3 B WB Answered

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when to call

to see
not to finish how many to buy

to find where to go

what to study
not to tell
not to do how much to make

to rent

difficult to talk

easy to buy offered

didn't want
important not to say
great to hear

fun to be
kind to invite
forgot / didn't remember

to study
to book forgot / didn't remember

to make tried
to get
to take learned


the writer is generally positive about mothers in law.







not driving

f imagining
staying reading
getting up taking

going exercising


to use
buying _____
to carry
to travel
to read ___
to look for


not to lose ONE

to borrow
to lend
to take D
to charge E

fairly difficult to understand American movies.

don't have to new teacher speaks very fast.

have to
Do have to of those students are a little unfriendly.

have to don't have to

English books is a really good idea.
Do have to
don't have to have to extremely hard to learn Chinese.

Does have to
doesn't have to has to

You must
You can't
You can't
You must
You can't

must not
must not
don't have to

must not
don't have to





On all Mac computers, iPhones, the iPod touch and

the iPad.

around 3000


should F
shouldn't E
shouldn't A
should C
shouldn't D

shouldn't drink
should go
should see
should tell
shouldn't give
should call
gets home
in shape
getting worse

got ticket

get along

gotten text message

getting up
get school E



b C
'll bring

will have

___ will come
_______ G
_______ catch
won't be
___ will have

will go

lost missed


waiting hope

look at



looking for In August and September

Extra nights in a hotel if you can't fly home
Things will only get worse.
wearing carrying
Your family and friends at home.

What they will do if there is a natural disaster?

Whose laptop is that his
Whose keys are those hers
Whose car is that ours
Whose coats are those yours quietly
Whose house is that theirs











The experiment hoped to find out if men and women cook differently. It wasn't



would you do if you found a million dollars

a phone if he could afford one.

gave me caviar i wouldn't eat it.

would you say if you could talk to the president?

c w
look for a new job if I were you.
b p s
j e l l f i s h
e d e
w h a l e e
saw o
would scream r p
didn't have b e a r
wouldn't have s n a k e
wasn't e
would get
lived would learn

would do
By pressing his finger into the shark's eye.



His head, shoulders, and one of his arms.


His son.

By helicopter.

He had deep cuts all over his body and a broken nose.

_____________________________________________________ Over nine feet long.

a u o o i a d
a a o o i a a
o o o i a e
a o o i a c






_____ since

____ for
___ since


a fear of dogs.
How long has played

How long has lived

How long has had

When did hear



How long


X since February __________________________________

X have you had

X for eight years



e did get
h have been

has worked

have had

did meet

has known

have lived



____ _______
_______ ________

___________ college divorced

graduate musician
___________ married retire
______________ separate successful




7 two years old

5 T

The movie The Iron Lady is based on the life of
given Margaret Thatcher

discovered Cell phones weren't invented by apple.

Lead isn't used in gas nowadays.

Low-cost flights are sold online.


The Petronus Towers were designed by an
Argentinian architect.

Avatar wasn't directed by Steven Spielberg.


Minis aren't made by a British company anymore.

Contact lenses were invented by a Czech chemist

Where are olives grown

The VW Beetles was designed in the 1930s.

Diamonds are found in many different colors.

When were vitamins discovered

Spanish is spoken in Spain and many parts of South America

Where were the Lord of the Rings movies made

are worn by people of all ages

in his pocket
weren't invented by Microsoft _____________
__________ German

the heat controlled by a computer

_________________ glass and paper
___________________ his wife's hand
was written by Stieg Larsson
______________ crisps
aren't used by people very much today ___________ a chef
__________ chips

wasn't painted by Picasso

the Twilight movies directed by the same person

e didn't use to behave
b used to wear
f Did Alex use to have
didn't use to study
used to be

didn't use to play

Did your teachers use to give

He used to go
didn't use to
use to
used to
g use to help


Amy was good at languages at school, but Tony wasn't

What's the most important lesson you learned at school?


Did you ever behave badly?

What subjects were you good at?

What did you want to do when you left school?

Did you have a favourite teacher?

might go decision
might have die
might take education
might rain
might invite inform
might make
might eat

might not get
might have
might not come success

might not be
might miss decided

might go imagine

might fail life


To discover if a good night's

sleep helps when you have to make an important

_______ two


_____ E

atch oint

kicked under
went through
threw into
u a ran across
t r hit over
i o
d o w n u p
f t p n
t o w a r d
h s
r t
a c r o s s
l u
o g
n h
auto racing
track and field

cards , tennis, football, boardgames, basketball

speaker 5
speaker 1
speaker 4
speaker 3

out of
along under





on She'll give them back on Friday.

Are you looking forward to it

I called her back when I got home

We don't get along with them

throw away
Do you want to turn it on
turn up
look up

look forward to
get along with

go out

try on
take back

give up

T get up

go out

take off

put on

give up

turn on

write down
Neither was I like both

So do I so
So would I identical
So am I

Neither have I

So did I

Neither have I

So was I

Neither am I

Neither can I

So would I

Neither do I



KB or OT
hadn't closed had done the ironing, he put the clothes away.

they had watched the news, they turned off the TV.
had started
hadn't flown I had read the book, I gave it back.

had read had tried on the top, we did the dishes

we had had dinner, we did the dishes

hadn't heard

Had they eaten sushi before

Had he won a medal before _________

Had they made a cake before __________

Had she run a marathon before

Had you been there before

________ _____
____ _______
We'd lost it.
You'd seen her
It'd been a terrible day.
I hadn't sent it.
She hadn't done it.
They hadn't told me.

4 3




gone on
gotten out of __________ closet
_____ Zambia
took _____ swum
realized ____
_________ cooking
chased ______ too small
______ living room
gotten on
Mrs. Dodd's husband
didn't like her parents
was getting divorced
had been to the police station
hadn't met his girlfriend
had seen James with another woman
couldn't cook
wouldn't tell anyone
would speak to her the next day
had a lot of work to do

I want a cup of coffee

We haven't seen the new neighbors yet

I don't want to go to the movie theater.

