passers-by looked at Xiao Yan very sympathetically. Two

female researchers whispered, and they thought that their voice
Xiao Yan could not hear, but the x virus made Xiao Yan's hearing
very sharp.

"It turns out that even a genius will have a weakness!"

"It’s so cute, it’s fainted!”

"Yeah, there is no strength at all, and Colonel Burton is holding

the passage!"

Xiao Yan is already going crazy. He keeps his hair in his heart and
growls and wants everyone to shut up.

"Hey, what kind of claustrophobic phobia, etc., are you too

cooking? The great generals said that they are willing to
personally provide psychological counseling for you." Ritz came
to his lab and stepped in the moment. Was picked up by Xiao


A face of Reitz's pain is pale, "Hey! Major Xiao Yan! Not

everyone has the same x virus in your body!"
"What claustrophobic phobia?" Xiao Yanyi said to each other.

"That is... Didn't you go to the flight passage with Colonel Burton
yesterday afternoon? Then you passed out in the passage, Colonel
Burton took you away! The liaison officer of the tower asked you
what happened, Colonel Burton said You just don't like darkness
and confinement... but to the point of fainting, not what is
claustrophobic phobia?"

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief and laughed twice. "It turned
out to be..."

Ritz, a weak look, sat down against the wall. "My spine broke... I
can't walk... I can't work... I want to apply for recuperation..."

Although the contact time is not long, Xiao Yan has a deep
understanding of the character of this guy. He lifted his leg and
stepped on the shoulder of Ritz, bowing his head and showing an
evil smile. "I know your spine is good... if you think about it
Break, I can help you."

"No... no..." Ritz held his hands on Xiao Yan's leg, slowly
lowered it and returned to his lab along the wall. He shouted
before he squeezed into the sliding door. "Your The legs are really
Xiao Yan is about to step on him, but the sliding door has been
closed and locked.

Shaking his head helplessly, the claustrophobic space phobia is

better than being fainted by Hai Yin.

At the end of the passage, a young-looking guy leaned against the

door and looked uncomfortable.

"Hey! Major! You are late!"

Xiao Yan’s lips rise, “Hey, are you reporting?”

Lauren didn't look away, "Yes! Lost face! There is a supervisor

who faints because of claustrophobic phobia!"

"If you feel embarrassed, you can go back and continue to be a


The sliding door senses the presence of Xiao Yan and

automatically slides open. Xiao Yan's hands were in his pocket,
and Lauren squeezed into the lab behind him.

When Xiao Yan started the system, numerous computing

interfaces and high-speed access signs made Lauren open his

"Oh my God--"
"This system is not God. It is God who manipulates it." Xiao Yan
made a snap to Lauren. "Kid, don't touch the fish, come and enter
the vital signs! This is your verification code!"

"What? You mean I can use this system too?"

"Yeah, or do you want to use it?"

Xiao Yan grabbed Lauren's wrist and pressed his palm to the
recognition screen. Instantly Lauren's fingerprints, palm prints
and even the collection of genetic samples ended in an instant and
a report was generated.

Lauren immediately excitedly connected to the terminal and

entered several classic and complex puzzles of the senior students
into the system. According to his thinking mode, the system gave
the answer within six seconds. "Wow! This is the speed of God!"

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: If this chapter
is locked, trouble everyone should not exist... tears rushing

“There is no time for you to play, Lauren. Do you know what the
two key projects in our lab are?”

"The analog battle system, and x-2! Can I participate in these

"Yes. Today we are going to start simulating the data collection of
the battle system. But this is a very dangerous process." Xiao Yan
held his arm against a test bench and looked at Lauren. His smile
was unpredictable, and the young assistant was suddenly lost.

"...The breakthrough of any research is accompanied by risks.

There are a lot of scholars who have been killed in history in
order to get results." Lauren took a deep breath and looked at the
other person's eyes seriously.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Yan raised a box and walked out the door.

"Where to go?"

"Training room. I have invited Major Wenn, Major Ling Xiao and
Captain Liv."

"God! They are all masters in special missions!"

Lauren was once again excited.

When Xiao Yan came to the training room, the three of them had
been waiting for a long time.

Wenn took Xiao Yan's shoulder and looked down at Lauren

leisurely. "Oh, Xiao Yan, this is your little tail?"

Lauren’s eyes widened and he sighed, “You are so beautiful!”

Wenn groaned, and then the joke-like expression on his face
became fierce. Seeing that he was going to get angry, Liv and
Xiao Yan quickly pulled him.

"Hey! Don't worry about kids!"

"He meant to praise you for being very handsome! It’s just that
the words don't make sense!"

The instinct's perception of danger made Lauren step back two


And Wenn instantly restored a slightly smiling expression, step by

step to Lauren, his fingers gently point on Lauren's nose, clearly
seemingly light movements, Lauren continued to retreat, he felt
his nose is cracking Open, this pain reminds him that no matter
how harmless he looks, even with a disguised appearance, he is a
special soldier, a special soldier who can easily kill himself.

"Don't worry, Wenn. He is Xiao Yan's assistant." Liv stepped

forward and moved Wenn's wrist and stood in front of Lauren.

"Okay, okay." Wenn slammed his finger and turned around. "I
have a chance to fix him anyway."

Lauren had a chill, and Xiao Yan held his arm and quickly
appreciated the expression on the face of this little guy. He
remembered that when he first encountered Shanghai Yin, he also
looked straight at each other and was also Liv The warning said
that the eyeballs were dug up.

The first time... see him? Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and smiled
lightly. Sure enough, no matter what happened, as long as it was
about the man, he could not forget it!

Ling Xiao did not want to raise his chin. "Don't waste time, I have
a task in the afternoon."

Xiao Yan took Lauren's collar and took him to the observation
room, opened the box, and turned out to be a gun!

"Gun...what do we want to do with the gun?" Lauren’s horrified

expression, how to look funny.

"Why, do you want to personally install a sensing device for a

variant zombie?"

Xiao Yan took out the barrel and the energy converter, and
assembled it with ease. A set of movements made Lauren unable
to open his eyes.

Winn and Liv have entered the training ground, and Ling Xiao
stayed with Xiao Yan. Once there was any accident, he could
enter the training ground to support Wen En and Li Fu.
The observation room where Xiaoyan is located is five meters
above the ground and is separated by a layer of high-density
titanium metal glass. Xiao Yan pressed the button, the glass
slowly slipped open, and Xiao Yan stabilized the gun.

"Do you need me to come?" Ling asked.

"Yeah, let Master Ling Xiao come!" Lauren is obviously very

upset. If Xiao Yan doesn't hit the zombies in a few shots, they
can't close the glass in time. If the zombies jump in, they will be

"This gun was designed and manufactured by me. I think I know

more about the function of it than Major Ling."

Xiao Yan's tone is very calm, Lauren is not calm, he pleads to

look at Ling Xiao, deeply expressed his doubts about Xiao Yan
shooting technology.

But Ling Xiao has already begun to count down,


The button was pressed, and a variant of the zombie rushed out,
regardless of speed or strength, and Wenn and Li Fu were waiting.

I only heard the trigger buckle, "啪-", the moment of electro-optic

flint, Xiao Yan hit the back of the zombie, the sensor smoothly
entered its muscles. The zombie instantly changed the direction of
action, and the left leg slammed on the ground and rushed toward

The facial features of the cockroaches have already smashed the

facial muscles and yellowed fangs.

"God--" Lauren frightened and sat down on the ground.

Xiao Yanli landed the glass and the zombie slammed into the
observation room.

"Hey, kid, you are not urinating on your body?" Xiao Yan snorted
with a gun and grinned.

"You... you are urinating on your body!"

Lauren’s legs have softened. He still remembers the terrorist

attacks that the tides organized in Charlie a few months ago. That
day he was in the school classroom, and there was a buzzing
voice outside the classroom. The professors at the time did not
care, but when the snoring gradually turned into a scream,
everything was late. A zombie rushed into the classroom, biting
off the professor's neck, all the students screaming and fleeing,
and the zombie was hungry and eager to eat the professor's flesh
and blood, a pair of empty eyes excitedly watching all the
students. Lauren was stupid in the original place and could not
move. If it was not a special soldier who arrived in time, he was
already dead.

The zombies that had just rushed to the observation room were
significantly more horrible than what he had encountered in the

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't you pay attention to the data?"

The sound of the banter sounded, and Lauren discovered that

Xiao Yanyi looked at him with a funny smile in front of him. A
teenager with impaired self-esteem presses the other person's face
and opens the holographic screen. The zombie's action mode is
being transmitted to the system intact, forming data, and being
analyzed and summarized.

Throughout the process, Wenn has been standing sideways, and

Liv and the zombies continue to circumvent. After two minutes,
the arm of the mutant zombie was broken by Liv, and its head was
trampled under her feet.

"Really... too powerful!" Lauren exclaimed.

At this time, Xiao Yan opened the glass again.

When Ling Xiao pressed the button, the second zombie rushed
out wildly.
Lauren’s heart lifted up, and Xiao Yan barely responded. The
second shot shot and hit the chest of the zombie.

There is nothing wrong with it!

Lauren admits that there has been a small change in Xiao Yan. "I
thought you only have a brain!"

Ling Xiao, who has been silent for a while, is not strange to Xiao
Yan’s ability. “The condenser guns that all military departments
are using are all self-calibrated by Major Xiao Yan. His shooting
ability can definitely be ranked in the top ten in the military.”

Lauren looked at Xiao Yan's back and suddenly realized that this
guy must have an extraordinary experience.

"Hey, do you think your supervisor is very handsome?" Xiao Yan

put the barrel on his shoulder and pulled his lips and smiled. The
unruly taste made Lauren's breath slam.

"What is this? I will be better than you in two years!"

Xiao Yan laughed, holding the palm of his hand against Lauren’s
head and slamming hard. "Are you sure you can do it for two

"Let me go!" Lauren struggled, but when he lowered his eyes, the
temperature of Xiao Yan's palm made him unexpectedly relieved.
Outside the observation room, Liv released the original zombie,
and the two free zombies began to cooperate. Although Wenn’s
strength was extraordinary, the two variants were zombie
uniforms, and they spent exactly five minutes.

Xiao Yan squinted and thought deeply.

The single variant of the zombies is terrible, but the most difficult
part is that these zombies have a certain intelligence. The threat of
two or three combinations is multiplied, and the special forces
must learn how to block their attacks.

Throughout the morning, the process of data collection was in

progress. Xiao Yan even simulated a variety of combat scenarios,
such as in cities, bases, forests, and so on. Later, Ling Xiao also
joined Wen En and Li Fu, and the collected data became more and
more complicated.

When the data collection of the day was over, Wenn and Lif were
almost exhausted, and there were no more variants of zombies in
the training room.

Xiao Yan took the box and walked in the passage, and Lauren
followed him. He couldn't help but wonder what the system
would look like.
When Xiao Yan called out the original model of the battle system,
Lauren was completely shocked.

"This is simply a reprint of reality! Even the feeling of being

killed is so clear! Is this system really designed for you?"

Xiao Yan licked his head. "Please don't play, we must perfect the
system within one month to ensure that it can be used by special
mission forces, otherwise they will doubt your competence as my
assistant, and then you will Go back to the boring class and
continue listening to the professor's lecture."

"Oh - God - that's hell!"

Lauren is active. Xiao Yan's job is to import all the scene data. It
turns out that this little guy has the ability to think beyond the
years of experience, and even think more carefully than they are.

With Lauren as an assistant, research on analog systems can do

more with less.

Hai Yin’s troops were the first to use this simulation system for
training. After a week of brain training, Haiyin’s troops went out
to perform tasks more efficiently than before, and the entire team
sent back to Shire. This made the Central Academy of Sciences
reaffirm the study of Xiao Yan.
Xiao Yan knows that the analog system is not a big problem, and
he must solve the x virus in his body as soon as possible. He
handed over the task of collecting simulated system data to
Lauren, but it is clear that Lauren is reluctant to deal with the
special forces.

"That...I really want to go back to the special forces to retrieve the

data collector?"

"if not?"

"They can send the data through the system!"

"You don't know if the laboratory system is independent?"

Lauren bowed his head. "If I was killed by Major Wenn?"

Xiao Yan knows that Lauren still remembers the last time Wenn
scared him.

"Well, you should know that the military has passed a decree that
all researchers must be trained like other armed forces, and that
the instructors trained by the researchers are special forces. The
one who trained me was Major Wenn, if there were no accidents,
Should he train you too?"

"...I would rather be eaten by a zombie."

"Believe me, you are more willing to be trained by Wenn than
you are being eaten by zombies. It is better to take advantage of
this opportunity to collect data and have a good relationship with
Wenn. When he is trained by special forces, he will also take care
of it." You are a little!"

Xiao Yan squinted at her eyes and felt that she was so bad, but her
face was a look of "I am really good for you."

"okay then……"

Lauren left the lab with a frustrated look. Xiao Yan’s look was
cold. He knows that all research on x-2 does not allow others to
participate, even if that person is his own assistant.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and spliced ​his own research on the x-2
process, including the study of the comet virus in the Antarctic
and the blood sample analysis of the sea. When everything is
clear, his ideas are unmistakably clear. He collected his own
blood samples, analyzed the activity of the x virus in the body,
and began to formulate x-2. This is a very concentrated process.
He understands that he must have enough patience. This result
can never be achieved overnight.

At this time, Lauren came to the lounge of the Haining troops,

hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and pressed
his fingers. The biological information showed his identity, and
the moment the sliding door opened, although Lauren had not
prayed for many times, not Wenn, but it was not a wish, and
Wenn, a black combat uniform, held the door with a single hand
and looked at Lauren with a funny smile.

"Hey! Assistant, is there anything?"

The moment Lauren looked up, he was in the same place.

The original hair of Wenn's shoulders was cut into a plate, and
Lauren's eyes deliberately looked fierce, but did not expect
Lauren's eyes to be red.

"You... your hair?"

"Cut. I am not Maya. I used to think that it is very troublesome to

trim my hair from time to time. Now I feel that the hair that is not
long and long is hurt and self-respect. I just cut it off." The
expression of your ass.

"Is it because I said that you are beautiful?" Lauren's originally

scared expression was very serious at the moment.

"Yes! Which man likes to be beautiful?" Wenn snorted.

"But the hair style is too ugly now!" Lauren screamed. "Do you
have any aesthetics!"
Wenn continued to glare at Lauren's expression, and Lauren
reacted and stepped back two steps, and the collar was still
stunned by Wenn.

"Who do you say that there is no aesthetic? Ah?" Wenn’s voice

squeezed out of his teeth.

"I'm sorry..." Lauren stuttered.

Liv sighed and came to the two people. "Major, I said why you
can't tell Lauren honestly. When you perform the task today, your
hair is sprayed by the pus of a zombie. You feel very Disgusting,
so you can't wait to cut your hair?"

Wenn’s face was ugly, and Lauren’s eyes were full of “you play

With a snoring, Wenn let go of Lauren. "Are you taking the data

"Yes..." Lauren was still instinctively afraid of Wenn, leaning

toward Liv, but unfortunately his wish was not fulfilled, and
Wenn took him to the lounge with his shoulders.

"Hey, hand over the data collectors on you! Hurry up! This kid
and us are more afraid of one point for each second. If he is
scared, we will be investigated by the Central Academy of
Everyone took the data collector off his body and placed it on the
table in front of Lauren. Wenn Da Lala returned to the sofa and
sat down, closed her eyes and stopped talking, and her gloomy
brows were full of murderous expression.

Lauren escaped with all the collectors and rushed out. He went to
the door and screamed and threw everything down. He could only
squat on the ground and open the sliding door and step out.

At the moment when the sliding door was closed again, Wenn
couldn't help but laughed.

Liv turned his eyes in the sky without words.

A few days later, Xiao Yan finally developed an x-2 that fits her.

He placed the vial of the virus-dissolving agent between his

fingers. Although the experiment mimicked the virus many times
without problems, Xiao Yan knew that the virus would have no
exact result once it was injected into its body.

"Hey, I said Major, you played with the bottle of medicine for one
morning! It was dizzy by the head you played!"

Xiao Yan smiled and licked Lauren's head. "How is the upgrade
of the analog battle system?"
“Very good and perfect!” Lauren was so angry that he didn’t go
too far. “What secret research are you doing? I tried to interpret
your research data and could not log in!”

"When you are so powerful that you can crack the permissions I
set, you can join my research!"

Lauren has not received any training from the blocker, even if he
has nothing to do with the tidal organization, once in the hands of
the tide, the enemy is likely to extract information from his brain.

Xiao Yan opened the door of the lab, and Lauren stretched his
neck. "Hey - where are you going!"

"Go to see someone I trust the most."

Lauren’s face wrinkled and shattered: “As your assistant, I am not

the one you trust the most, you make me feel good!”

Xiao Yan stood outside the door and looked up and took a strong
breath. He still remembers that he had been to Hai Yin's room, but
he was drunk at that time.

He closed his eyes and remembered how drunk himself walked

through the clouds and walked in the passage, and how Hai Yin
was very patient to follow behind him.
When the footstep stopped, Xiao Yan came to the front of a room.
He knew that his fingerprint could not open it.

"Hello, Colonel Burton, I am Xiao Yan."

The door opened.

The man standing in front of him did not wear combat uniforms
and did not wear military uniforms. Today is his vacation day. He
was only wearing a thin, unstyled white t-shirt, and his slacks
couldn't hide his slender and powerful leg lines.

Xiao Yan looked at the man in front of him and opened his mouth
but did not speak.

He remembers this Haiyin Burton, such an unguarded gesture, as

if he had his own life in addition to the endless tasks.

Hai Yin’s palms circled behind Xiao Yan’s head and almost
pushed him into his arms. The special forces outside the door
were blocked by the closed sliding door. When Xiao Yan
returned, he found that he had entered his room. .

The layout of this room is exactly the same as that of her own.
Hai Yin sits back on his bed and his pillow is a book.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at him. This man is more
attractive than the male model on the holographic image of the
giant screen in the mall. He doesn't need to do anything, as long
as he exists quietly, he can drag and drop all the eyes of Xiao Yan.

Hai Yin patted the position around him and motioned to sit next to

Xiao Yan subconsciously stepped back half a step, that is the bed
of Hai Yin, suggesting that it is self-evident.

"I know what you are afraid of. I will go to you until you or I no
longer exist in this world. If you feel that being on me is really the
most intolerable thing in the world or you are sure that you really
don't want to be me. Hold, you can never be close to me."

The expression of Hai Yin’s abstinence as always, even this sense

of abstinence is also extremely charming.

At the moment, Xiao Yan feels like a tiny stream of water

converges in the blood. He thinks that those uncontrollable
heartbeats are just memories. Now his fingertips are also being
pulled. He step by step, and now he wants to approach Haiyan. ·
Burton’s mood is absolutely irrelevant to memory.

As if he was born, he was destined to be close to him.

Xiao Yan came to Hai Yin's side and lay down on Hai Yin's
shoulder when lying down. When his legs were put on the bed,
the breath was the smell of Hai Yin Burton.
Unlike his kisses and hugs, which are full of inclination and
oppression, Xiao Yan feels unexpected peace of mind.

"I developed an x-2 that fits my own. I am going to inject myself.

I don't know if I can wake up like every simulation after I accept
it. I can't give myself to the Central Academy of Sciences.
Anyone, because the power of Valentin Sheen has long
penetrated, maybe I will be in the process of adapting to this
virus... no more tomorrow."

"You will wake up. I will be here."

"I should be as hot, heartbeat, and unconscious as you accept the

x-2 record..."

"That's because the accelerator in my body makes the two viruses

replicate more quickly. Your risk is much lower than at the time.
So you will wake up."

Xiao Yan closed her eyes and smiled. He knows that this man has
almost blind faith in himself.

"This is only suitable for my virus, so no one else can do this

experiment instead of me." Xiao Yan took a breath and pressed
the bottle into the injection gun. "I hope that when I wake up, it is
like I saw you the same last time."

"Are you sure you won't try to avoid me like you did last time?"
"Can I avoid you?" Xiao Yan smiled slightly, and the injection
gun pierced his thigh.

His heartbeat was uncontrollable, his vision began to blur, and he

looked up and saw the chin of Hai Yin.

The author has something to say: Liv: Major Wenn, I suspect that
you are looking at Lauren's little guy.

Wenn: You said God horse?

Mark: What is this **** unfolding?

Liv: Children are like this. The more you like, the more you want
to bully.

Wenn: I am not a child!

Mark & ​Liv & Maya: You are a child!

Wenn: Maya, what are you going to make a mess! Be careful that
they give you an attack!

Maya: Labor and capital are a ghost attack, or I will attack you!

Wen En: Attacking the mud girl! 2k novel reading network

The other side leaned down and kissed his forehead, and the touch
was more clear than his own heartbeat.
His mind gradually became chaotic, his head slowly slid to one
side, and Hai Yin took him into his arms.

Xiao Yan felt that he had entered a labyrinth, and he was

constantly replaying the memory of his own flight into the
reaction device and his farewell.

He understood how much he wanted to stay with this man.

At that moment, he is no longer a so-called myth, but his


Hai Yin is connected with the terminal equipped in the room to

scan and analyze the physical condition of Xiao Yan and monitor
it in real time. His various signs were mastered by Hai Yin.

Xiao Yan's body temperature is getting higher and higher, Hai Yin
carefully got up and placed Xiao Yan on the pillow. He opened
the locker, took out the nutrient, and skillfully injected it into
Xiaoyan's body.

This is a long process. Throughout the night, Xiao Yan runs out of
all the nutrients in the room.

In the early morning, when Liv came to the door of Haiyin with a
lot of nutrients, she looked at her chief with some concern.
"Head... I know that Xiao Yan is now accepting the x virus. You
don't think it will hurt him anything...but..."

"He needs energy." Hai Yin did not give Liv the extra
explanation, pushing all the nutrients into the door, Liv was
isolated from the sliding door.

For three consecutive days, Major Xiao Yan did not return to his
research room. Of course, his reason for taking leave was very
far-fetched. That is, he needed time to "meditation". It was not
himself who was applying for leave but Colonel Burton.

The reaction of Loch and Ritz after hearing the news in the
passage made Lauren uneasy.

"Oh, Major Xiao Yan needs ‘meditation,’?” Ritz blinked

indecently at Loch.

Lauren is stupid and understands that "meditation" must have

other meanings.

Loch still squinted for a long time and said a long time: "Or we
should conduct a study - the persistence of Colonel Burton."

Lauren whispered inexplicably: "The guy in Xiao Yan must be

lazy. Where is the beer now looking at the striptease! What is his
meditation on Colonel Guan Burton?"
Ritz turned around and stared at Lauren with an alien look.
"Major Rock has no chance to drink a striptease in this life, and
only Colonel Burton can make him 'meditation' for several days.
Go out."

"What?" Lauren licked his head and was still digesting the causal

Loch licked Ritz's back collar. "Let's go, don't teach bad kids. I
invite you to drink beer and watch off."

"Short! I don't want to be with you! Let me go!"

In this way, Ritz and Loch disappeared at the end of the passage.

At this time, Xiao Yan was sweaty, and his body temperature was
still at a higher temperature.

Hai Yin put cold water in the bathtub, took off Xiao Yan's
researcher's white plug, removed his clothes, and picked him up
and slowly into the bathtub.


The comfort that the high heat is relieved makes Xiao Yan send
out |

Hai Yin still supplements him with nutrients from time to time.
His brain still repeats the moment of separation from the sea, and
every time he turns away, the heart is divided. He subconsciously
wants to grab something and then buckles the edge of the bathtub.
The x virus gave him the strength to make the bathtub pinched out
of the tiny gap. Hai Yin could not help but buckle his wrist, lying
sideways in the cold water, holding Xiao Yan tightly.

"I am here, right next to you." Hai Yin covered in Xiao Yan's ear
and whispered.

As if the person around him is the source of his strength, Xiao

Yan no longer seeks support, but the subconscious side passes
over and clings to the body of Hai Yin. As a result, the hair of the
sea has a "giggle" sound, and the process of fragmentation and
repair is repeated.

He did not wrinkle his brows, never opened Xiao Yan's hand,
holding him from the beginning to the end, and put his head on
his shoulder.

That night, Xiao Yan's high fever gradually receded, the breathing
was calm, and the chaotic brain was clear.

Slightly opened his eyes, he saw Hai Yin's side face, the other
side slowly turned over, the fingers pulled Xiao Yan's wet hair,
gently massaged his brow, even the cold tone of the same.
"Are you awake? Major."

Xiao Yan suddenly turned over and sat on the body of Hai Yin.
His hands pressed against Hai Yin's shoulders, and the sound of
the water dripping back and forth was particularly loud.

He looked at Hai Yin greedily and refused to look away for a


"I don't regret leaving you in that reaction device. If I come back
10,000 times, I will do the same thing."

The water stains on Xiao Yan's face dribbled on Hai Yin's face,
leaning against the bathtub and looking up at Xiao Yan's Hai Yin
but did not mean to avoid it.

"I know." Hai Yin raised her hand and wiped the water stain on
Xiao Yan's face, and his expression was clearly seen.

"You are not wrong, no matter whether I can completely connect

the memories of the past, even if I fear your strength, chase your
back, how much I don't want to repeat the life that you are
attracted to lose self-control, but I have always been You are

"I am not as strong as you think."

Whatever it is said, the words of Hein Burton are always simple.
He did not say the meaning of the export, he can only rely on
Xiao Yan to understand.

"I know that you love me, Colonel. Not only want to take
advantage of | Yes. Otherwise you can keep me from being weak
and vulnerable, so that I will always be attached to your wing.
You take me out to see this. The beauty and cruelty of the world,
you use freedom to lure me to pursue a more powerful direction,
but have you ever thought about it, and when I really have
freedom, I will open you?"

"I will give you what you want. If you open me, I will catch up."

Haiyin Burton always maintains a look up, and his look up is

never humble, but instead he is as strong as the support of Xiao

Looking down, Xiao Yan kissed the man hard, and clearly heard
that the bones of Hai Yin were oppressed to the sound of the
tremble, and Xiao Yan first produced the urge to destroy the other.

Hai Yin tried to support himself to hold Xiao Yan, but Xiao Yan
was extremely persistent to press Hai Yin back to the original
They are competing with each other | there is a partner, and Hai
Yin accepts the oppression of Xiao Yan.

For the first time, Xiao Yan felt that he was mad. The piece of
memory that had left Hai Yin over and over again defeated him.
He tried to fight back again and again. He struggled with all his
strength to find his complete self.

At this moment, he finally hugged the man in reality.

Xiao Yan completely lost control, and the skull of Hai Yin arrived
at the edge of the bathtub. In this way, the skull of Hai Yin is
likely to be crushed by Xiao Yan.

He had to stretch out his hands to clasp Xiao Yan's wrist, and he
sat up hard and pushed Xiao Yan slightly.

Leaving Hai Yin, Xiao Yan glared at each other. "Are you
rejecting me! Colonel!"

"That is something that can never happen. It's just that I don't
want you to kiss my body."

Xiao Yan realized that he had fully accepted the x-2, and the virus
increased the explosive power of the body by 1.2%. Now he
really has the potential to crush the skull of the sea.
Hai Yin’s hands slowly slipped to Xiao Yan’s waist and picked
him up.

Xiao Yan noticed that he had nothing in his body, and Hai Yin’s
soaked white t-shirt was tightly attached to his body, and the
muscle lines full of strength but not exaggerated were completely
presented in front of Xiao Yan. Hai Yin put Xiao Yan on the bed
heavily, Xiao Yan reached out and opened his t-shirt hem,
throwing it out from the top of his head.

"Are you inviting me? Major?" Hai Yin's palm has opened Xiao
Yan's mouth and kneaded hard.

"Or do you want to be me?" Xiao Yan pulled out a smile.

"It seems that I really spoiled you."

Hai Yin’s lips fell, and Xiao Yan couldn’t wait to look up at the
chin. He tried his best to respond, and Hai Yin entered Xiao Yan’s
body almost without warning. Strong and powerful; wearing,
powerful and irresistible collision, everything he knows is
destroyed, the man expresses his emotions that he never speaks
without hesitation. The impact of Hai Yin was so heavy that Xiao
Yan’s body skeleton was almost broken, but when he left, Xiao
Yan could hardly force himself to retain each other.
Xiao Yan did not ask for mercy. He tried his best to feel the other
side. They pondered and tried their best to feel each other.

Until Xiao Yan’s nerves could no longer afford it, and fell asleep.

Hai Yin covered Xiao Yan's body and kissed his sleepy eyebrows.
He made a slight noise and hugged the man who owns himself.

At this time, Lauren was sitting in the study room depressedly. It

was Wen En who was using the simulated battle system in front
of him. As a tester, Lauren can feel that Wenn’s combat
technology is definitely not a “superb” word. Every time he
re-enters the simulation system, he will create records higher than
the last time. All day, Lauren has a kind of "The system has the
illusion that Queen Wenn no longer has a training effect."

At the moment of Lauren's swaying, the Wenn in the system

suddenly appeared in front of Lauren, and the sharp blade stayed
at the tip of his nose.

"Hey, stinky boy, your system upgrade is doing a good job!"

Lauren took a breath and quickly quit from the system, and Wenn
also took off the terminal and slowly stood up. Lauren looked at
Wenn very alertly. When he thought of the picture in the analog
system, he was cold and sweaty, and his palm was full of sweat.
"Haha, your courage is really small. I really don't know how Xiao
Yan will look at you as his assistant. Maybe someday you will fall
into the tide of the hand, and you will be betrayed in less than
three seconds."

", Xiao Yan, he is a major! He is better than

me! If there is no x virus, can he survive in the face of zombies?"
Lauren was irritated by Wenn’s attitude of looking down on
himself. .

Wenn looked at Lauren with his arms, the smile on his face was
completely hidden, and his eyes became colder.

"Really, there is no x virus. Xiao Yan has only a dozen lives in the
face of a dozen zombies. But before he accepted the x virus, his
combat capability was higher than most armed soldiers. One
person solved both level0 without any The problem. Even when
Maya was besieged by a surging organizer in a pool of blood, he
left the original safe control room and shot the killer to save
Maya’s life. At that time, he was just like a student. And already."

Lauren swallowed, he did not think Xiao Yan had such an


"I don't want you to be like a fool, even if you are in danger, and
you have the courage to rush to death. I just hope that you will
protect yourself to a minimum."
"Would you be my instructor?" Lauren asked, looking up.

Wenn’s palm suddenly came over and slammed Lauren’s head

hard. Lauren couldn’t afford the force. He sat down on the ground
at once, and Wenn laughed with a tummy.

"Your kid is really fun, I am not your instructor. I heard that Ling
Xiao will take a break next month. He should have taught you this
group of rookies who just entered the Academy of Sciences!"

"Ling Ling Major?"

"Yeah, that guy is very ferocious! Or you beg me! I will talk to
Ling Xiao, see if you can give me to me!"

"Do you play me very well?" Lauren stood up and stared at Wenn.

"Yeah, it's fun!" Wenn suddenly came low, and kissed Lauren's
cheek loudly and turned and walked away.

Lauren’s eyes widened in the same place, and when the sliding
door closed, he was shocked and held his face.

"Xiao Yan - When are you coming back... I can't wait in this lab!"

Xiao Yan, who had been asleep for a whole day, turned around
and his head was on the shoulder of Hai Yin. It felt like something
was just slipping out of the body.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes, just in line with Shanghai Yin.
This guy doesn't know how long he has been watching himself.

Hai Yin’s kiss fell on Xiao Yan’s forehead.

"how do you feel?"

Xiao Yan whispered and bit a bit on Hai Yin's nose. "It's cool."

He never dreamed that he would say these words in front of Hai


At this time, the contactor on Xiao Yan’s wrist forced the picture
to pop up, and the image of Lieutenant General Aivil appeared in
front of the two. And Ai Wei just saw Xiao Yan kissed Hai Yan's

Lieutenant had to cough a lot.

"Major Xiao Xiao, I am sorry to disturb your ‘meditation,' but the

research of the Academy of Sciences needs you very much. I
don’t know when you can end ‘meditation’?”

Xiao Yan didn't know what Hai Yin was using for his excuses to
apply for vacation. He could only smile with a smile: "Hello, my
‘meditation' is over.”

"I am very happy to hear that. Don't tell me that your whole week
of meditation is to be with Colonel Burton."
"No, I am going to report to you, I have already injected x-2 for

Lieutenant General Aiwei was obviously stunned, and his brows

slowly began to stretch out. "The most important thing for you
now is to check your signs and collect blood samples to confirm
the fit of x-2 to your body."

"If my fit is good, I applied for an x-2 fit study of Liv, Mark, and
Wenn, and used their response to x-2 as the basis for the fit."

"Your request passed."

When the communication with Aiwei ended, Xiao Yan breathed a

sigh of relief.

"In fact, you don't need to see them as the primary list of fit

"I have to do this." Xiao Yan looked at the front very seriously.
"They are your most powerful subordinates. I have a hunch that
Valentin will not be quiet for too long. When I find the formula,
Valentin Never continue to be silent. When Charles and the tide
inevitably face each other, I hope that your subordinates are at
their best."

The next day, Xiao Yan returned to the research room, collected
Mark's blood samples, and began an intensive study.
With the previous data foundation and ideas, their fit x-2 took
only a week to complete.

On this day, in addition to Liv, Mark and Wenn, Xiao Yan’s

research room also includes Major General Gordon and Hai Yin.

Xiao Yan said very seriously to the three of them: "Although there
have been successful cases between me and Colonel Burton
before, I still can't guarantee that the virus will be 100% effective
when used in the world. It may even take away. Your life."

Major General Gordon looked at his men and his brow was very
tight. "You are the elite of the special mission force elite. I can't
imagine losing any of you. Every time you leave Shire to perform
the mission, I am squatting." Deep down, I hope that you will
come to me in full before the report. This time, you can choose to
accept or not accept x-2, it is not a task, but the choice that the
Central Academy of Sciences provides to you."

The three men looked at Hai Yin and they waited for an order. But
Hai Yin’s answer was calm but unexpected.

"Whether you choose to accept x-2 or not, it's my men. You will
be assigned the same tasks as before, and I will give you more or
less trust."

For a time, the entire lab fell silent.

"I accept. Anyway, everyone needs x-2 is not the same, no one
can take the place to try."

Liv first came to Xiao Yan, took the bottle labeled with his own
name, pushed it into the injection gun, and injected it into his
body without hesitation.

Mark stared at the scene with a big eye, then exhaled a breath and
took away his own potion.

"Hey, have to think clearly..." Xiao Yan knows that

Mark is a rare guy who wants to make a decision. He doesn't want
him to make any decisions under impulse.

Mark scratched his face and laughed. "Xiao Yan, you are not a
rookie in the past! If you want something, give it to someone with
such a good head. I just believe you!"

Wenn suddenly took Mark's head and took his pharmacy by the
way. "You obviously choose what Lifu chooses! You can see the
name on the pharmacy bottle, that is my medicine! You this

"Ah! It's your medicine!" Mark suddenly realized that he had to

exchange with Wenn.

The lab that was suddenly nervous was relaxed.

Mark and Wenn also accepted the x-2, and they were sent to a
special observation room, which was jointly monitored by Xiao
Yan and Lieutenant General Aivil.

Mark slammed Liv when he was lying in the observation room.

"Hey... wait until I wake up... I can still see you, right?"

Liv looked at Mark’s very nervous expression and couldn’t help

but laugh. “You look like the end of the world, I thought you were
going to propose to me!”

Mark's face suddenly turned red.

Before Liv lay in the aseptic chamber, she said with a smile:
"Hey, see you later!"

What Wenn didn't expect was that Lauren came.

