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With the advancement of technology and proliferation of computers in the country, the amount
of Afaan Oromo language news documents produced increasingly which becomes a difficult task
for news agencies to organize such huge collection of documents items manually. To solve this
problem, researches is conducted using unsupervised machine learning python tools for Afaan
Oromo news document clustering with low cost and best quality of clustering solution. In this
research work focusing on k-means clustering analysis which produced better results as
compared to the other cluster analysis both in terms of time requirement and the quality of the
clusters produced.

Keywords: Afaan Oromo Language, Afaan Oromo Text Document, Kmeans, cluster, Clustering

1, Introduction:
Text document clustering is technique of grouping text document into groups based on their
internal similarity. Internally similar text documents clustered under the same groups whereas
externally similar documents clustered under different clusters [3] It is techniques of that
grouping available document into clusters existing collection of text documents into important
clusters [4]. Text document clustering applied into different area of Data mining, Text
categorization, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval [5]. In this research,
researcher collected data from Oromia tourism Office, Oromia Broadcast Network, and others
offline and online written documents in electronic format. Totally 25 Afaan Oromo Text
Documents collected. Each Afaan Oromo Text Documents collected in word format and
combined together to develop corpus. After text Preprocessing, cosine similarity, Dimensionality
reduction and Dimensionality Reduction Performed on the Corpus, dataset prepared. Dataset
loaded into Python and Saved as


In this study, Kmeans Machine Learning algorithm implemented to cluster Afaan Oromo Text
Documents. Internally similar Afaan Oromo text documents clustered under the same groups
whereas externally similar documents clustered under different clusters using R. As a result,
Afaan Oromo Text document used in experiment grouped into eleven main clusters. Agriculture,
Culture, Education, Gada system, Heath, Politics, Religion, and Sport resulted clusters from the
experiment. The performance of developed clustering model evaluated depending on the number
of instance correctly distributed into clusters. This paper organized as hereunder. In section 1
introduction on entire work discussed. The methodology employed in this study discussed in the
section 2. Section 3 explains experiment. Finally, section 4 presents Conclusion and
Recommendation. The methodology used in this research is the knowledge discovery in text
approach by which multi-step process, which includes all the tasks from the gathering of
documents to the visualization the extracted information. In this research includes

1.1, Problem: The problem of Afan Oromo document clustering on similarity encompasses
a myriad of challenges and considerations, including linguistic complexity, cultural nuances,
contextual variability, technological limitations, and methodological constraints. By delineating
these complexities and implications, stakeholders, researchers, and communities can foster
collaborative efforts, interdisciplinary initiatives, and innovative methodologies to address the
unique challenges and opportunities inherent in Afan Oromo document clustering, facilitating
enhanced language learning, cultural preservation, academic contributions, and community
engagement among diverse stakeholders and communities.

1.2, Objective: Text document clustering is technique of grouping text document into
groups based on their internal similarity. Internally similar text documents clustered under the
same groups whereas externally similar documents clustered under different clusters] It is
techniques of that grouping available document into clusters existing collection of text
documents into important clusters [4]. Text document clustering applied into different area of
Data mining, Text categorization, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval

1.3, Scope: The scope of this analysis will focus on In this study, Kmeans Machine Learning
algorithm implemented to cluster Afaan Oromo Text Documents. Internally similar Afaan
Oromo text documents clustered under the same groups whereas externally similar documents
clustered under different clusters using R. As a result, Afaan Oromo Text document used in
experiment grouped into five main clusters.

2. Methodology:
1. Data Collection: The first step is to gather relevant data about There is no standard news
corpus for Afaan Oromo language. Therefore, we collected data from Oromia Tourism
Office, Oromia Broadcast Network, Oromia Broadcasting service, Oromia Media
Network, Voice of America Radio, Oromia Waqeffatota Association, Oromia Cultural
Center and also internet news documents

2. Data Preprocessing: One of the basic steps in this project work is preprocessing of the
unstructured text documents or news items. Document preprocessing is a very vital role
in text clustering, as it is irrelevant and redundant features often degrade the performance
of clustering algorithms both in speed and its accuracy and also its tendency to reduce
over fitting. Hence, document preprocessing activities are done to increase the
performance of clustering algorithms both in speed by removing irrelevant and redundant
features of the Oromo text documents. Routines were written using Python to tokenize,
normalize, remove stop words and stem the documents.

3. Feature Selection: In this step, relevant features for segmentation are identified from the
dataset. Not all variables may contribute equally to document clustering , so feature
selection techniques like correlation analysis or principal component analysis (PCA) can
be applied to select the most informative features.

4. Standardization: Since K-means clustering relies on distance-based calculations, it is

important to standardize the variables to have a similar scale. This step ensures that no
variable dominates the clustering process due to its larger magnitude.