We'll go to the party

My computer has just broken

The city is very old

We'll visit you

Jessica gossips, but Alan doesn't.
____ F
____ F
____ T

told T

told F

_______________________________ ____________
___________________________________ _________

____________________________________ ______
___________________________ ______

_______________________________ back

5 to
6 forward
8 into/ across
2 in

did Brazil win

did REM stay

plays all
did Steve Jobs die o
do polar bears live pend
roads join arn
produces the most bananas ind
_____ C







_____ Cab
____ Rock


GRAMMAR 19 Do you _____ to wear a uniform at your school?

A must ■ B have ■ C mustn’t ■
Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
20 Mike _____ to go now. He’s already late.
Example: My sister _____ Italian.
A ’s ■ B must ■ C has ■
A speak ■ B speaks ■ ✓ C do speak ■ 20
1 I need _____ to drive a car this summer.
A learning ■ B learn ■ C to learn ■ VOCABULARY
2 I don’t mind _____ time with my boyfriend’s family.
a Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
A to spend ■ B spend ■ C spending ■
3 We stopped at a café _____ a drink and a break. Example: She _____ going to parties.
A to have ■ B have ■ C for have ■ A would ■ B wants ■ C likes ■

4 _____ about everything is the best way to have a good 1 I _____ of working as a singer or an actor.
relationship. A try ■ B dream ■ C plan ■
A Talking ■ B Talk ■ C The talking ■ 2 We’re _____ to go abroad next summer.
5 It’s interesting _____ your partner’s brothers and A planning ■ B liking ■ C loving ■
sisters. 3 Don’t _____ to turn off the light.
A meet ■ B to meet ■ C for meet ■ A miss ■ B forget ■ C leave ■
6 I don’t feel like _____ breakfast this morning. 4 Please stop _____ so much noise. I’m trying to work!
A having ■ B have ■ C to have ■ A making ■ B to make ■ C make ■
7 You _____ pay to go into that museum. It’s free. 5 He always _____ to help me with my homework.
A don’t must ■ B must not ■ A offers ■ B thinks ■ C says ■
C don’t have to ■
6 I _____ to go to the bank today.
8 Could you _____ when you were four years old? A dream ■ B need ■ C like ■
A to swim ■ B swimming ■ C swim ■
7 She’s _____ to buy a new house.
9 It’s a secret, so you _____ tell anybody. A thought ■ B would like ■ C decided ■
A must not to ■ B must not ■
8 We’re _____ to buy a new apartment soon.
C don’t have to ■
A hoping ■ B liking ■ C dreaming ■
10 Try _____ too much when you meet new people.
9 He went on _____ until he was an old man.
A don’t talk ■ B not to talk ■ C no talking ■ A working ■ B work ■ C at working ■
11 I would _____ work abroad in the future.
10 Clara always _____ a long time getting dressed.
A like to ■ B like ■ C to ■
A spends ■ B wants ■ C passes ■
12 It’s important _____ to customers in my job.
A listening ■ B to listen ■ C listen ■ b Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
13 I opened the door _____ who was there. Example: They’re enjoying _____ in Paris.
A see ■ B saw ■ C to see ■ A live ■ B living ■ ✓ C to live ■
14 _____ books or magazines is a great way to relax.
11 I hope _____ my driving test soon.
A Reading ■ B Read ■ C The reading ■
A for passing ■ B pass ■ C to pass ■
15 I hate _____ for buses in the rain!
12 Have you thought _____ to college?
A wait ■ B the wait ■ C waiting ■ A going ■ B to go ■ C about going ■
16 She’s good at _____. She makes fantastic pasta.
13 Hugo is very good _____ the piano.
A cooking ■ B to cook ■ C the cooking ■ A to play ■ B at playing ■ C playing ■
17 He _____ to work on Saturdays. He’s a store clerk.
14 My baby daughter has just started _____.
A has ■ B must ■ C must not ■
A to walk ■ B walk ■ C to walking ■
18 You _____ touch that. It’s very dangerous.
15 Sara promised _____ us organize the party.
A has ■ B must ■ C must not ■
A help ■ B to help ■ C helping ■


16 Have you finished _____ the dishes yet? PRONUNCIATION

A wash ■ B to wash ■ C washing ■ a Which word has a different sound? Check (✓) A,
17 His family spends a lot of money _____ expensive B, or C.
A for having ■ B having ■ Example: A van ■ B track ■ C lane ■

C for to have ■ 1 A mind ■ B why ■ C miss ■
18 I don’t want _____ out today. It’s too cold. 2 A smile ■ B lived ■ C since ■
A to go ■ B going ■ C go ■ 3 A high ■ B win ■ C try ■
19 He _____ to be rich, but he had no money! 4 A science ■ B history ■ C child ■
A pretended ■ B finished ■ C stopped ■ 5 A quite ■ B arrive ■ C think ■
20 We’re learning _____ golf.
A play ■ B playing ■ C to play ■ b Which word has a different number of syllables?
Check (✓) A, B, or C.
Example: A liked ■
✓ B wanted ■ C agreed ■
(one) (two) (two)
6 A relationship ■ B incredibly ■
C university ■
7 A language ■ B didn’t ■ C ambitions ■
8 A girlfriend ■ B invited ■ C parents ■
9 A haven’t ■ B dreamed ■ C loved ■
10 A finished ■ B politics ■ C something ■


Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50


GRAMMAR 18 Oh, sorry! I picked up _____ jacket.

