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Parent’s Consent Form

I, ___________________________, understand that my child, ___________________________,

of Grade 7 - Maaasahan, is requested to answer an online survey for the study of fourth-year
Bachelor in English Education students from the Philippine Normal University-Manila.

I have been given some general information about this activity and the types of questions my
child can expect to answer. I understand that the survey will be conducted via Google Forms,
which may take around five (5) minutes of his/her time to complete.

Furthermore, I understand that my child’s participation in this study is voluntary, and he/she is
free to decline to participate without consequence at any time before or at any point during the
survey. All information gathered in this study is entirely confidential. The collected data will be
used for reporting and presentation, and his/her name will not appear in any reports and
presentations or the results of this study. Also, I understand that his/her participation in this study
possesses no potential risk whatsoever and that he/she will not receive any monetary or material


Below are the principal author’s contact details if you have questions about the study or your
child’s participation:


Please put a check () in the space provided.

[ ] I have read and understood the preceding. I voluntarily consent my child to participate.
[ ] I refuse to consent my child to participate.

Signature: ________________________
About the Study

Warmest greetings!

Our research is entitled “Action Research on Grade Seven Students’ Readiness for Flipped
Learning in English Classrooms.” In this study, we wish to determine the Grade Seven students’
flipped learning readiness levels and identify their suggestions for improving flipped learning in
English classrooms.

Flipped learning is a methodology that helps teachers prioritize active learning during class by
assigning students lecture materials and presentations to be viewed at home or outside of class
(Lesley University, n.d.). Concerning this, a flipped classroom is a type of blended learning
where students are introduced to content, such as an asynchronous task, at home and practice
working through it at school. It is the reverse of the more common practice of introducing new
content at school and then assigning homework and projects to be completed by the students
independently at home (Staff, 2022).

As for the method of collecting data, we will distribute an online survey

( where the participants’ identities will be kept
confidential, and all information gathered will be strictly used for research purposes only.

If you have any further questions regarding our study, please do not hesitate to contact us via
email at or 09281169143.

Thank you for your kind consideration, and we hope for a favorable response to our request.

Respectfully yours,

Lorraine Montevirgen
Group Representative
Field Study 1 & 2
Philippine Normal University

Recommended by:

Annabelle DC Palmiery
Field Study 1 & 2
Philippine Normal University

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