5. K-means Clustering: The K-means algorithm is applied to the preprocessed and

standardized dataset. K-means is an iterative algorithm that partitions the data into K
clusters based on minimizing the within-cluster sum of squares. The number of clusters
(K) needs to be determined beforehand, which can be done using techniques like the
elbow method or silhouette analysis.
6. Cluster Interpretation: After clustering, each document will be assigned to one of the K
clusters. The clusters are then interpreted by analyzing the characteristics and behaviors
of customers within each segment. This analysis may involve descriptive statistics,
visualization techniques, and hypothesis testing to understand the differences between

7. Segment Profiling Strategy Development: Probability of correctness: The probability that

the main answer to this question is correct depends on various factors such as the
accuracy and relevance of the data used, the effectiveness of the chosen methodology (K-
means clustering), and the expertise in interpreting and profiling customer segments.
While K-means clustering is a widely used technique for segmentation, its success
depends on appropriate feature selection and understanding of the underlying data.
Therefore, without specific information about these factors in this hypothetical scenario,
it is not possible to provide an exact probability of correctness.

3. Review related work

Document clustering in Afan Oromo, a prominent language in Ethiopia, has garnered attention
owing to its cultural, linguistic, and academic significance. This section reviews existing
literature, methodologies, algorithms, and approaches employed in Afan Oromo document and
word clustering, drawing comparisons, contrasts, strengths, and limitations.

Existing Literature and Methodologies

1. Linguistic Analysis and Preprocessing:

Several studies have emphasized the importance of linguistic analysis and preprocessing tailored
to Afan Oromo's unique morphological and syntactic characteristics. Techniques such as
tokenization, stemming, and stop-word removal have been adapted to enhance the quality and
relevance of the clustered documents.

2. Feature Extraction:

TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) and word embeddings have emerged as
popular feature extraction methods in Afan Oromo document clustering. These techniques aim to
capture semantic relationships, contextual nuances, and thematic patterns inherent in the

Comparison of Algorithms and Techniques

1. Traditional Clustering Algorithms:

 K-means: Widely adopted for its simplicity and efficiency, K-means clustering has been
applied to Afan Oromo documents to group similar texts based on common themes,
topics, or sentiments.

 Hierarchical Clustering: This approach emphasizes hierarchical relationships among

documents, enabling researchers to explore multi-level clusters and thematic structures
within Afan Oromo datasets.

2. Advanced Techniques:

 DBSCAN and Spectral Clustering: These algorithms offer enhanced flexibility and
scalability, accommodating the diverse and complex linguistic patterns present in Afan
Oromo texts.

 Topic Modeling (e.g., LDA): Topic modeling techniques have been leveraged to identify
latent thematic structures, trends, and patterns across Afan Oromo documents, facilitating
deeper insights and analysis.

Strengths and Limitations


 Contextual Relevance: Tailored methodologies and algorithms resonate with Afan

Oromo's linguistic and cultural nuances, ensuring contextually relevant and accurate
document clustering.

 Diverse Applications: Document clustering in Afan Oromo has facilitated advancements

across various domains, including information retrieval, academic research, cultural
preservation, and community engagement.

 Data Sparsity: Limited resources and datasets pose challenges in developing
comprehensive and robust clustering algorithms tailored for Afan Oromo.

 Evaluation Metrics: The absence of standardized evaluation metrics specific to Afan

Oromo document clustering necessitates the adaptation and modification of existing
metrics, potentially affecting comparability and benchmarking across studies.

4. Architecture of the Information Retrieval (IR) System

1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:

 Data Acquisition: Gather Afan Oromo documents from diverse sources, including
academic journals, cultural repositories, and community contributions.

 Text Preprocessing: Implement preprocessing techniques such as tokenization, stemming,

stop-word removal, and normalization to cleanse and standardize the textual data,
ensuring consistency and quality throughout the clustering process.

2. Feature Extraction:

 Document Feature Extraction: Utilize methodologies like TF-IDF, word embeddings

(e.g., Word2Vec, FastText), and semantic analysis techniques to extract salient features,
thematic patterns, and contextual nuances from Afan Oromo documents.

 Word Feature Extraction: Employ word embeddings, semantic similarity measures, and
linguistic analysis tools to capture semantic relationships, syntactic structures, and
thematic associations among Afan Oromo words.

4.1,. Clustering Algorithms:

 Document Clustering: Apply clustering algorithms such as K-means, hierarchical
clustering, DBSCAN, or spectral clustering to group similar Afan Oromo documents
based on extracted features, thematic similarities, and contextual relevance.

 Word Clustering: Leverage clustering techniques like K-means, hierarchical clustering,

or spectral clustering to categorize Afan Oromo words into semantically coherent
clusters, facilitating enhanced understanding, interpretation, and analysis of linguistic
Detailed Steps Involved in Document Clustering:

1. Text Preprocessing: Standardize and cleanse Afan Oromo documents by implementing

tokenization, stemming, stop-word removal, and normalization techniques.