A yours ■ B your’s ■ C your ■
Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
19 You shouldn’t _____ a lot of coffee. It’s bad for you.
Example: My sister _____ Italian.
A drink ■ B to drink ■ C drinking ■
A speak ■ B speaks ■ ✓ C do speak ■ 20 I don’t think you _____ go out tonight. You’re very
1 If the pool is open, we _____ for a swim. tired.
A go ■ B ’ll go ■ C ’d go ■ A may ■ B shouldn’t ■ C should ■
2 She _____ speak to you again if you do that. 20
A doesn’t ■ B wouldn’t ■ C won’t ■
3 If you _____ time, will you come over for coffee? VOCABULARY
A have ■ B will have ■ C had ■
a Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences
4 You’ve got an exam tomorrow. You _____ go out with the correct verb.
Example: I always _____ a suit to work.
A don’t should ■ B shouldn’t to ■
C shouldn’t ■ A carry ■ B wear ■ ✓ C try ■
5 A Is this _____? 1 We should hurry or we’ll _____ the bus.
B No, it’s Maria’s. A miss ■ B lose ■ C catch ■
A yours book ■ B book yours ■ C your ■ 2 A party is a good place to _____ people.
6 That’s not your cell phone! It’s _____. A know ■ B look like ■ C meet ■
A my ■ B my one ■ C mine ■ 3 Don’t forget to _____ your homework.
7 You’ll love this movie _____ you like mystery stories. A do ■ B make ■ C write ■
A then ■ B if ■ C when ■ 4 My sister _____ my mother.
8 You _____ walk home at night. It’s dangerous. A looks ■ B like ■ C looks like ■
A should ■ B shouldn’t ■ C shouldn’t to ■ 5 He _____ the photograph.
9 I think they _____ buy a new car. Their old one looks A watched ■ B looked at ■ C looked ■
terrible. 6 We _____ for the bus for an hour before it arrived.
A should ■ B should to ■ C must not ■ A hoped ■ B expected ■ C waited ■
10 Nina couldn’t come to my birthday party, but I went 7 Rico doesn’t _____ much money as a waiter.
to _____. A win ■ B earn ■ C spend ■
A her ■ B she’s ■ C hers ■ 8 You _____ very young in this photo.
11 If we _____ lines, the other line will move more quickly. A look ■ B look at ■ C look like ■
A changed ■ B change ■ C will change ■ 9 I can _____ you $10 until tomorrow, if you like.
12 She’ll be really happy if we _____ her to our party. A borrow ■ B lend ■ C take ■
A invited ■ B invite ■ C would invite ■ 10 Marco _____ his girlfriend lots of lies.
13 If they _____ arrive in five minutes, we’ll go. A said ■ B told to ■ C told ■
A didn’t ■ B won’t ■ C don’t ■
14 I don’t think you _____ tell your parents about this. b Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
A shouldn’t ■ B should ■ C should to ■ Example: Frank works very _____. He spent four
15 A _____ go soon? hours on his homework!
B Yes, we should. It’s very late. A fast ■ B slowly ■ ✓ C slow ■
A Should we ■ B We should ■ 11 Our French teacher speaks too _____ for me to
C Don’t we should ■ understand.
16 You _____ spend so much money on clothes. A quick ■ B fast ■ C fastly ■
A should not to ■ B didn’t should ■ 12 Your room is very _____ at the moment.
C should not ■ A clean ■ B cleanly ■ C cleaning ■
17 A _____ car is this? 13 Our team played really _____, and we won the game.
B It’s ours. A good ■ B well ■ C excellent ■
A Who’s ■ B Whose ■ C Who ■


14 The children were playing _____ outside. PRONUNCIATION

A happy ■ B happyly ■ C happily ■ a Which word has a different sound? Check (✓) A,
15 They played a lovely _____ song. B, or C.
A sadly ■ B sadness ■ C sad ■ Example: A van ■ B track ■ C lane ■

c Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. 1 A should ■ B food ■ C good ■
Example: I get _____ at 7:30 every day. 2 A enough ■ B would ■ C just ■
A up ■ ✓ B down ■ C on ■ 3 A must ■ B foot ■ C love ■
16 He studies a lot and his English is getting _____. 4 A could ■ B put ■ C but ■
A best ■ B better ■ C the best ■ 5 A boot ■ B look ■ C push ■
17 My sister and her boyfriend are getting _____ next
year. b Which letter isn’t pronounced? Check (✓) A, B,
A married ■ B marry ■ C marrying ■ or C.
18 She got _____ the bus and walked home. Example: would
A on ■ B to ■ C off ■ A would ■
✓ B would ■ C would ■
19 I get _____ the bus to go to work. 6 mustn’t
A on ■ B to ■ C off ■ A shouldn’t ■ B shouldn’t ■
20 He left work at six and got _____ at 6:30. C shouldn’t ■
A to home ■ B the home ■ C home ■ 7 science
A science ■ B science ■ C science ■
8 girlfriend
A girlfriend ■ B girlfriend ■
C girlfriend ■
9 couldn’t
A couldn’t ■ B couldn’t ■ C couldn’t ■
10 yesterday
A sign ■ B sign ■ C sign ■

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50


GRAMMAR 18 _____ you stop working if you were rich?

