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An Exploration of the Relationship

between Socioeconomic and Well-Being
Variables and Household Greenhouse Gas
Jeffrey Wilson, Peter Tyedmers, and Jamie E. L. Spinney

environmental impact
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions This research reports on a multivariate analysis that examined the relationship between
industrial ecology direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and socioeconomic and well-being variables for
interdisciplinary research 1,920 respondents living in Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, Canada, using results
sustainable city from the Halifax Space-Time Activity Research Project. The unique data set allows us
sustainable consumption
to estimate direct GHG emissions with an unprecedented level of specificity based on
household energy use survey data and geographic positioning system–verified personal
Supporting information is available
travel data. Of the variables analyzed, household size, income, community zone, age, and
on the JIE Web site marital status are all statistically significant predictors of direct GHG emissions. Birthplace,
ethnicity, educational attainment, perceptions of health, life satisfaction, job satisfaction,
happiness, volunteering, or community belonging did not seem to matter. In addition, we
examined whether those reporting energy-efficient behaviors had lower GHG emissions.
No significant differences were discovered among the groups analyzed, supporting a growing
body of research indicating a disconnect between environmental attitudes and behaviors and
environmental impact. Among the predictor variables, those reporting to be married, young,
low income, and living in households with more people have correspondingly lower direct
GHG emissions than other categories in respective groupings. Our finding that respondents
with lifestyles that generate higher GHG emissions did not report to be healthier, happier,
or more connected to their communities suggest that individuals can experience similar
degrees of well-being regardless of the amount of GHG emissions associated with his or
her respective lifestyle.

Introduction between 13% and 35% of a country’s total direct greenhouse

gas (GHG) emissions. When indirect emissions are included,
People naturally aspire to personal well-being and high-
households contribute upward of 60% to 80% of a country’s
quality lives. The pursuit of well-being manifested by decisions
emissions (Benders et al. 2006; Kok et al. 2006; Larsen and
regarding the goods and services we consume, where we live and
Hertwich 2010; Lenzen and Peters 2009; Moll et al. 2005;
work, how and how far we travel, the dwellings we choose to live
Nansai et al. 2008; Nijdam et al. 2005; Peters and Hertwich
in, and what we do with our leisure time all have environmen-
2006; Weber and Matthews 2008).
tal costs. Studies indicate household consumption contributes

Address correspondence to: Jeffrey Wilson, College of Sustainability, Dalhousie University, 1459 LeMarchant Street, Halifax NS, B3H 3P8, Canada. Email:

© 2013 by Yale University

DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12057 Editor managing review: Manfred Lenzen

Volume 17, Number 6

880 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Most studies exploring the relationship between GHG emis- Cummins (2013) explored the relationship between subjec-
sions and household consumption are national in scope and tive well-being and carbon footprints of households by inte-
attribute GHG emissions to households using input-output grating separate survey databases. The researchers concluded
analysis and/or national-level survey data (Benders et al. 2006; that advancing an understanding of relationships and trade-offs
Cohen et al. 2005; Moll et al. 2005; Pachauri 2004; Reinders between well-being and environmental impact of households
et al. 2003). A limitation of country-level analyses is that con- requires survey tools that collect subjective well-being and en-
clusions based on an average “national household” lack regional vironmentally relevant information based on the same sample
and subregional context. Consequently, results fail to offer de- population.
cision makers specific enough evidence to support decisions and
policy reform toward sustainability (Wilson et al. 2013). In addi-
tion, analyses typically emphasize refinements in GHG account- Methods
ing techniques without probing too deeply into understanding
Survey Data
the key drivers of GHG emissions. When drivers are considered,
they consist of a standard selection of socioeconomic and demo- Our study employed data from the Halifax Space-Time Ac-
graphic variables collected through Census surveys or as house- tivity Research (STAR) Project. The Halifax STAR Project
hold identifier information (Benders et al. 2006; Druckman and collected time diary and questionnaire data over 373 days of data
Jackson 2008; Weber and Matthews 2008). Variables identified collection between April 2007 and May 2008 from 1,971 house-
in the literature as influencing household-level environmental holds, with a cooperation rate of 25% and overall response rate
impact include income, household size (number of occupants), of 21% (Millward and Spinney 2011). Researchers were unsuc-
age, dwelling type, and tenure. Of these, income is frequently cessful in their attempts to stratify for proportional distributions
cited as a strong determinant of energy use or GHG emissions for age, gender, and geography, especially for younger age groups
(Abrahamse and Steg 2011; Benders et al. 2006; Druckman and rural households, but the data approximate a proportional
and Jackson 2008; Hertwich and Peters 2009; Moll et al. 2005; distribution for gender, days of the week, and the four seasons
Peters 2010; Poortinga et al. 2004; Tukker et al. 2010; Weber (see Spinney and Millward 2011). Survey respondents carried
and Matthews 2008; Weisz and Steinberger 2010; Zacarias- a GPS device (Hewlett Packard iPAQ hw6955) for a 48-hour
Farah and Geyer-Allély 2003). Despite efforts to understand reporting period providing travel distance data. The “day after”
household-level drivers of environmental impact, analyses lack the two-day reporting period, questionnaire and time diary data
subregional scope and fail to consider a broad suite of potential were collected using a computer-assisted telephone interview
predictor variables. technique. See Millward and Spinney (2011) for a detailed de-
We conducted a multivariate analysis of socioeconomic and scription of the survey data, including sampling strategy and
well-being variables affecting household GHG emissions for survey methods. The STAR survey was modeled after Statistics
an urban region. Our analysis estimates direct GHG emissions Canada’s (2006) General Social Survey, Cycle 19, which asked
with an unprecedented level of specificity, using household en- questions about personal characteristics, household character-
ergy use data and geographic positioning system (GPS)-verified istics, neighborhood features, socioeconomic data, and subjec-
travel data. We then analyzed direct GHG emissions in rela- tive dimensions of well-being. The STAR survey supplemented
tion to a broad suite of socioeconomic and personal well-being those questionnaire items with questions regarding electricity
variables collected as part of detailed household entry and exit consumption, home heating, and energy efficiency behaviors,
surveys. We also examined GHG emissions in relation to an among others.
eco-efficiency index to discern if there is a relationship between
energy-efficient behaviors and attitudes and environmental im-
Estimating Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions
pact. In addition to providing a robust test of household-level
drivers of impact and the ability to validate if drivers identified Our analysis estimates direct GHG emissions associated with
using national data apply at the local level, our results provide the household sector using household energy use data and GPS-
municipal and regional planners and policy makers with critical verified travel data collected as part of the STAR Project.
information to support household GHG reduction strategies. Direct GHG emissions refer to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emis-
Our inclusion of well-being variables, such as physical sions as defined by the World Resources Institute (WRI). Di-
health, mental health, time stress, happiness, life satisfaction, rect GHG emissions associated with shelter and transportation
job satisfaction, sense of community, and civic engagement, re- were quantified for each respondent in terms of kilograms of
flects the need to better understand the relationship between carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2 -eq) for an average one-
subjective well-being and environmental impact. Long-term day period.1 Shelter-related direct GHG emissions are a func-
sustainability requires visions of well-being and quality of life tion of electricity and home heating fuel consumption, whereas
decoupled from high-consumption lifestyles. To the best of our transportation-related direct GHG emissions are a function of
knowledge, to date, no other multivariate analysis based on fossil fuels combusted to provide personal transportation based
direct household collected survey data has tested the relation- on actual distances traveled by mode using the georeferenced
ship between impacts (GHG emissions) and subjective assess- time diary data for a random two-day sample period for each
ments of well-being (Lenzen and Cummins 2011). Lenzen and respondent.