"You are fulfilling the obligation of the assistant to help Xiao Yan
monitor our signs?"

Lauren shook his head, and there was some worry in his eyes, but
he still pretended to be terrible. "I heard that you are likely to die,
so come to see you last!"

"Oh, you can rest assured that I have already said to Major Ling
Xiao, and when I wake up, I will train you personally." After that,
Wenn will close the aseptic chamber.
Lauren took a small step in tension. "Hey! You won't really die?"

Wenn pulled a big smile on his lips and pinched Lauren’s nose at
the last moment when the hatch closed. “Would you like to kiss

Lauren didn't have time to respond, Wenn had already lie down
and the door closed.

Allen, who had come back, shouted: "Dream, you!"

And Wenn lay there laughing and having a stomachache.

As expected, the three of them had elevated body temperature,

irregular heart rate, and confusion.

Major General Gordon said with some worries: "Maybe I

shouldn't approve them three and accept x-2 at the same time. I
should accumulate experience and make sure that after the
success rate... forget it, it is meaningless to consider these now."

Maya, standing next to him, smiled and looked at Xiao Yan, who
was working in the concentrated work. "The three of them are
special for Xiao Yan, not just comrades, but also very important
friends. When Xiao Yan said first When they fit the x-2, it means
that he has great confidence. You, do you think Xiao Yan was the
b-type researcher who was careless about everything?"
Major General Gordon looked at Xiao Yan's back. He was
systematically mobilizing the data and keeping in touch with
Lieutenant General Aiweier. He was cold and capable. He is
sitting next to the sea and connecting with the terminal to protect
Xiao Yan's brain in real time.

"No, he is the elite of the elite." Major General Gordon answered

with great certainty.

The first of the three to wake up is Mark. The big guy opened his
eyes and yelled at where Liv was, making Xiao Yan face black.

"Marc Shaohao, are you rushing to propose to Liv!" Xiao Yan

sees that all the signs of this guy are in a normal state, and x-2 is
100% fit, and he can't help but breathe out.

Mark couldn't be embarrassed. He opened the aseptic cabin and

came to Liv's side. Looking through the glass, Liv, who still had
his eyes closed, clenched his fists. Xiao Yan had to worry that this
guy couldn't stand the temper. What to do if the aseptic tank is
open. Fortunately, although Mark was in a hurry, he did not make
any impulsive things. Xiao Yan predicted that Liv would wake up
within two hours, and what he really worried about was Wenn.

Wenn’s virus is quite active, which is directly proportional to his

ability to fight.
Xiao Yan exhaled and repeatedly calculated the nutrient content
required by Wenn. Although she knew that her calculations would
not go wrong, Xiao Yan could not control her confidence.

The cool fingers are held, and there is no need to leave the
terminal. Xiao Yan knows who the other person is. Only this
person in the world can make him calm and calm even if he faces
the destruction of the earth. Unlike Liv and Mark, the virus in
Wenn is the closest to the sea, and the virus is closer to the critical
point. Despite injecting enough nutrients into Wenn, his body will
be wasted and unable to persist until the x virus is replaced by
x-2. Unless the process is completed before his body has been
completely destroyed.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: I recently

wanted to bring together Wenn and Lauren. What do you think of
the girl elite elite special forces x fried hair research assistant?

Wen En: Otherwise, after writing the end, write a fan, not
occupying the length of the text.

Fat winter melon: I think about it...

Wenn: I want to eat meat.

Lauren: I don't want to be paired with this guy! Never! Resolutely

Wenn: Little things, I know how much you love me in my heart.

Lauren: Go to hell! 2k novel reading network

Xiao Yan’s thoughts passed an idea, and this idea shocked him.
But Xiao Yan quickly calmed down and started a large and
complicated operation. When he got the result, his throat was
tense and he was subconsciously holding the hand of Hai Yin.

"Believe in yourself and stick to your decision."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes, the sound of Hai Yin was clear and
extremely strong, and all the dust settled. Xiao Yan issued an
urgent application to Lieutenant General Ai Weier to inject Wenn
into the accelerator.

Lieutenant General Aiweier’s fist was subconsciously clenched.

He had doubts about Xiao Yan and immediately understood all of
this after reading the data he sent.

The specially formulated "accelerator" was injected into Wenn's

body, and his other signs such as heartbeat, blood pressure and the
like began to fluctuate greatly in an instant. Everyone is waiting.

After nearly six hours of waiting, all of Wen's signs finally

returned to normal. This guy seems to know that everyone almost
worried about his death, slowly opened his eyes, touched the back
of his head, and ignorantly opened. eye.
Mark couldn't wait to open the sterile cabin and hugged Wenn.

"God! I thought you guys will die! Great! Great!"

Wenn easily pressed Mark's shoulder and pushed the big one
away. "What? You woke up more than me! Have we succeeded in
accepting x-2?"

Through the glass, Wenn saw Xiao Yan smile and nodded.

The feeling at that moment was extremely wonderful. Wenn

bowed his head and tried to move his fingers. The feeling of
filling power seemed to be a new life. His mind was a movement
from the blood, and the slight heat of the fingertips seemed to be
every cell of the body. They are breathing without any scruples.
He knows that he is still his own, but what is completely different.

Winn pushed the sliding door open, only a little effort, and the
door slammed into the slot and made a "beep--" sound, which
made Wenen stunned.

"I... no effort..."

"Wen, we have to learn to control our own strength again." Liv

said with arms on the wall, leisurely to Wenn.

"...not just power, there is time... I thought I was..." Wenn held his
forehead incredulously. "Oh, when I lay down in the aseptic
cabin, I even felt too impulsive... ...can you be impulsive once and
how? We have experienced so many lives and deaths...but we are
crossing again! We are crossing again!"

Liv stepped forward and fists, and Wenn took a breath and
seriously put his fist on the other side.

"Yes, we are crossing again!"

Wenn didn't look too far. Seeing that not far from the passage,
Lauren's hands were squatting in the wide white robe pocket.
When he was in the opposite direction of Wenn's line of sight, he
quickly turned his head.

"Hey, kid, are you worried about me?"

"You are a little devil!" Lauren turned and screamed at Wenn, and
the blood in his eyes was very clear in Wenn's eyes.

Going to him, Wenn stretched his hand and was about to press
Lauren's head. The boy quickly shrank backwards.

"Hey! Don't mess around! What if I accidentally pinched my

head! My head is worth more than you!"

Wenn’s hand stopped in the air, his fingertips whipped up

Lauren’s hair, and he squeezed it very carefully in his hand,
hooking his lips down and saying in his ear: “Reassured, I will
protect you. Little head!"

At this time, Xiao Yan pressed his eye corner and frowned, his
head slowly leaning back, and Hai Yin’s palm just held him.

"You are tired and need a break."

Xiao Yan clasped the wrist of Hai Yin, opened his eyes and
touched the other's line of sight with great force.

"I don't need a break, I need the facts. The entire special mission
force, except for you and Jane Wallis, the x virus in Wenn's body
is the closest to the peak. If it wasn't the case, Casey injected the
virus accelerator into you. In the body, the x-2 that I injected for
you may not replace the x virus before your body collapses. I
even started to suspect that the accelerator that Casey injected for
you is simply calculating the measurement! You...what must be
Look at me!"

Hai Yin’s eyes hang down slowly until Major General Gordon
came in. He said, “This should be explained to you by Major
General Gordon and Lieutenant General Aivil.”

Xiao Yan sat up on his back, and the tops of the two military
departments were in front of him. Xiao Yan’s eyes were too
oppressive, and Major Gordon even pressed the back of his head

"I have to explain it to you about Casey." Lieutenant General

Aivil confronted Xiao Yan. He always showed a trace of pain in
Wen Wen's eyes. "You should know about Lieutenant General
Renault." At least ten years before Hai Yin and Shen Bing were
instructed to explore Renault's brain, he had joined the tidal
organization. A decade ago, a study of zombies pouring into
residential areas was an attack by Renault to facilitate the
infiltration of tidal tissue. In this incident, I lost my wife and son.
And... When I first met Casey who entered the Central Academy
of Sciences, I found that he was too similar to my son Alex, out of
curiosity. I did a DNA test on Casey and found that...he was
exactly the same as Alex's dna!"

"Because... the tide took away the genetic sample of Alex and
copied it!" Xiao Yan did not expect that things would move in this

"So when a Casey used the terminal, I invaded his brain and
learned all about it. I didn't think that Casey came to me and
asked me directly, 'Are you my father?' ”

"What is your answer?"

"I just asked him, ‘I still have time to be your father.’” Lieutenant
General Aivil smirked his lips, and there was a bit of bitterness in
his smile.

"So, Kathy is not just a undercover."

"He didn't work for the tide, nor did he have such a noble feeling
for the birth of Shire. All he had was to get his father's
affirmation." Major General Gordon affirmed Xiao Yan's

"So Jane Wallis?" Xiao Yan wants to know what is the

relationship between Kathy and Jane.

"Jane Wallis, this guy has always exceeded my expectations, I

want to control him, but in the end, it seems that he has been
using all available resources to achieve his purpose." Major
General Gordon sighed self-deprecatingly. In one breath, "You
must have never imagined that when this guy was just promoted
to Lieutenant Colonel, he swayed to my office and told me that he
was sent by the tide organization. My first reaction was that he
wanted Kill me, who knows that he is willing to join the Shire
camp, but only one condition."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes. Although he never fully understood

Jane, he knew very well that he knew very well. "He wants
freedom. Once the tides are destroyed, Valentin Sheen no longer
exists in this world. Even Charles can't really control him."

"Yes, he gave me a bait, and I was tempted by him. Valentin

Sheehan is a rather awkward guy, he has many bases, constantly
changing position, even Jane Wally It is also impossible to
determine where he is, not to mention that Jane Wallis and Kathy
have a very dangerous suffix in the x virus. The x virus in the
body is close to the peak, which is Valentin moving his brain into
Jane Wallis is the best moment for the body, so Jane Wallis is the
bait that attracts Valentin. I want him to leave Shire seamlessly so
that he can get in touch with Valentin, but I didn’t expect this
seamless plan to be a zombie. The attack on the city shifted the
attention of the special task force, and then he took you away
from the Shire. This is indeed a reason that does not cause
Valentine's suspicion at all."

"Ha..." Xiao Yan closed his eyes. Everything he knew was flipped
again after being subverted. "Heyin...when did you know all

"When your brain loses its ability to think, I want to kill Jane
Wallis, and Major Gordon will tell the truth to stop me."
"The Major General... I don't comment on what Casey is, but
working with Jane Wallis... is tantamount to walking with the

"There is usually only the devil to deal with the devil, isn't it?"
Major General Gordon regained his inscrutable smile.

That night, Xiao Yan returned to her room, sitting on the edge of
the bed, and did not lie down. He knew that he was too tired these
days. He should fall asleep and let his brain relax, but what he
learned today made him unable to sleep. He kept reminiscing
about what happened after he was taken away from Charles.
When he looked at the whole thing from a different angle, he
found that everything went towards a more unpredictable result.

Someone entered his room and sat down beside him silently,
leaning back against him.

Warm power poured into the cranial nerves along the back, and
Xiao Yan's lips slowly swelled.

"Oh, actually, I shouldn’t waste my brain on things that are



"I should complete the x-2 virus adaptation formula as soon as

possible. Now I have your data for Mark, Liv and Wenn, but this
is not enough. I should consider collecting the blood samples of


Xiao Yan slowly backwards, fell to the bed, opened his arms, and
Da Lala looked at Hai Yin. "I suddenly remembered... I like to
kiss you."

"You don't need to think about it, this is the truth." Hai Yin leaned
and the palm rested in Xiao Yan's ear.

"Then kiss me and let me fall asleep."

Hai Yin dials the black hair in front of Xiao Yan's forehead, this is
a slow and warm pro | kiss, without any uncontrollable punch |
Xiao Yan's arm wraps around Shanghai's shoulders, fingers are
embedded in each other's hair, slightly raises his chin, and kisses
Hai Yin back until Xiao Yan turns over to Hai Yin's body,
embedded between the other's legs He repeated his kisses, as if he
had an endless cycle, until he was sleepy and lying on the sea and
fell asleep. His head was pillowed on the chest of Hai Yin,
listening to the ups and downs of his heartbeat and breathing.
Xiao Yan's hand unconsciously held the arm of Hai Yin and made
a smooth squeak. Hai Yin's palm gently and slowly stroked Xiao
Yan's head, and the fingertip extended along his auricle to the
neck and went deep into the collar. Xiao Yan made a soft "Hm"
sound, and smashed on Hai Yin's chest. Hai Yin paused and his
lips touched Xiao Yan's head.

This feeling, Xiao Yan slept for a whole day.

When he woke up again, he found himself still on the sea.

Rubbing his eyes, Xiao Yan got up and found that Hai Yin was
looking at himself. He was embarrassed to come to the side of
Hai Yin, lying on the other's arm.

"Hey, I said, in fact, you really enjoy me by your side? Is it safe?"

Xiao Yan turned his head.

He didn't expect Hai Yin to bite **** his nose. The young major
suddenly frowned. "Hey! You can't regenerate if you get bitten!"

Hai Yin just loosened his teeth, and the tongue | pointed on Xiao
Yan's nose, and the major did not live up to it.

"You are really proud now."

"Of course." Xiao Yan licked his lips and deliberately looked at
each other with his clear eyes. "Although I woke up from a coma,
remember that the most clear is the pain you brought me, you
cracked my shoulders. I screwed off my arm and threatened to
remove my fingers one by one! I hope the Major General said this
is a stereotype. It is very difficult to change this deep-rooted
"That's because you really can't learn. At that bar, if I don't give
you a lesson, then Shiron will make you unforgettable in bed."

Speaking of Xue Lun, Xiao Yan could not help but close his eyes
and sigh.

"But it's you who pushed me into the liaison officer's office for a

"Otherwise, who do you want?"

"A gentle one...a little sexy..."


Xiao Yan can hear the sound of Hai Yin is cool, but he does not
feel scared. He sits on the waist of Hai Yin with a bad heart and
looks down at the other side. "Colonel, you are enough
sex|Feeling, occasionally It’s also very gentle, I’m just asking you
to improve direction.”

Hai Yin’s palms are separated from the military system. The
trousers of the clothes are very hard to smash | The Xiao Yan’s
shackles are pinched, and the cold eyes seem to burn with flames.

"Do you want to give it a try?"

Hai Yin suddenly put Xiao Yan down, everything came too fast,
Xiao Yan's head just fell into the pillow, the military pants were
stripped | away.

"Hey - Hai Yin Burton!"

This is also called gentle! He Xiao Yan really got into the water!

Hai Yin bowed his head and forced him to kiss Xiao Yan. The
moment of pressure almost made him unable to breathe. The
other party slowly squeezed into his body, compared to the
momentary expansion = Zhang, this time grinding people to stop!
Xiao Yan subconsciously closes his legs, and the strength of the
sea can catch the sound of the bones. Hai Yin just touched his
teeth more forcefully, swept his tongue arrogantly, and slammed
his knees. Strong = forced Xiaoyan rock body to enter every
moment he entered.

This is a long break = mill, Xiao Yan raised his waist with some
resentment, hoping that the other party can enter and enter as soon
as possible, there is no pain at all, and some just do not know
when it is the end of the boredom.

When Hai Yin completely resisted Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan finally
had the feeling of being saved, although this is only the
Hai Yin exited Xiao Yan's lips and whispered, "Can this be?"

Xiao Yan glared at each other. "Are you treating me as a


"Yes, anyway, even if I am not gentle, you will not be hurt."

Hai Yin suddenly vigorously = move, everything is like a squally

shower, Xiao Yan's body is quickly shaken with the other side, the
body is completely repelled, even if the movement of Hai Yin is
almost completely lost patience, but the most enjoyable = Feeling
Xiao Yan could not help but hold the sea. Hai Yin took advantage
of Xiao Yan to hug, and the vertical angle made it all crazy and

When Xiao Yan is afraid that his body will be poked = he will lift
his body and raise his body, Hai Yin will press him without any

The sound of the water in the ear exaggeratedly impacted Xiao

Yan's brain, and the body's continually occupied madness
exhausted his mind. He completely handed himself over to Hein

When Hai Yin clasped his waist and took him to the top = end,
Xiao Yan's chin lifted hard, as if he had broken out.
The two fell down heavily, and Hai Yin held him hard, and the
heavy breathing made Xiao Yan's reason slowly return.

At the moment of over-heading, Xiao Yan saw the time and date
on the electronic clock, and could not help but scream. "God! It
has been so many days! I must immediately go back to the study
room, Lauren's kid should lose his temper!" ”

At that moment, Hai Yin will buckle his waist and press him
back. He feels something is flowing out of his body. Xiao Yan is
worried that Hai Yin will come again.

“Are you ready to complete the x-2 formulation formula?”

"Yes. When I succeed, more people will join the special mission
force, even complete the global zombie cleanup, build more
cities... then we can leave here! Look up to see the real sky!"

Hai Yin’s fingers slowly glided over Xiao Yan’s cheek, and he
focused on the fascinating major. “Before that, you must learn to
protect your brain. It can be used not only for thinking, but even
for X-2 is a more powerful weapon."


"You should know that the real decisive battle with the tide
organization is not the use of force, but the final battle of
thinking. Major General promised me to teach you everything he

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin with surprise. He knew that Hai Yin
must have had a very special conversation with Major General
Xia when he did not know. The torture force is the most
mysterious force in Shire, and its members have a brain that is no
less inferior to the top researchers of the Central Academy of
Sciences, but they are engaged in the darkest and most arduous
work of Charles.

"Learn to teach you everything, even if you don't even bother."

"Only know where the light source is when you understand the
position of the shadow."

A man like Hai Yin asked for help from another person. Xiao Yan
profoundly understood how important it was to this man.

At the end of the day's research, Xiao Yan left the special mission
force headquarters and went to the torture force under the
personal **** of Hai Yin. This time, the attitude of the torture
force to treat him was different from the previous one. Every
passing soldier lifted his wrist at the moment of seeing Xiao Yan
and saluted it very hard. Xiao Yan is 100% sure that these guys
are saluting themselves, not Hai Yin, who is two military ranks.
"Are they sorry that the last inquiry made me lose
consciousness?" Xiao Yan whispered.

"Because you have studied x-2. You embody the existence value
of the entire Central Academy of Sciences."

Although he did not see Hai Yin's eyes, Xiao Yan could feel the
strength of being trusted and recognized from the other's tone.

Major General’s office sliding door slowly opened, and the liaison
officer made a “please enter” gesture.

This time, the hopeless Major General did not sit at the desk, but
sat down in front of the meeting sofa. He had two cups of coffee
in front of him, and the smell of strong coffee beans flowed in the
air, refreshing.

"I don't think we have any extraordinary chills. According to the

news of Major General Gordon, the tidal organization will soon
take action. The x-2 and the Shelen virus that you developed
make the existence of the zombies meaningless, no matter what.
Whether it is the body or the mind, you will become the target of
the surge."

"So, I need you to turn my thinking into a weapon."

“Do you know what the true definition of ‘blocker’ is?”

He hopes to push a cup of coffee to Xiao Yan, his attitude is light,
as if the so-called 'blocker' training is only a trivial matter for him.

"Brain invaders?"

This is the most common explanation for the blocker, but Xiao
Yan knows that when he asked him this question, the answer is
absolutely impossible.

"It's related to the brain, but the word 'invasion' is not exact." Xi's
fingers slid around the coffee cup, and Xiao Yan's line of sight
subconsciously rotated with the graceful fingers of the hopeful,
"invasion of the brain." It is the subject of the intrusion of
thinking, but in fact, the subject can also induce the object to enter
their own thinking for analysis and killing. You have done it
before, in your subconscious."

"What?" Xiao Yan had no similar memories in his mind.

"You can't remember." He took a sip of coffee. "Because it is

happening in the tide, you are in a drowsy, the person who
sneaked into your brain is Casey, and you succeeded in killing in
your own subconscious." His thinking. I have to admit that you
are very talented in this area, although I do not deny that Colonel
Burton's Spartan thinking training has played a role. You don't
need to learn how to do like the low-level blockers. Stealing other
people's thinking data, what you really need to be proficient is
thinking blocking. When thinking becomes a weapon, it is even
more efficient and horrible than x virus. Major, answering me a
question, you think it is easy to sneak into the enemy's brain to
kill the enemy. Is it easy to kill each other in your own
subconscious mind?"

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: see the next
chapter of the progress can make Hai Yin become the practice
object of Xiao Yan's "thinking attack", let everyone see how the
colonel is willing to fall into the thinking trap of the major,
hahaha ~ 2k Read novel

a complicated issue.

Dive into the enemy's thinking, meaning that you are only the
object of thinking, and the other is the subject. The construction
ability and control ability of the thinking subject is obviously
higher than that of the object, and the possibility of the object
being killed is higher than that of the subject, and even the neuron
damage is caused. For example, when Hai Yin and Shen Bing
entered the thinking of Lieutenant Reynolds, Shen Bing could no
longer enter anyone's subconscious mind.

For the subject of thinking, once an enemy invades, if the block is

unfavorable, the other party will not only take important
information, but even the thinking mode of the chaotic thinking
subject, causing unpredictable damage. For example, when Xiao
Yan’s single-flight aircraft was hit by a blocker, he was trapped in
the subconscious mind in order to trap the other’s thinking.

Xiao Yan raised his brow and meditated.

Major General hopes to look at his serious appearance and laugh

out loud. "I am very glad that you did not give me an answer

When the great priest sipped coffee, Xiao Yan also took a sip of

"so bitter!"

Xiao Yan is convinced that he likes black tea more than coffee.

“Haha!” hoped that he was amused by his appearance, and the

dull atmosphere relaxed. “Although coffee is suitable for me, it
may not be suitable for you.”

" it's like coffee, everyone has a different reaction. I have

three gigabytes of brain intervention speed. When I think, no one
can keep up with my speed, even the most experienced block. At
least, he must be as fast as I am! My brain is my territory, I can
build everything here. So for me, lure the enemy into my brain,
especially those with high-speed thinking ability, I will be more
Hope leaned back against the back of the chair and looked at Xiao
Yan's eyes. "I can't judge whether your thoughts are right or
wrong, because right or wrong can only be achieved by yourself.
And I only give you the method. Today. The first lesson I gave
you, not the decentralized thinking that prevented the blocker
from positioning information in your brain, these Colonel Burton
has already handed it to you. I want to teach you how to make a
powerful thinking body. Lure into your subconscious mind,

"The faster a person's thinking, the higher his alertness! He can

easily disassemble any traps I set!" Xiao Yan remembers his own
battle with Valentin Sheehan, if not Kathy also invaded
Valentine's brain, and he may not have the opportunity to retreat.

"The only thing you have to remember is to show the other person
what he wants to see and let him get what he wants most and even
pursue his life. This is the bait, when he wants to get more, It will
automatically enter your subject along your bait. The real master
will let the other party voluntarily indulge. At that time, you can
not only lock the other's thinking in your own brain, but also
analyze and explore him. The most primitive ideas that are not
subject to moral control and are not subject to common sense."
Xiao Yan can't imagine what the "bait" that Hee said is, but he
knows that to build a "bait" means that he has a certain
understanding of the target of attraction, otherwise the bait is

"It's not helpful." Major General Xia took a clap, and the adjutant
came in with two wireless terminals and monitoring equipment. "I
will enter your mind and let you feel how I lured you into my
brain." Among them."

Xiao Yan stunned, which means that Major General hopes to

enter his brain first and then introduce his own thoughts into his

The hope that the Major General will have tortured countless
dangerous people, his brain must also be a field of crisis.

"Don't worry, you are my student, I won't let you die."

Xi Yan put on the terminal, Xiao Yan took a breath and sat face to
face with each other, he looked at Xi Xi closed his eyes,
completely relaxed state.

The sound of the neuron calibration is prompted by the system.

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief and accepted the thoughts of

Xi Xi entered the troposphere of Xiao Yan's thinking. His
thoughts were endless. He couldn't find the beginning and could
not find the end. They were inseparable. The most incredible
thing is that Xiao Yan did not find any torture on Xi Xi here. In
the process, there is only a little bit of information in life. For
example, when he and Aiwei played bridges, how did the two
unite to make Gordon lose? For example, his adjutant has done
something helpless and stupid. Or the type of coffee he likes and
so on. It is really a master of manipulating thinking. When people
invade other people's brains, the flow of thought will bring more
or less repetitive memories of daily life. For the hope that torture
is his job, but he will be important. The information is completely
hidden. Xiao Yan constantly digressed Xi's consciousness and
analyzed his thinking. He hoped that he did not deliberately stop
it. When Xiao Yan was immersed in the decomposition of the
other side, an alarm sounded from the top of his head.

"Alarm! Alarm! Channel i node is invalid!"

"Alarm! Alarm! Channel j node is invalid!"

Xiao Yan's fingers clasped the back of the chair. He instantly

entered the monitoring system. He saw a lot of level3 suddenly
appearing in the passage, and the special forces outside the door
struggled to fight. What exactly is going on! Could it be that
Charles has a surging spy who has spread the news of his special

But he has been away from the special mission force for less than
an hour, and the surge of action is too fast, right?

In the ear, the voice of Major General, "The interruption is

interrupted! Follow me!"

"what happened!"

"What else can be done! Here is the torture force is not a special
mission force! The combat effectiveness of the personnel is not so

Xiao Yan is about to open the sliding door, but he is hoped to stop

"I know that you feel like you have x-2 and you can rush out! But
here is the torture force, I can't let you have an accident here! You
must leave with me from the emergency passage!"

"Hai Yin is outside!"

He hoped to raise the contact and said to Hai Yin outside the
door: "Colonel, let's see you!"

"Roger that."
With the reply from Hai Yin, Xiao Yan can finally safely follow
Xi Xi from the emergency passage.

Hope to press the button, the ground under the desk slowly moved
away, Xiao Yan followed with hope to go inside.

Just as he entered the moment, the body fell weightlessly, the

light on his head suddenly went away, and he fell into a deep
bottomless, the body was pulled to break because of the rapid

Hope has long since disappeared.

"Welcome to my thinking, Major Xiao Yan."

Hope's voice rang in this infinite space.

Xiao Yan finally understood that what happened just was just the
illusion that he hoped to make it in his own brain. He used the
level3 raid as a bait, and the so-called emergency channel was the
thinking traction. He successfully lured Xiao Yan to his brain.
Among them.

For the first time, Xiao Yan felt that the world of thinking was so
terrible. He clearly interpreted the memories that he hoped to
bring into his brain, but hoped to create these memories as scenes,
which made Xiao Yan deeply trapped and confused the hope of
thinking. The boundary with reality.
The boundless darkness slowly dissipated, Xiao Yan’s eyes came
brightly, and the nose was the smell of coffee that had not yet
dispersed. Did he return to reality?

"Interrupt contact, major."

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and took off the terminal. At this
moment, he hoped to carry the coffee cup to his lips.

The heart is still jumping wildly, and the weightlessness of Xue

Xi’s thinking is unforgettable.

"This is the 'bait.' No one can create a completely flawless scene

in the mind of another person. You suspect everything I made for
you, but you didn't poke it. In fact, once you open that fan Doors,
I have to be more careful to create everything, including Hai Yin
and the scenes of fighting with level 3. I am not familiar with the
battle in the sea, the level 3 understanding is even less than you.
The more I create, the flaws will be revealed The more. Tell me,
Xiao Yan, what have you learned in this class?"

"The so-called 'temptation' is a flawless scam. In this scam, you

lure me into a trap that you can't resist without any resistance, so
this bait must be difficult for me to refuse, and you must guide me
carefully. Avoid constructing more complicated information. If I
see it, I will withdraw from your thinking. I will kill you in my
Hope hung down and smiled.

"You did a good job. If it is not because of my identity, your

vigilance will be higher, but you will treat me as your teacher and
trust me first. I never thought that this happened." The next trap.
Listen, Major, if your enemy knows you enough, he can even
pretend to be another person you trust in your mind, such as
Colonel Burton. Of course, this is just theory, even me. You can't
do this in your brain either. Oops, coffee is cold, and it's over
today, let's see you next time."

Xiao Yan looked at the contact on his wrist. The time showed that
he came to Xi's office for less than half an hour, but the major had
succeeded in letting his back cool.

"Thank you for your advice, see you next class."

Looking at the back of Xiao Yan's departure, hope that the general
will bow down and hold his eyebrows anxiously.

"God, is there a lesson? The speed of intervention of 300 million

megabytes... Building a trap in your brain can almost ruin all my
brain cells..."

The sliding door behind him was closed, and Xiao Yan looked
straight at the sea, standing still not far away, still tall and straight,
with no desire and beautiful face, the liaison officer was going to
step forward to say what Xiao Yan said, but he Two or three steps
went to the front of Hai Yin, pressed the other's cheek, and kissed
him up.

Extremely hard, rough | Lu and crazy.

Hai Yin did not immediately respond to him, just slightly open his
lips and let him mess things up. Until Xiao Yan’s palm left Hai
Yin’s face and hugged his shoulder, the eager kiss finally faded
away, and more like a very serious kiss, Hai Yin’s side was on the
side of Xiao Yan’s tongue. Slowly wrap him up.

Take a breath, Xiao Yanyi has not finished the kiss, and gently
touched the other side, "I'm sorry."

"You kiss me, don't need to say sorry."

Xiao Yan gave a chuckle, "Yeah, I forgot."

"What's wrong." Hai Yin's palm is over the back of Xiao Yan's
head. It's just a simple movement. The feeling of being protected
is Xiao Yan's incomparable peace of mind.

"Nothing, but hope that Major General will show me his

outstanding thinking ability. He succeeded in making me unable
to distinguish reality and fantasy."

"So you kiss me just to make sure you are in reality now."
Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief. There may be no one in the
world who knows him better than Haiyin Burton. His liking, his
jealousy and even his fear, this man is clear.

"Yes, because I believe that no one can deceive me with your


"of course."

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s mood relaxed, his hands were in the
pockets of the military pants, and he leaned his head and walked
in the passage, occasionally turning his head to say a few words
to Hai Yin, but each expression looked happy. No burden.

"I said, it is hard to leave the special task force, can we not go
back so soon?"

"You want to eat steak and red wine."

"No, I want to go off | Clothing Club!"

"You can only eat steak."

"Don't be so serious! You can show me, I will never go to see

other women or men!"

"Only steak and red wine, major. This is the order."

The liaison officer watched as the two left, and the commando of
a team that was followed by a team did not have a surprised
expression of what had just happened. For a long time, the liaison
officer said in a whisper: "The man who was just, is really
Colonel Burton?"

A week later, Xiao Yan officially submitted the x-2 formula to the
Central Academy of Sciences. And to verify this formula is Maya.

After Maya successfully woke up from the aseptic chamber, the

Central Academy of Sciences began a full use of x-2 for special
mission forces. Hai Yin’s troops were the first special task force
to leave the x virus, and all the special forces ushered in new

The Military News Center officially announced the news to

Charles. Although it is not clear who the researcher is, the entire
special task force is very clear. When Xiao Yan moves from his
room to the research room, he always has a way along the way.
Received a very serious military ceremony by the special forces.

Occasionally, Lauren, who was behind Xiao Yan, looked at the

scene and touched his nose and said, "I have not seen such a
respect for Major General Gordon! Who said that the special
forces looked down on the technical soldiers?"
The oncoming Major General Gordon heard this and smiled and
said: "The result of Major Xiao Yan is not just a virus. He also
broke the barrier between the troops. The current military is more
united than before. ”

After the high boarding, Maya deliberately pretended to be a tired

expression and sighed. "The latest recruitment, the number of
candidate soldiers is five times that of the past. We are elite
troops, we want all the good guys in all aspects! Now Those who
are tired from the selection of light are embarrassed, not to
mention training them afterwards!"

Lauren stunned his head. "Are you not accepting x-2? How could
it be so easy to get tired? And isn't there a simulated combat
system? Is it easier to train them than before?"

Major General Gordon stunned and suddenly smiled and his

stomach hurt. Maya looked at Lauren with helplessness. "Kid,
don't you understand that I am complimenting Xiao Yan?"

Lauren said with a cool "oh", "I am not you, how do I know."

Xiao Yan laughed and left Lauren with a smile. "Go, kid, you still
have a lot of data to finish!"

Back in the lab, it is clear that Lauren's mind is not on research.

He wore a terminal and looked at Xiao Yan, and he stopped
talking. Xiao Yan deliberately pretended not to see the eyes of
this guy.

It’s so interesting!

Xiao Yan feels that she is just like a pet.

For a long time, Lauren finally couldn't help but speak.

"Do you know that tomorrow is the federal anniversary?"


"You will definitely be invited to the military dinner, right?"

Lauren's head came together, this guy is rare in front of him...

"Yeah." Xiao Yan pretended not to know his thoughts.

“Can you bring me? I heard that all female officers will wear
**** dresses at the dinner party!”

Sure enough, the young boy, Xiao Yan laughed inwardly and
looked at Lauren’s expression of imagination.

"If you are a girl, I can invite you to be my partner. But you are a
man." Xiao Yan pressed the head of Lauren.

" are sexist!"

"You should do your job at hand. The 1242 fragment is wrong."

Xiao Yan returned Lauren's work. Lauren reviewed it for nearly
half an hour to find the error. He grabbed his head and
complained: "What the **** is this guy! This subtle mistake has
been picked up by you!" ”

"You should know what we are doing, and the difference is a

thousand miles."

Xiao Yan's tone is that half-joking does not mean reprimanding,

but Lauren feels inexplicable weight and bows his head.

After licking his face, Xiao Yan’s bad eyes were once again

"Otherwise, you can ask Wenn to take you there."

Lauren raised his eyes and looked up. "I don't want to go with the
guy! He will smash my head and mess with my hairstyle! Then I
will look for opportunities to laugh at me under the crowd!"

Xiao Yan subconsciously thought about the picture, and suddenly

felt that this was also very good.

"Would you go with Colonel Burton?" Lauren asked suddenly.

Xiao Yan paused and suddenly remembered that he had never

seen Hai Yin wearing an evening gown. This guy is slender and
temperamental and will definitely be the focus of everyone.
"You can't dance together anyway."

The voice of Lauren's gloating disaster made Xiao Yan almost

caught by his own saliva.

Xiao Yan's research on x-2 can be said to come to an end. He

really needs to go all out and hope to train his own blockers.

When he came to Xi's office again, it was obvious that his smile
was somewhat reluctant.

"Major, are you coming to me for afternoon tea?"

Xiao Yan smiled and sat down in front of the other party. He said,
"You haven't taught me how to successfully kill each other after
enticing the enemy into my brain."

"This is actually the same as tempting the other. Put your enemy
in a place where he has nowhere to escape. Do whatever you want
before he realizes that he is restricted." Fingers are lightly in the
air. "In fact, you remember, Colonel Burton used to do this to

Xiao Yan stunned and suddenly remembered that his thoughts had
been imprisoned by Hai Yin in the body he created. He was
invaded by Hai Yin, and Hai Yin forced him to escape from this
body in this way.
Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yan looked up and looked at Xi Xi.
"So, when I use my own consciousness to imprison the other
party, I must let the other party believe that it is all true."

"Or, even if it is not true, he would rather sink."

Xiao Yan thought very seriously. "So, this time you will let me
enter your brain to demonstrate for me?"

"Haha," hoped to smile and point his head. "You don't even think
about it. I have chosen the most suitable sparring for you."


Hope hoped to raise his wrist and said to the contactor: "Coloton
Burton, please come in."

Xiao Yan looked at each other in surprise, but hoped to restore a

serious expression.

"Major, remember what I am saying to you, the point is that when

the other person is trapped in your mind but is not aware or
willing to indulge, you will win."

