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Final Exam Reading List

ENGL 100—S05 Fall 2023

Final Exam: Monday, December 18, 2023 (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)

Note: If you fail the Final Exam, then you fail the course and will receive a grade of NP.

Part A (5 separate paragraphs of 150 – 200 words/ one paragraph for each separate work)

 Note: Writing instructions to be released

Part B (One essay of 500 words)

 Note: Essay topics to be released

Part C (One essay of 750 words)

 Note: Essay topics to be released

Bonus: (10%)
 Option 1: (10%)
Write a 250-word paragraph on your favourite literary work from the kisiskaciwan:
Indigenous Voices from Where the River Flows Swiftly. (if you do not have one, then
do not write the paragraph)
 Option 2: (10%)

List of Selected Literary Works for Final Examination

Part A:

 Read (Short Story) Gloria Mehlmann’s “Pin Cherry Morning” (209-218) KIV

 “He yelled and screamed . . . bad man . . . around that school” (217)
 The effects/affects (historical/behavioral) of Residential schools/of Roddy
 Roddy is having one of his recurring fits—Roddy has erratic and violent acting out
 Roddy is having trauma responses to severe abuses at the hands of
religious authority figures
 They (the mothers/aunties/grannies—the women) tie Roddy to the wagon
 How do the other kids react to Roddy?
 The other children include Roddy
 They are afraid of his unpredictability
 What is/are the theme(s) here:
 A demonstrated to intergenerational trauma—inherited.
 Read (Short Story) Carol Daniel’s “Lori” (343-347) KIV

 “There are two dogs . . . feed the most” (349)

 A metaphor/analogy/allegory/emblem
 n Elder’s wise words
 Lori’s sense of right and wrong—morality
1. Lori is in a moral dilemma:
2. Go to the abusive family
3. Stay from away from family
 Lori’s good dog—forgiveness
 Lori’s bad dog---revenge or vengeful

 Read (Poem) Beth Cuthand’s “Were You There” (237-238) KIV

 Read (Short Fiction) John Cuthand’s “Naska” (276-281) KIV

 “The big fish did not think in terms of right or wrong . . . drove her . . . killed
only to live” (279)

 Read Tenille Campbell’s “Love Poem #7” (428-429) KIV

 “decolonizing our own worldviews . . . as we make treaty” (Lines 21-22).

 Read (Short Fiction) Warren Cariou’s “An Athabasca Story” (372-376) KIV

 “talked like he had no relations at all . . . ?” (366)

 “his unerring radar for trouble . . . “ (375)

 Read (Poem) Gregory Scofield’s “Not All Halfbreed Mothers” (263-264) KIV

Part B:

1. Read (Poem) Andrea Menard’s “The Halfbreed Blues” (391-392) KIV

2. Read (Short Fiction) Kim Soo Goodtrack’s “Joe Flyingby’s Tape Recorded History”
(301-305) KIV
3. Read (Short Fiction) Alice Ahenakew’s “The Priest’s Bear Medicine” (149-155) KIV
Part C;

4. Read (Poem) Beth Cuthand’s “For All the Settlers Who Secretly
Sing” (239-240) KIV PART C

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