FOCUS Alert 2011.10.21

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FOCUS Alert!

October 20, 2011

Welcome to the FOCUS Alert an occasional short publication spreading the news of our common work together. You are receiving this because you have shared your email address with us. You may unsubscribe at anytime (scroll to bottom for directions).

In this email: 1. Patsy ClineAfter Midnight Nov. 4th 2. Faith and Advocacy Nov. 15th 3. FOCUS got mugged! 4. Horn of Africa Event on Saturday 5. Occupy Albany 6. Call Senators Gillibrand & Schumer 7. Visit FOCUS on the Web!

1. Patsy ClineAfter Midnight Nov. 4th

2. Faith & Advocacy Nov. 15

Equipping the Saints
Tuesday, November 15th 6 pm at Westminster Presbyterian Lite dinner available rsvp: 443-0460 or

Please join us for a conversation on faith and advocacy as we strategize together on ways to end hunger and poverty. What is our role as people of faith? What can we do? The What, When, How of Advocacy. Lets talk. Lets plan.

3. FOCUS Got Mugged!

We askedyou answered!
Thank you for the dozens and dozens of mugs that youve donated to the FOCUS Breakfast Program. Winter Breakfast opens on November 1st. Over 40 volunteers have signed up to run the program on T,W and TH, each week thru next spring. Were still looking for subsgive Paula call at 443-0460 or

4. Horn of Africa Fundraiser on Saturday

5. Occupy Albany
The Occupy Albany General Assembly decided to start the occupation this Friday, Oct 21, at Lafayette/Academy Park. This is the park across from City Hall and next to the Capitol, by Eagle Street and Washington Ave. Gathering starts at noon and General Assembly there at 5pm. And STAY!!

6. Call Senators Gillibrand and Schumer asap Damaging Amendments Introduced in Senate Would Severely Cut SNAP
Our colleagues are in Washington, D.C. right now and have shared breaking news regarding a threat to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or Food Stamp Program in New York). This week, the Senate Agriculture Committee has been working on a bill and subsequent amendments that dictate funding for SNAP and other nutrition assistance programs. This is the Agriculture Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2012. Senators Jeff Sessions (AL) and Jim DeMint (SC), have proposed amendments to the Appropriations Bill that would make severe cuts to the SNAP that would severely limit access, and/ or reduce food stamp benefits this fiscal year. Millions of New Yorkers could be impacted by this proposal, increasing food insecurity across the state.

Senator Gillibrand is leading the fight nationally to protect SNAP, so all she needs is a call to thank her (202 224-4451). Sen. Schumer says he is also opposed, but a call to him would help convince him to take more of a leadership role. (202 224-6542)

7. Visit FOCUS on the Web!

Visit FOCUS Churches online at our website, or our Facebook page!

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