A Would ■ B Will ■ C Do ■
Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
19 My mom was a teacher _____ 25 years before retiring.
Example: My sister _____ Italian.
A for ■ B since ■ C during ■
A speak ■ B speaks ■ ✓ C do speak ■ 20 We’ve lived here _____ I was a young child.
1 If I _____ English better, I’d travel around the US. A for ■ B since ■ C when ■
A speak ■ B will speak ■ C spoke ■ 20
2 She _____ in this town since she was five.
A lives ■ B has lived ■ C is living ■ VOCABULARY
3 A Have you ever climbed a mountain?
a Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences in
B Yes, I have. It _____ in 2007.
the biography.
A was ■ B has been ■ C been ■
Example: She was _____ in 1922.
4 If I _____ you, I wouldn’t take that job. You won’t
enjoy it. A birth ■ B born ■ ✓ C die ■
A were ■ B have been ■ C could be ■ 1 She went to _____ school when she was five.
5 We would travel more if we didn’t _____ pets. A elementary ■ B high ■ C university ■
A had ■ B to have ■ C have ■ 2 She _____ home when she was eighteen.
6 How long _____ here? A left ■ B went to ■ C retired ■
A are you work ■ B do you work ■ 3 She started _____ in a hospital.
C have you worked ■ A a work ■ B the work ■ C working ■
7 I’ve been a language student _____. 4 She _____ in love when she was twenty-four.
A for two years ■ B since two years ■ A jumped ■ B caught ■ C fell ■
C two years ago ■ 5 She _____ when she was twenty-seven.
8 I _____ be so tired if I slept more. A got married ■ B was marry ■
A won’t ■ B wouldn’t ■ C didn’t ■ C got marry ■
9 When _____ home? 6 They _____ their first child when she was thirty.
A did you leave ■ B have you left ■ A got ■ B had ■ C became ■
C did you left ■ 7 She and her husband_____ in 1964.
10 My grandfather, who died in 1980, _____ an A have separated ■ B were separate ■
interesting life. C separated ■
A has had ■ B had ■ C has ■ 8 They _____ two years later.
11 How _____ have you known my sister? A divorce ■ B got divorced ■
A many time ■ B much time ■ C long ■ C get divorced ■
12 We’ve been in this apartment _____ last year. 9 She _____ when she was sixty.
A since ■ B for ■ C in ■ A retired ■ B dead ■ C left ■
13 I have always _____ afraid of spiders. 10 She _____ when she was seventy-eight.
A be ■ B been ■ C gone ■ A leave ■ B died ■ C retire ■
14 How many movies _____ Johnny Depp made?
A did ■ B have ■ C has ■
15 When _____ your parents meet?
A have ■ B has ■ C did ■
16 What _____ she do if she lost her job?
A will ■ B would ■ C did ■
17 If we _____ work tomorrow, we’d stay longer at the
A have to ■ B didn’t have to ■
C don’t have ■


b Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences PRONUNCIATION

with the correct animal.
a Which word is NOT stressed in the sentence?
Example: A _____ bit me last night when I was Check (✓) A, B, or C. (All the unstressed words
sleeping. have the /ə/ vowel sound.)
A dolphin ■ B mosquito ■ ✓
Example: I have had a phobia since I was young.
C butterfly ■
A was ■ ✓ B phobia ■ C young ■
11 Be careful! There’s a _____ on that flower.
1 We lived there for ten years.
A butterfly ■ B bee ■ C duck ■
A years ■ B lived ■ C for ■
12 _____ have very long necks.
2 Have you seen this movie?
A Giraffes ■ B Lions ■ C Bears ■ A movie ■ B have ■ C seen ■
13 Mickey _____ is a famous Disney character.
3 I don’t like mosquitoes and spiders.
A Cow ■ B Kangaroo ■ C Mouse ■ A don’t ■ B like ■ C and ■
14 The _____ is the king of the jungle.
4 I can look at water, but I can’t swim in it.
A bear ■ B lion ■ C whale ■ A can ■ B can’t ■ C swim ■
15 A _____ is a very dangerous fish.
5 He hasn’t known us for long.
A dolphin ■ B shark ■ C whale ■ A hasn’t ■ B known ■ C us ■
c Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences
about phobias. b Which is the stressed syllable? Check (✓) A, B, or
Example: Many people are afraid _____ spiders.
Example: A afternoon ■
✓ B afternoon ■
A for ■ B by ■ C of ■ ✓
C afternoon ■
16 My sister has a terrible _____ of heights.
A afraid ■ B scared ■ C fear ■
6 A phobia ■ B phobia ■ C phobia ■
7 A terrified ■ B terrified ■ C terrified ■
17 Some children are _____ of school.
A frightened ■ B frightening 8 A exposure ■ B exposure ■
■ C exposure ■
C frighten ■
18 Not many people suffer _____ this phobia. 9 A overcome ■ B overcome ■
C overcome ■
A of ■ B from ■ C for ■
10 A remember ■ B remember ■
19 When the elevator stopped, Lisa started to _____
C remember ■
A feel ■ B be ■ C get ■ 10

20 My baby son is _____ of the dark. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
A terrible ■ B terror ■ C terrified ■

10 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE

GRAMMAR 18 When did you _____ to know Alex?

A used ■ B were ■ C use ■
Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
19 Who _____ the zipper?
Example: My sister _____ Italian.
A is invented ■ B was invented ■
A speak ■ B speaks ■ ✓ C do speak ■ C invented ■
1 Take a sandwich because you _____ get hungry. 20 Janet isn’t answering her phone. She _____ be out.
A might ■ B might not ■ C should ■ A can ■ B would ■ C might ■
2 You might _____ like the movie. It’s very long. 20
A to not ■ B not to ■ C not ■
3 He _____ play soccer when he was young. VOCABULARY
A used to ■ B use to ■ C used ■
a Check (✓) the correct school subject, A, B, or C.
4 I _____ like public speaking. Now I love it.
A don’t use to ■ B didn’t use to ■ Example: All insects have six legs.
C didn’t used to ■ A chemistry ■ B physics ■
C biology ■✓
5 A lot of novels _____ into other languages.
A are translate ■ B are translated ■ 1 The capital of Norway is Oslo.
C is translated ■ A geography ■ B history ■ C math ■
6 Millions of disposable diapers _____ every day in 2 There is oxygen and nitrogen in the air.
the US. A science ■ B technology ■
A are used ■ B used ■ C are use ■ C geography ■
7 When was this museum _____? 3 Abraham Lincoln was a US president.
A build ■ B built ■ C be built ■ A geography ■ B history ■ C math ■
8 We aren’t sure but we _____ go away this weekend. 4 32 – 27 = 5
A might to ■ B will ■ C might ■ A geography ■ B history ■ C math ■
9 She _____ at home. Her car isn’t there. 5 Shakespeare wrote, “To be or not to be …”
A may not be ■ B may not to be ■ A technology ■ B science ■
C might to be ■ C literature ■
10 Did you use _____ glasses?
b Check (✓) A , B, or C to form the correct noun.
A wore ■ B to wear ■ C wear ■
Example: imagin_____
11 Fiat cars _____ in Italy.
A -asion ■ B -etion ■ C -ation ■

