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Study guide

Learning Process
St. Ignatius of Loyola
-Member of the Society of Jesus (Congregation)
-they are called Jesuits
-they are advocates of Education
-they owned Ateneo Schools
The Learning Process
1. Pre-Lectio: this includes reading materials or pre-review quizzes, video presentations, or
subjective essays for a certain topic to be sent via email or quipper.
2. Lectio: this is the actual or face-to-face discussion, face-to-face quiz, and oral recitation.
3. Repititio: Review of the topic. This might be in the form of Oral recitation or objective
essay writing.
Ignatius' qoute
"Non multa sed multum"
-A latin Proverb used by St. Ignatius of Loyola
-Not Many but much
The quality with which a work is done—the “muchness” of it—can be more important than the
sheer quantity of tasks a person completes. What value, for example, that a social worker
counsels fifty people a day if each feels like a processed can rolling through an assembly line?
Or what value is there in people parroting hundreds of prayers without real conscious
engagement? We earlier quoted Archbishop Oscar Romero’s take on this theme: “We cannot do
everything and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something and
do it very well.” Or as Mother Teresa put it: “We cannot do great things on this earth; we can
only do little things with great love.”
—Excerpted from Heroic Living by Chris Lowney
"Nemo dat qoud non Habit"
-You cannot give what you don't have
-being generous includes an act of giving. Knowledge and wisdom are some of the things we
must share.
-Sharing is an act of love (Amo)
In our country, majority of Filipinos practice Roman Catholicism as their religion. This is
influenced by the 300-year-long colonization of Spain that aimed to expand Christian beliefs
throughout the country as part of its main colonial endeavors (Gold, Glory, and God).

Society is a group of people with a shared environment, cultural beliefs, and ways of living.
Culture is a group’s shared belief and value system that are preserved either through material or
non-material ways.
This process of immersing oneself in a particular society and culture, even at birth, is called
Politics refers to a set of activities and actions that are used to hold power in a government.
Habits are prevailing dispositions that emphasize a person’s character or behavior.
traits contribute to behavioral consistency over time and behavioral stability
across situations.

