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Computer contents should not be censored

In the attempt to control pornographic contents on the

internet and social media networks, will lead to the
suppression of free speech and expression.
Government tends to put restrictions and control media by
disallowing people to post or view various contents on the
In a country where censorship is practiced, a simple social
media post against a person in power can lead to an arrest.
When freedom of speech is being restricted, people will be
afraid of speaking about evil practices in the society.
In the name of blocking harmful information, censorship
restricts real information.
The lack of access to truth, leads to ignorance.
What will happen if the government said they were going to
block some website on the internet?
Well, the law states the full right we have over this.
Article 19 , UDHR, states that: every person has the right to
freedom of opinion and expression, without interference, in
any kind of information they seek, or recive. Regardless of
frontiers, either orally or in writing, through any media of his

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