Wilson et al., Drivers of Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions 881


Our analysis focused exclusively on direct GHG emissions Table 1 Greenhouse gas emission factors by heating source
associated with the household sector. Direct GHG emissions
Heating source Emission factor
refer to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions as defined by the WRI.
Related to shelter, we did not include indirect GHG emis- Heating oil (kg CO2 -eq/L) 2.91
sions associated with energy production, distribution and trade, Electricity (kg CO2 -eq/kWh) 0.74
electricity and heating infrastructure, construction and main- Natural gas (kg CO2 -eq/m3 ) 1.90
tenance, and operation of energy services. Our analysis also Wood (kg CO2 -eq/cord) 2,653
did not include the indirect emissions associated with physical
kg CO2 -eq = kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents; L = liter;
shelter, such as construction, maintenance, and waste removal. kWh = kilowatt-hour; m3 = cubic meters.
For transportation, we did not include the indirect emissions
associated with transportation energy production, distribution,
and trade, emissions related to the manufacture, maintenance, Environment Canada NIR on GHG emissions (Environment
and disposal of private vehicles, as well as their transportation Canada 2010). Survey respondents heating with wood reported
infrastructure, construction, and maintenance, and operation the number of cords (where one cord is equivalent to ∼3.62
of the transport business. We also did not include GHG emis- cubic meters [m3 ] of split and stacked wood) burnt per year. We
sions associated with air travel. In Nova Scotia, air travel repre- converted cords of wood to CO2 -eq based on the GHG intensity
sents approximately 7% of total GHG emissions associated with of burning mixed hardwood. The GHG coefficient for mixed
transport (Environment Canada 2010). Of the 1,971 STAR sur- hardwood was provided by Efficiency Nova Scotia and is used in
vey participants, 51 respondents were screened out because of their space heating comparison report (Efficiency Nova Scotia
either incomplete travel data (n = 36) or unreasonably high 2011). The energy consumption for those heating with electric-
estimates of shelter-related emissions (n = 15; see below), leav- ity and the electricity required to run a heat pump is captured
ing a total of 1,920 participants for whom daily average direct in electricity consumption data. Table 1 presents CO2 -eq emis-
shelter and transport GHG emissions were calculated. sion factors by heating source used in our analysis. As noted,
oil and electricity are the two primary heat sources. The GHG
intensity factor for electricity is 0.74 kg CO2 -eq/kWh.2 The
Shelter, Electricity Consumption
GHG factor for oil is 0.27 kg CO2 -eq/kWh. In comparison to
Respondents reported their average monthly electricity ex-
other Canadian provinces, electricity in Nova Scotia has a rel-
penditure. To determine the annual kilowatt-hours (kWh) con-
atively high associated CO2 -eq impact per unit of energy. Coal
sumed, we multiplied the monthly average by 12 and sub-
and refined petroleum products accounted for 68% of electricity
tracted taxes, provincial rebate, and the Nova Scotia Power
generation in Nova Scotia in 2007.
(the provincial private electricity utility operator) base charge
GHG emissions estimates for 68 households were more than
to derive an annual kWh charge. This charge was divided by
two standard deviations above or below the annual mean value
the 2007 residential price of electricity to determine the num-
of 14,775 kg CO2 -eq per household. We had an energy expert
ber of kWh consumed. Household electricity consumption was
(McLean 2011) at a provincial energy efficiency agency (Effi-
converted to CO2 -eq based on the GHG intensity of electricity
ciency Nova Scotia) review the legitimacy of the values. To
in Nova Scotia for the year 2007 reported in the Environment
inform the expert’s opinion, the expert was provided respective
Canada National Inventory Report (NIR) on GHG emissions
household GHG estimates stratified by electricity and other
(Environment Canada 2010). Our estimates do not include en-
heating sources, number of household members, dwelling type,
ergy losses associated with the transmission of electricity from
square footage, primary and secondary heat sources, and age of
point of generation to point of consumption. Average electrical
furnace (if relevant). The expert ranked the likelihood of results
line losses for the residential sector are 10.5% (McLean 2012).
on a scale from 1 to 5 with values corresponding to very pos-
sible, possible, unlikely, highly unlikely, and not possible. The
Shelter, Home Heating expert also included a brief rationale explaining his ranking de-
Respondents reported their household primary and sec- cisions. The expert deemed 15 entries as either highly unlikely
ondary heat sources. Ninety-one percent of households use ei- or not possible. The 15 entries were removed from our analysis.
ther oil (62%) or electricity (29%) as their primary heat source. Potential errors leading to unrealistic results include data entry
Other heat sources include wood (5%), heat pump (2%), and errors, recall errors, ignorance, and subtle nonresponse.
natural gas (1%). For households using oil and natural gas, re-
spondents reported their monthly average fuel expenditure. In Transportation
the case of oil, for example, to determine annual liters (L) con- STAR Project participants carried a GPS logger tracking
sumed, we multiplied the monthly average bill by 12, adjusted their travel for two consecutive “diary days” (48-hour period).
the value to reflect taxes and the provincial oil rebate, and The distribution of diary day pairs is as follows: two weekdays,
divided by the 2007 average annual retail price of heating oil 61% of respondents; one weekday and one weekend day, 26%
per L for the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) (Statis- of respondents; and two weekend days, 13% of respondents. In
tics Canada 2007). We converted L of oil to CO2 -eq based on addition to carrying the GPS unit, respondents also completed
the GHG intensity of heating oil for the year 2007 from the a time-use diary, which provided insight into such things as the