Elements of Culture
 Attitudes
 Beliefs
 Language
 Customs
 Rituals
 Behaviour
 Faith/releigion
 Food
 Art/drama/music
Webster - Defines civilization as the advanced state of human society in which a high level of culture,
science, industry and government.
Types of Society
1. Hunting and Gathering Societies
- these are earliest forms of society.
- these are small generally with less than 50 members and is nomadic.
2. Pastoral Societies
- Rely on product through the domestication and breeding of animals for transportation and food.
3. Horticultural Societies
- These societies rely on the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and plants in order to survive
- They are often forced to relocate when the resources of the land are depleted or when the water
supplies decrease.
4. Agricultural Societies
- Focuses on the mode of production
- they rely on the use of technology in order to cultivate crops in the large areas, including wheat, rice
and corn.
- farmers provided warriors with food in exchange for protection against invasion by enemies.
5. Industrial Societies
- They used advanced sources if energy to run large machinery which led to industrialization
- Led to innovations in transportation led people to travel, work in factories, and live in cities.
6. Post-industrial Societies
- Their economy is based on services and technology not production.
- The economy is dependent on tangible goods , people must pursue greater education and the new
communications technology allows work to be performed from a variety of locations.
Religious Study 3
Sacrament of Baptism is the way one enters into the Christian life and, thereby, is necessarily the
first of all the sacraments. Baptism after the central rite by which is carried out: to BAPTIZE Greek -
Baptizein (Plunge or Immerse) The “Plunge” into the water symbolizes the catechumen’s burial into
Christ’s death, from which he rises up by resurrection with him, as “a new creature.”
Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is
strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.
Latin word “ SACRAMENTUM”
SACRA - means Sagrado/Sacred
MENTUM – timaan. The word sacrament called “SAGRADONG TIMAAN” (SACRED SIGN)
-sacred sign of inward grace instituted by Christ.
 Bunyag (Baptism)
 Kumpirma (Confirmation)
 Yukaristiya (Eucharist)
 Kumpisal o pakig uli (Confession)
 Pag ayo sa masakiton (Anointing of the Sick)
 Sakramento sa Kaminyoon (Marriage)
 Pagka Pari (Holy Order)
pagadawaton nga sakramento mao ang KUMPIRMA, diin mao ang PAGLIG-ON sa kinabuhing
kristohanon nga nadawat sa bunyag.
Sacrament of Confession
It is called the sacrament of conversion because it makes sacramentally present Jesus’ call to
The sacrament of Penance, since it consecrates the Christian sinner’s.
The sacrament of confession, since the disclosure or confession of sins to a priest.
The sacrament of forgiveness, since the priest’s sacramental absolution God grants the penitent
“pardon and peace.”
The sacrament of Reconciliation, because it imparts to the sinner the love of God who reconciles:
“Be reconciled t0 God.”
Confession is owning honestly about sin. Confession involves stating to the priest all committed sins.
Penance is when the priest states the satisfaction to be made. A prayer of sorrow can be a prayer in
the person’s own words, or a formal prayer.
Absolution is forgiveness by Jesus through the priest. Priests have the same spiritual gifts to forguve
sings just as Jesus did.
Ministers of confession are the bishops and priests.
8 Beatitudes
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
2. Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth.
3. Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
4. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.
5. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
6. Blessed are the clean of the heart, for they shall see God.
7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God
8. Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Contemporary arts
A common definition of art is that it is used to express ideas or feelings through creative processes
and imagination.
Visual arts is an expression of artistic ideas through images, structures, and tactile work.
Painting, sculpture, and architecture are considered as examples of it.
Literary arts is an expression of ideas through writing. There are many types of literary
artworks, and this can be categorized into:
● Poetry - It is considered as one of the oldest forms of literature characterized by its
imaginative and figurative language. Some poetic forms are strict with rhymes and
syllabic counts, like the sonnet, while contemporary poetry pieces now go beyond the
limits of form and more and more writers dwell more into free verse.
● Prose - When an imaginative literary piece is not written in figurative language, then it is
considered as prose. Prose is usually written in complete and grammatical narratives.
Examples of prose are short stories and novels among others. Generally, prose is a
literary piece that is not poetry.
● Drama - When a text is written to be performed and not just read, then it is considered
as drama. Usually, people refer to dramas as play
Performing arts is an expression of an artistic idea through written lyrics, text, dramatization,and
multimedia production.
The Elements of Art
Space - When we say space, it can vary depending on what art discipline it pertains to. In visual arts,
this may pertain to emptiness which may either be positive space or negative space.
Line - In visual arts, a line is a series of points. It may come in two characteristics:
● Form - curved, dotted, or broken
● Direction - vertical, horizontal, or diagonal
Shape and Form - Shape is formed by connecting both ends of a line. Shapes are two dimensional
figures with height and width
Color - In visual arts, color is associated with the natural phenomenon in our environment.
Scientifically, when a light passes through a prism, it will produce different hues of different
wavelengths. These colors may pertain to lightness or darkness, coolness or warmth. Also, colors
may convey different meanings dependent to cultures and traditions of a region.
Value - In visual arts, value is considered a property of a color which pertains to its lightness or
Texture - In visual arts, texture is the tactile or illusory surface of the piece. In music, texture is the
mood or quality of the composition.
Principles of Design
Scale and proportion refer to the relationship of the elements, specifically its relative size of
parts of a whole.
Harmony - In general, you can say an art piece is in harmony when the different parts produce an
overall positive impact or effect
Variety - In other terms, variety may be referred to as diversity. This means adding multiple, different
elements to break the monotony of an artwork and make it more interesting.
Movement is a basic principle of nature and is associated with the environment. All living things, non-
living things, and heavenly bodies move naturally.
Rhythm - This refers to the repetition of certain elements to produce a pattern. In visual arts,
repeated design elements may create a certain flow and may lead the viewer’s eyes. In music, this
refers to the even distribution of notes.
Balance refers to the even and equal distribution of elements.Two types of balance in visual art:
informal balance/asymmetrical and formal balance/symmetrical.
Emphasis is a principle which may refer to the greater impact given on a certain element.
Subordination serves as the opposite of emphasis as it refers to how certain elements only
serve as a supplement to the emphasized element in a design.


