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Instructions: Read the poem and answer the following questions below.

Cynddylan on a Tractor
Ah, you should see Cynddylan on a tractor.
Gone the old look that yoked him to the soil,
He's a new man now, part of the machine,
His nerves of metal and his blood oil.
The clutch curses, but the gears obey
His least bidding, and lo, he's away
Out of the farmyard, scattering hens.
Riding to work now as a great man should,
He is the knight at arms breaking the fields'
Mirror of silence, emptying the wood
Of foxes and squirrels and bright jays.
The sun comes over the tall trees
Kindling all the hedges, but not for him
Who runs his engine on a different fuel.
And all the birds are singing, bills wide in vain,
As Cynddylan passes proudly up the lane.

1. Describe briefly what the poem is about?

I think this poem is about an old man, Cynddylan, who used machinery to assist him
take care of his animals and crops n his farm.

2. In your own words, describe the effect of Cynddylan and his tractor in the
Cynddylan and his tractor had a negative effect on the countryside because they
mentioned that he was scattering hens and the oil that the tractor uses is bad for the

3. Identify (3) three literary devices in the poem and explain their effectiveness.
- clutch curses - alliteration - adds a sense of flow to the poem
- clutch curses - personification - the growling sound that a tractor makes
without a clutch can be compared to someone cursing/quarrelling.
- vain and lane - imperfect rhyme - adds a sense of flow and rhythm to the
4. What is the tone of the poem? Use examples to support your answer.
I think the tone of the poem is a pride and joyous tone as the last line of the poem
stated, “As Cynddylan passes proudly up the lane”.

5. Describe the mood of the poem.

The mood of the poem is an annoying one because he was being sluggish and
replacing hard work and using a tractor which is dangerous for the environment.

6. What does the poem suggest about the relationship of technology, man and nature?
Give evidence from the poem to support your answer.
The poem suggests that the use of technology has replaced the hard work of men who
work diligently on the farm by using machines which is very harmful to the
environment and the planet.

7. Is the title of the poem appropriate? Give two reasons for your answer.
Yes, the title of the poem is appropriate because it emphasises the use of the tractor
throughout the poem and it shows that farmers nowadays use machinery to assist
them in the farm instead of doing hard labour in the farm.

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