882 Journal of Industrial Ecology


purpose of trips taken, the travel mode, and whether they were Table 2 Greenhouse gas emission factors for all modes of transport
the driver or passenger. We tallied travel episodes in meters employed
(m) by mode of travel for the two-day reporting period. Mode
Mode of transportation kg CO2 -eq/km
of travel includes personal vehicle, bus, taxi, motorcycle, walk,
and bicycle. Personal vehicles include car, van, sport utility Car (gasoline) 0.206
vehicle (SUV), pickup truck, other truck, and other vehicle. Car (diesel) 0.150
Respondents used personal vehicles for 92% of the total distance Car (hybrid) 0.117
traveled. We further categorized personal vehicle use into driver Light-duty truck (gasoline) 0.294
and passenger. Light-duty truck (diesel) 0.281
We categorized travel episodes into three groups: travel Motorcycle 0.119
to and from work; work-related travel; and personal or non- Taxi 0.206
Bus (per passenger/km) 0.018
work travel. Travel to and from work includes travel from
Walking 0.000
home to work destination and any stops along the way. Work-
Biking 0.000
related travel includes travel associated with an individual’s
work, such as driving a taxi or delivering pizzas. It also in- kg CO2 -eq = kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents; km = kilometer.
cludes any travel required to deliver work-related services. This
would include traveling to someone’s home to deliver a ser-
vice or visiting an off-site location for a work-related function. For all privately owned vehicle-based trips, transport-related
Personal travel includes travel for 24 different potential trip GHG emission estimates were made by multiplying total m trav-
purposes, such as travel for sports and entertainment events, eled by each travel mode’s respective GHG emissions factors
travel for crafts and hobbies, travel for religious services, or from Canada’s NIR on GHG emissions (Environment Canada
travel to restaurants. Across all respondents, personal travel ac- 2010). The emissions factors for light-duty trucks in the NIR
counted for approximately 70% of total kilometers (km) trav- were applied to all transport undertaken by van, pickup truck,
elled, followed by work-related travel (20%), and travel to and and SUV. For all modes of transport, emission factors in the NIR
from work (10%). Because our analysis focused on understand- assume tier 1 emission factors for gasoline vehicles and light-
ing the influence of socioeconomic and other influences on duty trucks, advanced control emission factors for diesel vehi-
household-level impacts, we removed all travel during work from cles and light-duty truck, and noncatalytic controlled for mo-
our estimates of direct GHG emissions attributed to personal torcycles. To express results in CO2 -eq, we adopted the global
transportation. warming potential conversion factors for various GHGs used by
For trips made using a personal vehicle, we assumed each the IPCC (2007) published in its Fourth Assessment Report.
respondent used the household-owned vehicle for which they For trips made using public transit buses, we apply an average
were identified as the primary driver. Five percent of respon- load factor for a 58-passenger bus used in the HRM, as reported
dents reported being the primary driver of more than one ve- on by O’Keefe and colleagues (2009), and GHG emission rates
hicle. In these cases, we assumed a vehicle profile based on per passenger/km of bus travel based on data from the U.S. De-
the average of the respective vehicles. In instances where re- partment of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics
spondents indicated “other,” “did not know,” or “refused” (2%) (USDOT BTS 2008). No GHG emissions were attributed to
in relation to their primary vehicle use, we assumed vehicle active forms of transportation, such as walking and biking.
characteristics that were an average of car and light-duty truck. Table 2 summarizes the GHG conversion factors applied in our
Personal vehicle fuel type was also noted for each vehicle. Gaso- analysis.
line vehicles made up 95% of total privately owned vehicles in Thirty-six respondents had no travel episode data and were
our data set. screened from our analysis. Reasons for having no travel episode
For each travel episode using personal vehicles, we knew data included the following: participants made no trips during
whether the respondent was the driver or a passenger and, in the two-day period (did not leave the house); there was no lo-
instances when they drove, whether passengers were present or cation information provided for the origins and/or destinations;
not. We did not, however, know the total number of passengers or the locations that were given were unable to be found when
present. Over the entire data set, drivers had a passenger in the run through the network analyst tool in ArcGIS. In the STAR
vehicle for 15.7% of trips. In these cases, we attribute half the data, there are instances of people traveling long distances
trip-related emissions to the respondent drivers. Further par- for various purposes, such as visiting relatives and friends or
titioning of emissions was not undertaken on the assumption simply taking a pleasure drive. Thirty-five respondents had
that the number of trips with more than one passenger was rel- GHG emissions associated with travel events that were three
atively small. We also expect that backseat passengers (usually standard deviations above the mean. Although outliers, we did
children) are often “captive passengers” going along on the trip not remove these cases. Travel behavior research confirms that
with an adult. In cases where the respondent was the passenger, “extreme” trips are realistic events. Though these events appear
we attribute half the total emissions of the trip to the respon- to be atypical among those surveyed, a review of travel behavior
dent. When trips were taken by taxi, we assumed the vehicle studies by Kang and Scott (2010) confirm considerable vari-
employed was a car. ability in people’s activities and travel across days of the week.