Xiao Yan takes a breath, do you want to "not notice" or "willing

to sink"? This is not an easy task, but the other person is Haiyin

Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan and put on the terminal.

"Well, in order to save time, we will start directly from Colonel
Burton into your troposphere. I also want to know if you have the
ability to trap Colonel Burton in your brain!"

Xiao Yan closes his eyes and tries to calm his mind. This is not
the first time Hai Yin has entered his brain. He does not need any

Remember all this, just to trap the sea.

Stuck him... trap him... what should I do?

At this time, Hai Yin has passed through the outer edge of his
thinking and entered Xiao Yan's thinking troposphere.

Numerous pieces of data and memory rushed toward the sea.

He rushed away all of this, along with a certain memory of Xiao

Yan, extending another "reality."

On the same day, they were sitting in a high-end restaurant and

eating steak again. Of course, Xiao Yan remembers all this
clearly. Hai Yin, this guy actually wrapped up the entire
restaurant, followed the special forces guards who left the
headquarters to guard the restaurant. Only classical music slowly
sheds in this space of only two people.
"Hey, what do you remember in my mind?" Xiao Yan leaned back
on the seat without patience. The steak in front of him was
exactly the same as that day, and even the sound of Hai Yin
personally pouring red wine into the cup was Nothing reappears.

Xiao Yan has a feeling of being uncomfortable.

It was only when he looked up and saw the eyes of Hai Yin
hanging down, he knew that it was the scenery he had seen that
could easily confuse him.

I don’t know when the special forces guarding the restaurant

disappeared and the world calmed down. Xiao Yan looked out of
the glass window, and the night view of Shire seemed to float in
the sea, undulating.

Hai Yin walked behind Xiao Yan, his arms around his shoulders
and cut the steak into small pieces for him.

Xiao Yan lowered his head and looked at each other's fingers.
Slender and powerful, elegant to ignore the strength and
persistence of these hands.


The sound of Hai Yin came from the top of the head, and the red
wine in front of Xiao Yan seemed to be swayed by a fuzzy
Xiao Yan sent the first beef into his mouth. He didn't know what
it was, or he didn't have the energy to taste. All his feelings were
taken away by the man behind him. The other's lips fell on top of
his head, sliding over his auricle and coming to his neck. When
Xiao Yan took his own red wine and swallowed the mellow red
liquid, Hai Yin slammed a kiss on his side neck. Xiao Yan’s
shoulders shrugged. Although he knows that all this is the feeling
that Hai Yin created for him, just like the man who entered the
invading his mind many times before, Xiao Yan found that his
struggle was weak and shallow.

The author has something to say: hope: I don't know what method
Xiao Yan will use to regain the initiative, otherwise he will be
controlled by Hai Yin in his own thinking.

Fat winter melon: Passing?

Hope: You are really vulgar.

Fat winter melon: Or, come on a real date?

Hope: Ask them to date well, it’s more difficult than the end of
the world, forget it... Hey, what are you going to do!

Fat winter melon: Guess! you guess! Guess guess!

Hope: I guess your sister! 2k novel reading network

If you go on like this, it will be him instead of Hai Yin.

But what about it? Occasionally, I will take a look at Colonel

Burton. Xiao Yan's lips are slowly swelled, and the lip line
stretches out in a charming arc.

When his fingers were released and the glass fell, Hai Yin easily
held it and sent it back to the table.

"I want to trap you here forever." Hai Yin's breath lingers in Xiao
Yan's ear, and there is a kind of slowness that is suppressed and
will be released.

"Then I will never be able to graduate from the hope of Major


Xiao Yan smashed through the sea, pressed down the other's head,
and tried to kiss back with all his strength. Everything hot = fierce
and unrestrained, Xiao Yan stood up, mad = put the ground to
sweep each other, this became the dominance of the competition,
Hai Yin will hold Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan is not willing to press
down, His tongue slipped over the other's upper jaw, and Hai Yin
fell backwards, slamming his body and pressing Xiao Yan to the
ground. His collar was torn apart, and the kiss became a mess. He
was arrogant and arrogant. The entry of Hai Yin had no warning.
Xiao Yan pressed the other's shoulders hard but could not stop the
violent conquest of Hai Yin. The man's thirst = hope unrestrained,
the exaggerated posture that has never been seen in reality is fully
revealed, and Hai Yin is simply going to completely slam into
Xiao Yan's body until he breaks open.

Xiao Yan’s nerves were quickly worn and collapsed by the other
side. He lowered his head, and the hair shook violently with the
opponent’s rushing, and his hands were weakly supporting the
ground. Whenever he fell off, Hai Yin’s arms were wound around.
After his shoulders lifted him hard, the other side slammed into it
more hard, he could only feel the madness of this man. The knee
was almost crushed by the ground and healed again. Xiao Yan
could only try to turn over, and Hai Yin turned him sideways,
pressing his left leg almost completely on the chest, and each time
he made his left. The legs are almost out of the body.

"Hai Yin..." Xiao Yan knows that if he goes on like this, his nerve
will be faint because he can't bear it. He hopes to stop the

Hai Yin clung to Xiao Yan and kissed him. There is no sense of
oppression before, but more of a strong emotion.

At that moment, the whole restaurant collapsed like a bubble, and

Xiao Yan looked at the blue-eyed eyes of the sea, until everything
around it became bright.
The voice of Major General hopes to sound, with a bit of

"I said Colonel Burton. The purpose of this class today is to let
Major Xiao Yan learn how to capture his enemies, not... do
whatever he wants. If you want to do something to him, my
advice is in reality, not in reality. The terminal in my office. I
really admire my self-control, and I can resist the temptation of
these 'stunning' scenes."

"I'm sorry... I failed, Major General."

Xiao Yan swallowed and his heart was still jumping wildly.

"Do you know what the mistakes you made are?" The original
brow of the hope was slightly wrinkled.

"I know."

"No, you don't know." Greek's fingers were lightly in the air, as if
to puncture a barrier. "You should have been a hunter, but you
have become a prey. This is dangerous, major."


Xiao Yan still wants to say something, but hope does not give him
a chance.
"This is the end of the day. Every class is a huge drain on our
brains. You need to rest. I hope that next time you walk into my
office, you know what you are going to do."

Xiao Yan sighed. He knew that this was not the fault of Hai Yin,
but that his will was too weak.

At the moment of leaving the office of Xia, Xiao Yan violently

pressed Hai Yin on the wall of the passage. The sound of the
sound slammed the liaison officer and stood up, while the other
special forces watched everything in front of him and wondered if
he should go forward.

"If you want to go to me, the trouble is in reality."

"If you can stick to the end."

Hai Yin’s eyes were calm and owed, and Xiao Yan glanced at the
other side, and he was angry with himself.

He is so angry that he can't fully bear the other side every time,
but he still can't resist the attraction from this man. He always
takes his vision and his desire.

When Xiao Yan let go, Hai Yin took his finger and gently licked
= kissed up, feeling the other's tongue = tipping on his fingertips,
Xiao Yan subconsciously closed, but Hai Yin's The power is
amazing, Xiao Yan does not want to feel the pain of the fracture,
can only let the other party kiss his finger joints, the warm breath
lingers between the fingers, Xiao Yan really wants to smash the
other side to end it all.

Under the eyes of Hai Yin, it seems to be another peaceful and

pure space. Xiao Yan has to sigh.

Seeing that the liaison officer didn't know where the line of sight
was, Xiao Yan sympathized with him.

"I have to go back to the lab to see how Lauren's data processing
is going."

Xiao Yan walked in the channel, behind him was the calm
footsteps of Hai Yin Burton.

He suddenly remembered the words of Major General Gordon a

few days ago.

“Someone asked me where Colonel Burton is. I said, just find out
where Major Xiao Yan is.”

Before entering the research room, Xiao Yan deliberately left Hai
Yin out of the door for the simple reason that he did not want to
be distracted by this man.

"When you think about me, this has nothing to do with where I
Xiao Yan slammed into Hein, can this guy die without telling the

Lauren's data processing is good. Xiao Yan's research focused on

replacing x-2 with x virus. Now the research project given by the
Central Academy of Sciences is a comprehensive adaptation of
the Shear virus. This virus can make humans invisible in front of
zombies, which will play an extremely important role in the
confrontation with the tide. After Xiao Yan returned to Shire, he
found that the virus Xuelun had died in his body. Although it has
been in his body for several months, it has side effects on other
people and whether it can be immune to the body. Fully accepted,
this will become the subject of Xiao Yan.

Lauren, who has been watching quietly in contemplation, is

boring and is about to fall asleep.

When he held his head almost hit the table for the nth time, Xiao
Yan finally spoke.

"Lauren, your evening dress is ready for the federal anniversary

tomorrow night?"

When Lauren’s dream woke up, he looked at Xiao Yan with

surprise: “Would you really take me there?”
Xiao Yan chuckled. "I can't find a female partner anyway, I can
only take you there."

"How can you not find a female companion! That's because no

woman can withstand the low pressure of Colonel Burton! He
will devote all of them to your heart to cry the ultra-low
temperature specimen!"

Xiao Yan looked up and reluctantly pressed the eyebrows. "Yes..."

In any case, this is the first time that Xiao Yan has participated in
the Federal Annual Dinner after entering the Central Academy of
Sciences. Only the elites and dignitaries of the various units have
the opportunity to attend this dinner. Although Xiao Yan is only a
major, his achievements are obvious to all. That night, when he
returned to the room, he saw his bed flattened with a haute
couture evening gown, and Hai Yin sat on the bed and looked at

"This will not be what you gave me?" Xiao Yan lowered his head
and pointed his finger at the neckline of the evening gown.

"No, Lieutenant General Aivil personally picked it for you. He

doesn't want to be elegant when the president talks to you."

Xiao Yan snorted with disappointment and thought that he had

heard about the annoying long story of the President. If the
president had any tendency to approach him, he would spare no
effort to hide where others could not find it.

"So what about you?" Xiao Yan and Hai Yin lay side by side,
looking at each other with their faces facing each other. He liked
the sea of ​this angle, as if there was sea water pouring from his

"Just like you."

This answer made Xiao Yan evoke the lips. "Unfortunately... we

can't dance together. I heard that the banquet is a waltz, the
favorite of the President - solemn and elegant, gorgeous and

Hai Yin suddenly turned over to Xiaoyan's top, his palms were
strong on the pillow, and the magma-like breathing blew on Xiao
Yan's cheek. The young major feels that the other person's idiots
are aggressive and can only resist the other's shoulders.

"Hey - I said, isn't we talking about waltz?"

"Waltz is the thing of tomorrow night."

When Hai Yin bowed his head, Xiao Yan knew that he was afraid
that he could not sleep tonight.
The federal dinner is one of the most extravagant and luxurious
nights in Charles. The fireworks scattered under the dome, the
long-lasting salute, the people toasted, a sea of ​jubilation.

When Xiao Yan took Lauren to the front of the presidential palace
with the protection of a special task force, Lauren made a

Xiao Yan, dressed in a tuxedo, is different from the average senior

researcher. She has a very high-spirited British style and a unique
temperament. This makes Xiao Yan the attention of many people
in the first time. And Lauren behind him looked at everything in
front of him.

"God... Xiao Yan, that is the president's chief of staff! I have seen
him in the news!"

"Look! It was the first spokesperson of the military, Colonel


"Oh, my God, that is the President!"

Xiao Yan looked at Lauren's gaze and saw a man of about 50

years old with an affinity smile, and the lines of his eyes were
deep and mature. This is the president of Charles. When his eyes
turned to Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan consciously passed Lauren and
went in the other direction.
"Hey! Xiao Yan! What are you doing!"

"Save you, unless you want to spend the night in the singer of the

Unfortunately, accompanied by Lieutenant General Aiweier and

Major General Gordon, the President has already moved in the
direction of Xiao Yan.

"I hate politics, I hate it, I hate it, I am bored..." Xiao Yan was
smashing and looking for the direction of Hai Yin.

At this time, all members of the military department looked at the

entrance to the banquet hall. I saw a man who was indifferent and
walked into the crowd at a steady pace. Everyone subconsciously
goes to the sides, clearly looking up, but feels that they are
looking up.

Xiao Yan reveals a saved expression.

The tailored evening gown will outline Haiyin's simple but deadly
appeal. The pure black dress will set off his golden brown hair
and blue enamel as the daylight that will be washed away in the

Hai Yin stopped in front of Xiao Yan and slightly turned her face.
"What hairstyle are you?"
Xiao Yan smiled. "According to Maya, this is the standard
hairstyle for the dinner."

Yes, Xiao Yan's bangs are combed to the back of the head,
revealing a smooth forehead, but it does not seem to be
old-fashioned, but a little more... According to Maya, it is "elite

Hai Yin’s fingers did not enter Xiao Yan’s hair and combed his
bangs. “This is you.”

The president is about to go forward, and Hai Yin’s eyes crossed

Xiao Yan’s shoulders and went straight into the eyes of the

As the forward pace stopped, the president bowed his head and
smiled helplessly. He said to the lieutenant General Aiville: "The
gas field of Colonel Burton is really stronger."

"In this case, it is better to start some pleasant things to ease the
colonel's low pressure?"

When the president's chief of staff killed the glass with a spoon,
all the chat suddenly stopped. The President’s lord did not publish
his iconic long speech, but raised his wrist and the waltz’s music
slowly rose.
The men and women in the dinner party were together and began
to maneuver.

At this time, someone took a picture of Xiao Yan's shoulder. He

thought that he would look back at Lauren, but the one who was
wearing a silver dress was like Lily of the Moon. She didn't have
a heavy makeup, but it looked natural and charming under the
light of this bright dinner.

"Lily... How are you here?" Xiao Yan stunned.

Lily, who has been promoted to the position of chief liaison

officer, is different from the youth of the student era, and has a
temperament that he wants to calm down and appreciate.

"I was invited by Lieutenant General Aiwei to be his female

companion. Unfortunately, the current Lieutenant General must
endure the viciousness of the president for everyone's ears." Lily
came to Xiao Yan and extended her hand to her. Don't dance this
song. I have practiced a full month of waltz tonight. Don't let my
efforts be wasted."

Xiao Yan looked back at Hai Yin. Anyway, Hai Yin could not be
his partner, so Xiao Yan said to him with a mouth shape, "I will
come back later."

Holding Lily's hand, the two slipped into the rotation.

Hai Yin did not move half a step, just stood in the same place.
Wenn pulled the collar with one hand and the other arm on
Lauren's shoulder, forcing the other to follow him to Hai Yin.

"Head... Xiao Yan, was this abducted by his goddess?"

Hai Yin did not speak. He seems to be at the center of this

roundabout, surrounded by but never able to fit into it.

Wenn didn't know when to take Lauren away. The waltz

melodiously repeats the melody, and everyone is tirelessly like a
glass of red wine, swaying to the highest point but falling back
with enthusiasm.

Xiao Yan holds Lily's hand, and Lily's gaze glides from Xiao
Yan's face.

"Although I am not good at leading dance, you don't have to look

at me like this."

"You are different from the past."

"Is it because of the evening dress?"

“From a class B student to an elite of the Central Academy of

Sciences, the most technically respected soldier of the special task
force, you have done too many things that the ‘genius’ did not
"I don't want to be a genius. But your affirmation makes me feel
that I have finally paid attention to your years of attention."

Lily laughed, and the lights in the film were not as dazzling as
they were at the moment.

"I don't care about your talent, because what really makes me
forget is that when the zombies are about to tear me apart, you
haven't left me."

Lily closed her eyes. The pace under her feet could not keep up
with the waltz's rhythm. Everything was about to rest. When her
lips were close to Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan was suddenly separated by
a force. His back hit someone. The chest, the familiar sense of
strength will make him refrain from rebellion.

Xiao Yan turned back, and it was the cold eyes of Haiyan.

He just wanted to say that it was very impolite to take him away
from the female partner, but the sight of Hai Yin falling down
made Xiao Yan all the words back to the throat.

"Lilly! Sorry..."

I couldn't wait to explain more. Xiao Yan used to hold Lily's waist
and was gripped by Hai Yin. The force exerted on his waist was
so amazing that Xiao Yan had to follow the other side.
Lily still stood in the same place, and she was a little bit stunned,
but after she was stunned, she waved her hand toward Xiao Yan
and slowly withdrew from the seemingly monotonous repetitive

Many people have looked at the direction of Xiao Yan and Hai
Yin, which makes Xiao Yan's pace go wrong. If Hai Yin took his
waist and forced him back, Xiao Yan had already hit other people.

"Hey! I said! Didn't you find that everyone is watching us?" Xiao
Yan looked at Hai Yin with dissatisfaction, even if the man was
about to crush his fingers.

"So you have to grasp the rhythm and don't make mistakes."

In the eyes of Heyin Burton, the waltzes of the two men seem to
have no violations.

Xiao Yan knows the persistence of Hai Yin.

Not far from Maya, who was dancing with Jessica, this guy also
blinked at Xiaoyan with a bad eye.


Xiao Yan bowed to the other side and compared the middle
finger. Why should Hai Yin buckle his waist! Why do he Xiaoyan
want to dance the female dance step!
“It’s better to be good enough to let everyone accept it.”

Xiao Yan stared at Hai Yin's eyes, and couldn't help but smile
after two or three seconds.

It’s true that Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan turned around and put his hand on the waist of Hai Yin.
He leaned his head halfway, and his eyes were willful and

Hai Yin's side face forms a beautiful beauty under the light and
shadow. His palm is covered on Xiao Yan's shoulder. By default,
the female's pace can be alternated. Every time his rotation
alternates, his posture still shows restrained. Elegant, as if to
break through the **** at any time.

The entire venue is like a continuous wave.

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin and admired the unchanging

expression of this man.

Different from the gentle and dexterous inclination and swing of

men and women, Xiao Yan and Hai Yin are a kind of strength and
elegance unique to men. Their sidewalks are smooth as if the
waves are shining in the sky with the sun, and they are backing
up. At the time of the step, when Hai Yin leaned slightly on the
body, Xiao Yan looked at his opponent's eyes and his heart was
uncontrollably shaken. He could hardly control his own weight
and fell into the arms of Hai Yin.

Finally, I stabilized myself, and Xiao Yan guided myself and Hai
Yin’s dance steps to start a natural rotation.

Everything around it became a glimpse of the light, Xiao Yan

looked at the sea, the freedom of the world condensed at this

Xiao Yan made a whisper and made a free rotation. He thought

that Hai Yin would fall, but the other's calf smashed him, and he
firmly fixed his center of gravity. He just swung through him, and
Xiao Yan's blood poured into the heart as if it were going to
crack. Hai Yin, along with the music's beat and anti-customer,
began a period of exchange dance, a right rotation, Xiao Yan was
almost brought into the arms.

"Haha... do you think it's fun?"

This kind of competition is different from the difference that Xiao

Yan is completely suppressed by the other side during the fighting
practice. It is not the battlefield. Shanghai Yin always has to look
at Xiao Yan's paranoid protection desire, which is a completely
equal exchange for Xiao Yan.
"Yeah." Hai Yin's soft response, pressed in the softest place in
Xiao Yan's heart.

"Do you not think this song is too long?"

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin very seriously and asked him very

The shadows that are constantly rotating around are gradually

blurred, and the music is moving away. The spacious and
extravagant venue seems to be stripping from this space.

"Don't stop so soon," Hai Yin said softly.

Xiao Yan paused and frowned. "Do you know that you have been
trapped by me?"

"I know that you have trapped me with this waltz."

Hai Yin’s expression was indifferent, and Xiao Yan couldn’t

guess when he found out that they were still in Xiao Yan’s

"Don't you be struggling to break through my **** with you?"

Hai Yin’s forehead fell low and reached Xiao Xiao’s forehead.
“Let this piece grow a little longer.”

"Okay." Xiao Yan pulled up his lips and closed his eyes, feeling
the man's attachment.
Everything is gone, dinner is good, Lauren is good, Wenn is good,
Lily is good, food and wine are good. In this boundless but empty
world, Hai Yin is holding Xiao Yan. With the sound of the waltz,
which slowly rotates, their steps move, Xiao Yan gently slaps the
beat until the two bodies are scattered like particles, and Hai Yin
insists on holding Xiao. Rock's fingertips, and Xiao Yan showed a
smile before disappearing.

"We see you in reality."

Taking a heavy breath, Xiao Yan felt that the nerve was peeling
off the system. He took off the terminal connector and felt the
light of the office.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: the sisters
understand it?

The whole chapter is an exercise, not in reality, but in Xiao Yan's

thinking. Xiao Yan first let Hai Yin mistakenly think that they
failed to return to reality together, and then join Hai Yin to attend
the federal anniversary dinner. When Hai Yin focused on this
waltz, he could not notice when the song ended, and naturally fell
into Xiao. Rock's thinking roundabout.

Xiao Yan patiently pave the way for everything, built up everyday
life, and slowly overtook the trap he set for Hai Yin. 2k novel
reading network
In front of him is Hein Burton, who still looks in the world.
Everything that happened in that world never seemed to shake

A chuckle came, Xiao Yan leaned over his face and watched the
Major General Xia leaning back against the sofa, looking relaxed.

"You have done much better than I thought. This is the first time
that someone has trapped Haiyin Burton."

Hope's praise did not make Xiao Yan proud. He replied coldly:
"But the general, the trap I gave him, he can break free at any
time. For the real enemy, this method is useless."

"How long have you just dismissed your thoughts? Do you expect
me to go against the sky?" Major General Shake shook his head
with a funny smile. "Xiao Yan, at least this time, there are three
points worthy of praise. First, you remember me to you." Said the
point of setting the trap, this trap either has an irresistible appeal
to the other party, or let the other party be willing to fall. You
gave Colonel Burton a dream, I bet, if I am not here to look at
you, Colonel Burton only I am afraid that I will never return to
reality. The reason why he is willing to fall is because you are too
special for him or your trap is very delicate, at least from a
theoretical point of view, you are doing very well."

"The second point?"

"You have built a more complicated scene than I have built
before, including some characters you have never really seen
before, such as the President. This is an extremely risky act that
may be dismantled at any time. But you are very smart, Lord's
The image is derived from the thinking information of Hai Yin.
You use it to construct another scene to guide the entry of Hai
Yin. This is really clever."

"What is the last point?"

"The last point is that it is better for Colonel Burton to explain it

to you." Major General Xia made a "please" posture toward Hai

Hai Yin did not speak slowly, and the cool sound poured into
Xiao Hai's auditory nerves as if their thoughts were still

"You are patiently ambushing. When suppressed by my thinking,

you are not eager to resist, but cater to me, with 'back to reality' as
a turning point, introducing me into the world of your design. You
will be the most calmly Ordinary life reproduction, such as your
research, such as preparing a dress before the dinner, you make
me believe that we really returned to reality. Even when the waltz
begins, you are not in a hurry to seduce me, but to use Lily to kill
my patience, Let me enter uncontrollably the trap you designed
for me to trap me."

"But actually, before we started dancing, you already realized that

this is not reality... right?" Xiao Yan asked hesitantly.


Hai Yin’s answer made him close his eyes and press his head

"Well, tell me, where is my mistake? Is it because of the setting of

the dinner? The scene? Or..."

"When I kiss your finger in the channel, I know that I am still in

your mind."

Xiao Yan was completely stunned, "...why?"

"You said, you believe that no one can fiction my kiss to deceive
you. Similarly, you don't know what it feels every time I touch

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin in a stupid way. After a long time, she
looked down and laughed.

"It turns out... I have been wearing it for a long time..."

You guy is too big enough! Why don't you poke me directly!
Major General hopes to cough. "Well, no matter what, this
exercise has played its part. At least Xiao Yan, you know the
skills of success and know where you are failing. I can't continue
to teach you how to think." Kill another person in the world
because it will cause irreversible damage to the invader's neurons.
But I believe that by today, if a real enemy is trapped in your
mind, you know how Sniper each other. Don't sympathize with
your enemies, don't hesitate, the timing is only a moment."

"I am very grateful to you for giving me a goodbye. Goodbye,

Major General." Xiao Yan sorted out his feelings and got up and
gave a tribute to Major General Xia.

"I will see you again next time. I hope that you will simply
come... to accompany me for an afternoon tea."

"As you wish."

Xiao Yan and Hai Yin left the office of Major General Xi Jin.

The two walked silently in the passage, still behind a whole

special task squad.

"Tell me, am I in reality now, or are you trapped in the

subconscious?" Xiao Yan suddenly turned his face to look at the
cold man beside him.
The other side bowed his head and his lips pressed the rock very
hard. His hindbrain was tightly held by the other side and could
not move. Hai Yin vigorously stirred in Xiao Yan's mouth and
swept past his upper jaw. When this short kiss ended, Hai Yin
asked with no emotions of slight emotion: "Do you think, major?"

Xiao Yan smiled and walked forward, and stretched his waist. "I
don't care - even if you are trapped, it is a sweet dream."

The federal anniversary is coming, not just the military, but the
ordinary people in the Shire are also preparing for the celebration.

However, Xiao Yan continued to afflict Lauren in the research

room, constantly showing only the neglected places in his data
analysis. Xiao Yan found that she especially enjoyed the
appearance of this little guy who lost his pride after showing his
achievements to the point of being pointed out.

One day's study was over, and Lauren stretched out but didn't
leave the lab.

"Don't you go back?"

"I have to correct my mistakes, otherwise I will not sleep."

Lauren waved.

Xiao Yan suddenly felt that this boy was cute. Just as he was
about to quit the system, the communication picture came out.
"I am sorry to interrupt your research, major. The Central
Academy of Sciences will hold an emergency meeting in
Conference Room 201, please attend on time."

Xiao Yan sighed and wanted to have a fine dinner and then lie in
bed to listen to music, but a meeting notice would make
everything reimbursed.

Just out of the research room door, in addition to the two special
forces standing at the door, a man holding his arm against the wall
has been waiting for him for a long time. The other side's gaze
looking elsewhere turned slowly to Xiao Yan's direction, as if
something had entered his mind and controlled everything.

The heart leaped wildly, and the hot and entangled breath madly
collided with the force, boiling like Xiaoshui in Xiao Yan's mind.

The man showed him his ownership in the most unshakeable way,
and the memory of Haiyin Burton in his mind was just a little bit
in tandem, and the moments that surprised him were even more
logical than those. The experimental memory is more profound.

Subconsciously stretched out his fingers to support the wall, Xiao

Yan was amused by his sudden heart. Damn - what is the heart
jumping? Not the first time I saw this guy!
He always has to tighten his nerves to withstand the oppression of
the sea, and at the same time ... can not be attracted to each other.

Just like now, the other side's chilly and knife-like facial features
seem to be carved on Xiao Yan's eyeballs. When the other side's
chest undulates, even if there is an ups and downs in the throat,
Xiao Yan suddenly feels dull.

"I have a meeting."

The calm tone concealed his inexplicable heart.

"I wait for you."

Hai Yin did not follow him, still relying on the original place.
Two special forces followed Xiao Yan and continued.

Passing through a research room, Xiao Yan met with a depressed


"I have a beautiful crush on the military office today... This is all
about the soup!" Ritz regretted.

Loch walked past him and refused to add it. "If this crush is
caught by you, then her future life is really called a soup."

"Hey, you have to satirize my time, take a good sleep! Crazy!"

Ritz intended to lift his foot to Loch, but Loch had already turned
The three of them came to conference room 201, and many
research supervisors of majors and above have arrived.

Everyone is talking about it and guessing what is the topic of

today's meeting.

“Is it a celebration of the federal anniversary of tomorrow?”

“What is the celebration of us? We only need to wear evening

gowns to participate!”

"So what is this meeting? Lieutenant General Aiwei?"

Xiao Yan topped Ritz with his elbow. "Hey... Lieutenant General
Aiwei will be late?"

"Almost never." Ritz pulled a chair and sat down to yawn.

Until the last colonel entered the conference room, the sliding
door suddenly closed and everything was locked.

Xiao Yan’s heart was in a bad premonition, and he quickly came

to the front of the sliding door and found that the identification
system did not respond.

"I am Major Xiao Yan, id1665, the identification system is


Xiao Yan kept repeating the instructions, but the ending did not
"Hey, what's wrong?" Ritz came to Xiao Yan.

"The identification system was closed and the conference room

door was locked."

Ritz sighed and patted Xiao Yan’s shoulder. “What a secret

meeting might be, don’t you...”

“A confidential meeting that even the host didn’t have?” Xiao

Yan raised his eyebrows, and this time Ritz felt wrong.

Everyone is still talking about it.

Xiao Yan looked around and said coldly: "Almost all research
supervisors are trapped here. If anyone puts in gasification agents
through the air replacement system in the conference room, all of
us will die here, and the entire Central Academy of Sciences will
be completely Oh."

Xiao Yan’s voice was very low, and Ritz’s face changed.

At this time, the largest holographic image of the conference

room suddenly popped up, but it was not Lieutenant General
Aivil, but a man who was strange to everyone but Xiao Yan still
remembered. His five senses are elegant and aristocratic, and the
deep style is unforgettable. The mellow voice of the mouth is like
a long red wine.
"Good evening, the research elites of Charles. You should have a
leisurely dinner at this time. Take advantage of your rest time, and
express your heartfelt sorry."

The discussion in the conference room was louder.

"Who is this? Is it because someone has to replace Lieutenant

General Aiwei?"

"But he didn't wear military uniforms!"

Xiao Yan was completely stunned and looked stunned.

On the side, Ritz noticed his expression, "Xiao Yan! Who is this

The man’s gaze is in the direction of Xiao Yan, and his expression
seems to meet an old friend who has not met for a long time.

"Ah... Xiao Yan, you are already a major. Should I congratulate

you, or do you feel sorry for it? With your talent, they have only
given you the rank of major."

"Xiao Yan, this guy knows you?" Ritz's question is deeper.

"He... is Valentine..."

"Who..." Ritz, as a middle-level manager of the Central Academy

of Sciences, did not hear the name of Valentine.
“The leader of the surge organization.”

Xiao Yan’s voice just fell, and the entire conference room was
like a bomb after three seconds of silence. Everyone was

Valentine smiled and enjoyed everyone's expression.

"If I stop the oxygen supply in the conference room, you will
suffocate within half an hour."

His face is like a statue in the church, but beautiful but gloomy.

Everyone realizes that their destiny is in the hands of Valentine.

They couldn't press the alarm system and couldn't tell other troops
to come to the rescue. They didn't even know how much
Valentin's control of the Central Academy of Sciences had

"But don't worry, because once I stop the delivery of oxygen, my

favorite school, Xiao Yan, will die. This is not the result I want."

"What do you want to do!" Xiao Yan told himself that he must be
calm. There must be a terminal in this conference room. Just let
him enter the terminal, even if he can't restart the conference
room, at least inform the outside world of their accident.
"Well... what to say, there are still six hours, that is, zero, the
anniversary of the Federation of the Shire. I think we should
celebrate with you. There are still half an hour, the aircraft that
transports the zombies will be docked with the Central Academy
of Sciences. By the time, 30 research variants will be locked into
the sample library. I just need to open the door of the sample
library, they will hungry for food. Major Xiao Yan, this will be
very reliable data for your research. The only thing I regret is that
the Xuelun virus in your body has been metabolized. I wish you

Xiao Yan’s pupil suddenly shrank. “What is your purpose?”

"Of course it's a live show! Let the whole Charles look at the
heroic form of the Central Academy of Sciences' decisive battle
with the zombies."

Finished, the screen is closed.

Xiao Yan quickly rushed to the terminal of the conference room,

but Valentin did too much, and the terminal did not respond. Xiao
Yan speculated that the terminal of the entire Central Academy of
Sciences may have been closed, and the other party completely
cut off the possibility of his contact with the outside world.
Unclear research supervisors look to Xiao Yan, they have
countless problems, but Xiao Yan knows that it is not the time to
answer these questions!

Valentine is a madman! The pursuit of eternal life for more than

two hundred years has made him feel that he is supernatural!

"Everyone listens well! Our Central Academy of Sciences system

has been invaded by the leader of the tide organization Valentin!
More than this conference room, I believe the entire Central
Academy of Sciences has become a closed space!" Xiao Yan
looked down at the wrist On the contact, the time shows 6:15.
"There are still fifteen minutes. The aircraft for the study of the
variant zombies will be docked with the Academy of Sciences'
zombie samples, and the purpose of the tide organization is to
release these zombies!"

The expressions of the research supervisors have completely

changed, but they are, after all, school-level figures, calming
down much faster than Xiao Yan imagined.

Or as scholars, they are always afraid of the unknown. Now that

they know what they are about to face, they are more concerned
with coping.

"My research room... is independent of the system of the Central

Academy of Sciences. If we can enter, we have the opportunity to
lock these mutant zombies outside the study and wait for the
rescue. If there is no destination here, there is only one ending. ”

Become a prey for mutant zombies.

Needless to say, Xiao Yan's lab also stores samples of the

Xuelun-3, and if they can get the samples, they will be free from
zombie attacks.

"But you are not sure that your lab will work!" A major raised

"This is the only opportunity if we can't leave this closed

environment. Another good news is that there are two special
forces outside the conference room, and Colonel Hein Burton is
also in the Central Academy of Sciences... ”

Although he is only waiting in his own research room. Xiao Yan

regretted how she didn't bring this guy.

When they heard the name of "Hay Burton", the eyes shone with

Xiao Yan smiled secretly in his heart. Hai Yin is not only the soul
of the special mission force, but even for the entire Shire, he
represents omnipotence, although no one in this world is
With the alertness of Hai Yin, he can certainly feel the inside of
the Academy of Sciences is not appropriate, maybe when the
folding fan sliding door opens, Hai Yin has been guarded outside
the door.

It’s just... 30 mutant zombies, can you safely evacuate all the
supervisors in the field by relying on two special forces and Hai
Yin? And whether the lab is still running smoothly is also a
problem... I don’t know how Lauren’s kid is! He said that he
should let him go back when he wants to stay!

Xiao Yan kept looking at the time on the contact, and there was a
five-minute meeting room door that would open. What exactly
would he face?

The research directors are waiting for it, and the guy of Ritz is
always behind Xiao Yan.

"Hey, what do you stick to me so tightly?"

"I know that you have x-2 virus in your body. In so many
supervisors, only you have combat power." Ritz glared at Xiao
Yan's cuffs, a natural expression.

And Loch actually walked behind Xiao Yan.

These guys!
"I want to go to the front of the conference room, can't you go?"
Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows, absolutely serious, and even his
eyes were cold for three points.

"Ha? Are you crazy?" Ritz has always been called the first
beautiful man in the institute, but it seems that at this moment,
Xiao Yan wants to open his head.

"The closer you are to the door, the greater the chance of getting
in contact with the zombies, but the greater the chance of getting
out of here. So many people are simply zombie meals, and when
they all squeeze into the relatively small space of the conference
room, I can be alone. Fighting thirty zombies."

After that, Xiao Yan came to the door and pressed against the
wall. This is the dead end of the line of sight. Ritz couldn't help
but say that he came to Xiao Yan to learn how he looked.

At that moment, the door suddenly opened, Xiao Yan rushed out,
and at the moment he was about to go out, Ritz grabbed him.
"Wait for me--"

Waiting for your mom!

On the head of Xiao Yan's head, the blue veins suddenly

protruded. A zombie rushed in and rushed in. The two special
forces guarding the door were fighting with the zombies.
"Major - hurry to leave!"

The zombie swiftly rushed to Xiao Yan, who was closest to him.
Ritz fell to Xiao Yan and looked at everything that happened in
front of him.

Xiao Yan's hands clasped the zombie's shoulders, and the elbows
slammed hard. Suddenly, he turned over and pressed the zombies
under him. The zombie struggled and tried to bite Xiao Yan's arm.