A are make ■ B be made ■ C are made ■
12 What time do you _____ go to work? 6 cho_____
A usually ■ B use to ■ C used ■ A -se ■ B -ise ■ C -ice ■
13 The movie was directed _____ Quentin Tarantino. 7 organiz_____
A for ■ B from ■ C by ■ A -asion ■ B -ation ■ C -ate ■
14 When _____ iPods invented? 8 d_____
A are ■ B was ■ C were ■ A -yed ■ B -eath ■ C -ied ■
15 A Did they use to be married? 9 op_____
B Yes, they _____. A -sion ■ B -tion ■ C -ted ■
A are ■ B did ■ C was ■ 10 succ_____
16 How _____? A -asion ■ B -essness ■ C -ess ■
A it’s made cheese ■ B is cheese made ■ 11 educ_____
C cheese is made ■ A -asion ■ B -ation ■ C -ate ■
17 All of the children _____ a prize for entering the 12 elect_____
A -ion ■ B -ision ■ C -icion ■
A were given ■ B did given ■ C were gave ■ 13 inform_____
A -asion ■ B -ent ■ C -ation ■

10 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE

14 confus_____ PRONUNCIATION
A -ion ■ B -ement ■ C -ation ■ a Which word has the correct sound? Check (✓) A,
15 invit_____ B, or C.
A -esion ■ B -ation ■ C -ision ■ Example: /ɔɪ/
c Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences A chose ■ B choose ■ C choice ■

with past participles. 1 /ɪə/
Example: Harry Potter was _____ by J.K. Rowling. A bear ■ B near ■ C were ■
A written ■✓ B wrote ■ C write ■ 2 /eɪ/
16 Sherlock Holmes was _____ on a real person. A might ■ B education ■ C meet ■
A base ■ B basing ■ C based ■ 3 /aɪ/
17 The dishwasher was _____ by a woman. A decide ■ B afraid ■ C car ■
A invented ■ B invention ■ C invent ■ 4 /ɛə/
18 Penicillin was first _____ by Alexander Fleming. A idea ■ B here ■ C hair ■
A discover ■ B discovered ■ 5 /aʊ/
C discovering ■ A famous ■ B sound ■ C know ■
19 Avatar was _____ by James Cameron.
A directing ■ B direct ■ C directed
b Which -ed past simple ending adds an extra
■ syllable /ɪd/? Check (✓) A, B, or C.
20 This dress was _____ by Vivienne Westwood.
A designing ■ B design ■ C designed Example: A wanted ■✓ B discovered ■
■ C designed ■
6 A started ■ B produced ■ C used ■
7 A fixed ■ B decided ■ C asked ■
8 A directed ■ B called ■ C showed ■
9 A invented ■ B played ■ C smiled ■
10 A loved ■ B hoped ■ C created ■


Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

11 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE

GRAMMAR 18 Turn on your lights when you drive _____ the tunnel.
A out of ■ B through ■ C over ■
Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
19 In tennis you hit the ball _____ a net.
Example: My sister _____ Italian.
A into ■ B along ■ C over ■
A speak ■ B speaks ■ ✓ C do speak ■ 20 A I’ve seen that movie.
1 Jordan’s looking _____ the house for his wallet. B So _____ I. I saw it last week.
A around ■ B over ■ C into ■ A had ■ B did ■ C have ■
2 Your boots are dirty! Please take _____ outside. 20
A off ■ B off them ■ C them off ■
3 Let’s get _____ the house and go for a walk. VOCABULARY
A through ■ B out of ■ C along ■
a Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences
4 This form is in Chinese. I can’t fill _____. with the correct preposition.
A it out ■ B out it ■ C it ■
Example: The train went through the tunnel.
5 We walked _____ the park.
A across ■ B through ■ ✓ C down ■
A through ■ B over ■ C under ■
6 Ella _____ of the room and didn’t come back. 1 The cat ran _____ the road.
A went ■ B went out ■ C went in ■ A across ■ B through ■ C across from ■
7 A I love Italian food. 2 Our ball fell _____ the river.
B _____. It’s delicious. A across ■ B into ■ C over ■
A So do I ■ B So I do ■ C Neither do I ■ 3 In track and field you have to run _____ a track.
8 I can’t find my passport. Please help me _____. A over ■ B across ■ C around ■
A look for ■ B look it for ■ C look for it ■ 4 We walked up the hill and then _____ again.
9 Here are your shoes. _____. A down ■ B along ■ C towards ■
A Put them on ■ B Put on they ■ 5 Pass the ball _____ me!
C Put on them ■ A around ■ B along ■ C to ■
10 A I used to play a lot more sports when I was younger. 6 You have to walk _____ six floors to get to
B So _____ I. our apartment.
A am ■ B was ■ C did ■ A over ■ B along ■ C up ■
11 A I can’t drive. 7 You drove _____ me today, but you didn’t see me.
B Neither _____ I. A across ■ B past ■ C through ■
A do ■ B can ■ C can’t ■ 8 Which road goes _____ the beach?
12 Why don’t you _____? A toward ■ B into ■ C down ■
A off the TV turn ■ B the TV turn off ■ 9 Sorry, I’ve broken your plate. It fell _____ the floor.
C turn the TV off ■ A onto ■ B down ■ C over ■
13 Your towel’s on the floor. Pick _____, please. 10 When I took my phone _____ my pocket, I could see
A up it ■ B it up ■ C up ■ it was broken.
14 A I don’t like horror movies. A past ■ B out of ■ C off ■
B _____ do I. They’re awful.
b Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
A So ■ B Neither ■ C Also ■
15 Don’t jump _____ the pool. The water isn’t deep. Example: I took the book _____ to the library.
A into ■ B through ■ C over ■ A away ■ B back ■ ✓ C up ■
16 Your iPod will break if you don’t _____. 11 We’re looking _____ to our vacation next week.
A look after it ■ B look after ■ A forward ■ B out ■ C for ■
C look it after ■ 12 You should _____ up smoking. It’s not good for you.
17 A I’m not very hungry. A stop ■ B go ■ C give ■
B Neither _____. 13 Turn the radio _____. It’s too loud.
A I’m ■ B am I ■ C I am ■ A up ■ B down ■ C on ■

