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Minutes of Meeting

Grade 9 Ruby Parents Meeting

Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Time]

Location: [Insert Location]


Election of HRPTA Parents

School Regulations

Homeroom Projects

Meeting Participants:

[Insert Name] - Principal

[Insert Name] - Grade 9 Ruby Homeroom Teacher

[Insert Name] - PTA President

[Insert Names] - Grade 9 Ruby Parents

Meeting Minutes:

1. Election of HRPTA Parents:

The meeting commenced with the first agenda item, the election of HRPTA (Homeroom Parent-Teacher
Association) parents.

[Insert Name] was nominated and elected as the HRPTA parent representative.

The HRPTA will serve as a liaison between parents and teachers throughout the academic year.

2. School Regulations:

The second agenda item discussed school regulations and policies.

Principal [Insert Name] emphasized the importance of parents and students familiarizing themselves
with the school's code of conduct, attendance policies, and academic integrity guidelines.

Parents were encouraged to communicate with the school administration if they had any concerns or
questions about school regulations.

A brief overview of the school's disciplinary procedures and consequences for violations was provided.

3. Homeroom Projects:

The third agenda item focused on Homeroom Projects.

Grade 9 Ruby Homeroom Teacher [Insert Name] outlined the upcoming projects and their objectives.

Parents were informed about the importance of these projects in enhancing students' learning
experiences and teamwork skills.

[Insert Name] suggested establishing a volunteer group of parents to support and guide students with
their projects.

Parents were encouraged to stay involved and communicate with the homeroom teacher regarding
project progress and requirements.

General Discussion and Questions:

Parents were invited to ask questions and share any concerns or suggestions they had.

Several parents inquired about upcoming school events and extracurricular activities.

Principal [Insert Name] provided information about the school's event calendar and encouraged parents
to participate in school activities.

Closing Remarks:

The meeting concluded with a reminder to stay connected through school communication channels and
to reach out to the school administration or the HRPTA representative for any further inquiries.

Next PTA meeting details and other important dates were announced.

Parents were thanked for their active participation.

Meeting Adjournment:

The meeting adjourned at [Insert End Time].

Respectfully submitted,
[Insert Your Name]

[Insert Your Contact Information]

[Optional: Attach any relevant documents or materials discussed during the meeting.]

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