The zombie's eyes are in the direction of Ritz, and the bloodshot
eye is like a burst.

"Xiao Yan!" Ritz, this guy is still loyal, and even intends to go
forward to help Xiao Yan open the zombie.

"What are you looking at? Go away! Wait for other zombies to
find a meeting room. You can't go anywhere! I can still deal with

Xiao Yan lowered his voice, and Ritz saw from the eyes of Xiao
Yan the persistence of the military. He did not say anything and
rushed out, and the other supervisors kept up.
The two special forces outside the door struggled to stop the four
zombies at the other end of the passage. They could not cope with
one more zombie.

"where are we going!"

The few supervisors behind Ritz were deeply disturbed. At the

end of the bright but quiet passage, I don't know what is waiting
for them.

"Xiao Yan's research room!"

"Even if we get to the front of the lab, we can't get in!"

"His research assistant is still there!" At this time, Ritz faded from
the initial laziness. He worried about Xiao Yan and knew that
Xiao Yan had stayed to block the zombies just to give them time.
He must not live up to Xiao Yan. The sacrifices made.

At the moment, Xiao Yan, a turned over twisted cross, his arm
tightened the neck of the zombie, and the zombie seemed to know
what he wanted to do, constantly trying to remove the neck from
Xiao Yan's legs. Gritted his teeth, Xiao Yan turned his body by
twisting the power of the body, and the head of the zombie was
Xiao Yan quickly got up, did not give any chance to accident,
smashed the skull of the zombie, he rushed out the door and saw
two special forces in the fierce battle.

"Major! Immediately evacuate!"

I saw two zombies jumping from each other and slamming into
the two special forces. They should not fall to the ground and

One of the zombies rushed in the direction of Xiao Yan.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: sometimes I

will forget what I wrote before, some bugs appear, find a time to
go back and change it, don't laugh at me. Valentin can't stand the
loneliness, his scorpion will be very big, Xiao Yan can't easily let
him go. So the upgrade mode of the Daguai has to enter the final
stage of playing the boss - Database & Sql Blog Articles
It is now impossible for Xiao Yan to turn around and escape.

The zombie clearly opened his mouth and bite into Xiao Yan’s
neck, but in a moment he changed his hand and grabbed Xiao
Yan’s chest. Xiao Yan held his arm and split, and the guy
violently pulled back his hand and did not give Xiao Yan a chance
to completely twist his wrist.

It gasped and made a heavy noise.

The two special forces are already at a disadvantage. If Xiao Yan

does not hurry to solve the guy in front of him, the two special
forces are afraid of being bitten.

These guys are learning, they take all kinds of fighting and killing
skills from the special forces, Xiao Yan knows that if he wants to
kill it, he must hit the middle and can not give the other party the
opportunity to learn.

Fighting skills are never the most important, and speed and
decisiveness can determine the outcome.

In the mind, the figure of Hai Yin flashed naturally, Xiao Yan
rushed to the zombie, and it rushed up in excitement. At that
moment, Xiao Yan fiercely slammed from the body of the
zombie, suddenly Turning around with the knees as a fulcrum, he
buckled the legs of the zombies and slammed it on the wall. The
guy’s head slammed and cracked.

It swayed and stood up, seemingly losing balance. Xiao Yan

didn't say a word, a side kick cracked its head on the wall.

At the moment he turned, a zombie had already come to him, and

the greedy eyes of the other side were so clear in front of Xiao


This distance is too close, it can bite the carotid artery of Xiaoyan
as long as it lowers its head.

Like a phantom, the zombie's head was shot open, as fast as the
centrifuge in the lab, hitting the wall, fiercely counterattacking,
the slashing blade flashed, and its head rolled down.

Haiyin Burton stood in front of him, cold and glaring. "They told
you to go, why don't you listen?"

Xiao Yan opened his mouth, but when he had time to open his
mouth, Hai Yin had turned and the blade pierced into a zombie
eye that had been thrown up. The other side felt the danger and
immediately retreated. Its eyes heal faster than Xiao Yan's
At this time, there was a chilling snoring sound in the passage,
and zombies came in this direction.

Hai Yin and the two special forces together wiped out the
remaining two zombies. They did not intend to fight, but ran in
the direction of Xiaoyan Research Office.

"I hope that Lauren’s guy hasn’t left yet!”

"He hasn't gone yet."

Daddy, Hai Yin took Xiao Yan to the past, slammed his head, and
the blade flashed. It turned out to be a zombie hanging upside
down at the node of the passage.

It flashed through the attack of Hai Yin sensitively, and the

zombies behind him quickly caught up.

He was surrounded by a research room with a sliding door. Xiao

Yan seemed to think of something rushing in.

"Xiao Yan!" The zombie followed him and rushed in.

The speed of the sea is very fast. The blade is not where the
shoulders of the zombies are cut off or the abdomen of them. But
they have the intelligence to protect their necks from being cut off
by the sea.
Xiao Yan kept avoiding the chasing of the zombies and looking
for something. Just when he was stumped by something, the
zombie rushed to his door. Xiao Yan’s ankle was on the abdomen
of the zombie, and it was pushed into the air. The strength of this
guy’s dive was not to be underestimated. At that moment, Xiao
Yan raised his wrist and his finger was a condensation. The gun,
the moment when the trigger was pressed, the zombie's head burst
into the air. Xiao Yan turned his head and pressed between his
arms, and lost the remaining trunk and fell to his side.

"Xiao Yan!"

The sound of Hai Yin came and it was very exciting. Xiao Yan
picked up two other condensation guns, stuffed them in the waist
of the military uniform, rushed to the front door and fired.

The first shot hit a zombie's thigh, and instantly its entire leg lost
its ability to break, and Hai Yin decided to cut off his head. With
the help of Xiao Yan, the speed at which they left this small group
of zombies was greatly accelerated.

Hai Yin smashed Xiao Yan's wrist and took him to the channel.

The heart is mad, not the tension of life and death, but the shape
of the man in front of him.
Wrapped in the shoulders full of strength under the combat
uniforms, every run seems to open the air, even if the last moment
comes, Xiao Yan knows that this man will not let go of his hand.

At that moment, unexpected things happened, and seven or eight

mutant zombies rushed over.

Xiao Yan lifted the condensation gun, aimed, shot, and in one go,
two zombies were shot down by it, but the filling liquid in the
condensation gun was empty.

"Oh shit!"

Hai Yin clenched his double-edged blade and his wrist turned
slightly. He looked back at Xiao Yan, his eyes were calm and
there was no fear.

Xiao Yan nodded and read the meaning in his eyes.

Since this group of zombies know how to cooperate with each

other, Haiyin and Xiao Yan can do it.

Just as the two or three zombies in front of them rushed to them,

Hai Yin quickly kicked one of them and waved the blade to force
the other, while Xiao Yan pressed one of the shoulders and lifted
the knee. In the past, the guy's internal organs were all topped out.
At that moment, Haiyin's knife backed Xiaoyan's back neck, a
turn, just pierced the zombie's neck, the handle was rotated, and
its neck bone disconnect.

Suddenly pulled out the blade, Xiao Yan pressed the arm of Hai
Yin, slammed into a flip, and the head of a zombie that had been
thrown up in the heel, his head only fell and was knocked down
by him.

Two special forces solved a zombie, and the other three zombies
did not leave their intentions, but surrounded them as if they were
thinking about how to capture prey.

Suddenly, all the zombies rushed in the direction of Xiao Yan.

Three zombies appeared on the top of his head. Xiao Yan’s eyes
widened, raising his fist and splitting the chin of one of the
zombies, while the sea Yin Sui Blade is about to cut off the other
side, who knows that this guy suddenly took the blade of Hai Yin,
one turned to buckle the shoulders of Hai Yin, the other bite to
Hai Yin's head.

The original attack on Xiao Yan is just the illusion that they
distracted from the sea!

At this time, there were zombies enclosed.

The two special forces could only barely fight, and two of them
were surrounded by Xiao Yan.
They are not ordinary zombies, and every minute is thrilling.

Xiao Yan's afterglow always pays attention to Hai Yin, and the
zombies clearly notice that Hai Yin is the most difficult one
among them, and they have rushed to Hai Yin. Hai Yin opened
one and the other rushed up. There were zombies in front and
behind constantly trying to bite his neck. The zombie behind him
was too embarrassing, and Hai Yin couldn't stab each other.

Just as Xiao Yan was forced to the wall by the two zombies, Hai
Yin did not hesitate to lift his wrist, piercing the blade into his
belly, running through his body, tied to the zombie behind him,
and the zombie was sharp. The shouts, Xiao Yan was shocked by
the horror but was restricted by two zombies, and could not rush

"Hai Yin!"

Hai Yinli landed the blade and the blood splashed and dyed the
eyes of Xiao Xiaoyan.

The sea has almost no pain, and the body has not yet healed. He
has suddenly turned back and cut off the head of the zombie. The
thigh is extremely powerful and backwards. The muscles are tight
and the nerves are painful. Fly another zombie.
Then I went back and leaped in the air, and the momentum was

Xiao Yan was very tacitly low. Haiyin’s handle was on the back
of a zombie, and Xiao Yan slammed up, **** the chin of another
zombie with his palm, turning over and twisting it off. Its neck.

"Hai Yin!"

Xiao Yan’s horrified voice, a zombie’s handcuffs slammed into

the belly wound of Hai Yin, trying to drag his internal organs out.

Every cell in the body is oscillating, Xiao Yan doesn't know

where the speed and strength come from, buckles the shoulder of
the zombie, and at that moment unloads its entire arm, and the
zombie screams on his back and Xiao Yanzhen Broken his head,
his brain ruptured and spilled over his face.

Hai Yin leaned against the wall, and the blood fell along the half
of the zombies that were exposed.

Xiao Yan rushed to him, and the tragic scene in front of him made
his heart fall. If it is not for the timely rescue of him, Hai Yin does
not need to pierce his body.

"There is no time, you go right away."

Hai Yin pushed open Xiao Yan and he fell out.

"Heyin Burton! What do you think of me? Is there only a
protected and protected relationship between me and you?"

"I am a man, you don't need ‘have 对’ for me.”

Hai Yin’s expression was light, and the zombies that had been
raised and swung up were still strong and powerful, and they were
extremely lethal.

Xiao Yan didn't speak. He came to Hai Yin and said in a cold
voice: "First, I have to cut open the wound you have healed,
separate the zombie's fingers from your internal organs, and then
take the broken limb out."

After that, Xiao Yan moved his fingers and made a "squeaky"
sound, and came to Hai Yin. He knows that his time is not much
and he must be very accurate.

Xiao Yan took his blade from Hai Yin's hand. Hai Yin held the
hilt tightly, and Xiao Yan, who was half-squatting in front of him,
showed an unshakable expression. He had to release his fingers.

Xiao Yan's lips burst out with a very depressing curvature. The
fingers plucked the ruptured combat uniforms, and the blade
broke the muscles of the sea along the broken limbs. Xiao Yan's
hand reached in.
The two special forces solved the remaining zombies and stood
guarded by Hai Yin and Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan's fingertips touched the internal organs of Shanghai Yin.

They were warm and humid, and he could even feel the other's
heart. Xiao Yan found the zombie's fingers, opened them one by
one, and carefully pulled out the broken limbs.

The breathing of Hai Yin was quite stable from beginning to end,
and all the pain sensations were ignored by him.

Xiao Yan dropped the half of the broken limb, and the belly of
Hai Yin was healing. There was no time to confirm it. It was
faintly heard that there was another voice in the passage.

"Go!" Hai Yin picked up Xiao Yan and ran to the research room.

At this time, Lauren is still immersed in the data repair process,

completely unable to feel the people who are desperately beaten
outside the research room.

The zombies are getting closer and closer, and Ritz hates to smash
the entire Shire face.

At some point, Lauren finally ended the data repair. When he was
disconnected from the terminal, he finally realized everything that
happened outside the door. He saw the frightened research
supervisors on the glass window. He immediately opened the
sliding door and everyone Embrace, but at the moment Lauren
closed the sliding door, a zombie rushed in.

Everyone fled, and this closed study room instantly became the
table of the zombies.

"Mom! If your kid opens the door early, it won't be like this!"

Ritz was pressed to the ground by a zombie and watched it bite on

Ritz's shoulder. He only heard a "beep" sound. The liquid bomb
of the condensation gun hit the wall along the zombie's cheek and
the bullet broke open. An ice surface with a radius of about five
centimeters suddenly appeared on the wall.

Under fear, Lauren’s gunwork was messy, and the next shot
almost hit Ritz.

"Who is your kid aiming at!"

The zombies who felt the threat rushed to Lauren, and Lauren was
repeatedly shot by the other side. The surrounding research
supervisors hugged their heads and feared that they would be hit
by Lauren.

The zombies were close at hand, and Lauren gritted his teeth and
held his eyes. At this moment, the sliding door opened, and the
blade of the special forces flew in and punctured the head of the
Lauren slowly lowered his arm and looked sideways at the sliding
door. Xiao Yan slowly walked to Lauren and stepped on the head
of the zombie. It was still dead, struggling to climb, but half of the
body had already Lost ability to move.

In Lauren’s eyes, Xiao Yan, who had a look of awkwardness,

lifted his knife and waved it. The head of the zombie rolled to
Lauren’s side and he was shocked by the white face.

Hai Yin and the other two special forces have successfully retired
into the research room, the sliding door closed and locked, and
the remaining zombies came to the door and continually crashed,
trying to break the glass on the sliding door.

"What to do... will they come in... What is going on?"

Xiao Yan walked to Lauren's side indifferently, lifting his finger

holding the condensation gun in the direction of the glass. "They
climbed in, you fired, don't tell me that you can't aim."

Lauren took a deep breath and the original nervous mood fell. He
finally realized the situation at the moment, that is, all of them
were trapped in this research room.

Everyone was shocked and their eyes were on Bein Burton.

Xiao Yan delivered the other two condensation guns in this lab to
the hands of Ritz and Loch. "We have solved more than a dozen
zombies on this road. Even if we have to break through from here,
I believe We can still live. But there are too many people here..."

"We understand that I will try to ensure that Reitz does not drag
you back." Loch answered in a serious manner.

"What is it that I am dragging my legs? You explain it to me!

Bastard! If the system designed by this guy is really complete,
how can it be easily captured by the tide organization?"

In such a situation, this pair of friends can still quarrel, Xiao Yan
really wants to smash their heads.

“Who can tell me what is the situation now?” Lauren was the only
guy who didn’t enter the situation, although the ranks of the
research supervisors in front of them were staggering, but Lauren
could not ignite at this time. Any admiration for them, everything
that happened just too suddenly.

Not knowing what happened, in addition to Lauren, there are also

discussions about how to deal with the "Witches" Claire's
Lieutenant General Aiwei and Major General Gordon.

"What? An emergency meeting of the Central Academy of

Sciences? Why don't I know!" Aiwei stood up after learning that
the Central Academy of Sciences system was closed and almost
all research supervisors were trapped.
"Xiao Yan! He is also trapped inside!" Major Gordon realized

"...Xiao Yan...I can't contact him at all!" Aiwei panicked.

Someone could cross him and bring all the research directors to
the conference room. The master of the Central Academy of
Sciences failed. This is a big deal. What about the colonel?"

Gordon tried to contact Hai Yin and found that the data could not
be traced. He frowned. "He should be with Xiao Yan... He never
let Xiao Yan leave his ability."

This is the only comfort in this situation.

At this time, Lieutenant General Aivil got a message that all the
holographic screens in the Shire, whether official or commercial,
were maliciously invaded. A picture pops up from the contact,
showing the government announcement screen of the central

On the screen is a man, his elegant irrelevance and glamorous

temperament make everyone look up.

"Good afternoon, the citizens of Shire, I am very happy to meet

you here."
The people are ignorant of each other’s arguments and speculate
that this is a prelude to the presidential election. A candidate is
about to deliver a speech?

"Tomorrow is the federal anniversary of Charles. I understand the

inner happiness and the uncontrollable happiness. After all,
Charles is a warm, peaceful and calm place, so beautiful that you
completely forget the world. What it looks like."

Ai Wei looked at the man's lips on the screen, stiffly facing his
face and looking at Gordon. "This is... Valentine Sheen..."

Major General Gordon did not say anything, contact Wen En and
Ling Xiao.

"Ling Wei! You are going to the presidential palace now to

protect all military and political officials! Wen En, you lead your
troops to the Central Academy of Sciences, I don't care what
method you use! Even if you razed the Central Academy of
Sciences, you have to turn Xiao Rock out!"

The military tried to close all the displays, but they could not do

"The Lambs of Charles, enjoy the carnival before the fall of the
After this sentence is finished, all the screens are like movies, and
everything that happens in the Central Academy of Sciences is
played. The mutant zombies attacked the research directors of the
Central Academy of Sciences. They struggled on the line of life
and death and struggled between the passages. Valentin is a
close-up of Xiao Yan's figure. Every time he escaped the zombie
attack, he was thrilled, and the people watching it shouted from
time to time until a zombie almost bit his neck, and the picture
suddenly closed, as if deliberately causing interest to everyone.

"Xiao Yan!" Avil, who saw this scene, clenched his fist and
rushed out.

"Avil -" Gordon chased it up and gave instructions to Maya.

Maya took Ai Wei back. "Lord! Please calm down!"

"Calm! How can I calm down! Xiao Yan... He may be dead now!"

Gordon suddenly slammed into Ai Weier’s face. "Xiao Yan can’t

die! If he is really dead, Valentin Shee will release that scene, he
will introduce the people to Xiao Yan. Achievements, let the
people know that this genius who solved the x-virus defect
actually died in the Central Academy of Sciences, so that the
seeds of fear can be planted in the hearts of all the people of
Charles! We all know that Haiyin Burton will not let Xiao Rock is
dead! Xiao Yan is not the kind of researcher who can't help but
wind! You don't trust your own subordinates!"

Ai Wei looked at Gordon's eyes, breathing gradually and calming


"Valentin Sheehan must have his purpose in doing all this. This
man has accumulated nearly two hundred years of madness, and
his so-called ‘the falling of the sky’ must have a deeper

At this time, the space above the head trembled fiercely, and the
holographic image showed an explosion in the sky. What quickly
fell, and a deep depression appeared on the ground. This
destructive force is quite large in accordance with the volume of
the falling object.

"Like... seems to be... high-density titanium that supports the

dome..." Avil widened his eyes and looked at the scene.

"What? How can high-density titanium fall down?" Major

General Gordon did not believe it.

At this moment, an aircraft slammed in the sky above Shire, and

countless dust-like particles fell, reflecting the glow of the stars
on artificial sunlight. After several tens of minutes of
entanglement with the aircraft of several armed forces, they
finally shot them down.

"This is what Valentin called "the sky is falling"...that's a particle

bomb...they will quickly infiltrate the titanium...and then
explode..." Ayville stepped back half a step, another deafening
explosion, the dome Part of it fell to the special mission force
headquarters, and the top of the passage fell at that moment.

Avil’s silly raised his eyes.

"Avil..." Gordon stretched his arm and was picked up by Maya.

The entire space is trembled with violent earthquakes, and the

passage is as distorted as it can withstand weight.

"Lord! We must leave!"

"I ordered you to save Lieutenant General Aivil! Now!


The passage collapsed even more, and Gordon looked at Maya

with blood-red eyes.

"I'm sorry... my job is to protect your safety."

"You can't protect me, Maya."

More and more collapsed parts, Ling Xiao’s urgent information

came, the presidential palace will soon be unable to withstand the
fall of the titanium and was completely destroyed, Ling Xiao
requested to take the president away from the presidential palace.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Xiaer is to be

destroyed, what should I do?

Hai Yin: It doesn't matter.

Fat winter melon: How can you care? There is no Shire, where
are you and Xiao Yan going?

Hai Yin: Is there not an aircraft? 2k novel reading network

"Your request was approved."

At the same time, in the torture force, Major General hoped to

sneer at the holographic screen.

"This day, it really came."

In the corridor of the torture force, a middle-aged man in a gray

trench coat walked in the passage, behind him was a dozen of
survivors wearing combat uniforms. The man’s lips were holding
a gentle smile, and a full-armed soldier in front of him was
holding a condensation gun at him.

The man slightly sideways, the killer behind him slammed

forward, they did not put their life in the eyes, the killer in front of
the killer was hit by the condensation gun, the killer behind him
armed with the armed soldiers did not deduct the second time
Trigger and kill them all.

A soldier who fell in a pool of blood looked at the man who stood
in front of him like a god. His smile was harmless, but he was


"Valentin Sheehan."

Valentin lifted his legs and passed through the layers of the body
and came to a cell.

The woman in the cell looked up and stared at each other with

"Dear, don't show such expression, you used to be my most loved

daughter, Claire. Of course, now, as long as you tell me, Jane goes
where I will take you out."

The fear spread on Claire's eyes, but in the end she shook her

"Actually, like you, I don't even know what Jane really thinks."
Claire squeezed a smile on her lips, even though her shoulders
were shaking.
"Oh... my children have grown up, always wanting to leave home
and pursue unrestrained freedom. But the outside world is not as
wonderful as you think." Valentine's fingers swept Clare's cheek,
very Pity.

"You can enter my brain to interpret my memory..." Claire tried to

lean back, but Valentin firmly held his head.

"In fact, if I could get Xiao Yan, my plan would be perfect, but
now Xiao Yan is affecting the entire Shire armed forces, but you
are different. Jane, this kid, don't always look bohemian, don't
care about everything, but He sees his feelings too important. As
long as anyone expects him, he will take the expectations of
others as his responsibility. So he lives very tired and tired, and
never gets true freedom. And you It is one of his responsibilities."
Valentin suddenly took the edge of the killer, and cut off Claire's
legs locked in titanium.

"Ah--" Claire screamed, the blood flowing out, and a bright red
on the ground.

Valentin was stunned and pointed at her nose. "This is a

punishment for you. I know that you have been following Jane. It
is time to visit the famous Major General."

Valentin glared at Baha and came to the office of Major General.

The music is still the same, the scent of the coffee spreads all over
the place, and the singer, who is sitting at the desk, half-headed
his head and looked at the uninvited guests.

"Welcome to the torture force."

"You are the first person in the Shire to welcome me, so I decided
to treat you with the etiquette of my friends, and I hope that the
Major General." Valentin sat on the desk of hope, and it seemed
to be Look at the people in front of you.

"So you will invite me to join the tide?" Hope's smile is calm and
there is no fear.

"I admire your ability, but your ability is too great, so I have to..."

After that, Valentin slammed into the neck of hope, and at that
moment, the shadow of the hope appeared, and Valentin gave a
slight glimpse, only to realize that the hope in front of him was
not physical, but It is a holographic image.

He violently ruined the image, only to understand that Major

General hoped that the Major General had retired from the refuge
channel and left the torture force.

"It's really rare, I was deceived by you. But forget it, I have
achieved my goal." Valentin raised his wrist and revealed his
expectant expression to the communicator on his wrist. "Dear
Xiao Yan The last confrontation made me feel sincerely admired
by your brain. This is the most sincere and final invitation I sent
to you."

The image of Valentine appeared on Xiao Yan's liaison, and this

guy actually invaded the frequency of Charles's liaison!

Xiao Yan, who was trapped in the research room, pulled up his
lips and smiled helplessly: "Maybe you are God, I am sorry that I
can't do the angels around you."

This answer seems to be within Valentine's expectations. "You

refused too early, child. I will still keep your answer, don't die

"Don't die here? What does this guy mean?" Lauren raised his

At that moment, a deafening explosion came and the entire lab

swayed violently, and everyone subconsciously covered their

The alarm sounds endless.

"Valentin that bastard, it would not want to blow up the Central

Academy of Sciences!" Ritz shouted.

"If this is the case, we must leave now!"

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, and at the moment they could not
know exactly what happened. At this time, Wenn initiated a
contact request to Hai Yin.

"Head! You must take everyone away! Valentin Sheehan has

spread particle bombs in the Central Academy of Sciences, the
Special Mission Force and the Presidential Palace!"


The news surprised everyone.

Particle bombs are the same size as gravel. They can quickly
attach to metal surfaces and react with metals to release high heat
in an instant, causing a devastating explosion. The particle bomb
is called the nemesis of high-density titanium. But so far, the
stability of the particle bomb is still a problem faced by the
Central Academy of Sciences, but today, Valentin Sean has
already produced the finished product of the particle bomb.

"If it's a particle bomb, it won't last long, we have to leave!"

Loch's half-awake expression was seriously replaced.

"Let's go." Hai Yin looked at Xiao Yan.

"Is it hard to come in... Have you gone out yet?"

Research supervisors have talked about it.

Everyone looked at the door with fear, and the face of the mutant
zombie was stuck on the glass, trying to squeeze the sliding door
into it. Bloodshot eyes, their teeth from time to time across the
glass, leaving a trace of nausea.

"Oh... God..." Ritz pressed his head. "I'm not sure I can go
through another..."

Xiao Yan did not say anything, opened the sample storage, took
out the medicine, placed the injection gun on the floor, and calmly
looked at all the colleagues in front of him.

"You, this is Xuelun-3. From the data point of view, I have

successfully extended the effectiveness of the virus from
long-term to permanent. But the virus is ever-changing, and I am
not sure that it will enter the body of everyone, the effect is the
same as expected. ”

Back to his own research room, Xiao Yan's most important

purpose is to obtain the sample of the Xuelun-3.

His voice just fell, and Ritz did not hesitate to take the injection
gun from his hand. "The most serious consequences are just

Originally, Xiao Yan was worried that everyone would hesitate,

and at this moment, the most urgent thing for them is time. Ritz
suppressed everyone's suspicions, and when Xiao Yan gratefully
looked at him, he just shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

At the moment when the sliding door opened, everyone held their
breath and the zombies rushed in. Several researchers closed their
eyes until the zombies passed by them but did not stop, and they
slowly opened their eyes. The group of walking dead and numbly
swayed, seemingly looking for something. One of the zombies
came to Lauren’s face. It was screaming at Lauren, and the breath
was almost sprayed on his face. Lauren shrugged nervously.
Looking at the shoulder, looking for the direction of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan was also worried, for fear that Xuelun-3 would not be
effective against Lauren.

But this worry was superfluous. When another explosion came

from the top of the head, the zombies left Lauren.

"What are you doing there! Action is fast!" Ritz shouted.

Hai Yinchong was at the forefront. Together with the remaining

special forces, he opened the zombies and cleared the road. Xiao
Yan followed.

The feeling of being completely ignored by the zombies makes

them novel, but the explosions that are constantly coming from
the top of the head also make the sense of urgency break.
With a very close explosion, the cicada made many of them lose
their sense of balance. A whole piece of titanium lost support and
fell. Xiao Yan’s eyes quickly turned Ritz to himself, causing a
shock when the metal wall landed, a series of explosions. The
sound came and all the metal walls on the top of the head were

"Don't stop!" Hai Yin's low voice is extremely penetrating.

At that moment, a large piece of titanium penetrated the top of the

channel and fell down. The speed was so fast that it could not be
fundamentally reflected. Xiao Yan couldn't avoid it. He could
only press Ritz in one hand and lifted his hand to try to hold the
metal plate. However, the weight of high-density titanium is
enough to crush him completely. Just when Xiao Yan closed his
eyes and waited for the pain to fall, the sound of "Oops" came
from the top of his head. Xiao Yan's palm was only contused
because of the strength of the metal plate falling. Over-the-head, I
saw that Hai Yin was kneeling on one knee and not far from her,
and both hands supported the metal plate.

"The action is fast!" Hai Yin's muscles were tight and trembling,
and he was injured in order to hold the metal plate.

Xiao Yan stopped talking more and signaled that Ritz followed
him to climb out.
They continue to move forward, the passage behind them has
completely collapsed, and they have no turning back.

Ritz almost fell, and Loch behind him held him.

"Escape can't run fast! You should exercise!"

Ritz rarely had to argue with him, but just kept his focus on
moving forward.

The passages are sloping downwards, and if they fail to reach the
exit in time, they will slide along the passage to the ground and be
buried in the collapsed building.

The aircraft that Liv and Mark drove had reached the exit of the
passage, the hatch was opened, and Wenn half-body explored and
stretched his arms to prepare them to be pulled out one by one.

Hai Yin first arrived at the entrance of the passage, but Xiao Yan
was on the shoulder behind him. Wen En took Xiao Yan and
threw it into the cabin.

"The command of the military is sure to take away Xiao Yan!

Whoever wants to live will be your mother!"

Loch supported Ritz and pushed him up. Compared with Ritz,
who was trying to get Loch to come up, Xiao Yan should be more
He clasped Loch’s hand and said coldly to Ritz: "Let's let go!"

Just as Ritz didn't understand what it meant, Xiao Yan had already
smashed Loch. When Loch fell forward, he fell on Ritz's body.
Ritz's head hit the seat and almost didn't faint. Xiao Yan and Hai
Yin cooperated with each other tacitly, and they all smashed up.

The passage was getting closer and closer to the right angle.
When the last major was on the sea, the Lauren behind him
couldn't catch any support points and fell.

"Lauren -" Xiao Yan stretched his hand, just as he almost jumped
out of the cabin door, Hai Yin single-handedly clasped the cabin
door and pressed Xiao Yan to go back.

And Lauren widened his eyes and fell with the broken passage. At
that moment, desperately burst the eyeball.

Suddenly, a figure quickly hangs the rope on the door and jumps
out. At Lauren, he closes his eyes and waits for death to come.
The other person clenches his teeth and grabs his arm. The power
of that moment was enough to dislodge the wrist. With Lauren's
screams, the passage completely fell, and the aircraft took off, and
Lauren was smashed in the air by the other.

"Ah--" The huge pain made Lauren completely forget the fear of
death, and the pain felt straight along the nerves.
Xiao Yan, who was stopped by Hai Yin at the door of the cabin,
finally breathed out. "Fortunately... Wenn..."

With a cold cry, Wenn looked down at Lauren and said, "You are
not dead yet! Calling for something!"

When Wenn returned to the cabin with Lauren, Hai Yin recovered
the arm that stopped Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan looked at the cold face
of Hai Yin and swallowed his mouth vigorously. He had not felt
the pressure of Hai Yin almost crushing his bones for a long time.
This man would rather be hated by him and would not allow him
to do anything dangerous.

Riding on the aircraft, constantly dodging away from the falling

dome, everyone stared at everything outside the window.

Residents are fleeing helplessly, and the speed of high-density

titanium falls so much that the comet hits the ground. The most
prosperous commercial street was covered by smoke from the
explosion of titanium, and even the holographic screen was
destroyed. The iconic luxury residential building in Shire is
crumbling, and Xiao Yan can even estimate that the building that
is known as the “Underground Tower” will not be able to survive
in less than three minutes. Those who are elegant and graceful on
weekdays fled. The central square is very chaotic, gathering
people who have nowhere to escape. All the armed forces are
dispatched, but the emergency refuge area can not accommodate
all the people. And many people are clamoring that Charles will
collapse and they will go to the ground. But in fact, the military
did not have enough aircraft to take everyone out, even if they
took it out, facing the zombies, these people were a delicious

Looking at the presidential palace, I heard only a burst of bursts

of sound, and the federal flag symbolizing "hope and freedom"
was drowned under the rubble. The people were frightened and
shouted: "The president is dead - the president is dead - ”

Even the armed forces carrying out their missions subconsciously

turned their heads to look at the direction of the presidential

As the dust dispersed, several aircraft drove out, and Xiao Yan
recognized that it was a squadron. Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, and
it was impossible for Ling Xiao to take the president and the
general. Titanium fell, and Ling Xiao drove the ever-changing
trajectory of the aircraft, and every moment was frightening.

The sky, which has supported it for more than two hundred years,
is still trembled. The false blue sky and the unpredictable flowing
clouds are replaced by icy high-density titanium at that moment,
as if the lie is pierced, revealing the most authentic color. .
People looked up in fear and waited for the moment of complete

"If... the thirty-six support points of the dome are all broken...
Charles is completely submerged..." Ritz's voice trembled.

Charles is known as a miracle in the history of human

architecture. Two hundred years ago, countless architects
questioned the feasibility of building a huge underground city
until breakthroughs were made in the study of high-density
titanium, which has incredible load-bearing capacity, is hard to
corrode, and is extremely stable. It became the main building
material for the establishment of Charles. With the rapid
development of technology, ultra-density titanium was introduced
and used for the reinforcement of the thirty-six support points of
the Charles de Mayo. From that day on, architects confidently
said that unless the earth explodes, the Shire will always exist.

But today, this confidence was destroyed by Valentin Sheehan.

The aircraft that the president took was empty in the square
because there were too many people sheltering and the aircraft did
not land.

The so-called Central Square Monument is the strongest of the

thirty-six support points that support Charles, but no one can
determine if the monument has been installed with a particle

At this point, Hai Yin’s contact received a message from the


"Coloton Burton, I don't have any nonsense for the emergency. I

am instructing you as the president of the Federal Republic of
Schal, and immediately take the researchers on your aircraft to
leave Shire, go to the school with Shen Bing! I will order all
special tasks. The members of the army escorted you away at all

This order means that Charles is about to be destroyed, and the

president regards all the researchers on this aircraft as the last

The entire cabin was in awe.

"You, Lord, President." Hai Yin’s voice was flat and there was no
ups and downs, as if he had already anticipated it.

"I am the president of the Federation of the Shire. Without

Charles, there would be no me. I will be with my people. And,
sorry, your father is by my side, he also decided to stay here." The
president smiled , request to speak with Xiao Yan.
Liv and Mark drove the aircraft to avoid the falling titanium and
sailed to the only flight path that left the run.

"Xiao Yan... I wish you all the best."

I thought that the president would say what he hoped Xiao Yan
could do. Today, every sentence of his words is streamlined to be
quite different from the rumors.

"Hello! I am applying to you to recruit the troops of Major Ling

to the military chemical factory! There is nearly one ton of
condensing agent there! Spraying the condensing agent on the
support point can reduce the activity of the particle bomb with
low temperature!"

"Thank you for your advice! But you still have to withdraw from
Shire immediately!"

Contact was interrupted.

Xiao Yan still wants to say something, Hai Yin held his shoulder.

"He is the president, he will not give up any way to save the

The aircraft that Xiao Yan took off left Shire.

The president took a look at Admiral Sharif. "I just heard Xiao
Yan’s words?"
"Understand." Admiral Sharif issued instructions to the armed

At this time, Maya was glaring at the passage of Major General

Gordon, who was trying to take him out of the path that was about
to collapse completely. Major General Gordon held his arm into
the metal ruins with perseverance, trying to grasp something, and
he shouted at the name of Aivil.

"Lord! You must leave now!"

"No - Ai Weier is still inside!" Major General Gordon did not

give up.

"The Major General -" Maya raised her hand and prepared to
knock on each other.

"If you do that, even if I survive, I will use my gun to break my

head." Rear Admiral Gordon's back is calm and tenacious, it is an
unshakable determination.

"Your!" Maya's eyes turned red. When they tried to leave, the
passage collapsed and Lieutenant General Aivil was blocked on
the other side. But they now have no time to clean up the ruins
and bring Lieutenant General Aivil out, not to mention that they
are not even sure if Lieutenant General Aiwei is still alive.
"Did you not hear the orders of General Sharif? All armed forces
must carry condensing agents to reduce the temperature of the
particle bombs. Can you understand the order?"

"Hello, you are also a member of the armed forces!"

"My arm is stuck." Major General Gordon replied coldly, but

Maya knew that his hand was all right.

"Your, your current behavior is dereliction of duty!"

The explosions are still ringing, and although they are in the
strongest part of the building, they will soon be blocked by the
collapsed ruins.