11 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE

14 The class will _____ over in ten minutes. PRONUNCIATION

A have ■ B get ■ C be ■
a Which word has a different sound? Check (✓) A,
15 Could you _____ out what time the game starts? B, or C.
A put ■ B find ■ C go ■
16 Can you look _____ these words in your
Example: A van ■ B track ■ C lane ■

dictionaries? 1 A neither ■ B think ■ C both ■
A up ■ B down ■ C in ■ 2 A hockey ■ B auto racing ■
17 Carol looks _____ her mother. They’re identical. C volleyball ■
A after ■ B for ■ C like ■ 3 A both ■ B golf ■ C so ■
18 Martin and John _____ have red hair. 4 A penalty ■ B auto racing ■
A neither ■ B both ■ C all ■ C baseball ■
19 Your bag’s exactly the same _____ mine. 5 A skiing ■ B boxing ■ C academics ■
A with ■ B of ■ C as ■
b Which word has the same stress pattern? Check
20 His new movie is very _____ to the last one. (✓) A, B, or C.
A the same ■ B the similar ■ C similar ■ Example: basketball
20 A afternoon ■ B presenting ■
C windsurfing ■✓
6 tennis
A along ■ B baseball ■ C defeat ■
7 exercise
A behavior ■ B intention ■
C volleyball ■
8 exciting
A penalty ■ B basketball ■
C expression ■
9 across
A toward ■ B over ■ C under ■
10 identical
A indecisive ■ B immediately ■
C energetic ■

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

12 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE

GRAMMAR 18 Who _____ you last night? Was it Mary?

A does call ■ B called ■ C have you called ■
Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
19 Tom said he _____ a doctor in the future.
Example: My sister _____ Italian.
A goes to be ■ B had been ■
A speak ■ B speaks ■ ✓ C do speak ■ C was going to be ■
1 Who _____ you that strange story? 20 The radio news said there _____ a car accident an hour
A did tell ■ B told ■ C did you tell ■ earlier.
2 Which hotel _____ the most expensive rooms? A been ■ B had been ■ C would been ■
A has ■ B does have ■ C is have ■
3 Eva was tired because she _____ the night before.
A didn’t slept ■ B hadn’t sleep ■ VOCABULARY
C hadn’t slept ■
4 We gave Kojo a lift because he _____ missed his bus. a Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the verb phrases.
A would ■ B had ■ C have ■ Example: He was _____ prison for six months.
5 Who _____ yesterday? A into ■ B in ■ ✓ C at ■
A you saw ■ B did see you ■ C did you see ■ 1 Please put your luggage _____ the belt.
6 The man said the time _____ 8 o’clock. A to ■ B on ■ C over ■
A was ■ B been ■ C be ■ 2 Who does this bag _____?
7 What _____ to your hair? It looks terrible! A belong to ■ B own to ■ C go with ■
A has happened ■ B was happened ■ 3 At first nobody _____ there was a problem.
C happens ■ A planned ■ B organized ■ C realized ■
8 When I got home I realized I _____ my keys on the bus. 4 Quick! _____ the train. It’s leaving now.
A leave ■ B left ■ C had left ■ A Get on ■ B Catch on ■ C Go in ■
9 The teacher _____ to sit down. 5 We’re going _____ vacation next week.
A said us ■ B told us ■ C told to us ■ A for ■ B to ■ C on ■
10 Who _____ the cake? It’s very good! 6 Check how hot the water is before you _____ the
A did make ■ B made ■ C was made ■ bath.
11 How _____ last night? A get into ■ B go on ■ C walk to ■
A you felt ■ B were you feel ■ 7 We _____ the bus at the wrong stop.
C did you feel ■ A took off ■ B got off ■ C went from ■
12 Ben said he _____ call me later. 8 The men were freed _____ prison after two years.
A had ■ B was ■ C would ■ A off ■ B from ■ C out of ■
13 Maria told us she _____ tired, and went to bed. 9 Is there time to _____ swim before we go home?
A was ■ B has been ■ C is ■ A go ■ B have a ■ C take ■
14 Jamie said he _____ the movie many times before. 10 I’m away next weekend, so I’m _____ my dog with
A saw ■ B had seen ■ C sees ■ friends.
15 How many people _____ to the concert? A leaving ■ B having ■ C staying ■
A goes ■ B were gone ■ C went ■
16 My grandfather told us about the places he _____ to in b Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
his life. Example: “Hello!” she _____.
A was traveling ■ B had traveled ■ A told ■ B said us ■ C said ■

C going to travel ■
11 Please _____ Mark that dinner is ready.
17 Before last night, I _____ the professor. A told ■ B say ■ C tell ■
A was never meeting ■ B have never met ■ 12 What have you _____ your mother? She’s very
C had never met ■
A said to ■ B said ■ C told to ■

12 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE

13 “Hurry up!” _____ Dad. PRONUNCIATION

A told us ■ B said ■ C told ■ a Which past participle has a different sound?
14 Dom _____ that he wanted to study medicine. Check (✓) A, B, or C.
A has told ■ B said us ■ C said ■
15 I _____ you not to do that!
Example: A won ■ B begun ■ C got ■

