Chapter Wise Questions in Anthropology - Paper 02

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Volume 03 Indian Anthropology

Chapter 01 Evolution of Indian Culture & Civilization

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Importance of Siwaliks in Anthropology 15 Ethnoarcheology 15 Examine the contributions of Mesolithic cultures to the rise of Neolithic cultures in India 15 Upper Paleolithic cultures in India 15 Belan Valley 15 Soan Valley 15 Neolithic Revolution 15 Sivapithecus 15 Geographical spread of Indus Valley Civilization 15 Urban planning in Harappan Cultures 15 Socio Cultural characteristics of Indus Valley Civilization 30 Decline of Indus Valley Civilization 20 Narmada Man 15 Contribution of tribal cultures to Indian civilization 15

Chapter 02 Demographic Profile of India

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Critically examine the factors responsible for growth of population in India. 30 Suggest suitable measures to control population growth in India. 15 Critically examine Risleys classification of Indian population. 30 Discuss Guhas classification of racial elements in India 30 Negrito Elements in Indian Population 15 Linguistic classification of India 15 What is the structure of Indian population according to 2011 Census 30

Chapter 03 Traditional Indian Society

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Critically examine the Varna Theory. 30 Varna and Jati 15 Critically evaluate the role of the doctrine of Karma in Indian philosophy. 20 Ashramas - 15 Varnashrama Vyavastha 15 The concept of Rina 15 Discuss the structure and characteristics of caste system in India. 30 Critically evaluate the theories of origin of caste. 30 Describe the traditional Jajmania system and its significance. 30 Concept of Dominant Caste and its relevance. 20 Examine the nature of interaction between caste and modern politics 30 Discuss the changes in the caste system in economic and ritual domain. 30 What do you think will be the future of caste system? Explain. 15 Discuss the concept of Tribe Caste Continuum. 30

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Relevance of the concept of Tribe Caste Continuum. 15 Discuss the concept of Sacred Complex. 30 Nature Man Spirit Complex 15 Impact of Islam on Indian Society 15 Impact of Buddhism on Indian Society 15

Chapter 04 Emergence & Growth of Anthropology in India

41. 42. 43. 44. Describe the growth of Indian Anthropology. 30 Contribution of British scholar administrators to Indian Anthropology 30 Contributions of M.N Srinivas to Indian Anthropology 30 Contributions of L.P. Vidhyarthi to Indian Anthropology 20

Chapter 05 Social and Cultural Change in India

Village Studies 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Significance of Rural Anthropology / Village Studies in India 30 Describe the salient features of Indian village as a social system 30 Discuss the nature and factors responsible for social change in Indian villages. 30 Discuss the nature of changing inter-caste relations in Indian villages 15 Describe the change in the nature of agrarian relations in Indian villages 20 Evaluate the impact of globalization on Indian villages 30

Minority Situation in India 51. 52. 53. Discuss the problems of linguistic minorities in India 20 Describe the socioeconomic and political problems of religious minorities in India. 30 Constitutional safeguards and programs for minorities in India. 30

Indigenous & Exogenous Process of Change 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Critically evaluate the concept of Sanskritization of M.N. Srinivas 30 Nature of influence of westernization on Sanskritization 15 Nature of Modernization of Indian Society 30 Discuss the concept of Great Traditional and Little Traditions 20 Describe how Great and Little Traditions in India interact. 30 Discuss how the Panchayat Raj institutions can bring social change in India. 30 Salient features of Panchayat Raj as per the constitution. 15 PESA 15 Discuss the nature of social change media can usher, especially in the context of poor and underprivileged. 30

Chapter 06 Tribal Situation in India

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Biogentic and Socio economic characteristics of tribes in India 30 Critically examine the problem of Land Alienation in Tribes and suggest suitable measures to control this problem. 30 Shifting Cultivation 15 Discuss the problems faced by various institutions involved in tribal education and suggest suitable measures. 30 Problems of unemployment and underemployment in ST Population. 30 Discuss the various factors contributing to poor status of health and hygiene in tribal societies and suggest measures to improve the condition. 30 Discuss the impact of displacement on tribal societies and evaluate the resettlement programs. 30 What is the background and context of GOI enacting the Forest Rights Acts for FDSTs? Describe its salient provisions. 40 Critically evaluate the impact of industrialization on tribal societies. 30 Urbanization and Tribes 15

Chapter 07 Backward Classes

73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Discuss the various constitutional safeguards and their relevance for STs. 30 Relevance of Fifth and Sixth Schedules of Constitution of India 15 Examine the problems of exploitation and deprivation in SC population of India. 30 NCST 15 Examine the impact of democratic institutions and development programs on tribal situation in India. 30 OBCs and their constitutional status 15 Critically examine the Mandal Commission Report and its recommendations. 30 Discuss the factors responsible for tribal unrest in India. 30 Growth of regional consciousness in tribes. 15 Pesudo Tribalism 15 Concept of ethnicity and its interaction with politics 15 Ethnicity, Nation and Nation-state 15

Chapter 08
85. 86. 87. Impact of Christianity on tribal societies 15 Impact of Hinduism on tribal cultures 15 Describe the nature of governments policy towards indigenous populations in USA. 15

Chapter 09 Applied Indian Anthropology

88. 89. Discuss the approaches to tribal development in India. 30 ITDA 15

90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

TRIFED 15 What are the special problems of primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs)? 20 How far have the developmental programs of the government been able to address the issues of PTGs? 30 Criminal Tribes / Denotified Communities 15 Critically evaluate the role of NGOs in tribal development 30 Critically examine the relevance of anthropology in community development in India. 30 Ethno-political movements 15 Discuss the factors responsible for regionalism in India. 30 Nature of secularism in India. 15 Factors responsible for growth of communalism in India. 30

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