"Listen, Maya, I am not irreplaceable. So do something more

meaningful. There are always things that we must do in our lives.
Just like at this moment, I can never leave Aiwei, and you It is
absolutely impossible to die here without meaning. Major, leave
here and help other troops to carry the condensing agent. This is
the order I gave you."

Maya clenched her fists, and eventually he raised his hand and
slammed a military ceremonies to Major General Gordon, and left
with his subordinates.

Everything became quiet except for the sound of explosions and

"Ai Weier, are you there? I know you are still there." Major
General Gordon opened his fingers and tried to catch something.

Until the road behind him was blocked, all the light disappeared,
and finally heard the voice of Ai Weier.

"...why... don't go..."

Ai Weier’s voice was weak and weak, and General Gordon bowed
his head to see the red blood that permeated the metal gap.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: finally to start,
the researchers' counterattacks. Who says that nothing is a

Xiao Yan: That is, our researcher, out of the hall, got the kitchen
and got the dragon = bed!

Fat winter melon: ... 2k novel reading network

"I am leaving, waiting for you to wake up suddenly from the

explosion, you will be afraid."


Major General Gordon put his face on the ruins that blocked
them, and said very seriously: "Tell me, how are you doing now?"
"...the bad news is... my body seems to have no feeling from
under the neck..." Aivil's voice was extremely weak, and a lot of
blood loss would make him lose consciousness.

Major General Gordon’s brow trembled. “It’s okay, talk to me,

stay with me, don’t sleep.”

"...the good news is... I don't feel any pain..."

"Ah... yeah... wait for them to dig you out, do a nerve connection
surgery... or let Xiao Yan give you a shot x-2, maybe you're fine."

"...Gordon...Do you say that we are doing right? Believe

Kathy...believe Jane..."

"I never believed in Casey and Jane Wallis. I only believe in you."

The movement of the armed forces was quite fast. A ton of

condensing agent was sprayed on the monument in the central
square. Although the strongest support point was bursting into a
gap, it was finally supported.

Charles lost at least one-third of the city, and the troops are
conducting search and rescue work for the trapped citizens and
emergency repairs at the support points. The homeless citizens
crowded in the only central part of the Shire, and they were silent
and some were crying.
The president leaned on the window and gave a sigh.

"We are very lucky."

"His President?" Admiral Sharif looked at him inexplicably.

"Charles is a self-deception cage. Valentin Sheehan has shattered

this dream and let us return to reality." The president lowered his
eyes and said coldly. "No matter how I suggested, I should take
the initiative to hunt down Valentin." But the fascination of the
politicians has lost the ambition to end all uneasiness, and now
their dreams should wake up."

Xiao Yan’s flying aircraft flew toward a **** sun.

There is only silence in the cabin.

Until the last day of the sun was gone into the night, Lauren
finally couldn’t help but say, "Are we the only ones who have
survived from Charles?"

"Of course not." Xiao Yan answered with affirmative answer.

Xiao Yan secretly calculated that if you really want to blow up the
particle bombs needed by the dome, it is impossible to carry it
with an aircraft. The purpose of Valentin to do all this is nothing
more than spreading fear and despair. Shire is no longer a place
where people can live in peace. Even if the Shelen virus solves
the threat of human beings facing zombies, once they leave Shire,
they will completely lose their barriers. Valentin will prove his
position more arrogantly.

The aircraft entered the No. 2 base safely, and Shen Bing waited
at the end of the shutdown channel as always. It’s just that his
expression is more dignified, and the wrinkles of the eyebrows
seem to be crushing everything.

Xiao Yan took out the cabin and gave him a military ceremony,
"Shen Pan, Colonel!"

"I am very pleased, you arrived at my base safely."

Today's No. 2 base is the most powerful place for military power
except for Shire.

All the research supervisors also went to the aircraft, and Loch
asked directly: "Colonel, did Charles contact the No. 2 base!
What is the situation now!"

Shen Bing turned to the main control room, and everyone

followed him. The resident researchers and the armed forces here
are busy, and no one even looks up and looks at the research elites
above these ranks.

They came to a huge holographic image with a scene of Shire.

"The good news is that the dome has not fallen. We just lost
one-third of the city and the people. The military is repairing all
the support points as quickly as possible and arranging the
people's residence." Shen Bing's hands are behind him.

Lauren squinted at the screen and looked at the mess, couldn't

help but scream, and the city that lost the three-point is also called
"good news"? Isn’t the price of this “just” not too bad?

Xiao Yan just put Lauren behind him. If it was in the past, Xiao
Yan might see Shen Bing as a ruthless person like Lauren, but
after many of them, Xiao Yan understood Shen Bing more.

For things that have already happened, it’s not a good thing to cry
and grieve to crush your head. On the contrary, looking at this
matter from the perspective of data, we can pull away impulses
and emotions and analyze everything that is happening now more
rationally. Valentin tried to destroy the Central Monument. Once
it fell, the remaining two-thirds of the Shire would be submerged
in the ground. The aircraft that Xiao Yan was riding on would
become the real Noah's Ark.

"What about bad news?"

"The military has suffered heavy losses, whether it is the armed

forces or the Central Academy of Sciences. In the process of
protecting and evacuating the people, 572 people were killed by
the collapsed dome, which is the peak in the past 100 years.
Lieutenant General Aiwei of the Central Academy of Sciences..."

"What happened to Lieutenant General Aivil?"

Everyone looked at Shen Bing with extreme nervousness.

"He was trapped in the rubble and lost too much blood. If he dug
him out in a second, he would die in the rubble. Now he is in high
position and is undergoing nerve connection surgery."

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that there must be

countless researchers who were born and died in the collapsed

"Xiao Yan, you are not here to take refuge, but you want to know
what you are going to do next."

Shen Bing turned and his eyes were firm and solemn as never

"But before you were tired, I wish you a good dream, major."

Shen Bing didn't have the extra time and energy to communicate
with other research directors. He turned and went to work. Xiao
Yan once heard that Lieutenant General Aiwei mentioned that the
No. 2 base is the only base to search for the traces of Valentine's
Greek for 24 hours. However, for several months, this base has
completed the transformation of the research base to the military.
All research supervisors and special forces from Charles were
assigned to their respective rooms.

This is the first time Xiao Yan enjoys the privilege. He got a room
of his own. Although it is narrow and does not even have a table,
at least Xiao Yan has his own bed and space. When the sliding
door is closed, the whole world is quiet until only breathing is
left. When he lifted his body toward the wall, someone finally sat
down beside him, his fingers flicking the hair behind his head,
and when his fingers left, Xiao Yan buckled the other's wrist.

"Do I bother you?" Hai Yin's cool voice sounded, Xiao Yan felt
that his thoughts finally landed in the clouds of 10,000 meters

"What bother me? Is it in a daze?" Xiao Yan turned around and

smiled and looked down at the other person's eyebrows. "In fact,
there is a problem. I always wanted to ask you, and you and Shen
Bing in the brain of Lieutenant Reynolds. What has gone through
in the end? What kind of world did he build to kill you?"

"The never-ending labyrinth, whenever I thought I had returned to

reality, but in reality I never broke his mind. He ambushed with
great patience, interpreting every fragment in my memory, and
putting all the best in my life. The real part reappears and then
destroys what I think is the most important thing. I have watched
my mother die in different ways countless times, and then
struggled countless times to escape from Reynolds's thinking but
fall into another world he built. His thinking is too deep, and it
always extends when I am about to escape from his troposphere,
and I can only fall."

"Later? How did you leave with Shen Bing?"

"I found Shen Bing and told him that unless we die in Reynolds's
thinking, this person will not let us go."

Xiao Yan’s fingers are subconsciously clenched.

"But Shen Bing doesn't believe it. He thinks that I am still

indulging in illusion, and I have become an enemy of Shire
because I suspect everything. I tried to leave Shire because I
know that this Shire is the cage that Reynolds binds me. When I
am I rushed out of Shire, and behind me was the aircraft that Shen
Bing drove. This is the singularity of Reynolds. It is clear that I
and Shen Bing are hunters who are sent to his mind to hunt down
clues, but he uses Shen Bing to deal with me. I shot down the
ice-stained aircraft and opened the safety cabin of Shen Bing.
Shen Bing still thought that I betrayed Shire. He pulled out the
gun and his bullet hit my shoulder. The pain was so real that I
doubted it. It’s really just that I can't adapt to reality. But I still
believe that I am still in Reynolds's thinking. There is no
evidence. The world built by Reynolds is seamless, and the basis
of my judgment is only intuition."

Xiao Yan lived, and he did not think that Hai Yin actually made
Shen Bing out of Renault's thinking in this way. That is to say, the
damage of Shen Bing's neurons is not from Reynolds, but Hai Yin
has killed his thinking.

"I am terrible, right? If my intuition is wrong, then I personally

killed my friend."

"But at least Shen Bing left from Reynolds's thinking. If he stayed

there, Reynolds would get more information about Shen Bing and
pull him into the abyss. After killing Shen Bing, did you commit

"No, I decided to try again for the last time. Is it my thinking

faster, or Reynolds fast. I am flying at full speed, no target, just
constantly flying up, desperate, rushing out of the clouds, the
engine crashes, I Telling yourself that this is not true, as long as I
think, the engine will continue. As I imagined, my flight never
stopped, Reynolds did not catch up with me, so I left his brain."

Xiao Yan's forehead was on the chest of Hai Yin, and the man
next to him suddenly held him tight and could not continue with
his strength.
"Xiao Yan, in fact, I am often skeptical."

"I doubt you are still in the brain of Reynolds?"

"Yes, I suspect that you are the best bait he has built for me,
trapping me in this world and being difficult to extricate myself."

"Maybe only this is what Reynolds can't build. He can create all
kinds of me, but he can't create what you feel about me. He
doesn't know what I want to do to make you look at me. In order
for you to care about me, let you lose all the bottom line."

"So Xiao Yan, facing Valentin Sheehan, you are more patient than

Xiao Yan’s shoulders trembled and whispered, “Do you know that
I am going to face Valentine?”

"Because you never escape."

Xiao Yan’s lips twitched and kissed Shanghai’s chin and slowly
moved to his lips. When his tongue tipped in slightly, Hai Yin
suddenly pressed against him, as if to exhaust all the strength of
the body. Kiss, force to Xiao Yan had to look up to bear,
otherwise his jaw will be crushed by the other side.

At this time, Xiao Yan's liaison pops up a communication prompt.

The ridiculous and lazy voice sounded, making Xiao Yan wake up

"Hah, this is really a special effect that is rare in a hundred years."

The man on the holographic screen holds his chin and squints his
eyes, and the eyes are sultry, not to mention his overly white skin
and the shackles under his eyes.

"Jane Wallis--" Xiao Yan was still pressed on the bed by Hai Yin,
but barely turned her head and stared at the holographic picture in
front of her eyes.

Hai Yin suddenly got up and took Xiao Yan up.

"How can you connect my contact!"

Among all the researchers' liaisons, Xiao Yan's secret level is the

"Of course it is the contact code given by Gordon." Jane showed a

tangled and sad expression, pressed **** his chest, "Xiao Yan,
that time you opened me, leaving only the zombies, you know
me." What kind of heartache is it? Now you are with other men,
you are the only one in the world who has hurt me countless

It’s really more boring than the movie lines, it’s a simple style.
Xiao Yan snorted and raised his eyebrows. "I believe that Major
General Gordon will give me my contact code, not to make you
nonsense, or I can close the contact directly."

Since knowing the true identity of Jane and Casey, Xiao Yan’s
mood is complicated. Deep in his heart, Jane Wallis may not be
trustworthy, but he really did try to get relief from Valentin. This
man will be the most powerful boost when the goals are the same.

"Okay, okay! You become more and more impatient, or you are
more lovely in the past."

At that moment, Jane’s line of sight was opposite to that of Hai

Yin, and it instantly cooled down. Even if the two are not really
face to face, Xiao Yan can still feel the killing between them.
Haiyan's blue dragonfly seems to be cold, and the air is
suppressed to breathing difficulties. Xiao Yan has not seen such a
sea syrup for a long time.

"I know what you want to say, but we won't be used by you." Hai
Yin first spoke.

"Using? One of your brains is involved in a speed of 300 million

megabytes. One is a special soldier known as a special mission
force. What can I do?" Jane leaned back against the back of the
chair and condensed all the jokes. "I don't want to There is no
time for nonsense. Valentin Sheehan will use a particle bomb to
attack Charles and take Claire out to force me to appear. I was
worried that Claire would suffer, but she is already dead."

“How did she die?” Xiao Yan knew that anyone who followed
Jane to leave the tide was a family member for him, including

"She was cut off her legs and took the aircraft. On the way, she
pulled out a guy's gun and blew her head."

Jane’s expression was the same as when Shelburn was killed. It

was not so painful that it was difficult for herself. He only showed

"So, do you want revenge?" Hai Yin looked at Jane with a look of

"Yes, I want revenge. If I don't shoot again, you should know who
Valentin Sheehan's next goal is. The fall of Charles's dome is not
only for Shire's intimidation, but also for me. He is Warn me, no
matter where Xiao Yan goes, any base, the most elite special task
force, he does not need to invade, as long as the particle bomb, he
can destroy everything."

"Sounds, Valentine is too eager to force you to show up."

Jane smiled helplessly and bowed to Xiao Yan. "Think with your
clever brain, why?"
"Valentin's so-called 'eternal life' is just to replace the decaying
organs, but the human body has an organ that can never be
replaced, that is the brain. Every time the brain is moved into a
new body, it will cause damage to the neurons. Unless the
connection between Valentine's brain and new body neurons is
close to 100%, even if a new individual is cultivated with the
same DNA, the complexity of the neuron can't be exactly the
same, and the truth is the same. It's hard to find two identical
leaves in the world. And Jane, you are the closest one of his many
dna to his neurons."

"Yes, so I intend to use me as a bait to trap Valentin. And you are

a hunter. Hein Burton, you know very well that in all people, the
speed of thinking is comparable to that of Valentin, only Xiao
Yan, you It is impossible to keep him in the palm of his hand as a
fragile porcelain forever. Cooperate or wait for Valentine to find
the door, the choice is yours."

After that, the communication was interrupted, so that Xiao Yan

could not imagine it.

The sea breeze hunts through, and the hand stretches out the
sunlight that is almost perpendicular to the ground. Occasionally,
seabirds pass over the sky, and the sound of the sound makes the
world extremely empty.
Kathy came to Jane and sat down and hugged his knees.

"I thought you would talk to Xiao Yan for a long time."

"The only common topic between me and him is Valentine Sheen.

How long do you think we need to say?" Jane's lips plucked
helplessly. "How is your father?"

"Which father do you mean? Make my father, or the father of


Jane stretched his arm and licked Kathy's back neck. "He almost

"Yeah, almost died." Casey looked up and reluctantly sighed. "I

haven't had time to ask him. In his heart, I am only a replica of
Alex, or at least something special. The meaning."

"You should not leave Charles with this question."

"You shouldn't chase Valentin yourself as a bait. Nothing is more

valuable than your own life. Once you fail, Valentin will take
away all of you."

"Kathy, we are different from Xiao Yan and Hai Yin. They know
that they are from Shire, and we don't know where they are from.
Just like floating in the ocean, I don't expect to find a small island,
as long as It is enough to have a reef that is enough for a moment.
But when we close our eyes and enjoy a brief peace, we forget
that even this reef belongs to the sea... We have nothing."

"We have each other. You are for us, you don't want Claire's
things to happen repeatedly to me and Jerry and any family. And
Xiao Yan, you know that as long as Valentin is still alive, he will
definitely take Xiao Yan. The brain."

"So this time, we must succeed." Jane's eyes picked up and her
cold eyes looked straight into the sky.

On the night of the day, Xiao Yan told Jane’s invitation to Shen
Bing and other research directors. As he expected, most people
strongly opposed it. Jane Wallis had already been notorious for
rebelling against Charles. Almost no one believed that he really
wanted to cooperate with Charles. They talked a lot, and Xiao
Yan turned his eyes to the still-remaining Ritz and Loch.

"What do you think?"

"Now is not what we think, but what do you need us to do for

you?" Loch, who has always made little remarks, spoke in

"Leo Major! What are you talking about? Do you want to watch
Major Xiao Yan go to death?"
"That's Valentin Sheen! He can ruin Charles overnight, how many
people are we! How could he deal with him!"

"So, when we think we are safely huddled in the Shire, what is it

now? No matter where we go, what kind of life we ​want to live,
can be easily destroyed by that guy! So, count me one - Tell me
what I can do for you!"

Ritz’s gaze is very serious. The major, who has been lazy in
arrears with many research projects, has an unshakable look in his
eyes. ”

"Well, this is an action that has not been approved by the military
at all, so no matter who it is, if you feel that it is impossible to
successfully seduce Valentin Sheehan with Jane Wallis, you can
leave this room. ""

Xiao Yan’s gaze looked at Hai Yin’s direction. Wen En’s body
next to Hai Yin’s hand shook hands. “God, what do you watch us
do! The order of Major General Gordon wants us to protect you,
so no matter what you want What are you doing, we are
responsible for protecting you, not stopping you."

Mark touched the back of his head and grinned and said:
"Probably because I don't have any majors in the Central
Academy of Sciences, Lieutenant Colonel is smart, so I don't
understand, Valentine has been killing us, why can't we kill it in
reverse? He? So Xiao Yan, you said you want to trap the bastard,
I just think you are a man! I am quite you!"

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: exhaling a

breath, finally to the end. Although 123 is popular now, I think
it’s still a matter of time. Anything is too late. Let's join hands
with me to move towards a better future~2k

Liv didn't talk, just nodded with approval.

Xiao Yan’s gaze finally fell on Lauren’s body. “This time I can’t
bring you. Because I may not be able to come back alive, so...”

Lauren pulled up his lips. "I am your research assistant, so no

matter where you go or what, I am your assistant. Don't
underestimate me! I can do a lot of things!"

Wenn smiled and asked: "For example? Is it a hindrance?"

Lauren squinted at Wenn and said, "At least my head is smarter

than you!"

Because of the insistence of Ritz and Loch, no research director

decided to quit. Despite doubts and fears, no one wants to be
labeled as a "coward".

Xiao Yan’s hands pressed the desk and looked at everyone’s eyes
with a sense of oppression. “So from now on, everything I say
will be the highest level of confidentiality. Even if the president
asks you, you must be able to do the same. Secret, not to say."

Because any simple communication is possible to be intercepted

by Valentin.

Shen Bing stepped forward, took everyone's liaison, closed the

terminal equipment, and blocked all signals. Xiao Yan continued
to say: "A week later, Jane Wallis will release a coordinate and
release it. The scope is the object of all signals in the world, that
is, Valentin Sheen will also know where Jane Wallis is. He will go
to this coordinate. Then there are two possibilities. First,
Valentine I personally arrived at this location; the second is that
Valentin sent people to this place. If Valentine is going in person,
this is an opportunity for us to round up him. If he sends
someone, then they will take Jane, and As long as we pursue the
tidal organization, there will be a great opportunity to find
Valentin. For this, I need two of the most important things."

Ritz smiled and smiled. "You need a wireless terminal that

matches your brain's speed, and an aircraft whose speed and load
are at their limits."

"Yes, the rest of the week, hard work!"

When Xiao Yan returned to his room, he lowered his head all the
way, just walking mechanically in the passage. When he opened
his room with a fingerprint, even after the light went on, he still
walked silly and followed. The sea behind him suddenly slammed
in front of him, extremely alert.

Looking up, the sense of crisis suddenly surged into the heart of
Xiao Yan, and the brain that was originally thinking suddenly
became nervous.

Sitting on the bed of the wall, sitting a man, ready to go in the

dark. The other side is standing with his legs, his body is slender
and his head is squinting.

At the moment when the lights were on, Xiao Yan was stunned.

"Jane Wallis - how come you are here!"

In front of Jane, dressed in the researcher's uniform, Xiao Yan

could hardly imagine that the heavily guarded No. 2 base was
actually invaded by Jane!

"Coloton Burton, you don't want to fight with me here." Jane

slowly got up, picked up the pillow, and sniffed it in the nose,
which is the smell of Xiao Yan.

Hai Yin crossed his head, and his eyes on Jane were as heavy as a
thousand mountains, but Jane did not care.
"In addition to the contact code, Major Gordon gave you the
identification code to enter the second base?"

"Are you skeptical that I intentionally invaded the intention

here?" Jane laughed and said, "It can only be said that Major
General Gordon is really killing Valentin Sheehan with a feeling
of ruin."

"Then you come here, I believe it is also to deal with Valentine."

Xiao Yan walked around Hai Yin and looked at Jane.

Jane threw a sample bottle to Xiao Yan. "This is Casey's research.

The role of this virus is understood when you interpret it. I need
you to stabilize this virus."

"Since it is Casey's research, I believe that he is fully capable of

accomplishing it." Xiao Yan could not help but think about what
purpose Jane had in the end.

"Kathy refuses to complete it, I can only think of you." Jane's

voice is out of the cynicism of the past, serious and persistent.

"And then?" Xiao Yan frowned.

"And then?" Jane's body leaned forward slightly, his hands in the
pockets of his uniform, the whole body from the collar to the
folds of the fabric are meticulous, the hair is left behind the ear,
when he does not laugh, the body exudes A rigorous temperament
that belongs to the researcher. "And then at least my body can kill

Xiao Yan’s eyes widened and he was squatting.

"Whenever you have a backup plan, don't tell me that Hein

Burton hasn't taught you."

After that, Jane took a look at Hai Yin, and pushed the sliding
door open and went out.

Xiao Yan subconsciously grasped the virus in his hand. He did

not expect Jane to even prepare for the same with Valentin. If
their actions fail, Jane falls into the hands of Valentine, he will use
the virus, and once Valentin puts his brain into Jane's body, Xiao
Yan can imagine that the virus will attack this body. And
Valentine will face death with Jane’s body.

The reason why Casey could not complete this research, Xiao Yan
is very clear. For Casey, Jane is his family, killing his family with
his own research, and Casey can't.

"So, can I do it?" Xiao Yan smiled.

"In Jane Wallis's heart, you are definitely not ruthless to someone
who can sacrifice his companions to win. But only you, Jane
Wallis is sure you can do it."
Xiao Yan lowered his head and tightened the virus sample more
and more.

Hai Yin dumped, and dropped a meaningful kiss on Xiao Yan's

forehead. The softness of that moment made Xiao Yan
subconsciously close his eyes and nostalgic for the touch of the

"Xiao Yan, in the real battle, there is a law of war between special
forces, I hope you keep it in mind."


"Never look back. The more important the task, the more you
have to do this. Especially when the responsibility on your
shoulders is more important than others, you can't even look
back." Hai Yin's palm is hard to support. Living in Xiao Yan's
head forced him to look into his eyes as if to determine if Xiao
Yan understood his words.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan remembered Maya, who had been killed by a

number of surge killers in order to cover him into the main
control room, and Xue Lun who died because of the failure of the
virus accelerator. At that time, I was the most vulnerable in this
group of special forces, but they spared no effort or even
sacrificed themselves only to let Xiao Yan achieve his goal. All
this sounds sublime, but it is cruel to the last "hero" who
completes the mission.

"If you look back, all sacrifices will be in vain. And you can't
save their sacrifices. There are only tasks in your eyes, and all
grief must remain after the mission is completed."

"I can't do it." Xiao Yan was scared. He knew the man too well.
Once he decided, he would do whatever it takes.

"What I can do with Jane Wallis, of course you can do it.

Complete the unfinished research of Casey, we have to make this
task foolproof." Hai Yin's eyes are still unwavering, "you don't
have to Worried about anything, because I am confident that when
it is over, I will still be by your side."

Xiao Yan’s eyes slowly stabilized. “Jane always worried that we

would fail. Well, I will make this virus as he wishes, but I will not
give him the opportunity to use it.”

When Ritz and Loch devoted themselves to research in less than

three days, a message disrupted all deployments. That is, Valentin
Sheen actually found out where Jane was, sending a large number
of killers to attack a small island hidden by Jane. Jerry was
captured by these killers in order to help Jane and Kathy escape,
and Valentin All communication frequencies send out
information, take Jerry's brain out and tell Jane an address.
"My dearest child - Jane, although your rebellious period makes
me a headache, I still look forward to seeing you back to me."
Valentin on the screen knocked on the transparent utensils that
stored Jerry's brain. The smile on the lips is elegant, and it is
completely unimaginable that this is an extremely cruel and
self-conscious guy. "If you have been reluctant to come back,
Jerry will have been working hard all the time."

Xiao Yan and Shen Bing received this video in the control room,
connecting the terminal data of Jerry's brain to the peak of brain
collapse. Xiao Yan can imagine how painful Jerry is at the
moment and look forward to relief.

He closes his eyes, he has imagined this pain countless times, and
every imagination is full of fear.

"Valentin Sean is really a madman." Xiao Yan clenched his fists,

although Xiao Yan didn't have any good feelings for Jerry. After
all, this guy had participated in the action of robbing himself, but
Xiao Yan knew Jerry's for Jane. Significance, since the death of
Claire, the departure of any family member is a puncture and
painful healing for Jane.

"Valentin once again came to us." Shen Bing called out the
coordinates revealed by Valentin and found that it was in the
South Pole, and it was very close to the Antarctic base of Charles.
"Now I only hope Jane Wo. Liss can hold his breath. Wait until
we are ready..."

At this time, someone pushed open the door of the main control
room and raised his face with his arms.

"I am sorry, Colonel Shen Bing, I have to go to that place, the

sooner the better."

Xiao Yan and Shen Bing Qi Qiqiu looked back and saw Jane
smiled indifferently. He came to the desk and jumped up and
looked down on Xiao Yan. "In fact, we all know that there is no
perfect preparation in this world. The situation is Change, your
brain works better than everything else."

Xiao Yan looked at Shen Bing with horror, and Shen Bing's face
did not have any expression of horror or anger, which means Shen
Bing may have known that Jane has the right to enter the base.

"I can't possibly let Jerry go through the brain all the time. He
can't live anymore, and the only thing I can do for him is to end it
all at once."

Shen Bing closed his eyes and said with a word, "You are too
impulsive, you will destroy the whole plan!"
Jane is indifferent to Xiao Yan’s line of sight. “Even if it’s not Hai
Yin Burton, if Mark or Liv happened the same thing, can you wait
patiently until their brains really die?”

Xiao Yan was silent, and he knew that he could not stop Jane at

"And I know Valentin Shee very well. If I publish the coordinates,

he knows that this is the trap I set for him. He will not come in
person. But when he gives me a coordinate, this is For his trap,
Valentin Sheehan is likely to be here. Even if he is not there, as
long as I am shackled, his people must send me alive to him to
complete what he wants to do. It’s also an opportunity for you to
track his real location. It’s good for you from any angle.”

"When are you going to leave?" There is no fluctuation in Xiao

Yan's voice.

"Xiao Yan!" Shen Bing warned to look at him.

"The opportunity is fleeting. This is not research, Colonel Shen

Bing, this is war. We can't win 100% of the victory in any war.
The so-called preparation may just be an excuse for finding our
own self-confidence." Looking at Shen Bing without hesitation.
In the heart of Shen Bing, who has been known for his calmness
and calmness, there is an inexplicable sense of oppression. This
once innocent student has become a competent director.

"When are you leaving?"

"Now." Jane looked at Xiao Yan with admiration. The lips

twitched and smiled. "I look forward to working with you again,
Major Xiao Yan."

The second base once again held an emergency meeting. When

Shen Bing announced that two hours of preparation, Xiao Yan
was about to go to the South Pole with the troops of Hai Yin,
causing an uproar.

"We are not ready at all! This is tantamount to killing!"

"Valentin Sheehan will definitely let us wipe out the whole army!
This is not only for Jane Wallis! It is also the final combat power
for our Shire!"

"You are right, so this time not everyone will go. I will go in
person. Colonel Burton, do you agree to this action in advance?"
Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, a complete official tone.

"Wen En, Mark, Liv, three of you entered the base with me. Our
most important task is not to assassinate Valentin Sheehan, but to
guarantee the safety of Major Xiao Yan at all costs. Once we enter
the base, we must Covering the end of Xiaoyan's invasion of the
surge base, after controlling the situation, we will open the base
and release the signal. After receiving our signal, the remaining
troops will be allowed to enter."

"Only Xiao Yan is alone? We know that Xiao Yan's brain is

extremely fast! But if his brain is invaded by Valentine!" Ritz
pressed the table and said with a little excitement, "I and Loch
must Go with you!"

Loch widened his eyes in surprise. "Hey! Don't decide! You

haven't asked me yet!"

"Do you still use it? Do you want to cringe here!"

"Of course I will go! But I don't have to ask you!"

Seeing that these two people are still quarreling as always, Xiao
Yan patted the desktop, and a very oppressive voice came: "You
two can't go!"



At this point, the two people are in tragic.

"Besides me, Kathy will also go with him! You must stay here as
a foreign aid! Once I have something wrong, you must continue
to pursue Valentin instead of me. We must never put all the eggs
in one. In the basket!” Xiao Yan looked at the direction of Shen

Shen Bing whispered a little, and said to Ritz and Loch: "This is
an order."

Ritz and Loch were annoyed and silent.

"We can't stand any meaningless sacrifices! After two hours, we

set off!"

Hai Yin’s troops are ready to go, and the air is depressed and cold.

Xiao Yan put on combat uniforms in the room and sorted all the
weapons he carried. He was as professional as a special soldier to
confirm all his equipment. At the moment the sliding door
opened, Hai Yin stood at his door.

"Remember what you said to me, Colonel?" Xiao Yan thought

that his mood would be very embarrassing, but it was unexpected
calm, which is bound to come.

"I will always be at your side."

"I won't regret it even if I fail, because someone has to make this
Even if I can only be a watcher climbing on a cliff, even if I am
broken, at least I know what the world is like.

At that moment, Xiao Yan violently pressed Hai Yin’s neck and
kissed it hard. He felt like a rocket, supporting too much fuel, and
when his help fell off layer by layer, leaving him running to the
boundless universe, he knew that it was true loneliness.

The tip of the tongue frantically opened the lips of Hai Yin. Xiao
Yan pressed the other's shoulders with great force. He knew that
he was never afraid of falling. He was afraid of losing the man
who supported him. Xiao Yan’s kiss was too hard, almost
pressing the sea shell on the wall.

Hai Yin's hands held Xiao Yan's thighs and hugged him up. When
Hai Yin increased the strength of the kiss, Xiao Yan could not
help but raise his chin.

Until Mark’s heartless voice sounded: “Hey – why are you still

Xiao Yan suddenly ended the kiss. His hands were on the
shoulders of Hai Yin and he was looked up by the man. He saw
炙 in his eyes | the burning flame, exhausted all the restlessness
and hesitation, and pushed him into a more vast and boundless
Hai Yin put down Xiao Yan and said to the subordinates who
finished the assembly: "Depart!"

The aircraft that Jane and Casey drove into the stop channel of
Shire, and the Xiaoyan and Haiyin's subordinates stepped into the
air. The aircraft cut through the air and rushed to the sky. The
backup forces arranged by Major Shen Bing followed.

Xiao Yan did not say anything, opened the cockpit and said to
Jane: "If you want to ensure that the aircraft will not crash
because of Valentine's brain invasion, I think you should give up
the driver's seat."

Jane smiled and took the terminal off, Xiao Yan replaced his

When Jane entered the cabin, Wenn and Mark's eyes fell on him
like a knife. He just smiled and sat down at the side of Hai Yin.

“It feels like a blink of an eye, he jumped from a researcher who

needs to be protected by the special forces to a decisive decision
maker. I seem to have missed his most important growth time.”
Jane half-jokingly knocked on the cockpit, Mark Look at him
more resentfully.
"I hope this action is not a despicable way of trying to impress in
his heart." Hai Yin always looked ahead, and even the posture has
not changed.

"Haha!" Jane lowered her head and laughed. "He used to make
me very painful, so I really should consider revenge him."

"So you want him to develop that virus."

"He can do it." Jane closed her eyes. "So this is the last time I
reached a consensus with you."

"Xiao Yan must come back alive."

"This is the premise of the entire operation."

When Xiao Yan joins the driving system, he can communicate

with Kathy in a deep sense of his mind without using language.

From the moment when Xiao Yan replaced Jane, Kathy did not
wrinkle his brows, as if driving an aircraft was his most important

I won't say sorry to you because you won't accept it, and because
our position is different from beginning to end.

When Rocky's voice sounded in his mind, Xiao Yan was not
surprised. It was time to let go of the past, because all the past
will no longer make sense.
You have not always said that if I work with you, nothing can
stump us, this time let go.

The aircraft rushed forward, and they passed through the deep
blue ocean intertwined with the sky. As the floating icebergs
continued to increase, large ice sheets appeared in front of them,
and pure white was spread all over the cracks that continued to
spread out. The cracks disappeared from the field of vision, and
the endless whiteness of the illusion came into view, reflecting all
sights, meaning they had entered the Antarctic Circle.

Xiao Yan and Casey are very clear that the closer they are, the
more likely they are to suffer from Valentine's brain.

As expected, Xiao Yan felt the power to try to enter the outer edge
of his brain. The most important thing is that the intruder is more
than one person!

Several aircraft belonging to the tidal wave are coming on the

scene. From time to time, laser missiles are fired to try to blow
down Xiaoyan’s flight engines, forcing them to land before
reaching the tide base. Even with the blockers, Xiao Yan and
Casey are able to shuttle between the gaps of the laser missiles.
When flying at low altitudes, the ice sheets are broken behind the
aircraft. Laser missiles are like children's toys for them.
Kathy was able to cut through the blue sky with a very sharp
trajectory. Xiao Yan fired a missile and blew up the three local
aircraft that followed, and in turn invaded the chaser's brain,
causing their aircraft to lose control. In two or three seconds, they
crashed and screamed in this snow and ice.

Mark nervously pressed against the top of the cabin. Wenn was
also irritated by the extreme irritating or even misunderstood
flight trajectory that they were about to crash, but the Jane
opposite them clapped their hands, only the expression of Hai Yin
did not waver.

The author has something to say: Jane: Xiao Yan is more and
more leading a fan.

Kathy: You don't like being led, so give up!

Maya: Give up~ Give up~ Anyway, our head likes to be led~2k

In less than thirty seconds, all the chasers were wiped out.

This greatly encouraged morale.

Xiao Yan subconsciously stretched out his fist in the direction of

Casey. This is a celebration. Then he felt that he was somewhat
smug, and at the moment he had to take his fist back, Casey’s fist
hit him. Xiao Yan’s heart trembled and a smile on his lips.
The two did not relax, because they all knew that these chasers
were probably just the cannon fodder that Valentin sent to test the

Xiao Yan’s Antarctic base was close at hand, and Xiao Yan could
not help but be surprised. However, in a few months, Valentin
built such a complete base in the Antarctic. Through the scanning
of the aircraft, the base is extremely deep and structurally stable.
Even the most important supporting materials are made of
ultra-dense titanium. Xiao Yan couldn't believe the manpower and
material resources he came from!

Just as they were less than two hundred meters away from the
base, the aircraft suddenly fell quickly!

Xiao Yan and Kathy could not control the engine at all, as if there
was a huge and irresistible force to smash the aircraft.

The situation was out of control, and Xiao Yan and Casey issued
an alarm, and everyone was ejected from the aircraft at the
moment the aircraft was about to hit the ground.

The explosion caused an avalanche of the distant glaciers. When

Xiao Yan rolled off the ground, he could feel the violent tremor.
The hot air burned along the back of Xiaoyan. The combat
uniforms isolated the damage caused by the high temperature.
Xiao Yan quickly got up. When he was sure that everyone was
safely leaving the aircraft, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom - what's going on!" Mark shouted.