A ’m saying ■ B ’ve told ■ C told to ■ 1 A become ■ B done ■ C gone ■
2 A broken ■ B brought ■ C caught ■
c Check (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences
with past participles.
3 A felt ■ ■
B spoken ■ C read
4 A made ■ B paid ■ C said ■
Example: J.K. Rowling had _____ several Harry Potter
books by 2000.
5 A put ■ B sung ■ C come ■
A written ■✓ B wrote ■ C write ■ b Which syllable has the unstressed /ə/ sound?
16 I didn’t know that you and Jake had _____ about this. Check (✓) A, B, or C.
A speaked ■ B spoken ■ C spoke ■ Example: A afternoon ■ B afternoon ■
17 She had never _____ the song before, but she did it C afternoon ■

beautifully. 6 A forgetting ■ B forgetting ■
A sang ■ B singed ■ C sung ■ C forgetting ■
18 John told us he had _____ the bell. 7 A interesting ■ B interesting ■
A rung ■ B rang ■ C ring ■ C interesting ■
19 Liam said that he hadn’t _____ an airplane before. 8 A disasters ■ B disasters ■ C disasters ■
A flyed ■ B flown ■ C flew ■ 9 A afterward ■ B afterward ■
20 Gina’s parents had _____ her some money. C afterward ■
A given ■ B gaven ■ C gave ■ 10 A information ■ B information ■
20 C information ■

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

7B Song Don’t Stop Me Now
a Match the phrases and pictures.
a shooting star a racing car the laws of gravity the speed of light
a rocket ship a satellite Two hundred degrees a tiger

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Don’t Stop Me Now   b Listen to the song, verse by

verse, and fill in the blanks
Tonight I’m gonna have myself a real good time with a phrase from a. Some
I feel alive of them are used more
And the world is turning inside out, yeah! than once.
I’m floating around in ecstasy, so
(Don’t stop me now)   c What do you think this
(Don’t stop me) ’cause I’m having a good time, having a good time song was voted in the UK?
a The greatest dancing
I’m 1a shooting star leaping through the sky like 2
Defying 3
song ever
I’m 4 passing by like Lady Godiva* b The greatest driving
I’m gonna go, go, go, there’s no stopping me song ever
I’m burning through the sky, yeah! c The greatest karaoke
, that’s why they call me Mister Fahrenheit song ever
I’m traveling at 6 , I wanna make a
Supersonic man out of you

(Don’t stop me now) gonna = going to
I’m having such a good time, I’m having a ball defy = go against
wanna = want to
(Don’t stop me now)
turning inside out = completely
If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call
different from normal
(Don’t stop me now)
floating = moving slowly in the air
’Cause I’m having a good time in ecstasy = very happily
(Don’t stop me now) burning through the sky = going
Yes I’m having a good time, I don’t want to stop at all very fast, like a rocket
I’m 7 on my way to Mars on a collision course supersonic = traveling at the speed
of sound
I am 8 , I’m out of control
having a ball = having a good time
I am a machine, ready to reload
on a collision course = going to
Like an atom bomb, about to explode
crash into something
I’m burning through the sky, yeah!
, that’s why they call me Mister Fahrenheit *Lady Godiva is famous in
I’m traveling at the speed of light, I wanna make a
English history. She rode a horse
in public while wearing no clothes.
Supersonic woman of you
The singer means that everyone
(Don’t stop me, don’t stop me, don’t stop me) will notice him.
Hey hey hey! (Don’t stop me, don’t stop me, Ooh ooh ooh)
I like it (Don’t stop me, don’t stop me)
Have a good time, good time Song facts
(Don’t stop me, don’t stop me)
Don’t Stop Me Now was a hit for the UK
Ooh ooh, alright group Queen in 1978. Many other bands
have recorded versions of the song, and
Oh, burning through the sky, yeah!
it has been used in movies and ads.
, that’s why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
Traveling at 11 , I wanna make a
Supersonic man out of you


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8A Song Why Do I Feel So Sad?
a Listen to the song and cross out the extra word in each line.

Why Do I Feel So Sad?

1 Friends we’ve been for so long, now your true colors are showing

2 Makes me wanna cry, oh yes it does, ’Cause I had to say goodbye again

3 By now I should know, that in time all things must change,
4 So it shouldn’t be so bad, so why do I feel so sad now?

5 How can I adjust, to the way that these things are going?
6 It’s killing me very slowly. Oh I just want it to be how it used to be
7 ’Cause I wish that I could stay longer, but in time things must change
8 So it shouldn’t be so bad, so why do I feel so sad now?

9 You cannot always hide the way you feel inside I realize
10 Your actions speak much louder than any words, so tell me why, oh

Chorus (x2)

11 By now, by now I should really know, that in time things must grow
12 And I had to leave you behind me,
13 So why do I feel so sad today, if it couldn’t be that bad
14 Please tell me why


  b Read the lyrics and match the words and phrases.
1 true colors are showing e a walk away from
2 makes me wanna cry b know something is true
3 adjust c want to
4 used to be d the things you do are more important
than what you say
5 wish that I could e I can see your real personality
6 realize f change yourself, when life changes
7 actions speak louder than words g was in the past
8 leave…behind h makes me sad

Song facts
Why Do I Feel So Sad? was a song from Alicia Keys’ 2001 album, Songs in A Minor.

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9C Song You’re My #1
a Match the words and the pictures. 1 2 3 4

angels the moon

a butterfly the sky
5 6 7 8
a fountain a sunset
lips a tear

  b Listen to the song and circle the right word or phrase from each pair.

