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Intro to ERM II Assignment - CO2 Saving – Indrit Selmani 3514348

My weekly commute consists of traveling to Berlin and back at least three days per week due to my
job. Annually I travel to Kosovo and back to Cottbus usually 3 times per year at most. I assume that
transportation would have the biggest share on my own CO2 footprint. Thus, in order to significantly
reduce my CO2 footprint, I would move to Berlin, travel by bus for large distances and travel by
bicycle for short distances.

According to (Deutsche Bahn, 2016), CO2 emissions by mode of transport which are relevant to my
scenario consist as such: Air Travel (211 g/pkm), Regional Transport (63 g/pkm), Long-distance bus
(32 g/pkm). Thus, the following table shows the calculation made for annual total CO2 emitted
currently, and the future scenario.

Current scenario of annual CO2 emissions:

CO2 emission by
Distance Total CO2
Mode of Times used mode of
travelled each emitted anually
transportation anually transportation
way (km) (g/pkm)
Air Travel 6 1247 211 1578702
Regional transport 144 130 63 1179360

Future scenario of annual CO2 emissions:

Distance CO2 emission by

Total CO2
Mode of Times used travelled mode of
emitted anually
transportation anually each way transportation
(km) (g/pkm)
Long distance Bus 6 1600 32 307200

This would mean that annually I would save 2,758 (kg/pkm) – 307.2 (kg/pkm) = 2,450.8 (kg/pkm),
resulting in a reduction of 89%.

According to the calculations suggested by (EcoMatcher, 2019), the weight of carbon sequestered in
estimated 1ha forest with a growth rate of 10 t dry matter / ha / year is 18.35 t of CO2. Currently only
on transportation annually I emit a total of 2.758 t of CO2, thus, a total 15% of the aforementioned
forests sequestration. With the CO2 savings planned, this means that I would emit a total of 0.307 t of
CO2, and a total 0.01% of the aforementioned forests sequestration.


Deutsche Bahn (2016). Facts and figures on environmental protection in 2016.

EcoMatcher (2019). How to calculate CO2 sequestration. Available at: [Accessed 2 Nov. 2019].

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