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Name: Ayesha Hameed

Submitted to: Dr. Ajmal Waheed

Subj: Advanced Management
MSMS (002)
1. What is the Theme of “the Sears Story”?
The theme of "The Sears Story" revolves around the transformation and evolution of Sears,
Roebuck & Co. It explores the company's journey from being a pioneering mail-order business
to becoming a major player in the American retail landscape. The story highlights key aspects
such as innovation, adaptability, customer-centric strategies, and diversification that shaped
Sears' success and impact on the retail industry.
2. What are the business strategies used by Sears and Roebuck?
Sears, Roebuck & Co. employed several key business strategies.
 Mail-Order Business Model: Sears started as a mail-order company, allowing customers to
order a wide range of products through catalogs. This innovative approach brought
products to customers in rural areas who had limited access to retail stores.
 Retail Expansion: Sears successfully transitioned from a mail-order business to a brick-and-
mortar retail giant. The company established department stores across the United States,
becoming a dominant force in the retail industry.
 Product Diversification: Sears adopted a strategy of offering a diverse range of products to
meet various consumer needs. From appliances and tools to clothing and home goods,
Sears aimed to be a one-stop-shop for a wide array of merchandise.
 Store Brands: Sears introduced store brands, creating and selling products under its own
name. This strategy aimed to build customer loyalty and differentiate Sears' offerings from
 Customer-Centric Approach: Sears prioritized customer satisfaction and convenience. The
introduction of the Sears Catalog, the satisfaction guarantee, and easy credit terms were all
designed to enhance the customer experience.
 Innovation in Retail Services: Sears was an early adopter of innovative retail services. For
example, it introduced the concept of catalog pick-up locations and automotive services
within its stores.
 Partnerships and Alliances: Sears formed strategic partnerships and alliances to expand its
product offerings. For instance, it collaborated with Allstate to provide insurance services
and established the Discover Card.
 Real Estate Investments: The company made significant real estate investments, including
the development of shopping malls, which contributed to its retail presence and
3. What lessons, Business Managers can learn from this story?
Here are the lessons that business managers can learn from the Sears story
 Be Ready to Change: Sears changed the way it did business when people's shopping habits
changed. Business managers should be ready to change when things around them change.
 Make Customers Happy: Sears became famous for making customers happy. Business
managers should focus on making their customers happy by providing good service.
 Try New Ideas: Sears was one of the first to try new ideas like letting people pick up things
they ordered from a catalog at a store. Business managers should not be afraid to try new
and different things.
 Sell Different Things: Sears sold many different things, from tools to clothes. Business
managers can think about offering a variety of products or services to attract different
 Build a Strong Name: Sears made its own brands and got people to trust them. Business
managers should work on making their brand strong and trustworthy.
 Work With Others: Sears worked with other companies, like Allstate for insurance. Business
managers can think about working with other companies to offer more to their customers.
 Think About Where You Are: Sears invested in buildings and places to do business. Business
managers should think about where they do business and how it can help them succeed.
 Watch Money Carefully: Sears had some money problems later on. Business managers
should be careful with money and not spend too much on things that might not help the
 Keep an Eye on Trends: Sears didn't keep up with what people wanted to buy. Business
managers should watch what people like and want, so they can offer things that people will
 Plan for the Future: Sears didn’t plan well for the future. Business managers should make
good plans to make sure their business can grow and do well in the future.

The Power and Purpose of Objectives: The Marks & Spencer Story

4. What is the Theme of “Marks and Spencer Story’?

The theme of the Marks & Spencer story is about how the company changed its business to
help everyone, not just rich people. They wanted to make high-quality things, like clothes and
food, affordable for regular people. The story is about how they planned and worked to achieve
this, focusing on important things like innovation and being responsible in the community.
5. What are the business strategies used by Marks and Spencer?
Marks & Spencer used these simple and effective strategies to succeed in business:
 Focus on Specific Things: Marks & Spencer decided to be really good at selling certain
things, like clothes and later, food.
 Make Things Better: They always wanted their products to be the best. They worked on
creating new and better designs and styles.
 Check Quality: They were very careful about making sure everything they sold was of high
quality. They had special labs to check and improve the quality of their products.
 Use Resources Well: Marks & Spencer was smart about using their people and money
effectively. They set goals to make their stores and workers more productive.
 Care About People: They took care of their employees by creating special roles, like "staff
manageresses," to look after them. They also worked closely with their suppliers to help
them succeed.
 Earn Money by Doing Things Right: While making a profit was important, Marks & Spencer
saw it as a result of doing things well. They believed that if they did a good job with
everything else, the money would come in.

6 What lessons, Business Managers can learn from this story?

 Clear Business Purpose: Marks & Spencer succeeded by redefining its business purpose.
Business managers should have a clear mission.
 Strategic Concentration: Focusing on a specific product category (clothing) contributed to
 Innovation for Market Leadership: Marks & Spencer's commitment to innovation
showcases the importance of continuous improvement.
7 Compare and contrast Sears &, Roebuck and Marks & Spencer: (A Comparative Analysis)
Sears, Roebuck:
 Business Focus: Sears started as a mail-order catalog company, offering a wide range of
 Business Strategy: Their strategy was based on mass marketing and providing a variety of
products at affordable prices.
 Evolution: Over time, Sears expanded into retail stores and diversified into various areas,
including appliances and tools.
 Approach to Innovation: Sears adapted to innovations, especially in retailing, by moving
from mail-order to physical stores.
 Financial Emphasis: Sears traditionally had a strong emphasis on financial services,
including insurance and credit cards.
Marks & Spencer:
 Business Focus: Marks & Spencer started as a penny bazaar and later concentrated on
retailing clothing and textiles.
 Business Strategy: Their strategy was to provide high-quality goods at affordable prices,
with a focus on social revolution through accessible upper-class products.
 Evolution: Marks & Spencer evolved into a specialty retailer, concentrating on clothing and
later expanding into the food sector.
 Approach to Innovation: Innovation for Marks & Spencer involved creating new fabrics,
designs, and investing in research and development.
 Social Responsibility: Marks & Spencer emphasized social responsibility, introducing roles
like "staff manageresses" and focusing on supplier relationships.
Comparative Analysis:
 Differences in Focus: Sears had a broader focus, offering various products, while Marks &
Spencer narrowed its focus on specific categories like clothing and food.
 Evolutionary Paths: Sears evolved from a mail-order business to retail stores, adapting to
changes in the market. Marks & Spencer transitioned from a variety chain to a specialty
 Innovation Emphasis: Sears innovated in retail and financial services. Marks & Spencer's
innovation centered around product quality, fabrics, and designs.
 Social Responsibility: Marks & Spencer had a distinct focus on social responsibility, evident
in its treatment of employees and suppliers.
 Product Categories: While both started as general retailers, Sears had a more diverse
product range, including tools and appliances. Marks & Spencer specialized in clothing and
later expanded into food.

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