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ACTIVITY #1 Dawn was breaking 1._____ the usual morning noises filled the air.

The sound of running tricycle engines woke Justin up, 2._____ the shrill
I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunction to connect the sentences.
voices of children preparing for school made him restless. Sunshine steamed
Use and, or, or but.
into the room. It was time to get up, 3._____ he didn’t want to get up. yet. He
Dawn was breaking 1._____ the usual morning noises filled the air. pulled his blanket up over his eyes to shut out the light, 4._____ he couldn’t
The sound of running tricycle engines woke Justin up, 2._____ the shrill shut out the fragrant aroma of steaming chocolate and fried fish. He couldn’t
voices of children preparing for school made him restless. Sunshine steamed go back to sleep. The thought of breakfast forced him to get up. He would
into the room. It was time to get up, 3._____ he didn’t want to get up. yet. He have to miss breakfast 5._____ he would be late for school.
pulled his blanket up over his eyes to shut out the light, 4._____ he couldn’t
II. To each simple sentence, add another one to form a compound sentence.
shut out the fragrant aroma of steaming chocolate and fried fish. He couldn’t
Use a conjunction.
go back to sleep. The thought of breakfast forced him to get up. He would
have to miss breakfast 5._____ he would be late for school. Example: Would you like to go for a stroll, ________?
- Would you like to go for a stroll, or would you prefer to just stay home?
II. To each simple sentence, add another one to form a compound sentence.
Use a conjunction. 6. It may be fun to go out with friends.
7. I would rather stay home.
Example: Would you like to go for a stroll, ________?
8. I could clean my room.
- Would you like to go for a stroll, or would you prefer to just stay home?
9. I can wash the curtains.
6. It may be fun to go out with friends. 10. You may go for a walk in the farm.
7. I would rather stay home.
III. A. Identify the cause and effect in each pair of sentences. Write C if it is a
8. I could clean my room.
cause and E if it is an effect.
9. I can wash the curtains.
10. You may go for a walk in the farm. 11. ____ It was a fine harvest.
____ The people were celebrating.
III. A. Identify the cause and effect in each pair of sentences. Write C if it is a
cause and E if it is an effect. 12. ____ Hamaguchi was highly respected.
____ He is the oldest in the village.
11. ____ It was a fine harvest.
____ The people were celebrating. 13. ____ There was an earthquake.
____The hillside shook.
12. ____ Hamaguchi was highly respected.
____ He is the oldest in the village.
13. ____ There was an earthquake.
____The hillside shook.
B. Write the cause and effect for each sentence.
a. The weatherman said it was going to rain, so Dad told me to get
ACTIVITY #1 my rain boots and umbrella.
I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunction to connect the sentences. 14. Cause: _____________________________________
Use and, or, or but. 15. Effect: _____________________________________
b. I was rushing to get ready and ran out the door without my rain b. I was rushing to get ready and ran out the door without my rain
boots or umbrella. boots or umbrella.
16. Cause: _____________________________________ 16. Cause: _____________________________________
17. Effect: _____________________________________ 17. Effect: _____________________________________
c. I had a miserable morning at school because I was cold, wet, and c. I had a miserable morning at school because I was cold, wet, and
hungry. hungry.
18. Cause: _____________________________________ 18. Cause: _____________________________________
19. Effect: _____________________________________ 19. Effect: _____________________________________
IV. Give the blended word in each sentence. Then, write the two words IV. Give the blended word in each sentence. Then, write the two words
being combined to form that blended word. being combined to form that blended word.

a. The investigative journalist recorded the voice of the hostage c. The investigative journalist recorded the voice of the hostage
taker in his camcorder. taker in his camcorder.
20. Blended word: 20. Blended word:
21-22. _________________ & _________________ 21-22. _________________ & _________________

b. A heliport was prepared in a week-time to receive the presidents d. A heliport was prepared in a week-time to receive the presidents
from other countries. from other countries.
23. Blended word: 23. Blended word:
24-25. _________________ & _________________ 24-25. _________________ & _________________

B. Write the cause and effect for each sentence.

a. The weatherman said it was going to rain, so Dad told me to get
my rain boots and umbrella.
14. Cause: _____________________________________
15. Effect: _____________________________________

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