Hai Yin was half-squatted on the ground, and the palm of his
hand plucked thick snow to see a layer of similar metal.

"It's a magnetic field. Valentin uses the magnetic field conversion

device to destroy the engine function of the aircraft. No matter
how powerful the driver is, the driver can't resist the damage
caused by the magnetic field."

Xiao Yan immediately contacted the support team and warned

them not to drive the aircraft near the area before removing the

He turned his head back, and the gray base in front of him seemed
to be a beast in the cold wind, ready to send them into the belly.

Wenn sneered and sneered. "Are we sure we want to go in? Will

Valentin really open the door and wait for us to come?"

Even if you know that this is a trap, they still have to move
forward. The support force stayed on the outer edge of the
magnetic field conversion device and was disassembling.
"Let's go." Jane stepped forward step by step, leaving a row of
footprints on the ice sheet. Kathy did not say anything, carrying
the terminal equipment behind him.

When they came to the entrance of the base, Jane stopped and
said coldly: "Xiao Yan, Kathy, open your wireless terminal!"

After that, Jane pressed his palm on the door, his biometric
information was recognized, and only heard a "welcome home"
from the top of the head. This is the voice of Claire. Kathy’s
shoulder is slightly, and the door is slowly. Open, in front of the
deep as if there is no end of the passage, the cold wind whistling
and pouring, making a hoarse voice.

Jane took out the double-edged blade and lifted his foot. Casey
was about to hold him. His first step had already landed, and the
entire passage was brightened from the outside to the inside.

“Is this a welcome visit?” Mark grabbed his head.

"He won't let us enter easily." Casey snorted and lowered the
eyepiece to scan the passage wall. "The laser launcher is installed
on the wall, no matter how strong your healing ability is, it is cut
into pieces by laser. Block is that God can't save you."

"Laser... It's retro, I thought he would fire the missile directly!"

Wenn took out the silver wing of the waist and swung it along the
ground, sensing the weight, a few lasers swept, and the silver
wing was cut. Metal fragments, "How do we pass?"

Jane laughed at the active wrist, "Of course it is destroying all

laser launchers."

His voice just fell, Hai Yin took out the condensation gun, and
assembled it, almost within half a second, he held the
condensation gun and rushed into the passage.

"Hai Yin -" Xiao Yan is going forward, Jane suddenly pushed him
back, Xiao Yan crashed into Kathy's arms.

“Do you think Jane and Haiyin are general?”

When they rushed into the interior of the channel, the laser shot,
like a mesh surface, once it was cut, the consequences were

Wennen was on the side of Xiao Yan, and Hai Yin stepped on the
wall, turned around in the air, and a laser passed his raised arm
along his ankle, while Hai Yin almost cut himself in it. In two
halves, the trigger was pulled and the laser launch was destroyed.
Just at the moment he landed, two more or three lasers were
alternately shot, changing the angle.

Xiao Yan’s heartbeat was tense, and the brain calculated the angle
at the moment of the electric light and flint, and Hai Yin seemed
to have an inexplicable tacit understanding with him, and the first
laser was passed in accordance with Xiao Yan’s imagination. The
laser is destroyed before it is about to change, followed by a
half-sloping body to defeat the third laser.

While Jane is straightforward and rude, he reflects the laser with a

sharp blade, refracting a special angle to destroy other laser
emitters, and slamming one turn before the other laser fails to
change direction. Xiao Yan realized that Jane's blade is also made
of ultra-dense titanium, so it can reflect the laser. This should be
Kathy's masterpiece.

Xiao Yan pulled out his gun at the waist and looked at Casey. The
two met. It is impossible to completely dispose of these laser
launchers with Jane and Hai Yin. This channel is too long!

Wenn did not stop Xiao Yan, but followed.

Xiao Yan's rapid-fire capability is top-notch even in special

missions. Because the laser transmitter is not organic, the
condenser gun cannot automatically track the target and can only
be manually aimed. The more the sea and the Jane are going
inside the passage, the more dense the laser is, and the speed of
change is getting faster and faster. Xiao Yan must remove the
obstacles for them to reduce the burden in advance. Within a
second, Xiao Yan shot two shots in a row. The condensed bombs
rubbed through the hairs of the sea ear and fell into the distant
wall. Within a minute, Xiao Yan shot the condensation bomb, and
Hai Yin and Jane came. At the end of the passage.

Mark and Lifu carefully guarded Xiao Yan and came to Hai Yin.

The gate to the base was closed at this time, and Xiao Yan tried to
contact the foreign aid force using the contact, but the signal
could not be sent.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and forced the back of the head against
the wall. They did not have any retreat now.

"Can you invade the master here?" Jane stretched out his finger
and just poked on Xiao Yan's cheek, and he was buckled by Hai
Yin. Hai Yin's hand was firmly in front of Xiao Yan, his fingers
were extremely Forced, Xiao Yan’s ear squeaked, and it was
Jian’s bone that was breaking.

Xiao Yan clasped Hai Yin's wrist and made him loose Jane. Jane
licked his fingers and smiled indifferently.

"I can't invade, not only the contact signal is blocked, but I can't
capture any signals that can be used inside the base." Xiao Yan

Wenn’s palm covered the wall and said with a cold voice: “It
seems that Valentine is really jealous of Xiao Yan’s brain. I don’t
intend to let his mind connect to the system here. The
configuration here is so retro, but instead Let the means of
modernization lose its effect."

"What do you mean?" Mark asked his head.

Wenn pressed Mark back. "You don't need to understand what it


They all the way forward, and the road ahead leads to the bottom
of the base.

Mark looked down and looked down. The whole space was
illuminated very brightly, but there was always a feeling of eerie
horror. The ground was like a glass mirror, and people had to
wonder how it would be washed and polished.

"There will be no variants below this?"

"Of course there will be. We have all injected the Sheron virus,
and any zombies are no longer attacking us." Xiao Yan narrowed
his eyes, and he admitted that he felt very uncomfortable at this
time, because every step seems to go now. Within Valentine's
plan, they have no other choice.

"Sit down, you said that ‘no complete preparation,’ for us, and for
When Hai Yin’s words sounded in Xiao Yan’s ear, the original
floating heart suddenly calmed down.

"let's go."

They all the way down, the entire base is empty, can not help but
doubt that besides them, is there really someone else here?

This kind of silence makes Xiao Yan's heart cast a layer of

inexplicable tension. Liv, Mark and Wenn always maintain the
triangle to protect around Xiaoyan. Xiao Yan now only wants to
find a control room or research room, as long as it can Connect
the system here to figure out the structure of the base.

The empty base has already made Mark lose patience. He lowered
his voice and cursed: "Mom - Valentin really hides here!

Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes and looked up at the entire space
above his head. There were countless closed doors on the wall.

"Not necessarily nothing."

When the voice just fell, these doors opened in an instant, and
there was a faint sound of falling. Everyone was highly alert.
When an object swept over their heads, Mark quickly pulled out
the sharp edge and opened it. He only heard the sound of bones
and muscles breaking, and the blood fell from the top of his head,
accompanied by the smell of a laboratory nutrient. Hai Yin took
Xiao Yan to the past, the body fell, and everyone was stunned.
This is a corpse. It looks like a teenager of twelve or three years
old. His eyes are very wide, his body muscles are obviously
shrinking, his facial features are unbalanced, and he is familiar
but cannot remember where he has seen it. It was only when Xiao
Yan saw the cockroach in the corner of his eye that he could not
help but look at Jane’s direction.

Jane bowed his head and used the blade to turn the face of the
body in his direction. There was no temperature in the scorpion.

“This is a replica of failure. If I didn’t guess wrong, here is the

factory where Valentine made ‘child’.”

At this time, there were more than a dozen bodies carved out of
those holes. When the ground fell, some skulls were broken and
some were completely deformed, which made people unable to
look straight.

"We will leave as soon as possible! It is obvious that this layer is

used to deal with the failure of replicating people! The dissolving
agent will soon be released! Any organic matter will be
dissolved!" Casey severely warned that more and more bodies
were falling.

"Mom! No wonder the floor here is so bright!" Mark yelled.

"How do we leave? Where to go? There is only one road here,
and it doesn't make sense to return along the original road." Liv

Hai Yin did not say a word, the slide rope ejected, pierced a pipe
to deal with the body, and reached out to Xiao Yan, "Let's go!"

Xiao Yan nodded, this pipeline must be linked to the production

of laboratories that cultivate people! There will be a terminal in
the lab! Xiao Yan climbed up the rope. The inside of the pipe is
very smooth. Only when it is forced to support the curved wall
can it barely move forward. There are always corpses and they
almost slipped on the surface. Several times when Xiao Yan
almost fell with the body, Hai Yin always shoulders. Against the
foot of Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan barely supported himself. The
nutrient solution on the body of the body smashed into the body
of Hai Yin. In order to withstand Xiao Yan, the muscles of Hai
Yin were tight, and they were indifferent to these tired liquids.

When Xiao Yan finally caught the exit of the pipeline, two bodies
fell, and Xiao Yan was almost washed down, and Hai Yin made a
sullen sigh, and hardly pushed Xiao Yan up. Kneeling on the
ground, Xiao Yan’s moment of looking up was stunned by the
scene in front of him.
In the dark space, countless petri dishes are displayed. Each petri
dish is a cloned person. They sleep peacefully in the nutrient
solution. Xiao Yan looks into the distance, even in the farthest
places, there is a faint petri dish. The light. They are all from the
same dna as Jane, some are still babies, some are only a few years
old, and some are close to adulthood.

Not far from a petri dish, a cloned person suddenly twitched, his
eyes suddenly opened, from no focal length to madly looking at
Xiao Yan, bloodshot condensed in the eyeball, constantly patted
the petri dish, Trying to come out, as if unable to breathe, he
struggled in the nutrient solution. As he struggled, his skin
gradually peeled off, revealing bright red flesh and blood, and his
pain multiplied with the penetration of nutrient solution.

This clone has failed.

Xiao Yan did not know how to remove his sight until a palm
suddenly covered his eyes and pressed him to the back of his

"do not look."

The cool sound of Hai Yin poured into Xiao Yan's mind. He
subconsciously fastened the other's wrist and felt the ups and
downs of the chest while breathing. For Xiao Yan, this is the
proof of living, the temperature of the sea, the breath of the sea.
I only heard the sound of "砰-", the dead replica disappeared from
the bottom of the dish, passed through the machine, fell into the
conveying pipe, and was treated like garbage.

When Hai Yin’s palm was removed, Xiao Yan’s petri dish was
implanted with an embryo, like a nightmare reincarnation.

Wenn and Lifu finally picked up Mark. The big man was rushed
down by the body several times, and everyone was shocked by
everything in front of him.

"My goodness - here... how many... are they really Jane Wallis?"
Mark knocked a petri dish with his fingers inconspicuously. "That
is, Valentin Sheehan You can even build an army! And it is an
army with special mission forces! My God!"

"Yeah, I and Kathy came to this world like this. Directly copying
a complete life with dna has many unstable factors. Valentin
hopes that our adaptability to x virus is enhanced, so accept x.
The embryos of the virus are more prone to malformation and
early sputum. Of the hundreds of replicators, only one can
survive. This is what makes us different from you, we never know
where we really belong. Ah... no, From a genetic point of view, I
am Valentin Sheen." Jane twitched her lips.

"These culture dishes are not connected with the main control, at
least with the research room here!" Wenn carefully observed the
structure of the culture dish and looked for the line that can
connect the wireless terminal carried by Xiao Yan. "Here The line
is weird..."

Xiao Yan frowned. "Wen, there is no need to check. The petri dish
here is not connected to the terminal at all. Only the most
primitive information control system is needed. According to the
setting of the program, the process of copying and reproducing
people can be repeated repeatedly! ”

"Damn! At this ghost place, how do we continue to search for

Valentin?" Wenn pointed to the distance, as if the whole base was
occupied by petri dishes.

At this time, Xiao Yan felt that something was quietly

approaching from the darkness in the distance. At that moment,
countless silver wings were released, and the petri dishes were
crushed mercilessly and even penetrated the body of the copying
person. Everyone instantly ducked, Xiao Yan's left foot stepped
on the petri dish, and when he was volley, he pulled out the
dagger on the thigh and blocked the silver wing from the waist.
At the moment of vacating, Xiao Yan realized that it was not a
few people who attacked them, but a group of people.

A cold light flashed across his side, and Xiao Yan’s dagger
collided with the opponent’s blade to see the other’s face.
"Jane - what are you doing!"

At this time, Jane slammed into the ground, and the two killers
who looked exactly like him waved his knife to the left and right.

"My mom - how come so Jane Wallis!" Mark's shout came.

It turns out that these killers are Jane's copy people!

The killers of the tidal organization are hard enough to deal with.
If these killers have the level of Jane Wallis, it is a disaster!

Xiao Yan came low, the dagger cut through the abdomen of the
killer, and then he wraped around behind him, and the dagger
pierced the other's back neck.

When the killer fell, Xiao Yan was chilling with his gaze. It was a
completely different scorpion from Jane. It was cold and empty,
and there was no fear of death, as if his existence was like a

There were also killers coming in. Xiao Yan’s ruptured Petri dish
continued to have nutrients flowing out. He slammed to the
ground, and the moment he fell, he would throw the dagger out,
and the other’s blade separated Xiao Yan’s dagger. Just in time,
Hai Yin cut his neck. When the crowds of killers continued to
come, Hai Yin picked up Xiao Yan and turned back to block their
offense, and the momentum was compelling. The killers are
jealous of the sea, slowly moving to find the gap in the attack.

Xiao Yan was low, picking up the blade of the killer and falling to
the ground. At the moment when the killer attacked Hai Yin, Xiao
Yan swept over the two killers, swung one of the blades and
slashed it at the waist of another person. After retreating, he
turned his back to the back of his head with a handle. Everything
happened less than a second. When the killer fell, he stared at
Xiao Yan with his eyes wide open and could not believe his death.
When a killer was about to attack Xiao Yan, Hai Yin stepped on
the only half of the petri dish, and slashed it, slashing it along the
shoulder of the killer, and slamming it with irresistible

Xiao Yan turned back and kicked the lower body of the killer.
When his upper body fell to the ground, he still tried to hold the
blade. Xiao Yan broke his head.

Not far away, Mark and Li Fu teamed up to solve several killers,

and Wenn was full of blood all over the body.

What makes Xiao Yan unexpected is that Casey’s skill is

dexterous and changeable. When he unscrews the head of a killer,
he has no merciful look on his face. He knows what his goal is
and what he wants. The determination can be done.
Not to mention Jane’s arrogance, his sword pierced the chest of a
killer and took him out. The blade crossed the sharp semicircle,
forcing the killers to retreat while he attacked without fear. It
seems to be casual but it is accumulated in the battles of many
years, he can always make the most lethal assassination in a
subtle moment.

Wenn's arm rested on Mark's shoulder and admired Jane's final

blow. This time his face was a serious look. Jane was originally
known as the successor of Hai Yin, not a name.

"I said that although it is cool to be able to repeatedly kill Jane

Wallis, I always see the same face is really bad."

Wenn slowly opened his mouth.

Jane smiled and took the sharp edge into the sheath on his back.
He smiled and came to Xiao Yan and lowered his head slightly.
"Oh, your hair is dirty."

"These killers are not coming out of the petri dish. They are
trained and finished." Xiao Yan looked down at the corpses.

"Although it is a finished product, it is too far from my standard.

If one third of them are as good as me, even Haiyin Burton can't
guarantee to leave you alive." Jane is on the ground. Look at the
face that looks exactly like yourself.
Hai Yin walked toward the depths of the darkness, and Xiao Yan

"Head - where are you going!"

Liv finally pushed the mark impatiently. "Stupid! These killers

are coming in from other places! They can come in and we can go

They moved forward, passing through a petri dish that had not
been destroyed, and finally found an open access door on the

"I feel that we are going deep into Valentin's trap step by step, and
we can't extricate ourselves." Liv frowned. "I have a bad feeling."

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general meeting - always meet at night!

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After a few minutes, they found the node to the next level. They
have no choice but to enter.

"I guess Valentin is going to cramp up this time! I feel that the
copy of the killer just came to give us directions!" Wenn said as
he went down.
"Do not worry, I am walking in front, Valentine does not want my
life." Jane turned back and showed a big smile in the direction of
Xiao Yan.

The man’s smile was once bohemian, and now it’s heartless.

In front of it is a deep passage, the only thing that is fortunate is

that there is no laser emitter on the wall of the passage after
Kathy's scan. What is disturbing is that there are rows and rows of
rooms on both sides of the passage. Xiao Yan looks at Kathy. If
these are research rooms, they can find the terminal!

Hai Yin pressed Xiao Yan's shoulder to stop him from going
forward, and made a "stop" posture for everyone, went to the first
room, looked through the glass of the room, there was only one
bed in this room, except There is nothing outside this. A young
man at the bedside is doing the ball-picking action. He seems to
be screaming at the song. He has some kind of terminal on his
head. The terminal line is not in the wall and extends to the
inexplicable place.

Jane came to Hai Yin's side and saw the expression of all this.

“Ah, welcome to the training room! This is the way Valentine

gives them freedom. Put them on the terminal and the system
simulates various scenes in their brains, such as the woods, the
park, they even I can enjoy my father's love in the terminal, and
this father will always be Valentine Sheen. So one day, when their
good life was replaced by this cold little room, they began to take
care of their father's attention. A small number of people will
suddenly feel shocked that they have never really been loved by
their father."

"That is to say the child's terminal is connected to the system


"In theory."

Jane’s voice just fell, Hai Yin took out the gun, aligned with the
position of the door lock, and then fired until the condensing
agent in the magazine was shot, then took out the sharp edge and
slammed the thorn into the lock, swaying and sharpening. Slowly
bend until the sliding door opens a slit.

"You have to be prepared, these children can be extremely

ferocious." Jane also took out the sharp edge, pierced the gap, and
cooperated with Hai Yin to open the sliding door.

At this time, the child who had just patted the ball suddenly
turned around, his eyes were full of chills, and the action of
pulling the blade from the bed was so fast that he was caught off
guard, and he rushed to the sea, while Jane threw a sharp blade
and wore it. Through his chest, nailed him to the wall.
Jane forward, the child is still staring at them, trying to pull Jane's
sharp blade out of the body.

Xiao Yan and Kathy rushed to the door of the room and watched
Jane raise his arm and cut off the boy's head. The blood splattered
on the wall and blew open.

Xiao Yan did not show a sorrowful look. He was too aware of the
terrible things of these seemingly harmless teenagers. They had
already become an extension of Valentine, more sad than the
human beings who had been living in the Shire.

"Hey... this is a bit bloody..." Mark touched his nose and said.

"Don't you need the terminal on his head?" Jane dismissed the
boy's head.

At this time, Mark discovered that the terminal line penetrated the
skull and directly connected to the boy's brain.

Xiao Yan has no nonsense. With Casey, the terminal is taken out
of the skull. Casey is responsible for connecting the terminal line
with the wireless terminal they carry. Xiao Yan quickly invaded.
In an instant, his thoughts spread throughout the base and
deepened. Finally found Jerry's brain.

Taking off the terminal, Xiao Yan looked at everyone very

"I have found Jerry's brain, but the biggest problem is that I
suspect that Valentin has a whole army here." Xiao Yan's wireless
terminal is connected to the liaison, popping up the base structure
in his mind.

On the next level, Xiao Yan can feel a lot of organisms. By

analyzing the operational information here, he calculated that
there should be thousands of Valentin replicas in the base, and the
signs of these replicas are normal, that is, They are likely to have
combat capabilities.

This news made everyone quiet.

"Our problem is not to fight this whole army, because I have

locked this whole layer. Jerry's brain is at the bottom, if Valentin
is also there, then he should be with Jerry, we Only swim from
this position to the next level through the nutrient solution
transport channel."

"What, swam through the nutrient solution?" Mark squinted.

"This is too disgusting!"

"It won't disgust you for too long, the nutrient will cycle regularly.
We just need to wait until the start of the cycle to enter the
pipeline, it only takes three seconds, it will reach the bottom. But
when we reach the bottom, we must blast this position to leave,
Otherwise it will loop to other places."
"I have no problem." Wenn nodded.

"I have no problem." Liv looked at Mark. "Hey, your reaction

should be faster, or no one can hold you!"

Xiao Yan took a group of people to the end of the passage, where
there was a huge nutrient reaction device. Xiao Yan raised the
contactor to calculate the time. The discarded nutrient was
continuously flowed through the filter device to make a roar.

Jane first hangs her own slippery buckle on Casey's body and
looks back at the staller. "I am confident that I can get to the right

Hai Yin did not say anything, and locked his own rope lock on
Xiao Yan's waist. Wenn and Liv looked at each other and hung
their slippery ropes around Mark's waist.

"Ah, both of you are worried about being washed away! Don't
worry, no matter what happens, I will hold you both!"

Wenn reveals a speechless expression, and Liv smashes Mark.

"Idiot! We are afraid that you will be washed away and you can't
hold you alone!"

"Time is up!" Xiao Yan suddenly put down his wrist and jumped
with Hai Yin.
Seeing that the filter is about to push down, others are rushing to

If ordinary people fall into such a viscous liquid, they are afraid
that even if they move their arms, they will exert their full
strength, but they are different.

When a powerful force pushes the still liquid to drop suddenly,

they are oppressed as if they are going to fall into the depths of

Xiao Yan's arm was smashed by a powerful force. He only heard

the sound of the cracking. Hai Yin hung one hand on the edge of
the broken duct and suddenly picked up Xiao Yan. When Xiao
Yan's hands grabbed the edge, Hai Yin pushed him up with one
hand. The wrist that had left the pipe buckled Xiao Yan’s wrist
and pulled him up.

The nutrient solution continued to flow downwards. Liv and

Wenn struggled to mark the mark that was about to be washed
away. The nutrient solution at the foot was too slippery. Wenn
even tried to fix himself by cutting the blade into the ground.

Hai Yin and Jane grabbed the rope together and finally got Mark

"Cough and cough..." Mark slammed **** the ground.

Everyone exhaled a heavy sigh, and Liv slammed Mark's foot
hard. "Stupid!"

Xiao Yan wiped the liquid on his face, swayed and stood up,
looked at the heavy holographic image here, calculated the scene
simulation variables, and the dreams of the teenagers in the
training room were completely revealed. Xiao Yan determined
that this is the main control room.

Just, where is Valentin?

Xiao Yan was about to connect to the terminal here, Jane held his

"Maybe Valentine is waiting for you to access."

"He doesn't know me, so he may not be able to deceive me in the

world of thinking. Moreover, his speed of intervention is not
necessarily faster than me." Xiao Yan put down Jane's hand and
entered the system.

"I am going with you!" Casey also followed.

They kept searching and finally found the signal from Jerry's
brain: What are you doing here! Leave now! Valentin is not here
at all, this place is just a trap to trap Jane!
At that moment, Xiao Yan sensed that a node in the main control
system was turned on. He tried to close that node and found out
that it was a manual device! Xiao Yan discovered that a certain
culture room was opened, and the teenager inside opened the

Xiao Yan control system, close all channels.

"We must evacuate immediately! Someone opened the upper


"Give me some time! We want Jerry to be free!" Kathy shouted,

and he stared at Xiao Yan.

Jane did not say anything, took the terminal from Xiao Yan, "I am
coming! Kathy is not at heart!"

In an instant, a certain neurotoxin is automatically matched and

injected into Jerry's brain.

Jerry’s brain reaction is gradually weakening and he is about to

stop thinking, as if he is about to fall into a soft dream.

"Good night, my friend. You need to have a good rest." Jane


Thanks, good night……

Jane slammed up and picked up Kathy, who was dull, "Let's go!"
They can only go up through the conveying pipe, and the wall of
the nutrient solution that has already drained still lacks friction.
They can only pry the blade into the pipe wall and climb upwards.

When they finally came to the top, they noticed that the filter was
pressing at the nozzle.

"Mom--" Mark cursed loudly.

Hai Yin did not speak, pressed the bomb on the pipe wall,
everyone had to crawl down a distance, when the pipe wall was
blown, they finally climbed the second floor.

Xiao Yan had not had time to gasp, and a sharp blade hit his head.
He took out the dagger in an instant and waved the other's
weapons. Xiao Yan discovered that waiting for them was the
group of teenagers in the training room. They didn't have any
expression on their faces, and they held their weapons in their
hands and swarmed.

"My mom - it's endless!"

These teenagers are not opponents of special forces at all, but

their indifference to their own lives has made all actions a
desperate madness.

There is no feeling in this fight, only the blade that flies, the blood
that is scattered.
"I don't want to have a second time like this task!" Mark exhaled
a heavy breath.

Footsteps are faintly heard in the depths of the passage.

Xiao Yan's pupils contracted for a while. He knew that these

teenagers were only trying to stop the steps of their departure. Hai
Yin picked up Xiao Yan and rushed forward.

They ran wildly, and Mark almost fell to the ground when he
looked back.

Numerous copies of the same person as Jane, dressed in combat

uniforms, are catching up.

With such a quantity, they have no chance at all!

When they came to the channel node, they realized that the
sliding door was turned off!

Everyone took out the sharp edge and joined forces to open the
door. When they ran up, they finally came to the second floor.

"Listen! The door at the entrance must be closed, and the door
can't be opened!" Jane said.

Xiao Yan opened the contact in the running and transferred the
base structure map again to find the weakest place.
"We have to go to the place where the failures are handled! The
zenith that blasts there can go to the flight path of this base! When
I get there, I can access the terminal to open the access door!"

"I hope the body there is already cleaned!"

The group rushed wildly, and Wenn had to pull out the
condensation gun at the end and fired at the killer who was
chasing. The front row of the killer was shot down and the other
killers did not hesitate to step on their bodies and continue to
catch up. Even if the fallen killer was stepped into pieces, no one

"It’s a group of monsters!" Wenn snorted.

They finally came to the place where the bodies were handled, as
they came, and the light and tidy did not leave any traces.

Everyone took the bomb off the body, set the time to ten seconds,
and threw it to Haiyin. Haiyin quickly tied them to the rivet with a
rope. The rivet headed at the zenith with a bomb, and everyone
looked at the killer. In the direction of coming, the heart counts
down silently.

"five four three two one!"

The huge explosion sounded, and the zenith cracked into the gap.
Haiyin threw the sharp blade in the center of the crack. At the
moment of immersion, with the muffled sound, the zenith fell and
it was just enough for one person to pass. Gap.

"Xiao Yan! Go!"

Xiao Yan shot his own slip line and went up.

A killer throws a sharp blade to Xiao Yan, and Hai Yin throws his
other blade at almost the same time and blocks it.

Xiao Yan climbed up and bowed his head to see that the first
killers had already rushed in, and Hai Yin was surrounded. Hai
Yin’s movements, almost no thinking, but no predictability, these
killers are constantly being forced to retreat.

But Xiao Yan quickly understood that the goal of the killers was
Jane. None of them hurt Jane and tried to grab Jane's shoulder and
pull him away.

"Li Fu! Go up!" Hai Yin was coldly ordered.

Liv stepped on Mark's shoulder and jumped up the rope and went

Xiao Yan clenched the condensation gun. Any killer intended to

attack Liv, and Xiao Yan shot him to defeat him.

After Li Fu went up safely, Jane shouted, "Kathy! You go up too!"

However, only three seconds, Jane cut off the three killers, Xiao
Yan bowed his head, watching Jane's back pulled a very strong
line, each time the blade is heavy to the breathless killing.

"I don't go! Go first!"

It’s hard to kill this group, and there are more killers coming.

"I can't finish here with you at the same time! Don't you want to
see Aiwei again!" Jane pushed Kathy under the rope, "Go up!
Then protect Xiaoyan! They won't kill me! Think about us. Goal!
Think about Claire and Jerry! Don't let them die!"

Jane's roar made Kathy give up her emotions, grabbed the ropes,
and jumped up.

"Mark! You stupid idiot, roll it up!" Wenn yelled.

"I will go last!"

"Don't waste time! You have the biggest size. Try it now. If you
get stuck, Xiao Yan will take you down. When you want to go up,
you can't go up!" Wenn sternly smashed all the way to Mark’s
side, "This is the order, don't forget, I am a major and you are just
a few!"

"Mom! Mom!" Mark cursed loudly and grabbed the rope. "You
guys will always use the rank to oppress me!"
There are only three people left, and their killing is even more

"Hey, let's go first!" Wenn shouted.

"Go up to protect Xiao Yan. This is the order, major!" Hai Yin's
slashing more and more quickly.

Wenn gritted his teeth and held the rope but hesitated and refused
to leave. Hai Yin suddenly came to Wenn and pressed the button
at the end of the rope. Wen En suddenly picked up.

Finally, only the sea and the Jane were left in the whole space.
The two men leaned back against each other, and they could make
this whole group of killers no longer close.

"Hai Yin - Jane - you are coming up!"

At the same time, Hai Yin and Jane shot the slip line at the top of
the head. At that moment, the killer jumped up and grabbed
Jane’s leg. A sharp blade flew out and cut off Jane’s rope. At that
moment, the sideline hook Lived Jane's broken rope, wrapped
around the wrist for two laps, trying to take him up and away.

More and more killers are squatting on Jane’s legs, and Hai Yin’s
low-pitched voice is harder.
The rivet at the upper end of the crack swayed, and there was a
fascination from the wall.

At the moment when the rivet head fell, Xiao Yan slammed him,
and Mark grabbed Xiao Yan's waist at the moment Xiao Yan
followed the slide.

Wenn and Liv immediately stepped forward to help Xiao Yan

hold the rivet head.

The sharpest part of the rivet pierces into the palm of Xiao Yan,
and the blood slides down the rope and merges into the fingers of
the rope.

"Kathy! Use my gun! Tracking bullets!" Xiao Yan's teeth creaked,

and then the ropes were afraid to break.

Kathy took out the gun and aimed at several killers who were
holding Kathy. When their heads burst open, everyone slammed
them and pulled them up. When Hai Yin's hands were supported,
Xiao Yan also pulled Jane to the place where he was only one arm

More and more killers are pouring into the area, filling the entire
floor. They are stepping on each other, getting taller and higher, as
if they are chasing honey ants, overlapping and stacking a
frightening form.
"Upstairs - Jane--" Xiao Yan's hands clasped Jane's wrists, and
Jane's legs were pulled by those killing hands. It was a huge

Xiao Yan clenched his teeth and the bones were pulled off. He
Yin stretched out his hand to buckle Xiao Yan's wrist and helped
him pull up. Mark couldn't hold Xiao Yan's waist.

Gathering sand into a tower, watching more and more killers

stepping on each other and even holding Jane's waist.

"The last time you were desperate to leave me, this time it was so
hard to keep me, this really made me feel overwhelmed." Jane
Chao Xiaoyan raised his lips, the smile of that moment seems to
be the first time in the Central Academy of Sciences Xiaoyan Hit
his chest.

It doesn't matter to everything.

"Heyin Burton, you taught him fighting skills, but there is no law
that teaches him to fight."

Jane is trying to get rid of Xiao Yan’s hand and slide down little
by little.

"Jane Wallis! What are you doing! You bastard! What are you
going to do! I know the **** rule - never look back! But I am not
looking back now!" Xiao Yan couldn't help Jane. He can only
look to Hai Yin for help. "We must take him away!"

"Don't look at Haiyin! Look at me!" Jane suddenly slammed out,

shaking Xiaoyan's bones and shaking his shoulders. "You have to
be decisive and have the courage to let go! This is what you
should learn." Kathy, remember me, what have you promised

"You can never change the nature of the miscellaneous account!"

Casey gritted his teeth and squatted at Xiao Yan's side, so that he
had enough strength to open Xiao Yan's fingers, even at the
expense of his fingers.

"Kathy... Kathy, what are you doing..."

Xiao Yan is unbelievable that Casey will do this.

"Don't hear you briefly let go! You didn't hear it! Valentin is not
here, even if they catch Jane, they must take him alive to see
Valentine!" Casey's tears never fell in his eyes, "If You fell with
Jane, everything he did is meaningless!"

What is the meaning?

At the moment when Xiao Yan thought, Jane broke away from his
fingers, and the tower of the whole killer piled up like a lost heart.
He smiled and looked at Xiao Yan, his mouth shape. It seems to
be saying: Goodbye.

Hai Yin buckled Xiao Yan's neck and took him back.

Jane has been drowned by hordes of killers.

Xiao Yan still didn't come back, and Hai Yin's hands pressed his
cheeks, forcing his eyes to focus.

"Major Xiao Xiao! Tell me, you are now planning to jump to save
him, or go to the shutdown channel according to the original

Hai Yin’s line of sight is like a hot sun, with a burning

temperature, piercing the bottom of Xiao Yan’s eyes, and the
nerves are almost broken at that moment.

The eyes are like black holes, bringing together all the thoughts of
Xiao Yan to form a force.

"Shutdown channel!"

After that, Xiao Yan turned around and continued to move


They have to leave here as soon as possible and meet with the
support forces! When they take Jane, they must use the aircraft.
As long as they are connected to the terminal of the aircraft, Xiao
Yan has 100% confidence to track their destination!

The pedestrian successfully arrived at the flight path, and Xiao

Yan invaded the system and opened the access door. At this time,
an aircraft was already in front of them.

The cabin door opened and Lauren’s shout came, “Hey – come

"Lauren... How come you!" Wenn showed a surprised expression.

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"Come to save you! Idiot!" Lauren said to Winn to the middle


They didn't have time to chill, Xiao Yan and Hai Yin jumped into
the cabin, and Wenn followed.

When everyone entered the cabin, several killers followed, and

they jumped to Xiao Yan's aircraft and hugged the engine.

"My mom--" Lauren just had to press the button that closed the
hatch, a killer grabbed his arm, and Wenn clasped his other wrist,
and Liv cut the killer mercilessly. Arm, Lauren was taken back.
The hatch is closed. Lauren patted his chest and had a lingering

"Day... are they all Jane Wallis?" Lauren's face was stuck on the
cabin glass, watching the group of killers rushing from the flight
path to the aircraft.

Kathy, who has been cold-faced, said: "They are not Jane Wallis."

Lauren showed a blank expression. "Where did Jane Wallis go?"

At this point, a killer climbed to the window and was trying to use
the sharp blade to open the window. Although this is obviously
impossible, he still refuses to give up.

"I don't know what Valentine did to them. It was crazy to this
point!" Wenn looked at a killer trying to destroy the engine of the
aircraft, but instead was inhaled by the engine, when it was
twisted into meat, blood fog from the engine The other side is

Xiao Yan informed the driver: "Get rid of all the killers!"

"Major, is there anyone telling you that the tone of your speech is
now more and more like Colonel Burton?"
The voice of Ritz passed through the system, and Xiao Yan
stunned and yelled at Lauren: "Who is the driver!"

"Mr. Ritz and Major Loch..." Lauren had not seen Xiao Yan in
anger, and could barely speak.

"Not saying that let them stay at the base! If they have

"Don't blame them. No one wants their comrades to be at the

forefront, but they are hiding in a safe place." Wenn knows why
Xiao Yan is angry.

"It's imperative now to keep track of Jane's whereabouts." Casey

put on his wireless terminal. "I have placed a miniature tracker in
my heart, even though Valentin... really replaced Jane with her
own brain. We still have the possibility to locate Valentin through
the tracker."

Even if Casey seems to use an objective attitude to deal with the

fact that Jane is captured by the surging or even death, Kathy's
inner pain is suppressed by the death, and no one can understand

"Jane's current position!"

"Six hundred feet underground!"

Xiao Yan called out the base structure map in the contact, there is
no path to leave the ice under the ice, which means that the
aircraft is still the only tool for the killer to leave the base.

"What should we do next?" Li Fu looked at Hai Yin.