Wilson et al., Drivers of Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions 883


Variables considered ables independently to investigate the nature (e.g., linearity) of

their relationship with total daily personal direct GHG emis-
sions and to determine their statistical suitability for inclusion
Birth place
in our multivariate model by performing correlation analysis.
Civic engagement
Those variables for which there was a statistically significant
Community belonging
relationship with GHG emissions, based on the initial corre-
Community zone
lation analysis, were used in a multiple regression analysis and
Educa onal a ainment
are described in table 3. Multiple regression analysis, using or-
Employment status dinary least squares, was used to investigate the strength and
Energy efficiency engagement direction of the statistical relationship between direct GHG
Ethnicity emissions and the independent variables chosen for inclusion
Financial security in the model.
Gender The Supporting Information available on the Journal’s Web
Happiness site offers a more complete analysis of the statistical relationship
Heat source between direct GHG emissions and the independent variables
Household size chosen for inclusion in the model using a generalized linear
Job sa sfac on model (GLM) to illustrate the influence of each of the inde-
Life sa sfac on pendent variables.
Marital status
Personal income
State of health Results
Time stress Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Figure 1 Variables considered for inclusion in model (arranged Statistical analysis of the STAR household data indicates
alphabetically). mean total direct GHG emissions of 24 kg CO2 -eq person−1
day−1 . Overall, median total direct GHG emissions for the
HRM was 21 kg CO2 -eq person−1 day−1 , with a range of 101 kg,
Statistical Analysis
and interquartile range of 14 kg. On average, provision of elec-
Correlation analysis and multivariate modeling were used to tricity and home heating contribute 78% of direct GHG emis-
explore the statistical relationship between direct GHG emis- sions with a median of 15 kg CO2 -eq person−1 day−1 , which is
sions (kg CO2 -eq person−1 day−1 ) and several variables in order significantly higher (p < .001) than emissions associated with
to gain a better understanding of the potential drivers of emis- personal transportation, which account for the balance of direct
sions at the household level. Influenced by an extensive review GHG emissions with a median of 4 kg CO2 -eq person−1 day−1 .
of the literature and supported by a comprehensive list of ques- Table 4 provides summary statistics for the ten variables
tionnaire items available in the STAR data, 20 variables were passing the initial univariate screen including direct GHG emis-
considered for inclusion in the multivariate regression model sions. Mean GHG emissions increase with age category ranging
(figure 1). from a low in the 15 to 24 age cohort to a high in the 75+ cohort.
In addition to socioeconomic and well-being variables, we With respect to community zone, mean GHG emissions are sim-
included primary heat source as a variable recognizing the preva- ilar among inner-city and suburban respondents, but are greater
lence of households using oil (62%) and electricity (29%). The among respondents living in the inner and outer commuter
energy efficiency engagement index (EEI) and time stress in- belt zones. Mean emissions were higher among not employed
dex were compiled based on related questions on the respective respondents than for employed respondents. Those respond-
themes in the entry and exit surveys. The EEI, for example, con- ing “satisfied” and “very satisfied” with their financial security
siders responses to five questions. Each question is a “yes/no” an- (74% of sample) had higher mean direct GHG emissions than
swer question. To develop the index, a yes response was assigned those responding “dissatisfied” and “very dissatisfied.” Females
a 1 and a no response was assigned a 0. Values for the five ques- (54% of sample) had slightly lower mean GHG emissions, when
tions were summed giving respondents a score range between 0 compared to male respondents. Mean direct GHG emissions
and 5. A 5 on the scale corresponds to high energy-efficiency per person decrease as the number of household members in-
engagement, whereas a score of 0 on the scale corresponds to crease, ranging from a high in one-person households to a low in
low energy-efficiency engagement. Questions included the fol- households of five persons or more. Married respondents (80%
lowing: Do you take energy-efficient measures to keep warm? of sample) reported lower mean direct GHG emissions than re-
Do you think energy efficiency is important? Do you use energy- spondents who were not married. Mean direct GHG emissions
efficient light bulbs? Have you considered solar hot water? Have are virtually the same among respondents reporting incomes in
you considered a heat pump? the ranges $20,000 to $39,999, $40,000 to $59,999, and $60,000
Using SPSS 20.0 software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL), we to $79,999. Mean GHG emissions, however, jump noticeably
explored these socioeconomic and subjective well-being vari- between the $60,000 to 79,999 and the $80,000 to $99,999

884 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 3 Variables included in the regression model

Variable Description

Direct GHG emissions Direct GHG emissions are measured per person per day, with a minimum value of 2.1 kg
CO2 -eq person−1 day−1 , a maximum of 103.5, a median of 20.8, and a mean of 24.0.
Age Age is measured in seven 10-year categories (1 = 15 to 24, 2 = 25 to 34, 3 = 35 to 44, 4 =
45 to 54, 5 = 55 to 64, 6 = 65 to 74, and 7 = 75+).
Community zone There are four zones based primarily on travel distance from “downtown”; the inner-city
zone (0 to 5 km), the suburbs (5 to 10 km), the inner commuter belt (10 to 25 km), and
the outer commuter belt (25 to 50 km from downtown).
Employment status Employment status is binary with unemployed (0) and employed (1).
Financial security Financial security measures subjective feelings about the respondents’ finances and values
ranging from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).
Gender Gender is binary with male (0) and female (1).
Household size Household sizes were categorized into five groups based on number of people living at home.
Groups corresponded to actual number with group 5 equaling households of five or more
Marital status Marital status is binary with not married (0) and married (1).
Personal income Personal income is measured in six categories of before-tax income (1 = 0 to $19,999, 2 =
$20,000 to $39,999, 3 = $40,000 to $59,999, 4 = $60,000 to $79,999, 5 = $80,000 to
$99,999, and 6 = $100K and above).
Time stress Time stress is on a five-point scale, with values ranging from 1 (not stressed) to 5 (very high
Heating source Heating source is binary with electric (0) and oil (1).