Summarizing a text is distilling its essential concepts in a paragraph or two. Typically, a summary
has two goals:
 to reproduce the key ideas and points of a text, and
 to express these concepts and ideas with precise and specific language.
Two techniques in reading a text
 Set your goals in reading any academic text early on, especially when you plan to summarize it
later on for research or study purposes. This will allow you to be more focused and to pay more
attention to the parts of the text that are important for your purposes.
Skimming and Scanning
 skimming can also help you determine which parts of the text need your utmost attention to
achieve your purposes for reading the text.
 Skimming is effective in getting a quick grasp of what the paper is about without reading through
it carefully.
Scanning is similar to skimming, except you should have a more focused purpose. You are now
skimming to find a particular fact or figure or to see if the text mentions a specific subject you are
Techniques in Summarizing a Text
Two aims in summarizing a text:
 To reproduce the overarching ideas of a text in order to identify the general concepts
 To express the overarching ideas of a text using precise and specific language
Summarizing IMRaD and Research
 The summary is found in the last chapter entitled “Summary of the Study.”
 The following are summarized before giving the conclusions and recommendations:
-Statements of the problem
Paraphrasing is a restatement of a text, passage, or work and to give the meaning in another form.
Characteristics of a Good Paraphrase
 relays the information from the source text in your own words
 leads the readers to the source of the information

The kinds of paraphrasing are the following:

 change of parts of speech
 change of structure
 clause reduction
 synonym replacement
Kinds of Plagiarism
Word-for-Word or Verbatim Plagiarism
 also known as “copy-paste plagiarism”
 happens when a researcher copies another person’s work word-for-word or verbatim without
proper citation of the author(s)
Word Order Plagiarism happens when a writer changes some of the words of the author(s) by
looking at the synonyms of the words and replacing or rearranging them to make the text look as if it
were their own.
Idea Plagiarism happens when a writer paraphrases the work of another in his or her own writing but
does not properly cite or attribute the idea to the author(s)

A citation is a way to give credit to the authors whose creative and intellectual work you used to
support or supplement your own research.
A citation includes the author’s name, date of publication, the publication company, journal title, and a
DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
A citation style dictates what information is necessary to to include in a citation, how that information
should be organized, what punctuations are used, and other formatting concerns.
APA (American Psychological Association) is used in education, psychology, and the social
Ex. “There is no one pedagogy that will be effective for all kinds of students,” (Tan, 2013, p. 10).
Millbower, L. (2003). Show biz training: Fun and effective business training techniques from
the worlds of stage, screen, and song. Retrieved from

MLA (Modern Language Association) is normally used in the humanities.

In MLA, the concept of containers is crucial. If the source text being used is part of a larger collection
or whole, that larger collection can be thought of as the container of the source.
Ex. There is an argument that in El Filibusterismo, Jose Rizal meant to show that sometimes, a
violent revolution is unavoidable (Santos 87).
Ishiguro, Kazuo. The Buried Giant. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015. Print.

Being Mindful with the self—PER DEV

The totality or holism of a person is a constant source of mystery. It is ironic that in spite of
the advances in Science, the human body
and the self are still cloaked in mystery that is still waiting to be uncovered.
Holism. General Jan C. Smuts, a statesman from South Africa, defined holism in 1926. He first made
use of the term in his book Holism and Evolution. According to him, holism is the tendency in nature
to form wholes which are greater than the sum of the parts through creative evolution.
Five Areas of Personal Development
The totality of a human being is not just explained by physical changes and processes. Several
components make up the holism of a person.
Figure 1. The Five Areas of Personal Development
D. Spiritual development is characterized by the discovery and experience of the inner guide that steers the values and
beliefs of a person.

Values. They are the judgment that people make about issues, people, or things. They are subjective because their
formation is shaped by their upbringing and life experiences.

Virtue. It is the quality that echoes or reflects the values.

E. Psychological Development

In connection with the elements of attitude, psychological development focuses on how these three acts in accordance or
opposition of another. Aside from this, psychological development is the growth and development of a person’s cognitive,
emotional, and social skills. Also, these skills are studied in conjunction with their physical growth and development.
Furthermore, psychological development analyzes an individual in the course of a lifespan.

This aspect covers all of the other four areas. The changes that have developed in each area are explained based on how
they relate to human behavior. In short, this is why it can explain how the cognitive beliefs, emotional responses, and
observable behavior work against or for each other.

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