"Xiao Yan, this action was initiated by you. You decide how to
continue in the next step." Hai Yin's eyes are still calm and
unwaveringly support the world of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan took a breath and connected to the cab. "Ritz, Loch,
what kind of particle bomb do I make you?"

"Of course I am ready." Ritz answered with confidence.

"I will assign you some parts of this base, we - blow it up! Force
them to take Jane away!"

"Received, I have already wanted to do that! It is a pity that

Valentine is not inside!"

After that, the aircraft whirls and arrogantly smashes all the
killers hanging on the engine. Some kind of missile is shot and
hits the southwest corner of the base designated by Xiao Yan. At
the moment of bursting, the dusty objects are scattered. In less
than half a minute, the southwest corner of the base collapsed
"It's so **** good!" Mark licked the nutrient solution on his face.
"There have been so many tasks, which made it so shameful!"

"The tracker shows that Jane is moving." Casey answered while

observing the data.

Xiao Yan directed Loch and Ritz to avoid the flight path and blow
up the central part of the base.

The ice sheet is shaking, and it doesn't take long for the base to
collapse completely.

After a dozen seconds, the first aircraft of the tide rushed out, and
Casey shouted: "Jane is on it!"

Ritz and Loch are about to catch up. Suddenly several dozens of
aircraft have rushed out of several flight passages, and they
attacked Ritz and Loch. Laser missiles passed by, Lauren
screamed, and in an instant, their aircraft rose to the clouds,
swooping down, and instantly hit three aircraft. Immediately after
the spiral flight, the missile flew out and the enemy's aircraft fell.

Mark nervously seized the safety device. "Are we going to crash!"

Xiao Yan said calmly. "No, it is Ritz and Loch who have
upgraded the engine and fire control system of the aircraft."
He did not expect that in just a few days, Ritz and Loch actually
improved the performance of the aircraft by more than 50% in the
past. Of course, only the brain intervention speed of them can
drive such a high-speed aircraft.

"Loch! Loch! Blast this base!" Xiao Yan said coldly, to destroy
this group of people, otherwise they will only come out with

"I already wanted to do this!" Ritz replied cheerfully.

The aircraft circulated over the base, countless missiles were

fired, and the particles shrouded the base like a mist. In an instant,
everything made by Valentin collapsed.

Casey connected Jane's tracking signal to the aircraft, and Ritz

and Loch chased it up.

As the aircraft drove through the clouds, the stream that had been
swaying in the air was instantly dragged into countless lines.

"It's too fast..." Mark couldn't escape the illusion that they would

After half a minute, Jane’s flying aircraft was less than five
hundred meters away. The surging killers had to change the flight
route because they were tracked by Xiao Yan, trying to get rid of
Xiao Yan, but their flight speed was too far from that of Xiao
Yan's aircraft. No matter what kind of flight avoidance they made,
Ritz and Luo He can laugh at them and walk alongside them,
even keeping a distance of five meters.

For every attack of the tide, Ritz and Loch can easily avoid it, but
this situation also makes people lose patience.

"If we keep chasing behind their ass, will they not give up and get
rid of us? So when can we find Valentine?" Wenn frowned.

"My wireless terminal stays in the flight path, as long as it

invades the driver's brain and lets them think that they will get rid
of us..."

"Ah! Ritz and Loch have created another wireless terminal for
you, I heard that it is super!" Lauren opened the security device,
tapped the storage room at the top, and took out a very
lightweight terminal.

Xiao Yan quickly connected and invaded the two pilots of the
enemy to construct the illusion that Ritz and Loch exploded in the
low-altitude flight of the tracking missile to avoid the tidal wave.

"Be a good dream."

The distance between Ritz and Loch and the other side is
extended to two kilometers, tracking Jane.
They left the Antarctic Circle and the frozen sea gradually
became active.

The sun reveals a moving temperature, and the waves leaping as

if trying to break away from the gravitational pull of the earth.

But Xiao Yan has no such appreciation, and their flight direction
is deep in the Pacific Ocean.

Where are they going to take Jane? A small island in the Pacific
Ocean? This is not in line with Valentine's style.

Is it a submarine that sneaked into the sea?

If so, they must save Jane!

Everything in front of you is occupied by the deep blue sea, and

there is no other land except the sea and the sky.

"Where are they going? Is it around the earth?" Wenn looked

down and looked worried at the blue color that was repeated

Lauren suddenly screamed: "Look! Look!"

Xiao Yan looked in the direction of Lauren's fingers. On the sea a

few kilometers away, he seemed to see a huge floating object.

" it a ship?" Wenn was not sure.

The people who have been living in the city of Charles have not
used the means of "ship" for more than two hundred years, not to
mention the widespread use of the aircraft. The existence of the
"ship" has long lost its meaning.

"Valentin Sheehan is really creative, hiding at sea, moving at any

time, difficult to locate!" Casey clenched his fist and hated

"This...the boat is too big!" Lauren grabbed his head. "I have a
very bad feeling."

The tidal aircraft landed on a small platform with Jane and the
platform descended to the cabin.

"This is not a ship, but a destroyer. There is no aircraft carrier that

is huge, but it has a sensitive action and a strong attacking power.
It can even sink thousands of tons of armored ships. Even if
Charles makes a submarine to pursue it, it The torpedo can also
be used to sink the submarine. This is just my understanding of
the ship two hundred years ago, with the talent of Valentin, the
perfection of two hundred years, his destroyer, the fire control
system must be extraordinary We can't get close!"

Xiao Yan's expectation is not wrong. Ritz and Loch just plan to
open some distance again. A high-speed missile cuts the air and
faces it. Loch and Ritz quickly pulled up the aircraft, and the
missile almost passed through the cockpit of the aircraft.

"My God - my God -" Mark's eyes widened.

The missile seemed to have identified them. After a big

roundabout, they chased Reitz and Loch again.

The engine was fully launched, and Ritz and Loch flew to the
destroyer, just entering the range, and numerous artillery fired at

"Xiao Yan, think of a way! We must stop its fire control system,
even for a second!" Wenn's hands held the top of the cabin.

"Xiao Yan! The tracking missile is driven by the fire control

system!" Kathy loudly reminded, "I will intercept the signal of the
tracking missile! You come to invade!"

"no problem!"

The two men joined forces again, and Casey made the tracking
missile send signals to the ship. Xiao Yan successfully invaded
the destroyer's fire control system with the signal.

At that moment, the dark and deep darkness crushed Xiao Yan's
nerves. As he continued to deepen, some sense of despair seemed
to clasp his breath.
He can finally be sure that Valentin is on this destroyer!

Welcome to my kingdom, dear Xiao Yan. My invitation is still

valid and I am looking forward to your decision.

Valentin's mellow sound is like the vines that are spreading in the
dark, and the thorns of the thorns are stuck in Xiao Yan's thinking,
and the pain is directly connected to the brain.

These are hallucinations, these are not real.

Xiao Yan clasped his fingers, and because he was too hard, he
even crushed his fingers.

The seaside next to him buckled Xiaoyan's fingers and squeezed

into his fingers and held him tightly.

"Lauren, there is no spare terminal!"


Lauren took out another terminal, and Hai Yin quickly intervened.
At that moment, Xiao Yan felt that the thorns that had bound him
to move forward were cut off, and a powerful force pushed him
forward in an unstoppable way.

Xiao Yan closed the fire control, and the aircraft flew into the air
over the destroyer. Hai Yin opened the cabin and prepared to
The voice of Ritz came: "Hey! Guys! I don't think this story will
have a happy ending! Such a big destroyer can accommodate the
next special mission force!"

Kathy also lifted the safety device and said coldly: "When the
support force arrives, Jane is dead!"

"Listen, Ritz...Loch... If the support force didn't receive any signal

from me, use a particle bomb to blow up the destroyer!

"Hey! Xiao Yan, give me back! Xiao Yan!"

Ritz is about to close the hatch to lock Xiaoyan, but Xiao Yan has
jumped down.

Xiao Yan extended the fire control system to the node system, but
when he opened the cabins, he saw countless killers rushing out.

"Oh... I am sure that this story will not have a happy ending!"
Wenn clenched his double-edged sword and was ready to go.

Loch and Ritz, who are still in the midst of the squad, launched a
laser missile with a tacit agreement, and the group of rushing
killers flew.

Mark said that he really wanted to jump up and kiss the two
people who drove the aircraft.

"Xiao Yan, we can only help you to this level!"

Xiao Yan quickly explored the internal structure of the destroyer
and looked for Valentin. But Valentine's hidden is too perfect.
From the moment he invaded the battleship, Xiao Yan had the
illusion that he had been trapped in the brain of Valentine.

"Find Jane and you will find Valentin." Casey continued to follow
Jane's signal.

"Before you, we must stop the killer of Valentine!"

Xiao Yan presented the structure of the destroyer in front of them.

The exterior of the warship was the same as the ordinary warship
two hundred years ago, but the interior was complicated and it
was a sea fortress.

"We enter from this node, we must close the channel, prevent all
killers from entering! Separate them all! Even if there is a killer to
find us, at least the number we can deal with!"

Kathy is worried. "That means you have to keep controlling the

nodes. Valentin won't let you do it! He will even kill your mind!"

"Then let him try it!" Xiao Yan's palm covered the ground, closed
his eyes, and his mind spread again.

Hai Yin's palm is covered on the back of Xiao Yan's hand. His
forehead touches Xiao Yan gently. The unique breath of this man
spreads in Xiao Yan's nose. "Xiao Yan, remember, now you are
not only It is for the pursuit of Valentin yourself, you have your
own companion. Impulsive, you will pay a terrible price. And
everything can not be repeated."

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, he understood the meaning of Hai

Yin, the simple and straightforward invasion will only be easily
intercepted by Valentine. He must be thoughtful. Xiao Yan hides
his thoughts and presses all the fluctuations, as if he is silently
integrated into the entire battleship.

"let's go."

They are all the way forward, all the channel nodes are closed,
leaving only a road to the master.

From time to time there are killers, even Kathy's replica. A group
of people opened the killing ring. When Mark turned back and
poked the sharp edge into Kathy's chest, he was stopped by Xiao

"Hey! Look clearly, he is really Kathy!" Wenn slammed to Mark.

"They all look the same! How can I get it clearly!" Mark replied
grievously, blocking the attack of the killer.

"Kathy carries the mobile terminal!" Li Fu killed Mark and joined

Hai Yin is still fierce, and every time there is no room for the
blade, when he turns back, the hilt breaks the skull of the killer
and turns without hesitation, piercing the throat of another killer.
Xiao Yan was besieged by three killers. Xiao Yan was very
difficult to avoid in a narrow space. He put a killer on the wall
with his elbow, grabbed his shoulder and suddenly turned over
and pushed him to other killers. Then quickly attacked and cut his
head. When Xiao Yan leaped to another killer, the other side
looked up and the mouth seemed to say "Xiao Yan."

After a moment of hesitation, the other side suddenly slammed

the sharp blade into the chest of Xiao Yan. A figure slammed
Xiao Yan away. When he landed, Xiao Yan’s left arm fractured
and he felt pain. When he raised his eyes, Hai Yin blocked In
front of him, he cut down the head of the killer.

"Are you stupid! I can't even recognize it!" Kathy's roar shook the
Xiaoyan eardrum.

There was something warm and dripping on Xiao Yan's cheek.

Xiao Yan found that Kathy, who was holding on himself, had a
deep wound from the bridge of the nose to the left face, and
healed while healed.

Xiao Yan slammed into Casey's body, his hand crossed the blade,
separated the sneak attacker, and slammed the other side onto the
wall. At the moment of landing, Xiao Yan got up and cut his

In the passage, the bodies were turned upside down and they
continued to move forward. Xiao Yan intends to close the node
behind him and prevent other killers from entering, but he found
that no matter how hard he tried, how to extend it could not sense
the system.

Seeing that there was another killer coming, Mark yelled

anxiously. "Xiao Yan! What happened to you!"

Xiao Yan knows that he is not disconnected from the warship's

system, but that Valentin has been tempting him to deepen, and
now his thinking falls into the brain of Valentine. He stood in the
same place, and even his fingers did not lift.

Kathy first reacted, "Pick off his terminal! Now! Right now!"

"No, interrupting his thoughts will hurt his neurons." Hai Yin
slammed Xiao Yan. "Give him time, he won't let himself get

"What about the group of 'Caseys'?" Mark ran back and turned

When they passed a certain node door, Casey suddenly stopped.

"Give Xiao Yan's gun with me!"
"What are you doing!" Wenn grabbed Casey but was pushed
away by him.

"You are a technical soldier or I am a technical soldier! Don't

waste time!"

Hai Yin threw the gun at the waist of Xiao Yan to Kathy. Kathy
quickly removed the fitting of the condenser gun, pressed it at the
entrance and exit of the sliding door of the node, and then docked
the energy converter of the other gun with the condensation gun,
only to hear a muffled sound, and the sliding door suddenly Slide
out. Casey was struck by the sliding threshold, and Wenn’s eyes
quickly picked him up before he was crushed by the sliding door.

At that moment, a killer rushed to the front door and buckled his
ankle before Casey completely disengaged. The sliding door
crushed his muscles and cut into his bones. In the blink of an eye,
several killers pushed the sliding door, countless hands clasped
Casey's legs, and the sliding door sounded an alarm, trying to
close but being blocked.

"Mom! Mark, can you guys work harder anymore!" Wenn yelled,
and Mark hugged Kathy's waist and kept him in.

"This group of guys is really strong!"

Kathy is still a little bit smashed by the other side, Mark's feet on
the sliding door to borrow to ensure that they are not dragged, the
killer's palms hold the sliding door to leave a gap of ten
centimeters, it seems that there is a door to open The posture.

Because of the pain and white cheeks, Casey said with a hard
time: "Cut my leg! Cut it!"


When Wenn was still hesitating, Hai Yin raised his hand, and the
movement was so fast that no one could see it. Kathy’s leg was
cut off, not only Wenn and Mark fell back because of the force,
and they caught the killer of Casey. They also sneaked away, and
the sliding door was closed in an instant.

Kathy had a cold sweat and fell to the ground. Blood was leaking
from the wounds that had not healed.

"" Wenn helped Casey to the wall and

watched as he lowered his hands and pressed the place where he
was cut.

When the wound heals, the pain finally stops.

At this time, Xiao Yan is still lost in this dark space with no
The whole battleship seemed to be the brain of Valentine. When
Xiao Yan calmed down, he even suspected that the warship had
no system at all. Everything was Valentine's thinking.

If this is the case, as long as you invade the master here, it is

tantamount to entering Valentine's thinking, and Valentine's
thinking is the darkest fear in the world. At that moment, Xiao
Yan felt a strong pressure to squeeze him in the dark, as if to
compress the thought he had been trying to extend, and then
continue, his thinking will inevitably be killed!

Calm, Xiao Yan... If this battleship is really Valentine's thought,

you have to leave! Instead of leaving Valentine's brain, he left the

The author has something to say: Kathy: Maya, I can be with you,
I have to install prosthetic.

Maya: ... I don't want to be with you...

Kathy: Either be my little friend or be my enemy. Which one do

you choose?

Maya: I am your little friend Xiao Yan's little friend! 2k novel

reading network

nconsciously, a warship covered this darkness, intricate lines,

high-end fire control, Valentine's thoughts hesitated at that
moment, Xiao Yan knew that he succeeded in confusing the other
side, and he did not carelessly put his own thinking Pull away
from the system.

When his line of sight was again focused, he took a sigh of relief,
and a **** red in front of him made him feel awkward.

"what happened……"

His eyes were closed passages, and Casey leaned against the wall,
leaning his head slightly, and Wenn and Mark looked stunned.

When Xiao Yan found that Casey's legs were all gone from below
the knee, the heart suddenly tightened, and the pain was fatal. The
breath lingered in the throat, and the eyes were sour that the line
of sight was blurred.

"Kathy - your legs!" Xiao Yan came to Casey, holding his knees
and confirming his legs... really no.

Kathy pulled up his lips and pointed to the other side of the
sliding door. "My legs are on the side of the door."

"You closed the door..."

Xiao Yan was surprised that these nodes were directly controlled
by Valentin. How did Casey bypass Valentin?
"All nodes have 'emergency measures' and will automatically shut
down when they are hit. This is a 'stress response' that the system
can't control. But I shut it down in this way, it won't turn on again,
you There is no turning back, Xiao Yan." Kathy pulled the lips
and eyes, and the eyes were a bit proud.

"We are carrying you away." Xiao Yan pressed the throat of his
throat, and he wanted to take Kathy back, but he was rejected by
the other party.

"Continue to go down, it should be the master of Valentin... There

must be a killer around him, and bringing me will only drag you

"You want us to throw you here!" Xiao Yan slammed Kathy.

Kathy’s expression was cold and firm, and it was a man’s

expression, not the once-willful boy.

"Yes, Major. I want you to leave me here. You will continue to

move forward, and you are likely to encounter all kinds of
problems. I stay here, use the wireless terminal to match you, I
will open all the nodes. To guard your outer edge of thinking, you
just have to move forward!"

"Xiao Yan, haven't you won the confidence of Valentin? Staying
here is the only way I can help you. Be sure to find Jane. His
body belongs to himself, not Valentin." Kathy closed his eyes and
said coldly, "Don't forget your goal. If you don't have any success,
you don't need to make sacrifices. If you don't have such
decisiveness, you are already a loser. And you will fail." Not only
me or Hai Yin or the people who followed you, but the entire

Xiao Yan clenched his fist and put his fingers into his palm.

"You have to remember that your thinking is independent no

matter where you go. In Valentine's brain, in my brain, even in
anyone's brain, you can build Another reality. The so-called
reality is just what we believe. Go, you should understand that
once you hesitate, once you are soft, once you know what your
goal is, you will pay more than you have lost. ”

Xiao Yan clenched his teeth and walked back and forth, the pace
was getting faster and faster.

He is very clear that he can no longer look back.

As Hai Yin said, all suffering must be left behind.

Wenn followed up.

Hai Yin bowed his head and handed the gun at the waist to Kathy.
"You can't die here."

"Is this an order? Colonel?" Casey looked up and took the gun.
"Protect Xiao Yan, he must not die here."

Xiao Yan, they keep moving forward, Kathy's figure is getting

farther and farther, until they pass a node, they will never see

Going to the next level, they are getting closer and closer to the
main control room.

Hai Yin suddenly stopped, and Xiao Yan heard the sound coming.

"Like... is the sound of water?" Wenn looked suspiciously at Hai


Hai Yin picked up Xiao Yan and suddenly turned back. Wenn
turned back and slammed Liv and Mark.

The roaring sounds are getting closer and closer, and huge waters
rushing through the walls of the passageway, rushing in, instantly
engulfing them.

Xiao Yan’s ears are filled with water, his eyes can’t be opened,
and Hai’s strong wrists hug him tightly. When the sea water
completely fills this channel, it suddenly pulls away, Xiao Yan et
al. The man was stamped by the water and went towards the end
of the dark passage.

In the darkness, Xiao Yan faintly saw what was approaching

them, not Mark and Liv!

Hai Yin buckled him tighter and released the illuminator. When
the light illuminates this piece of black, Xiao Yan suddenly
realizes that they are surrounded by a group of killers.

Mark, Liv and Wenn were besieged and dragged deeper.

These killers swarmed in, and although Hai Yin killed them, they
soon came up more.

Although accepting x-2 can make people hold more breath in the
water than ordinary people, but they don't get oxygen for a few
hours, they will suffocate and die.

Soon, these killers separated him from Hai Yin. Xiao Yan saw
that Hai Yin was surrounded by the killers and he was struggling
to go forward. He did not care that the blade of the killer pierced
his flesh and plunged into his ribs. Just thinking about going back
to the sea.

Blocked by the group of killers, Xiao Yan couldn't tell how the
sea was in the end. I only knew that the distance between them
was getting farther and farther. Xiao Yan was crazy and buckled
the blade of his chest. Out, smashing into the other's throat and
cutting off the other's head. He was very painful and his lungs
were pierced, but whenever a killer tried to cut his neck, he held
the blade of his opponent with his hand, but he could not stop
others from attacking his back.

But what he didn't think was that these killers didn't seem to want
his life. When countless sharps penetrated his body, his limbs, his
ability to move was completely suppressed, and a killer would
inject his gun at him. On the neck, Xiao Yan felt a numbness, the
eyelids became heavier and heavier, and even the pain of the body
gradually moved away.

Hai Yin... Hai Yin...

He seemed to see that Hai Yin had broken through the heavy
encirclement, and opened all the killers who had caught up. He
was once again surrounded by the moment he touched Xiao Yan's
fingertips. Xiao Yan saw the blade of the killer piercing the body
of Hai Yin, and his eyeball followed the pain.

He wants to move, but he can't move.

Hai Yin... You can't die... leave here, leave here...

Xiao Yan finally closed his eyes.

The blade of the killers was drawn from the body of Xiao Yan,
and the blood spread out in the sea. He continued to sink and was
finally drowned by the darkness.

When Xiao Yan was awakened again, he trembled all over his
body, and his mind was still a picture of the struggle of the sea.

The light in front of him made him look back. Xiao Yan found
himself soaked in a viscous liquid. His mouth and nose were
closed by some oxygen delivery device, and his place turned out
to be a petri dish. !

Through the glass, he can see countless holographic screens,

unpredictable data and code whistling in front of his eyes like
lightning, obviously, he came to Valentine's main control room!

Xiao Yan kicked the nutritious dish hard, and it was impossible to
bind him with any nutritious dish with his own strength. But in
fact, how can he use the back ridge to resist the nutritious dish
and then smash it, the nutritious dish does not move, and even the
crack nothing. His fists slammed on the utensils, and even if he
left his blood to break his bones, Xiao Yan did not stop. He held
the vessel and went up, trying to jack up the nutrient solution
tube. He did all the power, but nothing changed.
Falling back, Xiao Yan sucked the oxygen hard. He even
wondered if it was because he was still trapped in Valentine's
brain and never fled.

Suddenly, all the holographic images were closed, and a figure

came to him. The palm of his hand was covered on the nutrition
dish, and his face was soft. Even his palm seemed to touch Xiao
Yan's face through the glass.

"I have hesitated many times and want to kill you. Your existence
is like a double-edged sword. If your unparalleled brain can serve
me, I can create many miracles. Just when you lose your ambition
to pursue freedom, you The talent is tantamount to the biggest

Xiao Yan raised his eyes and the pupil was enlarged at that
moment. "Valentin Sheehan -"

At this time, Valentin and Xiao Yan had unexpected changes

when they saw the surging base of the sea.

His hair was almost white, and wrinkles were all over his
forehead. Even though he still looks good, he is like an old
professor who has no glory in the Central Academy of Sciences.

"Don't look at me like this, young Xiao Yan. I have lived for more
than two hundred years old. This body can support it now. It is
already a miracle. In addition, this nutrition dish is specially made
for you, although it is transparent. The appearance, but it is a real
metal, from ultra-dense titanium. Even if Haiyin Burton is trapped
inside, can not escape."

"Heyin! Where is Haiyin! The people who come with me! How
are you doing them!" Xiao Yan's hands held the glass and

"They don't have the same things as ordinary people, you don't
need to waste nutrients to support them. What do you say? As for
Hai Yin, he once made me very headache. Almost every base I
destroyed was There is his credit. I will let him endlessly hurt.
You should have heard the story about Prometheus. The
Prometheus who stole the fire was bound by Zeus on the rocks of
the Caucasus Mountains, sending evil. The eagle licks his liver,
day after day, year after year."

Xiao Yan sneered. "You are not Zeus, he is not Prometheus."

"Xiao Yan, when you are asleep, I entered your brain. Of course,
just for your research on x-2. Your ability to think makes me
marvel, maybe you don't realize that this kind of thinking ability
is A fire. When you lazy to live your own day, even though you
are longing for freedom but not full of wings to leave Shire,
Haiyin Burton has changed you, he makes you burn, he will You
have found it out of the mediocre Lambs of the Shire, carefully
polishing you and turning your mind into a weapon. Do you
remember that the first time you took the aircraft and left Charles
to crash?"

"I certainly remember that it is not worth mentioning compared to

many of your masterpieces."

"But if it's not Haiyin Burton, your brain is already mine, Xiao
Yan. He stole your brain from me, let it burn and ruin my too
many plans, even changed the summer. And the tide of the
situation. So, for him, I want to give him the most painful
punishment. I will copy countless you. See the copy of Jane and
Casey, they are not perfect, but they are sharp arms."

"You are a madman! You can copy countless me, but you can't
copy my thoughts! Even if you have countless brains that are
exactly like me, no one will solve the problem of eternal life for

"Haha! You look at me like a child who wants to eat sugar. In

fact, you always think that eternal life is impossible. This is a
taboo for scholars. Nothing is impossible until it is verified. But
before that, I need to have an operation in front of you. And this
operation will take me out of this declining body. Only by living
can we fulfill our wishes, right." Valentin stood up. Finger jokes
generally knock on the glass.

Xiao Yan suddenly understands what the madman is going to do!

Jane is in his hand, he wants to take his body!

A sterile cabin rises in front of Xiao Yan, Jane lie in

unconsciously, his eyes closed, except for the ups and downs of
the chest to make sure he is still alive.

Xiao Yan frantically struggled, kicked, beat, and frightened into

his heart, suppressing every nerve.

Valentine smiled and lowered his eyes and lay down in another
sterile cabin.

His lazy voice, which seems to be simple, sounded in Xiao Yan's


"You should know that nothing can stop everything in front of


Xiao Yan was arrogant in his heart, desperate to try to break the
bondage, but only the broken pain of the bones reminded him to
fail again and again.

Jane is so trusting that he can win the Valentin before he is willing

to let go!
He can't let him die here! Absolutely not!

It’s just that Xiao Yan struggled wildly, but couldn’t resist the
main control system to start the operation.

Xiao Yan watched Jane's brain being taken along the nerve line,
and Valentin's brain was implanted. He used force, tears in the
thick nutrient solution, he could only look at it desperately. .

Jane's brain was sent to the petri dish, and his body healed

Xiao Yan watched him sit up, slowly clench his fists, loosen
again, and raise a smile on his lips that is exactly the same as
Jane's arc or line. Xiao Yan can only beat the glass more

"I will kill you! I will kill you! Valentine - you can't live forever!
You can never live forever!"

Valentin came to Xiao Yan step by step, rubbed his shoulders,

stretched a lazy waist, muscles stretched out with strong lines, and
said with a smile: "I am on the road of eternal life. And you will
also Be a powerful help on my path. Know why I don't take your
brain out? Because the brain will be very high once it leaves the
body, but I want you to watch and watch me keep on going. No
matter what I copy How many Jane or Casey can't feel free to let
them have their own consciousness, but I need a smart person to
communicate with me, constantly doubting my theory, and I use
reality to refute him and repeat the joy of winning. ""

At this time, Xiao Yan could not breathe. He was unable to be

supported by nutrient solution, and all the struggles lost meaning.

“Like me now? My friend, we will spend a very long time


Valentin turned his back and the knuckles slipped past the glass,
as if passing over Xiao Yan's cheek. "Maybe you will be my most
fulfilling collection."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and said slowly: "I can't look at you to
prove eternal life, because no matter who I am, there is no eternal

"Don't worry, I will solve this problem, I will copy out a myriad
of healthy people, you can slowly pick your own next body."

The sadness on Xiao Yan's face was covered by indifference.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of indifference.

"No, you don't have time to wait for your next body." Xiao Yan
slowly moved forward, projecting a penetrating gaze in his cold
eyes, like an irreversible frenzy, drowning in the sight of
"What do you mean?" Valentin frowned, revealing faint
uneasiness in his eyes.

"You don't know enough about Jane. If I fail, he will win

everything in his own way."

At that moment, Valentine's body was paralyzed instantaneously,

and some kind of fission-like pain extended along his brain to the
limbs. The whole body cells were squeezed to collapse and
broken, blood broke through the blood vessels, muscle tears
generally unfolded, and the skin could no longer be tolerated.
This body has a crack of a ripple.

Valentin lowered his head incredulously, raising his hand with

difficulty, watching his flesh and blood peel off bit by bit, and the
blood dripping along the cracked gap.

"What is going on here... this is impossible... impossible..."

"Transplant the brain, even if the two people with the same DNA
are the same, you need to use a drug - Pandorane to reduce the
movement of the brain nerves, so that when your brain is
transplanted into Jane's body, you can avoid hurting you the most.
The nerve line. And Kathy and I made a virus that is activated by
Pandorane and quickly replicates and attacks your body, causing
rapid cell collapse."
"You are lying! Lying! This is the illusion you made! You are still
in my brain!"

Valentin was full of bloodshot eyes, completely skeptical of

everything at the moment.

"You said, you entered my brain when I was unconscious. Except

for the study of x-2, didn't you see how I made the virus 'Jane'?
You are going to die, Valentin. You are doomed. will die."

Valentin frantically came to the main control, trembled to take out

the terminal and put on himself.

"There are a lot of simple replicas here... I can use any of them..."

"It's impossible. From the moment your brain is implanted in

Jane's body, it is infected by the virus. No matter which body you
put your brain into, you can't escape the fate of destruction."

Xiao Yan's cold voice rang through the microphone on the top of
Valentine's head.

"Shut up! Shut up! I can't die! I won't..."

Just as Valentin got angry and got up, his arm fell off and landed
on the ground, making a "squeaky" sound. His muscles mixed
with blood and fell, revealing the white bones.

"You... know what is ruin...what is it..."

Valentin swayed step by step toward Xiao Yan, leaving traces of
blood all the way through the chest that he had lost muscles and
only the sternum, and Xiao Yan saw the heart that was getting
weaker and weaker. His face is already blurred, and he can't see
any expression, like the rotten zombies.

"What I am destroying is the delusion that you should not have


Valentin fell forward and the forehead hit the glass. Suddenly the
skull broke open and his brain slid out of power and fell to the

Xiao Yan's palm in the nutrition dish covered the glass, slowly
penetrated, and the body detached from the glass. He looked
down and looked coldly at the obscure object on the ground,
lifting his foot. Do not hesitate to crush Valentin's brain.

"In the world of thinking, I have killed you."

Everything around it faded slowly, and the heavy blood on the

ground disappeared into the ground and disappeared. Only one
old man was sitting on the cold control chair and connected to the

In front of him, Xiao Yan, who clenched his sharp blade and
pointed his throat.
"I am confident that I have been avoiding the trap you set for me.
How did you do it? When did it start, I entered the world you
built?" Valentine lifted his eyes, and the old wrinkles made him
The eyelids fall down, making people wonder if he can see the
young people in front of him.

"I have never been your brain, and I have never introduced you to
my brain. When Casey invades the channel control system for us
to open the node to here, you will definitely enter his brain and try
to kill. He, and I only need to enter Kathy's brain. The real
battlefield between you and me is neither your brain nor mine, but
Kathy. If it is someone else, it will definitely exclude my
invasion, but If it is Casey, he will cooperate without hesitation.
We will follow your thoughts, satisfy your wishes, and give you
an unparalleled body. When this body confines your thinking, we
only need to kill this body. The beginning of this trap was when
Casey decided to stay at that node. Everything else was illusory.
No matter whether Mark or Wenn was killed, it didn't really
happen because they were left by me. ”

Valentin lowered his head and laughed, laughing at the wrinkles

that shed tears in his eyes, full of self-deprecation and
"You really are the kind of fire! I have so many chances to kill
you, but there is a hope for your brain! Because you are too smart,
as if there is no problem, you will not find the answer! You let me
I always look forward to taking your thoughts to a higher place
every time I surpass my imagination, and this expectation is the
reason why I really failed!"

"You still don't understand? Your failure is doomed. It's like this
moment, if I and Kathy have not lied to you, even if your brain is
implanted in Jane's body, you will be destroyed by the virus in his
body. Lose!"

Valentine's laughter is even more mad.

" I spent so much energy on making thousands of

replicas...and finally made Jane that matched my brain nerves!
But he just became a weapon to kill me! Haha !"

The sea behind the Xiao Yan entered a few codes on the
holographic screen, a sterile cabin lifted from the ground, and
Jane was lying peacefully inside.

Valentine tried to get up, Xiao Yanli landed the terminal he was
wearing in the brain, and the tip of the blade instantly pierced the
skin of Valentine's neck, and the blood fell down along the blade.
"Don't move, this is not the world of thinking, death will only
happen once."

Xiao Yan used the wireless terminal to invade the Valentin system
and interrupted the nerve suppression of Jane. After a few
seconds, Jane finally opened his eyes and sat up. He forced the
back of the head and turned to Xiao Yan's direction. Eyes.

After a few seconds, Jane smiled and stood up and came to


"Oh - I didn't expect you to have it today."

Valentin seems to have lost the strength to stand up. Today, his
dying old man is not alive, and his vitality is passing away every

"I know... I failed... Xiao Yan, your appearance is something I

never expected..."

"I can go today, everything is beyond my expectation."

The distance between a class B student and the major of the

Academy of Sciences, an ordinary person who is about to spend a
lifetime under the dome of the Charles, and a soldier facing the
head of the tidal organization, Valentin Sheehan, knows that he
has completed a huge leap. .
It was Hein Burton who made him today.

“Would you take my brain away, put it in the lab, and try to
interpret everything?”

Xiao Yan shook his head and was steadfast as if there were no
other answers.

"I have researched the Sheron virus, and humans no longer have
to worry about zombies. I have completed x-2, which will be
another direction of human evolution. I have also prevented your
regeneration. From any angle, I am smarter than you are too
much. No matter what doubts I have about the world or how
difficult it is to answer in the future, I will think by my own brain
and will not rely on your strength. If I use I can't get an answer all
my life, I believe there will be countless people like me who rely
on their own power to get answers. And your brain has only the
illusion of eternal life, what is the value of keeping your brain?"

"Do you want to kill me?" Valentin sneered at him and raised his
eyes. "You will regret it, child."

"Yes, I can."

Because I understand that your presence will hurt everyone I care

about. I will not have a trace of grief for you, there will be no
hesitation, even if my hands are stained with your blood!
Xiao Yan raised his arms high, and Hai Yin and Jane looked at his
back with his eyes wide open. The slashing gesture of holding the
blade handle with both hands seemed to split the world.

The cold and fierce blade cut through the air and was engraved on
the eyeball, becoming a lingering memory.

Valentin's head rolled to Jane's feet, and he did not hesitate to

raise his foot and crack his skull. Jane's face showed a sly
expression for the first time.

Xiao Yan turned around and looked in the direction of Hai Yin.
He widened his eyes and forced into the other's eyes.

Yes, this man is still, as he promised to himself.

Xiao Yan took a breath and went to Hai Yin.

At that moment, the hull trembled, making a whimper from the

deepest, as if all the metals were resonating in an instant. Xiao
Yan almost fell, and Hai Yin suddenly supported Xiao Yan's

"what happened?"

Jane suddenly fell to the ground, her ears covered the ground, and
then she got up cold. "Get out of here! Valentin must have sent
someone to wear this destroyer!"
Hai Yin did not say a word, picked up Xiao Yan and ran wildly.

"This is Valentine's plan! If he can't get a rebirth, turn this place

into his grave!"

Mom's - burying this madman is the saddest thing in life!

"Warning! Warning! The g zone fails - the engine will stop


"Warning! Warning! F zone failure - all nodes will be closed in

two minutes!"

They ran along the original road, the battleship was slowly
sinking, and the sound of the sea water was clearly audible.

When they returned to the door that isolated the killer, the hull
was leaning down, and Casey couldn't help but slipped down.
Wenn grabbed Casey and tried to insert the blade into the wall,
but only made a spark. Individuals slipped together and headed
toward Xiao Yan.