GHG = greenhouse emissions; kg CO2 -eq = kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents; km = kilometer.

ranges. Respondents with time stress ratings of “no stress” or exhibit statistically significant associations with GHG emis-
“low stress” (54% of sample) reported higher GHG emission, in sions for both heat sources; the association, however, is highly
comparison to respondents with time stress ratings of “high” or significant for respondents heating with oil. Tables 5 and 6
“very high” (17%). Finally, whether a household uses electric also highlight potential issues for autocorrelation. For example,
heat or an oil furnace as their primary heat source appears to time stress is significantly correlated with all other variables for
have little impact on the mean direct GHG emissions. households that heat with oil, except personal income (table 6),
whereas personal income is significantly associated with all vari-
ables, except age and community zone, for those who use electric
Correlation Analysis
heat (table 5).
Based on correlation analysis, seven variables proved to be
significantly associated with direct GHG emissions for those
Multiple Regression Analysis
respondents who heat with electricity (table 5). These include
age, community zone, employment status, household size, mar- Results of the fitted multivariate linear regression model us-
ital status, personal income, and time stress. For those respon- ing direct GHG emissions (kg CO2 -eq person−1 day−1 ) as the
dents who heat with oil (table 6), financial security and gender dependent variable appear in table 7, whereas the results from
were also significantly associated with direct GHG emissions. the GLM can be found in the Supporting Information on the
In terms of the larger list of variables, excluded variables of note Web. Beta values (i.e., standardized coefficients) from the model
include the household engagement in eco-efficiency index and (table 7) indicate the strength of the statistical association and,
respondents’ personal assessment of their state of happiness and because they are standardized, enable direct comparison of the
health. relative strength of each independent variable. A negative beta
Tables 5 and 6 present the correlation coefficients and signif- value indicates an inverse relationship between the two vari-
icance of the variables included in our multivariate model strat- ables and as values move away from zero the strength of the rela-
ified by electric and oil heat, respectively. In both of the tables, tionship increases. Scores from the t-test and their significance
household size, age, and marital status are most strongly corre- are also presented to illustrate the significance of each variable
lated with direct GHG emissions. Age has a stronger association in the fitted model. Multiple regression analysis, using ordi-
with GHG emissions for electric heat, but GHG emissions for nary least squares, indicates that five of the ten variables (age,
both heat sources are significantly associated with age. Com- community zone, household size, marital status, and personal in-
munity zone is significantly associated with GHG emissions come) are significantly associated with direct GHG emissions,
with similar strength of association in households that heat pri- when all other variables are accounted for. Employment status,
marily with oil or electricity. Personal income and time stress time stress, gender, financial security, and heating source failed

Wilson et al., Drivers of Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions 885


Table 4 Summary statistics for direct GHG emissions by socioeco- Table 4 Continued
nomic groups
Mean 95%
Mean 95% GHG Standard confidence
GHG Standard confidence Variable N emissionsa deviation interval
Variable N emissionsa deviation interval
Time stress
Age Not stressed 324 26.0 13.8 24.5 to 27.5
15 to 24 56 18.0 9.9 15.3 to 20.6 Low stress 736 24.9 14.0 23.8 to 25.9
25 to 34 113 18.6 9.6 16.8 to 20.4 Medium stress 525 23.3 13.4 22.2 to 24.5
35 to 44 363 20.7 13.0 19.4 to 22.1 High stress 229 20.9 10.1 19.5 to 22.2
45 to 54 593 22.5 11.6 21.6 to 23.4 Very high stress 106 21.2 12.3 18.8 to 23.5
55 to 64 455 28.0 14.7 26.6 to 29.3 Missing 0
65 to 74 230 26.8 13.5 25.0 to 28.5 Heat source
75+ 88 29.5 15.7 26.1 to 32.8 Electric 564 24.5 13.5 23.4 to 25.6
Missing 22 Oil 1,179 23.9 13.4 23.1 to 24.7
Community zone Other/missing 177 22.4 12.5 20.6 to 24.3
Inner city 382 22.8 12.7 21.5 to 24.1
Suburbs 1,039 23.4 12.8 22.6 to 24.2 GHG emissions are measured in kg CO2 -eq person−1 day−1 .
a Direct

Note: GHG = greenhouse gas.