2. Feature Extraction: Extract relevant features, thematic patterns, and contextual nuances
from preprocessed documents using TF-IDF, word embeddings, and semantic analysis

3. Similarity Measurement: Calculate similarity scores among documents based on

extracted features, employing cosine similarity, Jaccard similarity, or Euclidean distance

4. Clustering Algorithm Application: Apply selected clustering algorithms (e.g., K-means,

hierarchical clustering) to group similar documents, forming distinct clusters based on
thematic similarities, semantic coherence, and contextual relevance.

Description of Word Clustering Process:

1. Word Embedding’s: Generate word embeddings using techniques like Word2Vec or Fast
Text to capture semantic relationships, syntactic structures, and thematic associations
among Afan Oromo words.

2. Similarity Measures: Compute similarity scores among words based on embedded

vectors, leveraging cosine similarity, Euclidean distance, or other relevant metrics.

3. Clustering Algorithm Application: Apply clustering algorithms such as K-means,

hierarchical clustering, or spectral clustering to categorize Afan Oromo words into
semantically coherent clusters, facilitating enhanced linguistic analysis, interpretation,
and understanding.

5. Discussion of Evaluation Results Evaluation Metrics Used

1. Silhouette Score:

 Measure the quality and coherence of clusters by calculating the silhouette score,
indicating the proximity of data points within the same cluster and separation between
different clusters.
Document Clustering:

1. Silhouette Score Analysis: Assess the quality and coherence of clusters based on
silhouette scores, identifying optimal clustering configurations that maximize intra-
cluster similarity and inter-cluster dissimilarity.

2. Purity Evaluation: Examine the purity of clusters to ensure thematic consistency,

relevance, and semantic coherence among documents within each cluster, facilitating
effective information retrieval and interpretation.

Word Clustering:

1. Semantic Coherence: Analyze the semantic coherence, thematic relevance, and syntactic
consistency of word clusters, ensuring that grouped words share common meanings,
associations, and contextual nuances.

2. Cluster Interpretation: Interpret and analyze word clusters to derive insights into
linguistic patterns, cultural contexts, and thematic structures inherent in Afan Oromo
texts, fostering enhanced understanding and interpretation.

Findings and Insights Gained

Document Clustering:

 Thematic Patterns: Identify prevalent themes, topics, and subjects across Afan Oromo
documents, facilitating categorization, organization, and retrieval based on contextual
relevance and thematic coherence.

 Semantic Associations: Explore semantic associations, relationships, and connections

among clustered documents, uncovering hidden patterns, trends, and insights inherent in
Afan Oromo linguistic and cultural contexts.

6. Concluding Remarks and Recommendations

Summary of Key Findings

The study on Afan Oromo document clustering on similarity has illuminated several crucial
insights, methodologies, and implications pertinent to the effective organization, interpretation,
and retrieval of Afan Oromo texts. Key findings encompass:
1. Linguistic and Semantic Analysis: The study elucidated the intricate linguistic, semantic,
and syntactic characteristics inherent in Afan Oromo documents and words, fostering
enhanced understanding, interpretation, and communication among diverse stakeholders
and communities.

2. Clustering Algorithms and Techniques: A comprehensive analysis of clustering

algorithms, methodologies, and techniques revealed their efficacy, accuracy, and
relevance in organizing, categorizing, and retrieving Afan Oromo texts based on
thematic, semantic, and contextual similarities.

3. Evaluation Metrics and Insights: The application of advanced evaluation metrics,

methodologies, and techniques facilitated a systematic assessment of clustering
algorithms' performance, robustness, and applicability in Afan Oromo linguistic, cultural,
and academic contexts, uncovering hidden patterns, trends, and insights.

Recommendations for Improving Document and Word Clustering Techniques

1. Enhanced Linguistic Analysis: Incorporate advanced linguistic analysis tools,

methodologies, and techniques to capture the nuances, complexities, and variations
inherent in Afan Oromo vocabulary, syntax, and semantics, fostering enhanced language
learning, interpretation, and communication.

2. Innovative Clustering Algorithms: Explore and develop innovative clustering algorithms,

methodologies, and techniques tailored to Afan Oromo linguistic and cultural contexts,
accommodating diverse datasets, domains, and applications while ensuring scalability,
efficiency, and effectiveness.

3. Contextual Relevance and Cultural Preservation: Emphasize contextual relevance,

cultural preservation, and community engagement in developing, implementing, and
evaluating document and word clustering techniques, fostering inclusivity, diversity, and
representation among Afan Oromo speakers, stakeholders, and communities.

4. Collaborative Research and Interdisciplinary Approaches: Foster collaborative research,

interdisciplinary approaches, and community engagement initiatives to advance the field
of Afan Oromo document clustering, facilitating knowledge sharing, capacity building,
and academic contributions among diverse stakeholders, institutions, and communities.
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