Jane stepped on the wall and swayed to Xiao Yan to hold Kathy.
The next moment Mark fell, and the passage was tilted at an angle
of forty-five degrees, which meant that the hull sank from the tail.
Kathy saw Jane's moment, revealing a feeling that she could
finally rest assured. He clung to Jane's shoulder. "Fortunately, you
are alive! You are still alive!"

Mark yelled, "Valentin! That madman! Tossing is almost gone,

don't tell me that the **** is still alive!"

"Valentin is dead!" Xiao Yan tried to find a support point on the

smooth wall. "Now we have to consider our own life! This ship is
going to sink!"

"What do we do! The passage is blocked!" Wenn couldn't help

herself. "Although I want to say that I have solved the Valentine, I
am not dead here! But I want to die with Valentine." Too wrong!"

Xiao Yan could not find the center of gravity and continued to
slide down until he hit Hai Yin. Hai Yin tightened the strength of
the whole body and supported the weight of two people.

"We will never die here! Go to the other side!" Xiao Yan started
the terminal and entered the system of the battleship, looking for a
suitable way out. "We must jump down and swim to the channel
of the c zone. I will node. turn on!"

"What! Have to swim again?" Mark showed a hard-pressed

"Is it better to swim in the sea than a nutrient solution?" Liv
stunned him.

When the tilt angle reached sixty degrees, Hai Yin did not hesitate
to let go of his hand and hugged Xiao Yan to fall. The cold sea
water once again drowned them, Xiao Yan had not had time to
sink, and Hai Yin took him to the area c. Jane followed Kathy
closely. Before they came to a node, the sliding door was sealed
and tilted to make people unable to distinguish the world.

When Xiao Yan used the terminal to open the passage, a strong
stream of water rushed them in. When they were almost missed
by the target node, Hai Yin seized the safety bolt of the sliding
door and the other hand slammed Xiao Yan. Mark and Wenn
squatted on Xiao Yan's legs. At that moment, Xiao Yan had a
feeling of being torn off. And Jane Kathy entered the channel
safely. When they are hard to enter, the scene in front of them is

That is, more than a dozen killers trapped in this node finally
found the target. They waved their blades and attacked Xiao Yan
and his party.

This killing is difficult and painful.

Xiao Yan took the blade of a killer and struggled to slash and
cooperate with Hai Yin to continue to kill the next node.
These killers do not care about their bodies, even if their hands
and feet are cut off, they still do not give up the purpose of
trapping them in Xiaoyan. They belong to the ghost of Valentine,
even after the death of Valentine, still entangled the world.

More and more killers came from other places, and Xiao Yan tried
to close the node, but it was still a step later. The longer they stay
in the water, the more energy they consume, not to mention the
desperate killing, the consumption of oxygen is doubled.

The killer who was cut off by Hai Yin simply gave up the
double-edged sword and hugged Xiao Yan with his hands and
dragged him down. Hai Yin single-handedly opened up the
enemies who came up, and stretched out one hand to hold the
shoulder of Xiao Yan. The blade of the killer fell on his wrist and
almost completely cut off his wrist bone!

Xiao Yan, who was awakened by awakening, frantically opened

his own killer. Even if he had no weapons in his hands, he only
relied on his own hands. He also broke their arms and twisted
their throats, regardless of everything, blocking the blade of
Shanghai Yin, even if they were themselves. The shoulders bear
the pain of broken bones.

They struggled to go up and watched the node open. Jane

struggled to push Kathy up, turned around to help Hai Yin and
Xiao Yan, and finally let Hai Yin and Xiao Yan get out of trouble.
Wenn and Mark protected Xiao Yan's side, but Jane did not follow
their intentions to move forward, but constantly intercepted the
killers who tried to catch up.

Finally, when everyone entered the node, Xiao Yan waved his
hand, and Jane turned back to Xiao Yan to do a "close" action.

Xiao Yan shook his head resolutely, and with Kathy, he reached
out and said that Jane must come back.

Jane is not easy to come to the node, the killers flocked, grabbed
Jane's legs, Xiao Yan was in a hurry, shouting in his heart: hurry!
Come on!

And Jane came to him, a group of killers grabbed his waist, Xiao
Yan and others struggled to hold Jane's shoulder, other killers
followed Jane's body to enter the node, Jane suddenly slammed
Xiao Yan's wireless terminal Then, after a sudden push, Xiao Yan
was pushed all the way to the end of the door.

Wenn, they began to kill the killer who entered the node. Liv’s
action was not as decisive as it was at the time. She had entered
anoxic state and Mark had to protect her.
Xiao Yan saw that Jane was pierced by the killers, but he did not
care to make a gesture toward Hai Yin. When he was connected
to the terminal, the node was shut down heavily.

With his eyes wide open, Xiao Yan saw Jane's smiling face in the
last gap. What he seemed to say was: Don't look back.

The killer entering the node rushed to Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan's eyes
suddenly reddened, he killed them insanely, and the turbid sea
water spread a strong **** taste. Xiao Yan’s brain was chaotic
until they were killed.

Hai Yin came to his side, held his cheek, kissed his lips forcefully,
and sent the only breath into his lungs.

In the midst of the confusion, Xiao Yan saw the side face of Hai
Yin’s perseverance.

He has experienced all of this and sacrificed so much, not to be

trapped here forever. He wants to leave this ghost place with Hai

He took the hand of Hai Yin and hurried to their exit.

Kathy fainted in the middle of the road, Xiao Yan took off his
terminal, and carried him around the corner with Hai Yin. Liv has
completely lost consciousness, and his mark and Wenn are getting
tired and tired, and can't even catch up with Xiao Yan and Kathy.
Xiao Yan opened the next node. When he turned around, he found
that Wenn also lost his strength. Mark alone could not move with
Wen En and Li Fu. Wenn pushed Mark and asked him to follow
Liv with Liv, but Mark never gave up to bring them both.

Xiao Yan turned back and took out his rope, bypassing Wen's and
Liv's waist, and marching forward with Mark. Hai Yin did not
hesitate to hang his own rope on Xiao Yan's body. Gradually,
Mark, who consumed too much physical strength, could no longer
move. He struggled to try to unlock the ropes he and Xiao Yan
were connected to.

Xiao Yan stunned him and shook his head firmly.

We have solved Valentine, which is already the greatest success in

life. If I am the rocket that rushes to the universe, I have to
abandon all the companions burning for me. I have reached the
highest point. At this moment of falling, I will not give up any
more easily!

Mark looked up and looked at Xiao Yan's back in confusion. This

guy, who is known by himself as a "novice", has grown into a
strong and responsible man. Somehow, Mark suddenly felt
relieved. He doesn't care if he can get out of here. He just thinks
that if he is this guy, he will definitely breathe the air again.
The weight of the four people is undoubtedly a huge burden for
Xiao Yan and Hai Yin, especially in the process of the oxygen
consumption of the two people is close to the overdraft.

This time, Xiao Yan saw that it was no longer the back of Hai
Yin, because this man has been following him behind him.

He felt like a chick that pursued the sun, opened his wings, and
exhausted all his strength just to reach out and touch the light.
Behind him, Hai Yin is the most powerful support. No matter
when he loses strength, no matter how far he falls from there,
there will always be a force that will support him, and every time
he falls, he will be away from that. The farthing places are closer.

The huge ship was immersed in the sea, and Ritz and Loch, who
were in the sky, were in a hurry.

What else can they do?

With a heart, Ritz and Loch lowered the aircraft, ejected all the
ropes, pierced the hull, and the ropes were stretched straight, and
they all flew upwards, even if it slowed down the speed of zero
and one second!

The hull seems to be sucked into the sea, dragging Ritz and Loch,
like a bird trying to shake the mountain.

"Alarm! Alarm! Engine is overloaded!"

"Alarm! Alarm! Engine overheated!"

No matter what kind of alarm sounds, they always refuse to give

up, even if they can't escape the fate of being dragged into the sea.

At this time, countless aircraft came to their sky.

Maya in the cab saw this scene and screamed: "All troops pay
attention - we only have one mission, that is, we must not let it
sink before our comrades return!"

Tens of thousands of ropes were ejected, piercing the hull under

the water, and the sky was covered by densely packed aircraft,
leaving a huge shadow on the sea.

The destroyer, which was about to fall into the sea completely,
was smashed from the sea one inch and one inch, as if it were an
eagle that had shaken its wings away from the sea.

At this time, Xiao Yan looked at the light of the size of his
fingertips and struggled to move forward. Every swinging arm is
the limit of life.

When the light became clearer and clearer, he seemed to see the
burning sun, unable to cover his heart's longing, even if he broke
the flesh and crushed the bones, he also moved forward.
Finally, his fingers touched the edge of the exit. He looked up and
only wanted to take a breath of fresh oxygen, but the heavy body
made him unable to poke his head out of the water anyway, just as
his fingers slipped, behind him. The man did not hesitate to put on
his shoulders, with one hand holding the exit, and the other hand
holding him up.

However, for a brief moment, Xiao Yan could feel the power of
Haiyi. The explosive power at that moment was more desperate
than the comet that hit the Earth. It was like the last stroke before
despair. Xiao Yan knew that Haixin’s heartbeat paused in the
chest. His muscles are stretched to the extent that he has never
been. All the things in his life, whether indifferent or ruthless, are
put into the moment. Xiao Yan is held against the water, breaking
out, salty air. Into his chest, he can not breathe greedily.

He climbed up, and among the numerous gaps in the layers of the
aircraft, he saw a blue sky like the eyes of the sea, all of which
meant - true freedom!

Xiao Yan turned and dragged the ropes hard, and Kathy, Mark,
Liv and Wenn were smashed one by one.

What about sea? Where did Haiyin go?

Xiao Yan was so scared that his rope had been dragged to the end,
but there was no trace of Hai Yin.
"Hai Yin! Hai Yin Burton --"

Xiao Yan did not hesitate to jump again.

Just dragging myself up must have exhausted all the power of Hai

Xiao Yan cut the water and watched Hai Yin sink down little by
little. Xiao Yan went crazy and dive, as if he couldn't catch up
with the left sea.

No, Hai Yin! wake up! wake up!

Xiao Yan struggled to stretch his arms, but he was not enough.

At a certain moment, Hai Yin suddenly raised his head, stroked

his arm, and buckled the hand of Xiao Yan's extension. The ten
fingers crossed, the indescribable force poured into his body
along Xiao Yan's fingertips. Every cell.

Hai Yin took him back to the exit again and jumped up!

"Ha...ha..." Xiao Yan was lying on the exit, breathing in a big

mouth, but refused to let go of Hai Yin's hand.

"Why do you want to jump!" Hai Yin turned his face to the side,
and even if he was exhausted, the man’s sense of oppression
remained undiminished.

"I thought... thought..."

Lost and regained joy made Xiao Yan unable to say the complete

"Do you think I will leave you? I said that no matter what
happens, no matter what the ending, I will always be by your

Xiao Yan didn't answer, just looking sideways and looking at the
man seriously.

"This is reality, is it?" Xiao Yan asked sillyly.

Hai Yin held up the upper body and kissed Xiao Yan's lips.

"Besides yourself, who else can make such a feeling for you?"

The ship underneath trembled and continually rose out of the

water. Xiao Yan took the terminal from Casey and opened all the
nodes on the ship. The seawater was drained out, farther and
farther away from the sea, and was completely suspended in the
air. Glowing under the illumination of daylight is like a miracle
that cannot be copied.


A month later, the Federal President delivered the most famous

speech in his life in the central square of Shire, encouraging
humans to leave Shire and feel the true daylight.
On this day, the Charles calendar has become history, and
humanity has entered a new era.

Also on this day, Xiao Yan was awarded the rank of Major
General and became the youngest "Lord" of the Central Academy
of Sciences.

His inauguration ceremony did not have brilliant fireworks and

extravagant dances, and only a thousand people looked up.

In the completely strange crowd, he saw a familiar figure.

The other's lips swelled, and the moment under the corner of the
eye was free and easy with the smile. He put his finger on his lips
and gently released it.

Xiao Yan couldn't see what he said, just a blink of an eye. The
man disappeared like an illusion.

Hai Yin's fingers gently pinched Xiao Yan's neckline and

smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes.

"What are you looking at?"

Even though everyone was watching, Xiao Yan still kissed the
other's lips unobtrusively, revealing a more dazzling smile than
the sun.

The author has something to say: the end of the update is really a
long way to go, after I asked for countless authors, I finally found
a newer method. If you want to buy a custom-made girl, don't
delete the collection. When I send the custom, the system will
remind you. I also welcome everyone to pay attention to my
Weibo on Sina. If I open a new article, I will mention it on Weibo.
I will add extra money to let everyone know what life Xiaoyan
lived after humans left Shire.

Thank you all for supporting the genuine all the way, supporting
my column in 123 romance, I don't want to complain about the
pressure of many work, after all, many readers are not willing to
hear the author put forward the pressure in reality. But your
support for me has enabled me to find the motivation to continue
the codeword in a heavy reality. I can immerse myself in the
pressure of reality and immerse myself in my own fantasy. When
the performance is not completed, I will buy the genuine one. The
action made me feel at least after the meetings such as the
Graduation Conference, the Introspection Conference, and the
Marketing Analysis Symposium. I also had a little bit of spare
money to turn my grief into an appetite, and a luxury car to go
home. Thank you for supporting my life! 2k novel reading
When Xiao Yan, who was asleep, suddenly woke up, he breathed
heavily, and his eyes widened to see the white and bright walls.

This is where? Valentin's cell?

"Hai Yin - Hai Yin -" Xiao Yan sat up fiercely. Someone clenched
his hand and held his shoulder. The moment of strength and touch
made his nervous heart look like from a height of 10,000 meters.

"I am here."

In a simple sentence, press down all the uneasiness.

Xiao Yan turned his face to the side, and his eyes were filled with
the cold features of the sea.

"What happened to me? I feel like I have had a dream... I

dreamed that we tracked Valentin Sheehan all the way...and then
on a destroyer..." Xiao Yan held his head, "Or I still

Daddy, his lips are contained by the other side, and the firm and
powerful tongue has no room to turn in. It is not only Xiao Yan’s
tongue, but also his thinking, all his doubts about reality. Hai
Yin's palm clasped Xiao Yan's back of the head, and the strength
of crushing his skull pushed him to his direction, a crazy but
restrained kiss.
When Hai Yin exited Xiao Yan's lips very slowly, his forehead
touched Xiao Yan's eyebrows, and the warm breath swept over
Xiao Yan's skin.

"This is not a dream."

At that moment, the mind was madly taking off, Xiao Yan clasped
Hai Yin, and when his eyes looked at the floor glass wall of this
room, the other side of the wall was a more intense and busy

Numerous researchers are doing complicated calculations. Xiao

Yan curiously got up and came to the glass wall. When his fingers
touched the wall, the automatic sensing system operated, and the
entire wall was covered by data, even though they flashed quickly
to the eye. It’s impossible to catch up. When Xiao Yan used his
finger to point out a part of the content, he widened his eyes and
turned incredulously to look at Hai Yin. “Charles... planning to
build a new city?”

"Yes, they are waiting for you."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but open the sliding door. When he
stepped into the sea of ​data step by step, the researchers who were
immersed in the analysis stood up subconsciously. They raised
their hands and solemnly saluted Xiao Yan.
"Where...what is it?" Xiao Yan looked up in surprise and looked
around. The place in front of him was not a Central Academy of
Sciences, nor a special mission force, nor was it a bombed
presidential palace.

"This is not Shire." A smiling middle-aged man came slowly to

him, followed by Admiral Sharif and Major General Gordon in
military uniforms.

Xiao Yan lived for a long time, only to return to God, "...the
President of the President..."

The man who can only be seen in the military video conferences
and news is in front of his eyes.

The president stopped in front of Xiao Yan. "This is the first time
we have met, and I have heard about you again and again before
this time. From you as an ordinary researcher, I left the Shire with
the troops of Haiyin. When I finished my first task, I sat in front
of the window sill in the office, drinking whiskey, watching the
people outside the window scatter under the dome, smiling
happily... Then I asked myself, how can these guys not leave? The
cravings here? Whether virology or mechanical physics, they all
reflect part of the world, but our researchers are afraid of the
world. And you go out, so you create one Miracle. I want to see
you many times and talk to you face to face, I believe that I can
get a pioneering revelation from you. But some people who think
they know you better, tell me, my endless Will bother you to

Xiao Yan did not think that he had been noticed by the president
since he was a long time ago.

The president casually sat on a desk with his hands on the table.
His smile was different from the intellectual temperament of
Lieutenant General Aivil. Whether it was a slightly drooping eye
or a charming lip line, it showed a wise demeanor.

"You succeeded, Xiao Yan, disintegrating the tidal organization

that threatened humanity for nearly two hundred years. But this
achievement is not entirely yours." The president's expression was

Xiao Yan’s mood is inexplicably heavy.

He knows that in these two hundred years, there are countless

better people than him who have paid a huge price in order to get
humans out of Shire.

"The true meaning of your existence is not to eliminate the tide,

nor to stop the regeneration of Valentine Shee... but you let people
start to look forward to the outside world, and you give them a
reason to no longer fear the future. We lost One-third of Charles,
instead of manpower and resources to repair one-third of the
underground city, why not build a new city? A city without walls,
a city illuminated by the sun?"

Xiao Yan saw a completely different ambition in the eyes of the


"I am officially inviting you, not to board the last Noah's Ark, but
to leave Noah's Ark and accept the world."

Xiao Yan swallowed a mouthful of water and subconsciously

looked back to find Hai Yin's sight. He found that the other party
was not far from him, and he kept looking at his back.

"I accept."

"Very good." The president pressed a button, and the wall behind
him slowly slipped to the side. The fresh air rushed in with the
wind of the hula, the blue sky was intertwined, and the birds
swept over the sky. Xiao Yan stepped forward uncontrollably. His
eyes were in front of a city ruin. The mottled roads were
numb-walking zombies, and the special mission troops were
cleaning up...

"How long have I slept?" Xiao Yan stood back and looked back.

A familiar figure walked towards him, and the green eyes made
Xiao Yan's heartbeat more uncontrolled.
"Kathy--" Xiao Yan rushed forward and held him tightly. "Great!
You are back to the military!"

Kathy shook her head and looked at Xiao Yan with a look of
uncomfortable lips.

"Do you think that I rarely return to the military? It is these days
that the guy who wants to mess around in my mind every day, just
to prove that I will avenge Valentin or that I want to inherit
Valentine's will. class!"

"But if you can get here, you will pass the inquiry of Valentine!"

"But I still don't enter the military. From now on, I am just an
ordinary consultant of the Central Academy of Sciences, not a
research supervisor. I provide opinions and suggestions, but I
don't participate in any research planning. In addition, I am
different from you. Kathy smiled smugly and pointed her finger at
Xiao Yan's chest. "I want to sleep late, even if I have been
sleeping for a month, it's fine. I don't want the slight salary that
the Shire federal gave me. And you, but you have to Carrying
people's hopes to complete one project after another."

"I want to remind you that in addition to your modest salary, we

have retained your citizenship." The president coughed.
Kathy didn't seem to see the president. He took Xiao Yan's
shoulder and came to the center of the holographic image. "Have
they seen your team?"

"Not yet...I...and the team?"

“Yes, your planning team. Living in Shire and living here are two
different concepts. A real city needs not a biological circulation
system, but a nature while protecting nature.” Kathy Yang Yang
chin, the screen suddenly flashed the elite of many Central
Academy of Sciences.

These include Ritz and Loch, and even Lauren. In the

information, Lauren wore a lieutenant uniform, and the childish
face was quite a bit.

"This is the most elite team in Shire. Are you sure you want to
hand it over to me?" Xiao Yan looked back at the president.

The president nodded silently.

"So before that, I want to see Valentin's battleship. Maya's troops

did not let it sink."

"It's just the only one of the many bases in Valentin that can be
moved. It's nothing special. I guess what you really want to see is
not the warship." The president looked back at Gordon, "take him
there. Sample room."
Xiao Yan left here under the guard of Hai Yin.

When he took the plane out of the passage, he looked back and
saw a new and amazing building that towered into the sky and
touched the sky.

"How long have I been slumbering... The Shirley actually built

out...Tongtian Tower..." Xiao Yan covered the glass window and
for a moment did not know what to use to describe the first
building built by Charles in the outside world.

"Not too long, three days. But the Tongtian Tower is not a good

There are only Haiyin and Xiaoyan in the whole cabin, which has
hardly happened in the past.

"I know that human beings built the tower to anger God, so God
used different languages ​to give humanity. This is the origin of
the barrier. But no matter what happens, I am going to build a
submarine palace or a castle in the air, you will always be The
person who knows me the most. Because you made me."

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin's eyes devoutly.

"I have never achieved anyone. You have decided your own
"Are you sure that we will not be attacked by any missiles? Will
there be an aircraft with a tidal organization chasing us behind
us?" Xiao Yan suddenly asked very seriously.

"I am sure not."

"So this safety device is superfluous."

Xiao Yan lifted the safety device unrelentingly, stood up, came to
Hai Yin, squatted on his body, supported his safety device, bowed
his head and kissed it unscrupulously.

Hai Yin stretched her arm and her fingers did not enter Xiao Yan's

Xiao Yan seems to want to strip everything in the world and lock
him and Hai Yin in this confined space. The power of the kiss
made the safety device hurt Xiao Yan's chest, but he was still
addicted and always kissed the sea.

"Only when I kissed you, I felt that everything that happened was
true. We are still alive... I am very grateful to the President for
giving me the task of planning the first city..." Xiao Yan leans
against the sea Yin’s cheeks, close his eyes, and outline a world in
his mind. “I want to walk with you in the sun, the pleasant streets,
stop and drink a drink on the side of the road... I can’t stand
coffee, it’s hopeful. hobby."
"It's still black tea."

"If it rains, we will stay at home."

“Do it all day.” Hai Yin leaned her head and leaned over her face,
covering Xiao Yan’s chin. When she rubbed Xiao Yan’s skin,
Xiao Yan closed her eyes and subconsciously made a sigh.

"It doesn't sound good. I can design this city to look like in my
heart...and then you are here to live with me the life I have
thought of."

"Do I have other options?"

"The choice was rejected." Xiao Yan smiled and blinked, and
kissed Hai Yin tirelessly.

He knew that he almost lost this man, he would never forget the
feeling that even if he gave everything, he could never catch him.

Unconsciously, the aircraft stayed at the beach, and the grit

reflected the dazzling sunlight.

When the cabin door was opened, Ling Xiao at the door looked at
Xiao Yan and Hai Yin with his arms around his head. "I am sorry
to disturb your two worlds, but the destination is here."

Xiao Yan looked over Ling Xiao’s shoulder. The cold warship
stayed alone on the beach. It could not move and was damaged.
Taking a breath, Xiao Yan got up.

"Go, Hai Yin." 2k novel reading network

Unlike when they entered the ship because of their mission, all
the nodes were opened, and the white light shone on the wall to
reflect the characteristic luster of the metal.

When he came to the node where Casey was closed, Xiao Yan
sighed with a sigh.

"You don't need to be upset."

Xiao Yan turned his head and watched Casey holding his arm
against the wall.

"I will gamble with my legs and you will win Valentin, then I won
and got the life I want. By the way, artificial prosthetics are not so
unacceptable. My legs feel the same as before, and Don't worry
about phantom limb pain."

Xiao Yan bowed his head and smiled. Casey’s goal was always
clear, and he knew deeply that there was a price to pay for any

"Let's go." Hai Yin's voice sounded and called back Xiao Yan's
The two went side by side and finally returned to the main control
room of Valentine. Now it is the data collection where Charles has
studied the warship.

“I have to admit that Valentin’s technology has extremely

advanced technology.”

Shen Bing came out of the sea of ​a whole piece of data.

"Are you sure that Valentin is dead?" Xiao Yan frowned and

Shen Bing made a "follow me" posture.

They came to the bilge, where all the replicas were kept, and
some of them were incomplete after being killed.

"What do you keep these?" Xiao Yan frowned and looked at Shen

"In order to study Valentin's replication technology, it is quite

difficult to replicate a complete individual, but it is a mature
technology that can be used for organ regeneration."

“Don't you want to study Valentine's so-called eternal life?” Xiao

Yan was alert.

Shen Bing exhaled, and helplessly smashed Hai Yin with his fist.
"Coloton Burton, what is your opinion?"
"The use of this technology for medical treatment is to pursue
eternal life, depending on the purpose of the user. There is no
absolute good or evil in this world, and scientific research is the

Xiao Yan is silent.

"The pursuit of the unknown is the instinct of mankind, Xiao Yan.

The more you ban it, the more it will breed in the dark corners. It
is better to let this pursuit grow in the sun and open up in an open

Xiao Yan had to sigh that Shen Bing is a mature researcher, and
his perspective on scientific research is more objective.

When they came to store Valentin's sampler, Xiao Yan saw that
Valentine's brain had been connected back to his neck.

"Jane ruined his brain, so we couldn't read the data in his mind."
Shen Bing's hand was in the pocket of his coat and looked up.

"Do you want to know his brain?"

"Everyone will be curious about his brain before you appear. But
you surpassed him, Xiao Yan. So your brain is now the goal
everyone wants to know."
"If one day I die, my body must be complete, and none of you
want to hit my brain." Although Xiao Yan is half-joking, his tone
is extremely serious.

Shen Bingyan’s direction to Hai Yin, coldly said: “If someone hits
your idea, do you have to solve Hai Yin first?”

Xiao Yan laughed and laughed, and then thought of something,

"So in the body of these replicators... Have you found Jane

"I know you will ask this question. Casey tells us that according
to Hai Yin's blood sample, he also developed the x-2 virus and
successfully adapted it to Jane Wallis, which means that Jane has
x- 2 virus. But in all the replicators we can find, none of them
found x-2. But according to your statement, Jane Wallis was
trapped in a closed node, only two possible First, when we
opened all the nodes, the seawater was discharged from the
bottom where the ship was blown, and his body was washed into
the sea. Second, he took your terminal connector and when
Valentin was killed by you. After he died, he successfully opened
the node to escape."

Xiao Yan bowed his head and smiled at his lips. He knew the
style of Jane Wallis.

"Let's go, Hai Yin. I have no doubts."


When Xiao Yan turned around, Shen Bing’s voice rang again.
“Xiao Yan, knowing your brain never needs to go deep into your
thinking. We just need to know what you did and how to do it. So,
the first of Shire’s City, you must not let us down."

"as you wish."

Leaving the battleship, Xiao Yan did not return to the

headquarters by flying the aircraft, but walked along the sea with
the sea.

The white grit of the shells glowed orange and soft in the setting
sun, without the sharpness of the sun.

Xiao Yan took off his shoes, walked to the waves, and enjoyed the
sea water again and again without going through the ankles and
retreating once and again.

He turned and looked at Hai Yin, who had never said a word with
him. This guy is still fully equipped, a serious expression ready to

"Hey, I have been thinking about what kind of city I want to

build, but I haven't asked what kind of life you want." Xiao Yan
lowered her body and picked up a crab shell of a hermit crab. In
front of Hai Yin.
The man’s gaze did not leave him for a moment, but he said
quietly. “Although you have a hundred times more thinking than
others, you are not a rational person.”

Xiao Yan put away a smile and looked at Hai Yin with
helplessness. "Hey, do you have to say something when you have
such a beautiful scenery and atmosphere?"

"You will be satisfied with the scent of a green leaf, you will laze
on the beach for a day, you will enjoy a richer life with others,
instead of fighting the killer and solving any imminent crisis. You
also Have the ability to protect yourself. Soon, you will find that I
no longer have the necessity in your life..."

Hai Yin’s words have not been finished yet, and Xiao Yan’s lips
are pressed up. His hands clasped the collar of the Haiyin combat
uniform, and the hermit crab fell silently and ran away after a few

"I can enjoy a richer life because I know that you are by my side.
Nothing can threaten my life. I am very clear! But only you can
remind me who Xiao Yan is, no matter what I get." The success, I
can no longer be a researcher, I can not have everything now, but
if you do not fulfill my promise to me, no matter what the end of
the earth, I will let go of everything and bring you out!"

"My promise will be done once it is promised."

"This is very good." Xiao Yan stepped back two steps and smiled
and untied his military uniform collar. "I never felt anything about
the sunrise. On the contrary, I was obsessed with the sunset. The
sunrise was just the beginning, but the sunset was It’s the end. Do
you want to come at sunset?”

The next moment, Xiao Yan was overwhelmed by the other side
in the sea. The tide was intertwined with the impact of the sea,
and Xiao Yan felt the body temperature and breath of the other
party more clearly.

That is the unique feeling in this world. No matter how rich his
imagination, he can't copy the most real feeling that He Yin
brings to him.

Humans experienced a six-month design and a year of

construction in the first city outside of Shire, and finally
completed the construction.

When Xiao Yan and Hai Yin stood on the monument of the city
overlooking everything, the presidential palace told him a
problem, that is, the people who are willing to move from the city
of Shire to the city are less than a thousand people.

"Well, this is really frustrating news." Lieutenant General Aiwei

came to Xiaoyan with a bottle of red wine.
Xiao Yan turned back and said with a smile: "It’s not like
comforting me when you come with red wine, but it’s like
celebrating success!"

"I was here to celebrate success." Lieutenant General Aiwei sat

down next to Xiao Yan. "The President is not convincing of what
people say, do you know why?"

"Because he is a politician?"

"It's not that every word spoken by a politician is a lie, but

because the person who called it is not him."

"But it's not me who brings it all. It's a lot of people. For example,
Wenn, Liv, Mark, even Maya and Xuelun, and your Kathy and

"But the person who studied the Shelen virus is you. It is also you
who cuts Valentin's head. You should make your own evaluation
for this city."

Lieutenant General Avil slowly got up. When he walked out of

the exit of the monument, Kathy was bored in front of the cabin
door and sat on his legs.

"Really slow!" Casey showed a dissatisfied expression.

Avil's palm pressed on Casey's head. "Is this your attitude towards
your father?"

Kathy’s shoulders shook a little and beat the other’s hand. “Less
come! Have you raised me? Have you taught me? Do you think of
me as your son?”

"From a biological point of view, you are obviously my son. This

is a fact that you can't change." Lieutenant General Aiwei put
down the safety device and looked at Kathy with a funny face.
"Yes, yours. What date is the birthday?"

Kathy put the safety device down, and said with no anger: "How
do I know? If you want to ask Valentine!"

"It's not like this," Ai Weier's finger blew on Kathy's face. "Today,
you call me "Dad," and I promise that even if I am the worst
father in the world, I am better than Valentine. You can use today
as your birthday."

"Complete, Dad." Casey turned his head and looked out into the
modern city like a paradise, from the neck to the ear.

Ai Wei lowered his head and smirked a deep smile on his lips.

At the top of the monument, Xiao Yan took the red wine brought
by Ai Wei, and said with regret: "If you don't have a good steak,
you don't even have a glass... Is Aiwei asking us to blow the

Hai Yin did not take the bottle to the bottle, and opened the first
mouth with the oak plug that opened the bottle.

"Hey, what's the taste?" Xiao Yan smirked his head and said, "I
haven't had time to oxidize."

Hai Yin suddenly turned his head and covered Xiao Yan's lips.
The red wine flowed into Xiao Yan's mouth along the tip of his
tongue. At that moment, Xiao Yan subconsciously shrugged his
shoulders and looked at Hai Yin's low eyebrows with

"What do you think is the taste?" Hai Yin's hair was picked up by
the breeze, and Xiao Yan's heart jumped at that moment.

Oh shit! Whoever said that Colonel Burton did not understand the
taste, he Xiao Yan went up to fight with each other!

"You and the red wine are the perfect match. Another bite!" Xiao
Yan smirked and sent the wine to Hai Yin again. When Hai Yin
held the bottle, Xiao Yan seemed to think of something, very
seriously asked, "Hey. I heard that you rejected the promotion of
the military for three times! Why? This is what you deserve."
"Early or late, you will be promoted to Major General, Lieutenant
General, and even one day is Admiral."

Xiao Yan smiled. "I understand that if you become a major

general, you can't be with me every day like you do now."

"Unless you have already tired of me."

"What other people think I don't know, but I will never be tired of
red wine and Haiyin Burton." Xiao Yan raised the bottle with a
big mouth, and all of them fell into the lips of Hai Yin.

For the first time, Hai Yin bowed his head and coughed up.

"Now do you know that there are at least two things in your world
that you can't bear?" Xiao Yan smirked on the shoulders of Hai
Yin, "coughing, and loving me."

"Don't be too arrogant, Colonel!" Hai Yin slammed Xiao Yan's

wrist and pushed him under his body.

Xiao Yan laughed and laughed. He lifted his knee and deliberately
slipped through the waist of Hai Yin. "Not the colonel, it is a
major general."

"So, I want to go to you, Major General."

Xiao Yan hasn't had time to say anything, and Hai Yin's kiss is
Half a month later, Charles held a simple but grand appointment
ceremony for Xiao Yan.

Before going to the podium, Xiao Yan turned and looked at Hai
Yin, and asked nervously: "How do I look?"

Hai Yin arranged the collar for him, determined that there was no
slight wrinkle, and said in a very smooth voice: "Perfect."

Xiao Yan stepped onto the podium and was sworn in as the Major
General of the Central Academy of Sciences. The applause
drowned him.

The president handed over the right to speak to Xiao Yan, and
Xiao Yan breathed out a steady, clear opening.

"I know that you still have doubts about the outside world, but we
have defeated the comet virus, defeated the tide, and did not
reason to fear the outside world. You have all been vaccinated
with 'Snow,' and you are infatuated with zombies. Me and me.
The companions set up a city together, just above the ground,
there is no dome, my lover and I sit on the top of the mountain
and look at most of the city, the wind blows from our heads, with
a very broad atmosphere. I know that even if I stand up straight
and stretch my arms, the sky is still far away from me. When I
almost fell asleep on the top of the mountain, my friend Maya
told me that he would open a coffee in the city. The house, the
address, the decor and the roaster are all ready. Please have a
drink with my lover. To be honest, I am not a coffee lover, but I
still go. Just when we were halfway, the sky suddenly When it
rained, we were drenched. When we felt the cafe of Maya, dear
Maya had already baked a good coffee and waited. I felt a little
cold when I was Holding the coffee cup and licking the first black
liquid that I was very bitter in my impression, it was more mellow
and warmer than I thought. The water stains on my body were not
dry, but I held the coffee cup and looked at the window. Rain,
they are like symphonies, suddenly and near, and my favorite
person is by my side, accompanying me to listen to the words
from this world. I can't promise anything to you, because the
outside world is fine, whether it is fine or not. Rain is not
something we can control. But are you sure that you will always
be satisfied with the daylight set by the system, the artificially
cultivated flowers, and the sky that is the apex? My companions
and I have only completed the floor without life. , transportation
system, water purification system, only you can make it a real
city. Today I am here to send an invitation to you, who is willing
to go with me to the outside world, feel the 'unpredictable' that
nature gives us? ”

Xiao Yan raised his hand.

Whether in the central square, but in front of countless
holographic screens, thousands of people look forward to it.

Xiao Yan’s breathing lingered in the throat, and it was a silence

that greeted him.

At this time, some people in the crowd raised their hands to

respond to his invitation. Xiao Yan looked in the direction of the
hand, only to see that the white-faced man was smiling with a
sigh of relief. The eyebrows were free and unrestrained, and the
one on the corner of his eyes began to rise.

The uneasiness and shackles that shrouded the people were

smashed, and countless people followed up with their hands.
When the other's smiling face was about to be drowned by the
heavy arms, his fingers covered his lips and quietly left after a
distant kiss.

Xiao Yan could not help but reveal a smile.

On this day, mankind has left the prison. 2k novel reading


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