Inner commuter belt 334 26.0 14.5 24.4 to 27.5
Outer commuter belt 165 26.1 15.0 23.8 to 28.4
Missing 0 to significantly contribute to the explanation of direct GHG
Employment status emissions, whereas household size, income, community zone,
Employed 1,288 22.6 13.3 21.9 to 23.4 age, and marital status all did. None of the originally consid-
Not employed 624 26.6 13.1 25.6 to 27.6
ered well-being variables were found to be significant predictors
Missing 8
Financial security
of household GHG emissions.
Very dissatisfied 51 23.1 13.1 19.4 to 26.8 The fitted regression model was able to explain 22.1% of
Dissatisfied 92 22.9 12.8 20.3 to 25.6 the total variation in direct GHG emissions using five indepen-
Neutral 351 23.0 12.1 21.7 to 24.2 dent variables. Relatively, the association between direct GHG
Satisfied 936 25.3 13.6 22.9 to 24.7 emissions and household size (β = −0.309; p < .001) appears
Very satisfied 470 24.9 13.9 24.1 to 26.6 to be twice as strong as the other predictor variables. Among
Missing 20 them, personal income (β = 0.164; p < .001) and location
Gender along the urban-rural continuum (β = 0.159; p < .001) exceed
Female 1,033 23.0 12.4 22.3 to 23.8 both age (β = 0.135; p < .001) and marital status (β = −0.134;
Male 887 25.0 14.3 24.1 to 26.0 p < .001).
Missing 0
Household size
One 233 36.3 15.4 34.3 to 38.2
Two 746 25.6 13.1 24.7 to 26.6 Discussion
Three 374 21.7 10.6 20.6 to 22.8 Greenhouse Gas Predictor Variables
Four 412 18.5 10.0 17.5 to 19.5
Five 155 17.4 11.0 15.7 to 19.2 Our findings, based on an urban focus, confirm number of
Missing 0 people per household, income, community zone, age, and mar-
Marital status ital status as predictors of direct GHG emissions. Results are
Not married 391 28.9 16.0 27.3 to 30.5 consistent with studies drawing on national-level data (Abra-
Married 1,527 22.7 12.3 22.1 to 23.3 hamse and Steg 2011; Druckman and Jackson 2008; Hertwich
Missing 2 and Peters 2009; Peters 2010; Poortinga et al. 2004; Tukker et
Personal income
al. 2010; Weber and Matthews 2008; Weisz and Steinberger
Under $20,000 213 21.0 12.1 19.4 to 22.7
$20,000 to $39,999 409 23.6 12.1 22.4 to 24.8
2010). The number of people per household had the strongest
$40,000 to $59,999 410 23.4 11.6 22.3 to 24.5 association with direct GHG emissions. Though shelter-related
$60,000 to $79,999 297 23.8 14.7 22.1 to 25.4 electricity and home heating fuel consumption is greater in
$80,000 to $99,999 121 27.1 15.2 24.3 to 29.8 larger households, it does not increase in a linear fashion.
$100,000 or more 146 27.0 16.4 24.3 to 29.7 As a result, an increase in the number of people per house-
Missing 324 hold offsets the marginally greater impact associated with elec-
tricity and home heating. Tucker and colleagues (2010) and
Weber and Matthews (2008) note a strong association between
household size and GHG emissions, but suggest that the influ-
ence of income is greater. Both studies consider indirect GHG

886 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 5 Correlation analysis of direct GHG emissions and socioeconomic groups (oil heat)

Direct GHG Community Employment Financial Household Marital Personal Time

Variable emissions Age zone status security Gender size status income stress

Direct GHG emissions 1 0.206 0.073 − 0.117 0.065 0.074 − 0.374 − 0.225 0.13 − 0.117
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 0.012 <0.000 0.027 0.011 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000
Age 0.206 1 − 0.164 − 0.596 0.173 0.131 − 0.485 − 0.013 − 0.012 − 0.294
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 0.667 0.713 <0.000
Community zone 0.073 − 0.164 1 0.098 − 0.046 0.004 0.159 0.107 0.013 0.061
Significance (two-tailed) 0.012 <0.000 0.001 0.116 0.891 <0.000 <0.000 0.687 0.035
Employment status − 0.117 − 0.596 0.098 1 − 0.101 0.022 0.365 0.113 0.266 0.315
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 <0.000 0.001 0.001 0.452 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000
Financial security 0.065 0.173 − 0.046 − 0.101 1 0.103 − 0.109 0.109 0.227 − 0.203
Significance (two-tailed) 0.027 <0.000 0.116 0.001 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000
Gender 0.074 0.131 0.004 0.022 0.103 1 − 0.004 0.185 0.378 − 0.096
Significance (two-tailed) 0.011 <0.000 0.891 0.452 <0.000 0.89 <0.000 <0.000 0.001
Household size − 0.374 − 0.485 0.159 0.365 − 0.109 − 0.004 1 0.391 0.086 0.237
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 0.89 <0.000 0.007 <0.000
Marital status − 0.225 − 0.013 0.107 0.113 0.109 0.185 0.391 1 0.191 0.066
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 0.667 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 0.023
Personal income 0.13 − 0.012 0.013 0.266 0.227 0.378 0.086 0.191 1 0.028
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 0.713 0.687 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 0.007 <0.000 0.376
Time stress − 0.117 − 0.294 0.061 0.315 − 0.203 − 0.096 0.237 0.066 0.028 1
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 <0.000 0.035 <0.000 <0.000 0.001 <0.000 0.023 0.376

Note: GHG = greenhouse gas.

Table 6 Correlation analysis of direct GHG emissions and socioeconomic groups (electric heat)