You’re My #1
I’ve kissed the moon 1 times a thousand / a million
Danced with angels in the sky
I’ve seen snowfall in the 2 summertime / winter
Felt the healing of the powers up above
I’ve seen the world from the 3 mountain highest / tallest
Tasted love from the purest fountain
I’ve seen lips that spark desire
Felt the butterflies 4 times a hundred / a thousand

I’ve even 5 miracles known / seen

I’ve felt the pain disappear
But still 6 anything haven’t seen / didn’t see
That 7 me quite like you do amazes / surprises

You bring me up when 8 down I feel / I’m feeling
You touch me deep you touch me 9 again / right
You do the things I’ve never 10
done / known
You make me wicked you make me wild
’Cause 11 , you’re my number one baby / darling

I’ve 12 in a perfect dream flown / sailed

I’ve seen the sun make love to the sea
I’ve kissed the moon a million times
with angels in the sky Talked / Danced

I’ve even seen miracles

I’ve seen the tears disappear Glossary
But still haven’t seen anything Felt the healing of the powers up above = felt
That amazes me quite like you do better because of God
purest = cleanest
Chorus (x2)
spark desire = make me want them
felt the butterflies = felt scared or nervous
(“have butterflies in your stomach”)
  c Listen to the song again to check and miracles = wonderful and surprising things
read the lyrics. Write the missing word disappear = go away
or phrase in the blank. amazes = surprises very much
bring me up = make me happy
Song facts feel down = feel sad
Enrique Iglesias is one of the most successful Latin singers of all touch me deep = change me a lot
time. His father, Julio Iglesias, is also a famous singer in Spanish wicked = wanting to do bad things
and English. You’re My #1 was a single on his first English- wild = excited
speaking album, Enrique, in 1999.

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10B Song ABC
a Listen to the song, verse by verse, and fill in the blanks 1–10 with a verb from the list.

VERSE 1  make repeat take teach

You went to school to learn, girl

Things you never, never knew before
Like I before E except after C
And why two plus two 1makes four, now now now,
I’m gonna 2 you (Teach you, teach you)
All about love, dear (All about love)
Sit yourself down, 3 a seat
All you gotta do is 4
after me.

A B C, Easy as
One, two, three, Or simple as
Do re mi, A B C,
One, two, three, baby, you and me girl!
A B C, Easy as
One, two, three, Or simple as
Do re mi, A B C,
One, two, three, baby, you and me girl!

VERSE 2  listen (x2) love show(x2) spell

Come on, let me 5 you just a little bit!

I’m going to teach you how to sing it out!
Come on, come on, come on, let me 6
you what it’s all about!   b Read the lyrics and match the
Reading, writing, arithmetic are the bold phrases in the song to their
Branches of the learning tree meanings.
But 7 ! Without the roots of love every 1 the first three
day girl, musical notes
Your education ain’t complete 2 the first three
Teacher’s gonna 8 you letters of the alphabet
How to get an A!
3 a math sum
“me” “you,” add the two
4 the first three
to me baby, that’s all you gotta do!
Chorus 5 three school
That’s how easy love can be (x2) subjects
Sing a simple melody 6 a rule about
One two three, you and me spelling

Song facts Glossary

ABC was a big hit for The Jackson Five in 1970. Michael Jackson sang gotta = got to (= have to, must)
the lead vocals on the song, at the age of just 11 years old. The song branches, roots = parts of a tree
was more recently recorded by the cast of Glee in the American musical ain’t = isn’t
comedy series. get an “A” = get the highest grade on a test
or exam

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11A Song The Final Countdown
a Listen to the song and match lines 1–8 with lines a–h.

The Final Countdown

1 We’re leaving together, g

2 And maybe we’ll come back

3 I guess there is
We’re leaving ground

4 Will things ever

It’s the final countdown
The final countdown

5 We’re heading for Venus, Venus,

6 Cause maybe they’ve seen us
7 With so many light years to go
8 I’m sure that


a be the same again?

b we all miss her so
c and things to be found
d no one to blame
e and still we stand tall
f and welcome us all
g but still it’s farewell
h to earth, who can tell

  b Check (✓) the pairs of words from the song that have the same sound.
1 leaving heading
2 together farewell
3 guess be
4 we maybe
5 again tell
6 seen welcome

Song facts
The 1986 song The Final Glossary
Countdown was a number one hit miss = feel sad because you are far from something or somebody
in 25 countries for the Swedish I guess = I think
band Europe. They originally no one to blame = nobody did anything wrong
wrote the song just to open leaving ground = leaving the earth (in a rocket)
their concerts with an exciting final countdown = counting from ten to zero before a rocket leaves the ground
countdown to the start of the stand tall = feel proud and brave
show, and they were surprised
heading for = traveling to
when it was so successful. It is
farewell = goodbye
often played around the world at
sporting events.
light years = a very long distance
who can tell = nobody knows

278 American English File 2nd edition Teacher’s Book 2 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013

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12B Song I Heard It Through the Grapevine
a Read the song lyrics and try to guess some of the missing words (1–8) They contain the same
sound as the previous word in bold. Then listen and fill in the blanks.

I Heard It Through the Grapevine

Ooh, I bet you’re wondering how I knew
’Bout your plans to make me 1blue
With some other guy that you knew before.
Between the two of us guys you know I love you 2m .
It took me by surprise I must say,
When I found out 3y . Don’t you know that …

I heard it through the grapevine
Not much longer would you be 4m . Oh
I heard it through the grapevine, Oh
I’m just about to lose my mind.
Honey, honey yeah.
(Heard it through the grapevine, not much longer would you be mine baby, ooh)

I know that a man ain’t supposed to cry,

But these tears I can’t hold 5in .
Losin’ you would end my life, you see,
’Cause you mean that much to 6m .
You could have told me yourself
That you loved someone else. Instead…


People say “believe half of what you see,

Son, and none of what you hear.”
But I can’t help being confused
If it’s true please tell me, 7d .
Do you plan to let me go
For the other guy you loved before? Don’t you 8kn that …


  b Match the words and phrases with their meanings.

1 I bet i a are important /special
2 blue b from other people’s conversation
3 guy c become crazy
4 found out d sad
5 through the grapevine e shouldn’t
6 ain’t supposed to f unsure
7 lose my mind g It was wrong that you didn’t tell me.
8 mean that much h heard / discovered
9 you could have told me i I’m sure
10 confused j man
Song facts
I Heard It Through the Grapevine was written in 1966, and it has been a hit for many different artists. Marvin Gaye’s 1968
version of the song was the most successful of all and is one of the most popular soul songs of all time.

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