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11 Glucose and Ketone Control Solutions 12 Transferring Meter Data to a Computer

4. Apply control solution to the test strip. 6. View the result. Transferring meter data to a computer requires a compatible data management system. You
The blinks, indicating the meter is ready for you to
your results and want to con rm that your meter and test strips are IMPORTANT: (continued) Examples:
apply a sample to the test strip. Shake the control solution bottle to mix the solution. The test is complete (examples shown) when the
working properly. result appears on the meter screen. The result is For more information, please contact Customer Care.
Note: will appear on the screen if you have inserted a
the end of the test strip in the area shown. The control stored in memor y as a control solution result.
purple blood ketone strip.
solution is drawn into the test strip. Compare the control solution result to the range
printed on the blood glucose or blood ketone test WARNING: To avoid the possibility of electric shock, never perform a blood glucose test
strip instructions for use. The result should fall within while the meter is connected to the computer.
IMPORTANT: Performing a Control Solution Test the range.
5. Hold the control solution to the test strip until: Note: with the result if performing a
1. Open the foil test strip packet at the notch and

Abb o t D ai betes Care Ltd.

Ran ge Ro ad
Witne y,Oxo n, OX29 0 YL
Made in UK .
tear down to remove the test strip. ketone control solution test.
the test strip instructions for use. means you have applied enough control solution

Bl oo d Gl uc ose
Se nso r El ectrod e
3. and the meter is reading the control solution. Out of Range Control Solution Results:
for use match. mark the test as a control solution test. The Notes:
appears. The meter is now ready for you to apply the range printed on the test strip instructions for
2. Insert the test strip until the meter turns on. control solution to the test strip. will see a 5-second countdown. If you are testing use.
Notes: with a blood ketone strip, you will see a 10-second
the side of the bottle.) countdown. consistently outside the range printed on the test
strip instructions for use. Contact Customer Care.

properly each time you turn your meter on. If you see not remove the test strip from the meter during
blood glucose levels. any white segments in the black o screen, or any the countdown.
black segments in the white test screen, there may be
a problem with the meter. (See Section 5, Getting to
discard the used test strip, turn o the meter and
Know Your Meter, for more details.)
try again with a new strip.
IMPORTANT: The test result will be saved to memory as a blood result if
Remove and reinsert the unused test strip to restart
not marked as a control solution test. This may a ect your blood glucose
the meter.

13 Error Messages 14 Taking Care of Your Meter

Changing Batteries Note: When you no longer need the meter, remove the batteries and dispose of the batteries and
Message What It Means What To Do Message What It Means What To Do Message What It Means What To Do Step Action
meter in accordance with your local government regulations.
You will see this screen when your batteries are low.
The temperature is too hot Blood drop is too small Meter error 2.
or too cold for the meter to a location where the temperature or strip for this meter. (See test strip Note: Your meter settings and logbook information will be saved The European Battery Directive requires separate collection of spent batteries,
work properly is within the test strip operating Incorrect test procedure instructions for use to verify your strip when you change the batteries. aiming to facilitate recycling and to protect the environment. The batteries
range. (See test strip instructions or Customer Care. is compatible with this meter.) in this product should be removed and disposed in accordance with local
for use for the appropriate range.) There may be a problem with regulations for separate collection of spent batteries.
the test strip use with your meter.
adjust to the new temperature. IMPORTANT:
Customer Care.
Cleaning Your Meter
The blood glucose level may 3. Install new batteries with (+) facing up. Step Action
Customer Care. be too high to be read by the No coding required WARNING: Batteries should be kept away from small children. If swallowed, contact a Note: meter uses 2 replaceable CR 2032 coin cell
system Customer Care. or test strip for this meter. (See test strip healthcare professional immediately. batteries. 1 Clean the outside of the meter using a damp cloth and:
or Test strip may be damaged, instructions for use to verify your strip
There may be a problem with used, or the meter does not is compatible with this meter.)
Meter error
the test strip recognise it
strip. use with your meter. Step Action

Customer Care. Customer Care. 1. Turn meter over and slide open the battery door on
Blood was applied to the test 4. Slide the door back into place until it clicks. 2
the side as shown.
strip too soon Note: time you turn your meter on, it may
Meter error prompt you to reset the time and date. (Refer to Section
Customer Care. 6, Setting Up the Meter).
dust, dirt, blood, control solution, water, or any other substance in the
Customer Care.

15 Troubleshooting 16 Insulin Dose Logging

What It Means What To Do This feature allows you to log insulin doses so they are recorded in the logbook. You can enable 2. Choose type of insulin dose. 4. Press to log dose. 2. Press or to enter the actual dose
Test strip is not inserted properly or fully into the meter 1. this feature at any time. Using the chart below, press the button for the dose amount.
1. Test strip
is inserted This turns on the meter. Set Up for Insulin Dose Logging you want to log.
in the 2. If the meter still does not turn on, contact Customer Care.
strip 1. for morning Long-acting insulin
appears. Insulin Dose means you took dose
port and No batteries are installed; Batteries installed incorrectly on how to properly install batteries.
Logging is now enabled. evening Long-acting insulin
happens. Dead batteries Note: turn o this feature, repeat this step.
breakfast Meal insulin

Meter may be plugged into a computer (PC appears on meter screen) Unplug the meter from the computer. lunch Meal insulin

dinner Meal insulin

Problem with the test strip Try a new test strip.
3. Press to log dose.
How to Log Additional Rapid-Acting Insulin Doses
Problem with the meter Contact Customer Care. How to Use Insulin Dose Logging (e.g. snacks, bedtime correction, etc.)
Blood sample is too small 1. See test strip instructions for use for re-application instructions. 3. Press or to enter the actual dose
2. The test amount. 1. for
2. 1. .
does not means you took dose
3. If the test still does not start, contact Customer Care.
start after
Sample applied after meter turns o 1.
the blood 2.
sample. 3. If the test still does not start, contact Customer Care.

Problem with meter or test strip 1.

2. If the test still does not start, contact Customer Care.

17 Meter Speci cations 18 Other Symbols 19 References

Distributed by:
Symbol What It Means Symbol What It Means
Assay method Power source
Consult instructions for use Caution Vanwall Business Park
Citywest Business Campus
Automatic shuto Size Ubukata E. Diurnal variation of blood ketone bodies in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and non-insulin-dependent Ireland Maidenhead
Temperature limit Use-by date Berkshire

Battery life Storage temperature Manufacturer In vitro diagnostic medical device

Batch code Catalogue number

Measurement range System altitude See test strip instructions for use

Do not re-use
Memory and control solution results, insulin doses, and other meter Weight
information Date of manufacture Serial number jurisdictions.

Minimum computer Note: For test strip speci cations, see test strip instructions for use.
requirements a USB certi ed cable Sterilised using irradiation
Do not drink
(lancets only)

Operating relative CE Mark

humidity Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): FreeStyle Optium Neo meter has been tested for both electrostatic discharge and radio
frequency interference. Emissions are low and unlikely to interfere with other nearby electronic equipment. To limit radio
frequency interference do not use t he FreeStyle Optium Neo meter near cellular or cordless telephones, radio transmitters or
The European Battery Directive requires separate collection of spent batteries, aiming
Operating other electrical or electronic equipment that are sources of electromagnetic radiation, as these may interfere with the proper to facilitate recycling and to protect the environment. The batteries in this product
temperature System: See test strip instructions for use should be removed and disposed in accordance with local regulations for separate
(e.g., carpets) could cause damage. collection of spent batteries.

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