Direct GHG Community Employment Financial Household Marital Personal Time

Variable emissions Age zone status security Gender size status income stress

Direct GHG emissions 1 0.31 0.094 − 0.191 0.049 0.059 − 0.401 − 0.129 0.106 − 0.106
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 0.026 <0.000 0.251 0.159 <0.000 0.002 0.021 0.012
Age 0.31 1 − 0.079 − 0.539 0.137 0.159 − 0.426 0.051 − 0.012 − 0.213
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 0.061 <0.000 0.001 <0.000 <0.000 0.228 0.797 <0.000
Community zone 0.094 − 0.079 1 0.086 − 0.029 − 0.043 0.13 0.158 0 0.075
Significance (two-tailed) 0.026 0.061 0.042 0.488 0.303 0.002 <0.000 0.996 0.074
Employment status − 0.191 − 0.539 0.086 1 − 0.125 − 0.011 0.311 0.024 0.231 0.253
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 <0.000 0.042 0.003 0.787 <0.000 0.566 <0.000 <0.000
Financial security 0.049 0.137 − 0.029 − 0.125 1 0.035 − 0.067 0.099 0.233 − 0.3
Significance (two-tailed) 0.251 0.001 0.488 0.003 0.402 0.115 0.019 <0.000 <0.000
Gender 0.059 0.159 − 0.043 − 0.011 0.035 1 − 0.022 0.144 0.335 − 0.069
Significance (two-tailed) 0.159 <0.000 0.303 0.787 0.402 0.608 0.001 <0.000 0.103
Household size − 0.401 − 0.426 0.13 0.311 − 0.067 − 0.022 1 0.406 0.131 0.198
Significance (two-tailed) <0.000 <0.000 0.002 <0.000 0.115 0.608 <0.000 0.004 <0.000
Marital status − 0.129 0.051 0.158 0.024 0.099 0.144 0.406 1 0.176 0.066
Significance (two-tailed) 0.002 0.228 <0.000 0.566 0.019 0.001 <0.000 <0.000 0.118
Personal income 0.106 − 0.012 0 0.231 0.233 0.335 0.131 0.176 1 − 0.043
Significance (two-tailed) 0.021 0.797 0.996 <0.000 <0.000 <0.000 0.004 <0.000 0.346
Time stress − 0.106 − 0.213 0.075 0.253 − 0.3 − 0.069 0.198 0.066 − 0.043 1
Significance (two-tailed) 0.012 <0.000 0.074 <0.000 <0.000 0.103 <0.000 0.118 0.346

Note: GHG = greenhouse gas.

emissions, which may explain the increased prominence of in- Younger, lower income, and married were associated with lower
come as a predictor variable. GHG emissions, when compared to other groupings within the
Other predictor variables identified in our analysis, includ- same category. Conceptualizing environmental impact around
ing age, marital status, and income, suggest that where peo- life stage offers a unique perspective for planning GHG reduc-
ple are along the life continuum influences GHG emissions. tion strategies. For example, what are the GHG implications

Wilson et al., Drivers of Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions 887


Table 7 Ordinary least squares regression of direct greenhouse gas emissions against socioeconomic drivers

Unstandardized Standard
coefficients error Beta t-value Significance

Constant 22.29 2.951 7.554 <0.001

Household size − 3.564 0.346 − 0.309 − 10.300 <0.001
Personal income 1.518 0.255 0.164 5.945 <0.001
Community zones 2.598 0.391 0.159 6.647 <0.001
Age 1.364 0.338 0.135 4.039 <0.001
Marital status − 4.398 0.892 − 0.134 − 4.933 <0.001
Gender 0.795 0.692 0.030 1.149 0.251
Time stress − 0.156 0.164 − 0.024 − 0.952 0.341
Heat source − 0.643 0.669 − 0.023 − 0.962 0.336
Employment status 0.257 0.967 0.009 0.265 0.791
Financial security − 0.083 0.375 − 0.006 − 0.222 0.825
R-square 0.221

Note: Dependent variable N = 1,428.

of changing demographic trends toward older populations in Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (Canada) based on house-
high-consumption countries? hold fuel payments and transportation survey data. They found,
Income, though related to life stage, is a unique variable for the most part, that census tracts located further from the in-
because it directly determines capacity to consume. The rela- ner city had comparatively higher per-capita GHG emissions,
tionship between income and GHG emissions will be differ- although some inner-city census tracts had higher GHG emis-
ent when indirect GHG emissions are included. Indirect GHG sions than suburban census tracts. As expected, we also found
emissions refer to the emissions that result from earlier stages those living a greater distance from the inner city generally had
in the life cycle of the goods and services that we consume. higher associated GHG emissions. Distance, however, is not the
Indirect emissions have been found to correlate closely with sole explanatory factor. When examined by zone, we found sim-
income (Baiocchi et al. 2010; Lenzen et al. 2008; Peters 2010; ilar levels of GHG emissions between respondents living in the
Satterthwaite 2009). The association is logical; income drives inner-city and suburb zones and between those living in the in-
expenditures, and all expenditures mobilize resources. As Wil- ner and outer commuter belt zones. The lack of a difference be-
son and colleagues (2013) note, however, there is a need to tween those living in the inner city and those living in the sub-
interpret the degree of correlation cautiously. Methods to esti- urbs questions the widely held assumption that people living in
mate indirect emissions are often based on expenditure surveys, the urban core have lower environmental impact lifestyles than
which autocorrelate with income. In other words, it is not a do their suburban counterparts (Hoornweg et al. 2011). Under-
surprise that studies have found correlations between indirect standing the relationship between where we live and environ-
emissions and income when the former is, in part, quantified mental impact presents an interesting area of future research.
based on the latter. Direct GHG emissions are assumed to begin Our analysis took a consumption-based approach assessing
decoupling at higher income levels based on the assumption environmental impact of the HRM focusing on direct GHG
that people can only drive so much and have so many elec- emissions associated with the household sector. Urban envi-
tronic appliances (Lenzen et al. 2008). We found similar GHG ronmental sustainability can also be assessed using metabolism-
emissions among those in lower-mid income ranges with a no- based and complex systems approaches. See the article by
ticeable jump in GHG emissions among those in the $80,000 Baynes and Wiedmann (2012) for useful descriptions of the
to $99,999 category. Those falling in the highest income range three approaches and prominent studies using the various tech-
considered in our analysis ($100,000 or more) reported similar niques. As noted by Baynes and colleagues (2011), the ap-
GHG emissions to those in the $80,000 to $99,999 category, proaches offer different conceptualizations for understanding
suggesting the possibility of decoupling. The similarity of GHG urban environmental impact and subsequently convey different
emissions among low-middle income groups may indicate that results. Urban metabolism studies, which are defined by geopo-
incomes up to a certain amount are allocated to support general litical boundaries, for example, highlight population density
lifestyle needs. Once that level has been attained, income can and urban form as critical factors influencing environmental
be allocated toward buying the bigger home, traveling more, impact (Baynes and Wiedmann, 2012). In terms of advanc-
or having more electronic gadgets, thus explaining the jump at ing sustainability, the approaches are complementary and sup-
higher income levels. port different uses. Baynes and Wiedmann (2012) suggest that
Community zone, the other predictor variable identified in consumption-based techniques are most useful for informing
our analysis, is not typically included in other analyses studying policies directed at influencing household consumption and
drivers of GHG emissions. VandeWeghe and Kennedy (2007) least useful for informing urban land-use planning because they
estimated residential GHG emissions by census tract for the lack direct territorial representation.

888 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Our results offer interesting insights, but clearly, different in- pared national ecological footprints and national carbon foot-
sights might be obtained if the study was conducted in different prints, as proxies of environmental impact, with global data
jurisdictions. For example, larger cities with higher population on well-being and life expectancy. Other nation-based stud-
densities, warmer climates, and less GHG-intensive heating and ies, however, have noted a relationship between improved en-
electricity sources may produce different findings. In the HRM, vironmental quality and increases in well-being. Studies by
for example, heating- and electricity-related emissions dom- Welsch (2006) and Di Tella and MacCulloch (2008), for ex-
inate total GHG emissions. The contribution of heating and ample, examining the relationship between air pollutants and
electricity to overall emissions can be explained, in part, by Hal- well-being in European countries and OECD countries, re-
ifax’s reliance on oil and electricity as a primary heating source, spectively, found that lower levels of pollutants correspond
coupled with the fact that the GHG intensity of electricity with higher levels of well-being. Welsch (2006) found a sig-
generation in the province is high, over triple the Canadian av- nificant negative relationship between nitrogen dioxide and
erage. Jurisdictions relying on hydro-generated electricity and lead and life satisfaction. Di Tella and MacCulloch (2008)
heating, primarily with natural gas, for example, would have found that sulfur dioxide emissions have an adverse effect on
lower GHG emissions associated with heating and electricity reported well-being. In the respective studies, well-being is the
consumption. In comparison with other regions in Canada, dependent variable, as opposed to environmental impact, as
the housing stock is older and there are more single-family in our case. Further, our study examines the relationship be-
dwellings as a percentage of the total housing stock (NRCAN tween well-being and GHG emissions as a proxy of personal
2010). environmental impact. Welsch’s (2006) and Di Tella and Mac-
Given the dominance of oil and electricity as a primary Culloch’s (2008) research suggest that a less-polluted environ-
source of home heating (62% and 29%, respectively), we con- ment corresponds to higher levels of well-being. Our research
sidered the distinction between the two types of heating as more broadly suggests that well-being is not contingent upon
a potential variable influencing GHG emissions. We found high environmental impact lifestyles, challenging a widely held
similar mean direct GHG emissions between the primary heat view that levels of consumption correspond to well-being. Un-
sources. As noted above, the carbon intensity of electricity in derstanding the relationship between well-being and environ-
Nova Scotia is very high and, in fact, slightly above that of oil. mental impact offers a fascinating and needed area of future
As the province reduces the carbon intensity of the electrical research.
grid and natural gas increasingly becomes available across the
municipality, the influence of primary heat source will need
to be readdressed. Exploring the implications of a shift to al- Energy Efficiency Engagement Index
ternative heat sources would offer valuable insights to inform The EEI variable was dropped from the model. Our results
energy policy. Understanding, for example, the potential re- support a small, but emerging, consensus in the literature that
duction in GHG emissions associated with wider use of natural environmental attitudes and behaviors do not translate into
gas as heating fuel may increase political pressure to increase lower environmental impact (Lenzen and Cummins, 2013).
areas serviced by natural gas. The expansion of natural gas Gatersleben and colleagues (2002) and Csutora (2012) found
as a heating source has been slow in the HRM. The current that household energy use and carbon footprints, respectively,
provider has been reluctant to expand services unless a guaran- were weakly related to environmental attitudes, with income
teed number of households per area switch to natural gas heating being a better predictor in both studies. Further analysis of
systems. “green” consumers by Csutora (2012) found no association be-
tween footprint score and green attitude. Baiocchi and col-
Well-Being Variables leagues (2010), in a study of CO2 emissions in the UK using
geodemographic consumer segmentation data found that car-
Our analysis pioneers the inclusion of well-being variables bon emissions increased with membership in environmental
in efforts to better understand the relationship between subjec- organizations. Environmental attitudes do not appear to influ-
tive well-being and environmental impact at an urban level. In ence travel patterns either. Susilo and colleagues (2012), in
the end, however, all well-being variables were dropped from a study of the UK, found that travel behavior did not nec-
our model. Regardless of differences in self-reported health, life essarily match concern about the environment. Exploring the
satisfaction, job satisfaction, happiness, civic engagement, or relationship between environmental behaviors, impact, and in-
sense of community belonging, we did not find any significant come is an important area of future research. The potential that
differences in GHG emissions. Respondents with lifestyles that income trumps environmental attitudes has significant public
generate higher GHG emissions did not report to be health- policy implications.
ier, happier, or more connected to their communities. The re-
sults suggest that individuals can experience similar degrees of
well-being regardless of the amount of GHG emissions associ- Conclusion
ated with his or her lifestyle. Abdallah and colleagues (2012)
similarly did not find a relationship between well-being and The sustainability imperative requires that we reduce the
environmental impact using national data. Their analysis com- aggregate environmental impact of our lifestyles. Identifying

Wilson et al., Drivers of Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions 889


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Spinney, J. and H. Millward. 2011. Weather impacts on leisure activi- tor of the School for Resource and Environmental Studies at
ties in Halifax, Nova Scotia. International Journal of Biometeorology Dalhousie University. Jamie Spinney is an adjunct professor at
55(2): 133–145. Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Supporting Information
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s website:
Supporting Information S1: This supporting information provides a detailed analysis of the statistical relationship between
direct GHG emissions and the independent variables chosen for inclusion in the model using a Generalised Linear Model
to illustrate the influence of each of the independent variables.

Wilson et al., Drivers of Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions 891

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